Module 5
Introduction to GIS & Remote sensing, Applications of GIS & Remote Sensing in
Environmental Engineering Practices
2 Hours
Environmental Acts & Regulations, Role of government, Legal aspects, Role of Non-
governmental Organizations (NGOs) , Environmental Education & Women Education
3 Hours
Course Objectives:
Course Outcome:
Text Book
Environmental Studies - Benny Joseph- Tata McGrawl - 2005
Environmental Studies - Dr. D L Manjunath, Pearson - 2006
Environmental Studies - Dr. S M Prakash, Elite Publishers - 2005
R.J.Ranjit Daniels and Jagadish Krishnaswamy, (2009), “Environmental Studies”,
Wiley India Private Ltd., New Delhi.
R Rajagopalan, “Environmental Studies – From Crisis to Cure‖, Oxford
University Press, 2005,
Reference Books
Principles of Environmental Science & Engineering - P Venugopala Rao, Prentice Hall
of India. Environmental Science & Engineering - Meenakshi, Prentice Hall of India
Erach Bharucha, “Text Book of Environmental Studies”, for UGC, University
press, 2005
G.Tyler Miller Jr., “Environmental Science – working with the Earth”, Tenth
Edition, Thomson Brooks /Cole, 2004
Module 1
Introduction: 6
Module 2
1. Water resources 36
2. Availability & Quality aspects, 37-38
3. Water borne diseases & water induced diseases 39-42
4. Fluoride problem in drinking water 42-43
5. Mineral resources 43
6. Forest Wealth 44
7. Material Cycles – Carbon Cycle 45
8. Nitrogen Cycle 46-47
9. Sulphur Cycle 48-49
3. Electromagnetic radiation 54
Module 3
1. Environmental Pollution – 65
2. Water pollution 66 - 67
3. Land Pollution 67 - 74
4. Public Health Aspects 74 - 75
1. Global Environmental Issues : Population Growth 76 - 77
2. Urbanization 78
3. Land Management 79 - 83
4. Water & Waste Water Management 84 - 88
Module 4
1. Air Pollution & Automobile Pollution 89 - 91
2. Climate change & Global Warming 91 - 93
3. Acid rain 93 - 96
4. Ozone layer depletion 96 - 99
1. Solid Waste Management 100 - 103
2. E - Waste Management 103 - 105
3. Biomedical Waste Management 105 - 110
4. Disposal methods. 110 - 113
Module 5
Module 1
Environment consists of three domains. viz, gaseous - air (atmosphere), liquid - water
(Hydrosphere), and solid - land (lithosphere). These three domains meet at a common interface
on the surface of the earth. This interface, a shallow life-bearing layer is the ―Bio-Sphere”.
Structure and functioning of the bio sphere is essentially dependent on the exchange of matter
and energy that takes place continuously amongst the land surfaces, water bodies and
• Atmosphere
• Lithosphere
• Hydrosphere
• Biosphere
Principal layers
Earth's atmosphere can be divided into five main layers. These layers are mainly determined by
whether temperature increases or decreases with altitude. From highest to lowest, these layers
The outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere extends from the exobase upward. Here the particles
are so far apart that they can travel hundreds of kilometers without colliding with one another.
Since the particles rarely collide, the atmosphere no longer behaves like a fluid. These free-
moving particles follow ballistic trajectories and may migrate into and out of the magnetosphere
or the solar wind. The exosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium.
Temperature increases with height in the thermosphere from the mesopause up to the thermo
pause, then is constant with height. The temperature of this layer can rise to 1,500 °C (2,730 °F),
though the gas molecules are so far apart that temperature in the usual sense is not well defined.
The International Space Station orbits in this layer, between 320 and 380 km (200 and 240 mi).
The top of the thermosphere is the bottom of the exosphere, called the exobase. Its height varies
with solar activity and ranges from about 350–800 km (220–500 mi; 1,100,000–2,600,000 ft).
The mesosphere extends from the stratopause to 80–85 km (50–53 mi; 260,000–280,000 ft). It is
the layer where most meteors burn up upon entering the atmosphere. Temperature decreases with
height in the mesosphere. The mesopause, the temperature minimum that marks the top of the
mesosphere, is the coldest place on Earth and has an average temperature around -85 °C (-121.0
°F; 188.1 K). Due to the cold temperature of the mesophere, water vapor is frozen, forming ice
clouds (or Noctilucent clouds). A type of lightning referred to as either sprite, form many miles
above thunderclouds in the trophosphere.
The stratosphere extends from the tropopause to about 51 km (32 mi; 170,000 ft). Temperature
increases with height, which restricts turbulence and mixing. The stratopause, which is the
The troposphere begins at the surface and extends to between 7 km (23,000 ft) at the poles and
17 km (56,000 ft) at the equator, with some variation due to weather. The troposphere is mostly
heated by transfer of energy from the surface, so on average the lowest part of the troposphere is
warmest and temperature decreases with altitude. This promotes vertical mixing (hence the
origin of its name in the Greek word trope, meaning turn or overturn). The troposphere contains
roughly 80%] of the mass of the atmosphere. The tropopause is the boundary between the
troposphere and stratosphere.
In the Earth, the lithosphere includes the crust and the uppermost mantle, which constitute the
hard and rigid outer layer of the Earth. The lithosphere is underlain by the asthenosphere, the
weaker, hotter, and deeper part of the upper mantle. The boundary between the lithosphere and
the underlying asthenosphere is defined by a difference in response to stress: the lithosphere
remains rigid for very long periods of geologic time in which it deforms elastically and through
brittle failure, while the asthenosphere deforms viscously and accommodates strain through
plastic deformation. The lithosphere is broken into tectonic plates. The uppermost part of the
lithosphere that chemically reacts to the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere through the soil
forming process is called the pedosphere.
The Crust
The crust of the Earth is composed of a great variety of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
rocks. The crust is underlain by the mantle. The upper part of the mantle is composed mostly of
peridotite, a rock denser than rocks common in the overlying crust. The boundary between the
crust and mantle is conventionally placed at the Mohorovicic discontinuity, a boundary defined
by a contrast in seismic velocity. Earth's crust occupies less than 1% of Earth's volume.
The oceanic crust of the sheet is different from its continental crust. The oceanic crust is 5 km (3
mi) to 10 km (6 mi) thick[1] and is composed primarily of basalt, diabase, and gabbros. The
continental crust is typically from 30 km (20 mi) to 50 km (30 mi) thick, and is mostly composed
of slightly less dense rocks than those of the oceanic crust. Some of these less dense rocks, such
as granite, are common in the continental crust but rare to absent in the oceanic crust.
Both the continental and oceanic crust "float" on the mantle. Because the continental crust is
thicker, it extends both above and below the oceanic crust, much like a large iceberg floating
next to smaller one. (The slightly lighter density of felsic continental rock compared to basaltic
ocean rock also contributes to the higher relative elevation of the top of the continental crust.)
Because the top of the continental crust is above that of the oceanic, water runs off the continents
and collects above the oceanic crust. The continental crust and the oceanic crust are sometimes
called sial and sima respectively. Due to the change in velocity of seismic waves it is believed
that on continents at a certain depth sial becomes close in its physical properties to sima and the
dividing line is called Conrad discontinuity.
The temperature of the crust increases with depth, reaching values typically in the range from
about 200°C (392°F) to 400°C (752°F) at the boundary with the underlying mantle. The crust
and underlying relatively rigid mantle make up the lithosphere. Because of convection in the
underlying plastic (although non-molten) upper mantle and asthenosphere, the lithosphere is
broken into tectonic plates that move. The temperature increases by as much as 30°C (about
50°F) for every kilometer locally in the upper part of the crust, but the geothermal gradient is
smaller in deeper crust.
The Mantle
The mantle is a highly viscous layer between the crust and the outer core. Earth's mantle is a
rocky shell about 2,890 km (1,800 mi) thick that constitutes about 84 percent of Earth's volume.
It is predominantly solid and encloses the iron-rich hot core, which occupies about 15 percent of
Earth's volume. Past episodes of melting and volcanism at the shallower levels of the mantle
have produced a thin crust of crystallized melt products near the surface, upon which we live.
The gases evolved during the melting of Earth's mantle have a large effect on the composition
and abundance of Earth's atmosphere Information about structure and composition of the mantle
either result from geophysical investigation or from direct geoscientific analyses on Earth mantle
derived xenoliths.
Two main zones are distinguished in the upper mantle: the inner asthenosphere composed of
plastic flowing rock, about 200 km thick, and the lowermost part of the lithosphere, composed of
rigid rock, about 50 to 120 km thick
The Core
The average density of Earth is 5,515 kg/m3. Since the average density of surface material is only
around 3,000 kg/m3, we must conclude that denser materials exist within Earth's core. Further
evidence for the high density core comes from the study of seismology.
Seismic measurements show that the core is divided into two parts, a solid inner core with a
radius of ~1,220 km and a liquid outer core extending beyond it to a radius of ~3,400 km. The
solid inner core was discovered in 1936 by Inge Lehmann and is generally believed to be
composed primarily of iron and some nickel
Living organisms and their non-living systems of the environment are inseparable, inter-related
and interact upon each other. Any unit that includes all the organisms in a given area interacting
with the physical environment so that a flow of energy leads to clearly defined trophic structure,
biotic diversity and material cycles, exchange of materials between living and non-living
components within the system is known as ―ECOSYSTEM”. The term eco-system was coined by
Tansley in 1935. He defined it as ―the system resulting from the integration of all the living and
non-living factors of the environment‖.
Components of Ecosystem
As discussed above, an ecosystem has three distinctive components that can be identified as :
• non living or abiotic component including climate regime
• living or biotic component
• source of energy - light and heat
Abiotic Substances
These comprise of inorganic and organic compounds present in the environment. The inorganic
components of an ecosystem are oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, minerals etc., whereas
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, amino acids etc., are examples for organic material. The climate,
light and heat can be either studied under abiotic component, or as separate entities. The
predominant source of energy in the earth”s biosphere is sun. The aboitic substances are
circulated in the ecosystem through material cycles and energy cycles.
Biotic Substances
Living organisms in the ecosystem - various species of plants and animals including microbes
are termed as biotic components. They can be classified as producers (autotrophs) and
consumers ( heterotrophs).
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Producers (Autotrophs)
Autotrophs produce their own food from inorganic substances, using light or chemical energy.
Green plants including the unicellular algae which contain the pigment chlorophyll are
producers. They take up simple substances such as water, carbon di-oxide, and oxygen, as well
as inorganic nutrients and produce biological molecules needed for life from the inorganic
substances. This production activity is vital for the existence of the ecosystem as the products of
photosynthesis support the life on earth.
The overall effect of photosynthesis is to unite the hydrogen atoms of water with the atoms of
carbon di-oxide to form carbohydrate. In the process oxygen gets released. A generalized
photosynthesis reaction can be represented as :
Energy obtained from solar radiation plays the key role in this process. Hence the photosynthetic
activity is essentially brought about during day time, although some insignificant amount of
photosynthesis takes place during night time utilizing the faint light emitted from the heavenly
Consumers (Heterotrophs)
The heterotrophs do not have the ability to produce their own food. All these species are
consumers. Bacteria, although belong to plant kingdom are not capable of production and are
classified as consumers. The animals which feed on plants are called herbivores. They are
primary consumers. Those feeding on animals are called as carnivores which are secondary
consumers. Another category of consumers which feed on both plants and animals are called as
> the composition of biological community including species (plants, animals and
microbes), biomass, life cycles and distribution in space, tropic standpoint.
> the quantity, distribution and cycling of the non-living materials such as major and micro
nutrients, trace elements and water.
> the range or gradient of conditions like temperature, light, rainfall, relative humidity,
wind and topography.
Function involves,
> the rate of biological energy flow i.e., production and respiration rates of the community
> rate of materials or nutrient cycles biological / ecological regulation which includes
regulation or organism by environment (photo periodism) and regulation of environment
by organisms (nitrogen fixation by organism).
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Thus, in any ecosystem, the structure and function are studies together.
Autotrophic Component
The fixation of light energy, use of simple inorganic substances like carbon and water, synthesis
of hexose sugars to complex substances such as polysaccharide carbohydrates (starches) and
further fat and protein synthesis predominate here.
Heterotrophic Component
From the functional stand point an ecosystem may be conventionally analyzed in terms of,
Energy Circuits
Food Chains
Diversity Patterns in Space and Time
Nutrient Cycles
Development and Evolution
Control (Cybernetics)
For descriptive purpose the various components of an ecosystem can be conveniently arranged in
the following manner.
Producers - they are autotrophic organisms, largely green plants which are able to produce the
required food materials from simple inorganic substance.
Macro Consumers - Heterotrophic organisms, chiefly animals which ingest other organisms or
particulate organic matter. They are three types, viz., primary consumers (herbivores), secondary
consumers (carnivores) and tertiary consumers (carnivores / omnivores).
Micro Consumers - Heterotrophic organisms, chiefly bacteria and fungi which break down
complex compounds of dead organic matter, absorb some of the decomposition products and
release inorganic nutrients that are usable by the producers together with organics. These are
called composers.
The producers, green plants fix radiant energy in the presence of the green pigment, chlorophyll
and with the help of minerals (C, H, O, N, P, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, etc.) taken from their soil and
aerial environment and nutrient pool, they build up complex organic matter (carbohydrates, fats,
amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, etc.). Some ecologists prefer to call green plants as
converters or transducers since plants only produce carbohydrates and not energy, once they
convert radiant energy into chemical form. This energy is transferred to various other trophic
levels like consumers. The dead organic matter comprising plant and animal material is then
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broken down and decomposed into simple inorganic substances which finally reach the nutrient
pool and made use by producer gain.
The two ecological processes of energy flow and mineral cycling involving interaction between
physico-chemical environment and the biotic community is considered as the ―heart” of
ecosystem dynamics. In an ecosystem, always energy flows in non-cyclic manner from sun to the
decomposer via producers and macro consumers whereas the minerals keep moving in a cyclic
An ecosystem is a vast and complex natural system. It consists of large pools of material
resources and living organisms supported by sources of energy. There is a constant exchange of
materials and energy in the ecosystem. The dynamics of such systems in which we live has to be
properly understood so that we live happily, at the same time keeping the health of the whole
system in good condition. Study of the ecosystem in all aspects is called ―ecology”. The
definition of ecology is in the Greek words ekos, ―the house‖, and logos ―knowledge of.
Classification of Ecosystems
> Terrestrial Ecosystems - which encompass the activities that take place on land, and
> Aquatic ecosystems - the system that exists in water bodies
Terrestrial ecosystem -
> Forest ecosystem,
> Mountain ecosystem
> Desert ecosystem
> Grassland ecosystem
> Urban ecosystem
Aquatic ecosystem -
> Marine ecosystem
> Fresh water ecosystem
> Esturine ecosystem
Engineered ecosystem:
An ecosystem which is fully designed and controlled by man is called ―Engineered ecosystem”.
A paddy field or a fish pond can be quoted as an example for this ecosystem.
Subdivisions of Ecology
> Aut ecology - deals with the study of the individual organism or an individual species.
For example study of a tree in a forest
> Synecology - deals with the study of groups of organisms which are associated
together as a unit. Studying the whole forest as an ecosystem falls under this category
> Terrestrial Ecology - Studies related to the ecosystem on land, that is terrestrial
ecosystem are dealt under ―Terrestrial ecology”
> Aquatic Ecology - deals with the studies of the ecosystem existing in water bodies such
as ocean waters, rivers, estuaries and other surface water. Further this category is subdivided into
marine ecology, and fresh water ecology - inland waters.
Several other subdivisions have also been created - such as desert ecology, mountain ecology,
applied human ecology, insect ecology,microbial ecology, space travel ecology and many other
Abiotic components :
Water, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, inorganic salts such as chlorides, nitrates, phosphates
of calcium, sodium, potassium etc., A large number of organic compounds such as organic acids
are also present.
Biotic component : Both producers and consumers are present in the pond
In a freshwater pond, two types of producers are present - the large plants- floating or growing
along the shoreline, and the floating and suspended microscopic plants. Mostly the later variety
is made up of different types of algae. They are distributed throughout the water as deep as
sunlight penetrates. These small plants are called as phytoplankton. Individual algae cells are not
visible, but when they are present in large quantity give a greenish hue to the water body.
Alongside the producers, a pond ecosystem contains consumers such as fish, insects, crabs etc.
They include both primary consumers ( herbivores) and secondary consumers (carnivores).
Tertiary consumers feeding on carnivores can also be present. These consumers are visible to
naked eye, and hence called as macro consumers. There are microscopic sized consumers also.
They are called as Zooplanktons, and are present at the surface of the water and as well at the
bottom ( benthos).
The pond ecosystem accommodates a major consumer form including bacteria, fungus etc.,
which are called as decomposers. They are micro consumers and play a major role in breaking
down the waste products of macro consumers, and dead consumer and producers organisms. But
for the decomposers, the ecosystem cannot exist as it gets overloaded with waste products and
dead organisms. They are great scavengers.
In a pond ecosystem bacteria, the main decomposers feed on the biodegradable organic matter
available to them in the form of waste matter discharged by animal species, and the dead
organisms both animal and plant species. They consume oxygen for bio chemical oxidation of
the organic matter, and for their own respiration. As a consequence carbon dioxide is liberated.
This carbon dioxide is taken up by the algae that is abundantly available. The growth of algae is
promoted by the presence of nutrients in water. Algae being able to carry out photosynthesis in
the presence of sunlight take up the CO2 and release O2 which is readily takenup by bacteria This
cyclic activity is called Algal-Bacterial symbiosis which keeps the pond ecosystem in a balanced
As can be seen from the definition of an ecosystem discussed earlier, it is made up of different
components. In the natural environment a balance or equilibrium exists among various
organisms and abiotic components. This condition is known as ecological balance, and the
system is called as ―Balanced Ecosystem”. If any disturbance occurs due to natural or manmade
activities, this balance gets upset and it will be no more a balanced ecosystem. If sufficient time
is allowed for restoration, a balanced ecosystem will gradually reappear, but may not resemble
the original system – a new balance or equilibrium condition appears.
Food chain
The Sun, which provides the energy for everything on the planet.
Producers: these include all green plants. These are also known as autotrophs, since they make
their own food. Producers are able to harness the energy of the sun to make food. Ultimately,
every (aerobic) organism is dependent on plants for oxygen (which is the waste product from
photosynthesis) and food (which is produced in the form of glucose through photosynthesis).
They make up the bulk of the food chain or web.
Consumers: In short, consumers are every organism that eats something else. They
include herbivores (animals that eat plants), carnivores (animals that eat other
animals), parasites (animals that live off of other organisms by harming it),
and scavengers (animals that eat dead animal carcasses). Primary consumers are the herbivores,
and are the second largest biomass in an ecosystem. The animals that eat the herbivores
(carnivores) make up the third largest biomass, and are also known as secondary consumers.
This continues with tertiary consumers, etc.
Decomposers: These are mainly bacteria and fungi that convert dead matter into gases such as
carbon and nitrogen to be released back into the air, soil, or water. Fungi, and other organisms
that break down dead organic matter are known as saprophytes. Even though most of us hate
those mushrooms or molds, they actually play a very important role. Without decomposers, the
earth would be covered in trash. Decomposers are necessary since they recycle the nutrients to be
used again by producers.
The table gives one example of a food chain and the trophic levels represented in it.
Grazing food chain is generally seen in ecosystems such as grassland, pond or lake where a
substantial part of the net primary production is grazed on by herbivores (cattle and rodents).
Usually upto 50% of the NPP is grazed on by these animals in their respective ecosystems and
the remaining 50% goes to the decomposer organisms as dead organic matter. Thus, in these
ecosystems, the food chain is herbivore based.
Food Webs
The pioneering animal ecologist Charles Elton (1927) introduced the concept of the food web
(which he called food cycle) to general ecological science
A food web differs from a food chain in that the latter shows only a portion of the food web
involving a simple, linear series of species (e.g., predator, herbivore, plant) connected by feeding
links. A food web aims to depict a more complete picture of the feeding relationships, and can be
considered a bundle of many interconnected food chains occurring within the community. All
species occupying the same position within a food chain comprise a trophic level within the food
web. For instance, all of the plants in the foodweb comprise the first or "primary producer" tropic
level, all herbivores comprise the second or "primary consumer" trophic level, and carnivores that
eat herbivores comprise the third or "secondary consumer" trophic level. Additional levels, in
which carnivores eat other carnivores, comprise a tertiary trophic level..
Ecological Pyramids
Since all organisms are made of roughly the same organic molecules in similar proportions, a
measure of their dry weight is a rough measure of the energy they contain.
A census of the population, multiplied by the weight of an average individual in it, gives an
estimate of the weight of the population. This is called the biomass (or standing crop).
This, too, diminishes with the distance along the food chain from the autotrophs which make the
organic molecules in the first place.
The figures represent the dry weight of organic matter (per square meter) at the time of sampling.
Analysis of various ecosystems indicates that those with squat biomass pyramids (with
conversion efficiencies between one trophic level and the next averaging 10% or better) are less
likely to be disrupted by physical or biotic changes than those with tall, skinny pyramids (having
conversion efficiencies less than 10%).
