English 11 Composition 2019 Use

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Composition 11

Teacher: Amy E. Hughes

Room A225
Lord Byng Secondary School ahughes@vsb.bc.ca
3939 West 16th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6K3C9 http://msahughesbyng.com

Our Mission Statement: At Lord Byng Secondary our goal is to provide a safe learning
environment that enables students to challenge their intellectual and creative abilities and
allows them to meet their full potential as citizens.

Course Content: Required materials: Mark breakdown by Term and Year.

• May use novel, short story, film, digital • One 2” or 3” Three (Note: As no two terms are alike, these are best
media, poetry and other texts as points of Ring Binder. approximates).
study. • A pre-bound, binder
• Written composition will include: literary ready notebook of Within each term:
analysis, exposition, & personal essays, approx 100 pages.
multi-modal response, etc. • Loose leaf foolscap 2.5% - Built in roll up: intended to offset the possibility
(for submitting of any perceived subjective marking variance. Students
• I would also like to focus on letter writing,
work). lose marks here if they are not punctual, prepared for
graphic novel, & resume. class or cheat, skip, or plagiarize.
• Access to a
10%- Book Card. Silent Reading is a daily requirement.
computer: several
Students are required to have their own book each day
assignments will and keep book cards up to date and in the classroom.
Composition 11, as the name suggests, focuses on require this.
composition; a variety of genres including oral, At each term end, each student totals the number of
• School Agenda pages recorded.
visual, written, digital, and film may be used. (intact & not altered) 10% - Speaking, listening, and discussion: ability to
Critical analysis re: how language "shapes ideas • Silent Reading attend to and speak to material in class, including
and influences others," how to recognize this, and Book: EVERY class. discussion. Asking questions is part of this.
how to use language to create a desired effect will • Pencil case: 12.5% - Home and classwork.
be key focal points of this course. o 2 blue or 32.5% - In-class Writing.
black ink 32.5% - Project work and/or other assessments.
o 2 HB Total = 100%
In-class writing is a major component of all pencils
Lord Byng English Courses. o 1 eraser **Marking is cumulative for this course.
*Term 2 will include a Cross Grade Mid Year
The New Curriculum:
BC’s New Curriculum for English Language Arts is based around 3 Core Assessment Valued at 35%.
Competencies: Communication, Thinking, & Personal/Social.

In my classroom we will be working on these Competencies and the Five Big Ideas Cheating, which includes plagiarism, is a
which support them. As always, I will work toward curricular competencies with all serious offence and will result in a score of
of my students, placing critical thinking at the fore as each student works toward zero. Helping someone cheat is also cheating.
his/her mastery of skills learned and taught. For more information on BC’s New Students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to
Curriculum, please see: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/ read and sign the handout on plagiarism provided by
english-language-arts/11/composition Ms. Hughes' and return it n0 later than October 1st of
the current school year.

Working with a Tutor: Guidelines for working with tutors are available Unexcused absences: parents and students need
upon request. Tutors are NOT permitted to work on the actual material that the to familiarize themselves with policies and procedures at
student will be submitting to the teacher for assessment. Lord Byng, particularly those regarding missed work.
Please read and understand these as they will be
Although still in high school, Grade 11 is the year that most students begin looking followed; they can be found in your child’s student
toward what they will need in order to pursue post-secondary training and/or agenda and on the school website.
studies. This can make Grade 11 a stressful year for many students and parents
alike. Please know that as a teacher, my focus is on the learning process, not on No work will be provided for a student going on a
marks alone; a lower than anticipated result is, after all, an opportunity for vacation, family trip, etc; it will be up to the student to
improvement, not an indication of failure. I want my students to improve on their make up any allowable work upon return; I will not be
own terms and not in comparison to each other, to see their learning as a lifelong able to reteach your child what he/she has missed while
journey; I do not want my students to see learning as simply a means to an end. away from class due to an unexcused absence.
Marks remain a reality, but please help your child to develop the rigor,
perseverance, and love of learning that ultimately brings success long term.

Print Name of Student: ______________________. Signatures of Student ________________ & Parent/Guardian: ______________.

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