03 Rhoss Tcaey-Thaey-Txaey 115-238 Compact-Y en NT
03 Rhoss Tcaey-Thaey-Txaey 115-238 Compact-Y en NT
03 Rhoss Tcaey-Thaey-Txaey 115-238 Compact-Y en NT
TXAEY 117÷133
Compact-Y range
Air-cooled water chillers, heat pumps and polyvalent units with axial fans.
Range with hermetic Scroll type compressors and R410A ecological
Handling ..............................................................................43
TCAEY – THAEY 115÷130 di mensions and footprints,
ASP0/ASP1 i nstallati on.....................................................44
Contents Gener al Features ................................................................4 Installation ...........................................................................44
Intended C onditi ons of Us e ................................................4 Weights ................................................................................44
New Compact-Y series......................................................5 Clearances and positioning ..............................................44
Energy-savi ng, reliable and versatile water chillers and Handling ..............................................................................44
heat pumps ............................................................................5 Dimensions and footprints TCAEY – THAEY 133÷233
Pol yvalent EXPSYSTEMS units in R410A for efficient Standard installation, P0 – P1 – P2, ASP0 – ASP1 –
energy us e.............................................................................5 ASP2 ....................................................................................45
Guide to choosing a unit ..................................................6 Installation ...........................................................................45
AdaptiveFunction ...............................................................6 Weights ................................................................................45
AdaptiveFunction Plu s .....................................................7 Clearances and positioning ..............................................45
"DEFROST PLUS" evolved defrost logic.....................9 Handling ..............................................................................45
Set-point Compensation.................................................10 TCAEY – THAEY 133÷233 di mensions and footprints,
TCAEY-THAEY models 115÷238...................................11 with access ories DS15/RC100 ........................................46
Construction features .........................................................11 Installation ...........................................................................46
Available Ins tallations ........................................................11 Weights ................................................................................46
Electrical Panel ...................................................................11 Clearances and positioning ..............................................46
Option with c ompati ble contr ol...................11 Handling ..............................................................................46
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 accessories..........................12 Dimensions and footprints TCAEY – THAEY 238........47
Factor y fitted access ories .................................................12 Installation ...........................................................................47
Factor y fitted access ories with c ompatible Weights ................................................................................47
control ...................................................................................12 Clearances and positioning ..............................................47
Accessories s upplied l oose...............................................12 Handling ..............................................................................47
Accessories s upplied l oose with c ompati ble TXAEY 117÷130 di mensions and footprints, P1
control ............................................................12 installation ...........................................................................48
TXAEY 117÷133 mod els..................................................13 Installation ...........................................................................48
Construction features STANDARD installation..............13 Weights ................................................................................48
Available Ins tallations ........................................................13 Clearances and positioning ..............................................48
EXP electrical board characteristics ................................13 Handling ..............................................................................48
TXAEY 117÷133 accessories.........................................14 TXAEY 133 di mensions and footprints, Standard, P1 –
Factor y fitted access ories .................................................14 P2, ASP1 – ASP2 ins tallati on ..........................................49
Accessories s upplied l oose...............................................14 Installation ...........................................................................49
Technical Data...................................................................15 Weights ................................................................................49
Energy efficienc y at partial loads - ESEER index .........23 Clearances and positioning ..............................................49
TXAEY oper ating principle ............................................24 Handling ..............................................................................49
AUTOMATIC mode - multi-seas on..................................24 W ater connections ..........................................................50
SELECT mode - multi-season...........................................24 Connection to the s ystem .................................................50
Diagram of AUTOMATIC operating mode .....................24 Pump ins tallation................................................................50
Diagram of SELECT operating mode...............................24 Tank & Pump installation ..................................................50
Operati ng logic....................................................................25 Minimum water circuit content TCAEY-THAEY ............50
The competiti ve advantages of the pol yvalent s ystem.25 Minimum water circuit content TXAEY ...........................50
Applications of the polyv alent system .......................26 Maxi mum water circuit content ........................................51
2-pipe-s ystems ....................................................................26 Water data...........................................................................51
4-pipe s ys tems ....................................................................26 Expansion vessel tec hnical data .....................................51
Example of water circuit ....................................................26 Use of antifreeze Solutions...........................................51
Electronic controls for TCAEY THAEY 115÷133 W ater circuits in TC AEY-THAEY models with
models.................................................................................27 STANDARD electronic control.....................................52
Compatible control .......................................27 W ater circuits in TC AEY-THAEY models with
KTR – Remote Keyboard for Control electronic control ......................................53
control ...................................................................................27 W ater circuits in T XAEY mod els..................................54
Electronic c ontr ol fir models 133-233 with access ories TCAEY-THAEY electric connections with
RC100 and DS15 ...............................................................28 compatible control....................................55
KTR – Remote keyboard fir models133-233 with Electric connections in TXAEY models.....................58
accessories RC100 and DS15 .........................................28
Electronic control Models TXAEY 117÷133..............29
Electronic c ontr ol ................................................................29
KTR – Remote keyboard...................................................29
Serial Connection .............................................................30
Serial connec tion for c ontrol control .........30
KSC – Cloc k card ...............................................................30
Performance ......................................................................31
Choice of a chiller or heat pump and us e of the
perfor manc e tables .............................................................31
Performance dat a for TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238
RC100 and DS15 acc essories: performanc es and
pressure drops ....................................................................35
TCAEY-THAEY pr essur e drops and r esidual static
pressur e..............................................................................36
Performance dat a for TXAEY 117÷133 models ........38
TXAEY pressur e drops and residual static pressur e41
Operating limits for TCAEY-THAEY models 115÷23842
Operating limits for TXAEY models 117÷133............42
Dimensions and Footprints...........................................43
TCAEY – THAEY 115÷130 di mensions and footprints,
P0/P1 installation................................................................43
Weights ................................................................................43
Clearances and positioning ..............................................43
TCAEY-THAEY-TXAEY 115÷238 general characteristics
General Features
Intended Conditions of Use
TCAEBY units are air-cooled pac kaged water The TXAEY units are air-cooled polyvalent units The units c omply with the following directi ves:
chillers with air cooling and axi al fans. with full heat recovery. ○ Machiner y directive 2006/42/EEC (MD)
THAEY units ar e pac kaged evaporation/air- ○ Low voltage directi ve 2006/95/EEC (LVD)
cooled reversible heat-pumps on the refrigerant They ar e intended for use i n air conditi oning or ○ Electromagnetic compatibility Directive
cycle with axi al fans. industrial process applications which require 2004/108/EEC (EMC);
simultaneous or independent chilled or heated ○ Pressure equipment Directive 97/23/EEC
They ar e intended for use i n conditioning plants water supplies i n 2 or 4-pi pe s ys tems all year (PED).
or indus trial proc esses where a suppl y of c hilled round. Not for domestic water or direct
water (TCAEY) or c hilled and hot water consumption.
(THAEY), is required. Not suitable for drinking
water. The units ar e designed for outdoor
The units ar e designed for outdoor
T C A E Y 1-2 15÷38
Cooling onl y
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 general characteristics
Guaranteed reliabilit y, even with water in the pipes only Polyvalent EXPSYSTEMS units in R410A for efficient energy
Thanks to the “Virtual T ank” functi on, Compac t-Y units with use
AdaptiveFunction Plu s can operate i n s ystems with a low water
content of down to 2 litres/kW, even without the pres enc e of a water Efficient en erg y u se
buffer tank, whilst s till guaranteei ng the reliability and good worki ng EXPS YSTE MS is a latest generation pol yval ent ecol ogical system,
order of the unit over ti me. designed by RHOSS S.p.A. to offer cooling, heating and hot water
simultaneousl y or independently at any time of year, whilst
Estimation of the syst em's therm al inertia guaranteeing efficient energy usage. Energy s avings are very high, with
Compact-Y units with AdaptiveFunction Plus are abl e to esti mate the COP values of over 6 during the si multaneous production of chilled and
characteristics of the thermal i nertia that regulates the s ystem hot water.
dynamics. T his is possi ble thanks to the “ ACM Autotuning” which With EXP SYST EMS , EFFICIENCY, RELIABILITY AND VERSATILITY ar e
processes the information relati ng to the progress of the water guaranteed, whilst offering greater environmental protec tion.
temperatures, identifying the opti mal value of the control parameter.
Polyvalent units for residential and light commer cial applications
Continuous system autodiagnosis Four new units from 17 to 34 kW in R 410A, able to c ater for the typical
The es timation function is al ways acti ve and makes it possibl e to adapt demands of 2 and 4-pipe s ystems i n a flexible fas hion, so much s o in
the c ontr ol par ameters quic kl y to every change in the water circuit and fact that they can be used in existing s ystems without any modific ations.
thus i n the s ystem water contents. They come compl ete with a wi de range of acc essories, which c an also
be s upplied factor y fitted.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 general characteristics
TXAEY 117÷133 with control
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 general characteristics
AdaptiveFunction Plus
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 with control
Summer season: a unit that oper ates with a W inter season: a unit that operates with a Annual: efficienc y over the annual operation of
sliding set-point enables s easonal energy sliding set-point enables s easonal energy the unit i n heat pump mode.
savi ngs of around 8% c ompared to a traditi onal savi ngs of around 13% compared to a AdaptiveFunction Plu s, with the “Econom y”
unit that operates with a fi xed s et-point. traditional unit that operates with a fi xed s et- functi on, enables the c hiller assembl y to
point. Calculations carried out demonstrate that operate energy-saving programmes whilst still
seasonal c ons umption is equi val ent to that of a providing the required level of s ervic e.
CLASS A mac hine.
900 1600 6,0
800 1400 5,5
700 1200 5,0
600 1000 4,5
500 800 4,0
400 3,5
300 3,0
200 2,5
0 2,0
0 9 1 2 3 4 5
3 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 11 12
4 X
Year divi ded into months Year divi ded into months Year divi ded into months
(1 Januar y, 2 Februar y, etc.). (1 Januar y, 2 Februar y, etc.). (1 Januar y, 2 Februar y, etc.).
Energy efficienc y
Y Energy cons umption ( kWh). Y Energy cons umption ( kWh). Y
kWh s upplied / kWh absorbed.
Unit with fi xed set-point Unit with fi xed set-point Unit with fi xed set-point
Unit with sliding set- point Unit with sliding set- point Unit with sliding set- point
Dynamic analysis performed by comparing the operation of a Compact-Y heat pump unit with AdaptiveFunction Plus w hich operates w ith a fixed set-point (7°C in the
summer and 45°C in the winter) or with sliding set-point (range between 7 and 14 °C in the summer, range betw een 35 and 45°C in the winter) for an office building in Milan.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 general characteristics
Simplified method for calculating energy saving with Adaptive Function Plus
The dynamic anal ys es us ed to c alculate the energy c onsumption of chillers in a building/s ystem are generally too el aborate to be used for a quic k
comparison of different refrigerant units, inas muc h as they require a range of data that is not always available.
For a quic k esti mate of what the energy s avings could be with a unit equipped with Adapti ve F uncti on Plus software c ompar ed to a machi ne with
traditional control, we suggest using a si mplified method bas ed on the followi ng formulae:
0.54 x N x C
E power absorbed by c hiller equipped with Adapti ve Func tion Plus s oftware (kWh)
N number of c hiller operating hours
C nominal c ooling capacity of the chiller (kW)
ESEER+ ver age seasonal efficienc y of c hiller equipped with Adapti ve F uncti on Plus s oftware
0.54 x N x C
E power absorbed by c hiller equipped with Adapti ve Func tion Plus s oftware (kWh)
N number of c hiller operating hours
C nominal c ooling capacity of the chiller (kW)
ESEER (European seas onal EER) European average s eas onal energy efficienc y
Therefore in two units at the s ame nominal c ooling capacity and the s ame number of worki ng hours but equipped with different controls, the higher the
absorbed power the lower the seasonal efficienc y. In order to si mplify matters, here is an example c omparing a traditional c ontr ol Rhoss unit to one with
Adapti ve F uncti on Plus control:
Model TCAEY 238 equipped with traditional control s ystem: Model TCAEY 238 equipped with c ontrol s oftwar e Adaptive Function Plu s:
nominal c ooling capacity of the chiller = 38.8 kW nominal c ooling capacity of the chiller = 38.8 kW
N = 8 hours/day x (5 months x 30 days/month) = 1200 hours N = 8 hours/day x (5 months x 30 days/month) = 1200 hours
ESEER = 3.69 ESEER+ = 4.12
The obtainable energy savi ngs with Ad aptive Function Plu s is therefore 11% .
s fluctuation
FC capacity
Unit with water buffer tank, 4 litres/kW i n the s ys tem and
return c ontrol.