Small animals are more numerous than larger ones. This graph shows the pyramid of numbers
resulting when a census of the populations of autotrophs, herbivores, and two levels of
carnivores was taken on an acre of grassland.
The pyramid arises because;
Each species is limited in its total biomass by its
So, if the size of the individuals at a given trophic level is
small, their numbers can be large and vice versa.
Predators are usually larger than their prey.
Occupying a higher trophic level, their biomass must be
smaller. Hence, the number of individuals in the predator population is much smaller than that in
the prey population. The figures represent number of individuals counted at each trophic level.
Basic needs of food, clothing, shelter & energy requirements have to be met from the
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environmental resources in the ecosystem consisting of water, air& land. Human activities
interfere with nature. There should be a mutually beneficial symbiosis between man & earth.
Human populationshould carefully use the resources & also preserve them for future generations.
Anything eaten tosatisfy appetite & physiological growth to maintain all body process & temp.,
the basic need is food. Global food supply has improved enormously since the early 1960s. the
agricultural sector on average has kept up with population growth & demand for agricultural
produce. Agricultural production has increased & world food supplies are 18% higher than 30
years ago. In the year 1990 global grain yields per hectare were nearly 2.5times the 1.15 tonnes
per hectare of the 1930s. the International Commission on Irrigation of Drainage (ICID)
estimated that current food production would have to double with in the rest 25 years. The slogan
more crop per drop explains the objective to be achieved by ICID member countries
From the last 40 years the Food & agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nationsis
providing the information on each countries total food supplies.
At the World Food Summit in 1996, world leaders pledged to reduce the number of hungry
people toaround 400 million by 2015. The State of food Insecurity in the world 1999 (SOFI), at
the current rate of progress a reduction of 8 million undernourished people a year is predicted.
SOFI presents the first data on hunger in industrialized regions & around 34 million
undernourished people are living in developed countries.
Food Security
Food Security is the ability of all the people at all times to access enough food for an active &
healthy life. The following three conditions must be fulfilled to ensure food security
• Food must be available
• Each person must have access to it
• The food utilized must fulfill nutritional requirements
Shelter or habitat refers to the physical & chemical factors of the place where the organisms live.
In an ecosystem, plants & animals from the biotic community & habitat forms the abiotic
community. The more specific these needs & localized the habitat to agricultural lands,
livestock, roads & cities. Tropical forests are so important because they harbor at least 50% , &
perhaps more, of the worlds biodiversity. Direct observations, shows that these forests are
declining. There is a uncertainty regarding the rate of loss, & the future, the possibility is that
tropical forests will be reduced to 10-15% of their original extent by the end of 21st century.
UN declares that right to have a adequate housing is the human rights. In connection to this
World Habitat Day on October 6th is celebrated to remind the basic need of human
In India, National Housing & Habitat Policy has formed to fulfill the growing the requirements
of shelter & related infrastructure. This policy intends to promote sustainable development of
habitat in the country, with a view to ensure equitable supply of land, shelter & services at
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affordable prices. The Central Govt. adopted the National Housing & Habitat Policy in th July
1998. Many centrally sponsored schemes such as Valmiki ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY),
Swarna Jyanthi Shahri Rojgar Yojana(SJSRY), Indira Awas Yojana etc are providing housing
for rural & urban dwellers living below poverty line. Housing & Urban Development
Corporation has been financing several housing schemes.
Economic Security
The biotic environment of an individual is made up of members of the same or other species.
Interspecific interactions may also be positive or negative. For example, symbiotic relationships
involve the mutual benefit of the individuals involved, where as the competition for resources is
deleterious to both. Thus socioeconomic security becomes prominent in environment. Traditional
sources of economic security are assets, labor, family & charity.
A survey conducted by International Labour Oranisation (ILO) highlights the facts that
individual economic security promotes well being & tolerance, whilst also contributing to the
growth & development of a nation. The report ―Economic Security for a better World” covering
85% of the world”s population covering 90 countries, cautions that economic security remains
out of reach for the vast majority of the world”s workers. The ILOsurvey ( Socio Economic
Security Programme) also claims that only 8% of the people, fewer than 1 in 10, live in countries
that provides favourable economic security.
Economic security is measured on the basis os seven forms of work related security. Depending
upon the national levels of economic security, countries are divided in to four groups
• Pace setters ( with good polices, good institutions & good outcomes)
• Pragmatists (good outcome inspite of less impressive outcomes)
• Conventional (good & institution with less impressive outcomes)
• Much to be done Countries (weak or non existant policies & institutions & poor
Social Security
Social security is one of the most important programs providing benefits to the worker/employee.
The main strength of the social security system is that it acts as a facilitator, it helps people to
plan their own future through insurance & assistance. The success of social security schemes
however requires the active support & involvement of employees & employers.
The dimension & complexities of the problem in India can be measured by taking into
consideration, the extent of labour force in the origanised & unorganized sectors. The recent
National Social Security Organisations (NSSO) survey of 1999-2000 has estimated that the
workforce may account for 397 million out of which only 28 million were in the organized
The organized sector includes primarily those establishments which are covered by the Facories
Act 1948,the shops & commercial establishment Acts of the state govt., the Industrial
Employment Standing Orders Act 1946, etc.
Matters related to social security are listed in the Directive Principles of State Policy & the
subjects in the concurrent list ( List III in the seventh Scheduleof the constitution of Indial)
Item No. 23 Social security & insurance; employment & Unemployment
Item No. 24 welfare of labour including conditions of work, Provident fund, employers liability,
workmen”s compensation, invalidity & old age pension maternity benefits
Part IV Directive Pricniples of State Policy
Article 42 Provisions for just & humane conditions of work & maternity relief
Article 41 Right to work, to education & to public assistance in certain cases
The principal social security laws enacted in India are the following
• The Employee’s State Insurance Act 1948 (ESI Act)
• The Employee’s Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952, ( EPF & MP
• The Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 (WC Act)
• The Maternity Benefit Act 1961( MB Act)
• The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 (PG Act)
Agriculture is the production of food and goods through farming. Agriculture was the key
development that led to the rise of human civilization, with the husbandry of
domesticated animals and plants (i.e. crops) creating food surpluses that enabled the
development of more densely populated and stratified societies. The study of agriculture is
known as agricultural science. Agriculture is also observed in certain species of ant and termite.
Agriculture encompasses a wide variety of specialties and techniques, including ways to expand
the lands suitable for plant raising, by digging water-channels and other forms of irrigation.
Cultivation of crops on arable land and the pastoral herding of livestock on rangeland remain at
the foundation of agriculture. In the past century there has been increasing concern to identify
and quantify various forms of agriculture. In the developed world the range usually extends
between sustainable agriculture (e.g. permaculture or organic agriculture) and intensive
farming (e.g. industrial agriculture).
Modern agronomy, plant breeding, pesticides and fertilizers, and technological improvements
have sharply increased yields from cultivation, and at the same time have caused widespread
ecological damage and negative human health effects. Selective breeding and modern practices
in animal husbandry such as intensive pig farming (and similar practices applied to the chicken)
have similarly increased the output of meat, but have raised concerns about animal cruelty and
the health effects of the antibiotics, growth hormones, and other chemicals commonly used in
industrial meat production.[4]
The major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers, fuels, and raw
materials. In the 2000s, plants have been used to grow biofuels, biopharmaceuticals, bioplastics,
and pharmaceuticals. Specific foods include cereals, vegetables, fruits, and meat. Fibers include
cotton, wool, hemp, silk and flax. Raw materials include lumber and bamboo. Other useful
materials are produced by plants, such as resins. Biofuels
include methane from biomass, ethanol, and biodiesel. Cut flowers, nursery plants, tropical fish
and birds for the pet trade are some of the ornamental products.
In 2007, one third of the world's workers were employed in agriculture. The services sector has
overtaken agriculture as the economic sector employing the most people worldwide. Despite the
size of its workforce, agricultural production accounts for less than five percent of the gross
world product (an aggregate of all gross domestic products).
Environmental Impacts
Agriculture imposes external costs upon society through pesticides, nutrient runoff, excessive
water usage, and assorted other problems. A 2000 assessment of agriculture in the UK
determined total external costs for 1996 of £2,343 million, or £208 per hectare. A 2005 analysis
of these costs in the USA concluded that cropland imposes approximately $5 to 16 billion ($30
to $96 per hectare), while livestock production imposes $714 million. Both studies concluded
that more should be done to internalize external costs, and neither included subsidies in their
analysis, but noted that subsidies also influence the cost of agriculture to society. Both focused
on purely fiscal impacts. The 2000 review included reported pesticide poisonings but did not
include speculative chronic effects of pesticides, and the 2004 review relied on a 1992 estimate
of the total impact of pesticides.
A key player who is credited to saving billions of lives because of his revolutionary work in
developing new agricultural techniques is Norman Borlaug. His transformative work brought
high-yield crop varieties to developing countries and earned him an unofficial title as the father
of the Green Revolution.
Livestock issues
A senior UN official and co-author of a UN report detailing this problem, Henning Steinfeld,
said "Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most serious
environmental problems". Livestock production occupies 70% of all land used for agriculture, or
30% of the land surface of the planet. It is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases,
responsible for 18% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO 2 equivalents. By
comparison, all transportation emits 13.5% of the CO2. It produces 65% of human-related nitrous
oxide (which has 296 times the global warming potential of CO 2,) and 37% of all human-induced
methane (which is 23 times as warming as CO2. It also generates 64% of the ammonia, which
contributes to acid rain and acidification of ecosystems. Livestock expansion is cited as a key
factor driving deforestation, in the Amazon basin 70% of previously forested area is now
occupied by pastures and the remainder used for feed crops through deforestation and land
degradation, livestock is also driving reductions in biodiversity.
Land transformation and degradation
Land transformation, the use of land to yield goods and services, is the most substantial way
humans alter the Earth's ecosystems, and is considered the driving force in the loss of
biodiversity. Estimates of the amount of land transformed by humans vary from 39–50%. Land
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land management as the driving factor behind degradation and reports that 1.5 billion people rely
upon the degrading land. Degradation can be deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, mineral
depletion, or chemical degradation (acidification and salinization).
Eutrophication, excessive nutrients in aquatic ecosystems resulting in algal blooms and anoxia,
leads to fish kills, loss of biodiversity, and renders water unfit for drinking and other industrial
uses. Excessive fertilization and manure application to cropland, as well as high livestock
stocking densities cause nutrient (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) runoff and leaching from
agricultural land. These nutrients are major nonpoint pollutants contributing to eutrophication of
aquatic ecosystems.
Pesticide use has increased since 1950 to 2.5 million tons annually worldwide, yet crop loss from
pests has remained relatively constant. The World Health Organization estimated in 1992 that 3
million pesticide poisonings occur annually, causing 220,000 deaths. Pesticides select for
pesticide resistance in the pest population, leading to a condition termed the 'pesticide treadmill'
in which pest resistance warrants the development of a new pesticide. An alternative argument is
that the way to 'save the environment' and prevent famine is by using pesticides and intensive
high yield farming, a view exemplified by a quote heading the Center for Global Food Issues
website: 'Growing more per acre leaves more land for nature'. However, critics argue that a
trade-off between the environment and a need for food is not inevitable and that pesticides
simply replace good agronomic practices such as crop rotation.
Climate Change
Climate change has the potential to affect agriculture through changes
in temperature, rainfall (timing and quantity), CO2, solar radiation and the interaction of these
elements.[45][94] Agriculture can both mitigate or worsen global warming. Some of the increase
in CO2 in the atmosphere comes from the decomposition of organic matter in the soil, and much
of the methane emitted into the atmosphere is caused by the decomposition of organic matter in
wet soils such as rice paddies. Further, wet or anaerobic soils also
lose nitrogen through denitrification, releasing the greenhouse gas nitric oxide. Changes in
management can reduce the release of these greenhouse gases, and soil can further be used to
sequester some of the CO2 in the atmosphere.
Sources of pollution:
Different industrial manufacturing processes require different substances who are toxic to the
environment ,hence are pollutants.
Industrial pollution is caused by the introduction of the pollutants into the atmosphere at all the
levels of air water and land and the alterations that it causes to the ecosystem.
This has impact on the structure and functioning of the ecosystem as well as man and hence the
liberation of toxic substances from the industries is the main cause of industrial pollution.
Most of the times , the pollutants are not biodegradable (degraded by natural means) and hence
theses non biodegradable pollutants remain in the atmosphere for hundreds or even a thousand of
years .
Common pollutants as described by Smith (1977) are deposited matters (soot, smoke, dust, etc)
,gases (Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia.
chlorine etc),Chemical compounds (aldehydes, arsines, phosgene, detergents, paints),metals
(lead, zinc, mercury, chromium, copper etc)Economic poisons(herbicides, fungicides, etc),
sewage, heat, radioactive substances etc
A few industrial pollutants and their sources and effects are as follows:
In addition to the effects of pollution there are several other aspects. The sewage that is
liberated from the industry contains different toxic wastes like heavy metals, etc .These
substances when liberated in the river or ocean , the qualities of the water are drastically
It leads to the changes in the physical and chemical criteria of the water. This causes destruction
of the phyto and zooplanktons which are the basis of the aquatic food chain, the BOD is
increased and may drop to 4mg/ liter, Such conditions cause massive destruction of aquatic
The change of pH causes death of many larvae and newly born organisms. The pollutants get
incorporated in to the tissues of the organisms of aquatic food chain which then undergoes
biomagnifications. In the ocean, since the productivity the liberation of sewages has created
zones of dead regions around the coastal regions where not a single species survive, resulting in
"dead regions".
The thermal pollution of industry is extremely important also .the increase of temperature causes
death to sensitive organisms and also causes migration f normal fauna of the region. The worst
affected are the coral reefs which are the breeding nurseries of the ocean ,When these die out,
the entire region of the sea turns into a dead zone.
The agricultural lands located near to the industries suffer immense pollution and the fertility of
the soil gets decreased till it transforms into a barren land. Besides the exhausts liberated are a
major source of air pollutant causing smog, acid rain, global warming, greenhouse effect, and a
host of other diseases in man.
Activities associated with managing buildings over their life cycle ie planning, acquisition,
operation / maintenance and refurbishment or disposal, have an enormous direct and indirect
impact on the environment. The nationwide impacts of the built environment in the USA1 are
listed below and provide a useful cost indicator for Australia:
Buildings are large entities and, as such, they impact upon the environment in various ways.
Present-day designs clearly consume large quantities of physical resources such as materials,
energy and money in their construction, maintenance and use; but they also can result in effects
such as loss of amenity and biodiversity which are much more difficult to assess.
- Mining/extraction/harvesting
- manufacture
- construction
- use
- demolition
For most building materials, the major environmental impacts occur during the first two stages
but as waste-disposal problems increase, we are also being made increasingly aware of the
impacts associated with the demolition stage. It is apparent that the energy used to produce the
building material (its embodied energy) is only an approximate indicator of its environmental
One thing suggested by these figures is that relatively small quantities of materials that have high
impact (eg, steel), may be preferable to large quantities of materials that have lower impact (eg
terracotta tile).
As always, designers, builders and building owners have to seek a balance between often
conflicting considerations, appearance, comfort, ease of construction, maintenance costs, capital
costs etc. Now, environmental impact is an added variable. However, it has been shown that if
environmental considerations are included early in the design process, it is possible to
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The twentieth century has been one of incredible technological and social change, yet as a
general rule; the theme current in the Modern movement in architecture at the beginning of this
century remains valid today, albeit for different reasons...
Methods for assessing and choosing materials are based on the following guidelines:
1. Environmental factors
6. Need to make best use of current technology, through the Building Material Assessment
System (see above).
- mining/extraction
- manufacture
- construction
- use
- demolition.
a) The damage to the environment during mining or harvesting of the basic material.b) How
m) The energy and effects associated with demolition/disposal at the end of the life-cycle. n)
Mining refers to the process of extracting metals and minerals from the earth. Gold, silver,
diamond, iron, coal and uranium are just a few of the vast array of metals and minerals that
are obtained by this process. In fact, mining is the source of all the substances that cannot be
obtained by industrial processes or through agriculture. Mining reaps huge profits for the
companies that own them and provides employment to a large number of people. It is also a
huge source of revenue for the government. Despite its economic importance, the question
that how does mining affect the environment is a pressing environmental issue.
Effect on Land
Deforestation: Mining requires large areas of land to be cleared so that the earth could be dug
into by the miners. For this reason, large scale deforestation is required to be carried out in
the areas where mining has to be done. Besides clearing the mining area, vegetation in the
adjoining areas also needs to be cut in order to construct roads and residential facilities for
the mine workers. The human population brings along with it other activities that harm the
environment.Loss of Biodiversity: The forests that are cleared for mining purposes are home
to a large number of organisms. Indiscriminate clearing of the forests lead to loss of habitat of
a large number of animals. This puts the survival of a large number of animal species at stake.
The cutting down of trees in itself is a big threat to a number of plants and trees growing in
the forests.
Pollution: Despite measures being taken to release the chemical waste into the nearby rivers
through pipes, a large amount of chemicals still leak out onto the land. This changes the
chemical composition of the land. Besides this, since the chemicals are poisonous, they make
the soil unsuitable for plants to grow. Also, the organisms that live in the soil find the
polluted environment hostile for their survival.
Effect on Water
Pollution: Chemicals like mercury, cyanide, sulfuric acid, arsenic and methyl mercury are
used in various stages of mining. Most of the chemicals are released into nearby water bodies
that lead to water. In spite of tailings (pipes) being used to dispose these chemicals into the
water bodies, possibilities of leakage are always there. When the leaked chemicals slowly
percolate through the layers of the earth, they reach the groundwater and pollute it. Surface
run-off of just soil and rock debris, although non-toxic, can be harmful for vegetation of the
surrounding areas.
Loss of Aquatic Life: Release of toxic chemicals into the water is obviously harmful for the
flora and fauna of the water bodies. Besides the pollution, mining processes use water from
nearby water sources. The result is that the water content of the river or lake from which
water is being used gets reduced. Organisms in these water bodies do not have enough water
for their survival.
River dredging is a method adopted in case of gold mining. In this method, gravel and mud is
suctioned from a particular area of the river. After the gold fragments are filtered out, the
remaining mud and gravel is released back into the river, although, at a location different
from where they had been taken. This disrupts the natural flow of the river that may cause
fishes and other organisms to die.
Spread of Diseases
Sometimes the liquid waste that is generated after the metals or minerals have been extracted
is disposed in a mining pit. As the pit gets filled up by the mine tailings, they become a
stagnant pool of water. This becomes the breeding ground for water-borne diseases causing
insects and organisms like mosquitoes to flourish.
Although the developed countries have tight norms regarding mining, such rules can be
easily flouted in countries which lack strict monitoring of the procedures being followed for
mining. The effects in such cases can be devastating for the environment. Be it due to
ignorance of the regulations or just a freak accident, incidents like the Guyana spill of 1995
highlights the fact that issues like how mining affect the environment are worth some serious
deliberation does.
Human activities create environmental impacts. The effects of these activities can be felt
during their construction, and operation. It becomes difficult to mitigate or avoid the ill
effects after establishing the project. Therefore the impacts that may arise later have to be
visualized beforehand so that the developmental activities are harmonized with the
environment. The exercise of visualizing or assessing the effects of a project on the
environment before taking it up is called as ―Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)”. EIA
makes it possible to integrate the environmental aspects into the developmental activities
during initiation of the project. It prevents the environmental and economic liabilities that
may arise in future. A proposed project can be shelved in the beginning itself if it is found to
be detrimental to the environment.
Step: 1 Description of the project and the site of construction. Water and raw material
requirement is estimated. Industrial processes, production etc are described.
Step: 2 Alternative sites for the project are evaluated for consideration
Step: 3 Base line data collection – It describes the existing environmental status of
the study area which is the area covered in a certain radius with proposed
project / industry as the centre.
The possible impacts of the proposed project on the existing environmental setting are assessed
by superimposing the effects of the project on the existing environment. If the impacts are not
acceptable, corrective measures are incorporated into the proposed project and then correlated
with the existing environmental set up. If significant negative effects are not observed, the
project can be permitted to be taken up. In case, even after taking protective measures the
environment is going to be affected, permission will not be given to establish the proposed
project. In the EIA exercise public are also allowed to participate and express their opinion.
Based on the outcome of the EIA studies a status report called ―Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS)” is prepared which serves as a guideline for establishing environmentally sustainable
In India Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) guides and controls the EIA process
through the state pollution control boards.
A characteristic which has set human beings apart from other species is their ability to control
many aspects of the environment. Throughout the recorded history, man has struggled to manage
his natural environment in order to improve his well being.
The quality of our environment is determined by the intricate processes of the human race
making a living and enjoying life. In that process water, food, land and air are used. The changes
produced during this use affect the health, comfort, aesthetic senses, efficiency and capacity of
people to attain a satisfactory social adjustment. Use of essentials for life affects the dynamics of
all plant and animal life on earth by altering the ecological balance. Another aspect - use of land
and air as waste disposal sinks is impairing their quality. The disturbance has reached such levels
that these resources are no longer usable for their designated purposes in many instances. The
rapid increase in world”s population and the accelerated rate of use of all natural resources are
making the consequences of misuse more drastic and more widespread.
While living on the resource offered by the ecosystem it is necessary to maintain the sustenance
levels of the ecosystem. This becomes very important while taking up developmental activities.
