Syllabus MSC Physics 2014 PDF
Syllabus MSC Physics 2014 PDF
Syllabus MSC Physics 2014 PDF
hours UE Maximum mark
Paper per
Semester Code Title of Paper week duration
L T P (h) IA UE Total
PH 211 Classical Mechanics 6 1 … 3 25 75 100
PH 212 Mathematical Physics 6 1 … 3 25 75 100
PH 213 Basic Electronics 6 1 … 3 25 75 100
I PH 251 General Physics Practicals … 1 3 … … … …
PH 252 Electronics &
Computer Science Practicals … 1 4 … … … …
Advanced Quantum
PH 231 Mechanics 6 1 … 3 25 75 100
PH 232 Advanced Spectroscopy 6 1 … 3 25 75 100
PH 233 X Special Paper I 6 1 … 3 25 75 100
III PH 261 Advanced Physics Practicals … 1 4 … … … …
Advanced Electronics
PH 262 Practicals … 1 3 … … … …
Special paper Category Code Nos of Special Papers Name of Special Papers
1 ELECTRONICS PH 233 E Advanced Electronics-I
PH 243 E Advanced Electronics-II
2 MATERIALS PH 233 M Materials Science-I
SCIENCE PH 243 M Materials Science-II
3 NUCLEAR PH 233 N Advanced Nuclear Physics
PHYSICS PH 243 N Radiation Physics
C-1 Theory papers
Books of study and corresponding chapters are given for most of the theory papers in the
syllabus to define the scope of the syllabus.
For internal evaluation of theory papers at least one Viva must be conducted for each paper
For assignments and seminars current developments in the areas of the syllabus may be
chosen for improving the general awareness of the student
In tutorial sessions of theory papers problem solving in different topics of the syllabus may
be discussed.
The Project may be started during the second semester of the MSc programme.
25 marks of the project is to be awarded on the basis of internal assessment carried out in the
College for each studentconcerned. A Project rough record may be maintained by each
student to help to evaluate the progress of the project. Each student is required to present the
completed project along with experimental demonstration if any in the college before the
final University examinations in the Fourth Semester of the MSc ( Physics) Programme.
For University Examinations for the Project: 50 marks is allotted for Project report
evaluationand 25 marks allotted for Project based Viva Voce to be conducted along with
General Viva Voce examination by the University.
Each question Paper has three parts: Part A,Part B and Part C
Part A: Eight short answer questions covering the entire syllabus.One of the question from
this section may be used to test the CURRENT AWARENESS (general knowledge) of the
student in the areas of syllabus covered for this paper.Each question carries 3 marks.
Par B: contains three compulsory questions with internal choice. Questions cover all the three
units in the syllabus.Each question carry 15 marks.
Part C : contains six problems covering the entire syllabus.The student need to answer any
three. Each question carries five marks.
The question paper pattern for the theory papers is given separately.
Each practical paper carries a total of 75 marks. 10 marks are allotted for practical records.
