System Analysts
System Analysts
System Analysts
Long Questions:
True or False:
1. Transaction Processing Systems function at the higher level in the organization.
2. Office automation systems support data workers who create knowledge.
3. MIS replace transaction processing systems.
4. At a time system analysts perform only one role in the organization.
5. Management Information Systems are intended to bring a group together to solve a problem
with supports such as questionnaires, brainstorming, and polling.
6. To access information users of MIS share a common database.
7. WLANs, Wi-Fi, and PDAs are all systems under the standard Bluetooth.
8. Examples of open source projects include Apache for developing a Web server, the browser
called Mozilla Firefox, and Linux.
9. ESS reply on the information generated by TPS and MIS.
10. Systems analysis and design is used to analyze, design, and implement improvements in the
support of users and the functioning of businesses.
11. Ajax is a technique that uses a combination of two or more programming languages to upload a
12. The three primary roles of the systems analyst are consultant, supporting expert, and agent of
13. A supporting expert is a person who serves as a catalyst for change, develops a plan for change,
and works with others in facilitating that change.
14. The first phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle requires identifying problems in the given
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15. A data dictionary lists all the data items used in a system, as well as their specifications.
16. Physical user interfaces include designing files or databases, design controls, and backup
17. The last phase of systems development involves maintenance of the system, program updates,
and its documentation.
18. Analysts rely on CASE tools to increase productivity, communicate more effectively with users,
and integrate the work they do on the system from start to the end of life cycle.
19. Visible Analyst enables systems analysts to perform graphical planning, analysis, and design in
order to build complex client/server applications and databases.
20. CASE tools are used to integrate databases and terminate after the third phase of SDLC.
21. Lower CASE tools are used more often by programmers who must implement the systems
designed via upper CASE tools.
22. A disadvantage of using lower CASE tools is that the amount of time spent on maintenance
decreases with code generation.
Short Questions:
1. State reasons why system analyst uses open-ended questions.
2. List the situations that warrant use of JAD in place of personal organizational interviews.
3. “List your top two priorities for improving the technology infrastructure”. State the type of
4. Which type of questions help in saving time, keeping control over interviews and getting relevant
5. In which type of questions arrangement, specific questions are asked first then general type of
questions and end with a specific questions.
Long Questions:
1. The Nokia consultant company wants to update the accounting functions, a maker of digital
cameras, you as a system analyst have to interview Mr. Ankit Shah , the chief accountant. Write
four to six interview objectives covering his use of decision-making frequency, desired qualities
of information, and decision-making style.
a. In a paragraph, write down how you will approach Ankit Shah to set up an interview.
b. State which structure you will choose for this interview. Why?
c. Ankit Shah has four subordinates who also use the system. Would you interview them
also? Why or why not?
d. d. Would you also try to interview customers (visitors to the Web site)? Are there better
ways to get the opinions of customers? Why or why not?
e. e. Write three open-ended questions that you will email to Ankit Shah prior to your
2. Examine the interview structure presented in the sequencing of the following questions:
1. How long have you been in this position?
2. What are your key responsibilities?
3. What reports do you receive?
4. How do you view the goals of your department?
5. How would you describe your decision-making process?
6. Who is consulted when you make a decision?
7. What is the one decision you make that is essential to departmental functioning?
a. What structure is being used in above questionnaire? How can you tell?
b. Restructure the interview by changing the sequence of the questions (you may omit some if
necessary). Label the reordered questions with the name of the structure you have used.
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C. Other than above mentioned questions which other questions can you formed for this
True or False:
1. The two key interactive methods to elicit human information requirements are interviewing, and
2. Opinions, in an interview, may be more important and more revealing than facts.
3. When establishing interviewing objectives, use background information you gathered and the
feelings of the interviewee.
4. When preparing an interviewee, call ahead or send an email message and allow the interviewee
time to think about the interview.
5. A special kind of closed question is the bipolar question.
6. The purpose of a probe is to draw out and expand on the interviewee's point.
7. A pyramid structure for interviewing goes from general to specific questions.
8. A diamond-shaped structure for interviewing combines the strengths of funnel and pyramid
9. JAD is useful when organizational workflow permits the presence of key personnel during a two-
to-four day block of time.
10. A JAD session should be held away from the corporate headquarters and in comfortable
11. A potential drawback of using JAD is the creative development of designs.
12. When you decide to survey users via email or the Web, you face problems such as confidentiality
and/or authentication of identity.
13. In an interview, the analyst has an opportunity to refine a question, respond to a puzzled look,
and control the context.
