District Education Office, Baglung: Measurement Book & Completion Report
District Education Office, Baglung: Measurement Book & Completion Report
District Education Office, Baglung: Measurement Book & Completion Report
Ministry of Education
Department of Education
District Education Office, Baglung
of Education
n Office, Baglung
c School
Municipality -5,BhiunkotBaglung
A clearing the site of the vegetation roots and other unuseful materials including
1 ecavation of op soil to a deph of 15 cm removing bushned,trees and levelling the
site foe stacking the useful items in specified space and sisposing other items
before commencing the construction works as per instruction of ht site engineer
all complete including layout of the building, rods and ancillary services. LS 1.00 500.00 500.00
Earth in excavation in the trenche, foundation et. Including timbering and
2 pumping out water from the basement ( if necessary ) dressing of the side
ramming of the bottam , lift up to 3.5 m as theper specaification the drawing and
instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 167.78 468.65 78629.16
Earthworks in filling in the floor including cosnolidation in layers of 15 cm and
watering as per instruction of site engineer. cu.m. 25.57 325.00 8309.28
Providing and laying stone boulder soling in the foundation and floor including
voides filling with stone dust all complete as per instruction the site engineer. cu.m. 21.22 2425.00 51446.98
Providing laying and curing random rubble stone masonary works in cement,
5 sand mortar ( 1:4) in the foundation finished upto plinth level in the perfect lines
and level including weting the stone , packing, the joints as per specification ,
drawing and instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 18.09 8779.20 158815.73
Providing laying and curing random rubble Bricks masonary works in cement,
6 sand mortar ( 1:4) in the perfect lines and level including good quality local
chimney made stone work , packing, the joints as per specification , drawing and
instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 53.34 14204.50 757649.56
providing laying, compacking and curing plinth cement concrete (1:3:6) in solid
7 Floor and preapet coping with cement, sand and stone ballast 20 mm gauge
finishing to approved level, lines and dimendions all complete and instruction of
the site Engineer. cu.m. 19.15 9756.00 186819.11
Providing laying compacting and curing 1:1.5:3 plain cement concrete for slab,
8 beams, tie beam lintal sill and all kinds of R.C.C. works with cement sand and
stone ballast 20mm down finishing to approved level line and dimesions, drawing
and instruction of the site engineer, all complete. cu.m. 75.37 15177.25 1143833.45
centering and shuttering with approved quality wood and metal prop for all
9 kindS of R.C.C. works includes all necessary propping, scaffolding staging,
supporting, dismentalling and clearing from the site all complete as per drawing ,
specafication, and instruction of the site engineer. Sq.m 469.34 1082.62 508116.87
Providing laying and curing 12.5 mm thicks cement sand ( 1:4) plastering in the
11 celling and beams surface including chipping and wetting the concrete surface
finished in the perfect plimb. Line and level as per drawing, specification and
instuction of the site engineer. Sq.m 156.40 326.60 51080.24
Providing laying and curing (1 :1 ) cement sand punning on the floor wit skirting
12 and roof of the building on the perfect line and level as per design specification
and instruction of the site engineer. Sq.m 190.38 242.17 46103.11
13 Providing and fixing well seasoned salla wood chaukhata for fixied/ openable
door and window l as per design specification and instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 1.37 83866.00 114791.59
Making and fitting fixing panel door and window shutter with 38 mm thicks salla
wood frame as per design drawing and specification all complete Sq.m 6.24 6482.02 40471.14
Providing and painting two coats of water proof cement paint of
15 approved brand and colour over plastered surface of the building walls,
celling and passage area as per specification and instrution of the site
engineer. Sq.m 528.95 139.06 73555.79
TOTAL 3666199.90
Providing laying compacting and curing 1:1.5:3 plain cement concrete for
slab, beams, tie beam lintal sill and all kinds of R.C.C. works with cement
sand and stone ballast 20mm down finishing to approved level line and
dimesions, drawing and instruction of the site engineer, all complete.
