Construction and Building Materials: Lianzhen Xiao, Zheng Ren, Wenchong Shi, Xiaosheng Wei
Construction and Building Materials: Lianzhen Xiao, Zheng Ren, Wenchong Shi, Xiaosheng Wei
Construction and Building Materials: Lianzhen Xiao, Zheng Ren, Wenchong Shi, Xiaosheng Wei
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A new non-contact electrical resistivity (NC-ER) measurement technique was proposed to measure the
Received 9 April 2016 chloride diffusion coefficient of cement-based materials, and the results from testing were compared
Received in revised form 18 June 2016 with the rapid chloride migration test, traditionally called RCM. Cement pastes with water cement ratios
Accepted 21 June 2016
of 0.30, 0.35 and 0.40, and concrete with a water cement ratio of 0.4 were prepared for the chloride dif-
Available online 4 July 2016
fusion coefficient measurement by the two methods.
The chloride diffusion coefficient results obtained by both approaches show a reasonable decrease with
hydration age and increase with the increase of water cement ratio. The results for the pastes from the
Electrical resistivity
RCM test are in range of (0.693.15) 107 cm2/s at 3d80d, and the results from the NC-ER test are
Ion migration in the range of (0.531.71) 107 cm2/s., which are of the same order of magnitude and follow a linear
Chloride diffusion coefficient relationship DRCM = 1.8821DNC-ER 0.3506 (R2 = 0.9205).
From the NC-ER test, the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete C0.4 is lower than that of paste P0.3
at the same ages and was verified by the porosity and formation factor analysis, while the RCM test
obtained opposite trends. A better linear correlation between the chloride diffusion coefficient of the con-
crete and paste samples was obtained based on the NC-ER test. It can be deduced that the NC-ER set-up
has advantages over the RCM set-up in measuring the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete, such as
there being no electrodes in the NC-ER setup which eliminates errors, and taking a much shorter time
(about 5 min) to complete a test.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction chloride migration test (RCM) [5] and resistivity techniques [6,7].
The electrical methods are considered as rapid tests for evaluating
The chloride diffusion coefficient is an index of concrete dura- concrete permeability [8].
bility. The methods to measure the diffusion of chloride ions for Concrete is considered to be a solid electrolyte, and the trans-
determining concrete permeability include standard methods, port of ionic species i in the pore solution of the solid electrolyte
such as the test for the resistance of concrete to chloride ion pen- follows Nernst-Plank equation as Eq. (1) [9].
etration (Salt Ponding Test) [1,2], the electrical indication of the
@C i Z i F @E
ability of concrete to resist chloride ion penetration [3,4], the rapid
J i ¼ Di þ Di C i Civ i ð1Þ
@x RT @x
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan where Ji is the ionic flux of species I (mol/cm2/s), Di is the diffusion
Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430073, China. coefficient of species i in the concrete (cm2/s), Ci is the concentra-
E-mail address: (L. Xiao). tion of species i in the pore solution as a function of location x
0950-0618/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 L. Xiao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 27–34
(mol/cm3), Zi is the valence and vi is the convection velocity of the ages for comparison, and the results from the two methods were
ionic species I (cm/s). F is Faraday’s constant (96487 C/mol), R is analyzed.
the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol.K), T is the absolute temper-
ature (K), and E is the applied electrical potential (V). 2. Raw materials and mixture preparation
The each item of ion migration in Eq. (1) has a specific trans-
portation mechanism, in which are the ionic movement under a All tests were carried out using Ordinary Portland cement
concentration gradient is controlled by Fick’s first law, the ionic P.O42.5, meeting Chinese standard GB175-2007, and quartz sand
movement driven by electrical potential, and convection from of size 0.6 mm5 mm and crushed granite of size 5 mm10 mm
the pressure gradient. If the pressure gradient is negligible, and were used in the concrete samples. The density and the
the ion concentration in the concrete pore solution is constant in Blaine specific surface area of the cement were 3.15 g/cm3 and
a steady state condition, and the ion migration is controlled only 356 m2/kg, respectively. The chemical composition of the cement
by electrical field as in Eq. (2), and the chloride diffusion coefficient is shown in Table 1.
