Chain Surveying
Chain Surveying
Chain Surveying
m II
tspe under a pull of 8 kg in three equal •I
16. Find the sag correction for a 30 m steel = 7.86 g. Area of cross-section of the Lape
spans of 10 m each. Weight of l cubic em
of steel Chain Surveying I;
= 0.10 sq. em.
of 65°F when lying horizontally on the ground
. iI'
17. A steel tape is 30m long at a temperature x 10-' per I
t 2 kg and the co-efficient of expansion 65
Its0 sectional area is 0.082 sq. em, its weigh tions i
three equal spans. Calculate the acruallength ber.veen the end gradua
l f. The rape is stretched over
pull 18 kg. Take £:;; 2.109 X 10 6 kg/cm 1 4.1. CHAIN TRIANGULATION 1
under the following conditions : temp. 85°F, in which only linear measurements are il
rdized on the flat and was found to be exactly 30
m Chain surveying is that type of surveying (f
18. A 30 m steel tape was standa
The temperature is suitab le for surveys of small extent on open
under no pull at 66°F. It was used in catem
ry to measu re a base of 5 bays. made in the field. This type of surveying to
pull exerted during the measurement was 10
kg. The of the boundaries of a piece of land or
during the mearurement was 92 o F and the ground to secure data for exact description
The specific weigh t of steel is 7.86 g/cm 3.
area of cross-section of the tape was 0.08 sq. em. take simple details.
6 2.
The principle of chain survey or Chain
Triangulation, as is sometimes called, is
a. =0.0000063 per l°Fand £=2.1 09 x 10 kglcm of a number of connected triangles, as triang
Find the true lenglb of the line. to provide a skeleton or framework consistin of tiS Stdes measu red in
is the only sunp e gure can be plotted from the lenijibs
errors in long chain iine? which
19. {a) What are the sources of cumulative the framework should consis t of triangles
able in chain surveying? the field. To get good results in plotting,
(b) What is the limit of accuracy obtain areas-D early equilateral as possible.
too long after chaining 5,000 ft. The
(c) An engineer's chain was found to be 0'6" ft. Find the correct
ng a tola.l. distan ce of 10,000 4.2. SURVEY STATIONS
chain was found to be 1' 0" too long after chaini (A.M.I.E. May, 1966) chain line and can be either at the
length at the commencement of cbaining. A survey station is a prominent point on the
Such statio is known as main station. Howe
lenglb to be applied when chaining on a beginning of the chain line or at the end.
20. Derive an expression for correction per chain gradient expressed as 1 in n. subsid iary
and (b) the here on the chain line and
regular slope in terms of (a) the slope angle
exceed subsidiary or tie station can also be selected anyw ;,,,
What is the greatest slope you wouldangleignore if d:te error from this source is not to or tie lines may be run through them.
gradie nt. li,,
1 in 1500 ? Give you answer {a) as an.
(b) as a '' ground by driving pegs if the ground is
A survey station may be marked on the
survey station can be marked or located I'
soft. However. on roads and streets etc., the
ANSWERS with respect to some pennanent reference il
by making two or preferably three tie measurements points
the lines joining the peg to the reference
2 (b) 129.34 acres
fr objects near the station. The more nearly
!he more definitely will the station be fixed.
~mcr.o::cc~ .1t ~~g~r ~ng!e~.
A diagram of lhe \I
a triangle. Each triangle ·must angle : in !his case the dis-
bave a check line. For !he frame- placement of C will be
work shown in Fig. 4.1 (a), !he nearly equal to !he error
various arrangements of !he check in !he side AC. Fig. 4.4.
lines are shown in Fig. 4.2 (a), (b) shows the case when
(b), (c) and (d) by dotted lines. ACB is 60' ; in this case /c
In Fig. 4.1 (b), !he dotted lines (a) (b) !he displacement of C will rtf;_ .. ,
show !he arrangements of check
FIG. 4.1.
be nearly 1.15 times !he -~00~...
lines for !he framework. error. In Fig. 4.4 (c), !he ·'
angle ACB is 30' ; !he dis- a b a b a
(b) (C)
:' ' ........ placement of C will be
/ ' ! ...... nearly t~ice the error. FIG. 4.4. WELL CONDITIONED TRIANGLES.
' Hence, to get more accurate
(a) (b) (c) (d) result, angle C must be a
right angle. If, however, !here is equal liability of error in all !he lhree sides of a triangle.
FIG. 4.2 !he best form is equilateral triangle. In any case, to get a well-proportioned or well-slwped
Tie lines. A tie line is a line which joins subsidiary or tie stations on !he main triangle, no angle should be less !han 30'.
line. The .main object of running a tie line is to take !he details of nearby objects but CONDmONS TO BE FULFILLED BY SURVEY LINES OR SURVEY STATIONS
it also serves !he purpose of a check line. The accuracy in !he location of !he objects The survey stations should be so selected that a good system of lines is obtained
depends upon the accuracy in laying the tie- line. A framework may have One or more
fulfilling !he following conditions :
tie lines depending upon the circumstances (Fig. 4.3).
(I) Survey stations must be mutually visible.
