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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B.

Sc Physics

Savitribai Phule Pune University

(Formerly University of Pune)

Three Year B.Sc. Degree Program in Physics

(Faculty of Science & Technology)

F.Y.B.Sc. (Physics)

Choice Based Credit System Syllabus

To be implemented from Academic Year 2019-2020

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Title of the Course: B.Sc. (Physics)


The curriculum for the B. Sc. (Physics) programme is designed to cater to the

requirement of Choice Based Credit System following the University Grants Commission

(UGC) guidelines. In the proposed structure, due consideration is given to Core and Elective

Courses (Discipline specific - Physics), along with Ability Enhancement (Compulsory and Skill

based) Courses. Furthermore, continuous assessment is an integral part of the CBCS, which will

facilitate systematic and thorough learning towards better understanding of the subject. The

systematic and planned curricula from first year to the third year (comprised of six semesters)

shall motivate the student for pursuing higher studies in Physics and inculcate enough skills for

becoming an entrepreneur.


 To foster scientific attitude, provide in-depth knowledge of scientific and technological

concepts of Physics.

 To enrich knowledge through problem solving, minor/major projects, seminars, tutorials,

review of research articles/papers, participation in scientific events, study visits, etc.

 To familiarize with recent scientific and technological developments.

 To create foundation for research and development in Physics.

 To help students to learn various experimental and computational tools thereby developing

analytical abilities to address real world problems.

 To train studentsin skills related to research, education, industry, and market.

 To help students to build-up a progressive and successful career in Physics.

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Structure of the Course:

Subject Year Semester Course Type Course Course Name Credit

Name Code
Compulsory PHY-111 Mechanics and Properties of 2
Course Matter
I PHY-112 Physics Principles and 2
1 PHY-113 Physics Laboratory-IA 1.5
Compulsory PHY-121 Heat and Thermodynamics 2
II PHY-122 Electricity and Magnetism 2
PHY-123 Physics Laboratory-IB 1.5
Compulsory PHY-231 Mathematical Methods in 2
Course Physics I
PHY-232 Electronics I /Instrumentation 2

III PHY-233 Physics Laboratory-2A 2

Ability PHY-2310 Environment -I 2
Compulsory PHY-2311 Language-I 2
2 Course
Compulsory PHY-241 Oscillations, Waves and Sound 2
Course PHY-242 Optics 2
PHY-243 Physics Laboratory-2B 2
Physics IV
Ability PHY-2410 Environment –II 2
Compulsory PHY-2411 Language-II 2
Discipline PHY- 351 Mathematical Methods in 2
Specific Physics II
Elective PHY- 352 Electrodynamics 2
PHY- 353 Classical Mechanics 2
PHY- 354 Atomic and Molecular Physics 2
PHY- 355 Computational Physics 2
PHY- 356 Elective I (Select any One) 2
3 V
PHY- 357 Physics Laboratory-3A 2
PHY- 358 Physics Laboratory-3B 2
PHY- 359 Physics Laboratory-3C 2
Skill PHY-3510 Maintenance and Repairing of 2
Enhancement Laboratory equipment – I
Course PHY- 3511 Household Electrification, 2
Maintenance and repairing - I

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Discipline PHY- 361 Solid State Physics 2

Specific PHY- 362 Quantum Mechanics 2
Elective PHY- 363 Thermodynamics and 2
Statistical Physics
PHY- 364 Nuclear Physics 2
PHY- 365 Electronics II /Advanced 2
VI PHY- 366 Elective II (Select any One) 2
PHY- 367 Physics Laboratory-4A 2
PHY- 368 Physics Laboratory-4B 2
PHY- 369 Project 2
Skill PHY-3610 Maintenance and Repairing of 2
Enhancement Laboratory Equipment – II
Course PHY- 3611 Household Electrification, 2
Maintenance and Repairing- II