can be obtained by Eq. (3), which is called the Nernst-Einstein Three paste samples were prepared with water cement ratios
equation. (W/C) of 0.30, 0.35 and 0.4, marked as P0.30, P0.35 and P0.40,
respectively. A concrete sample was prepared with a sand/coarse
Zi F @E
J i ¼ Di C i ð2Þ aggregate weight ratio of 0.5 and a total aggregate volume fraction
RT @x
(Va) of 65%, at a W/C ratio of 0.40 marked as C0.40.
Each sample was mixed for 2 min in a planetary-type mixer at
RT ri
Di ¼ ð3Þ 45 rpm and for a further 2 min at 90 rpm. The mixtures were
Z 2i F 2 C i respectively cast in a ring mould (1.67 L) for the NC-ER test and
in a cylinder mould (diameter 100 mm height 100 mm) for the
where ri is the partial conductivity of species i in the solution (S/ RCM test. All the tests were conducted at 22 ± 2 °C.
cm). The ri can be determined by the apparent conductivity of con-
crete and transfer number of species i in Eq. (4).
3. Test methods
ri ¼ t i r ð4Þ
3.1. Slice sample preparation and non-contact electrical resistivity in
where r is apparent conductivity of concrete (S/cm) and ti is trans- AC field
fer number of species i.
The diffusion coefficient of chloride in concrete can be found by Slice samples were prepared by cutting the ring samples at the
measuring the electrical conductivity of the concrete and the trans- designated ages according to the dimensional requirement from
fer number of chloride ti in the pore solution according to Eq. (5). the hardened mixtures for the chloride diffusion test. Each slice
sample was vacuumed for 1 h and saturated with 10% (1.724 M)
RTt i r NaCl solution for 1 h using a vacuum pump.
Di ¼ ð5Þ
Z 2i F 2 C i The electrical resistivity of each saturated slice sample was
measured by a non-contact electrical resistivity setup (NC-ER) in
Test methods based on the Nernst-Einstein equation were pro-
alternating current (AC) field, as shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), based
posed [6,10], and although great interest was aroused and many
on the transformer principle with 1 kHz frequency used. A trans-
efforts have been made on electrical testing, the methods have
former consists of two coils of wire wound on the same core. The
not been widely accepted in the field yet. The experiments on chlo-
primary coil is the input coil of the transformer and the secondary
ride permeability were conventionally undertaken with electrode
coil is the output coil. The ring sample acts as the secondary coil of
measurements, using either alternating current or direct current,
the transformer in this setup. When an AC voltage is applied to the
where the polarization reaction on the electrodes consumes the
primary coil, a toroidal voltage (V) in Fig. 1(b) will be induced in
ions in the solution, resulting in the ion concentration and the
the secondary coil. Subsequently, a toroidal current (I) will be gen-
transfer number to vary during testing. The results and models
erated inside the ring mould. There are two parts in the ring mould,
presented by different researchers were not fully consistent due
a saturated slice sample inserted with sealant and the NaCl solu-
to the error caused by the electrodes, various measurement factors
tion with the concentration of 10% (1.724 M) poured then.
and the assumptions were not fully satisfied in regard to the theo-
The saturated slice sample and the 1.724 M NaCl solution form
retical equations used.
a series model as secondary coil of the transformer in Fig. 1(b). The
A non-contact electrical resistivity method (NC-ER) [11–13]
solution resistance Rsolution and the slice sample resistance Rslice can
using alternating current (AC) is developed and used in this study
be calculated based on Ohm’s law in Eq. (6).
to measure the electrical resistivity of the concrete mixtures satu-
rated by NaCl solution, and hence to obtain the diffusion coefficient V
Rsolution þ Rslice ¼ ð6Þ
of chloride. The NC-ER eliminates the problems caused by the elec- I
trodes in conventional set-ups since there are no electrodes in this
The original pore solution inside the slice sample was fully
setup. In the non-contact electrical resistivity setup, there is no
replaced by the 1.724 M NaCl solution, and the conductivity of a
contact resistance between the test sample and the electrodes.
