in the World of Faelon
BrightSword would not be possible without the assistance and companionship of:
Keith (Andelor the Healer) Matthews, Dave (Asher the Beastmaster) Hayes, Rich (Lovar the Wizard)
Staats, Dave (Sven the Soldier) Wood, (Springbuck the Hunter)
Steve (Blast it to a Cinder) Rolston, Chris (Wake up, Celefin) Jackson, Jeremy (Windstor Sauronbait)
Barker, 'Mac' (Turvagor Swordcollector) McCollum, Mike (Where'd Gil-Galen go?) Reinken, James (Roland
the Haunter) Causey, 'Doc' (Atan Nobleslayer) Burgess, Alex (Shade Celefinbane) Vaeth, Rob (Angrac the
Black Hand) Harding, Hans (Tenlor Dartchucker) Schnople.
Brian (Up the rope, Benadril) Linvill, Marc (Nice shorts, Jubal) Lago, Mike (You go first, Frago) Andersen,
Bryan (Cormallen will handle this) Hamilton, John (Nicodemus or Balthazar?) Cantwell, Steve (Valacar
Pettymage) Moore, Derek (Rothien the Impressive) Carson, Eric (Put down the chicken leg, Tox) Zichella,
John (Nice Door!) Frieda.
Marshall (UrbanElf) Bass, Eric (Scatterbolter) Lauterbach, Kelly (Blah, Blah, Blah) Wilkinson, Mike
(We need a new mage) Woods, Jeff (the Volcano) Jones.
Mike (the Witch) Turner, Woody (Sure, I’ll go down there) Walton, Tobe (See the light) Tennyson,
Matt (Team Ailea) Bogart, Bill (Doctor Death) Corr, Shawn (It’s a deal) Blevins.
Paul (Open another keg) Leuschen, Madeline (Can I have another adventurer sheet?) Johnson, Charles
(Sorry, Marshall) Yaw, Tom (Spider-bait) Gillman, Todd (Dragonslayer) Schneider.
Chris (The Augerer) Campbell, Josh (Dare to be Different) Campbell, Steven (Black Troll) Hollowell
Craig (Battleelf) Maksimik, Tim (Casters suck!) Gaffney, Jason (Who me, lead?) Condon, Max (Shakrim
Attack!) Hardenbrook, Brady (Large Shield) Kopek, Richard (Hero of Borjonin) Lonski, Mike “Puma”
(Barrel Rider) Lesniowski, Adam (Chain Lightning) Fennema, Tom (the Merchant Lord) Meier, Paul (think
this grass is tall enough?) Works, Matt (Mammoth Bro) Green
Published in 2016 by
DGS Games, LLC “DGS Games,” DGS Tombstone, Freeblades logo, and “where
gamers rule” slogan are trademarks of DGS Games, LLC.
All artwork is copyrighted and owned by DGS Games, LLC. ©
www.dgsgames.com DGS Games, LLC 2016
If you and your friends have never played an RPG Galen: Oh, all right. [to the GM:] I’ll open it and look
before and currently have no gamemaster, one of you down.
should read Chapter 12 – Gamemastering Faelon care-
fully and take the rest of the group through the sample GM: Your torchlight shows a rusty ladder leading down
adventure there before starting out from scratch. into the darkness.
Galen: Here goes. I’m climbing down the ladder. Galen: Uh, shouldn’t we be going?
GM: It creaks, but supports your weight. At the bottom Kalor: You want the crown, don’t you?
is a chamber with an iron bound oak door in the north
wall. The chamber is a ten by twenty pace room that Galen: Sure, but fighting skeletons…
is longer north-south.
Tabitha: What did you expect to fight down here,
Galen: Come on down, folks. bunnies?
Kalor: We’ll join him, first me, then Tabitha, then Ben. Benadril: What else is in the room?
Benadril: I will pull the trap door closed after me. GM: Nothing. Across from you is another closed door.
Tabitha: Shall I summon a warding spirit to guard our Kalor: Ben and I will head over to the door. You two
escape route? watch the skeletons.
Kalor: Good idea, but no. I have a feeling we are going Galen, Tabitha: Right.
to need all your magic later.
GM: Kalor, as you start across the room, a stone you
GM: The climb down is uneventful. step on sinks a few inches. The skeletons begin to stir.
Kalor: Ben, check the door. Kalor: Should have thought of that. I’ll get the nearest.
Benadril: [to GM] I check the door to see if the lock is Benadril: I’ll put my back to his and face the skeletons
trapped or if there is any sound coming from beyond. from the other wall.
GM: (makes Ben’s Perception tests). There are no Galen: Oh, well, looks like that time again.
traps and you can only hear the breathing of the rest
Tabitha: The guys might need a little help. I’ll summon
of the group.
a spirit warrior to join the fray.
Benadril: Ok, I’ll pick the lock. (he makes a Devices skill
GM: Ok, got it. The skeletons begin to advance. Kalor,
test with his Devices rating of d14). A 10! I succeed
one is close enough to attack.
unless this is a special lock.
Kalor: (rolls) I got a 7.
GM: It is not. The door is unlocked.
GM: That’s a hit. The creature’s AV is 5. What’s your
Benadril: I am readying my bow.
Galen: Me too.
Kalor: d8 for the weapon [a longsword] and +1 for my
Kalor: I am drawing my sword. As I got us into this, I strength. (He rolls a d8) It’s a 5, plus 1 is 6. [He does
will go in first. Tabitha, hold up that lantern. 1 LP to the skeleton]
Life Point (LP). A measure of an model's ability to Non Player Characters/Creatures (NPC). In skir-
withstand physical harm. When a model has lost all mish mode, NPCs represent models controlled by a
of its LP, it is Dropped. third party or rules governing their behavior. In story
mode, NPCs are the roles played by the GM represent-
Line of Sight (LOS). LOS is a line drawn between ing beings who come into contact with the Adventurers.
any part of a model and any part of another model or
any part of an object. Placed. Some game effects place a model. A placed
model is picked up from its current location and set
• L
OS is blocked if there is an obstacle (usually down where it is to be placed. It does not cross the
terrain or models) along that line. intervening table space and is not subject to any effects
tied to the intervening table space. Placed models do
• Terrain that blocks LOS is listed on Page <?>.
not trigger reactions when placed. A model may not
• Models block LOS. be placed in impassable terrain.
• A model may have a model or object in LOS, but Player. The actual human being playing out a role as
not in its frontal arc. an Adventurer in story mode or leading a company in
skirmish mode.
Ultimately, a model has LOS to another model if you
get your eye down to the level of the viewing model Premeasuring. Premeasuring is allowed. Any dis-
and can see some significant part of the model being tance on the tabletop can always be measured. When
viewed. In gaming, this is called What-you-see-is- a measurement is made between two models, the dis-
what-you-get, or WYSIWYG (pronounced “wizzy-wig”). tance is from one nearest base edge to the other.
BrightSword is a WYSIWYG game. Note that we said
“significant part.” This means that only being able to Random Direction. When a game effect calls for
see such parts of a model as arrows sticking out of something to move or be placed in a random direction,
a quiver, a hand or a horse’s tail is not sufficient to roll a d8 and choose the direction the die is pointing,
establish LOS. when reading the number right-side up.
Within. When measuring a distance, “within” includes • Cavalry models cannot be Knocked Down.
exactly that distance. A model, for example, is within
6” of another model if its base is any distance away • The mount may provide additional abilities.
from 0” to exactly 6”. • Cavalry models may Swim.
World. Jon insert definition. • They may Jump and add +1 to any Jump test they
are required to take.
• C
avalry models may not enter windows. They
may only enter doors their base can pass
MODELS through. They may not use stairs or ladders.
