HW 1

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You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on

BURNING HOPES: Anti-tobacco advocacy groups peg Africa as a region of
high concern due to its residents' growing habit.
A. Africa is already beleaguered by infectious diseases, such as AIDS and
malaria, but now the continent's residents face growing health threats
from preventable illnesses brought on by lifestyle changes, such as
from poor diets and smoking. In an effort to stave off these maladies,
advocates have turned their sights on tobacco use, which is on the rise
throughout Africa and projected to double by 2021. Of the
approximately one billion people across the world who use tobacco, 60
million to 80 million live in Africa.
B. Along with lobbying for higher tobacco taxes and broader public health
messages, advocates are hoping to eliminate smoking in public places
in an effort to protect people from both first- and second-hand smoke.
About a billion people worldwide live in municipalities where smoking
is outlawed in public places, according to a report published Tuesday
by Global Smoke free Partnership (a joint initiative backed by the
American Cancer Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public
Health, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and 14 other entities) and
announced in time for the African Organization for Research and
Training in Cancer 's (AORTIC) "Cancer in Africa" conference taking
place this week in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Reducing second-hand
smoke exposure can reduce the rates of lung cancer, heart attacks and
breathing trouble in populations.

Reading I 21
C. "It's one of the most frustrating things," Thomas Glynn, director of
International Cancer Control for the American Cancer Society (ACS) and
acting head of the Global Smoke free Partnership says, about knowing that
many nicotine-related illnesses can be prevented-especially among those
who do not smoke with the right laws and education. A few countries in
Africa have taken a firm stance on public smoking. The Indian Ocean
nation, Mauritius, and South Africa have passed strong national smoke­
free laws, and Nigeria's capital, Abuja, has a local ordinance in effect. But
in many areas throughout the continent, politically connected and
economically strong tobacco companies and their addictive products are
shaping up to be a substantial opponent (British American Tobacco, a
member of the industry group the Tobacco Institute of Southern Africa, did
not respond to request for comment).
D. Tobacco causes about 5.4 million deaths worldwide each year,
according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a number that is
set to rise in the coming decades even as use decreases in many
developed countries. But it is not just the smokers who suffer from the
ill effects of their habits. Since 1986 second-hand smoke has been
recognized internationally as a contributor to lung cancer and, in 2006,
the U.S. Surgeon General went so far as to say "there is no safe level of
exposure to second-hand smoke." These findings, however, have not
widely been put into regulatory action, leaving some 90 percent of
Africans without local or national smoke-free laws, the new report
notes. For example, in Tunisia, where tobacco use is especially high,
even teachers and doctors smoke at work, according to a report issued
earlier this year by the Economist Intelligence Unit, a London-based
firm that provides business and market research, and backed by Pfizer.
E. Aside from the millions of tobacco-related deaths annually, the range of
long-term disability that tobacco smoke exposure can induce also takes
a toll on health and productivity. "We focus on lung cancer deaths, but
more people are disabled by emphysema and heart disease and can't
provide for their families," Glynn says.
F. In developed countries, heart attacks in areas with smoke-free laws
dropped by 36 percent three years after laws went into effect, according
to a report released in September by the American Heart Association.
California, one of the first states in the U.S. to institute substantial
local law banning public smoking, has seen a reduction in lung cancer,

