Mitered Granny Square Throw - Crochet Cozy Crochet Hoodie - Crochet
Mitered Granny Square Throw - Crochet Cozy Crochet Hoodie - Crochet
Mitered Granny Square Throw - Crochet Cozy Crochet Hoodie - Crochet
Approx = Approximate(ly) Rep = Repeat
Beg = Begin(ning) Rem = Remaining
Ch = Chain(s) RS = Right side
Cont = Continue(ity) Sc = Single crochet
Dc = Double crochet Sl st = Slip stitch
Hdc2tog = (Yoh and draw up a Sp(s) = Space(s)
loop in next stitch) twice. Yoh and St(s) = Stitch(es)
draw through all loops on hook WS = Wrong side
Inc = Increase(ing) Yoh = Yarn over hook
Pat = Pattern
To fit chest measurement The instructions are written for
6 mos 17" [43 cm ] smallest size. If changes are
12 mos 18" [45.5 cm] necessary for larger sizes the
18 mos 19" [48.5 cm] instructions will be written thus ( ).
24 mos 20" [51 cm] Numbers for each size are shown
in the same color throughout the
Finished chest pattern. When only one number is
6 mos 20" [51 cm] given in black, it applies to all sizes.
12 mos 21" [53 cm]
18 mos 22" [56 cm] BACK
24 mos 23" [58.5 cm] Ch 42 (44-46-48).
MATERIALS 1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from
Bernat® Softee® Baby™ (5 oz/140 g; 362 yds /331 m) GAUGE hook. *1 dc in next ch. 1 sc in next
Sizes 6 12 18 24 mos 16 sts and 12 rows = 4" [10 cm] ch. Rep from * to end of chain.
Flannel (30044) 2 2 3 3 balls in pat. Turn. 41 (43-45-47) sts.
Sizes U.S. G/6 (4 mm) crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge. 2nd row: Ch 3 (counts as dc). *1 sc
Stitch markers. 4 buttons. in next dc. 1 dc in next sc. Rep from
* to end of row. Turn.
3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first dc. *1 dc Cont even in pat over rem 29 (31- LEFT FRONT 6th row: As 2nd row. 10 (11-11-
in next sc. 1 sc in next dc. Rep from 33-35) sts until armhole measures Note: Work buttonhole row to 12) sts. Fasten off.
* to end of row. Turn. 6 rows less than Back, ending on a correspond to markers on Right
Rep last 2 rows for pat until work WS row. Fasten off. Front as follows: SLEEVES
from beg measures 7 (7½-8-8½)" Buttonhole row: (RS). (Pat to button Ch 28 (30-30-34).
[18 (19-20.5-21.5) cm], ending on Shape neck: 1st row: (RS). Skip marker. Ch 1. Skip next st) twice. Pat 1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from
a WS row. first 13 (14-16-17) sts. Join yarn to end of row. hook. *1 dc in next ch. 1 sc in next
with sl st to next st. Ch 2 (does not ch. Rep from * to end of chain. Turn.
Shape armholes: Next row: (RS). count as st). Hdc2tog over same st Work from ** to ** as given for 27 (29-29-33) sts.
Sl st across first 3 sts. Ch 1. 1 sc in as last sl st and next st. Pat Right Front. Cont in pat as given for Back for
same sp as last sl st. Pat to last 2 sts. to end of row. Turn. 5 more rows.
Turn. Leave rem 2 sts unworked. 2nd row: Pat to last 2 sts. Hdc2tog. Shape armhole: Next row: (RS). Sl st
Turn. across first 3 sts. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp Shape sides: 1st row: (RS-Inc row).
Cont even in pat over rem 37 (39- 3rd row: Ch 2 (does not count as st). as last sl st. Pat to end of row. Turn. Ch 3 (counts as dc). 1 sc in first dc.
41-43) sts until armhole measures Hdc2tog. Pat to end of row. Turn. Cont even in pat over rem 29 (31- *1 dc in next sc. 1 sc in next dc. Rep
4 (4½-4½-5)" [10 (11.5-11.5- Rep last 2 rows once more, then 33-35) sts until armhole measures from * to last 2 sts. 1 dc in next sc.
12.5) cm], ending on a WS row. 2nd row once. 10 (11-11-12) sts. 6 rows less than Back (working (1 sc. 1 dc) in last dc. Turn.
