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All content following this page was uploaded by C Eng Faruk Bin Poyen on 31 August 2016.
Dept. of Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, University Institute of Technology, Burdwan University, West
Bengal, India
Abstract—The project is aimed at designing a density automation technique in this field of traffic signaling
based dynamic traffic signal system where the timing of system.
signal will change automatically on sensing the traffic
density at any junction. Traffic congestion is a severe II. PRESENT TRAFFIC SIGNALING SYSTEM
problem in most cities across the world and therefore it is Under present scenario, traffic control is achieved by the
time to shift more manual mode or fixed timer mode to an use of a system of hand signs by traffic police personnel,
automated system with decision making capabilities. traffic signals, and markings. A comparable and matching
Present day traffic signaling system is fixed time based education program is needed, through driver-licensing
which may render inefficient if one lane is operational authorities, to assure that those who operate motor
than the others. To optimize this problem we have made a vehicles understand the rules of the road and the actions
framework for an intelligent traffic control system. that they are required or advised to take when a particular
Sometimes higher traffic density at one side of the control device is present. Each traffic control device is
junction demands longer green time as compared to governed by standards of design and usage; for example,
standard allotted time We, therefore propose here a stop signs always have a red background and are
mechanism in which the time period of green light and octagonal in shape. Design standards allow the motorist to
red light is assigned on the basis of the density of the quickly and consistently perceive the sign in the visual
traffic present at that time. This is achieved by using field along the road. Standard use of colors and shape aids
PIR(proximity Infrared sensors). Once the density is in this identification and in deciding on the appropriate
calculated, the glowing time of green light is assigned by course of action.
the help of the microcontroller (Arduino). The sensors Under current circumstances, traffic lights are set on in
which are present on sides of the road will detect the the different directions with fixed time delay, following a
presence of the vehicles and sends the information to the particular cycle while switching from one signal to other
microcontroller where it will decide how long a flank will creating unwanted and wasteful congestion on one lane
be open or when to change over the signal lights. In while the other lanes remain vacant.
subsequent sections, we have elaborated the procedure of The system we propose identify the density of traffic on
this framework. individual lanes and thereby regulate the timing of the
Keywords— Traffic signals, Proximity Infrared Sensor, signals’ timing. IR trans receivers count the obstructions
Ardiuno Microcontroller. and provide an idea about the traffic density on a
particular lane and feed this response to a controller unit
I. INTRODUCTION which will make the necessary decisions as and when
In today’s high speed life,traffic congestion becomes a required.
serious issue in our day to day activities. It brings down
the productivity of individual and thereby the society as III. OPERATIONAL MODEL
lots of work hour is wasted in the signals. High volume of The model works on the principle of changing delay of
vehicles, the inadequate infrastructure and the irrational Traffic signals based on the number of cars passing
distribution of the signaling system are main reasons for through an assignedsection of the road. There are four
this chaotic congestions. It indirectly also adds to the sensors placed at four sides of a four way road which
increase in pollution level as engines remain on in most counts the number of cars passing by the area covered by
cases, a huge volume of natural resources in forms of the sensors.
petrol and diesel is consumed without any fruitful
outcome. Therefore, in order to get rid of these problems
or at least reduce them to significant level, newer schemes
need to be implemented by bringing in sensor based
2: Circuit diagram of sensor module Fig.4: Circuit Schematic Diagram
When the sensor finds any object, comparator output goes Three sets of LEDs viz Green, Yellow and Red are used
low else it gives + 5 V (HIGH). The controller program to indicate the GO state, Ready to Go state and WAIT