Short Questions:
1. What is a Data Flow Diagram? State its use?
2. List out any two advantages and disadvantages of Data Flow Diagram.
3. State the rules for constructing a context level diagram.
4. State the rules for constructing a zero level diagram.
5. What is a physical DFD?
6. What is a logical DFD?
7. Give the key difference between physical DFD and logical DFD.
8. For what purpose is a CRUD used?
9. How much maximum process does a zero level DFD have?
10. Define Data Store.
11. What is the purpose of partitioning DFD?
Long Questions:
1. Compare and contrast context diagram with zero level diagram.
2. State any explain the rules of creating zero level DFD with example.
3. What is a physical DFD? Explain its advantages in detail.
4. Draw a physical DFD for customer order process in supermarket information system.
5. Which are the elements of a DFD? Define and explain all of the elements.
6. Explain in detail child diagrams.
7. What do you mean by partitioning DFD? Describe website partitioning in detail.
8. Write a short note on Communicating DFD.
9. Draw a DFD for the following:
a. Music Course Management system
“A ballet studio receives an inquiry from a customer. A receptionist logs the inquiry into an
inquiry file, and forwards the inquiry to the facilities planning department and to the
scheduling department. The scheduling department coordinator searches the online course
catalog file to find a course description that best matches the customer’s needs. The
scheduling coordinator then searches the schedule file to find dates and times for that
course. Finally, the scheduling coordinator sends the course description along with
scheduled dates and times to the customer. ”
“Courier Management System is a Windows-based solution specifically designed for the courier
and parcel delivery industries. Courier Management System automates the in-field courier
process such as, inbound and outbound airway bills, delivery run sheets, accounts receivable
and real-time courier tracking.
The web-enabled interface allows the user to login from anywhere in the world, and track their
courier and also view the customer rate chart. The system is designed to integrate with
Financial Accounting, to eliminate duplication of data entry and is also scalable to grow along
with your company.”
Features :
1. Order & dispatch
2. Customer Information
3. Driver management
4. Billing (Using crystal reports)
5. Accounting reports (Using crystal reports)
“An operator receives a request from a customer for repairing of an electronic device through
telephone/email. The device is received in the office for repairing by the customer after fixing the date
and time through telephone/email. A repair analyst reviews the request and determines the type of
repair needed by accessing a repair codes file. The analyst makes an entry of the request in the customer
repair order file and forwards a copy to a technician. The technician completes the repair and forwards
the order to the quality control department. A quality control analyst tests the customer’s device to
verify that the problem has been resolved. The quality control analyst updates the customer repair order
file and sends one copy of the invoice/bill to the customer , and a second copy to the head of the quality
control department. The customer makes payment by cash/money order or cheque when he is delivered
the repaired device by a delivery man. ”
True or False:
1. Systems analysts can put together a graphical representation of data processes using Data Flow
Diagrams (DFDs).
2. The biggest advantage of the data flow approach lies in the conceptual freedom found in the use
of the four symbols.
3. One of the symbols used in data flow diagrams is an arrow in both directions.
4. A double rectangle is used to represent an external entity.
5. Processes in a rectangle with rounded corners always denote change in or transformation of
6. In logical data flow diagrams, the type of physical storage is specified.
7. Entities should be named with a verb-adjective-noun.
8. The first step in developing a data flow diagram is to make a list of data elements: external
entity, data flow, process, and data store.
9. The highest level in a data flow diagram is the context diagram which contains only one process.
10. Diagram 0 is the explosion of the context diagram and includes only one process.
11. Data flow diagrams must be drawn working forward or backward through the diagram.
12. The diagram on Diagram 0 that is exploded is called the child process.
13. In Diagram 0, the child diagram is given a different number than its parent process.
14. Data flow that matches the parent flow is called an interface data flow.
15. One of the common errors made when drawing data flow diagrams is pointing an arrow in the
wrong direction.
16. Data stores and external entities must connect only with a process.
17. Each child diagram should have different input or output data flow as the parent process.
18. A physical data flow diagram focuses on the business and how the business operates.
19. A logical data flow diagram focuses on how the system will be constructed.
20. Systems formed using logical data flow diagrams are more stable because they are based on
business events rather than on a particular technology.
21. Physical data flow diagrams are often more complex than logical data flow diagrams because of
the many data stores present in a system.
22. A CRUD matrix is a tool used to represent where master files are Created, Read, Updated, and
Deleted within a system.
23. Physical data flow diagrams contain the same items as found in logical data flow diagrams.
Short Questions:
1. Define the term data dictionary. Define metadata.
2. What are four reasons for compiling a complete data dictionary?
3. What information is contained in the data repository?
4. What is the difference between logical and physical data structures?
5. List three reasons for producing process specifications.
6. Define what is meant by a structured decision.
7. What are the two building blocks of structured English?
8. List five conventions that should be followed when using structured English.
9. What is the advantage of using structured English to communicate with people in the
10. What is the first step to take in developing decision table?
11. List the four main problems that can occur in developing decision tables.
12. What is one of the major advantages of decision tables over other methods of decision analysis?
13. List the four major steps in building decision trees.
14. What three advantages do decision trees have over decision tables?
15. In which two situations should you use structured English?
16. In which two situations do decision tables work best?
17. In which two situations are decision trees preferable?
Long Questions:
1. List the eight specific categories that each entry in the data dictionary should contain. Briefly give
the definition of each category.
