Earth and Planetary Science Letters: W S S S
Earth and Planetary Science Letters: W S S S
Earth and Planetary Science Letters: W S S S
1 (1-11)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters ••• (••••) •••–•••
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The 2016 Ecuador M W 7.8 earthquake ruptured the subduction zone boundary between the Nazca and
Received 29 June 2016 South American plates. Joint modeling of seismic and tsunami observations indicates an ∼120 km long
Received in revised form 31 August 2016 rupture area beneath the coastline north of the 1998 M W 7.2 rupture. The slip distribution reveals two
Accepted 2 September 2016
discrete asperities near the hypocenter and around the equator. Their locations and the patchy pattern are
Available online xxxx
Editor: P. Shearer
consistent with the prior interseismic geodetic strain, which showed highly locked patches also beneath
the coastline. Aftershocks cluster along two streaks, one aligned nearly parallel to the plate convergence
Keywords: direction up-dip of the main slip patches, and the other on a trench-perpendicular lineation south of
2016 Ecuador earthquake the 1958 rupture zone. Comparisons of seismic waveforms and magnitudes show that the 2016 event
re-rupture of 1942 event and 1942 earthquakes have similar surface wave magnitude (M S 7.5), overlapping rupture areas, and
source rupture model similar main pulses of moment rate. The same area ruptured as the southernmost portion of the larger
Ecuador–Colombia earthquake sequence earthquake of 1906 (M W 8.6, M S 8.6). The seismic behavior reflects persistent heterogeneous frictional
properties of the Colombia–Ecuador megathrust.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0012-821X/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
JID:EPSL AID:14050 /SCO [m5G; v1.189; Prn:30/09/2016; 14:04] P.2 (1-11)
2 L. Ye et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters ••• (••••) •••–•••
Fig. 1. (a) Interseismic coupling model (Chlieh et al., 2014), relocated aftershocks of the 1942, 1958 and 1979 earthquakes (Mendoza and Dewey, 1984), earthquakes with
magnitude larger than 7 since 1990 (blue circles; locations from USGS-NEIC), and focal mechanisms since 1976 from gCMT catalog ( Bold dashed
purple ellipses indicate the possible rupture areas for the 1906, 1942, 1958 and 1979 earthquakes as inferred from aftershocks. The inset map shows the plate configuration
with the Nazca plate converging relative to the South American Plate with a rate of ∼5.6 cm/yr. (b) Coseismic slip distribution and slip azimuth of the preferred rupture
model, along with the corresponding moment tensor solution (red beach ball), the best-double couple faulting mechanisms from W-phase inversion (blue) and global centroid
moment tensor (gCMT) catalog (black). The red star is the shifted epicenter for the final slip model. Dashed orange curves circulate areas with interseismic coupling larger
than 0.6.
on 14 May 1942 (M S (G - R ) 7.9, M (ISC-GEM) 7.8; filtered in the passband 0.5–2.0 Hz, and separately back-projected
iscgem), 19 January 1958 ( M S (G - R ) 7.3, M (ISC-GEM) 7.6), and 12 De- to a horizontal surface around the source region following the
cember 1979 (M W (gCMT) 8.1, M S (G - R ) 7.7; Kanamori and McNally, procedure of Xu et al. (2009). The back-projections both indicate
1982). These magnitude estimates are discussed in section 3. Mod- southward unilateral expansion of the rupture from 0.3◦ N to 0.2◦ S
eling of interseismic geodetic strain indicates that locking of the with two discrete patches of high frequency radiation at 20 s and
plate interface is heterogeneous (Chlieh et al., 2014). Patches with ∼30–50 s respectively (Fig. 2). The data suggest southward propa-
close to 100% interseismic coupling (defined as the ratio of slip gation of the rupture at about 2.5 to 3.0 km/s with a duration of
deficit rate over long term slip rate) are distributed along the coast ∼40 s (Fig. 2). Animation M1 in the Supporting Information shows
and show some correspondence to the locations of the 1942, 1958 the space–time sequence of these back-projections.
