BS Physics PU

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BS Programme

Duration 4 years
Teaching system Semester system
Session begins September
Eligibility F Sc with Mathematics and Physics or equivalent
No. of seats 32
Semester-wise breakup and outline of the courses for this programme are given as under. In addition
to the core courses, optional courses will also be offered. The teaching methodology and the
evaluation criteria will be according to the University Rules and Regulations.


Course Code Course Title Credits Course Type

Eng 1118 English Language 3 Compulsory
IslSt 1119 Islamiyat 2 Compulsory
Phys 1101 Elementary Mechanics 3 Core
Phys 1102 Waves, Oscillations and Optics 3 Core
Math 1101 Calculus-I 3 Auxiliary
Math 1102 Applied Mathematics 3 Auxiliary
Chem 1101 Chemistry 3 Auxiliary
Credits 20
Eng 1218 English Language 3 Compulsory
PakSt 1219 Pakistan Studies 2 Compulsory
Phys 1201 Electricity and Magnetism 3 Core
Phys 1202 Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory 3 Core
Math 1201 Calculus-II 3 Auxiliary
Math 1202 Analytical Geometry 3 Auxiliary
Biol 1201 Biology 3 Auxiliary
Credits 20
Phys 2301 Concepts of Modern Physics 3 Core
Phys 2302 Physics Lab-I (General Physics-I) 2 Core

Math 2301 Differential Equations-I 3 Auxiliary
Math 2302 Pure Mathematics 3 Auxiliary
Csci 2301 Computer Science-I 4 Auxiliary
Comm 2301 Introduction to Commerce/marketing 3 Auxiliary
Credits 18
Phys 2401 Basic Electronics 3 Core
Phys 2402 Physics Lab-II (General Physics-II) 2 Core
Math 2401 Differential Equations-II 3 Auxiliary
Math 2402 Linear Algebra 3 Auxiliary
Csci 2401 Computer Science-II 4 Auxiliary
Credits 15
Phys 3501 Classical Mechanics 3 Core
Phys 3502 Mathematical Methods of Physics-I 3 Core
Phys 3503 Solid State Physics-I 3 Core
Phys 3504 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 Core
Phys 3505 Quantum Mechanics-I 3 Core
Phys 3506 Physics Lab-III (Modern Physics) 2 Core
Credits 17
Phys 3601 Mathematical Methods of Physics-II 3 Core
Phys 3602 Solid State Physics-II 3 Core
Phys 3603 Quantum Mechanics-II 3 Core
Phys 3604 Digital Electronics 3 Core
Phys 3605 Computational Physics-I 3 Core
Phys 3606 Physics Lab-IV (Electronics) 2 Core
Credits 17
Phys 4701 Statistical Physics 3 Core
Phys 4702 Classical Electrodynamics-I 3 Core

Phys 4703 Nuclear Physics-I 3 Core
Phys 4704 Relativity and Cosmology 3 Core
Phys xxxx Optional Paper-I (Part A) 3 Optional
Phys xxxx Optional Paper-I (Part B) 3 Optional
Phys 4835 Thesis in lieu of four Optional 6 Optional
Credits 18
Phys 4801 Classical Electrodynamics-II 3 Core
Phys 4802 Nuclear Physics-II 3 Core
Phys 4803 Computational Physics-II 3 Core
Phys xxxx Optional Paper-II (Part A) 3 Optional
Phys xxxx Optional Paper-II (Part B) 3 Optional
Phys 4835 Thesis in lieu of four Optional 6 Optional
Credits 15
Total Credits 140

(*) Thesis work will start with effect from beginning of Semester VII and will end by the end of
Semester VIII. It would be evaluated at the end of Semester VIII.

One set of courses to be opted from the following options in Semester VII
Phys 4711 Particle Physics-I (Part A) 3
Phys 4712 Particle Physics-II (Part A) 3
Phys 4713 Communication Electronics-I (Theory) (Part A) 3
Phys 4714 Communication Electronics-II (Lab) (Part A) 3
Phys 4715 Advanced Electronics-I (Theory) (Part A) 3
Phys 4716 Advanced Electronics-II (Lab) (Part A) 3

One set of courses to be opted from the following options in Semester VII
Phys 4717 Materials Science-I (Theory) (Part A) 3
Phys 4718 Materials Science-II (Lab) (Part A) 3
Phys 4719 Biophysics-I (Theory) (Part A) 3
Phys 4720 Biophysics-II (Lab) (Part A) 3
Phys 4721 Meteorology and Climatology-I (Theory) (Part A) 3
Phys 4722 Meteorology and Climatology-II (Lab) (Part A) 3
Phys 4723 Solid State Physics-I (Part A) 3
Phys 4724 Solid State Physics-II (Part A) 3
Phys 4725 Medical Physics-I (Part A) 3
Phys 4726 Medical Physics-II (Lab) (Part A) 3
Phys 4835 Thesis 6
One set of courses to be opted from the following options in Semester VIII
Phys 4811 Particle Physics-I (Part B) 3
Phys 4812 Particle Physics-II (Part B) 3
Phys 4813 Communication Electronics –I ( Theory) (Part B) 3
Phys 4814 Communication Electronics -II (Lab) (Part B) 3
Phys 4815 Advanced Electronics-I (Theory) (Part B) 3
Phys 4816 Advanced Electronics-II (Lab) (Part B) 3
Phys 4817 Materials Science-I (Theory) (Part B) 3
Phys 4818 Materials Science-II (Lab) (Part B) 3
Phys 4819 Biophysics-I (Theory) (Part B) 3
Phys 4820 Biophysics-II (Lab) (Part B) 3
Phys 4821 Meteorology and Climatology-I (Theory) (Part B) 3
Phys 4822 Meteorology and Climatology-II (Lab) (Part B) 3
Phys 4823 Solid State Physics-I (Part B) 3
Phys 4824 Solid State Physics-II (Part B) 3
Phys 4825 Medical Physics-I (Part B) 3
Phys 4826 Medical Physics-II (Lab) (Part B) 3


Outlines of the courses with aims and objectives would be provided to the students when courses are
offered. The courses would be conducted according to the Curriculum Guidelines notified by the
University of the Punjab, Lahore.

CORE COURSES (Credits = 89)


Prerequisite None

Vector derivatives and operations, divergence theorem, Stokes’ theorem, particle dynamics with
emphasis on effect of frictional and drag forces on motion, non-inertial frames and pseudo forces,
work-energy theorem, conservative and non-conservative forces, two particle and many-particle
systems, centre of mass of solid objects, momentum changes in a system of variable mass.
Collisions in the center-of-mass reference frame, rotational dynamics with emphasis on Parallel-axis
theorem, moment of inertia of bodies of various shapes, combined rotational and translational
Angular momentum, angular velocity and stability of spinning objects, gravitational effect of a
spherical mass distribution, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

Books Recommended:

1. Physics Vol. I by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York,
2. Physics Vol. I by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York,
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA),
USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.


Prerequisite None

Simple and damped harmonic oscillations, forced oscillations and resonance, mechanical waves,
traveling waves, wave equation and power and intensity in wave motion, principle of superposition,
Doppler effect of sound waves.
Interference from thin films, Michelson interferometer, Fresenel’s biprism and its use, diffraction
from multiple slits, diffraction grating, X-ray diffraction and structure of matter, polarization,
description of polarization states, rotation of plane of polarization, holography.

Books Recommended:

1. Physics Vol. I & II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons
Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol. I & II by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New
York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA),
USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.


Prerequisite None

Electric field of continuous charge distributions, dipole in an electric field, Applications of Gauss’
law, calculating the field from the potential, capacitor with dielectric, electric current density and
Ohm’s law, semiconductors and superconductors, magnetic force on a charged particle, magnetic
force on a current, torque on a current loop, magnetic dipole, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s law,
Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, motional E.M.F, induced electric fields, Gauss’ law for magnetism, origin
of atomic and nuclear magnetism, magnetization, magnetic materials, induced magnetic fields and
displacement current, Maxwell’s equations, generating an electro-magnetic wave, traveling waves
and Maxwell’s equations, energy transport and the Poynting vector.

Books Recommended:

1. Physics Vol. II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons
Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol.II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA),
USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.


Prerequisite None

Kinetic theory of the ideal gas, work done on an ideal gas, internal energy of an ideal gas,
intermolecular forces.
Statistical mechanics, statistical distribution and mean values, distribution of molecular speeds,
distribution of energies, Brownian motion.
Heat and Thermodynamics; heat, different theories of heat, specific heat, gram molecular specific
heat, laws of thermodynamics, Zeroth law, first law, second law, third law of thermodynamics,
reversible and irreversible processes, indicator diagram, entropy, law of increase of entropy,
temperature-entropy diagram, Maxwell’s thermodynamics relations, TDS equations, Clapeyron’s
equation, entropy and second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, second
law of thermodynamics, Carnot Cycle, Carnot engine, thermodynamic temperature scale, entropy,
low temperature physics.
Thermoelectricity, Seebeck effect, Peltier effect, thermocouple.

Books Recommended:

1. Physics Vol I.&II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons
Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol I &II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons
Inc, New York, 2002.
3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA),
5. 2000.
6. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.


Prerequisite Phys 1101, 1102, 1201

Quantum physics: Thermal radiation (black body radiation), quantization of energy, The
photoelectric effect, Einstein’s photon theory, the Compton effect, line spectra, wave behavior of
particles, Testing de Broglie’s hypothesis, waves, waves packets and particles, Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle, Wave function, Schrödinger equation, trapped particles and probability
densities, the correspondence principle, dual nature of matter (waves and particles).
Atomic physics: The atomic structure of hydrogen, Bohr’s theory, angular momentum of electrons,
electron spin, X-ray spectrum, development of periodic table, laser.
Nuclear physics: Discovering the nucleus, some nuclear properties, radioactive decay, measuring
ionizing radiation, natural radioactivity, nuclear reaction.
Energy from the nucleus, nuclear fission, nuclear reactor, thermonuclear fusion, controlled
thermonuclear fusion.
Solid state physics: Electrons in solids, free electron gas, semiconductors and insulators,
semiconductor devices, superconductivity.

Books Recommended:

1. Physics Vol. II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons
Inc, New York, 1992.
2. Physics Vol.II (extended) by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 2002.

3. Fundamental of Physics by Halliday Resnick and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc,
New York, 1999.
4. University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA),
USA, 2000.
5. Physics by Alonso and Finn: Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), USA, 1999.
6. Concepts of Modern Physics by A. Beiser: McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, 1988.


