This document discusses different types of tissues in the human body. It focuses on epithelial tissues, describing their structure and functions. There are four main types of epithelial tissues: stratified squamous, simple squamous, simple cuboidal, and simple columnar. Each type is defined by the number of cell layers and cell shapes. Epithelial tissues form protective barriers and surfaces for secretion and absorption in various parts of the body.
This document discusses different types of tissues in the human body. It focuses on epithelial tissues, describing their structure and functions. There are four main types of epithelial tissues: stratified squamous, simple squamous, simple cuboidal, and simple columnar. Each type is defined by the number of cell layers and cell shapes. Epithelial tissues form protective barriers and surfaces for secretion and absorption in various parts of the body.
This document discusses different types of tissues in the human body. It focuses on epithelial tissues, describing their structure and functions. There are four main types of epithelial tissues: stratified squamous, simple squamous, simple cuboidal, and simple columnar. Each type is defined by the number of cell layers and cell shapes. Epithelial tissues form protective barriers and surfaces for secretion and absorption in various parts of the body.
This document discusses different types of tissues in the human body. It focuses on epithelial tissues, describing their structure and functions. There are four main types of epithelial tissues: stratified squamous, simple squamous, simple cuboidal, and simple columnar. Each type is defined by the number of cell layers and cell shapes. Epithelial tissues form protective barriers and surfaces for secretion and absorption in various parts of the body.
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Prepared by: Arthur Christian B. Mangio, PTRP
• A tissue is a group of cells that usually have a common origin in an embryo and function together to carry out specialized activities. • Histology – study of tissues • Pathologist - is a physician who examines cells and tissues to help other physicians make accurate diagnoses. One of the principal functions of a pathologist is to examine tissues for any changes that might indicate disease. • Body tissues can be classified into four basic types according to their function and their structure • Epithelial Tissues • Connective Tissues • Muscular Tissues • Nervous Tissues Difference between epithelial and connective tissues • The first obvious difference is the number of cells in relation to the extracellular matrix (the substance between cells). • In an epithelial tissue many cells are tightly packed together with little or no extracellular matrix, whereas in a connective tissue a large amount of extracellular material separates cells that are usually widely scattered. • The second obvious difference is that an epithelial tissue has no blood vessels, whereas most connective tissues have significant networks of blood vessels • Another key difference is that epithelial tissue almost always forms surface layers and is not covered by another tissue. • An exception is the epithelial lining of blood vessels where blood constantly passes over the epithelium Epithelial Tissues • Exists in many structural forms, but in general it covers or lines something • consists of cells arranged in continuous sheets, in either single or multiple layers • Arranged in 2 patterns • covering and lining various surfaces • forming the secreting portions of glands • Functions: • Absorption (lining in the small intestine) • Secretion(by glands) • Transport(kidney tubules) • Excretion(by sweat and in the urinary tract) • Protection • Sensory reception General Characteristics Of Epithelial Tissues Basement Membrane • Most epithelial tissues are attached to the underlying connective tissue by a basement membrane • Consists of 2 layers: • Basal lamina : is closer to—and secreted by— the epithelial cells • Homogenous layer of peptide and glycoproteins lacking fibers • Contains laminin and collagen, glycoproteins and proteoglycans • Reticular lamina: is closer to the underlying connective tissue and contains proteins such as collagen produced by connective tissue cells called fibroblasts • A deep layer of glycoproteins containing reticular and collagenous fiber • Functions: • Assured epithelium is held in position that reduces possibility of tearing • Attach and anchor the epithelium to it’s underlying connective tissue • Provides elastic support and act as a partial barrier for diffusion and filtration • They form a surface along which epithelial cells migrate during growth or wound healing Avascular • Lacks blood vessel • Exchange of substance between the epithelial and connective tissue happen through diffusion • Epithelial tissue may not have blood vessel but it may contain blood vessel Surface Specialization • Some epithelial have smooth surfaces such as those lining the ventral body cavities and blood vessel • Most epithelials have irregular surface that result from complex folding of their outer plasma membrane • Microvilli • Cillia Regeneration • Because epithelial tissue forms boundaries between the body’s organs, or between the body and the external environment, it is repeatedly subjected to physical stress and injury. • Damaged epithelial tissues are shed and replaced by new cells by constant regeneration through cell division • A high rate of cell division allows epithelial tissue to constantly renew and repair itself by sloughing off dead or injured cells and replacing them with new ones. • Epithelial tissues may be divided into two: • Covering or lining epithelium or surface epithelium : forms the outer covering of the skin and some internal organs. It also forms the inner lining of blood vessels, ducts, body cavities, and the interior of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. • Glandular epithelium :makes up the secreting portion of glands such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, sweat glands, and digestive glands Classification of Epithelial Tissue • Types of covering and lining epithelial tissue are classified according to two characteristics: • the arrangement of cells into layers • the shapes of the cells 1. Simple Squamous • Single layer of flat cells • is a single layer of flat cells that resembles a tiled floor when viewed from apical surface; centrally located nucleus that is flattened and oval or spherical in shape. • Most commonly lines the cardiovascular and lymphatic system (heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels), where it is known as endothelium • forms the epithelial layer of serous membranes (peritoneum, pleura, pericardium), where it is called mesothelium • Also found in air sacs of lungs, glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule of kidneys, inner surface of tympanic membrane (eardrum). • The major function of this kind of epithelium is to permit diffusion through selectively permeable membrane • Present at sites of filtration (such as blood filtration in kidneys) or diffusion (such as diffusion of oxygen into blood vessels of lungs) and at site of secretion in serous membranes. Not found in body areas subject to mechanical stress (wear and tear) 2. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium • Single layer of cubed shaped cells, round centrally located nucleus • Forms the lining of many glands and their ducts • Covers surface of ovary; lines anterior surface of capsule of lens of the eye; forms pigmented epithelium at posterior surface of retina of the eye; • lines kidney ( with microvilli on cell surface) tubules and smaller ducts of many glands; makes up secreting portion of some glands such as thyroid gland and ducts of some glands such as pancreas • Functions: • Secretion of mucus, sweat, enzymes and other substances • Absorption of fluids and other substances (Note: Strictly cuboidal cells could not form small tubes; these cuboidal cells are more pie-shaped but still nearly as high as they are wide at the base.) 3. Simple Columnar Epithelium • Single layer of cells that are more tall than wide • Found in stomach , intestines (with microvilli), digestive glands and gall bladder • For secretion absorption, protection and lubrication • Mucus and cillia combines to trap away foreign substances • Cillia may also help move objects through a duct such as an egg in the uterine tube • Cilliated Simple Columnar Epithelium • is a single layer of ciliated columnl ike cells with oval nuclei near base of cells • Lines some bronchioles (small tubes) of respiratory tract, uterine (fallopian) tubes, uterus, some paranasal sinuses, central canal of spinal cord, and ventricles of brain • Non Cilliated Simple Columnar Epithelium • is a single layer of nonciliated columnlike cells with oval nuclei near base of cells • Lines gastrointestinal tract (from stomach to anus), ducts of many glands, and gallbladder. 3. Stratified Squamous Epithelium • It consists of several layer of cells • Only the superficial layer is composed of flat squamous cells • Found in areas where friction or possibility of cellullar injury or dying occurs • Epidermis, vagina, mouth and esophagus, anal canal, distal end of urethra • As basal cells divide, daughter cells arising from cell divisions push upward toward apical layer. As they move toward surface and away from blood supply in underlying connective tissue, they become dehydrated and less metabolically active. • Tough proteins predominate as cytoplasm is reduced, and cells become tough, hard structures that eventually die. At apical layer, after dead cells lose cell junctions they are sloughed off, but they are replaced continuously as new cells emerge from basal cells. • Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium – • In the skin, replacement cells rising to the surface from underlying layer produce a tough protein called keratin • Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium • does not contain large amounts of keratin in apical layer and several layers deep and is constantly moistened by mucus from salivary and mucous glands; organelles are not replaced. • Cells in a moist environment are nonkeratinized and they retain their nuclei and organelles >> Keratinized variety forms superficial layer of skin >>nonkeratinized variety lines wet surfaces (lining of mouth, esophagus, part of epiglottis, part of pharynx, and vagina) and covers tongue. 4. Stratified Cuboidal • Has two or more layers of cells; cells in apical layer are cube- shaped; fairly rare type. • Multilayer arrangement with superficial layer composed of cuboidal cells • Ducts of adult sweat glands(sudoriferous) and esophageal glands, part of male urethra, oil glands(sebaceous) and in developing epithelium in ovaries and epithelium • Protection; secretion and absorption. 