and 1979 slip zones (Fig. 1a), supporting the notion of some persis- Global broadband seismic body waves are inverted for a kine-
tent segmentation of the plate boundary. To evaluate this issue, we matic multi-time window and spatially distributed source with
determine the slip distribution for the 2016 Ecuador event through variable rake using a least squares procedure for specified fault-
joint modeling of seismic and tsunami observations and compare model geometry and rupture expansion speed (e.g., Hartzell and
it with what is known about the prior ruptures in the region. Heaton, 1983; Kikuchi and Kanamori, 1982). Our finite-fault in-
versions use 76 P-wave and 46 SH-wave ground displacement
2. Modeling of seismic and tsunami data waveforms filtered in the 0.005–0.9 Hz passband. The fault model
geometry has variable dip, initially extending from the trench to
We model global seismic wave observations and regional below the coast guided by the Slab 1.0 model of Hayes et al. (2012)
tsunami recordings for the 16 April 2016 Ecuador earthquake (Fig. S2), with a uniform strike of 26◦ . The subfault source time
to constrain the rupture model. We first assess the long-period functions of the final model are parameterized with 10 2.5-s rise-
point-source characteristics of the mainshock, then perform back- time symmetric triangles, offset by 2.5 s each. The hypocentral
projections of high frequency P waves to constrain the rupture depth is set at 19.2 km, with the epicenter slightly shifted from
extent, and finally obtain a finite-fault model of the space–time the USGS-NEIC position to (0.43◦ N, 80.03◦ W), based on searching
slip distribution by iteratively modeling broadband P and SH body solutions around the local and NEIC estimates.
wave observations and tsunami recordings. Inversions of the seismic waves consistently show a patch of
We perform a W-phase inversion (Kanamori and Rivera, 2008) large slip near the hypocenter with a larger separate patch extend-
of long-period ground motions in the passband 1–5 mHz using 181 ing from 30 to 100 km southward. The precise placement of the
channels of 152 stations. This provides a predominantly double- second patch varies with assumed rupture speed by about 30 km
couple solution of 29.5◦ strike, 18.3◦ dip and 126.8◦ rake with over the range of 2.5 to 3.0 km/s indicated by the back-projections.
centroid depth of 30.5 km, 24 s centroid time shift and seismic Minor amounts of slip are found far offshore to the south and
moment estimate of 6.5 × 1020 Nm (M W 7.8). This estimate is con- north in models that extend all the way to the trench. However,
sistent with the gCMT solution (Fig. 1b). the rake and placement of this up-dip slip is not stable, so we for-
Broadband teleseismic P waves recorded at two large aperture ward model tsunami recordings for a large number of slip models
networks in North America (NA) and Europe (EU) (Fig. S1) were from teleseismic inversions to better constrain the off-shore and
aligned on reference travel times by multi-station cross-correlation, along-strike slip distribution based on fitting of tsunami signals
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Fig. 2. (a1) and (b1) Fourth root stacked signal power as a function of time for 0.5–2.0 Hz P wave back projections from NA (left) and EU (right) networks. (a2) and (b2)
Spatial distribution of time-integrated beam power for the back-projection images. The red stars indicate the 2016 mainshock epicenter. Elapsed time color-coded stars and
diamonds (see a3 and b3) are local maxima of time-integrated images, indicating the foci of high-frequency radiation. (a3) and (b3) The distance of high-frequency radiation
bursts from the epicenter plotted as a function of their elapsed time from the earthquake origin time. The trends indicate an average rupture speed 2 to 3 km/s.
(e.g. Fig. 3e). The various slip models from teleseismic inversion vations. The tsunami is calculated using the shock-capturing dis-
are obtained by fine perturbations in rupture speed, variable fault persive wave code NEOWAVE of Yamazaki et al. (2009, 2011). The
extent both along dip and along strike, and by shifting the over- staggered finite difference model builds on the nonlinear shallow-
all rupture area through adjustment of the hypocenter location on water equations with a vertical velocity term to account for weakly
the Slab 1.0 geometry. The slip pattern relative to the hypocenter is dispersive waves and flows over steep slopes as well as a momen-
better constrained by teleseismic data than the absolute hypocen- tum conservation scheme to describe bore formation. As part of
ter location given the uncertain earth structure and trade-off with the NEOWAVE package, the vertical velocity term also accounts
earthquake origin time. for the time variation of the seafloor vertical motions and facili-
Tsunami recordings from three deep-water seafloor pressure tates dispersion of the seafloor excitation across the water column
sensors at DART stations 32607, 32411 and 32413 and the tide during tsunami generation. The vertical displacement of the water
gauge at La Libertad provide good azimuthal coverage relative to body due to horizontal displacement of the seafloor is approxi-
the source region (Fig. 3d). In particular, DART 32067 is located mated following the method from Tanioka and Satake (1996). The
immediately offshore of the rupture zone about 50 km from the slopes around the source are very small and this effect contributes
trench. We follow an iterative modeling procedure that has proved little to the tsunami excitation in this case. We calculate tsunami
successful in achieving self-consistent models for teleseismic and waves with a grid of 2 arc-min across the eastern Pacific and with
tsunami observations for numerous events (e.g., Lay et al., 2013; a nested regional grid of 0.5 arc-min resolution around the source
Yamazaki et al., 2013; Bai et al., 2014; Li et al., 2016). Using the region (Fig. 3c and 3d).
