Epithelial Tissues
Epithelial Tissues
Epithelial Tissues
General Considerations
Classification of epithelial tissues
Lining and covering epithelia
Form the boundary between external environment and body
• Cover body surfaces (e.g., the epidermis of the skin) and lines
the lumens of internal organs that open to the exterior of the
• Line body cavities (e.g., peritoneal cavity) and covers the
exterior of organs that project into these cavities.
• Line blood and lymph vessels
Cell shape and number of layers correlate with the function of
the epithelium.
Glandular (secretory) epithelia
Develop from a lining or covering epithelium by invagination
into the underlying connective tissue.
Form exocrine and endocrine glands.
General features of all epithelial
• Highly cellular (sparse intercellular space)
• Numerous intercellular junctions for attachment and anchorage.
• Avascular.
• High regenerative capacity, especially in epithelial membranes, to replace continual
sloughing of cells from free surface.
• Most rest on a basement membrane.
The basement membrane is composed of a basal lamina and a reticular lamina.
o The basal lamina is secreted by the epithelial cells and consists of the lamina lucida and the
lamina densa. A similar structure is also present in muscle and nervous tissue, where it is
referred to as an external lamina.
o The reticular lamina is secreted by fibroblasts located in the underlying connective tissue.
Functions of the basement membrane
o Provides support and attachment for the epithelial cells
o Selective diffusion barrier
• Free and basal surfaces
Basal surface contacts the basal lamina of the basement membrane.
Free surface interfaces with the external environment or spaces within the body.
Polarity. A polarized cell is one that exhibits contrasting properties or structures on opposite
sides of the cell. Because epithelial tissues face a free surface, the function of the apical
surface is often very different from that at the base of the cell. This diversification is
reflected by the nonhomogeneous distribution of organelles.
Lining and Covering Epithelial Tissues
Method of Classification
Classification by number of layers
• Simple epithelium
1. One cell layer thick
2. All cells rest on the basement membrane (basal surface) and all cells face the free surface.
• Stratified epithelium
1. More than one cell layer thick.
2. Only the deepest layer of cells contact the basement membrane and only the superficial‐most cells have a free
3. Named according to the shape of the cells at the free surface omit.
Classification by shape of surface cells
1. Cells are much wider than tall, resembling a “fried egg.”
2. Nucleus is highly flattened.
1. Cells are of equal height and width.
2. Nucleus is spherical.
1. Cells are much taller than they are wide.
2. Nucleus is oval shaped, generally located toward the base of the cell.
Types of Lining and Covering Epithelium
➢ Simple epithelial tissues
• Simple squamous
1. Allows for rapid diffusion across the epithelium.
2. Forms the lining of blood vessels, alveoli of the lungs, and internal body cavities
• Simple columnar
1. Lines and absorbs
2. Forms the lining of the intestines and gall bladder
• Pseudostratified
1. Cells are of various heights. All cells rest on the basement membrane, but only the tallest cells reach the
free surface. Variation in height of the cells and the location of nuclei give the appearance of a stratified
epithelium. Frequently ciliated.
2. Provides protection
3. Forms the lining of much of the respiratory tract and much of the male reproductive system
➢ Stratified epithelial tissues
• Stratified squamous
Protects from physical abrasion and prevents desiccation
1. Nonkeratinized (moist). Lining of wet cavities, including
the mouth, esophagus, rectum, and anal canal; surface
cells are nucleated and living.
2. Keratinized (dry). Epidermis of the skin; surface cells are
• Stratified cuboidal/columnar. Lines the larger ducts of
exocrine glands.
• Transitional
1. Protective function; constructed to expand with
distension of the hollow organs it lines
2. Unique to the urinary system; lines the urinary bladder
and ureter
Surface Specializations
➢ Microvilli
1. Finger‐like extensions from the free surface of the cell, about 1 micron in height
2. Are present in large numbers on each cell and, collectively, are called a brush or striated
3. Contain a core of actin microfilaments
4. Are relatively nonmotile
5. Increase surface area for absorption
6. Prominent on cells lining the digestive tract and proximal tubules in the kidney
➢ Stereocilia
1. Large, nonmotile microvilli; not cilia
2. Contain a core of actin microfilaments
3. Increase surface area
4. Present on cells lining the epididymis and ductus deferens in the male reproductive tract
➢ Cilia
1. Multiple hair‐like extensions from free surface of the cell; 7–10 microns in height
2. Highly motile; beat in a wave‐like motion
3. Function to propel material along the surface of the epithelium (e.g., in the respiratory
system and the oviduct of the female reproductive system)
4. Core of a cilium is called the axoneme, in which nine pairs of microtubules surround a
central pair of microtubules (9 + 2 arrangement).