5. Stratified Columnar Epithelium • Multilayered arrangement with superficial layer of tall thin columnar cells • Lines part of urethra; large excretory ducts of some glands, such as esophageal glands; small areas in anal mucous membrane; part of conjunctiva of eye. • Mainly found in moist areas: larynx, nasal surface of soft palate, parts of larynx, urethra • Protection, secretion and movement of materials over cell 6. Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium • Has a single layer of cells varying in height and shape • The nuclei at different levels gives a false impression of multilayered structure • Found in large excretory cells, most of male reproductive tract, nasal cavity, other respiratory passages and part of ear cavity • Protection, secretion and movement of foreign substances across surfaces • Non cilliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium • Lines epididymis, larger ducts of many glands, and parts of male urethra. • Cilliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium • Lines airways of most of upper respiratory tract. • Secretes mucus that traps foreign particles, and cilia sweep away mucus for elimination from body. 7. Transitional Epithelium • Has a variable appearance (transitional). • In relaxed or unstretched state, looks like stratified cuboidal epithelium. • As tissue is stretched, cells become flatter, giving the appearance of stratified squamous epithelium. • Multiple layers and elasticity make it ideal for lining hollow structures (urinary bladder) subject to expansion from within. • Found in urinary tracts and kidney • Allows urinary organs to stretch and maintain protective lining while holding variable amounts of fluid without rupturing, allows changes in shape 8. Glandular Epithelium • Modified to perform secretion • Two main types • Endocrine / inside : enter the interstitial fluid and then diff use into the bloodstream without flowing through a duct. • Examples include pituitary gland at base of brain, pineal gland in brain, thyroid and parathyroid glands near larynx (voice box), adrenal glands superior to kidneys, pancreas near stomach, ovaries in pelvic cavity, testes in scrotum, thymus in thoracic cavity • Hormones regulate many metabolic and physiological activities to maintain homeostasis. • Exocrine/ outside: secrete their products into ducts that empty onto the surface of a covering and lining epithelium such as the skin surface or the lumen of a hollow organ. • The secretions of exocrine glands have limited effects and some of them would be harmful if they entered the bloodstream • They contains ducts that carry their secretions to openings of the body • Sweat, oil, and earwax glands of skin; digestive glands such as salivary glands (secrete into mouth cavity) and pancreas (secretes into small intestine). • Produce substances such as sweat to help lower body temperature, oil, earwax, saliva, or digestive enzymes. • Exocrine glands is classified into several ways • Unicellular – • the only example of a unicellular gland is the goblet cell • Goblet cells produces carbohydrate rich glycoprotein called mucin and secreted as mucus • found in the lining of the intestines, other parts of the digestive system, respiratory tract, conjunctiva of the eye • Multicellular • Contains many cells • Simple • Gland with one unbranched duct • Compound • A branched duct system that resembles a tree • Tubular • If the secretory potion of the gland is tubular • Alveolar / Acinar • rounded • Tubuloalveolar • Both tubular and round • Mucous • Secrete thick mucous • Serous • Secretes thin watery substance • Mixed • Secretes mucus and serous secretions • Merocrine • Releases their secretions without breaking the plasma membrane using exocytosis • Holocrine • Whole cells become detached, die and actually become the secretions • Sebaceous gland CONNECTIVE TISSUE • Connect other tissues together • One of the most abundant and widely distributed tissues in the body • In its various forms, connective tissue has a variety of functions. • It binds together, supports, and strengthens other body tissues; protects and insulates internal organs; compartmentalizes structures such as skeletal muscles • serves as the major transport system within the body (blood, a fluid connective tissue); is the primary location of stored energy reserves (adipose, or fat, tissue); and is the main source of immune responses • When cartilage and bone are included in the over all classification of connective tissues, the whole group is often referred as Supporting Tissues • Generalized Types • Loose • Dense • Elastic • Specialized forms • Cartilage • Bone(osseous) • Blood • They consist fiber, ground substance, cells and some extracellular fluid • Matrix – the extracellular fibers and ground substance Fibers Of Connective Tissue • Collagenous • Whitish fibers, are very strong and resist pulling or stretching, but they are not stiff , which allows tissue flexibility. • Chemically, collagen fibers consist of the protein collagen, which is the most abundant protein in your body, representing about 25% of the total • Collagen fibers are found in most types of connective t issues, especially bone, cartilage, tendons • These fibers varies from loose and pliable (organs) to tightly packed and stretch resistant(tendons) • Reticular • Consisting of collagen arranged in fine bundles with a coating of glycoprotein, provide support in the walls of blood vessels and form a network around the cells in some tissues such as areolar connective tissue adipose tissue, nerve fibers, and smooth muscle tissue • Produced by fibroblasts, reticular fibers are much thinner than collagen fibers and form branching networks • Reticular fibers provide support and strength. Reticular fibers are plentiful in reticular connective tissue • It forms the stroma (supporting framework) of many soft organs, such as the spleen and lymph nodes. • These fibers also help form the basement membrane. • Elastic • Yellowish, appear singly, never in bundles but they branch and form networks • An elastic fiber consists of molecules of the protein elastin surrounded by a glycoprotein named fibrillin which adds strength and stability because of their unique molecular structure • Elastic fibers are strong but can be stretched up to 150% of their relaxed length without breaking. • Equally important, elastic fibers have the ability to return to their original shape aft er being stretched, a property called elasticity. Elastic fibers are plentiful in skin, blood vessel walls, and lung tissue Ground Substance of Connective Tissues • A homogenous extracellular material that ranges in consistency from semifluid and thick gel or calcified • The component of a connective tissue between the cells and fibers. • It supports cells, binds them together, stores water, and provides a medium for exchange of substances between the blood and cells. • It plays an active role in how tissues develop, migrate, proliferate, and change shape, and in how they carry out their metabolic functions • The main ingredient us glycoproteins, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and other sulfate • They also act as a lubricant and shock absorber Cells of Connective Tissues • Can be classified into two • Fixed cells • Fibroblasts – large, flat cells with branching processes, the most common and usually the most numerous; the only cells found in tendon, synthesizes and secretes the matrix, considered secretory cells and assists wound healing • Adipose(fat cells) / Adipocytes - connective tissue cells that store triglycerides (fats). They are found deep to the skin and around organs such as the heart and kidneys • Reticular cells – play a role in the immune response • Macrophage – active phagocytes • reside in a particular tissue; examples i nclude alveolar macrophages in the lungs or splenic macrophages in the spleen. • Wandering Cells – involved with long term activities such as protection and repair • Leukocytes - are not found in significant numbers in normal connective tissue. However, in response to certain conditions they migrate from blood into connective tissue, they are phagocytes that engulfs harmful microorganism • Plasma cells - • A specific type of phagocyte and the main producer of the antibodies for microbial infection and cancer • found in many places in the body, but most plasma cells reside in connective tissue, especially in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts • Mast cells – large cells involved in fighting long term infections and inflammation • Free Macrophages – part of the reticuloendothelial system • Produces antibodies and removes dead cells, tissue debris etc Types of Connective Tissue 1. Bone or Osseous Tissue – • Bone tissue is classified into two : the compact bone and the spongy bone • The basic unit of a compact bone is an osteon or the harvesian system and each osteon has four parts • The lamellae : are concentric rings of extracellular matrix that consist of mineral salts (mostly calcium and phosphates), which give bone its hardness and compressive strength, and collagen fibers, which give bone its tensile strength. • The lamellae are responsible for the compact nature of this type of bone tissue. • Lacunae: are small spaces between lamellae that contain mature bone cells called osteocytes. • Projecting from the lacunae are canaliculi (little canals), networks of minute canals containing the processes of osteocytes. • Canaliculi provide routes for nutrients to reach osteocytes and for wastes to leave them. • Central canal or haversian canal contains blood vessels and nerves
• Spongy bone lacks osteons.
• Rather, it consists of columns of bone called trabeculae little beams), which contain lamellae, osteocytes, lacunae, and canaliculi. Spaces between trabeculae are filled with red bone marrow 2. Cartilage – less hard and more flexible than bone Hyaline cartilage • (hyalinos = glassy) contains a resilient gel as ground substance and appears in the body as a bluish-white, shiny substance (can stain pink or purple when prepared for microscopic examination; fine collagen fibers are not visible with ordinary staining techniques • Most common type • prominent chondrocytes are found in lacunae surrounded by perichondrium (exceptions: articular cartilage in joints and cartilage of epiphyseal plates, where bones lengthen during growth). • Most abundant cartilage in body; at ends of long bones, anterior ends of ribs, nose, parts of larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, embryonic and fetal skeleton. • Provides smooth surfaces for movement at joints, flexibility, and support; weakest type of cartilage and can be fractured. • Elastic cartilage • Provides strength and elasticity; maintains shape of certain structures. • has chondrocytes in threadlike network of elastic fibers within extracellular matrix; perichondrium present. • Found where a structure with elasticity is desired • Lid on top of larynx (epiglottis), part of external ear (auricle), auditory (eustachian) tubes. • Fibrocartilage • has chondrocytes among clearly visible thick bundles of collagen fibers within extracellular matrix; lacks perichondrium. • Pubic symphysis (where hip bones join anteriorly), intervertebral discs, menisci (cartilage pads) of knee, portions of tendons that insert into cartilage. • Support and joining structures together. Strength and rigidity make it the strongest type of cartilage. • The cells of mature cartilage, called chondrocytes occur singly or in groups within spaces called lacunae • A covering of dense irregular connective • tissue called the perichondrium surrounds the surface of most cartilage and contains blood vessels and nerves and is the source of new cartilage cells. • Sincecartilage has no blood supply, it heals poorly following an injury. 