PH 252: Electronics and Computer Science: Unit A-Electronics practical ( 4h ,45 marks)
Unit B- Computer Science ( 2h,20 marks)
PH261: Advanceed Physics has two parts : Physics Experiment ( 5h,45 marks)
Data Analysis of given scientific data ( 1 h,20 marks)
PH 262: Advanced Electronics has two parts : (i)Electronics Practicals ( 4h,45 marks)
(ii) Microprocessor Practicals ( 2h,20 marks)
PH 201 Project: Internal Evaluation for project is 25 marks
PH 202 General Viva Voce: For General Viva Voce covering the entire MSc Syllabus,
University Examinations : 100 marks
II B (a)
(b) ( 15 marks)
IIi B (a)
(b) ( 15 marks)
IV A (a)
IV B (a)
(b) ( 15 marks)
Part C
(Answer any three question. Each question carries five marks)
V (a)
(d )
( 3 x 5= 15 marks)
Lagrangianmechanics (12 hours)
Mechanics of a particle and system of particles- constraints-D’Alemberts principle
and Lagrange’s equations-simple applications of Lagrangian formulation-Hamilton’s
principle-techniques of calculus of variations-derivation of Lagrange’s equations from
Hamilton’s principle-conservation theorems and symmetry properties
( Chapters 1 and 2 of Goldstein)
Two body central force problem (14 hours)
Reduction to one body problem-equations of motion-equivalent one dimensional
problem-diffrential equation for the orbit in the case of integrable power law
potentials-Kepler’s problem-inverse square law of force-scattering in central force
field-Virial theorem-transformation of the scattering problem to laboratory
( Chapter 3 of Goldstein)
Theory of small oscillations (10 hours)
Equillibrium and potential energy-theory of small oscillations-normal modes with
examples-longitudinal vibrations- longitudinal vibrations of carbon dioxide molecule
( Chapter 9 of Aruldas)
Unit II
Hamiltonian mechanics (12 hours)
Generalised momentum and cyclic coordinates-conservation theorems-Hamilton’s
equations-examples in Hamiltonian dynamics-canonical transformations-generating
functions-poisson brackets-Liouoville’s theorem
( Chapters 3,6 and 7 of Upadhyaya)
1 N.C.Rana and B.S.Joag,ClassicalMechanics,TataMcGrawHill ( 1991)
2. V.B.Bhatia,Classical Mechanics with introduction to nonlinear oscillations and
chaos,Narosa Publishing House ( 1997)
3. M.Tabor ,Chaos and integrability in nonlinear dynamics,Johnwiley& Sons ( 1989)
4.R.K.Pathria,The Theory of Relativity,SecondEdition,dover Publications ( 2003)
PH 212: Mathematical Physics( 6L, 1T)
Unit I
Vector analysis and matrices( 8 hours)
Review of vector analysis-vector calculus operators-orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates –Gradient,divergence,curl,Laplacian in cylindrical\ and spherical polar
coordinates-orthogonal and unitary matrices-Hermitian matrices-diagonalization of
matrices-normal marices
( Chapter 1 ,2, and 3 of Arfken and Weber)
Complex analysis( 8 hours)
Cauchy-Riemann conditions-Cauchy’s integral theorm and formula-singularities and
mapping-calculus of residues-dispersion relations
( Chapter 6 and 7 of Arfken and Weber)
Fourier series and applications( 8 hours)
General principles of Fourier series-advantages and applications-Gibbs phenomeneon-
Discrete Fourier Transform-Fast Fourier transform
( Chapter 14 of Arfken and Weber)
Probability( 12 hours)
Definitions and simple properties of probability-random variables-Chebychev
inequality and moment generating function-discrete and continous probability
distributions-binomial distributions-posson distributions-Gauss Normal distribution-
error analysisduf and least square fitting-chi-square and student ‘t’ distributions
( Chapter 19 of Arfken and Weber)
Unit II
Differential equations( 16 hours)
Partial differential equations-first order equations-separation of variables-singular
points-series solutions and Frobenius method-non homogeneuous partial differential
equations-Green’s functions-Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms-
applications to solution of simple differential equations
( Chapter 9 of Arfken and Weber)
Special functions( 20 hours)
Bessel functions of the first kind-orthogonality-Neumann functions-Hankelfuctions-
modified Bessel functions-spherical Bessel functions-Legendre functions-generating
function-recurrence relations and orthoganility-associated Legendre functions-
spherical harmonics-Hermite functions-Lagurerre functions-Chebyshev polynomials-
hypergeometric functions
( Chapter 11,12,13 of Arfken and Weber)
Unit III
Tensor analysis (18 hours)
Notations and conventions in tensor analysis-Einsteins summation convention-
covariant and contravariant and mixed tensors-algebraic operations in tensors-
symmetric and skew symmetric tensors-tensor calulus-Christoffel symbols-kinematics
in Riemann space-Riemann—Christoffel tensor.
( Chapter 49 in Dass and Verma,Chapter 2 of Joshi)
Group theory( 18 hours)
Definitions of a group-elementary properties-sub groups-homomorphism and
isomorphism of groups-representation of groups-reducible and irreducible
representations-simple applications in crystallography and molecular symmetry-Lie
groups-SU(2) groups and their representations
( Chapter 1,3, and 7 of Joshi and Chapter 4 of Bagchi et al)
Books for study
1 G.B.Arfken and H.J.Weber, Mathematical methods for
Physcisits,6 Edition,Elsavier ( 2005).
