Student Questionnaire
Student Questionnaire
Student Questionnaire
Fall 2019
Student Questionnaire
I. Tell me about yourself:
1. Where did you speak English this week and to whom? (e.g., at work with my co-worker)
2. What did you write in English this week? (e.g., a text message, an email, an essay, etc.)
3. What did you read in English this week? (e.g., a novel, a newspaper online)
5. How many hours per week can you study English outside school?
Community Language Program Student Name: ______________________________
Fall 2019
First, circle your reason/s for studying English. You can circle more than one. Then, circle one
number from 1 to 5 to show how important the chosen reason is for you.
Participate in meetings/discussions 1 2 3 4 5
Give presentations 1 2 3 4 5
Other ________________________________________________________________________
IV. What else do you want me to know about your English language study plans?