slice sample results from the movement of conductive ions Cl
No ions are consumed in the electrodes reaction and the total
and Na+ through the pore paths inside the slice sample under the
transfer number is truly equal to 1.0, compared to values smaller
electrical field to form current. The electrical resistivity of the
than 1.0 in the conventional electrode measurement method
slice sample (qslice) was then calculated by obtaining the electrical
[14], and the transfer number of Cl (ti) in the used sodium chlo-
ride solution can be determined according to reference [15] as
0.604, and the chloride concentration Ci is equal to the saturated Table 1
pore solution concentration. These parameters were used to calcu- The chemical composition of cement (wt%).
late the diffusivity of the ions in the concrete according to Nernst- CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO SO3 K2O Na2O LOI
Einstein equation. Additionally, the RCM test was taken to measure
63.93 21.17 6.08 3.21 0.82 2.39 0.42 0.17 1.81
the chloride diffusion coefficient of the same samples at the same
L. Xiao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 27–34 29
Fig. 1. The set-up for non-contact electrical resistivity measurement of the slice sample.
resistance of the solution and the bulk electrical resistance of the The disc sample was removed and axially split after the mea-
setup, when the slice sample size and the height of the solution surement was done. 0.1 M AgNO3 solution was sprayed on to one
in the ring mould are known. The chloride diffusion coefficient of the fresh split sections and the area containing chloride ions
(DNC-ER) can be calculated by Eq. (7), derived from Eq. (5). appeared to be white due to the AgCl formation. The chloride pen-
etration depth inside a sample was measured by a vernier caliper
RTt Cl 9:22 and the depth of the sample was determined by the average depth
DNC-ER ¼ ¼ ð7Þ
Z 2Cl F 2 C Cl qslice qslice of ten points. The other parameters, such as the initial and final
temperature, the specimen thickness, the voltage and time were
where DNC-ER: steady state chloride diffusion coefficient, recorded and the chloride diffusion coefficient was calculated by
107 cm2/s; Eq. (8) [5,16].
qslice: the electrical resistivity of the slice sample, Ohm.m;
C Cl : chloride concentration, 1.724 M;
t Cl : the transfer number of Cl in the NaCl solution, 0.604; 00:0239ðT þ 273ÞL ðT þ 273ÞLX d
Z Cl : the valency of Cl, 1.0. DRCM ¼ X d 0:0238 ð8Þ
ðU 2Þt U2
3.2. Disc sample preparation and rapid chloride migration test (RCM)
Disc samples were prepared by cutting the cylinders into DRCM: non-steady-state chloride diffusion coefficient,
50 mm thick sections at the designated ages from the hardened 1012m2/s;
mixtures for chloride diffusion testing. Each disc sample was vac- U: absolute value of the applied voltage, V;
uumed for 3 h and saturated with saturated Ca(OH)2 solution for T: average value of the initial and final temperatures in the ano-
1 h, then kept at the atmospheric pressure for more 18 h in the vac- lyte solution, °C;
uum chamber. L: thickness of the concrete specimen, mm;
The electrical resistivity of each disc sample was measured by a Xd: average value of the penetration depths, mm;
rapid chloride migration setup (RCM), as shown in Fig. 2. t: test duration, hour.
In the RCM setup, 0.3 M NaOH solution was added in the anode
chamber, and 10% NaCl solution was poured in the cathode cham- Three discs from each mixture, at each age, were measured in
ber. The test period was set according to the electrical current in order to calculate the chloride diffusion coefficient, and the aver-
the first minute, and the voltage ranged 060 V. age value of the three discs was taken as the test result of DRCM.