Fasten off. Fasten off. buttonhole row to correspond to 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first dc. *1 dc
markers on Right Front), ending on in next sc. 1 sc in next dc. Rep from
RIGHT FRONT Place markers for 4 buttons on Right a WS row. * to end of row. Turn.
**Ch 32 (34-36-38). Front in 2 rows (double breasted), 3rd row: Ch 3 (counts as dc). *1 sc
1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from spaced as follows: Shape neck: 1st row: (RS). Pat in next dc. 1 dc in next sc. Rep from
hook. *1 dc in next ch. 1 sc in next Top row of 2 buttons positioned across 14 (15-15-16) sts. Hdc2tog * to end of row. Turn.
ch. Rep from * to end of chain. Turn. 2 rows down from neck edge – (neck edge). Turn. Leave rem sts 4th and 5th rows: As 2nd and 3rd
31 (33-35-37) sts. first button 1" [2.5 cm] from front unworked. rows.
Cont in pat as given for Back until edge; second button 4" [10 cm] 2nd row: Ch 2 (does not count Rep last 5 rows twice more. 33 (35-
work from beg measures 7 (7½- from front edge (3" [7.5 cm] apart as st). Hdc2tog. Pat to end of row. 35-39) sts.
8-8½)" [18 (19-20.5-21.5) cm], from each other). Turn.
ending on a WS row.** Bottom row of 2 buttons positioned 3rd row: Pat to last 2 sts. Hdc2tog. Cont even in pat until work from
10 rows down from neck edge – Turn. beg measures 7 (7½-8-8½)" [18
Shape armhole: Next row: (RS). first button 1" [2.5 cm] from front 4th row: As 2nd row. (19-20.5-21.5) cm], ending on a
Pat to last 2 sts. Turn. Leave rem edge; second button 4" [10 cm] 5th row: Buttonhole row: (RS). (Pat WS row. Place markers at each end
sts unworked. from front edge (3" [7.5 cm] apart to button marker. Ch 1. Skip next st) of last row.
from each other). twice. Pat to last 2 sts. Hdctog. Turn. Work 2 rows even in pat. Fasten off.
| CROCHET 2 of 2 2 of 4
POCKETS Next row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. *1 dc Fasten off. Fold Hood in half and
Ch 16 (16-18-18). in next sc. 1 sc in next sc. Rep from sew top Hood seam. Sew buttons
1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from * end of row. Turn. Place marker on and Pockets in position.
hook. *1 dc in next ch. 1 sc in next center back st.
ch. Rep from * to end of chain. Turn. Next row: (RS). Ch 3 (counts as Pompom
15 (15-17-17) sts. dc). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in next sc) Wind yarn around 3 fingers approx
Cont in pat as given for Back for 17 (17-18-18) times. (1 sc. 1 dc. 1 sc) 100 times. Remove from fingers
2 (2-2½-2½)" [5 (5-6.5-6.5) cm], all in next dc (center back st). (1 dc and tie tightly in center. Cut
ending on a WS row. in next sc. 1 sc in next dc) 17 (17- through each side of loops. Trim
Shape sides: 1st row: (RS). Ch 2 18-18) times. 1 dc in last sc. Turn. to a smooth round shape. Sew to
(does not count as st). Hdc2tog. Work 3 rows even in pat. end of Hood.
Pat to last 2 sts. Hdc2tog. Turn. Next row: (RS). Ch 3 (counts as
Rep last row twice more. 9 (9-11- dc). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in next sc)
11) sts. 17 (17-18-18) times. 1 sc in next dc.
Fasten off. (1 dc. 1 sc. 1 dc) all in next sc (center
back st). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in next
FINISHING sc) 18 (18-19-19) times. Turn.
Sew shoulder seams. Sew in Work 3 rows even in pat.
sleeves, placing rows above Next row: (RS). Ch 3 (counts as
markers along unworked sts of dc). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in next
Body to form square armholes. sc) 18 (18-19-19) times. (1 sc. 1 dc.
Sew side and sleeve seams, 1 sc) all in next dc (center back st).
reversing seam for 1½" [4.5 cm] (1 dc in next sc. 1 sc in next dc)
cuff turnback. 18 (17-18-18) times. 1 dc in last sc.
Turn. 77 (77-81-81) sts.