Assessment of ecological changes and implementing preventive and corrective measures is an
essential step in making the developmental activity ecologically sustainable.
A developmental scenario in which no damage is done to the ecosystem can be ideally termed as
sustainable development. But this is not easy to achieve. Hence the developmental activity
canbe assumed to be sustainable when irreversible damage is not done to the environment; even
if a stress is developed it can be overcome by adopting suitable corrective measures.
Module 2
Natural Resources
Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful to humans. Uses of
water -include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities.
Virtually all of these human uses require fresh water.
97% of water on the Earth is salt water, leaving only 3% as fresh water of which slightly over
two thirds is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.[1] The remaining unfrozen freshwater is mainly
found as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air.
Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world's supply of clean, fresh water is steadily
decreasing. Water demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world and as the world
population continues to rise, so too does the water demand. Awareness of the global importance
of preserving water for ecosystem services has only recently emerged as, during the 20th
century, more than half the world”s wetlands have been lost along with their valuable
environmental services. Biodiversity-rich freshwater ecosystems are currently declining faster
than marine or land ecosystems. The framework for allocating water resources to water users
(where such a framework exists) is known as water rights.
Our present day life highly banks upon the use of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, LPG,
gasoline, etc. for the production of energy. Our reserves of fossil fuels are getting depleted at an
alarming rate and they may get exhausted by the middle of 21 st century. The reason for this
shortage is that the rate of consumption of fossil fuels is much larger than the rate of their
Water is an indispensable commodity of life. Water determines the distribution, structure and
function of organisms in the ecosystem.
Water occurs in three phases - solid, liquid (ice/snow) and gaseous (water vapour).
In liquid phase it is vital for the existence of life on this planet. In gaseous phase it is important
for respiration in organisms and cycling, although the main reservoir pool of water is not the
gaseous phase.
Therefore, water cycle is considered separately as "Hydrological Cycle".
Importance of Water
i) Required for solubilization of chemicals and several biochemical reactions like hydrolytic
digestion of polymeric nutrients, photosynthesis, etc.
ii) Important for the working of macromolecules, as a good ionizer, transport of materials, etc.
iii) Acts as a habitat for hydropyhtic and aquatic animals and as an agent of geological change.
iv) Acts as an agent of energy transfer and use. Water is a tremendous factor in neutralising heat
radiations of sunlight, so also acts as a 'temperature buffer'.
Biological water cycle involves the entry of water into living beings and then return to the
physical environment. Underground water acts as a starting point.
Water Utilization
Water Production
1) Animals release water into the atmosphere by respiration in the form of vapours or to soil as
fluid excretion.
2) Water returns to the environment after the death and decay of organisms (plants and animals).
3) A large part of water is given back to nature by plants, as they lose most of the absorbed
water, by the process of transpiration.
Water vapour thus formed results in the formation of clouds, followed by rain and so enters the
global water cycle. Thus, there is always the exchange of water between the global water cycle
and biological water cycle.
In human body, water is of utmost physiological importance and has specific functions to
perform. It acts as a solvent for the secretory and excretory products. It is a carrier of nutrient
elements to the tissues and removes waste materials from them. It also acts as a regulator of body
temperature. Water is more important than food. Deprivation of water brings about death much
more quickly than that of food. The total body water constitution is 60-70% of adult body
weight. Water is an essential constituent of all animals and vegetative matter. Over 80% of the
earth”s surface is covered by water in the form of relatively pure liquid in lakes, ponds and rivers,
as a dilute salt solution in ocean or as nearly pure solid in snow fields, glaciers and other polar ice
caps. Next to air, water is the most important substance for the existence of life on the earth.
Today water resources have been the most exploited natural systems since man”s existence on
the earth. Pollution of water bodies is increasing steadily due to rapid population growth,
industrial proliferations, urbanizations, increasing living standards and wide spread human
activities. Time is perhaps not too far when pure and clean water, particularly in densely
populated industrialized water scare areas may be inadequate for maintaining the normal living
standards. Groundwater, river, seas, lakes, ponds and streams are founding it more and more
difficult to escape from pollution. Many rivers of the world receive heavy flux of sewage and
industrial effluent, domestic and agricultural waste which consists of substances varying from
simple material to highly toxic hazardous chemicals.
About 1.1 billion people in the world still lack access to safe water for drinking and 2.4 billion
people have no basic sanitation. The large majorities of people are seriously affected by or die
from preventable water and sanitation related diseases are rural dwelling and the urban poor in
the developing countries. Current international estimate of deaths are due to water related
diseases which range from 2.2 million to 5 million annually.
Water related diseases can be grouped into four general classes: water borne, water-washed,
water-based and water related insect vectors. The first three classes are closely linked to people”s
lack of access to safe water supply.
Disease Description
Diarrhea It is the most common type of water related illness and is caused by
drinking water contaminated with disease causing bacteria, viruses and /
or tiny parasites like worms / amoebas from human excreta. People who
are sick with this have to defecate more often than usual which results in
problem of dehydrations and malnutrition.
Typhoid Fever Typhoid is a gut infective caused by food / water contaminated with
bacteria found in human excreta, and often occurs in epidemics. This
disease results in high fever accompanied with diarrhea or vomiting.
Malaria Malaria is a disease caused by the micro organisms that are passed onto
people who are bitten by malaria infected mosquitoes. People who
suffer from malaria suffer from recurring attacks that cause shivers,
fevers and aches.
Schistosomiasis This disease is caused by blood flukes-tiny worms that begin their lives
inside fresh water snails. After being released with water as free-
swimming worms they penetrate the skin who are swimming, bathing or
washing in contaminated water. Once in the blood stream, the worm
cause victims to suffer from fever, pain in the lower abdomen over time
this results in liver damage.
Dracunchliasis This disease is resulted by small worms that enter people in bodies
(Guinea Worm) when they drink contaminated water. These worms in body can grow
upto 50 cm in length or more just under the skin. The adult worm will
form a blister on the skin, normally in the lower parts of the body or
legs. When the blister pops, the worm will start to come out of the
victim”s body.
In addition to the immediate and often devasting health effects of water related diseases, affected
individuals cannot work. Meager savings are exhausted, people become poor, cannot be
productive in turn results in poverty. Water borne infections hamper absorption of food even
when intake is sufficient causing malnutrition.
Water-Borne Diseases
Provides wholesome water and good sanitation. Constructing sanitary latrines and treating
wastewater to allow for biodegradation of human waste will help to curb diseases caused by
Water-Washed Diseases
They can be controlled effectively with better hygiene for which adequate freshwater is
Water-Based Diseases
Individuals can prevent infection from water-based diseases by washing vegetables in clean
water and thoroughly cooking the food. Practicing filtration with nylon gauge clothes to remove
guinea worms. Good hygiene, suitable disposal of human waste.
The solution to water related vector diseases would appear to be clear to eliminate the insects
that transmit diseases. Putting pesticides, there also have some negative effects. Alternate
techniques include using bed nets / introducing predators and sterile insects. Another way is
using biological methods and habitat management to reduce / eliminate the natural breeding
grounds of the disease vectors. What is important is to have wholesome drinking water to reduce
the incidence of diseases and also to reduce malnutrition. Sustainability needs to be addressed by
moving away wherever possible from groundwater to surface water resources or groundwater
Fluoride in water is mostly of geological origin. Waters with high levels of fluoride content are
mostly found at the foot of high mountains and in areas where seas has made geological deposits.
Ingestion of excess fluoride, most commonly in drinking water can cause fluorosis which affects
the teeth (dental) (see photo) and bones (skeletal). Moderate amounts lead to dental effects, but
long term ingestion of large amounts can lead to potentially severe skeletal problems.
Fluorosis is caused by excessive intake of fluoride. The dental effects of fluorosis develop made
earlier than the skeletal effects in people exposed to large amounts of fluoride. Clinical dental
fluorosis is characterized by staining and pitting of teeth. In more severe cases all the enamel
may be damaged.
High level exposure to fluoride can lead to skeletal fluorosis (photos). Here, fluoride
accumulates in the bone progressively over many years. The early symptoms of skeletal
fluorosis include stiffness and pain in the joints. In severe cases the bone structure may change
and ligaments may calcify resulting impairment of muscles and pain. Acute high level results in
abdominal pain excessive saliva, nausea and vomiting.
Acute high level is very rare and usually due to accidental contamination of drinking water.
Moderate level chronic exposure (>1.5 mg/l) is more common. People affected by fluorosis are
often exposed to multiple sources of fluorosis, such as in food, water, air and excessive
toothpaste. However, drinking water is typically the most significant source.
The prevention of dental and skeletal fluorosis is most entirely clean. It is believed that
fluorosis affects millions of people around the world, but as regard to dental fluorosis the very
mild and mild forms are the most frequent.
Removal of excess fluoride in drinking water is difficult and expensive. The preferred option is
to find a supply of safe drinking water with safe fluoride level where access to safe water is
already limited, defluoridation may be the only option. Use of bone charcoal, contact
precipitation, use of Nalgonda activated alumina. Since all method produces sludge with very
high concentration of fluoride that has to be disposed off. Only water for drinking and cooking
purposes should be treated.
Forests are valuable source of biodiversity from which we derive various benefits like medicines,
domesticated plants, animals, etc. Forest reduces the impact of raindrop by covering the surface
of the land with litter and leaves. This results in reduction of soil erosion, in turn floods in rivers.
It moderates climate. Forest provides livelihood for large sector of tribal people. It also fulfills
timber, fuel-wood, fruits, fibre, recreation and other benefits. These are self managed ecosystems
by way of managing and maintaining themselves in the absence of human interference. It
maintains the natural ecological balance by providing habitat for various species of plants and
They provide shelter to large number of animals and birds. Infact tropical rain forests are the
best sources of diversity of animals. These animals are not only aesthetically valuable but
represent a tremendous store of genes. These genes have been evolving over millions of years, so
when one species of animals or plant become extinct, a very valuable source of genetic
information is lost. Our wheat, rice, ragi, sugar cane, etc., are also descendants of once wild
Many forests have been damaged by cutting them to provide space of urbanization / agriculture /
industry. Deforestation is the curse of modern civilization. Large reservoirs submerge land /
forest along with upstream course of river and valuable animal species flora and fauna will be
Deforestation is thought to induce regional and global climate changes. Trees releases
substantial amount of moisture into the air, and about 97% of water through roots absorb from
the soil is evaporated directly into the atmosphere as evapotranspiration. The moisture finds its
way back to the earth in the hydrologic cycle. When large form is decimated, rainfall is likely to
decline and drought may become more common in that region. The effective forest
management include restricting cutting tress, reforestation, control of forest fire, replacing and
In India, 22% of the land is covered by forest i.e., around 60 million hectare. This worksout to be
0.06 hectare/person which is far less than the world”s average of 0.64 hectare/capita. It is
required to know the prime causes of deforestation which includes increased population and
industrialization, mineral exploration, construction of dam, transportation, over grazing,
agricultural operation, illegal human trade, etc.
Minerals are formed through geochemical process over a long span of period. India is rich in
mineral reserves. Coal resource is the largest. India is the 5 th largest producer of coal in the
world with total reserve of coal estimated at 186044 million. India has the 5 th largest depost of
bauxite in the world. 95% of India”s lead-zinc resources are located in Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Limestone is found in all the states of India. The country is relatively poor in gold, base metals,
platinum, diamond, nickel, tungsten and rock phosphate. As population increases the demands
on the mineral usage is also increasing rapidly. In the next 50 years most of our mineral
resources will get exhausted. Therefore these non-renewable resources are to be consumed less
and preventing wastage, recycling and reuse, choosing renewable alternative.
The mining extraction, purifying, refining and processing operations are likely to cause the
following effects,
Disturbing landscape, forest, wildlife,
Releasing of toxic pollutants
Water and air pollution
Land degradation
are to be suitably tackled while using mineral resources.
Nutrients, unlike energy are recycled in the ecosystem. There are about 40 chemical elements
considered to be essential for living organisms. Materials are in limited quantity in the earth”s
system and to keep the system going continuously the only possibility is to regenerate the
materials. The unique method evolved in nature is recycling materials continuously is by
linking them in cyclic changes.
The macro-nutrients are C, H, O, P, K, I, N, S, Mg, Ca, etc., which have cycles with atmosphere
while micro-nutrients like Cu, Fe, Co, etc., are soil based form edophic cycles. The bio-geo-
chemical cycles are of two varieties – sedimentary cycles and gaseous cycles. In sedimentary
cycles the main reservoir is the soil, the sedimentary and other types of rocks of earth”s crust.
The gaseous cycles have their main reservoir of nutrients in the atmosphere and oceans.
Examples are the oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, etc. Both are driven by the flow of energy
and both are tied up with the water cycle or the hydrologic cycle. In nutrient cycle, various
chemical compounds of the main element are transferred while in hydrologic cycle a compound
i.e., water is circulated as solid liquid and vapour phase.
Carbon is an essential constituent of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and a large number of organic
compounds. CO2 of the atmosphere and that dissolved in the natural waters is the main source of
carbon. Green plants use CO2 in the process of photosynthesis to make carbohydrates. In doing
so the green plants lock the radiant energy of the sun in the synthesized food. This energy is
utilized by all living beings for their own activities. The evolved oxygen by the process of
photosynthesis is used for most of the living things, the plants and animals. Thus all animals
depend for their food on plants and animals. Thus all animals depend for their food on plants
directly or indirectly. All organic compounds are also oxidized to CO 2 and water, both of which
are utilized by plants in the process of photosynthesis.
The water goes down into the soil for the use of plants.
The atmosphere and natural waters must be replenished with CO 2. Most of the CO2 is returned to
atmosphere and natural water by plants and animals through the process of respiration. Bacteria
and fungi also return CO2 to the atmosphere and natural water into the soil by acting chemicals
upon the dead plants and animals and their waste such as urine and faeces. It should also be
noted that coal, petroleum, etc., are also noted that coal, petroleum, etc., are also the part of
carbon cycle and are formed in nature by living organisms. Decomposition of microorganism are
very important in breaking down dead material with the release of carbon back to the carbon
cycle. All the carbon of plants, herbivores, carnivores and decomposers is not respired, but some
are fermented and some are stored. The carbon compounds such as methane
that are lost to the food chain after fermentation are readily oxidized to CO 2 by a number of
Nitrogen is an essential constituent of animal and plant matter as it forms proteins, which are the
building blocks of life. The ultimate source of nitrogen is atmospheric nitrogen but neither plants
nor animals are capable of assimilating free nitrogen. Thus the process of converting atmospheric
nitrogen to useful nitrogenous compounds by plants, passing it to animals and then the
decomposition of these compounds to give back free nitrogen in the atmospheres is called
Nitrogen Cycle. It is because of the nitrogen cycle that the percentage of nitrogen remains
constant in the air.
The process of conversion of free nitrogen of the air to useful nitrates is termed as nitrogen
Biological nitrogen fixation
When nitrogen fixation is brought about by micro-organisms the process is called biological
nitrogen fixation.
Examples: Rhizobium, a nitrogen fixing bacteria present in the roots of leguminous plants, fixes
atmospheric nitrogen to the soil. Azotobacter and Clostridium are other free-living nitrogen
fixing bacteria.
Physical fixation
When nitrogen fixation is brought about by physical process it is called physical fixation. For
example, during lightening and thunder, atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen combine to form
nitrogen dioxide.
By the addition of compost and fertilizers.
Nitrogen dioxide so formed dissolves in rain water to form nitric acid, which goes into the soil.
This nitric acid reacts with minerals of the soil to form soluble nitrates.
In humans and animals some proteins are broken down to ammonia and carbon dioxide,
which forms urea and is excreted out as urine. Their waste matter is also treated by micro-
organisms to convert it into inorganic nitrates.
Certain bacteria found in the soil called denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates of the soil to free
nitrogen. Although this decreases the fertility of the soil it is inevitable.
Sulphur is one of the components that make up proteins and vitamins. Proteins consist of amino
acids that contain sulphur atoms. Sulphur is important for the functioning of proteins and
enzymes in plants, and in animals that depend upon plants for sulphur. Plants absorb sulphur
when it is dissolved in water. Animals consume these plants, so that they take up enough sulphur
to maintain their health.
Most of the earth's sulphur is tied up in rocks and salts or buried deep in the ocean in oceanic
sediments. Sulphur can also be found in the atmosphere. It enters the atmosphere through both
natural and human sources. Natural recourses can be for instance volcanic eruptions, bacterial
processes, evaporation from water, or decaying organisms. When sulphur enters the atmosphere
through human activity, this is mainly a consequence of industrial processes where sulphur
dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gases are emitted on a wide scale.
When sulphur dioxide enters the atmosphere it will react with oxygen to produce sulphur trioxide
gas (SO3), or with other chemicals in the atmosphere, to produce sulphur salts. Sulphur dioxide
may also react with water to produce sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Sulphuric acid may also be
produced from demethylsulphide, which is emitted to the atmosphere by plankton species.
All these particles will settle back onto earth, or react with rain and fall back onto earth as acid
deposition. The particles will than be absorbed by plants again and are released back into the
atmosphere, so that the sulphur cycle will start over again.
Energy is measured in BLU (British Thermal Unit) or Joule (Named after the English Physicist
type of energy). One Joule after the amount of energy required to lift 1 pound (approx 400g)
about 9 inches (23cm). It takes 1000 Joules to equal a Btu. It would take 2 million Joules to
make a pot of coffee. A price of buttered tarts contains 315 kilo Joules of energy.
Kinds of energy
Types of energy
All these forms of energy can be broken down either into kinetic or potential energy.
Sources of energy
Transportation consumes about 24% of the energy, 40% for industry, 30% for domestic and
commercial purposes and remaining 6% for other uses including agriculture.
The top 20 richest countries of the world consumes 80 of the natural gas 65% of the oil and 50 of
the coal produced every year while these countries have only one fifth of the world”s population.
One third of the world”s population is about two billion people, lack access to adequate energy
supplies, they mainly depend on fuel wood, dung, coal, charcoal and kerosene for cooking and
heating. U.S.A is the largest energy consumer in the world.
India”s energy status is not promising. Presently, the country consumes about 100 million tones
of coal and 32,5 million tones of oil annually. Official estimate report that 40 billion tones of
coal are available but only one half this is recoverable which means it is less than the projected
demand of 23 billion tones of coal till the year 2020.
On the other hand the projected demand for hydroelectric power by 2020 is 12 times more than
the present installed capacity of nearly 15, 000 MW.
India”s oil deposits Is about 400 million tones as against the world oil reserve of 750,000 million
tones. Gas reserves of our country are about 100 million cubic meters, as against world”s
reserves of 63,000 million cubic meters. Here, one can conclude that the energy Scenario of India
is blank.
These are available in limited amount and develop over a longer period of time. Hence, they
cannot be replenished in the quantities they are being consumed in a given period of time. Non-
Conventional energy sources like nuclear energy etc.
An electromagnetic radiation is energy in the form of a wave due to changing electric and
magnetic fields. There are different forms of electromagnetic radiation, each with different
wavelengths (i.e. Distance between successive peaks or troughs in the wave) and energy content.
Such radiation travels through space at the speed of light, which is about 3, 00 000 kilometers/
Cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays and ultra violet radiation are known as Ionizing radiation
because they have energy to knock electrons from atoms and change them to positively charged
ions. The resulting highly reactive electrons and ions can disrupt living cells, interfere with body
processes and cause many types of sickness, including various cancers.
The other forms of electromagnetic radiation do not contain enough energy to form ions and are
known as Non- ionizing radiation.
The visible light that can be detected by our eyes is a form of non- ionizing radiation that
occupies only a small portion of full range or spectrum of different types of electro magnetic
Cosmic Gamma X-ray Far U V Near UV Near infra Far infra Micro TV Radio
Rays rays rays waves waves / red waves red waves waves waves waves
Electricity produces from waterpower is known as hydroelectric energy. The potential energy of
falling water captured and converted to mechanical energy by water wheel powered the start of
industrial revolution. Wherever head or change in elevation could be found, river and stream were
dammed and mills were built.
Large Scale Hydro power: in this case a high dam is built across a large river to create a reservoir,
water is allowed to flow to through huge pipes laid along the steep hill slopes (falling) at controlled
rates, thus spinning turbines ( prime movers) and in turn generators producing electricity.
Small hydropower: In this case a low dam with no reservoir (or only a small one) is built across a
small stream and the water used to spin turbine to produce electricity.
Pumped Storage hydropower: In this case the surplus electricity conventional power plant is used
to lift water from a lake or tail race to another reservoir at a higher elevator, water in the upper
reservoir is released to spin the turbine for generating electricity.
In 2001, hydro power supplied about 7% of the world”s total commercial energy, 20% of the
world”s electricity. It supplies 99% of the electricity in Norway, 75% in New Zealand and 50% in
developing countries and 25% in China.
In India the generation of hydro electricity has been emphasized right from the beginning of the
First Five Year plan. By the end of Fourth plan, India was able to generate 6.9 thousand MW of
hydro electricity, contributing 42% of the total power generation capacity. But due to increase in
demand, by the end of Eighth plan it fell down to 25% only. The hydropower potential of India is
estimated to be 4 X 10 11k w –hours. Till now we have utilized only a little move than 11% of this
Because of increasing concern about the harmful environment and social consequences of large
dams, there has been growing pressure on the World Bank and other development agencies to stop
funding new large scale hydro power projects.
