2019 Candidate's Guide: Board of Pharmacy Specialties

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Board of Pharmacy Specialties

2019 Candidate’s Guide

Specialty Certification in:
Ambulatory Care Pharmacy
Cardiology Pharmacy
Compounded Sterile Preparations Pharmacy (Fall 2019)
Critical Care Pharmacy
Geriatric Pharmacy
Infectious Diseases Pharmacy
Nuclear Pharmacy
Nutrition Support Pharmacy
Oncology Pharmacy
Pediatric Pharmacy
Psychiatric Pharmacy

Spring Application Deadline: March 15, 2019

Spring Test Dates: April 22 – May 12, 2019
Fall Application Deadline: August 1, 2019
Fall Test Dates: September 20, 2019 – October 13, 2019
Updated: June 5, 2019
hank you for your interest in becoming certified in your chosen field of specialty
practice. As the delivery of health care becomes more sophisticated and complex,
health care providers and the systems where they work will be asked to become even
more accountable for the care they deliver. Most importantly, your pursuit of board
certification indicates your commitment to your patients and the care that you provide.

For over 40 years, the Board of Pharmacy Specialties has administered board certification
examinations for pharmacist specialists. The founding of BPS by APhA in 1976 was the result
of a five-year effort, during which the entire profession studied and deliberated specialization
in pharmacy practice. Ambulatory Care Pharmacy, Cardiology Pharmacy, Compounded Sterile
Preparations Pharmacy, Critical Care Pharmacy, Geriatric Pharmacy, Infectious Diseases
Pharmacy, Nuclear Pharmacy, Nutrition Support Pharmacy, Oncology Pharmacy, Pediatric
Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, and Psychiatric Pharmacy, exist today as pharmacy practice
specialties as a direct result of BPS’ ongoing collaboration with all segments of the profession.

The Board, with assistance from several professional organizations and their members, has
continued to provide vital leadership and support for the recognition of specialties and
certification of pharmacist specialists. As a result, BPS and its Specialty Councils are now the
principal entities through which these activities are carried out for the pharmacy profession.
Each of the Specialty Councils works diligently with our Examination Development and
Psychometrics team to ensure that the process is psychometrically sound and defensible. BPS
also collaborates with other national organizations and professional societies to promote
specialty recognition and board certification to the profession, other health care
professionals, employers, and the public.

Through the rigorous standards mandated by BPS board certification and recertification, the
Board-certified pharmacist specialist stands out as the most qualified individual to meet
today’s expanding professional expectations. BPS salutes your commitment to quality patient

William M. Ellis, RPh, MS

Executive Director

Board of Pharmacy Specialties • 2215 Constitution Ave., NW • Washington, DC 20037-2985

(202) 429-7591 • FAX: (202) 429-6304 • www.bpsweb.org

BPS Specialty Certification Programs in Ambulatory Care, Geriatric Pharmacy, Nuclear Pharmacy, Nutrition
Support Pharmacy, Oncology Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy and Psychiatric Pharmacy are recognized as
accredited certification programs by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).

GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................................... 4
Importance of Certification ................................................... 4
Information Sources ............................................................. 10
Recognition of BPS Certification........................................... 4
PREPARING FOR THE EXAMINATION ............................ 11
OVERVIEW .................................................................................. 5
Content Outlines .................................................................. 11
Non-discrimination Policy .................................................... 5
Sample Exam Questions ...................................................... 12
Impartiality Statement ........................................................... 5
Statement of Confidentiality ................................................. 5 ON THE DAY OF THE EXAMINATION............................. 12
Record Retention Policy......................................................... 6 Checking-In on Examination Day ...................................... 12
Examination Rules ............................................................... 12
APPLICATION INFORMATION ............................................ 6
Prohibited Items ................................................................... 12
General Information ............................................................... 6
Inclement Weather and Cancellations ............................... 13
Important Dates ...................................................................... 6
Examination Format and Administration ......................... 13
Name and/or Address Changes ........................................... 6
Examination Schedule ......................................................... 13
Examination Dates.................................................................. 6
Examination Content ........................................................... 14
Examination Administration ................................................ 6
Security .................................................................................. 14
Overview of Steps in Applying for the Examination ........ 6
Statement of Confidentiality for BPS Examinations ........ 14
Processing Applications ........................................................ 7
Examination Sites ................................................................... 7 FOLLOWING THE EXAMINATION ................................... 15
DANTES Program .................................................................. 8 Examination Scoring ............................................................ 15

Scheduling ............................................................................... 8 Passing Standard .................................................................. 15

Rescheduling ........................................................................... 8 Equating and Scaled Scores ................................................ 15

Withdrawals/Deferrals........................................................... 8 If You Do Not Pass the Examination: Retaking the

