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B right S word

in the World of Faelon

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.3 1

Playtest Version 7.4
This is a prepublication playtest copy.
Permission is granted to those receiving this from the author
to make photocopies for convenience in playtesting.

BrightSword would not be possible without the assistance and companionship of:

Keith (Andelor the Healer) Matthews, Dave (Asher the Beastmaster) Hayes, Rich (Lovar the Wizard)
Staats, Dave (Sven the Soldier) Wood, (Springbuck the Hunter)
Steve (Blast it to a Cinder) Rolston, Chris (Wake up, Celefin) Jackson, Jeremy (Windstor Sauronbait)
Barker, 'Mac' (Turvagor Swordcollector) McCollum, Mike (Where'd Gil-Galen go?) Reinken, James (Roland
the Haunter) Causey, 'Doc' (Atan Nobleslayer) Burgess, Alex (Shade Celefinbane) Vaeth, Rob (Angrac the
Black Hand) Harding, Hans (Tenlor Dartchucker) Schnople.
Brian (Up the rope, Benadril) Linvill, Marc (Nice shorts, Jubal) Lago, Mike (You go first, Frago) Andersen,
Bryan (Cormallen will handle this) Hamilton, John (Nicodemus or Balthazar?) Cantwell, Steve (Valacar
Pettymage) Moore, Derek (Rothien the Impressive) Carson, Eric (Put down the chicken leg, Tox) Zichella,
John (Nice Door!) Frieda.
Marshall (UrbanElf) Bass, Eric (Scatterbolter) Lauterbach, Kelly (Blah, Blah, Blah) Wilkinson, Mike
(We need a new mage) Woods, Jeff (the Volcano) Jones.
Mike (the Witch) Turner, Woody (Sure, I’ll go down there) Walton, Tobe (See the light) Tennyson,
Matt (Team Ailea) Bogart, Bill (Doctor Death) Corr, Shawn (It’s a deal) Blevins.
Paul (Open another keg) Leuschen, Madeline (Can I have another adventurer sheet?) Johnson, Charles
(Sorry, Marshall) Yaw, Tom (Spider-bait) Gillman, Todd (Dragonslayer) Schneider.
Chris (The Augerer) Campbell, Josh (Dare to be Different) Campbell, Steven (Black Troll) Hollowell
Craig (Battleelf) Maksimik, Tim (Casters suck!) Gaffney, Jason (Who me, lead?) Condon, Max (Shakrim
Attack!) Hardenbrook, Brady (Large Shield) Kopek, Richard (Hero of Borjonin) Lonski, Mike “Puma”
(Barrel Rider) Lesniowski, Adam (Chain Lightning) Fennema, Tom (the Merchant Lord) Meier, Paul (think
this grass is tall enough?) Works, Matt (Mammoth Bro) Green

Published in 2016 by
DGS Games, LLC “DGS Games,” DGS Tombstone, Freeblades logo, and “where
gamers rule” slogan are trademarks of DGS Games, LLC.
All artwork is copyrighted and owned by DGS Games, LLC. ©
www.dgsgames.com DGS Games, LLC 2016

Copyright © 2016 by DGS Games, LLC

All rights reserved. This publication, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form by any means electrical, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission
of the author and publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in sundry articles and reviews or
for personal non-commercial use.

2 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.3

B right S word
in the World of Faelon

Design Jon Cleaves

Graphic Design and Layout Jon Cleaves, Julie Price
Additional Design Mike Turner, Richard Lonski, Adam
Development Tom Meier
Editing Julie Price
Photography Mark Gunter, Jon Cleaves
Model Painting Pat Chambers, Mike Turner
Sculpting Gael Goumon, Patrick Keith, Chris
Casting Valiant Ltd.
Illustrations Samanatha Nowak, Katy Grierson,
Mike Phillips, Mark Evans, Bill Bricker,
Phill Berry, Ross Gramms, Gina S.,
Kris Johnson, Tyler Walpole
Cartography Jared Blando
Terrain Phil Kilgore, Robert Brodeur, Jason
Moore, Richard Lonski, Gale Force Nine,
4 Ground

Copyright © 2016 DGS Games, LLC

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.3 3






4 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 5
WELCOME TO To get an idea how a role-playing game works, an
example of a scene from a BrightSword game follows.
BRIGHTSWORD This example employs many BrightSword concepts
that you may not have read about yet. Simply return
to it periodically as you read this guide and it will all
BrightSword is set in the world of Faelon—a world
come together.
of great beauty and great danger, of politics and reli-
gion, intrigue and honor, people and power, magic and
More than a dozen factions strive for domination
and survival across Faelon’s two known continents. Steve has read BrightSword and has decided to act
Strange creatures move along the fault lines of civi- as the GM for his gaming group. He has developed
lization—some from a past that never passed out of a story line taking place just after the Grular invasion
reckoning, some from portals between Faelon and of Falkaar and he and four of his friends have been
Mervael, the Spirit World, and some from Faelon’s playing in it for several weeks. Tonight, their Freeband
heavens and hells. The gods have sundered Faelon’s is exploring a crypt.
magic in twain—Casters are divided between spells The Adventurers are:
that influence the inorganic and inanimate and those
that influence creatures both living and recently alive. Kalor, a Trooper played by Keith
Only an immortal may learn the secrets of both, leading
some to seek immortality through pacts with abomina- Benadril, a Thief played by Brian
Galen, a Scout played by Mike
Above all, Faelon is the story of its people—resonant
characters who seek power and peril each in their own Tabitha, an Enchantress played by MacKenzie
way against a backdrop that is as full of life as it as it As the action begins, the group has discovered a trap
is fraught with menace. door hidden under a gravestone in a cemetery.
BrightSword is Fantasy Roleplaying Game. A Benadril: I will check to make sure the door is not
role-playing games consist of a group of players each trapped.
acting out the role of an alternate persona. They do
so within an imaginary world created by another par- GM: (makes a Perception test for Benadril). It is not.
ticipant known as the Gamemaster (GM). Role-playing
games come in many forms, usually defined by the Kalor: I think Galen should be first in.
type or genre of environment in which the action takes
place. In BrightSword, the action takes place in a Galen: Why me?
fantasy setting where the players act out the roles of Tabitha: You’re the scout, so get scouting.
heroic adventurers. This fantasy setting is the World
of Faelon. More on that later. Galen: Why don’t you send the lizard in first? (Tabitha
has an iguana familiar named Kazul)
If this is your first time role-playing, congratulations!
You have chosen a fascinating and rewarding hobby Tabitha: He doesn’t like holes. Besides, we need to
shared by millions. Do not worry too much about the save that for when we really need it.
rules. Your GM will explain whatever else you need to
know to begin. Benadril: She’s right, Galen, it’s your turn.

If you and your friends have never played an RPG Galen: Oh, all right. [to the GM:] I’ll open it and look
before and currently have no gamemaster, one of you down.
should read Chapter 12 – Gamemastering Faelon care-
fully and take the rest of the group through the sample GM: Your torchlight shows a rusty ladder leading down
adventure there before starting out from scratch. into the darkness.

Tabitha: I will lower a lantern on a rope.

6 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

GM: The light from the lantern reveals the shaft opens Kalor: Ok, they are sure to be guardians of some sort.
into a larger room about 20 paces down. Guys, put your bows away and draw swords.

Galen: Here goes. I’m climbing down the ladder. Galen: Uh, shouldn’t we be going?

GM: It creaks, but supports your weight. At the bottom Kalor: You want the crown, don’t you?
is a chamber with an iron bound oak door in the north
wall. The chamber is a ten by twenty pace room that Galen: Sure, but fighting skeletons…
is longer north-south.
Tabitha: What did you expect to fight down here,
Galen: Come on down, folks. bunnies?

Kalor: We’ll join him, first me, then Tabitha, then Ben. Benadril: What else is in the room?

Benadril: I will pull the trap door closed after me. GM: Nothing. Across from you is another closed door.

Tabitha: Shall I summon a warding spirit to guard our Kalor: Ben and I will head over to the door. You two
escape route? watch the skeletons.

Kalor: Good idea, but no. I have a feeling we are going Galen, Tabitha: Right.
to need all your magic later.
GM: Kalor, as you start across the room, a stone you
GM: The climb down is uneventful. step on sinks a few inches. The skeletons begin to stir.

Kalor: Ben, check the door. Kalor: Should have thought of that. I’ll get the nearest.

Benadril: [to GM] I check the door to see if the lock is Benadril: I’ll put my back to his and face the skeletons
trapped or if there is any sound coming from beyond. from the other wall.

GM: (makes Ben’s Perception tests). There are no Galen: Oh, well, looks like that time again.
traps and you can only hear the breathing of the rest
Tabitha: The guys might need a little help. I’ll summon
of the group.
a spirit warrior to join the fray.
Benadril: Ok, I’ll pick the lock. (he makes a Devices skill
GM: Ok, got it. The skeletons begin to advance. Kalor,
test with his Devices rating of d14). A 10! I succeed
one is close enough to attack.
unless this is a special lock.
Kalor: (rolls) I got a 7.
GM: It is not. The door is unlocked.
GM: That’s a hit. The creature’s AV is 5. What’s your
Benadril: I am readying my bow.
Galen: Me too.
Kalor: d8 for the weapon [a longsword] and +1 for my
Kalor: I am drawing my sword. As I got us into this, I strength. (He rolls a d8) It’s a 5, plus 1 is 6. [He does
will go in first. Tabitha, hold up that lantern. 1 LP to the skeleton]

Tabitha: Right. GM: You chip a shoulder bone.

Kalor: I open the door. Kalor: It’s going to be a long night…

GM: Dust fills the beam of the lantern’s light. It shines

into a large, long chamber with a vaulted ceiling and
many man-sized cavities carved into the walls. In each
cavity rests an ancient skeleton.

Kalor: How many cavities total?

GM: Twelve. Two rows of three on each side wall.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 7

• Game Master (GM), [MTF]

• An Adventurer for each player. [MTF]

• Dice. BrightSword uses the standard conven-

tions for indicating the type of dice to be rolled
such as d6, d10, etc. (where d6 is a six sided
die, d10 is a ten sided die, etc.). The core game
mechanic of BrightSword is the Tiered Dice
system. The Tiered Dice system uses multiple
different die types: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16,
d18, d20, d22, d24, d26, d28 and d30. [MTF].

• A tape measure marked in inches. Many game

effects require a measurement on the game

• Game Markers. While these are not required to

play, it’s easier to mark common game effects
with a marker to help the players remember what
is going on. We have for sale a set of basic
game markers for your use that include: life
points, power, panic, charge, treasure counters,
objectives, fate stones and destiny stones. The
use of these markers will become clear once
you have read the rules.

• An encounter area. [MTF]

8 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


BrightSword is played in ... blah blah blah

In story mode, a group of players forms a freeband consisting of themselves
and possibly some number of non-player followers. A Game Master (GM) designs
a campaign in which they take part in a series of encounters linked by a central

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 9

A Target Number (TN or simply, target) is the number
The Basic Rule that must be equaled or exceeded by the player’s roll
in order for a test to succeed. The rules provide guide-
As a model gets better at accomplishing a task, it lines for the assignment of a target to a given test.
will have a larger die type assigned to the rating
in that particular ability. Base Target Number. Unless otherwise specified,
the target number for any given test is 4.
How to Succeed
Rolling the Dice
• R
 oll the appropriate die or dice based on the
appropriate rating (melee attack, ranged attack, Rerolls. On occasion, the player is permitted to reroll
magic, attribute or skill) an unfavorable die. Any given specific die result may
only be rerolled once, no matter how many rerolls a
• Add or subtract any bonuses or penalties player possesses. The player must accept the result
of any reroll as final – he cannot choose to accept the
• If the final result of the roll is equal to or greater
original roll instead.
than the target number, the test is successful (a
hit is achieved, spell cast, morale test passed, Spike. Action rolls in the Tiered Dice System “explode”
etc.) (also known as open-ended). This means that when
the die rolled to determine the outcome of an action -
Ratings after any reroll is applied – comes up on its highest
valued face, the die may be rolled again and the result
A Rating is the die type that a player uses to make an
of the new roll added to the overall result. Rolling the
action roll based on that skill. The Tiered Dice System
highest value on a die and being allowed to roll it again
makes use of 10 different die types to reflect skill and
is called a “Spike” or “Spiking.” This must be achieved
attribute ratings: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d18,
naturally. Dice do not spike through being modified to
d20, d22, d24, and d30. A rating can never be reduced
the equivalent of the highest valued face. To determine,
below d4. If a game effect calls for a reduction to a d4
the result of a spike, roll the die again and add that
rating, the rating remains d4. Unless otherwise specifi-
result to the initial roll. A player may continue to roll a
cally excepted, a rating can never be raised above d30.
die on which he has achieved a spike so long as the
If a game effect calls for such an increase, and there is
die continues to result in its highest value. All the
no exception made, the rating remains d30.
results from this one die are added together.
Some of the most common ratings used in the game
If a player rolls a d6 that results in a ‘6‘,
• Melee Attack Rating (MAR) and rolls another ‘6‘ and another ‘6‘ and
• Ranged Attack Rating (RAR) finally a ‘3‘, the result of the roll is ‘21‘
• Caster Rating (CAR) (6+6+6+3).
• Skill Rating
• Attribute Rating Any modifiers that apply to a spiked die are only applied
ONCE, no matter how many times the die spikes.
While we believe d26 and d28 will become available in
the not too distant future, players may still have to work
around their availability. For d26, roll d24 and add 1. We keep records on spikes for each die type
For d28, roll d24 and add 2. If a model has a rating of that occur during our sponsored events and
d26 or d28 and splits dice for an attack or test, it treats will publish them on our website. The very first
the start point as though the player actually possessed time a d30 was rolled in one of our playtest
a die of the appropriate type. For example, if a model events, it spiked to 51!
has a d28 MAR, and splits attacks, it may split into 2 x
d14, 2 x d10 and a d8, 3 x d6 and a d10, etc.

