RHC0140 028808M
RHC0140 028808M
RHC0140 028808M
Beg = Beginning Hdcbp = Yoh and Rem = Remaining
Ch = Chain(s) draw up a loop Rep = Repeat
Cont = Continue(ity) around post of next Rnd(s) = Round(s)
Hdc = Half double stitch at back of work, RS = Right side
crochet inserting hook from Sl st = Slip stitch
Hdc2tog = (Yoh and right to left. Yoh and St(s) = Stitch(es)
draw up a loop in draw through all Tr = Treble crochet
next stitch) twice. Yoh loops on hook WS = Wrong side
and draw through all Pat = Pattern Yoh = Yarn over hook
loops on hook PM = Place marker
To fit bust measurement 20 sts and 12 rows = 4" [10 cm] in
XS/S 28-34" [71-86.5 cm] Hdc Textured Pat
M 36-38" [91.5-96.5 cm]
L 40-42" [101.5-106.5 cm] INSTRUCTIONS
XL 44-46" [112-117 cm] The instructions are written for
2/3XL 48-54" [122-137 cm] smallest size. If changes are
4/5XL 56-62" [142-157.5 cm] necessary for larger sizes the
instructions will be written thus ( ).
Finished bust Numbers for each size are shown
XS/S 45" [114.5 cm] in the same color throughout the
Red Heart® Croquette™ (1.6 oz/45 g; 239 yds/219 m) pattern. When only one number is
M 47½" [120.5 cm]
Sizes XS/S M L XL 2/3XL 4/5XL L 51" [129.5 cm] given in black, it applies to all sizes.
Stonhenge (9365) 4 6 8 10 13 16 balls XL 55" [139.5 cm]
2/3XL 60" [152.5 cm]
Size U.S. G/6 (4 mm) crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge.
4/5XL 65" [165 cm]
Stitch marker.
FRONT Work 3 rows even in pat. Next row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each st 1st row: (RS). Ch 2. Hdc2tog. Pat to
Note: Ch 2 at beg of row does not Rep last 4 rows 0 (2-3-3-3-3) (including ch-1 sp) to end of end of row. Turn.
count as st. time(s) more. 97 (111-123-133- row. Turn. 2nd row: Pat to last 2 sts.
**Ch 97 (107-117-127-141-163). 147-169) sts. Rep last 2 rows twice more. Hdc2tog. Turn.
1st row: (RS). 1 hdc in 3rd ch Next row: (RS). Ch 2. 2 hdc in first Next row: (RS). Ch 2. 1 hdc in each 3rd row: As 1st row. 44 (45-49-53-
from hook and each ch to end st. 1 hdc in each st to last st. 2 hdc sc to end of row. Turn.** 58-66) sts.
of chain. Turn. 95 (105-115-125- in last st. Turn. 4th row: Work even in pat.***
139-161) hdc. Next row: Work even in pat. Beg on a WS row, cont in Hdc
2nd row: Ch 2. *Work 1 hdc into Rep last 2 rows 7 (3-1-1-1-1) Textured Pat until work from Cont even in pat until work from
horizontal bar created below next time(s) more. 113 (119-127-137- marked row measures 6½ (7-7½- marked row measures 8½ (9-9½-
st in previous row (bar is below 151-173) sts. Fasten off. 7½-8-8)" [16.5 (18-19-19-20.5- 9½-10-10)" [21.5 (23-24-24-25.5-
loops normally worked on WS – 20.5) cm], ending on a WS row. 25.5) cm], ending on a WS row.
see diagram). Rep from * to end of Shape Sleeves: 1st row: (RS). Fasten off.
row. Turn. Ch 8 (8-8-8-7-5). Join into Body ***Shape neck: 1st row: (RS).
and pat across 113 (119-127-137- Ch 2. Pat across 45 (46-50-54-59- BACK
151-173) sts. Ch 10 (10-10-10-9- 67) sts. Hdc2tog. Turn. Leave rem Work from ** to ** as given
7). Turn. PM at beg of row. sts unworked. for Front.
2nd row: 1 hdc in 3rd ch from 2nd row: Ch 2. Hdc2tog. Pat to
hook. 1 hdc in each of next 7 (7- end of row. Turn. Beg on a WS row, cont in Hdc
7-7-6-4) ch. Pat across 113 (119- 3rd row: Pat to last 2 sts. Hdc2tog. Textured Pat until work from
128-137-152-173) sts. 1 hdc in Turn. 44 (45-49-53-58-66) sts. marked row measures 4 rows less
Last row forms Hdc Textured Pat. each of last 8 (8-8-8-7-5) ch. Turn. 4th row: Work even in pat.*** than Front before shoulder, ending
129 (135-143-153-165-183) sts. on a WS row.
Cont in Hdc Textured Pat until Work 2 (2-4-6-6-8) rows even Cont even in pat until work from
work from beg measures in pat. marked row measures 8½ (9-9½- Work from *** to *** as given for
4" [10 cm], ending on a WS row. 9½-10-10)" [21.5 (23-24-24-25.5- Front. Fasten off.
Openwork Section: Next row: 25.5) cm], ending on a WS row. Work from **** to **** as given for
Shape sides: Keeping cont of Hdc (RS). Ch 4 (counts as tr). 1 tr in Fasten off. Front. Fasten off.
Textured Pat, proceed as follows: next st. *Ch 1. Skip next st. 1 tr in
1st row: (RS). Ch 2. 2 hdc in first next st. Rep from * to last st. 1 tr in ****With RS facing, skip next
st. 1 hdc in each st to last st. 2 hdc last st. Turn. 35 (39-39-41-43-45) sts. Join yarn
in last st. Turn. 97 (107-117-127- with sl st to next st and proceed as
141-163) sts. follows: