EN - 828D Service 0408 - 2019-03
EN - 828D Service 0408 - 2019-03
EN - 828D Service 0408 - 2019-03
Service Documentation
Sinumerik 828D
Edition 2019.03
Training Manual
Valid for:
Machine Test
B060 B061
Service &
System Menu
Overview Structure
Tools B021
Access Levels/
Time and Date
Machine and
Setting Data
B044 B038
Licensing and Network and
Option Operator
Management Panels
Connections &
B030 B051 B053
Digital Inputs & Line and Motor Axis and Drive
Outputs Modules Diagnostics
MCP & PP72/48
PN Connec-
tions and
B033 B019 B026 Diagnostics
PLC S7-200 PLC Creating a PLC
Functions Instructions Program
Alarms and
B058 B035
PLC Onboard Program
Easy Extend
Diagnostics Handling
Appendix B Appendix A B029
Technology Hardware Analogue
Settings Differences Spindle
Appendix C
PLC Interface
Machine Test Protocol Sinumerik 828D
Product / Version Company:
Machine Range Machine Type - Features Spindle Config. MLFB KW Axis Conf MLFB N/M
Distribution list
Name Company / e-mail Name Company / e-mail
Department Department
File name:
Protocol version 1.2
3 BACK UP ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
7 FUNCTIONS TESTED........................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
8 DETAILED TEST................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
1 Responsible persons:
1.1 Schedule
2.2 Result
Release of the machine recommended (YES/NO/Reason): ___________
Date Author Company / Department Signature
Machine Manufacturer
Date Name Company / Department Signature
3 Back up
3.1 Modified data
Machine data number Original Value New Value
Create data backup after completing the test (NC/PLC Archive, display machine data) and attach it to the protocol.
4 Change Log
5 System description
5.1 Machine
Serial No.
Measuring devices
5.2 Control
NC type Sinumerik 828D
Serial No.
Machine control panel
Software version:
User software
PLC Application
6 Test objective
6.1 Note
The application is tested with the current test plan, which helps to achieve for the most part an error-free interaction of SINUMERIK with the machine. No guarantee for fault-free machine application can be
Siemens is not responsible for the PLC safety related functions which are implemented on the Machine. The Machine tool builder is responsible in satisfying the receiving countries “Safety regulations regarding
CNC machine tools” regulations.
Basic knowledge of operation and programming of 828D is necessary for carrying out the test. In case of some test tasks, it is necessary to start an automatic program or to trigger the machine functions. It is,
therefore, explicitly indicated that all operations that trigger machine functions should only be carried out by the employee of the machine manufacturer, who is authorized to do this.
7 Functions tested
Confirm the functions as per the test plan
8 Detailed Test
8.1 Machine area
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM To Do
No Comments / not Alternative
1 Machine Start-up in Jog-REF
T+M Automatic referencing (Jog -
2 REF Cycle start)
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM To Do
No Comments / not Alternative
T+M If the axis is resting on the
Hardware limit switch, it should
1 be possible to JOG the axis
away in the opposite direction.
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM To Do
No Comments / not Alternative
T+M When the feed stop button is
pressed the Jog plus and minus
buttons should have no effect on
any axis motion. The axis should
all come to a stop.
T+M Repos
With interruption in Automatic, it
should be possible to switch to
Jog, move axis away from the
contour, subsequently return to
Automatic / Repos and Jog the
axis back to the previous
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM Alternative To Do
No Comments / not
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM Alternative To Do
No Comments / not
T+M Program Control →
SKP - When selected, the next
5 NC block with the Skip block
instruction will not be executed.
T+M G functions →
G - Functions for the reset state
of the machine - To be checked
6 for:
It should not be possible to Jog
2 the axis in MDA - exception :
Teach-in is active
T+M Teach-in →
Hand wheel →
Move axis using Hand wheel in
3 the machine axis interface or
using Geoax interface in
connection with Teach-in mode
8.1.7 AUTO
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM Alternative To Do
No Comments / not
T+M Move axis using Hand
wheel/Jog/Inc in the machine
1 axis interface to generate a DRF
T+M Jog in Automatic →
Jog Mode Mask is set to 0 as
standard, which means you are
not able to Jog the axis in
Automatic, with the exception of
2 Jog Mode Mask is set to 1,
means you are able to Jog the
axis in Automatic. The machine
builder should explicitly set this
machine data when he requires
this functionality.
Cycle start
Cycle Stop
Cycle single block
Program reset
Feed Stop in Program effect
Spindle stop in Program - effect
Feed override = 0
Spindle override = 50
Effect of E-Stop
T+M Program control →
PRT - Program Test
T+M Program control →
DRY - Dryrun feedrate
T+M Program control →
M01 - Program stop
T+M Program control →
DRF - Differential hand wheel
T+M Program control →
SKP - Block skip
T+M Block search →
M,S,T,H - Effect
Search to Tool
8.2 Parameter
8.2.4 Magazine
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM To Do
No Comments / not Alternative
T+M Relocate a tool in the Magazine
10 Relocate a tool in the Spindle
11 Tool Change in Inch and Metric
8.3 Geometry
2 Thread boring
2 Geometry axis
2 Function SS1
3 Function SBR
8.5 Startup
T+M Password →
Delete SUNRISE after power on
All other power on retained
Not categorized
Technology Test Description Tested OEM Alternative / or Tested Reason for OEM Alternative To Do
No Comments / not
1 Electrical Cabinet Protocol
15 ESR has been commissioned
16 ELG has been commissioned
Module Description:
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will know the Sinumerik 828D system and the components
which make up the system.
System Overview
Drive Components
NX Modules
Hand-held Units
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
System Overview:
NX Modules
Hub & Sen-
sor Modules
System Overview:
Notes :
(Linux OS) X242
X252 } NCK Digital I/O and
Spindle analogue out
Ethernet Hand-wheels
X100 X101 X102 X130
X130-Factory Ethernet
X100 to X102 DriveCLiQ Interface DriveCLiQ
Sinamics S120 NX10/NX15 S120
via SMx & DMC
Notes :
PN1 &
+24V DC Supply Interfaces
X135 Interface
Compact Flash Front
X140 Connection
X145 Sinumerik X122 Sinamics kit
USB 2.0 828D & PPU X132 Digital I/O
(Linux OS) X242
X252 } NCK Digital I/O and
Spindle analogue out
Ethernet Hand-wheels
X100 X101 X102 X130
X130-Factory Ethernet
Teleservice Hub
Filter Combi Two additional
DMS-TTL 5V Module axes-S120
Direct to Combi (3/4 axes) single/double
via SMx & DMC
Max 5 circuits
Notes :
828D Basic (PPU24x) controller with integrated PPU (Panel Processing Unit):
Vertical variant.
8.4” TFT colour
screen. PPU241:
Horizontal variant.
8.4” TFT colour screen.
828D (PPu26x) and 828D (PPU28x) controllers with integrated PPU (Panel Processing Unit):
Vertical variant.
10.4” TFT colour
screen. PPU261/281:
Horizontal variant.
10.4” TFT colour screen.
Notes :
Vertical variant.
10.4” TFT colour PPU271:
screen. Horizontal variant.
10.4” TFT colour screen.
sensors for
display control
USB 2.0
sensors for
display control
Notes :
The PPU model number gives information about the control- Milling 6FC5835-2GY40-4YA0 828D SW 24x
ler: Turning 6FC5835-1GY40-4YA0 828D SW 24x
0 - Vertical
1 - Horizontal Part Numbers for PPU280.3/281.3/290.3:
The PPU model number gives information about the control- Milling 6FC5835-2GY40-5YA0 828D SW (ME421)
ler: 6FC5834-2GY40-5YA0 828D SW (ME621)
6FC5836-2GY40-5YA0 828D SW (ME821)
0 - Vertical Turning 6FC5835-1GY40-5YA0 828D SW (TE421)
1 - Horizontal 6FC5834-1GY40-5YA0 828D SW (TE621)
6FC5836-1GY40-5YA0 828D SW (TE821)
7 - 828D
9 - 828D OP15 Blank Compact Flash Card 2GB:
PPU Horizontal layout:
Notes :
Notes :
PPU Rear interfaces and Status LEDs (All variants): Name Colour Description
X1-24V DC supply FAULT Red Fault present
X135-USB interface
X100 Fault PN
X140-RS232 interface System CF-card
X101 Fault PN
X122 & X132-Digital I/O for Sinamics X130
X102 Rx/Tx
X242 & X252-Digital I/O for NCK X140 X135
X143-Hand-wheels x 2 X122
PN1 & PN2 - Profinet interfaces. (Only PN1 available for X132
PPU240/PPU241) X242
M T1 T2 T3
Notes :
Factory network
Service Network
PP72/48 PN
PPU 2xx
3 12
DRIVE-CLiQ Sub-Topologie
Components NX10/15 (1)
the PPU
Notes :
The following tables highlight the technical specifications of the 828D controller.
In preparation
Delivered as standard
- Not available 828D 828D
828D Software 24x 26x 28x 28xA
Technology (Turning/Milling) T M T M T M T M
System Performance
Number of axes with standard configuration 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4
Maximum number axes/spindles/positioning axes 5 5 6 6 8 6 10 8
Each additional axis/spindle
Each additional positioning axis
Maximum number of interpolating axes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Maximum number of machining channels 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Minimum block cycle time 9ms 9ms 6ms 6ms 6ms 3ms 6ms 3ms
CNC user memory (buffered) 3MB 3MB 3MB 3MB 5MB 5MB 10MB 10MB
CNC Functions
Tool management with tool life monitoring and workpiece
Replacement tools
512/ 512/ 768/ 768/
Maximum number of tools/cutting edges 128/256 128/256 256/512 256/512
1024 1024 1536 1536
Number of settable zero offsets 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100
Safety Integrated (Safe Torque Off, Safe Brake Control)
Asynchronous subroutines (ASUP)
Synchronised actions and high speed auxiliary function
Acceleration with jerk limitation
Look Ahead (Number of blocks) 1 >150 1 >300 1 >450 1 >450
Compressor for 3-axis machining - - - -
Advanced surface - - - -
A, B, C spline interpolation
TRANSMIT and peripheral surface transformation
Travel to fixed stop
Travel to fixed stop with Force Control
Inclined axis for no orthogonal Y axis - - - - - -
Synchronous spindle function for sub-spindle (CP Static) - - - -
Synchronous spindle function for sub-spindle (CP Basic) - - - -
Pair of synchronised gantry axes
Temperature compensation
Bidirectional lead-screw error compensation
Multi-dimensional sag compensation
Master/slave for drives
Analysis of internal drive values
Notes :
828D Software 24x 26x 28x 28xA
Technology (Turning/Milling) T M T M T M T M
CNC Programming and Operation
Programming language (DIN66025 and high level
language expansion)
Online ISO dialect interpreter
Technology cycles for drilling and milling
Technology cycles for turning - - - -
Residual material detection and machining
Programming support for technology cycles (Program
ShopMill/ShopTurn machining step programming
Measuring cycles
Simulation in plane display
Simulation in 3-D display
Simultaneous recording (Real-time simulation of cur-
rent machining operation)
Extended operator functions for complex turning and
milling tasks.
Contour hand-wheel
Network drive management
Remote diagnosis function RCS host
PLC Functions
Integrated PLC based on SIMATIC S7-200
PLC periphery modules PP72/48D, PP72/48D 2/2A
Ladder viewer and on board add-on editor
PLC cycle 9ms 9ms 6ms 6ms 6ms 6ms 6ms 6ms
Maximum number of PLC ladder steps 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000
Servo synchronous High Speed PLC Task
Reaction time to process events (Terminal to terminal) 7,5ms 7,5ms 7,5ms 7,5ms 4,5ms 7,5ms 4,5ms 7,5ms
Maximum number of digital inputs/outputs 216/144 216/144 288/192 288/192 360/240 360/240 360/240 360/240
Maximum number of analogue inputs/outputs 6/6 6/6 8/8 8/8 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10
PN/PN coupler
Commissioning and Service Functions
Run MyScreens-easy creation of user screens
(Licence for over 5 user screens)
Service Planner for maintenance tasks
Easy Extend management of machine components
Easy Archive data archiving
Notes :
Part Number: 6FC5303-0AF33-0AA0. The MCP310 is recommended for use with the vertical style PPU.
Part Number:
X10 USB Interface (rear side)
• 39 membrane keys with LED
Indicators (22 user assignable)
• Feed override control(18 positions)
• Spindle override (15 positions)
• Dual 7-segment display for user specific func-
• 1 slot for Emergency Stop button
• 4 x Pre-drilled holes for hard wired user but-
The MCP483 is recommended for use with the horizontal style PPU.
Notes :
The MCP416 USB 3 is a perfect fit for the SINUMERIK 828D PPU 290.3
The MCP310 is recommended for use with the vertical style PPU.
Part Number:
• 49 mechanical keys with LED
Indicators (16 user assignable)
• Feed override control(16 positions)
• Key switch
• Slot for Emergency stop or Spindle override
• 6 x Pre-drilled holes for hard wired user
• 1 x Hand-wheel connection
• Connections for 9 user Inputs & 6 outputs
• Connection via Profinet
Consumable items:
X10 24V DC supply 6FC5247-0AF13-1AA0-Feed override rotary switch incl. cap,
X20 Profinet Port 1 button, pointer & dials
X21 Profinet Port 2
override rotary switch incl. cap, button, pointer & dials
Notes :
Notes :
Additional items:
Interface Description
X1 +24V Supply
X2 & X3 RJ45 Profinet Interface
X30 Feed override Interface
X31 Spindle override Interface
X40, X41 Digital inputs (24V)
X51, X52, X55 Digital inputs (TTL)
X53, X54, X56, Digital outputs (24V)
X57, X58
X60*) Hand-wheel 15 pin Sub-D socket.
X62*) Hand-wheel 12 pin strip connector.
X61 Not used
X111 to X114 PLC I/O for buttons/LEDs (5V)
S1 Addressing Switch
S2 Hand-wheel signal type. (Differential/TTL)
H500 to H502, Diagnostic LEDs
Notes :
PP72/48D PN Modules (Combined I/O module) PP72/48D PN modules are a compact component which con-
nect to the Profinet network (Ports PN1 or PN2 of the NCU).
A 24V DC supply is required.
There are two variants, one of which is all digital while the sec-
ond offers both digital and analogue functionality (only for
S1 PLC).
24 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs are available on each of
the 3 ribbon connectors giving a total of 72 inputs and 48 out-
puts for each module.
Input information: The PN/PN coupler is used to link two Profinet networks so
X222, byte 1 - maximum delay time - 600μs. that data can be exchanged between them.
All other inputs, delay time - 0.5 to 3ms.
A 24V DC supply is required.
PP72/48D PN Part numbers:
One coupler is allowed per controller.
6FC5311-0AA00-0AA0 Digital only (PP72/48D PN)
6FC5311-0AA00-1AA0 Digital/analogue (PP72/48 2/2A PN) Part number:
PN/PN Coupler X1 Port 1 & 2 Profinet 1 network
X2 Port 1 & 2 Profinet 2 network
PS1 & PS2 +24V DC supply
SF1 Group fault for Profinet 1 network (Red)
SF2 Group fault for Profinet 2 network (Red)
BF1 Bus fault for Profinet 1 network (Red)
BF2 Bus fault for Profinet 2 network (Red)
MT1 Maintenance display Profinet 1 network (Yellow)
MT2 Maintenance display Profinet 2 network (Yellow)
ON Power supply +24V DC (Green)
LINK Connection on (Green) One per Profinet connection
RX/TX Data Exchange (Yellow) One per Profinet connection
PN/PN Coupler
Notes :
Line Modules Line modules are responsible for generating the DC link sup-
ply for the drive system.
They require 3-phase AC for the DC link and +24V DC for the
electronic supply.
The DC link and 24V DC voltages are distributed to other
drive modules in the system via a bus bar system.
The modules are available in several variants of size and
Part Numbers:
6SL3130-6TE21-6AA3 16Kw Internal cooling
6SL3130-6TE23-6AA3 36Kw “ “
6SL3130-6TE25-5AA3 55Kw “ “
6SL3131-6TE21-6AA3 16Kw External cooling
6SL3131-6TE23-6AA3 36Kw “ “
6SL3131-6TE25-5AA3 55Kw “ “
Notes :
Motor Modules (MM) The motor modules convert the DC link voltage into a variable
AC voltage which is then output to the servo
Motor Modules are supplied with 24V DC via the ALM/SLM
All motor modules are connected to the DriveCLiQ network.
They are available in one or two axis variants and can be in-
ternally or externally cooled.
Single MM
X1-Output to Motor.
X21-Enable & temperature sensor input
X200, X201, X202-DriveCliq connections
Double MM
X1 & X2-Output to Motors
X21-Enable & temperature sensor input (Motor 1)
X22-Enable & temperature sensor input (Motor 2)
X200, X201, X202, X203-DriveCliq connections
Single MM Double MM
Notes :
The S120 book sized compact motor modules are use to ex-
pand the number of drives the Sinamics Combi drive system
to the maximum of 6.
The modules are only available with internal cooling.
Single MM
X1-Output to Motor.
X21-Enable & temperature sensor input .
X200, X201, X202-DriveCliq connections.
Double MM
X1 & X2-Output to Motors.
X21-Enable & temperature sensor input (Motor 1)
X22-Enable & temperature sensor input (Motor 2)
X200, X201, X202, X203-DriveCliq connections.
The Combi drive unit consists of a Line Module and either 3 or 4 Motor Mod-
ules, the first of which is dedicated to the Spindle.
They must always be connected to the DriveCLiQ network via controller inter-
face X100.
The number of axes can be increased by adding Sinamics S120 Book sized
Compact Motor Modules up to the maximum allowed by the system.
3 Axes
16 Kw 18 A 5A 5A - 6SL3111-3VE21-6FA0
16 Kw 24 A 9A 9A - 6SL3111-3VE21-6EA0
20 Kw 30 A 9A 9A - 6SL3111-3VE22-0HA0
4 Axes
10 Kw 24 A 12A 12A 12A 6SL3111-4VE21-0EA0
16 Kw 18 A 9A 5A 5A 6SL3111-4VE21-6FA0
16 Kw 24 A 9A 9A 9A 6SL3111-4VE21-6EA0
20 Kw 30 A 12 A 9A 9A 6SL3111-4VE22-0HA0
Notes :
Braking Module
6SL3100-1AE31-0AB1 1.5Kw
The initial power to the module is taken from the line supply,
when a power failure occurs power is taken from the residual
voltage of the DC link.
Part Number:
Control Supply
Notes :
General information
Since the integrated control unit (CU) can control only 6 axes, an NX module is required to achieve the
maximum number of 10 axes allowed by the system.
NX modules can also be used for reducing the drive cycle time from 125μs to 62.5μs, for example, in
the case of a high speed spindle application.
The modules are of the same design as the Sinamics S120 drives.
The drive enable connections are not required to be physically connected, these signals are mirrored
with the CU connections:
X122.1 = OFF1
X122.2 = OFF3
Part Number:-
NX10.3: 6SL3040-1NC00-0AA0
NX15.3: 6SL3040-1NB00-0AA0
• X100 to X103 DriveCLiQ
• X122 4 x digital inputs & outputs
• X124 24V DC supply
Notes :
General information
Part Numbers:
DMC20: 6SL3055-0AA00-6AA1
DME20: 6SL3055-0AA00-6AB0
• X500 - Drive-CLiQ, Connects to PPU/Drive-CLiQ network
• X501 to X505 - Drive-CLiQ, additional devices
• X524 - 24V DC supply
• RDY - LED indicator
Notes :
General information
For the evaluation of the following measuring systems:-
Incremental sin/cos 1v pp
Absolute EnDat encoders
SSI with incremental signals Sin/Cos 1V pp
(Temperature evaluation-KTY84-130 can also be used)
• X500 DriveCLiQ
• X520 Measuring system input (25 pin D-type connector)
• X524 24V DC supply
• Status LED
Part Number:-
• X500 DriveCLiQ
• X520 TTL measuring system input (15 pin D-type con-
• X521 HTL/TTL measuring system input (Screw type
• X531 “ measuring system input (Screw type
• Status LEDs
• X524 24V DC supply
Part Number:-
Notes :
• X500/1: DRIVE-CLiQ channel 1 interface.
• X500/2: DRIVE-CLiQ channel 2 interface.
• X520/1: EnDat 2.2 encoder input - channel 1.
• X520/2: EnDat 2.2 encoder input - channel 2.
• X524: 24v electronics supply.
• 2 x RDY LEDs (one for each channel)
Part Number:-
SME20/SME25 SME120/SME125
For the evaluation of the following measuring systems:- For the evaluation of the following measuring systems:-
Incremental sin/cos 1v pp with C and D tracks 5V supply- Incremental sin/cos 1v pp with C and D tracks 5V supply-
SME20 SME120
Absolute EnDat encoders 5V supply-SME25 Absolute EnDat encoders 5V supply-SME125
Absolute SSI with incremental signals 5V supply Sin/Cos 1V (Temperature evaluation-KTY84-130 can also be used)
Interfaces:- • DriveCLiQ-Also supplies 24V DC
• DriveCLiQ-also supplies 24V DC • Measuring system input
• Measuring system input • Hall effect sensor input
Part Number:- • Temperature sensor input
6SL3055-0AA00-5HA5-SME25 Part Number:-
SME20/SME25 SME120/SME125
Notes :
Hand-held Units The HHU offers manual axis movement via hand wheel or jog
Hand Held Unit (HHU) A rotary switch is used to select the required axis, it is only
possible to select one axis at a time from the maximum of five
Hand held units allow the operator to manually control the axes.
machine remotely from the main operator panel. Safety is provided via a 2 channel emergency stop button and
a 3 position “Dead mans” enable button.
HHU with coiled cable, connector and mounting device:- The casing has magnets which are useful to attach the unit to
any suitable metallic surface, alternatively a holder can be
purchased for this purpose.
A terminating connector is available to facilitate the (Cold)
removal of the HHU without affecting the machine operation.
In addition to the +/- & Rapid jog buttons there are three user
assignable buttons.
The signals from the HHU are split into three categories.
1. The emergency and enabling buttons should be used
in the safety/enabling circuit of the machine.
2. The jog and axis selection should be done via the user
PLC program
3. The hand-wheel signals need to be taken to X143 of
the PPU
B060: END
Notes :
Notes :
Module Description:
In order to integrate the Sinumerik 828D CNC to a machine tool, software tools are required. The
tools enable the machine tool builder to create the PLC program for the machine and also assist in
the drive configuration.
These tools, including service tools are supplied on a DVD, the DVD is called the Toolbox DVD.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module the course participant will be able to do the following:
Toolbox Installation.
Network Settings.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Service and
Service and
Notes :
Notes :
Network Settings
Notes :
Note the name of the network adapter associated with the Select the option “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”
Local Area Connection. followed by the “Properties” button:
In the example below the network adapter is of the type:
Intel® 82579LM Gigabit Network.
Select the “Obtain an IP address automatically” option. Connect a suitable Ethernet cable between the PC and X127
of the controller. In some situations this may need to be a
cross-over cable.
The connection status can be checked via the “Details” op-
tion of the Local Area Connection.
Notes :
Set the privilege level to “Run the program as administrator“ When the program is opened for the first time
after the installation, it is necessary to assign
a password for encryption purposes.
Notes :
It is necessary to login with a password depending on the The access level determines which data can be accessed via
access level required: Access MyMachine.
The “Manufacturer” login grants the most access, the “User”
login is the most restrictive.
Select the login and enter the password.
Notes :
After a short delay the data folders of the controller will appear in the lower half of the Access MyMachine program, this indicates
that a successful connection was made.
Creating a "Project" within Access MyMachine Enter a name to identify the project.
Notes :
The Project window will appear to the right-hand side. Loading files directly to the control system and from the con-
trol system to the PC.
Managing the control system's NC data. You can copy files
directly from the PC to the NC and from the NC to the PC.
Monitoring processes and remote control of the SINUMERIK
via a remote control function.
Saving the screenshot of the HMI on the PC.
Editing the following user files on the PC:
PLC alarm texts (oem_alarms_plc)
Cycle alarm texts (oem_alarms_cycles)
Part program messages (oem_partprogram_)
EasyScreen language strings
Tool management language strings
EasyExtend files (oem_aggregate)
Maintenance planner files (oem_maintenance)
Creating and loading an archive for the control system.
Managing user files with the following options:
Creating a project OFFLINE.
Copying individual files using the project dialog to the control
system or copying from the control system to the project.
Deleting user files using the project dialog on the control sys-
Once a project has been created, AMM provides the follow-
ing functions:
Viewing Rights-HMI
Rights for remote access - Selected in HMI
Do not allow remote access-Prevents remote connections.
Allow remote monitoring-The remote computer can monitor
the controller.
Allow remote operation-The remote computer can access the
various screens of the controller and changes can be per-
Viewing Rights-PLC
Rights for remote access, Specified by PLC (Not settable on
The access can be restricted/blocked via the user PLC with
interface signals. These signals have priority over the
“Selected in HMI” settings. It may be necessary to Contact
the machine manufacturer if the PLC is restricting the viewer
Notes :
When set to
“allowed”, then the controller will allow the connection, even
when the dialogue box has not been acknowledged.
If set to “Denied” the connection will be blocked if the dia-
logue box is not acknowledged.
To start this function select the following icon from the Ac-
cess MyMachine tool bar.
Alternatively select “Start” from the “Remote control” drop
down menu.
Notes :
F1 to F8 - Horizontal soft-keys
Shift & F1 to F8 - Vertical soft-keys
F9 - Page Back/Up
F10 - Menu Select
Shift & F9 - Page right
F12 - Help function
Escape - Alarm Cancel
Select - Space Bar
Online Connection - PLC Programming Tool Set the privilege level to “Run the program as administrator“
Administrator Privilege Level
The Toolbox programs should always be run with privileges
set to Administrator.
Notes :
A communication protocol
is not active.
Double click the area
highlighted above.
A list of network adaptors will be displayed: The selected adapter will be shown on the right of the dia-
logue box.
The IP address of the controller should be entered in the
“Communication Parameters\Remote Address” section.
The default IP address of X127 is
The correct
adapter should
be selected
from the list
and confirmed Network adaptor.
with the “OK”
Notes :
B002: END
Notes :
Module Description:
The SINUMERIK 828D system is split into 6 menu areas. Each menu area is sub-divided to allow the
user easy access to the necessary areas of the system.
Menu Areas:
• Machine
• Parameter
• Program
• Program Manager
• Diagnostics
• Setup
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will know the menu areas of the SINUMERIK 828D system.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Menu Area:
Menu Select
Menu Area:
Wide Screen
Menu Area:
Menu Area:
Short cut
Menu Area:
(JOG Mode)
Menu Area:
(MDA Mode)
Menu Area:
(AUTO Mode
Menu Area:
Notes :
The menu system of the SINUMERIK 828D is accessed via the “Menu Select” button.
The location of the “Menu Select” button is on the operator panel.as shown:
Notes :
Shortcut softkeys
The 6 vertical soft-keys in the top right hand corner can be used as short cut softkeys to access
different functionality of the control.
Undo if selected.
Redo if selected.
Notes :
The 7 vertical soft-keys in the left hand of the main window can be used as short cut softkeys to
access the areas of the control.
Notes :
The side screen displays 6 areas, workpiece offsets, active alarms, axis loads, active tool, tool
management of the active too, and program runtime.
Displays any active “ZERO_POINT” including coarse, fine, rotations etc etc.
Displays the active loaded “TOOL” along with “Tool management Data”.
Notes :
Mode Selection
Pressing the Menu Select button reveals 6 horizontal menu soft-keys and 5 vertical soft-keys.
The 5 vertical soft-keys can be used to change between the machine modes: This can also be
achieved via the Machine Control Panel.
Notes :
Menu Selection
The Parameter menu displays information such tool/magazine data, work offsets,
user variables etc.
It is possible to carry out functions such as creating tools, editing existing tool/
magazine data, editing work offsets/variables/setting data.
The Program menu is used to display a part program, only if a program is already
open will its contents be displayed. Editing of the part program is possible here. If
a part program is not already open, the Program Manager will be open.
Reboot HMI
A further soft-key is available which is used for rebooting the HMI only. This is
found via the Menu extension key.
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Keys Function
In the program manager and in the program editor from the cursor position,
+ selects directories or program blocks up to the beginning of the window.
In the program manager and in the program editor from the cursor position,
+ selects directories or program blocks up to the end of the window.
Editing box - Moves the cursor further to the right by one word.
+ Navigation - Moves the cursor in a table to the next cell to the right.
Keys Function
Editing box - Moves the cursor further to the left by one word.
+ Navigation - Moves the cursor in a table to the next cell to the left.
Editing box - Moves the cursor in the table to the beginning of the table.
+ Navigation - Moves the cursor to the beginning of a window.
Editing box - Moves the cursor in the table to the end of the table.
+ Navigation - Moves the cursor to the end of a window.
Notes :
Keys Function
In the program manager and in the program editor from the cursor position,
+ selects directories or program blocks up to the end of the window.
In the actual window, selects all entries (only in the program editor and pro-
+ A gram manager).
Keys Function
Scrolls the actual user interface through all installed languages one after the
+ L other.
Scrolls the actual operator interface through all installed languages in the
+ + L inverse sequence.
Cuts out the selected text. The text is located in the clipboard.
+ X
Notes :
Keys Function
Inserts text from the clipboard: either pastes the text from the clipboard at
+ V the actual cursor position or pastes text from the clipboard at the position of
the selected text.
Keys Function
B061: END
Notes :
Module Description:
The data of 828D sl controller is protected by using one of seven access levels, four of which are set
via a key-switch and three by password.
This module explains the different access levels, how to set these levels and how to protect
individual files.
It is also important that the system date and time are correct.