(2) Survey lines must be as few as possible so !hat the framework can be plotted
(3) The framework must bave one or two base lines. If one base line is used.
it must run along the lenglh and lhrougb !he middle of !he area. If two base lines are
~ \P o_?":·oooo,. used, !hey must intersect in !he form of letter X.
(4) The Jines musr run through level ground as possiuic::.
1 ,"' <(_r§'_o e
(5) The main lines sho_uld form well-conditioned triangles.
I "' "' • (6) Each triangle or portion of skeleton must be provided wilh sufficient check lines .
.;--0~ (7) All the lines from which offsets are taken should be placed close to !he corresponding
0 ,.,"'"'I
........ o
........ Gil
I swface fearures so as to get shan offsets.
~8) As far as possible, !he main survey lines should not pass lhrough obstacles.
(9) To avoid trespassing, !he main survey lines should fall wilhin !he boundaries
of !he propeny to be surveyed.
FIG, 4.3 An offset is !he lateral distance of an object or ground feature measured from a
ARRANGEMENTS OF SURVEY LINES survey line. By melhod of offsets, !he point or object is located by measurement of a
Let us ·take !he case of plottiog a simple triangle ABC. Let a and b represent two distance and angle (usually 90') from a point on the chain line. When !he angle of offset
points A and B correctly plotted wilh respect to each olher and c be the correct position is 90', it is called perpendicular offset [Fig. 4.5 (a), (c)] or sometimes. simply, · offser
Degree of Precision in Measuring the Offsets f
and when the angle is other
~ l__ o ~L,
Before commencing the field measurements, one should know the degree of precision
than 90', it is called an oblique
offset [Fig. 4.5 (b)]. Another
method of locating a point is
called the method of 'ties' in P-·--·-s P-·-·-·-s
to be maintained in measuring the length of the offset. This mainly depends on the scale
of survey. Normally, the limit of precision in plotting is 0.25 mm. If the scale of plotting
. I em = 2 m, 0 .25 mm on paper wdl
2 0 25
X ·
. correspond to---w--= 0 .05 m on the ground. Hence,
Taking Perpendicular Offsets to AB and of length I. Thus, the displacement of the point ''
' al
Fig. 4. 7 illustrates the procedure for finding the length
p P along the chain line is given by ''' I
and position of the perpendicular offset. The leader holds the " l sin a '' I
''''' PP,=-- em '
'' I
zero end of the tape at the point P to be located and the '' ' s I
'' '' ''
follower carries the tape box and swings the tape along the I = length of offset in meters : I
'' ' ''
' I
chain. The length 'of the offset is the shortest distance from '' s =scale (i.e. I em= s metres) •a
'' I
the object to the chain obtained by swinging the tape about '' ' ''
' Taking 0.25 mm as the limit of accuracy in plotting,
the object as centre. Such an offset is called swing offset. '' ''
we have ~._._.f.V_·-·-·-·lo___ .-~
The position of the offset on the chain is located by the
FIG. 4.9.
point where the arc is tangential to the chain. FIG. 4.7
'Yr. (c) Given the maximum error In the length of the offset, the maximum length
I sin a 0.25 ofllie offset and the scale, to lind the maximum value of a so that maximum displacement
-s-=w or I= 0.025 s e<>sec a ... (4.1)
on the paper mny not exceed 0.25 mm.
Also, displacement of the point perpendicular to the chain line is e = maximum error in measurement of offset (metres)
I-I rosa Let
P, P2 = CP, - CP,- em (on the paper) ... (4.2) PP, = e metres (given)
(il) Combined effect of error due to length and direction
....,p P, P, = I sin a (approx)
•' •'
(Fig. 4.10). /
•' pp, = ~ t!- + 12 sin' a Approximately (on ground)
Let P = actual position of the point .. pp, on paper=.!.~ e' + 12 sin' ex = 0.025
CP = true length of the offset
CP, =I= measured length of the offset Hence sin' a = ( 6.25s' - t!-) .!_ 2
... (4.5)
1002 1
CP2 = I = ploned length of the offset
From which a can be calculated.
a = angular error '-i!xample 4.1. An offset is laid out 5' from its troe direction on the field. Find
PP2 = total displacement of P A B the resulting displacement of the plotsed point on. the paper (a) in a direction parallel
in r =the accuracy in measurement of the offset FIG. 4 _10 to the chain line, (b) in a direction perpendicular to the chain line, given that the length
1 em = s metres (scale). of the offset is 20 m and the scale is 10 m to 1 em.
~ (a) Given the angulnr error, to find tbe degree of accnracy with which the le~gth Solution.
of offset should be measured so that the error due to both the sonrces may he equal. . . I sin a. 20 sin SQ
(a) DISplacement parallel to the cham =--em = . - 0.174 em
Displacement due to angular error = P1 P, = I sin a (nearly) s
. . th ha' I (1 - C<lS a) 20 (I
ir s em = 10 - cos 5')
Displacement due to linear error = (b) D!Splacement perpendicular to e c m=
= 0.0076 em {inappreciable).
