Dupre 1979

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OTC 3434



by W. R. Dupre' and R. Thompson,

University of Houston

This paper was presented at the 11th Annual OTe in Houston, Tex.. April 3O·May 3, 1979. The material Is subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract 01 not more than 300 words.

ABSTRACT the Yukon may represent a distinct class of ice-

dominated delta, similar in many respects to deltas
Field mapping in the Yukon delta region of presently fonning in the Arctic. Failure to recognize
western Alaska, combined with laboratory analysis of the unique characteristics of ice-dominated deltas can
sediment and Landsat imagery, has provided insights result in serious errors in the estimation of the
into the role of climate and tectonics on delta ic reservoir potential of deltaic sediments deposited
processes on high-latitude continental sh~lves. The under similar climatic conditions.
climatic and tectonic influences on sediment type, in
combination with the role of river and sea ice in INTRODUCTION
controlling patterns of sediment transport and
deposition, suggest that the Yukon delta may provide a The prospect of oil and gas exploration in
model for deltaic sedimentation in an ice-dcrninated Norton Sound (Fig. 1) has focused increased attention
environment. on the Yukon delta, both as an area that might be
significantly affec-ted by such development, and as a
The combination of an arctic and sub-arctic possible analogue for older, Yukon-derived deltaic_
climate and extensive Cenozoic tectonism has resulted sediment which might serve as possible reservoir rocks
in the production of a mineralogically immature suite in Norton Basin. preliminary studies demonstrate that
of silts and sands (typically feldspathic the depositional environments and related processes
litharenites) with a relative paucity of clays. The associated with the Yukon delta differ markedly from
textural and mineralogical composi tion of these those of most previously described deltas. The
sediments will, in turn, influence their geotechnical purpose of this paper is to describe these
properties as well as post-depositional compaction and environments and processes, as they may provide a
diagenetic effects. possible model for a newly defined class of ice-
dcrninated deltas. Parts of the model are speculative,
The processes of sediment transport and however it may provide a basis for future discussion
deposition in the Yukon delta vary systematically on the role of ice in deltaic sedimentation on high-
throughout the year. There exists an ice-dcrninated, latitude continental shelves.
river-dcrninated, and stonn-dcrninated regimen, each
consisting of a characteristic set of processes~­ METHODS
These processes can constitute geologic hazards which
vary with season and depositional environment, thereby Field work during the summers of 1975 through
significantly affecting the siting of offshore 1978, and interpretation of bathymetric and
facilities. topographic maps, aerial photographs, and Landsat
imagery, have provided an overview of the major
The geometry of the delta and its various depositional environments of the Yukon delta as well
depositional environments are strongly influenced by as the processes which characterize each environment.
the effects of sea ice. A comparison of the Sediment from most of the depositional environments
subaqueous profile of the Yukon delta with those of was analyzed using the Rice University Automated
previously described wave- and river-dcrninated deltas Sediment Analyzer (RUASA). This system uses a large
reveals a broad "sub-ice platfonn" typically less than settl ing tube to analyze the sand, a smaller settling
2 m deep and U]? to 30 km wide separating the tube to analyze the coarse silt, and a hydrophotometer
intertidal deposits from the prograding delta front. to analyze the fine silt and clay. Additional grain
This platfonn, as well as associated "sub-ice size infonnation was also available for a limited
channels" which extend tens of kilcrneters offshore number of samples from the delta front and prodelta
from the major distributaries, constitute major environments (McManus and others, 1977) and from a
differences with previously described deltas. Thus, large, sub-ice channel (Matthews, 1973). X-ray
photographs of numerous cores were examined to provide
References and illustrations at end of paper. additional infonnation on sedimentary structures and