This is necessary for checking when an alarm occurred or when a file (Part program, archive etc)
was created or edited.
If at the time of installation, the time and date is not set correctly, the Guarantee period of the control-
ler could be effected.
Before the date and time displays can be edited, the password for the “User” or higher must be en-
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to set the different protection levels using a pass-
word or key switch, you will also be able to change the protection levels of individual NC programmes
and set the time and date for the system.
Protection of files
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Access Levels /
Time & Date:
Setting and
Deleting the
Protection of
Time and
Access Levels /
Time & Date:
Notes :
The key switch is located to the bottom right of the MCP and DB2600 Key-switch signals to NC (PLC → NC)
has four positions. Three colour coded keys are available,
each of which allow a different access level. This is from a Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
standard Siemens machine control panel. It is possible that a
manufacturer may use a different method to set the interface DBB0 Key- Key- Key- Key-
signal. switch switch switch switch
Pos.3 Pos.2 Pos.1 Pos. 0
Notes :
The dialogue box disappears and the current access level is Changing the password:
displayed above the left hand horizontal soft-keys.
It may be necessary to change the password from the default.
To change a password select the “Change password” soft
The properties of the file are found by paging right and select-
ing the properties Soft-key.
Notes :
When the correct settings have been entered the “OK” soft
key has to be selected.
When the OK key is pressed the function will be activated. Use the mouse Left click to select the
This is confirmed by the message 150100 required access level.
The menu will automatically disappear when the selection is
If an access level is already active the Original setting op-
tion will be available.
Notes :
A summary of any changes to access levels can be seen in Before the date and time displays can be edited, the password
the Customize softkeys area for the User or higher must be entered.
Automatic Time & Date Adjustment Manual Time & Date Adjustment
If the controller is connected to the internet, the option, Use To manually adjust the settings, ensure that the Use time
time server, can be set. server option is not selected.
The address/name of the time server needs to be entered and
the relevant time zone selected from the time zone drop down
The date and time format also needs to be selected.
Example - Date & time set via the Time server option:
B021: END
Notes :
Module Description:
Machine and Setting data are used in many ways to influence the operation of a machine.
During commissioning some of the machine data are automatically set while other machine data
have to be changed.
Over time, as the machine mechanically wears it may be necessary to edit certain machine data
such as compensation data.
This module shows the different machine data areas and other criteria such as how to activate the
machine data.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to locate the different Machine/Setting data areas
and be able to carry out adjustments if required.
Data Classes
User Views
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Machine and
Setting Data:
Machine &
Setting Data
Data Classes
Machine &
Setting Data
User Views
Storing of
within AMM
Machine and
Setting Data:
Notes :
Which mean:
$ System variable
D Setting data
N, C, A, S Part range (second/third letter)
Notes :
Notes :
When looking at the machine data area of the controller it is Editing Machine & Setting Data
possible to see which machine data belongs to which Data REMEMBER:- Create a data backup !
The machine data screens are restricted via the password
Example:-Axis specific machine data screen showing data and the display filter.
class identifiers: If the expected machine data is not present, first check the
access level (Module B021 Protection Levels) and then the
display filter.
The “Display options” soft-key accesses the display filter
mask. Here it is possible to select which machine data are
The Machine & Setting Data is separated into different For further data the “Menu Extension” key must be selected.
groups. This allows access to the Setting Data and also the Display
Machine Data.
The default entry in the machine data screen gives the fol-
lowing soft-keys:
Notes :
The correct machine data has to be highlighted. The number REMEMBER:- Create a data backup !
1 is entered and confirmed with the “Input” key.
Notes :
User Views By default on the control there are two “User view” lists.
“Setup_Milling” and “Setup_Turning”
User views allows a customised list of machine data to be
made. These views list all MD/SD required for setting the technolo-
gy Milling or Turning.
Notes :
Insert new data in machine data list. The machine data list will be stored on the System CF card.
Storing of Archives within an AMM Project To upload the Archive files from controller into the project,
tick all boxes in the bottom window.
Start the Access MyMachine program and make an online
connection to the controller.
Notes :
Use the "+" icon to the right of the OEM text, the contents of There are several tasks that can be performed from within
the Archives in the "project" can be seen. AMM software. An archive can be opened and the data
looked at.
Tick one of the Archive file and click the "Edit"
Notes :
Notes :
Two archives can be opened and the data compared with Choose the required “Data Classes”
each other.
Tick two Archive files and click the "Compare"
This will open the two files within "Create MyConfig Diff".
Select the menu , "Selective", then open and tick the same areas within each file.
Data that is different will be highlighted in RED text.
B041: END
Notes :
Module Description:
It is often a requirement to store machining programs off-line on an external computer.
Access MyMachine is a multi-functional software tool which connects via Ethernet (X127 & X130),
one of the functions offers the possibility to connect remotely to controllers in order to transfer ma-
chining programs to and from an external computer.
It is also possible to configure and assign controller soft-keys to networked computers as another
method of Network & Operator Panels.
Module Objective:
• Connect remotely via network to the controller using Access MyMachine and use copy and
paste functions to transfer machining programs.
• Configure soft-keys in the Program manager and assign these to networked computers.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Access My-
via X130
Set up
Notes :
Notes :
X130 Controller Set-up An overview of the X127 and X130 interfaces is displayed.
X127 is a DHCP server with a fixed IP address of
The controller settings for X130 can now be entered. and subnet mask of This
interface cannot be configured.
Any existing X130 settings should be recorded before any X130 is the company network and is configurable.
changes are made.
Push the SK
To enter a defined IP address. Check that the settings for X130 are correct in the
“TCP/IP diagnostics” screen with the following key selec-
The following example shows X130 being manually configu- tion:
red with an IP address of and a subnet mask
When the settings have been entered select the “OK” soft-key”
Notes :
The “Availability” of the network connection is shown. In the example below X127 has a green/white tick symbol with an
availability of 100%, this indicates that the connection has hardware attached and is healthy.
If X130 shows a red / white cross symbol, with an availability of 0%. Then it is due to the fact that no hardware connection
exists to X130 or this is disturbed.
The Display is not dynamic! She can be updated with the SK „Display new“ .
X127: Connection in
Notes :
Controller IP address
A connection can also be made from the toolbar: A few moments later the connection will be made and the fold-
er structure of the controller will be displayed in the lower half
of the Access MyMachine program
Notes :
Notes :
The transfer of programs can be achieved by mapping a soft- For reasons of security it is possible to restrict network access
key to a networked Computer. The soft-key will appear in the to the shared folder by setting “Permissions”.
Program Manager area of the controller.
The following example will show how to create a folder on the
The computer connected to the network must have been D drive and how to set up sharing and permissions.
logged in with a username and password. This information will
be required for inputting on the controller. The option “Use sharing Wizard” should be deselected via the
“Tools” menu in Windows® Explorer:
The computer log-in used in this example is:
Username: AUDUSER
Password: SUNRISE
Notes :
Select the D drive, right click with the mouse pointer in the
right hand Window and create a new folder.
Deselect “Use sharing Wizard” Enter a suitable name for the new folder.
Right click on the folder and select “Properties”. The share permissions for the new folder can be set. The
folder access over the network can be restricted to certain
users. The following example sets the permissions for
Select the “AUDUSER” (Log-in name of the computer).
“Sharing” tab
Select “Share
Select this folder”.
“Advanced The “Share
Sharing” name” will auto-
matically take
the folder name
Notes :
Notes :
The following settings allow the user “AUDUSER” to have full About Shared Folders:
control of the shared folder including editing/creating items.
Notes :
In the following example, details of the external PC have attention: drive may not be setup !
been entered.
Information such as IP address, share name, log on details The new soft-key will now be available in the Program area:
etc. are required.
Ensure that a suitable network cable is connected and press
the “OK” soft-key.
Notes :
A not operating disk drive is represented with grayed SK! The new folder is also available in the “System data” area.
This provides a convenient method of saving files such as
archives to a safe storage location.
1. User „AUDUSER“ , password „SUNRISE“. folder „840D sl Progams“ share for „AUDUSER“ with permissions
„Full Control“. Folders inside the shared folder can directly be accesed using the Path!
Mill 1
Mill 2
Mill 3
Turning User1
Turn 1
Enabling name
Turn 2
User name (2)
+ Password (2) Turn 3
2. User „CUSTOMER“, password „TURNING“. folder „Turning User1“ share for „CUSTUMER“ with
permissions „Full Control“
Notes :
• USB-interface
USB Local Front USB
• CompactFlash Card of the PPU, NC Extend „Option 6FC5800-0AP77-0YB0“
• User CF Card
• Network drives
B038 : END
Notes :
Notes :
Module Description:
The license key is unique to the CF card supplied with the controller.
This module explains the licensing procedure and how to activate options.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you can manage the licence key using the Sinumerik HMI.
Test Licences
CNC Lock
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Licence and
Test Licences
Saving and
Restoring the
Licence Key
Retrieving a
Licence Key
CNC Lock
Notes :
Use the following key selection to reach the licence screens: Options are used to expand the functionality of the Sinumerik
controller, for example, an additional axis.
The available options are displayed via the All options soft-
The licencing screen shows that the licence key is correct for
the System CF card.
The options that are licenced for that particular System CF The licenced options have now been set.
card are displayed in the right hand Licensed column. They are activated by an NCK Reset.
Notes :
Test licence 1
Example: An unlicensed option and alarm 8081
• OEMs can freely activate and test options during the
commissioning stage. Once satisfied which options are
required, these can be officially purchased and licensed.
Test licenses 2- 6
• Dealers/End users can demonstrate/test options.
Alarm active due to unlicensed option being set:
• Service engineers can activate a test licence in the
event of a faulty system CF card. This eliminates any
production delays while awaiting the delivery of a new
licence from the Siemens Hotline.
Note: Cycle start is blocked if the licence key is not suffi-
Additional test licence information: Alarm number 8084 will replace the 8081 alarm number.
This can be cleared with the cancel/clear button but will peri-
• A test licence is only required if the system has at least odically reappear as long as a test licence is active. The re-
one drive assigned to an axis. maining licence time will be seen in the alarm description.
Notes :
Choose the destination for the License key. The new folder now appears. Select OK to save the licence
key to this folder.
The licence key is saved as an alm type file. The name of the
file is generated automatically and contains the serial number
of the CF card.
A shortcut to the Siemens licensing website is also created.
Notes :
The License key will now appear in the License key box. Retrieving a lost licence key
Notes :
Unlike the alm type files, the txt file cannot be read in to the controller.
The licence number can be typed directly to the licence screen.
Alternatively, the keys.txt file can be opened, on the controller, and the licence key copied/pasted into the licence screen.
Locate the licence screen and paste the licence number using the Ctrl + v key combination.
Notes :
The licensing is achieved by a series of 5 steps via the Siemens Web License Manager website.
The hardware serial number (System CF card serial number) and the hardware type are required. These can be seen on the
licensing screen.
Notes :
An alternative method of identifying the product is by selecting a license file via the Browse button and submitting it with the
Submit button.
Notes :
Notes :
A license key file can now be generated in order to load it to the controller.
The file can be generated in .alm format which can be loaded directly to the controller via the licensing area.
It is also possible to generate the file in .txt format. This cannot be loaded directly to the controller.
A license report, in .pdf format, can also be made.
To generate the file in .pdf format, click the link and save the file to a suitable location e.g. a USB memory device.
The license file can now be read directly into the controller:
Notes :
• Option number 6FC5800-0AP76-0YB0.
• Access MyMachine version 4.7 SP1 or above.
The CNC Lock feature is used to block the Cycle Start func-
tion of a machine after a specifiable time period has elapsed. Note: the CNC Lock option cannot be activated with a test
The feature is intended for use by the OEM, for example, in license.
the event of withheld payments by the end user.
CNC Lock activation
Important Notes:
• The Option is currently only released for specific Open the Access MyMachine program. (No online connection
markets. is required)
• It is neither released nor intended for the Japanese Open the Tools menu and select CNC lock function:
• The functionality may be unsuitable due to tech-
nical, legal or other issues.
• Any sale to, delivery to or use in such markets oc-
curs at the sole risk of customer and Siemens
takes no responsibility whatsoever for the func-
tionality in relation to such markets.
• Siemens recommends not to sell the functionality
to such markets and not to bring it there in any
other way.
The CNC lock function parameterising window will open. A lockset file needs be created to activate the CNC lock func-
Example: V04.08 + SP 02 + HF 00
Notes :
The pin must contain a minimum of 8 characters (up to a maximum of 32) including at least one upper case, one lower case, one
number and one special character.
• The OEM Pin should be noted and kept safe.
• Forgetting/losing the pin will result in the loc
being permanently active.
• Extending the locking date or Deactivating the CNC Lock will not be possible !
The Locking date is defined by the OEM. This is the date when the CNC Lock will become active.
Deactivating the CNC Lock or extending the locking date will require the OEM Pin (see above)
Notes :
Notes :
The CNC lock date will now be displayed: Message 8063 will periodically appear.
The data saved is unencrypted. This should be taken into • Select the Extend button:
consideration for security reasons
The CNC lock date can be extended. • Observe the new CNC lock date:
Notes :
B044: END
Notes :
Module Description:
The electronic logbook function of the 828D controller is used to enter data such as manufacturer
(OEM), dealer and user information, 1st and 2nd commissioning dates as well as records of service
This data is then saved to a log file. The log file has to be uploaded into the GSP iBase database via
the identSNAPSHOT software.
The function is not only necessary for warranty issues but also for service personnel (records of new
and previous service visits) and also for quality control measures.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module the course participant will be able to do the following:
Logbook information
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Electronic Logbook:
ing Start-up
Recording a
Service Visit
Saving the
Uploading to
GSP Ibase
Electronic Logbook:
Notes :
In the past, the validity of warranty claims was difficult to When the information has been entered it needs to be
manage and was the cause of delayed service response saved, this is via a soft-key on the Logbook screen. This
times. procedure will create a log file.
System/hardware faults were logged in paper logbooks which
were then usually left on the machine and often became This is known as the “identSNAPSHOT” function and is a
damaged or lost. snapshot of the system including version data, cycle data,
hardware components etc
By using GSP iBase and the Electronic Logbook system, the
warranty will automatically start, a record of the machine Each time a logbook entry is made, the log file should be
details and breakdowns will also be available on the saved and uploaded to the GSP iBase database via the
controller. identSNAPSHOT software.
The time and date of each entry is recorded; it is im- The name of the file is made from a combination of the
portant that the time and date settings of the controller machine name and system CF card serial number.
are correct. Incorrect time and date settings can lead to
early expiry of the warranty.
The OEM and Dealer information can be imported to the con- oem.xml Manufacturer information
troller in three ways:
oemsubs.xml Manufacturer subsidiary information
• Import the XML file via the “Import” soft-key. dealer.xml Dealer information
(Preferred method)
user.xml End user information
• Copy/paste the XML file in the “System data” area. ma_types.xml List of available machine types
• Type the information directly on the controller. The files are imported using the “Import” soft-key.
If the files are not available they can be created directly on
(When the files are not available.)
the controller or offline on a computer.
Notes :
*Manufacturers name*
Logbook entries
1st Commissioning
2nd Commissioning
Service visits
If the controller has existing machine identity data, it is necessary to delete the “identity.xml” file.
System CF card\individual\sinumerik\hmi\data\version\identity.xml
Notes :
Data Import function Ensure that the files to be imported are available on the con-
troller, network PC or USB memory device.
The Electronic Logbook is located in the Diagnostics area of
the controller:
Notes :
Machine type
Copy and Paste function Locate the destination folder (Machine identity).
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
To confirm that 2nd Commissioning is complete. The name and company/department of the engineer should
be entered followed by a detailed description of the fault and
work carried out.
The information is now added to the main logbook page.
Notes :
The details of the service visit are now shown on the Log- The save procedure should be carried out after each data
book page. entry in the logbook.
To save the data to a file first locate and select the “Save”
Notes :
The file can be opened for viewing in the “System data” area: The information that was entered via the Logbook screen is
now stored in the xml file.
Service visits are found at the end of the file: Uploading to GSP iBase
Notes :
Double click the desktop short cut to start the A language selection is available from the menu bar.
"identSNAPSHOT" software.
You must first register in order to upload data into the GSP
iBase Service Platform Industry database using
identSNAPSHOT. You only have to register once before the
first upload. All of the required data are saved locally on your
This is achieved by the pull down menu "Configuration" on
the right hand side at the top of identSNAPSHOT, then
selecting "My address".
Notes :
Notes :
To upload the XML file to GSP iBase use the "Upload" -->
"Machine infos upload" from the menu bar.
Notes :
B007: END
Notes :
Module Description:
It is necessary to have procedures in place for saving and restoring the customers data stored in the
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module the course participant will know how to:
• Create and restore archives using the data class system of the 828D
• Create and restore a system image.
• Manage MD, SD, drive data and compensation data on the file level
Data Classes
Easy Archive
Data admin
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Data Management:
Save Data
Archive With
Backup and
CF Card
Data Management:
Notes :
Individual Machines
Regular (1……..x)
development TGZ File from Prototype into Data save
works Serial machines Local Archives
OEM TGZ with machine
and local to server
Notes :
Data Classes
The 828D controller uses machine data which is divided into data classes.
Data classes can be used to create archives which contain only specific data's of the controller, data according to it´s classifica-
tion. Upgrades etc. can therefore be carried out while leaving any existing unrelated data of the controller intact.
System - This data belongs to the system and cannot be edited. The values are determined by the controller type and standard
data. Data belonging to this class is not saved in any archive type.
Manufacturer - The manufacturer data is common throughout a particular machine series. No individual or user data is included.
Individual - The individual data is machine specific (Compensations, reference points etc.). An archive of the Individual type
could typically be made prior to a software update.
User - The user data is user specific (Part programs, tool data, zero points etc.). An archive of the user type could be used to
transfer data to an identical machine
cutting the same component or in the case of a software update.
Data Classes for Machine Data Data Classes for PLC Data Blocks
When looking at the machine data area of the controller it is It is also possible to select the Data Class of certain Data
possible to see which machine data belongs to which Data Blocks in the User PLC program. When a Data Block is first
Class. created, the properties box is displayed.
Example: Axis specific machine data screen showing data The Data Class can be changed via the drop down menu. If
class identifiers: the Data Block already exists, the properties can be viewed by
right clicking on the Data Block and selecting properties.
Selection of the
Data Class.
Notes :
Control Components:
PLC data:- This will create an archive suited to restoring the PLC user program in the event of a problem.
Drive data:- This will create an archive containing data for the Sinamics drives.
The drive data can be taken out in two formats:
ACX is a binary file and is unreadable with text editors etc.
ASCII is a text file which can be opened with a text editor, this can be useful in upgrade situations where new machine data
might prevent the binary file from reading in and/or the data needs to be entered manually.
Notes :
The example below shows the “All” option selected with the Information about the archive can be entered in the Comments
four control components also selected. This would create a section.
full backup of the controller.
A name for the archive needs to be entered, example-Milling A dialogue box indicates that the archive was successfully
Machine 123. created.
Notes :
Creating Data Class Setup Archives A selection of MANUFACTURER, INDIVIDUAL or USER data
can be made.
Data Class Setup Archives are created under the “Selection” A description of the data included with each selection is
option. shown below:
USER :This archive will save user specific data such as part
programs, tool and zero offsets.
Note that the Drive data option is not available for selection,
Drive data always belongs to the “Manufacturer”
data Class type.
Notes :
Reading in Archives
In the event of a hardware/software change it could be
necessary to read in archive files.
Notes :
The advanced “Start-up” menu will be displayed. Cursor to the required option and press the “Input” key.
The menu contains many options.
The type of archive to be loaded will determine which option
should to be selected.
Use the following key combination to reach the area for read-
ing in archives:-
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
+ +
The controller should be allowed plenty of time to create the
archive, a guide would be to allow 5 minutes.
If the procedure is used on a controller with an operational A file with the .ard extension will be created and given a de-
screen, several dialogue boxes be will be shown, these will fault name which includes time and date information.
clear when the archive has been created. It should be checked that the file exists on the USB/CF device
If the screen has failed these boxes will obviously not be seen. before commencing work. If there are any doubts it may be
better to do the procedure twice and compare the file sizes.
Notes :
Notes :
Enter a suitable name for the file, the “tgz” extension must
The file will now be created. As the process continues the file
size, indicated in the brackets, will increase. The image should be stored in a safe place for future use.
The previously created system image (TGZ file) is used for the starting up of series machines.
A licensed system CF card should be inserted into the rear CF card slot of the controller.
Notes :
The following procedure will flash the backup image Insert the USB/CF device which contains the backup im-
saved earlier to the new system CF card. age and select “Yes” followed by the “Input” key.
The controller should be started and the advanced
“Start-up menu” selected.
Select the backup image, e.g. 828D_image.tgz and press the The data backup is now written to the internal CF card. Allow
“Input” key. It is possible that more than one image is present the process to finish.
on the CF card/USB stick, ensure that the correct one is cho-
Notes :
When the controller reboots, the alarm “4062 Back-up data Machine Functionality:
loaded” will be displayed. This data is the data saved in the
“Save data” procedure. Clear with the “Reset” key The machine functionality should now be checked. The opera-
tor should ensure that tool data, offsets etc. are correct.
The 828D controller uses the GSP iBase system for register-
ing the machine.
The registration is very important with respect to the start of
the 2 year warranty period.
For this reason it is essential that the time and date be set
System CF Card Replacement The software package “Access MyMachine” is required plus a
recovery file called “minsys.img”. This file is installed as part of
In the event of the internal CF card becoming damaged it is the toolbox and is found within the folder named “Recoverysys”
possible to write a previously saved system image to a new CF in the toolbox directory.
It is necessary to obtain a replacement blank CF card from Start the “Access MyMachine” software:
Siemens. Part number for replacement 2GB card:
The card will need to be licensed, this can only be done via the
Siemens Hotline.
The serial numbers of the faulty and replacement cards are
required by the Hotline before a new licence number can be
Notes :
You select the “SINIMERIK 828D boot system”” from the Highlight the drive letter of the CF card. Example “G:\”
"extras" list.
Start the write procedure with the “Write” button. Writing the Image to the Replacement CF Card
The “Minsys” recovery file to the CF card makes the card boot-
able. The card needs to placed in the rear CF card slot of the
controller in place of the “damaged” card.
The following procedure will flash the backup image saved
earlier to the new system CF card.
Notes :
The data backup is now written to the internal card. Allow the
process to finish.
Select the backup image and press the “Input” key. It is possi-
ble that more than one image is present on the card/USB stick,
ensure that the correct one is chosen.
When the procedure is finished the controller needs to be pow- If alarms numbers 4060 & 400006, 120402 are present, this
ered off to allow the USB/CF device to be removed. indicates that the “Save data” procedure was not carried out
before the system image was created.
In this case an archive will need to be loaded to return the
machine to a running condition.
The data that was reloaded will need to be checked, tool data,
offsets etc. will probably have changed since the image was
The operator should verify this data before running the ma-
Notes :
Data admin
Notes :
Notes :
B017: END
Notes :
Module Description:
The 828D PPU can be diagnosed using status LEDs. The status can be quickly assessed prior to
using more detailed diagnostic tools.
For the controller to function correctly the hardware has to be correctly connected, the location and
functionality of these interfaces is described in this module.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to locate the status LED's and determine the status
of the CNC controller.
You will also be able to locate all the hardware connections and know their functionality.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
NC Connections
PPU Status
LEDs and
PPU Status
LEDs and
NC Connections
Notes :
The interfaces are found on the front and the rear of the PPU. The front interfaces are found beneath a hinged cover to the left of
the screen.
Interface locations:-
LED Green Orange Red
Rear view of PPU showing interfaces.
NC Ready
PLC in stop NC in stop Power-up
RDY and PLC in
mode mode (Alternating)
run mode
Internal (System) CF card location.
NC operation
(Flashes cyclic)
Internal/External Fault
X100 Sync PN
CF card access
(Flashes random- Fault PN
ly) X101 Sync
Note: The CF card should not be removed while the CF LED
X140 X135
is flashing.
M T1 T2 T3
Notes :
Interfaces for 828D S120 Book-sized Drive Modules: Interfaces for 828D S120 Combi Drive System:
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
B010: END
Notes :
Module Description:
The 828D has interfaces for the connection of Digital I/O (Sinamics & NCK), Probes & Hand-wheels.
The hand-wheel connections (X143) are pre-assigned, while the digital I/O and probes can be as-
signed to any suitable connection by the user.
Connections used within the drive group components are known as BICOs (Binary Connectors)
Certain connections can be configured as an output or an input.
X252 has the possibility of analogue spindle functionality, this is described in Module B029
This module shows the pin assignment of each connector and shows several examples of how a
connector is assigned to a function, including probes and line contactors.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to locate the interface connectors and configure
individual connections to perform certain functions.
BICO Technology
BICO Assignment
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Digital I/O,
Hand-Wheels and
Terminal De-
NCK Inputs
Digital I/O,
Hand-Wheels and
Notes :
Terminal Description
Interface locations:
Rear view of PPU showing interfaces.
Notes :
The functionality of X252 pins 12 & 13 changes depending on whether an analogue spindle is declared
Notes :
X122 & X132: BICO Connections are used to assign Sinamics inputs/outputs to a specific function e.g. Enabling of drives,
BERO’s, automatic line contactor control etc
Certain terminals are automatically assigned to a function by default, these are the OFF1 and OFF3 drive enable signals and the
input for probe 1.
The remaining terminals can be assigned to a function via machine data.
The status of the terminals is transferred to CU parameter r0722 which is referred to when assigning a function.
X122-Sinamics I/O:
Notes :
X132-Sinamics I/O
Notes :
Notes :
X143-Hand-wheel connections
Notes :
BICO technology:
Interconnecting signals
Every drive contains a large number of interconnectable input and output variables and internal control variables.
BICO technology (Binector Connector Technology) allows the drive to be adapted to a wide variety of requirements.
Digital and analog signals, which can be interconnected as required by means of BICO parameters, are identified by the
prefix BI, BO, CI, or CO in their parameter name.
Binectors, connectors
Binectors, BI: Binector Input, BO: Binector Output
A binector is a digital (binary) signal without a unit which can assume the value 0 or 1.
Binectors are subdivided into binector inputs (signal sink) and binector outputs (signal source).
(signal source)
A connector is a digital signal, e.g. in 32-bit format. It can be used to emulate words (16 bits),
double words (32 bits) or analog signals. Connectors are subdivided into connector inputs
(signal sink) and connector outputs (signal source).
To interconnect two signals, a BICO input parameter (signal sink) must be assigned to the required BICO output parameter
(signal source). The following information is required for connecting a binector/connector input to a binector/connector output:
Binectors: Drive Object ID, Parameter number and Bitnumber z.B.: SERVO_3.3:3 P849[0] BICO 1:722.1
SERVO_3.3:3 P848[0] BICO 63:2090.2
Notes :
p 0849
r 0722.1
p 0848
r 2090.2
p 0849
r 0722.1
The signal flows of the signal source now (digital input of the CU) to the target (on the function)
controller enable
pulse enable
Logic Drive ready Logic
Pulses are enabled
ZSW 1+2
STW 1+2
Infeed ready
r863 p864
terminal EP on MoMO
only with Safety „STO“
Notes :
1. AUS 3 Drive
NC p 0848
STW1.2 r 2090.2 STW A
2. AUS 3 & OFF 3
p 0849
X 122.2 r 0722.1 r 0898.2
2. AUS 2
p 0845 Drive
2. AUS 3
p 0849 ZSW A
r 0722.1
INF Betrieb = LM Bereit
p 0864
& Drive ready
p 2082.12 NC
r 0899.7 r 2053[4].12 MELDW.12
r 0722.0
AUS 1 DB31...62.DBX 93.5
≥1 (Drive ready)
Notes :
DB38xx.DBX0002.1(controller enable)
DB38xx.DBX4001.7(pulse enable) (OFF1)
DB38xx.DBX0001.5 (Acknowledge
(pos. measuring system 1) faults)
(measuring system 1 active) ≥1
DB38xx.DBX0001.6 STW1.6
(pos. measuring system 2) & (enable setpoint )
DB39xx.DBX5006.6 &
(measuring system 2 active)
DB39xx.DBX4001.5(Drive ready)
BiCo Assignment Use the “Select” key to give a more detailed view.
Notes :
Checking the status of X122 and X132 via CU parameter In the following example it can be seen that r722.1 is checked.
r722: This indicates that X122 has +24V DC present on pin 2.
CU parameter r722 can be used to check the status of the Any un-checked bits indicate a 0V potential on the relevant
X122 and X132 interfaces. pins.
Notes :
The system needs to know which terminal the probe input is Probe 2 is not assigned by default.
connected to, this is set with drive parameter p488. Drive parameter p489 needs to be parameterised in order for
probe 2 to function
All the drives that use the probe functions will need to be set.
Select the correct drive and cursor to the parameter p489[0]
There are two parameters, one for each probe, each with 3 then press the “Select” key
indexes (Indices).
p488 Measuring probe1 input terminal: Encoder 1..3
p489 Measuring probe2 input terminal: Encoder 1..3
Notes :
Probe Types:
The probes can be tested via a command in the part program After pressing the Cycle start button, the axis will move in the
using the following commands: programmed direction. The switch should be depressed be-
fore it reaches the specified position.
MEAS: Measurement with deletion of distance to go.
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
A summary of the line supply data is displayed, this can be The data needs to be saved, select the “Yes” soft-key.
saved to a text file if required.
Notes :
X252 NCK Digital I/O - Interface X252 has NCK digital I/O signals.
There are four fixed digital inputs and four fixed outputs (Two outputs if analogue spindle is declared)
The addressing of the Inputs/outputs start at 9.
PLC variable byte DB2900.DBB1000 is assigned to the inputs, and byte DB2900.DBB1004 for the outputs.
This allows the PLC user program to be influenced from the part program.
$A_OUT[9] = 0
Set NCK output 9 to 0
Program end
Press Cycle Start once.
Notes :
The status of the PLC variable can now be checked. Example: Using NCK inputs in a part program
The NCK inputs can also be used in the part program. The
following program checks the status of NCK input 9 and dis-
plays a relevant message.
LABEL1 used for the
jump command (GOTOF)
Digital NCK input 9 Message line for showing
Mirrors the status of that the input is high.
NCK output 9
M00 M00 Program stops until
cycle start is pressed
To test the run/test the program select the Cycle Start button. Edit the program so that NCK output 9 is set to 0.
Notes :
Hand-Wheels, Mini-HHU
Connection via PPU:
Handwheels directly connected to terminal X143 of the PPU are parameterized using the following NCK machine data:
1st handwheel
MD11350 $MN_HANDWHEEL_SEGMENT[ 0 ] 2 Hardware segment: 8xxD_HW
MD11351 $MN_HANDWHEEL_MODULE[ 0 ] 1 ---
MD11352 $MN_HANDWHEEL_INPUT[ 0 ] 1 PPU, 1st handwheel in the handwheel slot (X143)
2st handwheel
MD11350 $MN_HANDWHEEL_SEGMENT[ 1 ] 2 Hardware segment: 8xxD_HW
MD11351 $MN_HANDWHEEL_MODULE[ 1 ] 1 ---
MD11352 $MN_HANDWHEEL_INPUT[ 1 ] 2 PPU, 2st handwheel in the handwheel slot (X143)
3st handwheel
MD11350 $MN_HANDWHEEL_SEGMENT[ 2 ] 5 Hardware segment: PROFINET
Reference to logical base address of the hand-
wheel slot of the MCP
MD11352 $MN_HANDWHEEL_INPUT[ 2 ] 1 MCP. 1st handwheel in the handwheel slot (X60)
Notes :
A separately ordered connection kit is used with the Mini HHU which allows the three sets of
signals to be separated according to their functionality.
Flange Socket
Flange socket
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Notes :
Mini Hand Held Unit Colour Codes
bk - Black
B030 END
Emergency Stop Enabling Button Axis Selection Function/jog/rapid Keys Hand- br - Brown
wheel rd - Red
ye - Yellow
gn - Green
bu - Blue
vt - Violet
gy - Grey
wh - White
pk - Pink
wh bn gn ye gy pk bu rd bl vt ye/ gy/ rd/ wh/ bn/ wh/ wh/ gy/ wh/ pk/ wh/ bn/ wh/
bn pk bu gn gn ye gy bn pk bn bu bu rd
Page 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 11 12 13 14 15 17 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 HHU plug/flange socket
Digital I/O, hand-wheels and probes
Connection kit
wh br gn ye gy pk bu wh br vt rd bu pk gy ye gn bk br wh bu pk ye gn
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 6 5 4 3
B030: END
B051 Line and Motor Modules
Module Description:
The Sinumerik 828D uses Sinamics drive components, these components must be powered on/off in
a certain sequence in order to operate correctly. This module shows how these components are
connected to the system and the required power on/off enabling sequence.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will know how the drive components of the Sinumerik 828D
system are integrated and how the power to these components should be applied and removed.
General Information
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Drive Object
Drive Module
Smart Line
Module (SLM)
Active Line
Module (ALM)
Motor Module
Combi Drive
Notes :
General information:
The Control Unit for the drives (CU) is contained within the PPU.
During the automatic topology recognition (fast commissioning) procedure, each drive object/component is automatically
assigned a number for identification purposes.
The CU is always Drive Object No1.
Drive Objects connected to the X100 DriveCLiQ bus are the first to be assigned numbers.
The numbers are assigned, sequentially, in the order that they are connected on the DriveCLiQ bus.
Drive components are then numbered, sequentially, in reverse order, continuing on from the last drive object.
Hardware connected to X101/X102 is also issued numbers which follow on from the last object/component connected to inter-
face X100.
Object No. Object No. Object No. Object No. Object No. Object No.
1 2 3 4 5 6
X203 X203
Sp X Y Z A X500
Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor SMC
SMI- 21 SMI- 18 SMI- 15 SMI- 12 SMI- 9 SMC- 7
ENC- 22 ENC- 19 ENC- 16 ENC- 13 ENC- 10 ENC- 8
MOT- 23 MOT- 20 MOT- 17 MOT- 14 MOT- 11 (6)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Notes :
NX10 modules can be used to increase the number of drives to beyond the six available with the CU.
Equipment connected to X100 & X101 is assigned to the CU and is numbered in the same manner described previously (Page 5)
Drive System
Object No. Object No. Object No. Object No. Object No. Object No. Object No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
DMC 23
X203 X203
X102 X202 X202 X202 X202
X101 X201 X201 X201 X201
X100 X200 X200 X200 X200
X500 X500
Spindle X Y Z A X501 SMC SMC
Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor
SMI- 20 SMI- 17 SMI- 14 SMI- 11 SMI- 8 SMC- 24 SMC- 26
ENC- 21 ENC- 18 ENC- 15 ENC- 12 ENC- 9 X500 ENC- 25 ENC- 27
MOT- 22 MOT- 19 MOT- 16 MOT- 13 MOT- 10
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
X102 X202
Notes :
X101 X200
Spindle Spindle X Y Z M5
Motor DMS Motor Motor Motor SMI- 51
SMI- 11 SMI- 15 SMI- 21 SMI- 31 SMI- 41 ENC- 52
ENC- 12 ENC– 16 ENC- 22 ENC- 32 ENC- 42 MOT– 53
MOT– 13 (3) MOT– 23 MOT– 33 MOT– 43 (7)
(3) (4) (5) (6)
Notes :
Power Requirements
The drive modules require two power supplies in order to op- “M” Terminal: Electronics ground
A 3 phase AC supply (380V to 480V +10% (-15% < 1 min) to “+” Terminal: +24V DC
the bottom of the line module is used to produce the 600V DC (20.4V to 28.8V)
link. The DC link is distributed to the motor modules via a bus
bar system on the front of the drive modules beneath a flip Location of the electronics supply and DC link bus bars:-
down cover
The +24V DC electronics supply is obtained externally from 24V DC Electronics supply (X24) Bridging device for
the user on connector X24. This is also distributed by a bus continuity of the
bar system along the front of the drive modules. bus between drive
The electronic supply is used internally by the drive modules modules.
for powering of the electronic circuitry etc. Externally it is used
for supplying the Drive-CLiQ encoders and fault, ready and
enable signals.
+24V DC Bus-bar
0V DC Bus-bar
+ DC Link Bus-bar
- DC Link Bus-bar
Notes :
The 5 & 10Kw SLM’s are not used on the Drive-CLiQ network,
because of this there are slight differences with terminal func-
tionality compared to Drive-CLiQ type modules.
Notes :
1 Ready Signal Switches high (+24V DC) when the following conditions are true:
• Electronics supply present (X24).
• DC Link is pre-charged.
• Pulses enabled (X21.3)
• No over-temperature
• No over-current
It is recommended that the signal is connected directly to the 828D controller via connector X122 pin 1. This is
the OFF1 enable signal.
3 Enable Puls- Applying +24V DC will cause the pulses to be enabled. (Current consumption:10mA)
es This signal must be removed at least 10ms prior to the 3-phase mains supply being removed.
(Input) Failure to do this can lead to damaged drive modules. This is especially important when the axes/spindles are
decelerating and causing regenerative currents. if the mains circuit is opened these regenerative
currents remain within the drive system causing damage to the modules.
It is recommended that this terminal is connected via an early break contact on the machine isolator switch and
the line contactor (If used).
If the terminal is used by the manufacturer it must be ensured that it is controlled in the suggested manner.
When used in this way the transistors will be switched off and mains regeneration halted, the motors will then
coast to a halt. This is not suitable for an emergency stop situation.
Notes :
Smart Line Modules- 16Kw and above X21:Pulse X202:
enable Drive-CLiQ
These models are always required to be connected to the connectors
Drive-CLiQ drive bus network.
The functionality of certain terminals is therefore different from X24:Electronics
the non-Drive-CLiQ SLM modules.
Regeneration can be deactivated by parameter P3533-Inhibit Electronics/DC
regenerative operation. link bus bars
(below flip
Terminal locations of an internally cooled 36Kw SLM:- down cover)
LED status
Connector locations X21, X24, X200, X201 & X202 X21 Terminal description and functionality
Notes :
3-Phase AC
Protective Mains supply
Notes :
Enable and Terminal Function Description
Temperature sensor 1 + Temp Temperature sensor input from Active Interface
Connections (Input) Module (Observe the polarity)
2 - Temp Temperature sensor input from Active Interface
(Input) Module (Observe the polarity)
Drive-CLiQ connect- 3 Enable Applying +24V DC enables the pulses.
or Pulses (Current consumption:10mA)
(Input) This signal must be removed at least 10ms prior to
the 3-phase mains supply being removed.
X202: Failure to do this can lead to damaged drive mod-
Drive-CLiQ connect- ules. This is especially important when the axes/
or spindles are regenerating. If the mains circuit is
opened in this state, regenerative currents remain
X201: within the drive system causing damage to the mod-
Drive-CLiQ connect- ules.
or It is recommended that this terminal is connected via
an early break contact on the machine isolator
switch and the line contactor (If used).
X200: If the terminal is used by the manufacturer it must be
Drive-CLiQ connect- ensured that it is controlled in the suggested man-
or ner.
When used in this way the transistors will be
X24: switched off and mains regeneration halted; the
24V DC Electronics motors will then coast to a halt. This is not suitable
supply for an emergency stop situation.
Off Electronics power supply outside permitted Check 24V supply to X24.
LINK Orange On DC link voltage within tolerance-Only if unit is
(Botto configured and ready.
Red On DC link voltage outside tolerance-Only if unit Check the mains input.
is configured and ready.
Notes :
X1: Output to
Motor, including
the brake output
for MM less than
LED Status
X1 & X2 Output
to Motor,
including the
brake output for
MM less than
earth X11: Brake out-
connections put for MM of
45A and above
Notes :
Connector X21 & X22 (X22 only for double axis mod-
Terminal descriptions ules).
X21: Pulse
Enable etc.
Terminal Function Description
X21: Pulse 1 + Temp Positive temperature sensor input from non-
X22: Pulse (Input) DriveCLiQ temperature sensor.
Enable etc.
Enable etc. Type:- KTY84-1C130/PTC
2 - Temp Negative temperature sensor input from non
X203: (Input) DriveCLiQ temperature sensor.
X202: DriveCLiQ Type:- KTY84-1C130/PTC
3 Enable Applying +24V DC will cause the pulses of the
X202: Pulses individual axis to be enabled. (Current consump-
X201: DriveCLiQ (Input) tion:10mA)
DriveCLiQ When the signal is low, “Safe pulse suppression” is
X201: activated.
DriveCLiQ Note:-No electrical isolation occurs between the
Motor module and the motor.
X200: This enable signal is only operational if the Safety
DriveCLiQ Integrated function “Safe Standstill (SH)” is ena-
This is a dual channel monitoring system of the
Control Unit and Motor Module. The status of the
Enable Pulses input is cross checked against the
corresponding CU input, an error is reported if they
do not match.
Single axis Double axis 4 Enable Must be connected to the 0V of the enable pulses
Module Module Pulses supply.
Notes :
Notes :
the new Motor Modules in the booksize format Single Motor Module Double Motor Module
Notes :
Can be removed
towards the front
Motor plug connectors that customers can fabricate/assemble
themselves from 1.5mm² (AWG16) to 6mm²
Prefabricated MOTION-CONNET power-cables to 10mm²
(AWG 8)
Push-in plug connector Plug connector screw Fan model Fan with
connection monitoring.-
supported from SINAMICS
firmware V4.8
6SL3162-2MB00-0AC0 6SL3162-2MA00-0AC0
Notes :
The Combi drive unit consists of a Line Module and either 3 or 4 Motor Modules, the first of which is dedicated to the Spindle.
They must always be connected to the DriveCLiQ network via controller interface X100.
The number of axes can be increased by adding Sinamics S120 Book-sized Compact Motor Modules up to the maximum al-
lowed by the system.
X200 to X205:
X220: Interface
for TTL 5v DMS
LED Status
Notes :
X22 Terminal description and functionality X12/X13 Terminal description and functionality
Notes :
DriveCLiQ Interfaces:
Notes :
Notes :
I2t alarm from SLM
Main to user
+24V 24V DC 0V
Supply to other
OFF3 Drive
enable from
user to 828D
Filter Reactor
Notes :
I2t alarm From SLM
to user
Pulse enable
via user PLC
0V 24V
OFF3 Drive
enable from
Line Contactor user to 828D
with early break
contact Energise
Line contactor
+24V 24V DC 0V from user
PSU contactor
energised PLC
to user PLC
Filter Reactor
Notes :
supply Drive
from 828D
X132.10 to
Early break
contact X132
Main DriveCLiQ
Switch Pulse enable
via user PLC
+24V 24V DC 0V
Supply to other
(E stop)
from user
to 828D
Filter Reactor
Notes :
supply Drive
from 828D
X100 X132.10 to
Early break DriveCLiQ
contact X132 (OFF1)
Switch Supply to other
Pulse enable
via user PLC
0V 24V
OFF3 enable
Line Contactor (E stop)
with early break from user to
contact 828D X122.2
+24V 24V DC 0V
Line contactor
energised- Energise line
Filter Reactor to user PLC contactor-
from user PLC
Notes :
from 828D
X132.10 to
X100 828D
Early break DriveCLiQ (OFF1)
contact X132
Switch Supply to other
equipment Line Energise
X200 contactor Line
energised contactor-
Optional:- Pulse -to 828D from 828D
enable via user x132.4 X132.12
PLC or 828D
0V 24V
OFF3 enable
(E stop)
from user to
828D X122.2
+24V 24V DC 0V
Filter Reactor
B051: END
Module Description:
In the event of a problem with the machine it may be necessary to check the status of an axis/drive.
The information obtained from these status screens can be very useful to technical personnel and
help speed up the fault finding process.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to use the Axis & Drive diagnostic functions.
Axis Diagnostics
Drive Diagnostics
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Notes :
Service Overview Screen The indicators change appearance depending on the condition
of the signal.
To navigate to the relevant diagnostics page please use the
following key presses. The signal is healthy, in the case of an enable, the
signal is high. For a monitoring signal there is no fault
Notes :
Axis Diagnostics The selected axis is displayed at the top of the diagnostics
Axis specific information.
An alternative method of selecting the required axis is via the
“Axis selection” soft key.
This the quickest method on a machine with many axes.
Notes :
Drive Diagnostics The drive diagnostics screen shows useful information regard-
ing the motor and drive states such as motor temperature, DC
Drive specific information link voltage etc.
Drive System.
The status of the Drive-CLiQ drive objects can be seen. The CU is the only drive object displayed, to view the other
drive objects press the “Input” key.
A healthy drive object, fully enabled ready for
Notes :
The following screen shows a healthy system, indicated by the Drives not ready or in a fault condition will display yellow or
green tick symbols. red symbols.
Notes :
Selecting the “Warning” soft-key displays more infor- Selecting the “Faults” soft-key also displays more
mation which indicates a problem with encoder 1. information which indicates a problem with encoder
1, drive component 11.
The “Help” key, found to the lower right of the vertical soft- The alarms and warnings can also be seen on the alarm
keys can be used to get more information about Warnings/ screen.
Notes :
The Component NCU_01 is connected via X100 to the
Component MM_SP1 socket X200.
The topology of the drive system can be
seen when the “Topology” soft-key is
Notes :
Firmware is a software that is written to the internal flash
memory of the Drive-CLiQ components. Firmware updates
are used to keep the components up to date with the latest
technological advances. The firmware version is dependant
upon the current system software version.
Graphic Toplogydisplay
Set/act comparison NCU
Topology error
Notes :
Notes :
Display Settings The “Sort” soft-key is used to view the components in a partic-
ular order according to Drive Object, Wiring, Component num-
The level of displayed information about the components can ber or Axis number:
be controlled with the “Display options” function.
Notes :
Comparison Levels To the right of the screen, a column named “C.level” can be
This is used to set the comparison level for the Drive-CLiQ
The system compares the stored details of the electronic rat-
ing plate of each object with the actual components connect-
ed to the Drive-CLiQ bus.
Once the drive system is configured it is continually moni-
tored. Alarms will be displayed if a fault occurs or an unknown
Comparison Levels: object is detected.
High-compares the complete electronic rating plate.
Medium– compares the component type and order number.
Low– compares the component type.
Minimum– compares the component class.
Notes :
B053: END
Notes :
Module Description:
All positioning axes require referencing in order for the controller to position them. The procedures for the
referencing of incremental and absolute encoders is described along with the most important machine
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to synchronise/adjust the measuring system for the
Sinumerik 828D controller.
Automatic Referencing
828D SINUMERIK Operate V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes. B084
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
B084 Encoder Adjustment
General Information
Axes equipped with incremental encoders require referencing
each time that the NCK is powered off/on or reset.
This usually entails traversing the axis to a switch which then
initiates the referencing procedure. Certain machine data's
are available to influence this procedure and adjust it to indi-
vidual requirements.
Some axes have a second encoder fitted for positioning oper-
ations. It needs to be checked which measuring system is
active, as that will be the one which requires referencing.
To check which measuring system is active we can look at the
“Axis diagnostics” area.
Look for the “Measuring system 1 active” and “Measuring sys- If it is uncertain whether an axis has an incremental or abso-
tem 2 active”. A green tick symbol indicates which measuring
lute encoder fitted, this can be checked via axis machine data
system is active for each axis., typically the motor encoder. A
2nd measuring circuit is typically a linear scale on an axis or a
To check the machine data use the following soft key se-
2nd encoder for a spindle. quence.
Some manufacturers may also switch between measuring
systems. If there is uncertainty about this please contact the
manufacturer for information.
Ensure that the correct axis is selected. If the active measuring circuit is 2, machine data 30240[1]
should be used to identify the encoder type.
Incremental encoder = 1
Absolute encoder =4
In the event of the values of machine data 34080 & 34090 equalling less than the stopping distance of the axis, the controller will
automatically readjust to the correct position.
Reference point cam
switch activated
0 1
MD34020 Ref. point approach velocity
Cam switch 1 0
The control receives a reference axis command, the axis accelerates to the feed-rate in machine data
34020 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM then searches for the reference switch input to become high.
Once the axis is referenced the controller issues interface Referencing Absolute Encoders :
1st axis - DB3900.DBX0.4 1st measuring circuit is referenced General information
1st axis - DB3900 DBX0.5 2nd measuring circuit is refer- Absolute encoders need referencing on first commissioning
enced and remain referenced until a problem occurs with the encod-
2nd axis - DB3901 DBX0.4 1st measuring circuit is referenced er or the NCK. Re loading of an archive will also necessitate
2nd axis - DB3901 DBX0.5 2nd measuring circuit is refer- the referencing of the encoder.
enced Procedure:
etc. First it must be ascertained that the encoder is of the absolute
type. This can be done by checking the motor data rating
plate (In the case of an integrated motor encoder)
The position display will indicate the axis is referenced and Checking with the supplier of the encoder is another method
display any values stored in machine data: of determining the correct type.
Machine data 30240[0] & [1] can also be checked.
Symbol indicating the axis is referenced. If the active measuring circuit is number 1, then the value of
machine data 30240[0] should be used to identify the encoder
Incremental encoder =1
Absolute encoder =4
Select the A axis and then press the same direction key used
to position the axis earlier.
The axis will not physically move but the position display will
change to show the axis is referenced symbol and the refer-
ence point set position will be shown as the position of the
axis (150 mm).
Machine data 34210 will have changed to 2 to indicate a
successful procedure.
When the marker is detected the axis will either stop or move Usually the position display shows zero after an axis has
to a position determined by the values of two machine data been referenced. This can be changed by machine data
(34080 & 34090 see below for further explanation) 34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS (Default value 0.0 mm)
The speed at which this position sought is determined by ma- The value entered in here will be displayed on the screen as
chine data- soon as referencing is complete.
34070 $MA_REFP_VELO_POS (Default value 10000.0 mm/ This is used when the reference position is not the mechani-
min). cal zero of the machine. The machine data does not result in
the axis physically moving.
34080 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST (Default value -2.0 mm).
Once the marker has been detected it is advisable to move
the axis away from the marker (Into the machining area). This
is achieved by putting a value in machine data 34080.
If the axis was asked to reference again while still on the
marker this could result in the axis going toward the end of the
Automatic referencing cycle Example: Y Axis set as number 2 in the reference procedure.
To set the automatic referencing function it has to be decided
in what order you want the axes to reference. It is common for
example that on a milling machine the Z axis needs to be ref-
erenced first, this helps eliminate the chance of a collision.
The order is set by axis machine data
$MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR (Default 1)
Possible entries:-
0 = no referencing cycle participation.
1 to 15 = allowable range for setting the sequence.
-1 = no reference required for Cycle start.
B084: END
Module Description:
The PLC periphery components of the 828D controller are connected to the Profinet network.
Periphery components are used to interface between the controller and the physical inputs and out-
puts of the machine.
The 828D controller uses up to five PP72/48 PN input/output modules for example, to handle signals
to coils and lamps, and signals from pressure switches, over-travel switches etc.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module the course participant will know how to configure and install
Siemens machine control panels (MCPs) and PP72/48 periphery I/O modules.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Connections and
Description and
Profinet MCP:
Description and
Description and
of two MCPs
Connections and
Notes :
MCP483 USB: Front Layout with Custom Key Identification (S10 - 24 & S31 - 39)
VAR S16 S17 S18 S37 S38 S39
Notes :
MCP310 USB: Front Layout with Custom Key Identification (S10 - 18, S21 - 24 & S31 - 39)
Stop S13 S14 S15 S34 S35 S36
Notes :
MCP416 USB: Front Layout with Custom Key Identification (S10 - 24 & S31 - 39)
Notes :
Milling: Turning:
Notes :
Input images (DB1000 & DB1001) for MCP483, MCP310 and MCP416
Note: Further information regarding the use of a Profinet MCP via DB1000 & DB1001 interface is described in the last section of
this module.
User Data 1 [r/w]
Notes :
Ouput images (DB1100 & DB1101) for MCP483, MP310 and MCP416
Note: Further information regarding the use of a Profinet MCP via the DB1100 & DB1101 interfaces is described in the last sec-
tion of this module.
User Data 2 [r/w]
Operating mode
0007 - - - - - - - -
0010 - - - - - - - -
0011 - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - DP2 DP1
1) MCP310 USB: Preassigned as Coolant. MCP483 USB and MCP416 USB: Freely assignable customer key.
2) Not available for MCP310 USB, for MCP483 USB and MCP416 USB: Freely assignable customer key.
Notes :
The MCP USB has a 2-position 7-segment display. To output a character, write the ASCII code as hexadecimal value of the
character to the output image. For the signs q, b, r, d, t, y, n, o, only the code works for the capital letters
Example: To display the number “2“, you must write hexadecimal value 32 and for "p" the hexadecimal value 50 write to
the output image.
ASCII-character table
Value = -1 no MCP
Value = 1 MCP USB
The MCP USB LEDs will no longer flash following the NCK
Notes :
MCP483 PN: Front Layout with Custom Key Identification (T1 - T16)
Note:- Cycle stop, Feed stop & Spindle stop signals are inverted i.e. Normally closed.
Notes :
X54 X60 X61
X31 X51
X30 H2
H1 X21
Notes :
Key- Key- Spindle start Spindle stop Feed Feed NC Start NC Stop
IB114 switch switch posi- start stop
position 0 tion 2
IB123 KT9
Spindle override
E (16) D (8) C (4) B (2) A (1)
Notes :
MCP310 PN: Front Layout with Custom Key Identification (T1 - T16)
Note:- Cycle stop, Feed stop & Spindle stop-signals are inverted i.e. Normally closed.
Notes :
X54 X60 X61
X31 X51
X30 H1 X21
Notes :
The following tables show the interface signals for an MCP310 PN with the recommended start address of 112.
IB112 *NC Stop Spindle - Spindle Spindle + Single block JOG MDA AUTO
NC Start Spindle right *Spindle Spindle left Key-switch REF REPOS Teach IN
IB113 stop position 3
Feedrate override
IB115 Reset Key-switch Key-switch E (16) D (8) C (4) B (2) A (1)
Axis selection
T16 KT6(X52.3) 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis Z Y X
IB118 T9 T10 T11 T12 WCS MCS T13 T14 T15
IB119 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
IB122 KT8 KT7 KT6 KT5 KT4 KT3 KT2 KT1
IB123 KT9
Spindle override
E (16) D (8) C (4) B (2) A (1)
QB112 NC Stop Spindle Dec. Spindle Spindle Inc. Single Block JOG MDA AUTO
NC Spindle Spindle RESET REF REPOS Teach In
QB113 Spindle left
start right Stop
QB114 Feed Start Feed Stop INC var. INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1
QB116 Minus Plus Rapid trav- KT5 KT4 KT3 KT2 KT1
Direction Direction erse
QB117 T16 KT6 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis Z Y X
T9 T10 T11 T12 MCS/WCS T13 T14 T15
QB119 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
Notes :
Additional MCP PN I/O via Interfaces X51 to X55: Input Assignment (X51, X52 & X55):
The outputs terminals are supplied with +24Vdc from the MCP.
No external voltages should be applied to the input and output I122.6
terminals. 1
M (0 volts)
X53 X54
Q119.0 Q119.3
1 1
Q119.1 Q119.4
2 2
Q119.2 Q119.5
3 3
M (0 volts) M (0 volts)
4 4
Notes :
There are two variants, one of which is all digital while the
second offers both digital and analogue functionality. X111
828D Software Max. number of PP72/48 modules
24x 3
26x 4
28x & 28xA 5
X2 X2
Port Port
Part numbers: 6FC5311-0AA00-0AA0 Digital only 2 1 X333
(PP72/48D PN)
6FC5311-0AA00-1AA0 Digital/analogue
(PP72/48 2/2A PN)
LED functionality:
H3 PNFault Red Off: No errors present, data exchange with all configured
I/O devices is running.
On: Serious bus fault due to one the following:
• No physical connection to a subnet/switch.
• Incorrect transmission rate.
• Full duplex transmission is not activated.
Notes :
*Note: The first input byte of X222 has FAST gating hardware.
Input information:
X222, byte 1 - maximum delay time - 600μs.
All other inputs, delay time - 0.5 to 3ms.
Notes :
Notes :
Recommended MD12986 use: Example: MD12986 for use with MCP and one PP72/48
Machine data Device Start Address/ Activation
Default Setting Setting
12986[0] 1st PP72/48 0 -1
12986[1] 2nd PP72/48 9 -1
12986[2] 3rd PP72/48 18 -1
12986[3] 4th PP72/48 27 -1
12986[4] 5th PP72/48 36 -1
12986[5] PN/PN Coupler 96 -1
12986[6] MCP 112 -1
12986[7] Reserved
12986[8] Sentron PAC 132 -1 The machine data is activated by an NCK power off/on.
12986[9] Sentron PAC 144 -1
12986[10]... Reserved
When two MCPs are to be connected, observe the following: It is possible to use the MCP Data Block interface for the
Profinet MCP rather than the PLC I/O interface.
• USB MCP always uses the DB interface.
Machine data to be set:
• Profinet MCP can use either PLC I/O or DB interface.
• If two MCPs are used, one must be the USB type and 19720 $MN_PLC_FUNCTION_MASK
one must be Profinet type. Bit 0 : Profinet MCP via DB = 1
MCP 1 12950[0] $MN_PLC_MCP_CONNECT = 1 The PLC user program needs to be edited to ensure the cor-
MCP 2 12950[1] $MN_PLC_MCP_CONNECT = 0 rect transfer of signals between MCPs and the user interface.
More information is found in Module B026.
Value = -1 no MCP
Value = 1 MCP USB
There are four PLC interface DBs to handle the two MCPs:
MD Inputs Outputs
Notes :
Module Description:
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will know how to use the PLC828 programming tool to:
• Create a PLC program
• Upload a PLC project from the controller to a computer
• Download a PLC project to the controller from a computer
• Use the diagnostic functions of the Programming Tool
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Creating a PLC
PLC Symbol
Design Tables
S7-200 PLC
Cyclic Cross
Operation Referencing
General PLC
Interface Data Blocks
Creating a Comparing
Project grams
(PLC Part 1)
Notes :
PLC Design
The PLC design requirements have been put in place so that there is compatibility across machines fitted with the 828D control-
Definition Description
5 Network logic: Long and simple is better than short and complex
8 Indirect addressing should not be used, only use absolute operand names in the program.
9 The servo-synchronous task should only be used when the absolutely necessary.
• The servo task is not called from OB! It is therefore difficult for the customer/dealer to
be aware of its presence.
11 Symbols should be available for all periphery signals, these should be the same as the elec-
trical diagram.
15 Maintenance Planner should be used for the planning of service intervals on the machine.
Notes :
The S7-200 PLC works cyclically, at the beginning of the scan the status of the inputs is copied to the Process Image Table
This is then applied to the user PLC logic.
The Subroutines are processed in the order they appear in OB1.
This means that, for example, an output set early in the scan might be reset later in the scan. It is the command that appears
later in the scan that takes priority.
When the scan is complete the results are transferred to the Process Image Table (Outputs) which is then physically output to
the machine periphery devices.
The diagram below shows the position of the Interrupt Blocks INT_100 and INT_101.
Their position enables them to be used to influence the state of the inputs and outputs without making changes to the main user
Beginning of Scan
Process Image Table At the beginning of the scan, the status of the inputs is
transferred to the Process Image Table.
Interrupt INT_100 The INT_100 interrupt block can be used to influence
the Process Image Table (Inputs).
End of Scan
Notes :
C Counters C0 to C63
I Digital Inputs I0.0 to I256.3
Q Digital Outputs Q0.0 to Q256.3
M Marker M0.0 to M999.7
SM Special Marker SM0.0 to SM0.6 (see below)
A ACCU AC0 to AC3 (DWord)
Bit Number (0 to 7)
Offset (000 to 999)
Section (0 to 9)
Area Number (00 to 99)
User Area (10 to 99)
Special Markers
The interface structure also consists of “Special Markers” (Flags) which are a set of operands to be used at the convenience of
the user throughout the PLC program
SM bits Description
SM0.0 Flag with defined ONE signal
SM0.1 Initial setting: first PLC cycle ’1’, following cycles ’0’
SM0.2 Buffered data lost - only valid in first PLC cycle (’0’ data ok, ’1’ data lost)
SM0.3 Power On: first PLC cycle ’1’, following cycles ’0’
SM0.4 60 s cycle (alternating ’0’ for 30 s, then ’1’ for 30 s)
SM0.5 1 s cycle (alternating ’0’ for 0.5 s, then ’1’ for 0.5 s
SM0.6 PLC cycle (alternating one cycle ’0’, then one cycle ’1’)
Variables that can only be read are identified with [r]
Variables that can be read and written to are identified with [r/w]
Notes :
The PLC interface Data Blocks are used for interfacing between the PLC, HMI, NC & Drives.
The following Table shows a brief description of the interface Data Blocks. For a more detailed description please refer to Ap-
pendix C.
Notes :
Toolbox Examples
Notes :
Enter a suitable
name for the project.
Notes :
Double-clicking the net work title text will reveal the comments The other networks contain calls to subroutines. Additional
regarding the use of the example files. information about the subroutines can be seen when the net-
work comments are double-clicked.
Double-click Double-click
Notes :
X =1
Y =2
Z =3
Sp = 4
A =5
The PLC project now has MCP functionality, however, as The Subroutine needs to be copied into the existing project
mentioned previously, there are two more example projects containing the MCP logic.
required (Hand-wheel.ptp & Program_control.ptp) for the PLC This is achieved by the right click/copy/paste functions of the
step 1 commissioning phase. mouse.
With the current PLC project open, also open the example
project Hand-wheel.ptp.
Notes :
The properties dialogue box of the Subroutine is opened auto- The subroutine will now appear in the “Program Block” folder:
The properties can be edited if required.
The comments for the Program-control.ptp, network 3, show The Data Block (DB9051) is located in the User Data Block
that Data Block DB9051 is also required. The DB needs to be folder. This needs to be copied and pasted using the same
copied to the new project. method that was used for the subroutines.
Viewing the comments: Copying the Data Block from the Program-control.ptp
Notes :
This should be pasted to an unused network e.g. Network 3 This subroutines are located in the Subroutines folder
Notes :
The target for the sub- It is also possible to drag and drop the subroutines to the cor-
routine, indicated by rect place in the network.
the black rectangle.
Notes :
PLC Part 1 is now complete. The call to the subroutines in PLC Project with USB MCP:
OB1 are shown below. The project is now ready for download-
ing to the controller. If a USB type MCP is to be used there are also PLC examples
in the toolbox.
There are only two example projects, one for milling, one for
No separate projects for MCP483/MCP310 types.
OB1 containing the important comments/disclaimer and the Completed PLC step 1 for USB milling type MCP.
calls to the USB subroutines:
Notes :
Uploading and Downloading PLC projects The PLC type can be selected from the drop down list or, if
there is it can be read automatically via the Read PLC button.
The PLC project (Part 1) is now complete and can be down-
loaded to the controller.
The machine control panel will then be fully functional.
HMI functions such as Program Test (PRT), Mode selection
etc. will also be possible.
New project
A warning is given regarding the use of older programs and Certain selections can be made with regards to what is to be
later software. included in the upload.
PLC type has automatically been automatically set.
Select the OK button to continue:
Notes :
Notes :
The option to download the project in stop or run mode is of- To start the PLC, select the Run button on the toolbar.
fered along with a warning about the dangers of downloaded
in run mode.
Run button.
Editing PLC projects (PLC Part 2): The subroutine will be assigned the next available number.
The number and name can be changed if required.
Editing of the PLC project examples will be required to suit Comments and information about the author can also be
individual machine requirements. added.
It may also be necessary to create new subroutines.
Subroutines can be added via the Edit drop down menu. Example subroutine for axis enables:
Notes :
The contacts and coils are found in the Bit Logic folder Help Functionality:
Notes :
Instructions known as coils are used for switching outputs and Insert a coil and assign it to Q0.0.
interface signals. Network comments can also be added.
Notes :
Controller Enable
A branch will be inserted: Position the rectangle to the left of the 2nd coil and use the
branch key as described previously
Notes :
Pulse Enable
Measuring Circuit Selection Example - 1st measuring circuit selection for X & Y axes:
Interface Signal
Axis Measuring Circuit 1 Measuring Circuit 2
X DB3800.DBX1.5 DB3800.DBX1.6
Y DB3801.DBX1.5 DB3801.DBX1.6
Z DB3802.DBX1.5 DB3802.DBX1.6
Spindle DB3803.DBX1.5 DB3803.DBX1.6 The project should be saved/compiled and downloaded to the
A DB3804.DBX1.5 DB3804.DBX1.6
Notes :
The status of the drives can be viewed in the diagnostics area. Missing interface signals/fault conditions will result in some of
The status is dependant on the status of the interface signals, the green symbols being replaced by yellow or red symbols.
as well as other conditions such as an active fault.
Example - the result of missing the controller enable signal for
Example - A healthy system with the required interface bits each axis (DB380x.DBX2.1)
active. The axes are ready to be jogged etc.
Notes :
Symbol Tables Selecting the Symbol Table icon, found on the left
side, also displays the Symbol Tables:
The project contains predefined symbol tables which can be
The symbol tables for the inputs and outputs, (PP_1, PP_2,
PP_3, PP_4, PP_5) should be edited to assist with the fault
finding process.
The symbols used should match those of the electrical dia-
Notes :
Right click Insert Symbol table
Cross Referencing
Right click in the Symbol table to rename, if required:
A Cross Reference table can be created, this lists information
about individual operands such as which blocks they are used
in and can greatly assist maintenance personnel with the fault
finding process.
Notes :
Following the compile procedure the cross reference list will By using the mouse double click function it is possible to open
be displayed. up the subroutine where the instruction is used.
Symbol information will be displayed if selected.
Tabs for selecting Cross Reference, Byte Usage and Bit Us-
age formats.
The Byte Usage table allows you to see which bytes, from The Bit Usage table allows you to see which memory address-
which memory areas, have been used in your program. It also es, down to the bit level, have been used in your program. It
helps you recognise duplicate-assignment errors. also helps you recognise duplicate-assignment errors.
b Indicates that a bit of memory has been assigned. b Indicates that a bit of memory has been assigned.
B Indicates that a byte of memory has been assigned. B Indicates that a byte of memory has been assigned.
W Indicates that a word (16 bits) has been assigned. W Indicates that a word (16 bits) has been assigned.
D Indicates that a double word (32 bits) has been assigned. D Indicates that a double word (32 bits) has been assigned.
Notes :
A Data Block is used for handling interface signals and data in There are many User Interface Data Blocks for interfacing
various formats. between the controller and the user PLC.
The system requires Data Blocks in order to interface between Their functionality is predetermined and include functionality,
the controller and the user PLC. for example, to control/monitor an axis.
The system data blocks are part of the PLC282 project, by
default, and can be found in the Data Block\User Interface
area. A selection of System Data Blocks, found in the User Interface
User Data Blocks can also be created . These are stored in folder, relating to axis functions:
the Data Block\User Data Blocks area.
The contents of a Data Block can be viewed by double Clicking on it. DB3800 handles the signals from User PLC to the User
Double click
Notes :
Data Blocks - User Data Blocks: The properties of the Data Block can be changed and infor-
mation added:
User Data Blocks, with a few exceptions, are created by the
user for many different purposes.
Some of the example PLC828 projects use User Data Blocks.
The PLC Project that was created earlier in this module con-
tains two User Data Blocks (DB9051 & DB9053).
These work in conjunction with the logic in the Subroutines to
ensure correct operation of the MCP & Program control func-
Right Click on the User Data Blocks folder and select Insert
Data Block:
The Data Block now appears in the User Data Blocks folder:
Notes :
Various Data Types can be used in various Formats Data Types Format Drop Down Menu:
(Depending on the Data Type): Drop Down Menu: (Depends on the Data Type):
Integer Signed
Initial Values:
Notes :
The values are the same as the Initial Values that were set in
the PLC Project.
Notes :
The Current Value column displays the online value from the online PLC.
The Data Block online values can be changed using the New Value column.
Enter the new value and confirm with the Write All button.
If a value is written to the online PLC, the data will be different from the offline.
If the PLC Project were to be uploaded/downloaded one of the differences would be overwritten.
Careful consideration should be given when changing data in this way.
Notes :
Special data Blocks: Example: To add a Special Data Block to a project use the
mouse right click/copy function and paste into the Data
Special Data Blocks are part of the PLC828 Programming Block\User data Block folder:
Tool but, unlike the User Interface Data Blocks, they are not
automatically included in a project. Instead, they have to be
manually added to the project, depending on what functionality
is required.
Tool management
Tool management
Tool management
Service Planner
Service Planner
Easy Extend
Control Energy
Sentron PAC
Spindle temperature sensor
The Special Data Blocks are described in more detail in
the relevant training module e.g. Tool management.
Notes :
The compare results are displayed at the bottom of the Pro- The comparison indicates a difference in the Axis_Enables
gramming Tool. subroutine, network 6, row 1, column 1, operand: I0.6.
Example: Comparison with differences: The offline PLC - Axis enables, network 6:
Notes :
Importing & Exporting PLC Archives Locate the setup archive to be loaded:
Importing Archives:
It is possible to import Setup archives (.ard extension) into
the Programming Tool.
Notes :
Notes :
Module Description:
The Sinumerik 828D uses the in-built S7-200 PLC. Programming is performed with the software
package PLC828. This modules describes the instructions available to the user.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will know the PLC828 Programming Tool instruction list.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
S7-200 PLC
Compare Or
Functions Functions
Convert Move
Functions Functions
Point Shift/Rotate
Number Functions
Integer Timer
Functions Functions
Interrupt Libraries
S7-200 PLC
Invert Instructions:
Functions END
Notes :
Bit- This refers to a single element of logic e.g. I6.0, Q5.5, As with the Byte format the numbering starts from the right.
M100.6, DB3804.DBX2.1. Example IW4
The Bit part is the number after the decimal point. The value of IB5 IB4
a bit is either 1 or 0. Bit no 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Byte- A Byte is a collective of 8 bits of logic in the same group.
e.g. In this example I4.0, I4.1, I4.4, I4.5, I4.6, I5.1, I5.2, I5.5, I5.7.
Input Byte 4 (IB4) contains the bits I4.0, I4.1, I4.2, I4.3, I4.4, are equal to 1.
I4.5, I4.6, I4,7. Output Words (QW) and Marker Words (MB) can also be used
When working with bytes it must be remembered that the num- in the same way.
bering counts up from the right as shown below.
IB4 Double Word- A Double Word is a collective of 32 bits of logic
Bit no 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 which encompasses two consecutive Words (Four consecu-
Value 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 tive Bytes).
In this example I4.0, I4.2, I4.5 & I4.7 are equal to 1. Another A Double Word can only be addressed as 0 or an even num-
term for being equal to 1 is that these bits are High. ber which is a multiple of four, (ID0, ID4, ID8, ID12 etc) odd
The bits equal to 0 are termed as being Low. numbers are not allowed.
Output Bytes (QB) and Marker Bytes (MB) can also be used in Example ID4
the same way. IB7 IB6 IB5 IB4
Bit no 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Word- A Word is a collective of 16 bits of logic which encom- Value 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
passes two consecutive Bytes.
Output Double Words (QD) and Marker Double Words (MD)
can also be used in the same way.
Bit Logic Function The PLC program is built up of a series of blocks called sub-
Instruction Tree:- routines. The blocks contain networks, the user PLC is written
The instructions are found in the menu tree to the left of the into these networks.
main programming area.
The first instruction category in the list is Bit Logic. This group
is the simplest of the instructions.
The individual items in the Bit Logic area are referred to as
These operands need to be addressed, the type of address
depends upon the
The instructions are divided into different sections, these are Outputs:- Outputs are used to switch on relays, contactors,
expanded by clicking on the “+” symbol. solenoids, lamps etc. and are identified by the letter Q e.g.
Q4.1. They can be used as coils or contacts, they can also
appear in Byte, Word and Double Word formats.
Notes :
Program Q4.0 = 0 or Q4.0 = 1 or When the operand is high (Equal to one) the contact will be
Status Icon Low High closed and the logic will be true.
When the logic is true the centre of the contact will be col-
In the terms of an electrical device the contact will be closed
Coils: and current can flow.
Not operands.
The Not operand is used to reverse the state of the logic. i.e.
A status of one will become a status of zero while a status of
zero will become a status of one.
I6.0 = 0 (Low) I6.0 = 1 or (High)
I6.2 = 1 but Q4.2 remains low because the not operand inverts
the signal.
I6.2 = 0 but Q4.2 is high because the not operand inverts the
Notes :
An unfinished network.
If the program is in the development stages then a “No Oper-
When I6.3 changes from 0 to 1, Q4.3 will become high for one ation” operand can be inserted, this prevents the network
scan of the PLC cycle from being operational and allows the program to be compiled
and loaded to the controller.
Negative Transition operands.
Immediate Outputs.
These operands are effective immediately upon activation.
The status is passed to both the physical output and the Pro-
cess Image Table (Outputs).
They are identified by the letter “I”.
IB6 = 14 and IB7 = 15, they IB6 = 14 and IB7 = 14,
are not equal so the status they are equal so the
is low. Q5.0 = 0. status is high. Q5.0 = 1.
Output Immediate Set Immediate Reset Immediate Compare bytes for not being equal.
Notes :
Compare bytes for being less than or equal. Compare bytes for being less than
IB6 = 14 and IB7 = 7, IB6 is IB6 = 6 and IB7 = 7, IB6 is IB6 = 15 and IB7 = 14, IB6 IB6 = 6 and IB7 = 7, IB6 is
greater than IB7 so the status less than IB7 so the status is greater than IB7 so the less than IB7 so the status
is low Q5.3 = 0. is high. Q5.3 = 1 status is low. Q5.5 = 0. is high. Q5.5 = 1.
This would also be the
case if the values were
The same principle applies to the other number formats of Inte-
ger, Double Integer and Real
Compare bytes for being greater than Convert Functions
Convert functions are used to change one number format into
The functions available are:-
Double Integer to Real
Binary Coded Decimal to Integer
IB6 = 6 and IB7 = 7, IB6 is IB6 = 15 and IB7 = 14, IB6 Integer to Binary Coded Decimal
less than IB7 so the status is greater than IB7 so the
is false. Q5.4 = 0. status is high. Q5.4 = 1. When the block is inserted into the network it needs to be pa-
rameterised. The input is the number that is to be converted, the
output is the result of the conversion.
The number format of the input and output is dependant on the
type of conversion i.e. word, double word, byte.
The source and destination of the input/output can be a System/
User Variable, Input, Output or Marker.
Notes :
Integer to Binary Coded Decimal. Count up counters are used to monitor the rising edge of a
signal, each time a rising edge is detected on the CU input the
This function will convert a value from an integer to BCD . count value will increment by one.
Permitted ranges: The count can be reset at any time by setting the R input from
low to high.
HEX BCD Decimal When the counter is first selected in the user program it needs
to be given a name (Available range C0 to C63).
Minimum 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 0 A preset value is entered in the PV input field as an integer,
Maximum 1001 1001 1001 1001 9999 9999 when the count value is equal to or above this value the coun-
ter will be true. The counter operand (e.g. C1) can then be
used elsewhere in the user PLC program.
Example: When input I6.3 is true the value in MW18 (96) will
be converted into an BCD and the result placed in MW16.(96 Below: A counter selected in the user program but not yet
= 0000000010010110) Output Q4.6 will become high provided parameterised.
that the value in MW0 is within the ranges specified above and
I6.3 remains high. The name of the counter
needs to be entered here
e.g. C1
Counter functions
Count up counters A preset value is
entered here e.g 10
Below: Network 19 count up counter C1. The count value can Below: Network 19 count-up counter C1. The count value can
be seen to be equal to six, this mean that the CU input (I6.4) be seen to be equal to ten, this means that the CU input (I6.4)
has detected a rising edge on 6 occasions since the reset has detected a rising edge on 10 occasions since the reset
(I6.4) was triggered. (I6.4) was triggered.
Network 20 is an example of how the counter can be used in Network 20 is an example of how the counter (C1) can be
the PLC logic. In this case the preset value (PV) of 10 has not used in the PLC logic. In this case the preset value (PV) of 10
been reached so the status is low. has been reached so the status is high, this results in output
Q4.7 being switched high.
The C1 operand will remain high until the reset input R (I6.5)
Counter C1 with a detects a rising edge. The count value stored in C1 will then
count value of 6. be set back to zero.
C1 count value = 10
Notes :
Countdown counters
Counter C2 with a
count value of 4.
Notes :
Below:-Countdown counter C2 showing a count value of 10 A preset value (PV) can be entered. The counter operand will
after the LD input detected a rising edge from input I7.1. This become high if the actual count value matches or is above this
also results in the C2 operand becoming false as seen in net- preset value. As soon as the value less than the preset value
work 22. the counter operand will become low.
The stored count value can be
C2 count value = 10 reset at any time by setting the
The counter C3 has
reset input (R) to high
a count value of 10
which is equal to the
preset value.
Below:- When the count value is less than the preset value the Below:- When the count value is more than the preset value
the C3 operand will be high. In this example the count value
C3 operand will be low. In this example the count value is 9
is 11 after the count-up input I7.3 was switched from low to
after the countdown input I7.4 was switched from low to high.
Notes :
Values to be added:
IN1 32 bit real number
IN2 32 bit real number added to IN1
OUT 32 bit real number
MD100 has been assigned to IN1 and has a value of 16.0
Confirmation:- MD104 has been assigned to IN2 and has a value of 2.0
ENO Bit goes high if operation successful
Below:- Input I9.0 is high and the ADD function has been per-
Below:- The ADD function prior to parameterisation. formed. The result is placed in MD108. The ENO output is
high which sets output Q6.0 high, this indicates that the ADD
function was a success.
Notes :
ENO Bit goes high if the operation was successful. MD100 has been
assigned to IN1 and
Below:-Examples of adding/subtracting Integers and double has a value of 16.0 MD208 - MD212 = MD240
integers. Subtracting Double Inte- (9000) - (3000) = (6000)
Notes :
Multiplication of integers.
This function multiplies two words and converts the result into
a double word.
Division of integers.
Notes :
Invert Byte
Invert Word
To locate the chart status area select the following icon on the
And Word
And Byte
Notes :
OR Word
OR Double Word
Exclusive Or Functions
The Exclusive OR function compares two bytes, words or dou-
ble words. If either one but not both of the corresponding bits
are high the relevant output bit will be set.
If either input but not both
are high M238.x will be set
Exclusive OR Byte
This equivalent operation when written in ladder format is
seen below:-
Exclusive OR Byte
Notes :
Program Control
Jump Instruction to Label 1 is active.
Jump Instruction & Labels
I7.2 does not switch Q8.7 because the
The Jump Instructions and labels are used together. When program jumps to Label 1.
the Jump is activated the program will skip to the Label spec-
ified by the Jump.
The Jump Instruction needs to be parameterised with the
number of the label to be jumped to. The available range is
from 0 to 255.
The jump instruction has to be used in the same program-
ming block.
Notes :
Q9.3 remains low despite I7.7 being high. The Conditional End Instruction is active.
This is
because I7.7 was set high after the Condi-
tional Return was activated.
I6.2 is high which but Q4.1 remains low. This
is because program end is now in the previ-
ous network.
Conditional End Instruction.
The Conditional End Instruction is used only in OB1 and re- When the Conditional End Instruction is active, no further pro-
sults in the program scan restarting at the beginning of OB1. cessing takes place.
No further operations after the Conditional End will be pro- Outputs, markers etc which were already high will remain so
cessed. until influenced from elsewhere in the program.
Example of how the Conditional End Instruction might be Shift Left Byte.
The shift Left Byte function allows the bits within a byte to be
moved to the left by up to 8 places. In the example below the
contents of IB9(IN) will be shifted left by 4 places (N). The
result will be placed in MB100 (OUT) The maximum number of
places that can be moved is eight. If a larger number is en-
tered the value will default to eight.
The Conditional End Instruction is not active.
Notes :
Below:-The Chart Status shows that status of IB9 has been The contents of a Word can be shifted left or right in the same
shifted left by four places and the result placed in MB100. way that the contents of a Byte can be shifted. The maximum
number of moves is 16.
Shift Right Byte. Below:-Examples of shifting words.
The Shift Right Byte function operates in the same way as the
Shift Left Byte, except that the move is to the right. Shift Left:
Below:-Example of a Shift Right Byte by 2 places operation.
The Results:
Shift Right:
The Results:
Shift Left Double Word & Shift Right Double Word
Notes :
On-Delay Timer
Below:- The time value of T1 has gone beyond the PT value. Retentive On-Delay Timer
As a result the T1 operand in network 8 is high and has
switched output Q5.0 high.
The Retentive On-Delay Timer works in the same way as the
ON-Delay Timer except that when the IN signal is removed the
Timer operand remains high. The Timer operand will need to
T1 value be reset by the user which also resets the time value to zero.
surpassed Below:- Retentive On-Delay timer T2 has been triggered by
the PT I7.1 and the time value has passed the 10 second PT value
value of 50 (100 x 100ms = 10 seconds). The T2 operand is high and has
switched Q5.1 high.
T1 operand is now
high, Q5.0 is also
high as result
Below: Input I7.0 has gone low and the T1 time value is reset
to zero. The T1 operand also goes low as a result.
Notes :
The Input I7.1 is now low, T2 has stopped counting but retains Off-Delay Timer
the count value. The T2 operand remains high. If I7.1 be-
comes high again the time value in T2 will continue. The Off-Delay Timer T3 shown below monitors the IN input.
When this input is high, the T3 operand is also high as seen in
network 12.
Timer retains the When the timer detects a falling edge on the IN input the time
count value value in T3 will count up, when this value reaches the value of
PT (75 x 100ms = 7.5 seconds) the T3 operand will be set to
The timer is reset using the Reset function which can be seen
in network 8 below.
The Off-Delay Timer T3 shown below monitors the IN input. The Timer has counted up to the PT value, as a result the T3
When this input is high, the T3 operand is also high as seen in operand has been reset to zero. The timer value is reset to
network 12. zero when the IN input goes from low to high.
When the timer detects a falling edge on the IN input the time
value in T3 will count up, when this value reaches the value of
PT (75 x 100ms = 7.5 seconds) the T3 operand will be set to
Notes :
Interrupt Routines
INT_0 Executed synchronously with the servo cycle The various data blocks are explained in the relevant mod-
INT_100 Executed immediately prior to the MAIN routine ules.
INT_101 Executed immediately after to the MAIN routine
B019: END
Notes :
Module Description:
• Initialise ASUP
• Start ASUP
• Reset password
• Save data
• Tool reloading
• Read axis positions
• Read and write NC variables
• Exchange data between the NC and PLC
• Control an axis from the PLC
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to perform the above listed PLC tasks.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
PI Services
and Writing
of NC Data
Notes :
LIFTFAST: When the ASUP is requested, fast retraction of There are no PI parameters required for _N_DASAVE.
the tool from the contour takes place prior to the ASUP run- PI Service: TMMVTL - Tool Reloading via the PLC
PI Index (DB1200.DBB4001) Function
BLSYNC: When the ASUP is requested, the current program
block is processed prior to the ASUP running. 5 Initiate order for tool reloading
Notes :
The following interface signals are reserved for use with the PI Services function.
4000 Start
4001 PI-Index
4004 PI-Parameter 1
4006 PI-Parameter 2
4022 PI-Parameter 10
PLC NCK [r/w]
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0000 Asup 1
0001 Asup 2
0002 Asup 3
0003 Asup 4
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Notes :
A subroutine should be created in which to write the PLC code to initialise and start the ASUP.
Notes :
The ASUP will run in all modes. Any program running in automatic mode will be interrupted while the ASUP runs, this program
will then continue when the ASUP has finished.
Notes :
The active password will be deleted and the access level will be determined by the key-switch position.
The following example can be used for automatically backing-up the RAM on the internal flash card. There is no screen display
showing that a data back-up is being carried out. Interface signals are used to show a successful PI Service.
Notes :
The actual position and distance to go of an axis can be read in the PLC.
The following PLC interface areas are reserved for this function.
Notes :
Reading and Writing of NC Data The parameter values which are obtained from the NC Varia-
ble Editor point to the storage location within the NC which
During the manufacturing process it may be necessary to are required as destination or as source, determined by a
have data available to the NC program from the automation READ or WRITE function.
system in order to optimize the NC machining process.
This could take the form of a numerical value being trans- The NC Variable Editor is part of the 828D PLC Program-
ferred to an R Parameter or a machine setting data receiving ming Tool.
from the automation system an optimised value.
In the opposite direction it may be necessary to influence the
automation system dependent upon the current NC machining
process, positional data available in the automation system is
an example of this.
Notes :
DB1201 Var 2
Variable from
DB1200 Var 1 DB9910-9912
- Index DBB1000
- Data from NC
NC Data
Writing NC Data
parameters DB1207 Var 8
DB1201 Var 2
Variable from
DB1200 Var 1 DB9910-9912
- Index DBB1000
- Data to NC
Each variable that is to be processed in a job, must be speci- Up to eight variables can be addressed at any one time, iden-
fied in the variable-specific job interface via its parameters. tified by substituting a number (0 to 7) in place of the 4th digit
of the DB number. Example:
Operable variables: DB1200.DBB1000 - 1st variable
DB1201.DBB1000 - 2nd variable
The selected NC variables are specified via the DB9910 data DB1202.DBB1000 - 3rd variable etc.
block (selected NC variable). The length of the data block
depends on the number of NC variables selected in the varia- Note:
bles list. The variables list can contain maximum 42 selected
NC variables. Channel-specific variables:
When reading/writing channel-specific variables, only the
Up to three variable lists, with in each case maximum 42 se- variables of exactly one channel may be addressed in a job.
lected NC variables (DB9910-9912), are possible.
Drive-specific variables:
When reading/writing drive-specific variables, only the varia-
bles of exactly one SERVO drive object may be addressed in
a job. The SERVO drive object must be assigned to a ma-
chine axis of the NC. The line index corresponds to the logical
drive number.
Error case:
In the event of an error, reading/writing variables from differ-
ent drive objects, or simultaneously from a channel and a
drive object, an error message is output:
DB1200.DBX3000.1 == 1 (error occurred)
Notes :
0000 Start
*1) Only for predefined variables of the "Read/write NC variable" user interface (available owing to compatibility)
*2) Only for variables from DB9910-9912 NC_DATA
2000 Error in job
Notes :
*1) Only for predefined variables of the "Read/write NC variable" user interface (available owing to compatibility)
*2) Only for variables from DB9910-9912 NC_DATA
0001 Syntax ID
0002 Area
0003 Unit
0008 Block
0010 Type
0011 Length
etc ...
0503 Length
Notes :
Generate Special data block (DB9910-9912) By compiling the PLC Project the suitable data blocks are
generated from the variable lists.
The Selected NC Variables folder contains all selected NC
Variables. A new list can be inserted via Right click on the
Selected NC Variables folder. Up to three lists are possible.
Compile PLC
project to gen-
erate DBs
Type 100 - 225: Variable from DB9910-9912 NC_DATA - The value of a variable can be read/written.
*1) Only for variables from DB9910-9912 NC_DATA with parameter ”Unit” = 0
*2) Only for variables from DB9910-9912 NC_DATA with parameter ”Line index” = 0
*3) Only for variables from DB9910-9912 NC_DATA with parameter ”Column index” = 0
Notes :
1001 Bereichsnummer -
Not used 1001 Bereichsnummer -
when DB9910
1002 Line index - - DBB3>0 1002 Line index 12 12=R11
- DBW4>0 =12th RP
1004 Column index - - DBW6>0 1004 Column index -
Result Result
NC Variable 1 NC Variable 2
Notes :
Steps to achieve function: Locate the NC Variables folder. The folder contains two lists,
one each for the NC variables and the drive parameters. R
Before parameterising the PLC user interface the address of parameters are found in the NC variables list.
the variable has to be known, and stored in a user Data
This is carried out with the NC Variable Editor tool.
In order to create the address data the following steps should
be followed:
All available NC variables are listed: To narrow down the list it is possible to apply a filter:
Notes :
Detailed rpa variable information see help file on DOConCD, The required variables need to be selected, double-click on
e.g. Parameter Manual NC variables: the rpa row:
Notes :
The Row number for the first variable is set to 11. The chosen variable can now be seen in the lower half of the
(= First R parameter = R10). NC Variables selection area:
The Row number for the second variable is set to 0. This of- The second variable can now be seen in the lower half of the
fers more flexibility by allowing the R parameter number to be NC Variables selection area:
selected via the user PLC Interface DB1200.DBW1002.
Notes :
Notes :
Start signal.
Notes :
R parameter 10 is used in the example, Cursor to R10 and When the start signal is set to high, the value in R10 will be
enter a value, confirm with the “Input” key. Example R10 = 25. transferred to DB1200.DBD3016.
Notes :
Start signal.
The 828D controller has a 4095 byte memory area for use
with data exchange between the NC program and PLC.
The function is also available with SYNACT.
Notes :
This can be checked in the Chart Status of the PLC828 pro- This can be checked in the R parameter area of the controller:
gramming tool:
It is possible to control a servo axis using the PLC interface. Various interface signals are available for this task.
A tool magazine is an example of when a PLC controlled axis could be used.
Notes :
Start posi-
3000 tioning axis
3004 Position (Real number for variable positioning, double word when using fixed index positions)
PLC axis/
0008 spindle
Prior to commissioning a PLC axis it is necessary to declare the axis as a PLC axis.
It is possible to do this permanently via Axis machine data 30460 or using interface signals to switch between PLC/NC control.
The following example shows how to position a PLC axis using a variable from the PLC interface.
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
The axis will now move the position entered into the 5th value (Index 4) of General Machine data 10910
B033: END
Notes :
Module Description:
The SINUMERIK 828D system offers various possibilities for diagnosis, one of which is displaying
alarms and messages.
Alarms and messages are generated to indicate the machine status and faults in the control unit,
drive system or machine. They are used to assist the user with identifying the cause of machine stop-
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand the alarm and message structure of the 828D
Alarm Acknowledgement
Alarm Log
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
NCK Alarms
Alarm Log
The NCK alarm structure is divided into three areas. Each 103000 - 103999 Machine
area has been assigned a separate range of alarm/message
numbers. 104000 - 104999 Parameter
105000 - 105999 Programming
Message/Alarm 106000 - 106999 Reserved
Function range
107000 - 107999 OEM
108000 - 108999 HiGraph
000000 - 009999 General alarms
109000 - 109999 Distributed systems (M to N)
010000 - 019999 Channel alarms
110000 - 110999 Cycles
020000 - 029999 Axis/spindle alarms
111000 - 111999 ShopMill, ShopTurn
060000 - 064999 Cycle alarms SIEMENS
113000 - 113999 Expanding User Interface (Easy screen)
065000 - 069999 Cycle alarms user
114000 - 114999 HT6
070000 - 079999 Compile cycles Manufacturer and OEM
119000 - 119999 OEM
120000 - 129999 HMI advanced messages
100000 - 100999 Basic system
130000 - 139999 OEM
101000 - 101999 Diagnosis
142000 - 142099 RCS Host/Viewer
149000 - 149999 ePS
A full list of alarms can be seen in the “Diagnostics” area. To see extra information, highlight an alarm and select the
“Help” key.
The information will be displayed in a pop-up box. Help Screen Function Description:
Alarm Acknowledgement
Acknowledgement types:
Acknowledgement is via the NC keyboard “Alarm
The required acknowledgement is indicated to the right of the cancel” button.
alarm number on the alarm display line. This should not reset the machining program.
Alarm Log
This shows the time when the alarm occurred and when it
was cleared.
The “Display new” soft key is used to refresh the list and
display any alarms that have recently occurred.
Number of entries:
This sets the maximum number of alarms displayed on the
alarm log page.
This will cause less wear and tear of the CF card but still
carries similar risk of damage to the CF card.
The HMI will require restarting for the changes to become ef-
B037: END
Module Description:
Alarms and messages are essential to inform operators, maintenance personnel etc. of the state of
the machine.
Alarms and messages can be configured to have different behaviour on the operation of the ma-
User help files can be created to give a more detailed description of each alarm/message.
This module describes how the alarms and messages are activated.
The effect an alarm has on the system is described and how to acknowledge an alarm.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you can configure, activate and set the attributes of messages and
alarms and create user help files.
General Information
Alarm and Message Screens
PLC Alarm Configuration
Entering the Alarm Text
User Help Files
Alarm Log
Extended Alarm Configuration
Cycle Alarm Configuration
Program Messages Configuration
Text and Colour Configuration files
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Messages: Program
START messages
Information Text and
Alarm and
Message Alarms
Screens and
PLC Alarm
Entering the
Alarm Text
User Help
Alarm Log
Cycle Alarm
Notes :
General Information 1 2 3
The alarms/messages are sub-divided into the following ran-
Range Description
Alarms and Message Screen When alarms and messages are triggered they are separat-
ed and displayed on different screens. The time and date of
The 828D controller allows 248 user PLC alarms/messages the alarm/message occurrence is given.
to be configured (numbered 700000 to 700247).
A configurable alarm log is available to show past alarms/
Each alarm/message has an interface bit for activation messages including when they occurred and when they
(DB1600.DBX0.0 to DB1600.DBX30.7). were cleared. The log can be saved and forwarded to tech-
nical personnel if necessary.
The alarms/messages can be displayed in red or black. Red
is traditionally used to indicate a more serious alarm and Select the following keys to locate the screen where the
black is used for a message type situation. active alarms and messages are displayed.
The 828D controller allows 5000 Customer CYCLE alarms to Depending on the configuration, there are two areas where
be configured (numbered 650000 to 69999). an active alarm might be displayed.
The 828D controller allows the customer to create Program
messages, and assign text.
The “Alarm list” screen displays serious alarms
The alarm/message text can be input via the controller or which result in the machining process being halted.
created offline.
Notes :
Below is an example of two alarms in the Alarm list. The alarms can be made scroll in turn after a set time.
This is controlled by Display Machine Data 9056.
PLC Alarm Configuration Below: An example of how Alarm 700000 is activated via
input I8.0.
The table below shows the alarm numbers and their associ-
ated interface signals and configuration machine data.
Notes :
The configuration machine data is used to determine how the Bits 0 to 4 determine how the controller reacts to that partic-
controller reacts to that particular alarm. Each alarm has a ular alarm, Bit 5 determine if the PLC message is shown in
machine data assigned to it for this purpose. the alarm log. Bits 6 & 7 determine how the alarm is
The machine data is activated with via the “Reset (po)” soft
In this window:
Manufacturer PLC alarm tex.
Manufacturer cycle alarm text.
Manufacturer part program message text.
Can be selected.
Notes :
Use the cursor key to highlight the User PLC alarm texts The colour of the alarm text can be either black or red. This
option alarm type and select “OK”. is selected at the right of the text input field.
eng = English
deu = German The alarm text entered earlier can be seen within the file.
fra = French
ita = Italian
esp = Spanish
chs = Chinese (Simplified)
cht = Chinese (Traditional)
kor = Korean
ptb = Portuguese (Brazil)
Notes :
Creating additional language files using AMM-Project. Language files can be uploaded from the controller into the
Access MyMachine can be used to the create language spe- To upload the language files, tick all boxes in the bottom
cific files. Start the Access MyMachine program and make an window.
online connection to the controller.
Notes :
Notes :
German translation:
700000 Sicherheitstür geöffnet
700001 Hydrauliköldruck niedrig
700002 Hydraulikölstand niedrig
Export: Allows a CSV to be generated on PC/
PG, so that language text can be easily translated.
Once all the alarms have been transferred using AMM then
reboot the HMI.
Notes :
Right click on the alarm text file oem_alarms_plc_eng.ts Any alarms present in the alarm text file will be displayed.
and select “Open with AMM editor”
The text of the alarms can be easily edited, this is useful for
any translation requirements.
New alarms can also be added
Notes :
Variable Alarm text Function: In the Variable DB1600.DBD1012 the value of 2 is entered.
This is done by a move command.
It is possible to define a variable within the alarm text string. This variable is a Double Word and as such it has to use the
“MOVE_DW” instruction (Move Double Word).
Each alarm is assigned a Double Word variable for this pur-
pose. By selecting one of the following identifiers and enter- Below is an example of how a value 2 is moved into the vari-
ing it into the alarm text, the contents of the Double Word will able DB1600.DBD1012 when input I8.3 is equal to one. This
appear in place of the identifier when the alarm is triggered. would display the number 2 in place of the “%d” and activate
alarm 700003.
%d Decimal value
%x Hexadecimal
%b Binary
%o Octal
%u Unsigned integer
%f Floating point number
The alarm number 700003 is to be used to signal that sever-
al axes are in the parked position.
The bit to activate this alarm is DB1600.DBX0.3 and that the
extended function variable is DB1600.DBD1012.
In the alarm text, “Axis %d in parked position” has been Below is the alarm 700003 as displayed on the controller.
Notes :
General Information
To further enhance the fault finding procedure it is possible to create a “Help” file.
When the HELP key is pressed the details of the selected alarm will be displayed on the screen.
The blue text indicates the folders that require creating. Separate folders are required for each language where the Help files are
a requirement.
English - eng\sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc
German - deu\sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc
Chinese (Simplified) - chs\sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc
Chinese (Traditional) - cht\sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc
Portuguese - ptb\sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc
Korean - kor\sinumerik_alarm_plc_pmc
A separate file needs to be created and stored in each of the language folders.
TAG Description
html Root element-Main tag for the help file, contains all other tags, first to be opened and last to be
head Contains document information, opened immediately after the HTML tag, closed directly before the
BODY tag is opened.
body The main body of the HTML document, determines what will be displayed on the screen. Opened
immediately after the closing the HEAD tag. Closed immediately before the HTML tag.
table Creates a table for the help file information.
tr Table row, creates a row within the table.
td Table data cell. Used within the tr tag, contains the text that is to be displayed on the help screen.
The tag is used with the width attribute to determine the width of the cell and the valign attribute
to align the text within a cell.
Notes :
Notes :
Below is an example help file “sinumerik_alarm_oem_plc_pmc.html” for alarm 700001. The text is in different colours to assist with
understanding the contents.
It is important that the lines begin and end with a Tag open or Tag close instruction (< or />).
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="UTF-8"/><title></title></head>
<td width="15%"><b><a name="700001">700001</a></b></td>
<td width="85%"><b>Hydraulic Oil Pressure Low</b></td>
<td valign="top" width="15%"><b>Parameter:</b></td>
<td width="85%">N/A</td>
<td valign="top" width="15%"><b>Explanation:</b></td>
<td width="85%">I8.1 is low.</td>
<td valign="top" width="15%"><b>Reaction:</b></td>
<td width="85%">Emergency Stop Initiated</td>
<td valign="top" width="15%"><b>Remedy:</b></td>
<td width="85%">The hydraulic unit has indicated a fault. Check oil level. Check pressure switch. <br />Clean filter if necessary.</td>
<td valign="top" width="15%"><b>Part number:</b></td>
<td width="85%">Hydraulic oil type: AAA. Pressure switch type: BBB <br /> Filter type CCC</td>
<td valign="top" width="15%"><b>Program continuation:</b></td>
<td width="85%">Machine restart required</td>
The system is able to cross reference the highlighted alarm with the entry under the “a” tag.
The contents of the table containing the correct anchor are now displayed.
Adding further alarms to the HTML file is simply a case of copying/pasting the existing ”table” tag and its contents and editing to suit
the individual alarm.
The contents of the “head” tag should be left as it is. This determines the content type and text format.
Notes :
Creating the help files/directories on an external PC: The alarm will appear in either the “Alarm list” or “Messages”
It is possible to create the directories/help files offline using screen depending how it has been configured.
an HTML or ASCII editor (e.g. Notepad®).
These files have to be transferred to the controller and placed
in the correct folders.
This can be done via the USB /CF Interfaces or with the Ac-
cess MyMachine software. If several alarms exist cursor to the alarm correct one.
The “sinumerik_alarm_oem_plc_pmc.html” needs to be
placed in one of the following:
“System CF card\user\Sinumerik
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik
To test the Help file the alarm specified in the Help file should
be activated.
Alarm 700001 is activated by DB1600.DBX0.1
The HELP function is activated by the “HELP” key located to Alarm Log
the bottom right of the screen.
A log of alarms that have occurred can be seen by selecting
the “Alarm log” soft key.
This shows the time when the alarm occurred and when it
was cleared.
Notes :
The “Settings” soft key is used to refresh the list and display
any alarms that have recently occurred.
Use the following soft key sequence to locate the log file:-
Notes :
Notes :
The table below shows the extended alarm numbers and Below: An example of how Alarm 701000 is activated via
their associated interface signals and configuration data. input I8.7.
701007 DB1600.DBX4000.7 DB9913.DBW14 DB1600.DBD5028 Open the PLC program using the PLC programming tool.
Locate DB9913 in the “User Data Blocks” of the PLC pro-
701008 DB1600.DBX4001.0 DB9913.DBW16 DB1600.DBD5032 gram and double click.
Now double click the “Initial Value” for the required alarm
701009 DB1600.DBX4001.1 DB9913.DBW18 DB1600.DBD5036 number. The bit editor window will be shown.
701010 DB1600.DBX4001.2 DB9913.DBW20 DB1600.DBD5040
... ... ... ...
Notes :
Parameter Meaning
%1 Channel number
%2 Block number
Example text entered into the language file via AMM or HMI
alarm text editor:
View's of the entered text using AMM and the HMI text editor.
Notes :
Program Messages Configuration The alarm text can also be entered into the language specif-
ic files in the control via AMM or HMI alarm text editor, which
Messages can be set from within an NC program. Messages is described n this module.
are displayed in alarm window in GREEN text.
An example is shown using the MSG command. The text in the NC program is entered as a “text identifier”,
starting with the character “$”
N10 MSG(“MESSAGE”) Eg MSG(“$65000”) and text added into language specific file
The effect is shown below: The effect is shown below:
View's of the entered text using AMM and the HMI text edi-
The standard colours for the HMI alarms and messages are,
RED or BLACK for PLC and CYCLE alarms and GREEN for
MESSAGES. These colours can be chosen when using the
HMI alarm text editor and in AMM.
Notes :
Open the text configeration file slaesvcadapconf.xml in following directory: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg, and add the line.
Notes :
- hmi
- Ing
The standard Alarm text files that are
oem_alarms_plc_eng.ts generated when text is entered via the HMI
editor or using AMM
- cfg
Notes :
Open the colour configeration file slaesvcconf.xml in following directory: /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg, and add the line.
Notes :
- cfg
Color files that are generated when colour
alarmtexteditor_db_oem_alarms_plc.xml is entered via the HMI editor or using AMM
alarmtexteditor_db_oem_alarm_example.xml alarmtexteditor_db_oem_alarm_example.xml
is created by OEM so that non standard
colours can be used
Notes :
There is a html colour code list which is Color Name HEX Crimson #DC143C
reprecented by a hexidecimal number.
AliceBlue #F0F8FF Cyan #00FFFF
HTML Codes format: AntiqueWhite #FAEBD7 DarkBlue #00008B
Each HTML code contains symbol "#"
and 6 letters or numbers. These numbers Aqua #00FFFF DarkCyan #008B8B
are in hexadecimal numeral system. For Aquamarine #7FFFD4 DarkGoldenRod #B8860B
example "FF" in hexadecimal represents
number 255 in Decimal. Azure #F0FFFF DarkGray #A9A9A9
Beige #F5F5DC DarkGreen #006400
Meaning of symbols:
The first two symbols in HTML color code Bisque #FFE4C4 DarkKhaki #BDB76B
represents the intensity of red color. 00 is
the least and FF is the most intense. The Black #000000 DarkMagenta #8B008B
third and fourth represents intensity of BlanchedAlmond #FFEBCD DarkOliveGreen #556B2F
green and fifth and sixth represents the
intensity of blue. So with combining the Blue #0000FF DarkOrange #FF8C00
intensity of red, green and blue an unlim- BlueViolet #8A2BE2 DarkOrchid #9932CC
ited colour pallet can be created;)
Brown #A52A2A DarkRed #8B0000
By defining the colour in the alarmtextedi- BurlyWood #DEB887 DarkSalmon #E9967A
tor_db_oem_test.xml we can adjust:
Alarm number CadetBlue #5F9EA0 DarkSeaGreen #8FBC8F
Alarm number background Chartreuse #7FFF00 DarkSlateBlue #483D8B
Alarm text
Alarm text background Chocolate #D2691E DarkSlateGray #2F4F4F
Coral #FF7F50 DarkTurquoise #00CED1
CornflowerBlue #6495ED DarkViolet #9400D3
Cornsilk #FFF8DC DeepPink #FF1493
Notes :
oem_alarm_example_eng.ts, which states the text for the alarmtexteditor_db_oem_alarm_example.xml, which states
cycle alarm.This file is declared in slaesvcadapconf.xml con- the text for the cycle alarm.This file is declared in slaes-
figeration file. vcconf.xml configeration file.
Notes :
Once all the files have been created and edited, reboot the This simple program when run will post this alarm.
B031: END
Notes :
Module Description:
The 828D controller has on-board PLC diagnostic capabilities to aid the user with the fault finding
process. It is possible to check the status of inputs, outputs etc.
There is also a ladder editor, which allows editing of the user PLC program, and a rewire function,
which allows inputs or outputs to rewired while keeping the original PLC logic intact.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to use the 828D PLC viewer to diagnose PLC relat-
ed problems. You will also be able to rewire inputs and outputs using the ladder editor
PLC Diagnostics
PLC Editor
Interrupt Routines
828D SINUMERIK Operate V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
PLC On-board
PLC On-board
Byte- A Byte is a collective of 8 bits of logic in the same In this example I6.0, I6.1, I6.4, I6.5, I6.6, I7.1, I7.2, I7.5, I7.7.
group, e.g. Input Byte 4 (IB6) contains the bits I6.0, I6.1, I6.2, are equal to 1.
I6.3, I6.4, I6.5, I6.6, I6.7. Output Words (QW) and Marker Words (MB) can also be used
When working with bytes it must be remembered that the in the same way.
numbering counts up from the left as shown below.
Example IB6 Double Word- A Double Word is a collective of 32 bits of logic
IB6 which encompasses two consecutive Words (Four consecu-
Bit no 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 tive Bytes).
Value 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
A Double Word can only be addressed as 0 or an even num-
In this example I6.0, I6.2, I6.5 & I6.7 are equal to 1. Another ber which is a multiple of four, (ID0, ID4, ID8, ID12 etc) odd
term for being equal to 1 is that these bits are High. numbers are not allowed.
The bits equal to 0 are termed as being Low.
Example ID6
Output Bytes (QB) and Marker Bytes (MB) can also be used in Bit no 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
the same way. Value 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Word- A Word is a collective of 16 bits of logic which encom- Output Double Words (QD) and Marker Double Words (MD)
passes two consecutive Bytes. can also be used in the same way.
To locate the PLC status screens use the following soft key
Operating Status:
The operating status can be in Run or Stop mode. The status
is indicated at the top of the screen. It is possible to change
the operating state via soft-keys.
After certain procedures the PLC may be left in STOP mode The operands are typed into the left hand column. They can
and require manually starting. It my also be necessary to stop be viewed in different formats. The format is changed by us-
and start the PLC to clear PLC related faults. ing the cursor key to highlight the letter in the “Format” col-
umn and then toggling with the “Select” key.
B = Binary
PLC Stop: D = Decimal
H = Hexadecimal
F = Floating point number (only for
Double Words)
PLC Start:
The “Delete all” soft key will delete all entries on the list.
Further functions are available when the following soft-key is Enter a suitable file name:
Save mask: The list of operands that have been typed can be
saved to a file.
Confirmation of the file save is displayed above the horizontal
soft-keys for several seconds.
Status List: The default list of operands is shown in the above screen.
The “Set address” soft key allows this list to be configured.
A further method of checking the status of operands is via the
“Status list” soft key.
The value entered in box will become the first entry at the top
of the list.
Each of the three columns can be changed this way .
Select the columns using the cursor keys.
The Window 1 & Window 2 soft-keys can be used to open The status of the PLC is shown by selecting Program stat.
different blocks within the program. soft key.
The operands which are true are highlighted in blue.
It is recommended that the status be switched when not in use
to free more resources for the system.
Symbolic and Absolute Addressing: Example: with Symbolic addresses deselected, i.e. Absolute
addresses active:
The status can be viewed with or without symbolic addressing
By selecting the “Symbolic” option, the operands will be dis-
played with information taken from the symbols table.
The symbols table is where the operands are given a short
text description which is designed to assist the user to identify
the function of the operands without referring to additional
Confirmation that Absolute
Example with “Symbolic addresses” selected: addressing is active.
Additional information:
Search Functions: After typing in the search target, e.g. I0.4, it is possible to
choose between Find all or Search downwards.
The search function allows operands etc. to be located easily
in the program.
After a successful search the target will be highlighted by an Example: the result of searching for network 3.
orange rectangle.
The symbol table shows the symbolic addresses and additional Cross Reference
comments for individual operands.
The Cross ref. function allows the user to see which operands
are in use and in which blocks they are used.
A yellow padlock symbol will appear alongside the protected Once the password has been entered the block remains ac-
block: cessible until the controller is powered off/on.
This is indicated by the green padlock symbol.
PLC in stop mode: When SBR0 is opened and network 1 examined it can be
seen that the Divide operation is attempting to divide 200 by
If the PLC goes into stop mode information is available on the
This is not permitted and so the PLC is put into stop mode.
diagnostics screen. To locate the diagnostics screen, use the
The program needs to be corrected and then loaded to the
following soft-key sequence:
The next section shows how the PLC can be corrected on the
Interrupt routines 100 & 101 can be used to influence the user PLC. This is known as the rewire function because it allows a
faulty input/output to be rewired to a spare location; the logic for the new input/output can then be added to the interrupts.
This means that the original user PLC program remains intact; this is important for compatibility reasons.
The interrupt routines belong to the individual data class type.
The S7-200 PLC works cyclically - At the beginning of the scan the status of the inputs is copied to the Process Image Table
(Inputs). This is then applied to the user PLC logic.
The Subroutines are processed in the order they appear in OB1.
This means that, for example, an output which was set early in the scan might then be reset later in the scan. It is the command
that appears later in the scan that takes priority.
When the scan is complete the results are transferred to the Process Image Table (Outputs). This the point at which the outputs
etc. are physically set.
The diagram below shows the position of the Interrupt Blocks INT_100 and INT_101.
Their position enables them to be used to influence the state of the inputs and outputs without making changes to the main user
Beginning of Scan
Process Image Table At the beginning of the scan, the status of the inputs is
(Inputs) transferred to the Process Image Table.
Use the cursor keys and soft-keys to add the required logic:
The table below shows that the PLC status for I6.0 is at 0.
This is despite there being a +24v signal present at the input
terminal. This indicates a problem with the PP72/48. All other
inputs are functioning correctly.
One solution would be to replace the PP72/48. Another possi-
bility would be to rewire the faulty input to an unused input.
Interrupt 100 could then be used to set I6.0, internally, via the
new input.
I6.5 is now controlling I6.0
Original wiring to faulty input:
Input 6.0 rewired to input 6.5:
Function Signal Input PLC Status Function Signal Input PLC Status
Coolant on switch +24v I6.0 0 Faulty input 0v I6.0 1
Work light switch +24v I6.1 1 Work light switch +24v I6.1 1
Air pressure switch +24v I6.4 1 Air pressure switch +24v I6.4 1
The following table shows that the PLC status for Q6.0 is at 1,
but the +24v output is missing. This indicates a problem with
the PP72/48. All other outputs are functioning correctly. Q6.0 is now controlling Q6.5.
One solution would be to replace the PP72/48. Another possi-
bility would be to rewire the faulty output to an unused output. Any changes must be saved in the CPU:
Interrupt 101 can then be used to set Q6.5, internally, via the
existing output.
B058: END
Module Description:
Easy extend is a system which gives the seller of the machine a mechanism to enable the hardware
options which are offered by the machine tool builder, without the necessity for service intervention.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able write Easy extend scripts to enable and activate
machine builder options.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Easy Extend:
and Concept
XML scripts
Easy Extend:
User PLC
and Testing
Creating and
Restoring a
of Variables
General Tag
Notes :
General Information
XML Files
Easy Extend uses Extended Mark-up Language.
The agm.xml file is the main file and entry point for Easy Extend.
All Easy Extend devices originate from the agm.xml file, this can include calls to other xml files to simplify the programming
The XML language used in the 828D is none standard and has been extended to allow the following data processing and high-
level language elements:-
User PLC
Data Block EE_IFC (DB9905) is located in the PLC828D library and has to be integrated into the OEM´s PLC project.
Interface signals for activating and deactivating devices are to be found in the Data Block.
Device Enabling
Devices first need to be enabled, this can be done using one of two methods.
Enabling by PLC variable: A PLC variable is declared in the agm.xml file, the status of the variable is checked. This method is
used if the device is to be password protected.
Enabling by machine data: A user machine data is declared in the agm.xml file. If the corresponding bit of the machine data is
set the device will be enabled.
Device Activation
Once a device has been enabled it can be activated. Activation is done with a soft-key on the Easy Extend screen and with PLC
interface signals for acknowledgement.
Toolbox Examples
The 828D toolbox supplied with the controller contains various Easy Extend and PLC project examples which can be used to
supplement the information supplied in this module.
Notes :
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw0" index = "0">
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw2" index = "1">
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw4" index = "2">
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw6" index = "3">
<name> "Basic Machine Settings"</name>
<password refvar - "plc/db9062.dbd0" />
DB9905 <name> "Spindle Motor (Speed)"</name>
Byte Bit Description <list_id>3</list_id>
0 0 = = 1 - device has been commissioned (HMI feedback signal) <name> "Tool Changer"</name>
1 = = 1 - device should be activated (HMI request) </DEVICE>
2 = = 1 - device should be de-activated (HMI request) <!.....................................................................................................>
3-7 Reserved <list_id>4</list_id>
1 0-7 Reserved <name> "Spindle Centre Coolant"</name>
2 0 = = 1 - device is activated (PLC feedback signal) </DEVICE>
1 = = 1 - device has faulted <!.....................................................................................................>
2-7 Reserved
3 0-7 Unique ID of the device
Notes :
An example of the Easy Extend screen from an actual machine showing some of the types of options which can be handled us-
ing the Easy Extend function.
Notes :
Creating XML Scripts The agm tag is the root element of the agm.xml.
All other tags are written inside this tag.
A unique file named “agm.xml” is required for Easy Extend.
This file has to be created by the user. Creation of the xml files can be done directly on the controller
or indirectly using AMM Access MyMachine or suitable editing
It is possible to configure all devices within the “agm.xml’. It is program such as Notepad ®.
also possible to use separate xml files for each individual de- Advanced xml editing software programmes are also commer-
vice. These files are called from within the agm.xml file. cially available.
The xml files use tags, which are required for code execution. The required directory is found under the following path:
Each tag performs a specific function. System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\dvm
<name of tag> “open tag”
Enter script in here
</name of tag> “close tag with / slash”
Notes :
Rather than have one file containing the code for many
devices, it makes sense to have one file for each device.
Locate the “dvm” folder . These separate files can then be called from within the
agm.xml file.
Notes :
The individual xml files for each device should be placed in the
same directory as the agm.xml file.
password_refvar tag:
The password entered on the Easy Extend screen
will be stored here i.e. DB9062.DBD0
<list_id> 1 </list_id>
<name> "Test Password" </name>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd0" />
Notes :
Double clicking the DB will open up the properties and allow The Data Block will now appear in the Data Block folder of the
the Data Class to be selected, also the author can enter project. Other Data Blocks may also be present.
details if required.
Right click on the Data Block folder and select “Insert Data
Notes :
The user DB will require certain information to be entered depending on the number of devices in use.
The following PLC example can be used for enabling and activating devices using the PLC interface signals and the previously
created user Data Block.
Notes :
Device Enabling
Inputting the password:
To input the password, first locate the “Easy Extend” screen
via the following soft-key selection.
Notes :
The device is enabled but it is not operational until it is activated. This is achieved by pressing the “Activate” button.
A green tick symbol will appear in the “Activated” column to confirm this.
When the activation is successful the “Activate” interface signal will be high for one PLC cycle. This should be used in the PLC
logic to set the “Activated” interface signal.
Device enabled:
Entered password matches required
password, enable signal is then set.
Device activated:
Activation interface signal is set.
When the “Deactivate” soft-key is pressed the “Deactivate” interface signal is high for one PLC cycle. This should be used in the
PLC logic to reset the “Activate” signal
Device disabled:
Password no longer matches, enable signal = 0
Activation interface
signal is reset
Notes :
The script within the Set_Active tag is run when the “Activate” soft-key is pressed. Likewise, the “Deactivate” soft-key runs the
script included in the Set_Inactive tag.
<LET name = "var_return"> 0</LET>
<MSGBOX text="Activate Option 1. %n Press OK" caption="Activation of Option" retvalue="var_return" type="BTN_OK" />
Notes :
text - The text to be displayed in the message box. Using the characters “%n” results in a new line.
caption - The header of the text box.
retvalue - Defines the variable where the return value is copied. (Return values– OK = 1, CANCEL = 0.)
type - Acknowledgement possibilities:
“BTN_OK” - OK button.
Notes :
Modify the agm.xml to include the new file:- <?include src= "Write_PLC_output.xml" ?>
Create the device file containing the function for switching a PLC output. This example has also been configured with a cancel
soft-key. The functions IF, THEN & ELSE are used to evaluate whether the OK or Cancel key was pressed. If the cancel key is
pressed the system variable “$actionresult” is set to 0. This interrupts the processing of the function.