Unit with water buffer tank, 2 litres/kW i n the s ys tem and
deliver y control with “Precision” AdaptiveFunction Plu s
functi on
The chart illustrates the fluctuations of the water temperature from the set value for the various capacities, demonstrating how a unit w ith delivery control and the
AdaptiveFunc tion Plus “Precision” function guarantees greater water supply temperature precision
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 general characteristics
Virtual Tank: guaranteed reliability, even with water in the pipes only
A low water content in the s ystem c an caus e the c hiller units /heat pumps to be unreliable and c an generate s ystem instability and poor performance.
Thanks to the Virtual Tank function, this is no longer a problem. T he unit can operate in s ystems with just 2 litr es/kW in the pipes given that the control
is able to c ompensate for the l ac k of inerti a specific to a water buffer tank, " muffling" the control signal, preventing the compressor from s witchi ng on
and off in an unti mel y fashi on and reducing the average fl uctuation of the s et-poi nt value.
10 T Water temperature (°C)
t Time (s)
T1 T1 Set-point temper ature
6 Deliver y temperature with Virtual Tank
4 Deliver y temperature without Virtual Tank
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 t
The chart shows the various chiller outlet temperatures considering a capacity of 80%. We can observe how the temperatures of the unit with AdaptiveFunction Plu s logic
and the Virtual Tank function is far less varied and more stable over time, w ith average temperatures closer to the w orking set-point compared to a unit without the Virtual
Tank function. Moreover, w e can see how the unit w ith AdaptiveFunction Plus logic and the Virtual Tank function sw itches the compressor on less often over the same
period of time, w ith obvious advantages in terms of energy consumption and system reliability.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 general characteristics
Set-point Compensation
The Ec onomy function enables the c hiller assembly to operate energy-savi ng programmes whilst still providing the r equired level of comfort.
This func tion controls the maxi mum limit with sliding Set-poi nt , modifying the Set-point value acc ording to the actual s ystem ther mal load; when the l oad
decreas es during summer months the Set-point increases, while when the load decreas es during wi nter months the Set-Poi nt decreas es.
This func tion is des tined for cooling applications , and is designed to control energy consumption while al ways respecting the real demands of the
system capacity. Within the Economy option it is possibl e to selec t one of three di verse Set-poi nt adaptation cur ves depending on the type of s ystem.
y y
H Precision
100% x
100% x
x Load percentage (%) x Load percentage (%)
y Set-point (°C) y Set-point (°C)
S Value of Set-point set by user S Value of Set-point set by user
L Use in buildings with very unbal anced loads. L Use in buildings with very unbal anced loads.
M Inter mediate situation between L and H ( default). M Inter mediate situation between L and H ( default).
Use in buildings with very si milar loads. Use in buildings with very si milar loads.
High efficienc y. High efficienc y.
As an alternati ve to modification of the Set-poi nt according to the real s ystem l oad (Economy option), it is possible to compensate the set-point based on
the temperature of the outdoor air by purchasing the KEAP access ory.
This func tion modifies the Set-point value bas ed on the temperature of the outdoor air. Bas ed on this val ue, the set-point is calcul ated by adding (winter
cycle) or subtracting (summer c ycle) an offset value to the Set-point s et (see example bel ow).
This func tion is acti vated both in winter mode as well as in summer mode. T he func tion is acti vated only when a KEAP access ory is present.
OS = 15°C OS = 8°C
RT = 25°C RT = 15°C
ST = 20°C ST = 15°C
It is possible to decide whether to acti vate the function in both functi oning modes or only in one. If the Set-poi nt compens ation is enabled in rel ati on to
the outdoor temperature, the Economy opti on is automaticall y disabled.
However, it is possibl e to decide to enable the set-point compens ation in one c ycle and enable the Economy functi on i n the other c ycle.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 construction features
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 accessories
Accessories supplied loose
Factory fitted accessories
KSA – Anti-vibr ation supports .
P0 – Ins tallation with low static press ure pump KRPB – Coil protection networ ks.
(available onl y for models115÷130,133 and KRS232 – RS485/RS232 serial c onverter for
233). interconnec tion between RS485 serial networ k
P2 – Ins tallation with increas ed static pressur e and super vision s ystems with s erial connec tion
pump (onl y available for models 133, 233 and to PC via RS232 s erial port (RS232 c able
238). provided).
ASP0 – Ins tallati on with low static press ure KUSB – RS485/USB s erial converter for
pump and water buffer tank (onl y available for interconnec tion between RS485 serial networ k
models 133 and 233). and super vision s ystems with s erial connec tion
ASP2 – Ins tallati on with increased static to PC via USB port (USB cable pr ovided).
pressure pump and water buffer tank (only
availabl e for models 133, 233 and 238). Accessories supplied loose
SIL – All of the units are avail able with the kit with compatible control
“SIL”, which provides a speci al soundproof
compartment, c ompressor c over and fan KTR - Remote keypad for control at a distance
adjustment device. with r ear illumi nated LCD display (same
RAA – Water buffer tank antifreez e electric functi ons as the one built into the mac hine).
heater (90 W for models 115÷130, 300 W for KFI – Proportional electronic device for the
models 133÷233) (available for installations pressurised and c ontinuous regulation of the
ASP0 - ASP1 – ASP2). fan rotati on s peed down to an external air
RPB – Coil protection networ ks. temperature of -10°C when operating as a
RCC – Compressor crankcase heater (70 W for chiller and up to an external air temperature of
models 115-117, 90 W for models 122-124). 40°C when operating as a heat pump.
Standard for models 127÷238. KRIT – Supplementary electric heater for heat
SFS – Soft-Starter devic e. pump.
KEAP – External air sensor for Set-point
compens ation (incompatibl e with CS
Factory fitted accessories
with compatible accessor y).
KVDEV – 3-way di verter val ve for managing the
FI10 – Proportional electronic device for the produc tion of domes tic hot water.
pressurised and c ontinuous regulation of the KSC - Clock c ard to dis play date/time and to
fan rotati on s peed down to an external air regulate the machine with dail y/weekl y
temperature of -10°C when operating as a start/stop ti me bands, with the possi bility to
chiller and up to an external air temperature of change the set- points .
40°C when operating as a heat pump. KRS485 – RS485 serial interfac e c ard to create
DS15 – Des uper heater c omplete with dialogue networks between c ards (maximum of
antifreeze electric heater and c ondensati on 200 units at a maxi mum distanc e of 1,000) and
control (FI10 for models 133-233). In the heat building automation, external super vision
pumps the DS15 is acti vated onl y during systems or RHOSS S.p.A. s upervision s ystems
summer functi oning and is deacti vated during (Supported protocols: proprietar y protoc ol;
winter functioning. Modbus® RTU).
RC100 – Heat recover y unit with 100% KFTT10 – FTT 10 s erial interface c ard for
recover y, c omplete with antifreeze elec tronic connection to super vision s ystems (LonWor ks®
heater and c ondensati on c ontr ol (FI10 for system compliant with Lonmar k® 8090-10
models 133-233). In the heat pumps the RC100 protoc ol with c hiller profile).
is activated onl y during summer functioning and KISI – CAN bus serial interfac e (Controller
is deac tivated during wi nter func tioning. Area Network compatible with evol ved hydronic
DSP – D oubl e set-point via digital cons ens us system for integrated c omfort
(not compatibl e with the CS acc essor y), onl y for management (protocol s upported C anOpen® ).
models with c ompatible control KMDM – GSM 900-1800 modem kit to be
and Precision option. connected to the unit or the management of the
CS – Scrolling set-point via 4-20 mA analogue parameters and any alarm signals on a remote
signal (incompatibl e with DSP and KEAP basis. The kit c onsists of a GSM modem with
accessories), onl y for models with c ompatible relative RS232 card. It is nec essar y to purchas e
control and Precision option. a SIM data card, not s upplied by RHOSS
Handled as a s pecial access or y by our pre- S.p.A.
sales office. KRS – RHOSS S.p.A. s upervision s oftware
for unit monitoring and remote management.
The kit c onsists of a CD-Rom and hardware
TXAEY 117÷133 construction features
TXAEY 117÷133 accessories
TCAEY 115÷130 technical data
Technical Data
Table “ A”: Technical Data
Electrical Data
Absorbed power (*) (●) kW 5,58 6,51 8,20 9,28 10,35 11,93
Pump absor bed power (P0/ASP0) kW 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) kW 0,57 0,57 0,57 0,57 0,70 0,70
Electrical power suppl y V-ph-Hz 400-3+N-50
Auxiliary power suppl y V-ph-Hz 230-1- 50
Nominal current (■) A 13,1 14,3 18,8 20,7 21,0 24,6
Maxi mum current (■) A 16,0 17,0 21,0 22,7 25,0 27,0
Starting current A 79 105 116 123 122 134
Starting current with SFS accessor y A 49 65 72 76 75 86
Pump absor bed current (P0/ASP0) A 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) A 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,2 2,2
Width (L) P0-P1 ins tallation mm 1230 1230 1230 1230 1535 1535
Width (L) installation ASP0 and ASP1 mm 1522 1522 1522 1522 1822 1822
Height (H) mm 1090 1090 1280 1280 1510 1510
Depth (P) mm 580 580 600 600 695 695
Water connec tions Ø 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½”
(*) In the followi ng conditions : Condenser inl et (○) E.S.E.E.R. with Adapti ve Func tion Plus.
air temperature 35°C; chilled water temperatur e
7°C; temperature differential at evaporator 5°C. (■) Total current value, incl uding the c urrent
absorbed by the P1 pump.
(**) Sound pressure l evel in dB(A), meas ured at
a distance of 5 m from the unit, with a (●) Power abs orbed by the unit without motor-
directionality fac tor of 2. driven pump. H
(***) Sound power level in dB(A) on the basis of NOTE:
measurements made i n compliance with the The val ues for available static press ure of the
UNI EN-ISO 3744 standard and Eurovent 8/1. pumps and the pressure drops of the
exc hangers can be found on page 37.
(∆) For machines fitted with “SIL” acc essor y, The calc ulation of the E.E.R. and C.O.P. does
the s ound pressure must be c orrected by -4dBA not take the pump abs orption into acc ount.
for models115÷117 and by -3dBA for models
122÷130. L
TCAEY 133÷238 technical data
Electrical Data
Total absorbed power (*)(●) kW 13,30 12,30 12,70
Pump absor bed power (P0/ASP0) kW 0,65 0,65 -
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) kW 0,70 0,70 0,70
Pump absor bed power (P2/ASP2) kW 1,5 1,5 1,5
Electrical power suppl y V-ph-Hz 400-3+N-50
Auxiliary power suppl y V-ph-Hz 230-1- 50
Nominal current (●) A 22,0 20,0 28
Maxi mum current (●) A 25,0 26,0 34
Starting current A 205 115 119
Starting current with SFS accessor y A 125 75 81
Pump absor bed current (P0/ASP0) A 3,5 3,5 -
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) A 2,2 2,2 2,2
Pump absor bed power (P2/ASP2) A 3,5 3,5 3,5
Width (L) mm 1660 1660 2260
Height (H) mm 1570 1570 1570
Depth (P) mm 1000 1000 1000
Water connec tions Ø 2” 2” 2”
(*) In the followi ng conditions : Condenser inl et (○) E.S.E.E.R. with Adapti ve Func tion Plus. 133-233
air temperature 35°C; chilled water temperatur e
7°C; temperature differential at evaporator 5°C. (●) Sum the power and current values of the
pumps used (P0/P1/P2 o ASP0/ASP1/ASP2) to
(**) Sound pressure l evel in dB(A), meas ured at obtain the abs orbed power and current value
a distance of 5 m from the unit, with a for the units in versions P0/P1/P2 and
directionality fac tor of 2. ASP0/ASP1/ASP2.