'b~oturbation, particularly in intertidal deposits. In the wave energy along the coast is generally low
addi tion, point counts were made of grain mounts of during this time of year.
sand collected froin- a variety of environments to
determine the effects of provenance and climate on the Increasingly frequent southwesterly winds and
composition of the sediment. waves associated with major storms during the late
summer mark the beginning of the storm-dominated
GEOLOGIC SETTING regimen. The relatively long fetch and high winds
result in high wave enery particularly on the western
The Yukon River drains an area of approximately side of the delta. High wave energy and rapidly
855,000 km 2 , providing a water discharge of decreasing sediment discharge from the Yukon result in
approximately 6220 m3 /sec and a sediment load of significant coastal erosion and reworking of deltaic
approximately 88 mill ion tons/year, representing deposits in the late summer. This continues until
almost 90% of the total sediment presently entering freeze-up when ice-related processes regain their
the Bering Sea (Lisitsyn, 1972). The source area is a dominance.
region of continuous to discontinuous permafrost
dominated by mechanical weathering (including the The northwesterly-flowing Alaska Coastal water
effects of glaciation). The result of such weathering (ACW) impinges on the western side of the delta
processes should be a sediment high in silt and with a throughout the year, although there are large seasonal
relative paucity of clays (e.g. Taber, 1943; Hill and variations in its lateral extent (Coachman and others,
Tedrow, 1961), and this is confirmed by size analysis 1975). High flow velocities in the ACW appear
of Yukon sediments (Fig. 2). The source area has a responsible for a large amount of fine-grained
complex history of Cenozoic tectonism, which, in sediment bypassing Norton Sound for final deposition
combination with the relative lack of chemical in the Chukchi sea, 500-1000 km to the northwest
weathering, has resulted in the production of a (Nelson and Creager, 1977). Similarly, tides with a
compositionally immature suite of sands (typically range of 1-1 1/2 m and tidally-induced currents are
feldspathic litharenites). Thus both the texture and active throughout the year, but their significance
composition of the sediments strongly reflect the remains unclear. It seems likely that both the flow
climatic and tectonic setting of the drainage basin. within the ACW and the tidally-induced currents are
most important in transporting sediment re-suspended
The modern delta of the Yukon River is a by other processes (e.g. storm waves, ice gouging).
relatively young geologic feature, having formed since
approximately 2500 years ago, when the river course DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS
shifted to where it presently enters Norton Sound
(Dupre, 1978). Norton Sound is a broad re-entrant of The subaerial morphology of the Yukon delta is
the northern Bering Sea, characterized by low rates of similar to lobate, high-contructional deltas described
tectonic subsidence and extremely shallow water depths by Fisher and others (1969) as typical of bedload-
(generally lesS than 20 m). The shallowness of the dominated rivers emptying into shallow depositional
depositional basin has allowed extensive reworking of basins. This is consistent with the geologic setting
the deltaic sediments by a variety of processes, of the Yukon, however a more careful examination of
including waves, wind- and tidally-induced currents, the subaqueous morphology suggests that such a
and oceanic currrents, as well as processes associated classification fails to recognize some of the unique
with ice movement. The relative importance of these aspects of the Yukon delta.
processes varies systematically throughout :the year,
allowing the definition of an ice-dominated, river- The delta plain is fringed by prograding tidal
dominated, and storm-dominated regimen (Fig. 3). flats and distributary mouth bars, similar to many
previously described deltas.__ The Yukon delta is
SEASONALITY OF COASTAL PROCESSES unusual, however, in that the delta front and prodelta
are offset from the prograding shoreline by a broad
The ice-dominated regimen begins with freeze-up platform (here referred to as a sub-ice platform),
along the coast in late October or November. locally up to 30 kIn wide. The result is a subaqueous
Shorefast ice extends from 1 0 to 30 kIn offshore, where profile (Fig. 5) quite unlike those of wave- and