half-space elasto-static Green functions of Okada (1985), we com- We begin the iterative procedure using fault models extend-
pute the displacement and velocity at the seafloor and land surface ing all the way to the trench and progressively trim shallow rows
(Fig. 3b) for each slip distribution inverted from seismic obser- in the teleseismic inversion (Fig. 3a) as needed to match the on-
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Fig. 3. Tsunami model settings and results. (a) Slip model, same as Figs. 1b and 4a, and outline of the initial rupture model (large rectangle). (b) Seafloor and land surface
vertical displacement calculated from the slip distribution of the preferred rupture model (small rectangle) of the 2016 Ecuador earthquake. The star indicates the epicenter
location and the dashed lines denote the far-offshore trench and the shelf boundary defined at 200 m depth. The initial tsunami wave is mostly trapped over the shelf.
(c) Near-field tsunami wave amplitude. The wave energy off the shelf propagates directly offshore with part of the energy refracted over the continental slope to the north
and south. (d) Tsunami wave peak amplitude across the eastern Pacific and regional nested (black rectangle) grids at 2 and 0.5 arc-min resolution. (e) Comparison of computed
(red) and recorded (black) waveforms at water-level stations. The initial pulses comprise the initial tsunami wave and subsequent leakage and longshore propagation of the
trapped waves. The labels 1 and 2 indicate the first and second peaks.
set of the tsunami signals. Even small amounts of slip located too signals very well and the long-period waveform at La Libertad is
shallow on the megathrust produce too strong and too early first fit adequately (Fig. 3e), with the somewhat early predicted arrival
tsunami arrivals at the DART stations (Fig. S3). Simultaneously, likely due to the low resolution of the complex coastline and shal-
the down-dip slip is constrained to a narrow band beneath the low features for the 0.5 arc-min bathymetry model. Teleseismic P
coastline and shifted along strike into the embayment through ad- and SH waveforms are also well matched for this model (Fig. S5).
justment of the hypocenter and rupture speed in order to match The nearshore slip produces seafloor uplift from near the top
the main pulses recorded at the DARTs (Fig. S4). Shifting of the of the continental slope to the shore (Fig. 3b). Most of the up-
slip patch shoreward and toward the northeast improves the agree- lift is within a relatively flat shelf delineated by the 200-m depth
ment of the computed and recorded waveforms at the La Libertad contours and two massive headlands prone to resonance oscilla-
tide gauge (Fig. 3e). A satisfactory fit to the tsunami observations tions or seiches. These physical factors along with the capabilities
and the teleseismic data is found for a model with unilateral rup- of NEOWAVE to account for tsunami generation from time-varying
ture speed of 2.5 km/s extending ∼120 km southwest along the seafloor excitations and local dispersion on steep slopes are crucial
coast from the final estimated epicenter (0.43◦ N, 80.03◦ W) with in reproducing the double peaks of the initial pulse and their pre-
depth of 19.2 km (Figs. 1 and 4). The model reproduces the DART cise timing recorded at the near-field DART station 32067 (Fig. 3e).
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Fig. 4. The preferred finite-fault source model for the 2016 Ecuador earthquake iteratively constrained by teleseismic and tsunami waves modeling. The fault model has a
strike φ = 5◦ , variable dip angle shown in Fig. S2 and average rake λ = 126.4◦ , with a rupture expansion speed of 2.5 km/s. (a) The moment rate function (MRF) for the
slip model. (b) Far-field source spectrum, combining the MRF spectrum for frequencies <0.05 Hz, and logarithmically averaged P-wave displacement spectra corrected for
radiation pattern, geometric spreading, and attenuation at 0.05 to 2.0 Hz. The dashed curve shows a reference ω−2 spectrum with 3 MPa stress parameter. (c) Inverted slip
distribution with slip vector and source time function in each subfault. Dashed lines indicate 10 s rupture isochrones. (d) The stress change at the mid-point of each subfault
computed for the entire distribution of slip over the model surface. The stress drops calculated by trimming off those subfaults that have a seismic moment less than 15%
of the peak subfault moment and using the remaining average slip and residual fault area, σ0.15 is 2.0 MPa. The slip-weighted stress drop measured from the variable
stress change distribution, σE is 2.8 MPa. (e) P and SH radiation patterns and lower hemisphere data sampling for waveforms used in the inversion and the average focal
mechanism. Animation of the slip history is presented in Supporting Information Movie M4.
