Health Effects
Health Effects
Health Effects
Contaminants in
Aircraft Cabin Air
Summary Report v2.7
April 2014
The Global Cabin Air Quality Executive (GCAQE) was established in 2006 to
deal specifically with contaminated air issues and cabin air quality affecting air
crew (1, 2). It claims to represent more than 20 organisations worldwide,
although it appears to have no registered articles of association. The
organisation has a high media and political profile in the UK and other parts of
The Australian Parliament conducted a Senate Investigation in 1999 into air
safety and cabin air quality. This followed concerns raised by crew members
working for Ansett Airlines who reported feeling unwell due to unpleasant
odours of engine oil inside BAe 146 aircraft. The Senate report concluded that
the BAe 146 had a record of unpleasant odours in the cabin as well as
occasional incidents of fumes from lubricating oil. Over a longer period, airline
employees had reported a variety of adverse health effects.
In response to the enquiry, BAe redesigned the original air circulation system
in the BAe 146. A number of health compensation claims were also filed
against Ansett but no damages were awarded at that time. However, in 2010
the Australian Dust Diseases Tribunal awarded damages to a former cabin
attendant for lung damage related to a single fume event. No other symptoms
of “aerotoxic syndrome” were at issue in that case, nor was the claim related
to exposure to neurotoxins.
In the USA similar problems were reported with early RB211-535C powered
Boeing 757 aircraft in which overfilling with engine oil could lead to
contamination of the environmental conditioning system (ECS).
Also, in the UK, incidents of smells in the cabin were reported on early B757s
operated by British Airways, and UK operators of the BAe 146 also
experienced oil fume incidents.
Although the evidence suggests that oil fume events of initial concern stem
from a design fault on two early series aircraft which has now been rectified,
occasional oil smells still occur (~1 in 2000 flights) and campaigners maintain
that these are leading to health problems for aircraft occupants. They are also
concerned that crew health is being affected by long term exposure to very
small amounts of contaminants which may be present in bleed air as a result
of leaking engine oil seals, in the absence of specific fume events (1, 2).
TCP is a toxic mixture that can cause a wide array of transitory or permanent
neurological dysfunction when swallowed in sufficient quantity.
The neurotoxicity of TCP is due to its ortho isomers. The major toxic effect of
the ortho isomer, ToCP, is impairment of neuromuscular and peripheral nerve
synapse function; it is thought to have no toxic effect on centrally mediated
cognitive function. Other ortho isomers of TCP include MoCP (mono-ortho-
cresyl phosphate) and DoCP (di-ortho-cresyl phosphate) which have similar
The para and meta isomers are not toxic to humans. There have been no
independently peer-reviewed recorded cases of neurological harm in humans
following dermal or inhalation exposure to TCP, although cases have been
reported following ingestion (swallowing) of the ortho isomer.
The reported concentration of TCP used in most aircraft engine oils is less
than 3%, of which the ortho isomers constitute less than 0.2% of the total
TCP. This results in an overall concentration of ortho isomers of less than
0.006% of the total engine oil.
Consequently TCP mixtures used in engine oils are significantly less toxic
than pure ToCP (the tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate), for which an Indicative
Occupational Exposure Limit Value (IOELV) threshold limit value is set at 100
µg/m³ as an 8h time-weighted average (TWA), with an emergency 15min
short-term exposure limit of 300 µg/m³. This is equivalent to the North
American occupational exposure limit of 0.1 mg/m 3.
British Airways commissioned a study by an independent specialist on indoor
air quality, BRE, the former Building Research Establishment, to investigate
this issue in 2001. The BRE study showed that the concentrations of all oil
compounds detected in cabin air on the B757 were each less than 100 parts
per billion (approx. 0.00125mg/m3), which is well below the toxicological
threshold for humans of 0.1mg/m3 over 8 hours or the emergency short term
limit of 0.3mg/m3 for 15mins.
In 2005 the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) organised a two day
conference on contaminated air production at Imperial College London. The
conference called upon the government to take action on the grounds of
health and safety
In 2007, the United Kingdom Committee on Toxicity (COT) was asked by the
Department for Transport (DfT) to undertake an independent scientific review
of data submitted by the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) relating to
concerns of its members about the possible health effects from oil fume
contamination on commercial jet aircraft. The COT estimated that cabin air
quality events occur on roughly 0.05% of flights (~1 in 2000). It concluded that
whilst a causal association between cabin air contamination by oil mists and
ill-health in commercial air crew could not be identified, a number of incidents
with a temporal relationship between reports of oil/fume exposure and acute
ill-health effects indicated that such an association was plausible. The COT
recognised that further study of air quality events should therefore be
undertaken to determine the types and concentrations of substances present
in cabin air (6).