30 L. Xiao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 27–34
3.3. Thermal analysis (TGA) and porosity calculating the chloride diffusion coefficient by Eq. (7). The electri-
cal resistivity of the slices for pastes P0.30, P0.35, P0.40 and con-
Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) using TGA/DTA 92 (room crete C0.40 at each age was measured and the results were
temperature to 1000 °C, with increments of 10 °C/min, in N2) was obtained in the same way.
performed for the quantification of the cement hydration products It can be seen in Fig. 3 that the electrical resistivity does not
for calculating the degree of hydration [13]. The porosity of cement change with time during the testing period, indicating that the
paste can be calculated by the hydration degree of the cement in slice samples have been fully saturated by the NaCl solution. The
the paste, according to Power’s law [17]. results of two slices from each mixture are very close, showing that
this setup has high repeatability in measuring the resistivity. Addi-
4. Experimental results and discussion tionally, the electrical resistivity of paste P0.30 is the highest, and
decreases with increase of water cement ratio, which is reasonable
4.1. The electrical resistivity and the chloride diffusion coefficient of the due to the higher porosity in a higher water cement ratio paste for
slice samples by the NC-ER test the same pore solution.
The chloride diffusion coefficient (DNC-ER) of samples P0.30,
The electrical resistivity development during the first 12mins of P0.35, P0.40 and C0.40 was calculated from the measured electrical
the slice samples P0.30, P0.35 and P0.40 at 3d are shown in Fig. 3 as resistivity of the slice samples using Eq. (7) and the DNC-ER vs. ln(t)
examples. Two slices from each mixture at each age were mea- results at 1d, 2d, 3d, 14d, 28d and 80d are shown in Fig. 4, where
sured at intervals of 30 s and the average value of the electrical the unit of time t is hours.
resistivity of the two slices was taken as the test result for It can be seen in Fig. 4 that the chloride diffusion coefficient
(DNC-ER) of each sample decreases with age. The DNC-ER values of
9.0 P0.3
Electrical resistivity of slices
8.0 8.0
7.0 7.0
P0.35 6.0 P0.35
P0.4 5.0
5.0 P0.3
3.0 C0.4
1.0 0.0
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 ln(t) (hour)
Time (min)
Fig. 4. The chloride diffusion coefficient (DNC-ER) of samples P0.30, P0.35, P0.40 and
Fig. 3. Repeatability of the electrical resistivity of the slice samples. C0.40 at 1d, 2d, 3d, 14d, 28d and 80d.
L. Xiao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 27–34 31
the pastes reasonably increase with W/C at each age. The chloride 4.3. The comparison of the chloride diffusion coefficient from the two
diffusion coefficient of concrete C0.40 is clearly lower than that of measurements
paste P0.40 with the same W/C, and is the lowest of all the sam-
ples. Additionally, the chloride diffusion coefficient of the pastes 4.3.1. The relationship of the chloride diffusion coefficient results (the
or the concrete appears to have a higher slope before 3d and a DNC-ER vs. the DRCM)
lower slope after 3d. This is consistent with the cement hydration The chloride diffusion coefficient results from the two methods
rate, which developed faster in earlier period. Additionally, the per- are of the same order of magnitude as mentioned earlier, however,
meability of the samples decreases 812 times from 1d to 80d, and the DRCM values in Fig. 5(b) are higher than the DNC-EM values in
the concrete decreases more in this range. Fig. 4 by 1.072.54 times for the paste samples, and 3.405.52
The DNC-ER values of sample C0.40 is much lower than that of times for the concrete sample at the same ages (3d, 14d, 28d and
sample P0.40 at each age. It is attributed to the aggregate without 80d). Additionally, the DRCM values of concrete C0.40 are clearly
open pores in concrete sample C0.40, taking porous space by the higher than that of paste P0.3 before 28d, higher than that of paste
volume fraction of 65%, greatly decreasing the ion migration path, P0.35 at 3d and 7d as well, which differ from the results of the DNC-
which considerably exceeds the ITZ effect on ion diffusion. ER in Fig. 4.