10 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Action rolls – those that spike – are deployment rolls, Critical Success
initiative rolls, and all tests. (Note that all random
results rolls such as random direction, variable moves, If the final result of a roll exceeds the Target Number
gold earned and tables do not spike.) by the Threshold (TH) or more, then the player has
achieved Critical Success.
The Rule of Tarch: A natural one, after all rerolls, is
always a failure regardless of modifiers. This does not The number by which a target has to be exceeded to
extend to subsequent rolls of a spiked die, only an achieve a Critical Success is called the “threshold”
original roll. (TH) and is normally 10. Some game effects lower or
raise the threshold.
Originally, an automatic failure in the Tiered Dice As many rolls in the game are combat tests, this is
System was termed a “crash”. During playtesting of typically referred to as a Critical Hit, also known as a
our roleplaying game, an assassin adventurer surprise- “Crit”. Critical Success, Critical Hit and “crit” mean the
attacked a key enemy NPC and rolled a ‘1’ on his attack. same thing and can be used interchangeably. Note
Using a Fatestone to reroll the attack, the adventurer however, that Spikes and Crits are two different things.
rolled ‘1’ again. The assassin – dispatched soon after A Spike may result in a Critical Success and often a
by the now aware enemy leader - was named Tarch… player will *need* to Spike in order to achieve a Critical
Success. But just because a player has Spiked does
not, in and of itself, mean that he has achieved a Crit.
Dice rolls may be modified by either altering the die The rules on Tests and Combat will describe what
level (dl) or an addition or subtraction to the roll or both. effects a Critical Success has on the game.
Various game effects provide both sorts of modifiers.
Key things to remember about modifiers:
Super Crits
• A dl modifier changes the type of die used.
A Super Crit occurs when a roll exceeds a Target
• A bonus or penalty adds or subtracts to the result. Number by a multiple of the TH after the first TH
(usually 10). For example, if a roll’s TN is ‘4’ and the
• A bonus or penalty is only added or subtracted player rolls a ‘27’, the roll has exceeded the TN by
once, no matter how many times that roll spikes. two multiples of 10 (is 20 or more over the TN). Each
multiple of 10 the roll has exceeded the TN is known
• Modifiers stack unless otherwise indicated. as a “level of crit.”
• A Tarch is always a failure regardless of bonuses
or penalties. Opposing Thresholds
If two or more game effects alter the TH of a die roll in
Split Dice different directions, average them and round fractions
Some actions in the game permit the player to split a down to establish the new TH of the die roll.
die roll into multiple dice. When this is permitted the If two or more game effects alter the TH of a die roll in
player may roll a number of dice such that the total of the same direction, owner of the effects chooses one to
the sides of the dice rolled is equal to or less than the use and ignores the other. Thresholds do NOT stack.
number of sides on the original single die. For example,
in some cases a model may split melee attacks. If
a model has a MAR of d12, it may instead roll two Crits and Fatestones
d6’s (6+6=12) each counting as a separate attack in If the rules do not otherwise indicate a benefit for
its own right. Or, the player could have chosen a d4 achieving one or more critical successes (crits) on a
and a d8 (4+8=12) instead. Each die of a game effect test, each level of crit provides the model one Fate-
that permits split dice is a separate die roll. All exist- stone, "Fatestones" on page 13. If the rules provide
ing game effects apply fully to each individual die roll for a benefit for one or more levels of critical success
in the same way they would if the base die had been
rolled singly.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 11

on a test, but not all of the levels of critical success Company. In skirmish mode, a company is the
achieved, the model gains one Fatestone for each level captain, heroes and followers that belong to a
of success not otherwise providing a benefit. single player. In story mode, all of the players are
in the same company, along with some number of
Destiny Stones non-player heroes and followers.
During its activation or during the End Phase, a model
may turn in two Fatestones in order for the freeband to Concealment. If only part of a model may be seen
gain a Destiny Stone. As this makes a Destiny Stone from a given model’s vantage point, the partly hidden
worth two Fatestones, a player may resolve two levels model is Concealed. LOS exists between the two
of crit for which there is no game effect by acquiring a models, but the Concealed model receives a +1 to DEF
Destiny Stone instead. for any ranged attack against it.

Contact. Two models whose bases are touching are

in contact.
Critical Success (Crit). Exceeding the target
Actions. The things that models do (fight, pick locks, number of a test by the threshold (TH) – usually 10 –
cast spells, ride horses, etc.) during the play of the results in a Critical Success or "Crit,” which provides
game. the model with significant additional benefits over and
above simply succeeding.
Adventurer. The game persona assumed by a player
for games with a role-playing component. Damage Bonus (DB). The modifier to a damage
roll that increases or decreases the amount of damage
Agility (AGL). An attribute defining the model's ability done by a hit.
to move and act quickly, lithely and accurately. Agility
is also the model's flexibility and ability to maintain Damage Roll. A measure of an model's ability to
balance. cause damage after he has successfully struck an
opponent. A die is rolled based on the weapon types
Allied. Allied models are models that are friendly to and any Damage Bonus (DB) is added to the result.
the player's models but are not of the same faction
as the company's core models. They are considered Defense (DEF). A measure of an model's ability to
friendly to the other models of their company. They are avoid an opponent’s attacks.
not faction models unless otherwise indicated.
Dexterity (DEX). An attribute defining the model's
Armor Value (AV). A measure of the ability of per- hand-eye coordination and ability to execute precise
sonal armor to reduce the amount of physical harm to a tasks.
model caused by an opponent’s successful strike. This
number is an indication of the strength of the armor or Die Level (dl). +/- dl (die level). This means to
hide or other protective covering of the target. If the increase or decrease the die rolled to the next greater
damage roll of an attack meets or exceeds the target's or lower die size.
AV, a life point is removed (wound is caused).
Directly Away. A model is facing directly away
Attribute. A fundamental quantitative measure of from a model or object if a line formed by the
a model's inate abilities. The primary attributes are: center of the model’s base and the center of the
Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Agility (AGL), Endur- model’s rear arc extends out to touch the distant
ance (END), Spirit (SPR), Knowledge (KNW). The model or object.
secondary attributes are: Speed (SPD), Defense (DEF),
and Life Points (LP).

12 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Entirely Within. When measuring a distance,
“entirely within” means that no part of the model, object
or game effect is further away from the designated
point than the stated that distance. A model, for
example, is entirely within 6” of another model if no
part of its base is more than 6" from any part of the
other model.

Faction Model. A model from a faction company list.

Does not include Summoned models or models from
Directly Away allied companies.

Fatestones. Fatestones are tokens that give a model

Directly Toward. A model is facing directly toward the ability to affect things that happen to it. Models
a model or object if a line formed by the center of acquire Fatestones through various game effects and
the model’s base and the center of the model’s front a Fatestone is assigned to the particular model that
arc model extends out to touch the distant model or acquires it and cannot be used on behalf of any other
object. model. When a Fatestone is used, it is removed from
play. Fatestones can be represented by any convenient

• A Fatestone may be used to reroll a die rolled

for the model, including in league game resolu-

• Destiny Stones are exactly like Fatestones with

the exception they may be used for any model
in the freeband.
Directly Toward • Summoned, Feral and non-player models
cannot gain or employ Fatestones or Destiny
Encounter. The game structure used to resolve
detailed, primarily combat, activities. An encounter Fractions. Unless otherwise noted, round all frac-
lasts from deployment until the encounter end condi- tions of 0.5 up and 0.49 down.
tions have been met.
Free Move. A Free Move is a move of a specified
Encounter Area. The encounter area is the playing distance to which all movement rules apply. A Free
surface on which an encounter is resolved. For skir- Move is made separately from and does not count
mish mode, this will be defined by the scenario, 4’x4’ toward the model’s movement action for that turn. Free
being typical. For story mode, the GM will define the Moves may include the use of any ability that can be
encounter area, with 3'x3', 4'x4' and 6'x4' being typical. used in conjunction with a Maneuver action and all of
the restrictions of that ability apply to the Free Move.
Encumbrance Level (EL). A measure of how A Free Move may not be used to contact an enemy
"weighed down’" an Adventurer is.
Endurance (END). An attribute defining the model's Friendly. A model from the same company, or from
general health and ability to resist physical adversity.
another company from the same team designated as
Enemy. A model from an opposing company or Non- such before a multi-player game.
player creature (NPC) model.
Game Master (GM). The individual who: runs the
Engaged. A model in contact with one or more game; designs the background, scenario and encoun-
enemy models is engaged. ters; and acts out the roles of NPC.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 13

Knowledge (KNW). An Attribute defining the Some players will craft their models on imaginative
model's education and knowledge base. Note that in bases, such as having a model standing on a rock or
the case of an Adventurer, KNW does NOT reflect the running along a tree branch. Models are considered
Adventurer’s intelligence, wisdom or common sense. to be their basic height (32mm high in most cases) and
Those attributes may be played as the player deems do not take these extras into account when consider-
appropriate for the Adventurer. ing LOS.

Life Point (LP). A measure of an model's ability to Non Player Characters/Creatures (NPC). In skir-
withstand physical harm. When a model has lost all mish mode, NPCs represent models controlled by a
of its LP, it is Dropped. third party or rules governing their behavior. In story
mode, NPCs are the roles played by the GM represent-
Line of Sight (LOS). LOS is a line drawn between ing beings who come into contact with the Adventurers.
any part of a model and any part of another model or
any part of an object. Placed. Some game effects place a model. A placed
model is picked up from its current location and set
• L
 OS is blocked if there is an obstacle (usually down where it is to be placed. It does not cross the
terrain or models) along that line. intervening table space and is not subject to any effects
tied to the intervening table space. Placed models do
• Terrain that blocks LOS is listed on Page <?>.
not trigger reactions when placed. A model may not
• Models block LOS. be placed in impassable terrain.

• A model may have a model or object in LOS, but Player. The actual human being playing out a role as
not in its frontal arc. an Adventurer in story mode or leading a company in
skirmish mode.
Ultimately, a model has LOS to another model if you
get your eye down to the level of the viewing model Premeasuring. Premeasuring is allowed. Any dis-
and can see some significant part of the model being tance on the tabletop can always be measured. When
viewed. In gaming, this is called What-you-see-is- a measurement is made between two models, the dis-
what-you-get, or WYSIWYG (pronounced “wizzy-wig”). tance is from one nearest base edge to the other.
BrightSword is a WYSIWYG game. Note that we said
“significant part.” This means that only being able to Random Direction. When a game effect calls for
see such parts of a model as arrows sticking out of something to move or be placed in a random direction,
a quiver, a hand or a horse’s tail is not sufficient to roll a d8 and choose the direction the die is pointing,
establish LOS. when reading the number right-side up.

Magical. A game effect or attack is Magical if it origi- INSERT D8 PIC HERE

nates with, is the result of or is enhanced by a spell,
magic item, or model with the Spirit talent.

Model Volume. Models block LOS, but sometimes

a portion of a model may be seen past an intervening Skill. A measure of an model's ability to perform tasks
model. This can be tricky as models can be widely of a specific type.
differing shapes and sizes, even ones mounted on the
same base size. For these situations, treat a model Spike. Rolling the highest value on a die and being
as filling the entire base like a big solid cylinder, from allowed to roll it again is called a “Spike” or “Spiking.”
the bottom of the base to the top of the tallest part of See Page 10 for instructions on how to resolve a
the model, not counting raised weapons, etc. So, for Spiked die roll.
example, a Trilian Wanderer is treated for LOS as a
Spirit (SPR). The Spirit attribute denotes both life
solid cylinder 25mm at the base and 32mm high, while
force and will power. Models with high SPR values
a Golat is treated as a solid cylinder 50mm at the base
have more mental energy and a greater will to live.
and 70mm high, as the club is not part of determining
blocking LOS.

14 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

This is not to be confused with the Spirit talent. The CAVALRY MODELS
use of the abbreviation SPR will indicate when the
Spirit attribute is being referenced. A model with the Cavalry talent is a model that com-
bines one or more figures riding on a mount figure, or is
Stack. If a game effect is cumulative with another a large fast creature with approximately the same mass
game effect, those effects are said to “stack.” Unless and momentum as a ridden mount. A cavalry model
otherwise indicated, game effects stack. may be a Hero, Follower or Creature. The SPD of the
model represents the speed of the mount. Cavalry
Strength (STR). An attribute defining the physical models often have the talent Fast. They may also have
strength of a model. additional attacks. The mount and rider(s) are one
target and are dropped together.
Threshold (TH). The number by which a target has
to be exceeded to achieve a Critical Success. • Cavalry models may not go Prone or Climb.

Within. When measuring a distance, “within” includes • Cavalry models cannot be Knocked Down.
exactly that distance. A model, for example, is within
6” of another model if its base is any distance away • The mount may provide additional abilities.
from 0” to exactly 6”. • Cavalry models may Swim.
World. Jon insert definition. • They may Jump and add +1 to any Jump test they
are required to take.

• C
 avalry models may not enter windows. They
may only enter doors their base can pass
MODELS through. They may not use stairs or ladders.
Each model is one person – sentient being, male or • In order for a Cavalry model to perform a
female – one creature or one machine. Our models special action or End Phase action, it must have
are 32mm scale, which means a man who would be employed a Hold action in the Movement Phase
six feet tall in real life is represented by a 32mm model of that turn and may not move in or prior to that
in our game. Things that are larger than a man, such Movement Phase.
as horses and dinosaurs, will be larger than 32mm, of
course. But they will be “in scale” with the models that Some Cavalry models will have mounts that can attack
represent men or women. or have talents of their own. These will appear in later
supplements to these rules.
Models come in three basic classes: Hero, Follower
Dismounting Cavalry Models
and Creature. Cavalry models that may dismount the rider and
become replaced by a foot model will be noted in the
• Hero models are marked in the faction lists as
faction lists.
heroes, start with 2 life points (or more depend-
ing on abilities) and a d8 ability rating. Dismounting is a special action (CRB 48).  nce dis-
mounted, the model uses its dismounted stat line
• Follower models are marked in the faction lists
and may not remount during the course of the game.
as followers, start with 1 life point and a d6 ability
Models may start a game dismounted.

• Creature models are marked in the faction lists

or scenarios as creatures, have varying numbers
of starting life points (LP) and have a d8 ability
rating unless otherwise noted.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 15


Circular Bases: Diameter: SPD = Speed (in inches).

Foot Model: 25 mm
MAR = Melee Attack Rating. This is the base die
Cavalry: 50 mm that is rolled to achieve a hit in combat with a melee
Creature: 50 mm weapon.
(or 25mmx50mm “pill”)
MW = Melee Weapon. The entry for melee weapon
Large Creature 75 mm under model data will indicate the name of any melee
Gigantic Creature: 100 mm weapon the model has, the damage rating of the
weapon and any applicable damage modifiers and the
It is useful to mark a base in some way to show the abbreviation for any special abilities the weapon pos-
model’s front facing. The front 180 degrees is called sesses. See "Melee Weapons" on page 81 for a listing
the model’s front facing or front arc. The rear 180 of melee weapons and their characteristics.
degrees is the model’s rear facing or arc.
RAR = Ranged Attack Rating. This is the base die
Alternate Bases that is rolled to achieve a hit in combat with a ranged
Some models, typically creatures that are long and thin
with respect to the direction they normally travel when RW = Ranged Weapon. The entry for ranged weapon
they move, such as cats, lizards and snakes, can be under model data will indicate the name of any ranged
mounted on a 25mmx50mm “pill-shaped” base instead weapon the model has, the damage rating of the
of a 50mm circular base. weapon, the range band of the weapon and any appli-
cable damage modifiers and the abbreviation for any
Front arc. The front arc of a pill base is still the front
special abilities the weapon possesses. See "Ranged
180 degrees. “Tick marks” painted on the base to
Weapons" on page 83 for a listing of ranged weapons
denote the line between front and rear arcs should
and their characteristics.
be painted half way down each long side of the base.
DEF = Defense. This is the target number that must
Facing changes. Models on pills bases still make
be met or exceeded to hit this model with an attack. A
facing changes by pivoting about their center. Because
model’s DEF may never be reduced below 1. If after
of the nature of the base, this may be restricted by
all game effects are applied, a model’s DEF would be
nearby models or terrain. If a desired facing change
reduced below 1, then it is treated as a 1.
would result in the base overlapping another model or
Solid or impassable terrain feature, then that particular AV = Armor Value. This number is an indication of the
change cannot be made. Changing the facing of a pill- strength of the armor or hide or other protective cover-
based model that is in contact cannot be performed ing of the target. If the weapon damage die roll of an
if it would result in breaking contact with an enemy attack meets or exceeds the AV, a life point is removed
model. A pill-based model otherwise eligible to change (wound is caused).
its facing may always change its facing by 180 degrees.