The initial ground investigation in a BAe146 aircraft found low levels of tri-n-
butyl phosphate (TBP) and tricresyl phosphate (TCP) in air samples, together
with a range of other volatile or semi-volatile organic compounds (7). These
amounts were well below occupational exposure limits.
In a similar study in 2009, the University of British Columbia had reported the
results of surface wipe samples taken in a Boeing 757 and BAe146 showing
the presence of TCP throughout the aircraft. However, this was inconclusive
and it was recognised that the results will be influenced by confounders such
as the use of cleaning materials, wear and tear of the surface sampled, and
proximity to air vents, etc. It was noted that TCP will be found in wipe samples
taken in buildings and other public places (23).
The Hunton Park workshop reviewed evidence associated with cabin air fume
events. It was concluded that there are no published peer reviewed reports of
acute organophosphate poisoning with analytical confirmation of the diagnosis
after cabin air fume exposures. Similarly, there are no published peer
reviewed reports of organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy after cabin
air fume exposure, with no evidence to support a causative association
between cabin air fume exposure and short or long term nerve damage.
However, the workshop noted lack of clarity and consistency in reporting
definitions and terminology which may lead to difficulties in establishing the
true incidence of events. It was also observed that there is a need for
standardisation in the methodology and calibration of the sampling and
analytical procedures carried out when making the relevant cabin air quality
measurements reported so far.
The workshop agreed that there is a need for consistent guidance on the
medical assessment of crew members following a cabin air fume event. It was
noted that there is similarity between the reported symptoms of some crew
members after fume events, particularly when emergency oxygen masks have
been used, and the classical symptoms of hyperventilation.
whether clinical and biochemical improvements are as closely and as directly
linked as the authors would suggest.
The clinical significance of many of the tests reported in this context is not
clear and is difficult to understand in terms of clinical toxicology.
Absorption is the process by which a toxic substance enters the body. In the
aviation environment inhalation is the most common pathway with vapours
(gaseous component), fumes (oxides of metals) and solid particles entering
the respiratory system. The depth of penetration is determined by water
solubility, particularly for gases. For fumes and dust particles, aerodynamic
size determines the depth of penetration. Particles may be trapped in the
nasopharyngeal region, the trachea or penetrate into the lung alveoli.
There are other routes of entry. The eyes and nasal mucosae readily absorb
water-soluble particles and respond to acids and bases. The skin, however, is
waterproof and lipid proof, and highly resistant to absorption of most
chemicals. Ingestion through the gastrointestinal tract provides opportunities
for chemicals requiring an acidic environment (the stomach) or alkaline
environment (oesophagus and duodenum) to be solubilised and absorbed.
The human body has its own defence mechanisms which protect against
harm from certain levels of hazardous substances. However, if these levels
are exceeded it is possible for health to be affected, either immediately (acute
effects) or sometime after the first exposure (chronic or delayed effects).
Individuals can vary in their response to toxic insult because of age, health
status, previous exposure or genetic differences. It has long been recognised
that some individuals are more susceptible to adverse effects when exposed
to certain chemicals; the genetic basis for differences in susceptibility is being
increasingly understood. However, a susceptibility to adverse effects still
requires a clinically significant level of the chemical to be absorbed by the
body in sufficient quantities and over sufficient time periods in order to
produce a toxic effect. Occupational exposure levels for chemicals are set to
take account of individual differences in susceptibilities and to provide a
significant margin of safety.
In addition, it can be difficult to disentangle the physical, psychological and
emotional components of well-being, and there is no doubt that different
people may respond in different ways on different occasions.
The human senses, particularly the sense of smell, are generally very
effective in detecting potentially hazardous substances at a level well below
that which causes harm (the major exception being carbon monoxide). For
most volatile organic compounds, the concentration level for detection by a
normal healthy human is around 1,000 times less than the concentration level
which is likely to harm health.
In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) sets the exposure limits
(OELs) for hazardous substances at work and these are published by the
HSE in Document EH40 ( The European legal limits are
known as Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values (IOELVs), and are
broadly in line with the UK HSE occupational exposure standards.
Phagocytosis and pinocytosis enables particulates and solutions to be
taken into the cell by the extrusion or invagination of an area of the
Inhalation Kinetics
The constant diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the pulmonary
vessels leads to the composition of alveolar air differing from ambient
atmospheric air. At a body temperature of 37 degC water vapour exerts a
pressure of 47mmHg, remaining constant at all altitudes due to metabolism.