Hood: Place markers on neck edge
3" [7.5 cm] in from front edge. Cont even in pat until Hood
With RS facing, join yarn with sl st measures 8 (8½-8½-9)" [20.5 (21.5-
at Right Front neck marker. Ch 1. 21.5-23) cm] from neck edge,
Work 71 (71-75-75) sc evenly ending on a WS row.
around neck edge to opposite
marker. Turn.
10 - 10½ - 11 - 11½
2½ - 2½ 2½ - 2½
2½ - 3 4 - 4 - 5 - 5 2½ - 3
4 4
4½ 8 - 9 - 9 - 10 4½
4½ 4½
11 5 ½ 11 5
12 BACK 12
7½ 7 12½
12½ 7
8 7½ 13½
13½ 7½ 7½
8½ 8
8 9 8
8½ 8½
10 - 10½ - 11 - 11½ 6½ - 7 - 7 - 8 8 - 8½ - 9 - 9½
2½ - 2½
2½ - 3
| CROCHET 2 of 2 4 of 4
Approx = Approximate(ly) Rep = Repeat
Beg = Begin(ning) Rem = Remain(ing)
Ch = Chain(s) RS = Right side
Cont = Continue(ity) Sc = Single crochet
Dc = Double crochet Sl st = Slip stitch
Hdc2tog = Yoh and draw up a loop Sp(s) = Space(s)
in each of next 2 stitches. Yoh and St(s) = Stitch(es)
draw through all loops on hook Tog = Together
Inc = Increase(ing) WS = Wrong side
Pat = Pattern Yoh = Yarn over hook
3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first dc. *1 dc Shape armhole: Next row: (RS). Bottom row of 2 buttons positioned buttonhole row to correspond to
in next sc. 1 sc in next dc. Rep from Pat to last 2 sts. Turn. Leave rem 18 (18-20-22) rows down from markers on Right Front), ending
* to end of row. Turn. sts unworked. neck edge – first button 1" [2.5 cm] on a WS row.
Rep last 2 rows for pat until work from front edge; second button 4½"
from beg measures 9 (10-11-12)" Cont even in pat over rem 23 (25- [11 cm] from front edge (3½" [9 cm] Shape neck: 1st row: (RS). Pat
[23 (25.5-28-30.5) cm], ending 27-31) sts until armhole measures apart from each other). across 12 (12-13-14) sts. Hdc2tog
on a WS row. 6 rows less than Back, ending on a Center row of 2 buttons positioned (neck edge). Turn. Leave rem sts
WS row. Fasten off. evenly between top and bottom unworked.
Shape armholes: Next row: (RS). rows – first button 1" [2.5 cm] 2nd row: Ch 2 (does not count
Sl st across first 3 sts. Ch 1. 1 sc in Shape neck: 1st row: (RS). Skip from front edge; second button as st). Hdc2tog. Pat to end of row.
same sp as last sl st. Pat to last 2 sts. first 9 (11-12-15) sts. Join yarn 4½" [11 cm] from front edge (3½" Turn.
Turn. Leave rem 2 sts unworked. with sl st to next st. Ch 2 (does not [9 cm] apart from each other). 3rd row: Pat to last 2 sts. Hdc2tog.
count as st). Hdc2tog over same st Turn.
Cont even in pat over rem 31 (33- as last sl st and next st. Pat to end LEFT FRONT 4th row: As 2nd row.
35-39) sts until armhole measures of row. Turn. Note: Work buttonhole row to 5th row: Buttonhole row: (RS).
5 (5½-6-6½)" [12.5 (13-15- 2nd row: Pat to last 2 sts. Hdc2tog. correspond to markers on Right (Pat to button marker. Ch 1. Skip
16.5) cm], ending on a WS row. Turn. Front as follows: next st) twice. Pat to last 2 sts.
Fasten off. 3rd row: Ch 2 (does not count as st). Buttonhole row: (RS). (Pat to Hdctog. Turn.
Hdc2tog. Pat to end of row. Turn. button marker. Ch 1. Skip next st) 6th row: As 2nd row. 8 (8-9-10) sts.
RIGHT FRONT Rep last 2 rows once more, then twice. Pat to end of row. Fasten off.