Each model is one person – sentient being, male or • In order for a Cavalry model to perform a
female – one creature or one machine. Our models special action or End Phase action, it must have
are 32mm scale, which means a man who would be employed a Hold action in the Movement Phase
six feet tall in real life is represented by a 32mm model of that turn and may not move in or prior to that
in our game. Things that are larger than a man, such Movement Phase.
as horses and dinosaurs, will be larger than 32mm, of
course. But they will be “in scale” with the models that Some Cavalry models will have mounts that can attack
represent men or women. or have talents of their own. These will appear in later
supplements to these rules.
Models come in three basic classes: Hero, Follower
Dismounting Cavalry Models
and Creature. Cavalry models that may dismount the rider and
become replaced by a foot model will be noted in the
• Hero models are marked in the faction lists as
faction lists.
heroes, start with 2 life points (or more depend-
ing on abilities) and a d8 ability rating. Dismounting is a special action (CRB 48). nce dis-
mounted, the model uses its dismounted stat line
• Follower models are marked in the faction lists
and may not remount during the course of the game.
as followers, start with 1 life point and a d6 ability
Models may start a game dismounted.
Stunned. A Stunned model is DEF -2, -3 SPD, may • Movement by the model into, in or through a
not run or charge and is -2 to any type of test or attack Watery terrain feature.
until the current turn is concluded. A Stunned model
may not make reactions and cannot Pile On. • The use of a special action by the model or by a
friendly model in contact.
Restrained. A Restrained model is DEF -3 and may
• The model starts or ends its activation Prone.
not conduct any movement, attack, use a response
talent or take any other action on this turn. A Restrained • The model being affected by an Ice Magic spell
model may not make reactions and cannot Pile On. or any game effect with the Ice, Icy or Frost key-
words. Ice and Flame Tokens cancel each other (if
Panicked. A Panicked model can conduct no action
a model has any of one type and is to gain any of
or reaction except to Rally or continue to panic. A
the other type, all are removed/cancelled).
model becomes Panicked by failing a Morale test.
All Flame Tokens are removed when any is removed.
Vulnerable. A Vulnerable model is -1 DEF and -1 to
all non-mobility ability tests and combat tests while the Ice Tokens. A model with an Ice Token is -1 SPD and
condition that made it Vulnerable continues. -1dl to AGL and DEX (to a minimum of 0 SPD and d4
in those attributes) for every Ice Token it possesses.
Dropped. A model is Dropped if it:
An Ice Token may be removed immediately by:
• is reduced to zero LP
• The use of a special action by the model or by a
• is engaged while Panicked (and loses all remain- friendly model in contact.
ing LP)
• It exceeds 1/2 of its SPD while not in concealing Cone Effects (Cones). Cone effects are employed
terrain unless low visibility conditions are in effect. by placing the Cone template (a trapezoid, 8” long, 1”
wide at firing end and 3” wide at the opposite end) with
• It makes an attack or casts a spell. the 1” end placed touching the model employing the
effect. Unless otherwise permitted, an enemy model
A Camouflage Token is exactly like a Stealth Token for in LOS and front arc of the employing friendly model
all game purposes with the following exceptions must be at least partially under the cone when the cone
• It is also lost if the model possessing it moves in is placed.
any way. Hitting Models with AoEs and Cones. All models
• If a model possessing a Camouflage Token makes (friendly and enemy) at least partly under an effect tem-
a ranged attack or casts a spell, it may take a Cam- plate are eligible to be hit. Unless otherwise stated,
ouflage test 2 to retain the token. This test is +1 to these models are hit unless they pass an AGL test 5.
the Target Number for each enemy model in LOS If the target model of an AoE is hit by the initial ranged
and within 12”. attack, it cannot use a successful AGL test to avoid
being hit. If the target model of an AoE is critically hit
Poison [END] Token. A model possessing a Poison by the initial ranged attack, other models under the
[END] Token is -1dl END (which may cause the model AoE are -1dl to their AGL test. This effect is in addition
to lose an LP). A Poison [END] Token can be removed to the normal effect of a crit on the target.
immediately by:
For cone and AoE attacks, the TH of any game effect
• A game effect that heals an LP. applies to the hit on the original target model and what-
ever effect is caused by meeting or exceeding the TH
• The model taking a special action END test 4. The applies only to the original target model.
test TN is +1 for each Poison [END] Token pos-
sessed by the model after the first.
“Oh, lad, I’ve pretty much seen it all these past years. I’ve ridden a scorpion
the size of a horse. One of those snake-people tried to kill the lieutenant once
and we chased it off. I was nearly captured by Kandoran slavers. And the women
of Zenodeem….well, let’s just say you want to meet one before you die. Yes, yes,
people get killed in our business, but we live a hundred days for every one a
farmer or shopkeeper lives. A fine bargain it is, I say.”
- Larkol, sergeant in the Dark Sky mercenary company, to a potential recruit.
• Determine Attributes
In each step of the Adventurer creation process, you • Determine Back Story
will be determining one or more of the features of your
Adventurer. These features are: race, faction, attri-
butes, path, skills, talents, look, personality and back
The decisions a player makes as he develops his
Adventurer are numerous and one decision can affect FACTION
the outcome of another. We take you through this
process in a specific order, but you are free to look This section describes key characteristics of each
ahead and make changes and study options all you race and faction. Part of the information (physical
want. As you become comfortable with the process, description, culture and homeland) is back-story. This
you’ll speed through it. Indeed a player familiar with information has importance in the narrative flow of
role-playing games in general will likely know pretty the game. Race is the physical, ethnic nature of the
much what to look for from the get-go. We recommend Adventurer. Faction is the nation, tribe or other group
that new players work through their first Adventurer to which the Adventurer belongs. An Adventurer’s
Race Characteristics
Natural Natural Talent
Race Countries Language
Talent Rolls (Fixed)
Chaler Koronna, Traazor Chalish 3 -
Falkaar, Haradel,
Faeler Faelish 3 -
Thormenal, Urdaggar
Kuzaarik Kuzaarl Kuzaarik 2 Die Hard [+1]
Mershael Mershael Faelish 2 Quick
Shakrim Shakrim Isles Chalish 1 Shapeshift
Grular, Kandor,
Symker Symkish 3 -
Symidia, Varkraal
Trilian Trilias Trilian 2 Starlight Vision
A Kuzaarik may give up one roll and choose Alpine
A Trilian may give up one roll and choose Arboreal
Attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Agility (AGL), Endurance (END), Spirit (SPR), Knowledge (KNW)
Adventurers that have the ability to cast spells (Casters, those with the Chosen or Attuned talent) may spend
AP on more power points at a rate of 1 AP = 5 power.
