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VR Lesson

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Virtual Reality Lesson Planning Guide

Problem/Challenge Target Audience Technology

What problem of practice or instructional Will this instruction be used to support an What virtual reality application will you use?
barrier will this use of technology target? individual student or a small group of
students? I will use the Google Cardboard googles with
The instructional barrier and problem is the the Google Cardboard app. I will take a
lack of ability to attend a field trip due to the This will be used during small group. The class panoramic view of a pumpkin patch and apple
class I have. Currently my students are rotates through centers and this will take orchard.
studying the season of Autumn and none have place during my small group.
been to a pumpkin patch, apple orchard or Eventually, I will use YouTube for a virtual
rode a hay ride. What are the academic, social and/or reality hay ride. I plan for students to sit in the
behavioral needs of the individual(s)? wagon with hay while being pulled while they
How do you know this is a problem? look at the video.
This is an inside general education preschool
As a preschool inclusion teacher who has class. Meaning it’s an inclusion classroom of
students for half the day, going on a field trip three years old. All students’ peers and IEP Be specific about the functions of the tool
is out of the question. Students who attend students are learning how to share, take turns, and provide a link to a site which provides
the AM session would have to stay all day, and play. I have two students on the Autism more information.
students in the PM session would have to Spectrum (ASD). I have three English To learn more about Google Cardboard please
come in the morning. Those students who Language Learners (ELL). look at: https://vr.google.com/cardboard/.
couldn’t attend would need to stay at the Google Cardboard allows students to view
school with a familiar adult, meaning one less What is one academic or social/behavioral pictures on the Google Cardboard app and
working adult to attend the field trip. Subs goal of the target audience that you will videos on YouTube.
plans would need to be written. The cafeteria address through this integration of
staff would need to make breakfast for both technology?
AM and PM students, students would need Will you use the application in conjunction
bring lunch them or pay for one. Retrieving My students have IEP goals of labeling story with any other forms of technology in the
lunch for students who receive free lunch vocabulary words (pumpkin, apple, apple tree, classroom?
would be a challenge. Students would miss pumpkin patch, hayride, tractor, yellow,
bus opportunities home and need someone to orange, red, green, jack-o-lantern, pumpkin The classroom has a smart board where I will
pick them up. The school I work at does not pie, apple pie). Students will be asked to label display pictures and videos that are not for
have a protocol for changing diapers on a field what they see. For my verbal students they virtual reality.
trip. will verbally label what they saw. For my
None of my students know what an apple students who aren’t verbal, they will be given List all of the instructional materials
orchard or pumpkin patch is or what they look pictures to choose from to identify what they (technological and non-technological) that
like. saw. you would need.

Why is using virtual reality a better fit than Other IEP goals and classroom goals is to be  Picking Apples and Pumpkins (Book)
another instructional tool? able to take turns and wait for your turn.  Red Apples
Students will be able to wait for their turn.  Green Apples
A real-life field trip would be ideal; however,  Yellow Apples
virtual reality is the next best thing. I plan to  Small pumpkins
use virtual reality in conjunction with pictures,  Large pumpkins
videos, and real-life objects.  Pumpkin seeds
 Pictures of vocabulary words
For example, I will have a fake pumpkin patch  Google Cardboard Headset
with hay, fake grass, a scarecrow, and fake and
 Phone with Google Cardboard app
real pumpkins. I will bring in apples and allow
 Phone with YouTube app
students to look at the tree outside. I will bring
 Smart board that connects to teacher
in a wagon and place hay inside it. I will have
laptop and internet
my book and pictures.
 Wagon filled with hay
 Vocabulary photos

Guiding Questions Pedagogical Approach Reflection

As you prepare to integrate this technology, Pedagogy refers to the method you will use (or how) you will to teach. Please see Blackboard
what planning questions should you ask and Remember that the VR will not replace your instruction but enhance it. Discussion Board to
answer? Specify the pedagogical approaches you will use in integrating this post both reflection
technology. Here are some examples: responses.
What are we learning about? • Lecture/explanation
(fall/autumn/pumpkins etc) • Modeling/demonstration Discussion
How should we hold the headset? (hold to our • Video modeling (i.e. show another student using the tool)
eyes) • Inquiry-based learning (exploration)
• Case-based learning (provide a scenario)
• Individual research
• Game-based approach
Using the above list as a starting point, describe what teaching
After you integrate this technology, how will methods you would use to integrate the technology into your
you know whether your student(s) has been instruction.
successful? How will you assess this? During this lesson I will use lecture/explanation and
modelling/demonstration discussion.
I will ask students about what they saw. I will
ask students if they enjoyed their experience Consider:
and talk about it. I will assess this lesson by if How will you introduce this to your student(s)?
students said they enjoyed it, if they took
turns and if they labeled the vocabulary. The day before, I will expose them to place the Google Cardboard
headset to their eyes as practice, without the phone. Students will take
What is your back-up plan, in the event that turns looking at the headset to get exposure to how to use the
you have a problem with the technology? headset.

In the event that my phone acts up, I will still During small group I would start the lesson off asking students what
have the real-life items, pictures, and videos to we have been learning about (Autumn/fall/pumpkins/apples/pumpkin
show my students. patch etc).

I would say today we are going to take a field trip to the pumpkin
patch in our class. We will take turns using this headset (holding it). I
will explain that we wait to take turns.

What will you say and do during instruction?

During instruction I will first model how hold the headset. Then I will
allow each student to stand up and look around while holding the
headset. I will remind students to take turns.

What will you say and do after instruction?

After instruction we will talk about looking at the pumpkin patch. We

will discuss the vocabulary (pumpkin, orange, pumpkin patch).
What is your plan for repeating the use of VR?

I plan to repeat using VR the next day to go to an apple orchard. Then

use it later in the month to go on a hayride.

Do you anticipate the use of VR over multiple sessions? Why or why


Yes, I plan on using VR for the apple orchard and then later in the
month for the hayride over multiple sessions. As stated, my students
lack the ability to attend an actual field trips thus I plan to us VR for
future field trips over the course of the year.

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