VR Lesson
VR Lesson
VR Lesson
Why is using virtual reality a better fit than Other IEP goals and classroom goals is to be Picking Apples and Pumpkins (Book)
another instructional tool? able to take turns and wait for your turn. Red Apples
Students will be able to wait for their turn. Green Apples
A real-life field trip would be ideal; however, Yellow Apples
virtual reality is the next best thing. I plan to Small pumpkins
use virtual reality in conjunction with pictures, Large pumpkins
videos, and real-life objects. Pumpkin seeds
Pictures of vocabulary words
For example, I will have a fake pumpkin patch Google Cardboard Headset
with hay, fake grass, a scarecrow, and fake and
Phone with Google Cardboard app
real pumpkins. I will bring in apples and allow
Phone with YouTube app
students to look at the tree outside. I will bring
Smart board that connects to teacher
in a wagon and place hay inside it. I will have
laptop and internet
my book and pictures.
Wagon filled with hay
Vocabulary photos
In the event that my phone acts up, I will still During small group I would start the lesson off asking students what
have the real-life items, pictures, and videos to we have been learning about (Autumn/fall/pumpkins/apples/pumpkin
show my students. patch etc).
I would say today we are going to take a field trip to the pumpkin
patch in our class. We will take turns using this headset (holding it). I
will explain that we wait to take turns.
During instruction I will first model how hold the headset. Then I will
allow each student to stand up and look around while holding the
headset. I will remind students to take turns.
Yes, I plan on using VR for the apple orchard and then later in the
month for the hayride over multiple sessions. As stated, my students
lack the ability to attend an actual field trips thus I plan to us VR for
future field trips over the course of the year.