Prerequisites Phys 1101, 1102, 1201

1. The Harmonic Oscillation of Helical springs-parallel and series connection of spring

2. Measuring moments of inertia of different bodies disc-Hollow of Solid cylinder
3. Measurement of the speed of sound in air
4. Coherence & width of spectral lines
5. Diffraction intensity at slit of double slit system
6. Stephen-Boltzmann’s law of Radiation
7. Characteristics curve of a solar cell
8. Magnetic field of paired coils in Helmoltz coils


Prerequisite Phys 1201

Circuit Analysis: Network theorems, AC circuit analysis using the j operator.

Semiconductor Devices and Applications: The pn junction diode, Rectifier circuits, Clippers,
Clampers, Voltage multipliers.
Bipolar Junction Transistor and Its Biasing: Basic transistor configurations, The dc biasing circuits and
bias stabilization.
Field Effect Transistor and FET DC Biasing:
The depletion-mode JFET, The depletion-mode MOSFET, The enhancement-mode FET, The dc biasing
circuits and bias stabilization.
Bipolar Junction Transistor Models: The rC model, The hybrid equivalent model, Graphical
determination of h-parameters, Variation of transistor parameters.
BJT Small-Signal Analysis: The CE fixed-bias, self-bias and voltage-divider amplifiers, The emitter
follower, The CB amplifier, Complete hybrid equivalent model.
FET Small-Signal Analysis: The JFET fixed bias, self-bias, voltage-divider and source-follower

Books Recommended:

1. Basic Electronics by B. Grob, 8th Edition, Glencoe-McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA), 2002.
2. Introductory Circuit Analysis by Robert L. Boylestad, 6th Edi., Merril Publ. Co. Columbus,
Ohio (USA) 1990.
3. Electronic Devices by Thomas L. Floyd: 5th Edition Prentice-Hall Inter. Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
(USA), 1999.

4. Electronic Principles by Albert P. Malvino, 5th Edition Glencoe-McGraw-Hill Book Co., New
York (USA) 1993.
5. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits by Robert T. Paynter, Prentice-Hall Intern. Inc.
Upper Saddle River N.Y. USA, 1997
6. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky 6th Edition,
Prentice-Hall International, Inc., (USA), 1996
7. Electronic Devices and Circuits, by Theodre F. Bogart, Jr. 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Upper
Saddle River, NJ (USA) 1997.
8. Electronic Circuits and Systems, by J. D. Ryder, Charles M. Thomson, Prentice-Hall Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (USA) 1976.

Phys 2402 PHYSICS LAB-II (General Physics-II) (CR2)

Prerequisites Phys 2302

1. Interference of light Fresnel Biprism

2. Measurement of wavelengths of sodium light, difference of wave lengths and thickness of thin
film e.g. mica using Michelson interferometer.
3. The determination of Cauchy’s constants using spectrometer.
4. Determining the modulus of elasticity.
5. Investigating the Fourier transforms: simulation of the Fourier analysis and synthesis.
6. Determining resistances using a Wheatstone bridge.


Prerequisite Phys 1101

Historical development of classical mechanics, Newtonian mechanics and its limitations, Lagrangian
formulation in generalized coordinates, calculus of variation, Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange’s
equation, space time symmetries and conservation laws, homogeneity and isotropy, cyclic
coordinates, integrals of motion.
Central force, two-body central problem, Kepler’s problem, planetary orbits and their equations,
perturbation of orbits.
Legendre’s transformation, Hamiltonian and Hamilton’s equations of motion, Routhian, configuration
space, phase space and state space.
Canonical transformations and their properties, canonical transformation of the free particle
Hamiltonian, Poisson brackets and their properties, Poisson’s theorems, invariance of Poisson’s
brackets under canonical transformations.

Books Recommended:

1. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1950.

2. Mechanics by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, , Pergamon ,Oxford. 1960.
3. Classical Mechanics by J. W. Leech Methuen and Co. Ltd., London, 1958.
4. Classical Mechanics by V. D. Barger and M. G. Olsson, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.
5. Analytical Mechanics by L. N. Hand and J. D. Finch, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

Prerequisites Math 1101,1102, 1201, 1202

Vectors, divergence theorem, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem, curvilinear coordinates, orthogonal
curvilinear coordinates, gradient in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, divergence and curl in
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Laplacian, spherical polar coordinates.
Complex numbers, Euler’s formula, De Moivre’s theorem, elementary functions, analytic functions of
complex variables, Cauchy-Riemann equation, harmonic functions, complex integration, Cauchy’s
theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, Contour integrals, singularities and
residues, residue theorem, poles on the real axis, branch points and integrals of multivalued
Tensors, coordinate transformation, rank of a tensor, covariant and contravariant tensors,
Tensor algebra, metric tensor, Christoffel symbols, equation of geodesic, Riemann tensor.

Books Recommended:

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, Wiley, New York, 1999.

2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber, A. Press, New York,
3. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J.
Bence, ambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997.
4. Complex Variable by Murray R Spiegel, Schaum’s outline series, McGraw Hill 1974.


Prerequisite Phys 2301

Crystal structure, periodic arrays of atoms, fundamental types of lattices, index system for crystal
planes, simple crystal structures, direct imaging of atomic structure, non-ideal crystal structures,
reciprocal lattice, Diffraction of waves by crystals, scattered wave amplitude, Brillouin zones,
Fourier analysis of the basis, quasi crystals, crystal binding and elastic constants, crystals of inert
gases, ionic crystals, covalent crystals, metals, hydrogen bonds, analysis of elastic strains, elastic
compliance and stiffness constants, elastic waves in cubic crystals.
Vibrations of crystals with monatomic basis, two atoms per primitive basis, quantization of elastic
waves, phonon momentum, inelastic scattering by phonons, Phonon heat capacity, anharmonic
crystal interactions, thermal conductivity, electronic heat capacity.
Noncrystalline solids, diffraction pattern, glasses, amorphous ferromagnets and semiconductors

Books Recommended:

1. Introduction to Solid State Physics by C. Kittle, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996.
2. Solid State Physics by Neil W. Ashcroft, N. David Mermin, CBS Publishing Asia Ltd. 1987.
3. Solid State Physics by J. S. Blakemore, Cambridge University Press, 1991.


Prerequisite Phys 2401

BJT and FET Frequency Response: General Frequency Considerations, Low-frequency analysis-Bode
Plot, Low-frequency Response in BJT and FET Amplifiers, The Miller effect, High-frequency Response
in BJT and FE amplifiers, Multistage Effects.
Negative Feedback and Oscillator Circuits: Feedback Concepts, Feedback Types, Practical Feedback
Circuits, Oscillator Operation, Phase-shift Oscillator, Colpitts and Hartley Oscillator, Armstrong
Oscillator, Wien Bridge Oscillator, Crystal Oscillator. Astable Multivibrator, Monosatble Multivibrator,
Bistable Multivibrator, Schmitt-trigger circuit.
Power Amplifiers: Class A, Class B and Class C Amplifiers, Class AB Amplifier, Other Power Amplifier
Circuits, Power Transistor and Heat Sink.
Operational Amplifiers: Differential Amplifier Circuit, Inverting and Non-inverting configuration,
frequency response operational amplifier, OPAM Basics, Practical OPAM Circuits, Constant-gain
Amplifier, Voltage Summing,Voltage Buffer.
Power Supplies: Capacitor Filter, -Filter, -R Filter, Discrete Transistor Voltage Regulation,
Regulation by Zener Diode.
Special Diodes: Varactor, Light Emitting Diode, Zener Diode, Photodiode, Tunnel Diode, Shockley
Diode, SCR, Light-activated SCR, Diac, Triac, Unijunction Transistor, LCD.
Introduction to Digital Electronics: The Number Systems, combinational and sequential systems,
adder circuits and flip-flops.

Books Recommended:

1. Electronic Devices by Thomas L. Floyd: 5th Edition Prentice-Hall Inter. Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
(USA), 1999.
2. Electronic Principles by Albert P. Malvino, 5th Edition Glencoe-McGraw-Hill Book Co., New
York (USA) 1993.
3. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits by Robert T. Paynter, Prentice-Hall Intern. Inc.
Upper Saddle River N.Y. USA, 1997
4. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky 6th Edition,
Prentice-Hall International, Inc., (USA), 1996
5. Electronic Devices and Circuits, by Theodre F. Bogart, Jr. 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Upper
Saddle River, NJ (USA) 1997.
6. Electronic Circuits and Systems, by J. D. Ryder, Charles M. Thomson, Prentice-Hall Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (USA) 1976.
7. Digital Technology by Louis Nashesky, John Wiley and Sons, New york (USA), 1983.
8. Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, #rd Ed. Prentice-Hall Intern. Inc., Englewood Cliffs
(USA), 1986.
9. Digital Systems by Ronald J.Tocci, Prentice-Hall Intern. Inc., Englewood Cliffs (USA), 1995.


Prerequisites Phys 2301, 3501

Quantum Mechanics of One dimensional Problems: Review of concepts of classical mechanics, State
of a system, Properties of one dimensional potential functions, Functions and expectation values,
Dirac notation and Hermitian operators, Solutions of Schrodinger equations for free particles, The
potential carrier problems, The linear harmonic Oscillator.
Formalism of Quantum Mechanics: The state of a system, Dynamical variables and operators,
Commuting observable, Heisenberg Uncertainty relations, Time evaluation of a system, Schrodinger
and Heisenberg pictures, Symmetry principles and conservation laws.
Angular Momentum: Orbital angular momentum, Angular momenta, The eigenvalues and eigen
functions of L and Lz.
Schrodinger Equation in Three Dimensions: Separation of Schrodinger equation in cartesian
coordinates, Central potentials, The free particle, three dimensional square well potential, The
hydrogenic atom, Three dimensional square well potential, The hydrogenic atom.

Books Recommended:

1. Introductory Quantum Mechanic by B.H. Bransden & C.J. Joachain, Longman Scientific &
Technical London, 1990.
2. A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by J.S. Townsend, McGraw Hill Book Company,
Singapore, 1992.
3. An Introduction Quantum Mechanics by W.Greiner, Addison Wesley Publishing Company,
Reading Massachusetts, 1980.
4. Introductory Quantum Mechanics by R.L. Liboff, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading
Massachusetts, 1980.
5. Theory of Quanta by Bialynicki-Birula, M. Cieplak & J.Kaminski, Oxford University Press, New
York, 1992.
6. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by W.Greiner, Springer Veriag, Berlin, 1990.
7. Quantum Mechanics by F. Schwable, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1992.