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Course code and title: PHY-111 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Lectures: 36 (Credits-02)
1. Motion: (9 Lectures)
Introduction to motion, Types of motion, Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Inertia,
Newton’s laws of motion with their explanations, Various types of forces in nature, Frames of
reference (Inertial and Non inertial), Laws of motion and it’s real life applications, Problems.
2. Work and Energy: (7 Lectures)
Kinetic energy, Work Energy Theorem, Work done with constant force, Work done with
varying force (spring force), Conservative and Non conservative forces, Potential energy, Law
of energy conservation, Gravitational potential energy, Problems.
3. Fluid Mechanics: (8 Lectures)
Concept of viscous force and viscosity, Coefficient of viscosity, Steady and Turbulent
flow, Reynolds number, Equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s Principle, Applications of
Bernoulli’s Principle (Ventury Meter, PitotTube), Applications of viscous fluids, Problems.
4. Properties of Matter: (12 Lectures)
Surface tension, Angle of contact, Factors affecting surface tension, Jaeger’s method for
determination of surface tension, Applications of surface tension.
Stress and Strain, Hook’s law and Coefficient of elasticity, Young’s modulus, Bulk
modulus, Modulus of rigidity, Work done during longitudinal strain, Volume strain, Shearing
strain, Poisson’s ratio, Relation between three elastic moduli, (Y, η, K), Applications of
elasticity, Problems.
Reference Books
1. Physics: Resnick, Halliday& Walker 9/e, Wiley.
2. University Physics : Sears and Zeemansky, XIth/XIIth Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Mechanics: D. S. Mathur, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi.
4. Elements of Properties of Matter : D. S. Mathur, S. Chand, New Delhi.
5. Concepts of Physics: H. C. Verma, BharatiBhavan Publisher.
6. Problems in Physics: P. K. Srivastava, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
7. Applied Fluid Mechanics: Mott Robert, Pearson Benjamin Cummir VI Edition. Pearson
Education/Prentice Hall International, New Delhi.
8. Fundamentals of Mechanics: J C Upadhyaya, Himalaya Publishing House.
9. Mechanics: D. S. Mathur, Revised by P. S. Hemne, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi.

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Course code and title: PHY-112 Physics Principles and Applications

Lectures: 36 (Credits-02)
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to do the following:
1. To understand the general structure of atom, spectrum of hydrogen atom.
2. To understand the atomic excitation and LASER principles.
3. To understand the bonding mechanism and its different types.
4. To demonstrate an understanding of electromagnetic waves and its spectrum.
5. Understand the types and sources of electromagnetic waves and applications.
6. To demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.
1. Physics of Atoms (08-Lectures)
1.1 Introduction to Atom
1.2 Atomic Models:
1.2.1 Thomson’s Atomic Model
1.2.2 Rutherford’s Atomic Model
1.2.3 Bohr’s Atomic Model
1.3 Atomic Spectra:
1.3.1 Emission line Spectrum
1.3.2 Absorption line spectrum
1.3.3 Uses of Atomic Spectra
1.4 Classical planetary model of Hydrogen Atom
1.5 The Bohr Theory of the Hydrogen Atom
1.6 The Hydrogen Spectrum
1.7 Frank-Hertz experiment
2. LASERS and Its Applications (07-Lectures)
2.1 Introduction to LASERS
2.2 Basic Principle of Lasers: Three Processes
2.3 Characteristics of Lasers: brief explanation
2.4 Boltzmann Distribution Law
2.5 Population Inversion and Pumping
2.6 Types of Lasers:
2.5.1 He-Ne Laser
2.5.2 Ruby Laser
2.7 Applications of Lasers
3. Physics of Molecules (08-Lectures)
3.1 Introduction to Bonding Mechanisms
3.2 Forces between Atoms
3.3 Types of Bonding:
3.3.1 Ionic Bonds
3.3.2 Covalent Bonds
3.3.3 van der Waal’s Bonds
3.3.4 Hydrogen Bond
3.3.5 Metallic Bond
3.4 Rotation energy levels of a diatomic molecule
3.5 Vibration energy levels of a diatomic molecule

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4. Sources of Electromagnetic Waves (06-Lectures)

4.1 Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves: Historical Perspective
4.2 General properties of Electromagnetic radiations
4.3 Electromagnetic spectrums and its sources
4.4 Production of electromagnetic waves: Hertz experiment
4.5 Plank’s hypothesis of Photons
4.6 Applications of various waves in electromagnetic spectrum
5. Applications of Electromagnetic Waves (07-Lectures)
5.1 Microwave oven
5.3 Pyroelectric thermometer
5.4 X-ray radiography
5.5 CT Scan
5.6 Solar cell and its types

1. Concepts of Modern Physics: A Beiser (6th ed., McGraw Hill, 2003
2. Modern Physics: Raymond A. Serway, Clement J. Moses, Curt A. Moyer
3. Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics: H.D. Young R. A. Freedman, Sandin (11th Ed.
Pearson Education)
4. LASERS: M. N. Avdhanulu, S. Chand Publications.