Assuming both the errors equal, we get I sin a = ir
./Example 4.2. An offset is laid oUl 2' from its troe direction on the field. If the
or r = cosec a ... (4.3) scale of plotting is I 0 m to I em. find the maximum length of the offset so that the
If a = 3', cosec 3' = 19 = r. Hence lhe degree of accwacy in linear measurement displacement of the point on the paper may not exceed 0. 25 mm.
should be 1 in 19. . Solution
. l sin a l sin 2°
Similarly, if r = 100, ex= cosec- 1100 = 34' i.e., the offset should be laid out with = - - - = - --"- em
Displacement ~f ~~f" .ry0!nr "'!l t'h~ p<!per
. s 1u
Q..U. iiiA;WQ...,) ui. i.lCGJ.i,Y z,
This should not exceed 0.025 em.
length of tbe offset so !bat error due
}{., (b) Given the scale, to fmd the Umiting
exceed 0.25 mm I sin 2' = 0_025 .
to both the sources mny not on the paper. Hence 10
Taking p, p, = p, P and LPP, P, = 90' we have
0.025 x 10 = 7.16 m
or l = sin 2o
pp, = {2 pp 1 = {2 i
, on the ground.
v'Example 4.3. An offset is laid oUl I' 30 'from its troe direction on the field. Find
Hence the corresponding displacement on the paper will be equal to -f2 ir . .!..s If the degree of accuracy with which the offset should be measured so that the maximum
displacement of the point on the paper from both the sources may be equal.
this error is not to be appreciable on the paper. we have
{2 .!...=0.025 Displacement due to angular error =lsina
0.025 Displacement due to linear error
or I= --:;r2 rs metres ... (4.4) r
Taking both these equal, I sin a =_I_ UneDE Uneoc lineAB ends
r 0 B
r = cosec a = cosec l o 30' = 38.20 11218
Hence, the offset should be measured with an accuracy of I in 39.
1fo'o f-·~-~<--,.
.fil!xample 4.4. An offset is measured with an accuracy of 1 in 40. If the scale of 17.21
plotting is I em = 20 m, find the limiting length of the offset so· thai the displacement of
the point on the paper from both sources of error may not exceed 0. 25 mm. 15.86.
Solution 140.00
-f2I 14.53 8.12 135.00
The total displacement of the paper = - · - em
rs 130~~·
127.30 -a. .
But this is not to exceed 0.025 em. 123.50
120.00 3.2 ~
6.1 ::,..~
{21 .10
Hence - - = 0.025 UneT.!!.L-,.
" I= o~w; X 40 X 20 = 14.14 m "'•-:q; cwr~~~tlon
_fixample 4.5. The length of an offset is 16 m and is measured with a 11UJXimum 3.10 84.50
error of 0. 2 m. Find rhe maximum permissible error in laying off the direction of the Tre line
offset so thai the 11UJXimum displacement may not exceed 0. 25 mm on the plan drawn to a scale /
of Icm=40m.
• 2 a=-
sm 2
6.25s~ -e2
I (-
1 100 2
l Bali Roae1
. ,.
.:1; Une AB begins
be represented either by a single line or by two lines spaced about 1,J; to 2 em apart,
·~! -·
ruled down the middle of each page. The double line field book (Fig. 4.12) is most commonly
Une AD 5tarta
used for ordinary work, the distance along the chain being entered between the two lines it;
of the page. Single line field book (Fig. 4.11) is used for a comparatively large scale
and most detailed dimension work. A chain line is started from the bottom of the page
tlj At the beginning of a particular chain survey, the following details must be given:
and works upwards. All distances along the chain line are entered in the space between i;t:
the two ruled lines while the offsets are entered either to the left or to the right of ,,.., (1) Date of survey and names of surveyors
the chain line, as the case may be. Offsets are entered in the order they appear at the ' (if) General sketch of the layout of survey lines
(iii) Details of survey lines
chain line. As the various details within offsetting distances are reached, they are sketched
and entered as shown in Fig. 4.11 and Fig. 4.12. Every chain line must be staned from (iv) Page index of survey lines
a fresh page. All the pages must be machine numbered. (v) Location sketches of survey stations.
At the starting of a chain or survey lines, the following details should be given: (c) Running Survey Unes. After having com-
(I) Name of the line (say, AB) pleted the preliminary work, the chaining may be G;ree b~.~
(il) Name of the station marked either by an oval or by a triangle.
started from the base line. The work in running a \\5.38m ..........
(iii) Bearing of the line (if measured)
survey line is two-fold : (I) to chain the line, and
(il) to locate the adjacent details. Offsets should be
-- -
(iv) Details of any other line meeting at the starting point of the survey line. taken in order of their chainages. To do this, the
4.6. FIELD WORK chain is stretched along the line oti the ground. Offsets /
Equipment. The foDowing is the list of equipment required for chain survey or chain are then measused. After having assused that no offset '
/' 6.55m
triangulation : has been omitted, the chain must be pulled forward. /
(1) A 20 m chain The process of chaining and offsetting is repeated (V' Elec. pole
(il) 10 arrows
until the end of the -line is reached. The distances
along the surVey line at which fences, streants, roads, FIG. 4.13.
(iit) Ranging rods and offset rods
etc., and intersected by it must also be recorded.
(iv) A tape (10 m or 20 m length)
(v) An instrument for setting right angles : say a cross staff or optical square 4.7. INSTRUMENTS FOR SETIING OUT RIGHT ANGLES
(VI) Field book, pencil etc., for no1e-keeping There are several types of instruments used to set out a right angle to a chain line,
(vit) Plumb bob the most CODIIDOD being (I) cross staff (il) optical square (iii) prism square (iv) site square.