it is terminated by a series of pressure ridges and river-dominated deltas described by Wright and Coleman
shear ridges (Stamukhi zone of Reimnitz and others, (1973) •
1977) formed by the interaction of the shore fast ice
with the highly mobile, seasonal pack ice (Fig. 4A). The broad platform (and associated subaqueous
This typically occ_urs in water depths of 5 to 10m, channels) appear related to the presence of shorefast
and is an area of intense ice gougtng. Gouging may ice which fringes the delta for almost half the year.
result in the resuspension of sed"iment which is then Several workers (e.g. Re"imnitz and Bruder, 1972;
available for _ reworking and re-distribution by Reimnitz and Barnes, 1974; Walker, 1974) note that
relatively weak, sub-ice currents, some of which may patterns of nearshore sedimentation along the north
be induced by vertical movement of the floating fast slope of Alaska are strongly influenced by the
ice (Barnes and Reimnitz, 1973). presence of shorefast ice. Naidu and Mowatt (1975)
suggest that this is unique to deltas formed by polar
River breakup typically occurs in late May, rivers in the Arctic. We believe that these smaller
marking the beginning of the river-dominated regimen. arctic deltas, as well as larger deltas such as the
During breakup, much of the sediment bypasses the Yukon, Mackenzie, and Lena, actually represent a
nearshore zone by a combination of over-ice flow (cf separate type of ice-dominated delta, morphologically
Colville delta) and sub-ice flow through a series of distinct from the wave-, river-, and tide-dominated
channels which extend up to 30 km offshore (Fig. 4Bl. deltas previously described in the literature (e.g.
Once the shorefast ice melts or drifts offshore, Galloway, 1975). The Yukon delta may provide a model
sedimentation is dominated by normal deltaic processes for such an ice-dominated delta (Fig. 6).
under the influence of the high discharge of the Yukon
river. The dominant northeasterly winds are usually The delta plain contains a complex assemblage of
weak and blow over a relatively limited fetch, hence active and abandoned distributaries, levees, .
· i.nterdistributary marshes, and lakes. The active continue offshore after bifurcation at the shoreline.
di.stributaries have a radially bifurcating pattern; These offshore extensions of the distributaries (here
indivi.dual channels have low to moderate sinuosity. referred to as sub-ice channels), are 1/2 to 1 km wide
The river has two main di.stributari.es (1-1 1/2 km wide and 5 to 15 m deep; they extend up to 30 km across the
and 10-15 m deep) and numerous smaller distributaries sub-ice platform. The channels have a low to moderate
(some as small as 20m wide and 2-5 m deep) typically sinuosity with most showing clear evidence of-lateral
spaced every 1-2 km along the coast. Point bars and migration and the deposition of subaqueous point bar
mid-channel bars are common, particularly along the deposits. These deposits are probably characterized
larger distributaries. Channel and bar deposits are by a fi.ning-upwards sequence (up to 15 m thi.ck)
typically composed of moderately to well sorted sand consisting of an erosional channel base overlain by
and silty sand, grading upwards and laterally into moderately sorted, fine to very fine sand grading
organic-rich, poorly sorted silt and mud deposited on upwards to moderately sorted sand and silty sand
natural levees and in meander swales. deposi ted on subaqueous levees. Landsat imagery shows
evidence of these channels being areas of active
The distri.butaries frequently shift their course bedload transport throughout most of the summer; they
via channel avulsi.on, often precipitated by ice jams may also serve as conduits for sub-ice currents during
resulting in the deposition of an abandoned channel the winter months as well.
fi.ll typically consisting of organic-rich sandy silt
and silt. Abandoned channels are highly prone to The sub-ice platform (or 2-meter bench of
flooding and are freqently re-occupied by Teimil, 1977) has an extremely gentle slope ~typically
distributaries, resulti.ng in a complex delta 1: 1000 or less) extending 10-30 km offshore. The
stratigraphy. average depth over most of the platform is 1-2 m,
however there commonly is an erosional(?) trough up to
Interdist.ributary areas in the older, inacti.ve 5 m deep near the outer edge of the platform,
parts of the delta are largely marshes characterized particularly along the northern edge of the delta.
