Bracketing Methods Exercise
Bracketing Methods Exercise
Bracketing Methods Exercise
5.3 Determine the real root of f (x) = −26 + 85x − 91x2 + 44x3 − 8x4 + x5
(a) Graphically.
(b) Using bisection to determine the root to εs = 10%. Employ initial guesses of xl = 0.5 and xu = 1.0.
(c) Perform the same computation as in (b) but use the false position method and εs = 0.2 %.
5.4 Determine the roots of f (x) = −13 − 20x + 19x2 − 3x3 graphically and also determine the first root of the function
(a) Bisection,
(b) False position.
For (b) and (c) use initial guesses of xl = −1 and xu = 0, and a stopping criterion of 1%.
5.5 Locate the first nontrivial root of sin x = x3, where x is in radians. Use a graphical technique and bisection with the
initial interval from 0.5 to 1. Perform the computation until εa is less than εs = 2%. Also perform an error check by
substituting your final answer into the original equation.
5.8 Find the positive square root of 18 using the false-position method to within εs = 0.5%. Employ initial guesses of xl =
4 and xu = 5.
5.9 Find the smallest positive root of the function (x is in radians) x2 | 𝒄𝒐𝒔√𝒙 |= 5 using the false-position method. To
locate the region in which the root lies, first plot this function for values of x between 0 and 5. Perform the
computation until εa falls below εs = 1%. Check your final answer by substituting it into the original function.
5.10 Find the positive real root of f (x) = x4 − 8x3 − 35x2 + 450x − 1001 using the false-position method. Use initial
guesses of xl = 4.5 and xu = 6 and performs five iterations. Compute both the true and approximate errors based on
the fact that the root is 5.60979. Use a plot to explain your results and perform the computation to within εs = 1.0%.
5.12 Given f (x) = −2x6 − 1.6x4 + 12x + 1 Use bisection to determine the maximum of this function. Employ initial
guesses of xl = 0 and xu = 1, and perform iterations until the approximate relative error falls below 5%.
5.13 The velocity v of a falling parachutist is given by 𝒗 = 𝒄 (𝟏 − 𝐞−(𝒄/𝒎)𝒕 ) where g = 9.8 m/s2. For a parachutist with a
drag coefficient c = 15 kg/s, compute the mass m so that the velocity is v = 35 m/s at t = 9 s. Use the false-position
method to determine m to a level of εs = 0.1%.
5.14 Use bisection to determine the drag coefficient needed so that an 80-kg parachutist has a velocity of 36 m/s after 4 s
of free fall.
Note: The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2. Start with initial guesses of xl = 0.1 and xu = 0.2 and iterate until the
approximate relative error falls below 2%.