3. Dense regualr connective tissue • Also called dense fibrous tissue • Collagen fiber as matrix and between cash fiber is fibroblast that manufacture the fibers • Forms tendons (attach muscle to bone), most ligaments (attach bone to bone), and • aponeuroses (sheetlike tendons that attach muscle to muscle or muscle to bone). >>dense irregular connective tissue 4. Loose connective tissue 1. Areolar connective tissue • is one of the most widely distributed connective tissues; consists of fibers (collagen, elastic, reticular) • arranged randomly and several kinds of cells (fibroblasts, macrophages, plasma cells, adipocytes, mast cells, and a few white blood cells) embedded in semifluid ground substance • Cushions and protects the organs it sorrounds • Functions as a universal packing tissue and connective tissue glue because it helps hold the internal organs together and in their proper position • Lamina propria • Reservoir of water • It appears as an empty space 2. Adipose tissue • Composed of adipocytes cells responsible for fat storage • It forms the subcutaneous tissue beneath the skin where it insulates the body and protect it from extremes heat and cold • Protects organs individually 3. Reticular connective tissue Consists of network of interwoven reticular fibers associated with reticular cells Lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen , thymus gland BLOOD They are considered connective tissues because they have a same embryonic origin as the typical connective tissue They contain the three components of a connective tissue MUSCLE TISSUE Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Striations (+) (+) (-) Movement Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary Shape Long, ctlindrical, Spindle shaped Function Motion, posture, Pumps blood to Motion heat production, all parts of body. (constriction of protection. blood vessels and airways, propulsion of foods through gastrointestinal tract, contraction of urinary bladder and gallbladder). Location Usually attached Heart wall Iris of eyes; walls to bones by of hollow internal tendons. structures such as blood vessels, airways to lungs, stomach, intestines, Nervous Tissue • Composed of two types of cells • Conducting • Neurons • Modified to respond to specific stimuli • Supportive • Neuroglia • Does not transmit impulses • Transports nutrient from blood vessels to neurons and guards against toxins by creating a barrier to many potentially harmful substances Neurons • 3 types of neurons found in the human • MC : multipolar • Cell body • Dendrites - are tapering, highly branched, and usually short cell processes (extensions). • They are the major receiving or input portion of a neuron • Axons - of a neuron is a single, thin, cylindrical process that may be very long. It is the output portion of a neuron, conducting nerve impulses toward another neuron or to some other tissue. Wound Healing • Inflammation – non specific response • Immune response • If parenchymal cells accomplish the repair, tissue regeneration is possible, and a near-perfect reconstruction of the injured tissue may occur. • Parenchymal tissue - cells that constitute the functioning part of the tissue or organ • if fibroblasts of the stroma are active in the repair, the replacement tissue will be a new connective tissue. • The fibroblasts synthesize collagen and other extracellular matrix materials that aggregate to form scar tissue, a process known as fibrosis • Stroma - bed or covering • Because scar tissue is not specialized to perform the functions of the parenchymal tissue, the original function of the tissue or organ is impaired • When tissue damage is extensive, as in large, open wounds, both the connective tissue stroma and the parenchymal cells are active in repair; fibroblasts divide rapidly, and new collagen fibers are manufactured to provide structural strength. • Blood capillaries also sprout new buds to supply the healing tissue with the materials it needs. • All these processes create an actively growing connective tissue called granulation Tissue • This new tissue forms across a wound or surgical incision to provide a framework (stroma) that supports the epithelial cells that migrate into the open area and fill it. • The newly formed granulation tissue also secretes a fluid that kills bacteria. • Regeneration • Wound dehiscence – the partial or complete separation of the outer layers of a sutured incision • A common cause is surgical error in which sutures or staples are placed too far apart, too close to the incision edges, or under too much pressure. • It can also occur if sutures are removed too early or if there is a deep wound infection • Other contributing factors are age, chemotherapy, coughing, straining, vomiting, obesity, smoking, and use of anticoagulants such as aspirin • A major complication of wound dehiscence is the protrusion of an organ through the open wound, especially the intestines.