THAEY 115÷130 technical data
Electrical Data
Absorbed power in summer oper ation (*) (●) kW 5,58 6,45 7,93 9,38 10,10 11,70
Absorbed power in winter operation (**) (●) kW 5,53 6,08 7,92 8,95 10,00 11,11
Pump absor bed power (P0/ASP0) kW 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) kW 0,57 0,57 0,57 0,57 0,70 0,70
Electrical power suppl y V-ph-Hz 400-3+N-50
Auxiliary power suppl y V-ph-Hz 230-1- 50
Nominal current in s ummer operation (*) (■) A 12,9 15,0 18,0 21,3 21,0 24,2
Nominal current in winter operati on (**) (■) A 15,0 14,5 18,3 20,5 20,7 23,2
Maxi mum current (■) A 16,0 17,0 21,0 22,7 25,0 27,0
Starting current A 79 105 116 123 122 134
Starting current with SFS accessor y A
Pump absor bed current (P0/ASP0) A 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) A 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,2 2,2
Width (L) P0-P1 ins tallation mm 1230 1230 1230 1230 1535 1535
Width (L) installation ASP0 - ASP1 mm 1522 1522 1522 1522 1822 1822
Height (H) mm 1090 1090 1290 1280 1510 1510
Depth (P) mm 580 580 600 600 695 695
Water connec tions Ø 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½”
(*) In the followi ng conditions : Condenser inl et (∆) For machines fitted with “SIL” acc essor y,
air temperature 35°C; chilled water temperatur e the s ound pressure must be c orrected by -4dBA
7°C; temperature differential at evaporator 5°C. for models115÷117 and by -3dBA for models
(**) In the followi ng conditions : Evaporator air
inlet temperature 7°C B.S., 6°C B.U.; hot water (■) Total current value, incl uding the c urrent
temperature 45°C; temperature differential at absorbed by the P1 pump. H
the c ondenser 5°C.
(●) Power abs orbed by the unit without motor-
(***) Sound pressure level in dB(A), meas ured driven pump.
at a distance of 5 m from the unit, with a
directionality fac tor of 2. NOTE:
The val ues for available static press ure of the
(****) Sound power l evel in dB(A) on the basis pumps and the pressure drops of the
of meas urements made in compliance with the exc hangers can be found on page 37.
UNI EN-ISO 3744 standard and Eurovent 8/1. The calc ulation of the E.E.R. and C.O.P. does L
not take the pump abs orption into acc ount. P
(○) E.S.E.E.R. with Adapti ve Func tion Plus.
THAEY 133÷238 technical data
Electrical Data
Absorbed power in summer oper ation (*) (●) kW 13,30 12,30 12,70
Absorbed power in winter operation (**) (●) kW 13,30 12,30 12,80
Pump absor bed power (P0/ASP0) kW 0,65 0,65 -
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) kW 0,70 0,70 0,70
Pump absor bed power (P2/ASP2) kW 1,5 1,5 1,5
Electrical power suppl y V-ph-Hz 400-3+N-50
Auxiliary power suppl y V-ph-Hz 230-1- 50
Nominal current in s ummer operation (*) (●) A 22,0 20,0 28
Nominal current in winter operati on (**) (●) A 20,0 19,0 26
Maxi mum current (●) A 25,0 26,0 34
Starting current A 205 115 119
Starting current with SFS accessor y A 125 75 81
Pump absor bed current (P0/ASP0) A 3,47 3,47 -
Pump absor bed power (P1/ASP1) A 2,2 2,2 2,2
Pump absor bed power (P2/ASP2) A 3,5 3,5 3,5
Width (L) mm 1660 1660 2260
Height (H) mm 1570 1570 1570
Depth (P) mm 1000 1000 1000
Water connec tions Ø 2” 2” 2”
(*) In the followi ng conditions : Condenser (****) Sound power l evel in dB(A) on the basis of NOTE:
inlet air temperature 35°C; chilled water measurements made i n compliance with the UNI The val ues for available static press ure of the
temperature 7°C; temper ature differenti al at EN-ISO 3744 standard and Eurovent 8/1. pumps and the pressure drops of the exc hangers
evaporator 5°C. can be found on page 37. The calc ulation of the
(∆) For machines fitted with “SIL” acc essor y, the E.E.R. and C.O.P. does not take the pump
(**) In the followi ng conditions : Evaporator sound pr essure mus t be corrected by -4dBA for absorption into acc ount.
air inlet temperature 7°C B.S., 6°C B.U.; hot models 133÷238.
water temperature 45°C; temperatur e 133-233 238
differential at the c ondenser 5°C. (●) Sum the power and current values of the
pumps used (P0/P1/P2 o ASP0/ASP1/ASP2) to
(***) Sound pressure level in dB(A), obtain the abs orbed power and current value for
measured at a distance of 5 m from the the units i n versions P0/P1/P2 and H H
unit, with a directionality factor of 2. ASP0/ASP1/ASP2.
(○) E.S.E.E.R. with Adapti ve Func tion Plus. L P
TXAEY 117÷130 technical data
TXAEY 117÷130 technical data
Width (L) mm 1522 1522 1822
Height (H) mm 1090 1280 1510
Depth (P) mm 580 600 695
Water connec tions Ø 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½”
Recover y s ystem water filling connection Ø 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½”
TXAEY 133 technical data
(*) In the followi ng conditions : condenser (∆) For machines fitted with “SIL” acc essor y,
input air temperature 35°C; c hilled output the s ound pressure must be c orrected by -
water temperature 7°C; temperature 3dBA for models 133.
differential at main exchanger (evaporator)
5°C. NOTE:
The val ues for available static press ure of
(**) In the followi ng conditions : Chilled water the pumps and the press ure drops of the
outlet temperature 7°C; temperature exc hangers can be found on page 37. H
differential at main exchanger (evaporator) The calc ulation of the E.E.R. and C.O.P.
5°C; sec ondar y exc hanger (recover y) hot does not take the pump absorption i nto
water outlet temperature 45°C at nomi nal account.
TXAEY 133 technical data
Width (L) mm 1660
Height (H) mm 1570
Depth (P) mm 1000
Water connec tions Ø 2”
Recover y s ystem water filling connection Ø 1 ½”
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 / TXAEY 111÷133 technical data
○ Table “C” shows the E.E.R. and E.S.E.E.R. values for each model.
The high values of energy efficienc y at partial loads were ac hieved
thanks to optimisation of the heat exc hangers.
TXAEY 117÷133 operating principle
TXAEY 117÷133 operating logic
Operating logic
○ The followi ng tabl es provi de exampl es of ○ The first table shows the operating status ○ The subsequent tables s how the operating
automatic operation of the polyvalent s ystem in and the produc tion of hot and c hilled water status and the production of hot water in the
various operating modes based on the requests considering the si ngle requests . main and s econdar y exchangers on the basis of
from the user. requests and the priority assigned to the
exc hangers
TXAEY wor king in SELECT mode with priorit y to the secondar y exch anger (r ecover y)
TXAEY wor king in SELECT mode with priorit y to the main exchang er (condenser/evaporator)
TXAEY 117÷133 applications
○ Air conditi oning and the produc tion of hot Summer months ≈AUTOMATIC∆ W inter months “SELECT ”
water in a 2-pi pe s ys tem is a typical application
in hotels, hos pitals, g yms and hos pitality
structures i n general.
○ In AUTOMATIC mode it is us ed in the
summer months for c ooling and the producti on
of hot water.
○ In SELECT mode it is used in between
seasons or i n winter for heati ng or the
produc tion of hot water on the basis of the W ater for domestic Air conditioning
priority assigned. use
Hot water Chilled water W ater for domestic use or air
Hot water
4-pipe systems
○ Increasingl y frequentl y, modern HVAC
installations require the si multaneous
produc tion of hot and c hilled water. T his can "AUTOMATIC" mode for the entire year
occur more often bec ause of:
• the development of new types of thermal W inter Summer Spring/Autumn
insulation for buildi ngs; Heating Cooling Cooling and heati ng
• increase of i nternal loads (CED, WEB,…);
• lighting systems;
• the presence of l arge windows;
• the growing importance attributed to air
quality, which requires the us e of conditioning
systems year-round.
In these kinds of application, it c an be us ed in
AUTOMATIC mode thr oughout the year, Air conditioning Air conditioning Air conditioning 1 Air conditioning 2
catering to simultaneous or s eparate hot and Hot water Chilled water Hot water Chilled water
chilled water demands in a completel y
automatic way.
Standard connection:
CR the rec over y pump (ins talled by the installer) is
on at all ti mes . Recover y is acti vated on the basis
of the temper ature of r eturn water to the boiler.
The maxi mum temperature to whic h the ther mostat c an be s et, and
henc e the s et-point of the machine, mus t be set on the basis of the
operating limits.
Units equipped with a recovery unit or desuperheater must be operated
in complianc e with the provisions in Italian Ministerial Decree 01/12/04
No.309. T his law is only valid i n the Italian Republic. F or installation in
other countries, refer to current loc al legislation.
Hot water for domestic use c an be produc ed onl y by using an additional
heat exc hanger which is s uited to this purpose. Refer to c urrent l ocal
laws and regulations.
T An ad equate supply of water mu st be guar anteed to the r ecover y
circuit in order to prevent the compressor from switching on and
off frequently and poor performan ce du e to the defrosting cycles.
To calculate the corr ect water content, please refer to page 48.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 electronic controls
The temporar y presence of two devices, on- boar d machi ne keyboard
and remote keyboar d, will caus e the on-board machine terminal to be
disabled. T hree das hes (- - -) will be dis played on the i nterface on the
mac hine, indic ating the presence of the r emote keypad (KTR).
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷233 electronic controls
! !
displays the numbers and the displays the numbers and the values of all the
val ues of all the parameters parameters (i.e. outl et water temperature etc.),
(i.e. outlet water temperature any alarm c odes and all the res ource s tatuses by
etc.), any alarm c odes and all means of strings.
the res ource statuses by
ALARM key:
means of strings. !
makes it possible to display the code and res et
ALARM key: any alarms.
! makes it possible to display
ALARM the c ode and r eset any PRG key:
alarms. Prg makes it possible to programme the mac hine's
fundamental operating parameters.
PRG key:
makes it possible to ON ON/OFF key:
Prg programme the machine's OFF makes it possible to s witc h the unit on and off.
fundamental operating
parameters. UP key:
used to scr oll through the list of parameters,
ON/OFF key: status es and any alar ms; makes it possibl e to
makes it possible to s witc h modify set points.
the unit on and off.
UP key:
makes it possible to s witc h from c hiller to heat MODE
used to scr oll through the list
pump operation and vic e versa.
of parameters, status es and
any alarms; makes it possi ble DOWN key:
to modify set poi nts. used to scr oll through the list of parameters,
MODE - ENTER key: status es and any alar ms; makes it possibl e to
makes it possible to s witc h MODE
modify set points.
from c hiller to heat pump
operation and vice versa.
DOWN key:
used to scr oll through the list Note:
of parameters, status es and The temporar y presence of two devices, on- boar d machi ne keyboard
any alarms; makes it possi ble and remote keyboar d, will caus e the on-board machine terminal to be
to modify set poi nts. disabled.
TXAEY 117÷133 electronic control
displays the numbers and the displays the numbers and the values of all the
val ues of all the parameters parameters (i.e. outl et water temperature etc.),
(i.e. outlet water temperature any alarm c odes and all the res ource s tatuses by
etc.), any alarm c odes and all means of strings.
the res ource statuses by
means of strings. ALARM key:
makes it possible to display the code and res et
ALARM key: any alarms.
! makes it possible to display
ALARM the c ode and r eset any PRG key:
alarms. Prg makes it possible to programme the mac hine's
fundamental operating parameters.
PRG key:
makes it possible to ON ON/OFF key:
Prg programme the machine's OFF makes it possible to s witc h the unit on and off.
fundamental operating
parameters. UP key:
used to scr oll through the list of parameters,
ON/OFF key: status es and any alar ms; makes it possibl e to
makes it possible to s witc h modify set points.
the unit on and off.