Small-scale hydropower projects eliminate most of the harmful environmental effects of large-scale
projects. However their power output can vary with seasonal changes in the stream flow.
Advantages Disadvantages
* Moderate to high net energy. * High construction cost
* High efficiency (80%) * High environmental impact
* Low cost electricity emission from biomass * High carbon dioxide
decay in shallow tropical reservoirs.
* Long life span * Floods natural areas.
* No carbon dioxide emission during operation * Coverts land habitat to lake habitat.
* May provide flood control below dam. * Danger of collapse
* Provides water for year-round Irrigation. * Uproots People.
* Reservoir is useful for fishing and recreation * Decreases fish harvest Below dam
Above are the advantages of and disadvantages of using large-scale hydropower plants to
generate electricity
According to the United Nations, only about 13% of the World”s exploitable potential for
hydropower has been developed. Much its un trapped potential is in South Asia, (China), South
America and parts of Russia.
Fossils fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) are energy rich substances that have formed from the remains
of organisms that lived 200 to 500 million years ago. During the stage of the Earth”s evolution,
large amount of dead organic matter had collected. Over million of years, this matter was buried
under layers of sediment and converted by heat and pressure into coal, oil and natural gas.
Chemically, fossil fuels largely consist of hydrocarbons, which are compounds of hydrogen and
carbon. Some fossils fuel also contains smaller quantities of other compounds. After the
accumulating sediments exerted increasing heat and pressure for millions of years on the ancient
organisms hydrocarbons were formed. Most common among them are petroleum, coal and
natural gas. However Geologists have identified other types of hydrocarbon rich deposits, which
can serve as fuels. Such deposits are: oil shale, tar sands and gas hydrates. However, they are not
widely used due to the fact that they are very costly to extract and refine.
Majority of fossil fuels are being used in transportation, industries heating and generation of
Crude petroleum is refined into gasoline; diesel and jet fuel that power the world”s transportation
Coal is mostly used in the generation of electricity (thermal power). Natural gas is used for
commercial and domestic purposes like heating, air conditioning and as fuels for stoves and for
other heating appliances.
Once we discovered the fossil fuel we began consuming them at an increasing rate. From 1859 to
1969, total oil production was227 billion barrels (1 barrel=159 lts). 50% of this total was
extracted during the first 100 years, while the next 50% was extracted in next 10 years.
Today, fossil fuels are considered to be non-renewable for the reason that their consumption rate
is far in excess of the rate of their formation.
Coal :
About 250 to 350 million years ago coal was formed on earth in hot, damped regions. Almost
27350 billion metric tones of known coal deposits occur on our planet. Out of which about 56%
are located in Russia, 28% in USA and Canada. India has about 5% of world”s coal reserve and
that too not of vary good quality in term of heat capacity. West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa,
Andhra Pradesh, Madya Pradesh and Maharastra are the major coal producing states of India.
The present annual extraction rate of coal is about 3000 million metric tones, at this rate coal
reserves may lasts for about 200 hundred years and if its use is increased by 2% per year then it
will last for another 65 years.
Convenience of petroleum or mineral oil and its greater energy content as compared to coal on
weight basis has made it the lifeline of global economy. Petroleum is cleaner fuel when
compared to wood or coal as it burns completely and leaves no residue. Petroleum is unevenly
distributed like any other mineral. There are 13 countries in the world having 67% of the
petroleum reserves which together form the OPEC (Organization of petroleum exporting
countries). Six regions in the world are rich in petroleum – USA, Mexico, Russia and West Asian
countries. Saudi Arabia oil producing has one fourth of the world oil reserves. The total oil
reserves of our planet is about 356.2 billion metric tones out of this annually we are exporting
about 28% million metric tones. Hence the exisisting reserves would last for about 40 – 50 years.
About 40% of the total energy consumed in the entire world is now contributed by oil.
The oil bearing potential of India is estimated to be above one million square kilometers is about
one third of the total geographic area. Northern plains in the Ganga-Brahmaputra valley, the
coastal strips together with their off-shore continental shelf (Bobay Hihgh), the plains of Gujarat,
the Thar Desert and the area around Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Natural gas:
Natural gas mainly consists of Methane (CH4) along with other inflammable gases like Ethane
and propane. Natural gas is least polluting due to its low Sulphur content and hence is clearest
source of energy. It is used both for domestic and industrial purposes. Natural gas is used as a
fuel in thermal plants for generating electricity as a source of hydrogen gas in fertilizing industry
and as a source of carbon in tyre industry.
The total natural gas reserves of the world is about 600 000 billion meters, out of this Russia has
34%, Middle East 18%, North America 17%, Africa and Europe 9% each and Asia 6%. Annual
production of natural gas is about 1250 billion cubic meters and hence it is expected to last for
about 50-100 years. In India gas reserves are found in Tripura, Jaisalmer, off shore areas of
Bombay and Krishna-Godavari Delta.
Acid rain: When fossil fuels are buried, Sulphur, Nitrogen and Carbon combine with oxygen to
form compounds known as oxide. These oxides when released into the atmosphere, they react
with water form and result in the formation of Sulhuric acid, Nitric acid and Carbonic acid.
These acids can harm biological quality of forests, soils, lakes and streams.
Ash particles: Ash particles are the un burnt fuel particles. However with strict imposition of
Government regulations, perubben are provided to trap these particles. Petro and natural gas
generate less ash particles than coal, diesel or gasoline.
Global warming: Carbon dioxide is a major by product of fossil combustion and this gas is
known as green hour gas. Green hour gas absorbs solar heat reflected off the earth”s surface and
retains this heat, keeping the Earth warm and habitat for living organisms. Rapid industrialization
between 19th and 20th centuries however has resulted in increasing fossils fuel emissions, raining
the percentage of carbon dioxide by about 28%. This drastic increase has led to global warming
that could cause environmental problems, including disrupted weather patterns and polar ice cap
Metal hydra rides, charcoal powders, graphite nanofibers and glass micro spheres containing
hydrogen will not explode or burn of a vehicle”s tank is ruptured in an accident. Such tanks
would be much safer than current gasoline tanks.
Conventional oil
Advantages Disadvantages
* Amply supply for 40-90years * Need to find substitute within
50 years
* Low cost (with huge substitute) * Artificially low price
encourages waste and dis
courages search for alternative
* High net energy yield * Air pollution when burnt
* Easily transported within and * Released carbon dioxide when
between countries when burnt
* Low land use * Moderate water pollution
* Technology is well developed
Advantages Disadvantages
* Moderate existing supplies * High costs
* Large potential supplies * Low net energy yield
* Easily transport within and * Large amount of water needed
between countries to process
* Efficient distribution system in place * Severe land disruption
* Technology is well developed * Water pollution from mining
* Air pollution when burnt
* Carbon dioxide emissions when burnt
Advantages Disadvantages
* Ample supplies (125 years) * Non renewable resources
* High net energy yield * Releases carbon dioxide when burnt
* Low cost ( with huge subsidies) * Methane ( a green house gas)
can leak from pipelines
* Less air pollution than other fossil fuels * Shipped across ocean as highly explosive LNG
* Moderate environmental import * Sometimes burnt off and wasted
at wells because of low prices
* Easily transported by pipelines * Requires pipelines
* Low land use
* Food fuel for fuel cells and gas
Advantages Disadvantage
* Ample supplies (225-900years) * Very high environmental impact
* High net energy yield * Several land disturbance air
pollution and water pollution
* Low cost (with huge substitutes) * High land use (including mining)
* Mining and combustion * Severe threat to human health
technology well developed
* Air pollution can be reduced with * High carbon dioxide emissions developed
when burnt
* Releases radio active particles and
mercury into air.
Nuclear energy is non- renewable source of energy, which is released during fission
Nuclear fission: Nuclear fission reaction are based on the fission of U 235 nuclei by thermal
92 U235
The energy from these nuclear reactions is used to heat water in the reactor and generates steam
to drive a stream turbine.
High temperature gas-cooled reactors and Fast Breeder reactors convert non fissionable Pu 239
and U233
Nuclear fusion It is based on deurterium-deuterium and deuterium-tritum reaction
The deuterium-deuterium re actions promise an unlimited source of energy will take several
more years due to the technical problem. Nuclear fusion is also known as thermo nuclear
Environmental impact : Nuclear fission power reactor generate large quantities of radio active
fission waste products, which may remain dangerous for thousand of years. In addition these are
no safe disposal methods.
The solar energy originates from the thermonuclear fusion reaction taking place in the Sun. It is
one of the potential non-conventional energy source. The earth continuously receives energy
from the Sun, part of which is absorbed while the remaining is emitted back into space. Out of
the solar radiations reaching the earth 92% consists radiations in the range of 315 to 1400 mm.
45% of this is in the visible range and emits radiations in the infra-red region (2u to 40u). The
heat equivalent of the solar radiation reaching the earth is estimated to be about 2,68x 10 Joules
per year.
Solar energy being non- polluting and non-deplets is considered as renewable energy and thus
fills into the principle of sustainability. But only 0,25 to 0.5 % of the solar energy reaching the
earth is utilized for photosynthesis. Utilisation of solar energy is to gain popularity among the
masses due to expensive nature.
In India, solar photovoltaic systems are being installed by Department of Non- Conventional
energy resources for lighting, running of TV sets, water pumping etc. In India, there has been
steady rise in demand for solar photovoltaic system.
Solar cells are used to convert the impinging solar radiation directly of this
method is that no mechanical movement of parts is need. The reliability of the operation is
extraordinarily high. Even under severe space conditions a maintenance free life span of ten or
more years has been achieved. Only disadvantage is that, its cost is very high.
For a solar power station with a capacity of 1000 Mw, a land of surface of about 12 km2 is
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Biomass is the term used to describe the organic matter produced by photo synthesis that exists
on the Earth”s surface. The source of all energy in biomass is the Sun, the biomass acting as a
kind of chemical energy store. Traditionally the extraction of energy from biomass is split into
three distinct categories:
Solid biomass: The use of trees, crop residues animal and human waste, house hold or industrial
residues for direct combustion to provide heat.
Biogas: it is obtained an aerobically (without air) digesting the organic material to produce
ethane. Animal waste and municipal waste are two common feed stocks for anaerobic digestion.
Liquid bio-fuels: They are obtained by subjecting organic materials to one of the various
chemical or physical processes to produce a usable, combustible liquid fuel. Bio fuels such as
vegetable oils or ethanol are often processed from industrial or commercial residues such as
biogas or from energy crops grown specially for these purposes.
Biomass resources: They are renewable energy recourses. Natural Biomass resources vary in
type and content depending upon the geographical location. World”s biomass producing areas
are classifieds into three distinctive regions.
Temperate regions: Produce wood, crop residues like straw, vegetable leaves, human and animal
Arid and Semi arid regions: Produce very little excess vegetation for fuel. People living in these
areas are often the most affected by desertification and have differently in finding sufficient
wood fuel.
Humid tropical regions: Produce abundant wood supplies, crop produces, animal and human
wastes, commercial industrial agro and food processing residues. Many of the world”s poorer
countries are found in these regions and hence there is a high incidence of domestic biomass use.
Tropical areas are currently the most seriously affected by deforestation, logging and land
clearance for agriculture.
Activities including Commercial utilization of Biomass- Biomass can be used for a variety of
commercial tobacco curing praising direct heat for brick burning, for lime burning and cement
In India, sugar mills are rapidly turning to bagasse, the leftover of cane after it is crushed and its
juice extracted to generate electricity. This is mainly done to clean up the environment, cut down
power cost and additional revenue. According to current estimates, about 3500 MW of power
can be generated from bagasse in the existing 430 sugar mills of the country. Around 270 MW of
power has already been commissioned and more are under construction. The advantages of
biomass is that it can be locally sourced.
Biomass energy and environment: Concern for the environment was one of the major
inspirations for early research and development work on improved stoves. Initially, one
environment concern dominated the improved stove work, saving trees. Today, this is
considerably downplayed. At the same time, other environmental issues have become dominant.
Large scale combustion of biomass is only environmentally feasible if carried out on a
sustainable basis. For obvious continual large-scale exploitation of biomass resources without
care for its replacement and regeneration will cause environmental damage and also Jeopardize
the fuel source itself.
Biogas is obtained by an aerobically (without air) digesting organic material to produce a
combustible gas known as methane. Animal waste and municipal waste are two common feed
stocks for an aerobic digestion.
At present biogas technology provides an alternative source of energy in rural India for cooking.
It is particularly useful for village households that have their own cattle. Through a simple
process cattle dung is used to provide the gas. The residual dung is used as manure. India has
world”s largest cattle population - 400 million, thus offering tremendous potential for biogas
plants. Biogas production has the capacity to provide us with about half of our energy needs
either burned for electricity production or piped into current gas lines for use. It just has to be
done and made a priority. Though about 3.71 million biogas plants in India up to March 2003 are
successfully in operation but still it is utilizing only 31% of the total estimated potential of 12
million plants. The pay back period of the biogas plant is only 2 to 3 years. Rather in the case of
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community and industrial Biogas plants is even less. Therefore biogas electrification at
Community Panchayat level is required to be implemented. A sixty cubic feet approx 2 m3
biogas plant can serve the needs of one average family.
The charge fro the biogas generation consists f dung and waste in the form of slurry. The
fermentation is carried out between 35 to 500C. About 160 liters of gas is produced per kg of
cow dung and heating value of the gas is 490 kilocalories on 160 liters basis.
The average composition of biogas is methane 55%. Hydrogen 7.4%, Carbon dioxide 39%,
Nitrogen 2.6%, Waster- traces. The average gross calorific value of the gas is 5300 kilo cals
/cubic meters.
Hydrogen is excellent reducing agent and produces less atmospheric pollution than carbon. So it
can replace coal in many industrial processes.
The changes in our way of life by adopting widespread uses of hydrogen are referred to as
'hydrogen economy'.
Hydrogen economy
Although hydrogen looks as very good future fuel, the problems associated with its economy are:
Hydrogen is not available as such. It does not occur in a free state in nature. The cheap
production of hydrogen is a basic requirement of hydrogen economy. The source of hydrogen is
water and using nuclear energy or solar energy might generate it.
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Hydrogen gas has explosive flammability and so is difficult to handle. This causes problem to its
storage and transportation. A solution for this is the use of Fe-Ti alloy, which absorbs hydrogen
and results in the formation of fine silvery powder. Heating the powder safely releases hydrogen
gas. Such storage system is safer than storage of hydrogen as gas or liquid.
Platinum scarcity
Platinum is required as catalyst in oxygen-hydrogen fuel cells. The demand of platinum exceeds
the supply. This will cause problems for fuel cells, which are highly promising energy source for
Hydrogen is an expensive fuel because its cost of production is high.
Use of liquid hydrogen as fuel
Liquid hydrogen is used as an important rocket fuel because of its low mass and high enthalpy of
combustion. The chemical reaction involved is:
Both reactants H2 and O2 are stored as liquids in separate tanks. The advantage of using
hydrogen as a rocket fuel is:
The product of combustion is water.
There is no emission of environmental pollutants such as CO, SO 2, oxides of nitrogen,
hydrocarbons, etc.
Although during the 'lift off operations, these propellants power shuttle's main engine for about
8.5 min, liquid hydrogen cannot be used much because the extraction of it from water is an
expensive procedure
High costs.
Short driving range for current fuel cells cars.
No fuel distribution system in place
Excessive hydrogen leaks may deplete ozone.
Module 3
Environmental Pollution
Water Pollution
Domestic sewage comprises spent water from kitchen, bathroom, lavatory, etc. The factors
which contribute to variations in characteristics of the domestic sewage are daily per capita use
of water, quality of water supply and the type, condition and extent of sewerage system, and
habits of the people. Municipal sewage, which contains both domestic and industrial wastewater,
may differ from place to place depending upon the type of industries and industrial
establishment. The important characteristics of sewage are discussed here.
The observations of temperature of sewage are useful in indicating solubility of oxygen, which
affects transfer capacity of aeration equipment in aerobic systems, and rate of biological activity.
Extremely low temperature affects adversely on the efficiency of biological treatment systems
and on efficiency of sedimentation. In general, under Indian conditions the temperature of the
raw sewage is observed to be between 15 and 35 0C at various places in different seasons.
The pH
The hydrogen ion concentration expressed as pH, is a valuable parameter in the operation of
biological units. The pH of the fresh sewage is slightly more than the water supplied to the
community. However, decomposition of organic matter may lower the pH, while the presence of
industrial wastewater may produce extreme fluctuations. Generally the pH of raw sewage is in
the range 5.5 to 8.0.
Though sewage generally contains less than 0.5 percent solids, the rest being water, still the
nuisance caused by the solids cannot be overlooked, as these solids are highly degradable and
therefore need proper disposal. The sewage solids may be classified into dissolved solids,
suspended solids and volatile suspended solids. Knowledge of the volatile or organic fraction of
solid, which decomposes, becomes necessary, as this constitutes the load on biological treatment
units or oxygen resources of a stream when sewage is disposed off by dilution. The estimation of
suspended solids, both organic and inorganic, gives a general picture of the load on
sedimentation and grit removal system during sewage treatment. Dissolved inorganic fraction is
to be considered when sewage is used for land irrigation or any other reuse is planned.
Phosphorus is contributing to domestic sewage from food residues containing phosphorus and
their breakdown products. The use of increased quantities of synthetic detergents adds
substantially to the phosphorus content of sewage. Phosphorus is also an essential nutrient for the
biological processes. The concentration of phosphorus in domestic sewage is generally adequate
to support aerobic biological wastewater treatment. However, it will be matter of concerned
when the treated effluent is to be reused. The concentration of PO 4 in raw sewage is generally
observed in the range of 5 to 10 mg/L.
Concentration of chlorides in sewage is greater than the normal chloride content of water supply.
The chloride concentration in excess than the water supplied can be used as an index of the
strength of the sewage. The daily contribution of chloride averages to about 8 gm per person.
Based on an average sewage flow of 150 LPCD, this would result in the chloride
content of sewage being 50 mg/L higher than that of the water supplied. Any abnormal increase
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should indicate discharge of chloride bearing wastes or saline groundwater infiltration, the latter
adding to the sulphates as well, which may lead to excessive generation of hydrogen sulphide.
Organic Material
Organic compounds present in sewage are of particular interest for environmental engineering. A
large variety of microorganisms (that may be present in the sewage or in the receiving water
body) interact with the organic material by using it as an energy or material source. The
utilization of the organic material by microorganisms is called metabolism. The conversion of
organic material by microorganism to obtain energy is called catabolism and the incorporation of
organic material in the cellular material is called anabolism.
In environmental engineering there are two standard tests based on the oxidation of organic
material: 1) the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and 2) the Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD) tests. In both tests, the organic material concentration is measured during the test. The
essential differences between the COD and the BOD tests are in the oxidant utilized and the
operational conditions imposed during the test such as biochemical oxidation and chemical
oxidation. The other method for measuring organic material is the development of the Total
Organic Carbon (TOC) test as an alternative to quantify the concentration of the organic
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): The BOD of the sewage is the amount of oxygen
required for the biochemical decomposition of biodegradable organic matter under aerobic
conditions. The oxygen consumed in the process is related to the amount of decomposable
organic matter. The general range of BOD observed for raw sewage is 100 to 400 mg/L. Values
in the lower range are being common under average Indian cities.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): The COD gives the measure of the oxygen required for
chemical oxidation. It does not differentiate between biological oxidisable and nonoxidisable
material. However, the ratio of the COD to BOD does not change significantly for particular
waste and hence this test could be used conveniently for interpreting performance efficiencies of
the treatment units. In general, the COD of raw sewage at various places is reported to be in the
range 200 to 700 mg/L.
In COD test, the oxidation of organic matter is essentially complete within two hours, whereas,
biochemical oxidation of organic matter takes several weeks. In case of wastewaters with a large
range of organic compounds, an extra difficulty in using BOD as a quantitative parameter is that
the rate of oxidation of organic compounds depends on the nature and size of its molecules.
Smaller molecules are readily available for use by bacteria, but large molecules and colloidal and
suspended matters can only be metabolized after preparatory steps of hydrolysis. It is therefore
not possible to establish a general relationship between the experimental five-day BOD and the
ultimate BOD of a sample, i.e., the oxygen consumption after several weeks. For sewage (with
k=0.23 d-1 at 20oC) the BOD5 is 0.68 times of ultimate BOD, and ultimate BOD is 87% of the
COD. Hence, the COD /BOD ratio for the sewage is around 1.7.
In case, where wastewaters high in suspended solids and BOD are to be accepted, provision
should be made in the design of the treatment plant to handle such wastes. In certain instances, it
is more economical to tackle the industrial waste at the source itself. Where, the wastewater has
high or low pH, corrective measures are necessary before admitting them to the sewers or the
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treatment plant. Toxic metals and chemicals having adverse effects on biological treatment
processes, or upon fish life in a natural water course, or render the receiving water stream unfit as
a source of water supply, should be brought down to acceptable limits at the source itself. Oil and
grease in excessive amounts not only add considerably to the cost of treatment, but also pose a
disposal problem. The industrial wastewaters may be discharged into public sewers if the
effluents meet the tolerance limits prescribed by the authority. If the wastewaters are to be
discharged into inland surface waters, tolerance limits set by the concerned authority should be
The present generation and the coming generations have to solve three grave problems, namely,
population poverty and pollution if they have to survive. Pollution being the most dangerous
problem likes cancer in which death is sure but slow. Environment pollution is assuming
dangerous proportions all through the globe and India is not free from this poisonous disease.