5. The axomene of each cilum originates from a basal body that is located at the apex of the
cell and is composed of nine triplets of microtubules
Cell Junctions
➢ Specialized structures of the plasma membrane that:
• Attach and anchor cells
• Establish apical and basolateral membrane domains by sealing adjacent plasma
• Provide channels for ionic and metabolic coupling
➢ Not restricted to epithelial cells; cell junctions occur, however, in large number in
epithelial tissues to resist the physical forces acting on the cells.
➢ Types
• Tight junction (zonula occludens)
• Belt‐like, barrier junction around apex of the cell
• Provides close apposition of adjacent plasma membranes and occludes the
intercellular space
• Functions
1. Prevents diffusion of material between the intercellular space and the lumen of
the organ
2. Establishes apical and basolateral membrane domains in the cell by preventing
the lateral migration of proteins in plasma membrane
• Adherent junctions
• Attach cells to each other and anchor them to the basal lamina; no fusion of the
plasma membrane
• Types of adherent junctions
1. Belt desmosome (zonula adherens). Belt‐like junction that encircles the apex of the cell like a barrel strap and
is located immediately beneath the zonula occludens; serves to attach adjacent cells together; associated
with actin filaments.
2. Spot desmosome (macula adherens). Disk‐like junctions scattered over the surface of the cell, which are
paired with similar structures in adjacent cells; associated with intermediate filaments (e.g., keratin filaments
in epithelial cells).
3. Hemidesmosome. Represent a “half desmosome”; these junctions anchor the basal surface of the cell to
basal lamina
• Junctional complex. Consists of the zonula occludens, zonula adherens, and desmosomes; because these
structures cannot be resolved as separate structures at the light microscopic level, they appear as a single, bar‐
shaped, dark region at the apical corners of adjacent cells. The term terminal bar was used by early
microscopists to define the zonula occludens and zonula adherens at the light microscopic level.
• Gap junction. Gap junctions consist of connexons, six transmembrane proteins clustered in a rosette that
defines a central pore. Connexons from adjacent cells abut one another, forming a continuity between cells.
Provides metabolic and electrical continuity (coupling) via the pores between cells
Glandular Epithelial Tissues
• General Considerations
➢ Develop from or within a lining or covering epithelium
➢ Secretory cells may
• Differentiate but remain in the lining epithelium
• Invaginate into the underlying connective tissue and remain attached to the lining epithelium
• Invaginate into the underlying connective tissue but lose their connection to the epithelium
Exocrine vs. Endocrine Glands
➢ Major classification of glands, which is based on the method by which their secretory product is distributed
➢ Exocrine glands
• Secretory products are released onto an external or internal epithelial surface, either directly or via a duct or
duct system.
• Secretory cells display polarized distribution of organelles.
➢ Endocrine glands
• No ducts; secretory products are released directly into the extracellular fluid where they can affect adjacent
cells (paracrine secretion) or enter the bloodstream to influence cells throughout the body (endocrine
• No polarization of organelles, except the thyroid gland and enteroendocrine cells of the digestive tract
• Secretory products are called hormones.
Methods of Product Release from
Glandular Cells
➢ Merocrine. Secretory product is released by exocytosis of contents
contained within membrane‐bound vesicles. This method of release is
used by both exocrine and endocrine glands. Examples are digestive
enzymes from pancreatic acinar cells and insulin from pancreatic islet
➢ Apocrine. Secretory material is released in an intact vesicle along with
some cytoplasm from the apical region of the cell. This method of release
is used by exocrine glands only. An example is the lipid component of the
secretory product of the mammary gland.
➢ Holocrine. Entire cell is released during the secretory process. Cells that are
released may be viable (oocyte or sperm) or dead (sebaceous glands). This
method of release is used by exocrine glands only.
➢ Diffusion. Secretory product passes through the cell membrane without the
formation of secretory granules. Examples are steroid hormones. This
method of release is used by endocrine glands only.