Quirks Table
Talent Effect AP Bonus
Big Mouth Can't keep a secret 1
Clueless -2dl to Lore, History and KNW tests 1
Clumsy -2dl to all Mobility tests and Skill tests for DEX based skills 2
Cowardly -2dl to Fear and Morale tests 1
Deaf -2dl to all hearing based Perception tests 1
Destitute Starts the adventure with 50 talents 1
Hard to Heal -2dl to First Aid attempts on this adventurer 1
When this model is activated and unPanicked, it must pass a DISC test or
attempt to contact the nearest enemy model, with a Charge action if possible
Impetuous 1
and with a Maneuver action if not . It must CounterCharge if Charged. It must
choose to pursue. This model cannot be put on Delay or Break Off. [M]
Lame -1 SPD 1
A Reluctant model must take a DISC test when activated. If the model fails, it
Reluctant may only move ½ SPD and may not contact an enemy model. If it Tarches this 1
test it Panics. A Reluctant model may not make reactions. [M]
Faction Weapons
Faction Basic Specialist Military
Falkaar - - Kolekar
Grular Spikedrakh Shadowspear Impaler
Haradel - - -
Kandor Spikedrakh Shadowspear Impaler, Scythe
Koronna - Moonsglave, Moonsknife -
Kuzaarik Ice Axe Double Crossbow, Vranshar Banehammer
Mershael - - Taumari
Shakrim - Blow-gun Trident
Thormenal - - -
Traazor Sakhazet - -
Trilias - Herenkal Toloron
Symidia Spikedrakh - Impaler, War Chain
Urdaggar - Barbed Spear Dire Claws
Varkraal Spikedrakh - Dreadspear, Zeradrakh
Path Packages
Path Packages Path Talents in Path Skills in Path Requisites
Chosen Warrior, Armor Use
Fist of Vidunar Scroll MAR [War Mattock] Chosen [Varanic Rites]
[Extra Heavy]
Falkaaran Reaver Wheel Trick Riding, Parry - Cavalry
Armor Use [Medium],
Shadow Hunter Scroll Track Chosen [Varanic Rites]
Deceive, Forgery, Lore
Free Trader Coin Armor Use [Light] -
Tests are the way things get done in a game of BrightSword. Almost every
activity your models undertake, whether it is hitting an opponent with a sword,
shooting a musket, searching for treasure, climbing a cliff, evading a charging
opponent, resisting the effects of fear, or swimming across a river, needs a test
to succeed.
The test is the core mechanic of the Tiered Dice system. It’s not only most
of what you need to know to play a game of BrightSword, but it also will work
exactly the same way in all of the miniature based games in the DGS Games line.
The threshold of an attack is the number by which the
Combat tests are either ranged or melee. Combat
final attack roll exceeds the target number, usually DEF.
tests are commonly known as “attacks.” The rating
Most commonly, threshold (TH) is used to determine
used for attacks is either the model’s Ranged Attack
critical hits, which occur on TH10. Other game effects
Rating (RAR) or Melee Attack Rating (MAR).
are triggered on different TH.
The Defense (DEF) of a model is the target number an
attack must meet or exceed to hit that model. DAMAGE TESTS
Once a hit from an attack – ranged or melee - is
Modifiers to Defense
obtained, a Damage test is made. Damage tests (com-
Various game effects modify DEF. Examples include: monly known as "Damage Rolls") use the damage
rating of the weapon (MW or RW) used by the attacker.
• The effects of concealment on ranged attacks,
see "Modifiers to the Ranged Attack Test" on page The Damage Target Number is the AV of the model
78. who has been hit.
• Exercise of an Option talent that raises or lowers If the Damage test is equal to or greater than the AV
DEF. of the enemy model, the model loses one Life Point
(LP). A model that loses its last LP is dropped and it
• The use of a shield or other defensive ability is removed from play.
85) A tarched Damage test always fails and never causes
the loss of a LP.
How to Hit
Critical Damage
If the result of the attack is equal to or greater than
the target’s Defense (DEF), taking into account rel- Critical damage occurs when the damage roll exceeds
evant modifiers, a hit is achieved. A result of a natural the AV by the applicable threshold, most commonly
one (called a "tarch") is always a miss. Once a hit is 10. Various game effects may make the TH for critical
achieved, the player determines the effects of the hit. damage lower or higher. The result of critical damage
is an additional LP lost for every level of critical damage.
Target Numbers Any tarch on any support test causes the primary
test to fail as well.
The GM sets target numbers for skill tests. Here are
some guidelines. Adventurers taking a support test must be able to assist
in whatever the action is represented by the primary
Very Easy 2 test. For example, the GM rules that a test to make out
the heraldry on a distant banner is a Perception test.
Easy 3
One player with Perception d12 is going to take the
Basic 4 primary test. Two other players with Perception d10
want to support, but the GM rules one of them cannot
Tough 5-8 as his Adventurer is not in a position to see the banner.
Very Tough 9-11 Support tests do not need to make use of the exact
same skill as the primary test. For example, while the
Extremely Tough 12-14 primary test to determine the heraldry on the banner
might be ruled to be Perception, the GM should allow a
Nearly Impossible 15-17
support test using the Heraldry skill, as that Adventurer
Impossible 18-20 could assist in the determination even if he had to have
the sigils on the banner described to him.
OPPOSED TESTS Primary and support test target numbers are set by the
Some game effects call for an opposed test. An GM as always, with the default being 4.
opposed test is a test in which the target number is COMPLEX TASKS
set by the opponent also taking a test. Typically, each
side is taking the test using the same rating type. For A GM may rule that a particular task is complex. This
example, an opposed STR test, each side uses the may involve needing multiple successful tests or a
STR rating of the model involved to take the test. certain number of successes before a certain number
of failures.
In an opposed test, the test is taken by the model
attempting to succeed at employing some game Example
effect. The target number in an opposed test is set by
a model granted the ability to attempt to oppose the
enemy model. For example, the use of the Parry talent
permits a model to cause an enemy’s use of a melee
attack to become an opposed test.
Attributes of certain levels provide bonuses or penal- The use of a skill is a test using the applicable skill
ties to certain related game effects and tests. Note rating againts a Target Number set by the GM. The
that any applicable attribute bonuses are already results of a successful test are described in the Skill
factored into a model’s starting statistics. Table.
Various game effects - spells, magic items, experience Unless otherwise noted, the use of a skill is a Free
advances, etc. - may alter a model’s Attribute. This (F) Action. The other action types that a skill may
may alter the model’s stats and tests until the game require to be employed are Special (S) (page XX) and
effect ceases. Note that models that do not have an Complex (C) (pg XX).
otherwise identified attribute rating for a given attribute Note that MAR, RAR and CAR are essentially special-
use their ability rating for that attribute. If, for example, ized skill ratings.
a Hero model without an identified SPR rating gains
a +1dl to SPR, its new SPR - until that game effect Remember that unless otherwise noted, the target
ceases - is d10. This is because all Heroes have an number of any test is 4.
ability (ABL) rating of d8. With a d10 SPR, that Hero
would gain a +1 modifier on all Morale and Fear tests An Adventurer may attempt a skill test for a skill they
until the game effect ceased. do not possess, but must use a d4 and +4 to the target
Stackable Talents
Talents with a number in brackets [X] in the talent name
are stackable talents. The effects of a stackable talent
are cumulative. For example, a model with Elude [2]
may designate two models with which it is engaged
as not being able to make a reaction due to it making
a break off. In the description of the talent, any “X”
means the same number as the current level of the
talent. For example, a model with Tough [3] gains 3 LP.
Option Talents
Some talents are marked in their description with an
[O]. These talents are option talents and follow the
rules for option talents on page 67.
Response Talents
Some talents are marked in their description with an
[R]. These talents are response talents and follow the
rules for response talents on page 67.
Sample alchemy tasks are given below. For tasks not listed, GMs should use
these guidelines to determine time required and difficulty.
Three successful Animal Handling tests are required to teach a tame animal
an advanced task. If there are two failures before there are three successes,
or a Tarch at any time, that animal cannot be trained in that task. Each test
requires one week of training, succeed or fail.
Five successful Animal Handling tests are required to tame a wild animal. If
there are two failures before there are five successes or a tarch at any time,
that animal cannot be tamed. Each test requires one week of training, succeed
or fail. These tests are -1 unless the animal is also being raised from birth at
the same time.
Trained animals start at d6 in a trained task. To increase this, use the same
five test procedure above with every five successful tests = 1 AP.
Animal Healing This is the same as the skill Medicine, but works only on animals. DEX S HW
Adventurers use the Architecture skill to plan sound structures. Time:
Architecture DEX C S
1 day per 100 square steps of the planned structure.
Armory is the ability to make armor and shields. Normal time and price
Armory DEX C C
is found on the gear tables.