(viit) Pegs, wooden hammer, chalks, etc. (1) CROSS STAFF
A chain survey may be done in the following steps : The sintplest instrument used for setting om right angles is a cross staff. It consists
(a) Reconnaissance (b) Marking and fixing survey stations (c) Running survey lines. of either a frame or box with two pairs of venical slits and is mounted on a pole shod
Reconnaissance. The first principle of any type of surveying is to work from
for fixing in the ground. The CODIIDOn forms of cross staff are (a) open cross staff (b)
whole to part. Before starting the actual survey measurements, the surveyor should walk French cross staff (c) adjustable cross staff.
around the area to fix best positions of survey lines and survey stations. During reconnaissance, (a) Open Cross Staff. Fig. 4.14. (a) shows an open cross staff. It is provided
a reference sketch of the ground should be prepared and general arrangement of lines, with two pairs of vertical slits giving two lines of sights at right angles to each o!her.
principal features such as buildings, roads etc. should be shown. Before selecting the stations, ~ The cross staff is set up at a point
the surveyor should examine the intervisibility of stations and should nole the positions on the line from which the right angle
of buildings, roads, streants etc. He should also investigale various difficulties that may is to run, and is !hen turned until one
arise and think of their solution. line of sight passes through the ranging
(b) Marking and Fixing Survey Stations. The requirements for selection of survey pole at the. end of the survey line. The
.::r~tirm5: h1.1v~ ~!r~i.ldv ~" !'fi<~~~!'lser! ~e-r ~.,.,,:~'! ~t"'lerter! the survey ~t!:!rk•n'l fhev <!h!'u!d line of sight through the other two vanes
be marked to enabie them to be easily discovered during the progr~ of the s...;ey. The will be a line at right angles to !he
following are some of the methods of marking the stations : -~ sunrey line and a ranging rod may be
• established in that direction. If, however,
(1) In soft ground, wooden pegs may be driven, leaving a small projection above
it is to be used to take offsets, it is
the ground. The name of the station may be written on the top.
held vertically on the chain line at a
(it) Nails or spikes may be used in the case of roads or streets. They should be point where the foot of the offsets is
flush with the pavement. FIG. 4.14. VARIOUS FORMS OF CROSS SfAFF.
likely to occur. It is then turned so
(iit) In hard ground, a portion may be dug and filled with cement mortar etc. that one line of sight passes through
(iv) For a station to be used for a very long time, a stone of any standard shape the ranging rod fixed at the end of the survey line. Looking through the other pair of
may be embedded in the ground and fixed with mortar etc. On the lop of the stone, slits, it is seen if the point to which· the offset is to be taken is bisected. If not, the
deScription of the station etc. may be written. cross staff is moved backward or forward till the line of sight· also passes through the
Whenever possible, a survey station must be fixed with reference to two or three point.
permanent objects and a .reference or location sketch should be drawn in the field boo~. (b) French Cross Staff. Fig. 4.14 (b) shows a French cross staff. If consists of
Fig. 4.13 shows a typical locaiion sketch for a survey station. a hollow octagonal box. Vertical sighting slits are cut in !he middle of each face, such
w l
direction roughly perpendicular to the chain line, to move tili the two images described
that the lines between the centres of opposite slits make angles of 45° with each other.
It is possible, therefore, to set out angles of either 45° or 90 o with this instrument. above coincide.
(c) Adjustable Cross Staff. The adjustable cross staff [Fig. 4.14 (c)] consists of
Testing the Optical Square (Fig. 4.16) l
(I) Hold the instrument in hand at any intennediate point C on AB, sigbt a pole l
two cylinders of equal diameter placed one on top of the other. Both· are. provided with \
held at A and direct an assistant to fix a ranging rod at a. such that the images of
sigbting slits. The upper box carries a vernier and can be rotated relatively to the lower
by a circular rack and pirtion arrangement actuated by a milled headed screw. The lower the ranging rods at a and A c0incide in the instrument. A c 6 ~
box is graduated to degrees and sub-divisions. It is, therefore, possible to set out any (il) Tum round to face B and sigbt the ranging rod at a.
angle with the help of this instrument. If the image of the ranging rod at B coincides with the image of I'
(u) OPTICAL SQUARE ranging rod at a, the instrument is in adjusnnent.
Optical squ~e is somewhat more convenient and accurate instrument than the Cross (iii) If not, direct the assistant to move to a new position
staff for setting out a line at rigbt angles to another line. Fig. 4.15 (a) illustrates the b so that both the iruages coincide. Mark a point d on the ground
principle on which it works. ...,c ntid-way between a and b. Fix a ranging rod at d. a d b n
It consists of a circular box with ~"'7 (iv) Tum the adjustable mirror till the iruage of the ranging ::r
Ja Effi
three slits at E, F and G. In line with - --:; ' rod at d coincide with the iruage of the ranging rod at B. Repeat FIG. 4.16
(B) To Drop a Perpendleular to a Chain Line from a Point outside it : .