Examination .......................................................................... 15
No Shows ................................................................................. 9
Comparative Review and Hand Scoring .......................... 15
Americans with Disabilities Act ........................................... 9
Appeals Process .................................................................... 16
Qualified Individual with a Disability................................. 9
Revocation of Certification.................................................. 16
Fee Payments......................................................................... 10
Annual Certification Maintenance ..................................... 16
Application Fee ..................................................................... 10
Recertification ....................................................................... 16
Declined Credit Cards.......................................................... 10
Forfeiture of Fees .................................................................. 10 USE OF THE BPS MARK AND LOGO ................................ 16
Late Arrivals .......................................................................... 10 Use of the Designation ......................................................... 16
decades has created a clear need for pharmacy
GENERAL INFORMATION practitioners who specialize in specific kinds of treatment
BPS is an independent, non-governmental certification and aspects of care. Specialty certification is a responsible,
body that develops and administers board-certification progressive initiative from the profession to try to ensure
examinations in recognized pharmacy practice specialties. the best possible patient care.
BPS was created on January 5, 1976 by the American
Pharmaceutical Association (now the American Board certification has allowed more pharmacists to
Pharmacists Association, APhA), and exists today as an participate in collaborative drug therapy management,
autonomous division of APhA. which is a significant value to patients. Pharmacists
certified in a specialty are frequently sought for
The Board is composed of 12 voting members, including professional consultations. As the contributions of
nine pharmacists, six of whom represent BPS specialty pharmacists become more recognized, we anticipate
practices and three of whom are not board certified. The greater recognition from public and private payers.
Board also includes two health care professionals other Employers and patients can feel secure in knowing that a
than pharmacists and one public member. The BPS board-certified pharmacist has taken the initiative to seek
Executive Director and one member of the APhA Board of advanced specialized training that sets them apart.
Trustees are non-voting Board members, ex officio. For a Certification can also provide a personal reward for
current list of Board of Director members, click here. pharmacist specialists. Preparing for the certification exam
offers an opportunity to increase advanced, specialized
BPS has established a Specialty Council for each knowledge in a practice area. Specialty certification is a
recognized specialty. Specialty Councils work with the means of informing other professionals of the individual’s
Board to develop and administer psychometrically-sound educational and practice accomplishments, setting the
and legally defensible certification examinations, specialist apart from colleagues. It is one way to
consistent with public policy regarding the credentialing of demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills independent
health care professionals. A Specialty Council is composed of, and in addition to a degree program, license or
of seven pharmacists certified in the specialty area and two residency.
other pharmacists not certified in the specialty area. For a
current list of Specialty Council members, click here. Recognition of BPS Certification
BPS-certified pharmacist specialists are recognized for their
The principal responsibilities of BPS include: advanced level of knowledge, skills, and achievement by
1. To enhance public / consumer protection by many government agencies and educational organizations.
developing effective certification programs for The following are examples of specific benefits that may be
specialty practices in pharmacy. realized by BPS-certified pharmacist specialists:
2. To grant recognition of appropriate pharmacy
practice specialties based on criteria established by • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: specialists
the Board of Pharmacy Specialties. may be recognized as Authorized Nuclear
3. To establish standards for certification and Pharmacists.
recertification of pharmacist specialists in • U.S. Department of Defense: specialists may
recognized pharmacy practice specialties. receive bonus pay.
4. To grant eligible pharmacists certification and • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: specialists
recertification in recognized pharmacy practice may serve at a higher pay step.
specialties. • U.S. Public Health Service: specialists may receive
5. To serve as a coordinating agency and bonus pay.
informational clearing house for organizations and • California, New Mexico and North Carolina State
pharmacists in recognized pharmacy specialties. Boards of Pharmacy: specialists may apply for
advanced privileges.
Importance of Certification
• Increasing numbers of employers are recognizing
The primary purpose of specialization in any health care
BPS certified specialists with monetary rewards,
profession is to improve the quality of care individual
promotions or hiring preferences.
patients receive, to promote positive treatment outcomes,
and ultimately, to improve the patient’s quality of life.
Specialties evolve in response to the development of new
knowledge or technology that can affect patient care. The
rapid, dramatic advancement of drug therapy in recent
Statement of Confidentiality
OVERVIEW BPS is committed to protecting confidential or proprietary
This Candidate’s Guide is intended for use by pharmacists information related to applicants and certificants, as well as
who are interested in being certified as specialists by BPS in the examination development, maintenance, and
any of the BPS-recognized specialty practice areas. This administration process. BPS will not disclose any
Guide provides information on BPS certification processes: confidential applicant / certificant information outside of the
eligibility requirements, application procedures, course of BPS business unless authorized in writing by the
examination administration, annual certification individual or as required by law.
maintenance, and recertification.
Examination Results: Individual examination results are
This document is ONLY A GUIDE. The information, considered confidential. Scores are released only to the
procedures, and fees detailed in this publication may be individual candidate, unless a signed release is provided in
amended, revised, or otherwise altered at any time and advance. Results are not released by phone, fax or e-mail.
without advance notice from BPS. The provision of this All personal information submitted by applicants and
Guide does not confer any rights upon an applicant. The certificants with their application is considered confidential.
information contained in this Guide supersedes
information contained in all previous editions of the BPS Application Status: An applicant’s status is considered
Candidate’s Guide. confidential. We do not disclose information regarding
whether or not an individual has applied for certification
All correspondence and requests for information (except when verifying practice experience via employment)
concerning the administration of BPS specialty certification or has taken the examination. Current certification status is
examinations should be directed to: published and verifiable as noted in the Credential
Verification section (below).
Board of Pharmacy Specialties
2215 Constitution Avenue, NW Credential Verification: The names of currently certified
Washington, DC 20037-2985 pharmacist specialists are not considered confidential and
TEL 202-429-7591 • FAX 202-429-6304 may be published by BPS. Published information may
www.bpsweb.org include name, city, state, country, certification(s) held, and
certification status.
Non-discrimination Policy
BPS endorses the principles of equal opportunity and non- BPS Database: Personal information retained within the
discrimination. BPS does not discriminate with regard to application/certificant database and/or applicant/certificant
age, gender, ethnic origin, race, religion, disability, marital files will be kept confidential. This includes information and
status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other any documentation regarding a disability and the need for
category protected by federal or state law. accommodation in testing. With the applicant’s/certificant’s
written permission, BPS shares nonpersonal information
Impartiality Statement with third parties. This information is not considered
The BPS management and its employees, volunteers and confidential and may include name, city, state, country,
contractors understand the importance of impartiality and certification(s) held, and certification status.
the consideration of any potential conflict of interests in
carrying out its certification activities. BPS shall manage Sharing of Certificant Data
conflict of interest and ensure the objectivity of its If necessary, for BPS’s ordinary course of business, and
certification activities. BPS shall act impartially in relation to subject to appropriate contractual confidentiality
its applicants, candidates, and certified persons. protections, BPS may share certain personal information
Certification of individuals is based on objective evidence about applicants and certificants with third parties who use
obtained by BPS through a fair, valid and reliable such personal information to provide core services to BPS or
assessment process which is not influenced by other to assist BPS and individuals with the maintenance of those
interests or parties. BPS is committed to identifying and individuals’ certifications.
assessing risks in all related certification activities which
may result in a conflict of interest or pose a threat to