This is the gift of modern living, industrialization and urbanization. Unless timely action is taken
we have a forbid and bleak future for the world.
The word noise is derived from the Latin term nausea. It has been defined as unwanted sound, a
potential hazard to health and communication dumped into the environment with regard to the
adverse effect it may have on unwilling ears.1
Noise is defined as unwanted sound. Sound, which pleases the listeners, is music and that which
causes pain and annoyance is noise. At times, what is music for some can be noise for others2
Section 2 (a) of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 includes noise in the
definition of ―air pollutant”.
Section 2(a) air pollution means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance including noise present in
the atmosphere such concentration as may be or tent to injurious to human beings or other living
creatures or plants or property or environment.
In chambers 21st Century Dictionary the definition of noise has undergone a change. Noise
pollution stands carved out as phrase separately from noise. The two are defined as under: Noise-
a sound; a harsh disagreeable sound, or such sound; Pollution- an excessive or annoying degree
of noise in a particular area, e.g. from traffic or aero plane engines.
Pollution is a noise derived from the verb pollute. Section 2 (c ) of the Environment (Protection )
Act, 1986 defines environmental pollution to mean the presence in the environment of any
environmental pollutant. Section 2 (b) of the said Act defines environmental pollutant to means
any solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be ,or tends to be
injurious to environment.
A decibel is the standard for the measurement of noise. The zero on a decibel scale is at the threshold of
hearing, the lowest sound pressure that can be heard, on the scale acc. To smith, 20 db is whisper, 40 db
the noise in a quiet office. 60 db is normal conversation, 80 db is the level at which sound becomes
physically painful.
The Noise quantum of some of the cities in our country indicate their pitch in decibel in the
nosiest areas of corresponding cities, e.g. Delhi- 80 db, Kolkata - 87,Bombay-85, Chennai-89 db
Noise pollution like other pollutants is also a by- product of industrialization, urbanizations and
modern civilization.
Broadly speaking, the noise pollution has two sources, i.e. industrial and non- industrial. The
industrial source includes the noise from various industries and big machines working at a very
high speed and high noise intensity. Non- industrial source of noise includes the noise created by
transport/vehicular traffic and the neighborhood noise generated by various noise pollution can
also be divided in the categories , namely, natural and manmade. Most leading noise sources will
fall into the following categories: roads traffic, aircraft, railroads, construction, industry, noise in
buildings, and consumer products
over national parks, wilderness areas , and other areas previously unaffected by aircraft noise has
claimed national attention over recent years.
4. Construction Noise:-
The noise from the construction of highways , city streets , and buildings is a major contributor to
the urban scene . Construction noise sources include pneumatic hammers, air compressors,
bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks (and their back-up signals), and pavement breakers.
5. Noise in Industry: -
Although industrial noise is one of the less prevalent community noise problems, neighbors of
noisy manufacturing plants can be disturbed by sources such as fans, motors, and compressors
mounted on the outside of buildings Interior noise can also be transmitted to the community
through open windows and doors, and even through building walls. These interior noise sources
have significant impacts on industrial workers, among whom noise- induced hearing loss is
unfortunately common.
6. Noise in building: -
Apartment dwellers are often annoyed by noise in their homes, especially when the building is
not well designed and constructed. In this case, internal building noise from plumbing, boilers,
generators, air conditioners, and fans, can be audible and annoying. Improperly insulated walls
and ceilings can reveal the soundof-amplified music, voices, footfalls and noisy activities from
neighboring units. External noise from emergency vehicles, traffic, refuse collection, and other
city noises can be a problem for urban residents, especially when windows are open or
insufficiently glazed.
Harmful Effects:
On Human Being, Animal and Property: Noise has always been with the human civilization but it
was never so obvious, so intense, so varied & so pervasive as it is seen in the last of this century.
Noise pollution makes men more irritable. The effect of noise pollution is multifaceted & inter
related. The effects of Noise Pollution on Human Being, Animal and property are as follows:
I. It decreases the efficiency of a man:- Regarding the impact of noise on human efficiency there
are number of experiments which print out the fact that human efficiency increases with noise
reduction. A study by Sinha & Sinha in India suggested that reducing industrial booths could
improve the quality of their work. Thus human efficiency is related with noise.
II. Lack of concentration:- For better quality of work there should be concentration , Noise
causes lack of concentration. In big cities , mostly all the offices are on main road. The noise of
traffic or the loud speakers of different types of horns divert the attention of the people working
in offices.
III. Fatigue:- Because of Noise Pollution, people cannot concentrate on their work. Thus they
have to give their more time for completing the work and they feel tiring
IV. Abortion is caused: - There should be cool and calm atmosphere during the pregnancy.
Unpleasant sounds make a lady of irriative nature. Sudden Noise causes abortion in females.
V. It causes Blood Pressure: - Noise Pollution causes certain diseases in human. It attacks on the
person”s peace of mind. The noises are recognized as major contributing factors in accelerating
the already existing tensions of modern living. These tensions result in certain disease like blood
pressure or mental illness etc.
VI. Temporary of permanent Deafness:- The effect of nose on audition is well recognized.
Mechanics , locomotive drivers, telephone operators etc. All have their hearing . Impairment as a
result of noise at the place of work. Physictist, physicians & psychologists are of the view that
continued exposure to noise level above. 80 to 100 db is unsafe, Loud noise causes temporary or
permanent deafness.
VII. EFFECT ON VEGETATION Poor quality of Crops:- Now is well known to all that plants
are similar to human being. They are also as sensitive as man. There should be cool & peaceful
environment for their better growth. Noise pollution causes poor quality of crops in a pleasant
VIII. EFFECT ON ANIMAL:- Noise pollution damage the nervous system of animal. Animal
looses the control of its mind. They become dangerous.
IX. EFFECT ON PROPERTY:- Loud noise is very dangerous to buildings, bridges and
monuments. It creates waves which struck the walls and put the building in danger condition. It
weakens the edifice of buildings.
Legal Control:-
Right to Life:- Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees life and personal liberty to all persons. It
is well settled by repeated pronouncements of the Supreme Court that right to life enshrined in
Article 21 is not of mere survival or existence. It guarantees a right of persons to life with human
dignity. Any one who wishes to live in peace, comfort and quiet within his house has a right to
prevent the noise as pollutant reaching him.
Right to Information:- Every one has the right to information know about the norms and
conditions on which Govt. permit the industry which effect the environment.
Right to Religion and Noise:- Right to religion does not include right to perform religious
activities on loud speaker and electronic goods which produce high velocity of noise.
Directive Principal of State Policy:- The state has the object to make the enviorment pollution
Fundamental Duties:- every citizen of the country has the fundamental duty to clean the
Here Section 133 is of great importance. Under Crpc. Section 133 the magisterial court have
been empowered to issue order to remove or abate nuisance caused by noise pollution Sec 133
empower an executive magistrate to interfere and remove a public nuisance in the first instance
with a conditional order and then with a permanent one. The provision can be utilized in case of
nuisance of environment nature. He can adopt immediate measure to prevent danger or injury of
a serious land to the public. For prevention of danger to human life, health or safety the
magistrate can direct a person to abstain from certain acts.
Chapter IV of Indian Penal code deals with offences relating to public health, safety, ....decency ,
morals under Sections 268, 269, 270, 279, 280, 287, 288, 290 291 294. Noise pollution can be
penalized with the help of above section. Private remedies suits in the area may related to public
nuisance under A299. This article punishment in case of Public nuisance law of torts covers. A
person is guilty of public nuisance who does any act or is guilty of an illegal omission which
causes any common injury, danger, or annoyance to the pubic or to the people in general who
dwell or occupy property in the vicinity or which must necessarily cause injury, obstruction
danger or annoyance to persons who may have occasion to use any public right. A common
nuisance is not excused on the ground that it causes some convenience or advantage. Who ever
commits a public nuisance in any case not otherwise punishable by this code, shall be punished
with fine, which may extend to Rs. 200.
Under law of torts, a civil suit can be filed claiming damages for the nuisance. For filing a suit
under law of torts a plaintiff is required to comply with some of the requirement of tort of
nuisance which are as follows:-1. There should be reasonable interference.
2. Interference should be with the use & enjoyment of land.
3. In an action for nuisance actual damage is required to be proved. As a general rule either the
presence or absence of malice does not matter. But in some cases deviation from the rule has
been made.
The Factories Act does not contain any specific provision for noise control. However, under the
Third Schedule Sections 89 and 90 of the Act, noise induced hearing loss, is mentioned as
notifiable disease. Similarly, under the Modal Rules, limits for noise exposure for work zone area
have been prescribed.
(f) Motor Vehicle Act. Provision Relation to use of horn and change of Engine:-
In Motor vehicle Act rules regarding use horns and any modification in engine are made.
(g) Noise Pollution Control Rule 2000 under Environment Protection Act 1996:-
Further for better regulation for noise pollution There are The Noise Pollution ( Regulation and
Control ) Rules, 2000 – in order to curb the growing problem of noise pollution the government
of India has enacted the noise pollution rules 2000 that includes the following main provisions:-
1. The state government may categories the areas in the industrial or commercial or residential
2. The ambient air quality standards in respect of noise for different areas have been specified.
3. State government shall take measure for abatement of noise including noise emanating from
vehicular movement and ensure that the existing noise levels do not exceed the ambient air
quality standards specified under these rules.
4. An area not less than 100 m around hospitals educations institutions and court may be declares
as silence are for the purpose of these rules.
5. A loud speaker or a public address system shall not be used except after obtaining written
permission from the authority and the same shall not be used at night. Between 10 pm to 6 am.
6. A person found violating the provisions as to the maximum noise permissible in any particular
area shall be liable to be punished for it as per the provision of these rules and any other law in
Area DayTime NightTime
(A) Industrial area 75 70
(B) Commercial area 65 55
(C) Residential area 55 45
(D) Silence Zone 50 - 40*dB
- There are rules framed by the government regarding noise pollution and known as Noise
Pollution control and Regulation Rules, 1999. On 11-10-2002 govt brought in an amendment in
the rules. The amendment empowered the state government to permit use of loudspeakers or
public address system during night hours between 10 pm to 12 pm in the mid night on or during
the cultural or religious occasions for a limited period not exceeding 15 days.
- In this case supreme observed that Right to life enshrined in Article 21 is not of mere survival
or existence. It guarantees a right of persons to life with human dignity. There in are included all
the aspects of life which go to make a person life meaningful complete and worth living. Every
body who wished to live in peace , comfort and quiet with in his house has a right to prevent the
noise as pollutant reaching him. No one claim a right to noise to create noise even in his own
premises which would travel beyond his precincts and cause nuisance to neighbors or others.
We have made the law relating to noise pollution but there is need to creating general awareness
towards the hazardous effects of noise pollution. Particularly, in our country the people generally
lack consciousness of the ill effects which noise pollution creates ad how the society including
they themselves stand to beneficiary preventing generation and emission of noise pollution. The
target area should be educational institutions and more particularly school. The young children of
impressionable age should be motivated to desist from playing with firecrackers, use of high
sound producing equipments and instruments on festivals, religious and social functions, family
get-togethers and celebrations etc. which cause noise pollution. Suitable chapters can be added
into textbooks, which teach civic sense to the children and teach them how to be good and
responsible citizen which would include learning by heart of various fundamental duties and that
would obliviously include learning not to create noise pollution and to prevent if generated by
others. Holding of special talks and lectures can be organized in the schools to highlight the
menace of noise pollution and the role of the children in preventing it . For these purpose the
state must pay its role by the support and cooperation of non-government organizations (NGOs)
can also be enlisted.
Land pollution
Land pollution basically is about contaminating the land surface of the Earth through dumping
urban waste matter indiscriminately, dumping of industrial waste, mineral exploitation, and
misusing the soil by harmful agricultural practices. Land pollution includes visible litter and
waste along with the soil itself being polluted. The soil gets polluted by the chemicals in
pesticides and herbicides used for agricultural purposes along with waste matter being littered in
urban areas such as roads, parks, and streets.
Solid Waste: Semisolid or solid matter that are created by human or animal activities, and which
are disposed because they are hazardous or useless are known as solid waste. Most of the solid
wastes, like paper, plastic containers, bottles, cans, and even used cars and electronic goods are
not biodegradable, which means they do not get broken down through inorganic or organic
processes. Thus, when they accumulate they pose a health threat to people, plus, decaying wastes
also attract household pests and result in urban areas becoming unhealthy, dirty, and unsightly
places to reside in. Moreover, it also causes damage to terrestrial organisms, while also reducing
Some of the sources of solid waste that cause land pollution are:
Wastes from Agriculture: This comprises of waste matter produced by crop, animal manure, and
farm residues.
Wastes from Industries: Industrial waste matter that can cause land pollution can include paints,
chemicals, and so on.
Solids from Sewage Treatment: Wastes that are left over after sewage has been treated, biomass
sludge, and settled solids.
Ashes: The residual matter that remains after solid fuels are burned.
Garbage: This comprises of waste matter from food that are decomposable and other waste
matter that are not decomposable such as glass, metal, cloth, plastic, wood, paper, and so on.
Soil Pollution: Soil pollution is chiefly caused by chemicals in pesticides, such as poisons that
are used to kill agricultural pests like insects and herbicides that are used to get rid of weeds.
Hence, soil pollution results from:
Land pollution is caused by farms because they allow manure to collect, which leaches into the
nearby land areas. Chemicals that are used for purposes like sheep dipping also cause serious
land pollution as do diesel oil spillages.
Land pollution can affect wildlife, plants, and humans in a number of ways, such as:
The toxic materials that pollute the soil can get into the human body directly by:
. People should be educated and made aware about the harmful effects of littering .
Items used for domestic purposes ought to be reused or recycled
• Personal litter should be disposed properly
. Organic waste matter should be disposed in areas that are far away from residential
places . Inorganic matter such as paper, plastic, glass and metals should be reclaimed
and then recycled
Anthropologists believe the human species dates back at least 3 million years. Our distant
ancestors lived a precarious existence as hunters and gatherers. This way of life kept their total
numbers small (<10 million). After agriculture was invented, communities evolved that could
support more people. World population expanded to about 30 crore by A.D.1 and continued to
grow at moderate rate. But after the beginning of the industrial revolution, the living standards
rose and wide spread famines and epidemics diminished in some regions and population growth
accelerated. The population climbed to about 76 crore in 1750 and reached 100 crore around
1800. In 1800, the vast majority of the world”s population (86%) resided in Asia (65%) and
Europe (21%). In 2000, the world had 610 crore human habitants. This number could rise to
more than 900 crore in the next 50 years. For the last 50 years world population multiplies more
rapidly than ever before.
Improved medicine, sanitation and nutrition have produced a major decline in death rates.
Throughout the 20th Century, it has occurred in developing countries with astonishing speed.
Birth rate (number of live births / 1000 population / year) have also been falling in most of the
Western Countries now. In South Asia and Africa, birth rates remain quite high. Endemic
poverty, low levels of education and weak family planning programmes have kept the average
number of children born to each women is over six. But even here there has been some
progress. The world population adds more than quarter million people daily and this rapid
growth is placing enormous pressure on environment. The US population has doubled from 135
million to more than 270 million during last 60 years. China”s population is 1.2 Billion and
despite the government policy of permitting only one child per couple, it is still growing at an
annual rate of 1.1%.
India has nearly 1 Billion people living an approximately 1/3 of the land of either to US or
China. India”s current population growth rate (number of persons added / subtracted from a
population in a year due to natural increase and net migration expressed as percentage of
population at the beginning of the time period) is 1.9%.
The increase in average life expectancy has lead to the population of older people to grow at a
rate of 2.8% per year worldwide. A parallel trend has been a reduction in fecundity and fertility
and so the overall population growth has been less only 1.6% per year. The consequences is an
ageing (trend of more people to live to reach old age while fewer children are born) society with
a proportionately high number of older people.
Poverty, low literacy and education levels among women, lack of consistent support from
government, poor planning and bureaucratic inefficiency are some of the reasons why family
planning programme has not been a big success.
Environmental Implications of Population Growth
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Population growth and urbanization will place a greater pressure on natural resources, but there
are eco-friendly alternatives that could mitigate the problem to certain extent.
Rapid population growth will overstress the earth”s natural resources and crowd out
undomesticated plant and animal species. All people want to be fed, clothed, housed and have
access to clean water. To meet these requirements, water, land, forest and other natural
resources must be exploited to some degree. As population increases, more resources are
needed to meet the basic requirements. More forest must be cut down to provide wood for
housing and fuel. More cleared land is needed for agriculture and development. All of these are
finite. More than 99% of the world”s food supply comes from the land, while less than 1% from
oceans and other aquatic habitats. The continued production of an adequate food supply is
directly depended an ample fertile land, fresh water, energy, plus the maintenance of
biodiversity. As the human population grows, the requirements for these resources also grow.
Even if these resources are never depleted, on a per capita basis they will decline significantly
because they must be divided among more people.
At the same time as people consume these resources, they produce waste that is put back into the
air, land and water. The greater amount of waste from larger populations put more stress on
It is true that the highest population growth rates are found the developing countries. However,
because affluent countries consume more resources, they remain the primary contributors to
certain global environmental problems like global warming. The G7 nations, the US, Canada,
Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Italy represents only 10% of global population but
consumes 40% of fossil fuels as well as forest commodities. Because consumption rates are so
high in these countries, even small increase in population can have a significant impact.
As the world population continues to grow geometrically, great pressure being placed an
agriculture lands, water, energy and biological resources. According, the World Bank and the
U.N., from 1-2 billion humans are now malnourished indicating a combination of insufficient
food, low income and inadequate distribution of food. In China, about 80 million are now
malnourished and hungry. It is reported that there is an imbalance between population growth
and resources.
Water is critical for all crops which require large amount of water during their growing season.
For example, a hectare of corn will require more than 5 million litres of water during one
growing season. This means that more than 8 million litres of water per hectare must reach the
crop. In total, agricultural production consumes more fresh water by agriculture. Competition for
water resources among individuals, regions and countries is already occurring with the current
world population. In China, where more than 300 cities already short of water, these shortages
are intensifying. Water resources, are under great stress as populous cities, states and
countries require and withdraw more water from rivers, lakes and aquifers. Every year, a major
threat to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-draft of surface and
groundwater resources.
Diseases associated with water, rob people”s health, nutrients and livelihood. This problem is
more serious in developing countries.
Fossil energy is another prime resource used for food production. Nearly 80% of the world”s
fossil energy used each year is used by the developed countries and part is expended in
producing high animal protein diets. The intensive farming technologies of developed countries
use massive amounts of fossil energy for fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation, etc., as a substitute for
human labour. In general, developing countries have been relying heavily on fossil energy,
especially for fertilizers and irrigation to augment their food supply.
In addition, we must keep in mind the environment, population and economic problems of
developing countries often have global effects. It is in the interest of industrial nations to help
poorer countries to pursue comprehensive development efforts to reduce poverty and lower birth
rates. Moreover, because many technologies and consumption patterns that originate in industrial
nations spread to the rest of the world, these countries have a responsibility to develop
environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable consumption pattern.
In the last four decades, the population of India has increased at a very rapid rate and has more
than doubled. The spread of urbanization and the rapid expansion of urban countries across the
country have in the absence of basic infrastructure, created vast urban slums. The estimate of the
proportion of urban people living in slum varies from 20% to 30% of the population of the urban
centers. Each day almost 15,000 people move into urban areas from villages resulting in 25-50%
of population of the country live in crowded densely populated cities and major towns.
The presence of migrants combined with poor civic amenities in the urban areas creates low
living standards for slum dwellers. Improper and inadequate management of urban waste has led
to the prevalence of unhygienic conditions that create a breeding ground for all manner of
However, avoidance of slum creation totally impossible as the city master plan implementation
becomes impossible, as all rules and regulations of city planning gets violated. It is very
difficult to create sufficient infrastructure within a short interval of time. This ends up with
formation of slums, where individual houses do not have proper latrines and not even public tap
or borewell water supply system provided for thousands of slum dwellers.
There are a number of schemes designed to improve urban infrastructure such as centrally
assisted programmes for construction of individual and community latrines. There are schemes
for water supply to small towns with population less than 20,000. Initiatives create
infrastructure for the urban poor include, schemes to provide drinking water, drainage and
lighting to notified slums. The urban basic service schemes – 1986 promotes women and child
development, low cost water supply and sanitation. A programme for environmental
improvement of urban schemes was introduced in 1974.
Land Management
The part of the earth that is not covered by water
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An area of the earth’s surface, including all elements of the physical and biological environment that
influence land use. It refers not only to soil, but also landforms, climate, hydrology, vegetation and
fauna, together with land improvements such as terraces and drainage works.
Land can also be defined in relation to ownership, demarcation, or use as any portion, large or small, of
the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country,
estate, farm, or tract.; or in respect to its nature or quality; soil; as, wet land; good or bad land.