1 Telescopes Let it be required to drop a perpendicular to a chain line AB from a point D outside
2 Clamp it.
3 Tripod (•) First method [Fig. 4.21 (a)]. Select any point E on the line. With D as centre
4 Cylindrical case and DE as radius, draw an arc to cut the chain line in F. Bisect EF at C. CD will
5 Fine setting screw
be petpendicular to AB.
(il) Second method [Fig. 4.21 (b)]. Select any point E on !he line. Join ED and
6 Knurled ring
bisect it at F. With F as centre and EF or FD as radius, draw an arc to cut the chain
7 Datum rod
line in C. CD will be perpendicular to !he chain line.
8 Clamp arm
(u•) Third method [Fig. 4.21 (c)]. Select any point E on !he line. With E as centre
and ED as radius, draw an arc to cut the chain line in F. Measure FD and FE. Obtain
~ .L.D.
(A) To Erect a Perpendicular to a Chain Line from a Point on it :
The method of establishing perpendiculars wilh !he tape are based on familiar geomenic
constructions. The following are some of !he melhods most commonly used. The illustrations
A E "·c-· F B
(b) (c)
given are for a 10 m tape. However, a 20 m tape may also be used. (a)
(1) The 3-4·5 method. Let it be required to erect a petpendicular to !he chain line FIG. 4.2!
at a point C in it [Fig. 4.10 (a)]. Establish a point E at a distance of 3 m from C.
Put !he 0 end of !he tape (10 m long) at E and !he 10 m end at C. The 5 m and !he point C on !he line by making FC = ;~~. Join C and D. CD will be petpendicular
6 m marks are brougbt togelher to form a loop of I m. The tape is now stretched tight :[:
by fastening !he ends E aod C. The point D is !bus established. Angle DCE will be to the chain line.
90". One person can set out a right angle by this melhod. (C) To run a Parallel to Chain Line througb a given Point :
D D Let it be required to run a parallel to a chain line AB through a given point C.
~~ 11) (I) First method [Fig. 4.22 (b)]. Through C, drop a perpendicular CE to !he chain
A l+3m+l
! ~F B Aee3c a
line. Measure CE. Select any olher point F on line and erect a perpendicular FD. Make
FD = EC. Join C and D.
(U) Second meihod _[fig. 4.22 (a)j. Selecl any po1ul F on the chain line;. Jo~u CF
and bisect at G. Select any other point E on the chain line. Join EG and prolong it to
E c D such !hat EG = GD. Join C and D.
(a) (b) (c) (iii) Third method [Fig. 4.22 (c)]. Select any point G outside !he chain line and
FIG. 4.20. away from C (but to !he saroe side of it). Join GC and prolong it to meet !he chain
(il) Second metlwd [Fig.4.20 (b)]. Select E and F equidistant from C. Hold !he G
:rero end of !he tape at E, and 10 m end at F. Pick up 5 m mark, stretch !he tape
tight aod establish D. Join DC.
c 0
• • .
•• •• .
(w) Third method [Fig. 4.20 (c)]. Select any point F outside !he chain, preferably '' ••
'' •
• :' •• .
·at 5 m distance from C. Hold !he 5 m mark at F and zero mark at C, and wilh F '' '' •'
.as centre draw an arc to cut !he line at E. Join EF and produce it to D such !hat
'' '• •' •
' ' '
EF= FD = 5 m. A E F B FB A E ~----- FB
(a) (b) (c)
Thus, point D will lie at !he 10 m mark of tape laid. along EF wilh its zero eod
at E. Join DC. FIG. 4.22
B (ii)When it is not possible to chain round the obstacle, e.g. a river.
line in E. With G as centre and GE as radius, draw A
.J:L ----
Case (I): Following are the chief methods (Fig. 4.25).
II '\ I I
(C) To run a Parallel to a giveo Inaccessible
I \ I I
Line through a Giveo Point : \ \
I A~B ·
I \ /
Let AB be the given inaccessible line and C be I \ I I
(a) (b)
the given point through which the parallel is to be drawn '' I
(Fig. 4.23). c
Select any pointE in line with A and C. Similarly, I
select any other convenient point F. Join E and F. Through T
C, draw a line CG parallel to AF. Through G, draw G______ FI
E __
a line GD parallel to BF, cutting BE in D. CD will
then be the required line. D D C
FIG. 4.23 (d) (e) (fj
on the line
(il) Both ends of the line may not be visible from intermediate points 2 2
From t:. BCD, Brl = BC + CD - 2BC x CD cos 9
(Fig. 4.24).
Case (!) : Method of reciprocal ranging BC 2 + CD'-B D' (j"\
.~"';~ q, -
3.3 .r;-'!J' !.Jt: l.l.S~~- B 2 BC: X
-· 0
lr to any convenient point D. At D,
Case (II) : (Fig. 4.26)
Method (a) : Select point B on one side and A and C on the other side. Erect set a right angle DE such that
AD and CE as perpendiculars to AB and range B. D and E in one line. Measure AC, DE= DB. Chocse another point F on
AD and CE [Fig. 4.26 (a)]. If a line DF is drawn parallel to AB, coning CE in F DE such that DE = DC. With F as
centre and AB as radius, draw an arc. B A G E
perpendicularly, then triangles ABD and FDE will be similar.