The first peak is overlapped by the tail end of the ground surface the propagation speed varies rapidly across the steep continental
wave motion, but its longer duration in comparison to the ground slope. The presence of canyons and headlands reflect the long-
motion pulse width points to the source being from an ocean sur- shore edge waves effectively trapping the energy along the shelf.
face wave. This is corroborated by the double-peaked feature in This explains the persistent oscillations with considerable am-
the initial arrivals at DARTs 32411 and 32413, which are far away plitude at the La Libertad tide gauge after the first two small
from the seismic source. Animation M2 in the Supporting Infor- peaks from the initial tsunami pulse (Fig. 3e). The shelf environ-
mation shows that the first peak at DART 32067 and La Libertad ment is conducive to belated arrivals of the peak wave during a
originates from the initial sea surface uplift over the continental tsunami event (Cheung et al., 2013; Yamazaki and Cheung, 2011;
slope that propagates directly offshore with part of the energy re- Yamazaki et al., 2013). Animation M3 illustrates the propagation
fracted along the continental slopes to the north and south. The of the tsunami across the ocean and the formation of the initial
initial pulse over the shelf is trapped as partial standing waves and pulse at DART 32411 and 32413 from the initial sea surface up-
subsequent energy leakage accounts for the second peak at DART lift on the continental slope and the subsequent energy release
32067 with a small lag associated with the shelf processes. from inside the shelf. The recorded tsunami waveforms, which are
The continental shelf functions like a waveguide channeling highly sensitive to the location of the initial tsunami pulse in re-
tsunami waves along its length through internal reflection, when lation to the continental slope and shelf, allow precise placement
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Fig. 5. (a) Comparison of the preferred slip model with distribution of coherent high-frequency seismic radiation derived from back-projection of teleseismic body-waves
filtered between 0.5 and 2 Hz. Stars and diamonds indicate the locations of bursts of high-frequency seismic radiation from teleseismic P waves recorded of NA and EU
networks, respectively. These are color-coded by the elapsed time from the origin, and indicate a rupture speed of ∼2 to 3 km/s. (b) Location of aftershocks over 35 days
following the mainshock from the Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic School at Ecuador (
html) superimposed on the slip model.
of the near-shore slip in this case. It also strongly rules out slip typical of ordinary interplate earthquakes. The radiated energy, up
further seaward under the continental slope or near the trench. to ∼1 Hz, for the 2016 event estimated from teleseismic data with
It is well known that finite source models can be significantly the method of Ye et al. (2016a) is 4.60 × 1015 J (Fig. 4). The cor-
improved, in particular regarding the absolute and details of the responding moment-scaled radiated energy is 8.5 × 10−6 and the
main slip patches, when geodetic or remote sensing data are in- radiation efficiency is ∼0.21, similar to the average values for large
cluded in the inversion (e.g., Konca et al., 2008). As the discus- megathrust earthquakes.
sion above shows, the tsunami data provide similar constraints on
the offshore part of the source model. Onshore measurement of 3. Historical earthquakes: 1906, 1942, 1958 and 1979
ground displacements would be helpful to constrain further the
down-dip part of the slip distribution. In the absence of avail- The slip distribution for the 2016 Ecuador earthquake encom-
able geodetic ground deformation data, we have compared the passes the hypocenter and likely source region inferred from after-
predictions of our final slip model with line-of-sight (LOS) dis- shocks for the 1942 earthquake (Fig. 1). To further assess whether
placement maps derived from SAR interferometry using Sentinel- these events are comparable, we evaluated historical measure-
1A and ALOS-2 satellites (Xu and Sandwell, personal communica- ments and seismic recordings for the 1942 event, and the other
tion, 2016; Spaans and Hooper, personal communication, 2016). As large events along the coast in 1906, 1958, and 1979.