16 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

LP = Life Points. Life Points are the measure of how Dropped models are removed from play. Dropped
much punishment a model can take. When a model models do not have any further effect on one-off sce-
has lost all of its LP, it is Dropped. narios. They may be recovered or found to be dead at
the conclusion of an encounter.
DISC = Discipline Rating. A model’s Discipline Rating
represents the ability of the model to follow instructions, Run Off. A model is Run Off if it leaves the encounter
act on its own, and resist the effects of fear. area while Panicked or Evading. It is removed from
Special. The model’s abilities (talents, skills and
attributes) will be listed. Skills and talents can be Engaged. A model is engaged if it is in contact with
found starting on Page 34. Attributes can be found an enemy model.
in Adventurer Creation on Page 24.
Prone. See Page 67.
Cost = Cost of the model in gold royals. Each
company is recruited by determining how many gold
royals each player has to spend and then recruiting the TOKENS
models into the player’s company. See Assembling
Companies, page xx. Various game effects may result in a model gaining
one or more tokens. The effects of these tokens and
MODEL CONDITIONS the means by which they can be removed or lost are
described below.
A model can be in one or more conditions.
Flame Tokens. At the end of the Movement Phase, if
Ready. A model is Ready if it is not panicked, not a model has any Flame Tokens, it must pass an END
prone, not stunned and not restrained. test for each Flame Token or lose an LP for each failed
Dazed. A Dazed model is DEF -1, and -1 to any type
of test or attack until the current turn is concluded. A Flame Token may be removed immediately by:

Stunned. A Stunned model is DEF -2, -3 SPD, may • Movement by the model into, in or through a
not run or charge and is -2 to any type of test or attack Watery terrain feature.
until the current turn is concluded. A Stunned model
may not make reactions and cannot Pile On. • The use of a special action by the model or by a
friendly model in contact.
Restrained. A Restrained model is DEF -3 and may
• The model starts or ends its activation Prone.
not conduct any movement, attack, use a response
talent or take any other action on this turn. A Restrained • The model being affected by an Ice Magic spell
model may not make reactions and cannot Pile On. or any game effect with the Ice, Icy or Frost key-
words. Ice and Flame Tokens cancel each other (if
Panicked. A Panicked model can conduct no action
a model has any of one type and is to gain any of
or reaction except to Rally or continue to panic. A
the other type, all are removed/cancelled).
model becomes Panicked by failing a Morale test.
All Flame Tokens are removed when any is removed.
Vulnerable. A Vulnerable model is -1 DEF and -1 to
all non-mobility ability tests and combat tests while the Ice Tokens. A model with an Ice Token is -1 SPD and
condition that made it Vulnerable continues. -1dl to AGL and DEX (to a minimum of 0 SPD and d4
in those attributes) for every Ice Token it possesses.
Dropped. A model is Dropped if it:
An Ice Token may be removed immediately by:
• is reduced to zero LP
• The use of a special action by the model or by a
• is engaged while Panicked (and loses all remain- friendly model in contact.
ing LP)

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 17

• The model being affected by a Fire Magic spell All Poison [END] Tokens are removed when any is
or any game effect with the Flame or Fire key- removed.
words. Ice and Flame Tokens cancel each other (if
a model has any of one type and is to gain any of A model may be assigned more than one Poison
the other type, all are removed/cancelled). [END] Token and the effect is cumulative (all the -1dl
are added together).
All Ice Tokens are removed from a model when any is

Stealth and Camouflage Tokens. A model possess-

ing a Stealth Token is not considered to be in the LOS TEMPLATE EFFECTS
of any enemy model beyond 3” (or 6” from a model with Area of Effect (AoE). An AoE is a circular area with
the Scout talent). A model may not gain a Stealth or a diameter specified in inches, as in AoE 4” or AoE 2”.
Camouflage Token if it already possesses a Stealth or AoEs may be placed on the encounter area by a game
Camouflage Token. effect or may result from a ranged attack. The center
A model with a Stealth Token does not block LOS. A of the AoE - before any scattering - must be in the LOS
Charging model may, and sometimes must, redirect and range of the effect that brings it into play.
a Charge into engagement with a model that loses a To employ a weapon or ability that uses an AoE as part
Stealth Token as part of that Charge action. This works of a ranged attack, center the AoE on a target model
in the same manner as a Charge redirected against a in LOS within the effect’s range. That target model’s
model during a pursuit, see Page 72. DEF is used to determine if the AoE remains centered
A model loses its Stealth Token at the moment: on the target or, if a miss, scatters. The amount of
scatter will be d6” unless otherwise specified. Players
• It is within 3” of an enemy model or within 6” of an use Random Direction to determine the direction of
enemy model with the Scout talent. the scatter.

• It exceeds 1/2 of its SPD while not in concealing Cone Effects (Cones). Cone effects are employed
terrain unless low visibility conditions are in effect. by placing the Cone template (a trapezoid, 8” long, 1”
wide at firing end and 3” wide at the opposite end) with
• It makes an attack or casts a spell. the 1” end placed touching the model employing the
effect. Unless otherwise permitted, an enemy model
A Camouflage Token is exactly like a Stealth Token for in LOS and front arc of the employing friendly model
all game purposes with the following exceptions must be at least partially under the cone when the cone
• It is also lost if the model possessing it moves in is placed.
any way. Hitting Models with AoEs and Cones. All models
• If a model possessing a Camouflage Token makes (friendly and enemy) at least partly under an effect tem-
a ranged attack or casts a spell, it may take a Cam- plate are eligible to be hit. Unless otherwise stated,
ouflage test 2 to retain the token. This test is +1 to these models are hit unless they pass an AGL test 5.
the Target Number for each enemy model in LOS If the target model of an AoE is hit by the initial ranged
and within 12”. attack, it cannot use a successful AGL test to avoid
being hit. If the target model of an AoE is critically hit
Poison [END] Token. A model possessing a Poison by the initial ranged attack, other models under the
[END] Token is -1dl END (which may cause the model AoE are -1dl to their AGL test. This effect is in addition
to lose an LP). A Poison [END] Token can be removed to the normal effect of a crit on the target.
immediately by:
For cone and AoE attacks, the TH of any game effect
• A game effect that heals an LP. applies to the hit on the original target model and what-
ever effect is caused by meeting or exceeding the TH
• The model taking a special action END test 4. The applies only to the original target model.
test TN is +1 for each Poison [END] Token pos-
sessed by the model after the first.

18 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

If a model that is all or partly under an AoE or Cone
template is engaged with one or more enemy models,
those enemy models are also considered under the
AoE or Cone template. An AoE cast on an engaged
model scatters if the initial attack is a miss.

An AoE or Cone cannot be placed such that a model

could be affected by it that is subject to any game effect
(scenario rule, spell, etc.) that prevents that model from
being attacked. If an AoE scatters so that such a model
is touched by the AoE template, the AoE is canceled
and removed instead.

Line of Effect (LOE). A Line of Effect is a line drawn

between any part of a model and any part of another
model or any part of an object. It is just like LOS,
except that it is only blocked by Solid features. It is
not blocked by models or features without the Solid
keyword. A model is not affected by a cone or AoE if a
LOE cannot be drawn between any part of the model
and the origin point of the cone or center of the AoE.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 19


20 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


“Oh, lad, I’ve pretty much seen it all these past years. I’ve ridden a scorpion
the size of a horse. One of those snake-people tried to kill the lieutenant once
and we chased it off. I was nearly captured by Kandoran slavers. And the women
of Zenodeem….well, let’s just say you want to meet one before you die. Yes, yes,
people get killed in our business, but we live a hundred days for every one a
farmer or shopkeeper lives. A fine bargain it is, I say.”

- Larkol, sergeant in the Dark Sky mercenary company, to a potential recruit.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 21

ADVENTURERS in the order features are presented in the rules and
follow the examples of Adventurer creation. Detailed
information on each of the features of an Adventurer is
Players of BrightSword take on the role of an heroic
contained in the appropriate chapter, with summaries
figure in the World of Faelon. These roles are called
located here.
Adventurers. An Adventurer is an in-game persona or
avatar of the player. The Gamemaster (GM) places Equipment Required: To create an Adventurer, a
the Adventurers in a setting and describes it to them player needs the following:
and the Adventurers interact with the people and crea-
tures the GM describes. Depending on the setting, the • This rulebook
back story, the tasks the Adventurers are to accomplish
and, most importantly the players’ and GM’s desires • Dice
and imaginations, an Adventurer can be chosen from
a nearly limitless set of possibilities such as a pirate • Pencil and scratch paper
captain, a jungle explorer, a soldier of fortune or a • A blank Adventurer Data Sheet
rowdy swashbuckler.
• Background information from the Gamemaster,
The heart of an Adventurer is how she is viewed by her to include in what part of the World the adventure
player. No matter what this rulebook says, nothing is as will take place and any additional options and
important as the Adventurer being the embodiment of restrictions
the player’s imagination. All this rulebook attempts to
do is help a player merge her vision of her Adventurer
with the world the GM creates and the imaginations of ADVENTURER CREATION SUMMARY
the other players. • Select Race and Faction

• Determine Attributes

• Determine Starting Adventure Points

• Select Path
• Select Quirks, if desired
This chapter tells you how to translate your vision of
• Select Skills
your Adventurer into terms that allow it to interact with
the creatures, people and settings of the GM’s vision • Select Talents
of the World and the actions and activities of the other
Adventurers in the player’s group. • Determine Look

In each step of the Adventurer creation process, you • Determine Back Story
will be determining one or more of the features of your
Adventurer. These features are: race, faction, attri-
butes, path, skills, talents, look, personality and back
The decisions a player makes as he develops his
Adventurer are numerous and one decision can affect FACTION
the outcome of another. We take you through this
process in a specific order, but you are free to look This section describes key characteristics of each
ahead and make changes and study options all you race and faction. Part of the information (physical
want. As you become comfortable with the process, description, culture and homeland) is back-story. This
you’ll speed through it. Indeed a player familiar with information has importance in the narrative flow of
role-playing games in general will likely know pretty the game. Race is the physical, ethnic nature of the
much what to look for from the get-go. We recommend Adventurer. Faction is the nation, tribe or other group
that new players work through their first Adventurer to which the Adventurer belongs. An Adventurer’s

22 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

faction is one of her most defining characteristics. It Natural Talents
describes her homeland and her political and religious
identity. Some factions represent all the people of a Each Adventurer consults the Natural Talents Table
given race, while other races are found in many fac- and rolls three times. For the results Attribute +1dl and
tions. Choosing the combination of race and faction Enhanced [Attribute], the Adventurer must choose one
for an Adventurer will determine his native language, of the six primary attributes. For the Resistance Talent,
natural talents and attributes. the Adventurer must choose to be resistant to one of
the following dangers: Fire, Ice, Poison, Energy Magic
or Spirit Magic.

Race Characteristics
Natural Natural Talent
Race Countries Language
Talent Rolls (Fixed)
Chaler Koronna, Traazor Chalish 3 -
Falkaar, Haradel,
Faeler Faelish 3 -
Thormenal, Urdaggar
Kuzaarik Kuzaarl Kuzaarik 2 Die Hard [+1]
Mershael Mershael Faelish 2 Quick
Shakrim Shakrim Isles Chalish 1 Shapeshift
Grular, Kandor,
Symker Symkish 3 -
Symidia, Varkraal
Trilian Trilias Trilian 2 Starlight Vision
A Kuzaarik may give up one roll and choose Alpine
A Trilian may give up one roll and choose Arboreal

Natural Talents Table

d30 Roll Result d30 Roll Result
1 Alert 16 Tough [+1]
2 Animal Calm 17 Tough [+1]
3 Attribute +1dl 18 Lucky
4 Attribute +1dl 19 Chameleon
5 Attribute +1dl 20 SPD +1
6 Attribute +1dl 21 Perception +2dl
7 Attribute +1dl 22 DISC +1dl
8 Attribute +1dl 23 Quick
9 Bold 24 Quick Healer
10 Darkvision 25 Climb +2dl
11 Die Hard [+1] 26 Jump +2dl
12 Enhanced [Attribute] 27 Swim +2dl
13 Hardened 28 SPD +1
14 Resistance [Danger] 29 Starlight Vision
15 Dauntless 30 Pick Any

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 23

DETERMINE STARTING Determine Native Language
The Adventurer’s native language is determined by
ATTRIBUTES their choice of race and faction. Kuzaarik and Mershael
do not share their true native tongue with outsiders.
There are six Attributes. These Attributes each define Adventurers of these factions may communicate with
various physical characteristics of the Adventurer in others of the same faction in their true native tongue if
game terms so that players and the GM can resolve they choose. Adventurers receive a free skill rating of
player actions quickly and realistically. d8 in their native language. This does not cost AP, but
Adventurers are assumed to be heroic individuals and any improvement to it will require an expenditure of AP.
are generally superior representatives of their society
at large. Should a player want to play the role of a more Determine Speed (SPD)
average individual, she may always choose to lower the
An Adventurer’s speed (SPD) on foot is 7”. This can be
start value of any Attribute.
modified by armor and other game effects.
Strength (STR). This attribute represents the adven-
Medium Armor (AV4) and Heavy Armor (AV5) reduce
turer’s physical power.
base SPD to 6”. Extra Heavy (AV6) and Super Heavy
Dexterity (DEX). Dexterity represents the adven- Armor (AV7) reduce base SPD to 5”.
turer’s hand-eye coordination. Kuzaarik are different in that they have a SPD of 5”.
This is not modified by the armor they wear.
Agility (AGL). Agility is both the adventurer’s flexibil-
ity, ability to act quickly and ability to maintain balance.
Determine Base Defense (DEF)
Endurance (END). Endurance represents the
adventurer’s general health and stamina. An Adventurer’s base DEF is 4. The Agility (AGL)
attribute bonus is always added to DEF. The other
Spirit (SPR). Spirit denotes both life force and will principle modifier is Shield Use. In order to benefit
power. Adventurers with high SPR values have more from the Shield Use modifier, an Adventurer must have
mental energy and a greater will to live. the appropriate Shield Use talent and a shield of the
matching type.
Knowledge (KNW). The Knowledge attribute
reflects the adventurer’s education level. Note that Determine Base Armor Value (AV)
KNW does not reflect the Adventurer’s intelligence,
wisdom or common sense. Those attributes may be An Adventurer not wearing armor is AV2. In order to
played as the player deems appropriate for the Adven- make use of armor and gain a higher Armor Value (AV)
turer. an Adventurer must have the appropriate Armor Use
talent and the armor of the matching type.
Each attribute has a rating. The rating is shown as dX,
where x is the number of sides of the die the player rolls Armor Type AV
to undertake an action based on that attribute. The
Light Armor (leather, hide) AV3
higher the number, the more capable the character is
in that attribute. Note that both Attributes and Medium Armor (studded leather, mixed leather
Skills use the Tiered Dice System. The Tiered Dice metal)
System is explained on Page 10. Heavy Armor (chainmail or equivalent) AV5
Extra Heavy Armor (plate mail, field plate) AV6
Each Adventurer begins with a d8 rating in Super Heavy Armor (full plate) AV7
each Attribute.
Note that there are penalties for wearing armor for
This may be modified by results from the Natural Talent which the Adventurer does not have the matching
Table. Armor Use talent (Page 44). Note that Casters trying

24 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

to cast spells may suffer an Armored Casting penalty ATTRIBUTE INCREASES
based upon theri type of magic and the type of armor
they are wearing.
Adventurers may increase the rating in their Attributes
by spending AP. The Attribute and Skill Cost Table
Determine Life Points (LP) shows the cost to raise an Attribute from its existing
rating to the next higher rating.
Life Points reflect the adventurer’s ability to sustain
bodily injury. Usually this occurs as a result of a
Damage test, see Page 30. SKILLS
The Adventurer’s END determines the amount of life
points (LP) the Adventurer possesses. Adventurers may increase the rating in their Skills by
spending AP. The Attribute and Skill Cost Table shows
END LP the cost to raise a Skill from its existing rating to the
next higher rating.
d12 3
Note that the costs are different for Primary Skills:
d10 3 Melee Attack Rating (MAR), Ranged Attack Rating
(RAR), and Caster Rating (CAR). All other skills are
d8 2 Secondary Skills.
d6 2
Each Adventurer begins with a d8 rating in the
d4 1 following Skills: Discipline, Native Language,
Climb, Jump, Swim, Find, Perception.
Note that the Tough talent can increase starting LP.
The Skill Table indicates the name of the Skill, the
Secondary Attributes (to be published) Car- gameplay effect of the Skill, the Attribute with which the
rying ability (CA), Vitality (VT), Encumbrance Level, Skill is associated and the path with which it is associ-
(EL) Frame. ated. Skills taken from outside of an Adventurer’s path
cost +1 AP per increase. General Skills are considered
ADVENTURE POINTS “in-path” to all Adventurers.