2. H.K.Dass and R.Verma,MathematicalPhysics,S.Chand& Co Pvt Ltd ( 1997)
3. A.W.Joshi,Matrices and Tensors in Physics,3rdEdition,New Age International Pub (
4.A.W.Joshi, Elements of Group Theory for Physicists,Fourth Edition,
New Age International Pub ( 1997).
5.S.C.Bagchi,S.Madan,A,Sitaram,V.BTewariA first course in representation theory
and linear Liegroups,Universities Press ( India) Pvt Ltd ( 2000).
1 Harry Lass,Vector and Tensor Analysis,McGraw Hill Pub ( 1950)
2. M.L.Jain,Vector Spaces and Matrices in Physics,Alpha Science International (
3. W.W.Bell,Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers,Dover Publications (
4. W.K.Tung,Group theory in Physics,World Scientific Pub Co (1999)
5, C.Harper,Introduction to MathemaicalPhysics,Prentice Hall ( 1986)
6. A.K.Ghatak,I.C.GoyalamdS.T.Chua,MathematicalPHYsics,Macmillan India (
Unit III
Optoelectronics( 20 hours)
Optical fibre as a wave guide-mode theory of circular wave guide-wave guide
equations-modes in step index fibres-propagation of modes in single mode fibres-
signal distortion in optical fibres-sources of attenuation and signal distortion-optical
sources-LED’s and Laser diodes-photodetectors-semiconductor and fibre amplifiers
( Chapers 2,3,6 and 11 of Keiser)
Electronic Instrumentation( 16 hours)
Electronic measurements and instruments-comparison between analog and digital
instruments-performance and dynamic characteristics-ideas of errors and
measurement standards-voltmeters-ammeters-ohmerters-multimeters-balance bridge
voltmeters-components of a CRO-dual beam and dual trace CRO-digital sorage CRO-
classification of transducers-active and passive transducers-force and displacement
transducers-strain gauges-temaprature measurements-thermistors-thermocouples-flow
( Chapters 1,4,5,7,and 8 of Lal Kishore)
Books for study
1 A.Malvino and D.J.Bates,Electrinics Prinicples,7thEdition,Tata McGraw Hill( 2007)
2. R.A.Gayakwad, Operational Amplifiers and Linear integrated Circuirts,Prentice
Hall of India ( 2000)
3.M.S.Tyagi,Introduction to semiconductior materials and devices,Wiley India (
4. B.G.Streetman,S.K.Banerjee,Solid state electronic devices.Pearsoninc ( 2010)
5.D.P.Leach,A.P.Malvino, and G.Saha ,Digital principles and applications,Tata Mc
Graw Hill ( 2011)
6. G.Keiser,Optical Fibre Communication,3rdedition,McGraw Pub (2000)
7. LalKishore,Electronic measurements and Instrumentation,Dorling Kindersley (
India) Pvt Ltd( 2010)
1 J.Millman,C,Halkias and C.D.Parikh,IntegratedElectronics,TataMcGrawHill (
2T.F.Bogart Jr,J.S.Beasley and G.Reid,Electronic devices and
circuits,SixthEdition,PearsonInc ( 2004)
3. Thomas.L.Floyd,Digital Fundementals,10thedition,Dorling Kindersley ( India) Pvt
Ltd ( 2011)
4 JoachionPiprek,Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices,Academic Press (2003)
5. W.D.Cooper,A,O,Helfrik and H.Albert,Electronic Instrumentation and
measurement Techniques,PHI ( 1997).