UP key: MODE - ENTER key:
used to scr oll through the list makes it possible to s witc h from c hiller to heat MODE
pump operation and vic e versa.
of parameters, status es and
any alarms; makes it possi ble DOWN key:
to modify set poi nts. used to scr oll through the list of parameters,
MODE - ENTER key: status es and any alar ms; makes it possibl e to
makes it possible to s witc h MODE modify set points.
from c hiller to heat pump
operation and vice versa.
DOWN key:
used to scr oll through the list Note:
of parameters, status es and The temporar y presence of two devices, on- boar d machi ne keyboard
any alarms; makes it possi ble and remote keyboar d, will caus e the on-board machine terminal to be
to modify set poi nts. disabled.
TCAEY-THAEY-TXAEY 115÷238 serial connection
Serial Connection
Insertion of the cloc k card (KSC) favours flexi ble and efficient use
of the unit, showing the date/time and allowi ng management of
the mac hine in dail y or weekl y start/stop ti me periods, with the !
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 performances
Choice of a chiller or heat pump and
use of the performance tables
○ For eac h model, table “D” provi des the
cooling capacity (QF), and the total abs orbed
electric power (P), on the basis of the
evaporator outlet water temperature with
constant temperatur e differences ΔT = 5°C: the
val ue of QT is the val ue of the heating capacity
availabl e to the us er in winter mode.
○ Within the operati ng limits, the values in
Table “D” may permit you to i nterpolate
perfor manc e. H owever, extrapolations are not
○ Table “H” shows the values of the c orrecti ve
coefficients to be applied to the nominal values
if water with gl ycol is used.
○ Graph “ 1” shows the press ure dr op values of
the exchangers (with res pect to the indic ated
temperature differ entials).
○ Graph “ 2 ” indic ates the us eful s tatic
pressure of the pump (if pres ent).
○ Design conditi ons for an air-cooled c hiller
with i nstallation P1:
• Requested cooling capacity = 29.2 kW;
• Temperature of water produc ed at
evaporator = 13°C;
• Temperature differential ΔTat the evaporator
= 5 °C
• Inlet air temperatur e at condenser = 30°C.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 performances
Ta (°C)
Tue (°C)
20 25 30 35 40 42
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 17,7 4,4 16,7 4,9 15,7 5,4 14,6 6,0 13,4 6,7 12,9 7,0
7 18,7 4,5 17,7 5,0 16,5 5,5 15,4 6,2 14,2 6,8 13,7 7,1
9 19,7 4,6 18,6 5,1 17,5 5,7 16,3 6,3 15,0 6,9 14,4 7,2
11 20,8 4,7 19,6 5,2 18,4 5,8 17,1 6,4 15,8 7,0 - -
13 21,9 4,8 20,7 5,3 19,3 5,9 18,0 6,5 16,6 7,2 - -
15 23,0 4,9 21,7 5,4 20,4 6,0 18,9 6,6 17,5 7,3 - -
18 24,7 5,1 23,3 5,6 21,9 6,1 20,4 6,7 - - - -
5 19,6 5,0 18,6 5,6 17,5 6,2 16,4 7,0 15,2 7,8 14,7 8,1
7 20,8 5,1 19,7 5,7 18,6 6,4 17,4 7,1 16,1 7,9 15,6 8,2
9 22,0 5,3 20,9 5,8 19,7 6,5 18,4 7,2 17,1 8,0 16,6 8,3
11 23,2 5,4 22,0 6,0 20,8 6,6 19,5 7,3 18,1 8,1 - -
13 24,5 5,5 23,3 6,1 22,0 6,7 20,6 7,4 19,2 8,2 - -
15 25,8 5,7 24,5 6,3 23,1 6,9 21,7 7,6 20,2 8,3 - -
18 27,8 5,9 26,4 6,5 25,0 7,1 23,4 7,8 - - - -
5 25,5 5,9 24,2 6,6 22,9 7,3 21,4 8,7 19,8 9,1 19,2 9,5
7 27,2 6,1 25,9 6,7 24,4 7,4 22,7 8,8 21,2 9,1 20,5 9,5
9 29,0 6,2 27,5 6,8 26,0 7,6 24,3 8,8 22,5 9,2 21,8 9,6
11 30,8 6,4 29,2 7,0 27,6 7,7 25,8 8,8 23,9 9,3 - -
13 32,6 6,5 30,9 7,2 29,2 7,9 27,3 8,8 25,4 9,5 - -
15 34,4 6,7 32,7 7,3 30,8 8,1 28,9 8,8 26,9 9,7 - -
18 37,3 7,4 35,3 8,1 33,3 8,9 31,3 9,8 - - - -
5 27,4 7,1 26,0 7,8 24,5 8,7 22,9 9,7 21,1 10,9 20,4 11,3
7 29,0 7,2 27,5 8,0 26,0 8,9 24,3 9,8 22,4 10,9 21,7 11,4
9 30,7 7,4 29,2 8,1 27,5 9,0 25,7 10,0 23,8 11,0 23,0 11,5
11 32,4 7,5 30,8 8,3 29,1 9,1 27,2 10,1 25,2 11,2 - -
13 34,2 7,7 32,5 8,4 30,7 9,3 28,8 10,3 26,6 11,3 - -
15 36,0 7,8 34,2 8,6 32,4 9,5 30,3 10,4 28,1 11,5 - -
18 38,8 8,1 36,9 8,9 34,8 9,7 32,7 10,7 - - - -
5 30,3 8,1 28,8 8,9 27,1 9,9 25,3 10,9 23,4 12,1 22,6 12,6
7 32,1 8,3 30,5 9,1 28,7 10,0 26,9 11,1 24,8 12,2 24,0 12,7
9 33,9 8,4 32,2 9,2 30,4 10,2 28,4 11,2 26,3 12,3 25,4 12,7
11 35,8 8,6 34,1 9,4 32,2 10,3 30,1 11,3 27,8 12,4 - -
13 37,7 8,7 35,9 9,5 33,9 10,5 31,8 11,5 29,4 12,5 - -
15 39,7 8,9 37,7 9,7 35,7 10,6 33,4 11,6 31,0 12,7 - -
18 42,7 9,1 40,7 10,0 38,4 10,9 36,0 11,9 - - - -
5 32,4 9,4 30,9 10,3 29,3 11,3 27,5 12,4 25,6 13,6 24,8 14,1
7 34,3 9,6 32,7 10,5 31,0 11,5 29,1 12,6 27,1 13,9 26,2 14,4
9 36,2 9,8 34,5 10,7 32,7 11,7 30,7 12,8 28,6 14,1 27,7 14,6
11 38,2 10,0 36,3 10,9 34,5 11,9 32,4 13,1 30,2 14,3 - -
13 40,2 10,2 38,3 11,1 36,3 12,1 34,0 13,3 31,8 14,5 - -
15 42,2 10,4 40,2 11,3 38,1 12,3 35,8 13,5 33,4 14,7 - -
18 45,3 10,7 43,2 11,6 40,9 12,6 38,5 13,8 - - - -
5 37,8 10,5 36,0 11,5 34,2 12,6 32,1 13,8 29,9 15,1 29,0 15,7
7 39,9 10,7 38,1 11,7 36,2 12,8 34,0 14,0 31,7 15,3 30,8 15,8
9 42,1 10,9 40,3 11,9 38,1 13,0 35,9 14,2 33,5 15,6 32,5 16,1
11 44,5 11,2 42,5 12,1 40,3 13,2 37,9 14,5 35,4 15,8 - -
13 46,8 11,4 44,7 12,4 42,4 13,5 39,9 14,7 37,3 16,0 - -
15 49,2 11,6 47,0 12,6 44,6 13,7 42,0 14,9 39,3 16,2 - -
18 53,0 11,9 50,5 12,9 48,0 14,0 45,3 15,2 - - - -
5 36,5 9,4 34,7 10,3 32,7 11,5 30,6 12,8 28,4 14,3 27,5 14,9
7 38,6 9,6 36,8 10,6 34,7 11,7 32,5 13,0 30,2 14,4 29,2 15,0
9 40,9 9,8 38,9 10,8 36,8 11,9 34,5 13,2 32,0 14,6 31,0 15,2
11 43,2 10,1 41,1 11,1 38,8 12,2 36,5 13,4 33,9 14,8 - -
13 45,5 10,3 43,3 11,3 40,9 12,4 38,5 13,7 35,8 15,0 - -
15 48,0 10,6 45,6 11,6 43,2 12,7 40,6 13,9 37,8 15,3 - -
18 51,7 10,9 49,2 11,9 46,6 13,1 43,9 14,4 - - - -
5 43,2 10,1 41,2 11,0 39,0 12,1 36,5 13,3 33,8 14,6 32,7 15,2
7 45,8 10,3 43,7 11,2 41,3 12,2 38,8 13,4 36,0 14,7 34,8 15,3
9 48,5 10,4 46,3 10,6 43,9 11,7 41,2 13,5 38,3 14,9 37,0 15,4
11 51,2 10,6 49,0 11,5 46,4 12,5 43,6 13,7 40,6 15,0 - -
13 54,1 10,7 51,7 11,6 49,0 12,7 46,1 13,8 43,0 15,1 - -
15 57,0 10,9 54,5 11,8 51,8 12,8 48,7 14,0 45,4 15,3 - -
18 61,5 11,0 58,9 11,9 55,9 13,0 52,7 14,3 - - - -
Ta = Dry bulb outdoor air temperature
Tue = Evaporator outlet water temperature(ΔT inlet/outlet = 5 °C).
QF = Cooling capacity (evaporator fouling factor of 0.35 X 10-4 m²C/W).
P = Total abs orbed el ectrical power (compress or, fan and pump P1).