<LET name = "var_return"> 0</LET>
<MSGBOX text="Activate Option 1 %n Press OK%n%nAbort press Cancel" caption="Activation of Option" retvalue="var_return" type="BTN_OKCANCEL" />
<condition> var_return==1 </condition>
<DATA name = "PLC/Q4.7"> 1</DATA>
<OP> "$actionresult" = 0</OP>
<LET name = "var_return"> 0</LET>
<MSGBOX text="Deactivate Option 1 %n Press OK%n%nAbort press Cancel" caption="Deactivation of Option" retvalue="var_return"
<condition> var_return==1 </condition>
<DATA name = "PLC/Q4.7"> 0</DATA>
<OP> "$actionresult" = 0 </OP>
Module Description:
<name> "Test PLC output" </name>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd0" />
<LET name = "var_return"> 0</LET>
<MSGBOX text="Activate Option 1 %n Press OK%n%nAbort press Cancel" caption="Activation of Option" retvalue="var_return" type="BTN_OKCANCEL" />
<condition> var_return==1 </condition>
<DATA name = "PLC/Q4.7"> 1 </DATA>
<OP> "$actionresult" = 0</OP>
<LET name = "var_return"> 0</LET>
<MSGBOX text="Deactivate Option 1 %n Press OK%n%nAbort press Cancel" caption="Deactivation of Option" retvalue="var_return" type="BTN_OKCANCEL"/>
<condition> var_return==1 </condition>
<DATA name = "PLC/Q4.7"> 0 </DATA>
<OP> "$actionresult" = 0 </OP>
Module Objective:
</condition> The condition of Q4.7 is
checked for a value of 1
<op> "$actionresult" = 1 </op>
<ELSE> If the above condition is true, a value of 1 is
<op> "$actionresult" = 0 </op> written to the system variable $actionresult
</IF> If the condition is false, a value of 0 is written
to system variable $actionresult
To run the Test function first enter the “Start up” area of the Easy Extend area. The “Function test device” soft-key should be
pressed to initiate the test. A dialogue box will display the result of the test.
Q4.7 = 1 Q4.7 = 0
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 17 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
B009 Easy Extend
Creating the Picture_test.xml: The following example shows how a bitmap is selected and positioned on the screen.
The bitmap file has to be placed in the same folder as the agm.xml file.
<password refvar="plc/db9062.dbd0"></password>
<name> "Picture Test" </name>
<caption>Easy Extend Picture Test</caption>
<img xpos = "155" ypos = "90" name = "tiger.bmp" height="250" width="250"/>
Notes :
Module Description:
System variables
<name> "R Parameters" </name>
<password refvar="plc/db9062.dbd0"></password>
Module Objective:
<caption>Easy Extend Picture Test</caption>
<control name = "r_param_0" xpos = "100" ypos = "30" refVar = "nck/channel/parameter/r[0]" />
<control name = "r_param_1" xpos = "100" ypos = "45" refVar = "nck/channel/parameter/r[1]" />
<control name = "r_param_2" xpos = "100" ypos = "60" refVar = "nck/channel/parameter/r[2]" />
<control name = "r_param_3" xpos = "100" ypos = "75" refVar = "nck/channel/parameter/r[3]" />
<control name = "r_param_4" xpos = "100" ypos = "90" refVar = "nck/channel/parameter/r[4]" />
</init> Content:
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 19 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
B009 Easy Extend
<name> "Rollback Archives" </name>
<password refvar="plc/db9062.dbd0"></password>
Notes :
When the archive has been created the „Back“ soft-key is se-
In the event that the previously created archive needs to be Activating and deactivating axes
restored, the “Restore” soft-key can be selected and the dia-
logue box acknowledged. A common requirement is for an extra axis to be added.
A machine can be initially commissioned to include all axis
possibilities. The optional axis can then be deactivated until
Notes :
<SET_ACTIVE> As can be seen in the example xml file, the drive parameter-
<data name = "drive/dc/p105[DO5]">1</data> “P105 Activate/deactivate drive object” is responsible for
<data name = "$MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[4]">5</data> activating/de-activating the drive part of the system.
<data name = "drive/dc/p971[DO5]">1</data>
<condition> "drive/dc/p971[DO5]" !=0 </condition>
<control_reset resetnc ="true" resetdrive = "true"/>
<data name = "drive/dc/p105[DO5]">0</data>
<data name = "$MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[4]">0</data>
<data name = "drive/dc/p971[DO5]">1</data>
<condition> "drive/dc/p971[DO5]" !=0 </condition>
<control_reset resetnc ="true" resetdrive = "true"/>
Notes :
$MX_<Name[index, AXyy]>
$SX_<Name[index, AXyy]>
The axis index number can also be read from a local variable:
Axis index with the index number obtained from the variable called “axis”. This would be written as AX$axis.
name=“$MN_AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB[0]”>X1</data> Writing a value of X1 to general machine data
Indirect addressing:-
<let name=“axisindex”>1</let> Declaring a temporary variable called “axisindex” and setting the value to 1.
<data name=“$MA_CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR[0, AX$axisindex]”>1</data> Using the temporary variable to determine the axis
index number and writing a value of 1 into axis1 machine data $MA_CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR, index 0.
The GUD path is first specified followed by the specific area. If a field is to be used, this follows next and is contained in square
The following GUDS can be addressed:-
<data name=“gud/channel/mgud/syg_rm[0]”>1</data> Defining the channel manufacturer gud - syg_rm, index 0 and writing
a value of 1 to it.
<op>“gud/channel/mgud/syg_rm[0]” = 5*2</op> The result of the multiplication of two numbers (5 x 2) is written to the
syg_rm[0] gud.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 23 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
PLC Addressing
<data name = “plc/mb200”> 1 </data> Writing a value of 1 to MB200
NC Variables
<OP>TempStatus = “nck/channel/state/chanstatus” </OP> Writing the channel status in to the variable “TempStatus”.
Drive Addressing
The drive path starts with the component identifier (cu for the Control Unit, dc for a drive component)
The drive index number can also be read from a local variable:
Example: Parameter p0970 with the drive object number obtained from the variable called “drive”. This would be written as
<data name=“drive/cu/p0092”>1</data> Writing a value of 1 to the cu, p0092
Indirect Addressing:
<let name=“driveIndex”>0</let> Declaring a temporary variable called “driveindex” and setting the value to 0.
<op>driveIndex = $ma_ctrlout_module_nr[0, AX1]</op> Reading the value of the NC variable (ctrlout_module_nr Axis 1) into
the temporary variable (driveindex)
<data name =“drive/dc[do$driveIndex]/p0092”>1<data> Using the temporary variable to determine the drive object number
and writing a value of 1 into p0092.
Some XML editors can incorrectly display certain characters. The following operations are available for use:
These have to be re-written.
Operator Significance
&, & Logical AND operation (Bitwise)
&&, Logical AND opertaion
+ Addition
— Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
! Not
!= Not equal to
Notes :
Tag Function
AGM Main Tag, defines the device. All other tags are contained within this tag.
For writing directly to the NC, PLC, GUD and Drive areas.
Attributes: name variable address
All alphanumeric values can be used as tag values. When writing directly from a local variable the $
symbol should be used immediately in front of the variable name.
DATA Examples:
<data name=“plc/mb160”>1</data> (Writing a value of 1 into mb160.
<let name= “tempvar”>7</let> (Declaring a variable named “tempvar” and loading a value of 7 into
<data name= “plc/mb170”>$tempvar</data> (Writing the contents of the variable into marker byte
The version number of the drive is copied into the $driveversion variable that is valid within the
Device tag
ELSE A condition used if the instruction was not fulfilled.(Used in conjunction with IF, THEN)
The Form tag contains the user dialogue description. One dialogue is permitted per device. The
“Addition. Parameter” soft-key displays the user dialogue that is entered under this tag.
color - Background colour of the dialogue screen.
label - Optional name for the form.
FORM xpos - X Position of the upper left-hand corner of the dialogue box
ypos - Y Position of the upper left-hand corner of the dialogue box.
width - Extension in the X direction (Pixels).
height - Extension in the Y direction (Pixels).
Notes :
Tag Function
FILE Examples:-
Read in a standard archive called “complete.arc”-
<file name=”complete.arc/>
Read in a data class archive called “dataclass.ard”-
<file name=”dataclass.ard/>
Create a standard archive called “user.arc”-
<file name=”user.arc create=“true” />
Create a data class archive called “user.ard”-
<file name=”user.ard” create=“true” class=“manufacturer individual user” group=“nc plc hmi
The archives are stored in the following path:- System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\dvm\archives.
Contains the function body of a sub-function. This should be programmed within the AGM or DEVICE
tags. Globally used functions should be set up in the AGM tag.
name = “Name of the function body”
<FUNCTION_BODY name=“function name”>
ID Dialogue screen index of the device.
This tag is used to call other XML files from within the AGM.XML.
INCLUDE Example: <?include src=“name of xml file to be included”?>
For displaying a message specified in the tag. This can be used in the case of alarm numbers, the dia-
MSG logue box would display the text associated with the alarm number.
NAME The NAME instruction defines the name of a device to be displayed in the dialogue screen.
Notes :
Tag Function
A message box is opened with this tag, the return value can be used to make a branch.
text - The text to be displayed in the message box. Using the characters “%n” results in a new line.
caption - The header of the text box.
MSGBOX retvalue - Defines the variable when/where the return value is copied. 0 - CANCEL, 1- OK,
type - Acknowledgement possibilities.
“BTN_OK” - OK button.
“BTN_OKCANCEL” - OK or CANCEL buttons.
Execute instruction. For carrying out mathematical Operations with system and temporary variables.
Setting a temporary variable equal to PLC system variable MB100
<op> tmpVar=“plc/mb100” </op>
OP Multiplying a variable by 2.
<op> tmpVar= tmpvar * 2 </op>
Setting PLC system variable MB100 equal to a temporary variable.
<op> “plc/mb100”=tmpVar </op>
The switch tag allows the value of a variable to be compared with a number of constants. If a match is
SWITCH found the value will be written into the variable specified in the DATA tag.
Used for testing that a device is functional.. The test result should be entered into the $actionresult varia-
TEST ble. If the variable contains a value of one, then the device is functional. A value of zero indicates a faulty
Notes :
Tag Function
THEN Used with the IF, & ELSE commands. See the description for IF
VERSION Version Information
For Loop – This tag checks for a condition, if the condition is false, the loop will end.
Example:- Declaring a local variable as “count” with an initial value of 0. Set the condition to check that the
variable is less than or equal to 7. Increment the count by increments of one. When the value of the varia-
ble is more than 7 (False) add 1 to the count value and place the result in output byte 10.
<let name=“count=0”</op>
FOR <op> count=0 </op>
<condition> count <= 7 </condition>
<op count = count +1</op>
<op “plc/qb10” = 1+count</op>
When this tag is used for a device and the option is not set, a soft-key is available which allows the entry
of a password. The entered password is placed in the specified variable and should be verified by the user
PLC. Acknowledgement of this to the HMI is required using the relevant interface bit (DB9061).
PASSWORD Attribute:
refvar - name of the reference variable.
Example: Declaring DB9062.DBD0 as the target for the entered password-
<password refvar=“plc/db9062.dbd0”/>
Notes :
Tag Function
The interface signals are handled as standard by DB9905. This tag allows the interface to be re-defined.
PLC_INTERFACE Name - Address of the new interface.
Example: <plc_interface name=“address of the new interface”/>
With this tag a message will appear instructing the operator to power down the system. The message
POWER_OFF text is fixed by the System.
While Loop - This tag executes a sequence of instructions for a multiple number of times providing that a
certain condition is true. The sequence is halted when the condition becomes false.
Example:- Set the condition that IB9 should be equal to 0. Providing that this is the case, write a value of
15 into QB11 using the data tag.
WHILE <while>
<condition> “plc/ib9” ==0</condition>
<data name “plc/qb11> 15 </data>
Do-While Loop - This tag executes a sequence for instructions and then checks for a condition, if the
condition is true, the instructions will be processed again. The processing stops when the condition is
Example:- Write a value of 15 into QB11 using the data tag. Then check the condition that IB9 should be
equal to 0.
DO_WHILE Providing that this is the case, again write a value of 15 into QB11. When the condition is false, stop the
<data name “plc/qb11> 15 </data>
<condition> “plc/ib9” ==0</condition>
?UP Update Agent Syntax -
Notes :
Tag Function
The Form tag contains the user dialogue description. One dialogue is permitted per device. The “Addition.
Parameter” soft-key displays the user dialogue that is entered under this tag.
The following tags are processed by the Form tag:-
FORM Attributes:
color - Background colour of the dialogue screen.
The INIT tag is executed immediately after the generation of the dialogue box. All the screen input ele-
INIT ments and hotlinks should be written in here.
type = "FALSE" – the values are only copied into the reference variable when tag UPDATA_DATA type =
Notes :
Tag Function
The CONTROL tag generates the control elements.
name:- label of the field. The label also represents a local variable.
xpos:- X position of the upper left hand corner.
zpos:- Y position of the upper left hand corner.
fieldtype:- Field type (Optional).
“edit” - Data can be changed
“readonly” - Data cannot be changed.
“combobox” - A drop down list with text that can accept a value or be used for selection purposes.
refvar – label of the reference variable that can be linked to the field. (optional)
hotlink – “TRUE“ the field is automatically updated when data is changed (optional)
time – specifies the refresh rate of the data (optional). The following refresh rates are possible:
“super fast“ - refresh time < 100ms
“fast“ - refresh time, approx. 100ms
“normal“ - refresh time, approx. 200ms
“slow“ - refresh time, approx. 500ms
If the combo box field type is selected then the expressions to be displayed also have to be defined. The tag
<item> should be used for this purpose. The combo box saves the index of the currently selected text in the
variables belonging to the control (variable name). Indexing starts with the value 1.
<control name = "button1" xpos = "10" ypos = "10" fieldtype=” combobox “>
If any integer value should be assigned to an expression then the value=“value“ attribute must be added to the
tag. Instead of the consecutive numbering - the control variable now contains the assigned value of the item.
<control name = "button1" xpos = "10" ypos = "10" fieldtype=” combobox “>
<item value = “10” >text1</item>
<item value = “20” >text2</item>
<item value = “12” >text3</item>
<item value = “1” >text4</item>
Note: The hotlink attribute results in the appropriate control being cyclically updated. This means that if a value
is entered, then the next update cycle overwrites the value that has been entered. In order to avoid this, use the
DATA_ACCESS tag to activate the function where entered data is immediately saved.
An additional possibility is to include the SOFTKEY_OK tag in the form. This tag is then run before the dialog
box is closed. In this block - using the UPATE_CONTROLS instruction - data can be aligned between the con-
trol and reference variables.
Notes :
Tag Function
The tag is used to display a text at the specified position on the screen. If the text is to be read from a text file,
then the “$$” character string should be placed in front of the label.
If the contents of a string variable are to be displayed, then the “$$$” character string should be located in front of
the variable.
Syntax: <text xpos = "X position" ypos = "Y position"> Text </text>
xpos - X position of the upper left-hand corner
ypos – Y position of the upper left-hand corner
color – text color
Value: Text to be displayed
Example: Direct text output: <text xpos=“10“ ypos=“20“> Hello World </text>
Example tag to be placed in the relevant xml file: <text xpos=“10” ypos=“20”>$$MY_TEXT_SYMBOL </text>
Linux: Lower case letters should be used for all file names.
Syntax: <img xpos = "X position" ypos = "Y position" name=“name“ />
IMG xpos - X position of the upper left-hand corner
ypos – Y position of the upper left-hand corner
name – bit map name
Optional: If the display of an image/graphic deviates from the original size then the dimensions can be defined
using the width and height attributes.
width – width in pixels
height - height in pixels
Notes :
Tag Function
The tag draws a solid square at the specified position in the specified color.
<box xpos="X position" ypos = "Y position" width=“X extension“ height=“Y extension“ color=“color code“ />
BOX Attributes:
xpos – X position of the upper left hand corner
ypos – Y position of the upper left hand corner
width – extension in the X direction (in pixels)
height – extension in the Y direction (in pixels)
color – color coding
The tag synchronises data between the operator elements and the reference variables.
type – the attribute defines the direction of the data alignment.
TRUE – data is read out of the reference variables and copied into the operator elements.
FALSE – data is copied from the operator elements into the reference variables.
<update_controls type="<direction>"/>
<update_controls type="false"/>
This tag overwrites the standard behavior when a dialog box is closed using the "Cancel" softkey.
The tag should be programmed in the first sub-level of a form tag.
The following functions can be executed in this tag:
• Data manipulation
• Conditional processing
• Loop processing
<data name=”plc/mb170”>2</data>
Notes :
Tag Function
This tag overwrites the standard behavior when closing a dialog box using the "OK" softkey.
The tag should be programmed in the first sub-level of a form tag.
<update_controls type="false"/>
<let name="msgbox_result">0</let>
<MsgBox text="Execute NCK Reset!! " caption= "NCK Reset" retvalue= "msgbox_result" type=
<condition> " msgbox_result " == 1 </condition>
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw0" index="0" />
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw2" index="1" />
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw4" index="2" />
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw6" index="3" />
<list_id> 1 </list_id>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd0" />
<list_id> 2 </list_id>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd8" />
<list_id> 3 </list_id>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd16" />
<list_id> 4 </list_id>
Open the agm.xml file and modify the text: <password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd24" />
Notes :
English: German:
Notes :
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw0" index="0" />
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw2" index="1" />
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw4" index="2" />
<OPTION_MD name = "plc/db9061.dbw6" index="3" />
<list_id> 1 </list_id>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd0" />
<list_id> 2 </list_id>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd8" />
<list_id> 3 </list_id>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd16" />
<list_id> 4 </list_id>
<password refvar = "plc/db9062.dbd24" />
A controller with English language selected uses the
"oem_aggregate_eng.ts" file.
A controller with German language selected uses the
"oem_aggregate_deu.ts" file.
B009: END
Notes :
Module Description:
It is often a requirement to store machining programs externally to the controller.
The EES (Execute from External Storage) feature can then be used to execute the programs, from
the external source, as if they were stored in the NC memory.
The external storage can be on the User CF card, USB memory, or a networked PC.
Module Objective:
NC Extend Function
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Handling -
Setting up a
NC Extend
from an
Use With
Notes :
Program Handling - General information. NC Extend: Releases 100MB of System CF card memory.
(Option number: 6FC5800-0AP77-0YB0)
Logical Drives
Execute from External Source (EES): Suitable for connect-
The logical drive features allows storage of machining pro- ing via Ethernet to an external PC for unlimited storage ca-
grams in addition to the standard NC memory. pacity. (Option number: 6FC5800-0AP75-0YB0)
The additional storage can be: Global Part Program Memory:
• On the controller (System CF card). The Global Part Program Memory feature behaves like
standard NC memory and has no restrictions on program
• A USB device.. jumps, block search etc.
• A networked computer. The feature can be activated for one of the following memory
By default, the USB feature are already active. • System CF card (NC Extend).
Programs can be easily copied and pasted between the con- • USB.
troller and a logical drive. • Networked computer (EES).
It is also possible to execute a program from a logical drive Standard NC memory allocation and availability of EES/NC
however, there are limitations with program jumps and block Extend functions:
search, for example.
Setting up a Networked Logical Drive. The following example shows how to connect to a Win-
dows7® computer via the X130 (Factory network) interface
Option: The following software option is required.:
of the controller (Direct connection without DHCP)
X130 will be configured with an IP address of
• Network drive management - 6FC5800-0AP01-0YB0
The computer will be configured with an IP address of
Both will have the subnet mask of
There are certain IP addresses that must be avoided as they
are reserved for use by the system.
IP addresses in the 192.168.214.xxx range must be avoid-
IP addresses in the to 31 range must also be
Notes :
Setting up the Logical Drive: Select a free soft-key. Further soft-keys, 24 in total, are ac-
cessed via the >>Level soft-key.
Locate the logical drives set-up area:
Example - Soft-key 8:
Notes :
For this example the following data is required (the external The relevant data has to be entered:
computer settings will be changed later):
Password: SUNRISE
(Login password of the PC, for example)
Notes :
Notes :
In Windows® Explorer:
• Select the D drive.
• With the mouse pointer In the right hand window, right
click and create a new folder.
• Give a suitable name to the folder.
Example Programs.
Notes :
The default setting is for everyone to have read only access It is possible to restrict access to the shared folder by other
to the folder. users of the PC.
If restrictions are required, the Everyone user can be re-
moved or the permissions deselected.
Users can than be added via the Add button.
Notes :
In the following example, the user AUDUSER is going to be If the user exists, it will be displayed.
given permission to access the shared folder.
Example: AUDUSER has been granted full access to the It should now be possible to access the shared folder from
shared Programs folder. the Program manager area of the controller.
The Share permission for Everyone has been removed.
Notes :
The Programs folder has been shared.
Two folders, Share 1 & Share 2, have been added within the
shared folder.
There is no need to share these new folders.
The following example shows two additional soft-keys which
have been set-up to give access to one each of the new
Notes :
The path to Share 1 has been included. The path to Share 2 has been included.
The two sub-folders can now be accessed: Activate the option with an NCK reset:
After the reset it will be possible to the NC Extend soft-key
in the Program Manager area
Notes :
The settings for the NC Extend can be viewed in the Logical Setting the Global part program memory:
drives area.
The default settings, e.g. soft-key text can be changed if The result of the Global part program memory being set is
required. the creation of the folder structure on the NC Extend drive:
The NC Extend area has 100MB of additional memory for Navigate to the Program manager screen:
storage of part programs/sub-programs/workpieces.
The folder structure that was created by the Global part pro-
gram memory.
Notes :
Execute from an External Source Function Once the option is set and activated it can be decided which
logical drive is to be used.
The EES (Execute from External Source) function allows a This can be:
networked logical drive to be used with the Global part pro-
gram memory setting. The size of available memory is limited
• USB memory device
only by the space available on the networked PC. • Networked computer.
It is also possible to use the EES function on a USB memory
Setting the Global part program memory
When the option is used in conjunction with the Global part
program memory setting, it behaves exactly like standard NC Locate the Logical drives area:
memory. i.e. there are no restrictions on block search, long
program jumps etc., that are found with other methods of exe-
cuting programs from an external source. It is also possible to
edit the program in NC stop.
The option, 6FC5800-0AP75-0YB0, needs to be set. The global part program memory setting can be applied to
• A USB device
• The NC Extend memory
• A networked computer.
Example - Setting the Global part program memory for a From within the Logical drives area, select the EES logical
networked computer. drive, followed by the Change and then Details soft-keys.
The EES SHARE folder has been created and shared on the
networked computer:
Notes :
The folder structure that was created by the Global part pro-
gram memory.
Notes :
PPU configuration
Notes :
B035 : END
Notes :
Notes :
Module Description:
Run MyScreens is a function of the Sinumerik 828D which allows the manufacturer to write custom
The OEM screens are intended as an interface to the specific functions offered by the OEM.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module the course participant will be able to create Run MyScreens display
General Information
SINUMERIK 828D v4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes. B011
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
B011 Run MyScreens
General Parameters
Information and
Configuration Run MyScreens
Information END
Run MyScreens
OEM Files
screen OEM
Dependant Texts
General Information
The Easy XML function is configured using *.XML files. These files contain the descriptions of the user interface.
In order to use images in the screens, a graphic programme is required, e.g. Paint Shop Pro® and Paint® are programmes which
are compatible with the 828D controller.
6. Variables
• Reading (NC, PLC, user variables)
• Writing (NC, PLC, user variables)
• Linking with mathematical, comparative or logic
7. Executing functions:
• Subroutines
• File functions
• PI Services
Parameter Area
Diagnosis Area
Start-up Area
Creating Run MyScreens OEM Files Creating the “easyscreen.ini” file on the controller
The files required for the Run MyScreens function need to be This file sets up the links to the files which are to be used to
created. This can be done directly on the controller by navi- create the user screens, it also determine which operating
gating to the relevant folders. Use the following key sequence areas these files are available in. The file has to be located in
to locate the “System data” area. one of the following paths/directories:-
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
“System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
To create the file select the “New” soft-key and ensure that The “com” file, the content of which will determine what ap-
the “Any” soft-key is selected. pears on the Run MyScreens screens, is also declared here.
The “Any” soft-key allows the file type to be determined by the (startfile := param.com)
user. In the dialogue box type in the name of the file and con-
firm with the “OK” soft-key. The first step is to enter the header ([STARTFILES])
The file name must be in lowercase due to the LINUX operat- The code for specifying the controller area and “com” file is
ing system. then entered on a new line as shown below.
StartFile04 = area := AreaParameter, dia-
log := SlParameter, startfile := param.com
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\proj”
“System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\proj”
Example: param.com file Below: The param.com file located in the proj directory.
The example defines the 7th horizontal soft-key as the entry Storage path for the image files:
point, the soft-key will have the text “Run MyScreens” (on 2 “System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\ico\ico640”
lines). “System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\ico\ico640”
HS7=("Run%nMyScreens") To see the results of the example we have to locate the
“parameter” area of the control.
When the soft-key is pressed a Mask (mask1) will be loaded:
The various parameters are separated by the “Forward slash” Graphic The position of the graphic in pixels. Distances
character (/). Position Position are from the left and top of the dialogue
screen and are separated by a comma.
position/Attributes) Attributes CM (Column Mode) Column alignment.
In the following example (Shown in red text) a soft-key with the PRESS(VS8)
label “Variable Test” is added. When the soft-key is pressed the EXIT
screen will display a list of four variables. The four variables are END_PRESS
defined under a new mask (mask2-Workpiece Dimensions). //END
The parameters of the variables defined in mask2 are separat- //M(mask3/"Workpiece Dimensions"/)
ed by the forward slash character (/). Def Var1=(R2///"Length of component","R0 X
Length",,,"Length of component"///"$R[0]")
A detailed description of the Dialogue Element parameters can Def Var2=(R2///"Width of component","R1 Y
be found in chapter ”Parameters and Variable Descriptions”. Width",,,"Width of component"///"$R[1]")
Def Var3=(R3///"Height of component","R2 Z
Height",,,"Height of component"///"$R[2]")
//S(START) Def Var4=(I///"Main spindle speed","R3 Spindle
speed",,,"Main spindle speed"///"$R[3]")
PRESS(HS7) VS8=(softkey_nav_back)
LM("mask2") PRESS(VS8)
END_PRESS LM("mask2")
//M(mask2/"Picture Test"/"picture1.png"///110,25)
The additional soft-key can now be seen. Screen title/name Long text of the selected variable.
HS1=("Variable %nTest")
The “CUSTOM softkey is an extra “AREA” softkey so that the OEM can create there own dialogs or additional softkey bars and can
be loaded and used for executing additional actions. The start point for the “CUSTOM” screens is the “menu select “ (main) area as
shown below.
Press first
The "xmldial.xml" file is pre-named by the system and is automatically called when the softkey is activated, this is used to initiate
the OEM operating sequences.
The initial menu is defined by the form name "main" in the "xmldial.xml" file. You can use the "main" menu to link additional dialogs
or additional softkey bars so that they can be loaded and used for executing additional actions.
A configuration file required for the Run MyScreen function, Creating the “slamconfig.ini” file on the controller
needs to be created. This can be done directly on the control-
ler by navigating to the relevant folders. Use the following key This file activates the softkey in the “Area” and activates the
sequence to locate in the “System data” area. custom.ini file which is to be used to create the user screens,
it also determine which operating areas these files are availa-
ble in. The file has to be located in one of the following paths/
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
“System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
The labelling and position of the softkey for the "Custom" op-
erating area are configured in the
slamconfig.ini file.
To create the file select the “New” soft-key and ensure that the Example: slamconfig.ini file.
“Any” soft-key is selected.
It is necessary to specify a soft-key to be used as the entry
point to the “MENU” area.
SoftkeyPosition = 12
To create the file select the “New” soft-key and ensure that The “com” file, the content of which will determine what ap-
the “Any” soft-key is selected. pears on the Run MyScreens screens, is also declared here.
(startfile := mycustommasks.com)
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
“System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
To create the file select the “New” soft-key and ensure that the ; Text on the caption bar of the form in the
“Any” soft-key is selected. start screen
;Text=Custom Test Page
Creating the “mycustommasks.com” file on the controller To create the file select the “New” soft-key and ensure that
the “Any” soft-key is selected.
This file activates the content of the custom screens as stated
in the custom.ini file. The file has to be located in one of the
following paths/directories:-
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\proj”
“System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\proj”
To see the result of the example the “CUSTOM” Area softkey has to be located on the control.
The 12th horizontal soft-key contains the text specified in the “xmldail.xml” file: HS12="CUSTOM".
If required, the OEM can add more screens with entry points
along the “Horizontal” or “Vertical” soft keys as shown below.
Part of the file name can be assigned by the user but must
also contain the correct 3 letter language coding. This is so
that the system can display the contents of the correct file.
Filename Examples: The files for English and German can be seen located in the
OEM area.
easyscr_eng.txt English filename example
easyscr_deu.txt German filename example
85100 0 0 "Deutsch%nMyScreens"
85101 0 0 "Deutsch Mask Header" The identifier is used in place of the text in the param.com file.
85102 0 0 "Deutsch Long Text" The identifier has to be prefixed by the $ symbol.
85103 0 0 "Deutsch Short Text" The text associated with the identifier will be displayed.
Example param.com file for language dependent text. The language file needs to be declared in the
“easyscreen.ini” file. No language coding is required.
//S(START) Declarations of other text files may also be present.
LM("mask1") StartFile04 = area := AreaParameter, dia-
END_PRESS log := SlParameter, startfile := param.com
//M(mask1/$85101/"picture1.png"///110,25) LngFile01 = almc.txt
HS1=("Variable%nTest") LngFile02 = alsc.txt
PRESS(HS1) LngFile03 = aluc.txt
LM("mask2") LngFile04 = easyscr.txt
//M(mask2/"Workpiece Dimensions"/)
Setting the controller language: When using the examples shown earlier it can be seen that
the text displays change with the selected language.
The controller language is selected via the “Start-up” menu.
This example is based on files that to be located in the follow-
ing paths/directories:-
“HMI data\Templates\Examples\Easyscreen\Standard”
This file sets up the links to the files which are to be used to
create the user screens, it also determine which operating
areas these files are available in. The file has to be located in
one of the following paths/directories:-
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
“System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\cfg”
Creating the “e_dr_o1.com” file Below: The e_dr_o1.com file located in the proj directory.
“System CF card\oem\sinumerik\hmi\proj”
“System CF card\user\sinumerik\hmi\proj”
To create the file select the “New” soft-key and ensure that
the “Any” soft-key is selected.
The “Any” soft-key allows the file type to be determined by the
user. In the dialogue box type in the name of the file and con-
firm with the “OK” soft-key.
The example defines the 6th vertical in the “Program Editor for
ShopMill, Drilling section” soft-key as the entry point, the soft-
key will have the text “OEM Drilling” (on 2 lines).
//M(MASK_E_DR_O1_MAIN/"OEM Drilling"/"empty.png"///50,60/XG1,FA2,TA7//)
DEF VarTF=(S20////wr0///0,0,24/44,0,24)
DEF VarPOS=(IDD////wr0///0,0,24/44,0,24)
; name for the program step
DEF VarOemName=(S17//"OEM Drilling"//wr0///0,0,8/0,0,208/10,5)
; -- Technology block tool, feed, spindle --
DEF VarTool=(S20///,"T",,,"Tool name"//"e_dr_z1.png"//2,2,24/41,2,129),
VarD=(I/* 1,2//,"D",,,"Cut edge number"//"e_dr_z1.png"//171,2,10/181,2,25)
; feed + unit toggle
DEF VarF=(R//0.0/,"F",,,"Feed"//"e_dr_z1.png"//2,,24/41,,85///"F_Unit"),
F_Unit=(I/*3="mm/rev", 1="mm/min"/1///"e_dr_z1.png"//,,0/131,,75)
; speed + unit toggle
DEF VarS=(R//0.0/,"S",,,"Spindle speed"//"e_dr_z1.png"//2,,24/41,,85///"S_Unit"),
S_Unit=(I/*1="rpm", 2="m/min"/1///"e_dr_z1.png"//,,0/131,,75)
; -- Actual step data
; individual element/group element
DEF VarModeDispl=(I/* 4="Single element", 1="Group element"//,,,,"Machining posi-
DEF VarX0=(R3//0.000/,"X0",,,"Reference point X0"//"e_dr_x0.png"//2,,24/41,,85)
DEF VarY0=(R3//0.000/,"Y0",,,"Reference point Y0"//"e_dr_x0.png"//2,,24/41,,85)
DEF VarZ0=(R3//0.000/,"Z0",,,"Reference point Z0"//"e_dr_z0.png"//2,,24/41,,85)
; shaft/tip (inc/abs)
DEF VarDrillModeDispl=(I/* 0="Shank",1="Tip"//,,,,"Drilling depth%nrelated to
; depth + unit toggle
DEF VarZ1=(R3//0.000/,"Z1",,,"Drilling depth"//"e_dr_z1.png"//2,,24/41,,85///"Z_Unit"),
Z_Unit=(I/*0="abs", 1="inc"/0///"e_dr_z1.png"//,,0/131,,42)
DEF VarDT=(R3//0.000/,"DT",,"s","Dwell time"//"e_dr_z1.png"//2,,24/41,,85,,5,60)
; -- Auxiliary variable
DEF ZZ1A=(I//0//wr0///2,,0/24,,44) ; shaft/tip Z1 abs/inc
; -- The following variables are only required for recompilation
; -- They are only assigned when executing the program.
; -- As a consequence there are no input fields.
; -- Vertical softkey bar
VS7=(["Cancel","\\sk_cancel.png"]) ; "Cancel"
VS8=(["OK","\\sk_ok.png"]) ; "accept"
; -- LOAD - Block
; cutting speed
IF S_Unit==2
VarS.tt="Constant%ncutting speed"
IF VarDrillModeDispl == 1 ; tip
VarDrillModeDispl.tt = "Drilling depth%nrelated to tip"
IF Z_Unit == 1 ; Z1 inc
IF Z_Unit == 0 ; Z1 abs
; ------ Switchover Z1 abs/inc -----
IF Z_Unit == 0 ; abs
VarZ1.tt = "Drilling depth" ; drilling depth
IF VarDrillModeDispl == 0 ; shaft
IF VarDrillModeDispl == 1 ; tip
IF Z_Unit == 1 ; inc
VarZ1.tt = "Drilling depth%nrelated to Z0" ; depth refered to Z0
IF VarDrillModeDispl == 0 ; shaft
IF VarDrillModeDispl == 1 ; tip
; -- Initialization or state change
; -- Group element/individual element --
IF VarModeDispl == 1
VarX0.wr = 4
VarY0.wr = 4
VarZ0.wr = 4
; individual element-> X0,Y0,Z0 - initialize fields
VarX0.wr = 2
VarY0.wr = 2
VarZ0.wr = 2
VarX0.st = "X0" ;X0
VarY0.st = "Y0" ;Y0
VarZ0.st = "Z0" ;Z0
; -- Checking the dwell time
IF 0 > VarDT
DLGL("Dwell time too small")
DLGL("Dwell time too small")
DLGL("Dwell time too small")
Storing of icons
e_dr_z0.png e_dr_z1.png
Input byte x bit y Ix.y The Short Text defined in attribute No.4 is positioned using
parameter No.8.
Input byte x IBx The measurements are in pixels and relate to the top left
corner of the main dialogue body.
Input word x IWx
Three values can be entered to define the position from the left,
Input double word x IDx
the position from the top and the width of the short text.
Output byte x bit y Qx.y Each entry has to be separated by a comma.
Output byte x QBx The following example would position the text “Short text” 200
pixels from the left and 100 pixels from the top with a width of
Output word x QWx 250 pixels:
Output double word QDx Def Var1=(R2///" ","Short text"///"$R[0]"/200, 100, 250//)
The I/O field can be positioned and sized using parameter The foreground and background colours of the I/O field can be
No.9. chosen by using parameter No.10.
The measurements are in pixels and relate to the top left The default colours are foreground: Black, background: White.
corner of the main dialogue body. These are determined by the “Write mode” (See parameter 5)
The following example would position the I/O field for the
defined variable, 600 pixels from the left and 100 pixels from Index Colour
the top with a width of 100 pixels and a height of 150 pixels:
1 Black
Def Var1=(R2///" "," "///"$R[0]"//600, 400, 100, 150/) 2 Red/brown
3 Dark green
4 Light grey
5 Dark grey
6 Blue
7 Red
8 Brown
9 Yellow
10 White
Name Softkey
Module Description:
The 828D controller has a Service Planner function which allows the user to set up maintenance
tasks. The tasks require an acknowledgement to confirm that the task has been completed, the tasks
are based on timed intervals. Each task has to be parameterised to suit the individual requirements of
that task.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to set up maintenance tasks using the Service
Planner function.
ts Language Files
Confirming/Resetting/Saving Tasks
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Enabling the
Setting up
ts Language
Notes :
In this example the It is possible to change the Data Class of the Data Block and
required Data Blocks add the name of the author if needed.
(DB9903 & DB9904) are The box is closed by clicking the “OK” key.
not present.
Notes :
Below is an example of how to activate and reset messages using the Service Planner.
Setting the
Setting the
Resetting the
Resetting the
Deactivating the
service interval
Notes :
In the following example, the interval is 168 hours. The 1st
warning will appear after 144 hours and then every 3 hours
until the alarm is triggered after 168 hours.
The interval for between the warning is obtained by the fol-
(168 - 144) ÷ 8 = 3
To confirm the data, use the “Input” key, to navigate the dia-
logue boxes use the cursor keys. When the data required
fields have been entered press the “Enter” key.
Notes :
ts Language Files
Notes :
Data Block 9904 is used to report the status of the maintenance tasks.
Notes :
The following interface signals are used for signalling that an alarm or message has been activated. Example: by checking that
the remaining time is not zero then the user PLC can be written to produce a message can be issued. If the remaining time is
zero then an alarm can be issued in the same way. The signal is active for one PLC cycle.
It may be necessary to deactivate a task, switching the signal high will result in the task being frozen.
Notes :
Confirming/Resetting/Saving Tasks
This will reset the remaining time back to the original and the Saving Service Tasks:
interface bit will remain high for one PLC cycle. This can be All the Service Tasks can be saved/read-in to/from an
used by the user PLC to acknowledge user alarms etc. external USB memory device.
It is possible to reset a maintenance task at any time prior to
the interval time expiring. Exporting tasks:
The “Exporting tasks” soft-key is used to save the tasks.
Tasks can be changed or deleted at any time with the
“Change task” & “Delete task” soft-keys.
Notes :
Enter a suitable name for the file and then select the “OK”
Reading in Service Tasks: The procedure will overwrite any existing tasks on the con-
The “Importing tasks” soft-key is used to read in a task file. troller, select the “OK” soft-key to continue.
The save procedure creates two files, one file is of the “xml”
type, while the second file is of the “ts” type. The “xml” has to
be selected for the import procedure, followed by the “OK”
Notes :
Creating additional language files using AMM-Project. Language files can be uploaded from the controller into the
Access MyMachine can be used to the create language To upload the language files, tick all boxes in the bottom
specific files. Start the Access MyMachine program and window.
make an online connection to the controller.
Notes :
Notes :
0 Wartungsaufgabe Test
1 SchaltschrankfilterWechseln
Notes :
In the Edit window, change the alarm number and enter the
required text.
In the Edit window, change the alarm number and enter the
required text.
Notes :
Download the two alarm text files by selecting them and us-
ing the "transfer" button.
Notes :
B020: END
Notes :
Notes :
Module Description:
The 828D system offers the possibility for the connection of an analogue spindle
Analogue output functionality is available for controlling a single analogue servo drive. The interface
for this is located on X252 of the 828D controller.
Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will be able to locate and configure the analogue interfaces.
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Analogue Spindle:
Control via
Analogue Spindle:
Notes :
X252 pins 1 & 2 are reserved for the analogue output MD30134 Signal Function
Signal which is used for controlling an analogue servo drive.
(Nominal +/- 10V, can be changed via machine data.) =0 AOUT (X252.1) Analogue output +/- 10V
The functionality of the analogue signal can be influenced by Bipolar
spindle with AGND (X252.2) Analogue output 0V
The resolution of the analogue output signal is 14bit. enable Controller enable (+24V
signal. DO11 (X252.12)
Sinamics digital outputs DO14 & DO15 (X132 pins 12 & 13) =1 AOUT (X252.1) Analogue output +10V
are used for enabling and direction signals. Unipolar spin-
dle, separate AGND (X252.2) Analogue output 0V
Machine Data Descriptions. enable/ Controller enable
direction sig- DO11 (X252.12) (+24V DC)
Activates the axis as an analogue axis when set to 0 Negative direction
DO12 (X252.13)
(828D digital drive operation = 5) (+24V DC)
Note: MD30100 and X252 pins 12 & 13 =2 AOUT (X252.1) Analogue output +10V
Unipolar spin-
AGND (X252.2) Analogue output 0V
dle, direction
dependant Controller enable and
enable. DO11 (X252.12) positive direction
X252 Axis MD 30100 = 0 Axis MD 30100 = 5 (+24V DC)
Pin 12 Controller enable/positive Digital Output Controller enable and
direction for analogue spindle $A_OUT[11] DO12 (X252.13) negative direction
option (+24V DC)
Pin 13 Controller enable/negative Digital Output
direction for analogue spindle $A_OUT[12]
Notes :
MD30220 $MA_ENC_MODULE_NR[0] :
The encoder should be connected as the 2nd encoder of an
existing Sinamics axis via an SMC module.
MD30220[0] of the analogue axis should be set the same as
MD30220[0] of the axis that the encoder is connected to.
MD30230 $MA_ENC_INPUT_NR[0] :
As previously explained, the encoder is connected as the 2nd
encoder of an existing Sinamics axis, therefore a value of 2
must be entered in MD30230[0].
Example: Notes:
Machine data configuration for a system with 3 digital axes The analogue axis is restricted in the following areas:
and an analogue spindle. The spindle encoder is connected
via SMC to the Y axis Sinamics drive module. • Dynamic Stiffness Control - unavailable.
30200 1 1 1 1
30220[0] 1 2 3 2
30230[0] 1 1 1 2
30240 1 or 4 1 or 4 1 or 4 1 or 4
B029: END
Notes :
Digital I/O
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Appendix A
Appendix A Hardware Differences
X130 Certain terminals are automatically assigned to a function by
default, remaining terminals can be assigned to a function via
X140 X135 machine data.
X122 The status of the terminals is transferred to CU parameter
X132 r0722 which is referred to when assigning a function.
M T1 T2 T3
Notes :
Pin 12 Sinamics DI/DO10 Bero 1 - external zero mark (Input) CU-r0722.10 Drive p0495=2
Notes :
X132-Sinamics I/O
Notes :
Notes :
X132 Drive
1 DI 4
2 DI 5
3 DI 6
4 DI 7
6 P24EXT2
7 DI/DO 12 1*
8 DI/DO 13 1*
10 DI/DO 14 1*
11 DI/DO 15 1*
12 MEXT2
Notes :
Infeed ready for non DriveCLiQ SLM SLM X21.1 Drive p0864
(SLM <16Kw)
Pin 2 Sinamics DI1 OFF3 drive enable-Fast Stop CU-r0722.1 Each drive 2nd OFF3,
Pin 3 Sinamics DI2 SH/SBC 1 – Group 1 CU-r0722.2 p9620 (all drives in the
SINAMICS Safety Integrated group)
(SH enable = p9601)
Pin 4 Sinamics DI3 SH/SBC 1 – Group 2 CU-r0722.3 p9620 (all drives in the
SINAMICS Safety Integrated group)
(SH enable = p9601)
Pin 5 0V Ground (M) Ground for pins 1 to 4
Pin 10 Sinamics DI/DO10 Bero 1 - external zero mark CU-r0722.10 Drive p0495=2
Pin 11 Sinamics DI/DO11 Probe 1: Remote Measuring CU-p680[0]=0 Each drive p0488,
(MD13210=1) Index
encoder 1, 2, 3=3
Pin 12 0V Ground (M) Ground for pins 7, 8, 10, 11
Notes :
X132-Sinamics I/O
Source Destination
Notes :
Appendix A: END
Notes :
Setting Data
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
Appendix B
General Machine Data
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
51000 $MNS_DISP_RES_MM Display resolution in mm
51001 $MNS_DISP_RES_MM_FEED_PER_REV Display resolution in mm feedrate/rev
51002 $MNS_DISP_RES_MM_FEED_PER_TIME Display resolution in mm feedrate/min
51003 $MNS_DISP_RES_MM_FEED_PER_TOOTH Display resolution in mm feedrate/tooth
51004 $MNS_DISP_RES_MM_CONST_CUT_RATE Display resolution constant cutting speed m/min
51010 $MNS_DISP_RES_INCH Display resolution in inch
51011 $MNS_DISP_RES_INCH_FEED_P_REV Display resolution in inch feedrate/rev
51012 $MNS_DISP_RES_INCH_FEED_P_TIME Display resolution in inch feedrate/min
51013 $MNS_DISP_RES_INCH_FEED_P_TOOTH Display resolution in inch feedrate/tooth
51014 $MNS_DISP_RES_INCH_CUT_RATE Display resolution constant cutting speed ft/min
51018 $MNS_DISP_RES_SCALE Display resolution scaling
51019 $MNS_DISP_RES_ROT_WO Display resolution of rotation in work offsets
Page 2
51024 $MNS_BLOCK_SEARCH_MODE_MASK_JS Bit mask for available search modes (ShopMill/ShopTurn single-channel)
Bit 0: Block search with calculation without approach
Bit 1: Block search with calculation with approach
Bit 2: Reserved
Bit 3: Skip EXTCALL programs
Bit 4: Reserved
Bit 5: Block search with test run
Appendix B
51025 $MNS_FRAMES_ACT_IMMEDIATELY Active data (frames) are activated immediately after change
Appendix B
51026 $MNS_AXES_SHOW_GEO_FIRST When the machine data value is 1, the geometry axes of the channel are displayed first.
51027 $MNS_ONLY_MKS_DIST_TO_GO Distance-to-go display in work window
General Machine Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
51028 $MNS_BLOCK_SEARCH_MODE_MASK Bit mask for available block search modes
Bit 0: Block search with calculation without approach
Bit 1: Block search with calculation with approach
Bit 3: Skip EXTCALL programs
Bit 4: Block search without calculation
Bit 5: Block search with test run
51029 $MNS_MAX_SKP_LEVEL The machine data defines how many skip levels are made available for operation.
Technology Settings
51030 $MNS_SPIND_MAX_POWER Maximum value of the permissible spindle power rating in percent; the display bar in the
machine image is shown in green within the range between 0 and the value stored in
51031 $MNS_SPIND_POWER_RANGE Scale end value for spindle power rating in percent; value must be equal to or greater than
The display bar in the machine image is shown in red in the range between the values of
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
51038 $MNS_SET_ACT_VALUE Set actual value selection
0 = Set actual value is not offered.
1 = If a user frame (settable work offset e.g. G54) is active, it will be used. In G500 Set ac-
tual values is not offered (system frame is no longer used).
51041 $MNS_ENABLE_PROGLIST_USER Activates the PLC program list of the USER area. The programs entered there can be se-
lected by the PLC for processing.
51042 $MNS_ENABLE_PROGLIST_INDIVIDUAL Activates the PLC program list of the INDIVIDUAL area. The programs entered here can be
Page 4
Appendix B
51052 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_SEA Protection level write setting data
Appendix B
51053 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_BASEFRAME Write basic work offset (basic frame) protection level
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
51056 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_PARTFRAME Write table reference protection level
51057 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_SETFRAME Write basic reference protection level
51058 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TOOLFRAME Write basic tool reference protection level
51059 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TRAFRAME Write transformation frame protec. level
Technology Settings
51060 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_USERFRAME Write settable work offset (G54 ... G599) protection level
51061 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_WPFRAME Write workpiece reference protection level
51062 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_FINE Write protection level for fine offset of all work offsets
51063 $MNS_ACCESS_SET_ACT_VALUE Set actual value protection level
51064 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_PROGLIST Write protection level of program list in USER area
51065 $MNS_NUM_DISPLAYED_CHANNELS Number of channels displayed simultaneously
Contains the numbers of the channels to be displayed under machine in the multi-
channel view, in the desired order and separated by commas, semicolons or spaces.
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
51202 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_WEAR_DELTA Protection level for restricted writing of tool wear values,
51203 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_SC Write tool offset sum offset protection level
51207 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_WGROUP Write tool offset wear groups (magazine location / magazine) protection level
51208 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_ADAPT Write tool offset tool adapter geometry data protection level
Page 6
51209 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_NAME Write tool offset tool name and duplo data protection level
51212 $MNS_TM_WRITE_WEAR_ABS_LIMIT With TM_WRITE_WEAR_ABS_LIMIT, the max. possible value of a tool wear is limited
absolutely, independently of the current protection level (keyswitch position), i.e. also
independently of ACCESS_WRITE_TM_WEAR. Absolute and incremental wear limita-
tion can be combined, i.e. the wear can be changed incrementally up to the absolute
limit, see MD 51213.
51213 $MNS_TM_WRITE_WEAR_DELTA_LIMIT When entering tool offsets, the value of the change from the previous value to the new
value cannot exceed the value set here.
With TM_WRITE_WEAR_DELTA_LIMIT, the change to a tool wear can be limited incre-
mentally, if the current protection level is the same as or higher than the one set in AC-
CESS_WRITE_TM_WEAR_DELTA. With the current protection level being the same or
higher than ACCESS_WRITE_TM_WEAR, an incremental limitation is no longer per-
Appendix B
formed. incremental wear limitation can be combined, i.e. the wear can be changed up
to the absolute limit, see MD 51212.
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
51215 $MNS_ACCESS_WRITE_TM_ALL_PARAM Protection level TM details - write all parameters
Technology Settings
51219 $MNS_ACCESS_TM_TOOL_UNLOAD Protection level TM unload tool
51232 $MNS_ENABLE_LADDER_EDITOR_ADV Activation of PLC ladder editor for the complete PLC project
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
51600 $MNS_MEA_CAL_WP_NUM Number of calibration data fields for workpiece probes
51601 $MNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_NUM Number of geometry data fields of gauging block for workpiece probes
51740 $MNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Function mask for measuring cycles, workpiece and tool measuring
Bit 0: Workpiece, monitoring of the calibration status
Bit 1: Workpiece, length ref. of probe in infeed axis at the ball circumference
Page 8
51742 $MNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Meas. cycles: Limitation of protection levels when writing system variables
51750 $MNS_J_MEA_M_DIST This parameter defines the measuring path in front of and behind the measuring setpoint.
51751 $MNS_J_MEA_M_DIST_MANUELL Measuring path, manual measurement ((for "Measure in JOG")) [mm] (in front of and behind the
measuring setpoint)
51752 $MNS_J_MEA_M_DIST_TOOL_LENGTH Measuring path for tool length measuring.
Appendix B
51757 $MNS_J_MEA_COLL_MONIT_FEED Feedrate in the working plane with active collision detection.
Appendix B
51758 $MNS_J_MEA_COLL_MONIT_POS_FEED Feedrate of the infeed axis with active collision detection, for "Measure in JOG".
General Machine Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
51770 $MNS_J_MEA_CAL_RING_DIAM Calibration ring diameter for Measure in JOG
51772 $MNS_J_MEA_CAL_HEIGHT_FEEDAX Calibration height in the infeed axis for probe length calibration
51780 $MNS_J_MEA_T_PROBE_DIAM_RAD Diameter of the tool probe for radius measurement for Measure in JOG
Technology Settings
51784 $MNS_J_MEA_T_PROBE_APPR_AX_DIR Approach direction in the plane on the tool probe for Measure in JOG
51786 $MNS_J_MEA_T_PROBE_MEASURE_DIST Measuring path for tool measurement with stationary spindle for Measure in JOG
52004 $MCS_PROG_COORDINATE_SYS_CHAN Coordinate system during programming as described in the specific channel
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
52011 $MCS_ADJUST_NUM_AXIS_BIG_FONT Adapt the number of actual values with large font if the number of geometry axes changes, e.g.
due to transformations like TRANSMIT or TRACYL.
0 = Only MD 52010 DISP_NUM_AXIS_BIG_FONT is valid. The number is assigned as a fixed
1 = Only the geometry axes are displayed in large font. MD 52010 DISP_NUM_AXIS_BIG_FONT
is ignored.
2 = The number of geometry axes plus the content of MD 52010 DISP_NUM_AXIS_BIG_FONT
are displayed in large font.
52020 $MCS_ORIAXES_EULER_ANGLE_NAME Axis identifier of the orientation axes: Euler angle or geometry axis name
Appendix B
6 = C axis of the counter spindle (turning)
7 = linear axis of the counter spindle (turning)
8 = tailstock (turning)
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
Technology Settings
- For 840D sl : PLC bit DBnn.DBX17.6, nn = 31 + machine axis index
- For 828D : PLC bit DB38xx.DBX2001.6, xx is machine axis index
Bit 6: Show rotary axis as offset target for measuring
Bit 7: Offer rotation axis in position pattern
Bit 8: Offer rotation axis to accept blank (at milling machines)
Bit 9: Spindle is not SPOS-capable
Bit 10: Rotary axis rotates around 1st geometry axis (for position pattern only)
Bit 11: Rotary axis rotates around 2nd geometry axis (for position pattern only)
Bit 12: Rotary axis rotates around 3rd geometry axis (for position pattern only)
Bit 13: Position of the axis for blank selection from active WO (for rotary axes)
Bit 14: Enable spindle for teach-in in axis mode
Page 11
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
52211 $MCS_FUNCTION_MASK_DISP _ZOA Function screen for displaying overview of work offsets
Bit 0: Show machine position
Bit 1: reserved
Bit 2: Display DRF offset
Bit 3: Display $AA_OFF position offset
Bit 4: Display $P_PARTFRAME
Bit 5: Display $P_SETFRAME
Bit 6: Display $P_EXTSFRAME
Bit 7: Display $P_ISO1FRAME
Bit 8: Display $P_ISO2FRAME
Bit 9: Display $P_ISO3FRAME
Bit10: Display $P_ACTBFRAME
Bit 11: Display $P_IFRAME
Bit 12: Display $P_TOOLFRAME
Bit 13: Display $P_WPFRAME
Bit 14: Display $P_TRAFRAME
Bit 15: Display $P_PFRAME
Bit 16: Display $P_ISO4FRAME
Bit 17: Display $P_CYCFRAME
Page 12
Appendix B
Bit 10: Enable swivel plane/align tool using kinematic transformation
Bit 11: Switch off layer check for drilling and milling tools (ShopTurn)
Bit 12: reserved
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
Technology Settings
Bit 7: Offer fixed table for blank clamping (on boring mills)
Bit 2: Coolant 2 ON
Bit 3: Coolant 1 and 2 ON
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
52240 $MCS_NAME_TOOL_CHANGE_PROG Tool change program for G code steps
Appendix B
52254 $MCS_M_CODE_TAILSTOCK_BACKWARD M code for quill backward
Example: "M54" or "M1=54"
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
Technology Settings
Bit 6: Permit relocating to/from spindle despite a block (Bit 3)
Bit 7: Create tool using the T number
Bit 8: Hide Relocate tool
Bit 9: Hide Position magazine
Bit 10: Reactivate tool using Position magazine
Bit 11: Reactivate tool in all monitoring modes
Bit 12: Fade out Reactivate tool
0 = No default magazine
52273 $MCS_TM_TOOL_MOVE_DEFAULT_MAG Default magazine for tool relocation
0 = No default magazine
52274 $MCS_TM_TOOL_LOAD_STATION Number of load station
0 = All configured stations are taken into account
52281 $MCS_TOOL_MCODE_FUNC_ON M code for tool-specific function ON
Value -1 means that the M function is not output. If both M commands of a function equal -1, the
corresponding field will not be displayed in the user interface.
52290 $MCS_SIM_DISPLAY_CONFIG Location of status display of the channel in the simulation (OP019 only)
Bit 0: Corner left/top
Bit 1: Corner right/top
Bit 2: Corner left/bott
Bit 3: Corner right/bott
52740 $MCS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Function mask for measuring cycles, workpiece and tool measuring
Bit 0: Workpiece probe connected at probe input 2
Bit 1: Workpiece, turning technology, measuring in the third geometry axis (Y)
Bit 2: Calc. of correction angle with/without active orientation transformation
Bit 16: Tool probe connected at probe input 2
Bit 17: Tool measurement turning, recording the cutting edge position
Channel Machine Data
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
52750 $MCS_J_MEA_FIXPOINT Z value for measuring fixed point
52808 $MCS_ISO_SIMULTAN_AXES_START Simultaneous approach to the boring position on all programmed axes
0: OFF
1: ON
Appendix B
52840 $MCS_GRIND_FUNCTION_MASK Function mask for grinding
Bit 7: Retraction while profiling with G1
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
53220 $MAS_AXIS_MCS_POSITION Position of axis in the Machine
Technology Settings
53241 $MAS_SPINDLE_CHUCK_TYPE Spindle jaw type
0 = Clamp from outside
1 = Clamp from inside
54481 $SNS_AST_MMC_DEFAULT_IS_PCU Selection of HMI Operate internal (NCU) / external (PCU) for AST
General Setting Data
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
54600 $SNS_MEA_WP_BALL_DIAM Effective diameter of the probe sphere for the workpiece probe
54601 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1 Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis in negative direction
54602 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1 Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis in positive direction
54603 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2 Trigger point of the 2nd measuring axis in negative direction
54604 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2 Trigger point of the 2ns measuring axis in positive direction
54605 $SNS_MEA_WP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX3 Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis in negative direction
54607 $SNS_MEA_WP_POS_DEV_AX1 Position deviation of the probe sphere in the 1st measuring axis
Page 18
54608 $SNS_MEA_WP_POS_DEV_AX2 Position deviation of the probe sphere in the 2nd measuring axis
54609 $SNS_MEA_WP_STATUS_RT Calibration status axis positions, reserved for internal use!
54617 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_PLUS_DIR_AX1 Calibration groove edge in positive direction of the 1st measuring axis
54618 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_MINUS_DIR_AX1 Calibration groove edge in negative direction of the 1st measuring axis
Appendix B
54619 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_BASE_AX2 Calibration groove base of the 2nd measuring axis
Appendix B
General Setting Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
54620 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_UPPER_AX2 Calibration groove upper edge of the 2nd measuring axis
54621 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_PLUS_DIR_AX2 Calibration groove edge in positive direction of the 2nd measuring axis
54622 $SNS_MEA_CAL_EDGE_MINUS_DIR_AX2 Calibration groove edge in negative direction of the 2nd measuring axis
54625 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1 Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis in negative direction
Technology Settings
54626 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1 Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis in positive direction
54627 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2 Trigger point of the 2nd measuring axis in negative direction
54628 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2 Trigger point of the 2nd measuring axis in positive direction
54629 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX3 Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis in negative direction
Page 19
54630 $SNS_MEA_TP_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX3 Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis in positive direction
54632 $SNS_MEA_TP_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL Enabling axes and traversing directions for "Automatic calibration" of milling tool probes.
The default setting refers in X and Y to the plus and minus direction respectively, in Z only to the
minus direction.
The parameter is divided into three components the functions of which are to be assigned to
calibration data records 1, 2 or 3!
The calibration data records are firmly assigned to tool measuring in the working planes G17 (1),
G18 (2) and G19 (3)!
Meaning of the parameter components
Decimal position:
Ones: 1st geometry axis (X)
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
54633 $SNS_MEA_TP_TYPE Tool probe type cube / wheel
0: Cube
101: Wheel in XY, working plane G17
201: Wheel in ZX, working plane G18
301: Wheel in YZ, working plane G19
54634 $SNS_MEA_TP_CAL_MEASURE_DEPTH Distance between the upper tool probe edge and the lower milling tool edge
54640 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX1 Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis in negative direction
54641 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX1 Trigger point of the 1st measuring axis in positive direction
Page 20
54642 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX2 Trigger point of the 2nd measuring axis in negative direction
54643 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX2 Trigger point of the 2nd measuring axis in positive direction
54644 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_MINUS_DIR_AX3 Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis in negative direction
54645 $SNS_MEA_TPW_TRIG_PLUS_DIR_AX3 Trigger point of the 3rd measuring axis in positive direction
Appendix B
Appendix B
General Setting Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
54647 $SNS_MEA_TPW_AX_DIR_AUTO_CAL Enabling axes and traversing directions for "Automatic calibration" of milling tool probes.