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Course code and title: PHY-113 Physics Laboratory 1A

Practical: 10 (Credits-1.5)
Section I- Mechanics and Properties of Matter

Sr. Title of the experiment

1 Study and use of various measuring Instruments.
1. Vernier caliper 2. Micrometer Screw Gauge 3. Travelling Microscope
2 Study of Modulus of Rigidity of wire using Torsional Oscillations
3 Determination of coefficient of Viscosity by Poiseuille's method
4 Determination of “Y” and “η” by flat spiral spring
5 Determination of “Y” by bending method.
6 Study of surface tension by Jaeger’s method
7 Study of Poisson’s ratio of rubber using rubber tube /rubber chord
8 Study of surface tension of liquid using Fergusson Method

Section II-Physics Principles and Applications

Sr. Title of the experiment

1 Study of Spectrometer and determination of angle of prism
2 Study of Spectrometer calibration and determination of refractive indices of
different colors
3 Study of divergence of LASER beam
4 Study of total internal reflection using LASER
5 Determination of Plank’s constant
6 Determination of wavelength of LASER light by plane diffraction grating
7 Study of I-V characteristics of solar cell

Note: Any four experiments from each section be conducted during the semester, with a total of 10

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Course code and title: PHY-121 Heat and Thermodynamics
Lectures: 36 (Credits-02)
1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (10 Lectures)
Concept of thermodynamic state, Equation of state, Van der Waal’s equation of state,
Thermal equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic processes: Adiabatic,
Isothermal, Isobaric and Isochoric changes, Indicator diagram, Work done during isothermal
change, Adiabatic relations, Work done during adiabatic change, Internal energy, Internal
energy as state function, First law of thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible changes,
2. Applied Thermodynamics: (9 Lectures)
Conversion of heat into work and it’s converse, Second law of thermodynamics,
Concept of entropy, Temperature - entropy diagram, T-dS equations, Clausius - Clapeyron latent
heat equations, Problems.
3. Heat Transfer Mechanisms (9 Lectures)
Carnot’s cycle and Carnot’s heat engine and its efficiency, Heat Engines: Otto cycle &
its efficiency, Diesel cycle & its efficiency, Refrigerators: General principle and coefficient of
performance of refrigerator, Simple structure of Vapour compression refrigerator, Air
Conditioning: Principle and it’s applications, Problems.
4. Thermometry: (8 Lectures)
Concept of heat & temperature, Principle of thermometry, Temperature scales & inter-
conversions, Principle, Construction and Working: (Liquid thermometers, Liquid filled
thermometers, Gas filled thermometers, Bimetallic thermometers, Platinum resistance
thermometer, Thermocouple), Problems.
Reference Books:
1. Concept of Physics: H. C. Verma, BharatiBhavan Publisher.
2. Heat and Thermodynamics: Brijlal, N. Subrahmanyam, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
3. Heat and Thermodynamics: Mark W. Zemansky, Richard H. Dittman, 7th Edition, Mc-Graw
Hill International Edition.
4. Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics: J. K. Sharma, K. K. Sarkar, Himalaya Publishing
5. Thermal Physics (Heat and Thermodynamics): A. B. Gupta, H. P. Roy books and Allied (P)
Ltd. Calcutta.
6. Instrumentation:Devices & Systems, Rangan, Mani, and Sarma.