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 performances
Ta (°C)
Tue (°C)
Model 20 25 30 35 40 42
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 17,5 4,4 16,6 4,9 15,5 5,4 14,5 6,0 13,3 6,7 12,8 7,0
7 18,6 4,5 17,5 5,0 16,4 5,5 15,3 6,2 14,1 6,8 13,6 7.1
9 19,6 4,6 18,5 5,1 17,3 5,7 16,1 6,3 14,8 6,9 14,3 7,2
11 20,6 4,7 19,5 5,2 18,3 5,8 17,0 6,4 15,7 7,1 - -
13 21,7 4,8 20,5 5,3 19,2 5,9 17,9 6,5 16,5 7,2 - -
15 22,8 4,9 21,5 5,4 20,2 6,0 18,8 6,6 17,3 7,3 - -
18 24,5 5,1 23,1 5,6 21,7 6,1 20,2 6,7 - - - -
5 19,6 5,0 18,6 5,5 17,5 6,2 16,4 6,9 15,2 7,7 14,7 8,1
7 20,8 5,1 19,7 5,7 18,6 6,3 17,4 7,0 16,1 7,8 15,6 8,1
9 22,0 5,2 20,9 5,8 19,7 6,4 18,4 7,1 17,1 7,9 16,6 8,2
11 23,2 5,4 22,0 5,9 20,8 6,6 19,5 7,3 18,1 8,0 - -
13 24,5 5,5 23,3 6,1 22,0 6,7 20,6 7,4 19,2 8,1 - -
15 25,8 5,6 24,5 6,2 23,1 6,8 21,7 7,5 20,2 8,3 - -
18 27,8 5,8 26,4 6,4 25,0 7,0 23,4 7,7 - - - -
5 24,9 5,9 23,6 6,5 22,3 7,2 20,9 8,5 19,4 9,0 18,7 9,4
7 26,6 6,0 25,3 6,7 23,8 7,4 22,3 8,5 20,6 9,1 20,0 9,5
9 28,3 6,2 26,8 6,8 25,3 7,5 23,7 8,5 22,0 9,2 21,3 9,5
11 30,0 6,3 28,5 7,0 26,9 7,7 25,2 8,5 23,3 9,3 - -
13 31,8 6,5 30,1 7,1 28,5 7,8 26,6 8,5 24,7 9,4 - -
15 33,6 6,7 31,9 7,3 30,0 8,0 28,2 8,5 26,2 9,6 - -
18 36,3 7,2 34,4 7,9 32,5 8,6 30,5 9,5 - - - -
5 26,7 7,1 25,3 7,9 23,9 8,8 22,3 9,9 20,6 11,0 19,9 11,4
7 28,3 7,3 26,8 8,1 25,3 8,9 24,3 10,0 21,8 11,1 21,1 11,5
9 29,9 7,4 28,4 8,2 26,8 9,1 25,1 10,1 23,2 11,2 22,4 11,6
11 31,6 7,6 30,0 8,4 28,3 9,2 26,5 10,2 24,5 11,3 - -
13 33,3 7,7 31,6 8,5 29,9 9,4 28,0 10,4 25,9 11,4 - -
15 35,0 7,9 33,4 8,7 31,5 9,6 29,5 10,5 27,4 11,6 - -
18 37,8 8,2 35,9 9,0 33,9 9,8 31,9 10,8 - - - -
5 29,7 7,9 28,3 8,7 26,6 9,7 24,8 11,1 22,9 11,8 22,1 12,3
7 31,5 8,1 29,9 8,9 28,2 9,8 26,8 11,1 24,3 11,9 23,5 12,4
9 33,3 8,2 31,6 9,0 29,8 9,9 27,9 11,1 25,8 12,0 24,9 12,5
11 35,1 8,4 33,4 9,2 31,6 10,1 29,5 11,1 27,3 12,1 - -
13 37,0 8,5 35,2 9,3 33,3 10,2 31,1 11,1 28,8 12,2 - -
15 38,9 8,7 37,0 9,5 35,0 10,4 32,8 11,1 30,4 12,4 - -
18 41,9 8,9 39,9 9,7 37,7 10,6 35,3 11,6 - - - -
5 31,9 9,2 30,4 10,1 28,8 11,1 27,0 12,2 25,1 13,4 24,4 13,9
7 33,8 9,4 32,2 10,3 30,4 11,3 29,1 12,6 26,6 13,6 25,8 14,1
9 35,6 9,6 34,0 10,5 32,2 11,5 30,2 12,6 28,1 13,8 27,2 14,3
11 37,5 9,8 35,7 10,7 33,9 11,7 31,8 12,8 29,7 14,0 - -
13 39,5 10,0 37,7 10,9 35,7 11,9 33,5 13,0 31,2 14,3 - -
15 41,5 10,2 39,6 11,1 37,4 12,1 35,3 13,2 32,9 14,5 - -
18 44,6 10,5 42,5 11,4 40,2 12,4 37,9 13,5 - - - -
5 37,8 10,5 36,0 11,5 34,2 12,6 32,1 13,8 29,9 15,1 29,0 15,7
7 39,9 10,7 38,1 11,7 36,2 12,8 34,0 14,0 31,7 15,3 30,8 15,9
9 42,1 10,9 40,3 11,9 38,1 13,0 35,9 14,2 33,5 15,6 32,5 16,1
11 44,5 11,2 42,5 12,1 40,3 13,2 37,9 14,5 35,4 15,8 - -
13 46,8 11,4 44,7 12,4 42,4 13,5 39,9 14,7 37,3 16,0 - -
15 49,2 11,6 47,0 12,6 44,6 13,7 42,0 14,4 39,3 16,2 - -
18 53,0 11,9 50,5 12,9 48,0 14,0 45,3 15,2 - - - -
5 36,5 9,4 34,7 10,3 32,7 11,5 30,6 12,8 28,4 14,3 27,5 14,9
7 38,6 9,6 36,8 10,6 34,7 11,7 32,5 13,0 30,2 14,4 29,2 15,0
9 40,9 9,8 38,9 10,8 36,8 11,9 34,5 13,2 32,0 14,6 31,0 15,2
11 43,2 10,1 41,1 11,1 38,8 12,2 36,5 13,4 33,9 14,8 - -
13 45,5 10,3 43,3 11,3 40,9 12,4 38,5 13,7 35,8 15,0 - -
15 48,0 10,6 45,6 11,6 43,2 12,7 40,6 13,9 37,8 15,3 - -
18 51,7 10,9 49,2 11,9 46,6 13,1 43,9 14,4 - - - -
5 43,2 10,1 41,2 11,0 39,0 12,1 36,5 13,3 33,8 14,6 32,7 15,2
7 45,8 10,3 43,7 11,2 41,3 12,2 38,8 13,4 36,0 14,7 34,8 15,3
9 48,5 10,4 46,3 10,6 43,9 11,7 41,2 13,5 38,3 14,9 37,0 15,4
11 51,2 10,6 49,0 11,5 46,4 12,5 43,6 13,7 40,6 15,0 - -
13 54,1 10,7 51,7 11,6 49,0 12,7 46,1 13,8 43,0 15,1 - -
15 57,0 10,9 54,5 11,8 51,8 12,8 48,7 14,0 45,4 15,3 - -
18 61,5 11,0 58,9 11,9 55,9 13,0 52,7 14,3 - - - -
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 performances
Tuc (°C)
RH (%)
Ta (°C)
35 40 45 50 53
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
-5 90 12,8 4,7 12,8 5,2 12,7 5,8 - - - -
0 90 14,5 4,7 14,4 5,2 14,2 5,8 - - - -
7 90 17,4 4,7 17,1 5,3 16,8 6,0 16,6 6,6 16,4 7,0
10 90 18,8 4,7 18,5 5,3 18,1 6,0 17,8 6,6 17,6 7,1
15 90 21,4 4,8 20,9 5,3 20,4 6,0 20,0 6,7 19,7 7,2
20 90 24,2 4,8 23,6 5,4 23,0 6,0 22,4 6,7 22,1 7,2
-5 90 13,0 4,9 13,1 5,7 13,5 6,7 - - - -
0 90 15,0 5,0 15,0 5,7 15,1 6,7 - - - -
7 90 18,4 5,1 18,1 5,8 17,9 6,7 17,8 7,6 17,7 8,3
10 90 20,0 5,2 19,6 5,8 19,3 6,7 19,0 7,6 18,8 8,2
15 90 22,8 5,3 22,3 5,9 21,8 6,7 21,3 7,5 21,0 8,1
20 90 26,0 5,4 25,3 6,0 24,6 6,7 23,9 7,5 23,5 8,1
-5 90 17,1 6,2 17,3 7,2 17,9 8,7 - - - -
0 90 20,0 6,3 19,9 7,2 20,1 8,5 - - - -
7 90 24,5 6,4 24,2 7,2 23,9 8,5 23,8 9,6 23,8 10,4
10 90 26,7 6,4 26,2 7,2 25,8 8,5 25,4 9,4 25,2 10,2
15 90 30,6 6,5 29,9 7,3 29,1 8,5 28,4 9,2 28,0 9,9
20 90 34,8 6,6 33,8 7,4 32,8 8,5 31,8 9,2 31,2 9,8
-5 90 19,3 7,2 19,4 8,3 19,9 9,7 - - - -
0 90 22,2 7,3 22,0 8,3 22,1 9,6 - - - -
7 90 27,1 7,4 26,6 8,3 26,1 9,5 25,8 10,9 25,7 11,8
10 90 29,5 7,4 28,9 8,4 28,2 9,5 27,7 10,8 27,3 11,6
15 90 33,8 7,5 32,9 8,4 32,0 9,5 31,1 10,7 30,5 11,5
20 90 38,3 7,6 37,3 8,5 36,2 9,5 35,0 10,6 34,2 11,4
-5 90 22,8 8,2 22,7 9,4 23,1 10,9 - - - -
0 90 26,3 8,3 25,9 9,4 25,8 10,8 - - - -
7 90 31,9 8,4 31,3 9,5 30,7 10,7 30,2 12,1 29,9 13,1
10 90 34,7 8,5 33,9 9,5 33,1 10,7 32,4 12,0 31,9 12,9
15 90 39,5 8,6 38,5 9,5 37,5 10,6 36,4 11,9 35,7 12,7
20 90 44,6 8,7 43,5 9,6 42,2 10,6 40,8 11,8 39,9 12,6
-5 90 25,9 9,3 25,6 10,3 25,5 11,3 - - - -
0 90 29,6 9,4 29,2 10,4 28,9 11,5 - - - -
7 90 35,7 9,5 35,1 10,5 34,4 11,7 33,8 12,9 33,3 13,7
10 90 38,6 9,6 37,9 10,6 37,1 11,8 36,3 13,0 35,8 13,9
15 90 43,8 9,7 42,9 10,7 41,9 11,9 40,9 13,2 40,1 14,1
20 90 49,5 9,8 48,3 10,8 47,1 12,0 45,8 13,3 44,9 14,2
-5 90 29,5 11,1 29,4 12,3 29,3 13,5 - - - -
0 90 33,6 11,2 33,2 12,4 32,8 13,7 - - - -
7 90 40,7 11,4 39,9 12,6 39,1 14,0 38,2 15,5 37,8 16,5
10 90 44,1 11,5 43,2 12,7 42,3 14,1 41,3 15,6 40,7 16,6
15 90 50,3 11,7 49,0 12,9 47,9 14,3 46,6 15,8 45,7 16,8
20 90 56,8 11,8 55,4 13,0 53,9 14,4 52,3 15,9 51,3 16,9
-5 90 28,2 9,7 28,4 11,2 29,0 13,1 - - - -
0 90 31,9 9,8 31,9 11,2 32,1 13,0 - - - -
7 90 38,7 10,1 38,0 11,4 37,5 13,0 37,1 14,8 37,0 16,1
10 90 42,2 10,2 41,3 11,5 40,4 13,0 39,7 14,7 39,3 15,9
15 90 48,3 10,4 47,1 11,7 45,9 13,1 44,7 14,7 43,9 15,7
20 90 55,0 10,6 53,5 11,8 52,0 13,2 50,4 14,7 49,4 15,7
-5 90 31,9 10,8 31,9 12,0 - - - - - -
0 90 36,0 10,8 35,8 12,1 35,7 13,5 - - - -
7 90 43,6 10,9 42,6 12,1 41,7 13,5 41,0 15,1 40,6 16,1
10 90 47,5 11,0 46,2 12,2 45,0 13,5 43,9 15,1 43,3 16,1
15 90 54,2 11,1 52,8 12,2 51,2 13,6 49,5 15,0 48,4 16,0
20 90 61,6 11,2 59,8 12,3 57,9 13,6 55,8 15,1 54,4 16,0
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷233 performances
Table ”G”: Performan ces and pr essure drops of the RC100 and DS15 accessories
DS - Desuperh eater
Water inlet/outlet temper ature °C 50/60 (***) 60/70 (***) - 50/60 (***) 60/70 (***) -
Nominal heating capacity (•) kW 10,1 7,2 - 10,0 6,9 -
Desuperheater nominal water fl ow l/h 900 600 - 900 600 -
Desuperheater nominal pressur e drops kPa 5,0 3,0 - 5,0 3,0 -
Desuperheater water content. l 0,45 0,45 - 0,45 0,45 -
Desuperheater water coupling Ø 1” ½ 1” ½
(•) Heating capacity with rec over y and Operating limits: Attention
desuperheater fouling fac tor equi val ent to Units fitted with a permanent recovery
0.35x10-4 m² K/W. RC100: unit or des uperheater i n series with the
• hot water temperature of 35-50°C with compressor must be us ed in compliance
(*) Conditions referred to the unit permitted water temperature differential with the regulations s et out by Ministerial
complete with c ondens ation control of 4÷6K; Decree 1/12/1975 “Safety r egulations for
(FI10) with standard c alibration, c hilled • the mini mum permitted water i nlet appliances c ontaining hot press urized
water temperature of 7°C and temperature is 30°C. fluids” and by its technical applicati on
evaporator temperatur e differential of 5K. specificati ons (collec tions R and H).
DS: This law is onl y valid in the Italian
(**) Conditions refer to the unit compl ete • hot water temperature of 50÷70°C Republic. In the event of installation in
with c ondensati on c ontr ol (FI10), with with per mitted water temperature other countries, pleas e keep to the loc al
suitabl e calibration ( expressl y requested differential of 5÷10K; laws in force.
when the order is made), chilled water • the mini mum permitted water i nlet Hot water for domestic use c an be
temperature of 7°C and evaporator temperature is 40°C. produc ed onl y with the use of an
temperature differ ential of 5K. With the access or y RC100 the unit is additi onal heat exchanger which is suited
equipped with the acc essor y FI10. to the purpose. Refer to c urrent l aws and
(***) Conditions refer to the unit with standards i n the place of i nstallation.
chilled water temperature of 7°C and In heat pumps DS15 and RC100, they
evaporator temperatur e differential of 5K. are acti vated onl y during summer
functi oning.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 performances
1000 10000
G (l/h) For all machines, refer in any c ase to admissible operating limits and
Δpw ( kPa) = nominal press ure drop at the exchanger in question thermal (ΔT) differenc es.