The default setting refers in X and Y to the plus and minus direction respectively, in Z only to the
minus direction.
The parameter is divided into three components the functions of which are to be assigned to cali-
bration data records 1, 2 or 3!
The calibration data records are firmly assigned to tool measuring in the working planes G17 (1),
G18 (2) and G19 (3)!
Meaning of the parameter components
Technology Settings
Decimal position:
Ones: 1st geometry axis (X)
Tens: 2nd geometry axis (Y)
Hundreds: 3rd geometry axis (Z)
=0: Axis not enabled
=1: Only minus direction possible
=2: Only plus direction possible
=3: Both directions possible
0: Cube
101: Wheel in XY, working plane G17
201: Wheel in ZX, working plane G18
301: Wheel in YZ, working plane G19
54649 $SNS_MEA_TPW_CAL_MEASURE_DEPTH Distance between the upper tool probe edge and the lower milling tool edge
54652 $SNS_MEA_INPUT_TOOL_PROBE_SUB CNC measurement input for tool probe with reference to the counterspindle
=0: Toolsetter no.=n+1, with reference to the main spindle
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
54672 $SNS_MEA_CM_MAX_FEEDRATE Maximum feed for contact of the tool with the probe
54673 $SNS_MEA_CM_MIN_FEEDRATE Minimum feed for 1st contact of the tool with the probe
54675 $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_1 Feedrate factor 1, for tool measuring with rotating spindle
=0: Single probing with the feedrate calculated by the cycle (but at least with the value of
>=1: First probing with calculated feedrate (but at least with the value of
Monitoring parameter for tool measuring with rotating spindle.
Page 22
54676 $SNS_MEA_CM_FEEDFACTOR_2 Feedrate factor 2, for tool measuring with rotating spindle
=0:Second probing with the feedrate calculated by the cycle (only effective with
>=1: Second probing with calculated feedrate, feedrate factor 2
Third probing with calculated feedrate (tool speed is influenced by SD54749
Notice: - Feedrate factor 2 should be smaller than feedrate factor 1!
- If the value of feedrate factor 2 is 0, a third probing will not be not performed!
Monitoring parameter for tool measuring with rotating spindle.
Appendix B
=2: TS27R (Renishaw)
Appendix B
General Setting Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
54691 $SNS_MEA_T_PROBE_OFFSET Measurement result offset for tool measuring with rotating spindle.
=0: No offset
=1: Cycle-internal offset (only effective with SD54689
=2: Offset through user-defined offset table
54692 $SNS_MEA_T_CIRCULAR_ARC_DIST Arc distance for single cutting edge measuring from the radius
Technology Settings
54693 $SNS_MEA_T_MAX_STEPS Max. number of contacts for single cutting edge measuring from the radius
54695 $SNS_MEA_RESULT_OFFSET_TAB_RAD1 Offset table (measure tool radius with rotating spindle)
54705 $SNS_MEA_RESULT_OFFSET_TAB_LEN1 Offset table (measure tool length with rotating spindle)
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
54740 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Function mask for measuring cycles, workpiece and tool measuring
Bit 0: Workpiece, measurement repeated if TSA, TDIF are exceeded
Bit 1: Workpiece, repeat measurement with M0 if TSA, TDIF are exceeded
Bit 2: Workpiece, stop at M0 if TUL, TLL are exceeded
Bit 3: Workpiece, accept calibrated probe ball radius in tool data
Bit 4: Workpiece , plane between calibration and measurement can be different
Bit 16: Tool, repeat measurement if TDIF, TSA are exceeded
Bit 17: Tool, repeat measurement with stop at M0 if TDIF, TSA are exceeded
Bit 19: Tool milling, reduction of the spindle speed at the last probing
54760 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_PIECE Setting for input screen, measuring cycles in Automatic, workpiece measuring
Bit 1: Selection of display softkey 3D measurement
Page 24
Appendix B
Bit 22: Select Calibrate to unknown or known center point
Bit 24: Select Calibrate with or without positional deviation
Bit 25: Selection zero offset when measuring the angularity of the spindle
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
54762 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_TOOL Setting for input screen, measuring cycles in Automatic, tool measuring
Bit 3: Select probe calibration data field, enable
Bit 4: Select Calibrate Input measuring feed
Bit 5: Select Input feed and spindle speeds for contacting
Bit 7: Select Measure in MCS and WCS
Bit 8: Select Measure absolute and incremental
Bit 9: Select Tool offset Geometry and wear
Bit 10: Select measuring function ”Check teeth individually”
Technology Settings
Bit 11: Selection spindle reversal when calibrating on the plane
Bit 12: Select Number of measurements
Bit 13: Select Empirical values
Bit 14: Select offset correction with selection of direction
54764 $SNS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK_TURN Setting for input mask, Measuring cycles in Automatic, Workpiece turning
Bit 0: Measure Diameter inside/outside with reversal
Bit 1: Measure Diameter inside/outside “Travel under turning center“?
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
55200 $SCS_MAX_INP_FEED_PER_REV Feedrate input upper limit for mm/rev
Appendix B
55220 $SCS_FUNCTION_MASK_MILL_TOL_SET Function mask High Speed Settings CYCLE832
Bit 0: Unhide technology fields
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
55221 $SCS_FUNCTION_MASK_SWIVEL_SET Function mask Swivel CYCLE800
Bit 0: Unhide input field "No swivel"
Bit 1: Selection text for retraction, “fixed point 1” or “fixed point 2”
Bit 2: Show swivel data block "Deselection"
Bit 3: Display active swivel plane in JOG
Bit 4: Positioning in basic position (pole position) of the kinematics
Bit 5: Align tool, absolute (TCOABS)
Bit 6: Do not offer swivel mode “directly” under swivel in JOG
Technology Settings
Bit 7: Swivel plane: Direction selection in initial setting of kinematics
Bit 8: Take into account work offset of rotary axes, swivel data set in Work
Bit 9: Swivel data set TC permanently assigned to the tool
Bit 10: Swivel plane: Display input field “positioning direction”
Bit 11: Swivel plane: Positioning of both solutions AB - display kinematics
Bit 12: Reset behaviour taking into account the rotary axis position
Bit 13: Extended swivel function in pole position
55230 $SCS_CIRCLE_RAPID_FEED Positional feed on circular path
55305 $SCS_EASY_DRILL_DEEP_FD1 Simple input: percentage 1st federate deep - hole drilling
55307 $SCS_EASY_DRILL_DEEP_V1 Simple input: min. depth infeed deep - hole drilling
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
55308 $SCS_EASY_DRILL_DEEP_V2 Simple input: absolute retraction value deep - hole drilling
55400 $SCS_MILL_ENGRAVE_POINT_RAD Engraving cycle CYCLE60: Circ. path radius for generating the char. ”point”
Channel Setting Data
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
55410 $SCS_MILL_SWIVEL_ALARM_MASK Hide and unhide cycle alarms
Bit 0: Display alarm 62186: Active work offset G54 ff. and base (basic reference) contain rotations
Bit 1: Display alarm 62187: Active base and basic reference (G500) contain rotations
Bit 2: Display alarm 61148: Swivel plane not possible with active turning tool
Bit 3: Display alarm 61426: Kinematics measurement with CYCLE9960/996
= 0: axis by axis
= 1: direct
55441 $SCS_MILL_TOL_TECHNO_ROUGH Settings for roughing High Speed Settings cycle CYCLE832 of G group 59
55442 $SCS_MILL_TOL_TECHNO_SEMIFIN Settings for pre-finishing High Speed Settings cycle CYCLE832 of G group 59
55443 $SCS_MILL_TOL_TECHNO_FINISH Settings for finishing High Speed Settings cycle CYCLE832 of G group 59
55446 $SCS_MILL_TOL_VALUE_ROUGH Tolerance value for roughing High Speed Settings cycle CYCLE832
55447 $SCS_MILL_TOL_VALUE_SEMIFIN Tolerance value for pre-finishing High Speed Settings cycle CYCLE832
55448 $SCS_MILL_TOL_VALUE_FINISH Tolerance value for finishing High Speed Settings cycle CYCLE832
Appendix B
Appendix B
Channel Setting Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
55460 $SCS_MILL_CONT_INITIAL_RAD_FIN This data affects the radius of the approach circle during contour pocket finishing.
-1: The radius is selected to maintain a safety clearance to the finishing allowance in the starting
>0: The radius is selected to maintain the value of this setting data to the finishing allowance in the
starting point.
55481 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG12 Settings for tapping G group 12 cycle CYCLE84 and CYCLE840:
G group 12: Block change behaviour at exact stop (G60)
Technology Settings
0 = Exact stop behaviour, same as before the cycle call
1 = G601
2 = G602
3 = G603
Index[0]: for tool spindle
Index[1]: for main spindle - for drilling in centre
Index[0]: for tool spindle
Index[1]: for main spindle - for drilling in centre
55483 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_GG24 Settings for tapping G group 24 cycle CYCLE84 and CYCLE840:
G group 24: Feedforward control (FFWON, FFWOF )
0 = Feedforward control, same as before the cycle call
Index[0]: for tool spindle
Index[1]: for main spindle - for drilling in centre
55484 $SCS_DRILL_TAPPING_SET_MC Setting for tapping cycle CYCLE84 spindle operation at MCALL
0= Reactivate spindle operation at MCALL
1= Maintain position-controlled spindle operation at MCALL
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
55490 $SCS_DRILL_SPOT_DIST Rough drilling depth for drill and thread milling
Channel Setting Data
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
55500 $SCS_TURN_FIN_FEED_PERCENT Roughing feedrate for complete machining in %
55553 $SCS_TURN_FIXED_STOP_RETRACTION Counterspindle: retraction path prior to chucking after fixed stop
55582 $SCS_TURN_CONT_TRACE_ANGLE Counter turning: minimum angle for rounding along contour
Appendix B
Appendix B
Channel Setting Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
55583 $SCS_TURN_CONT_VARIABLE_DEPTH Counter turning: percentage for variable cutting depth
Technology Settings
This setting data is effective only if setting data 55586 is 55586
55587 $SCS_TURN_CONT_MIN_REST_MAT_AX1 Counter turning: minimum difference dimension residual machining axis 1
If this MD is set to 50% and if the finishing allowance is 0.5 mm, the residual material which is
thinner than 0.25 mm is not removed in a separate machining step, but during finishing.
Page 31
55588 $SCS_TURN_CONT_MIN_REST_MAT_AX2 Counter turning: minimum difference dimension residual machining axis 2
If this MD is set to 50% and if the finishing allowance is 0.5 mm, the residual material which is
thinner than 0.25 mm is not removed in a separate machining step, but during finishing.
55595 $SCS_TURN_CONT_TOOL_BEND_RETR Counter plunge turning: retraction path due to tool bending
In this setting data you specify the lateral distance to the last cut, by which each next cut will be
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
55614 $SCS_MEA_RESULT_MRD Program control of the display of the measurement result display MRD
=0: Hide measurement result display
=1: Show measurement result display
Appendix B
55624 $SCS_MEA_AVERAGE_VALUE_NUM Number of mean values
Appendix B
Channel Setting Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
55625 $SCS_MEA_AVERAGE_VALUE Mean value memory
Using parameter $SCS_MEA_AVERAGE_VALUE_NUM the number of memory elements can be
defined! Currently, however, these 20 memory elements can-not be changed!
In the mean value memory, the mean values calculated in connection with functionality "Automatic
tool offset with mean value creation" are stored.
Using parameter _EVNUM the mean value element to be used is addressed!
Technology Settings
55630 $SCS_MEA_FEED_MEASURE Feed for calibrating a workpiece probe
55631 $SCS_MEA_FEED_MEASURE_DEG Measurement feedrate of workpiece probe during positioning of a rotary axis
55632 $SCS_MEA_FEED_RAPID IN_PERCENT Rapid traverse velocity in per cent for intermediate positioning
55637 $SCS_MEA_FEED_POS_DEG Feedrate when positioning a rotary axis between individual measurements
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
55649 $SCS_MEA_KIN_BALL_VEC Perform complete kinematics measurement: Vector of the ball mounting
55740 $SCS_MEA_FUNCTION_MASK Function mask for measuring cycles, workpiece and tool measuring
Bit 0: Workpiece, collision monitoring for intermediate positioning
Page 34
Bit 1: Workpiece, coupling spindle with coordinate rotation around infeed axis
Bit 2: Workpiece, for coupling of spindle pos., reverse positioning direction
Bit 3: Workpiece, do not repeat if the probe does not switch
Bit 4: Workpiece, 1st probing for each measurement with fast measuring feedrate
Bit 5: Workpiece, fast retraction after measurement
Bit 6: Workpiece, deactivate probe during spindle positioning
Bit 7: Kinematics, normalization based on the input values of rotary axis vectors
Bit 8: Kinematics, measurement with active swivel (TCARR) or active TRAORI
Bit 9: Kinematics, user-specific scaling of rotary axis vectors
Bit 10: Complete kinematics measurement with reference
Bit 11: Kinematics, number of measuring points for measuring the calibration ball
Bit 15: Workpiece, calib. Radius with start point at venter of ring, only in JOG
Bit 16: Tool, collision monitoring for intermediate positioning
Bit 17: Tool, do not repeat if the probe does not switch
Bit 19: Tool, fast retraction after measuring
Bit 28: Continuous standard protocol for measurement in JOG (append)
Bit 29: Table format for standard protocol for measurement in JOG
Appendix B
55774 $SCS_J_MEA_PROTOCOL_FILE Name and path of protocol file for measurement in JOG
Appendix B
Channel Setting Data
Appendix B
Appendix B
MD Identifier Description Comment
Technology Settings
2: Deep hole tapping with chip breakage
3: Deep hole tapping with stock removal
55806 $SCS_ISO_M_RETRACTION_DIR Retraction direction for precision drilling and reverse counter-sinking G76/G87
0: G17(-X) G18(-Z) G19(-Y)
1: G17(+X) G18(+Z) G19(+Y)
2: G17(-X) G18(-Z) G19(-Y)
3: G17(+Y) G18(+X) G19(+Z)
4: G17(-Y) G18(-X) G19(-Z)
Page 35
55810 $SCS_ISO_T_DWELL_TIME_UNIT Dwell time evaluation for deep hole drilling G83/G87
0: Seconds
1: Revolutions
Technology Settings
MD Identifier Description Comment
55821 $SCS_FRICT_OPT_RADIUS_ROT Circle radius for optimizing friction compensation for rotary axes
55823 $SCS_FRICT_OPT_FEED_ROT Feedrates for optimizing friction compensation for rotary axes
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B: END
Anhang A PLC Interface
PLC Interface:
Mode Signals
User Area
PI Services
PLC User
HMI Signals
PLC Interface:
Fast NC I/O
SINUMERIK 828D V4.8 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents. Appendix C
Appendix C PLC Interface Structure
Notes :
IB113 NC Start Spindle right *Spindle stop Spindle left Key-switch REF REP Teach IN
position 3
Feed start *Feed stop INC var. Key-switch posi-
IB114 tion 0
INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1
Feedrate override
IB115 Reset Key- Key-switch E (16) D (8) C (4) B (2) A (1)
switch position position 1
Direction keys
+ - Rapid traverse KT5 (X52.2) KT4 (X52.1) KT3 (X51.3) KT2 (X51.2) KT1(X51.1)
Axis selection
IB117 T16 KT6(X52.3) 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis Z Y X
QB113 NC Start Spindle right Spindle Stop Spindle left RESET REF REPOS Teach In
QB114 Feed Start Feed Stop INC var. INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1
QB116 Minus Plus Rapid trav- KT5 KT4 KT3 KT2 KT1
Direction Direction erse
QB117 T16 KT6 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis Z Y X
QB118 T9 T10 T11 T12 MCS/WCS T13 T14 T15
QB119 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
Notes :
User Data 1 [r/w]
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
User Data
up to
Input image for MCP483 USB, MCP310 USB and MCP416 USB
User Data 1 [r/w]
Notes :
up to User Data
User Data
Output image for MCP483 USB, MCP310 USB and MCP416 USB
User Data 2 [r/w]
Operating mode
0007 - - - - - - - -
0010 - - - - - - - -
0011 - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - DP2 DP1
1) For MCP310 USB, preassigned with ”Coolant”, for MCP483 USB and MCP416 USB freely assignable customer key.
2) Key not available for MCP310 USB, for MCP483 USB and MCP416 USB freely assignable customer key.
Notes :
7-Segment display
The MCP USB has a 2-position 7-segment display. To output a character, write the ASCII code as hexadecimal value of the
character to the output image. For the signs q, b, r, d, t, y, n, o, only the code works for the capital letters
Example: To display the number “2“, you must write hexadecimal value 32 and for "p" the hexadecimal value 50 write to
the output image.
ASCII-character table
Notes :
PI Services (DB1200)
Reading/Writing of NC data
It is possible to read/write data too/from the NC &PLC. Variables are available to facilitate this function.
Below:- Defining read or write, how many variables and setting the start Signal.
Below:-Information regarding the variable has to be written to the following areas. Up to eight sets of data can be moved in one
*1) Only for predefined variables of the "Read/write NC variable" user interface
*2) Only for variables from DB9910, DB9911, DB9912 NC_DATA
Notes :
*1) Only for predefined variables of the "Read/write NC variable" user interface
*2) Only for variables from DB9910, DB9911, DB9912 NC_DATA
PI Services
4000 Start
4001 PI-Index
4004 PI-Parameter 1
4006 PI-Parameter 2
4022 PI-Parameter 10
Notes :
PI Services:- Result
DB1200 NC PLC [r]
User area
User area
User area
Notes :
Channel 1
2000 Acknowledge Acknowledge PLC Stop Em. Stop Feed disa- Read-in NC start
with power ON with DB1600. ble disable disable
Channel 2
3000 Acknowledg
Notes :
0002 Skip Skip block 6 Skip block 5 Skip block 4 Skip block 3 Skip block 2 Skip Skip block
block 7 selected selected selected selected selected block 1 0
selected selected selected
Program selection
DB1700- Interface PLC HMI [r/w]
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Part program Disable teach
selection transfer
1001 Always 1 Part program handling: Number of the control data base for user file names
1002 Part program handling: Index of the file to be transferred from the user list
SMS Messenger
DB1700- Interface SMS messenger PLC [r]
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Notes :
1004 PLC cycle time in micro seconds (Double Integer)
1008 Year (Tens) BCD Year (Units) BCD
Channel 2 Channel 1
1023 Reserved
1026 Reserved
Notes :
Maintenance Planner
DB1800 PLC HMI Deactivate Maintenance Task [r/w]
Notes :
Maintenance Planner-continued
0006 Reserved
0008 Reserved
0010 Reserved
0016 Reserved
0018 Reserved
Notes :
Customer keys
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Customer keys
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
Customer keys
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Customer keys
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
Customer keys
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
Customer keys
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
Customer keys
56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
Customer keys
64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57
0030 Reserved
0031 Reserved
Notes :
1006 Reserved
5007 up to Reserved
5022 Parameter 1 for function selection number, function selection from DBB5021
5023 Parameter 2 for function selection number, function selection from DBB5021
5024 Parameter 3 for function selection number, function selection from DBB5021
5025 Reserved
Notes :
Customer LED
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Customer LED
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
Customer LED
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Customer LED
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
Customer LED
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
Customer LED
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
Customer LED
56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
Customer LED
64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57
5043 Reserved
Notes :
0000 up to
0006 S fcts.1
0008 T fcts.1
0010 D fcts.1
0013 up to
Dynamic M functions
M99 M98 M97 M96
1013 up to
Notes :
Transferred T functions
up to
Transferred M functions
Transferred S functions
DB2500- NC PLC [r]
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Transferred D functions
Notes :
Transferred H functions
General Signals to NC
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
Notes :
0002 Continuous INC var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1
0002 Continuous INC var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1
Notes :
Activate skip Activate skip Activate skip Activate skip Activate skip block Activate skip Activate skip Activate skip
0002 block 7 block 6 block 5 block 4 3 block 2 block 1 block 0
Feed-rate Rapid traverse Limited path Program level Delete number of Delete dis- Read-in disable Feed-rate
0006 override override active velocity abort subroutine cycles tance to go disable
active (*2)
Reset Suppress NC stop axis plus NC stop NC stop at NC start NC start lock
0007 Start Lock spindle block limit
Do not lock Deactivate Activate fixed Activate fixed Activate fixed Activate fixed
0013 tool workpiece feedrate 4 feedrate 3 feedrate 2 feedrate 1
No tool change Jog circles Activate associ- Neg. direction for Sim. contour hand Activate contour hand wheel
commands ated M01 sim. contour wheel ON (bit/binary-coded)
Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel
0014 3 2 1
0016 Control
0019 Status of the digital NC grinding outputs from the PLC $AC_IN_KEY_G_RUN_IN[1…8]
Notes :
(*1) The type of numbering for the hand-wheel is determined by machine data
11234 HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION (0=bit coded, 1=binary coded).
(*2) Machine function:- Only if DB2600.DBX1.0 is not set.
Notes :
Channel status Program status
0003 Reset Interrupted Active Aborted Interrupted Stopped Wait Running
NC alarm Specific NC Channel All axes sta- All axes ref- Stop Start
with alarm is ac- ready tionary erenced Request request
0004 processing tive
stop present
Contour Protection
handwheel zones not
direction of guaranteed
Machine related protection zones pre-activated
Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
Machine related protection zones pre-activated
0009 Area 10 Area 9
Channel specific protection zones pre-activated
0010 Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
Channel specific protection zones pre-activated
Area 10 Area 9
Machine related protection zones violated
0012 Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
Machine related protection zones violated
0013 Area 10 Area 9
Channel specific protection zones violated
0014 Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
Channel specific protection zones violated
0015 Area 10 Area 9
Notes :
Invert hand-
1003 wheel direc-
tion of rot.
Invert hand-
1007 wheel direc-
tion of rot.
(*1) The type of numbering for the hand-wheel is determined by machine data 11234 (0=bit coded, 1=binary coded).
4004 Start after Power up Operator panel Part program Part program
block search reset end start from
Notes :
4010 ´Status of the enable for the digital NC grinding inputs to the PLC $AC_IN_KEY_G_ISENABLE[1...8]
4011 ´Status of the function of the digital NC grinding inputs to the PLC $AC_IN_KEY_G_RUN_OUT[1...8]
ASUP result
DB3400- NC PLC [r]
0063 Active G function of group 64 (8 bit Integer)
Notes :
Signals to axis/spindle
DB3800- PLC NC [r/w]
Override active Measuring Measuring Follow up mode Axis/spindle Sensor for fixed Acknowledge
system 2 system 1 disable stop fixed stop
0001 reached
Traversing keys Rapid traverse Traverse key lock Feedrate stop/ Activate Hand-wheel
0004 override spindle stop
Plus Minus 3 2 1
Invert hand-
0007 wheel direction
of rotation
Parameter set-Servo
Delay reference Modulo Limit 2nd software limit switch Hardware limit switch
point approach Reached
1000 Plus Minus Plus Minus
Activate Suppress
1002 program test program test
Notes :
Signals to spindle
DB3800- PLC NC [r/w]
Clear S value Spindle:-No Spindle resynchro- Spindle resynchro- Gear changed Actual gear stage
speed moni- nise 2 nise 1
2000 toring for gear C B A
Spindle override
Note:- IC, DC, ACP, ACN only one signal can be selected at any one time. If no signal is selected AC is active by default.
Signals to drive
DB3800- PLC NC [r/w]
Open holding
Pulse Speed control- Motor being Parameter set selection
4001 enable ler integrator selected
disable C B A
Notes :
5001 backlash
Enable following
5002 axis overlay
Stop HIAxMove Stopp corr Stop DEPBCS Stop DEPMCS Resume HIAx- Resume corr Resume DEP- Resume
5003 Move BCS DEPMCS
PLC controlled Stop along Stop at next Change reversal Set reversal point Continue Reset External
5004 axis braking ramp reversal point point oscillation
Current controller Speed controller Position con- Axis/spindle sta- Follow up mode Axis ready Axis alarm Drive test
0001 active active troller active tionary active travel request
(n < nmin)
Power fixed stop Fixed stop Activate travel to Measurement Rotational feder- Hand-wheel
0002 limited reached fixed stop active ate active override active
Axis stop
0003 Ready for opera-
Invert hand-
wheel direc-
0007 tion of rota-
PLC axis/spindle Neutral axis/ Exchange New type from Current assignment of the NC
spindle possible PLC requested axis/spindle in the channel
2 1
Notes :
DRV Safety
0010 Integrated with
SIC/SCC active
Jog position Indexing axis in Jog fix point posi- Jog fix point posi- Jog fix point posi- Act jog fix Act jog fix point Act jog fix point
1001 reached position tion reached 2 tion reached 1 tion reached 0 point position position1 position 0
Velocity re-
1003 duced by Colli-
sion check
Actual Speed monitoring Spindle in Set- Supporting Geometry Set-point Set-point speed Speed limit
2001 direction is clock- point range range limit vio- monitoring speed in- limited exceeded
wise lated creased
3002 Reserved
Notes :
4001 Pulses Speed control- Motor being Active motor / parameter set
enabled ler integrator selected
disabled E D C B A
nact = nset nact < nx nact < nmin Md < Mdx Ramp up com- Temperature pre-warning
4002 pleted
Heat Sink Motor
4004 Reserved
4006 Reserved
5001 Reserved
ESR Acceleration Velocity Superimposed Actual Synchronism Synchronism
reaction initiat- warning warning motion coupling coarse fine
5002 ed threshold threshold
reached reached
Gantry axis Gantry lead- Gantry group- Synchronisation Gantry warning Gantry shut-
5005 ing axis ing is syn- ready threshold down limit
chronising reached reached
Notes :
Sensor configuration
Sensor S6 Sensor S5 Sensor S4 Sensor S1 Sensor avail-
available available available available able
7000 (angular (piston end (clamped
position of position) state)
the motor
Sensor configuration
Status value
7001 is generated
Notes :
Feedback signal
Acknowl- Acknowl-
y100 edgement edgement OK
y102 Reserved
y104 Error status (Word)
y106 Reserved
y108 Acknowledge- Acknowledge- Acknowledge- Acknowledge- Acknowledge- Acknowl- Acknowl- Total
ment step 7 ment step 6 ment step 5 ment step 4 ment step 3 edgement edgement acknowledge-
step 2 step 1 ment
Notes :
Job status
y132 to
y138 Reserved
y140 Multitool: Distance coding (Int)
y004 to
y008 Reserved
y010 to Reserved
Notes :
y033 Manual tool 1:1 change Master tool To be loaded To be Disabled, but Tool in the
unloaded ignore buffer
Notes :
Feedback signal
DB4300- NC PLC Signals from TM [r]
DB43xx (*1)
Acknowl- Acknowl-
y100 edgement edgement
error OK
y102 Reserved
y106 Reserved
Job status
Notes :
Synchronised actions
Notes :
0000 Offset 0
0001 Offset 1
0002 Offset 2
Up to Offset 4095
Notes :
Used in with: DB2600.DBX1.1 Request axis actual value, DB2600.DBX1.2 Request axis distance to go
External Torque 1 or 2 Direction of Test with Start Select
0003 brake closed rotation brake 1 or 2 brake test safe brake test
Safety error Safe limited Safe operat- Safe limited Safe operat- Safe stop 2 Safe stop 1 Safe torque of
0001 with Stop A speed selected ing stop select- speed active ing stop active
Test stop re- Test stop active Safe direction Safe direction
0002 quested negative positive
Notes :
Notes :
0006 Reserved 1
0014 Reserved 2
0254 Reserved
Notes :
0004 Reserved_1 1
0006 Reserved_2 1
0012 Reserved_1 2
0014 Reserved_2 2
0252 Reserved_1 32
0254 Reserved_2 32
Notes :
n+3 Reserved
Control signals
Activation time energy saving
T1 has expired profile active
n+5 Reserved
Effectiveness profile
Disable energy Energy saving
saving profile profile config-
Notes :
0001 PLC FW
should perform
0002 Measurement
HMI PLC in progress
0040 Drawn active energy in kWh per previous day (REAL) to HMI
0044 Supplied active energy in kWh per previous day (REAL) to HMI
0056 Drawn active energy in kWh per previous month (REAL) to HMI
0060 Supplied active energy in kWh per previous month (REAL) to HMI
0072 Drawn active energy in kWh per previous year (REAL) to HMI
0076 Supplied active energy in kWh per previous year (REAL) to HMI
0098 Value invalid Value invalid Value invalid Value invalid Value invalid Value invalid Value invalid Value invalid
DBD0384 DBD0344 DBD0304 DBD0264 DBD0224 DBD0184 DBD0144 DBD0104
Notes :
n+102 Reserved
n+104 Active power or active energy of the auxiliary unit [kW] or [kWh]
n+116 Active energy drawn by the auxiliary unit at the measurement start [kWh]
n+120 Active energy supplied by the auxiliary unit at the measurement start [kWh]
n+124 Active energy drawn by the auxiliary unit at the measurement end [kWh]
n+128 Active energy supplied by the auxiliary unit at the measurement start end [kWh]
n+132 Reserved
n+136 Reserved
Notes :
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
n+0 Sensor installation location
n+2 Reserved
Notes :
0001 Syntax ID
0002 Area
0003 Unit
0008 Block
0010 Type
0011 Length
0013 Syntax ID
0014 Area
0015 Unit
0020 Block
0022 Type
0023 Length
0493 Syntax ID
0494 Area
0495 Unit
0500 Block
0502 Type
0503 Length
Notes :
ALM instances:
Appendix C: END
Notes :