Own Country Project

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Create Your Own Country Project

Due: Tuesday May 24, 2011 Worth: 250 points
To Do Check List
___1. Decide Jobs
___2. Brainstorm Ideas with your group
___3. Come up with ideas for your job
___4. Check with group to see if they agree with your ideas
___5. Make your slides for your section
___6. Have your group check your slides and check all other members slides
___7. Submit slides online for Mrs. Schwab can combine slides – name your slides
Group#_section for example Group2_EconomyGovernment
___8. Write note cards for presentation
___9. Double check all slides meet all guidelines for the project
___10. Have another group and Mrs. Schwab check your project before you

Create Your Own Country End of the Year 7th Grade Social Studies Project
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your own country? What type of government would you
chose? Would you be the president or a King/Queen? What would the layout of the land look like? Is your
country an island? Are their lots of trees or is it a barren wasteland? Now you have the chance to create your
own country! In this assignment you will learn about different types of governments and look at a few countries
to see how they are set up. Then from what you have learned about other countries and geography you will use
that information as a guide to make your own country. You will create a PowerPoint about your country, map
out the landscape, and even create a flag. Afterwards you will share it with your classmates. Remember to have

You will work in small groups of 4 to 5 to complete the project. But first each person will be assigned a job to
complete before you can work together to put you’re your country project together. If there are 5 people in your
group you will need to take one of the jobs and split it into two separate jobs.

______________________ 1. The Geographer - The Geographer has the following jobs:

_____ a. Create a physical map of their country which must include the following: Major landforms (such as
mountains, plains, deserts, rivers, lakes, other major bodies of water like an ocean or sea), and at least 3 major
cities. You need to show if it located next to other countries or if it is an island. Your map must also include a
compass rose and a key.

_____ b. Choose climate regions: Choose at least 2 different climate regions for your country. In your
PowerPoint you will list these climate regions. P 37-47.

_____c. Choose vegetation: Choose at least 2 different types of vegetations. In your PowerPoint you will list
your vegetation. P 37-47

_____d. Choose Natural Resources: You need to choose at least 2 different natural resources. Remember, if
you choose hydroelectric power, you need to make sure your country has rivers. In your PowerPoint you will
list your natural resources. P 105-116.

_____e. Natural Disasters and How people affect the environment: In your PowerPoint you will need to
include at least one natural disaster that affects your country and one environmental issue your country faces.

______________________2. The Historian and Demographer– The Historian and Demographer has the
following jobs:

_____ a. Founding of your country: In your PowerPoint you will include information that explains how your
country was founded. When was your country founded? When did it start? How did it start? Did it break off
from another country? Was it settled by people who left their homeland? Did one very rich person decide to
create their own country one day? Be creative here.

_____ b. You need to write about your country has gone through. In your PowerPoint you will write about the
history of your country. What good times and bad times has your country gone through? Use at least one of the
following: War, famine, epidemic disease (like the Black Death), natural disasters, industrial revolution, change
in government (for example, a change from monarchy to democracy). You need to say when it happened, how
long it lasted and how it affected the people of your country.

_____ c. Demographics: In your power point you will list the following: Population, Birth Rate, Death Rate,
Life Expectancy, What percent of your country is urban (major cities), suburban (smaller cities), and rural
(farmland and countryside).

______________________3. Economic and Political System Designer - The Economic and Political
Designer has the following jobs:

_____a. Choose a government: In your PowerPoint you will explain what type of Government your country
has. Use P 87-92 to help you. If you choose a democracy, list the voting age and who is allowed to vote (if you
choose to have restrictions.

_____b. Choose an Economic System: In your PowerPoint you will explain what type of Economic System
your country has. Use P 87-92 to help you.

_____c. Exports and Currency: You need to make up a currency and create an exchange rate with US money.
Like $1 = 5000 chincos (chincos being your country’s currency). You need to list at least 2 items your country
exports/trades with other countries. This can be a natural resource like petroleum, agricultural products,
minerals like salt, metals like silver, gold, copper or iron, and/or precious gems like diamonds or rubies.

_____d. Industries: You need to list the industries in your country. You need at least 2 main industries. Is it
mainly farming? Are their factories? What kind?

______________________4. Cultural Designer – The Cultural Designer has the following jobs:

____a. Design a Flag. This can be created on your computer, on poster board, or with fabric like felt. You
need to explain in your PowerPoint. You need to explain how your flag relates to your country. Do the colors
have special meanings? Do the shapes on your flag have special meanings?