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Course code and title: PHY-122 Electricity and Magnetism

Lectures: 36 (Credits-02)
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to do the following:
1) To understand the concept of the electric force, electric field and electric potential for
stationary charges.
2) Able to calculate electrostatic field and potential of charge distributions using Coulomb's
law and Gauss's law.
3) To understand the dielectric phenomenon and effect of electric field on dielectric.
4) To Study magnetic field for steady currents using Biot-Savart and Ampere's Circuital
5) To study magnetic materials and its properties.
6) Demonstrate quantitative problem solving skills in all the topics covered.

1. Electrostatics (08-Lectures)
1.1 Revision of Coulomb’s law:
1.1.1 Statement
1.1.2 Variation of forces with distances
1.2 Superposition principle:
1.2.1 Statement
1.2.2 Explanation with illustration
1.3 Energy of system of charges
1.4 Concept of electric field
1.4.1 Due to point charge
1.4.2 Due to group charges
1.5 Concept of electric flex
1.6 Gauss’s law in electrostatics
2. Dielectrics (08-Lectures)
2.1 Introduction to dielectric materials
2.2 Electric Dipole
2.2.1 Electric dipole
2.2.2 Dipole moment
2.3 Electric potential and intensity at any point due to dipole
2.4 Torque on a dipole placed in an electric field
2.5 Polar and non-polar molecules
2.6 Electric polarization of dielectric material
2.7 Gauss’ law in dielectric
2.8 Electric vectors and its relation
3. Magnetization (07-Lectures)
3.1 Introduction to Magnetization
3.2 Magnetic materials
3.3 Types of Magnetic Materials
3.3.1 Diamagnetic materials
3.3.2 Paramgnetic materials
3.3.3 Ferromagnetic materials
3.3.4 Antiferromagnetic materials

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

3.4 Bohr magnetron


4. Magnetostatics (07-Lectures)
4.1 Introduction to magnetization,
4.2 Magnetic Induction and Intensity of magnetization
4.3 Biot-Savart’s law:
4.3.1 Statement
4.3.2 Long straight conductor
4.3.3 Circular Coil
4.4 Ampere’s circuital law:
4.4.1 Statement
4.4.2 Field of Solenoid
4.4.3 Field of Toroid
4.5 Gauss law for magnetism
5. Magnetic Properties of Materials (06-Lectures)
5.1 Definition
5.1.1 Magnetization (M),
5.1.2 Magnetic Intensity (H),
5.1.3 Magnetic Induction (B),
5.1.4 Magnetic Susceptibility
5.1.5 Magnetic Permeability
5.2 Relation between B, M and H
5.3 Hysteresis and Hysteresis Curve
5.4 Ferrite materials and its Applications

1. Fundamentals of Physics: HallidayResnik and Walkar, 8 th Edition.
2. Electromagnetics: B. B. Laud.
3. Foundations of Electromagnetic theory: Reitz,Milford, Christey.
4. Electricity and Electronics: D.C.Tayal, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
5. Introduction to Electrodynamics: D.G. Griffith.
6. Electricity and Magnetism: BrijLal, Subramanyan, RatanPrakashan (Revised edition, 1997).
7. Electricity and Magnetism: Khare, Shrivastav (Revised edition, 1997).

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F. Y. B. Sc Physics

Course code and title: PHY-123 Physics Laboratory 1B

Practical: 08 (Credits-1.5)
Section I- Heat and Thermodynamics

Sr Title of the experiment

1 Interpretation of Isothermal and Adiabatic curve on P-V diagram and theoretical
study of Carnot’s cycle by drawing graphs of Isothermal and Adiabatic curves
2 Study of temperature coefficient of Thermistor.
3 Study of Thermocouple and determination of inversion temperature
4 Study of thermal conductivity by Lee’s method
5 Study of specific heat of Graphite
6 Study of Solar constant
7 Determination of calorific values of different fuels

Section II- Electricity and Magnetism

Sr Title of the experiment

1 Study of charging and discharging of capacitor
2 Study of LR circuit
3 Study of LCR circuit
4 Study of Kirchhoff’s Laws
5 Study of Diode characteristics
6 Study of Voltmeter, Ammeter and Multimeter ( AC, DC, ranges and least count)
7 Determination of frequency of AC mains
8 Comparison of capacitor using DeSauty’s method

Note: Any four experiments from each section be conducted during the semester.

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