Adventurers gain skills, talents and attribute increases TALENTS

through the expenditure of adventure points (AP). AP
are earned through adventuring and granted by the Adventurers may gain Talents by spending AP. The
GM. Starting Adventurers are given 20 AP to spend. Talent Table indicates the name of the Talent, the
gameplay effects associated with it, the pre-requisite
PATHS abilities the Adventurer must posses to acquire that
talent, the path with which it is associated and its cost
in AP.
Choose a Path from:
Talents taken from outside the Adventurer’s path cost
• Blade (warriors, soldiers, monks) double. General Talents are considered “in-path” to
all Adventurers.
• Coin (merchants, craftsmen)
Included Talents
• Horn (hunters, scouts, rangers)
Some talents contain other talents. These will be notes
• Mask (thieves, assassins, rogues, spies) in the talent descriptions. If an adventurer already has
an included talent, he can gain the talent for the differ-
• Scroll (casters, sages)
ence in cost. For example, an adventurer who already
• Wheel (explorers, pirates, conquistadors) has Infiltrate need only pay 1 AP to obtain Ambush.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 25

Attribute and Skill Cost Table
d8 base d8 Base
Per level Directly Per level Directly
Directly Directly
d4 1 1 -2 0 0 -2
d6 1 2 -1 1 1 -1
d8 1 3 0 1 2 0
d10 2 5 2 1 3 1
d12 2 7 4 1 4 2
d14 3 10 7 2 6 4
d16 3 13 10 2 8 6
d18 4 17 14 2 10 8
d20 4 21 18 2 12 10
d22 5 26 23 3 15 13
d24 5 31 28 3 18 16
d26 6 37 34 3 21 19
d28 6 43 40 3 24 22
d30 10 53 50 6 30 28

Primary Skills: MAR, RAR, CAR

Attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Agility (AGL), Endurance (END), Spirit (SPR), Knowledge (KNW)

Adventurers that have the ability to cast spells (Casters, those with the Chosen or Attuned talent) may spend
AP on more power points at a rate of 1 AP = 5 power.

26 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

All talents on the Quirks Table are Mandatory [M] talents.

Quirks Table
Talent Effect AP Bonus
Big Mouth Can't keep a secret 1
Clueless -2dl to Lore, History and KNW tests 1
Clumsy -2dl to all Mobility tests and Skill tests for DEX based skills 2
Cowardly -2dl to Fear and Morale tests 1
Deaf -2dl to all hearing based Perception tests 1
Destitute Starts the adventure with 50 talents 1
Hard to Heal -2dl to First Aid attempts on this adventurer 1
When this model is activated and unPanicked, it must pass a DISC test or
attempt to contact the nearest enemy model, with a Charge action if possible
Impetuous 1
and with a Maneuver action if not . It must CounterCharge if Charged. It must
choose to pursue. This model cannot be put on Delay or Break Off. [M]
Lame -1 SPD 1
A Reluctant model must take a DISC test when activated. If the model fails, it
Reluctant may only move ½ SPD and may not contact an enemy model. If it Tarches this 1
test it Panics. A Reluctant model may not make reactions. [M]

Oath Has a promise, vow or code of honor that must be kept 1

Obligation Has responsibility to some external cause, group or person 1

Phobia [Event or Takes a Morale test at -2dl when encountering the [Event or Creature Type] for
Creature Type] the first time that session
Poor Eyesight/One
-2dl to all sight-based Perception tests. 1
Ugly -2dl to Persuade tests 1

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 27

Path Weapons
Blade Any non-exotic Any non-exotic
Coin Basic Basic
Horn Basic Basic, Specialist Ranged
Mask Basic, Crossbow, Pistol Crossbow, Dart,
Basic, Specialist Melee
Blow-gun, Throwing Star, Throwing Knife
Scroll Longsword, Mace, Staff -
Wheel Any Any

Faction Weapons
Faction Basic Specialist Military
Falkaar - - Kolekar
Grular Spikedrakh Shadowspear Impaler
Haradel - - -
Kandor Spikedrakh Shadowspear Impaler, Scythe
Koronna - Moonsglave, Moonsknife -
Kuzaarik Ice Axe Double Crossbow, Vranshar Banehammer
Mershael - - Taumari
Shakrim - Blow-gun Trident
Thormenal - - -
Traazor Sakhazet - -
Trilias - Herenkal Toloron
Symidia Spikedrakh - Impaler, War Chain
Urdaggar - Barbed Spear Dire Claws
Varkraal Spikedrakh - Dreadspear, Zeradrakh

Path Packages
Path Packages Path Talents in Path Skills in Path Requisites
Chosen Warrior, Armor Use
Fist of Vidunar Scroll MAR [War Mattock] Chosen [Varanic Rites]
[Extra Heavy]
Falkaaran Reaver Wheel Trick Riding, Parry - Cavalry
Armor Use [Medium],
Shadow Hunter Scroll Track Chosen [Varanic Rites]
Deceive, Forgery, Lore
Free Trader Coin Armor Use [Light] -

28 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


Tests are the way things get done in a game of BrightSword. Almost every
activity your models undertake, whether it is hitting an opponent with a sword,
shooting a musket, searching for treasure, climbing a cliff, evading a charging
opponent, resisting the effects of fear, or swimming across a river, needs a test
to succeed.
The test is the core mechanic of the Tiered Dice system. It’s not only most
of what you need to know to play a game of BrightSword, but it also will work
exactly the same way in all of the miniature based games in the DGS Games line.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 29

TEST BASICS Attacks are described in further detail in "RANGED
ATTACKS" on page 78, and "MELEE ATTACKS" on page
A test is a dice roll using the Tiered Dice System
described on Page 10. The player selects a die
appropriate to the rating involved, determines the target Critical Hits
number and rolls. The result of the die roll is not final
A Critical Hit occurs when the difference between an
until after any applicable reroll is decided upon and
attack and its target number, typically the model’s DEF
taken, and the result includes any applicable modifiers.
– after modifications – is at least the critical threshold
• If the result is equal to or greater than the target for that game effect. The threshold (TH) is typically
number, the test succeeds. 10. A critical hit causes the damage roll from that hit
to auto-spike. That is the result of the initial damage
• If the result is 10 or more over the TN, the test roll is automatically the maximum for that die type and
results in a critical success, or “crit.” the player continues to roll the damage as with any
spike. For each amount of the threshold the ranged
• If the result is lower than the TN, the test is a attack test exceeds the target number, another level
failure. of critical hit is achieved. For each level of critical hit
after the first, the damage die auto-spikes a number of
• If the result is a natural one, a “tarch,” the test is
times equal to the number of levels of crit.
a failure regardless of any modifiers.

The threshold of an attack is the number by which the
Combat tests are either ranged or melee. Combat
final attack roll exceeds the target number, usually DEF.
tests are commonly known as “attacks.” The rating
Most commonly, threshold (TH) is used to determine
used for attacks is either the model’s Ranged Attack
critical hits, which occur on TH10. Other game effects
Rating (RAR) or Melee Attack Rating (MAR).
are triggered on different TH.
The Defense (DEF) of a model is the target number an
attack must meet or exceed to hit that model. DAMAGE TESTS
Once a hit from an attack – ranged or melee - is
Modifiers to Defense
obtained, a Damage test is made. Damage tests (com-
Various game effects modify DEF. Examples include: monly known as "Damage Rolls") use the damage
rating of the weapon (MW or RW) used by the attacker.
• The effects of concealment on ranged attacks,
see "Modifiers to the Ranged Attack Test" on page The Damage Target Number is the AV of the model
78. who has been hit.

• Exercise of an Option talent that raises or lowers If the Damage test is equal to or greater than the AV
DEF. of the enemy model, the model loses one Life Point
(LP). A model that loses its last LP is dropped and it
• The use of a shield or other defensive ability is removed from play.
85) A tarched Damage test always fails and never causes
the loss of a LP.
How to Hit
Critical Damage
If the result of the attack is equal to or greater than
the target’s Defense (DEF), taking into account rel- Critical damage occurs when the damage roll exceeds
evant modifiers, a hit is achieved. A result of a natural the AV by the applicable threshold, most commonly
one (called a "tarch") is always a miss. Once a hit is 10. Various game effects may make the TH for critical
achieved, the player determines the effects of the hit. damage lower or higher. The result of critical damage
is an additional LP lost for every level of critical damage.

30 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

CASTING TESTS Attribute Tests
A Casting Test is a special type of Test that permits the Attribute tests are a type of Ability test and will have
casting of spells. See "CASTING SPELLS" on page 94 keywords such as AGL, SPR, etc. If the model taking
the test has a specific rating in that attribute, then the
DISCIPLINE TESTS model uses its specific Attribute Rating instead of its
Ability Rating.
Discipline Tests are tests using the model’s Discipline
Rating (DISC) to accomplish military-like tasks in dan- • Strength (STR)
gerous situations.
• Dexterity (DEX)

Types of Discipline Tests • Agility (AGL)

• Morale Test – to avoid panicking when some- • Endurance (END)

thing goes badly wrong (pg 40).
• Spirit (SPR)
• Fear Test – to resist the effects of Fear (pg 42).
• Knowledge (KNW)
• R
 ally Test – to stop panicking and return to the
Examples of Attribute tests are an AGL test to avoid
encounter (pg 42).
the effects of the blast area of a game effect using an
• E
 vade Test – to evade an enemy trying to come Area of Effect (AoE) or cone, an END test to resist the
into contact (Page 71). effects of poison or a STR test to knock down a door.
If a model crits an Attribute Test, the model receives a
• D
 elay Test – to place a model on Delay (Page Fatestone (Page 13) for each level of crit.
Mobility Tests
• T
 argeting Test – to shoot a target of the model’s
choice (Page 78). Mobility tests are discussed on Page 73. Most mobil-
ity tests provide some benefit for a Critical Success.
If a model crits a DISC Test, the model receives a Fate- For every level of crit achieved on a mobility test for
stone (Page 13) for each level of crit. which a benefit is not assigned, the model receives
one Fatestone. Mobility tests are:
• Climb Test
There are three types of Ability Tests: Attribute Tests,
Mobility Tests and Skill Tests. • Swim Test

Target Numbers • Jump Test

Unless otherwise specifically noted, the target number Skill Tests

for all Ability tests is 4. Ability tests are written as:
TYPE test X, where X is the target number if it is not Skills are listed on Page 36.
4. For example:
• The rules will indicate when a model can take a
Climb test 6 skill test to accomplish some task. If the model
taking the test has a specific rating in that skill,
This is a Climb test, which is a type of Ability test, then the model uses its specific Skill Rating
and the target number for this particular Climb test instead of its Ability Rating.
is 6.
• U
 nless otherwise noted in the skill description,
Models with the Leader talent get a +1 modifier to all skill tests are Free Actions.
Ability tests.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 31

• S
 kills marked with a (t) require training. If the GROUP TESTS
model does not possess this skill, a test in that
skill cannot be made. Otherwise a test made in In some situations, the GM may allow more than one
a skill for which the model has no skill rating is Adventurer to participate in the taking of a test. This
made using the model’s Ability (ABL) rating. commonly happens when more than one Adventurer
possesses a relevant skill.
• If a model crits a Skill Test, the model receives
a Fatestone for each level of crit. The Adventurer with the highest skill rating in a relevant
skill takes the primary test. Before she rolls, each other
• An Adventurer may attempt a skill test for a skill Adventurer that wants to takes a test in a relevant skill,
they do not possess, but must use a d4 and +4 called a support test. Each support success adds +1dl
to the target number. to the primary test, each fail is -1dl.

Target Numbers Any tarch on any support test causes the primary
test to fail as well.
The GM sets target numbers for skill tests. Here are
some guidelines. Adventurers taking a support test must be able to assist
in whatever the action is represented by the primary
Very Easy 2 test. For example, the GM rules that a test to make out
the heraldry on a distant banner is a Perception test.
Easy 3
One player with Perception d12 is going to take the
Basic 4 primary test. Two other players with Perception d10
want to support, but the GM rules one of them cannot
Tough 5-8 as his Adventurer is not in a position to see the banner.

Very Tough 9-11 Support tests do not need to make use of the exact
same skill as the primary test. For example, while the
Extremely Tough 12-14 primary test to determine the heraldry on the banner
might be ruled to be Perception, the GM should allow a
Nearly Impossible 15-17
support test using the Heraldry skill, as that Adventurer
Impossible 18-20 could assist in the determination even if he had to have
the sigils on the banner described to him.
OPPOSED TESTS Primary and support test target numbers are set by the
Some game effects call for an opposed test. An GM as always, with the default being 4.
opposed test is a test in which the target number is COMPLEX TASKS
set by the opponent also taking a test. Typically, each
side is taking the test using the same rating type. For A GM may rule that a particular task is complex. This
example, an opposed STR test, each side uses the may involve needing multiple successful tests or a
STR rating of the model involved to take the test. certain number of successes before a certain number
of failures.
In an opposed test, the test is taken by the model
attempting to succeed at employing some game Example
effect. The target number in an opposed test is set by
a model granted the ability to attempt to oppose the
enemy model. For example, the use of the Parry talent
permits a model to cause an enemy’s use of a melee
attack to become an opposed test.

32 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


Abilities are Attributes, Skills and Talents.

Attributes are the inherent physical and mental characteristics of a person or
creature. How strong is he, how much does she know? Attributes answer these
Skills are the capability to perform tasks. How good a fighter, how good at
stealth? Skills answer these questions.
Talents are traits, learned or inherent, that enhance the user’s actions, attri-
butes or skills or interfere with their use by enemy models. Can she balance on
a tree limb? Can he change his appearance? Talents answer these questions.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 33

ATTRIBUTES The base life points (LP) granted by a model’s END can
change up and down with changes to its END through
game effects. A Follower with no specific END, for
Models in BrightSword can be given a rating in up to
example, has an END of d6 because a Follower has a
six different Attributes:
d6 ABL. If that Follower suffered a game effect drop-
• Strength (STR) ping its END to d4, its Life Point (LP) statistic would be
lowered by one, probably dropping it. Similarly, a Hero
• Dexterity (DEX) with an unspecified END that gains +1dl END now has
• Agility (AGL) an END of d10 and gains an LP. When this game effect
• Endurance (END) ceases, that LP is lost. This may cause the model to
be dropped. SPR and KNW modifiers will not show as
• Spirit (SPR) a part of a model’s stat line. However, a model with a
• Knowledge (KNW) SPR or KNW above d8 or below d6 does gain or suffer
the benefits shown in the table below.
If a model is called upon to take an Attribute test, it
uses its rating in that Attribute as the die to roll for
the test. For example, if a model with an AGL d12 is SKILLS
required to take an AGL test 5, a d12 is rolled and if a
5 or better is scored, the model passes the AGL test. Skills are actions a model may take during its activation.
Models with the Leader talent get a +1 modifier to all The skills a model possesses, if any, will be noted in
Ability tests. the Abilities section of its stat line.

