Mariner 10 3rd Mercury Encounter Press Kit

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The document discusses the upcoming third flyby of Mercury by the Mariner 10 spacecraft on March 16, 1975. This flyby will provide the closest observations yet of Mercury's surface and magnetic environment.

The third flyby on March 16 will provide the closest observations of Mercury's surface at a distance of 310 km or less, and allow instruments to sample new areas of Mercury's magnetic and radiation environment.

Until the discovery by Mariner 10's first flyby, Mercury was not expected to have a magnetic field due to its slow rotation. The origin of its weak magnetic field is still not fully understood.

P7S-k- C1


Washington, D. C. 20546
4 202-7 55-83 70

M-arch 13, 1975


GENERAL RELLASE.................................... 1-7

~IVMARINER 10 SCIENCE SUNMi~ARY.......................38-9

MERCURY ENCOUNTER 2............................... 9



Washington, D. C. 20546
(Phone: 202/755-8370)

Nicholas Painagakos March 13, 1975
Hleadquarters, Washington, D.C.
(Phone: 202/755-3680)

Fraak Bristow
Jet PropulbCion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
(Phone: 213/354-5011)



Hariner 10 will fly past Mercury for the third time Sunday,

giving man his closest look yet at the Sun-baked planet.

Culminating a space journey of one-and-a-half billion

kilometers (928 million miles), the spacecraft will skim the

surface at a distance of 310 km (192 mi.) or less.

Closest approach will be at 3:39 p.m. PDT.

Mercury Encounter 3, the final one f. t'he ',ncj-lived

spacecraft, is expected to add substantially to the rich

harvest of information already amassed on the little-seen

planet, closest to the Sun.

March 4, 1Q75

L I/

Mariner's television cameras will take the best pictures

yet of tortured terrain, and its magnetometer will seek clues

to the nature of Mercury's weak magnetic field -- unexpectedly

discovered on the first visit.

The flight path past Mercury will be over the northern

hemisphere, on the da::k side of the planet. Instruments will

sample new areas of the planet's magnetic and radiation environ-

ment, adding to data collected on the dark side pass a year ago.

Close to Mercury, the character and velocity of the solar

wind are expected to be quite different from the first and

second encounters.

The path for Mercury Encounter 3 was chosen primarily to

provide investigators with more information on the planet's

weak magnetic field. Until its discovery on Mariner 10's first

visit to Mercury, only Earth and Jupiter had been known to be

surrounded by a magnetic envelope.

The origin of Mercury's field has a bearing on the origin

and history of the planet, and on planetary magnetic fields in

general, which are not completely understood.

, to1

Magnetic fields are belicvcd to be produced by liquid

material in the planets' interiors, through mechanisms similar
to those of electric generators. A molten.and iron-rich core
and a fairly fast rotation are thought essential. Because

Mercury turns slowly, scientists had discounted the possibility

that the planet would have such a field.

Is Mercury's magnetic field generated by the planet, or

is it a result of the solar wind interacting with Mercury's

interior? Could the field be left over from some earlier epoch

when Mercury spun fast enough to generate such a field, and then
retained some of the magnetism even though the planet cooled
slowed down? These are some of the questions that scientists

hope the close encounter may help answer.

Mariner's television cameras will yield the highest reso-

lution pictures y-t taken of Mercury's rugged terrain, believed

unchanged since tI. infancy of the solar system. Objects as

small as 60 meters (180 feet) across -- half a football field

or so -- will be visible, compared with a resolution of 120 m

(360 ft.), which was the best surface resolution obtained on

the earlier encounters.

About 650 pictures will be taken on the third encounter,

concentrating on Mercury's north polar region, which could not

be photographed at good viewing angles on the earlier visits.
As this is a dark side pass, photographs will be taken only on

the close approach and departure legs of the encounter.

Photography will begin at 2:21 a.m. PDT, Sunday, March 16,

and end about 3:30 a.m., PDT, Monday, March 17.