AB DF With E as centre, draw another .arc (a) (b)
=k'' ~ ~ ~
-·, point F. ·On AF, choose any point H
and construct an equilateral triangle
(c) (d)
:' !''
1r ir
~ FHK. Join F and K and produce it
Ai o~C~ . '<;'
to D such that FD=FA. Chocse a point
G on FD and construct an equilateral triangle CDG. The direction CD is ifi range with
·the chain line [Fig. 4.27 (c)]. The length BC is given by
. F
I i E
(a) (b) (c)
Method (d) : Select two points A and B on the chain line and set a line CBD
at any angle. Join A and C and produce it to F such that AF = n . AC. Similarly join
FIG. 4.26. OBSTACLES TO CHAINING. A and D and produce it to G such that AG = n. AD. Join F and G and mark point
Method (c) : Erect a perpendicular AC at A and chocse any convenient point C. E on it such that FE = n . BC. Similarly, produce AF and AG to H and K re>pectively
With the help of an optical square, fix a point D on the chain line in such a way that such that AH=n' .AC and AK=n' .AD. Join Hand K and mark· I on it in such a
BCD is a right angle [Fig. 4.26 (c)]. Measure AC and AD. Triangles ABC and DAC way that HJ = n' . CB. Join EJ, which will be in range with chain line. The obstructed
AB AC distance BE is given by ,!Fig.4.27 (d)) :
are similar. Hence Therefore, AB = AC'
Method (d) : Fix poim C in such a way that it subtends 90° with AB. Range J, BE= n. AB-AB = (n- l)AB.
D in. line with AC and make AD= AC. At D. erect a perpendicular DE to cut the line
in E [Fig. 4.26 (d)]. Then AB = AE.
J Example 4.6. To continue a survey line AB past an obstacle, a line BC 200 metres
long was set out perpendicular to AB, and from C angles BCD and BCE were sec our
at 600 and 45° respectively. Detennine the lengths which must be chained off along CD
and .CE in order thai ED may be in AB produced. Also, c
A building is the typical example of this type of obstacle. The problem lies in prolonging
~I(; detemtine the obstructed length BE.
the line beyond the obstacle and detennining the distance across it. The following are :;.
some of the methods (Fig. 4.27). Solution. (Fig. 4.28).
Method (a) : Choose two points A and B to one side and erect perpendiculars AC L ABC is 90 o
and BD of equal length. Join CD and prolong it past the obstacle. Cbocse two points From t. BCD, CD = BC sec 60° = 200 x 2 = 400 m.
E and F on CD and erect perpendiculars EG and FH equal to that of AC (or BD). Join From tJ. BCE, and CE = BC sec 45° = 200 x 1.4142
GH and prolong it. Measure DE. Evidently, BG=DE [Fig. 4.27 (a)]. 90"
= 282.84 m. 0
Method (b) : Select a poim A and erect a perpendicular AC of any convenient length. A B
BE= BC tan 45° =200 x I =200 m.
Select another poim B on the chain line such that AB = AC. Join B and C and prolong FIG. 4.28
opposite sides of the pond. On the left of''li}r g line AK, 200 .. CB=0.6 CB+48 or C8=12 0m
m long was laid down and a second b'ne ~'·· 250 I!' long, 4.10. CROSS STAFF SURVEY
was ranged on the rig/u of AD, the points B, if and C ·being determine its
in the same straig/u line. BD and DC were then chaJ'ned and Cross staff survey is done to locate the boundaries of a field and to
through the centre of the area whicb is divided into a number
found to be 125 m and 150 m respectively. Find the length c area. A chain line is run
order of their chainage
of AD. FIG. 4.29 of triangles and trapezoids. The offsets to the boundary are taken in
chain, tape, arrows and a cross staff.
Solution . (Fig. 4.29). In ll. ABC, Let L AQJ= 8 The instruments required for cross staff survey are
After the field work ~ over, the survey is plotted to a suitable scale.
AC = 250 m ; AB = 200 m ; BC = BD +DC= 125 + 150 = 275 m calculate
Example 4.10. Plot the following cross staff survey of a field ABCDEFG and
2 2 2 2
Now, s 8 = AC' + CB'- AB _ (250) + (275) - (200) = 9.813 = O 7137 its area [Fig. 4.32 (a)].
co 2 A c X CB 2 X 250 X 275 13.75 .
From tl.ADC, AD'= AC' +CD'- 2 AC. CD cos 8 750 Io
2 C
= (250) +(!50) - 2(250) (J50) X 0.7!37 = 31474.5
2 650 210 E
Example 4.8.
AD= 177.41 m.
A survey line BAC crosses a river, A and
C180l4 90l ~
I 5 : 6 l 7
C being on the near and distant banks respectively. Standing at --·.d_·--f ·-~D
D, a point 50 metres measured perpendicularly to AB from A, the
l~ 300 1250 F A4t·_j~~--
2 3 4 1 I
bearings of C and B are 320 • and 230 • respectively, AB being .~~'. 5 : -::= a tso I tso I l
25 metres. Find the widJh of the river.