Prerequisites Phys 2301, 2402

1. Determining the specific Heat of Solids

2. To determine the characteristic of G. M. tube and measure the range and maximum energy of 
3. Characteristics of G.M. counter and study of fluctuations in random process.
4. Determining velocity of viscous fluids using a falling-ball viscometer.
5. Determining the specific heats of solids.
6. Measuring magnetic field of (i) a straight conductor and (ii) a pair of coils in the Helmholtz


Prerequisites Phys 3502

Special functions, Hermite polynomial, Legendre and associate Legendre polynomial, Laguerre
polynomial, Bessel function, Neumann function, Hankel function, Modified and spherical Bessel
function, Gamma function, error function.

Fourier series, cosine and sine series, change of interval, Fourier integral, complex form of Fourier
series, Fourier transform, Fourier transform of derivatives, convolution theorem, Laplace transform,
Laplace transform of derivatives, applications of Fourier and Laplace transforms.
Boundary value problem in physics, boundary value problems and series solution, the Sturn-Liouville
problem, non-homogeneous boundary value problem and Green’s function, Green’s function for one-
dimensional problem, eigenfunction expansion of Green’s function, Green’s function in higher
dimensions, Green’s function for Poisson’s equation, quantum mechanical scattering problem.

Book Recommended:

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, Wiley, New York, 1999.

2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber, A Press, New York,
3. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J.
Bence, Cambridge University Press, 1997.


Prerequisite Phys 3503

Energy levels in one dimension, effect of temperature on the Fermi-Dirac distribution, free electron
gas in three dimensions, heat capacity of the electron gas, experimental electrical resistivity of
metals, umklapp scattering, motion in magnetic fields, Hall effect, thermal conductivity of metals,
ratio of thermal to electrical conductivity, nanostructures.
Nearly free electron model, origin of the energy gap, magnitude of the energy gap, Bloch functions,
wave equation of an electron in a periodic potential, crystal momentum of an electron, solution of
the central equation, empty lattice approximation, approximate solution near a zone boundary,
number of orbital in a band, metals and insulators.
Band gap, equation of motion, effective mass, physical interpretation of the effective mass,
effective masses in semiconductors, silicon and germanium, intrinsic carrier concentration, intrinsic
mobility, impurity conductivity, donor states, acceptor states, thermal ionization of donors and
acceptors, thermoelectric effects, semimetals, superlattices.

Books Recommended:
1. Solid State Physics by Blakemore: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
2. Solid State Physics by Neil W. Ashcroft and David Mermin: CBS Publ. Co. 1987.
3. Introduction to Solid State Physics by C. Kittle 7th Edition: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1996.


Prerequisite Phys 3505
Matrix Mechanics: Linear vector space, orthogonal systems, linear transformations, matrices, change
of basis, Hilbert space, Dirac Notation, matrix representation, diagonalization, examples.
Identical Particles and Second Quantization: Indistinguishability of identical particles, Systems of
identical particles, Quantum dynamics of identical particle systems. Angular momenta and spin 1/2
boson operators,
Approximate Methods: Time independent perturbation theory for non degenerate levels, The
variational method, The WKB approximation, Time dependent perturbation theory.
The Theory of Scattering: Scattering experiments and cross sections, Potential scattering, The
method of partial waves, The Bom approximation.

Books Recommended:
1. Introductory Quantum Mechanic by B.H. Bransden & C.J. Joachain, Longman Scientific &
Technical London, 1990.
2. A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by J.S. Townsend, McGraw Hill Book Company,
Singapore, 1992.
3. An Introduction Quantum Mechanics by W.Greiner, Addison Wesley Publishing Company,
Reading Massachusetts, 1980.
4. Introductory Quantum Mechanics by R.L. Liboff, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading
Massachusetts, 1980.
5. Theory of Quanta by Bialynicki-Birula, M. Cieplak & J.Kaminski, Oxford University Press, New
York, 1992.
6. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by W.Greiner, Springer Veriag, Berlin, 1990.
7. Quantum Mechanics by F. Schwable, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1992.


Prerequisite Phys 3504
Number Systems: Binary, octal, hexadecimal number system, conversion of different systems, Digital
Implementations of Logic Functions by Logic Gates:
Boolean algebra, logic gates and their application in logic design, Karnaugh maps and its use in some
design problems, code converter logic design.
Analog to Digital Conversion: Digital to analog conversion, converter Specifications.
Synchronous Logic: Sequential logic, Flip Flops; R-S, T, D, Master-Slave J-K Flip Flop, basic binary
ripple counter, modulus counters, parallel and up-down counter application as digital time (clock),
arithmetic functions, shift registers, semi-conductor memory, programmable logic devices, (GAL,
Digital Computer: Concept of computer system

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Digital Computer Technology by Mashelsky (Wiley),
2. Pulse Digital and Switching Wave forms by Millman and Taub (McGraw-Hill)
3. Electronic and Radio Engineering by F.E. Terman McGraw-Hill.


Prerequisite CSCI-2301, 2401
Physics problems solving using Numerical methods, Euler-Newton method for solving differential
equations, the trapezoidal rule for numerical quadrature and applications of random number,
brownian motion, solution of integral equations, linear algebra, solution of linear algebraic
equations, sorting and curve fitting.
Programming techniques in practical applications to advanced Physics problems.
Introduction to simulation techniques and computer graphics, use of computation and computer
graphics to simulate the behavior of complex Physical systems, computational techniques in
investigating and visualizing fundamental physics, scientific packages, introduction to Scientific work
bench for problem solving in electronics.
Books Recommended:
1. Computational Physics by J.M. Thijssen, CUP (1999).
2. Computational Methods in Physic, Chemistry and Biology by P.Harrison, John Willey and Sons
3. A First Course in Computational Physics by Paul L. Devries, John Willey and Sons. N.Y. (1994).
4. Computational Physics by Henry J. Gardner, World Scientific, Singapore (1997).
5. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing by William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery,
Saul A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling Cambridge University Press, (1988).
6. Mathematica for Physics: Robert L. Zimmerman Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.


Prerequisite Phys 3504, 3604
The students will have to perform at least EIGHT experiments from the list given below:
1. Design a full-wave rectifier and study its output without and with a capacitor filter.
2. Design a full-wave rectifier and study its output with a π-filter.
3. Design a regulated power supply using Zener diode and study its regulation.
4. Design clipper and clamping circuits and study the output waveshapes.
5. Design circuits for logic gates (NOT, OR, NOR, AND, NAND, XOR) using discrete components.
6. Design differentiator and integrator circuits and study output waveshapes.
7. Design a CE amplifier and study its frequency response. Determine its low- and upper-limit
frequencies and also the bandwidth.
8. Design an emitter amplifier and determine its input and output impedance.
9. Design an RC phase-shift oscillator and determine its frequency by Lissajous figures.
10. Design an astable multivibrator and determine its frequency.
11. Design a transformer-coupled class A power amplifier and determine its ac power delivered to
the load and percent efficiency.


Prerequisites Phys 3602, 3603
Classical statistical mechanics, phase space description of physical systems, macro systems and
microsystems, ensembles, entropy in statistical mechanics, micro canonical ensemble, canonical
ensemble, grand canonical ensemble, diatomic molecules, heat capacities of diatomic gasses and
Quantum statistics, basic concept of quantum statistics, Pauli exclusion principle, Bose-Einstein and
Fermi-Dirac distributions, frequency spectrum of a black body and Planck’s radiation law, Liouville’s
theorem, equality of probability for the perfect gas, energy distribution of conduction electrons in
metals, degree of gas degenerations, completely degenerate Fermi-Dirac gas, concept of
fluctuations, Bose-Einstein condensation, introduction to density matrix approach.

Books Recommended:
1. Elementary Statistical Physics by C. Kittle John Wiley, New York, 1958.
2. Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by R. Reif McGraw-Hill Education - Europe;
January 1, 1965.
3. Modern Physics An Introducing to its Mathematical Language by William A. Blanped.
4. Statistical Physics by A.J. Pointon, publisher Longman, 1967.

Prerequisite Phys 1201, 3601
Equation of Poisson and Laplace, applications of Laplace’s equation to problems (conductors and
dielectrics) having spherical cylindrical and cartesian symmentry, electrical images (conductors and
Electric Current: Nature of the current, current density and equation of continuity, Ohm’s law,
steady current in media without sources of e.m.f., approach to electrostatic equilibrium.
Magnetic induction, force on current carrying conductors, Biot-Sawart law, Ampere’s circuital law,
the magnetic vector and scaler potentials, the magnetic field of a distant circuit.
Magnetic Properties of Matter: Magnetisation, vectors M and H produced by magnetized materials
field equation, boundary conditions on the field vectors.
Maxwell’s Equations and their Applications: Maxwell’s equations and the generalization of the
Ampere’s law, electromagnetic energy, vector and scalar potentials, gauge transformations (Lorentz
gauge, coulombs guage), pressure of radiations.

Books Recommended:
1. Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson, Wiley, 1975.
2. Electricity and Magnetism by W. J. Duffin, McGraw-Hill, 1990.
3. Electromagnetism by I.S. Grant and W. R. Phillips Wiley, 1990.
4. Introduction to Electrodynamics by D. Griffiths Prentice Hall, 1989.


Prerequisite Phys 3603
Basic Properties of Nucleus: Size and mass of the nucleus, nuclear spin, magnetic dipole moment,
electric quadrupole moment, parity and nuclear statistics.
Detectors: Passage of charged particles through matter, ionisation chamber, proportional counter,
scintillation counter, semi-conductor detector, emulsion technique, bubble chamber, Particle
Accelerators: Linear and orbital accelerators, Van de Graff, betatron, synchrocyclotorn, proton
Radio-Active Decay: Theory of alpha decay, and explanation of observed phenoma, measurement of
-ray energies, the magnetic lense spectrometer, Fermi theory of -decay, neutrino hypothesis,
theory of gamma decay, multipolarity of gamma-rays, nuclear isomerism.
Nuclear Forces: Yukawa theory, proton-proton and neutron-proton scattering, charge independence
and spin dependence of nuclear force, isotopic spin, Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model, shell model,
collective model.