Mariner will also scan the planet in ultraviolet wave-

lengths, seeking nei information on the trace amounts of helium
detected last year in Mercury's atmosphere. New measurements

may determine if the helium is a result of outgassing of the

planet, from radioactive materials in the crust, or if the
helium is carried to the planet from the Sun by the solar wind.

The close fly-by of Mercury will perturb the flight path

for a celestial mechanics experiment, which uses tracking data
in determining the planet's mass and the path of its orbit
around the Sun.

The infrared radiometer experiment, an instrument which

measured surface temperatures on the first encounter, will not

view the planet and no data will be collected.


The third encounter with Mercury will be Mariner

last. Shortly after this encounter, its supply
of attitude
control gas will be depleted and Mariner 10 will
be unable
to maintain an orientation facing the Sun. As
a result, the
solar panels will be unable to convert sunlight
to electricity,
and the pacecraft will cease to operate.

During the final days, a series of engineering

tests will
be conducted to provide data for future spacecraft

The Earth-spacecraft distance at encounter will

be 156.5
million km (97.8 million mi.). One-way radio transmission
will be 8 minutes, 58 seconds.

Tracking and communications stations of the Deep

Network for Mercury Encounter 3 will be the 64-m
antennas at Goldstone, Calif.; Canberra, Australia;
and near
Madrid, Spain.

All photographs will be transmitted as they are

due to the loss of the spacecraft's tape recorder
earlier in
the mission. Encounter transmissions will be at
the rate of
117,000 bits per second -- one picture every 42 seconds.


f y*
Mariner 10 was launched Nov. 3. 1973, on the first dual-

planet mission to Venus and Mercury. This was the first mis-

sion to utilize the gravity of one planet (Venus) to reach

another (Mercury). The same technique was later employed for
the Pioneer 11 Jup4 ter/Saturn flight and will be used for the

Mariner Jur-iter/Saturn mission in 1977.

The first Mercury encounter was on March 29, 1974. More

than 2,000 photographs detailed the planet's rough, cratered

surface and revealed huge mile-high rock walls, called scarps,

extending for hundreds of miles on the surface. They are

thought to reflect compressional faults resulting from core

shrinkage. A huge impact basin, named Caloris, was seen in

the photographs and is the largest feature seen on Mercury.

On Sept. 21, 1974, Mariner 10 flew past Mercury for the

second time. This encounter was targeted for the sunlit face

of Mercury to extend photographic coverage, including the

South Polar region. About 1,800 pictures were taken.

with Mercury E'ncounter 3, scientists will have amassed

nearly 4,000 pictures of Mercury alone. Additionally, Mariner

send back 3,500 pictures of Venus and 1 ,000 photos of 1'arL'i

and the Moon.


NASA's Office of Space Science has assigned the Mariner

Venus/Mercury project to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the

California Institute of Technology. The Boeing Co., Seattle,

is responsible for the spacecraft under JPL contract.

Launch vehicle responsibility has been assigned to NASA's

Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Launch vehicle con-

tractor is General Dynamics Convair, San Diego, Calif.

Tracking, communications and mission operations are con-

ducted by JPL, which operates the Deep Space Network for NASA's

Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition.

Project officials are Earl W. Glahn, NASA Headquarters,

Acting Program Manager; Stephen E. Dwornik, NASA Headquarters,

Program Scientist; Guenter K. Strobel, NASA Headquarters,

Program Engineer; Robert J. Parks, Acting JPL Project Manager;

and Dr. James A. Dunne, JPL Project Scientist.



.4 .3.. . ..



Cloud-shrouded Venus was photographed closeup for the

first time in February 1974, when Mariner 10 flew within 5,760
kilometers (3,600 miles) of the planet.

Previously American and Russian spacecraft had visited

the planet, but these spacecraft were not equipped with cameras.
One reason was that the thick cloud cover of the planet would
offer little detail in visible light photography. Mariner 10's
cameras, however, were equipped with ultraviolet filters, which
produced startling pictures of the global circulation of the
upper Venus atmosphere.