The relationship of the chloride diffusion coefficient of samples
P0.3, P0.35, P0.4 and C0.4 obtained from the two measurements at
4.2. The chloride diffusion coefficient of the disc samples by RCM test 3d, 14d, 28d and 80d is shown in Fig. 6.
It can be seen in Fig. 6 that there is a linear relationship between
The Cl migration depth, seen as the white region in the split the chloride diffusion coefficient results from the RCM and the NC-
disc sample P0.35 at 3d, 7d and 28d in Fig. 5(a) is used, for calcu- EM tests on the same mixture samples at the same ages, which has
lating the chloride diffusion coefficient by Eq. (8). The chloride dif- a similar development trend caused by either the water cement
fusion coefficient (DRCM) vs. ln(t) results are shown in Fig. 5(b). ratio or the hydration time. Both the RCM and the NC-ER are essen-
It can be seen in Fig. 5(b) that the chloride diffusion coefficient tially based on chloride ions movement in an electrical field
(DRCM) of the pastes with various W/C or concrete reasonably through the pores of the samples. It should be recognized that
decrease with hydration age due to the hydration products filling the electrical migration of chlorides in concrete and the rate of
the pore spaces, the DRCM value of the paste samples increases with chloride diffusion both depend on the porosity, pore connectivity
W/C at each age, and the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete and tortuosity [18,19], which explains the correlation. The linear
C0.40 is clearly lower than that of paste P0.40. trend for all the samples is also shown in Eq. (9), however, a better
Chloride diffusion coefficient
2.0 C0.4
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
ln(t) (hour)
Fig. 5. The chloride diffusion coefficient (DRCM) of samples P0.30, P0.35, P0.40 and C0.40 at 3d, 7d, 14d, 28d, 56d and 80d.
32 L. Xiao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 27–34
3.5 The linear correlation in Eq. (12) shows that the chloride diffu-
Chloride diffusion coefficient
3.0 Paste DRCM = 1.8821DNC-ER - 0.3506 sion coefficient of a concrete with an aggregate volume fraction of
R² = 0.920 65% is a function of the chloride diffusion coefficient of the paste
DRCM (×10-7cm2/s)
DRCM = 1.1935DNC-ER + 0.4381 with the same W/C and paste matrix volume fraction of 35% inside
2.0 R² = 0.5581
the concrete.
1.5 In the RCM test, a sample was saturated with Ca(OH)2 solution,
1.0 and the Cl ions migrated inside the sample from the outside by
the electrical driving force. The chloride diffusion coefficient
(DRCM) was calculated by Eq. (8), ignoring ionic diffusion by the
0.0 concentration gradient and convection migration in the concrete.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
However, the concrete at an early age probably has macropores
Chloride diffusion coefficient DNC-EM (×10-7cm2/s)
or connected capillary channels, and there were additional Cl ions
Fig. 6. The relationship of the chloride diffusion coefficient of the samples at 3d, suction by capillary action, and concentration gradient as well,
14d, 28d and 80d from the RCM test and the NC-EM test. besides the electrical driving force. Therefore, the DRCM results cal-
culated by Eq. (8) are over-estimated due to the height of the Cl
migration from the combining effect of the electrical driving force
linear correlation, excluding concrete C0.4 can be obtained, as and the capillary action.
shown in Eq. (10). In the NC-EM setup, a sample was saturated with NaCl solution,
For paste and concrete samples, the type and concentration of the pore solution inside the sample
DRCM ¼ 1:1935DNCER þ 0:4381; R2 ¼ 0:5581 ð9Þ being the same as outside the sample in the electrical circuit,
avoiding ionic diffusion driven by the concentration gradient and
For paste samples, convection migration, really following the Nernst-Einstein equa-
tion. Moreover, the smaller sample size make a good saturation
DRCM ¼ 1:8821DNCER 0:3506; R2 ¼ 0:9205 ð10Þ
effect, and high accuracy can be reached.
