Instrument Penilaian, Soal Dan Kunci Jawaban

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Instrument Penilaian, Soal dan Kunci Jawaban

a. Teknik Penilaian Sikap

Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik sehari-hari, baik terkait
dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh guru. Berikut
instrumen penilaian sikap
Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah Skor Predi
No Nama Siswa
BS JJ TJ DS PD Skor Sikap kat
1 Soenarto 75 75 50 75 60 275 68,75 C
2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Keterangan :
• BS : Bekerja Sama
• JJ : Jujur
• TJ : Tanggun Jawab
• DS : Disiplin
 PD : Percaya Diri

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
Kode nilai Predikat
90 - 100 = Sangat Baik A
75 - 89 = Baik B
50 - 74 = Cukup C
25 - 49 = Kurang D
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 5 = 500
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 5 = 68,75
4. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai
b. Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Pedoman Penilaian
1. Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan
Answer the questions from task 1- 5.
Task 1

her me I you she his we

themselves they yourself them us

Choose one of the pronouns above, to complete these sentences below:

1. He wrote the date on ................................... piece of work.
2. I wrote to my cousins and invited ............................... to my house for a sleepover.
3. “I like Nila. I think I am ................................... best friend,” remarked Alice.
4. “Can .................................. go on a trip to Warley Woods?” asked all the children.
5. When my auntie went to the car, ................................... got the shopping out from the boot.
6. “I’ll look after your rabbit for ...................................,” replied Neil.
7. The class of children enjoyed themselves when ................................... played basketball on the
8. “My grandma is coming to stay with ................................... tonight,” said Darren.
9. My brothers and ................................... are waiting for our dad to come home from work.
10. “Are they going to behave ................................... tonight?” asked Brian.

Task 2
Copy out these sentences and replace the underlined word(s) with a suitable pronoun.

1. The children were sad when the children were told off
2. The birds flew away when the cats chased the birds
3. When Daud got home Daud watched television.
4. Shilan said that Shilan was bored.
5. Ibrahim hung Ibrahim’s bag up.
6. I like the biscuits. The biscuits are my favourite.
7. Dylan ran after Jannah. Dylan chased Jannah all the way to school.
8. Muna dropped the rubber. The rubber went under the table.
9. Salah and Ahmed went to the library. Salah and Ahmed went to read some books.
10. Aisha played out with Aisha’s sister.
Task 3
Use these possessive pronouns to copy and complete these sentences.
1. You must take the responsibility. The responsibility is ....................................
2. The red van belongs to them. It is ....................................
3. The books on the table belong to Tim and me. They are ....................................
4. Sally has taken the books that belong to her. They are ....................................
5. I found the money so it is ................................... now
Task 4
Look at the family tree and use these words to answer the questions about the family members.

This is Bart’s family tree.

Answer the following questions about Bart.
1. Who is Abraham? Abraham is Bart’s grandfather.
2. Who is Marge? ......................................................
3. Who is Patty? ........................................................
4. Who is Ling?.........................................................
5. Who is Lisa? .........................................................
6. Who is Bart to Jackie? .........................................
7. Who is Bart to Homer? ..........................................
8. Who is Bart to Selma? ..........................................

Task 5
Fill in the following family tree with the names of your family members. Then make five sentences
explaining the correlation between you and your family members.


grandfather grandmother grandmother grandfa ther

aunt uncle mother father uncle aunt

cousin sister me brother cousin

1. .................................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................................
2. Pedoman Penilaian Pengetahuan
Bobot nilai setiap nomor : 1
*Jika kolom My family di isi diberi nilai 3.

∑ Skor Perolehan
x 100
Nilai = Skor Maksimal
3. Kunci Jawaban
Task 1
1. His 6. Yourself
2. Them 7. They
3. Her 8. Me
4. We 9. I
5. She 10. Themselves
Task 2
1. They 6. They
2. Them 7. She and her
3. He 8. It
4. She 9. They
5. His 10. Her
Task 3
1. Yours 4. Hers
2. Theirs 5. Mine
3. Ours
Task 4
1. Abraham is Bart’s grandfather.
2. Marge is Bart’s mother.
3. Patty is Bart’s aunt.
4. Ling is Bart’s cousin.
5. Lisa is Bart’s sister.
6. Bart is Jackie’s grandson
7. Bart is Homer’s son.
8. Bart is Selma’s nephew.
Task 5
1 – 5 jawabanya conditional
c. Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan dan Pedoman Penilaian
1. Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan
Unjuk kerja: Task 6 & 7.
Task 6
Watch the videos of self-introduction then write down the information of self identity he/she gives
when he/she introduces him/herself.

NO Information of self identity Example

What is the social function of a self introduction?
What is the structure of a self introduction?

Task 7
Write a text of your self-introduction, then perform it in front of your friends.

2. Pedoman Penilaian Keterampilan

Rubrik Menulis

No. Criteria to Score

1 2 3 4

1. Text Doesn’t use the Doesn’t Use the Use the correct text Use the correct text
organization correct text correct text organization, but organization and
organization organization, but hasn’t elaborate the elaborate the idea
elaborate the idea idea
2. Target Write less than 5 Write less than 5 Write more than 5 Write more than 5
Content sentences and no sentences and less sentences and less sentences and more
target expression than 2 target than 4 target than 4 target
expressions expressions expressions
3. Grammar More than 5 More than 5 Less than 5 grammar No grammar error
grammar errors grammar error, but error, but still
and not still understandable
understandable understandable
4. Vocabulary Use basic Use basic Use developed Use developed
vocabulary, but vocabulary and vocabulary, but some vocabulary and
inappropriate. appropriate of them are appropriate
5. Mechanic Some errors in More than 3 errors Mostly effective use Effective use of
spelling and in spelling and of mechanics, errors capitalization,
punctuation which punctuation which do not detract from punctuation, and
detract from do not detract from meaning spelling
meaning meaning
6. Tidiness and Write awkwardly, Write quite neatly, Write neatly, clear Write creatively,
deadline unreadable, quite clear font, font, submit the work neatly, clear font,
submit late than 3 submit late three on time submit the work on
days from days from deadline time
Instrumen penilaian menulis

Focus Krit
Total eria
N Na
Scor Nilai
o me Text Target Mechani Tidiness and
Grammar Vocab e
Org. Content c deadline

∑ Skor Perolehan
x 100
Nilai = Skor Maksimal
Kriteria Nilai:
A = 90 – 100 = 4= Baik Sekali
B = 75 – 89 = 3 = Baik
C = 60 – 74 = 2 = Cukup
D = < 59 = 1 = Kurang

Rubrik Berbicara
No Aspek yang Skor Kriteria
1 2 3 4

1 Pronunciation Banyak Ada beberapa Ada beberapa Hampir

kesalahan dan kesalahan dan kesalahan sempurna
mengganggu mengganggu namun tidak
makna makna mengganggu


2 Intonation Banyak Ada beberapa Ada beberapa Hampir

kesalahan dan kesalahan dan kesalahan sempurna
mengganggu mengganggu namun tidak
makna makna mengganggu


3 Fluency Kurang Cukup lancar Lancar Sangat

lancar lancar

4 Accuracy Kurang teliti Cukup teliti Teliti Sangat

Instrumen penilaian berbicara

Nama Aspek Jumlah Nilai

NO Kriteria
siswa Pronunciation Intonation Fluency Accuracy Skor

Kriteria Nilai:
A = 90 – 100 = 4= Baik Sekali
B = 75 – 89 = 3 = Baik
C = 60 – 74 = 2 = Cukup
D = < 59 = 1 = Kurang

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