Lab 1 Using Visual Emulator: Download The Emulator Answer To Questions (Q)

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Using Visual Emulator
Download the emulator
Answer to questions (Q)
Load the following Program in
Visual Emulator
; The purpose of this program is to add: aa+bb=cc LDR r1, =aa ;load memory address of aa into r1 After execution:
PC = 0xC+4
; First we define the variables; The variables are stored in
LDR r2, [r1] ;load content of memory address in r1 into r2 (that
locations 0x100-0x108 in the MEMMORY is 0x0001)
aa DCD 0x00112233 ;load (32 bit) value 0x00000001 into LDR r3, =bb
memory location 0x100 (by default) call it aa LDR r4, [r3]
bb DCD 2 ;load (32 bit) value 0x00000002 into memory location ADDS r5, r2, r4 ;r2+r4 -> r5 and update flags
0x104 (by default)
LDR r6, =cc ;load memory address of cc into r6
cc DCD 0 ;load (32 bit) value 0x00000000 into memory location STR r5, [r6] ;store the sum into variable cc
0x108 (by default)
; this section shows that the sum is infact loaded into cc
LDR r7, =cc
DCB Define Constant Byte Reserve 8-bit values LDR r8, [r7]
DCW Define Constant Half- Reserve 16-bit values ; cc+1--> r9
word ADDS r9, r8, #1
DCD Define Constant Word Reserve 32-bit values
DCQ Define Constant Reserve 64-bit values
Execute the Program:
Click on Step Froward
See what happens as
you step through
Note how registers R1-R9
Note that the memory address
for aa is 0x100, for bb is 0x104
and so far….
Click on HEX BIN and DEC and
see the values.
Q1. What is the largest value
of aa variable in HEX and
DECIMAL? How many bits are
required to represent this
Q2. What is the memory
address of cc?
See what happens as
you step through
Note that every time an
instruction is executed, the PC
value is increased.
Note that as ADDS is executed,
the color of CSPR changes
indicating it is being updated.

Q3. By the time the program is
completed, what is the value
of PC?
See what happens as
you step through
Note that every time an
instruction is executed the
INTRUCTION clock cycle is

Q4. How many instruction
cycles are required to execute
ADDS instruction?
Q5. How many instruction
cycles are required to execute
STR instruction?
Q6. How many instruction
cycles are require to complete
this code?
As you execute ….Click on MEMORY when LDR is executed. Note that you
can see the Memory address for variable aa this is where it is saved.
Q7. How many bytes variable aa has?

Note that every time an

instruction is executed the
INTRUCTION clock cycle is

Q4. How many instruction
cycles are required to execute
ADDS instruction?
Q5. How many instruction
cycles are required to execute
STR instruction?
Q6. How many instruction
cycles are require to complete
this code?
0x100 aa
0x104 bb
0x108 cc
Line 1 0x00
Line 9 0x08
Line 10 0x0C

There are two separate memory structures for DATA and INSTRUCTIONS.
The DATA MEMORY in this EMUALTOR starts from 0x100. However, the Instruction
MEMORY starts from 0x0. We know that based on the value of the PC

Note that in this case as PC increases, it points to a new instruction.

Q8. What is the PC value AFTER ADDS r9, r8, #1 is executed
Q9. What Does PC stand for?
ADD the following code to the end of your program.
Step through the program and see how R1 changes.
Q10. Clearly explain what is happening to R1. What does RRX instruction do?
Q11. Mathematically every time RRX is performed what happens?
Q12. What does B instruction do?

Note that every time an

instruction is executed the
INTRUCTION clock cycle is

Q4. How many instruction
cycles are required to execute
ADDS instruction?
Q5. How many instruction
cycles are required to execute
STR instruction?
Q6. How many instruction
cycles are require to complete
this code?
Try the following commands. In each case specify
the purpose of the command, what happens to the
destination register
Examples Purpose What happens to
Examples Purpose? What happens ? the dest. ?
to the dest. ? CMP r0, #42
MOV r0, #42 CMN r2, #42
MOV r2, r3 TST r11, #1
MVN r1, r0 MOV R2, R0, LSL #2
MOV r0, r0 ADD R9, R5, R5, LSL #3
ADD r0, r1, r2 RSB R9, R5, R5, LSL #3
SUB r5, r3, #10 SUB R10, R9, R8, LSR #4
RSB r2, r5, #0xFF00 MOV R12, R4, ROR R3
AND r8, r7, r2 stop B stop
ORR r11, r11, #1 SUBS r4, r0, r2
BIC r11, r11, #1 SBC r5, r1, r3
EOR r11, r11, #1 UMUL r6, r4, r2
ADC r5, r3 r1 MLS r6, r4, r1, r0
MUL r6, r4, r2 ADD r1, r0, r0, LSL #3

Q.13 Practice With the Following Commands

TRY ONE COMMAND AT A TIME: ADDS R1, R2, R3 MOV R1, #10 ADD R0, R2,R1, LSL #1 ; R0 = R2 +
MOV R1, #64 ;R1=0b0100 0000 MOV R1, R3 MOV R2, #5 (R1 << 1) = 0X84
MOV R2, #0X4 ;R2=0X 1000 1000 ADC R1,R2,#0 ;R9-R9+0+C MOV R3, #2
MOV R3, #2 ;R3=0X 0000 0010 MLA R4, R1, R2,R3 ;R4=R1xR2 + R3 or ROR R1, R1, #4 ;R1 = 0X4 —
MOV R2, #0x4F R3 += R1 X R2
MOV R4, #7 ;R4=0X 0000 0111 ROTATE TO RIGHT BY 4 BITS
MOV R3, #0x39 ANDS R4, R2, R3 ;R4=0X0 Z FLAG RRX R1, R4 ; ROTATE R4 BY ONE
MOV R5, #0XFF ;R4=0X FF - MAX
MOV R2, #0x4F
ADD R1, R2, R3 ORRS R4, R2, R3 ;R4=0X8A
SUBS R4,R2,#0x05 ;R4=R2-5 ADD R0, R2,R1, LSL #1 ; R0 = R2 +
aa DCD 0xFFFFFFF5 ORR R5, R2, R3 ; Set a bit!
SUB R2, R2, R1 :R2=R2-R1=4-64 = 0X4 (R1 << 1) = 0X84
LDR R0, =aa + FF FF FF C0 = FF FF FF C4 (2’S COMP) EOR R2, R1, #0x78 ;R2=R1 ExOred
with 0x78
LDR R1, [R0] SUB R2, R2, #0x2 ; Immediate
number operand -> R2=0x2 BIC R3, R2, #0x0F ;R3=R2 AND 0x0F MOV R1, #0x36
MOV R3, #0x0B
SUB R0, #1, R3 ; Note this is an error! BIC R3, R2, #~0x0F ;R3=R2 AND MOVS R1, R1, ROR #1 ;Rotate to
Complement of 0x0F right by one bit
SBC R2, R2, R1 ; Assume Carry is 1
???? MOVS R1, R1, ROR #1 ;Rotate to
LSL R1, R1, #1 ;R1=0X80 right by one bit - C=1
MOV R1, #64 ;R1=0X 0100 0000 ; alf-
word LSL R1, R2, #1 ;R1 = 0X110
MOV R2, #0X4 ;R2=0X 1000 1000 LSL R1, R2, R3 ;R1 = 0X220 - NO FLAG
UPDATE MOV R1, #0x36
MUL R3, R2, R1
LSLS R5, R5, #1 ;R5 = 0X1FE - NOTE MOV R2, #0x06
right by value of R1—> R3
Use the following Table to Complete Each
Command – Must be submitted
Examples Purpose? What happens to the dest. ?
MOV r0, #42 Moving a value into a register Register R0=42 decimal /
Submit the following:
• Answer all the questions.
• Write a program to do the following: • Write a program to do the following:
• Load R5 with 0x5 • Load R2 with 0x4
• Load R1 with 0x2 • Load R3 with 0x2
• R2=R1+R2 • Load R4 with 0x4
• R2=R1+R2 • R5= R2-R3
• Set R5=0x20 • R5=R2-R4
• Store R2 into location pointed by R5 • What is the is the state of the flags ?
• Let’s say we add 0x9C and 0xFFFFFF64. • Define a 32-bit register called Steve and
Which flags will be set? Take a snap shot of set it to 0x2321. Then move the address of
the simulator. Explain your answer. Steve to register R2
• Let’s say we add 0x9C and 0xFFFFFF69. • Write an instruction to set bit 4 of R7 only
Which flags will be set? Take a snap shot of • Write a simple routine that can add TWO
the simulator. Explain your answer. 64-bit values. The results must be in Reg
R5 & R6

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