22 I Reading
Glynn notes. "From a biological plausibility standpoint, there's no
reason we wouldn't see a similar decrease in Africa countries," he says.
G. "The science is established," Glynn says. "It's now the legal and
regulatory issues that are being dealt with." But in cities such as
Abuja, where more than half of school students do not know that
second-hand smoke can be hazardous, creating public support for laws
and enforcement can be challenging. And in countries that grow
tobacco, such as Tanzania, where about 6 percent of the country's
income is tied to the crop, limiting the product's range can be met with
formidable financial resistance.
Why has Africa become the new international target for stemming the
tobacco tide? "You have to look at it from the perspective of the tobacco
industry," Glynn says. Africa is home to about 12 percent of the world's
population but only 4 percent of the world's tobacco users. "That makes it a
battleground, but that also makes it a golden opportunity for prevention,"
he says "No one has ever accused the tobacco industry of being stupid,"
Glynn says, noting that they have an obligation to look out for their
shareholders just like any enterprise. But, he notes, their tactics can be
strident. Aside from lobbying politicians to weaken smoke-free legislation,
such as by keeping some smoking areas in public places or mandating
ventilation rather than complete bans, the companies have targeted their
advertising to women and even children. "I have seen children wearing
child-sized Marlboro T-shirts," Glynn says "Smoking is not as prevalent
among women in Africa, which is not uncommon in developing regions,"
says Fred Pampel, associate vice chancellor for research at the University
of Colorado at Boulder, who has studied the demographics of tobacco use in
Africa. But that is no necessarily for the better. "Often adoption of smoking
by females lags behind males by about 10 years," he says, "so things could
change quickly for the worse."
The sheer number of young people also presents both promise and
potential trouble for nicotine-related health issues in Africa. As King
notes: "what the tobacco industry is banking on is the reservoir of non­
smokers among the youth population." As propagating health messages
to many African citizens - and healthcare workers - about tobacco's
hazards has proved difficult, so has gathering data about its use. Even
figures about tobacco consumption used in the ACS'S report are far

Reading I 23
from definitive. "They're educated estimates," Glynn says. Knowing the
data about who smokes - and why - would help health officials better
spread awareness.
Better numbers require better surveillance and more cancer registries.
Funding data-gathering work, however, can present a challenge when
many advocates point to cancer patients who need immediate treatment.
Nicotine-related diseases are only some of the non-communicable
sicknesses killing people in Africa, but Glynn proposes that with the spread
of the vaccine for cervical cancer and improved breast and prostate cancer
screening, those forms of malignancy will decrease, whereas tobacco­
related lung cancer will rise.
"It's very sad in that this is very predictable," Glynn says about "the march
of the Western lifestyle" that brings along with it tobacco use, unhealthy
diets, less physical activity - and more preventable diseases. But he does
not believe extinguishing these threats are insurmountable challenges,
agreeing with other experts that it will take a combination of education,
political will, grassroots efforts and global awareness.

24 I Reading
Question 1-6
Part 1 of READING PASSAGE 1 has seven paragraphs A-G.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-G from the list of headings
Write the correct number i-xi in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings
i. Loss of lives for ignorance of the threats
11. Lifestyle changes substantially
iii. The difficulties of enforcing laws
iv. Passive smoking is widespread
v. Opponents of laws and regulations go together
vi. Harm goes beyond death
vii. Smoking as an increasing health risk
viii. Calling for stopping smoking in public
ix. Tobacco croppers' resistances
x. The positive outcomes
xi. Establishing laws against smoking despite opposition

Example Answer
Paragraph B viii

1. Paragraph A

2. Paragraph C

3. Paragraph D

4. Paragraph E

5. Paragraph F

6. Paragraph G

Reading I 25
Questions ?-13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in READING
In boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the information
NO if the statement contradicts the information
NOTGIVEN if there is no information on this

'1. The proportion of smokers is substantially lower than its population seize in Africa.

8. African women smoke as frequently as men at present.

9. The trend in picking up smoking is identical in spite of gender differences.
10. The adolescent smokers are more profitable than elderly ones.
11. It is the local health officials' responsibilities to collect data of cigarette users.

12. Challenges arise from collecting data through more intense surveillance and
cancer patients registries.
13. The ultimate cure lies in the collaboration of multiple forces.

26 I Reading
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27 which are based on

Quantum Entanglement
A. Wouldn't it be nice to be an electron? Then you, too, could take
advantage of the marvels of quantum mechanics, such as being in two
places at once very handy for juggling the competing demands of
modern life. Also, physicists have long spoiled the fantasy by saying
that quantum mechanics applies only to microscopic things.
B. Yet that is a myth. In the modern view that has gained traction in the
past decade, you don't see quantum effects on everyday life not because
you are big, but because those effects are camouflaged by their own
sheer complexity. They are there if you know how to look, and
physicists have been realizing that they show up in the macroscopic
world more than they thought. "The standard arguments may be too
pessimistic as to the survival of quantum effects," says Nobel laureate
physicist Anthony Leggett of the University of Illinois.
C. In the most distinctive such effect, called entanglement, two electrons
establish a kind of telepathic link that transcends space and time. And
not just electrons: you too, retain a quantum bond with your loved ones
that endures no matter how far apart you may be. If that sounds
hopelessly romantic, the flip side is that particles are incurably
promiscuous; hooking up with every other particle they meet. So you
also retain a quantum bond with every loser who ever bumped into you
on the street and every air molecule that ever brushed your skin. The
bonds you want are overwhelmed by those you don't. Entanglement
thus foils entanglement, a process known as de-coherence.
D. To preserve entanglement for use in, say, quantum computers,
physicists use all the tactics of a parent trying to control a teenager's
love life, such as isolating the particle from its environment or
chaperoning the particle and undoing any undesired entanglements.
And they typically have about as much success. But if you can't beat
the environment, why not use it? "The environment can act more

Reading 12'1
positively," says physicist Vlatko Vedral of the National University of
Singapore and the University of Oxford.

E. One approach has been suggested by Jianming Cai and Hans J. Briegel
of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information in
Innsbruck Austria, and Sandu Popescu of the University of Bristol in
England. Suppose you have a V-shaped molecule you can open and
close like a pair of tweezers. When the molecule closes, two electrons on
the tips become entangled. If you must keep them there, the electrons
will eventually de-cohere as particles from the environment bombard
them, and you will have no way to re-establish entanglement.

F. The answer is to open up the molecule and, counter intuitively, leave the
electrons even more exposed to the environment. In this position, de­
coherence resets the electrons back to a default, lowest-energy state. Then
you can close the molecule again and re-establish entanglement afresh. If
you open and close fast enough, it is as though the entanglement was
never broken. The team calls this "dynamic entanglement," as opposed to
the static kind that endures as long as you can isolate the system from
bombardment. The oscillation notwithstanding, the researchers say
dynamic entanglement can do everything the static sort can.

G. A different approach uses a group of particles that act collectively as

one. Because of the group's internal dynamics, it can have multiple
default, or equilibrium, states, corresponding to different but
comparably energetic arrangements. A quantum computer can store
data in these equilibrium states rather than in individual particles.
This approach, first proposed a decade ago by Alexei Kitaev, then at
the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics in Russia, is known as
passive error correction, because it does not require physicists to
supervise the particles actively. If the group deviates from equilibrium,
the environment does the work of pushing it back. Only when the
temperature is high enough does the environment disrupt rather than
stabilize the group. "The environment both adds errors as well as
removes them," says Michal Horodecki of the University of Gdansk in

H. The trick is to make sure it removes faster than it adds. Horodecki,

Hector Bombin of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and their

28 I Reading
colleagues recently devised such a setup, but for geometric reasons it
would require higher spatial dimensions. Several other recent papers
make do with ordinary space; instead of relying on higher geometry,
they thread the system with force fields to tilt the balance toward error
removal. But these systems may not be able to perform general

I. This work suggests that, contrary to conventional wisdom,

entanglement can persist in large, warm systems including living
organisms. "This opens the door to the possibility that entanglement
could play a role in, or be a resource for, biological systems," says
Mohan Sarovar of the University of California, Berkeley, who recently
found that entanglement may aid photosynthesis (see "Chlorophyll
Power," by Michael Moyer; Scientific American, September 2009). In
the magnetism-sensitive molecule that birds may use as compasses,
Vedral, Elisabeth Rieper, also at Singapore, and their colleagues
discovered that electrons manage to remain entangled 10 to 100 times
longer than the standard formulas predict. So although we may not be
electrons, living things can still take advantage of their wonderful

Reading I 29
Questions 14-20

READING PASSAGE 2 has nine paragraphs A-I.

Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-I in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any paragraph more than once.

14. methods physicists learn from parents' supervising kids

15. two distinctive types of entanglements

16. a particular reason why quantum effects are overlooked

1 '1. a mention of storing information not in individual particles

18. geometric restrictions of a newly devised approach

19. the fact that heat is an important environmental factor which influences the

stability of particles

20. details of international collaborations of experts

30 I Reading
Questions 21-25

Do the following statements agree with the information given in READING

PASSAGE 2? In boxes 21-25 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOTGIVEN if there is no information on this

21. Quantum mechanics are applicable to the present social life.

22. The efforts to preserve entanglement are not always successful.

23. The electrons in a V-shaped molecule would be separated when they are kept

together for a long time.

24. The dynamic entanglement is favoured by the scientists over the static


25. Too high temperature would have negative effects on the stability of group of


Questions 26 and 27'

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each
Write your answers in boxes 26 and 2 7 on your answer sheet.

26. What is the term for the effects entanglement has on itself?

2t'. What is the name for the approach designed by a Russian institute?

Reading I 31
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 28-40 which are based on
READING PASSAGE 3 on the following pages.

Growing Skyscrapers: The Rise of Vertical Farms

A. Together the world's 6.8 billion people use land equal in size to South
America to grow food and raise livestock - an astounding agricultural
footprint. And demographers predict the planet will host 9.5 billion
people by 2050. Because each of us requires a minimum of 1,500
calories a day, civilization will have to cultivate another Brazil's worth
of land - 2.1 billion acres - if farming continues to be practiced as it is
today. That much new, arable earth simply does not exist. To quote the
great American humourist Mark Twain: "Buy land. They're not making
it anymore."
B. Agriculture also uses 70 percent of the world's available freshwater for
irrigation, rendering it unusable for drinking as a result of
contamination with fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and silt. If current
trends continue, safe drinking water will be impossible to come by in
certain densely populated regions. Farming involves huge quantities of
fossil fuels, too - 20 percent of all the gasoline and diesel fuel
consumed in the U.S. The resulting greenhouse gas emissions are of
course a major concern, but so is the price of food as it becomes linked
to the price of fuel, a mechanism that roughly doubled the cost of
eating in most places worldwide between 2005 and 2008.
C. Some agronomists believe that the solution lies in even more intensive
industrial farming, carried out by an ever decreasing number of highly
mechanized farming consortia that grow crops having higher yields - a
result of genetic modification and more powerful agrochemicals. Even
if this solution were to be implemented, it is a short-term remedy at
best, because the rapid shift in climate continues to rearrange the
agricultural landscape, foiling even the most sophisticated strategies.
Shortly after the Obama administration took office, Secretary of
Energy Steven Chu warned the public that climate change could wipe
out farming in California by the end of the century.
D. What is more, if we continue wholesale deforestation just to generate

32 I Reading
new farmland, global warming will accelerate at an even more
catastrophic rate. And far greater volumes of agricultural runoff could
well create enough aquatic "dead zones" to turn most estuaries and
even parts of the oceans into barren wastelands.

E. As if all that were not enough to worry about, food borne illnesses
account for a significant .number of deaths worldwide - salmonella,
cholera, Escherichia coli and shigella, to name just a few. Even more of
problems are life-threatening parasitic infections, such as malaria and
schistosomiasis. Furthermore, the common practice of using human
feces as a fertilizer in most of Southeast Asia, many parts of Africa,
and Central and South America _(commercial fertilizers are too
expensive) facilitates the spread of parasitic worm infections that
afflict 2.5 billion people.

F. Clearly, radical change is needed. One strategic shift would do away

with almost every ill just note: grow crops indoors, under rigorously
controlled conditions, in vertical farm. Plants grown in high-rise
buildings erected on now vacant city lots and in large, multistory
rooftop greenhouses could produce food year-round using significantly
less water, producing little waste, with less risk of infectious diseases,
and no need for fossil-fueled machine1·y or transport from distant rural
farms. Vertical farming could revolutionize how we feed ourselves and
the rising population to come. Our meals would taste better, too;
"locally grown" would become the norm.