Record Retention Policy applications will not be processed. All applications are
BPS retains examination results (scores), summary reports processed within 20 business days of receipt.
from examination administrations, and active applicant
data indefinitely. We retain submitted paper Name and/or Address Changes
documentation for one (1) year. After one (1) year, BPS will All applicants are responsible for immediately notifying BPS of any
shred those documents. Applicants/certificants should address change (including e-mail) or legal name change.
retain their own copies of all documentation sent to BPS. Notification for admission to the examination,
communication of test results, maintenance of certified status

APPLICATION and renewal of certification depend on the Board having

current information. Any applicant or certificant who legally
INFORMATION changes his or her name should immediately notify BPS.
Please be advised, that the name you submit with your
General Information application must match your current copy of government-
All questions pertaining to BPS certification should be issued photo identification with signature (e.g., driver’s
directed to BPS staff at info@bpsweb.org or dial 202-429- license, passport, or government-issued identification card).
7591. BPS office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30am- Failure to provide BPS with a name matching your
5:00pm (Eastern Time). The BPS offices are closed on all identification may result in a denial to enter the testing
U.S. Federal holidays. center on your scheduled examination date and forfeiture of
all application fees.
All applicants must submit their applications online via the
BPS website (www.bpsweb.org). A valid credit card is Please update your MyBPS profile immediately with changes
required for payment for online applications. The online in information (e.g., mailing address, e-mail address, etc.) to
application process uses a secure server. ensure timely communication. Address and name changes
made after the mailing of certificates will result in a $50 USD
charge for a duplicate certificate. Name changes that occur
Important Dates after submission of the application must be requested and
received no later than 30 days after the application deadline,
Spring 2019 Examination in order to be updated in time for your examination
Application window: appointment.
Monday, January 7th – Friday, March 15th
Examination Dates
Testing window:
Monday, April 22nd – Friday, May 12th • The Spring 2019 Testing window is between April 22
– May 12, 2019
• The Fall 2019 Testing window is between September
Fall 2019 Examination
20– October 13, 2019.
Application window:
Monday, May 13th – Thursday, August 1st Examination Administration
BPS certification examinations are administered by
Testing window: Prometric, through its affiliated test sites. Candidates may
test within scheduled examination administration windows
Friday, September 20th – Sunday, October 13th
domestically or internationally.

Please note the following: Overview of Steps in Applying for the Examination
Five basic steps are required to apply for the 2019 BPS
• Candidates can only apply for the testing window Certification Examination (International candidates, please
during the established application dates. refer to the “Helpful Tips Guide” for detailed information on
• The Compounded Sterile Preparations Pharmacy 1. Create an online MyBPS profile on the BPS
Specialty will be offered for the first time in Fall 2019. website. A unique candidate number (IND-
XXXXXX) is assigned once the profile is created.
It is the individual’s responsibility to submit a complete and 2. Once your profile has been created, click on the
accurate application by the application deadline. Incomplete “Apply for New Certification” link found on your
MyBPS profile home page. Please review the


eligibility criteria for your specialty before test administration window. For Spring 2019, the
applying. window runs from April 22-May 12, 2019. For Fall
2019, the window runs from September 20–
At the time of application, you will be required to October 13, 2019.
upload a PDF or JPG version of your current
pharmacist license. Candidates will also be Candidates may schedule only one examination in the
required to upload a letter verifying the practice Spring or Fall 2019 windows.
experience that you claim on your application, on
official letterhead, from the supervisor during that Eligibility Requirements
period of employment. Applicants intending to Complete eligibility requirements for each specialty can be
confirm eligibility via an ASHP-accredited found on the BPS website (www.bpsweb.org). All practice
residency program are required to upload a PDF and educational eligibility requirements must be met prior
or JPG copy of a certificate of completion, to the candidate sitting for the examination.
residency certificate, or a letter from their
preceptor. Please note all residency programs Effective January 1, 2019: All applicants intending to
provided for eligibility must have a completion demonstrate eligibility for any BPS certification examination
date within the last 7 years. with practice experience must provide an attestation from their
employer, on company letterhead, that verifies this experience
FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS: Please be accurately represents 50% of time spent in some or all of the
advised that international applicants (those licensed activities defined by the applicable certification content outline.
outside of the United States or Canada) must request a In addition, this practice experience must have occurred within
hard copy of their transcripts or certificate of graduation the seven years immediately preceding the application. All
with an official seal to be sent directly to BPS from the practice experience claimed outside of residency training to meet
University where they received their pharmacy degree eligibility requirements will need to be met prior to the candidate
in addition to submitting the online application. (see sitting for the examination.
page 10 for further details)
Sample employer verification letters are available here: Employer
After completing your application, please submit the Verification Letter
Education Documentation Request Form to your
University. This form must be returned to BPS along Processing Applications
with your transcript. All applicants will be notified by BPS via e-mail of their
eligibility to sit for the examination within 20 business
If you graduated from a university outside of the days of the receipt of their application and fee. Candidates
United States but are currently licensed in the U.S should keep a record of their unique candidate eligibility
or Canada, and hold a current U.S. or Canadian ID number and use it in all correspondence with BPS. For
license, you will not be required to submit hard the steps following application approval please see the
copy official graduation documents. However, if section titled Scheduling (page 6).
you claim practice experience outside the U.S. or
Canada, you will be required to upload a copy of If an application is denied, the entire fee will be refunded
your license for that time frame as a part of your to the credit card on file. Applicants will receive an e-mail
online application. Additionally, all fees must be with an explanation as to why the application was denied.
paid at the time of application submission. Applicants will also be notified by e-mail if their
3. Your application will be reviewed by BPS. You application is incomplete.
will receive a decision regarding your eligibility to
sit for the examination within 20 business days. Examination Sites
Please be advised that the initial eligibility decision Through an arrangement with Prometric, BPS candidates
may be revised if the candidate is later found to be may schedule their examinations at more than 275 sites
ineligible. within the United States and more than 275 sites outside of
4. All approved candidates will receive an approval the U.S. Test site locations can be found on the Prometric
e-mail as well as an Authorization to Test (ATT) e- website.
mail including a BPS examination ID and a link to
Candidates will be able to begin scheduling examination
the Prometric scheduling portal.
appointments after receiving an application approval e-
5. Candidates must schedule the date, time, and
location of their examination within the scheduled
mail from BPS including a link to the Prometric scheduling MyBPS profile and will be required to upload a PDF or
portal. JPG copy of government-issued identification showing
their new name as part of that request. All name change
The Prometric network available to candidates has ample requests must be received no later than 30 days after the
seats to meet demand for the BPS examinations. Prometric application window deadline.
will employ reasonable efforts to secure the site and date
requested by the candidate; however, BPS cannot Rescheduling
guarantee availability of an examination session at a Candidates may reschedule an examination session at no
specific location within the designated period. Seats are charge up to 29 days in advance of the scheduled
filled on a first-come, first-served basis, based on site appointment through Prometric’s scheduling system. An
availability. It is recommended that you schedule your examination session may be rescheduled up to two (2)
examination as soon as possible. calendar days in advance of the scheduled appointment.