Attributes of certain levels provide bonuses or penal- The use of a skill is a test using the applicable skill
ties to certain related game effects and tests. Note rating againts a Target Number set by the GM. The
that any applicable attribute bonuses are already results of a successful test are described in the Skill
factored into a model’s starting statistics. Table.

Various game effects - spells, magic items, experience Unless otherwise noted, the use of a skill is a Free
advances, etc. - may alter a model’s Attribute. This (F) Action. The other action types that a skill may
may alter the model’s stats and tests until the game require to be employed are Special (S) (page XX) and
effect ceases. Note that models that do not have an Complex (C) (pg XX).
otherwise identified attribute rating for a given attribute Note that MAR, RAR and CAR are essentially special-
use their ability rating for that attribute. If, for example, ized skill ratings.
a Hero model without an identified SPR rating gains
a +1dl to SPR, its new SPR - until that game effect Remember that unless otherwise noted, the target
ceases - is d10. This is because all Heroes have an number of any test is 4.
ability (ABL) rating of d8. With a d10 SPR, that Hero
would gain a +1 modifier on all Morale and Fear tests An Adventurer may attempt a skill test for a skill they
until the game effect ceased. do not possess, but must use a d4 and +4 to the target

Attr Effects: d4 d10 - d12 d14 - d16 d20 - d28 d30

STR Melee Damage -1 +1 +2 +3 +4
DEX MAR/RAR -1 +1 +2 +3 +4
AGL DEF -1 +1 +2 +3 +4
END LP -1 +1 +2 +3 +4
SPR Morale and Fear tests -1 +1 +2 +3 +4
KNW CAR, Skill tests -1 +1 +2 +3 +4

34 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

TALENTS Type Talents
Some talents are marked in their name with [model
Some models have high MARs or RARs, some can type]. The effects of such a talent apply only to the
cast spells, some are in really tough armor, some ride model type listed.
horses. To really make it all work, however, takes the
right sort of talents.
Included Talents
Some talents contain other talents. These will be notes
Talents are a type of ability that enhances a model’s
in the talent descriptions. If an adventurer already has
actions or provides some game effect based on the
an included talent, he can gain the talent for the differ-
model and its situation.
ence in cost. For example, an adventurer who already
Where a talent produces an effect that is in conflict with has Infiltrate need only pay 1 AP to obtain Ambush.
a basic rule, the talent supersedes the rule.
Mandatory Talents
Talent Path
Some talents must be employed even if they provide a
The path of a talent is noted in the talent table: Blade negative game effect. Mandatory talents are marked
(B), Coin (C), Horn (H), Mask (M), Scroll (S), Wheel in their description with an [M].
(W). Extraordinary (E) talents may not be gained by
spending AP. Natural Talents (N) may only be gained
through the Natural Talent rules.

Stackable Talents
Talents with a number in brackets [X] in the talent name
are stackable talents. The effects of a stackable talent
are cumulative. For example, a model with Elude [2]
may designate two models with which it is engaged
as not being able to make a reaction due to it making
a break off. In the description of the talent, any “X”
means the same number as the current level of the
talent. For example, a model with Tough [3] gains 3 LP.

If a model has a stackable talent and gains another

level of it through a game effect or experience, even
temporarily, it increases the level of its talent by one for
each level gained. However, this cannot increase the
level of a stackable talent more than +3 over the base
starting level of the model.

Option Talents
Some talents are marked in their description with an
[O]. These talents are option talents and follow the
rules for option talents on page 67.

Response Talents
Some talents are marked in their description with an
[R]. These talents are response talents and follow the
rules for response talents on page 67.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 35


Skill Effect Attribute Action Paths

An Adventurer with this skill may make an Acrobatics test to perform
Acrobatics AGL F M
extraordinary jumping and aerial maneuvers.
Alchemy is the ability to understand and manipulate inorganic materials.

Sample alchemy tasks are given below. For tasks not listed, GMs should use
these guidelines to determine time required and difficulty.

Task, Time, Difficulty

• Identify inorganic substance, 1 hour, Tough
• Identify inorganic substance, 1 minute, Extremely Tough
Alchemy • Identify inorganic substance, 3 rounds, Nearly Impossible KNW C S
• Make acid, 1 hour, Tough
• Make common compound, 10 minutes, Basic
• Make fireworks, 1 day, Nearly Impossible
• Make naptha, 1 day, Impossible
• Make smokeoil, 1 day, Very Tough
• Purify metal, 1 day, Basic
Failure in an Alchemy task often destroys the materials used. A
Tarch usually also results in injury to the alchemist.
A successful Animal Handling test is required to command an animal to
perform a task it already knows. Such a test is +1 if commanding an animal
the Adventurer has trained herself to perform that task. A s u c c e s s f u l
Animal Handling test is required to teach a tame animal a basic task. A tarch
means that animal cannot be trained in that task. Each test requires one week
of training, succeed or fail.

Basic Tasks: Come, Guard, Find, Follow, Entertain, Retrieve, Stay,


Three successful Animal Handling tests are required to teach a tame animal
an advanced task. If there are two failures before there are three successes,
or a Tarch at any time, that animal cannot be trained in that task. Each test
requires one week of training, succeed or fail.

Animal Handling Advanced Tasks: KNW F,C HW

• Attack (using its own weapons such as teeth, hooves, claws)

• Serve as Mount (carry a person and respond to riding commands)

• Track (follow a person or creature’s trail)

Five successful Animal Handling tests are required to tame a wild animal. If
there are two failures before there are five successes or a tarch at any time,
that animal cannot be tamed. Each test requires one week of training, succeed
or fail. These tests are -1 unless the animal is also being raised from birth at
the same time.

Trained animals start at d6 in a trained task. To increase this, use the same
five test procedure above with every five successful tests = 1 AP.

Animal Healing This is the same as the skill Medicine, but works only on animals. DEX S HW
Adventurers use the Architecture skill to plan sound structures. Time:
Architecture DEX C S
1 day per 100 square steps of the planned structure.
Armory is the ability to make armor and shields. Normal time and price
Armory DEX C C
is found on the gear tables.

36 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Skill Effect Attribute Action Paths
The ability to create the type of art in which the Adventurer special-
Art [Type] ized. Note that the ability to perform art is a separate skill (Entertain). DEX C S
Time: GM determined.
An Adventurer uses Athletics skill to perform feats in the specializa- DEX, AGL
Athletics [Type] F BHMW
tion. or STR
Brawl is the ability to hit an opponent in combat with a fist or an impro-
vised one-handed weapon (table leg, wine bottle, etc.) and is used as
Brawl STR A BW
the MAR for such attacks. May be used as the MAR for a Grapple or
Head Butt attack. May not be used for Disarm or Trip.
Brew Brew is used to make beer, ale and mead KNW C C
A Camouflage test is a special action, with the exception that it does
not prevent shooting. In order to take a Camouflage test, a model must
be in concealing terrain or Prone and not in the LOS of any enemy
model. If a model passes a Camouflage test, it gains a Camouflage
Camouflage A model with the Camouflage skill may be deployed (or placed using KNW S HW
the Treefall or Ambush talent) with a Camouflage Token. A model
cannot gain or be deployed with a Camouflage Token if at any point
during the current phase it meets or has met any of the conditions
under which Stealth or Camouflage tokens are lost. See Page 14
for the rules for Stealth and Camouflage Tokens.
Cartography Cartography is the ability to make accurate maps. KNW C SW
Caster Rating
(CAR) [Type of Primary Skill KNW S S
Caving is the ability to accurately judge distances, judge direction and
Caving AGL S W
to choose the safest route while underground.
The ability to perform feats in one of the many specializations, such DEX, AGL
Circus F M
as Juggling, Mimery, Stiltwalking. or STR
A model uses this rating when making a Climb test.
Climb AGL F G
See Climbing, Page 73, and Falling, Page 73.
Success in Commerce permits the planning, creation and execution
Commerce KNW S C
of a business enterprise.
The ability to make meals that are safe to eat. Not having this skill
means the adventurer must eat food prepared or made by others.
[Fletching, Jewelry, Smithing, Carpentry, Clothwork, Stonework, Leath-
erwork, Cobbling, Pottery, etc.]: The ability to create works in the
chosen specialization. A Crit halves the time to make the item, it does DEX or
Craft [Type] C C
not make the item of higher quality. In order to make items of higher KNW
quality, one must have the appropriate talent (Precision Work, Master
Cryptography is the ability to decipher codes and/or ancient scripts.
Cryptography KNW S MS
Time: GM determined.
An Adventurer uses Deceive to bluff or lie to another without the lie or
Deceive bluff being detected. If the target of the deception has a relevant skill KNW F M
that would help unravel the lie, the task is an Opposed Test.
The ability to manipulate mechanical devices (locks, traps, gears,
Devices wheels, etc.). Time: Special Action for a simple device, a Complex DEX S,C CM
Action or more for a complex device.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 37

Skill Effect Attribute Action Paths
Discipline (DISC) Discipline represents morale, training and leadership. SPR F G
This skill represents the ability to draw an accurate representation of
something. Time is GM determined.
Success in the use of this skill permits the Adventurer to maintain
Drive control of and get the best speed and maneuverability out of a crea- DEX F CW
ture-drawn vehicle.
Engineering permits the Adventurer to plan mechanical works and
Engineering KNW C S
devices. Time is GM determined.
[Singing, Musical Instrument, Dance, Drama]: The ability to please an
Entertain [Type] AGL, C MS
audience in the chosen specialization.
Success in the use of Evaluate permits the Adventurer to know fairly
Evaluate KNW S C
reliably the value of an object or animal.
Farming The ability to grow and harvest food as well as advise others on same. KNW C H
A successful Find test may include the model picking up a found item
without having to take a second special action.
The ability to provide immediate medical treatment to a member of your
species or a target that is reasonably similar. Success is the recovery
First Aid KNW S S
of 1LP + 1LP per crit level. Can only be performed on a model once
per encounter. See Chapter X.
Success in Fishing results in the catching of live marine life. Time is
DEX or
Fishing ten minutes per fish average. The use of nets and traps will alter the C HW
amount of fish caught.
The ability to find food in the wild. Time is one hour to provide food for
Forage KNW C HW
one person/animal meal.
The knowledge of the characteristics, care and feeding of forest flora
Forestry KNW C H
and fauna.
The ability to replicate art and other original documents. Time is GM DEX or
Forgery C M
determined. KNW

Game Masters may choose to use various games of chance to actually

play out any gambling activities. If there is no time or desire to do so,
or of the Adventurer needs to receive credit for a disparity in Gambling
skill, a gambling test may be made to determine the outcome of the DEX or
Gambling C G
game. Based on who else is participating in the game and how long it KNW
takes to play the Gambling test may be an opposed test (and by more
than one person). If the game takes a long time to play the Gambling
test may be a complex task.

The ability to recognize coats-of-arms and other heraldic symbols.

Heraldry Success in Heraldry also provides information on lineage and family KNW F S
history derived from heraldic symbols.
The ability to control groups of animals. A Herding test is required to
Herding get the group of animals to change direction and stay together until KNW S H
the next major direction change.
[Genealogy, Social, Economic, Political, Military ] Use History in the
History [Type] chosen specialization to recall an historical fact or understand an KNW S,C S
historical relationship.

38 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Skill Effect Attribute Action Paths
[Education, Journalism, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Political Science,
Sociology, Philosophy]: Use of the Humanities skill provides an under-
Humanities [Type] KNW S,C S
standing of the given subject sufficient to execute tasks in and provide
information about the chosen specialization.
Hunt targets a model. A successful Hunt test removes all Stealth or
Camouflage Tokens and/or the effect of Chameleon from a target model
Hunt KNW F H
that is in LOS or would be in LOS if not utilizing one of these talents
or skills.
Impersonate An Adventurer uses this skill to sound like another person or creature. KNW F M
Instruction is the ability to teach others how to use a skill. To use this
skill, an Adventurer must:

• have the skill to be taught at a higher skill rating than the student

• have the Instruction skill to the same or higher rating than the
skill to be taught
Instruction KNW C G
Every two weeks of game time that the Adventurer using instruction
skill (teacher) and student are together with enough “down time”, loca-
tion and materials for routine daily instruction, the teacher may roll an
Instruction skill test. Success grants the student 0.5AP to be applied
to increasing her ability in that skill. Each level of crit success grants
an additional 0.5AP.
A successful Intimidate test coerces or frightens the target, usually to
Intimidate STR F B
do or not do something the Adventurer wants.
A model uses this rating when making a Jump test. See Jumping and
Jump AGL F G
Falling, Page 73.
The ability to speak a specific language. Adventurers with d12 Lan-
guage skill and higher may speak without an accent. The ability to
Language read and write a language requires the Literacy talent. Language skill KNW F G
tests are required to understand dialects, thick accents and complex
The ability to understand what someone is saying by only seeing the
Lip-read movement of their lips. An Adventurer cannot make a Lip-read test at KNW F M
a higher rating than he has in the language being used by the subject.
The ability to make and repair locks. A locksmith can pick an untrapped
Locksmith lock with a –1 penalty to a Locksmith test. Time is GM determined with DEX S CM
3 rounds for a simple lock.
[Astrology, (Culture), Demonology, Wood, Metal, Nature, Herbs,
Astronomy, Religion, Caves]: The ability to know significant informa-
Lore [Type] KNW S,C S
tion about the given subject. Choosing a specialization of (Culture)
requires a further choice of the specific culture.
The ability to combat an opponent without using a weapon. The
Adventurer’s Martial Arts skill rating is used as the MAR for an
Martial Arts SPR F BM
unarmed Melee, Grapple or Head Butt attack and may also be used as
the MAR for a Disarm or Trip attack made without the use of a weapon.
Adventurers use Medicine to provide care to the seriously injured.
Medicine KNW S,C S
See Chapter X.
Melee Attack
(MAR) Primary Skill DEX F

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 39

Skill Effect Attribute Action Paths
The ability to plan and make use of a mine or other underground work.
STR or
Mining A Mining test may also be made to make an educated guess about the S,C C
layout of an existing mine. Time is GM determined.
DEX or
Minting The ability to make coins. Time: 10 coins can be made in one day. C C
The ability to plan and execute a trip up a mountain (choosing the best
route, determining the time to be taken, keeping a group safe, etc.).
Mountain Climbing STR S,C W
For the actual physical task of climbing a particular segment of such
a trip, use the Climb skill.
Success with Navigation can accurately determine one’s own location,
direction to another location or distance to another location.
Navigation KNW S W
+1 for using navigation instruments or aids
-2 if Adventurer disoriented or cannot see surroundings
[Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch]: Perception is the ability to notice events,
creatures and objects that are concealed in some way. Perception rolls should
be made by the GM to avoid giving the Adventurer more information than she
would have. The GM will determine if the action is a "general" perception action
or relies specifically on one sense. An Adventurer can specialize in a particular
sense, with a +1 bonus in that sense and a -2 penalty in the others.
Perception [Type] • Critical Success = Adventurer gets additional info.
• Success = Adventurer is aware of action taking place, presence of
object/NPC, etc.
• Failure = Adventurer is not aware of action taking place, presence of
object/NPC, etc.
• Tarch = Adventurer misses what was there to be noticed AND gets
false info to boot.
Persuade is used to convince another of a point of fact or to undertake
Persuade a certain course of action. If there is a reason for the target to dislike SPR F CMW
or not trust the Adventurer, the target may oppose this roll on SPR.
The ability to maneuver a sea-going vessel – to have it travel in the
Pilot KNW S,C W
desired direction at the desired speed and avoid obstacles.
The ability to identify, create and use poisons. Time is ½ day per
poison class.