A poor linear trend in Eq. (9) from all the samples is due to that Additionally, each test takes 696 h to be completed, after sam-
a higher contradiction of the two test methods arises in concrete ple preparation, in the RCM method. The electrodes reaction can
C0.4. The DRCM values of concrete C0.40 are higher than these of change the solution concentration and the current was partially
paste P0.3 at the same ages, while the DNC-ER values of concrete consumed in the electrodes reaction with the voltage of 060 V,
C0.40 are lowest in all the samples, as mentioned earlier. It can not fully on Cl migration, which may cause the DRCM results vari-
be analyzed from the pore structure investigation and the forma- ation. The NC-EM is newly proposed to measure the chloride diffu-
tion factor, as described later. sion coefficient, and there are no electrodes in this setup and the
test can be completed in 5 min, with consistent results and better
4.3.2. The correlation between the chloride diffusion coefficient of correlation, as in Fig. 7, then being obtained.
concrete and paste
The correlation between the chloride diffusion coefficient of
concrete and paste from the two test methods are shown in Fig. 7. 4.3.3. The porosity analysis by TGA and the formation factor by the NC-
Two separate linear trends corresponding to the two test meth- ER test
ods are observed in Fig. 7, the one from the RCM test is the upper The TGA results of pastes P0.3 and P0.4 at 3d are shown in Fig. 8.
line and a higher correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9923) is obtained The non-evaporating water content in the hydrated pastes, as
from the NC-ER test. The correlations between concrete C0.40 chemical bonded water, was obtained in the range 105 °C950 °C
and paste P0.40 are shown in Eqs. (11), (12). by TGA, considering the ignition loss of the original cement (LC).
From the RCM test, The hydration degree of the cement (a) in the pastes can be calcu-
lated by the equation [13] shown in Fig. 8, where W105 and W950
DRCM ðC0:40Þ ¼ 0:6614DRCM ðP0:40Þ; R2 ¼ 0:9042 ð11Þ
are the sample weights at temperatures 105 °C and 950 °C, respec-
From the NC-ER test, tively, and Wn/Ccomp. is chemical bounded water per gram com-
pletely hydrated cement.
DNCER ðC0:40Þ ¼ 0:3074DNCER ðP0:40Þ; R2 ¼ 0:9923 ð12Þ
Temperature (oC)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Chloride diffusion coefficient of C0.4
2.5 DRCM(C0.4)=0.6614DRCM(P0.4) -2
R² = 0.9042
from the NC-ER
TG (mg)
1.5 -8
1.0 DNC-ER(C0.4) = 0.3074DNC-ER(P0.4)
R² = 0.99 -12
0.5 -14 P0.4
0.0 -16
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Chloride diffusion coefficient of P0.4 (×10-7cm2/s)
Fig. 7. The correlation of the chloride diffusion coefficient of paste P0.4 and
concrete C0.4 from the RCM and the NC-EM tests. Fig. 8. The TGA results of pastes P0.3 and P0.4 at 3d.
L. Xiao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 27–34 33
The porosity (u) is determined by the ratio of the capillary vol- It can be concluded that the newly proposed measurement
ume (Vcapillary) to the total volume of water and cement in the paste technique NC-ER has advantages in several aspects: (1) no elec-
(Vtotal), as shown in Eq. (13). trode reaction consuming ions and no contact resistance causing
error, (2) a smaller specimen is more easily saturated with solu-
V capillary W=C a a tion, with the test completed in minutes, (3) using a higher concen-
u¼ ¼ V total ð13Þ
V total Dw Dh Dc tration solution to saturate concrete specimen, preventing
interference from the original ions in the concrete, (4) steady state
where Dw, Dc, Dh represent the density of the pore solution, cement chloride migration, avoiding interference from capillary action,
and hydrates, respectively. concentration gradient and convection, which are hard to be
For Dw = 1.01 g/cm3, Dc = 3.15 g/cm3, Dh = 1.529 g/cm3 (based on exactly accounted for.
assuming that one unit volume of cement produces 2.06 unit vol-
umes of gel) [17].
