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British Journal of Anaesthesia, 120 (2): 397e402 (2018)

doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2017.11.090
Advance Access Publication Date: 8 January 2018
Review Article

Intravenous fluids: effects on renal outcomes

D. J. McLean1 and A. D. Shaw2,*
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center,
Rochester, NY, USA and 2Department of Anesthesiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA

*Corresponding author. E-mail: Andrew.shaw@Vanderbilt.edu.

Intravenous fluid therapy is the most commonly prescribed inpatient medication in hospitals around the world. Intra-
venous fluids are drugs and have an indication, a dose, and expected and unintended effects. The type and amount of
fluid given to patients are both important, and can either hasten or slow recovery depending on how they are admin-
istered. This narrative review provides a brief summary of the effect of intravenous fluid administration on kidney
function and on renal outcome measures of relevance to both patients and clinicians. Several large clinical trials of fluid
therapy are currently underway, the results of which are likely to change clinical practice.

Keywords: colloids; critical care; crystalloids; goal-directed fluid therapy; peri-operative; renal insufficiency; resuscitation

Since the initial description by Lewins,1 intravenous (i.v.) Resuscitation fluid should be treated with the same level of
fluid resuscitation has become one of the most ubiquitous consideration as any other prescription medication. Choosing
interventions in healthcare. Advances in resuscitation fluid the appropriate dose and type of fluid has significant impli-
composition have included the use of balanced crystal- cations for patient outcomes.2e6 This narrative review focuses
loids, albumin, and synthetic starch-based colloids. Fluid primarily on renal outcomes, although it is worth noting that
choice remains a controversial topic, due largely to the physiological implications of fluid administration extend
inconsistent and opposing results from clinical trials. The beyond the kidney.7 The authors discuss their current un-
main focus of the clinical trials reviewed in this article is derstanding of how fluid therapies impact renal function
the association between fluid administration and adverse through dose and type of fluids administered, summarize
renal outcomes. recent trial data, and offer advice to physicians in order to
Renal outcomes can be defined from several perspectives: guide practice.
that of the physician, patient, and clinical trialist. Physicians
may describe renal outcomes based upon laboratory values
such as serum creatinine and urea. For patients, the more Physiology
significant outcomes are those that relate to morbidity and
The kidney is a dynamic organ that plays a fundamental role
quality of life, such as persistent renal dysfunction and
in regulating plasma osmolality and water excretion in
requirement for renal replacement therapy. For the clinical
response to wide changes in fluid intake. During water re-
trialist, outcomes need to encompass both the measure of
striction, the kidney produces more concentrated urine in an
function and dysfunction at the cellular and organ level, and
effort to conserve water. The kidney creates and maintains an
patient-level outcomes.
osmotic gradient that becomes increasingly concentrated
from the cortex to the medulla. By arranging the loops of Henle

Editorial decision: November 17, 2017; Accepted: November 17, 2017

© 2017 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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398 - D.J. McLean, A.D. Shaw