Books Recommended:
1. Nuclei and particles by E. Serge, 1980.
2. A Text Book of Nuclear Physics by C.M.H. Smith, Pergamon Press Oxford, 1966.
3. Nuclear Physics by I. Kaplan, Addison-Wesley, 1980.
4. Introductory Nuclear Physics by Krane, 1980.
5. Concepts of Modern Physics by Beiser, 1980.


Prerequisite Phys 3501, 3601
Special Relativity, Galilean relativity, concept of ether, Michelson-Morley experiment, Eistein’s
postulates of special relativity, Lorentz transformations, structure of spacetime, Minkowski
spacetime tensors, the light-cone, line element, four-vectors, relativity of simultaneity, time
dilation, proper time, length contraction, twin paradox, velocity transformation and velocity
addition. Relativistic Mechanics, Force equation in relativity, rest mass, kinetic and total energy,
conservation of energy and momentum.
Elements of Tesnsor Calculus: Manifolds and coordinates, curves and surfaces, tensor fields,
geodesics, Riemann tensor, metric tensor, Einstein’s tensor.
General Relativity: Principles of general relativity, equation of geodesics deviation, Einstein’s field
Cosmology: Newtonian cosmology, cosmological redshift, Hubble’s law, microwave background, the
Big Bang, FRW metric.

Books Recommended:
1. Dynamics and Relativity, by W. D. McComb, Oxford University Press, 1999.
2. Introduction to Cosmology, J. V. Narlikar, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
3. Introducing Einstein’s Relativity, R. D’Inverno, Oxford University Press, 1992.


Prerequisite Phys 4702
Maxwell’s Equations and their Applications: Green’s function for time dependent wave equation,
retarded scaler and vector potentials, radiation from an oscillating dipole, plane electromagnetic
wave, plane waves in a conducting and non-conducting media, linear and cirucular polarization, and
superposition of waves in one dimension, boundary conditions, reflection and refraction of
electromagnetic waves at a plane interface between dielectrics, waves polarization by reflection and
total internal reflection, reflection from a conducting medium, covariant formulation of
electrodynamics, transformation laws of electro magnetic fields, the field of a uniformly moving and
accelerated electron.
Plasma Physics: Introduction, electrical neutrality in a plasma, particle orbits and drift motion in a
plasma, magnetic mirrors, the hydromagnetic equations, pinch effect, plasma oscillations and wave
Lasers: Black body radiation, Induced emission and the gain coefficient, oscillations, output coupling,
power and efficiency, optical resonators, fluctuation in lasers, solid state lasers, optical coupling,
laser resonators, giant pulse techniques oscillators-amplifier lasers, power and energy supplies, high
repetition rate laser, ruby laser, gas laser, semi-conductor diode laser, theory of p.n. junction laser,
efficiency and thresh-hold current of diode lasers, applications of lasers.

Books Recommended:
1. Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson, Wiley, 1975.
2. Electricity and Magnetism by W. J. Duffin, McGraw-Hill, 1990.
3. Electromagnetism by I.S. Grant and W. R. Phillips Wiley, 1990.
4. Introduction to Electrodynamics by D. Griffiths Prentice Hall, 1989.


Prerequisite Phys 4703
Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model, shell model, collective model. Nuclear Reactions: Conservation
laws of nuclear reactions, Q-value of nuclear reaction, threshold energy, transmutation by photons,
protons, deutrons and alpha particles, excited states of nucleus, energy levels, level width, Cross

section from nuclear reactions, compound nucleus theory of nuclear reactions, limitations of
compound nucleus theory, resonances, Breit-Wigner formula, direct reactions.
Neutron Physics: Neutron sources, radioactive sources, photo neutron sources, charged particle
sources, reactor as a neutron source, slow neutron detectors, fast neutron detectors, slowing down
of neutron, nuclear fission, description of fission reaction, mass distribution of fission energy,
average number of neutrons released, theory of fission and spontaneous fission.
Thermonuclear Reactions: Fusion and thermonuclear process, energy released in nuclear fusion,
carbon nitrogen & oxygen cycle, controlled nuclear fusion, D-D & D-T reactions.

Books Recommended:
1. Nuclei and particles by E. Serge, 1980.
2. A Text Book of Nuclear Physics by C.M.H. Smith, Pergamon Press Oxford, 1966.
3. Nuclear Physics by I. Kaplan, Addison-Wesley, 1980.
4. Introductory Nuclear Physics by Krane, 1980.
5. Concepts of Modern Physics by Beiser, 1980.


Prerequisite Phys 3605
Simulation techniques-II , Physics problem solving, Motion of falling objects, Motion in single and
multi dimensional, programming techniques in quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and nuclear
physics, Numerical solutions to Schrodinger’s equations , Numerical integration and Monte Carlo
Laplace transformation, Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations, Sorting and Curve fitting,
Interpolation and extrapolation, Special Functions, Differentiation and Integration of functions,
Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Integration, Fourier Transform Spectral Methods

Books Recommended:
1. Computational Physics by J.M. Thijssen, CUP (1999).
2. Computational Methods in Physic, Chemistry and Biology by P.Harrison, John Willey and Sons
3. A First Course in Computational Physics by Paul L. Devries, John Willey and Sons. N.Y. (1994).
4. Computational Physics by Henry J. Gardner, World Scientific, Singapore (1997).
5. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing by William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery,
Saul A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling Cambridge University Press, (1988).
6. Mathematica for Physics: Robert L. Zimmerman Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.



Prerequisite Phys 3603
Particle Classification: Quantum numbers, leptons, hadrons, baryons, mesons, quarks.
The Fundamental Interactions: The electromagnetic coupling, the strong coupling, the weak
Symmetry Transformation and Conservation Laws: Translation in space, rotation in space, the group
SU (2), systems of identical particles, parity, isospin charge conjugation, time reversal, G parity, CPT

The Electromagnetic Field: Gauge invariance and Maxwell’s equations, polarization and photon spin,
angular momentum, parity and C parity of the photon.

Books Recommended:
1. Nuclear and Particle Physics by Burcham, E. E. and Jobes, M., Longman, (1995).
2. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics by Das, A. and Ferbel, T., Johan Wiley and Sons,
3. Concepts of Particle Physics by Gottfried, K. and Weisskopt, F., Vol. 1, Oxford University
Press, (1986).
4. Introduction of elementary Particles by Griffiths, D., John Wiley and Sons, (1987).
5. Nuclear and Particle Physics by Williams, W.S.C., Oxford University Press, (1995).
6. A Modern Introduction to Particle Physics by Fayyazudding and Riazuddin, World Scientific,
7. Quarks and Leptons by Halzen F and Martin A.D., Wiley, (1984).


Prerequisite Phys 4711

The Klein-Gordan Equation: Non relativistic quantum mechanics, Lorentz covariance and 4 vector
notation, the Klein Gordon equation, the Feynman-Stuckelberg interpretation of E < 0 solutions, non
relativistic perturbation theory (brief review), rules for scattering amplitudes in the Feynman-
Stukelberg approach.
The Dirac Equation: Covariant form of the Dirac Equation, Dirac -matrices, conserved current and
the adjoint equation, free particle spinors, anti particles, normalization of spinors and the
completeness relations, bilinear covariants, zero mass fermion, the two-component neutrino.

Books Recommended:
1. Relatvistic Quantum Mechanics by Bjorken, J. D. and Drell, S. D., McGraw-Hill, (1964)
International Edition reprinted in (1995).
2. Quarks and Leptons by Halzen, F. and Martin, A.D., John-Wiley and Sons (1984).
3. Quantum Mechanics by Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin, World Scientific, (1990).
4. Introduction to Elementary Particles by Griffiths, D., John-Wiley and Sons, (1987).


Prerequisite Phys 3604
Amplitude modulation principles: Modulation, AM, FM, pulse modulation, power relationships,
assignable frequency spectrum, band selection.
AM transmitters: cCircuits, high level modulation, double modulation, AM with pulse width
modulation, low level modulation.
AM radio receivers and transmitters: Superheterodyne receiver, double conversion receivers,
receiver circuits: IF Amplifiers, AM detectors, automatic gain control, audio amplifiers, squelch,
receiver schematics, loudspeakers, AM stereo.
Frequency Modulation Principles: Modulated wave, FM radio frequency band, direct and indirect
frequency modulation (Phase Modulation), carrier phase in the frequency-modulated wave, FM
detectors, stereo FM, FM receiver.
Television: Scanning principles, deflection systems, video camera tubes, video picture, signal, TV
receiver Front end, color TV receivers.
Books Recommended:
1. Electronic Communication by Kennedy George, McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. Electronic Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, 2nd. Ed., Maxwell-Macmillan, New York, 1991.
3. Essential of Communication Electronics by M. Slurzberg and W. Osterfield, National Book
Foundation, Islamabad, 1991.
4. Introduction to Linear Electrical Circuits and Electronics by M. C. Kelly and B. Nichols, John
Wiley, New York, 1988.
5. Electronic Circuits Handbook by Michael Tooley, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 1994.
6. Introduction to Electronic Design by F. H. Mitchell Jr. and Mitchell Sr., Prentice Hall, London,
7. Digital Principles and Applications by A. P. Malvino and D. P. Leach, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, New
York, 1986.
8. Perspectives in communication by U.R. Rao, Pub. World Scientific, 1987.
9. Digital Electronics By C. E. Strangio, Prentice Hall, London, Latest Edition
10. Digital Computer Electronics By Malvino A. P. and Brown J.A., McGraw Hill School Publishing
Company, 1993.
11. Electronics for Today by Tom Duncan, Oxford University Press.


Prerequisite Phys 4713
1. Design and study the application of operational amplifier (current to voltage converter,
Instrumentation amplifier, buffer, voltage clamp, integrator, differentiator, low and high pass
filter, half –wave rectifier etc.).
2. Design sinusoidal oscillators and function generators.
3. Design RF transistor oscillator, Convert it into a transmitter. detect the transmitted wave by a
radio receiver (both for AM & FM).
4. Circuit study and fault finding of audio-oscillator/ commercial radio and T.V.
5. Design and construct an analog to digital and digital to analog converters using IC’s.


