4th Lesson - Topographic Survey
4th Lesson - Topographic Survey
4th Lesson - Topographic Survey
Topographi Survey
• Is a survey made in order to secure made in order to
secure important data from which topographic map could
be made.
-The configuration or shape and roughness of the ground.
-topography or hypsography
This type of information is shown by topographic map, which also includes the
location of natural and artificial features
Method of Representing Relief
1. Spot heights
2. Hachures
3. Form Lines
4. Contour Lines
5. Layer tinting
6. Shading
7. Relief Model
8. Ridge and stream lining
9. Subaqueous contour
Provide information in features and critical points such as road junction,
peaks, summits, sags and highway crossing on the map
are series of short lines drawn in direction of slope. Steep slope are heavy
and closely space. For gentle slope they are fine and widely spaced
Form Lines
are drawn when not enough vertical control is available or when a surface is
too irregular or intricate to contour
Are usually represented as a dashed line and do not portray any actual
Contour Lines
widely used method of quantitavely representing hills, mountains, depressions
and ground surface undulation on a two dimensional sheet of paper is by
contour lines or isohypses
Layer Tinting
Parts of a map lying between two particular contour may be colored in order
that the distribution of high and low land can be seen at a glance.
A color tint system is in common used for aerial navigation charts and on
small scale maps of the world
Is an old method used to show relative elevation on Maps.
Relief or Terrain Model
Provide the most striking and realistic expression of topography. The model
is representation of the terrain done in fact a dimensions to suitable
horizontal and vertical scales.
Ridge and Stream Lining
Is mainly used to emphasize the location of low and high ground. This
method is especially useful on aerial photograph.
Subaqueous contours
Topographic Maps often include areas of navigation waters such as the
seashore and large inland intakes. The portrayal of relief of the ground
underwater is done by using depth curves or subaqueous contours.