When gas partial pressures are calculated, water vapour pressure must be
subtracted from the total pressure.
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveolar air is about 40 mm Hg,
although this reduces with increasing altitude due to the effect of physiological
hyperventilation, and this similarly has to be taken into account when
calculating alveolar partial pressures.
The lung tissue barrier (alveolar membrane) separating air and blood is only
0.5 - 1.0 thick and the 300 - 400 million alveoli provide a large surface area
for diffusion. In accordance with Fick’s law, the transfer of gases through the
alveolar membrane depends on the area and thickness of the membrane, and
the partial pressures of the gases in the blood and in the alveoli.
The media on either side of the alveolar membrane are being continuously
renewed; the air is changed 12 - 15 times per minute and the pulmonary
blood flows at 3.5 - 5 litres per minute at rest, at sea level. This leads to
efficient elimination of volatile chemicals.
Thus any inhaled gas will be part of the total gas mix in the alveolus, and its
absorption depends on the partial pressure exerted by that gas. Taking the
RB211 engine as an example, the maximum engine oil possible in the bleed
air is 0.4kg (20). Of this, 3% is TCP of which around 0.1% is ToCP. In the
unlikely worst case scenario of the total discharge of an engine’s lubricant into
the engine bleed system, 0.4kg of oil would pass into the cabin ventilation
system. This would give a peak cabin atmosphere ToCP level of 0.025
mg/m3, reducing rapidly due to normal cabin ventilation. This peak level would
thus be a quarter of the 8hr workplace limit of 0.1 mg/m 3, and less than a
tenth of the 15min emergency workplace limit of 0.3 mg/m 3.
When considering gas mixtures, Dalton’ Law states that the total pressure of a
gas mixture is the sum of the individual or partial pressures of all the gases in
the mixture. The partial pressure of each gas in the mixture is derived from
P1=F1xP, where P1 is the partial pressure of gas 1, F1 is the fractional
concentration of gas 1 in the mixture, and P is the total pressure of the gas
Respiratory Physiology
Inspection shows a plateau indicating that the oxygen saturation does not fall
below 90% until the altitude exceeds about 10,000 feet (which equates to an
alveolar oxygen tension of approximately 55 mm Hg). As altitude rises above
10,000 feet the percentage saturation of haemoglobin falls precipitously
resulting in hypoxic, or hypobaric, hypoxia.
can include light-headedness, feelings of unreality and anxiety,
paraesthesiae, visual disturbances and palpitations (24).
Exposure to breathing air at cabin altitudes between 10,000 and 30,000 feet
never results solely in a reduction in the oxygen tension in the alveolar air
since there is always a simultaneous decrease in the alveolar carbon dioxide
concentration. The effect on alveolar ventilation rate is thus due to the
combined effects of a lowered alveolar oxygen concentration and hypocapnia.
There is a very considerable individual variation in the degree of increase in
alveolar ventilation caused by a given reduction in alveolar oxygen tension;
amongst individuals exposed to the same level of oxygen deprivation some
will achieve a lower alveolar carbon dioxide tension than others.
The tensions of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveolar air of resting
subjects breathing air at reduced barometric pressure reflect the changes in
the inspired oxygen tension and the changes in alveolar ventilation caused by
It has been shown that there is no increase in pulmonary ventilation
(breathing rate) until the alveolar oxygen tension is reduced to about 65 mm
Hg (17). This occurs at an altitude of about 8,000 feet. It is only when the
barometric pressure is reduced further that pulmonary ventilation is increased.
However, none of these effects are significant at cabin altitudes below 10,000
feet. It can be seen from the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve that the
reduction in alveolar oxygen partial pressure is small, resulting in a
desaturation of less than 10%. The published air quality standards remain
valid at cabin altitudes up to 10,000 feet (24).
Thus the concept of the ‘Aerotoxic Syndrome’ is not recognised in the aviation
medicine community.
The UK Government Committee on Toxicity published a position paper in
2013 (27). In summary, the paper concluded:
“12 vii. More generally, the Committee considers that a toxic mechanism for
the illness that has been reported in temporal relation to fume incidents is
unlikely. Many different chemicals have been identified in the bleed air from
aircraft engines, but to cause serious acute toxicity, they would have to occur
at very much higher concentrations than have been found to date (although
lower concentrations of some might cause an odour or minor irritation of the
eyes or airways). Furthermore, the symptoms that have been reported
following fume incidents have been wide-ranging (including headache, hot
flushes, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, respiratory problems, dizziness and
light-headedness), whereas toxic effects of chemicals tend to be more
specific. However, uncertainties remain, and a toxic mechanism for symptoms
cannot confidently be ruled out.
