Basketball Lesson Steal The Bacon

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Team Sports/Norfolk Senior High

Daily Lesson Plan

Steal the Bacon

Concept: To learn the history and basics about the game of Basketball. Rules, terms, and
dribbling, passing, offensive, and defensive techniques will also be developed.

Outcome(s): As a result of instruction the students will be able to:

Cognitive: Knowledge of rules, variations of shots(standing, jump, lay-up, free-
throw) and positions on the Basketball court

Psychomotor: As a result of instruction the students will perform various

movements promoting hand-eye coordination, foot speed, passing effectively, and

Affective: Students will demonstrate good sportsmanship in a competitive setting

and teamwork skills.

Materials: Basketballs (6) Whistle, Stopwatch

Prerequisites: History and the rules of the game handout

- get into seating chart (take attendance)
- run 3 laps
- begin stretching
- stretch arms, shoulders and legs two times

Divide class into even teams, each team is under basket

Go over rules of steal the Bacon

Must perform task as stated by teacher

Instructor will blow whistle once a team has performed everything correctly

Team support is a must!! Encouragement Only!!

Provide verbal cues as needed

Closure: Bring students together and go over any necessary topics. (Students help
put equipment away)

Transition: Full court Basketball

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