Faint markings seen in ultraviolet pictures from Earth

suggested that Venus's upper atmosphere had a general four-day
rotation period compared with the 243-day rotation period for
Venus itself.

a Mariner 10's ultraviolet photographs confirmed the high-

speed circulation of the upper atmosphere and revealed striking
details of circulation patterns that swirl toward the poles from
the equator. Pictures of the edge of tie planet's disc showed
a layering of clouds, and other results suggested dense, lower
layers below the fast-moving uppermost cloud deck.

* Fields and particles instruments made extensive down-

stream observations of the interaction of the solar wind with
the planet, revealing a long tail of charged particles behind
the planet away from the Sun.

* Since Venus possesses no detectable magnetic field but

a well-developed, dense atmosphere, the solar wind acts directly
upon that atmosphere, forming an ionosphere which in turn gen-
erates a bow shock. This phenomenon was observed by earlier
spacecraft and verified by Mariner 10.

* Ultraviolet observations of hydrogen, helium and argon

in the Venus atmosphere gave important insights into its origin
and evolution, while the dual-frequency radio experiment probed
deepest of any of the experiments, well below the cloud tops,
discovering temperature inversion zones suggestive of deeper
stratiform cloud layers.


_ f* -


At Mercury, Mariner 10 r3turneL man's first detailed

pictures of its surface, resolving features as small as 120 m
(360 ft.). The photographs revealed a highly cratered lunar-
like surface, with vast areas of striking similarity to lunar
highlands and maria, suggesting a well developed crust, many
tens of kilometers thick, of silicate composition similar to
that of the Moon. Unlike the Moon, however, large scarps that
were hundreds of miles in length and more than one mile high
were observed. This type of feature can commonly result from
planetary cooling.
* The existence of a light crust on the generally dense
planet indicates that it is chemically differentiated, i.e.,
lunar-like near the surface and Earth-like in its interior.
Since the surface is cleazLly ancient and unmodified, this
chemical differentiation must have occurred very early in the
planet's history, perhaps even before it had been completely
formed by the accretion process. Thus, the study of Mercury
may allow us to look further back in time than is possible by
observations of the other terrestrial planets -- back to a time
before their formation was complete.
* An unexpected planet-related magnetic field was discovered
in the shadowed region behind Mercury. The origin of this field,
100 times smaller than Earth, is not known. A slight but measur-
able atmosphere was found (less than a trillionth of the Earth's
and mainly helium), and streams of high energy electrons and
protons were detected on the dark side.


Mercury II television results support the scientific con-

clusions drawn from the Mercury I TV data. Photographic cover-
age at a resolution of one kilometer was increased from 25 per
cent to 37 per cent of the entire surface. No new terrain fea-
tures were found. The global. nature of the compressional forces
responsible for the scarps seen in Mercury I photography was
confirmed. The second encounter photographs will provide accurate
cartographic control between the incoming and outgoing photo-
graphy obtained at the first encounter.






3/12 4:3t ai!P* Turn on TV cameras.

3/13 5:00 amnA Turn on magnetometer, ultraviolet
spectrometer, plasma science instru-
10:30 amA Turn on charged particle telescope.
3/16 2:21 - 3:23 an; TV calibration sequence. Take 36 nic- 4
tures (resolution: 20 kilometers) and
transmit at 22,000 bits per second to
Madrid. About 20 pictures will be
displayed in real time at JPL.
9:00 - 10:02 dim Take two 16-frame mosaics (resolution:
10 kilometers) and transmit 32 pictures
at 22 kbps to Goidstone. About 20 Dic-
l-ures will be disDlayed in rea l time
at JPL.
1:13 - 1:43 pm Ultraviolet spectrometer scans Mercury.
UV scans also occur as follows during
encounter: Five-minute sequence begin-
ning at 2:45 pm; Seven minutes at
3:00 pmn; 21 minutes at 3:32 Dm; eight
minutes at 4?:10 pm; five minutes at
4:45 pm; and 30 minutes at 5:57 pm.
1:43 - 3:32 pn Start incoming half of four-hour near-
ercounter sequence. Take 160 TV pic-
tures and transmit at 117 kbps to
Goldstone and Canberra.