• have the skill to be taught at a higher skill rating than the student
• have the Instruction skill to the same or higher rating than the
skill to be taught
Instruction KNW C G
Every two weeks of game time that the Adventurer using instruction
skill (teacher) and student are together with enough “down time”, loca-
tion and materials for routine daily instruction, the teacher may roll an
Instruction skill test. Success grants the student 0.5AP to be applied
to increasing her ability in that skill. Each level of crit success grants
an additional 0.5AP.
A successful Intimidate test coerces or frightens the target, usually to
Intimidate STR F B
do or not do something the Adventurer wants.
A model uses this rating when making a Jump test. See Jumping and
Jump AGL F G
Falling, Page 73.
The ability to speak a specific language. Adventurers with d12 Lan-
guage skill and higher may speak without an accent. The ability to
Language read and write a language requires the Literacy talent. Language skill KNW F G
tests are required to understand dialects, thick accents and complex
The ability to understand what someone is saying by only seeing the
Lip-read movement of their lips. An Adventurer cannot make a Lip-read test at KNW F M
a higher rating than he has in the language being used by the subject.
The ability to make and repair locks. A locksmith can pick an untrapped
Locksmith lock with a –1 penalty to a Locksmith test. Time is GM determined with DEX S CM
3 rounds for a simple lock.
[Astrology, (Culture), Demonology, Wood, Metal, Nature, Herbs,
Astronomy, Religion, Caves]: The ability to know significant informa-
Lore [Type] KNW S,C S
tion about the given subject. Choosing a specialization of (Culture)
requires a further choice of the specific culture.
The ability to combat an opponent without using a weapon. The
Adventurer’s Martial Arts skill rating is used as the MAR for an
Martial Arts SPR F BM
unarmed Melee, Grapple or Head Butt attack and may also be used as
the MAR for a Disarm or Trip attack made without the use of a weapon.
Adventurers use Medicine to provide care to the seriously injured.
Medicine KNW S,C S
See Chapter X.
Melee Attack
(MAR) Primary Skill DEX F
DEX or
Poison • Class II Poison: -1 C MS
• Class III Poison: -3
• Class IV Poison: -5
• Class V Poison: -7
• Incorrect Materials (per substitution): -2
The ability to quickly descend a rope under control and the ability to
Rappel AGL F MW
rig gear to descend a height safely using ropes.
Ranged Attack
Rating (RAR) Primary Skill DEX S
• Rough Ground: -1
• Weakened Mount: -2
• Tired Mount -1
• Exhausted Mount -3
The ability to use ropes to assist climbing, lifting and sailing and make
Ropes to knots. It includes the ability to use a lariat, if appropriate to that DEX S HMW
Shipbuilding The ability to plan and construct a seaworthy craft. KNW C CW
Success in Siege Warfare permits the planning and execution of an
Siege Warfare attack against a fortified position. It includes knowledge of the con- KNW C B
struction of siege equipment. Time is GM determined.
The ability to use flags, smoke, lights, mirrors or other tools to com-
Signaling KNW S BSW
municate over long distances.
An Adventurer uses Sign Language to communicate using a somatic DEX or
Sign Language F MS
language. KNW
The ability to exchange small objects, conceal them or produce them
Sleight of Hand DEX F M
from concealment without detection.
The Adventurer may prepare any of the following traps:
When this model Breaks Off from being engaged, it is treated as AGL d10, Elude [1],
Bladedancer BM 2
a maneuver action. This talent includes Elude [1]. Sword Group
Dodge and Parry tests against melee attacks made by this model MAR d10, DEX d8,
Bladeflash B 2
suffer a -1 penalty. Sword Group
Blind Dodge Model may dodge attacks through its rear facing. AGL d12, Dodge [X] M 2
Blind Parry Model may parry attacks through its rear facing. MAR d12, Pary [X] B 2
Model may forgo one melee attack to have Parry [1] for that
Block combat. Block can be used as many times as a model has attacks - All 1
to convert to it. [O]
This model is +1dl melee damage if it has dropped a model in
Bloodseeker - H 1
this encounter.
When this model drops a living model with a melee attack, it gains
Bloodstruck - E E: 1
+2dl to all Morale tests for the rest of the game.
This model does not take Fear tests and treats tests caused by
Bold DISC d8 All 1
Terrifying creatures and effects as Fear.
The model is said to have a Bond with or be Bonded to a specific
(Master) model of the type shown in brackets. As long as the
Bonded models are within 6”, they are both +1 to DEF and the
Bonded model uses the master model’s DISC for all purposes.
Some talents are Bonded talents (noted in their descriptions) and
Bonded [Model
may be shared between bonded models within 6” of each other. Animal Companion? H 1
A master model can have more than one Bonded model, but
not the other way around, and the effects do not stack. Bonded
models must choose a specific master model. If the master is
dropped, the Bonded model cannot choose a new one and loses
the Bonded talent.
Causes a Critical Hit on a successful melee attack that achieves
Bonecrusher - E E: 3
TH 5 instead of TH10.
A model with this talent may take an immediate opposed STR
test against one enemy model of the same base size or smaller
Bull Rush it engages while counting as Charging. If the test is passed, the STR d8 B 1
enemy model is -1dl MAR during the melee phase. If the test is a
critical success, the enemy model is Knocked Down.
Model is subject to the Cavalry model rule while mounted. See ""
Cavalry - BHW 1
on page 15. (Story: Negates any penalties for mounted actions)
If the model does not move more than half its SPD, it is +2DEF
Chameleon - E E: 1
to ranged attacks.
May use Spirit Magic, must specify form. Gains CAR d8, 5 Power
and the ability to use the Novice Spells of that form of magic. Is - S 3
[Spirit Magic Form]
a Caster.
A Caster with this talent may spend power to negate negative
casting modifiers for casting in contact and Armored Casting.
Chosen [Varan,
Chosen Warrior Each power spent negates -1 of the modifier. Power spent in this S 1
Blood, Sun, Devilry]
manner is counted as the BASE cost of the spell for counterspell
Combat Reflexes
May make an additonal X reactions per turn. AGL d8+1dl per X B 2X
Story: A model with this talent gains +5X% extra money from any
successful commercial transaction.
May Parry one ranged non-spell attack per [X]. Missile Parries
Missile Parry [X] may not use Riposte. A model with Missile Parry may not increase MAR d12, Parry [X+1] BM X
the [X] of this talent unless it has Parry [X+1].
A Ready Caster with this talent may transfer up to 3 power at the
Chosen [Moons
Moons Bond end of their activation to another ready Caster of the opposite sex S 1
(priest/priestess) with this talent within 9”.
A model with this talent treats all Rocky terrain as Easy for
Mountaineer - W 0.5
movement. This talent gives the model +1dl to Climb tests.
A Ready Caster with this talent may choose a Mystic Dance
movement action. Mystic Dance is the same as Hold, except
that while the model is Ready and not engaged, all friendly Chosen [Totem
Mystic Dance S 1
models within 9” are +1dl to all melee attack tests. A model that Magic]
chose Mystic Dance cannot make any reactions. A model cannot
choose Mystic Dance on a turn it cast or countered a spell.
An Adventurer with Negotiate makes a Persuade test related to
Negotiate [X] - SW X
reaching a political agreement at -X to the threshold.
Nimble [X] Model gains +X DEF if it moved in the Movement Phase this turn. AV4 or less, AGL d10 M 2X
If the target of this model’s melee attacks did not Charge this turn
Opportune Strike and the target is engaged by at least one other model, this model’s AGL d10, DEX d10 M 1
melee attack Crit threshold is 5.
A friendly Follower model that fails a Morale test within 6” of this
Oppressor model may roll again using its own unmodified DISC, but if the Leader or Sergeant BW 1
second test is Tarched, the friendly model is dropped.