by poorly-sorted peaty silt and mud. Freshwater peats Unl ike the nearshore sediment of most deltas, the
may be up to 1 m thi,.ck in the oldest parts of the platform appears to be characterized by an offshore
delta. Some shallow lakes occur between natural increase in the percent of sand (Fi.g. 7), ranging from
levees, however most are in the process of bei.ng poorly-sorted sandy silt nearshore to poorly and
filled with vegetation. Incipient permafrost moderately sorted sand and silty sand near the outer
development has resulted in the formation of peat edge of the platform. This is similar to trends
mounds (palsen) in many former lake beds. reported off the north slope of Alaska by Barnes .. and
Interdistributary areas along the coast are Reimnitz (1973).
characterized by marshes of salt-tolerant grasses and
sedges, typially forming over actively progradi.ng The sub-ice platform appears to be an area of
tidal deposits. Low washover ridges record short sediment bypassing and reworking throughout much of
i.ntervals of shoreli.ne erosion, probably during major the year. Sediment bypasses the inner part of the
storms. platform duri.ng river breakup initally by over-ice
flow (similar to that described by Reimnitz and
The ~ margin is a term used informa11y here BrUder, 1972 and Wa1ker, 1974), as we1las by sub-ice
to include rapidly prqgrading tidal flats and flow in the offshore channels crossing the platform.
distributary mouth bars as well as the sub-ice Sediment is deposited from suspension during the
pIa tform and associated Offshore channels. Tidal summer months, however much of that sediment is
flats are typically 100-1000 m wide where they occur. reworked during storms and perhaps duri.ng the wi.nter
along the prograding margin of the delta. The flats months as well. The entire platform i.s sUffi.ciently
consist of poorly-sorted sandy silt in areas of shallow to be reworked by waves, however most of the
relatively low wave energy (on the northern side of larger waves break at the outer margi.n. Thi.s suggests
the delta) to moderately and poorly-sorted. silty sand that the outer margin of the platform is an area of
in areas of higher wave energy (on the western side of relatively high wave energy ,providing one mechanism
the delta). The tidal flat deposits commonly form a to explain the offshore increase in sand. In
fining-upwards sequence. (approximately 1 m thick) of addition, the reduced cross-sectional area of the
mixed bedded, ripple and parallel-laminated silty sand water column overlying the sediment may act to
and silt. Primary sedimentary structures are often accelerate sub-ice currents of various origins. The
obscured, however, by extensi ve bioturba tion, inner part of the platform is frozen to the bottom
especially in areas of high silt content. Detrital wi th bottomfast ice, however the outer portion is
peat is locally abundant, partiCUlarly i.n the upper overlain by floating fast ice where the accentuated
parts of the prograding sequences.- The tidal flats sub-ice currents could provide an additional mechanism
show abundant evidence of i.ce scour and ice plucking for winnowing of fine-grained sediment from the outer
similar to that described by Dionne (1969), however margin of the sub-ice platform (cf Barnes and
the preservation potential of such features may be Reimnitz, 1973).
The delta front is a term used here to describe
Middle-ground bars commonly occur at the mouths the relatively steep (typically greater than 1:500)
of the larger distributaries. These are characterized margin of the delta characterized by apparently rapid
by moderately to well-sorted sand in areas of high deposition of sedi.ment in water depths of 2-10 m-.
wave energy and by poorly-sorted si.lty sand in areas Maximum rates of progradation probably occur adjacent
of low wave energy. In addition, individual bars are to the major distri.butari.es (and associated sub-ice
typically coarser grained and' better sorted in the channels), presumably during the summer months. The
more proximal parts, getting finer grai.ned on their- morphology of the delta front is more complex along
more distal edge. Sedimentary structures are mostly the northwestern part of the delta (Fig. 6B), where it
ripple and parallel laminations, with little detrital inclUdes a seri.es of large (3-5 m hi.gh) shoals which
peat or evidence of bi.oturbation. - appear to be mi.grating laterally into Norton Sound.
This northeasterly movement i.s perpendicular to the
Unlike most deltas, the major distributaries dominant directi.on of summer sediment transport,