., ' '' ''
'-.. ']
Solution. (Fig. 4.30), too ISO G
In ll.ABD ,AB=2 5m; AD=50 m ~A F
25 0.5 (b)
tan LBDA = = or LBDA = 26' 34' (a)
50 B
LBDC = 320' - 230' = 90' and LADC = 90' - 26' 34' = 63' 26' FIG. 4.30 PIG. 4.32
26' =100 m the area are
Again. from ll. ADC, CA =AD tan ADC =50 tan 63' Solution. Fig 4.32 (b) sbows the field ABCDEFG. The _calculations for
and C. and
: Example 4.9. A survey line ABC cuts the banks of a river at B give11 i!! the table helow ·
set out roughly parallel ro the
ro de<emune rhe aistance BC, a line BE, 60 m long was
river. A point D was then found in CE produce d and middle point F of DB derermin ed. I S.No.l Figure Chainage Base Offseu Mean I Arra
1 (m) (m) (m) (m)
EF was then produced to G, making FG equal to EF,
line in H. GH and HB were found to be 40 and 80 metres
and DG produce d to cut the survey
I I. AjG 0 & 100 100 0 & so 2S 2.SOO
long respe~rively, :ind the distance from B to C . ~)· ::= 2. jGFm 100 & 300 200 so & 2SO !SO 30,000
Solullon. (F1g. 4.31) . \ 350 250 & 210 230 80,SOO
3. mFEP 300 & 650
In BEDG, BF = FD and GF =FE 650 & 750 100 210 & 0 lOS IO,SOO
4. pED
Hence BEDG is a parallelogram. s. ABk 0 & 180 180 0 & 160 80 '
170 52.700
Hence GD =BE= 60 m 6. BknC 180 & 490 310 160 & 180
180 & 0 90 23.400
HD =HG+ GD =40 + 60 =100m 7. CnD 490 &750 260
Total 214.000 J
From similar triangles CHD and CBE, we get
CB BE AI . . Area of Field= 214000 m = 21.4 hectares.
FIG. 4.31
towards the top of the sheet and it is centrally placed. The way to achieve this, is to the offset scale and the offsets
~ ~rn
first plot the skeleton on a tracing paper and rotate it on the drawing paper. After having are measured along its edge.
oriented it suitably, the points may be pricked through. To begin with. base line is first Thus, the offsets can be plot- *'if.*
plotted. The other' trian- ted to both the sides of the Jf*if.
gles are then laid by in- TTTT line. )f. *'if.
Board Fence
tersection of arcs. Each Stone Fence Telt Line Different features on ~ •..
triangle must be verified (Chain Une)
Balbed Wire
f!IIQI:O: I'+»Q
the ground are represented Level Crossing Pine Tree Church
by measuring the check by different symbols. Figs.
------------· Power LJne
(\.~~·~~::x~ ~
Haclge (Green)
Pipe Railing
line on the plan and com- 4.33 and 4.34 shows some
Boundaries Fence Fence & Hedge Lines
paring it with its meas- convenJional symbols com- T.B.M_ .;.
ured length in the field. . .:·'
-----or::::::: monly used.
If the discrepancy is not Path Single Una
within the limits. meas- -----------·
Bench Marks ~~
Unfenced Road Aetuse Heap Sand PI! Rocks
urements may be taken
again. If it is less, the
.c~ndoe TTTTI I I I
Fenced Road
Double Line r!
error may be adjusted
Road and Path Railway Embankmenl Cu11ing PROBLEMS
After having
,,•• tJ,,, ,,,,,,,,, 1. Explain the principle on which chain survey is based.
drawn the skeleton con- -li
,,,,11,,, ,,,,h,,, 2. Explain, with neat diagrams the construction and working of the following
~ ~
sisting a nwnber of tri-
,,,,h,,, ,,,,,,,,,
angles, offsets may be (a) Optical square (b) Prism square (c) Cross staff. '"
plotted. There are two ~ ~ t ,,,,11,,, ·'''"''• 3. What are the insliUIDents used in chain surveying ? How is a chain survey executed in
methods of plotting the
offsets. In the first
DeciUuous Tr~s Evergreen Trees Rough Pastures Marsh lhe field ?
d. Whar is a well conditil)mll triangle ? Why is it necessary ,., use well-c:nnditioned triang:les.?
methM. !he ('halmtges of ..
the offsets are marked on I WI-I ~d i 5. (a) Explain clearly the principle of chain surveying. ,i
the chain line and per- Hous~
"(( (b) How would you orient in direction a chain survey plot on the drawing sheet.
~";~ I
. . [J
pendicular to the chain
(Small Shed (c) Set out clearly the precautions a surveyor should observe in booking the field work of
line are erected with the 15 (A.M.l.E.)
Scale) U>ko a chain survey.
help of a set-square. In Cultivated land Buildings River, Lake Conlours 6. Illustrate any four of the following by neat line diagrams (explanation and description not
the othc. method, the required) :
plotting is done with the
help of, an offset scale. =IIH!H!HIHI=
Fairy r
(a) Permaneru reference of a survey station. (b) ConsUllction and working of eilher an optical
square or a prism square. (c) Melhods of checking the triangle of a chain survey. (d) Methods
A long scale is kept par- of setting out a chain line perpendicular to a given chain line and passing through a given point
allel to the chain line and 'r------{
,... ......" I :::::2:.L: I I r,.,.,,. 8 laying outside the latter. (e) The prismatic reading arrangement in a prismatic compass.
a distance equal to half Tunnel L__J (/) Map conventional signs for a meralled road, a hedge with fence, a tram line. a house
Brfrlges C;mal Lock SlalfC"~ and a rivule<. (A.M.l.E.)
the length of the offset
scale. The offset scale 7. (a) What factors should be cons!dered in deciding the stations of a chain survey ?
coJ]si:;ts of a small scale FIG. 4.33. CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS.