A mounted Adventurer with this talent who Charges an opponent
and hits successfully may make a Ride test to Overrun. The Ride
test is an opposed test on the target’s AGL. If the Overrun is
successful, the opponent is Knocked Down one step to the left or
Overrun Cavalry, Ride d12 B 1
right of the Adventurer and suffers an additional d8 damage. The
Ride test is used to determine if any critical damage occurs from
the Overrun. Overruns may not be Dodged or Parried although
the original attack may be normally.
All of the models of the same type involved in a Pack Attack must
attack at the point in the combat sequence that includes the last
model to attack in that group. The owning player rolls all of the
Pack Attack - E E: 1
damage dice from the models that hit, chooses the one to apply
to the combined attack and adds +1 for each model after the first
that hit. [O]
• If the result is less than the model’s DEF, the model’s
DEF is used instead of the result of the roll. Abilities
Parry [X] such as Swift may modify the Parry test. If the roll is a - B 3X
Tarch, the model’s DEF is 1 and cannot be modified.
Placeholder for fluff text. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah
blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah
blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah.
But blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah
blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah
blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah, and indeed blah.
• Lighting Example:
• If the encounter area is friendly to the company. A company may attempt to avoid being surprised.
Surprise avoidance is a test TN 9 using either Percep-
• If either side is surprised. tion or Hunt. This may be a group test. Some talents
assist in avoiding surprise. Scout adds +2dl to a test
to avoid surprise. Alert also provides a +2dl to this test
It might be that one side or another has the advantage and these stack. A successful test results in initiative
of knowing what is coming where their adversaries do being determined and rounds proceeding normally and
not. The situation may dictate that it is certain that there is no surprise round. A Tarch and not only is
one side has surprise. This is determined by the GM there a surprise round, each surprised model suffers
based on the specific set of conditions under which the the effects of DAZED during the first normal round.
encounter is initiated. The GM should judge surprise
has occurred when one side has done everything right
to begin the encounter on their terms from a set of Once surprise has been determined, each side deploys
undetected positions. their models. The GM gives the players an area in
which to deploy along with any options or restrictions.
Friendly Ground
Models with the Infiltrate talent may then make use of
The GM must determine if the encounter area is it, NPCs first, if applicable.
Friendly Ground for one of the sides. If one side is
already present in the encounter area and has had
time to prepare for the coming engagement, then for Each Adventurer and group of NPCs takes an initia-
that side, the encounter area is Friendly Ground. The tive test. This is a DISC test modified by one attribute
amount of time necessary is a GM judgement call, but bonus. Models may elect to use any one of their attri-
as a guideline, if that side has not had the time it would butes to determine the attribute bonus for this test, but
take to take position anywhere in the area or the time it decide to do so at the time their Adventurer is created
would take to camouflage each model on that side, then and use this bonus for initiative tests from that point
likely it is not long enough. Being on Friendly Ground forward. The GM rolls for all NPC models. Ties are
permits that side to employ talents like Ambush and resolved between the models with similar results, but
Treefall. Models with Stealth may begin the encounter that does not alter their original result. Models then act
with a stealth token. If a model has Camouflage, each in each round in descending initiative order.
• A
model’s base may not pass over any part of an
enemy model’s base during movement.
• A
model may pass between enemy models so
long as there is room for its base to fit between
• F
riendly engaged models are treated as enemy
models for the purposes of passing over them.
• A
model may pass over friendly unengaged
models as long as it does not end its move on
top of them. However, models may not charge
This Apprentice Knight The Wild Charge talent through friendly models.
of Barek charges a of the Knight provides
Skethar. The charge +d4” in a charge and FACING
is 2.5” because the the Apprentice Knight
Knight’s SPD of 5 is of Barek rolls a 3, so A model may alter its facing in the following circum-
halved due to the very adds up to 3” of to the stances:
rough terrain of the charge distance and
marsh and prevents makes contact with the • B
y any amount as part of a Maneuver, Break
running. Skethar. Off, Rally, or Hold action. The act of changing
facing is not, in and of itself, movement. Models
on Hold may change facing in player order after
all movement is concluded.
• B
y up to 90 degrees at the start of a charge • P
rone models (and models trying to see them)
move. treat low walls and hedges as high walls and
Models that Run (whether during a Sprint or Charge)
must end the move facing in the same direction as • Cavalry models may not go prone.
the last 2” of the move. Such models may not change
facing voluntarily again that turn. Knocked Down
Some game effects cause a model to be Knocked
Down (KD). A KD model is knocked off its feet and
becomes Prone. Cavalry models may not be Knocked
• A
model making a Maneuver action moves in any
direction up to its SPD.
This Wanderer sprints around a Building. It can
move up to twice its SPD of 6 for a total of 12”, but • A
Maneuver action may end with a model engag-
must end the move facing the same way as the ing an enemy model but is not a charge.
last 2” of the move.
• A
Maneuver action still permits models to Shoot
or conduct special actions (pg 48).
• A
Maneuver action that does not end in contact
• A model may end a Maneuver, Sprint, Rally or may not include a model passing within 1” of an
Break off by going Prone as a Free Action. enemy model.
• P
rone models are +1DEF to ranged attacks Sprint
beyond 4”, but -2 DEF to melee attacks.
• A
model making a Sprint action may Run (move
• P
rone models are -2 to combat, DEX, AGL and up to twice its SPD) in any direction.
mobility tests.
• A
model that Sprints may not take any ranged
• A
Prone model may still use a shield and may attack or special action, except to make a ranged
employ talents that affect combat. attack with a thrown weapon.
• P
rone models that stand up while engaged • A
Sprint action may not include a model passing
trigger Reaction Attacks. within 1” of an enemy model.
• A
Prone model may only stand up as part of a • M
odels that Sprint must end the move facing in
Maneuver, Evade, or Break Off action. Standing the same direction as the last 2” of the move and
up costs 3” of SPD (or all of it if the model has cannot voluntarily change facing again that turn.
less than SPD 3).
• P
rone models that panic stand up (at a cost of Break Off
3” of SPD) and then make their remaining panic
• A model that is engaged with an enemy model
may make a Break Off action, or Break Off.
• A
charging model may change facing by up to 90 Hold
degrees before making its charge move. The
target model must be in the charging model’s The model does not move and is eligible to make a
front arc before this facing change. Reaction, so long as other applicable conditions are
met. A model that has not yet had its turn in the initia-
• A
model may Run during a charge move, terrain tive sequence is considered to be on Hold if it has not
permitting. If it Runs, it may not voluntarily moved.
change facing again that turn.
• A
Charge must be in a straight line. If there is
any deviation, such a contacting move must be a Delay
Maneuver action and not a Charge action.
• The first player may select one model to be
• A
model cannot conduct a special action or placed on Delay. The model must not be pan-
shoot as part of a Charge action, unless with a icked and must pass a DISC test. The model
thrown weapon. may be engaged.
• O
nce the second player has completed move-
ment, a model on Delay may take any movement • W
hen a model Panics, it makes a Panic move.
action for which it is eligible. Panic moves are covered on page 40.
• If a model fails its DISC test while attempting to • If it cannot make any move without contacting
Delay, it is treated as being on Hold instead. or coming within 1” of an enemy model, it is
• In games with more than two players, all players
except the last may attempt to place a model on • If a panic move brings a model in contact with its
Delay. Once all other sides moving after the side home edge, it is run off and removed from the
with a delayed model have completed movement, encounter area.
a model on Delay may take any movement action
for which it is eligible. • A
model normally panics as a result of a failed
morale test, but may also choose to panic vol-
• A model on Delay may make reactions. untarily, either as its action for the turn or as a
reaction when it is about to be engaged.