_____b. Design the Culture of the People in your country. This information will be included in slides of your
power point. Use pages 77-86 to help you answer the following. Also use your creativity. You must include
the following:

Customs - What traditions/customs do they have? Do they celebrate holidays? Do they have sports? What type
of technology do they have?
Food and Clothing - What types of food do your people eat? What kind of clothes do they wear?
Language - What languages do they speak?
Religion - What religions exist in your country (you need at least one; they are listed on P 86)?

____ c. Careers: In your PowerPoint you will include what types of careers/jobs the people of your country
have. You will need to talk with the Economic and Political System Designer and the Geographer to see what
industries, agriculture and natural resources your country has. For example, if your country farms watermelons,
then many people would work in farming watermelons.

You need to research all of the required material and write out what you plan to put in your PowerPoint before
you create your PowerPoint. Use the worksheets provided to gather information for your PowerPoint.

Remember to use your best judgment and

make sure everything in your Power Point is appropriate.

Do not include anything that could be offensive!!!

You PowerPoint Presentation will include the following
Use this as a checklist to help you make sure you have everything in your PowerPoint.

______1. Title Slide with your Country Name, Flag (if you made one on the computer, if not you will just hold
it up for everyone to see) and your group names

______2. Country Map Slide (if you made one on your computer, if not you will hold up your map for
everyone to see)

______3. Geography Slides (you can combine info from two slides to one)
a. Main Slide – Explain the landscape of your country (mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, rivers, oceans,
lakes, etc), where your country is located in relation to other countries (made up or real countries) or in
relation to a large body of water if it is an island. You also need to say how big your country by
comparing to the size of another real country.
b. Climate Slide
c. Vegetation Slide
d. Natural Resources Slide
e. Natural Disasters Slide (Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Drought, Mudslides,
f. Environmental Issues Slide (Deforestation, Desertification, Air/Water Pollution, Endangered Animals)

______4. History and Demography Slides

a. Founding of your Country Slide – This slide describes how your country was founded.
b. History of your County Slide – This slide describes the history of your country including good and
bad things that have happened to the country. Remember to include when it happened, how it happened,
and how it affected the people of your country.
c. Demographics Slide - Population, Life Expectancy, What percent of your country is urban (major
cities), suburban (smaller cities), and rural (farmland and countryside).

______5. Economic and Political System Slides

a. Government Slide – Your type of government with the definition of that government. If you have a
monarchy you need to list the King and/or Queen. If it is a dictatorship, you need to list the dictator. If
you have a democracy you need to list the President or Prime Minister. Also, if you have a democracy
you need to list the voting age and any voting restrictions you have.
b. Economic System Slide – This slide includes your economic system with the definition.
c. Exports and Currency Slide – This slide includes your exports (goods you trade to other countries)
and your currency with exchange rate.
d. Industry Slide - List the industries in your country.

______6. Culture Slides (you can split these up more if you need to use more slides)
a. Tradition, Customs, Holidays Slide
b. Sports, Technology, and Food Slide
c. Language and Religion Slide
d. Careers/Jobs Slide

There should be at least 15 Slides. Most of you will have more than that. If you use outside resources, like
a book or website, you need to include that in your PowerPoint.

Presentations: Everyone in your group will be involved in the presentation.

Each person will explain the slides they created for their job.
Concept Map

Create Your Own Country Project Information Outline Worksheet

Name:_______________________________ 1. The Geographer - The Geographer has the following jobs:

_____ a. Create a physical map of their country which must include the following: Major landforms (such as
mountains, plains, deserts, rivers, lakes, other major bodies of water like an ocean or sea), and at least 3 major
cities. You need to show if it located next to other countries or if it is an island. Your map must also include a
compass rose and a key.

Write Map Ideas Here

_____ b. Choose climate regions: Choose at least 2 different climate regions for your country. In your
PowerPoint you will list these climate regions. P 37-47.

_____c. Choose vegetation: Choose at least 2 different types of vegetations. In your PowerPoint you will list
your vegetation. P 37-47

_____d. Choose Natural Resources: You need to choose at least 2 different natural resources. Remember, if
you choose hydroelectric power, you need to make sure your country has rivers. In your PowerPoint you will
list your natural resources. P 105-116.

_____e. Natural Disasters and How people affect the environment: In your PowerPoint you will need to
include at least one natural disaster that affects your country and one environmental issue your country faces.

