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f18 VR Lesson Planning Guide 1

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Virtual Reality Lesson Planning Guide

Problem/Challenge Target Audience Technology

New environments can be extremely  This would be used for all of our students  I will create a virtual reality tour using
challenging and unnerving for students with in the Functional Adaptive Learning Google Cardboard for CBI trips. This will
ASD. Often times when we go on trips, our Support (FALS) program that require ensure that the students are viewing the
students with ASD become overwhelmed and advance preparation for a change in exact place they will be visiting.
want to leave the trip. Being able to prepare environment and schedule https://vr.google.com/cardboard/
students ahead of time for upcoming (approximately 6 students).  I will solely use this for of technology to
Community Based Instruction (CBI) trips  Using virtual technology software will prepare the students for our CBI trips.
would help with the transition to a new place. help students overcome some of their  Instructional Materials Needed:
Using virtual reality software would give the anxiety related to new places. This will o Google Cardboard VR video
students peace of mind for what the also help them to better understand social o Google Cardboard goggles
environment will look like and sound like. It norms in different environments. o Social story to match VR tour
would also provide them with an opportunity
to see the amount of people that will be
around in that type of environment.

Guiding Questions Pedagogical Approach Reflection

 How many times will students complete  I will begin with an explanation of how Google Cardboard goggles Please see Blackboard
the VR tour and social story? I will have the work and how we are going to use them. Discussion Board to
students complete the VR tour and social  I will introduce the VR videos for the upcoming trip and the social post both reflection
story each day leading up to the trip. This story. responses.
could be as little as 3 days up to 6 days  I will go through this with each student individually.
prior to the trip.  Once I have gone through the video and social story, I will discuss
 Will other students (other than students with the student how they are feeling about the upcoming trip
with ASD) have access to this technology? and if they have any questions.
Other students will have access to this  I will repeat this process at least three times with each student to
technology but not as often as the other ensure their comfort level with the upcoming trip.
 How will I determine if this method was
effective? Student behavior during the trip
will determine if this was an effective
 If the technology isn’t working, what will I
do? If the technology is not working, we
will use the social story and videos/pictures
from online.

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