Prerequisite Phys 3604
Operational amplifiers: Ideal operational amplifier, differential amplifier, emitter coupled
differential amplifier, offset error and voltages/currents, operational amplifier parameters and
applications, frequency response of operational amplifiers.
Combinational Digital Circuits and Systems: Overview of number system, digital codes and circuits,
Arithmetic circuits, Decoders/Encoder and multiplexers.
Sequential Logic; Flip-flops, latches, JK, T and D flip-flops, Master-slave flip-flops.
Register and Counters; Shift registers, ripple and Synchronous binary counters, Analog to digital
conversion and digital to analog conversion, conversion errors.
Memory and programmable logic: ROM and RAM, memory decoding, error detection and correction,
Control Logic Design: Microoperations, shifter unit, micriprogrammed control, ALU and control of
microprocessor unit.
CPU addressing modes: Address field and modes, stack organization, data transfer instructions, data
manipulation instructions, program interrupt. Input-output interface, design of a CPU, pipeline
Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Digital Computer Technology by Mashelsky (Wiley),
2. Pulse Digital and Switching Wave forms by Millman and Taub (McGraw-Hill)
3. Microwave Principles, by Reich-Skalmik-Ordung-Kranss.
4. Microwave Measurements by Gingston.
5. Electronic and Radio Engineering by F.E. Terman McGraw-Hill.
6. Integrated Electronics by Millman and Halkias.
7. Microprocessors (principles and application) 2nd Eddition by Gilmore, (1996).
8. Computer Engineering, Hardware design by M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall (1988)


Prerequisite Phys 4715
1. Design of a UJT relaxation oscillator of a variable frequency, measure frequency and amplitude
of the output.
2. Design RF transistor oscillator, Convert it into a transmitter. detect the transmitted wave by a
radio receiver (both for AM & FM).
3. Design an inverting and non-investing D.C. amplifier, measurement of parameters of a given IC
operational amplifier.
4. Design and study the application of operational amplifier (current to voltage converter,
Instrumentation amplifier, buffer, voltage clamp, integrator, differentiator, low and high pass
filter, half –wave rectifier etc.).
5. Design a fixed and self bias transistor binary and triggering of binary, using IC’s construct and
study RS, JK (Master slave), T and D flip-flops.
6. Design and study of a half and full adder with different Boolean expression using IC’s.


Introduction to materials; properties of the materials; Types of Materials (i) metallic materials & (ii)
Non metallic materials); Selection of Materials; Bonds in Solid; Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding,
Metallic Bonding, Van der Waals Bonding, Secondary Bonding, & Mix bonding, Effect of Bond type on
structure and properties such as density, stability, melting point, stiffness and electrical properties.
Crystallography or crystal structure; The Space of Lattice, Crystal systems and Brass Lattice,
Principal Metallic Crystal Structures, Atom Position in Cubic Unit Cells, Directions in Cubic Unit cells,
Miller Indices for Crystallographic Planes in Cubic Unit Cells, Crystallographic Planes and directions in
Hexagonal Unit Cells, Comparison of FCC, HCP, and BCC Crystal structures, Volume, Planar, and
Linear Density Unit Cell Calculations, Polymorphism or Allotropy, Crystal Structure Analysis.
Non-Metallic Materials: Composite Materials, Ceramic Materials, Polymeric Materials, Semi-conductor
/ Electronic Materials.

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy by S.H.Avner, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. New York, 1999.
2. Materials Science and Engineering and Introduction by W.D. Cluster, John Wiley & Sons (USA),
3. Principles of Materials Science and Engineering by W.F. Smith, McGraw-Hill Book Comp, New
York, 1999.
4. Material Science & Metallurgy by O.P. Khanna, Dhanpat Rai & Sons Delhi, 1994.

Prerequisite Phys 4717
Note: The students are required to do at least ten experiments from the following list:
Classification of Materials,
1. To classify the given specimen of materials into
Metallic materials and non-metallic materials
a. Metals and alloys
b.Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals
c.Ferrous and Non-Ferrous alloys
2. Study of furnace (Heat-Treatment Furnace) and a thermocouple pyrometer.
3. Study/understanding and working of a Metallurgical Microscope.
4. Study/understanding and working of a Metallurgical Microscope.
5. Study the microstructure of a given metals/alloys.
6. To determine the hardness of a given metallic material by
a. Vicker’s Hardness testing Machine.
b. Brinell Hardness Testing Machine
c. Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine.
7. Study the relationship of Vicker’s, Brinell and Rockwell hardness of given material.
8. To study the Mechanical Properties of a given sample.
9. To perform mechanical testing of polyethene.
10. To determine heat deflection temperature of given sample of polymer (Acrylic).
11. To perform thermogravimertric analysis of given polymeric materials & determine
decomposition temperature.
12. To fabricate ceramic material by slip casting technique.
13. To determine the thermal shock resistance of the given material.
14. To study the thermal changes occurring in the given clays on heating with differential thermal
analysis.(for refractory spalling index).
15. To determine the % age loss of moisture of the given clay.
16. To calculate moisture contents in the given sample of ceramics material.
17. To determine the %age water absorption in the given sample of refractory material.
18. To determine the loss in ignition in the given sample of clay.
19. To determine the porosity and density of a given refractory material.


Prerequisite Phys 1201, Biol 1201
Nature and scope of biophysics; Molecular Structure of Biological Systems; Chemical binding,
energies and bonds; Energy transfer and transformation in photosynthesis and biological membranes;
Dynamics of biological systems; Fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, aqueous and ionic
equilibrium of living cells; Other biotransport processes; Long and short distance transports;
Viscoelestic properties of biomaterials.

Books Recommended:
1. Radiation Biophysics by L.Alpen Edward, Academic Press, (1988).
2. Biophysics—An Introduction. John Wiley and Son, (2002).
3. Molecular Biophysics: Structures in Motion, Oxford University Press UK, (1999).
4. Biophysics by Glaser Rowland (2001). Springer Verlag, Berlin.
5. Biophysical Thermodynamics by T. Haynie Donald, Cambridge, University Press UK, (2001).

Prerequisite Phys 1201, Biol 1201
The students are required to perform the following experiments:
1. Study of transport processes in plants
2. Study of membrane potential and redox
3. Study of germination and growth biology magnetized and irradiated seeds
4. Monitoring studies of body temperature in organisms under stress


Prerequisite Phys 1202
Synoptic Meteorology: Composition & structure of atmosphere, ICAO standard atmosphere, Weather
elements, Air mass classification, Thermodynamic characteristics, General Circulation.
Atmospheric thermodynamics, First law of thermodynamics and enthalpy, adiabatic processes and
potential temperature, The second law of thermodynamics, entropy, thermodynamics of water
vapour and moist air, thermodynamic properties of the water substance, phase transition of water,
water vapour and most air, Clausius-Clapeyron’s quation, Aerological diagrams, selection of
coordinates, choice of diagram, analysis of tephigram.
Methods of Surface Observations & Codes: Reading of routine observations, barometric corrections &
reduction, reading, setting & maintenance of thermometers, surface codes, Aeronautical codes
(Speci & Metar)

Books Recommended:
1. Hand Book Of Applied Meteorology by Hougton (Publisher: Wiley), 1st Edition, 1985.
2. Atmospheric Chemistry & Global Change by Guy. P. Brasseur (Publisher: Oxford), 1st Edition,
3. Statistical Analysis In Climate Research by Hans Vonstorch (Publisher: Cambridge), 1st
Edition, 2001.
4. Meteorology by Moran Morgan (Publisher: Ma cMillion), 3rd Edition, 1991.
5. Climatology by Olixer Hidore (Publisher: Merrill), 1st Edition, 1984.
6. Dynamical & Physical Meteorology by Haltiner & Martin (Publisher: McGraw Hill), 1st Edition,
7. Tropical Meteorology by Carlson (Publisher: The Pennsylvania State University), 1st Edition,
8. The Atmosphere by Frederick K. Lutgens (Publisher: Prentice Hall), International Edition,
9. The Status of Climate Variation In Pakistan & Its Impact by SMRC.No.10 SAARC Met. Research
Centre, 1st Edition, 2004.
10. Atmospheric Physics by J.V.Irinarne (Publisher: D.Reidel Pub. Co.), 1st Edition, 1980.
11. Applied Climatology by Russell D. Thompson (Publisher: Routledge), 1st Edition, 1997.
12. Essentials of Meteorology by C. Donald Ahrens (Publisher: Brooks/Calc), 3rd Edition, 2001.
13. Atmospheric Science by John M. Wallace (Publisher: Academic Press), 1st Edition, 1997.


Prerequisite Phys 1202
The students are required to do the following experiments:
1. Mean Sea Level Surface Map Analysis, frontal analysis.
2. Upper air map analysis, streamline-isotach analysis.
3. Analysis of polar & geostationary satellite images.
4. Recording of observations, wind-vane, anemometer, anemograph, hyetograph.


Prerequisite Phys 3602, 4701
Introduction: The solid state problem, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
The One-Electron Approximation: Free electron gas model (FEG), applications of FEG, failure of FEG.
Effect of Non-Uniform Crystal Potential: The Bloch wave, the reciprocal lattice, the nearly free
electron model (NFE) in one-dimension, the concept of energy band structure, the Fermi surface,
Fermi velocity in NFE, The Bloch electron, the concept of effective mass.
Methods of Calculating Energy Band Structures: The LCAO method, the APW method, the OPW
method, the concept of pseudopotentials,
Electron Interactions: The self-consistent calculations, the Hartree-Fock equation, plane-wave
solution of the HF equation, problems.

Books Recommended:
1. Solid State Physics by Ashcroft & Mermin, (1976).
2. Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Eddition, by C. Kittle, (1996).
3. Elementary Solid State Physics by M. A. Omar, (1975).
4. Quantum Theory of the Solid State by j. Callaway, (1991).
5. Principles of the Theory of Solids by J. M. Ziman, (1969).


Prerequisite Phys 3503, Phys 3602
Optical Processes and Excitons: Optical reflectance, Kramer-Kronig relations, example, conductivity
of collisionless electron gas, electron interband transitions, excitations, Frenkel excitons Alkali
halides, molecular crystals, weakly bound (Mott-Wannier) excitons, exciton condensation into
electron-hole drops (EHD), Raman effect in crystals, electron spectroscopy with X-rays, energy loss
of fast particles in a solid, summary.
Experimental survey, occurrence of superconductivity, destruction of superconductivity by magnetic
fields, Meissner effect, heat capacity, energy gap, microwave and infrared properties isotope effect,
theoretical survey, thermodynamics of the superconducting transition, London equation coherence
length, BCS theory of superconductivity, BCS ground state, flux quantization in a superconducting
ring, duration of persistent currents, type II superconductors, Vortex stat, estimation of H c1 and Hc2,
Single particle tunneling, Dc Josephson effect, Ac Josephson effect, Macroscopic quantum
interference, high-temperature superconductors, critical fields and critical currents, Hall number,
fullerenes, summary,
Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics: Maxwell equations, polarization, macroscopic electric field,
depolarization field, E1, local electric field at an atom, Lorentz field, E2, field of dipoles inside
cavity, E3, dielectric constant and polarizability, electronic polarizability, structural phase
transitions, ferroelectric crystals, classification of ferroelectric crystals, displacive transitions, soft
optical phonons, Landau theory of the phase transition, second-order transition, first-order
transition, antiferroelectricity, ferroelectric domains, piezoelectricity, ferroelasticity, optical
ceramics, summary.