Land use
The management of land to meet specified socio-economic objectives. Land use is described by the
purposes for which the land is used, and the types and sequences of development, conservation and
environmental management activities carried out upon the land.
Tin order words, it refers to the purpose to which land is committed, including the production of goods
(such as crops, timber and manufactures) and services (such as defence, recreation, biodiversity and
natural resources protection). Some land uses, such as cropping, have a characteristic land cover
Land management practice
This refers to the means by which the land management objective is achieved - the 'how' of land
use (For example cultivation practices such as minimum tillage or direct drilling).
Some land management practices, such as waste disposal, tillage and rotation systems, may be
discriminated by characteristic land cover patterns.
• The form of an interest in land. Some forms of tenure (such as pastoral or mineral leases
nature conservation reserves) relate directly to land use and land management.
Land capability and suitability
• Land capability assesses the limitations to land use imposed by land characteristics and specifies
management options. Land suitability (part of the process of land evaluation) is the fitness of a
given type of land for a specified kind of land use.
Land resources
• Land resources are the resources of climate, water, soils, forests, pastures and wildlife, on
agriculture, forestry and other forms of rural land use depend.
Land degradation - the reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity from rainfed
cropland, irrigated cropland, or range, pasture, forest and woodlands.
Land degradation usually results from unsustainable land use. It destroys land resources
Components of land:
The interface between the atmosphere and the lithosphere, and in interface with the hydrosphere. The
soil derive its components from these spheres and support the growth of many plants and
Soil is a complex mixture of eroded rock, mineral nutrients, decaying organic material, water, air and
millions of microscopic organisms involved in the process of rotting and breaking down of dead organic
material and re-incorporating their nutrients into the soil
Global context of land use
Humans make use of the land they inhabit to a degree unmatched by any other species. Land represents
about 29 percent of the earth's surface. The uses to which this land is put (land-use morphology) vary
Also in Japan, where most of the population is crowded onto the narrow coastal plains that lie
between the mountainous interior and the sea, engineers create additional land by filling bays and
The land area available for human use are becoming more threatened to permanently reduce as a result of
increasing natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, tsunamis combined with slowly rising sea levels.
For example, devastating floods are constitute regular scenario in Bangladesh as a result of extensive
deforestation in the mountains upstream, torrential monsoon rainfall, and occasional tidal waves in the
Bay of Bengal.
In most countries, increasing pressure to use land for economic development is leading to conflict.
Farmland, wetlands or other land close to cities may be sought by developers to convert into
suburbs, motorways, or shopping centres.
Conservationists may resist efforts to replace natural forests with tree plantations, ranches, or farms.
Developing countries are particularly often faced with a dilemma. Their need for money leads
them to liquidate their forests and modify their savannas to obtain cash crops for export, yet they
must conserve these same ecosystems to guarantee resources for the future.
Land Use Planning:
The limited supply of land and the increasing demand for land use for alternative uses calls
seriously for land use planning
Among the pressures on the use of land by man the need for housing, the importance of fertile land to grow
food, land for industry, land for recreation such as parks, sportsfields and nature and game reserves,
and various other land uses.
In order to balance the different needs and priorities, land use planning must be undertaken at all
The key to good land use planning is communication between the different land users to achieve a
balance of land use and zoning that will satisfy as many people as possible.
Food production involves the use fertilisers, pesticides, genetically developed species, crop
rotation and machinery all of which tend to have effects on the land environment. Care must be taken to
ensure that intensive farming methods do not affect the environment negatively.
For example, if a farmer puts too much fertiliser onto his land, it may be washed into rivers and
streams where it may cause pollution which may reduce the quality of water required for other
It has been estimated that about 11 percent of the earth's total available land area is occupied by
Land use for agricultural purposes varies from place to place and is affected by the climate, culture,
population pressure, and soil quality.
The amount of land given over to farming however varies greatly from country to country.
Soil and land use planning
The soil is a major land resource especially for food production. A knowledge of the soil is
important for effective land use planning.
Soil Surveys provide extensive land use planning information such as limitations for certain uses
Modern soil survey for land use planning involves the use of advanced techniques that make use
of satellite, GIS etc.
Soil survey helps in soil classification which may be on its capability, or suitability for a
proposed use
For example, land that is endowed with fertile soil is good for crop production and should not be used for
industrial estate, commercial centre, or for recreation.
Agricultural purposes constitute the major land-use in the rural areas. There are two parts of land-use
planning with regards to rural areas. – physical and socio-economic. Physical planning has to do with
spatial, environmental and infrastructural aspects.
Spatial planning involves identification of its location for reference purposes, and gives context
to the plan. Spatial factors add dimensions and magnitude to the area and strengthens the contextual
reference to it.
Environmental planning aspect takes into consideration ecologically related issues that are
unique to the local community. These are issues that have to do with the norms of land-use in the
local community.
Climatic conditions and other land-use practices in to agricultural practices determine the presence of
such environmental problems as deforestation, and associated problems as erosion and land degradation.
Infrastructural aspect of planning focus on basic facilities that are essential for life support in a
community – housing, transportation, utility such as water for agricultural cultivation and domestic use,
electricity, sanitary waste disposal, and communication facilities
Waste management is an essential aspect of urban land-use and management especially as waste contribute
majorly to the problems associated with improper land-use approach.
Definition of Waste
• Waste refers to unwanted or unusable. Other terms used for waste materials include
rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage, or junk. When waste has been disposed of improperly or
carelessly disposed of in plain sight, it is called litter. Waste is said to be dumped if it has
been deliberately left somewhere to avoid the management or disposal cost
Classification of wastes
Wastes can be categorized on the basis of their
physical nature (solid waste, semi-solid, liquid, gaseous),
chemical nature (organic wastes- technically, waste containing carbon, including paper, plastics, wood,
food wastes, and yard wastes. In practice -material that is more directly derived from plant or
animal sources, and which can generally be decomposed)
Inorganic waste - composed of material other than plant or animal matter, such as sand, dust, glass, and
many synthetics)
source of nutrients, shelter and breeding
ocean overburdened
distruction of food sources
killing of plankton
volume can increase with little addition of people/equipment
filled land can be reused for other community purposes
completed landfill areas can settle and requires maintenance
requires proper planning, design, and operation
requires minimum land
can be operated in any weather
produces stable odor-free residue
refuse volume is reduced by half
expensive to build and operate
high energy requirement
requires skilled personnel and continuous maintenance unsightly - smell, waste, vermin
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• inexpensive
health-hazard - insects, rodents etc.
damage due to air pollution
ground water and run-off pollution
• key to providing a livable environment for the future
some wastes cannot be recycled
technological push needed
separation of useful material from waste difficult
Waste minimization
Waste minimization is a methodology used to achieve waste reduction, primarily through
reduction at source, but also including recycling and re-use of materials.
Some of the main benefits include:
improved bottom line through improved process efficiency
reduced burden on the environment, with improved public image and compliance with
What is a landscape
A heterogeneous land area composed of a cluster of interacting components that is repeated in a
similar format throughout. The emphases lie on
spatial arrangement
interaction among diverse landscape components
resulting landscape processes A landscape is distinguished by its
component units (e.g. the pattern of farms, cultivation, vegetation, hills, valley etc)
Spatial arrangement of those components
Characteristics of a landscape
One landscape can be differentiated from another based on the component units, and how
they are arranged
Five characteristics are usually repeated across a landscape
a cluster of ecosystem types
the flows of interaction among the ecosystems of the cluster
the geomorphology and climate
the set of disturbance regime
the relative abundance of ecosystems within a cluster
environment and environmental conservation, because the wastewater collected from cities and
towns must ultimately be returned to receiving water or to the land. Once the minimum effluent
quality has been specified, for maximum allowable concentrations of solids (both suspended and
dissolved), organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens, the objective of the treatment is to attain
reliably the set standards. The role of design engineer is to develop a process that will guarantee
the technical feasibility of the treatment process, taking into consideration other factors such as
construction and maintenance costs, the availability of construction materials and equipment, as
well as specialized labour.
Primary treatment alone will not produce an effluent with an acceptable residual organic material
concentration. Almost invariably biological methods are used in the treatment systems to effect
secondary treatment for removal of organic material. In biological treatment systems, the organic
material is metabolized by bacteria. Depending upon the requirement for the final effluent
quality, tertiary treatment methods and/or pathogen removal may also be included.
Today majority of wastewater treatment plants use aerobic metabolism for the removal of
organic matter. The popularly used aerobic processes are the activated sludge process, oxidation
ditch, trickling filter, and aerated lagoons. Stabilization ponds use both the aerobic and anaerobic
mechanisms. In the recent years due to increase in power cost and subsequent increase in
operation cost of aerobic process, more attention is being paid for the use of anaerobic treatment
systems for the treatment of wastewater including sewage. Recently at few places the high rate
anaerobic process such as Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor followed by
oxidation pond is used for sewage treatment.
Characterization of Wastewater
The wastewater after treatment is ultimately disposed on to land or into the water body.
Normally the treatment consists of removal of SS and organic matter either in suspended or
soluble form, which consumes DO from the water body. The plant can be designed for 100%
removal of this pollutant, but the treatment will become uneconomical. In addition, the existing
watercourses can assimilate certain portion of pollution load without seriously affecting the
environment. Thus, major portion of pollutants are removed in treatment plants and the
remaining treatment is left with natural purification process. Therefore, before proceeding with
the design of the treatment plant, it is essential to determine
1) The characteristics of the raw wastewater, and
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2) The required degree of treatment i.e., the required characteristics of the treatment plant
The characteristic of the wastewater differs from industry to industry and from city to city for
domestic wastewater, depending upon the standard of living of the people and commercial and
industrial activities in the city. In absence of any data for Indian cities, the per capita SS can be
considered as 90 to 95 gm per day and BOD as 40 to 45 gm/day. The BOD associated with
suspended solids is usually at a rate of 0.25 kg of BOD per kg of SS.
The degree of treatment required can be determined by comparing the influent wastewater
characteristics to the required effluent characteristics, adhering to the regulations. Number of
different treatment alternatives can be developed to achieve the treated wastewater quality.
Physical Unit Operations: Treatment methods in which the application of physical forces
predominates are known as physical unit operations. Most of these methods are based on
physical forces, e.g. screening, mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, and filtration.
Biological Unit Processes: Treatment methods in which the removal of contaminants is brought
about by biological activity are known as biological unit processes.
• This is primarily used to remove biodegradable organic substances from the wastewater,
either in colloidal or dissolved form.
• In the biological unit process, organic matter is converted into gases that can escape to
the atmosphere and into bacterial cells, which can be removed by settling.
• Biological treatment is also used for nitrogen removal and for phosphorous and sulphate
removal from the wastewater.
The different treatment methods used in wastewater treatment plant are classified in three
different categories as:
Solid Balance: It is determined by identifying the quantities of solids entering and leaving
each unit operation or process.
Hydraulic profile: This is used to identify the elevation of free surface of wastewater as it
flows through various treatment units.
Plant Layout: It is spatial arrangement of the physical facilities of the treatment plant
identified in the flow sheet.
a) Batch Reactor: These reactors are operated as fill and draw type. In this the wastewater flow
is not continuous in the reactor. The reactors are operated in batch mode with fill time,
reaction time, and withdrawal time. For example, BOD test, Sequencing Batch Reactor
(SBR). The reactor content may be completely mixed to ensure that no temperature or
concentration gradient exists. All the elements in the reactor, under batch mode of operation,
are exposed to treatment for the same length of time for which the substrate is held in the
reactor. Hence, they are like ideal plug flow reactors.
b) Plug-Flow (tubular flow) Reactor: In this reactor, the fluid particles pass through the tank
and are discharged in the same sequence in which they enter in the tank. The particles remain
in the tank for a time equal to theoretical detention time. There is no overtaking or falling
behind; no intermixing or dispersion. Longitudinal dispersion is considered as minimum and
this type can occur in high length to width ratio of the tanks. For example, grit chamber,
aeration tank of ASP with high length to width ratio.
c) Continuous-flow Stirred Tank (Complete – mixed) reactor: In this reactors, particles are
dispersed immediately throughout the tank as they enter the tank. Thus, the content in the
reactor are perfectly homogeneous at all points in the reactor. This can be achieved in square,
circular or rectangular tank. The particles leave the tank in proportion to their statistical
population. The concentration of the effluent from the reactor is the same as that in the
d) Arbitrary Flow: Any degree of partial mixing between plug flow and completely mixing
condition exists in this reactor. Each element of the incoming flow resides in the reactor for
different length of time. It is also called as intermixing or dispersed flow and lies between
ideal plug flow and ideal completely mixed reactor. This flow condition can be used in
practice to describe the flow conditions in most of the reactors.
e) Packed Bed Reactor: They are filled with some packing medium, such as, rock, slag,
ceramic or synthetic plastic media. With respect to flow they can be anaerobic filter, when
completely filled and no air is supplied, or aerobic (trickling filter) when flow is intermittent
or submerged aerobic filter when compressed air is supplied from the bottom.
f) Fluidized Bed Reactor: This reactor is similar to packed bed except packing medium is
expanded by upward movement of fluid (or air) than resting on each other in fixed bed. The
porosity or degree of fluidization can be controlled by controlling flow rate of fluid
(wastewater or air).
The flow pattern in the reactors depends on mixing conditions in them. This mixing in tern
depends upon the shape of the reactor, energy spent per unit volume of the reactor, the size and
scale of the unit, up-flow velocity of the liquid, rate of biogas generation (in an anaerobic
reactors) or the rate of gas supplied (in an aerobic reactor), etc. Flow pattern affect the time of
exposure to treatment and substrate distribution in the reactor. Depending upon the flow pattern
the reactors can be classified as:
(a) Batch reactors,
(b) Ideal plug flow reactors,
(c) Ideal completely-mixed flow reactors,
(d) Non -ideal, dispersed flow reactors, and
(e) Series or parallel combinations of the reactors.
Module 4
The automobile is the symbol of modern science and technology and is indispensable for
transporting goods and people.
When fuel like kerosene, diesel, petrol burn a lot of smoke is released into the atmosphere.
These fuels are all mixture of various hydrocarbons of different molecular masses and formulae.
Of these, octane constitutes a major component of gasoline. Besides pollutant CO2, CO,
Unburnt Carbon, SO2, Hydrocarbon, Acids, Alcohols, NO2, etc., enter the atmosphere.
Hydrocarbon produce a number of petrochemical oxidants and petrochemical smog which posses
physiological damaging effects on human beings.
The private automobile is one of the most desired items of consumption today and demand for it
seems insatiable. The automobiles contribute to a wide range of environmental problems like air
and noise pollution adding to solid waste, accelerating global warming, taking heavy toll on
human life.
At low levels air pollutants irritate the eyes and cause inflammation of the respiratory tract. It can
also create skin allergies. Carbon monoxide form automobile emission can cause head ache at
lower levels and mental impairment and even death at higher levels. The particulate matter
emission can reduce visibility, soil the clothes, corrode metals and erode buildings. On large
scale, air pollution leads to acid rain, ozone depletion and global warming.
Carbon di-oxide is a natural constituent of atmosphere, but now, its concentration is increasing at
an alarming rate. According to an estimate, CO2 level is expected to be doubled by 2030 A.D.
The term ―Green House Effect” is also called as ―Atmospheric Effect”, ―Global Warming” or
―CO2 Problem”.
Human activities are changing the composition as well as behaviour at an unprecedented rate.
The pollutants form a wide range of human activities are increasing the global atmospheric
concentration of certain heat trapping gases, which act like a blanket, trapping close to the
surface that would otherwise escape through the atmosphere to the outer space. This process is
known as ―Green House Effect”. Green House is that body which allows the short wave length
incoming solar radiation to come in, but does not allow the long wave outgoing terrestrial infra
red radiation to escape. The progressive warming up of the earth”s surface due to blanketing
effect of manmade CO2 in the atmosphere is called ―Green House Effect”. (Figure 1).
The four major green house gases, which cause adverse effects are CO2, CH4, N2O and CFC”s.
Among these CO2 is the most common and important green house gas. In addition, ozone and
SO2 are also act as serious pollutants in causing global warming.
Green house is usually a type of glasshouse used for raising tender plants. Air inside the green
house is usually warmer than the outside, though it receives less solar radiation due to the carbon
dioxide present inside, produced by plants (by respiration). This is called 'green house effect'.
In nature, gases like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour are called 'green house gases'
because these absorb the long wavelength infrared radiations emitted by the earth's surface. Dust
and clouds also prevent the dissipation of these heat radiations, so also exert green house effect.
Certain human activities have resulted in increased production of carbon dioxide leading to its
increased concentration in the atmosphere. This has lead to disturbances in the climatic
conditions of the environment and has caused conditions which may melt away polar as well as
alpine ice resulting in 18 - 20 meters rise in sea level and submerge vast areas of land.
A number of industrial as well as agricultural operations generate and emit waste gases into the
atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuel emit CO2, growing paddy, or live stock releases methane. The
use of aerosols and coolants in refrigerators and air conditioning devices or sprays releases
chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. These gases create a canopy in the atmosphere and trap
the solar radiation reflected back from the earth”s surface leading to atmospheric and climatic
A huge amount of CO2 gets introduced into the environment from furnaces of power plants,
fossil fuel burning, vehicular exhaust and breathing of animals, but the ocean may not be able to
absorb this increased CO2 and the plants also cannot utilize the whole during photosynthesis. So,
much of CO2 is still left in the atmosphere, which is supposed to be responsible for increasing the
atmospheric temperature.
As a result of rise of temperature of earth, the oceans get warm up and sea level would rise
flooding low lying regions. A slight increase in sea level could have profound effects on
habitation and coastal land. In temperate regions, the winter will be shorter and warmer and the
summer will be longer and hotter. A warmer climate is likely to make some cities extremely
hot. There will be enormous increase in rainfall, but the problem of desertification, drought and
soil erosion will further worsen. The most obvious effect of climate change will be on
agriculture. Because CO2 is a natural fertilizer, the plants will grow larger and faster with
increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. The abnormal fast growth results in increase of yield but the
soil fertility goes down at a very fast rate.
Scientists believe, the average global temperature will be higher than ever in the past thousand
The global warming trend can cause significant climatic changes. Human society is highly
dependent on the earth”s climate pattern and human adaptations determine the availability of
food, fresh water and other resources for sustaining life. The social and economic
characteristics of a society have also been shaped largely by adapting to the seasonal and year to
year patterns of temperature and rainfall.
Some potential effects associated with the enhanced green house effect and the associated global
warming is as follows.
Water Resources
Due to changes in precipitation pattern and increased evaporation the quality and quantity of
water available for drinking, irrigation, industrial use, electric generation, aquatic life, etc., are
significantly affected.
Coastal Resources
An estimate of 50 cm rise in sea level by the year 2100, could inundate more than 8000 Km of
dry land.
2. Changing pattern of temperature and precipitation may produce new breeding sites for pests,
shifting the range of infectious diseases. Heat stress mortality could increase due to higher
temperature over longer periods.
Oceans can provide sources for the increased water vapour because of the earth”s increased
temperature. On the other hand, the thermal holding capacity of the oceans would delay and
effectively reduce the observed global warming. In addition, oceans play an important role in the
global green house gas budgets. The ocean biota, primarily phytoplankton is believed to remove
at least half of the anthropogenic CO2 added to the atmosphere. The ocean sink of CO2 is called
―Biological CO2 Pump”.
Vegetation changes due to climatic change would affect the hydrologic cycle. The biggest
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impact of CO2 induced climatic change would be changing precipitation form lead to overall
lower rainfall amount or drought during growing season with increased frequency and severity.
However, the rise in atmospheric CO2 should cause increase in photosynthesis, growth and
productivity of the earth”s vegetation. Thus the change in climate on vegetation has less adverse
impact. Higher temperature could increase forest susceptibility to fire, disease and insect
Sea Ice
3. Increased temperature would tend to melt ice and result in increased absorption of solar
energy by the ocean. However, a decrease in sea ice would also lead to larger heat fluxes from
the ocean to the atmosphere. Thus, the interaction among the atmosphere, the ocean, sea ice and
the interaction of sea ice to climate change need to be observed and quantified.
Global Climate
It is even postulated by scientists that melting of glaciers and the release of the resultant cold
water in large quantities could affect the major sea currents in the Atlantic Ocean. The ocean
currents of Atlantic in fact, act as a heat conveyer of the planet regulating the global climate. If
the heat conveyer is interrupted, the northern hemisphere would plunge into an ice age and the
southern hemisphere will be facing severe drought.
In general, global warming is likely to make the weather more unpredictable in the coming years.
The major steps to be taken for the reduction of green house gases includes, improving the
energy efficiency of electric generation, as well as switching to less polluting fossil fuels.
Following are some of the suggestions to prevent global warming.
Reduction and elimination of green house gases emission that is disturbing the climate. Clean
electricity technologies including wind turbine, solar panels and hydrogen fuel cells are
continually improving, becoming more efficient, economical and capable of competing with
polluting gas and coal power plants.
Biofuels including ethanol and bio-diesel could substantially cut down the CO2 emission from
Sustainable farming and forestry techniques look up carbon in plants and soils and provide new
revenues to rural communities.
Besides protecting the climate, CO2 emission control techniques dramatically reduce air
pollution provide communities with higher quality of life and climate.