Create Your Own Country Project Information Outline Worksheet

Name:_______________________________2. The Historian and Demographer– The Historian and

Demographer has the following jobs:

_____ a. Founding of your country: In your PowerPoint you will include information that explains how your
country was founded. When was your country founded? When did it start? How did it start? Did it break off
from another country? Was it settled by people who left their homeland? Did one very rich person decide to
create their own country one day? Be creative here.

_____ b. You need to write about your country has gone through. In your PowerPoint you will write about the
history of your country. What good times and bad times has your country gone through? Use at least one of the
following: War, famine, epidemic disease (like the Black Death), natural disasters, industrial revolution, change
in government (for example, a change from monarchy to democracy). You need to say when it happened, how
long it lasted and how it affected the people of your country.

_____ c. Demographics: In your power point you will list the following: Population, Birth Rate, Death Rate,
Life Expectancy, What percent of your country is urban (major cities), suburban (smaller cities), and rural
(farmland and countryside).

Create Your Own Country Project Information Outline Worksheet

Name:____________________________________________3. Economic and Political System Designer -

The Economic and Political Designer has the following jobs:

_____a. Choose a government: In your PowerPoint you will explain what type of Government your country
has. Use P 87-92 to help you. . If you have a monarchy you need to list the King and/or Queen. If it is a
dictatorship, you need to list the dictator. If you have a democracy you need to list the President or Prime
Minister. Also, if you choose a democracy, list the voting age and who is allowed to vote (if you choose to
have restrictions.

_____b. Choose an Economic System: In your PowerPoint you will explain what type of Economic System
your country has. Use P 87-92 to help you.

_____c. Exports and Currency: You need to make up a currency and create an exchange rate with US money.
Like $1 = 5000 chincos (chincos being your country’s currency). You need to list at least 2 items your country
exports/trades with other countries. This can be a natural resource like petroleum, agricultural products,
minerals like salt, metals like silver, gold, copper or iron, and/or precious gems like diamonds or rubies.

_____d. Industries: You need to list the industries in your country. You need at least 2 main industries. Is it
mainly farming? Are their factories? What kind?

Create Your Own Country Project Information Outline Worksheet

Name:_______________________________________________________________4. Cultural Designer –

The Cultural Designer has the following jobs:

____a. Design a Flag. This can be created on your computer, on poster board, or with fabric life felt. You
need to explain in your PowerPoint. You need to explain how your flag relates to your country. Do the colors
have special meanings? Do the shapes on your flag have special meanings?

Write Ideas here

_____b. Design the Culture of the People in your country. This information will be included in slides of your
power point. Use pages 77-86 to help you answer the following. Also use your creativity. What
traditions/customs do they have? Do they celebrate holidays? Do they have sports? What type of technology do
they have? What types of food do your people eat? What languages do they speak? What religions exist in your
country (you need at least one; they are listed on P 86)?

____ c. Careers: In your PowerPoint you will include what types of careers/jobs the people of your country
have. You will need to talk with the Economic and Political System Designer and the Geographer to see what
industries, agriculture and natural resources your country has. For example, if your country farms watermelons,
then many people would work in farming watermelons.

Create Your Own Country Project
Name: Country:

Map N I V + Score Speaking N I V + Score
Major Landforms /5 Geographer /10
Location /5 Historian and
Cities /5 Demographer /10
Compass Rose /5 Economic and
Key /5 Political System
/25 Designer /10
Cultural Designer /10
Flag N I V + Score /40
Colors /5 Participation
Shapes /5 Name N I V + Score
Creativity /10 /35
Neatness /5
PowerPoint N I V + Score Score /250
Title Slide /5 Comments:
Geography * /25
History and
Demography * /25
Economic and
Political System * /25
Culture * /25
Spelling/Grammar /10
Neatness and
Creativity /10 * means there is a separate grading rubric for that
/125 portion on the back of this rubric

Each Section of the Power Point

Geography N I V + Score
Landforms /5
Climate /5
Vegetation /5
Natural Resources /5
Natural Disasters /5

History and
Demography N I V + Score
History /10
Population /3
Birth Rate /2
Death Rate /2
Life Expectancy /3
Urban, Rural,
and Suburban % /5

Economy and
Political System N I V + Score
Government Type /5
Government Info /3
Economy /5
Exports /2
Currency and Exchange /5
Industries /5

Culture N I V + Score
Customs /10
Food and Clothing /5
Language /3
Religion /2
Careers /5


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