On the column Base
F1 4.000 2.100 2.100 0.100 1.760
F2 6.000 2.800 2.800 0.100 4.700
F3 2.000 3.300 3.300 0.100 2.180
column up to tie beam
F1 4.000 0.350 0.350 2.400 1.180
F2 6.000 0.350 0.350 2.400 1.760
F3 2.000 0.350 0.350 2.400 0.590
Ground floor
column 12.000 0.300 0.300 2.400 2.590
Foundation and Tie beam
Gride A and B Long wall 3.000 13.500 0.300 0.300 3.645
Gride1,2,3 4 Short wall 4.000 8.100 0.300 0.300 2.916
Gride A and B Long wall 4.000 13.500 0.300 0.300 2.300
Gride 1,2,3 4 5 and 6Short wall 6.000 8.100 0.300 0.300 4.374
Lintal beam
Gride A and B Long wall 2.000 13.500 0.250 0.075 0.510
Girde 1,2,3 4 5 and 6 ,Short wall 4.000 8.000 0.250 0.075 0.600
Slab 1 1.000 14.500 9.600 0.100 13.920
Stair part
Sloping part 1.000 4.300 3.000 0.100 1.290
landing 1.000 3.000 2.000 0.100 0.600
Rise and Treads 20.000 0.150 0.230 0.900
First floor
column 12.000 0.300 0.300 2.400 2.590
Tie beam 0.000
Gride A and B Long wall 2.000 13.500 0.300 0.300 2.430
centering and shuttering with approved quality wood and metal prop for all
kindS of R.C.C. works includes all necessary propping, scaffolding
staging, supporting, dismentalling and clearing from the site all complete as
per drawing , specafication, and instruction of the site engineer.
Providing laying and curing 12.5 mm thicks cement sand ( 1:4) plastering
in the celling and beams surface including chipping and wetting the
concrete surface finished in the perfect plimb. Line and level as per
drawing, specification and instuction of the site engineer.
sq.m 156.400
Ground floor.
Room 4.000 8.500 4.600 156.400
Total 156.400
Floor finishing
Providing laying and curing (1 :1 ) cement sand punning on the floor wit
12 skirting and roof of the building on the perfect line and level as per design
specification and instruction of the site engineer. sq.m 190.375
Ground floor.
Room 4.000 8.500 4.600 156.400
Stair room 1.000 4.500 4.350 19.575
Ramp 1.000 12.000 1.200 14.400
Total 190.375
13 Wood works cu.m
Providing and fixing well seasoned salla wood chaukhata for fixied/
openable door and window l as per design specification and instruction of
the site engineer. 1.369
D 8.000 6.700 0.075 0.125 0.503
Providing and painting two coats of water proof cement paint of approved
15 brand and colour over plastered surface of the building walls, celling and
passage area as per specification and instrution of the site engineer.