**With 2 strands of yarn held tog, 2nd row once. 8 (8-9-10) sts.
ch 26 (28-30-34). Fasten off. Work from ** to ** as given for SLEEVES
1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from Right Front. With 2 strands of yarn held tog,
hook. *1 dc in next ch. 1 sc in next Place markers for 6 buttons on ch 22 (24-26-28).
ch. Rep from * to end of chain. Right Front in 3 rows (double Shape armhole: Next row: (RS). 1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from
Turn. 25 (27-29-33) sts. breasted), spaced as follows: Sl st across first 2 sts. Ch 1. 1 sc in hook. *1 dc in next ch. 1 sc in next
Cont in pat as given for Back until Top row of 2 buttons positioned same sp as last sl st. Pat to end of ch. Rep from * to end of chain.
work from beg measures 9 (10- 2 rows down from neck edge – row. Turn. Turn. 21 (23-25-27) sts.
11-12)" [23 (25.5-28-30.5) cm], first button 1" [2.5 cm] from front Cont in pat as given for Back for
ending on a WS row.** edge; second button 4½" [11 cm] Cont even in pat over rem 23 (25- 3 (5-7-9) more rows.
from front edge (3½" [9 cm] apart 27-31) sts until armhole measures
from each other). 6 rows less than Back (working
Shape sides: 1st row: (Inc row). Shape bottom: 1st row: (RS). Ch 2 all in next dc (center back st). (1 dc
Ch 3 (counts as dc). 1 sc in first dc. (does not count as st). Hdc2tog. in next sc. 1 sc in next dc) 11 (11-
*1 dc in next sc. 1 sc in next dc. Pat to last 2 sts. Hdc2tog. Turn. 12-12) times. 1 dc in last sc. Turn.
Rep from * to last 2 sts. 1 dc in next Rep last row once more. 7 (7-9- Work 3 rows even in pat.
sc. (1 sc. 1 dc) in last dc. Turn. 9) sts. Next row: (RS). Ch 3 (counts as
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first dc. *1 dc Fasten off. dc). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in next sc)
in next sc. 1 sc in next dc. Rep from 11 (11-12-12) times. 1 sc in next dc.
* to end of row. Turn. FINISHING (1 dc. 1 sc. 1 dc) all in next sc (center
3rd row: Ch 3 (counts as dc). *1 sc Sew Pockets in position (see back st). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in
in next dc. 1 dc in next sc. Rep photo on page 4). Sew shoulder next sc) 12 (12-13-13) times. Turn.
from * to end of row. Turn. seams. Sew in sleeves, placing Work 3 rows even in pat.
Rep last 3 rows 3 times more. rows above markers along Next row: (RS). Ch 3 (counts as
29 (31-33-35) sts. unworked sts of Body to form dc). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in next
square armholes. Sew side and sc) 12 (12-13-13) times. (1 sc. 1 dc.
Cont even in pat until work from sleeve seams, reversing seam 1 sc) all in next dc (center back st).
beg measures 10 (11½-13-14½)" for 2" [5 cm] sleeve cuff turnback. (1 dc in next sc. 1 sc in next dc)
[25.5 (29-33-37) cm], ending on 12 (12-13-13) times. 1 dc in last sc.
a WS row. Place markers at each HOOD Turn. 53 (53-57-57) sts.
end of last row. Place markers on neck edge 3½" [9 Cont even in pat until Hood
Work 2 rows even in pat. Fasten cm] in from front edge. measures 9½ (10-10-10½)"
off. With RS facing, join 2 strands of [24.5 (25.5-25.5-26.5) cm] from
yarn held tog with sl st at Right neck edge, ending on a WS row.
POCKETS Front neck marker. Ch 1. Work 47 Fasten off. Fold Hood in half and
With 2 strands of yarn held tog, (47-51-51) sc evenly around neck sew top Hood seam.
ch 12 (12-14-14). edge to opposite marker. Turn.
1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from Next row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first s c. Pompom: Wind yarn around
hook. *1 dc in next ch. 1 sc in next *1 dc in next sc. 1 sc in next sc. 4 fingers approx 100 times.
ch. Rep from * to end of chain. Rep from * end of row. Turn. Place Remove from fingers and tie
Turn. 11 (11-13-13) sts. marker on center back st. tightly in center. Cut through each
Cont in pat as given for Back for Next row: (RS). Ch 3 (counts as side of loops. Trim to a smooth
3 (3-3½-3½)" [7.5 (7.5-9-9) cm], dc). (1 sc in next dc. 1 dc in next sc) round shape. Sew to end of Hood.
ending on a WS row. 11 (11-12-12) times. (1 sc. 1 dc. 1 sc)