(Technical Data tabl e):
G (l/h) = water fl ow rate at the exc hanger in questi on;
Graph “2”: r esidu al st atic pr essur e TC AEY-THAEY 115÷238 Graph “2”: r esidu al st atic pr essur e TC AEY-THAEY 115÷238
P1-P2 installation ASP1-ASP2 installation
200 200
190 190
180 180
170 170
160 160
150 150
140 140
130 130
120 120
110 110
100 100
90 130 P1 90
80 127 P1 80
70 70
60 124 P1 60 130 ASP1
50 50
115-117 P1 122 P1 115-117 ASP1 122 ASP1 124 ASP1 127 ASP1
40 40
2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
G (l/h) G (l/h)
250 250
133,233,238 P2
200 200
133,233,238 ASP2
150 150
133,233,238 P1
100 100
133,233,238 ASP1
50 50
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
G (l/h)
G (l/h)
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 performances
Graph “3”: r esidu al st atic pr essur e TC AEY-THAEY 115÷133 and 233 Graph “3”: r esidu al st atic pr essur e TC AEY-THAEY 115÷133 and 233
P0 in stallation ASP0 in stallation
120 120
100 100
80 80
DPr (kPa)
60 60
40 40
133-233 ASP0
122 P0
115-117 P0
20 133-233 P0 20
124 P0 115-117 ASP0 122 ASP0 130 ASP0
127 P0 130 P0 124 ASP0 127 ASP0
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
G (l/h) G (l/h)
TXAEY 117÷133 performances
Table “D”: TXAEY cooling cap acit y (ΔT = 5°C at evapor ator) – AUTOMATIC 1
Ta (°C)
Tue (°C)
20 25 30 35 40 42
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 19,6 5,0 18,6 5,5 17,5 6,2 16,4 6,9 15,2 7,7 14,7 8,1
7 20,8 5,1 19,7 5,7 18,6 6,3 17,4 7,0 16,1 7,8 15,6 8,1
9 22,0 5,2 20,9 5,8 19,7 6,4 18,4 7,1 17,1 7,9 16,6 8,2
11 23,2 5,4 22,1 5,9 20,8 6,6 19,5 7,2 18,1 8,0 - -
13 24,5 5,5 23,3 6,1 22,0 6,7 20,6 7,4 19,2 8,1 - -
15 25,8 5,6 24,5 6,2 23,1 6,8 21,7 7,5 20,2 8,3 - -
5 26,7 7,1 25,3 7,9 23,8 8,8 22,2 9,8 20,5 11,0 19,8 11,4
7 28,2 7,3 26,8 8,1 25,3 9,0 23,6 9,9 21,8 11,0 21,1 11,5
9 29,9 7,4 28,4 8,2 26,8 9,1 25,0 10,1 23,1 11,1 22,4 11,6
11 31,5 7,6 30,0 8,4 28,3 9,2 26,5 10,2 24,5 11,3 - -
13 33,3 7,8 31,7 8,5 29,9 9,4 28,0 10,4 25,9 11,4 - -
15 35,0 7,9 33,3 8,7 31,5 9,6 29,5 10,5 27,3 11,6 - -
5 31,9 9,2 30,4 10,1 28,8 11,1 27,0 12,2 25,1 13,4 24,4 13,9
7 33,8 9,4 32,2 10,3 30,4 11,3 28,6 12,4 26,6 13,6 25,8 14,1
9 35,6 9,6 34,4 10,5 32,2 11,5 30,2 12,6 28,1 13,8 27,2 14,3
11 37,5 9,8 35,7 10,7 33,9 11,7 31,8 12,8 29,7 14,0 - -
13 39,5 10,0 37,7 10,9 35,7 11,9 33,5 13,0 31,2 14,2 - -
15 41,5 10,2 39,6 11,1 37,4 12,1 35,3 13,2 32,9 14,4 - -
5 37,7 10,5 36,0 11,4 34,2 12,6 32,1 13,8 30,0 15,1 29,1 15,7
7 40,0 10,7 38,1 11,7 36,2 12,8 34,0 14,0 31,8 15,3 30,8 15,9
9 42,2 10,9 40,3 11,9 38,2 13,0 36,0 14,2 33,6 15,6 32,6 16,1
11 44,5 11,1 42,5 12,1 40,3 13,2 37,9 14,5 35,4 15,8 - -
13 46,8 11,4 44,7 12,3 42,4 13,5 40,0 14,7 37,4 16,0 - -
15 49,3 11,6 47,0 12,6 44,7 13,7 42,0 14,9 39,4 16,3 - -
TXAEY 117÷133 performances
Table “D”: TXAEY cooling and heating cap acit y with heat recover y(ΔT = 5°C at evaporator) – AUTOMATIC 2
Tuc (°C)
Tue (°C)
30 35 40 45 50 53
Qf Qt P Qf Qt P Qf Qt P Qf Qt P Qf Qt P Qf Qt P
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 18,8 21,1 4,1 17,8 20,7 4,3 16,8 20,2 4,8 15,6 19,8 5,4 14,3 19,4 6,1 13,5 19,1 6,9
7 19,5 22,3 7,4 18,5 21,8 4,4 16,6 21,3 4,9 15,7 20,8 5,5 14,9 20,3 6,1 13,8 20,0 6,9
9 21,3 23,5 7,4 20,2 23,0 4,4 19,1 22,4 4,9 17,8 21,9 5,5 16,4 21,3 6,2 15,5 20,9 6,9
11 22,7 24,8 4,5 21,5 24,2 5,0 20,3 23,6 5,5 18,9 23,0 6,2 17,5 22,3 7,0 16,5 21,9 7,4
13 24,1 26,1 4,5 22,9 25,5 5,0 21,6 24,8 5,6 20,1 24,1 6,2 18,6 23,4 7,0 17,7 23,0 7,5
15 25,5 27,5 4,6 24,3 26,8 5,1 22,9 26,1 5,6 21,4 25,4 6,3 19,8 24,5 7,0 18,8 24,1 7,5
5 28,2 31,1 5,4 26,7 30,3 6,2 25,1 29,6 7,0 22,5 28,9 7,8 21,3 28,1 8,8 20,0 27,6 10,0
7 30,0 32,8 10,7 28,5 32,0 6,3 26,8 31,2 7,0 23,1 30,4 7,9 22,8 29,5 8,8 21,5 28,9 9,9
9 31,9 34,5 10,7 30,4 33,7 6,3 28,6 32,8 7,0 26,6 32,0 7,9 24,4 30,9 8,8 23,0 30,3 9,9
11 33,9 36,4 6,4 32,3 35,5 7,1 30,4 34,6 7,9 28,3 33,5 8,9 26,1 32,4 9,9 24,5 31,7 10,6
13 35,9 38,3 6,4 34,3 37,4 7,1 32,4 36,3 8,0 30,2 35,3 8,9 27,8 34,0 10,0 26,1 33,2 10,7
15 38,0 40,3 6,5 36,4 39,3 7,2 34,3 38,2 8,0 32,1 37,0 8,9 29,5 35,6 10,0 27,9 34,8 10,7
5 30,6 37,8 8,0 29,0 37,1 8,8 27,1 36,3 9,7 25,1 35,5 10,8 22,9 34,6 12,0 21,4 34,0 12,8
7 32,9 39,9 8,0 31,2 39,0 8,9 29,2 38,2 9,8 27,1 37,2 10,5 24,7 36,2 12,1 23,2 35,6 12,9
9 35,2 42,0 8,1 33,4 41,1 8,9 31,4 40,1 9,9 29,1 39,1 10,9 26,6 38,0 12,2 25,0 37,3 13,0
11 37,7 44,2 8,2 35,7 43,2 9,0 33,6 42,2 9,9 31,2 41,0 11,0 28,6 39,8 12,2 26,9 39,1 13,0
13 40,2 46,5 8,3 38,2 45,4 9,1 35,9 44,3 10,0 33,5 43,0 11,0 30,7 41,7 12,3 29,0 40,9 13,1
15 42,8 48,9 8,4 40,7 47,6 9,1 38,3 46,4 10,0 35,7 45,1 11,1 32,9 43,6 12,3 31,1 42,8 13,1
5 36,6 44,9 9,5 34,6 44,0 10,4 32,4 43,0 11,6 30,1 42,0 12,8 27,4 41,0 14,3 25,8 40,4 15,2
7 39,3 47,3 9,6 37,2 46,3 10,5 34,9 45,3 11,6 32,4 44,2 12,9 29,6 43,0 14,3 27,9 42,3 15,3
9 42,1 49,9 9,7 39,9 48,8 10,6 37,5 47,6 11,7 34,9 46,4 13,0 31,9 45,2 14,4 30,1 44,3 15,4
11 39,7 52,5 9,8 37,4 51,4 10,7 34,9 50,1 11,8 32,1 48,7 13,0 29,0 47,3 14,5 27,1 46,4 15,4
13 42,7 55,3 9,9 40,3 54,0 10,8 37,6 52,5 11,8 34,7 51,1 13,1 31,5 49,5 14,5 29,5 48,5 15,5
15 45,8 58,2 10,0 43,3 56,6 10,8 40,5 55,2 11,9 37,4 53,5 13,2 34,0 51,9 14,6 32,0 50,8 15,5
Tue = Evaporator outlet water temperature Nominal conditions of winter oper ation S1 , ATTENTION !
(ΔT inlet/outlet = 5 °C). S2 and A3 The temperature differ ential ΔT of the i nlet and
Tuc = Condens er outlet water temperature Condenser i nlet/outl et water 40°C/45°C, outlet water temperature at the evaporator
(ΔT inlet/outlet = 5 °C). evaporator inlet water 10°C, water fl ow rate as shoul d be between 3°C and 8°C.
QF = Cooling capacity (evaporator fouling for summer operati on.
factor of 0.35 X 10-4 m²C/W).
QT = Heating capacity (evaporator fouling Nominal recover y conditions A2
factor of 0.35 X 10-4 m²C/W). Condenser i nlet/outl et water 40/45°C,
P = Total abs orbed el ectrical power evaporator inlet/outl et water 12/7°C.
(compress or and pump).
TXAEY 117÷133 performances
Table “D”: TXAEY heating cap acit y (ΔT = 5°C at cond enser) – SELECT 1, SELECT 2 , AUTOMATIC 3
Tuc (°C)
RH (%)
Ta (°C)
35 40 45 50 53
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
-5 90 13,3 4,8 13,4 5,6 13,8 6,7 - - - -
0 90 15,1 4,9 15,0 5,7 15,2 6,6 - - - -
7 90 18,4 5,1 18,1 5,8 17,9 6,7 17,7 7,6 17,7 7,6
10 90 20,0 5,2 19,6 5,9 19,3 6,7 18,9 7,6 18,9 7,6
15 90 22,9 5,3 22,3 6,0 21,8 6,7 21,2 7,6 21,2 7,6
20 90 25,9 5,4 25,2 6,1 24,5 6,8 23,8 7,6 23,8 7,6
-5 90 19,9 7,2 20,0 8,3 20,4 9,6 - - - -
0 90 22,6 7,3 22,5 8,3 22,7 9,6 - - - -
7 90 26,7 7,4 26,3 8,4 26,1 9,5 26,0 10,9 25,9 11,7
10 90 29,0 7,4 28,4 8,4 27,8 9,5 27,6 10,8 27,4 11,6
15 90 33,1 7,5 32,2 8,5 31,3 9,5 30,3 10,7 29,9 11,5
20 90 37,5 7,7 36,5 8,6 35,3 9,6 34,1 10,7 33,3 11,5
-5 90 25,9 9,2 25,7 10,2 25,6 11,2 - - - -
0 90 29,6 9,3 29,3 10,3 28,9 11,4 - - - -
7 90 35,7 9,5 35,1 10,5 34,4 11,7 33,7 12,9 33,3 13,8
10 90 38,6 9,5 37,8 10,6 37,1 11,8 36,3 13,1 35,7 13,9
15 90 43,8 9,7 42,8 10,8 41,8 12,0 40,7 13,3 40,0 14,2
20 90 49,4 9,9 48,1 10,9 46,9 12,1 45,5 13,5 44,7 14,4
-5 90 30,2 11,0 30,0 12,2 29,8 13,5 - - - -
0 90 34,2 11,1 33,9 12,4 33,5 13,7 - - - -
7 90 40,4 11,3 39,8 12,6 39,1 14,0 38,5 15,6 38,2 16,6
10 90 43,7 11,5 42,8 12,7 42,0 14,1 41,2 15,7 40,7 16,7
15 90 49,7 11,7 48,5 12,9 47,2 14,3 45,9 15,9 45,2 17,0
20 90 56,2 11,9 54,7 13,1 53,2 14,5 51,5 16,1 50,5 17,1
TXAEY 117÷133 performances
Graph “1”: pr essur e drops, TXAEY 117÷133 h eat exch angers Calculation of Pressure Drops
○ The water flow rate at the exchanger is c alculated accordi ng to the
1000 followi ng formula:
○ G = (Q x 860) : ΔT
• Wher e:
G (l/h) = water fl ow rate at the exc hanger
124 Q (kW) = exchanged power, which may be QF (for the evaporator) or
QT (for the condens er), depending on the exchanger in question
133 ΔT (°C) = temperature differential
○ The pr essure drops can be obtai ned from the RHOSS selec tion
117 software and can be read on the graph shown, or can be calcul ated
10 using the following rough for mula:
Δpw = Δpwnom x (G : Gnom)²
1 Note:
1000 10000 For all machines, refer in any c ase to admissible operating limits and
G (l/h) thermal(ΔT).