and collecting ducts in a counter-current fashion with the colloids, and albumin. For crystalloids, the most important
renal osmotic gradient, the gradient is maintained and allows distinction is between balanced and unbalanced chloride-rich
for reabsorption of the majority of water that passes through fluids.
the kidney.8,9 Colloids are defined by their molecular weight, level of
Urea is the primary waste product excreted by the kidney, molecular substitution, and by the crystalloid solution in
but also plays a role in urine concentration, particularly in the which they are formulated. Colloids were initially met
inner medulla.8 The inner medullary nephrons are differen- favourably based on the notion that they would remain in the
tially permeable to urea and water in the descending and vascular compartment longer than crystalloids, and therefore
ascending limbs of the loop of Henle. This helps create an contribute less to overall fluid burden. This concept is now
osmotic gradient that aids in water reabsorption from the outdated and colloids have partially fallen out of favour as a
collecting ducts and into the vasa recta.8,10,11 resuscitation fluid because of a growing body of data that
I.V. fluid administration is necessary to replace fluid deficits, suggest that their use is associated with an increased inci-
maintain ongoing fluid requirements, and to administer medi- dence of acute kidney injury and decreased survival.4e6
cations. In the setting of critical illness, the classical model of the However, the majority of these data are from critically-ill pa-
vascular compartment is less applicable because of increased tients, and there are insufficient studies to show that this can
permeability and disruption of the endothelial glycocalyx.3 The be extrapolated to the surgical population.
physiologic stress of surgery can transiently mimic the physi-
ology of critical illness, albeit in a less severe form.
Balanced vs unbalanced crystalloids
Crystalloids are ionic solutions composed of a variety of spe-
Factors associated with i.v. fluid cific ions designed to mimic physiological extracellular fluid.
administration and adverse renal outcomes ‘Normal’ saline (0.9% NaCl) contains 154 mEq of both sodium
and chloride, which results in a strong ion difference of zero
and a concentration of chloride that is 50% higher than in
Traditional methods of i.v. fluid dosing relied upon pre-set plasma. When given in sufficient quantities, this results in a
formulae accounting for fluid deficits and ongoing re- hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis.19,20 In contrast, balanced
quirements that have been shown to perform poorly.12,13 crystalloids substitute a portion of the chloride anion with
Specific goal-directed therapeutic targets, such as central other (organic) anions, which are rapidly metabolized and lead
venous pressure thresholds and urine output, have not been to bicarbonate generation. Examples of balanced crystalloids
shown to correlate well with intravascular volume, and have are Ringer’s solution, which contains lactate, and Plas-
been suggested to worsen outcome.14 Alternative measures, maeLyte, which contains acetate and gluconate. Chloride-rich
such as pulse pressure variation, stroke volume variation, or fluids have been implicated in increased risk of hyper-
other dynamic measures of fluid responsiveness, offer chloraemic metabolic acidosis, longer hospital stays, renal
improved prediction of fluid requirements.15e17 injury, and mortality.6,21e30 There are several randomized-
Kidney function, as with most organ systems, relies upon controlled trials that show no overall difference in the inci-
appropriate intravascular volume in order to maintain dence of acute kidney injury between critically-ill patients
adequate organ perfusion. Prior understanding suggested that given balanced or unbalanced crystalloids.31 However, in the
intravascular volume expansion was universally protective of recent large randomized, multiple-crossover trial by Semler
renal function, however in a large, multicentre outcomes study, and colleagues,31 patients who received higher volumes of 0.9%
Shin and colleagues2 showed that both volume excess and saline had a higher incidence of acute kidney injury and were
insufficiency are deleterious. Liberal i.v. fluid administration more likely to receive renal replacement therapy compared
can negatively impact renal function by creating alveolar- with those who received balanced crystalloids.
capillary edema, impairing gas exchange, and contributing to Proposed mechanisms of renal injury associated with
acid-base disturbances. Moderately restrictive fluid adminis- hyperchloraemia are reduced renal blood flow because of
tration strategies have been shown to be associated with afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction, inflammation, and
improved renal outcomes,2 although the definitions of restric- oedema.22 These effects have been replicated in a study that
tive, moderate, and liberal approaches vary widely. compared starch solutions suspended in balanced crystalloids
‘Restrictive’ intraoperative fluid strategies can vary from or saline.32
<900 ml up to 2740 m, and ‘liberal’ strategies vary from 2700 to
5388 ml.2,18 The variability in definitions of liberal and
restrictive fluid doses is likely a result of the variability in Crystalloids vs colloids
clinical context. A liberal strategy for a thoracic surgical pa- There is an ongoing debate regarding the choice between
tient is likely to be different from that of a patient undergoing colloids and crystalloids in i.v. fluid therapy. In the 1990s, an
extensive colonic resection. Therefore, it is necessary for the association was identified between hypoalbuminaemia and
clinician to determine an individual patient’s fluid require- mortality in critically ill patients.33 The proposed mechanism
ment taking into account comorbidity, current fluid status, for the protective effects of albumin have been free-radical
ongoing losses, surgical duration, and the effects of fluid on scavenging,34 improved water retention in the intravascular
the surgical site. compartment, and water reabsorption from the interstitium.
However, the physiology of stress in surgery and critical illness
results in disruption of the endothelial glycocalyx, which may
Type of i.v. fluid
render some of these theoretical benefits of colloids less
I.V. fluids include both colloids and crystalloids, although effective.3
further nuances exist within these categories.7 Colloids The demonstrated benefit of colloids varies between
include synthetic hydroxyethyl starches (HES), gelatin-based studies. A small study of 100 hypoalbuminaemic critically-ill
I.V. fluids - 399