sq.m 528.950
Ground floor
Room Celling 4.000 7.600 5.600 170.240
Room wall 4.000 26.400 3.000 316.800
Stari room 1.000 4.850 3.000 14.550
Verndaha Celling 4.000 5.600 1.200 26.880
Outside of building 1.000 65.600 1.200 78.720
Door 8.000 2.100 1.100 -18.480
W1 24.000 1.500 1.500 -54.000
W2 4.000 1.200 1.200 -5.760
Total 528.950
12 Providing laying and curing (1 :1 ) cement sand punning on the floor wit skirting and roof of the
building on the perfect line and level as per design specification and instruction of the site engineer. Sq.m 190.38 242.17 46103.11 --- 156.40 37875.39
Providing and fixing well seasoned salla wood chaukhata for fixied/ openable door and window l as
per design specification and instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 1.37 83866.00 114791.59 --- 185.35 15544563.10
Making and fitting fixing panel door and window shutter with 38 mm thicks salla wood frame as per
14 design drawing and specification all complete Sq.m 6.24 6482.02 40471.14 --- 1.37 8872.26
Providing and painting two coats of water proof cement paint of approved brand and colour over
15 plastered surface of the building walls, celling and passage area as per specification and instrution of
the site engineer. Sq.m 528.95 139.06 73555.79 --- 6.24 868.24
Total 3,666,199.90 --- --- Total 18472565.42
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A clearing the site of the vegetation roots and other unuseful materials including ecavation of op
soil to a deph of 15 cm removing bushned,trees and levelling the site foe stacking the useful items in
1 specified space and sisposing other items before commencing the construction works as per
instruction of ht site engineer all complete including layout of the building, rods and ancillary
services. LS 1.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 - --- ---
Earth in excavation in the trenche, foundation et. Including timbering and pumping out water from
2 the basement ( if necessary ) dressing of the side ramming of the bottam , lift up to 3.5 m as theper
specaification the drawing and instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 167.78 468.65 78629.16 468.65 - --- ---
Earthworks in filling in the floor including cosnolidation in layers of 15 cm and watering as per
3 instruction of site engineer. cu.m. 25.57 325.00 8309.28 325.00 - --- ---
Providing and laying stone boulder soling in the foundation and floor including voides filling with
4 stone dust all complete as per instruction the site engineer. cu.m. 21.22 2425.00 51446.98 2425.00 - --- ---
Providing laying and curing random rubble stone masonary works in cement, sand mortar ( 1:4) in
5 the foundation finished upto plinth level in the perfect lines and level including weting the stone ,
packing, the joints as per specification , drawing and instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 18.09 8779.20 158815.73 8779.20 - --- ---
Providing laying and curing random rubble Bricks masonary works in cement, sand mortar ( 1:4)
6 in the perfect lines and level including good quality local chimney made stone work , packing, the
joints as per specification , drawing and instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 53.34 14204.50 757649.56 14204.50 - --- ---
providing laying, compacking and curing plinth cement concrete (1:3:6) in solid Floor and preapet
7 coping with cement, sand and stone ballast 20 mm gauge finishing to approved level, lines and
dimendions all complete and instruction of the site Engineer. cu.m. 19.15 9756.00 186819.11 9756.00 - --- ---
Providing laying compacting and curing 1:1.5:3 plain cement concrete for slab, beams, tie beam
8 lintal sill and all kinds of R.C.C. works with cement sand and stone ballast 20mm down finishing to
approved level line and dimesions, drawing and instruction of the site engineer, all complete. cu.m. 75.37 15177.25 1143833.45 15177.25 - --- ---
centering and shuttering with approved quality wood and metal prop for all kindS of R.C.C. works
9 includes all necessary propping, scaffolding staging, supporting, dismentalling and clearing from the
site all complete as per drawing , specafication, and instruction of the site engineer. Sq.m 469.34 1082.62 508116.87 1082.62 - --- ---