~rhaps representing either a.secondary bifurcation o! sands should form a blanket-like deposit which may
the Alaska Coastal Water or the effect of superimposed provide another potential reservoir. The textural and
storm- or tidally-induced currents. The outer margin mineralogical composition of the sediment significant
of the delta front (in 5-10 m water depths) is an area affects the post-depositional history of the sediment.
of intense tce gouging during the winter months (Thor The lack of primary clays, particularly in the
and others, 1977), which may result in significant prodelta deposits, results in relatively little soft-
resuspension and reworking of the sediment. sediment compaction and deformation, however -the
abundant volcanic rock fragemnts may uncle
The sediment characteristics of the delta front diagenettc alteration to form an extensive matrix of
are poorly known, but the western margin probably secondary clays, thereby significantly reducing
consists of parallel laminated poorly-sorted silty intially high porosities and- permeabilities. In
sand and sandy silt_,presumably fining offshore. The summary, the failure to recognize the unique geometry
shoals on the northwestern side of the delta probably and sediment characteristics of deltaic deposits
consist of better sorted, sandy sediment. formed in an ice-dcminated environment could result in
serious errors in estimating the reservoir potential
The prodelta is characterized by extremely of older rocks.
gentle S1OPS (typically 1:2000) marking the distal
edge of the deltaic sediments which extend up to ACXNOWLEGMENTS
100 km offshore. Sediment is initially deposited from
suspension in this environment, however water depths This study is supported in part by the Bureau or
are still relatively shallow (10-20 m’) hence much of Land Management through interagency agreement with the
the sediment is subsequently reworked. Evidence of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under
such reworking is clearly demonstrated by the unusual which a multi-year program responding to the needs of
pattern _=of textural parameters= de~c:ibed..by McNanus petroleum development of the outer continental shelf
and others (1977). The southwestern margin of the is managed by the Outer Continental She1f
prodelta sedtments (adjacent to the largest Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) office. We
distributaries) consist of well-sorted silty sand, would also like to thank John Anderson (Rice
grading northward to moderately sorted silty sand and University) for the use of his automated sediment
eastward to poorly sorted sandy silt and silt. The analyzer, Eevin Thor (U.S.G.S., Menlo Park) for kindly
presence of sand_ysediments in the western part of_the providing sediment samples and bathymetric data from”
prodelta appears to be in part the result of the sub-ice platform, as well as Erk Reimnitz,
resuspension of fine-grained sediments and the ir Hans Nelson, and Peter Barnes (U.S.G.S., Menlo Park)
subsequent removal from Norton Sound by the relatively whose experience in Alaska has provided many insights
high flow velocities within the Alaska Coastal Water into the deltaic processes in Norton Sound. The
(McManus and others, 1977; Nelson and Creager, 1977). senior author also wishes to acknowledge the U.S.
Geological Survey’_s Pacific-Arctic Branch of Marine
IMPLICATIONS Geology for providing facilities during the f?nal
preparation of the paper. Lastly, we wish to thank
The modern Yukon delta has several depositional Dave Hopkins (U.S.G.S., Menlo Park), who conceived and
environments lacking in deltas formed in more initiated the study of coastal processes along. the
tem~rate climates. These depositional environments Yukon delta.
are but one indication of the extreme seasonality of
coastal processes which probably characterize many REFERENCES
high-latitude continental shelves. Table 1 is a
preliminary attempt to assess the relative importance 1. Barnes, P.W. and Reimnitz, Erk,1973,The shore fak
of these processes within each enviroxynent. The ice cover and its influence on the currents and
ability to predict the types of processes as”well as sediment along the coast of northern Alaska (Abs),
EOS Transactionsr Amer. Geophys. Unionr v.54,
the sediment characteristics and geotechnical
properties which characterize each environment, should p. 1108
2. Coachman, L.K., Aagaard, K., and Tripp, R.B. ,1975,
greatly aid in _minim_j.z$ng both the costs and
environmental impscts of siting both offshore and Bering Strait: The Regional Physical Oceanography,
onshore structures. Univ. of Washington Press, Seattle, 172p.
3. Dionne, J.C.,1969, Tidal flat erosion by ice at
The delta also provides a modern analogue for La Pocatierer St. Lawerence estuary, Jour. Seal.
Petrology , v.39, P.1174-1181.