Books Recommended:
1. Solid State Physics by Ashcroft & Mermin, (1976).
2. Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Edition, by C. Kittle, (1996).
3. Elementary Solid State Physics by M. A. Omar, (1975).
4. Quantum Theory of the Solid State by j. Callaway, (1991).
5. Principles of the Theory of Solids by J. M. Ziman, (1969).


Interactions of lonising Radiation with Matter: Introduction; Beta-rays, range-energy relationship,
mechanism of energy loos, lonization and excitation, Bremsstrahlung, Alpha-rays, Rang-energy
relation – ship, Energy transfer, Gamma-rays, exponential absorption, interaction mechanisms, Pair
production, Compton scattering, photoelectric absorption, photodisintegration, Combined effect,
Neutrons, Production classification, interaction, Scattering, Absorption.
Radiotherapy: Introduction, The development of radiotherapy, Radiotherapeutic aims, External beam
therapy, Brachytherapy, Unsealed source therapy, Requirements for accuracy and precision, Quality
assurance, The role of medical physics.
Medical Imaging: Diagnostic X-rays, Production of X-rays, Absorption of x-ray to other planes, Partial
volume effect, Artifacts, Contrast agents in conventional radiography and CT, Diagnostic Ultrasound,
Doppler effect, Radionuclide imaging, positron emission tomography (PET), Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), Contrast agents for MRI.

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Health Physics by Herman Cember. 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
2. Thwaits, Radiotherapy Physics by sssJ.R. Williams, D.I , Oxford University Press, New York,
3. Diagnostic Imaging, by Peter Armstrong and Martin L. 4th Ed., Blackwell Science Ltd. Oxford,
4. Radiologic Science of Technologists by Stewart C. Bushong , 5th Ed. Mosby, 1993.
5. Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry, by J. R. Greening, 2nd Ed. Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol
6. Radiation Detection and Measurement, by Knol G.F., 2nd Ed. Willey, New York, 1980.
7. Press Health Physics by Dathren, Pergamon.
8. Physics of Medical Imaging, by Edwin G.A.Aird, Heinemann, 1988.


Prerequisite Phys 4725
Students are required to study the functioning and data analysis obtained from various machines
used in nuclear medicine and medical physics. The students have to work in some hospitals where
these machines are available. The list of these machines are as under:
1. X-ray Machine
2. Electro Cardiograph
3. Gamma Camera
4. Mammography Machine
5. Various Machines used in Radiotherapy
The students will have also to learn handling of radioactive material in different hospitals.

Prerequisite Phys 4711
Hadron Spectroscopy: Formation experiments, partial wave formalism and the optical theorem, the
Breit-Wigner resonance formula, baryon resonances, phase space considerations, production
The Quark Model: The group SU (3), quarks, hadrons (baryons, mesons in quark model, heave meson
spectroscopy, the quarkonium model.
The Standard Model (qualitative treatment only): Unification of weak and electromagnetic
interactions Glashow-Salam-Weinberg Model.

Books Recommended:
1. Nuclear and Particle Physics by Burcham, E. E. and Jobes, M., Longman, (1995).
2. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics by Das, A. and Ferbel, T., Johan Wiley and Sons,
3. Concepts of Particle Physics by Gottfried, K. and Weisskopt, F., Vol. 1, Oxford University Press,
4. Introduction of elementary Particles by Griffiths, D., John Wiley and Sons, (1987).
5. Nuclear and Particle Physics by Williams, W.S.C., Oxford University Press, (1995).
6. A Modern Introduction to Particle Physics by Fayyazudding and Riazuddin, World Scientific,
7. Quarks and Leptons by Halzen F and Martin A.D., Wiley, (1984).


Prerequisite Phys 4811
Electrodynamics of spinless particles: An “electron” in an electromagnetic field A ,”spinless”
electron – muon scattering, the cross section in terms of the invariant amplitude M, the decay rate in
terms of M, “spinless” electron – electron scattering, electron – positron scattering: and application
of crossing, invariant variables, the origin of the propagator.
Electrodynamics of Spin ½ Particles: An electron interacting with an electromagnetic field A , Moller
scattering e - e -  e - e -, the process e - -  e - -, trace theorems and properties of  matrices, e -
- scattering and the process e + e - + -, helicity conservation at high energies, survey of e + e - e +
e -, + - , e - -  e - - in the laboratory frame; kinematics relevant to the parton model, photons,
polarization vectors, more on propagators, the electron propagator, the photon propagator, massive
vector particles, real and virtual photons, Compton scattering e -  e -, pair annihilation e+ e- ,
the + is prescription for propagators, Eeynman rules QED.

Books Recommended:
1. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by Bjorken, J. D. and Drell, S. D., McGraw-Hill, (1964)
International Edition reprinted in (1995).
2. Quarks and Leptons by Halzen, F. and Martin, A.D., John-Wiley and Sons (1984).
3. Quantum Mechanics by Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin, World Scientific, (1990).
4. Introduction to Elementary Particles by Griffiths, D., John-Wiley and Sons, (1987).


Prerequisite Phys 4713
Satellite Communication: Basic concept, earth station to earth station via satellite, service
requirements, orbits, modulation and multiplexing, packetiser and depacketises, special problems in
satellite communication.
Optical communication: Introduction of Optical Fibers, Optical sources and detection optical
modulation techniques
Digital Communication: Spectral analysis and filtering theory, communication channels, entropy and
source coding, data compression techniques, digital radio, spectrum communication systems, mobile
wireless communication system.
Communication principles in earth observation: Remote sensing, sensors for optical remote sensing,
remote sensing from space, environment and agricultural applications.

Books Recommended:
1. Electronic Communication by Kennedy George, McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. Electronic Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, 2nd. Ed., Maxwell-Macmillan, New York, 1991.
3. Essential of Communication Electronics by M. Slurzberg and W. Osterfield, National Book
Foundation, Islamabad, 1991.
4. Introduction to Linear Electrical Circuits and Electronics by M. C. Kelly and B. Nichols, John
Wiley, New York, 1988.
5. Electronic Circuits Handbook by Michael Tooley, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 1994.
6. Introduction to Electronic Design by F. H. Mitchell Jr. and Mitchell Sr., Prentice Hall, London,
7. Digital Principles and Applications by A. P. Malvino and D. P. Leach, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, New
York, 1986.
8. Perspectives in communication by U.R. Rao, Pub. World Scientific, 1987.
9. Digital Electronics By C. E. Strangio, Prentice Hall, London, Latest Edition
10. Digital Computer Electronics By Malvino A. P. and Brown J.A., McGraw Hill School Publishing
Company, 1993.
11. Electronics for Today by Tom Duncan, Oxford University Press.


Prerequisite Phys 4714
1. Design and study of decoder, encoder, multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits and compare the
input output waveforms.
2. To construct and understand an operation of arithmetic logic unit and study of different
arithmetic logic operations.
3. Design and construct active filters and study their frequency response.
4. Design and constrict a infrared transmitter detected the transmitted wave.
5. Design and constrict a ultrasonic transmitter and receiver.
6. Using microprocessor based trainer’s and study the microve and optical communication and
control the information from host personal computer.


Prerequisite Phys 4715
Electronic Devices (operation and characteristics): Tunnel and IMPATT diodes, Quantum-effect
devices, MESFET and MODFET and Hot-Electron devices. LED, Gunn, and Laser diodes, photodetector,
UJT and the basic sweep circuit, circuit to generate triggered sweep.
Radio communication: Production and propagation of radio waves, direct waves, ground reflected,
surface wave and space waves, formation of Ionospheric layer and their variations, skip distance.
Modulation and Detection: AM and FM modulation, bandwidth of FM signal, Angle Modulation,
Vestigial Sideband and Single Sideband Modulation, Phase-locked Loop, Digital Communication,
transmitter and superhetrodyne receiver.
Microwaves: Microwave spectrum and radar bands, properties of microwaves, production of
microwave (klystron, magnetron, traveling wave oscillator), gunn oscillator, measurement of
microwave power, radar system.

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Digital Computer Technology by Mashelsky (Wiley),
2. Pulse Digital and Switching Wave forms by Millman and Taub (McGraw-Hill)
3. Microwave Principles, by Reich-Skalmik-Ordung-Kranss.
4. Microwave Measurements by Gingston.
5. Electronic and Radio Engineering by F.E. Terman McGraw-Hill.
6. Integrated Electronics by Millman and Halkias.
7. Microprocessors (principles and application) 2nd Eddition by Gilmore, (1996).
8. Computer Engineering, Hardware design by M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall (1988)


Prerequisite Phys 4716
1. Synchronous and asynchronous BCD counters, Memory shift register with IC’s.
2. Frequency counter and optional digital clock.
3. Circuit study and fault finding of stabilized power supply, Audio-oscillator/ CRO, multimeter
/commercial radio and T.V.
4. Design and construct an analog to digital and digital to analog converters using IC’s.
5. Design and study of decoder, encoder, multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits and compare the
input output waveforms.
6. To construct and understand an operation of arithmetic logic unit and study of different
arithmetic logic operations.
7. To construct and study of data storage and retrieval using semiconductor memory and understand
the process of fetching an instruction and its operand with ALU.
8. Using microprocessor trainer’s and study of microprocessor application working from host
personal computer.


Prerequisite Phys 4717
Constitution of alloys: Metallic Solid Solutions, Solid Solubility, Phase Diagrams of Pure Substances.
Equilibrium phase diagrams; Iron-Iron Carbide diagram, Gibbs Phase Rule, Binary Isomorphous Alloy
Systems, Binary Eutectic Alloy Systems, Nonequilibrium Solidification of alloys, Binary Eutectic Alloy
Systems, Binary Monotectic Systems, Invariant Reactions, Phase Diagrams with Intermediate Phases
and Compounds, Introduction to Ternary Phase Diagrams.
Corrosion: Definition, Types, its determination and protection.