these results are preliminary and not yet published, we used them One of the key measures of the size of historic large events is
only for reality check. We find that our model (see model predic- provided by surface wave magnitude, but comparisons have to be
tions in Fig. S6) is very consistent to first order with the location, made carefully due to changes in measurement procedures over
pattern and amplitude of the ground displacement measured from time. Although various values are cited in the literature for the
these SAR images. We note in particular that the minor slip patch 1906, 1942, and 1958 events, we primarily use the data listed
at the southeast corner of the source, which explains the tail of in Beno Gutenberg’s notepads (Goodstein et al., 1980), which are
the moment rate distribution, between 60 s and 75 s, helps re- the basis of Gutenberg and Richter (1954). For the 1979 and 2016
produce the SAR observations. Minor discrepancies are observed events, we use the data provided by USGS-NEIC. We also use Abe’s
though. They suggest that the down-dip extent of our slip distri- (1981) catalog for cross checking. Although the M S values listed
bution may extend a bit too far to the east. While there is no doubt in these catalogs vary in minor details, they are generally consis-
that the inclusion of SAR and GPS data will help refine the source tent (e.g., Abe, 1981; Lienkaemper, 1984) and are appropriate for
model, we anticipate that only minor modifications of our best fit- the purpose of this study. Fig. 6 compares the M S values for the
ting model will be necessary. 1979 and 2016 events listed by USGS-NEIC, along with those for
Our final slip model (Fig. 4) shows a patch of large slip near earlier events taken primarily from the Gutenberg Notepads (see
the hypocenter with a larger separate patch extending from 30 to Table S3 for details). USGS-NEIC lists the average M S of the 1979
100 km southward from the hypocenter, consistent with the back- and the 2016 events as 7.7 and 7.5, respectively. Abe (1981) gives
projection images (Fig. 5a). The space–time slip history is shown in M S = 7.6 for the 1979 event. As indicated by the data for the 1979
Animation M4. The peak slip is ∼5 m, and the average slip, after and 2016 events, the scatter of the M S values between stations
removing those subfaults with inverted seismic moment less than is very large, ranging over 1.5 magnitude units. This amount of
15% of the peak subfault seismic moment, is ∼2.0 m. The slip- scatter is common and is most likely a result of complex multi-
weighted static stress drop is ∼2.8 MPa (Ye et al., 2016a), a value pathing and interference of surface waves. Thus, a straight average
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Fig. 6. Surface wave M S measurements for 1906, 1942 and 1958 earthquakes (mainly from Gutenberg’s notepads with a few points from station bulletins and seismic
records), and M S for the 1979 and 2016 events from USGS/PDE (see detailed information in Table S3).
or median of the measured values can be misleading, especially (i.e. M W ∼ 7.6) (Kanamori and McNally, 1982). Swenson and Beck
when the azimuthal coverage is limited as is the case for most old (1996) estimated M 0 = 6 to 8 × 1020 N-m (M W ∼ 7.8) for the 1942
events. This large scatter suggests that even if individual measure- event, although this value appears somewhat uncertain because of
ments are correct, the uncertainty in the average M S for old events the limited frequency band for the data used and uncertain instru-
appears to be at least 1/4 M S unit. In some cases, it can be even ment calibration. No reliable estimate of M W from seismic data is
larger, and we must keep in mind this amount of uncertainty in in- available for the 1906 event, despite being the largest event in the
terpreting the M S for old events. Although Gutenberg and Richter sequence.
(1954) assign M S (G - R ) = 7.9 to the 1942 event, Fig. 6 shows that Okal (1992) compared the Wiechert seismograms of the 1979
the station M S values for the 1942 event taken from the Gutenberg and 1906 event recorded at Uppsala (UPP). According to Kulhánek
notepad (red stars) follow approximately the same azimuthal trend (1988), the response of the Uppsala Wiechert seismographs re-
with rather high values as the better sampled 2016 event, suggest- mained essentially constant. Thus, the comparison made by Okal
ing that the average M S of the 1942 event is approximately the (1992) is most relevant and important. The records for the 1906
same as that of the 2016 event, i.e., M S = 7.5. The M S values at in- and the 1979 events are taken from Okal (1992), and that for the
dividual stations for the 1958 event are close to, or slightly below, 2016 event is taken from the GSN record at station KONO, here
the trend of the 2016 event. Thus, M S = 7.3 given by Abe (1981) used as a proxy of the record at UPP. The Wiechert seismogram for
