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The different types of isomers. Stereochemistry

focuses on stereoisomers.

In stereochemistry, stereoisomerism, or
spatial isomerism, is a form of isomerism
in which molecules have the same
molecular formula and sequence of
bonded atoms (constitution), but differ in
the three-dimensional orientations of their
atoms in space.[1][2] This contrasts with
structural isomers, which share the same
molecular formula, but the bond
connections or their order differs. By
definition, molecules that are
stereoisomers of each other represent the
same structural isomer.

Enantiomers, also known as optical
isomers, are two stereoisomers that are
related to each other by a reflection: they
are mirror images of each other that are
non-superimposable. Human hands are a
macroscopic analog of this. Every
stereogenic center in one has the opposite
configuration in the other. Two
compounds that are enantiomers of each
other have the same physical properties,
except for the direction in which they
rotate polarized light and how they interact
with different optical isomers of other
compounds. As a result, different
enantiomers of a compound may have
substantially different biological effects.
Pure enantiomers also exhibit the
phenomenon of optical activity and can be
separated only with the use of a chiral
agent. In nature, only one enantiomer of
most chiral biological compounds, such as
amino acids (except glycine, which is
achiral), is present. An optically active
compound shows two forms: D-(+) form
and L-(−) form.

Diastereomers are stereoisomers not
related through a reflection operation.
They are not mirror images of each other.
These include meso compounds, cis–trans
isomers, E-Z isomers, and non-
enantiomeric optical isomers.
Diastereomers seldom have the same
physical properties. In the example shown
below, the meso form of tartaric acid
forms a diastereomeric pair with both levo
and dextro tartaric acids, which form an
enantiomeric pair.
tartaric acid D-(-)-
L-(+)-tartaric tartaric meso-tartaric
acid acid acid
dextrotartaric levotartaric
acid acid

DL-tartaric acid
"racemic acid"
The D- and L- labeling of the isomers
above is not the same as the d- and l-
labeling more commonly seen, explaining
why these may appear reversed to those
familiar with only the latter naming

Cis–trans and E-Z isomerism

Stereoisomerism about double bonds
arises because rotation about the double
bond is restricted, keeping the
substituents fixed relative to each other. If
the two substituents on at least one end of
a double bond are the same, then there is
no stereoisomer and the double bond is
not a stereocenter, e.g. propene,
CH3CH=CH2 where the two substituents at
one end are both H.

Traditionally, double bond stereochemistry

was described as either cis (Latin, on this
side) or trans (Latin, across), in reference
to the relative position of substituents on
either side of a double bond. The simplest
examples of cis-trans isomerism are the
1,2-disubstituted ethenes, like the
dichloroethene (C2H2Cl2) isomers shown
Molecule I is cis-1,2-dichloroethene and
molecule II is trans-1,2-dichloroethene.
Due to occasional ambiguity, IUPAC
adopted a more rigorous system wherein
the substituents at each end of the double
bond are assigned priority based on their
atomic number. If the high-priority
substituents are on the same side of the
bond, it is assigned Z (Ger. zusammen,
together). If they are on opposite sides, it
is E (Ger. entgegen, opposite). Since
chlorine has a larger atomic number than
hydrogen, it is the highest-priority group.
Using this notation to name the above
pictured molecules, molecule I is (Z)-1,2-
dichloroethene and molecule II is (E)-1,2-
dichloroethene. It is not the case that Z
and cis or E and trans are always
interchangeable. Consider the following

The proper name for this molecule is

either trans-2-fluoro-3-methylpent-2-ene
because the alkyl groups that form the
backbone chain (i.e., methyl and ethyl)
reside across the double bond from each
other, or (Z)-2-fluoro-3-methylpent-2-ene
because the highest-priority groups on
each side of the double bond are on the
same side of the double bond. Fluoro is
the highest-priority group on the left side
of the double bond, and ethyl is the
highest-priority group on the right side of
the molecule.

The terms cis and trans are also used to

describe the relative position of two
substituents on a ring; cis if on the same
side, otherwise trans.

Conformational isomerism is a form of
isomerism that describes the
phenomenon of molecules with the same
structural formula but with different
shapes due to rotations about one or more
bonds. Different conformations can have
different energies, can usually
interconvert, and are very rarely isolatable.
For example, cyclohexane can exist in a
variety of different conformations
including a chair conformation and a boat
conformation, but, for cyclohexane itself,
these can never be separated. The boat
conformation represents the energy
maximum on a conformational itinerary
between the two equivalent chair forms;
however, it does not represent the
transition state for this process, because
there are lower-energy pathways.
There are some molecules that can be
isolated in several conformations, due to
the large energy barriers between different
conformations. 2,2',6,6'-Tetrasubstituted
biphenyls can fit into this latter category.

Anomerism is an identity for single
bonded ring structures where "cis" or "E"
and "trans" or "Z" (geometric isomerism)
needs to name the substitutions on a
carbon atom that also displays the identity
of chirality; so anomers have carbon
atoms that have geometric isomerism and
optical isomerism (Enantiomerism) on one
or more of the carbons of the ring.
Anomers are named "alpha" or "axial" and
"beta" or "equatorial" when substituting a
cyclic ring structure that has single bonds
between the carbon atoms of the ring for
example, a hydroxyl group, a methyl
hydroxyl group, a methoxy group or
another puranose or furanose group which
are typical single bond substitutions but
not limited to these. Axial geometric
isomerism will be perpendicular (90
degrees) to a reference plane and
equatorial will be 120 degrees away from
the axial bond or deviate 30 degrees from
the reference plane.[3]
Atropisomers are stereoisomers resulting
from hindered rotation about single bonds
where the steric strain barrier to rotation is
high enough to allow for the isolation of
the conformers.

More definitions
A configurational stereoisomer is a
stereoisomer of a reference molecule
that has the opposite configuration at a
stereocenter (e.g., R- vs S- or E- vs Z-).
This means that configurational isomers
can be interconverted only by breaking
covalent bonds to the stereocenter, for
example, by inverting the configurations
of some or all of the stereocenters in a
An epimer is a diastereoisomer that has
the opposite configuration at only one of
the stereocenters.

Le Bel-van't Hoff rule

Le Bel-van't Hoff rule states that for a
structure with n asymmetric carbon
atoms, there is a maximum of 2n different
stereoisomers possible. As an example, D-
glucose is a aldohexose and has the
formula C6H12O6. Four of its six carbon
atoms are stereogenic, which means D-
glucose is one of 24=16 possible

1. IUPAC, Compendium of Chemical
Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book")
(1997). Online corrected version:
 (2006–) "stereoisomerism ".
2. Columbia Encyclopedia.
"Stereoisomers" in,
n.l., 2005, Link
3. Morrison and Boyd Organic Chemistry
Sixth ed. pgs. 1170-1171 ISBN 0-13-
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