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy by S.H. Avner, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. New York, 1999.
2. Materials Science and Engineering and Introduction by W.D. Cluster, John Wiley & Sons (USA),
3. Principles of Materials Science and Engineering by W.F. Smith, McGraw-Hill Book Comp, New
York, 1999.
4. Material Science & Metallurgy by O.P. Khanna, Dhanpat Rai & Sons Delhi, 1994.

Prerequisite Phys 4718
Note: The students are required to do at least ten experiments from the following list:
1. To find out the corrosion rate of given specimen by loss in weight method.
2. To protect metals from corrosion – electroplating & colouring
3. To fabricate fiber-glass reinforced composite material by using hand-lay-up technique.
4. To determine and compare the specific heats of metallic and non-metallic materials.
5. To determine the plasticity of the given of clay.
6. To determine the effect on plasticity of the given sample of clay by adding (non plastic) impurity
7. To measure the green strength of the given ceramic substance.
8. To determine the viscosity of a given sample of glass by penetrating method.
9. To study the process of enameling.
10. To study the process of glazing.
11. To measure the thermal conductivity of the given sample of refractory material.
12. To determine the thermal expansion coefficient of the given sample.
13. To determine the crushing strength of the given material.
14. Determine the %age linear shrinkage in the given sample of clay.
15. Determine the green compression strength of sample of clay.
16. Determine the green compression strength of sample of clay with the addition of impurity.
17. To apply the raw glaze and frit glaze on a ceramics body.


Prerequisite Phys 4719
The biomechanics of human body, blood circulation, swimming and flying; Physical factors of the
environment; Biophysics of hearing, ifra and ultrasounds; Biomagnetism: Magnetic effects on humans
and other organisms; Ionizing radiations; Radiobiological reactions; Vision, biosensing and
biomechanics; Models approaches for propagation, ecological interactions, growth, differnciation
evolution and neural process.

Books Recommended:
1. Radiation Biophysics by L.Alpen Edward, Academic Press, (1988).
2. Biophysics—An Introduction. John Wiley and Son, (2002).
3. Molecular Biophysics: Structures in Motion, Oxford University Press UK, (1999).
4. Biophysics by Glaser Rowland (2001). Springer Verlag, Berlin.
5. Biophysical Thermodynamics by T. Haynie Donald, Cambridge, University Press UK, (2001).


Prerequisite Phys 4720
The students are required to perform the following experiments:
1. Determination of osmotic potential, pressure potential and water potential in plants
2. Ion uptake and balance of charge measurements
3. Study of biosensing and bioindication
4. Study of threshold of hearing, ECG and blood pressure monitoring in humans

Prerequisite Phys 4721
Dynamic Meteorology: Circulation & vorticity, Stokes theorem, Vorticity equation, Rossby waves.
Meteorological Instruments: Meteorological instruments used in thermometry, barometry,
hygrometery, rainfall & snowfall measurement, wind measurement, cloud measurement, evaporation
measurement, visibility measurement, sunshine measurement. introduction to weather radar
systems, introduction to radiosonde equipment.
Climatology: Climatic elements; principles of climate classification; world climate classification;
climates of Asia; climates of the sub-continent; the climate of Pakistan.
Climate change: Meteorological factors affecting climate; greenhouse gases; El-Nino, La-Nina.
Tropical Meteorology: Tropical Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk general circulation, Diurnal
variations of meteorological elements in the tropics, a survey of low-latitude weather disturbances;
easterly waves; intertropical convergence zone. Monsoons, Tropical cyclones, structure and
formation of cyclones.Aviation Meteorology: meteorological aspects of flight planning, Aviation
hazards and their association with synoptic patterns, aircraft icing, turbulence, fog, thunderstorms,
dust storms, low-level vertical wind shear, Jetstream formation & structure.

Books Recommended:
1. Hand Book Of Applied Meteorology by Hougton (Publisher: Wiley), 1st Edition, 1985.
2. Atmospheric Chemistry & Global Change by Guy. P. Brasseur (Publisher: Oxford), 1st Edition,
3. Statistical Analysis In Climate Research by Hans Vonstorch (Publisher: Cambridge), 1st Edition,
4. Meteorology by Moran Morgan (Publisher: Ma cMillion), 3rd Edition, 1991.
5. Climatology by Olixer Hidore (Publisher: Merrill), 1st Edition, 1984.
6. Dynamical & Physical Meteorology by Haltiner & Martin (Publisher: McGraw Hill), 1st Edition,
7. Tropical Meteorology by Carlson (Publisher: The Pennsylvania State University), 1st Edition,
8. The Atmosphere by Frederick K. Lutgens (Publisher: Prentice Hall), International Edition, 1998.
9. The Status of Climate Variation In Pakistan & Its Impact by SMRC.No.10 SAARC Met. Research
Centre, 1st Edition, 2004.
10. Atmospheric Physics by J.V.Irinarne (Publisher: D.Reidel Pub. Co.), 1st Edition, 1980.
11. Applied Climatology by Russell D. Thompson (Publisher: Routledge), 1st Edition, 1997.
12. Essentials of Meteorology by C. Donald Ahrens (Publisher: Brooks/Calc), 3rd Edition, 2001.
13. Atmospheric Science by John M. Wallace (Publisher: Academic Press), 1st Edition, 1997.


Prerequisite Phys 4722
The students are required to do the following experiments:
1. Tephigram analysis.
2. Atmospheric (barometric & aneroid) pressure, conversion of station level to mean sea level
3. Jetstream analysis.
4. Interpretation of weather radar rainfall & cloud analysis.


Prerequisite Phys 3503, Phys 3602
Phonons: Classical, Einstein and Debye models for specific heat, Hamiltonian of the electron-phonon
interaction, renormalization of the effective electron mass, screening of the electron-phonon
interaction, ionic crystals, the polaron.
Optical Properties: Macroscopic description and microscopic model, mirco-scopic theory of
frequency-dependent dielectric constants, optical properties of semi-conductors, quantization of
electromagnetic field, interaction of conduction electrons.
Transport Phenomenon: Semiclassical model of for conduction of metals, Boltzmann equation,
relaxation time, conductivity equation.
Solids in External Magnetic Fields: Free electron approximation in magnetic field, Landau
diamagnetism in free electrons, spin Hamiltonian, the Hubbard model, Pauli paramegnetism of
conduction electrons, De Haas van Alphan effect, the quantum Hall effect.

Books Recommended:
1. Solid State Physics by Ashcroft & Mermin, (1976).
2. Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Eddition, by C. Kittle, (1996).
3. Elementary Solid State Physics by M. A. Omar, (1975).
4. Quantum Theory of the Solid State by j. Callaway, (1991).
5. Principles of the Theory of Solids by J. M. Ziman, (1969).


Prerequisite Phys 4724
Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism: Ferromagnetic order, curie point and the exchange
integral, temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization, saturation magnetization at
absolute zero, magnons, quantization of spin waves, thermal excitation of magnons, neutron
magnetic scattering, ferromagnetic order, curie temperature and susceptibility of ferrimagnets, iron
garnets, antiferromagnetic order, susceptibility below the Neel temperature, antiferromagnetic
magnons. Ferromagnetic domains, anisotropy energy, transition region between domains, solitons,
origin of domains, coercivity and hysteresis, single domain particles, geomagnetism and
biomanetism, magnetic force microscopy, magnetic bubble domains, summary.
Magnetic Resonance: Nuclear magnetic resonance, equations of motion, line width, motional
narrowing, hyperfine splitting, examples: paramagnetic point defects, knight shift, nuclear
quadrupole resonance, ferromagnetic resonance, shape effects in FMR, spin wave resonance,
antiferromagnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, exchange narrowing, zero-field
splitting, priciple of master action, three-level maser, ruby laser, summary.

Books Recommended:
1. Solid State Physics by Ashcroft & Mermin, (1976).
2. Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Edition, by C. Kittle, (1996).
3. Elementary Solid State Physics by M. A. Omar, (1975).
4. Quantum Theory of the Solid State by j. Callaway, (1991).
5. Principles of the Theory of Solids by J. M. Ziman, (1969).

Prerequisite Phys 4725
Radiation Dosimetry: History of Absorbed Dose, Stochastic and Non-stochastic quantities, Units for
Absorbed Dose, Absorbed Dose Calorimeters, Exposure and its measurements, The free-air chamber,
Exposure measurement with calibrated cavity chamber. The concept of Kerma, absorbed Dose in air,
Absorbed dose in other Materials, Factors converting Exposure to Absorbed Dose to wake, High
energy calibrations, The Bragg-Gray Cavity theory.
Methods of Dosimetry: Calorimeters, lonisation Chambers, chemical Dosimetry, Thermoluminescence
Dosimetry (TLD), Photographic Dosimeter, Scintillation Detectors, Other Dosimetric Systems.
Health Physics : Cardinal principles of radiation protection, Minimize time, Maximize distance,
Maximize shielding, Time, Distance and shielding, Maximum permissible dose, whole-body
occupational exposure, whole-body non-occupational exposure, partial bodyoccupational exposure,
X-ray and pregnancy , Basic radiation safety criteria, effective dose-equivalent, allowable limit on
intake (ALI) , inhaled radioactivity, derived air concentration, Gastrointestinal tract, Basis of
radiation safety regulations.

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Health Physics by Herman Cember. 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
2. Thwaits, Radiotherapy Physics by sssJ.R. Williams, D.I , Oxford University Press, New York, 1993.
3. Diagnostic Imaging, by Peter Armstrong and Martin L. 4th Ed., Blackwell Science Ltd. Oxford,
4. Radiologic Science of Technologists by Stewart C. Bushong , 5th Ed. Mosby, 1993.
5. Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry, by J. R. Greening, 2nd Ed. Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol 1985.
6. Radiation Detection and Measurement, by Knol G.F., 2nd Ed. Willey, New York, 1980.
7. Health Physics by Dathren, Pergamon Press.
8. Physics of Medical Imaging, by Edwin G.A.Aird, Heinemann, 1988.


Prerequisite Phys 4726
Students are required to study the functioning and data analysis obtained from various machines
used in nuclear medicine and medical physics. The students have to work in some hospitals where
these machines are available. The list of these machines are as under:
1. X-ray Machine
2. Electro Cardiograph
3. Gamma Camera
4. Mammography Machine
5. Various Machines used in Radiotherapy
The students will have also to learn handling of radioactive material in different hospitals.

Phys 4835 THESIS (Semesters VII & VIII) (CR12)


(The curricula of these courses have already been notified by the University of the Punjab,
Lahore and which are the same for all B Sc (Hons) Programmes.)


IslSt 1119 ISLAMYAT (CR2)


Math 1101 CALCULUS-I (CR3)

Prerequisite None
Number systems, bounded and unbounded sets, infimum and superimum, intervals, natural numbers,
principle of induction, sequences, convergence, series and products, real valued functions, graphical
representation of real valued functions.
Limit of a function, properties of limit, continuity and discontinuity, differentiation, derivatives,
higher derivatives, properties of differentiable functions, exponential and logarithmic functions,
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions,
maxima and minima, mean value theorems, intermediate forms, Taylor’s theorem, Maclaurin’s
series, power series.
Plane curves, polar coordinates, tangents and normals, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, vectors.

Books Recommended:

1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, Addison-Wesley Publishing

Company, 1996.
2. Calculus, E. W. Swokowski, M. Olinick, D. Pence, J.A. Cole, PWS Publishing Co. USA, 1994.
3. Calculus, J. Stewart, Books/Cole Publishing Co. USA, 1999.


Prerequisite Math 1101
Basic concepts of statistics, concept of probability, axioms of probability, discrete probability, &
continuous probability, frequencies and probabilities, binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions,
mode, mean, median, regression and correlation, sampling theory, analysis of variance.
Numerical Analysis, solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations, roots of cubic and
biquadratic equations, numerical methods, bisection methods, Newton-Raphson, formula, the secant
method, method of false position, numerical solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations,
Gauss elimination method, Cramer’s rule, Choleski’s factorization method, Jacobi iterative method,
numerical integration, rectangular rule, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule, Error analysis.

Books Recommended:
1. Experimental Measurements: Precision, Error and Truth by N. C. Barford, Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc.
2. Modern Statistics by Richard Goodman, ARC Books, NY.
3. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
4. Mathematical Physics by E. Butkov, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1968.
5. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. Arfken and H. J. Weber, Academic Press, 1995.

Math 1201 CALCULUS-II (CR3)

Prerequisite Math 1101
Riemann integrals and their applications, Fundamental theorems of calculus, area under the curve,
integration of rational, irrational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, improper
integrals, beta and gamma integrals.
Real functions of several variables, directional derivatives, partial derivatives, local maxima and
minima, gradient, chain rule, stationary points, mean value theorems, total differentials, implicit
functions, curve tracing, tangents, one parameter family of curves, envelops of a family of curves.
Volumes of solids of revolution, area of a surface of revolution, moments and center of gravity,
multiple integrals and applications, infinite series, tests for its convergence, root and ratio tests,
Gauss and integral tests.

Books Recommended:
1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 1996.
2. Calculus by E. W. Swokowski, M. Olinick, D. Pence, J.A. Cole, PWS Publishing Co., USA, 1994.
3. Calculus by J. Stewart, Books/Cole Publishing Co., USA, 1999.


Prerequisite Math 1201
Analytical geometry of three dimensions, rectangular, spherical polar and cylinderical polar,
direction consines, direction components, projections, angle between two lines, perpendicular lines,
equations of a plance in various forms, perpendicular line to a plane, parallel planes, perpendicular
planes, equations of st. Line in various forms, plane through a line, perpendicularity and paralleism
of lines and planes, perpendicular distance of a point from a line or a plane. Sortest distance
between two lines.
Surfaces: Defination of a surface (Parametric form), Examples of surfaces, intercepts, traces,
summetry, sketching by parallel plane sections, surfaces of revolution, quadric surfaces, spheres,
elipsoids, paraboloids, hyperboloids, cylinders, cones.

Books Recommended:
1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 1996.
2. Calculus by E. W. Swokowski, M. Olinick, D. Pence, J.A. Cole, PWS Publishing Co., USA, 1994.
3. Calculus by J. Stewart, Books/Cole Publishing Co., USA, 1999.


Prerequisites Math 1201
Classification of differential equations, solution of differential equations, initial and boundary value
problems, first order ordinary differential equation, method of solution, separable equations,
homogeneous and exact equations, non-exact differential equations.
Second and higher order differential equations, Initial and boundary value problems, linear
independence of solutions and Wronskian, method of solution, solutions in series.

Books Recommended:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, Wiley, New York, 1999.
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber, A Press, New York, 1995.
3. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
4. A First Course in Differential Equations with Applications by G. D. Zill Windsor and Schmidt,
Prinder R. E. Williamson 1997.
5. An Introduction to Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
6. An Introduction to Differential Equations and their Applications by S. J. Farlow, McGraw-Hill,


Prerequisites Math 1102
Sets, relations between sets and operations on sets, Venn diagrams, mappings and their composition,
inverse mappings, mathematical logics, statements, conditional statement, axioms, definitions, and
theorems, rules of inference and mathematical proof, methods of proof, sequences, the limit of a
Definition and examples of topological spaces, discrete and indiscrete topologies, coarser and finer
topologies, open and close sets, neighborhood, bases and sub bases, limit point, continuity and
homeomorphism, metrics and metrics spaces.

Books Recommended:
1. Principal of Modern Algebra by J.E. Whitesitt, Addison-Wesley, 1964.
2. Introduction to topology by M. Mansfield, Prentice Hall, 1964.


Prerequisites Math 2301
Laplace transforms method for solving differential equations, convolution theorem, system of
equations, initial value problems, Nonlinear equations, singular solution, Clairaut equation, Bernaulli
equation, Riccati equation etc. Power series solution, convergence of power series, ordinary and
singular points, solutions near singular points.

Books Recommended:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, Wiley, New York, 1999.
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber, A Press, New York, 1995.
3. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
4. A First Course in Differential Equations with Applications by G. D. Zill Windsor and Schmidt,
Prinder R. E. Williamson 1997.
5. An Introduction to Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
6. An Introduction to Differential Equations and their Applications by S. J. Farlow, McGraw-Hill,


Prerequisites Math 1102
Vector space, linear dependence, dimensionality, inner product, Hilbert space, linear operators,
Gram-Schmidt method, matrices, addition, multiplication, division, derivatives and integrals of
matrices, partition of matrices, elementary row operations, systems of linear equations, transpose,
unitary and hermitian matrices, eigenvalues and eigen vectors, diagonalization, singular matrix,
trace of a matrix, determinants, Cramer’s rule, inverse matrix, linear transformation.
Groups, subgroups, homomorphism and isomorphism, group representation, reducible and irreducible
representations, Schurs lemma.

Books Recommended:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, Wiley, New York, 1999.
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber, A Press, New York, 1995.
3. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.


Prerequisite None
Fundamentals of a digital computer, hardware and software concepts, operating systems (DOS,
Windows, Unix), algorithm development, introduction to a scientific language (FORTRAN or C++) and
lab for writing small programs.

Books Recommended:
1. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing by William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul
A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988.
2. Mathematica for Physics by Robert L. Zimmerman Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.


Prerequisite (COMPUTATIONAL METHODS) Csci 2301
Program organization and control structure, solution of linear algebraic equations, interpolation and
extrapolation, integration of functions, evaluation of functions, random numbers, sorting, root
finding and non-linear sets of equations, statistical description of data, modeling of data, boundary
value problems, partial differential equations.
Computer as a tool, arithmetic and algebra, functions and procedures, calculus, graphics, problems
in general physics: projectile motion, electricity and magnetism, electric circuit analysis, oscillating
systems, lagrangians and hamiltonians, electrostatics, quantum mechanics, relativity and cosmology.

Books Recommended:
1. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing by William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery,
Saul A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988.
2. Mathematica for Physics: Robert L. Zimmerman Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.

Chem 1101 CHEMISTRY (CR3)

Prerequisite None
Atomic structure, Periodic table and Atomic properties, Types of Chemical Bonding Gaseous and
Liquid states of matter.
Nature of covalent bond, Lewis structure, bond length, bond angles and bond energies, localized and
delocalised bonding resonance valence bond theory and molecular orbital concepts, hybridizations,
Sp3, Sp2, and Sp orbital. Dipole moments, inductive and resonance effects, rules for relative
contribution from different resonance structures.

Modern concepts using mathematics for understanding the principles, Fundamental laws, Atomic
molecular structure, states of matter, Equilibrium, Kinetic and elementary inorganic, organic and
nuclear chemistry, physical chemistry.

Books Recommended:
1. Physical Chemistry by W.J. Moore, Prentice Hall College Div; 4th edition, June 1972.
2. Basic Inorganic Chemistry by Cotton Wilkinson LeGain 3rd Ed, 1995.
3. Organic Chemistry by T.R. Morrison and R.N. Boyd Allyn and Bacon Inc. Longman Higher
Education Division (a Pearson Education company); January 1, 1979.
4. Organic Chemistry by Khairat & Rahman, The Carvan Book House.

Biol 1201 BIOLOGY (CR3)

Prerequisite None
Life and second law of thermodynamics, natural history of cell, life and periodic table, water and
life, small molecules of the living machine, Nucliec acids, proteins, enzyme catalysis, metabolic
pathways, mitochondrion, nucles and the sthorage and transmission of information, ribosomes,
ground substances and coversion of chemical energy into work, membrane system, development and
control of cell structure and function.
Structure and duplication of genetic material, chromosome duplication and division, segregation of
genes, independent assortment, sex-linked inheritance, linkage and recombination of genes,
cytoplasm in heredity, transmission of genetic material in bacteria and bacterial virus, mutation
gene action and synthesis of proteins, genetic units of recombination, mutation and function.
Books Recommended:
1. Cell structure and function by A.G. Loewy and P. Siekevitz, Modern Biology Series, Holt,
Rinehart and Winston.
2. Genetics by R.P. Levine, Modern Biology Series, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.


Prerequisite None
What is Marketing and Advertising? Who Does It? Segmentation, Positioning, and Differentiation,
Ethics and Regulation of Marketing and Advertising, Consumer Behavior: The Great Consumer Culture
or the Psychology of It All, Marketing Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Integrated
Marketing Communications: Public Relations and Promotions, International Marketing

Books Recommended:
1. Marketing Frontiers by Lascu and Clow, Atomic Dog Publishing, 2004.
2. Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, by Solomon and Stuart, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 2003.


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