ENglish 6 Q3 Day 1

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________________ __________ C.

Present the picture of Zeus and let

pupils listen to the text.
ENGLISH Zeus was the god of the sky and ruler of the
Olympian gods. He overthrew his father,
Cronus, and then drew lots with his brothers
Poseidon and Hades, in order to decide who
I. OBJECTIVES: would succeed their father on the throne.
A. Content Standard: pls. see curriculum Zeus won the draw and became the supreme
guide ruler of the gods, as well as lord of the sky
B. Performance Standard: please see and rain. His weapon was a thunderbolt
curriculum guide which he hurled at those who displeased or
C. Learning Competencies: Note significant defied him, especially liars and oathbreakers.
details ENGLC IIIA 2.2 He was married to Hera but often tested her
Self-correct when reading ENGF IIIa 2.9 patience, as he was infamous for his many
II. CONTENT: D. Discussion: Use a graphic organizer.
Note significant details Who was the God of the sky and the ruler of
Self-correct when reading the Olympian Gods?
III. REFERENCES: What did he do to his father?
A. References: How did he gets his father throne?
Internet Who were his brothers?
What was his weapon called?
IV. PROCEDURES: Who is Hera?
A. Concept: How did you answer correctly? what did you
DETAILS • Are small pieces of information do ?
that support the main idea. • Speak about E. Activity
people, events things, time, objects,
circumstances, situations and manner.

Poseidon is the god of the sea and

B. 1. Motivation: show the picture below for protector of all aquatic features. Brother
10 seconds
of Zeus and Hades, after the overthrow of
2. Do you remember the things that you saw their father, He ended up becoming lord
in the pictures? Will you name them? of the sea. He was widely worshipped by
seamen. He married Amphitrite, His
Telling all the objects that you have weapon was a trident, with which he
remembered from the picture is the same could make the earth shake, causing
with the characters, places, events that you earthquakes, and shatter any object. He
have recalled from a story that you have
was second to Zeus in power amongst
the gods. He was considered by Greeks
t o h a v e a d i f fi c u l t q u a r r e l s o m e
personality. Combined with his greed, he
had a series of disputes with other gods.

Note significant details from the story heard.

Complete the activity card given to your
Although an Olympian, Hades preferred the
Underworld and rarely left his kingdom. His
Poseidon weapon was a pitchfork, which he used to
create earthquakes, similar to the way
Poseidon used his trident. He also had a
helmet of invisibility, which he had received as
a gift from the Cyclopes, in order to use it
during the clash of the Titans. He was married
Checking of the Activity to Persephone, daughter of Demeter, whom
How did you get to answer the activity Hades abducted and carried down to the
correctly? Underworld.

F. Generalization: 1. Who was the god of the underworld?

How to note significant details? 2. What do you call his weapon?
To note significant details from the story, one 3. What were the things that his weapon can
should listen carefully and understand what do? give one.
the story is about, make sure to remember or 4. How did Persephone become his wife?
write all the names of characters, and events 5. What gift did he receive from Cyclopes?
mentioned in the story heard.
V. Assignment:
G. Evaluation: 1. Listen to the news about the upcoming
Listen to the story of Hades ASEAn Summit and note significant details
Hades was the brother of Zeus and about it.
Poseidon. After the overthrow of their father,
Cronus, he drew lots with them to share the 2. Bring a dictionary tomorrow.
universe. He drew poorly, which resulted in
becoming lord of the underworld and ruler of VI. Reflection (see next page)
the dead. Nevertheless, he was not
considered to be death itself, as this was a
different god, called Thanatos. Greedy like his
brother Poseidon, he was mainly interested in
increasing his subjects, and anyone whose
deeds resulted in people dying was favoured
by him. The Erinnyes (the Furies) were
welcomed guests in his kingdom.
The Greeks were not keen on uttering his
name, afraid of causing some kind of reaction
that would end up with them dead sooner.
Instead, they decided to give him another
name, Plouton, deriving from the Greek word
for wealth, due to the precious metals mined
from the earth. Thus, Hades also became the
god of wealth.

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