appears reasonable. In contrast, the station M S values for the 1906 KONO is simulated from the GSN broad-band record by deconvo-
event are consistently larger than those for the other events. In lution of the instrument response and convolution of the Wiechert
fact, Gutenberg and Richter (1954) and Abe (1981) list this event response. The similarity in dispersion to that for the 2016 event,
as M S = 8.6 and 8.7, respectively. However, some catalogs (e.g., which has three component seismic data, confirms that the UPP
Abe and Noguchi, 1983) revised it to 8.2 primarily because they signal for the 1906 event is the G1 Love wave. Fig. 7a shows com-
suspected that some amplitude data were obtained from the un- parisons of 3 different period passbands, 100–500 s, 150–500 s,
damped Milne records. However, the 1906 event’s M S values for and 200–500 s. The increase in the peak-to-peak amplitude ra-
stations like Potsdam, Leipzig, and Jena were probably from the tios with period probably reflects the corner frequency shift toward
damped Wiechert records. Also our own measurement from the low frequency with increasing M W . However, given the extremely
Omori seismograms at Mizusawa gives M S = 8.5. Thus, we be- low gain at long period, the solid friction between the recording
lieve that M S of the 1906 event is considerably larger than for stylus and paper, and hand digitization error, the ratios for the
the other events in this sequence, and the Gutenberg and Richter 200–500 s passband are less reliable. We choose the ratios for the
(1954) M S = 8.6 is reasonable. In this study, we adopt M S = 8.6, 150–500 s passband to estimate the M W differences. The ratios for
7.5, 7.3, 7.7, and 7.5 for the 1906, 1942, 1958, 1979, and 2016 the 150–500 s band are 1906/1979 = 2.9 and 1906/2016 = 17.8,
events, respectively. Given the uncertainties arising from unknown corresponding to M W differences of 0.3 and 0.8, respectively. Also,
instrument calibration, insufficient azimuthal coverage, station cor- the 1906 seismogram is larger by a factor of 1.35 than the syn-
rections, and complex and yet not-fully-understood path effects, thetic seismogram computed for an M W = 8.5 event with the
any difference smaller than 1/4 M S unit should not be given much mechanism of the 2016 event, corresponding to M W ∼ 0.1. Thus,
significance. these comparisons indicate that M W of the 1906 event is ∼8.6
In addition to M S , for a more quantitative understanding of the which is comparable to the tsunami magnitude M t (8.5 to 8.7) (Ta-
slip budget it is important to determine the seismic moment (i.e., ble S1).
M W ) estimated at very long period. For the 1979 and 2016 events, The comparable M S and aftershock distributions (Figs. 1a and
M W is relatively well constrained to 8.1 (gCMT) and 7.8 (gCMT and S7) of the 1942 and 2016 events suggest a similar rupture area.
W-phase solutions), respectively. The moment of the 1958 event Fortunately, we have obtained P waves recorded for both 1942
is estimated to be smaller than the 1979 event by 0.5 M W unit and 2016 events for direct comparisons from seismic stations at
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Fig. 7. (a) Comparison of N–S component G1 of the 1906 (red), 1979 and 2016 earthquakes. The data for 1906 and 1979 event are recorded by UPP Wiechert instrument with
pendulum period ∼6.8 s, peak gain ∼230 and damping ε = 3 (modified from Okal, 1992). The waveform for the 2016 event is the convolution of displacement (after removal
of the broadband instrumental response) at station KONO (close to UPP) and the Wiechert instrumental response. Comparisons of long-period signals at frequency bands
of 100–500 s, 150–500 s and 200–500 s for 1906, 1979 and 2016 events, along with peak-to-peak amplitudes, are shown. The gray curves are synthetic seismogram with
corresponding frequency bands from the 1906 hypocenter to the UPP site with M W 8.5, same focal mechanism of the 2016 event and PREM earth structure. (b) Comparisons
of vertical P-wave waveforms at Pasadena (PAS) with 1–90 s Benioff instrumental response (peak gain of 3000 at period of 1 s) between 1942 (purple), 1958 (black), 1979
(green) and 2016 (blue) events. The corresponding peak-to-peak amplitudes are shown at the top of each panel. Waveforms for 1942, 1958, and 1979 events are digitized
from Hartzell and Heaton (1985). Waveforms for the 1942 and 2016 event are aligned at the beginning (1st row) and at the peak (2nd row) for comparison. (c) Comparison
of P waves at E–W component of the 1942 (purple) and 2016 (blue) events at station DBN with Galitzin instrumental response (pendulum/galvanometer periods ∼25 s and
gain factor of 310). The waveform for 1942 is from Swenson and Beck (1996) with peak-to-peak amplitude confirmed by Bernad Dost from the DBN station bulletin. The
waveform for the 2016 event is the convolution of displacement (after removal of the broadband instrumental response) with the Galitzin instrumental response. They are
aligned at the beginning (left) and at the peak (right).