2. What are the basic differences among data dictionary entries prepared for data stores, data
structures, and data elements?
3. Describe the difference between base and derived elements.
4. What are the main benefits of using a data dictionary?
5. How does a document type definition help to ensure that an XML document contains all
necessary elements?
6. Which quadrant of the decision table is used for conditions? Which is used for condition
7. What are the main uses of decision trees in systems analysis?
8. Why shouldn’t compiling the data dictionary be viewed as an end in itself?
9. What does extensible markup language (XML) describe?
10. What four elements must be known for the systems analyst to design systems for structured
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11. Create a data dictionary for the registration and login process of a library management system.
12. Create a data dictionary for customer order process of a Pizza Delivery System.
13. Create a data dictionary for billing process of an Online Shopping System.
True or False:
1. The data dictionary is one that is compiled by systems analysts to guide them through analysis
and design.
2. Data about data is called metadata.
3. A data dictionary may be used to determine the stored procedures and triggers.
4. A data dictionary contains information about data items and procedures.
5. A repository concept may contain procedural logic and use cases.
6. The four data dictionary categories are: data flows, data structures, data elements, and data
7. Data structures are usually the first components of a data dictionary to be defined.
8. Brackets [ ] represent an either/or situation.
9. Parentheses ( ) represent repetitive elements, also called repeating groups or tables.
10. The logical design stage shows what data the business needs for its day-to-day operations.
11. A data element is not an important element in the data dictionary and may not be entered in an
element description form.
12. An alias is another name used by different users in different systems.
13. The final length of an element is based on the OLE data type used to create an entity.
14. Zoned decimal format is one of the standard formats for mainframe computers.
15. A discrete data element is one that has all variable values.
16. All derived elements, such as the employee year-to-date gross pay, must be stored in a
17. The use of the binary number system allows the analyst to develop the data dictionary and the
data flow diagrams.
18. As child diagrams are created, the data flow into and out of the processes becomes more
19. An important step in creating a data dictionary is to identify the attributes of forms and reports.
20. Once a form is complete, each element should be analyzed to determine the duplicate elements.
21. Data stores represent data in motion.
22. Data stores created for only one report or screen are referred to as "user profiles."
23. The data dictionary should be tied into a number of systems programs so that when an item is
updated, it is automatically updated in the database.
24. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a language that can be used to exchange data between
businesses or between systems within a business.
25. A Document Type Definition is used to determine the validity of an XML document.
26. A "role" is a more precise way to define the content of an XML document.
27. Process specifications may be created for class methods in object-oriented design.
28. One of the goals to produce process specifications is to obtain a description of a system.
29. Subprograms are written and documented a number of times to validate the system design.
30. Process specifications link the process to the data flow diagram, and hence the data dictionary.
Short Questions:
1. List six objectives the analyst pursues in designing system output.
2. Give two instances that indicate that display output is the best solution for the choice of output
3. List potential electronic output methods for users.
4. List 10 factors that must be considered when choosing output technology.
5. What output type is best if frequent updates are a necessity?
6. What kind of output is desirable if many readers will be reading, storing, and reviewing output
over a period of years?
7. What are two of the drawbacks to audio output?
8. List three main ways in which presentations of output are unintentionally biased.
9. Why is it important to show users a prototype output report or display?
10. List four guidelines to facilitate the design of good display output.
11. Define stickiness.
12. What is the “three-clicks” rule?
13. How does a cascading style sheet allow the analyst to produce output?
14. What are RSS feeds?
15. How can the Web administrator use RSS feeds?
16. What are dashboards mainly used for?
17. What are widgets (or gadgets)?
18. List the four guidelines for good form design.
19. What is proper form flow?
20. What are the seven sections of a good form?
21. List four types of captioning for use on forms.
22. List the four guidelines for good display design.
23. What are the three sections useful for simplifying a display?
24. What are the advantages of using onscreen windows?
25. What are the disadvantages of using onscreen windows?
26. List two ways display screens can be kept consistent.
27. Give three ways to facilitate movement between display pages.
28. When should check boxes be used?
29. When should option buttons be used?
30. What are two different ways that form values are used?
31. What are hidden fields used for on a Web form?
32. List four different types of events.
Long Questions:
1. Contrast external outputs with internal outputs produced by the system. Remember to consider
differences in external and internal users.