BPS does not provide information on hotel or travel BPS staff will not process change requests. A $45 (USD)
arrangements. Candidates are encouraged to use their own nonrefundable fee, payable to Prometric, will apply if
travel agent or one of the online search engines to locate the appointment is rescheduled within 29 calendar days
hotel accommodations near a test site as well as maps and prior to the original appointment date.
driving directions.
NOTE: All dollar amounts expressed in this Candidate’s
DANTES Program Guide are provided in U.S. dollars (USD).
For all information regarding the DANTES Program please
click here. Examination Appointment Must Be
Date Rescheduled/ Canceled By:
Scheduling Monday Saturday of the previous week
In order to help assure the greatest probability that Tuesday Sunday of the current week
candidates receive their preferred site and date, BPS Wednesday Monday of the current week
recommends registering as early as possible.
Thursday Tuesday of the current week
Friday Wednesday of the current week
* Domestic candidates must submit their scheduling request at
least four (4) days prior to their preferred testing date during the Saturday/Sunday Thursday of the current week
scheduled test administration window. Non-U.S. candidates Sunday Friday of the previous week
must submit their scheduling request at least ten (10) business
days prior to their preferred testing date. Withdrawals/Deferrals
Candidates may withdraw/defer from the application
Prometric will provide telephone and e-mail support to process prior to the close of the application deadline.
candidates on matters related to scheduling an (NOTE: BPS does not defer applications from the Fall to the
examination appointment. Voicemail will accept candidate Spring application window.) Candidates must inform BPS of
inquiries outside of normal U.S. business hours. their intent to withdraw/defer in writing, by no later than
the close of the application window, at which point they
Once an examination appointment is scheduled, the will be sent a link to an online form to make an official
candidate will receive a confirmation e-mail from request. Candidates who withdraw from the application
Prometric outlining the appointment details. process will be refunded the fee paid, less an
administrative charge of $200 USD ($250 USD if the exam
The candidate must bring a current, government-issued has been scheduled with Prometric). Refunds will be
photo identification with signature to the test site. processed within 14 days of the close of the application
Acceptable forms of identification include driver’s licenses, window.
passports, and government-issued identification cards.
After the application deadline, BPS will review requests for
The candidate’s first and last name as it appears on the withdrawals with decisions made on a case-by-case basis.
confirmation e-mail must match that which appears on the Acceptable withdrawal requests, with appropriate
government-issued photo identification. Candidates are documentation (e.g., physician’s letter, police report, etc.),
responsible for contacting BPS with any name changes will be considered under the following situations:
that occur after the submission of their application.
Candidates can request a name change through their


• Serious illness (either the candidate or an A “qualified individual with a disability” is one who has a
immediate family member) disability and satisfies the requisite skill, experience,
• Death in the immediate family education, and other requirements of the service, program,
• Disabling accident or activity of which he or she is being measured; and, with
• Court appearance or without accommodations, can perform the essential
• Jury duty functions of the service, program, or activity. An essential
• Unexpected military call-up function is one that individuals are required to perform,
and removing that function would fundamentally change
Supporting documentation must be submitted to BPS the service, program, or activity.
within seven (7) days after the last date in the examination
window. Candidates who receive a denial of their A person must be a “qualified individual with a
withdrawal request will forfeit all fees. If the withdrawal disability” to be protected under the ADA.
request is approved, all administrative fees will apply.
Reasonable accommodations provide candidates with
Spring examination candidates also have the option of having disabilities a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate
their application deferred to the Fall examination cycle of the their knowledge and skill in the essential functions being
same calendar year. Candidates who defer to the Fall exam cycle measured by the examination. Reasonable
and do not test will forfeit all fees. All deferral request must be accommodations are decided based on the individual’s
submitted by no later than the application deadline. NOTE: BPS specific request, disability, documentation submitted, and
does not defer applications from the Fall to the Spring appropriateness of the request. Reasonable
application window. accommodations do not include steps that fundamentally
alter the purpose or nature of the examination.
No Shows
Failure to appear, schedule, or reschedule an examination Reasonable accommodations generally are provided for
session less than four (4) business days before a testing candidates who have a physical or mental impairment that
appointment (outside of the special circumstances listed substantially limits that person in one or more major life
above) will count as the candidate’s testing examination. activities (e.g., walking, talking, hearing, and performing
The candidate will be marked as a no-show candidate and manual tasks), have a record of such physical or mental
all testing fees will be forfeited. No-show candidates will impairment, or are regarded as having a physical or
have the option to apply for a future examination at full mental impairment.
price. If the candidate is marked as a no-show for an
examination using the reduced retake rate, the exam status To apply for reasonable accommodations and ensure
will be required to pay the full $600 fee. appropriate accommodations can be provided, candidates
must submit their completed ADA Request Form and all
Americans with Disabilities Act additional documentation as part of the application
BPS complies with the relevant provisions of the process.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If a candidate has
a disability and requires accommodations under this Act The information and any documentation regarding the
during the certification examination, he/she should select candidate’s disability and need for accommodation during
“Special Accommodations” as part of their application the examination will be considered strictly confidential
form and then submit the “ADA Accommodations Request and will be used solely to determine the candidate’s
Form” as part of their application. All application forms eligibility for accommodations. Supporting documentation
with requests for accommodations must be submitted by must be supplied as part of the application process.
the application window deadline. Professionals submitting documentation in support of a
candidate’s request for accommodation may be contacted
Qualified Individual with a Disability by BPS or Prometric for clarification of any information
A disabled candidate is one who has a physical or mental provided concerning the requested accommodations.
impairment that substantially limits that person in one or
more major life activities (e.g., walking, talking, hearing, Failure to notify BPS of needed accommodations by the
performing manual tasks), has a record of such physical or application window deadline, may result in the
mental impairment, or is regarded as having such a accommodations not being available at the time of the
physical or mental impairment. testing appointment.


