Review of Related Literature and Studies

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This chapter highlights the related literature, related studies, and conceptual framework

of this study after the thorough and in-depth search done by the researchers.

Related Literature

Plastic Bottles

A type of bottle or a plastic container intended for single use that has a neck smaller than

the container with a closure and has a capacity of sixteen fluid ounces (16 oz.) to less than five (5)

gallons is commonly known as “plastic bottle” [1].

The years after World War II is the first availability of the plastic bottle in commercial

which costs relatively expensive. The cost of manufacturing plastics has dropped while the

production of it increased as the industry expanded in the 1960s because of its advantages such as

being lightweight, cheap, easy to shape, and hard to break. Every liquid product became available

in a plastic bottle and water is the most ubiquitous plastic bottled item from 1970s through 1990s.

Less than 25% of all the plastic bottles nationwide were recycled [2].

Braiding Machine
Related Studies

Saad et al. (2017) build a fetch and spin’s machine capable of processing plastic bottles into

new plastic products which is straps and rope. They found out that the Polyethylene Terephthalate

(PET) bottle plastic have high strength characteristic where Revive bottle got 22.38 N/mm2,

Mountain Dew bottle got 18.72 N/mm2, Coca cola bottle got 19.57 N/mm2, and 100 Plus bottle

only got 11.27 N/mm2 which indicates that PET rope is almost as strong as the rope at the market

which is 22 N/mm2 at the same size of cross section.

Tachwali (2005) presents an Automatic Plastic Bottle Sorting and Classification System for

recycling which the sorting is based on bottle material chemical composition using near infrared

spectrometer as well as on the bottle color using charged coupled device (CCD) camera. These

tests performed to evaluate the proper NIR spectrometer hardware setup for the automatic plastic

bottle sorting project. The final outcome of the research is a plastic recycling station that can sort

and classify plastic bottles based on their chemical composition and color.
Conceptual Framework


Rope Weaver made of

Collecting Plastic Bottles
plastic bottles
Internet sources

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