Pasadena, California (PAS) and at De Bilt, Netherlands (DBN) at dif- spect to the peak between the two events show that the main slip
ferent azimuths. We simulate the waveforms for the 2016 event area of the 2016 event probably overlaps that of the 1942 event.
from the GSN broad-band records by deconvolution of the instru- The intensity distributions (Fig. S8), even with strongly subjective
ment response and convolution of the corresponding instrumental and variable criteria, show very similar relative patterns between
responses for the 1942 recording. The Benioff instrument at PAS the two events. Altogether, based on these observations, the 2016
is sensitive to signals with periods around 1 s to 90 s with peak event appears to be a quasi-repeat of the 1942 event, with the
gain at 1 s; and the Galitzin seismometer at DBN is sensitive to main slip patch being in common. The short duration and low-
slightly longer periods with peak gain at 25 s. The recorded P amplitude P wave from the 1958 event at PAS is consistent with
waves at these two stations show substantial information about the small M S value. The P wave amplitude for the 1979 event is
source complexity. Comparisons aligned with the initial and the comparable to the 1942 and 2016 events, but the longer duration
peak at PAS and DBN are shown in Figs. 7b and 7c, respectively. is consistent with its larger long-period magnitudes and stronger
The peak-to-peak amplitude ratios of 1942/2016 = 0.7 (PAS) and tsunami excitation (Kanamori and McNally, 1982; Beck and Ruff,
1.25 (DBN) are close to 1, allowing for some uncertainties in in- 1984).
strumental response, errors in reading historical paper data, and
some variation in source. Discrepancy in duration from the on- 4. Discussion
set to the peak motion suggests some difference between the two
ruptures, and the shorter signal interval for the 1942 event indi- The ∼2.0 m average slip for the 2016 M W 7.8 Ecuador earth-
cates that it may not have involved slip near the hypocenter of the quake is commensurate with accumulated slip deficit since the
2016 event. The similar motions of the aligned waveforms with re- 1942 earthquake given the patchy pattern of interseismic cou-
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pling. It is equivalent to an average interseismic coupling ∼0.6 moment of the 1906 event is still greater than the sum of the mo-
across the region given the 4.6 cm/yr convergence rate, which ments for 1942, 1958, and 1979 events by a factor of three (rather
seems reasonable in view on the interseismic model of Chlieh et than five). This may be because the asperities and surrounding ar-
al. (2014) (Fig. 1a) and consistent with ∼50% locking on average eas are driven to slip more during synchronized failure of multiple
from Trenkamp et al. (2002) and White et al. (2003). Our preferred asperities than when ruptured in isolation. Given this variability,
slip model for the 2016 event shows two main large-slip patches the ‘characteristic earthquake’ model (Schwartz and Coppersmith,
with high static shear stress drop (>5 MPa). A minor deep asper- 1984) for long-term hazard estimation is over-simplified. Rupture
ity (at depth of ∼30 km) is inferred at the southeastern end of our variability as observed for the Colombia–Ecuador sequence needs
model and relates to tapering of the rupture indicated by the tail to be factored in when constructing scenario earthquake mod-
of the moment rate function. This is in the vicinity of the M W 7.2 els, as is done in the recent scenario earthquake project for the
1998 and M W 7.0 1992 earthquakes. We infer rupture of several Nankai trough earthquake, Japan, where the historical data clearly
asperities beneath the coastline, a pattern also qualitatively con- demonstrate significant variability (Earthquake Research Commit-
sistent with the patchy interseismic locking pattern and location tee, 2013, Japan; Fig. 8d).
of the large slip deficit patches. A quantitative correlation analysis
between the co-seismic slip distribution and interseismic coupling 5. Conclusion
is not justified given the uncertainties of both quantities.
Aftershocks of the 2016 event from a regional catalog (Geo-
The benefit of jointly modeling teleseismic and tsunami obser-
physical Institute of the National Polytechnic School at Ecuador)
vations to constrain the location of coseismic slip during a large
cluster along streaks normal to the trench at the northern edge
megathrust rupture is dramatically demonstrated by our model-
of the mainshock rupture at ∼0.8◦ N and oblique to the trench
ing for the 2016 Ecuador earthquake. The complex rupture pattern
along the equator (Figs. 5b and S7). Interestingly these clusters line
observed during the M W 7.8 2016 Ecuador earthquake suggests
up with the two main slip patches (Fig. 5b) extending up-dip of
that it ruptured a common main asperity that had previously rup-
their shallow edges. The precise location of aftershocks is uncertain
tured in a similar event in 1942, and as part of a larger, M S 8.6
due to effects of uncertain velocity structure, station distribution,
event in 1906. The pattern of asperities ruptured in 2016 is con-
etc. However, the relative locations between aftershock are gen-
sistent with the heterogeneous pattern of interseismic locking of
erally more reliable and the same general patterns are evident in
the plate interface. Altogether these observations suggest that as-
the smaller number of aftershocks determined by the USGS-NEIC.
perities can be persistent features determined by the spatial vari-
A possible interpretation is that the 2016 Ecuador earthquake trig-
ations of the mechanical properties of the subduction megathrust.
gered up-dip afterslip producing aftershocks, as was observed fol-
However, non-characteristic behavior due to synchronization and
lowing some large megathrust events such as the 2005 M W 8.6
dynamic triggering lead to variable rupture dimensions and re-
and 2007 M W 8.4 earthquakes offshore Sumatra (Hsu et al., 2006;
peat times as found for the 1906, 1942–1958–1979–1998, 2016
Avouac, 2015).