patients who were randomized to receive albumin or not as ultrasonography, lithium dilution, and arterial pressure wave
part of their therapy showed a decrease in Sequential Organ contour analysis. There was no significant difference in total
Failure Assessment scores in the group that received albu- fluid volume administered between patients receiving GDT or
min.35 However, a much larger study by Finfer and col- standard care, although the total amount of fluid decreased in
leagues36 did not demonstrate a difference in 28-day mortality more recent studies. The GDT group in an early study included
or renal outcomes in 6997 critically-ill patients who were in the meta-analysis received 4405 ml of crystalloid compared
randomized to receive 4% albumin or 0.9% saline. with 4375 ml in the control group, whereas a more recent
Two widely reported studies from Australasia and Scandi- study reports 1500 ml crystalloid in the GDT group compared
navia suggest an association between synthetic colloid with 1400 ml in the control group.
administration and renal injury. Myburgh and colleagues5
compared 6% HES in 0.9% saline with 0.9% saline in critically
ill patients. They found no difference in 90-day mortality, but Renal outcome measures
patients who received HES were more likely to require renal
Composite outcomes
replacement therapy [relative risk, 1.21; 95% confidence in-
terval (CI), 1.00e1.45; P¼0.04]. Perner and colleagues4 Renal outcome measures in clinical research are typically indi-
compared 6% HES in Ringer’s acetate with Ringer’s acetate. vidual events or composite variables that combine several spe-
They found an increase in 90-day mortality (relative risk, 1.17; cific outcomes into one group variable. There are risks and
95% CI, 1.01e1.36; P¼0.03) and need for renal replacement benefits to either approach. Whilst using individual outcomes
therapy (relative risk, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.01e1.80; P¼0.04) in the can reduce the risk of confounding, rare outcomes can be missed
HES group. The proposed mechanisms of colloid-induced and larger sample sizes are required. Using a composite outcome
renal injury include direct toxicity to the nephron,37 and measure increases the overall event rate (and thus makes it
hyperoncotic plasma at the glomerulus leading to reduced easier to find evidence of an effect of an intervention) but is not
glomerular ultrafiltration.38 HES molecules greater than without problems, such as that of competing risk. In the com-
50 kDa must be enzymatically degraded in the reticuloendo- posite outcome described later [Major Adverse Kidney Events in
thelial system before renal excretion. This process is slow, and the first 30 days (MAKE30)], patients cannot experience the
can lead to vacuolization and oedema in the proximal tubules sustained worsened renal function component if they die before
of the nephron, a process referred to as osmotic nephrosis. Day 30. This conceptecompeting riskemust be minimized if a
composite outcome measure is used for a clinical trial.
In perioperative clinical trials that study renal function, we
Goal-directed fluid therapies advocate use of MAKE30.45 This outcome is defined as the
After the 2001 study by Rivers and colleagues,39 which sug- occurrence of any of the following: in-hospital mortality, new
gested that early goal-directed fluid resuscitation improved renal replacement therapy, or sustained worsened renal
clinical outcomes in critically-ill patients with sepsis, there function at 30 days after intensive care unit (ICU) admission.
have been several studies that further explored the associa- Persistent renal dysfunction can be defined as a 200% increase
tion between early goal-directed therapies (EGDT) and patient in serum creatinine from admission to discharge.46 Such a
outcomes. Three large, multicentre, randomized, controlled large increase in creatinine has the potential to miss cases of
trials each evaluated the effectiveness of EGDT with regards to milder renal impairment, however this reduced sensitivity is
reducing mortality and adverse renal outcomes as identified accompanied by increased specificity, and there is no doubt of
by the need for renal-replacement therapy. its clinical relevance. Although a timeframe of 30 days reso-
The Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock (ProCESS) trial, nates with physicians, assessment at 90 days (MAKE90) pro-
the Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation (ARISE) vides a more logical link to the incidence (or progression) of
trial, and the Protocolised Management in Sepsis (ProMISe) chronic kidney disease. The overall incidence of MAKE30 in
trials each found no reduction in mortality or need for renal- adult ICU populations is in the 15e20% range depending on the
replacement therapy with utilization of EGDT.40e42 severity of the acute illness and underlying cause of disease.
A recent meta-analysis of the ProCESS, ARISE, and ProMISe The Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss and End-stage kidney disease
studies performed by the Protocolized Resuscitation in Sepsis (RIFLE),47 Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN),48 and Kidney
Meta-Analysis (PRISM) Investigators43 showed that EGDT does Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)49 classifications
not improve outcomes for patients with sepsis when are all systems that define several strata of acute kidney injury
compared with usual care. It is possible that in the years since based on proportional increases in serum creatinine and de-
the Rivers study,39 ‘usual care’ has improved, and earlier creases in urine output. Urine output is a potentially prob-
identification of sepsis, antibiotic administration, and superior lematic element of these criteria, as it is recorded
supportive therapies result in improved patient outcomes, inconsistently, particularly in patients who are not in a
therefore reducing the potential impact of EGDT. critical-care setting, and therefore less likely to have a urinary
The previously mentioned EGDT trials all focus on the catheter. Whilst serum creatinine likely offers a more robust
critical care population. There is a relative paucity of data for metric for kidney injury, it is also imperfect as it is affected by
intraoperative goal-directed therapy (GDT) with a specific ethnicity, body-mass, age, sex, diet, and medications.
focus on renal outcomes. However, a recent meta-analysis of
2099 patients over 23 studies by Rollins and Lobo44 showed
that while there is no mortality benefit to intraoperative GDT,
there is a reduction in morbidity in patients receiving intra- The traditional biomarker for renal injury is serum creatinine,
operative GDT. Interestingly, no morbidity benefit is demon- and is often assessed in conjunction with urine output. Both of
strated with intraoperative GDT in patients who are on an these measures are insufficiently sensitive, are confounded by
enhanced-recovery protocol. The goals used to direct therapy factors such as muscle mass, and usually alert the physician to
in these studies were transoesophageal Doppler kidney injury after significant damage has occurred.
400 - D.J. McLean, A.D. Shaw