250 250
240 240
230 133 P2 230
220 220
210 210
200 200
133 ASP2
190 190
180 180
170 170
160 160
150 150
140 140
130 133 P1
120 120
110 110
100 100 133 ASP1
90 130 P1 90
80 80
70 70
60 124 P1
50 50
117 P1
40 40
2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
G (l/h) G (l/h)
Δpr (kPa) = Resi dual static pressur e Δpr (kPa) = Resi dual static pressur e
G (l/h) = Water flow G (l/h) = Water flow
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷238 / TXAEY 117÷133 operating limits
5 10 15 35
-5 0 5 10 15 20 40
Standard operati on Standard operati on
Operati on with condens ation control Operati on with condens ation control
(KFI access ory) (KFI access ory)
Temperature differentials p ermitted through the exchangers Temperature differentials p ermitted through the exchangers
○ Temperature differential at the evaporator ΔT = 3 ÷ 8°C. ○ Temperature differential at the c ondenser ΔT = 3 ÷ 8°C.
○ Minimum water pressur e 0,5 Barg ○ Minimum water pressur e 0,5 Barg
○ Maxi mum water press ure 3 Barg. ○ Maxi mum water press ure 3 Barg.
For evaporator outlet water of a temperature below 5°C, pleas e contact
the RHOSS S.p.A. pr e-sales s ervice before ordering.
40 50 50
45 40
40 30
5 10 15 35 20
-5 0 5 10 15 20 40 5 10 15
T (°C) = Air temperature (D.B.). T (°C) = Air temperature (D.B.). t ue (°C) = Main exc hanger (evaporator) outlet chilled
t (°C) = Water temperature t (°C) = Water temperature water temperature.
t ur (°C) = Secondar y exc hanger (recover y) outlet
Maxi mum inlet water temperature heated water temperatur e.
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷130 dimensions and footprints
2 8
6 3
e 10 9
11 4
12 6
n 14
13 5
m 15
7 b 7 d
i l i f g h g
Model a b c d e f g h i l m n o p
115 mm 1230 1255 500 580 1090 60 20 1192 82 340 150 196 122 56
117 mm 1230 1255 500 580 1090 60 20 1192 82 340 150 196 122 56
122 mm 1230 1255 500 600 1280 60 20 1192 82 340 150 196 122 56
124 mm 1230 1255 500 600 1280 60 20 1192 82 340 150 196 122 56
127 mm 1535 1555 600 695 1510 60 20 1492 82 440 176 170 137 70
130 mm 1535 1555 600 695 1510 60 20 1492 82 440 176 170 137 70
Model 115 117 122 124 127 130
TCAEY P0/P1 kg 170 180 230 240 300 330
THAEY P0/P1 kg 175 185 238 248 310 340
The weights refer to pac kaged units without water
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷130 dimensions and footprints
o p a c
6 3
e 10 9
12 6 4
n 14
13 5
m 15 16
7 b 7 d
i l i f g h g
Model a b c d e f g h i l m n o p
115 mm 1490 1522 500 580 1090 60 20 1448 82 340 150 196 122 56
117 mm 1490 1522 500 580 1090 60 20 1448 82 340 150 196 122 56
122 mm 1490 1522 500 600 1280 60 20 1448 82 340 150 196 122 56
124 mm 1490 1522 500 600 1280 60 20 1448 82 340 150 196 122 56
127 mm 1790 1822 600 695 1510 60 20 1748 82 440 150 196 122 56
130 mm 1790 1822 600 695 1510 60 20 1748 82 440 150 196 122 56
Weights L2
Model 115 117 122 124 127 130
TCAEY kg 210 220 270 280 310 370
THAEY kg 215 225 278 288 320 380 L3
The weights refer to pac kaged units without water
The weight of the full unit is obtained by adding to the weight of the tank
water contents, i ndicated in tabl e “A”.
TCAEY-THAEY 133÷233 dimensions and footprints
Dimensions and footprints TCAEY – THAEY 133÷233 Standard installation, P0 – P1 – P2, ASP0 – ASP1 – ASP2
p c a
6 6
1 8
2 3
e 9
17 12
10 o 4 4
15 16
7 7
l m l b f d g h i
Model a b c d e f g h i l m n o p
133 mm 1660 1710 1000 1045 1570 75 273 1210 179 30 942 232 196 385
233 mm 1660 1710 1000 1045 1570 75 273 1210 179 30 942 232 196 385
Model 133 233
TCAEY Standard ins tallati on kg 400 415
THAEY Standard installation kg 415 430
TCAEY P0/P1 i nstallati on kg 420 430
THAEY P0/P1 i nstallati on kg 435 445
TCAEY P2 i nstallati on kg 420 430
THAEY P2 i nstallati on kg 435 445
TCAEY ASP0/ASP1 installation kg 450 465
THAEY ASP0/ASP1 installation kg 460 475
TCAEY ASP2 i nstallation kg 450 465
THAEY ASP2 i nstallation kg 460 475
The weights refer to units without water
The weight of the full unit is obtained by adding to the weight of the tank
water contents, i ndicated in tabl e “A”.
TCAEY-THAEY 133÷233 dimensions and footprints
r s c a
6 6
e 9
13 14
11 16
10 o 15 4 4
q 18
12 p n
7 7
l m l b f d g h i
Model a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q
133-233 mm 1660 1710 1000 1045 1570 75 273 1210 179 30 942 235 196 175 100
TCAEY-THAEY 238 dimensions and footprints
b c
2 3 1
15 15
a 9
8 11
5 7
e 10
4 4 6
13 12
16 16
d g h i h l m n
Model a b c d e f g h i l m n
238 mm 1565 1070 2315 75 195 233 385 28 942 544 1562 160
Model 238
TCAEY kg 560
THAEY kg 580
TCAEY P1-P2 kg 580
THAEY P1-P2 kg 600
TCAEY ASP1- ASP2 kg 625
THAEY ASP1- ASP2 kg 645
The weights refer to pac kaged units without water
TXAEY 117÷130 dimensions and footprints
o p a c
6 3
e 10 9
12 11
6 4
n 13 14
m 15 16 17
7 b 7 d
i l i f g h g
Model a b c d e f g h i l m n o p
117 mm 1490 1522 500 580 1090 60 20 1448 82 340 150 160 60 100
124 mm 1490 1522 500 600 1280 60 20 1448 82 340 150 160 60 100
130 mm 1790 1822 600 695 1510 60 20 1748 82 440 150 160 60 100
Model 117 124 130
TXAEY kg 220 280 370
The weights refer to pac kaged units without water
The weight of the full unit is obtained by adding to the weight of the tank
water contents, i ndicated in tabl e “A”.
TXAEY 133 dimensions and footprints
TXAEY 133 dimensions and footprints, Standard, P1 – P2, ASP1 – ASP2 installation
r s c a
6 6
e 9
13 14
11 16
10 o 15 4
q 18
12 p n
7 7
l m l b f d g h i
Model a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q
133 mm 1660 1710 1000 1045 1570 75 273 1210 179 30 942 235 196 175 100
Model 133
TXAEY Stand ard installation kg 435
TXAEY P1 installation kg 440
TXAEY P2 installation kg 450
TXAEY ASP1 installation kg 470
TXAEY ASP2 installation kg 480
The weights refer to units without water
The weight of the full unit is obtained by adding to the weight of the tank
water contents, i ndicated in tabl e “A”.
TCAEY-THAEY-TXAEY 115÷238 water connections
Water connections
For design conditi ons that differ from the nominal conditions, the power
Connection to the system data must be found using Tables "D", whic h provi de a clear list of the
power val ues that can be obtained at conditi ons other than nominal
○ The unit is equipped with thr eaded male water connections and a conditi ons. When doi ng the calcul ation, we r ecommend al ways referring
manual air bleed val ve positioned inside the s hell. to the maxi mum envisaged power.
○ It is advisable to install intercept valves that isolate the unit from the
rest of the s ystem. It is also advisable to ins tall elas tic connec tion joints. 2-pipe system and hot water buffer tank
○ It is ess ential to fit a metal mes h filter (squar e mesh of no greater In this type of s ystem, the machi ne is c onnected to the primary water
than 0.8 mm) on the unit return piping. circuit with the main exchanger, while the s econdar y exchanger is
○ The water flow through the heat exc hanger should not fall below a connected to the circuit for heating the hot water, as illustrated i n the
val ue c orrespondi ng to a temperature differential of 8°C. figure on page 24.
○ During long periods of i nacti vity, it is advisabl e to drai n the water To calculate the mi nimum water c ontent on the primar y side, refer to the
from the s ystem. previous c ase relati ve to the 4-pi pe s ys tem.
○ It is possible to avoid draini ng the water by addi ng ethyl ene glycol to To calculate the mi nimum water c ontent on the s econdar y side
the water circuit (see “Use of antifreeze s oluti ons”). connected to the hot water tank, the following must be taken into
Pump installation account. T he hot water temperature may be i nfluenced, especially in
the winter, by the mac hine's natural defrosti ng cycles . In fac t, during the
○ The units are equipped with a circulating pump, expansion tank and
defrosti ng phase, the mac hine operates with an i nverted c ycle,
safety val ve.
transferring a c ooling capacity to the water that inevitably cools it down.
Tank & Pump installation The change i n hot water temperature may affect performance if the
○ The units are equipped with an inertial water buffer tank, circul ating water content in the sec ondar y exchanger water circuit is insufficient.
pump, expansion tank, drai n coc k and safety val ve. The figure provides a general illustration of the sec ondar y circuit, whic h
Minimum water circuit content TCAEY-THAEY highlights the circuit's us er side boiler SS and the i nertial water buffer
tank SI.
In order to keep the units in good wor king or der, depending on the MA VSA
chosen control, mini mum water contents i n the water s ystem must be
ensured. T he mini mum water content is established on the basis of the ECH
unit's nominal cooling capacity (table A Tec hnical D ate), multi plied by US VSAC REC
the c oefficient expr essed in l/kW.