Conservation and produce energy that causes no environmental damage with cost less than
building new power plants. They lower electricity bills and reduce constraints on energy
Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto protocol is a legally binding international agreement to reduce green house gas
emissions. It was initially negotiated during a meeting held at Kyoto, Japan in 1977. The
protocol commits in industrialized countries to reducing emissions of six green house gases by
5% before 2012.
Global Dimming
In contrast to global warming there is another phenomenon called ―Global Dimming”. Scientists
have observed that 2-4% reduction in the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth”s surface,
due to increase in cloud cover aerosols and particulates in the atmosphere. Higher temperature
leads to an increased cloud cover. The scattered light through the clouds boosts the plant”s
adsorption of CO2 and photosynthesis process. Thus global dimming is a process working
against global warming to some extent.
The term was first coined by ROBERT ANGUS SMITH in the year 1852.
Acid rain is a form of air pollution in which airborne acids produced by electric utility plants and
other sources fall to Earth in distant regions. The major contributors, called PRECURSORS to
the acid are the common air pollutants, like Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxides
Through a variety of chemical reactions the gases form Sulphuric acid and Nitric acid, which are
the two acids responsible for the acid rain.
Nitric oxide can react with oxygen O2 to form nitrogen dioxide which can be broken down again
by Sunlight(hv )to give Nitric oxide and an oxygen radical (O).
2NO + O2 = 2N2NO2 + hv = NO+O
The oxygen radical then enables the formation of Ozone (O 3)
O+O2= O3
The presence of ozone causes the formation of more nitrogen dioxide by its reaction with nitric
oxide. NO+O3= NO2+O2
Or, the oxygen radical reacts with water to give the hydroxyl radical (OH)
O+H2O = 2OH.
This radical then reacts with nitric oxide to give nitrous acid (HNO2) and nitrogen dioxide to
give nitric acid (HNO3). It also combines with Sulphur dioxide to produce Sulphuric acid
While Nitric oxide and Sulphur dioxide are produced biogenic ally (in nature), there are major
anthropogenic (man made) sources of both these polluting gases. Sometimes, natural production
of the gases is much higher than human production, but these natural emissions tend to be spread
over large area, dispersing their effects, while the man – made emissions are concentrated around
the source of their production.
Sulphur dioxide is formed primarily in the burning of (Sulphur containing) Coal, fossil fuels and
in metal smelters.
•Acid pollutants are deposited on the ground either in wet form through rain, fog or snow. As dry
matter, such as gases or particulates, falling directly from the atmosphere to the ground.
•The term acid deposition describes all these possibilities and therefore – generally preferred to
―acid rain‖.
•Environmental problems from dry deposition tend to occur closer to the source of the pollution.
Wet deposition can occur upto hundreds of kilometer away in a different region or country,
because microscopic aerosol droplets can be carried in clouds.
•The most effective way to reduce the incidence of acid deposition is to reduce the emission of
its causes – The ―PRECURSORS‖, nitrogen oxides and Sulphur dioxide.
•Nitrogen oxide reduction.
The main method of lowering the levels of nitrogen oxides is by a process known as ―Catalytic
reduction‖. Catalytic reduction is used in Industry & in motor vehicles.
In a motor vehicles the Catalytic converter will convert much of the nitric oxide from the engine
gases to the nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen is not there in the actual fuels or power stations. It is
introduced from the air when combustion occurs. Using less air in combustion can reduce
emissions of nitrogen oxides.
Temperature also has an effect on emission. Lower the temperature of combustion, lower will be
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There are several methods to lower the Sulphur dioxide emission from Coal – fired stations.
Simplest of the lot is using Coal with low Sulphur content and physical coal cleaning.
Coal can be cleaned because, Sulphur in Coal is often in the form of mineral impurities (pyrites).
This is achieved by finely crushing the Coal.
In this method the Sulphur dioxide (flue gas) is absorbed using lime stone. This method is the
most effective of removing Sulphur dioxide The process generates Solid wastes (Calcium
Sulphate, CaSO3 and CaSO4) which require disposal.
CaCO3(limestone)+SO2=CaSO3+CaSO4+CO2+H2 O.
In this process, coal is crushed and passed into a fluidized ―bed‖ for combustion.
The bed consists of fine particles of an absorbent material such as lime stone. Hot air is passed
through it and this causes the particles to behave as through they are a fluid.
The sulphur dioxide can then be absorbed by the lime stone particles in the bed.
Fluidized bed combustion can be operated at lower temperatures and therefore produce less
nitrogen oxide, but once again, solid waste is created and requires disposal.
The acids in the acid rain can react chemically with any object they contact. Acids are corrosive
chemical that react with other chemical by giving up hydrogen atoms. Acid rain or acid
deposition has an adverse effect on environmental eco system as well as humans, animals,
buildings, textiles etc.
Soil: Acid rain dissolves in Soil and washes away nutrients needed by the plants. It can also
dissolve toxic substances such as aluminum & mercury, releasing these toxins to pollute water or
to poison plants that absorb them.
Trees: Removal of useful nutrients from the soil, acid rain slows the growth of plants,
particularly trees. It also attacks trees more directly by eating holes in the waxy coating of
needles & leaves, causing brown dead spots.
Acid rain has been blamed for the decline of Spruce forests on the highest ridges of Apalachian
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Mountains in the eastern United States. In the black forest of South Western Germany, half of
the trees are damaged from the acid rain.
Agriculture: Most farm crops are less affected by acid rain than the forest. Farmers can prevent
acid rain damage by monitoring the condition of the soil and, when necessary, adding crushed
lime stone to the soil to neutralize acid.
Surface water: Acid rain falls into streams, lakes and marshes. Due to this the water life is
destroyed. All Norway”s major rivers have been damaged by acid rain, severely reducing the fish
Plants and Animals: The effects of acid rain on wild life can be far reaching, if a population of
one plant or animal is adversely affected by acid rain, animals that feed on that organism may
also suffer ultimately an entire ecosystem may become endangered.Land animals dependent on
aquatic organisms are also affected.
Man made structure: Acid rain and dry deposition of acidic particles damage building, statues,
automobiles, and other structures made of stone metal or any other material exposed to weather
for long periods. Parthenon in Greece and the Taj- Mahal in India, are deteriorating due to acid
Human health: Acidification of Surface water cause little direct harm to human health, it is safe
to swim in even the most acidified lakes.
In the air: acids join with other chemicals to produce urban smog, which can irritate the lungs
an make breathing difficult, especially for people with respiratory diseases. Solid particles of
sulphates can damage the lungs.
Acid rain and Global warming: Acid pollution has one surprising effect that may be beneficial.
Sulphates in the upper atmosphere reflect some sunlight out into the space, and thus tend to slow
down global warming.
Ozone layer was discovered by a French physicist CHARLES FABRY and HENRI BUISSON in
Dobson established a worldwide network of ozone monitoring stations which operate even
The total amount of zone in a column overhead is measured in ―DOBSON Unit‖ (DU),
Ozone layer a region of the atmosphere from 19 to 48 km above the earth”s surface.
Although the concentration of ozone is the ozone layer is very small, it is vitally important to life
because it absorbs biologically harmful ultra violet (UV) radiation emitted from the Sun.
UV radiation is divided into three categories basd on its wave length, ie., UV-A, UV-B, UV-C.
Most of the UV-A (315 to 400nm) reaches the surface this radiation is significantly less harmful,
although it can potentially cause genetic damage.
UV-B (280 to 315nm) radiation is the main cause of Sun burn, excessive exposure can also cause
genetic damage, resulting in problems such as Skin cancer. It rapidly damages biota of all types.
UV-C < 280nm, the ozone layer is very effective at screening out UV-B, for radiation with a
wave length of 290nm, the intensity at Earth”s surface is 350 million times weaker at the top of
the atmosphere.
Atomic oxygen O, oxygen molecules O2 and Ozone O3 are involved in the ozone – oxygen
Ozone is formed in the Stratosphere when oxygen molecules dissociate after absorbing the
ultraviolet photon whose wave length is shorter than 240nm.
This produces two oxygen atoms. The atomic oxygen then combines with O2 to create ozone O3
Ozone molecules absorb UV light between 310 and 200nm, following which ozone splits into a
molecule of O2 and O. The process O3 generation and splitting repeats as per the equations
O2 = O+O
O2+O = O3
O3 = O2+O
Under normal conditions the creation and destruction of ozone molecules is roughly constant and
ultimately result in effect absorption
Ozone hole: Certain human produced pollutants lead to destroy the stratosphere ozone and
causing an imbalance between formation and dissociation of ozone. This decrease in the ozone
level is called depletion or thinning of ozone layer or zone hole.
Ozone can be destroyed by a number of free radical catalyst, like hydroxyl (OH), the nitric oxide
(NO), atomic chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br).
All of these are generated by both natural and anthropogenic (man made) sources.
At preset most of the OH and NO is the stratosphere is of natural origin, but human activity has
dramatically increased the chlorine and bromine.
•These elements are found in certain stable organic compounds, particularly chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) .
•Once in the stratosphere, the Cl and Br atoms are liberated from the parent compounds by the
action of ultra violet light and can destroy ozone molecules in a catalytic cycle.
Cl + O3 = ClO+O2ClO+0= Cl+O2
In sum, O3+O = O2+O2
Final result is an oxygen molecule and a chlorine atom, which then reinitiates the cycle.
•A Single chlorine atom would keep on destroying ozone for up to two years. On a per atom
basis, bromine is even more efficient than chlorine at destroying ozone, but there is much less
bromine in the atmosphere. As a result both chlorine and Bromine contribute significantly to the
overall ozone depletion.
•CFC”s were used in air – conditioning / cooling units as aerosol spray propellants prior to the
1980”s and in the cleaning process of electronic components.
•CFC”s when reach the Stratosphere, are dissociated by ultraviolet light to relase chlorine atoms.
•The chlorine atoms act as Catalyst, and can breakdown many thousands of ozone molecules
before removed from the Stratosphere.
•It is calculated that CFC molecules takes an average of 15 years to go from Ground level upto
the upper atmosphere, and it can stay there for about a century, destroying up to one hundred
thousand ozone molecules during that times.
•The Antarctic ozone hole is an area of the Antarctic Stratosphere in which the recent ozone
levels have dropped to as low as 33% of their Pre- 1975 values.
•The ozone hole occurs during the Antarctic spring, from September to early December, as
strong westerly winds start to circulate around the continent and create an atmospheric container,
within this ―polar vertex‖, over 50% of the lower stratospheric ozone is destroyed during the
Antarctic spring.
•The overall cause of ozone depletion is th presence of chlorine – containing source gases
(primarily CFC”s and related hydrocarbons). In the presence of UV light, these gases dissociate
releasing chlorine atoms, which then go on to catalyze ozone destruction. The chlorine catalyzed
ozone depletion can take place in the gas phase, but it is dramatically enhanced in the presence of
polar stratospheric clouds (PSC”s)
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•Most of the ozone that is destroyed is in the lower stratosphere. Warming temperatures near the
end of Spring break up the vortex around mid – December.
As warm ozone – rich air flows in from lower latitudes, the PSC”s are destroyed, the ozone
depletion process shuts down, and the ozone hole heals.
•The decrease in the ozone layer was predicted in the early 1980”s to be roughly 7% over a sixty –
year period.
The term Ozone depletion for distinct but related, observations: a slow decline (about 3% per
decade) in the total amount of ozone in the earth”s stratosphere and much larger, but seasonal,
decrease in Stratospheric ozone over the earth”s polar regions during the same period. Cause of
both trends is believed to be the Catalytic destruction of ozone by atomic chlorine and bromine.
The reactions that take place on polar stratospheric clouds (PSC”s) are of great importance. The
PSC”s only form in extreme cold. The Antarctic stratosphere is colder than the Arctic, and the
PSC”s form more readily, which is the reason for ozone hole formation over Antarctic. This is
why the Arctic zone holes are not as deep. In middle latitudes declines are bout 3% below pre-
1980 values for 35-60N and bout 6% for 35-60S. In the topics, there are no significant trends.
•Since the ozone layer absorbs UV-B light from the Sun, ozone layer depletion is expected to
increase surface UV-B levels, which could lead to damage, including increase in skin cancer.
•Scientists have estimated that a one percent decrease in Stratospheric ozone would increase the
incidence of skin cancers by 2%
•A direct correlation has been observed between cataract formation in eyes and UV radiations.
•An increase of UV radiation would also affect crops like rice.
•At ground level ozone is generally recognize to be a health risk, as ozone is toxi due to its
strong oxidant properties
•Presently, ozone at ground level is produced mainly by the action of UV radiation as exhaust
gases, from vehicles.
•Lower trophic level organisms shall be the worst sufferers as they have a simple cell wall for
their protection against UV radiation. With the primary tropic levels drastically impaired the
entire ecosystems could collapse.
•In 1994 UN General, assembly voted to designate September 16 as ―World Ozone day‖.
•A 2005 IPCC summary of ozonic issue observed that global average amount of ozone depletion
is now approximately stabilized.
•The thickness of the ozone layer over Europe which has decreased by 8% since the 1980”s has
now slowed down to about 4% a decade. The Antarctic ozone hole reached its largest ever size in
September 2000 at 11.5 million Square miles.
Solid waste
Solid wastes are the wastes arising from human activities and are normally solid as opposed to
liquid or gaseous and are discarded as useless or unwanted. Focused on urban waste (MSW) as
opposed to agricultural, mining and industrial wastes.
Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) is the term applied to all the activities
associated with the management of society's wastes.
In medieval times, wastes discarded in the streets led to the breeding of rats and the
associated fleas which carried the bubonic plague. The lack of management of solid wastes thus
led to the Black Plague which killed half of 14th century Europe.
USPHS has traced 22 human diseases to improper solid waste management.
Solid wastes also have a great potential to pollute the air and water. Mining tailings from
Colorado gold and silver mines will probably being spilling arsenic into the water supply
forever. Just finished toxic metal treatment facility in Park City, Utah.
Materials Flow - The best way to reduce solid wastes is not to create them in the first
place. Others methods include: decrease consumption of raw material and increase the rate of
recovery of waste materials.
Technological advances - Increased use of plastics and fast, pre-prepared foods.
MSW, Municipal Solid Waste, is the primary focus of this course, which excludes
industrial, mining and agricultural wastes.
C. Industrial Wastes
SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes. Excludes process and hazardous wastes.
SIC 32 - Stone, clay and glass products from the manufacture of flat glass etc., yielding
glass, gypsum (sulfur source) abrasives, etc.
D. Agricultural Wastes
Enormous quantities from planting, harvesting from row, field, tree and vine crops and
animal husbandry, feedlots.
2. Composition of Solid Waste
Composition describes the individual components that make up solid waste and the
distribution of these components by weight.
3. Variation in Distribution
Highly variable, local studies should be considered, collected data is expensive and of
limited value; make sure that collected data is useful before collecting.
Location, warmer more affluent communities generate more wastes.
Season, More yard and food wastes in the summer; more glass and metals in the winter.
If solid wastes are not managed properly, there are many negative impacts that may
Some of the most important are mentioned in the following list. The relative importance
each depends very much on local conditions.
Uncollected wastes often end up in drains, causing blockages which result in flooding
and unsanitary conditions.
Flies breed in some constituents of solid wastes, and flies are very effective vectors
that spread disease.
Mosquitoes breed in blocked drains and in rainwater that is retained in discarded cans,
tires and other objects. Mosquitoes spread disease, including malaria and dengue.
Rats find shelter and food in waste dumps. Rats consume and spoil food, spread disease,
damage electrical cables and other materials and inflict unpleasant bites.
The open burning of waste causes air pollution; the products of combustion include
dioxins which are particularly hazardous.
Aerosols and dusts can spread fungi and pathogens from uncollected and decomposing
Uncollected waste degrades the urban environment, discouraging efforts to keep streets
and open spaces in a clean and attractive condition. Solid waste management is a clear
indicator of the effectiveness of a municipal administration - if the provision of this
service is inadequate large numbers of citizens (voters) are aware of it. Plastic bags are a
particular aesthetic nuisance and they cause the death of grazing animals which eat them.
Waste collection workers face particular occupational hazards, including strains from
lifting, injuries from sharp objects and traffic accidents. Dumps of waste and abandoned
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This term applies to consumer and business electronic equipment that is near or at the end of its
useful life. There is no clear definition for electronic waste (e-waste) at this time, but if you can
plug it in to an electrical outlet or it contains circuit boards or chips, it is most likely e-waste.
These products can contain heavy metals like cadmium, lead, copper, and chromium that can
contaminate the environment. DO NOT dispose of these items in the trash or your recycling
Examples of electronic waste include, but not limited to:
TVs, computer monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, cables, circuit boards, lamps,
clocks, flashlight, calculators, phones, answering machines, digital/video cameras, radios, VCRs,
DVD players, MP3 and CD players
Kitchen equipment (toasters, coffee makers, microwave ovens)
Laboratory equipment** (hot plates, microscopes, calorimeters)
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E-waste is a complex mixture of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, which consists of items of
economic value. Therefore, it requires specialized segregation, collection, transportation,
treatment and disposal. The following sections attempt a conceptual understanding of WEEE/ E-
waste management based on existing management systems in developed countries.
Disposal Methods
1. Land filling: It is one of the most widely used methods for disposal of e-waste. In land
filling, trenches are made on the flat surfaces. Soil is excavated from the trenches and waste
material is buried in it, which is covered by a thick layer of soil. Modern techniques like secure
landfill are provided with some facilities like, impervious liner made up of plastic or clay,
leachate collection basin that collects and transfer the leachate to wastewater treatment plant.
The degradation processes in landfills are very complicated and run over a wide time span.
The environmental risks from land filling of e-waste cannot be neglected because the conditions
in a landfill site are different from a native soil, particularly concerning the leaching behaviour of
metals. Mercury, cadmium and lead are the most toxic leachate. Lead has been found to leach
from broken lead containing glass, such as the cone glass of cathode ray tubes from TVs and
monitors. Cadmium also leaches into soil and ground water. In addition, it is known that
cadmium and mercury are emitted in diffuse form or via the landfill gas combustion plant.
Landfills are also prone to uncontrolled fires, which can release toxic fumes. Therefore, land
filling does not appear to be an environmentally sound treatment method for substances, which
are volatile and not biologically degradable (Cd, Hg,), persistent (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls) or
with unknown behaviour in a landfill site (brominated flame retardants).
hard drives, floppy drives, Compact disks, mobiles, fax machines, printers, CPUs, memory
chips, connecting wires & cables can be recycled.
Recycling involves dismantling i.e. removal of different parts of e-waste containing dangerous
substances like PCB, Hg, separation of plastic, removal of CRT, segregation of ferrous and
nonferrous metals and printed circuit boards.
Recyclers use strong acids to remove precious metals such as copper, lead, gold. The value of
recycling from the element could be much higher if appropriate technologies is used.
The existing dumping grounds in India are full and overflowing beyond capacity and it is
difficult to get new dumping sites due to scarcity of land. Therefore recycling is the best possible
option for the management of e-waste.
Re-use: It constitutes direct second hand use or use after slight modifications to the original
functioning equipment. It is commonly used for electronic equipments like computers, cell
phones etc. Inkjet cartridge is also used after refilling. This method also reduces the volume of
e-waste generation. We can use above mentioned methods for treatment and disposal of e-
waste. The better option is to avoid its generation. To achieve this, buy back of old electronic
equipments shall be made mandatory. This can considerably reduce the volume of e- waste
All human activities produce waste. We all know that such waste may be dangerous and needs
safe disposal. Industrial waste, sewage and agricultural waste pollute water, soil and air. It can
also be dangerous to human beings and environment. Similarly, hospitals and other health care
facilities generate lots of waste which can transmit infections, particularly HIV, Hepatitis B & C
and Tetanus, to the people who handle it or come in contact with it.
Most countries of the world, especially the developing nations, are facing the grim situation
arising out of environmental pollution due to pathological waste arising from increasing
populations and the consequent rapid growth in the number of health care centres. India is no
exception to this and it is estimated that there are more than 15,000 small and private hospitals
and nursing homes in the country. This is apart from clinics and pathological labs, which also
generate sizeable amounts of medical waste.
India generates around three million tonnes of medical wastes every year and the amount is
expected to grow at eight per cent annually. Creating large dumping grounds and incinerators is
the first step and some progressive states such as Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are
making efforts despite opposition.
Bio-medical waste
Bio-medical waste means ―any solid and/or liquid waste including its container and any
intermediate product, which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of
human beings or animals.
Biomedical waste poses hazard due to two principal reasons – the first is infectivity and other
Bio Medical waste consists of
microwaving and
mutilation / shredding#
Disinfecting by
Liquid Waste (Waste generated from the laboratory
Category No. chemical treatment@@
and washing, cleaning, house keeping and disinfecting
8 and discharge into
Category No. Incineration Ash (Ash from incineration of any Disposal in municipal
9 biomedical waste) landfill
Chemical treatment
Chemical Waste (Chemicals used in production of @@ and discharge into
biologicals, chemicals used in disinfecting, as drains for liquids and
insecticides, etc.) secured landfill for
Chemical treatment using at least 1% hypochlorite solution or any other equivalent chemical
reagent. It must be ensured that chemical treatment ensures disinfection.