(b) What detailed instructions would you give oo a fresh trainee surveyor regarding the care
and use of his field book for recording survey measurements?
8. Explain !he following rerms : (a) Base line (b) Check line (c) Tie line (d) Swing offset
(e) Oblique offset IJ) Random line.
9. Explain how will you continue chaining past the following obstacles
(a) a pond (b) a river (c) a hill (d) a Ia!! building. The Compass
10. Explain Various methods for determining the width of a river.
11. Find the maximum length of an offset so that the displacement of a point on the paper
should not exceed 0.25 mm, given that the offset was laid out 3° from its true direction and the
scale was 20 m to 1 em. 5.1. INTRODUCTION
12. To what accuracy should the Qffset be measured if the angular error in laying out lhe Chain surveyn;g can be used when the area to be surveyed is comparatively small
direction is 4° so that the maximum displacement of the point on the paper from one source of and is fairly flat. However, when large areas are involved, methods of chain surveying
error may be same as that from the other source. a/one are not sufficieii( and conveniem. In such cases, it becomes essential ro use some
13. Find lhe maximum length of offset so that displacement of the Point on the paper from sort of insUlllD.erit which enables arigles or direcriOris of the survey lines ro be observed.
bolb sources of error should not exceed 0.25 mm, given that the offset is measured with an accUracy In engineering practice, following are the instruments used for such measuremems :
of 1 in SO and scale is I em = 8 m.
14. Find the maximum permissible error in laying off lhe direction of offset so that the maximum
(a) Instruments for the direct measuremeJU of directions :
(i) Surveyor's Compass
displacement may not exceed 0.25 mm on the paper, given that the length of the offset is 10 metres,
the scale is 20 m to. 1 em and the maximum error in the length of the offset is 0.3 m. (il) Prismatic Compass
15. A main line of a survey crosses a river about 25 m wide. To find the gap in lhe (b) Instruments for measurements of angles
line, stations A and B are established on lhe opposite banks of lhe river and a perpendicular AC.
60 m long is set out at A. If the bearings of AG and and CB are 30° and 270° respectively, (1) Sextant ·
and the chainage at A is 285.1 m, find the chainage at B. (ii) Theodolite . J . - _,.
16. A chain line ABC crosses a river, B and C being on the near and distant banks respectively. Traverse Survey. Traversing is that type of survey in which a number of connected
The respective bearings of C and A taken at D. a point 60 m measured at right angles to AB survey lines ·rann the framework and me directionS' and lengths of the survey line are
from B are 280° and 190°, AB being 32 m. Find the width of the river. measured with the help of an angle (or direction) measuring instrument and a tape (or l'
17. In passing an obstacle in the forin of a pond, stations A and D, on the main line, chain) respectively. ·When the lineS fonn a circuit which ends' at the starting point.· it is
were taken on the opposite sides of the pond. On the left of AD, a line AB, 225 m long was known as a closed lraverse. If the circuit ends elsewhere, ·it~ is said to be an open traverse.
laid down, and a second line AC, 275 m long, was ranged on the right of AD, lhe points B, The various methods of traversing have been dealt with in detail in Chapter 1.
D and C being in the same straight line. BD and DC were then chained and found to be 125 TTnjfc: f'f A!lgle Measurement . .A.n angle is rhe difference in directions of tw0 intersecriny
m and 1~7 5 m r~ecrivel~· Finr! ~h~ '~!"!gr!"o ,...f 1n
18. (A) What are the conventional signs used to denote the following ; (1) road, (i1) railway double
line. (iii) cemetery. (iv) railway bridge, and (v) canal with lock ?
(b) Differentiate between a Gunter's chain and an Engineer's chain. State relative advantages
of each. (A.M.l.E. May. 1966)
lines. There are three popular systems of angular measurement
(a) Sexagesimal System : I Circumference
I degree
l minute
= 360°(degrees of arc)
= 60'tminures of "arc)
= 60" (second of arc)
19. B and C are two points on lhe opposite banks of a river along a chain line ABC which (b) Centesimal System : l circumference = 400' (grads)
crosses the river at right angles to the bank. From a point P which is 150 ft. from B along the
~·; grad = IOO' (centigrads)
baok, !he bearing of A is 215" 30' and !he beariog of C is 305° 30' If !he Ienglh AB is 200 cendgrad =100~~ (centicentigrads)
ft., find Ihe widlh of !he river. (A.M.l.E. May 1966)
circumference = 24h (hours of time)
(c) Hours System
ANSWERS hour :.: 60m (minutes of time
ll. 9.5 m 12. l in 14.3 13. 7.07 m 14 zo 18' 15. 386 m 16 112.5 m
minute = 605 (seconds of time:
17 212.9 m 19 ll2.5 ft. (109)