Types of Secretory Products
➢ Exocrine glands
• Mucus. Thick, viscous, glycoprotein secretion
1. Secretory cells are usually organized into tubules with wide lumens.
2. Cytoplasm appears vacuolated, containing mucigen that, upon release, becomes hydrated to
form mucus.
3. Nucleus is flattened and located in the base of the cell.
• Serous. Thin, watery, protein secretion
1. Secretory cells are usually organized into a flask‐shaped structure with a narrow lumen,
called an acinus.
2. Cytoplasm contains secretory granules.
3. Nucleus is round and centrally located in the cell.
• Special
1. Lipid. Oily secretion (sebum) from sebaceous glands and lipid portion of milk from the
mammary gland.
2. Sweat. Hypotonic, serous secretion that is low in protein content.
3. Cerumen. A waxy material formed by the combination of the secretory products of
sebaceous and ceruminous glands with desquamated epidermal cells in the auditory canal
➢ Endocrine glands
1. Protein (e.g., insulin) or amino acid derivatives (e.g., thyroxine)
2. Steroid (e.g., estrogen and testosterone)
Classification of Exocrine Glands
➢ Unicellular glands. Individual cells located within an epithelium, such
as goblet cells that secrete mucus
➢ Multicellular glands
• Sheet gland. Composed of a surface epithelium in which every cell is a
mucus‐secreting cell. A sheet gland is unique to the lining of the stomach.
• The remaining multicellular glands are classified according to:
The shape(s) of the secretory units
1. Presence of tubules only
2. Presence of acini (singular, acinus) or alveoli (singular, alveolus) (these
two terms are synonymous), which are flask‐shaped structures
3. Presence of both tubules and acini
The presence and configuration of the duct
1. Simple. No duct or a single, unbranched duct is present.
2. Compound. Branching duct system
Classification and types of
multicellular glands
1. Simple tubular. No duct; secretory
cells are arranged like a test tube
that connects directly to the surface
epithelium (e.g., intestinal glands).
2. Simple, branched tubular. No duct;
tubular glands whose secretory units
branch (e.g., fundic glands of
3. Simple, coiled tubular. Long
unbranched duct; the secretory unit
is a long coiled tube (e.g., sweat
4. Simple, branched acinar (alveolar).
Secretory units are branched and
open into a single duct (e.g.,
sebaceous glands).
5. Compound tubular. Branching ducts
with tubular secretory units (e.g.,
Brunner’s gland of the duodenum)
6. Compound acinar (alveolar).
Branching ducts with acinar
secretory units (e.g., parotid salivary
7. Compound tubuloacinar (alveolar).
Branching ducts with both tubular
and acinar secretory units (e.g.,
submaxillary salivary gland)
Special Features of Some Exocrine Glands
➢ Serous demilunes. Consist of a “cap” of
serous cells around the end of a mucous
tubule; appear half‐moon shaped in
➢ Myoepithelial cells. Resemble smooth
muscle cells in their fine structure but are
of epithelial origin; prominent in sweat
and mammary glands, they surround
secretory units, lying inside the basement
membrane, and aid in the expulsion of
secretory products from the gland.
Duct System of Compound, Exocrine Glands
➢ Intralobular ducts. Contained within a
lobule; simple cuboidal to columnar
➢ Interlobular ducts. Receive numerous
intralobular ducts; located in the
connective tissue between lobules;
stratified columnar epithelium
➢ Excretory (main) duct. Macroscopic duct
draining the entire gland
Endocrine Glands
➢ No ducts; generally cells are not polarized
➢ Occurrence
1. Unicellular (e.g., enteroendocrine cells of the digestive tract); these cells do show polarity
because they are located within an epithelium and secrete away from the free surface of the
2. Small clusters of cells (e.g., islet of Langerhans in pancreas)
3. Organs (e.g., thyroid gland, adrenal gland)
➢ Secretory cells of multicellular glands are usually arranged as plates or cords. The thyroid gland,
where the cells form fluid‐filled spheres, is an exception to this pattern.
➢ Highly vascular with fenestrated capillaries
➢ Secretory products are called hormones. Hormones can be:
1. Derived from amino acids (e.g, thyroxine and epinephrine)
2. Peptides and proteins (e.g., insulin and oxytocin)
3. Steroids (e.g., testosterone and cortisol); steroid‐secreting cells display mitochondria with
tubular cristae and contain large amounts of lipid droplets and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
➢ Secrete by the merocrine or diffusion methods only