There are two types of Panic Moves: Direct
• A
model that starts its activation Panicked may Panic Moves and Indirect Panic Moves. Both follow
only choose a Rally Action or to continue to all the same rules except the direction of the movement.
Direct Panic Moves
• This action requires a Rally Test.
Direct Panic Moves are made as a direct result of an
• If a Rally Test is failed, or if continued panic is enemy model or action. Examples include: after a
chosen, the model makes an immediate Panic failed Morale test due to lost combat, Evading or failing
move. a Terror Test.
• If passed, it may be turned to face any direction. Direct Panic Moves are always made in a direction to
A rallied model may conduct no other action maximize the panicked models distance from enemy
except to change facing, but it is no longer pan- model(s) that caused the panic (enemy models that
icked. won combat, attempted to make contact etc).
• M
odels that rallied may not make reactions, • In the case of the panic being caused by a single
ranged attacks, or non-movement actions that model, the direction of the movement must max-
turn. imize the panicked model’s distance from the
enemy model that caused the panic.
• T
here is no limit to the number of panic moves a A Special Action:
single model might make in a single turn through
several attempts by enemy models to contact it. • M
ay be combined with a Maneuver movement
action, either before or after the model moves.
Voluntary Panic. A model may choose to panic
• May be combined with a Hold movement action.
when it is about to be engaged. To be able to volun-
tarily panic, a model must not have taken a movement • M
ay be combined with a Delay action, but only
action other than Delay or Hold this turn. An engaged while treated as on Hold or after the Delay has
model MAY voluntarily panic, but may suffer reaction become a Maneuver action.
attacks when it does so. A model may choose to vol-
untarily panic after failing an Evade test. • M
ay not be combined with any other movement
• M
ay not be conducted on the same turn the
model conducts a ranged attack or casts a spell.
Conversely, a model may not conduct a ranged
attack if it has already conducted a Special
The two models’ movement is prorated (pg 47) until • If both players agree, prorating can be simplified
they make contact. Any model that did not move at by the models being moved into contact at a spot
least 3” does not count as charging, even if it made a halfway in between them.
Charge or Countercharge action. A model may Run
as part of a countercharge if otherwise able to do so.
If an enemy model is activated and its chosen move-
A model may counter charge a charging model that is
ment action will result in it engaging a friendly model,
initially out of its LOS, but does not start the counter
the friendly model, under certain circumstances, may
charge move until the charging model enters its LOS.
Evade the contact.
In order to Countercharge, a model:
In order to Evade, a model:
• Must be on Hold or Delay.
• Must not be engaged or be panicked.
• Must not be engaged or panicked
• Must not yet have moved this turn.
• Must have the enemy model in its front facing
• Must pass a DISC Test
Intercept An Evade move is equal to the SPD of the model +d4
A Ready model on Delay or Hold that has not yet inches (d6 if Fast) directly away from the contact, that
moved may Intercept a moving enemy model that is, in the opposite direction from where the contacting
comes within 4” of it and is in its front arc. model started its move. The enemy model uses its
Intercepting models and their targets use prorated full move or charge to attempt to contact the evading
movement (see pg 47). The Intercepting model must model, deviating the minimum amount to avoid models
move by the shortest path possible to reach the target and impassable terrain.
model. An Intercept move cannot exceed 4”. If all the
• M
odels that Evade must end the move facing
requirements of a Charge are met, the Intercepting
directly away from the point at which they started
model counts as Charging. A model may intercept a
the move.
model conducting a Break-off or Evade.
• A
n Evade counts as the model’s movement for
that turn.
• Tarch: Model moves no further and falls if above • Tarch: Model falls into the gap, move ends.
ground level.
Cavalry adds +1 to its Jump Test for jumping a gap.
A model may climb as part of a move that includes
both horizontal and vertical movement. If any part of A model may jump down from a height. A model may
the movement is vertical, the total of horizontal and jump down a height of up to 2” without a jump test, the
vertical movement cannot exceed the total amount of height jumped being part of the model’s move for that
movement it is permitted by its climb test result. If a action. A jump test to jump down from a height has
model takes a climb test after moving some horizontal a TN equal to the number of inches jumped. A failure
distance and the climb test results are less than the results in an automatic fall and a tarch results in an
distance it has already moved, it may not climb. A automatic fall with a +2 to the TN of the END test
model may move horizontally after a climb, but must
abide by this rule.
A model that tarches a climb or a jump falls the dis-
A model in the process of climbing is treated as if at
tance it is above ground level. A model that falls takes
that point on the sheer surface. A model in mid climb
an END test. The target number of the test is 2+the
may not shoot or take a special action and is Vulner-
distance fallen in inches. A failed test results in the
• Critical Success: Model swims up to its SPD. At the start of its activation, a Spirit Model may
Discorporate and remains so until the End Phase. Dis-
• Success: Model swims up to ½ its SPD. corporate models are completely in Between. They
cannot attack, be attacked, engage, be engaged by
• Failure: Model swims no further.
or voluntarily move within 1” of non-Spirit/Witchsight
• Tarch: Model sinks. models. They cannot cast spells that effect non-Spirit
Models in any way and cannot be affected by spells
Models with the Aquatic and Amphibious special abili- cast by non-Spirit/Witchsight models. Discorporate
ties do not need to take Swim Tests to move in deep models only block the LOS of other Discorporate
water. models. Discorporate models may be moved through
by non-discorporate models (and vice versa) so long
Sinking as the bases do not overlap at the end of the move.
A model that sinks remains where it is in the water and A Discorporate model retains any items and may drop
takes an END test. If it fails, it loses one LP. them, but may not pick one up, nor transfer one to a
model that is not discorporate. Game effects linking
two models, like Bonded and Teammate, may not be
employed when one of the models is Discorporate and
A model may enter, move through and remain in a one is not. Spirit models and those with Witchsight
gap in terrain that is half or more of the width of the can attack and cast a spell on a Discorporate model
model’s base if the model itself could fit into such a normally and vice versa. Models with the Spirit talent
gap if it were not mounted on the base. This is known do not gain their DEF and AV benefit against models
as “Squeezing.” that are Discorporate. Discorporate models may not
interact with (move, carry, pick up, take a test related to,
Models that are squeezing are Vulnerable and -2 to etc.) objectives, objects or items as part of End Phase,
AGL and Mobility Tests while they are squeezing, that free or special actions unless those objects, objectives
is, while the model is in the gap requiring that it use or items are also Discorporate.
this rule.
Faelon occupies the same “space” as an alternate Models may voluntarily move off their home edge or off
dimension known as Karelon, the Spirit World. Along any edge designated as a victory edge in a scenario.
the seam where the two overlap is a realm known as These models count as Withdrawn. Withdrawn models
Between. do not count as dropped and may count towards victory
conditions of the scenario being played as appropriate.
A model with the Spirit talent is called a Spirit Model.
Spirit Models are beings that are either originally from
Karelon or trapped in Between.
There’s no denying it is simply safer and cleaner to shoot your enemies from
a distance. Adventurers employ a wide variety of missile weapons to discourage
enemies and to even the odds before the inevitable clash of steel.
However, at some point, someone is going to have to get hurt. If the things
Adventurers set out in search of were just lying around with no one guarding
them and no one else trying to possess them, Adventurers wouldn’t have to carry
around all those weapons. As it happens, there comes a time in every quest
when there is just no other way to get the job done than to draw steel and settle
things hand to hand. Melee is a fancy word for this hand to hand combat. The
point of melee is to strike one’s opponent and hit him hard enough to force him
to yield or incapacitate him. Or kill him.
What you will need to determine is whether your shooting is critical to your
plans or melee plays the dominant role.
Either way, the ultimate test of leadership is knowing when to fight and where.