Fee Payments Information Sources
Payments are made in U.S. dollars or by credit card (VISA, BPS certification is oriented primarily toward pharmacists
MasterCard, American Express, Discover). Purchase orders licensed and practicing in the U.S.; however, we encourage
will NOT be accepted. international applicants to apply. Pharmacists licensed
outside of the U.S. and Canada must request official
All fees are subject to change at the sole discretion of the graduation documents from the university where they
Board. obtained their pharmacy program degree. Pharmacists
who obtained their pharmacy degree outside the U.S. and
Application Fee Canada, but are currently licensed in either of those
The application fee payment must accompany each countries, only need to provide a copy of their current state
completed application. The fee for first-time applicants for board of pharmacy license to accompany their application.
specialty certification is $600 USD. Candidates who have
failed an initial certification examination within the past Applicants who graduated from a pharmacy program
year have the option to take the examination during this outside the U.S. and Canada and who are not licensed to
period for a reduced fee of $300 USD. practice pharmacy in the U.S. and Canada should refer to
the Helpful Tips for International Candidates guide before
Declined Credit Cards submitting their application.
When a credit card transaction is declined, for any reason,
an alternate valid credit card number must be provided. International candidates must provide the Board with the
following by the application deadline:
Please note, if you submit a payment and receive an “Error 12”
message, this is due to submitting a different billing address from • An official electronic copy of a graduation
the one your financial institution has on file. Please contact your transcript and/or an official graduation certificate
financial institution to confirm the correct billing address before (translated into English) as a part of the online
reattempting the payment. application process indicating that the individual
has completed an educational program preparing
Forfeiture of Fees him/her for basic pharmacy practice (as part of the
Candidates will forfeit their examination fees if they: online application process):
• Fail to schedule an examination appointment; OR
• Fail to arrive at the site at the date and time they • Electronic documentation of current active legal
are scheduled for examination, unless they have an authorization to practice pharmacy in their
approved withdrawal. country of origin or residence.

Candidates who forfeit examination fees must apply at the AND

full price if they wish to re-register for a future
examination. • Sealed hard copy of transcripts or certificate of
graduation with seal sent directly from the college
Late Arrivals or university where they received their pharmacy
Candidates who arrive at the examination site 30 minutes degree. It is preferred that the school send English
after the scheduled examination appointment time will be translations of documentation. Please submit a
denied admission and forfeit all examination fees. Refunds Graduation Documentation Request Form to
will not be issued for forfeited appointments. If an request education documentation from your
appointment is forfeited, there is no refund of the University (Candidates must submit an
examination fee. application online prior to having this
documentation sent to BPS). Please instruct your
INFORMATION FOR university to send sealed copies of your transcripts
or certificate directly to:
Board of Pharmacy Specialties
LICENSED OUTSIDE OF THE 2215 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037-2985


Your application will not be considered complete until agree to abide by all U.S. copyright laws in the use of
BPS has received this documentation directly from your examination preparation materials.
Content Outlines
Throughout all BPS specialty certification examinations, all The Board publishes the content outline specific to each
measurements from laboratory test results are expressed in examination and strongly encourages candidates to
traditional U.S. units. A conversion chart will NOT be become thoroughly familiar with this document. Content
offered as part of the examination. A reference table of outlines are periodically updated to reflect changes in
normal lab values is NOT provided. Candidates should practice. Candidates should ensure that they are using the
take this into consideration when preparing for the current outline for their specialty.
A content outline, listing the domains, tasks, and
The Board is aware that examination questions dealing knowledge statements specific to each specialty practice, is
with procedures or regulatory issues in the U.S. are not provided for the information of prospective candidates on
necessarily pertinent to candidates who practice in other the BPS website. The content outline also notes the
countries. However, all candidates are given the same percentage of items per domain. Examination content
examination and are held to the same standard of outlines are developed through a nationwide study of the
achievement, regardless of the country in which they work pharmacy specialists perform in a variety of practice
practice and the regulations under which they practice. settings.

Please note BPS certification does not confer the privilege Examinations are not structured domain by domain.
to practice pharmacy in the U.S. or in any other country. Instead, examination questions for each domain are
distributed randomly throughout the total examination.