DEX or
Poison • Class II Poison: -1 C MS
• Class III Poison: -3
• Class IV Poison: -5
• Class V Poison: -7
• Incorrect Materials (per substitution): -2
The ability to quickly descend a rope under control and the ability to
Rappel AGL F MW
rig gear to descend a height safely using ropes.
Ranged Attack
Rating (RAR) Primary Skill DEX S

40 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Skill Effect Attribute Action Paths
The ability to use a creature capable of easily supporting a man’s weight as
a means of personal transport. It is generally applied to riding horseback,
but may apply to any mount commonly used by a certain race or culture.
See Chapter 8 for untrained mounted combat. Ride tests are taken for any
unusual maneuver or condition or if the rider wants to gallop or ride extended
distances before resting.

Critical Success: rider able to perform some additional feat or +1 to an action

Success: rider stays in control
Ride AGL F G
Failure: rider temporarily loses control, -2 to actions
Tarch: rider thrown


• Rough Ground: -1
• Weakened Mount: -2
• Tired Mount -1
• Exhausted Mount -3
The ability to use ropes to assist climbing, lifting and sailing and make
Ropes to knots. It includes the ability to use a lariat, if appropriate to that DEX S HMW
Shipbuilding The ability to plan and construct a seaworthy craft. KNW C CW
Success in Siege Warfare permits the planning and execution of an
Siege Warfare attack against a fortified position. It includes knowledge of the con- KNW C B
struction of siege equipment. Time is GM determined.
The ability to use flags, smoke, lights, mirrors or other tools to com-
Signaling KNW S BSW
municate over long distances.
An Adventurer uses Sign Language to communicate using a somatic DEX or
Sign Language F MS
language. KNW
The ability to exchange small objects, conceal them or produce them
Sleight of Hand DEX F M
from concealment without detection.
The Adventurer may prepare any of the following traps:

• Kill Trap. Will attack intended victim, if the victim is Unaware

and enters trap area, with an AR equal to the trap setter’s skill
rating. Intended victim may be 10 kg per dX of Adventurer’s
DEX or
Snares and Traps Snares and Traps skill. The attack has a damage of d10 and S,C HW
is a Deadly Strike.

• Capture Trap. Same as kill trap but victim captured instead

on Critical Success. If not, but strike is successful, victim is
entangled for d8 rounds.
A Stealth skill test is a special action. If a model passes a Stealth
skill test, it gains a Stealth Token. Stealth tests are -4 if the entirety
of all movement the model makes, including any Free Moves, is not
conducted while concealed by terrain or low visibility (not by models)
with respect to all enemy and neutral models.
Stealth A model with the Stealth skill may be deployed (or placed using the AGL S HM
Treefall or Ambush talent) with a Stealth Token. A model cannot gain
or be deployed with a Stealth Token if at any point during the current
phase it meets or has met any of the conditions under which Stealth
Tokens are lost. See Page 14 for the rules for Stealth and Camou-
flage Tokens.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 41

Skill Effect Attribute Action Paths
[Forest, Sea, Plains, Desert, Mountain, Jungle, Arctic]: Survival is
Survival [Type] KNW S,C W
the ability to use available means to stay alive in adverse conditions.
A model may use this rating when making a Swim test. See Swim-
Swim AGL F G
ming, Page 74.
Theology is the ability to know significant information about the given
Theology [Type] KNW S,C S
As a special action, a model that passes a Thievery test may transfer
Thievery DEX S M
one non-inherent item from an enemy model in contact to itself.
Use Track to follow a trail left by a moving group.


+1 for every five or fraction of five in group

-1 for each elapsed day
-2 for each hour precipitation
-2 if tracks partially covered (include rocks, marsh)
-5 if tracks deliberately covered (include stream)
Track KNW S,C H
Hunting Animals: An adventurer employing the Track skill may use
his skill rating/4 (FRD) dogs/wolves that he has trained (using Animal
Handling skill) to assist in tracking prey. Each dog/wolf may track
separate parties or increase the Hunter's own tracking ability by +1
per animal. If the animals are tracking separate groups, their base
tracking skill the Hunter's, 1/group over the first. An animal who finds
its prey stops nearby and either howls or waits depending upon the
Hunter's command. Trained hunting animals have a d6 Track skill
unless otherwise determined.
The ability to "throw" one’s voice so that it appears to be coming from
a distance away up to their Skill Rating in steps. Thus, on a success-
Ventriloquism KNW F M
ful Ventriloquism test, an Adventurer with a Skill Rating of d8 could
make it appear their voice was coming from a location up to 8s away.

42 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost

On a TH 3 ranged attack, model may choose to treat the target
Accurate Shot [X] RAR d10, DEX d8 H X
as AV 5-X.
On a TH 3 melee attack, model may choose to treat the target
Accurate Strike [X] MAR d10, DEX d8 BM X
as AV 5-X.
Active Defense A model with this talent can make a reaction attack while engaged. AGL d8 B 1
The Adventurer gains the talent to use spells from the Adept CAR d16, Practitioner
Adept Spells [Form] S 2
Spells of his form of magic and 5 Power. Spells [Form]
An Adventurer with Agile Charge may move in any direction to
Agile Charge make a Charge as long as the move is at least 4” and the last 2” AGL d12, NHA B 2
are in a straight line to the target.
The Adventurer has a +2dl to any attempt to detect (by the use of
Alert Perception or some other relevant skill) someone or something - N N
trying to remain concealed from or sneak up on her.
Some Feral creatures that operate in packs can still be led by
Alpha [Model Type] an alpha male. Alpha gives the model the Leader talent for the Feral E E: 1
indicated model type, even if the model type is Feral.
A model with the Alpine talent gains Frostfoot and Mountaineer.
Mountaineer or
Alpine A model with Alpine cannot be assigned an Ice Token. Either W 1
Mountaineer or Frostfoot may be treated as an Included Tslent.
The Adventurer can use either hand with equal capability. It is
Ambidextrous easier for such an Adventurer to employ two weapons. See page - N N
A model with the Ambush talent may be kept off table during
deployment. At the start of the player’s activation, the player may
place the model concealed by terrain from all enemy models with
Ambush no enemy model or friendly ambushing model within 6” and not Infiltrate HM 2
within 12” of enemy models with the Scout talent or an objective.
Includes Infiltrate. The Encounter Area must be not be Friendly
Ground to the enemy to employ this talent.
Amphibious models move in Deep Water terrain as if Very
Amphibious Rough terrain and other Watery terrain as if Rough. Amphibious - W 0.5
models treat Watery terrain as concealing terrain.
Animal This model may not pick up, use, receive or transfer items. - E E: 0
The Adventurer shares an empathy with animals. He has the
uncanny ability to keep animals calm around him – wild animals
do not Charge, guard animals do not make noise, etc. This
Animal Calm only works against animals that are not wounded or Magically - N N
controlled. The animal resists the effects on its SPR, with a -3dl
to the SPR of the first, -2dl for the second, -1dl for the third and
no modifier for the fourth additional animal or any beyond that.
The Adventurer has a devoted animal Follower. The selected
animal companion starts trained in three basic and one advanced
tasks. If this talent is acquired after Adventurer creation, the
animal must be one the Adventurer has trained to perform at least
Animal Companion three basic and one advanced tasks. An animal companion is Animal Handling d8 HW 2
TN 2 for all Animal Handling tests the Adventurer performs with
respect to it. An animal companion is +2dl to any Spirit test it is
forced to make while within 6 steps of its master. An Adventurer
may only have one animal companion at a time.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 43

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
Apprentice Spells The Adventurer gains the talent to use spells from the Apprentice CAR d10, Novice
S 2
[Form] Spells of his form of magic and 5 Power Spells [Form]
A model with this talent treats all Woods terrain as Easy for
Arboreal - W 0.5
The Armor Use talent comes with an associated armor category.
Adventurers without the Armor Use talent or wearing armor
BW: L:2
above their category of ability suffer the AGL penalty and are
All M:3
one EL higher. If an Adventurer already has an Armor Use talent
Armor Use - H:4
and acquires a new one, he must only pay the difference. For
MH: EH:7
example, if an Adventurer has Medium Armor Use, the cost to
Med SH:9
acquire Heavy Armor Use is only 2 AP. Light=AV3, Medium=AV4,
Heavy=AV5, Extra Heavy=AV6, SuperHeavy=AV7

Armored Due to wearing armor, the model suffers a -X to casting and

S -
Casting [-X] counterspell rolls. [M]
If the model counts as Charging this turn, it may roll two
Assault dice for each of its melee attacks and choose the higher MAR d10 B 2
one on which to base the result of the attack.
Attuned May use Energy Magic, must specify form. Gains CAR d8, 5
[Energy Magic Power and the ability to use the Novice Spells of that form of - S 3
Form] magic. Is a Caster.
Immediately after a melee combat in which this Ready, engaged
model was involved has been completely resolved, this model
MAR d10, AGL d8
may move directly away from all enemy models in that combat,
Backstep B 1
up to 3”, not ending in contact. If multiple models have Backstep,
resolve this in initiative order. Models from the same freeband may
be resolved in any order the player chooses.
An Adventurer with Barter makes a Persuade test related to a
Barter [X] - CW X
commercial transaction at -X to the threshold.
At the end of this ready model’s activation, any or all unengaged,
Ready, friendly faction models that have not yet activated may
Battlecry DISC d12, Leader B 4
make a Free Move 3” directly toward this model. A model may
only be affected by Battlecry once per turn.
It takes two enemy models to cause each -1 DEF applied to this
Battler - B 1
model from Piling On.
If both claw attacks hit the same target model of the same base
STR d8, 2 Claws/
Bear Hug size or smaller, the target must pass a STR test or be Restrained E E: 1
Claw Weapons
for the rest of the turn.
This talent permits the casting of a Spirit Magic spell, Beguile,
using a CAR of dX. Beguile may not be employed while the
model is engaged. A model employing Beguile does not lose the
benefits of the Disguise talent for doing so. Employing this talent
uses no power to cast, but counts as a power 1 spell for purposes
Beguile [dX] of counterspells. Target model takes SPR test 5. If failed, the E
only type of movement action the target model may take is Hold.
Beguiled models may not cast spells, counterspell, move, conduct
ranged attacks, take actions or react. A beguiled model may not
attack or count for Pile On against the model that beguiled it.
Models with Witchsight or Demon may not be Beguiled.

44 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost

When this model Breaks Off from being engaged, it is treated as AGL d10, Elude [1],
Bladedancer BM 2
a maneuver action. This talent includes Elude [1]. Sword Group

Dodge and Parry tests against melee attacks made by this model MAR d10, DEX d8,
Bladeflash B 2
suffer a -1 penalty. Sword Group
Blind Dodge Model may dodge attacks through its rear facing. AGL d12, Dodge [X] M 2
Blind Parry Model may parry attacks through its rear facing. MAR d12, Pary [X] B 2
Model may forgo one melee attack to have Parry [1] for that
Block combat. Block can be used as many times as a model has attacks - All 1
to convert to it. [O]
This model is +1dl melee damage if it has dropped a model in
Bloodseeker - H 1
this encounter.
When this model drops a living model with a melee attack, it gains
Bloodstruck - E E: 1
+2dl to all Morale tests for the rest of the game.
This model does not take Fear tests and treats tests caused by
Bold DISC d8 All 1
Terrifying creatures and effects as Fear.
The model is said to have a Bond with or be Bonded to a specific
(Master) model of the type shown in brackets. As long as the
Bonded models are within 6”, they are both +1 to DEF and the
Bonded model uses the master model’s DISC for all purposes.
Some talents are Bonded talents (noted in their descriptions) and
Bonded [Model
may be shared between bonded models within 6” of each other. Animal Companion? H 1
A master model can have more than one Bonded model, but
not the other way around, and the effects do not stack. Bonded
models must choose a specific master model. If the master is
dropped, the Bonded model cannot choose a new one and loses
the Bonded talent.
Causes a Critical Hit on a successful melee attack that achieves
Bonecrusher - E E: 3
TH 5 instead of TH10.
A model with this talent may take an immediate opposed STR
test against one enemy model of the same base size or smaller
Bull Rush it engages while counting as Charging. If the test is passed, the STR d8 B 1
enemy model is -1dl MAR during the melee phase. If the test is a
critical success, the enemy model is Knocked Down.
Model is subject to the Cavalry model rule while mounted. See ""
Cavalry - BHW 1
on page 15. (Story: Negates any penalties for mounted actions)
If the model does not move more than half its SPD, it is +2DEF
Chameleon - E E: 1
to ranged attacks.
May use Spirit Magic, must specify form. Gains CAR d8, 5 Power
and the ability to use the Novice Spells of that form of magic. Is - S 3
[Spirit Magic Form]
a Caster.
A Caster with this talent may spend power to negate negative
casting modifiers for casting in contact and Armored Casting.
Chosen [Varan,
Chosen Warrior Each power spent negates -1 of the modifier. Power spent in this S 1
Blood, Sun, Devilry]
manner is counted as the BASE cost of the spell for counterspell
Combat Reflexes
May make an additonal X reactions per turn. AGL d8+1dl per X B 2X

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 45

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
When a model with the Conquer talent causes a TH3 melee hit
on an opponent on the same size or smaller base, the opponent
Conquer MAR d8 E 1
is knocked down if the model with Conquer passes an opposed
STR test against the model hit.
This model ignores talents employed by enemy models that
Contain AGL d10 B 1
prevent reactions while Breaking Off.
This talent allows the model to make Standoff reaction attacks
Counterattack with weapons that do not have the Standoff ability. This talent AGL d10 B 1
does not permit Standoff engagement. [R]
The model may make one counterspell attempt per turn even
though it is not a Caster and does not spend power. For the
purposes of such a counterspell action only, the model has a CAR
Counterspell [dX] - E E: 2
of dX. It may counterspell a spell of any power, but is -1dl to the
counterspell roll for every power spent by the enemy Caster above
2. Employing this talent does not trigger a reaction attack. [R]
If all other Charge conditions are met, this model may ignore LOS
Covert Charge restrictions on a Charge caused by LOS blocked by low visibility, AGL d10, Arboreal B 1
darkness or terrain features with the Woods keyword.
If this model attacks the same enemy it did in the previous turn, of
the same base size or smaller, its Critical Hit and critical damage
TH is –4X, where X is the number of consecutive turns after the
Crush first that it has attacked this same enemy model. (Designer’s E E: ?
note: one good way to track this is with a die next to the target
enemy model showing the number of consecutive turns that model
has been attacked.)
Darkvision is the ability to see in complete darkness. It does not
work if there is any visible light present and only allows sight out
to 18”. It does not show color – only shades of grey. It is based
Darkvision fundamentally on the difference in heat between objects, so ‘cold’ - N N
objects can be seen as well as ‘warm’ or ‘hot’ ones. A creature or
object with the ability to match its heat EXACTLY to a part of its
surroundings would be indistinguishable from those surroundings.
Model may take an END test to ignore a Dazed or Stunned result.
Dauntless - N N
[Story: Ignores Pain]
A hit on this model must achieve TH 15 to be a critical hit. Deflect
Deflect has no effect on hits from attacks originating through the model’s AGL d10 B 2
rear arc.
Deft A model with Deft Ripostes a Parry result at TH8. MAR d10, Parry [1] B 1
Models with this talent are creatures of another world or
dimension. Certain game effects will limit or benefit them
Demon E E: 0
because they have this talent. Hero’s Honor, does not apply
to models with the Demon talent.
If a model is about to lose a LP, it may make an END test TN 7
Die Hard [X] to ignore that loss. The model may only attempt to ignore X LP - All 2X
loss per turn.
An Adventurer with Diligence who makes a successful Craft test
Diligence may create the item or lot of items in half the time. Each Crit - C 1
halves the time again.