Range Adj ustment type Control PDR
AdaptiveFunc tion
TCAEY THAEY 115÷238 2 l/kW
Example: THAEY 124
The referenc e capacity to be taken i nto consi derati on when calcul ating RS
the water c ontent on the primar y side, is the c ooling capacity in design
conditi ons. If, for example, it coi ncides with the nominal c onditions Key:
(Qf=23.64 kW), a mini mum vol ume of water must be guaranteed, ECH REC: recover y exchanger
calculated as follows : PDR: recover y differential pressure switc h
- If the unit envisages c ontrol with AdaptiveFunction PU: secondary circuit us er pump
Plus, the mi nimum s ys tem content s hould be: VE: expansion vess el
Qf (kW) x 2 l/kW = 23.64 kW x 2 l/kW = 47.3 l VSAC: water safety val ve
For design conditi ons that differ from the nominal conditions, the power VSA: automatic bleed val ve
data must be found using Tables "D", whic h provi de a clear list of the MA: press ure gauge
power val ues that can be obtained at conditi ons other than nominal SI: sec ondar y circuit inertial tank
conditi ons. When doi ng the calcul ation, we r ecommend al ways referring SS: hot water tank
to the maxi mum envisaged power. RS: hot water restor ation
Minimum water circuit content TXAEY US: hot water us er
To ens ure the good worki ng order of the EXPSY STEMS multipur pose Having assigned the permitted c hange in temper ature, it is possible to
systems , the c orrect water volumes must be guaranteed in the primary calculate the minimum specific capacity.
and secondary circuits in rel ation to the type of s ystem in whic h the unit The followi ng tabl e gives the mini mum specific capacity values in l/kW
will be i nstalled. for the sec ondar y circuit, on the basis of the hot water temperature
4-pipe system s change. It is ther efore possible to c alculate the c apacity of the tank SI,
once the installed power is known.
The followi ng specific c apacities are consider ed for this type of s ystem.
Range Adj ustment type Control Hot water tem perature change dtu K 4 5 6 7 8
TXAEY 117÷133 Specific capacity l/kW 22 18 15 13 12
AdaptiveFunc tion 4 l/kW
Primary circuit
TXAEY 117÷133
Proportional 10 l/kW Application example
Secondary circuit
A s ystem with a maxi mum ins talled recovering heating capacity of
Example: T XAEY 124 Qtinstalled=30 kW. A maxi mum per mitted hot water change of dtu=5K.
The referenc e capacity to be taken i nto consi derati on when calcul ating The sec ondar y circuit c apacity is calc ulated as follows:
the water c ontent on the primar y circuit, is the cooling capacity in design
conditi ons during AUTOMATIC 1 operati on. Qtinstalled (kW) x 18 l/kW = 30 kW x 18 l/kW = 540 l
Supposing that the design condition is the nominal condition (Qf=23.64
kW), a c ertain volume of water mus t be guaranteed in the primar y The sec ondar y circuit water content must be at least 540 l. Overlooking
circuit, calculated as follows: the water c ontent in the pipes, the c ase i n questi on requires a tank SI
Qf (kW) x 4 (l/kW) = 23.64 kW x 4 (l/kW) = 94.56 l (see figure) with a capacity of at least540 l. In prac tice, we recommend
never exceeding dtu=6K and always considering the maximum
The calc ulation of the mini mum water content in the sec ondar y circuit
must refer to the heating capacity obtained from the design conditions foreseeable power.
during AUTOMATIC 2 operation. Supposing that the design condition
coincides with the nominal capacity (Qt=30.35 kW), the mini mum
capacity of the sec ondar y circuit s houl d be:
Qt (kW) x 10 (l/kW) = 30.35 kW x 10 (l/kW) = 300.35 l
TCAEY-THAEY-TXAEY 115÷238 water connections
Water data
Model 115 117 122 124 127 130 133 233 238
Safety val ve barg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Exc hanger water c ontent l 1,33 1,33 1,90 2,20 2,40 2,60 3,20 3,20 3,20
Tank water content ASP1 l 35 35 45 45 45 45 80 80 80
Tank water content ASP2 l - - - - - - 80 80 80
Table “H”
fc QF = Cooling capacity c orrection factor.
Glycol b y weight 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 % 30 % fc P= Correction fac tor for the absorbed
Freezing temp erature °C -5 -7 -10 -13 -16 electrical power.
fc QF 0,991 0,987 0,982 0,978 0,974 fc Δpw = C orrection factor of the press ure drop
fc P 0,996 0,995 0,993 0,991 0,989 in the evaporator
fc Δpw 1,053 1,105 1,184 1,237 1,316 fc G = Correction fac tor of the glyc ol water flow
fc G 1,008 1,028 1,051 1,074 1,100 to the evaporator
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷233 water circuit
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷233 water circuit
TXAEY 117÷133 water circuit
TCAEY-THAEY 115÷130 electrical connections
Electrical Po wer Supply 400V – 3ph + N – 50Hz
IG General isolator; L1
L1 Line 1; L2
L2 Line 2; L3 400V-3ph+N-50Hz
L3 Line 3; N
N Neutral;
PE Earth termi nal;
KSC Clock c ard (acc essor y);
KRS485 RS485 serial interfac e (access or y); KTR
J13 6-way telephone connector (RJ12); KSC
J15 Connector for KSC accessor y installation;
J16 Connector for KRS485, KFTT10 and
KRS232 RS485/RS232 c onverter (acc essor y); KRS232
KUSB RS485/USB c onverter (access or y); + + PC
PC Personal computer; - -
clean c ontact);
SEI Summer/Winter selec tor (control with
KRIT KRIT Command (supplementar y el ectric
heater for heat pump) (230 Vac,
maxi mum load 0,5 A AC 1).
C10 NO10 NC10
Set-point. LBG
CACS Consent VACS (control with cl ean
DSP Double set-point by means of digital
DC +
○ The el ectrical panel can be acc essed from the front ATTENTION !
panel of the unit. The followi ng diagrams onl y s how the connec tions to be made by the installer.
○ Connections must be made by s killed personnel in
compliance with c urrent standards and with the
diagrams provided with the machi ne. Cable section 115 117 122 124 127 130
○ Always install a general isolator in a pr otected area Line s ection mm² 4 4 6 6 10 10
near the unit with a delayed c haracteristic cur ve of PE sec tion mm² 4 4 6 6 10 10
suitabl e capacity and br eaking capacity. Make s ure the Remote c ontrol s ection mm² 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
general isolator includes a 3 mm mini mum opening
distanc e between c ontacts .
○ Earth c onnecti on is c ompuls ory by law and
safeguar ds the user while the machi ne is in us e.
TCAEY-THAEY 133 electrical connections
Electrical Po wer Supply 400V – 3ph + N – 50Hz
MIQE Electrical board i nternal ter minal board; L1
IG General isolator; L2
L1 Line 1; L3 400V-3ph+N-50Hz
L2 Line 2; N
L3 Line 3;
N Neutral;
PE Earth termi nal;
KSC Clock c ard (acc essor y); KTR
KRS485 RS485 serial interfac e (access or y); KSC
J13 6-way telephone connector (RJ12);
J15 Connector for KSC accessor y installation;
KTR Remote keyboard (acc essor y); KRS232
KRS232 RS485/RS232 c onverter (acc essor y);
+ + PC
KUSB RS485/USB c onverter (access or y); - -
PC Personal computer;
load 0,5 A AC1);
LFC1 Compress or 1 operati ng light
(230 V AC);
KRIT KRIT Command (supplementar y el ectric
heater for heat pump) (230 Vac,
maxi mum load 0,5 A AC 1).
KEAP External air sensor for compensation of KEAP
CS Scrolling set-point by means of the 4- 20
mA analogue signal (inc ompatible with CS
the DSP acc essor y). Needs to be
handled as a special access ory by our
pre-sales office;
CACS Consent VACS (control with cl ean LBG
DSP Double set-point by means of digital
consensus (inc ompatible with the CS LFC1
and CACS acc essor y);
VACS 3-way di verter val ve for managing the
produc tion of domes tic hot water
(KVDEV) (230 Vac, maxi mum load 0,5 A CACS/DSP
---- Connection to be made by the installer;
6 wire telephone cable ( maximum
distanc e 50 m, for greater distances VACS
contact RHOSS S.p.A. customer
DC +
○ The el ectrical panel can be acc essed from the front ATTENTION !
panel of the unit. The followi ng diagrams onl y s how the connec tions to be made by the installer.
○ Connections must be made by s killed personnel in
compliance with c urrent standards and with the
diagrams provided with the machi ne. Cable section 133
○ Always install a general isolator in a pr otected area Line s ection mm² 10
near the unit with a delayed c haracteristic cur ve of PE sec tion mm² 10
suitabl e capacity and br eaking capacity. Make s ure the Remote c ontrol s ection mm² 1,5
general isolator includes a 3 mm mini mum opening
distanc e between c ontacts .
○ Earth c onnecti on is c ompuls ory by law and
safeguar ds the user while the machi ne is in us e.
TCAEY-THAEY 233÷238 electrical connections
MIQE Electrical board i nternal ter minal board; L1
IG General isolator; L2
L1 Line 1; L3 400V-3ph+N-50Hz
L2 Line 2; N
L3 Line 3;
N Neutral;
PE Earth termi nal;
KSC Clock c ard (acc essor y); KTR
KRS485 RS485 serial interfac e (access or y); KSC
J13 6-way telephone connector (RJ12);
J15 Connector for KSC accessor y installation;
KTR Remote keyboard (acc essor y); KRS232
KRS232 RS485/RS232 c onverter (acc essor y);
+ + PC
KUSB RS485/USB c onverter (access or y); - -
PC Personal computer;
load 0,5 A AC1);
LFC1 Compress or 1 operati ng light
(230 V AC);
LFC2 Compress or 2 operati ng light
(230 V AC);
KRIT KRIT Command (supplementar y el ectric
heater for heat pump) (230 Vac, KEAP
maxi mum load 0,5 A AC 1).
KEAP External air sensor for compensation of
Set-point. CS
CS Scrolling set-point by means of the 4- 20
mA analogue signal (inc ompatible with
the DSP acc essor y). Needs to be
handled as a special access ory by our LBG
pre-sales office;
DSP Double set-point by means of digital
consensus (inc ompatible with the CS LFC1
accessor y);
---- Connection to be made by the installer;
6 wire telephone cable ( maximum
distanc e 50 m, for greater distances CACS/DSP
contact RHOSS S.p.A. customer
DC +
○ The el ectrical panel can be acc essed from the front ATTENTION !
panel of the unit. The followi ng diagrams onl y s how the connec tions to be made by the installer.
○ Connections must be made by s killed personnel in
compliance with c urrent standards and with the
diagrams provided with the machi ne. Cable section 233 238
○ Always install a general isolator in a pr otected area Line s ection mm² 10 10
near the unit with a delayed c haracteristic cur ve of PE sec tion mm² 10 10
suitabl e capacity and br eaking capacity. Make s ure the Remote c ontrol s ection mm² 1,5 1,5
general isolator includes a 3 mm mini mum opening
distanc e between c ontacts .
○ Earth c onnecti on is c ompuls ory by law and
safeguar ds the user while the machi ne is in us e.
TXAEY 117÷133 electrical connections
maxi mum charge 2A AC1)
J16 &-way telephone connector (RJ12);
J19 Connector for insertion of acc essor y
KRS485 Serial interface RS485 (acc essor y);
KRS232 Converter RS485/RS232 (access ory); + +
KUSB converter RS485/USB (access or y); - -
L1 Line 1;
L2 Line 2;
L3 Line 3; SCR
N Neutral;
PC Personal computer;
PE Earth termi nal;
SCR Remote c ontrol s elector (contr ol with
clean c ontact);
SEI Selector AUTOMATIC / SELECT (control
with cl ean contac t);
CR Recover y consensus (c ontrol with clean
contact); LBG
SSR Only recuperator selec tor;
--- Connections provided by the installer
6-wire telephone c able (maxi mum LFC
distanc e 50 m, for distanc es which are
greater than this pl eas e contac t
customer s ervice at RHOSS S.p.A.
K20114EN ed.2 04.11- 000 - Stampa:
TXAEY 117÷133
Compact-Y range
Via Oltre Ferrovia, 32 - 33033 Codroipo (UD) - Italy
tel. +39 0432 911611 - fax +39 0432 911600
rhoss@rhoss.it - www.rhoss.it - www.rhoss.com
7 rue du Pont à Lunettes - 69390 Vourles - France
tél. +33 (0)4 72 31 86 31 - fax +33 (0)4 72 31 86 30
right to alter the features of their products without notice in the interests of continuous improvement.
Benjamin Constant 576 - 1er Piso C.P. 1214 - Asuncion Paraguay
tel/fax +595 21 493 897 - www.rhossmercosur.com