PREPARING FOR THE While BPS examinations test the stated domains of each
specialty, candidates are advised that the examinations
EXAMINATION sample content represented in each certification content
Suggested preparation for the examination might include:
• Residency or other formal training
Eligibility Requirements and Content Outlines for each
• The study of Journal articles, textbooks, or other
specialty can be found here:
publications related to the content outline
• Continuing education programs and courses in
• Ambulatory Care Pharmacy
specialized pharmacy practice
• Cardiology Pharmacy
• Study groups and examination preparation
• Compounded Sterile Preparations Pharmacy
• Critical Care Pharmacy
• Sample examination questions are provided on the
• Geriatric Pharmacy
BPS website in order for candidates to familiarize
• Infectious Diseases Pharmacy
themselves with the various item formats which
• Nuclear Pharmacy
are presented on the exam. Sample question
• Nutrition Support Pharmacy
performance should not be interpreted as an
• Oncology Pharmacy
indicator of exam performance.
• Pediatric Pharmacy
• Pharmacotherapy
Potential applicants may contact the organizations noted
• Psychiatric Pharmacy
here, which offer courses and materials for the specialty or
specialties listed. The listing is provided as a convenience
New regulations, drugs, and therapies are incorporated
for candidates; BPS and its Specialty Councils neither
into the examinations. All BPS specialty certification
sponsor nor endorse training or educational opportunities
examinations reflect current, best practices, at the time they
in specialized practice areas or preparatory courses for any
are constructed – practice guidelines used for the Spring
of the BPS examinations. BPS does not have any official
examination are those that are current as of January 1 of
agents outside of the U.S.
the testing year. Practice guidelines for the Fall
examination are those that are current as of July 1 of the
This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of sources.
testing year. Official United States Adopted Name (USAN)
Please note: candidates using any preparatory resources
generic names are used on all BPS examinations for all
drug products, when possible.
Sample Exam Questions room. Bring earplugs if you are sensitive to noise. If you
BPS has provided sample multiple choice questions to choose to bring earplugs, they will be subject to inspection
provide candidates with an opportunity to review the by the onsite staff.
FORMAT of questions used on BPS specialty certification
examinations. They are used strictly for illustrative Examination Rules
purposes and not indicative of actual content on the BPS and Prometric follow industry standard examination
examinations. BPS may also utilize alternate question types rules as outlined below.
on some examinations including but not limited to
matching, drag and drop, images and videos. Prohibited Items
Candidates are expressly prohibited from bringing the
Sample Questions can be found here: following items to the examination site:
• Cameras, cell phones or other mobile devices,

ON THE DAY OF THE optical readers, or other electronic devices that

include the ability to photograph, photocopy, or
otherwise copy test materials
Notes, books, dictionaries, or language dictionaries
Checking-In on Examination Day
• Book bags or luggage
All candidates should arrive at the test site 15 minutes
• iPods, MP3 players, headphones, or pagers
prior to the scheduled examination appointment.
• Computers, PDAs, i-Pads, or other electronic
Candidates who arrive 30 minutes after their scheduled
appointment may be refused admission. Refunds will not
• Personal writing utensils (i.e., pencils, pens, and
be issued in the event of a forfeited appointment.
• Watches
The candidate must present a valid government-issued
• Food and beverage (i.e., in the examination room)
photo identification with signature. Candidates will be
• Hats, hoods, or other headwear, unless required
required to sign-in and will be instructed on where to store
for religious purposes
personal items and where to keep identification. The
• Candidates taking the examination will not be
candidate’s identity will be verified every time he/she
allowed to bring calculators to the test site.
enters or leaves the testing room.
All items are subject to inspection by the proctor. If onsite
Once the candidate has been checked-in, he/she will be
staff determines that a candidate has brought any of the
escorted by examination staff to a workstation. The
items listed above to the examination site, they may
candidate must remain at the workstation unless
request that candidates surrender them for safekeeping for
authorized to leave by test site staff. Candidates may not
an indefinite period. BPS and Prometric reserve the right to
leave the room without site staff permission. If the
review the memory of any electronic device that may be in
candidate leaves the room without permission prior to
the candidate’s possession at the examination site to
completing his/her examination, he/she will forfeit the
determine whether any examination materials have been
examination appointment and there will be no refund of
photographed or otherwise reproduced.
applicable fees.
If the review determines that any examination materials
Onsite staff will provide the candidate with an erasable
are in the memory of any such device, BPS and Prometric
note board which may be replaced as needed during the
reserve the right to delete materials and/or retain them for
examination. The candidate may not remove the note
subsequent disciplinary or legal action. Upon completion
boards and candidates are not allowed to use their own
of the review and any applicable deletions, BPS and
scratch paper or writing tools. Additionally, candidates
Prometric will return the device to the candidate but will
taking the computer-based examination will be provided
not be responsible for the deletion of any materials that
with a scientific calculator available on their computer
may result from the review, whether or not such materials
screen for use during the examination.
are examination materials.
The examination room temperature can be unpredictable;
By bringing any such device into the test site in
therefore, we suggest that you bring appropriate clothing
contravention of BPS and Prometric policies, the candidate
with you (e.g., sweater, sweatshirt without hood) to help
expressly waives any confidentiality or other similar rights
you adapt to a cooler or warmer climate in the examination
with respect to the device, BPS and Prometric review of the
memory of the device and/or the deletion of any materials. Candidates will have the option to add comments to each
BPS, Prometric, the examination site, and the test site staff examination item (question). Please specify any issues with
are not liable for lost or damaged items brought to the an item in the comment section of the item and not at the
examination site. end of the examination session. The comments will be
collected and shared in aggregate for review by BPS staff
Inclement Weather and Cancellations and the applicable BPS Specialty Council. Comments will
Prometric will attempt to contact candidates in the event of not be used in the scoring of the examination.
a test site closure due to inclement weather to reschedule
their appointment. As sites close, e-mails are issued to the Instructions will be provided to candidates on their
candidates impacted notifying them of the closures, and computer screen. Only answers submitted via computer
Prometric’s website is also updated with this information. will be scored. Answers written on whiteboards will not be
However, because closures can occur at any time during
inclement weather, it is the responsibility of the candidate Examination Schedule
to contact Prometric to receive the most up-to-date The examination day schedule is provided below.
information regarding whether a center is open or to
reschedule the examination appointment. If a test site is Initial certification candidates will be provided timed
officially closed, candidates will not be charged a examination periods, outlined here:
rescheduling fee. If a site is open and the candidate does
not keep his or her appointment, the candidate forfeits all Examination Part 1 (100 items): 2.5-hour testing period
Break (optional): Up to 30 minutes
Examination Format and Administration
Four-option multiple-choice questions constitute the Examination Part 2 (75 items): 1 hour, 53-minute
majority of examination items; however, most of the testing period
specialty examinations also use alternate item types such
Recertification candidates will be allowed a 2.5-hour
as multiple response, drag and drop, and hotspot.
examination period to complete the 100-item
During the examination, if a candidate experiences recertification examination. Recertification candidates will
difficulty with the computer, he/she should notify the have the option of a morning or afternoon administration.
proctor immediately and await further instruction. Most
Candidates are reminded that they should arrive at the
technical issues are resolved quickly with a simple refresh
examination site 15 minutes in advance of their scheduled
of the screen or by the proctor logging you back into the
appointment time.
If a candidate takes an unscheduled break outside of the
BPS specialty certification examinations are delivered via
optional break time between Part 1 and Part 2 or during a
computer. While it is not the norm, technology issues can
recertification examination, that time is deducted from
occasionally occur, as there could be software loading,
their examination period.
keyboard or other workstation issues. These types of issues
may require the proctor to log you back into your
On the day of the examination, all candidates MUST
examination. If this happens, inform the proctor that you
present a printout of their scheduling confirmation e-mail
have a computer issue.
AND valid government-issued photo identification with
signature (e.g., driver’s license, passport) in order to be
If a technical issue lasts longer than 30 minutes and
admitted to the testing room. Candidates who arrive 30
prevents you from continuing with the examination, you
minutes after their scheduled examination time and
may choose to stop and reschedule to another day, or you
candidates without valid photo identification will not be
may continue to wait for the resolution. Again, most
admitted to the examination. If that occurs, their fees will
technical issues are resolved quickly.
be forfeited.
Candidates will be provided with a scientific calculator
Candidates will not be permitted to enter the exam room
app available on their computer screen for use during the
unless proper identification as described above is
examination. A sample calculator is available on the BPS