46 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
An Adventurer with the Disarm Talent may try to disarm an
armed opponent. The attacker makes an opposed roll with both
Adventurers using the MAR of the weapon they have to hand.
The Adventurer using Disarm receives a -2dl modifier to this
roll. Brawling may not be used for this purpose. If successful,
the opponent loses weapon. A Critical Success breaks the
Disarm MAR d14 B 2
opponent’s weapon or, if the attacker were unarmed, he now
has the opponent’s weapon. The relative lengths of the weapons
involved are compared, each point of difference is a +/- 1dl
modifier to the opposed roll. Note that if the opponent’s weapon
is longer, this will be a penalty. It is impossible to disarm an
opponent of certain weapons, such as the cestus. [R]
A model with Disguise may not be engaged, attacked or the
target of a spell unless an enemy model with LOS makes a
KNW test 7 as a free action during its activation. Once this
KNW test is passed or the model with Disguise declares an
attack, is attacked, casts a spell, counterspells, becomes
engaged, or conducts a Special or End Phase action, this
talent no longer applies for the rest of the game. Disguise
Disguise KNW d8 M 2
has no effect on NPCs. A model may only make one KNW
test to reveal a Disguise a turn. This may be done by a
Caster when it is its turn to cast, in the Movement Phase
as a free action as part of that model’s activation or when
a model is about to make a ranged attack. Models with
Witchsight are +2dl to this test if the model with Disguise
is a Demon.
A model with this talent may attempt to dodge X number of melee
or ranged attacks per turn. To dodge, make an AGL test and the
result is the model’s DEF for that attack. If the result is less than
the model’s DEF, the model’s DEF is used instead of the result of
the roll. If the roll is a Tarch, the model’s DEF is 1 for that attack.
Dodge [X] - M X
A successful Dodge test results in the attack becoming a miss.
A single attack may not be both Parried and Dodged. A single
attack may not be Dodged more than once. Dodge may make
use of Split Dice, page X. Splitting a Dodge die is still a single
Dodge. [R]
A model with this talent will have two melee weapons. It may
combine these two melee attacks with them into a single attack MAR d10, Two of the
Dual Strike B 1
using the MAR of either weapon. If the attack hits, the damage is same melee weapons
that for the higher damage weapon +2dl.
May designate X models with which this model is engaged. When
Elude [X] this model Breaks Off from those models, they are not permitted AGL d8, AV5 or less BHM X
reactions against it.
Enhanced [Attri- Attribute tests and Secondary Skill Tests using this [Attribute]
- N N
bute] are TH5.
Expert allows the reroll of a Tarch once per use of the associated
Expert [Talent] [Ability] d10 All MAR/

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 47

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
Adds a fourth Range band to any ranged attack by this model
if it did not move. The band is the same as the weapon being
Extreme Shot RAR d12 H 2
used for the attack and ranged attacks in the fourth band incur
a -4 modifier.
Eyebite allows the Caster to cast a Spirit Magic spell as a free
action, despite its normal casting time. A spell cast with this talent Chosen,
Eyebite S 1
costs x3 Power. The Caster must be able to see the target of his CAR d12
spell and be able to blink his eyes to employ this talent.
A Familiar is a small animal who is bonded to the Adventurer in
a relationship of friendship and duty. Adventurers with this talent
may either have a Familiar from the start of play or gain one Chosen [Grey or
Familiar S 3
during play. An Adventurer may only have one Familiar at a time. Black]
Subject to the GM’s discretion, a Familiar may be any animal the
same size as or smaller than a wolf. See Familiar Rules.
For every X, +2” is added to each range band of any ranged attack
Far Shot [X] STR d8, RAR d8 H 2X
by this model if it did not move.
The model has a SPD 8 or above. It makes variable moves at
Fast SPD 8 N N
+d6”. [M]
Fate Siphon [Model The model is assigned any fatestones earned by [models]
Type] of its side instead of those models retaining them.
Each time an enemy model fails a Morale or Fear test, the Caster, Chosen [Grey or
Fear Craver S 1
if unPanicked, may gain +2 power. Black]
Always passes Morale tests, is not affected by Fearsome or
Fearless - E E: 5
Terrifying talents.
Causes a Fear test in enemy models contacted in the Movement
Fearsome phase (see Morale, page X). Ignores the effects of Fearsome - E E: 2
enemy. Treats Terrifying enemy as Fearsome.
This model may force an opposed MAR test on an enemy model
Feint with which it is engaged and in contact. If this model wins, enemy AV4 or less B 1
model cannot Parry or Dodge this model’s attacks this turn. [O]
Unless otherwise permitted, cannot make the following types of
tests: Targeting, Evade, KNW. Feral models cannot make Delay
tests unless engaged. They ignore the effects of Leaders. They
Feral - E E: 0
must make a Pursuit Move when able. Feral models may not pick
up, use, receive or transfer items. Feral models may not earn or
use fatestones. Feral models cannot gain AP. [M]
This model may treat any terrain feature as Rough and may
automatically pass any Climb or Jump test without the need to
Float E E: 2
roll. This talent may not be employed to pass through a Solid or
Impassable wall or object.
Flurry This model counts as 2 models for Pile On purposes. - B 1

48 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
A Ready model may choose to employ this talent when making
any type of movement action, Free Move or post combat move
(Reposition, Pursuit, Hit and Run, Backstep, etc.). A model must
choose Fly when it Panics. A model may not employ this talent if
it starts the current phase Prone. A model is Fast when it chooses
Fly. The player declares a model flying at the start of this move-
Fly [Low, SPD X] ment and it is considered flying throughout the remainder of that E
phase. When this talent is employed the model is SPD X and
ignores terrain and model restrictions on movement but cannot
end its move in Impassable terrain or overlapping a model.
When this talent is employed a model may not pick up or transfer
items. Always passes Climb and Jump tests with full SPD. This
talent does not change the model’s position for LOS purposes.
If this model drops a melee opponent, then it may make an
immediate move of up to 1” and melee attack again. Model may
do this X times per turn. This talent may not be employed as part MAR d10, AGL d10,
Follow-through [X] B X
of a reaction. [Skirmish: This move must end in contact with an STR d10
enemy model from the original combat and cannot end in contact
with a model not in the original combat.]
Once per encounter, an Adventurer with Foresight may make
Foresight any one friendly die roll a "4" instead of rolling. This result does - S 2
not spike.
An Adventurer who makes a successful Craft, Draw, Art or Write
Forgery test may make a second such test, and if successful, creates a - C 1
passable copy of an item or document made by someone else.
If this model did not move in any way during this turn, with the
exception of facing changes, the model cannot be Piled On and
does not lose its shield bonus to DEF for rear attacks. A model Shield, MAR d10,
Fortress B 1
must be able to count its shield bonus to be able to employ AV6+
Fortress (for example, not when using a two-handed weapon or
Shield Bash).
Can’t Break off or Evade. Model gains one extra melee attack
with the weapon of its choice, Bold and -2 DEF. Loses this talent
Frenzy - B 5
for the rest of the game on a failed Morale test. Frenzied models
may not Parry or Dodge. [M]
Frostfoot Moves through Icy terrain without penalty. - W 0.5
For each LP this model has lost and not regained, it is +1dl to
Furious - B 1
melee damage rolls.
If this talent is employed the model is +XDEF, and -Xdl to melee
attack tests for the duration of the combat. If the model did
Guarded Attack [X] MAR d10 B 1
not move this turn and employs this talent, it benefits from an
additional +1 DEF in melee. [O]
May make an intercept shot within 18”. One friendly model
Guardian Shot RAR d8 H 1
engaged with the target does not block LOS for such a shot.
Grand Master The Adventurer gains the ability to use spells from the Grand CAR d24, Master
S 5
Spells [Form] Master Spells of his form of magic and 5 power. Spells [Form]
A model with this talent may make a ranged attack even if it made
Harasser a Break Off action or an Evade reaction. It may shoot through AGL d8, AV4 or less H 1
its rear facing.
Hardened Critical damage against this model is TH 15. END d8 All 1
Hate [Model Type] A model is Fearless while engaged with a model it Hates. - E E: 0

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 49

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
Melee attacks from a model with Heroic Attack against a Creature
model on a larger base cause a Critical Hit at TH 5. In order to
Heroic Attack gain this benefit, the player must announce the model is making - H 1
a Heroic Attack and this model is -2 DEF against all attacks that
turn. [O]
This talent may be employed immediately after a melee combat in
which this Ready model took part has been completely resolved.
On a successful AGL test (+1 to the TN for each model engaged
with it after the first), this model may conduct a movement that is
AGL d10, Fast or Fly,
Hit and Run in every way similar to a Break Off action and must conform to all BM 2
AV4 or less
of its restrictions, with the exception that this move is made in the
Melee Phase. Note that as this movement is not conducted in
the Movement Phase, no reactions are triggered or take place. If
multiple models have Hit and Run, resolve this in initiative order.
When a melee attack using this talent hits, the user rolls two
damage dice and chooses the higher result to resolve damage.
Impact MAR d10, Bull Rush B 3
Impact can only be employed in a combat on a turn in which the
model counts as Charging.
If not in a freeband possessing their faction title, these models
are not considered faction models. They are friendly models but
Independent SK 0
cannot gain benefit from the Leader talent nor from any game
effect targeting a faction model.
Models with Infiltrate may make a Free Move up to their SPD after
Infiltrate AGL d8, AV4 or less HM 1
all models have deployed.
If the Adventurer makes a Persuade test and it is opposed, she
Influence [X] may make the target reroll any X dice of the opposed test. If the - CM X
test is not opposed, it receives a +Xdl modifier.
Initiate Spells The Adventurer gains the ability to use spells from the Initiate CAR d12, Apprentice
S 2
[Form] Spells of his form of magic and 5 power. Spells [Form]
Inspiring [X] +Xdl to any follower's Morale or Fear test - B X
May spend +2X Power to apply a –Xdl to any test the target must
Intensify Spell [X] make as part of the spell’s effect. This cost is not added to the CAR d10 S X
power of the spell for counterspell purposes.
An Adventurer with this talent makes Persuade tests on a captive
Interrogate [X] - M X
sentient with whom he can communicate at -X to the threshold.
An Adventurer with this talent makes Deceive tests to bring about
Intrigue [X] - M X
a political scheme at -X to the threshold.
If the Adventurer makes a Find test in order to uncover information
Investigate and it is opposed, she may reroll any one die of her opposed test. - MS 2
If the test is not opposed, it receives a +1dl modifier.
This model, and any model using its DISC, may reroll any failed
Iron Will - B 3
morale or Fear test.
Journeyman Spells The Adventurer gains the ability to use spells from the Journeyman CAR d18, Adept
S 2
[Form] Spells of his form of magic and 5 power. Spells [Form]
If any alternative materials of any kind are available, any Craft or
Jury-rig Engineering test made by this Adventurer ignores the first -2 of - C 1
any penalty for improper materials.
Killing Shot [X] Ranged attack crit TH is -X, if no move. RAR d12 HM 2X
Killing Strike [X] Melee attack crit TH is -X, if no move. MAR d12 BM 2X
Large Target Ranged attack tests against this model are +1 to hit. [M] - N N

50 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
A non-Feral model within 6” may use this model’s DISC for all
DISC tests. This includes the Shoot Them! Talent and Tough
Leader DISC d12 BW 4
[+1]. The model is +1 to all Ability tests. This talent only applies
to faction models.
Standoff reaction attacks (including ranged standoff attacks)
Leap Attack - E E: 1
cannot be made against a model with Leap Attack.
Models with this talent have the Elude [+1] talent when engaged
only by foot models. They gain +1 DEF when subjected to a
Light Cavalry reaction attack for Breaking Off. They are +2 to any Evade test. Cavalry, AV4 or less H 1
When it Evades the model may choose to evade any distance up
to the full amount determined for the Evade move.
The model is always considered to be awake for the purposes
Light Sleeper of any Perception tests. In any situation where the model would Perception d8 W 1
normally be asleep, it may be counted as awake instead.
Enemy models within 6” of a Ready model with Lion’s Roar are
Lion’s Roar - E E: 1
-1dl to all Morale tests.
An Adventurer with this talent can read and write any language
for which she has language skill. This talent allows the user to
Literacy KNW d8 S 1
make special types of Language skill tests: Read Language and
Write Language using its rating in Language.
An Adventurer with Logic makes a Persuade test related to
Logic [X] KNW d10 S X
convincing someone of a point of fact at -1 to the threshold.
The Adventurer gains the ability to use spells from the Lord Spells CAR d30, Grand
Lord Spells [Form] S 10
of his form of magic and 5 power. Master Spells [Form]
Lucky This model starts each encounter with one fatestone. - N N
May split Ranged attacks if stationary. Each target must be within RAR d10, Bow
Many Shot H 1
2” of another. Weapon
2, 1 if
March When this model conducts a Maneuver action, treat it as SPD+1”. - B
If the model does not move and is not engaged, it may roll two
dice for its ranged attacks and choose the higher one on which
Marksman DEX d8, RAR d8 H 2
to base the result of the attack. Cannot be combined with Rapid
Master Spells The Adventurer gains the ability to use spells from the Master CAR d20, Journey-
S 3
[Form] Spells of his form of magic and 5 power. man Spells [Form]
An Adventurer who makes a successful test in the linked skill at
Masterwork [Art,
-2dl may make a second such test, and if successful, results in Precision Work [same
Craft, Draw or C 2
an item of superior quality. A Crit on the second test results in an skill]
item of legendary quality.
For each [weapon] attack that hits, a model with this talent may
attack a different enemy than the target of the triggering hit, up
to [X] times. If a model has more than one weapon of that type,
Maul [X, weapon] it tracks each set of potential or actual extra attacks separately. ? ? ?
Attacks gained through this talent may trigger further attacks
using this talent, but not to exceed [X] extra attacks from each
weapon of the indicated type.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 51

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
Skirmish: A model with this talent that was not dropped or
run off and was on the encounter area for the entire game
provides the freeband +Xd6 gold at the end of a game that
Merchant [X] is part of a league. KNW d8 C X