Toresteel steel bars ( grade 415 ) reinforcement works including straightening cleaning cutting
bending binding with 20 SWG anneled wire and fixing in position as per drawing, bar bending
10 schedule for raft foundation column beam wall stair slab in all R.C.C works as per specification,
drawing and instructation of the site enginner, approved bands, himal iron, panchakanya or
equivalent. kg 3944.10 113.10 446077.90 113.10 - --- ---
Providing laying and curing 12.5 mm thicks cement sand ( 1:4) plastering in the celling and beams
11 surface including chipping and wetting the concrete surface finished in the perfect plimb. Line and
level as per drawing, specification and instuction of the site engineer. Sq.m 156.40 326.60 51080.24 326.60 - --- ---
12 Providing laying and curing (1 :1 ) cement sand punning on the floor wit skirting and roof of the
building on the perfect line and level as per design specification and instruction of the site engineer. Sq.m 190.38 242.17 46103.11 242.17 -
Providing and fixing well seasoned salla wood chaukhata for fixied/ openable door and window l as
13 per design specification and instruction of the site engineer. cu.m. 1.37 83866.00 114791.59 83866.00 - --- ---
Making and fitting fixing panel door and window shutter with 38 mm thicks salla wood frame as per
14 design drawing and specification all complete Sq.m 6.24 6482.02 40471.14 6482.02 - --- ---
Providing and painting two coats of water proof cement paint of approved brand and colour over
15 plastered surface of the building walls, celling and passage area as per specification and instrution of
the site engineer. Sq.m 528.95 139.06 73555.79 139.06 - --- ---
Total 3,666,199.90 Total - --- ---
3 Stone M3
#N/A 650 650.00 #N/A
5 Aggregate 20-40 mm M3
#N/A 1100 1100.00 #N/A
7 Local wood M3
#N/A 12300 12300.00 #N/A
10 CGI sheet 26 gauge M2 #N/A 3.35 19.60 0.22 19.82 418.73 438.55 #N/A
11 Bitumen washer NO #N/A 0.005 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.62 0.65 #N/A
13 Plain GI sheet 26 gauge M2 #N/A 3.35 19.60 0.20 19.80 418.73 438.53 #N/A
15 Tower bolt 6" Aluminium NO #N/A 0.2 1.17 0.01 1.18 100.57 101.75 #N/A
16 Tower bolt 4" Aluminium NO #N/A 0.15 0.88 0.01 0.89 75.71 76.60 #N/A
17 Hinge (75 mm) NO #N/A 0.1 0.59 0.01 0.59 14.69 15.28 #N/A
19 Hold Fast NO #N/A 0.25 1.46 0.02 1.48 19.21 20.69 #N/A
20 Handle (150mm) NO #N/A 0.15 0.88 0.01 0.89 22.6 23.49 #N/A
21 Hinge (150 mm) NO #N/A 0.2 1.17 0.01 1.18 31.64 32.82 #N/A
22 Locking set 250mm NO #N/A 0.3 1.76 0.02 1.77 242.95 244.72 #N/A
25 Transparent Pipe M #N/A 0.07 0.41 0.00 0.41 22.6 23.01 #N/A
27 HDP Pipe 110 mm f 4 Kgf M #N/A 1.703 9.96 0.10 10.06 365.63 375.69 #N/A
28 HDP Pipe 63 mm f 4 Kgf M #N/A 1.25 7.31 0.08 7.39 152.55 159.94 #N/A
29 HDP Pipe 16 mm f 4 Kgf M #N/A 0.25 1.46 0.02 1.48 45.2 46.68 #N/A
30 Metal clip NO #N/A 0.2 1.17 0.01 1.18 15.82 17.00 #N/A
Total #N/A
All kind of excavation work in hard clay soft morum boulder ( upto 30 cm) mixed soil. Disposal 10 mtr and lift
1.0 upto 15 mtr.Earthwork in excavation with 10m lead and 1.5m lift pipeline trench in : In Cu. mtr.
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Labour
1.0 Labour
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materils
Soil m 3
250.00 0.420 105.00
2.0 Labour
4.0 Stone soling. In Cu. Mtr.
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
2.0 Labour
6.0 Cement concrete (1:3:6) in foundation and wall (lead 30 mtr providing materials) In Cu. mtr.
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
8.0 Rebar (8 mm dia.) work for RCC (Cutting, bending, proper placement and binding, lead 30 mtr) In Kg.
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
12.0 Flush rule pointing in stone masonry (1:3) In Sq. mtr.
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
In Sq. mtr.
14.0 Complete roofing work with CGI sheet providing materials.
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
17.0 38mm frame panelled shutter making for door (0.85 x2.00m)
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials
19.0 Wood work for 25mm thick Eaves board including fixing. In Sq. mtr.
S.n Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/Unit Quantity Cost Rs. Remarks
1.0 Materials