AD 253 - Design Considerations For The Vibration of Floors
AD 253 - Design Considerations For The Vibration of Floors
AD 253 - Design Considerations For The Vibration of Floors
AD 253
Design Considerations for the Vibration of
Designers are more frequently facing the need to consider, in detail, the
vibration response of floors. This Advisory Desk article is the first of a
collection of articles which are being written as summaries of the key
A structure that is composed of any material will vibrate if subjected to Fig. 1(b). Idealised single-degree-of-freedom system, undamped free
cyclic or sudden loading. In most cases, the vibrations are imperceptible, vibration response.
and so can be neglected in building design. However, in some
circumstances, the response of the structure to a common cyclic load
structural components such as partitions, which are largely dependant
(e.g. walking activities, etc.) is sufficient to produce a response that is
on frictional forces. Intuitively, it might be expected that the presence of
perceptible to the occupants of the building. The most common example
the false flooring would have an effect on the damping. However,
of such small, but perceptible, vibrations occurs in floor structures. This
experimental studies have shown that this is not the case. The reason is
is not a new phenomenon, but it is more noticeable within the working
that deflections of modern false floors do not produce sufficient
environment of modern offices.
movement to develop significant friction forces.
A disturbance to the floor by a suddenly applied load will cause the
What disturbs building occupants? system to vibrate as shown in Figure 1 (b). If no other external forces are
For structures that are subjected to static loading, it is normal for the applied to the system, the damping will cause the displacements to die
engineer to calculate the vertical deflection of the floor. This is to avoid away with time.
undesirable deflections and to limit the possibility of damage to brittle
finishes that will occur in serviceability conditions. However, for floors
that are subject to cyclic or sudden loading, human perception of motion
Walking activities
Walking produces a cyclic loading that is repeated at regular intervals
is usually related to acceleration levels rather than displacement. In most
called periods, which are inversely proportional to the pace frequency. A
practical building structures, if the magnitude of these acceleration
typical example of a load-time function that is produced by walking
levels is not limited, the typical reaction of the building occupants varies
activities is shown in Figure 2 (a).
between irritation and a feeling of insecurity. This is based on the
In general, a repeated force can be represented by a combination of
instinctive human perception that motion in a ‘solid’ building structure
sinusoidal forces, whose frequencies are multiples (or harmonics) of the
indicates structural inadequacy or failure.
pace frequency as shown in Figure 2 (b). The magnitude of the force for
The working environment also affects the perception of motion. For
each of these harmonic components is taken as a proportion of the static
busy floors, where the occupant is surrounded by the activity that is
weight of the person multiplied by a Fourier coefficient αn.
producing the vibrations, the perception of motion is reduced. In
The values of the Fourier coefficients have been established experimen-
contrast, for quiet environments (such as laboratories and residential
tally for different activities and different activity frequencies. For walk-
dwellings), where the source of the vibration is unseen, the perception of
ing activities Figure 3 shows how the magnitude of the first three har-
motion is significantly heightened.
monic components varies with frequency.
The trend exhibited by Figure 3 is that the magnitude of the Fourier coef-
A simple model of a vibrating system ficient is lower for higher harmonics. For example, the average Fourier
A simple model that illustrates the vibration behaviour of a structure is coefficient for the first three harmonics of walking is typically taken as
shown in Figure 1 (a). The bending stiffness is modelled as a spring of α1 = 0.4, α2 = 0.1 and α3 = 0.1. In buildings, it is considered that a walk-
stiffness k, and the floor mass is modelled by a point of mass m. All ing frequency of between 1.7 and 2.4Hz can realistically occur. (However,
practical structures will have some damping, conveniently modelled as a a higher frequency range may be found for other activities e.g., dancing,
viscous (or oil-pot) damper. Damping refers to the loss in mechanical aerobics, etc.).
energy within a mechanical system. Practical floor structures possess a
low level of natural damping (normally in the order of 1%), which does
not affect the natural frequency of the system. However, the magnitude
Floor response
When cyclic forces (such as those from walking activities) are applied to
of the damping is very important, as this determines the maximum
a structure, it will begin to vibrate. If the cyclic forces are applied
possible magnification to the acceleration response of the floor (see
continuously to the simple model in Figure 1(a), the motion of the
below). Higher damping depends on the energy dissipation through non-
structure will reach a steady-state i.e., vibration of a constant amplitude
and frequency will be achieved (see Figure 1 (b)). The magnitude of the
peak acceleration response for a long continued excitation is given by:
apeak =
( applied force
mass )
× Dynamic magnification factor