Examination Content Candidates may not communicate with other candidates
A BPS specialty certification examination samples the during the examination. Anyone who provides or receives
knowledge required to perform the tasks in each of the assistance during the examination will be dismissed from
major areas of responsibility of the specialty as defined the examination room. Candidates may not photograph,
through a role delineation study. The examination does record, or memorize any examination material. Other
not attempt to test knowledge at all levels or settings in the causes for dismissal include, but are not limited to using
specialized practice area. Mastery of the knowledge and notes, references, or any test aids; using unauthorized
skills involved in the defined scope of specialized practice calculators; causing a disruption to the environment; and
is necessary for board certification, regardless of the removing any examination material from the testing site.
particular practice in which an applicant is currently Candidates who are dismissed from the examination room
involved. forfeit all fees.

BPS specialty certification examinations are constructed Personnel authorized and trained by Prometric will
according to test specifications derived from role proctor the examination. No other individuals are
delineation studies. BPS conducts these studies with permitted in the room during the examination except for
qualified subject matter experts to establish the test the candidates and persons authorized by BPS and/or the
specifications used to and construct examinations. examination administrator.

Security Statement of Confidentiality for BPS Examinations:

BPS examinations are the confidential property of BPS and
are protected by trade secret law, copyright law, and other 1. This examination and the test questions contained
applicable state and federal laws and regulations. BPS and herein are the exclusive property of BPS.
its testing agency maintain examination administration 2. This examination and the questions contained
and security standards that are designed to assure that all herein are protected by copyright law. No part of
candidates are provided the same opportunity to this examination may be copied or reproduced in
demonstrate their abilities. part or whole by any means whatsoever, including
Before beginning the examination, candidates will be 3. The theft or attempted theft of any examination
asked to read and sign a Statement of Confidentiality. This materials is punishable as a felony.
statement restricts candidates from sharing any 4. My participation in any irregularity occurring
information about the examination with other individuals, during this examination, such as giving or
including discussions with any colleagues who might be obtaining unauthorized information or aid, as
planning to take the examination in the near future. evidenced by observation or subsequent analysis,
may result in termination of my participation,
Proctors are authorized by BPS and its examination invalidation of the results of my examination or
administrator to maintain a secure and proper examination other appropriate action.
administration environment. 5. Further discussion or disclosure of the contents of
the examination orally, in writing or by any other
Candidates will be allowed to leave the room during the means is prohibited.
test administration to use the restroom facilities if they
follow the test site procedures. If a candidate takes an My electronic signature on my application indicates that I
unscheduled break outside of the optional break time have read, understood and agree to be bound by the
(between Part 1 and Part 2 of the initial certification statement of confidentiality and that I have read and
examination) or during a recertification examination, that understood the BPS Candidate’s Guide. Failure to comply
time is deducted from their examination period. can result in termination of my participation, invalidation
Candidates will be inspected for devices such as hand-held of the results of my examination or other appropriate
scanners, cameras, tape recorders, or other electronic action.
equipment. Areas around the testing room (e.g., hallways,
restrooms, telephone stalls) are monitored throughout the
examination for security purposes. Be aware that you will
be observed at all times while taking the examination.
Observation may include direct observation by center staff,
as well as video and audio recording of your examination
required for specialty certification. Each BPS specialty
FOLLOWING THE certification program establishes its own passing standard.
EXAMINATION Equating and Scaled Scores
Examination Scoring BPS creates new versions, or forms, of all of its
During the computer-based examinations, candidate examinations on a regular basis. In assembling the new
responses are stored in real time as candidates progress forms, BPS and its consultants follow best practices in
through an examination. Scoring for all candidates takes certification testing so that all forms of an examination are
place after the examination administration window closes. comparable.
The candidate’s response for each question are recorded
and scored against the answer key. It is to the candidate’s A statistical procedure called equating is used to take into
advantage to answer every question on the examination. account any differences in relative difficulty of the test
There is no penalty in the scoring formula for guessing. forms and to ensure that candidates are measured against
an equitable and consistent passing standard. Test scores
The individual score report will indicate whether the are then transformed onto a score scale between 200 and
candidate passed or failed the examination. 800, with 500 representing the passing point. The process
of scaling accommodates score interpretation and ensures
Candidates will receive their score reports electronically
that all candidate scores are reported on a common scale.
approximately 60 days following the close of the
scheduled examination administration window by Scores will range from a minimum of 200 to a maximum of
logging in to their MyBPS accounts. 800. The minimum passing score on BPS examinations is
500. Pass/fail decisions are based on the total score
A complimentary certificate suitable for framing and a BPS
indicated on the score report, not on the performance in
lapel pin are sent to newly certified specialists
the domains.
approximately 90 days after notification of certification.
If You Do Not Pass the Examination: Retaking the
For reasons of privacy and confidentiality, examination
results are released to the candidate only. Examination
If a candidate fails to achieve a passing score on the
results will not be given via telephone or fax. Access to a
examination, retaking the examination is permitted. The
candidate’s score report is limited to those staff at BPS and
fee for retaking the examination is $300 USD. If the
Prometric who are involved in the processing of these
candidate does not retake the examination within a one-
reports. BPS will not release personal information (other
year period, re-submission of the complete application will
than the name of certified individuals under established
be required, along with re-payment of the full fee in effect
policy) without written authorization.
at that time.