Unit II
Electromagnetic waves( 12 hours)
Electromagnetic wave equations-electromagnetic waves in non-conducting media-
plane waves in vacuum-energy and momentum of electromagnetic waves-propagation
through linear media-reflection and transmission at normal and oblique incidence-
electromagnetic waves in conductors-modified wave equations and plane waves in
conducting media-reflection and transmission at a conducting interface
( Chapter 9 of Griffiths)
Relativistic electrodynamics( 12 hours)
Magnetism as a relativistic phenomena-transformation of the field-electric field of a
uniformly moving point charge-electrodynamics in tensor notation-electromagnetic
field tensor-potential formulation of relativistic electrodynamics
( Chapter 12 of Griffiths)
Unit I
Unit II
Programming with C++( 36 hours)
Unit III
Numerical Techiques( 36 hours)
Solution of simultaneious linear algebraic equations-Gauss elimination method-Gauss
Jrdan method-inverse of amatric using Gauss elimnaion method-Finite differences-
forward and backward differences-central differences-difference of a polynomial-
error propagation in difference table-Interpolation with equal intervals-Gregory
Newton forward and backward formula-errorin polynomial interpolation-central
difference intgerpolation formula-Gauss’s fprward and backward formula-Striling’s
formula-Lagrange interpolation formula-numerical differentiation-numerical
integration using general quadratature formula-Trapezoidal rile-Simsons 1/3 and 1/8
rules-numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations-Euler and modified Euler
methods-RangaKutta methods-numerical solution to partial differential equations-
soluitions to Poisson and Laplace equations
Unit I
Approximation methods in quantum mechanics (24 hours)
The variational principle-Rayleigh Ritz method-variation method and excited states-
ground state of Helium and Deutron-time independent peturbatin theory-non degerate
energy levels-anharmonic oscillator-ground state of He atom using perturbation
theory-Stark effect in hydrogen atom-time dependent perturbation theory-first order
and harmonicpeturbation-absorption and emission of radiation-Einstein’s A and B
coefficients-Rayleigh and Raman scattering-WKB method-connection formulas-
barrier potential-penetration-alpha particle emission-bound states in a potential well
( Chapters 9-12 of Aruldas)
Unit I
Unit II
IR spectroscopy( 12 hours)
Unit III
ESR and NMR spectroscopy( 12 hours)
Principle of NMR-ESR spectrometer-Hyperfine structure-ESR spectra of Free
radicals-Magnetic properties of nuclei-resonance condition-NMR instrumentation-
chemical shift-NMR spectra of solids-NMR imaging-interpreation of NMR spectra
( Chapters10 and 11 of Aruldas)
Mossabauerspectroscopy( 8 hours)
Recoilless emission and absorption-Mossbauer spectrometer-experimental techniques-
isomer shift-quadrupole interaction-magnetic hyperfine interaction
( Chapter 13 of Aruldas)
1. C.N.Banwell and E.M.McCash,Fundementals of Molecular
Spectroscopy,Fourthedn,TataMcGrawHill ( 1995).
Unit III
Properties of materials -Mechanical and Thermal properties - (36 hrs)
Mechanical properties
Stress-strain relation and tensile test-True stress and true strain-Bend test for brittle
materials-Hardness of materials-Knoop test-Strain rate effects-Ductile -brittle
transition temperature.-Fracture mechanics-Micro-structural features of fractures in
ceramics and compounds-Fatigue
Thermal properties
Heat capacity and specific heat-thermal expansion-thermal conductivity-Thermal
diffusivity-thermal shock in materials. Transformation in crystals-Elements of
thermodynamics-Free energy-First order and second order transformations-order-
disorder transitions-Equilibrium diagrams-phase rules-solid solutions
Reference Books
1. Introduction to solids –L.V.Azaroff Tata Mc Graw Hill
Unit I
Nuclear properties and structrure ( 36 hours)
Nuclear structure – charge, mass, shape, and size of nucleus, spin, parity, electric and
magnetic moments, isospin, binding energy, packing fraction, Experimental
determination of nuclear mass, Aston’s mass spectrograph, Measurement of nuclear
spin (using Zeeman effect) and magnetic moment (using NMR), nature of nuclear
forces, ground and excited states of deuteron, spin dependence, effective range theory,
non central force, n-p scattering and p-p scattering at low energies, nature of two
nucleon potential, charge independence and saturation of nuclear force, exchange
forces, meson theory of nuclear force.
Nuclear models - liquid drop model: Bethe-Weizsacker formula and its applications,
shell model, evidence and limitations of shell model, single particle shell model,
nuclear vibrations and rotations, optical model, collective model.