G. The working descriptions sound outrageous at first. But engineers,

urban planners and agronomists who have scrutinized the necessary
technologies are convinced that vertical farming is not only feasible but
should be tried.

H. Growing our food on land that used to be intact forests and prairies is
killing the planet, setting up the processes of our own extinction. The
minimum requirement should be a variation of the physician's credo:
"Do no harm." In this case, do no further harm to the earth. Humans
have risen to conquer impossible odds before. From Charles Darwin's
time in the mid-1800s and forward, with each Malthusian prediction of
the end of the world because of a growing population came a series of
technological breakthroughs that bailed us out. Farming machines of
all kinds, improved fertilizers and pesticides, plants artificially bred for
greater productivity and disease resistance, plus vaccines and drugs for

Reading I 33
common animal diseases all resulted in more food than the nsmg
population needed to stay alive.
I. That is until the 1980s, when it became obvious that in many places
farming was stressing the land well beyond its capacity to support
viable crops. Agrochemicals had destroyed the natural cycles of
nutrient renewal that intact ecosystems use to maintain themselves.
We must switch to agricultural technologies that are more ecologically
J. As the noted ecologist Howard Odum reportedly observed: "Nature has
all the answers, so what is your question?" Mine is: How can we all live
well and at the same time allow for ecological repair of the world's
ecosystems? Many climate experts - from officials at the United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to sustainable
environmentalist and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari
Manthai - agree that allowing farmland to revert to its natural grassy
or wooded states is the easiest and most direct way to slow climate
change. These landscapes naturally absorb carbon dioxide, the most
abundant greenhouse gas, from the ambient air. Leave the land alone
and allow it to heal our planet.
K. Examples abound. The demilitarized zone between South and North
Korea, created in 1953 after the Korean War, began as a 2.5-mile-wide
strip of severely scarred land but today is lush and vibrant, fully
recovered. The once bare corridor separating former East and West
Germany is now verdant. The American dust bowl of the 1930s, left
barren by overfarming and drought, is once again a highly productive
part of the nation's breadbasket. And all of New England, which was
clear-cut at least three times since the 1 700s, is home to large tracts of
healthy hardwood and boreal forests.

34 I Reading
Questions 28-36
Complete the summary of paragraphs A-F.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 28-36 on your answer sheet.

Demographers estimate that the world population would increase

significantly. Because the consumption of 28 _____ on a daily basis,
humans need to bring more land under plough under the current agricultural
practices. However, this is difficult to achieve. Agriculture is responsible for
the deterioration of drinking water because most of it serves the purpose of

29_____ and the situation is threatening to some SO _____

communities. 31 _____ are another drawback entailed by farming
because of the emissions. The increase in the food price would greatly
influence global food cost. Some specialists advocate the adoption of more

intensive industrial farming for more efficient farming. However, this is a

32. _____ since climate changes have a series of negative impacts.
New farmland is produced from 33_____ , which would consequently
accelerate the increase in the world temperature. More ·unproductive

wastelands would be created by much more serious 34_____ . The

most serious concern should be paid to 35 contributing

significantly to the global mortality rates. Some radical changes could be

made in 36 _____ which could bring about revolutions in the way we

feed ourselves and the coming on-the-rise population.

Reading I 35
Questions 37-40

Do the following statements agree with the information given in READING

In boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the information
NO if the statement contradicts the information
NOTGIVEN if there is no information on this

3:;r_ Since Charles Darwin's time until the 1950s, mankind has managed to survive

owing directly to a range of technologies developed for the well-being of us.

38. Agrochemicals were the only factor that upset the ecosystem.

39. The most effective approach to overcoming climate changes is to reconvert the

cropped lands into meadow or forest.

40. The efforts to recover the natural landscapes are unsuccessful around the


36 I Reading

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