2. What are three situations that point to printers as the best choice for output technology?
3. What are the drawbacks of electronic and Web-based output?
4. What are five ways the analyst can avoid biasing output?
5. What is the difference between constant and variable information presented on a report?
6. List six functional elements of printed reports.
7. List five stylistic or aesthetic elements of printed reports.
8. In what ways do displays, printed output, and Web-based documents differ?
9. What differentiates output for a DSS from that of a more traditional MIS?
10. What are the four primary considerations the analyst has when designing graphical output for
decision support systems?
11. List seven guidelines for creating good Web sites.
12. List five guidelines for using graphics in designing Web sites.
13. List seven ideas for improving the presentation of corporate Web sites that you design.
14. In what ways can you encourage companies to promote their Web sites that you have
15. What are the advantages of using XSLT instead of a cascading style sheet?
16. Why should a systems designer be aware of the popularity of widgets (or gadgets)?
17. How does a cascading style sheet allow the analyst to produce output?
18. What are the advantages of using an extensible style language transformation instead of a
cascading style sheet?
19. How does a Ajax help to build effective Web pages?
20. What are the design objectives for paper input forms, input screens, or Web-based fill-in forms?
21. What is a specialty form? What are some disadvantages of using specialty forms?
22. List four graphical interface design elements. Alongside each one, describe when it would be
appropriate to incorporate each of them in a display design or on a Web-based fill-in form.
23. How does Ajax improve a Web page that changes based on user actions?
24. List the five most legible foreground and background color combinations for display use.
25. What are four situations in which color may be useful for display and Web-based fill-in form
26. List seven design guidelines for a Web-based fill-in form.
27. Design an output webpage for profile page of a social networking website “SocialZone”. The
profile page should contain the following information:
Short Questions:
1. List some examples of entities and their attributes.
2. What is the difference between a primary key and an object identifier?
3. Define the term metadata. What is the purpose of metadata?
4. Name the three main types of database organization.
5. Define the term normalization.
6. What is removed when a relation is converted to the first normal form?
7. What is removed when a relation is converted from 1NF to 2NF?
8. What is removed when a relation is converted 2NF to 3NF?
9. List the three entity constraints. In a sentence, describe the meaning of each entity constraint.
10. Define denoramalization.
11. Define HCI.
12. What is meant by the word well-being when used in an HCI approach?
13. What are the two variables of the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)?
14. List five of the eleven usability heuristics for judging the usability of computer system and
ecommerce web sites provided by Nielsen and others.
Long Questions:
1. What are the advantages of organizing data storage as separate files?
2. What are the advantages of organizing data storage using a database approach?
3. What are the effectiveness measures of database design?
4. List types of commonly used conventional files. Which of these are temporary files?
5. Describe the four anomalies that may occur when creating database tables.
6. List the eight steps for retrieving, presorting and presenting data.
7. Explain the differences between traditional database and data warehouses.
8. Explain how fit among the HCI elements of the human, the computer, and the tasks to be
performed leads to performance and well-being.
9. What are the components of the term performance in the HCI context?
10. Describe some of the ways that a pivot table allows a user to arrange data.
11. Explain what is meant by question-and-answer interfaces. To what kind of users are they best
12. Describe how users use onscreen menus?
13. What are the advantages of web-based fill-in forms?
14. What are the drawbacks of web-based form-fill interfaces?
15. Explain what command-language interfaces are. To what types of users are they best suited?
16. Define graphical user interface. What is the key difficulty they present for programmers?
17. What are the roles of icons, graphics and color in providing feedback?
18. List eight ways for achieving the goal of minimal operator action when designing a user interface.
19. List five standards that can aid in evaluating user interfaces.
20. Describe two types of web site designs for eliciting feedback from customers.
21. List four practical ways that an analyst can improve the ease of user navigation and the stickiness
of an ecommerce web site.
22. What are hypertext links? Where should they be used?
23. Explain what is accomplished with a classification code.
24. Describe what a mashup is.
25. List the eight general guidelines for proper coding.
26. What three repetitive functions of data entry can be done more efficiently by a computer than
by a data entry operator?
27. List six data entry methods.
28. What are the eight tests for validating input data?
29. What is Unicode, and how is it used?
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30. What is the process for validating data entered into fields?
True or False:
1. One of the approaches used to store data in a computer-based system involves building a
2. A database is the main source of data meant to be shared by many users for various applications.
3. Users cannot have their own view of the data.
4. Many users extract parts of the central database from mainframes and download them onto PCs
or handheld devices.
5. An entity subtype is a special one-to-many relationship used to represent additional fields of
another entity.
6. There are three types of relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.
7. Many-to-many relationships describe associations in only one direction.
8. In an outer-join relationship, an entity has a relationship to itself.
9. A variable-length record is used as an alternative to reserving a large amount of space for the
longest possible record.
10. It is optional to have a primary key in a table but the table can have many fields.
11. Secondary keys can be used to select a group of records that belong to a set.
12. An object identifier is a secondary key for each record in a database.