In order to protect the security and integrity of the

An individual who fails one specialty examination may
specialty certification examinations, neither BPS nor its
NOT apply for another specialty examination as a retake
examination administrator release examination questions,
individual answer strings, or the answer key to any
individual or organization. Efforts are made by BPS, its Retake candidates who withdraw from taking the
Specialty Councils, and its examination administrator to examination are processed as described in the section
produce completely accurate examinations; however, if a “Withdrawals”.
candidate believes there is an error in an examination
question, the concern should be noted in the candidate Comparative Review and Hand Scoring
comments of the exam and the candidate should contact A comparative review verifies that the candidate’s answers
BPS immediately after the examination. were scored against the correct examination answer key in
order to confirm the candidate’s examination was scored
Passing Standard properly. Please note that the computer-based examination
The passing standards, or cut scores, used in BPS scoring process is accurate and that the BPS scoring
examinations were established using criterion-referenced process already includes several quality assurance steps.
procedures that are widely used in certification. Criterion-
referenced passing standards link the score required to To request a Comparative Review/Hand Scoring of a BPS
pass an examination to the minimum level of knowledge examination, the request form, found on the BPS website,
must be completed and submitted along with a $50 USD


fee. Requests must be received within 60 days of the Failure to pay the annual fee results in removal of the
candidate receiving the score report. Please allow 30 days individual’s name from BPS’ official list of certified
to process requests. pharmacists. This list of BPS-certified specialists “in good
standing” is published on the BPS website. Upon applying
Appeals Process for recertification, all outstanding annual fees and a $5
An appeals process is available to any individual who has penalty fee for each late payment will be due. Failure to
applied for or received a BPS certification and wishes to pay the annual certification maintenance fees may result in
contest any adverse decision or proposed action affecting suspension of the certification.
their application for certification or recertification status
other than a failed examination score. Recertification
To maintain “active” board certification status,
BPS provides a two-step appeals process for resolution of recertification is required every seven (7) years. Please
any questions or complaints concerning an action or note that once initially credentialled, certificants may not
decision by the BPS Board of Directors. The first step of the begin accumulating continuing education hours towards
process includes a reconsideration review procedure recertification until January 1st of the following year. For
which is handled by BPS. The second step of the process is example, if a candidate passes their certification exam in
an appeals procedure which is handled by a specially the Spring 2019 examination window, their credential
appointed Appeals Committee. The individual must first starts on July 1, 2019, however accumulation of BPS
file the request for reconsideration before filing an appeal. approved recertification CEs for that specialty can only
be obtained after the accrual period start date of January
A reconsideration and appeal process “Appeals Policy and 1, 2020.
Certificants are expected to keep their certification current.
If you experience an examination administration issue and If requirements are not completed at the end of the seven-
wish to file a complaint, the complaint must be received by year cycle, certification lapses. Once certification has
BPS within five (5) days of your examination date. lapsed, individuals must meet all current initial eligibility
requirements, including passing the full-length, 175
Revocation of Certification question initial certification examination. Please see
The certification of an individual may be revoked by BPS Recertification Guide for more information.
for any of the following reasons:
• Failure to complete or fulfill the requirements for
certification or recertification USE OF THE BPS MARK AND
• Failure to maintain professional licensure
• Determination that certification or recertification LOGO
was improperly granted The BPS certification mark and logo are the property of
• Misrepresentation or misstatement of facts BPS. Permission to use the certification mark or logo is
submitted upon application for certification or granted to certified persons at the discretion of BPS, for
recertification permissible uses only. A candidate who passes the
• Violation of Conflict of Interest and/or examination will receive a certificate suitable for framing
confidentiality/ non-disclosure attestations to BPS and will have the right to claim the mark of a Board-
Certified Pharmacist in the specific pharmacy specialty.
Annual Certification Maintenance Use of BPS marks and logos is limited to those pharmacist
All BPS-certified pharmacists are required to register specialists in good standing, who have been granted the
annually with the Board and pay a $125 USD annual pharmacy specialty designation by BPS and who satisfy all
certification maintenance fee. An invoice will be sent to maintenance and recertification requirements established
each certificant via e-mail in May of every year of the by BPS.
certification cycle including the first year. The $125 USD
annual fee is not required in the last year of a certification Use of the Designation
cycle. Payment is due within 45 days of that e-mail To use letters in one’s title, individuals must: (1) meet and
notification. Pharmacists holding more than one BPS continue to meet BPS certification and recertification
certification are assessed only one annual fee but are standards; (2) demonstrate the requisite experience
required to submit the $400 recertification fee with their requirements. Successful individuals are authorized to use
recertification application for each specialty. the following certification marks or designations in
communications and marketing materials, once they have


earned the specific designation: BCACP®, BCCP®,


The Mission of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties is to improve patient care by promoting
the recognition and value of specialized training, knowledge, and skills in pharmacy and
specialty board certification of pharmacists.

We will accomplish this mission by:

• Providing leadership for the profession of pharmacy in the discussion, evolution,
direction and recognition of specialty board certification of pharmacists;
• Establishing and promoting, in collaboration with stakeholders, the value of pharmacy
specialization and board certification;
• Establishing the standards for identification and recognition of pharmacy specialties;
• Establishing standards of eligibility, knowledge, and skills as the basis for board
• Developing and administering a valid process to evaluate the knowledge and skills for
recognition of board-certified pharmacists;
• Assessing and recognizing the continued eligibility, knowledge, and skills of board-
certified pharmacist specialists through a valid recertification process.

Board of Pharmacy Specialties

2215 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Phone 202-429-7591 • Fax 202-429-6304

©Copyright 2018, Board of Pharmacy Specialties. All Rights Reserved.

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