Therefore, there has been a desire to identify biomarkers for Edited subsequent versions, accept responsibility for the
early kidney injury. The three biomarkers with the most data content of the manuscript: both authors.
currently are tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP2)50, Any opinions expressed are the authors’, and not necessarily
insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7 (IGFBP7),50 and those of their respective institutions.
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL).51 However,
there are several issues relating to these biomarkers.
TIMP2 and IGFBP7 are released during the G1 arrest portion Acknowledgements
of renal tubular cell cycles, which occurs during renal tubular
Both authors acknowledge the support of their Department
stress. NGAL is released after either renal ischaemia or direct
Chairmen, Dr Michael Eaton and Dr Warren Sandberg.
nephrotoxicity, and has been suggested to be most effective in
predicting radiocontrast-induced kidney injury. NGAL can
only predict kidney injury in patients with previously healthy
Declaration of interest
kidneys. Kidney injury is usually a multifactorial process, so
these markers might not have sufficient sensitivity or speci- A.D.S. reports previously working as a consultant for Baxter
ficity when used in isolation. Healthcare, and as an advisory board member for FAST
When planning future clinical trials, it is important to agree BioMedical, Astute, and Edwards Lifesciences. D.J.M. reports
upon standardized and validated clinical endpoints so that no conflicts of interest.
clinically meaningful comparisons can be made between
studies.52 We believe that MAKE3045 is a reasonable start,
particularly in view of its patient-centred nature. Funding
Supported entirely by departmental resources.

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Handling editor: H.C Hemmings Jr

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