Unit II
Nuclear instrumentation(36 hours)
Gas filled detectors, Ionization Chamber, Proportional counter, GM Counter,
Scintillation counter, Cerenkov counter, semiconductor detectors [Si(Li), Ge(Li),
HPGe], Solid state nuclear track detectors, Nuclear emulsion, neutron detectors,
scaling circuits.
Classification of accelerators, cyclotron, synchro-cyclotron, Betatron, Tandem
accelerators, linear accelerator (LINAC). Nuclear Reactor – self sustained reaction,
four factor formula, reactor theory, critical size, reactor materials, reactor control,
breeder reactor, thermonuclear fusion, fusion in plasma, fission reactor, conditions for
sustained fusion, magnetic confinement, toroidal confinement: Tokomak.
Unit III
Nuclear reactions and Particle Physics ( 36 hours)
Types of nuclear reactions, conservation laws, energetics of nuclear reactions, nuclear
transmutations, cross section of nuclear reaction, compound nucleus hypothesis, Breit-
wigner one level formula, direct reactions, stripping and pick up reactions, heavy ion
induced reactions, Nuclear fission, energetic of nuclear fission, Bohr-wheeler theory,
nuclear fusion, stellar energy and nucleo-synthesis.
1. Irving Kaplan, “Nuclear Physics”, Narosa Book Distributors, 2002.
2. R.D. Evans, “The atomic Nucleus”, McGraw-Hill, 1955.
3. D.C.Tayal, Nuclear Physics, Himalayan Publication house, Bombay, 1980
4. R.R. Roy & B P Nigam, Nuclear Physics Theory and Experiments, Wiley
Eastern, 2000.
5. D.J. Griffiths, Harper & Row, Introduction to elementary particles, Wiley
Eastern, 1987
Unit I
Magnetohydrodynamics (10h)
Cosmic rays and energetic particles (4h) Galactic cosmic rays – solar cycle
modulation of galactic cosmic rays – solar energetic particles – Interstellar pick up
ions – Anomalous cosmic rays – Cosmic ray detectors. [Ref.5 ].
1. Chen F. F.: Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Plenum Press.
2. Dendy R. O. : Plasma Dynamics (Clarendon Press, 1990).
3. Tamas I. Gombosi: Physics of the Space Environment ( Cambridge University
Press, 1998)
4. Harra L. K. and Mason K. O.: Space Science ( Imperial College Press)
5. Peter Foukal: Solar Astrophysics (Wiley, 1990)
6. Ratcliffe: Introducion to ionosphere and magnetosphere (CUP,1972)
7. Robert G. Fleagle and Joost A. Businger: An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics,
Academic Press, London, 1971.
8. Banks P. M. and G. Kocharts: Aeronomy, Academic Press, London, 1973.
9. Savindra Singh: Climatology, Prayag Pustak Bhavan, 2005.
10. Michael D. Pappagiannis: Space Physics and Space Astronomy, Gordon and
Breach Science Publishers Ltd., 1972.
• Formalism
Linear vector space, linear operators, normed spaces, Hilbert spaces,
self-adjoint operators, representation of operators and states in suitable
basis, spectral properties of self-adjoint operators - spectral theorem.
[Ref 1, 2, 3, 4]
• Groups and Symmetry
Review of groups: Irreducible representations of groups, discrete and
continuous groups, Lie groups, Lie algebra.
how symmetries form a group, unitary and anti-unitary symmetry operators,
Rotation and O(3) group, SU(2) group, angular momentum
algebra, vector operators, Tensor operators, Wigner-Eckart theorem
Discrete symmetries - space and time inversion symmetries. Ref [5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10]
• Relativistic quantum mechanics Lorentz group - generators, representation
of Lorentz group extended by parity and Dirac equation, hydrogen
atom [ Ref 5, 7, 10, 11]
• Field theory
Lagrangian formalism, Noether’s theorem, Hamiltonian density, quantisation
of fields, second-quantization, quantisation of EM field. [ Ref 10]
Unit II
• Stochastic processes
Review of probability and measure, equilibrium vs non-equilibrium,
Brownian motion, Langevin equation, Ito vs Stratanovic, Markov processes,
Fokker-Planck equation, Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem. [Ref 13,
14, 16, 15]
• Differential geometry
Tensors, diffentiable manifolds, geodesics, curvature, Riemannian tensor
[ Ref 3, 4, 17, 18]
• Relativity
Principle of equivalence, Einstein equations, centrally symmetric gravitational
fields, Schwaarzchild solution, singularities [ Ref 17, 18]
[1] F. Scheck, Quantum Physics, Springer (2007).
[2] G. Teschl, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics, American
Mathematical Society (2009).
[3] P. Szekeres, Modern Mathematical Physics, Cambridge University Press
[4] M. T. Vaughn, Introduction to Mathematical Physics, Wiley - VCH Verlag
[5] Arfken, Mathematical Physics for Physicists, Academic Press (2013).
[6] J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company (1994).
[7] L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Book Co. (1968).
[8] R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Springer (1994).
[9] L. E. Ballentine, Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific Publishing Co.
[10] L. H. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press (2008).
[11] J. J. Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley (1967).
[12] M. Le Bellac, Quantum and Statistical Field Theory, Oxford University
Press (2001).
[13] K. Schulten and I. Kosztin, Lectures in Theoretical Biophysics, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2000).
[14] R. Kubo, M. Toda and N. Hashitsume, Statistical Physics II: None
quilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Springer-Verlag (1985).
[15] G. F. Mazenko, Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Unit II
Semiconductors( 12 hours)
Free carrier concentration in semiconductors-mobility of charge carriers-temparature
electrical conductivity of semiconductors-Hall effect in semiconductors-
junction properties
( Chapter 13 of Wahab)
Unit III
Superconductivity( 20 hours)
1 S.O.Pillai,Solid State Physics,Third Edition New Age International Pvt Ltd ( 1999)
1. N.W.Ashcroft and N.D.Merwin,Solid State Physics,Cenage Learning India ( 2001)
2. Charles.C.Kittel,Introduction to Solid State Physics,wiley Student Edition ( 2007)
3. M.AliOmar,elementary Solid State Physics,Pearson Education Inc ( 1999)
4.P.Phillips,Advanced Solid State Physics,SecondEdn,Cambridege University Press (
Unit III
Nuclear detectors and particle accelerators (20 hours)
Gas filled detectors-ionization chamber and proportional counters-GM counter-
scintillation detectors-semiconductor detectors-cerenkov detector-bubble chamber
( Chapter 6 of Verma eta al)
Particle accelerators-electrostatic accelerators-cyclotron accelerators-synchrotrons-
linear accelerators-colliding beam accelarators
( Chapter 15 of Krane)
Elementary particle physics (16 hours)
Elementary particle interactions-symmetries and conservation laws-quark model of
elementary particles-colored quarks and gluons-ideas of charm,beuty and truth-quark
dynamics-ideas of grand unified theories of fundamental forces
( Chapter 18 of Krane)
Books for study
1 D.C.Tayal,Nuclear Physics,5thEdition,Himalaya Publishing Co ( 2008)
2 J.Verma,R.C.Bhandari,D.R.S.Somayajulu,Fundementals of Nuclear
Physics,CBS Publishers and Distributors ( 2005)
1 S.B.Patel,Nuclear Physics-An Introduction,New Age International Pvt Ltd ( 1996).
2. B.R.Marhu,Nuclae and Particle Physics- an Introducion,SecondEdition,Wiley (
3. S.N.Ghoshal,NuclearPhysics,S,Chand Ltd ( 1997)
4.M.P.Khanna,Introduction to Particle Physics,PHI ( 2011)
5. J.Freidberg,Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy,Cambridge University Press ( 2007)
6. FF.Chen,Introduction to Plasma Physics,Springer,London ( 2002).
Unit I
Microprocessor 8086 : Introduction and Programming (18 hours)
Internal architecture of 8086-pin configuration of 8086-memory organization of 8086-
addressing modes of 8086-minimum and maximum mode configurations-instructions
set of 8086-data movment instructions-arithematic and logic instructions-
programming of 8086-flow charts and programming steps
( Chapter 2,3,4 of Sunil Mathur)
Microprocessor interfacing devices and advanced microprocessors( 12 hours)
Programmed I/O –direct memory access-micro controllers-8251A USART-8257
DMA controller-8259A programmable interrupt controller-8279 programmable
keyboard/display interface-analog to digital and digital to analog converters-
advanced microprocessors-80186/80188 high integration 16-bit microprocessors-
80386 and 80386 processors-RISC processors.
