Teaching Plan Nutrition

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Diagnosis: Chronic Kidney Disease prob. secondary to CGN in uremia

NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements r/t decreased desire to eat secondary to anorexia and nausea
Desired Behavior: To eat food appropriate to recommended renal diet guide to balance nutrition

Learning Needs Learning Objectives Content Outline Strategies Activities

Knowledge needed to GOAL: Ms. M will be able to • What is RENAL DIET? Lecture • Explaining to patient
eat appropriate food improve current nutritional • Difference of renal diet from Providing written materials the concept of a renal
accdg. to prescribed status other diets Discussion diet.
renal diet • Do’s and Don’ts when under a • Providing a brochure
• Difference of renal OBJECTIVES: renal diet and discussing it with
diet from other • Ms. M can explain the • Effects of Noncompliance to client.
diets difference of her diet diet
• Renal Diet Do’s with the normal diet
and Don’ts • Ms. M can identify
• Consequences of which she could do
noncompliance to from those she must
suggested diet avoid to do.
• Ms. M will be able to
discuss possible effects
of noncompliance to
Skills needed to eat OBJECTIVES: • Renal Diet and its composition Demonstration • Explaining the
appropriate food • Ms. M can choose - Potassium intake Practice different components
accdg. to prescribed different variety of - Sodium intake of renal diet
renal diet food without - Fluid intake • Demonstrating proper
• Proper food compromising her diet - Phosphorus intake measurement of
selection through needs. • Proper measurement of fluid intake and output
knowledge of • Ms. M will be able to taken in and fluid excreted • Demonstrating how to
nutrient content of monitor amount of out. properly record type
different foods. fluid taken in and • Recording food that was taken and amount of food
• Keeping a record amount excreted out. in ingested.
of fluid intake and • Ms. M will keep a list of • Meal planning • Demonstrate and
output what types of food she explain meal planning.
• Keeping a record has taken in to ensure
of kinds of food it is within the
taken prescribed diet.
• Appropriate meal • Ms. M's mother will be
planning able to construct
planned meals once
they go home.
Attitudes needed to eat OBJECTIVES: • Importance of proper nutrition Discussion • Explain importance of
appropriate food • Ms. M can recognize - Increasing immune status proper nutrition to
accdg. to prescribed the importance of - Providing adequate nutrients patient
renal diet proper nutrition to her - Adequate energy for ADL • Explain effects of
• Recognition of health status. • Effects of compliance to compliance to diet.
importance of • Ms. M will appreciate prescribed diet
proper nutrition to the effects of - Less edema
current health prescribed diet. - Less urea accumulation
status - Controlled potassium effects
• Appreciation of
effects of
compliance to
prescribed diet.

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