older deltaic sediments formed under similar tectonic
and climatic settings. 4. Dupre’r W.R.,1978, Yukon Delta Coastal Processes
In particular, the rates of
Studyr in Annual Report of Principal Investigators
progradation are much greater than the rates of
for year ending March,1978, NOAA-OCSEAP
tectonic subsidence, hence the thickness of individual
progradational gequence~. is limited _by the wate~ 5. Fisher, W.L., and othersr1969, Delta Systems in
the Exploration for Oil and Gas: A Research
depths of the depositional basin (Fig. 6B). This
results in the formation of a blanket-like deposit, a Colloqium; Bur. Econ. Geologyr Univ. TexasrAustin
6. Galloway, W.E.,1975, Process framework for des-
few tens of meters thick and thousands of km2 in
cribing the morphological and stratigraphic
aerial extent. The distribution of the sand-rich
evolution of deltaic depositional systems; in
deposits also differs from most previously described
Broussardr M.L.(cd) Deltas: Models for Exploration
delta models. Much of the delta plain consists of a
Houston. Geol. Sot., p.87-98.
complex pattern of radially bifurcating distributary
7. Hill, D.E., and Tedrow, J.C.F., 1961, Weathering
sands, however many of these well-sorted sands extend
tens of kilometers o~fshore, having been deposited in and soil formation in the Arctic environment;
Amer. Jour. Sci., v. 259, p. 84–101
sub-ice channels. These d“eposits represent offshore
8. Lisitzin, A.P., 1972, Sedimentation in the World
extensions of potential reservoir rocks. In addition,
Ocean; SEPM Special Pub. No. 17, 218 p.
some of the coarsest, best sorted sands have been
deposited not at the shoreline{_ but rather in water
depths of 2-3 m at distances of up to 30 km offshore
along the outer margin of the sub-ice platform. These
9. Matthews, M.D., 1973, Flocculation as exemplified 15. Reimnitz, Erk, Toimil, L.J., and Barnes, P.W.,1977,
in the turbidity maximum of Acharon Channel, Yukon Stamukhi zone processes :implications for developing
River Delta, Alaska; Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation the Arctic coast; in Proceedings of the Offshore
Northwestern University, 88p. Technology Conference, May 2-5,1977, OTC Paper 2945
10. McManus, D.A., and others, 1977, Distribution of p. 513-518.
bottom sediments on the continental shelf, northern 16. Taber, Stephenr1943, Perenniallyfrozen ground in
Bering Sea; U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper, 759-C, Alaska: its origin and history; Geol. Sot. America
31p. Bull., V. 54, p.1433-1548.
11. Naidu, A.S., and Mowatt, T.C. ,1975, Depositional 17. Thor, D.R., Nelson, C.H., and Evans, J.E.,1977,
environments and sediment characteristics of the Preliminary assessment of ice gouging in Norton
Colville and adjacent deltas, northern Arctic Sound, Alaska; in Nelson, C.H. (cd), Faulting,
Alaska; in Broussard, M.L.S. (cd), Deltas: Models Sediment Instability, Erosion and Depositional
for Exploration, Houston .Geol. SOC., P.283-309. Hazards of the Norton Basin Seafloor; Annual Report
12. Nelsonr C.H. and Creager, J.S.,1977, Displacement of Principal Investigators for Year ending March,
of Yukon-derived sediment from Bering Sea to 1977, NOAA-OCSEAP.
Chukchi Sea during Holocene time; Geology , V.5, 18. Toimil, L.J.,1977, Morphologic character of the
p. 141-146. “ 2 meter bench”, Colville River delta; in Barnes,
13. Reimnitzr Erk and Barnesr P.W.,1974, Sea ice as a P.W. and Reimnitz, Erk (eds), Geoloqic Processes
geologic agent on the Beauford Sea shelf of Alaska; and Hazards of the Beaufort Sea Shelf and Coastal
in Reed, J.C. and Sater, J.E. (eds) The Coast and Reqions, Quarterly Report for quarter ending Dec.,
Shelf of tbe Beaufort Sea, Arctic Institute of 1977, NOAA-OCSEAP.
North America, P.301-353. 19. Wright, L.D. and Coleman, J.14.,1973, Variations in
14. Reirnnitz,Erk and Bruder, K.F., 1972, River dis- morphology of major river deltas as functions of
charge into an ice-covered ocean and related ocean wave and river discharge regimes; Amer. Assm
sediment dispersal, Beaufort Sea, coast of Alaska; Petroleum Geol. Bull., v. 57, P.370-398.
Geol. Sot. America Bull., v.83, p.861-866.

Table 1 -
A preliminary summary of non-tectonic geological hazards of the modern Yukon Delta


IActive Distributary
Abandoned Distributary
Interdistributary Marsh Moderate Low Low-Mod Low Low-Mod
[Coastal Marsh High Moderate High Variable Low

(Distributary Mouth Bar High Moderate High Low-Mod Low

DELTA Tidal Flats High Mod-High High Low Low
Sub-ice Platform N/A Mod-Low Variable Variable None
(Sub-ice Channels N/A Low High High None
DELTA FRONT N/A High High Low? None
PRODELTA N/A Mod-Low Moderate Mod-Low None












isw sub-ice platform tidal flats




0 5 10 15

B. FRASER DELTA (Mathews & Shepard,1962)




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