( Chapter 6 and 7 of Abishek Yadav)
9. Solid State Physics, N.W. Ashcroft & N.D. Mermin, Brooks/ Cole (1976).
17. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons and
Burkhard Raguse “Nanotechnology”, Overseas Press New Delhi 2005
18. W. R. Fahrner (Ed.) “Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics”, Springer 2006.
S. Bandyopadhyay, M. Cahay
Unit –I
Interaction of radiation with matter ( 36 hours)
Ionizing radiations, terrestrial sources, extraterrestrial sources, non-ionizing
radiations, natural and man-made sources, interaction of radiation with matter, energy
loss rate, bremstrahlung, range energy relation, stopping power, photoelectric
absorption, Compton scattering, pair production, properties of gamma gays and
Particle flux and fluenc, Energy flux and fluence , Cross section, Linear and mass
attenuation coefficients , Mass energy transfer and mass energy absorption
coefficients, Stopping power – Linear Energy Transfer (LET) - Weighing Factors(W-
values), Radiation and tissue weighting factors, absorbed dose- equivalent dose,
effective dose, committed equivalent dose, committed effected dose – Concept of
KERMA (Kinetic Energy Released per unit Mass)
Unit II
Radioactivity, detection and dosimetry ( 36 hours)
Law of radioactive decay, half life, mean life, specific activity, successive
disintegration, radioactive equilibriums, age of minerals and rocks, α-decay: barrier
penetration, range energy relationship, β decay: Fermi theory, parity violation, Kurie-
plot, γ-decay, radiative transitions in nuclei, selection rules.
Thermo luminescent Dosimeters (TLD) – Optically stimulated Luminescence
dosimeters (OSLD) –Neutron Detectors – Nuclear track emulsions for fast neutrons –
Solid State Nuclear track (SSNTD) detectors, Radon dosimetry, Instruments for
personnel monitoring – TLD badge readers – Digital pocket dosimeters using solid
state devices and GM counters - Contamination monitors for alpha, beta and gamma
radiation – Scintillation monitors for X and gamma radiations - Neutron Monitors,
Tissue equivalent survey meters – Flux meter and dose equivalent monitors – Pocket
neutron monitors
Unit III
Biological effects of radiation ( 36 hours)
Somatic effects of radiation – Physical factors influencing somatic effects –
Dependence on dose, dose rate, type and energy of radiation - Acute radiation
sickness – Effects of chronic exposure to radiation – Induction of leukemia –
Radiation Carcinogenesis – Risk of carcinogenesis – Genetic effects of radiation –
Factors affecting frequency of radiation induced mutations – Dose-effects relationship
– first generation effects – Effects due to mutation of recessive characteristics –
Genetic burden – Prevalence of hereditary diseases and defects – Spontaneous
mutation rate – Concept of doubling dose and genetic risk estimate.
Unit I
• Functionals
Function vs functional, functional derivatives, functional integration,
Guassian integrals [ Ref 19, 20, 21, 22]
• Response functions
Linear response theory, analytic structure of correlation functions, electromagnetic
linear response
Unit III
Critical phenomena ( 36 hrs)
Continuous phase transitions, critical behaviour, scaling, renormalization
group, Ising model, RG analysis of ferromagnetic transition.
[ Ref 19, 22]
10 Study of arc spectra and hydrogen spectra using an imager ( CCD) and
photoelectric/electronic recorder.
6. Design of series pass voltage regulators using ( a) transistors with load and line
( b) OP Amp
3. Pulse modulation circuits using 555 timer (a) PAM (b) PWM
4. Digital modulation circuits (a) BFSK generation using 555 timer (b) BFSK detector
555 timer and PLL (c) BPSK generation
1. 8085 /8086 program to find out largest from a group of 8bit/16 bit numbers