[* In medicine, a nocebo (Latin for "I shall harm") is a harmless substance that
creates harmful effects in a patient who takes it. The nocebo effect is the negative
reaction experienced by a patient who receives a nocebo. Conversely, a placebo is
an inert substance that creates either a positive response or no response in a
subject who takes it. The phenomenon in which a placebo creates a positive
response in the subject to which it is administered is called the placebo effect.
Both nocebo and placebo effects are entirely psychogenic. Rather than being
caused by a biologically active compound in the nocebo or placebo itself, these
reactions result from a subject's expectations about how the substance will affect
him or her. Though they originate exclusively from psychological sources, nocebo
effects can be either psychological or physiological.]
physiology, psychiatry, psychology and medicine, the condition of
hyperventilation is readily accepted in aviation medicine.
However, diagnosis can be difficult in the absence of a simple measurement.
The physiological diagnosis of hyperventilation is breathing in excess of
metabolic requirements, thus implying arterial hypocapnia (low CO2 tension)
and an abnormally high respiratory drive. However, in chronic cases
measurement of the alveolar partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) is
difficult and can be profoundly affected by the total physiological inputs to
respiration and the conscious state of the individual. There can be a tendency
to hyperventilate even though the resting PCO2 is normal.
Hyperventilation Syndrome:
The toxic effects of organophosphates are specific and are due to impairment
of neurotransmission in the peripheral nerves, giving rise to muscular
weakness and paralysis. In terms of medical toxicology, it is impossible to
explain the wide range of symptoms and signs reported by some crew
members as a unified result of TCP exposure.
Symptoms reported by some crew members who have been exposed to
fumes in the cabin, particularly when emergency oxygen masks are used, are
the same as those seen in acute or chronic hyperventilation. Obviously not
every case of ‘aerotoxic syndrome’ is caused by hyperventilation, but it offers
a plausible explanation for some reported events.
In some cases, the symptoms may be due to irritation associated with
enhanced chemical sensitivity to certain volatile organic compounds.
Individuals can vary in their response to potential toxic insult because of age,
health status, previous exposure or genetic differences.
In addition, it can be difficult to disentangle the physical, psychological and
emotional components of well-being, and there is no doubt that different
people will respond in different ways on different occasions.
It is not understood why most occupants of pressurised aircraft do not report
symptoms despite having the same exposure as those who do.
Finally, so far as scientific evidence has been able to establish to date, the
amounts of organophosphates to which aircraft crew members could be
exposed, even over multiple, long-term exposures, are insufficient to produce
been a sufficient chemical exposure to cause the injury or damage. For the
reasons set out above, the possible exposure levels to ToCP on aircraft are
so low relative to what is required to create a toxic effect through inhalation
that a toxic injury is simply not medically feasible with current understanding.
13. Navathe P. What does EPAAQ add to our Knowledge? Proceedings of
IATA Aviation Health Conference, London. Oct 2012
15. Schindler BK, Weiss T, et al. Occupational exposure of air crews to
tricresyl phosphate isomers and organophosphate flame retardants after
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16. Abou-Donia MB, Abou-Donia MM, et al. Autoantibodies to nervous
system-specific proteins are elevated in sera of flight crew members:
Biomarkers for nervous sytem injury. Journal of Toxicology and
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17. Gibson TM. Hyperventilation in aircrew: a review. Aviat Space Environ
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18. Hudson MF. Cabin Air Quality in Commercial Aircraft: Is there any cause
for concern? A Review of the Current Evidence. Aviat Space Environ
Med; 82(3). March 2011:280-281
19. pp180-181
20. The United Kingdom Parliament - Select Committee on Science and
Technology – Fifth Report (04-10-2006): 4.39
21. Karavidas KK, Lehrer PM. In-flight hyperventilation among airline pilots.
Aviat, Space, Environ Med 2009; 80 (5): 495-6
22. Brown EB. Physiological effects of hyperventilation. Physiological
Reviews 1953; 33: 445-71
23. van Netten C. Final Report on Aircraft Wipe Sample Analysis for
Tricresyl Phosphate Isomers (Feb 2009). University of British Columbia,
Vancouver BC.
24. Ernsting J, Ward J, Rutherford OM. Cardiovascular and respiratory
physiology. In Rainford DJ, Gradwell DP (eds). Ernsting’s Aviation
Medicine 4ed (2006) ISBN-10 0 340 81319 9: 13-40
25. Blain PG. Absorption of chemicals and mechanisms of detoxification. In
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26. Head of Aviation Health Unit, UK Civil Aviation Authority Medical
Department (September 2013). Personal communication.