5. Conclusions
The porosity of pastes P0.3 and P0.4 at 3d were 0.351 and 0.432
by Eq. (13), respectively. The porosity of sample C0.4 can be calcu-
(1) A new non-contact electrical method (NC-EM) is proposed to
lated by the porosity of sample P0.4 and the ITZ volume fraction in
obtain the chloride diffusion coefficient of hardened con-
sample C40 according to the aggregate volume faction and the ITZ
crete and paste by measuring the electrical resistivity of slice
thickness. The aggregate volume faction of 65% was used in con-
samples being saturated with 10% concentration NaCl solu-
crete C0.4, and the ITZ thickness of 0.05 mm is taken which is
tion. This technique eliminates the errors and problems
the highest value in the reference [20,21], the ITZ volume fraction
caused in the traditional setups with electrodes.
of 17.6% can be obtained by the calculation [21], the possible total
(2) The chloride diffusion coefficient results from the NC-EM
porosity of concrete C0.4 provided by the paste matrix (u of the
test were compared with that from a rapid chloride migra-
matrix = 0.432 (1–65%) = 0.151) and the ITZ (u of the
tion test (RCM). Both measurements show that the chloride
ITZ = 0.176) is 0.327, which is obviously lower than that of paste
diffusion coefficient of the paste or concrete samples reason-
P0.3 (u = 0.351). It can be derived from the porosity values of sam-
ably decrease with hydration age, and increases with
ples P0.30 and C0.40 in that the chloride diffusion coefficient of
increase of water cement ratio.
sample C0.4 should be lower than that of paste P0.3 at the same
(3) The chloride diffusion coefficient results of the paste sam-
ples at 3d80d by the RCM and the NC-ER tests are in range
The formation factor (FF) as a global parameter characterizing
of (0.694.35) 107 cm2/s and (0.531.71) 107 cm2/s,
the pore structure of concrete or paste materials is used to analyze
respectively, there being linear relationships. All the results
chloride migration. The formation factor of the concrete and paste
from the RCM tests are higher than from the NC-ER tests
samples can be calculated by Eq. (14), and is equal to the electrical
for the same samples at the same ages, due to the effect of
resistivity of a slice sample to the electrical resistivity of the solu-
the chloride migration into the samples in the RCM setup,
tion inside the slice sample, as shown in Fig. 9.
possibly not only just by the electrical driving force which
qslice is only considered in the equation used.
FF ¼ ð14Þ
qsolution (4) There is better linear correlation between the chloride diffu-
sion coefficient of the concrete and paste samples from the
In the paste samples, sample P0.3 with the lowest W/C has the NC-ER test, and the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete
least free water space, resulting in the lowest connected pore net- C0.4 is lower than that of paste P0.3 at the same ages from
work and the highest tortuous pore network highlighted by the the NC-ER, which were verified by the porosity and forma-
highest formation factor values at each age. The concrete sample tion factor analysis, while the RCM test showed an opposite
C0.4 has the highest formation factor in all the samples, indicating trend.
the lowest connected pore network and the most tortuous paths
for ion migration. The formation factor results are consistent with
the results of the chloride diffusion coefficient DNC-ER, confirming Acknowledgements
that the DNC-ER results are more reasonable, while the DRCM results
appear to have clear errors, especially for the low permeability The authors gratefully acknowledge Funding by the National
samples, such as concrete C0.40 and P0.30. Natural Science Foundation of China (51348001 and 51478202),
Therefore, the porosity and the formation factor analysis veri- and the State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures
fies the reasonable order of the chloride diffusion coefficient (Wuhan University of Technology) (SYSJJ2015-01).
results from the NC-ER test.
Formation factor, FF
[1] AASHTO T259, Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Concrete to Chloride
300 Ion Penetration, AASHTO T 259-80, American Association of State Highway and
250 Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, USA, 1980.
200 [2] ASTM C1556, Standard Test Method for Determining the Apparent Chloride
Diffusion Coefficient of Cementitious Mixtures by Bulk Diffusion, ASTM
150 International, 2004.
100 [3] AASHTO T277, The Permeability of Cement Systems to Chloride Ingress and
50 Related Test Methods, AASHTO T 277, American association of state highway
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