Ecuador–Colombia sequence. This is commonly observed. Detailed
The 1906/1942–1958–1979–1998/2016 Ecuador–Colombia se-
and quantitative studies of the rupture variability are needed to
quence demonstrates substantial variability among successive rup-
provide a basis for realistic scenario earthquake models.
tures of the same subduction zone area. As pointed out by
Kanamori and McNally (1982), the entire area can rupture in a
great M W > 8.5 event or rupture piecewise in smaller events. Acknowledgements
Similar behavior has been observed elsewhere, for example,
in Japan and Sumatra (e.g., Lay et al., 1982; Thatcher, 1990; The IRIS DMS data center ( was used
Konca et al., 2008) (Fig. 8). An interesting aspect of the Ecuador– to access the seismic data from Global Seismic Network and Fed-
Colombia example is the similarity of the 1942 and 2016 events. eration of Digital Seismic Network stations. Bernard Dost at the
Together with the observed patchy interseismic coupling pattern, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute in Dutch helped check
this observation suggests that the seismic asperities are probably the peak-to-peak amplitude and the instrumental response for the
associated with persistent spatial variations of frictional properties 1942 event, and also provide the broadband record for the 2016
of the megathrust over successive ruptures. The 2016 and 1942 event at Debilt. Björn Lund at Uppsala university helped check
events seem to have ruptured a similar subset of asperities, which the historical instrumental responses at Uppsala station. Omori
probably also ruptured as part of the 1906 event (Fig. 8). Mechan- seismograms for the 1906 earthquake are provided by the Mizu-
ical interactions and triggering between the adjacent slip patches sawa observatory. Stephen Hartzell and Tom Heaton provided high-
are likely among the important causes for the non-characteristic resolution copies of Pasadena P waveforms records for the 1942,
behavior; temporal changes in the plate boundary frictional prop- 1958 and 1979 events. The copies of the papers of the Gutenberg
erties can be another factor. Kaneko et al. (2010) numerically show notepad are provided by the Archives of the California Institute of
that asperities, corresponding to area with rate-weakening friction Technology. James Dewey at USGS provided us ISC-NEIC informa-
interlaced in rate-strengthening areas, could produce such variable tion on M S for 1979 and 2016 events. Stephen Hernandez helped
rupture scenarios as well as the repetition of similar events. provide access to the local seismic catalog. Mohamed Chlieh pro-
Spatial variations of frictional properties of the plate interface vided his preferred geodetic coupling model. Yong Wei provided
in the rupture area of the 1906 to 2016 earthquake sequence might the post-processed DART and tide gauge time series, where the
be related to the influence of the Carnegie ridge, which is being original data can be downloaded from the NOAA National Data
subducted beneath the coast of Ecuador (Fig. 1). The subduction Buoy Center ( and CO-OPS Tsunami
of a seismic ridge can lead to a complex pattern with seismic as- Capable Tide Stations (
perities intermingled with aseismic creep areas as observed where David Sandwell and Xiaohui Xu at UC San Diego, Karsten Spaans
the Nazca ridge is subducting beneath southern Peru (Perfettini et and Andrew Hooper at Leeds showed us their InSAR images re-
al., 2010); or where the Investigator fracture ridge is subducting spectively for comparison, along with helpful discussions. This data
beneath Sumatra (Konca et al., 2008). analysis made use of GMT, SAC, and Matlab software. We thank
Our estimate of M W (8.6) for the 1906 event based on wave- Nadia Lapusta and Luis Rivera for helpful discussion. This work was
form comparisons is 0.2 magnitude units smaller than that of supported by NSF grant EAR1245717 to Thorne Lay, and Caltech
Kanamori and McNally (1982) based on aftershock zone area. The Seismological Laboratory Director’s fellowship to Lingling Ye.
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(a) Colombia–Ecuador, (b) off-shore Honshu (Koper et al., 2011; Ye et al., 2011), (c) Sumatra (Lay, 2015), and (d) Nankai Trough (Earthquake Research Committee, 2013,
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