** Mutilations / Shredding must be such as to prevent unauthorised reuse.
There will be no chemical pre-treatment before incineration. Chlorinated plastics shall not be
* Deep burial shall be an option available only in towns with population less than five lakh
and in rural areas.
Colour Coding Type of Container Waste Category Treatment options as per Schedule I
Cat.1,Cat.2, Cat.3
Yellow Plastic bag Incineration/ deep burial
and Cat.6
Cat.3, Cat.6, and Autoclaving/Micro waving/ Chemical
Red container/ plastic
Cat.7 Treatment
Plastic Bag/
Blue/ White Autoclaving/Micro waving/ Chemical
puncture proof Cat.4 and Cat.7
Translucent Treatment and destruction/ shredding
Cat.5, Cat.9, and
Black Plastic bag Disposal in secured landfill
Cat.10 (solid)
Colour coding of waste categories with multiple treatment options as defined, shall be selected
depending on treatment option chosen.
Waste collection bags for waste types needing incineration shall not be made of chlorinated
Categories 8 and 10 (liquid) do not require containers/bags.
Category 3 if disinfected locally need not be put in containers/bags.
Composition of BMW
The typical Hospital solid waste composition is as follows (based on CPCB report)
Segregation refers to the basic separation of different categories of waste generated at source and
thereby reducing the risks as well as cost of handling and disposal. Segregation is the most
crucial step in bio-medical waste management. Effective segregation alone can ensure effective
bio-medical waste management. The BMWs must be segregated in accordance to guidelines laid
down under schedule 1 of BMW Rules, 1998.
How does segregation help?
Segregation reduces the amount of waste needs special handling and treatment
Effective segregation process prevents the mixture of medical waste like sharps with the general
municipal waste.
Prevents illegally reuse of certain components of medical waste like used syringes, needles and
other plastics.
Provides an opportunity for recycling certain components of medical waste like plastics after
proper and thorough disinfection.
Recycled plastic material can be used for non-food grade applications.
Of the general waste, the biodegradable waste can be composted within the hospital premises
and can be used for gardening purposes.
Recycling is a good environmental practice, which can also double as a revenue generating
Reduces the cost of treatment and disposal (80 per cent of a hospital’s waste is general waste,
which does not require special treatment, provided it is not contaminated with other infectious
Proper labelling of bins
The bins and bags should carry the biohazard symbol indicating the nature of waste to the
patients and public.
Schedule III (Rule 6) of Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 specifies
the Label for Bio-Medical Waste Containers / Bags as:
Boots: Leg coverings, boots or shoe-covers provide greater protection to the skin when
splashes or large quantities of infected waste have to be handled. The boots should be
rubber-soled and anti-skid type. They should cover the leg up to the ankle.
There are mainly five technology options available for the treatment of Bio-Medical Waste or
still under research can be grouped as
1. Chemical processes
2. Thermal processes
3. Mechanical processes
4. Irradiation processes
5. Biological processes
1. Chemical processes
These processes use chemical that act as disinfectants. Sodium hypochlorit, dissolved chlorine
dioxide, peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, dry inorganic chemical and ozone are examples of
such chemical. Most chemical processes are water-intensive and require neutralising agents.
2. Thermal processes
These processes utilise heat to disinfect. Depending on the temperature they operate it is been
grouped into two categories, which are Low-heat systems and High-heat systems
Low-heat systems (operates between 93-177°C) use steam, hot water, or electromagnetic
radiation to heat and decontaminate the waste.
Autoclave & Microwave are low heat systems.
Autoclaving is a low heat thermal process and it uses steam for disinfection of waste. Autoclaves
are of two types depending on the method they use for removal of air pockets are gravity flow
autoclave and vacuum autoclave.
Microwaving is a process which disinfect the waste by moist heat and steam generated by
microwave energy
High-heat systems (operates between 540-8,300°C) employ combustion and high temperature
plasma to decontaminate and destroy the waste.
Incinerator & Hydroclaving are high heat systems. Hydroclaving - is steam treatment with
fragmentation and drying of waste
Incineration - is a burn technology
3. Mechanical processes
These processes are used to change the physical form or characteristics of the waste either to
facilitate waste handling or to process the waste in conjunction with other treatment steps. The
two primary mechanical processes are
Compaction - used to reduce the volume of the waste
Shredding - used to destroy plastic and paper waste to prevent their reuse. Only the disinfected
waste can be used in a shredder.
4. Irradiation processes
Exposes wastes to ultraviolet or ionizing radiation in an enclosed chamber. These systems
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5. Biological processes -
Using biological enzymes for treating medical waste. It is claimed that biological reactions will
not only decontaminate the waste but also cause the destruction of all the organic constituents so
that only plastics, glass, and other inert will remain in the residues.
Disposal of Wastes
Disposal of Sharps
Blades and needles waste after disinfection should be disposed in circular or rectangular pits.
Such pits can be dug and lined with brick, masonry, or concrete rings.
The pit should be covered with a heavy concrete slab, which is penetrated by a galvanized steel
pipe projecting about 1.5 m above the slab, within internal diameter of upto 20 mm.
When the pipe is full it can be sealed completely after another has been prepared.
Mercury control
Wastes containing Mercury due to breakage of thermometer and other measuring equipment
need to be given
Proper attention should be given to the collection of the spilled mercury, its storage and sending
of the same back to the manufacturers.
Must take all measures to ensure that the spilled mercury does not become part of biomedical
Waste containing equal to or more than 50 ppm of mercury is a hazardous waste and the
concerned generators of the wastes including the health care units are required to dispose the
waste as per the norms.
These limits are applicable to those hospitals which are either connected with sewers that have
no terminal sewage treatment plant or not connected to public sewers that have terminal
facilities. In addition, the general standards as notified under the Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 shall be applicable.
Waste minimization:
Waste minimization is an important first step in managing wastes safely, responsibly and in a
cost effective manner. This management step makes use of reducing, reusing and recycling
principles. There are many possible routes to minimize the amount of both general waste and
biomedical wastes within the health care or related facility. Alternative technologies for
biomedical waste minimization (e.g., microwave treatment; hammer mill) have been investigated
and are not considered to be practical. Some of the principles of waste minimization are listed
below and will be developed further in the long-term strategy.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified medical wastes according to their weight,
density and constituents into different categories. These are:
Pathological: tissues, organs, body parts, human flesh, foetuse, blood and body fluids,
drugs and chemicals that are returned from wards, spilled, outdated, contaminated, or are
no longer required;
Radioactive: solids, liquids and gaseous waste contaminated with radioactive substances
used in diagnosis and treatment of diseases like toxic goiter; and
Others: waste from the offices, kitchens, rooms, including bed linen, utensils, paper, etc.
The general public’s health can also be adversely affected by bio-medical waste.
Improper practices such as dumping of bio-medical waste in municipal dustbins, open
spaces, water bodies etc., leads to the spread of diseases.
Emissions from incinerators and open burning also lead to exposure to harmful gases
which can cause cancer and respiratory diseases.
Exposure to radioactive waste in the waste stream can also cause serious health hazards.
An often-ignored area is the increase of in-home healthcare activities. An increase in the
number of diabetics who inject themselves with insulin, home nurses taking care of
terminally ill patients etc., all generate bio-medical waste, which can cause health
Bio-medical waste can cause health hazards to animals and birds too
Plastic waste can choke animals, which scavenge on open dumps.
Injuries from sharps are common feature affecting animals.
Harmful chemicals such as dioxins and furans can cause serious health hazards to
animals and birds.
Heavy metals can even affect the reproductive health of the animals
Change in microbial ecology, spread of antibiotic resistance
We need innovative and radical measures to clean up the distressing picture of lack of civic
concern on the part of hospitals and slackness in government implementation of bare minimum
of rules, as waste generation particularly biomedical waste imposes increasing direct and indirect
costs on society. The challenge before us, therefore, is to scientifically manage growing
quantities of biomedical waste that go beyond past practices. If we want to protect our
environment and health of community we must sensitize our selves to this important issue not
only in the interest of health managers but also in the interest of community.
Module 5
Unit IX
Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information storage system of huge spatially referenced
databases. Nowadays, soil information can be collected in digital form or converted from
analogue to digital form, and stored in the GIS. The GIS databases with their layer of information
about soil properties and on soil environment, can be used to create digital soil maps.
GIS is instrumental in delineation of different land-use, land-use suitability mapping and modeling. One
of the most useful applications of GIS for planning and management is the land-use suitability
mapping and analysis. Land-use suitability analysis aims at identifying the most appropriate spatial
pattern for future land uses according to specify requirements, preferences, or predictors of some
activity. GIS could be used in land-use suitability analysis with regards to land suitability/habitant for
animal and plant species, geological favorability, suitability of land for agricultural activities, landscape
evaluation and planning, environmental impact assessment, selecting the best site for the public and
private sector facilities, and regional planning.
Street Network
One of GIS's practical applications is street network control. Finding the right location when
given an address is important to the postal service, police and fire departments, and it can be
used to schedule vehicle-routing for transportation departments. It's also vital for developers in
its capacity for site selection and analysis, as it provides relevant information about the quality of
the site and geographical features that may, or may not, be desirable for builders. Street networks
can also be employed in security-related activities when preparing evacuation routes.
Natural Resources
GIS is employed in the natural resource management of rivers, recreational grounds, flooded
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areas, wetlands, farming lands, woodlands, and wildlife. It is used in Environmental Impact
Analysis, scrutinizing the effect of various projects on the environment. GIS is involved in
analyzing the hazards of toxins to land or groundwater. Water quality management is yet another
GIS application, used to control wildlife habitats and to foresee the migration routes of animals.
GIS is employed in land management, as a tool for preparing zoning and land subdivision plans,
and in mapping. Individuals, businesses and corporations can utilize GIS for examining the
features of land lots. As GIS has direct access to information about land ownership, accuracy in
land title transfers is also realized with this system.
Facilities Management
GIS proves helpful in facilities management, as well as utility and construction companies,
because of its ability to access the location of cables and pipes. Utility companies also use GIS to
track energy use and to plan for improvements, and commercial property owners can use GIS to
plan the maintenance of their facilities.
Application of GIS
GIS is a relatively broad term, which can refer to a number of technologies and processes, so it is
attached to many operations; in engineering, planning, management, transport/logistics and
History of Development
During the 1854 cholera outbreak in London, English physician John Snow used points to
represent the locations of some individual cases, possibly the earliest use of a geographic
methodology in epidemiology. His study of the distribution of cholera led to the source of the
disease, a contaminated water pump (the Broad Street Pump, whose handle he had disconnected,
thus terminating the outbreak) within the heart of the cholera outbreak.
This historical became the advent of the usage of spatial data for analysis and planning in many
fields including Civil Engineering.
Data Collection: Precise and accurate data is the core driving factor of any successful
project. GIS is equipped with almost all those tools and functions that enables user to
have access to the required data within a reasonable time.
Analysis: Analysis is one of the major and most influential phases of infrastructure life
cycle. Analysis guides us about the validity or correctness of design or we can say that
analysis is a method which supports our design. Some of the analyses that can be
performed by GIS are:
Remote Sensing
Remote sensing relies on detecting differences in the reflected or emitted radiation from different areas
on the land surface over a range of wavelengths. It can be carried out from several platforms but mainly
aircraft and spacecraft (Satellites) and the data are recorded as photographs or in digital form. When data
are recorded in photographic form, they have to be transformed to digital data to enable computer
processing. Data from remote sensing constitute input for GIS which can be synthesized with other data
such as spatial data (roads, rivers, buildings, boundaries), and attribute data that describes the properties
of a spartial feature in the GIS. Such attribute data for soil may be pH, texture, soil depth etc. up to
predominant predetermined soil series in a defined area.
Remote sensing provides information for GIS use. Such data include those that are difficult to obtain
through conventional means.
Generally, Remote sensing refers to the activities of recording/observing/perceiving (sensing)
objects or events at far away (remote) places. In remote sensing, the sensors are not in direct
contact with the objects or events being observed. The information needs a physical carrier to
travel from the objects/events to the sensors through an intervening medium. The
electromagnetic radiation is normally used as an information carrier in remote sensing. The
output of a remote sensing system is usually an image representing the scene being observed. A
further step of image analysis and interpretation is required in order to extract useful information
from the image. The human visual system is an example of a remote sensing system in this
general sense.
In a more restricted sense, remote sensing usually refers to the technology of acquiring
information about the earth's surface (land and ocean) and atmosphere using sensors onboard
airborne (aircraft, balloons) or spaceborne (satellites, space shuttles) platforms.
Remote sensing has a wide range of applications in many different fields:
Coastal applications: Monitor shoreline changes, track sediment transport, and map
coastal features. Data can be used for coastal mapping and erosion prevention.
Ocean applications: Monitor ocean circulation and current systems, measure ocean
temperature and wave heights, and track sea ice. Data can be used to better understand
the oceans and how to best manage ocean resources.
Hazard assessment: Track hurricanes, earthquakes, erosion, and flooding. Data can be
used to assess the impacts of a natural disaster and create preparedness strategies to be
used before and after a hazardous event.
Natural resource management: Monitor land use, map wetlands, and chart wildlife
habitats. Data can be used to minimize the damage that urban growth has on the
environment and help decide how to best protect natural resources.
Remote Sensing applications perform many features including:
Change Detection — Determine the changes from images taken at different times of the
same area
Orthorectification — Warp an image to its location on the earth.
Unit X
According to section 2(a) of Environmental Protection Act (1986), ―Environment” includes, (i)
water, air and land, (ii) the interrelationship which exists among and between, (a) water, air and
land and (b) human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organisms and proerty.
Various statues / legislations are enacted in India exclusively for Environment Protection are,
The objective of the Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act was to provide for the
prevention and control of water pollution and maintaining or restoring of wholesomeness of
water for the establishment with a view to carrying out the purpose aforesaid, of boards for the
prevention and functions relating thereto and for matters connected therewith.
(a) Promote cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the state.
(b) Advise the central government on any matter concerning the prevention and control of
water pollution
(c) Co-ordinate the activities of the state boards and resolve disputes among them.
(d) Provide technical assistance and guidance to the state board, carryout and sponsor
investigations and research relating to problems of water pollution.
(e) Organize through mass media, a comprehensive programme regarding the prevention and
control of water pollution.
(f) Collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data relating to water pollution and the
measure devised for its effective prevention and control and prepare manuals, codes
regarding the treatment and disposal of sewage and trade effluents.
(g) Establish and recognize a laboratory to enable the board to perform its functions under this
section effectively, including the analysis of samples of water from any stream or well of
samples of any sewage or trade effluents.
Functions of State Board
(a) To plan a comprehensive programme for the prevention, control or abatement of pollution of
stream and wells in the state and to secure the execution there of.
(b) To advise the state government on any matter concerning the prevention, control or
abatement of water pollution
(c) To collect and disseminate information relating to water pollution, prevention, control or
abatement of water pollution.
(d) To encourage, conduct and participate the investigations and research relating to problems of
water pollution.
(e) To collaborate with central board in organizing the training of persons engaged in
programmes relating to water pollution, prevention, abatement and treatment.
(f) To inspect effluent treatment plants trade waste and domestic waste.
(g) To lay down, modify standard for trade and domestic wastes.
(h) To evolve economical and reliable methods of treatments, utilization of treated effluent for
agriculture and disposal into land. (i) To lay down standards of treatment of sewage and
trade effluents to be discharged into a
stream during dry weather flow. (j) To advise state government with respect to the location
of any industry the carrying on which is likely to pollute a steam or well.
Importance of Section 24 of Water Act, 1974
No person should knowingly cause or permit any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter
determined in accordance with such standards as may be laid down by the state board to enter
into any stream or well or sewer or on land.
However, a person shall not be party of an offence under subsection (1), by reason only
of having done or could to be done by any of the following acts namely;
(a) Constructing bridge, weir, dam, sluice, dock, pier, drain or sewer or other permanent works
which he has a right to construct, improve or maintain.
(b) Depositing any material on the bank or in the bed of any stream for the purpose of
reclaiming land or for supporting repairing or protecting the bank or bed of such stream
provided such materials are not capable of polluting such streams.
(c) Polluting into any stream by any sand or gravel or other natural deposit which has flowed
from or been deposited by the current of such stream.
Whoever contravention of provisions of section (24) shall be punishable with imprisonment
upto six years and with fine. Even the municipality corporation, companies, government
departments also be prosecuted under water act. Varieties of powers are given to the central /
state boards to make application to courts for restrains apprehended pollution of water in streams
and wells.
―Air Pollution” means the presence in the atmosphere of any air pollutant. Air pollution
means any solid, liquid or gaseous substances (including noise) present in the atmosphere in such
concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or other living creatures or
plants or property or environment.
The objective of the Act is to provide for the prevention, control and abatement of air
pollution for the establishment with a view to carrying out the aforesaid purpose of boards for
conferring on and assigning to such boards powers and functions relating there and for matters
connected therewith.
The main function of the central board as specified in Section 16 of the act shall be to
improve the quality of air and to prevent, control or abate air pollution in the country.
Section 10 – Lays down the standards for emission of air pollutants from automobiles
Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this act or any order or direction issued
there under for which no penalty has been elsewhere provided in this act shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 month or with a fine extend to Rs. 10,000/- or
with both.
Both companies and government departments are also prosecuted under the Air Act.
No court shall take cognizance of any offence except on a complaint made by any person
who has given notice of not less than 60 days, in the manner prescribed of the alleged offence
and his intention to make a complaint to the board.
(a) ―Environment” includes water, air and land and the interrelationship which exists among
and between them and human beings, other living creature, plants, micro-organisms and
(b) ―Environmental Pollutant” means any solid, liquid or gaseous substances present in such
concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to environment.
(c) ―Environment Pollution” means the presence in the environment of any environmental
(d) ―Hazardous Substance” means any substance or preparation which by reason of its chemical
or physico-chemical properties or handling is liable to cause harm to human beings, other
living creatures, plants, micro-organisms, property of the environment.
General Powers of the Central Government under EPA
Subject to the provisions of the act, the central government shall have power to take all
such measures as it seems necessary or expedient for the purpose of protecting and improving
the quality of the environmental pollution.
In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1)
such measures may include measures with respect to all or any of the following matters.
Under EPA pollution of land and soil is also covered. Penalties for violation under EPA
are also listed. Companies and government may also be prosecuted under EPA.
―Non Forest Purpose” means the breaking up or cleaning of any forest, land or portion
thereof for the cultivation of tea, coffee, spices, rubber, palms, oil bearing plants, horticultural
crops, medicinal plants or plantation crops.
It is well known that breaking up the soil or clearing of the forest land affects seriously
reforestation or regeneration of forests and therefore, such breaking up of soil can only be
permitted after taking into consideration all aspects of the question, the over all advantages and
disadvantages to the economy of the country. Environmental conditions, ecological imbalance
that is likely to occur, its effects on the flora and the fauna in the area, etc., it was therefore
thought that the entire control of the forest areas should vest in the central government. With that
end in view, Section 2 provided that prior approval of the central government should be obtained
before permitting the use of the forest land for non-forest purposes.
Current Requirements that should be met before declaring an area into a Wild Life
Sanctuary / National Park under Forest Act
(a) The state government may by notification in the office declare the provisions of their chapter
applicable to any forest land or wasteland which is not included in a reserve forest, but which
is the property of the government.
(b) The forest land and waste land included in any such notification shall be called a ―Protected
(c) No such notification shall be made unless the nature and extent of the rights of government
and of private persons in or over the forest land or wasteland comprised therein have been
inquired into and recorded at a survey or settlement, or in such other manner as the state
government thinks sufficient.
Section 35 - Protection of Forests for Special Purposes
1) The state government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, regulate or prohibit in any
forest or wasteland.
2) The state government may, for any, such purpose, construct on its own expense, in or upon
any forest or wasteland, such work on it thinks fit.
3) No notification shall be made under subsection (1) nor shall any work begun under
subsection (2) until after the issue of notice to the owner of such forest or land calling on him
to show cause, within a reasonable period to be specified in such notice, why such
notification shall not be made or work constructed, as the case may be and until such
objections, if any and any evidence he may produce in support of the same, have been heard
by an officer duly appointed for that purpose and have been considered by the state
=> Creating awareness among people on current environmental issues and their solutions.
=> Being involved in the protection of human right to have a clean environment. =>
Conducting participatory rural appraisal.
=> Transferring information through newsletter, brochures, articles, audiovisuals, etc. =>
Helping the village administrative officials in the preparation, application and execution of
projects on environmental protection.
There are more than 10,000 NGO”s in India ranging from National Agencies to local
groups. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) is increasingly extending support to
NGO activity and routing many of its own programme through them.
Environmental Education
Campaigns (NEAC), every year in order to spread the messages of environmental conservation
across society. Each year”s campaign has a specific theme. The district level programme called
Paryavaran Vahini was launched to promote and support for Environmental Legislation in order
to ensure compliance.
Women Education
Until recently Indian women stood for a significant tradition and culture since the vedic
age. However, they are suppressed, neglected and harassed due to gender discrimination.
They suffer from malnutrition, education, etc. They are underpaid. Women suffered all sorts of
abuse by men.
Now the government has revealed that progress cannot be achieved without adopting
women welfare programmes specially women education. So special care (reservations and
incentives) has been taken to provide education, health, job and other facilities to women.