• W
hen a model conducts a ranged attack, it may
lose some game benefit(s). Some, such as the
benefit of a shield (p XX) are lost until the model A Ranged Attack is an attack using the shooter’s
activates again. Some, such as camouflage and Ranged Attack Rating (RAR). See Combat Tests, Page
stealth tokens, are lost until they are regained 30, for guidance on how to conduct an attack.
through the appropriate rules.
Modifiers to the Ranged Attack Test
• The range of ranged weapons is given in Bands
of some number of inches. A model may fire at • Shooting and moving (unless Thrown weapon):
a target within its band normally, at a target up -1
to two bands away at a -1 to the ranged attack
test and up to three Bands away at a -2 ranged • Medium Range (out to twice the weapon’s Band):
attack test modifier. Shots out to the band are -1
known as Short range, shots out to twice the • Long Range (out to triple the weapon’s Band): -2
band are known as a Medium Range and shots
out to triple the band are Long Range attacks. • Engaged target: -4, (misses may hit other
models, see Shooting into Combat, pg 62). Note
• A
model may not make a Ranged Attack if the exception for thrown weapons on the next
engaged at the start of its activation. page.
• Models may not choose friendly models as • Shooting as a Reaction Attack: -1
targets, although friendly models may be
affected by shooting. • Shoot and Run (Thrown weapons ONLY): -1
• A
model may make a ranged attack with a thrown When Attacks Take Place. Once a model has
weapon against a target it engaged this turn, if completed its movement action, and any free
the target was not already engaged at the start or special actions for which it is eligible, if it is
of the throwing model's activation. A thrown engaged, it may conduct a melee attack
weapon does not suffer the -4 for shooting into
contact in this case. Engaged. A model is engaged if it is in base to base
contact with an enemy model. A model may make a
Multiple Attacks melee attack if it is engaging another model and has
that model in its front arc.
If a model has multiple ranged attacks, each attack can
be directed at any enemy in the model’s front facing. Option Talents. Certain talents and weapon abili-
Each target shot by a multiple ranged attack must be ties provide a model a choice between two or more
within 2” of another model shot by the same attack. game effects. These are known as “option talents.”
Examples are Swordsman, Two-ended, Power Attack
An engaged model may only make a ranged attack if: The use of all option talents are declared before any
die is rolled in a combat.
• It is done as a ranged reaction attack, OR
Response Talents. Certain talents only work when
• The model did not start the activation engaged triggered by other game effects. Dodge, Parry and
and employed a thrown weapon while maneuver- Sidestep are examples of response talents. The talent
ing, charging or sprinting. will list the triggering effect. When that effect occurs,
the owning player decides whether or not to employ the
SHOOTING AT AN ENGAGED MODEL talent before any further action is taken or any other
die is rolled. Response talents triggered by attacks are
If a ranged attack is made against an engaged model only triggered by attacks originating from the model’s
and it misses, the shooting model must make the exact front facing.
same attack again against one other model in the same
combat with the target chosen at random.
Support Contact. Certain rules and abilities apply
• A model may shoot into a group of engaged to a model in Support Contact. To be in Support
models (pg XX), but must still have a LOS to the Contact, a model must be in contact through its front
original target model. facing with a friendly model of the same size or smaller
base that is in contact through its front facing with an
• This attack uses the same weapon, ratings, abili- enemy model. The model that is in Support Contact is
ties and modifiers as the original attack. called the supporting model and the friendly model with
which it is in contact is the supported model.
• This model may be friendly or enemy. It cannot
be the model that originated the attack. • A
model in support contact that can make use
of an ability or weapon in that turn to attack an
• Models that are not eligible to be attacked by the enemy model is treated as engaged for all pur-
original attack due to LOS blocked by terrain are poses.
not eligible to be selected at random.
• A model may charge into support contact. The
• Models in the combat do not block LOS for the supported model does not block LOS for the pur-
purposes of this rule. poses of this charge.
• If this second attack misses or there are no eli- • Only one model may claim support contact
gible models in contact, no further attack results through any given friendly model.
from the miss.
Melee Weapons
Basic Melee Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Length EP Group Time Cost
Club d6 - 1 B 1 1 Cudgel 1 2
Dagger d4 - 1 P 0 1 Sword 1 30
Knife d4 - 1 P 0 1 Sword 1 30
Great Club d10 - 2 B 2 2 Cudgel 1 5
Hand Axe d6 - 1 S 1 1 Axe 2 35
Javelin d6 Thrown 1 P 2 2 Javelin 1 30
Long Knife d6 - 1 S 1 1 Sword 2 40
Peasant Weapon d6 Standoff 2 P 3 2 Polearm 1 2
Short Spear d6 - 1 P 2 2 Polearm 1 10
Short Sword d6 - 1 S 1 1 Sword 2 40
Staff d6 Two-ended 2 B 3 2 Staff 1 5
Thresher d6+1 Shieldbreaker 2 B 2 2 Flail 1 10
Specialist Melee
Dam Special Hands Injury Length EP Group Time Cost
Broadsword d8 - 1 S/P 1 2 Sword 2 120
Cutlass d6+1 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 100
Falchion d8 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 100
Foil d6 Deadly, Swift 1 P 1 1 Sword 3 150
Longsword d8/+1 d8+1 if 2 handed 1/2 S 2 2 Sword 3 180
Parry Dagger d4 Swift 1 P 0 1 Sword 2 50
Ice Axe d6 +1dl Climb on Icy Terrain 1 S 1 1 Axe 2 40
Rapier d6 Deadly, Swift 1 P 1 1 Sword 3 150
Saber d8 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 120
Scimitar d8 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 120
Whip d4 Entangle, Standoff 1 B 3 1 Whip 1 20
Exotic Melee Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Length EP Group Time Cost
Banehammer d10 Sweep Attack 2 S 3 4 Cudgel 3 150
Barbed Spear d8 - 1 T 2 2 Polearm 2 25
Barbed Whip d4+1 Entangle, Standoff 1 C 3 1 Whip 2 25
Dire Claws d6 - 2 C 0 1 - 3 70
Dread Spear d8+1 Pinning 2 T 3 2 Polearm 2 40
Herenkal d6+1 Thrown 1 C,T 1 1 Sword 3 100
Impaler d8 Impact 1 T 2 3 Lance 1 40
Kolekar d10 (Swordcatcher) 2 C 2 2 Sword 3 200
Moonsglave d8 Two-ended 2 C,T 2 3 Staff 4 180
Moonsknife d6+1 - 1 T 1 1 Sword 2 60
Sakhazet d8+1 Deadly? 1 S 1 1 Sword 3 200
Scourge d8+1 Standoff 2 T 3 3 Polearm 3 200
Scythe d10 Sweep Attack 2 C 3 4 - 3 150
Spikedrakh d8 Deadly 1 C 1 2 Sword 2 140
Taumari d10 Deadly 2 C 2 3 Sword 3 170
Toloron d10 Swift 2 C 2 3 Sword 3 180
Trident d8+1 (remove) 2 T 2 3 Polearm 3 120