R-inge to Mercury: 192 iniles; Range to
F t h: 97,760,000 miles; One-way light
tin.e, spacecraft to Earth, 8 min., 58 sec.

kDenotes Snocecraft Tir'c. All other timres are Earth Received Timie at
PaR~den., Cji-f. Forth Reccive(, Tine is ;izcecraft time plus nine
m'i !U tes ( one-way 11iq; t Li m).

3, vi
3/16 3:53 - 5:57 pm Outgoing near-encounter sequence. Take
160 TV pictures and transmit at 117 kbps
to Canberra. (The first picture in this
sequence will be taken at 3:44 pm, just
5 1/2 minutes after closest apnroach.
It is expected to be the highest resolu-
tion photograph of the entire Mariner 10
mission--about 50 to 60 meters.) (150
to 180 ft)
8:50 - 9:52 pm Take two 16-frame mosaics (resolution:
10 kilometers) and transmit 32 pictures
at 22 kbps to Canberra.
3/17 2:20 - 3:22 am Take 36 pictures (resolution 20 kilometers)
and transmit at 22 kbps to Madrid.

Approx. 3:30 am* Turn off TV cameras.

3/18 Approx. 5:00 am Start series of engineering experiments.




Television Experiment
Team Leader: Bruce C. Murray
California institute of
Team Members: Michael J. S. Belton
Kitt Peak National Observatory
G. Edward Danielson Jr.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Merton E. Davies
Rand Corporation
Bruce Hapke
University of Pittsburgh
Brian T. O'Leary
Hampshire College
Robert Strom
University of Arizona
Vernon E. Suomi
University of Wisconsin
Newell J. Trask
U.S. Geological Survey
Donald E. Gault
NASA Ames Research Center

Associate Team Members: James L. Anderson

California Institute of
Audoin Dollfus
Observatoire de Paris
John Guest
University of London Observatory
Robert Krauss
University of Wisconsin

Plasma Science Experiment

Principal Investigator: Herbert S. Bridge

Massachusetts Institute of
Co-Investigators: J. Asbridge
Samuel J. Bame
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

W. C. Felddman
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

A. Hundhausen
University of Colorado

J. D. Scudder
Leonard Burlaga
R. E. Hartle
Keith W. Ogilvie
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

J. H. Binsack
A. J. Lazarus
S. Olbert
Massachusetts Institute of

Clayne M. Yeates
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

George L. Siscoe
University of California at
Los Angeles

Ultraviolet Spectroscopy

Principal Investigator: A. Lyle Broadfoot

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Co-Investigators: M. B. McElroy
Harvard University

Michael J.S. Belton

Kitt Peak National Observatory

S. Kumar
Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Infrared Radiomiiy

Principal Investigator: Stillman C. Chase Jr.

Santa Barbara Research Center
Co-Investigators: Ellis D. Miner
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

David Morrison
University of Hawaii

Gerry Neugebauer
California Institute of

Charged Particle Experiment

Principal Investigator: John A. Simpson

University of Chicago
Co-Investigator: J. E. Lamport
University of Chicago

Radio Science Experiment

Team Leader: H. T. Howard

Stanford University
Team Memilbers: Irwin I. Shapiro
Massachusetts Institute of

John D. Anderson
Gunnar Fjeldbo
Arvydas J. Kliore
Gerald S. Levy
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Associate Team Members: G. Tyler
Stanford University

R. D. Reasenberg
Massachusetts Institute of

D. Brunn
Richard Dickinson
Pasquale B. Esposito
Warren L. Martin
Charles T. Stelzried
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Magnetic Fields

Principal Investigator: Norman F. Ness

NASA Goddard Space Flight

Co-Investigators: Kenneth W. Behannon

Ronald P. Lepping
Kenneth H. Schatten
NASA Goddard Space Flight
Y. C. Whang
Catholic University


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