The MINIC-IV ultrasonic welding guarantees optimal mechanical, The control unit, a high-frequen-
system is the economic produc- electrical and visual splice proper- cy generator and an industrial PC
tion machine for wire harness ties in such applications. are mounted in a 19-inch control
manufacturing. Wires with a cross rack. The patented dynamic pro-
section size of up to 15 mm2 can The welding system, of course, cess control function permits the
be welded with this unit. comes equipped with our reliable regulation of relevant process pa-
Anti-Side-Splice-Kit. As an option, rameters within specified toleran-
The MINIC-IV was designed for a cutting system can be added to ce ranges. Thus, this feature gua-
welding wires with small cross the unit. rantees not only a high degree of
sections, such as 0.13 mm2 for ex- process reliability, but also a high
ample. Its special tooling system quality standard for the weld con-