War Chain d8 Entangle 2 S 3 3 Whip 3 100
Zeradrakh d8+1 Two-ended 2 C 3 4 Staff 3 120
Specialist Ranged
Dam Special Hands Injury Band EP Group Time Cost
Composite Bow d8 - 2 P 10” 2 Bow 14 250
Longbow d8 - 2 P 12” 3 Bow 10 250
Military Ranged
Dam Special Hands Injury Band EP Group Time Cost
Crossbow d8 Reload 2 P 10” 4 Xbow 8 200
Heavy Crossbow d10 Slow Reload 2 P 10” 4 Xbow 15 300
Dart d4+1 Thrown 1 P 6” 1 Javelin 1 20
Gadoru d6+1 Disrupt, Thrown 1 T 4” 3 Javelin 2 80
Exotic Ranged Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Band EP Group Time Cost
Double Crossbow d6+1 Doubleshot, Reload 2 T 8” 4 XBow 14 300
Pistol Crossbow d6 - 1 T 6” 1 - 20 400
Blow-gun d4 - 1 T 8” 1 - 1 100
Boomerang d4 Return, Thrown 1 S 6” 1 - 1 100
Bola d6 Entangle, Thrown 1 S 6” 1 - 1 70
Grappler d6 Pull, Scale 2 S 2” 3 - 3 50
Net d4 Entangle, Thrown 1 T 2” 1 Net 6 80
Herenkal d6+1 Thrown 1 T 4” 1 - 3 100
Throwing Star d4+1 Thrown 1 T 4” .5 - 1 30
Thrown Dagger/Knife d4 Thrown 1 T 2” 1 - 1 30
Thrown Handaxe d6 Thrown 1 T 2” 1 - 1 35
Vranshar d8 Indirect Fire, AoE2 2 S 8” 5 - 30 400
Rings 2
Models may start with or acquire various items:
weapons, gear, magic items. Rod or Wand 1
Belt 1
Boots 1 pair
Bracers 1 pair
Cloak 1
Gauntlets/Gloves 1 pair
Horn 1
Max AGL Untrained
AV Class Cost Time EP
Bonus Penalty
Leather 3 Light +4 -1dl AGL 180 15 10
Ring Mail 4 Medium +3 -2dl AGL 300 30 15
Chain Mail 5 Heavy +2 -3dl AGL/-1SPD 1000 60 20
Plate Mail 6 Extra Heavy +1 -4dl AGL/-1SPD 2000 80 25
Full Plate 7 Super Heavy +0 -5dl AGL/-2SPD 4000 100 30
Carrying Gear
Item Cost Time EP Description, EP Capacity
Backpack 8 1 1 canvas or leather, 15EP
Belt 5 2/1 - 4 pouches/scabbards
Belt Pouch 1 2/1 - 1EP
Bucket or Pot 6 1 1 5EP
Case (Hard) 30 2 1 1EP, water resistant
Jug, Glass 10 1 1 4EP liquid
Jug, Wood 2 2/1 1 4EP liquid
Sack, Large 2 6/1 1 Canvas or leather, 25EP
Sack, Small 1 6/1 1 Canvas or leather, 12EP
Saddlebag 15 2 2 Leather, 10EP
Vial, Glass 3 6/1 1 1EP liquid
Vial, Metal 2 2/1 1 1EP liquid
Waterskin 1 2/1 - 2EP liquid
Climbing Gear
Item Cost Time EP Description
Climbing Hook 1 Prong 10 1 1
Climbing Hook 3 prong 20 1 1
Ladder, Rope 3 1 2 12" long
Ladder, Wood 5 2 6 8" long
Mallet 2 1 1
Pitons, 10 10 1 2
Rope, Hemp 10 3 3 12"
Rope, Silk 100 5 2 12"
Item Cost Time EP Description
Candles, 10 5 1 1 3" radius, 4 hours
Lantern 20 4 1 18" radius, 6 hours, removes effects of Gloom and Darkness
Torches, 10 1 10/1 5 9" radius, 1 hour, removes effects of Gloom and Darkness
Item Cost Time EP Description
Caltrops, 10 25 1 2 Portable spikes to disrupt a mounted charge
Chain 10 1 6 Iron, 4 steps in length
Mirror 70 1 1 1 hand by 1 hand
Oil 10 - 1 6 hrs of light
Stakes, wooden, 10 1 - 5
Stakes, iron, 10 10 1 10
Tack, horse 60 6 6 Includes saddle
Ink 10 - -
Parchment, 10 pages 40 1 -
Item Cost EP EP Capacity Passengers Notes
Canoe 800 60 350 3
Rowboat 500 100 500 4
Long Boat 5000 400 2000 20
Sail Boat 15000 1000 3500 20
Camel 3000 400 150 2
Elephant 10000 5000 500 4 8 passengers with howdah
Mule 350 300 150 1 Climb d10
Horse, average 1000 500 150 1 2 riders for short distances
Horse, draft 2000 600 200 1 2 riders for short distances
Warhorse, trained 5000 500 175 1 2 riders for short distances
Warhorse, charger 7500 600 200 1 2 riders for short distances
Ox 1000 1000 350 1
Chariot, 2 horse 2000 200 200 2
Chariot, 4 horse 5000 300 300 3
Cart 400 250 400 4 Two wheels
Wagon 1000 350 600 6 Four wheels
Dog-sled 700 150 250 1 Pulled by 8 dogs
Sledge 30 50 200 2 Pulled by a horse or man
Skis 70 7 150 1
Longship 50000 3000 10000 50
Merchant Ship 150000 6000 18000 60
Trireme 300000 10000 25000 90
There are those in the world attuned to the energies of creation and destruc-
tion or chosen by their gods to manipulate the very force of life and death. The
rare individuals who learn to focus these gifts are known as Casters.
A Caster is a highly valuable member of a freeband. She
supports and strengthens her team and confounds and damages their enemies.
She brings unique abilities that cannot be replicated in any other way, not the
least of which is the ability to counter the actions of enemy Casters. Casters
see possibilities, unlock secrets, call upon the gods and command the denizens
of both this world and Between.
It is the rare freeband leader not closely accompanied by a
Based upon the type of armor worn and the form of
magic being cast, a Caster may suffer a penalty to his
or her casting roll. The Armored Casting Table shows SPELLSHOCK
the base AV at which that form of magic suffers no
penalty. The penalty is -1 for each AV of the Caster If a Caster casts or counters a spell using more total
above the value shown. Power than his Caster Rating, he may suffer spellshock.
Spellshock has a target number of 4. A Caster uses
Form of Magic Base AV without Penalty
his END if he is a user of Energy magic and his SPR if
Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Air AV2 a user of Spirit Magic. For every Power spent over his
CAR, the roll is –1. If the spellshock roll is failed, the
Treespeaking, Moons, Sun AV2 spell fails and half the Power is lost. If the result is a
Tarch, all of the Power is lost and the Caster loses a LP.
Celestial, Storm, Void AV2
Note that many talents and critical effects may increase Grand Master d24 4
or reduce the cost of a spell, but only those few that
Lord d30 5
alter the BASE cost are taken into account for the cost
of a counterspell. An Adventurer either chooses Chosen (for the use of
a type of Spirit Magic) or Attuned (for the use of a type
Counterspells and Types of Magic. Each type of
of Energy Magic) as a talent. This talent confers the
magic is still substantially a mystery to Casters using
status of Novice, a starting CAR of d8, the ability to use
the opposite type. To reflect this, a Caster wishing to
the Novice spell list of that type of magic and 5 power.
counter a spell of the opposite type of magic (Spirit v.
Energy) must spend an extra power to do so. JON INSERT " an example of a spell and how it is used
start to finish"
The countering Caster rolls his CAR. This result sets
the TN of the spell, although it cannot be set lower
than the original TN. Put another way, the counter-
spell roll must exceed the casting roll for the spell to
be countered.
At the end of the Magic Phase in which the total amount of power used to that point reaches 9 power of each type,
Spirit Magic and Energy Magic, the player who last used power rolls on the Gaalbohr Table. Each time a new,
additional multiple of nine power of each type is used, another roll is made. So, the first roll at 9 each, then 27 of
each (an additional 18 each), then 54 each (an additional 27 each) and so on. Unless otherwise stated, results
affect the entire encounter area and last for the rest of the game. Note that each point of Sorcery power counts
as a point of power of both types of magic.
Gaalbohr Table