Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Course Instructor: Dr. Geremew Teklu (Asst. Prof. of Commerce and Management Studies)
Cell: 09116559, mail:
Credit Hours: 2
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of the marketing process, including key concepts, tools and
procedures, in the context of a technology-intensive global economy. Course delivery includes
lectures, case study, project application and article review to explore the definition of marketing,
the marketing concept and marketing management, and the significance of operating in a
technology-intensive global economy. It enables students to analyze market opportunities, set
performance goals and formulate marketing strategies and implement plans to meet those goals.
Consideration will be given to trends and techniques like experience-based marketing,
relationship marketing, e-marketing management and some of the e-marketing tools available.
Course Objectives
Up on successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Analyze the scope of marketing and its importance to their organization and to their
personal life, even.
Comprehend the strategies of building customer satisfaction and maintaining for long.
Conduct market differentiation activity and be able to prioritize the most profitable market
Deal with the competition-identifying competitors and analyzing competitor for better
customer based strategies.
Design an integrated marketing strategy and program for a company.
Develop E-commerce strategies and Online-Business systems as a contemporary way of
business endeavor.
Course Contents
1.2 Core Concepts of Marketing Management
1.3 Company Orientations Towards Market Place
1.4 Scope of Marketing Management
1.5 Demand Management
1.6 Challenges in the Contemporary Marketing Management
Chapter 2.The Marketing Environment
2.1 Macro-marketing Environment
2.2 Micro-Marketing Environment
2.2.1 Internal Factors
2.2.2 External Factors
Chapter 3.Analyzing consumer markets and buyer behavior
3.1 Influencing buyer behavior
3.2 The buying process
3.3 Stages of the buying decision process
Chapter 4.Segmenting, Targeting and positioning strategy
4.1 Segmenting
4.2 Targeting
4.3 Positioning
Chapter 5.Setting the product and Branding strategy
5.1 The product and the product mix,
5.2 Stages of new product development
5.3 product-life cycle
5.4 Featuring and pruning,
5.5 Brand Decisions,
5.6 Packaging and Labeling
Chapter 6.Developing price strategies and programs
6.1 Setting the price strategies
6.2 New product pricing strategies
6.3 Product mix pricing strategies
6.4. Price adjustment
6.7 Initiating and responding to price change
Chapter 7.Designing and managing marketing channels
7.1 Channel design decisions
7.2 Channel management decisions
7.3 Channel Dynamics
Chapter 8.Developing and managing promotion mix programs
8.1 Deciding on media and measuring Effectiveness
8.2 promotion budgeting
8.3 setting objectives to promotion endeavor
8.4 Advertising management
8.5 personal selling
8.6 Sales promotion-public relations
8.7 Direct Marketing
Chapter 9.Managing the total Marketing Effort
9.1 Marketing organization
9.2 Marketing implementation
9.3 Evaluation and control
Chapter 10.Contemporary Issues in Marketing Management
10.1 Developing E-commerce strategies and Online-Business systems
10.2 The Roles of Social Media in Marketing Management
Mode of Teaching-learning Process
A combination of the following major methods of delivery will be used for each course of the
MBA program:
Individual & or group Assignment /projects / term papers,
Class presentation and discussion by students.
Students class participation
Assessment Scheme
1 Group and individual assignment with 25%
3 Article Review Individual 15%
4 Final examination 50%
5 Class Attendance and participation 10%
Total 100%
Text books
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong.G. (2014) Marketing Management, Millennium Ed, New Delhi:
prentice Hall of India