Story: A model with this talent gains +5X% extra money from any
successful commercial transaction.
May Parry one ranged non-spell attack per [X]. Missile Parries
Missile Parry [X] may not use Riposte. A model with Missile Parry may not increase MAR d12, Parry [X+1] BM X
the [X] of this talent unless it has Parry [X+1].
A Ready Caster with this talent may transfer up to 3 power at the
Chosen [Moons
Moons Bond end of their activation to another ready Caster of the opposite sex S 1
(priest/priestess) with this talent within 9”.
A model with this talent treats all Rocky terrain as Easy for
Mountaineer - W 0.5
movement. This talent gives the model +1dl to Climb tests.
A Ready Caster with this talent may choose a Mystic Dance
movement action. Mystic Dance is the same as Hold, except
that while the model is Ready and not engaged, all friendly Chosen [Totem
Mystic Dance S 1
models within 9” are +1dl to all melee attack tests. A model that Magic]
chose Mystic Dance cannot make any reactions. A model cannot
choose Mystic Dance on a turn it cast or countered a spell.
An Adventurer with Negotiate makes a Persuade test related to
Negotiate [X] - SW X
reaching a political agreement at -X to the threshold.
Nimble [X] Model gains +X DEF if it moved in the Movement Phase this turn. AV4 or less, AGL d10 M 2X
If the target of this model’s melee attacks did not Charge this turn
Opportune Strike and the target is engaged by at least one other model, this model’s AGL d10, DEX d10 M 1
melee attack Crit threshold is 5.
A friendly Follower model that fails a Morale test within 6” of this
Oppressor model may roll again using its own unmodified DISC, but if the Leader or Sergeant BW 1
second test is Tarched, the friendly model is dropped.
A mounted Adventurer with this talent who Charges an opponent
and hits successfully may make a Ride test to Overrun. The Ride
test is an opposed test on the target’s AGL. If the Overrun is
successful, the opponent is Knocked Down one step to the left or
Overrun Cavalry, Ride d12 B 1
right of the Adventurer and suffers an additional d8 damage. The
Ride test is used to determine if any critical damage occurs from
the Overrun. Overruns may not be Dodged or Parried although
the original attack may be normally.
All of the models of the same type involved in a Pack Attack must
attack at the point in the combat sequence that includes the last
model to attack in that group. The owning player rolls all of the
Pack Attack - E E: 1
damage dice from the models that hit, chooses the one to apply
to the combined attack and adds +1 for each model after the first
that hit. [O]

52 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
May roll MAR and replace base DEF with that number after being
attacked in melee. This is called a Parry test. A successful Parry
test results in the attack missing. May make one test per X per
turn. Only one Parry test may be made per enemy attack. The
owning player chooses which of multiple weapons/MARs to use
for each Parry test. [R]

• A model hit by several attacks at the same point in the

combat sequence may choose which to try and Parry.
It may not wait until later in the sequence and try and
come back to parry an “earlier” hit.

• If the result is less than the model’s DEF, the model’s
DEF is used instead of the result of the roll. Abilities
Parry [X] such as Swift may modify the Parry test. If the roll is a - B 3X
Tarch, the model’s DEF is 1 and cannot be modified.

• A single attack may not be both Parried and Dodged. A

single attack may not be Parried more than once.

• Parry may make use of Split Dice, page x. A Parry that

makes use of Split Dice is still one Parry.

• Critical Success on the Parry allows an immediate single

attack by the parrying model using the MAR/weapon
of the Parry, against the model that got the original
hit result. This is called a Riposte. A model may only
Riposte models in contact. There may be one such
attack per level of Critical Success.
On the turn this model begins a Charge action with a Stealth
Pouncer Token, all melee attacks and ranged attacks against this model AGL d10, Stealth d8 HM 1
are -2dl.
Power Attack [X] May become –X DEF to add +Xdl to all melee damage rolls. [O] STR d8 B X
Power Word allows the Caster to cast an Energy Magic spell as
a free action, despite its normal casting time. A spell cast with
this talent costs x3 power. The Caster must determine at the
Power Word beginning of her career in which language her Power Words will Attuned, CAR d12 S 1
be spoken. The Caster needs to have a unique and appropriate
Power Word for each spell that makes use of one. The Caster
must be able to speak the word to employ this talent.
Practitioner Spells The Adventurer gains the talent to use spells from the Practitioner CAR d14, Initiate
S 2
[Form] Spells of his form of magic and 5 Power Spells [Form]
A ranged attack by this Caster with a Missile Spell has the penalty
Precise Cast [X] CAR d10 S X
for shooting at an engaged target reduced by X.
A ranged attack by this model with a non-thrown weapon has the
Precise Shot [X] RAR d10 BM X
penalty for shooting at an engaged target reduced by X.
An Adventurer who makes a successful test at -2dl in the linked
Precision Work Linked to: Art, Craft,
skill may make a second such test, and if successful, results in
[Art, Craft, Draw or Draw or Write; KNW C 2
an item of fine quality. A Crit on the second test results in an item
Write] d8
of excellent quality.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 53

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
Project Spell allows the Caster to cast a spell through a device
such that the spell emanates from a distant spot and not from
the caster. The cost of the spell in power is multiplied x3. In
addition to the x3 additional multiplier, Project Spell requires that
the Caster have an accurate location of the target through either
Attuned or Chosen,
Project Spell a magic item that permits accurate location of a distant item or an S 2
CAR d12
active spell that has been cast by the Caster and has accurately
determined the location of the target. Examples of spells that
can accurately locate the target once cast are: Scry, Augury and
Wizard Eye. These spells do not guarantee accurate location and
the GM must determine if a Project Spell is possible.
An enemy model in contact with both this model and one or more
Protector other models friendly to the model with Protector, must direct any MAR d10 B 1
attacks to this model instead.
END d10, d10 Dam-
Surviving living model hit by an attack from a model with Punish
Punish age Bludgeoning B 1
takes an END test and is Dazed if it fails.
Quick The model ignores the first penalty to DEF from piling on. - N N
Quick Dismount An Adventurer with this talent dismounts as a free action. Ride d8, AV4 or less All 1
Quick Draw The Adventurer can draw or transfer items as a free action. DEX d8 All 0.5
The Adventurer may reroll any recovery, first aid or medicine roll
Quick Healer END d8 N N
made on his behalf.
Quick Thinker [X] The model gains +Xdl to initiative rolls. KNW d8 All 2X
Model may make an additional ranged attack against the same
model or a model within 2” of it at -2dl to the ranged attack test if
it did not move this turn. This modifier is -3dl if the weapon has
Rapid Fire the Reload weapon ability and -4dl if it has Slow Reload. The RAR d10, DEX d8 B 3
additional ranged attack is in all ways the same and may employ
the same abilities as the one on which it is based. Cannot be
combined with the Marksman talent. [O]
If the weapon being used has the Reload rule, the model may
maneuver its full SPD and still shoot. If the weapon being used
has the Slow Reload rule, the model may maneuver up to half
Rapid Reload RAR d8, DEX d8 B 1
its SPD and still shoot. If the weapon has neither Reload nor
Slow Reload, the model may ignore the -1 penalty for moving
and shooting.
A non-Charging model’s attacks are resolved in the combat MAR d10, AGL d10,
Raven Stance [X] B X
sequence at +Xdl to its DISC. AV5 or less
The Adventurer has AV+2 against any die of damage produced
by Ice, cold or freezing of any kind, including Magical and is +2dl
Resistance [Cold] - N N
to resist any game effect with the Ice keyword or produced by Ice
Magic. Cannot be assigned an Ice Token.
The Adventurer has AV+1 and +1dl of resistance against any
Resistance [Energy
game effect produced by Energy Magic and cannot be assigned - N N
a token by Energy Magic.
The Adventurer has AV+2 against any die of damage produced
by flame or fire or heat of any kind, including Magical and is
Resistance [Heat] - N N
+2dl to resist any game effect with the flame or fire keywords or
produced by Fire Magic. Cannot be assigned a Flame Token.

54 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
The Adventurer is +2dl to resist the effects of any Poison and
Resistance [Poison] - N N
cannot be assigned a Poison Token.
The Adventurer has AV+1 and +1dl of resistance against any
Resistance [Spirit
game effect produced by Spirit Magic and cannot be assigned a - N N
token by Spirit Magic.
If a Morale test is failed by 1, the model makes a Panic Move -2”
Retrograde DISC d10 B 1
and immediately rallies before any Pursuit.
Includes Infiltrate. A model with this talent gives its freeband 2
Scout Infiltrate, AV4 or less H 2
Scouting points.
May reroll a Find test associated with locating or acquiring
Scrounge - CW 1
an item.
An Adventurer with Seduce makes a Persuade test related to a
Seduce [X] - M X
romantic relationship or action at -X to the threshold.
Selective allows the Caster to pick out certain types of targets in
a spell that affects an area. The selection may be inclusive (e.g.,
Selective CAR d10 S 1
“it affects all the Shakrim”) or exclusive (e.g., “it affects everyone
but the demons”). Selective doubles the power cost of the spell.
Only a friendly model of the named model type may benefit from
Sergeant [Model
this talent. A non-Feral model within 6” may use this model’s DISC d8 B 1
DISC for all DISC tests. This includes the Shoot Them! talent.
A Ready Caster with this talent may choose a Serpent Dance
movement action. Serpent Dance is the same as Hold, except
that while the model is Ready and not engaged, all friendly models
Serpent Dance within 9” are +1 DEF and have the Battler talent. A model that Chosen [Totem] S 1
chose Serpent Dance cannot make any reactions. A model
cannot choose Serpent Dance on a turn it cast or countered a
If an opponent Breaks Off, an Adventurer with Shadow may follow
AGL d10, Sidestep,
Shadow that opponent as a Reaction as long as he has movement and is M 2
AV4 or less
not hit by a reaction attack. [R]
A model with this talent ignores the +1 DEF of a target’s
Sharpshooter RAR d10 HW 1
concealment when making a ranged attack.
A model with this talent may either use its shield as a second
Shield Bash attack using the model’s MAR at -2dl to the melee attack test and Shield, STR d8 B 1
damage d6 OR add the shield’s bonus to DEF. [O]
A model with this talent is +1 DEF in melee if in contact with
Shieldmate Shield Use B 1
another friendly model with this talent.
Adventurers without the Shield Use talent or using a shield above 2, 4
Shield Use their category of ability suffer a -1dl (-2dl for Large Shields) to - B for
AGL. Large
Models within 6” of a model with this talent may make a ranged
attack against any visible target in range without the need for a
Shoot Them! DISC d8 B 1
Targeting test. A model with Sergeant [model type] or Leader
gains Shoot Them! for all models, including itself.
If a model with this talent is attacked in melee and that attack
misses, it may make any legal 1” move. This does not trigger
Sidestep AGL d10, AV4 or less BM 1
a reaction attack from the opponent who missed. Note that an
attack that is Parried or Dodged is a miss. [R]
Slither Model has both the Amphibious and Arboreal talents. ? ? ?

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 55

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
For any ranged attack by this model, if it did not move, -X modifier
Sniper [X] RAR d10, DEX d8 HM 2X
due to range is removed from the attack.
An opposed test to a Persuade or Deceive test made by an
Sonorous Voice [X] - M X
Adventurer with Sonorous Voice is -Xdl.
The Caster may cast X spells per turn when it is her turn to do
Spell Mastery [X] so. A model with Spell Mastery [X] can cast the same spell more ? ? ?
than once.
On a counterspell Critical Success, may cast a spell as a response
Spell Riposte CAR d12 S 1
talent. [R]
May spend +3 power to remove the requirement for a spell to have
Spellbender line of sight. This cost is not added to the power of the spell for CAR d10 S 2
counterspell purposes.
Spellblocker [X] May spend up to +X power to add +Xdl to a counterspell roll. CAR d10 S X
A Caster may spend up to +X power to reduce any attempt to
Spellbracer [X] counter this spell by –Xdl. This cost is not added to the power of CAR d10 S X
the spell for counterspell purposes.
If this model casts a spell or counterspells while engaged, this CAR d10, AV 4 or
Spelldancer S 1
does not trigger a reaction by any enemy model. less
May spend up to +X power to add +Xdl to the model’s CAR when
it is used as a ranged attack rating to conduct a ranged attack
Spellguider [X] CAR d10 S X
with a Missile spell. This cost is not added to the cost of the spell
for counterspell purposes.
May spend +2X Power to increase the damage of a spell by +Xdl.
Spellhammer [X] This cost is not added to the power of the spell for counterspell CAR d10 S X
May spend up to +2X power to add +X” to a spell’s AoE radius
Spellstretcher [X] or wall or cone's length. This cost is not added to the cost of the Attuned, CAR d10 S X
spell for counterspell purposes.
A model with the Spirit talent is called a Spirit Model.

• Spirit Models are +1 AV and +1 DEF vs non-Magical

attacks. Magical attacks are those from spells, magic
items, or other Spirit Models.
• Spirit Models are not slowed by any terrain, always FN:3
automatically pass mobility tests without rolling and may - E
move through even Impassable terrain, but may not end PC:7
a move in or on Impassable terrain.

• At the start of its activation, a Spirit Model may

Discorporate and remains so until the it ends the effect
as a Free Action.
If ready and unengaged, this model may take a special action
to designate one enemy model in its LOS as "spotted." Friendly
Spotter faction models gain Sharpshooter when shooting a "spotted" Leader or Sergeant H 1
model. A friendly faction model may always consider an
unengaged spotted model closest.
An Adventurer with the Stable Shot talent does not suffer the
Stable Shot Cavalry, RAR d10 H 1
penalty to shooting while moving if mounted.

56 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
Starlight vision is the ability to see where starlight is present three
times as far as someone with "normal" vision. Clouds, bright
moonlight and low torches or lanterns not in the user’s field of view
Starlight Vision - N N
will not interfere with this talent, but other bright light sources will.
Starlight must be present, so this talent typically will not work in a
cave, tunnel or dungeon.
This model automatically passes a Morale test required for losing
Steadfast [X] combat. It may do this X times per encounter. This is done before DISC d10 All 2X
any die roll. [M]
Steady Shot Does not take the -1 penalty for ranged reaction attacks. RAR d8 H 1
Streetfighting The crit threshold of any attack made using the Brawl skill is 8. Brawl d8 M 1
The threshold of any use of the Find skill to uncover information
Streetwise - CM 1
in a town, village or city is 8.
The model may take a special action during its activation to make
a target (of same base size or smaller) with which it is engaged
take an END test.
Subdue MAR d10 HM 1
Crit: no effect
Pass: target is Dazed
Fail: target is Stunned
Tarch: target is Knocked Down
Summoned models do not cause Morale tests when they are
dropped. They are Followers, unless otherwise indicated. They
cannot receive any effects from a Leader and do not take Morale
Summoned - E E: 0
tests. Spells that bring models with this talent into the game are
TN 4 to cast. (Skirmish Mode: They are not part of a freeband,
and they do not count towards freebrand break.)
An Adventurer with Swashbuckler may make any maneuver
Swashbuckler AGL d10, AV4 or less MW 1
requiring an Acrobatics test as a free action.
Includes Deft and Expert [Parry]. In addition, the model may MAR d12, Parry [1],
Swordcatcher B 3
also use Expert to reroll the result of a "2" on a Parry attempt. Kolekar
The model is trained in the “aranakret” fighting style. This style
employs a parrying weapon in the second hand. [O] This option
talent allows one of three options:

• Second Attack: Use the parrying weapon to make a

normal attack using the model’s MAR and the weapons
MAR d10, DEX d8,
Swordsman AV4 or less, Sword B 2
• Defensive Mode: Raise the model’s melee DEF by +1. and Parry Dagger
• Finesse Strike: Make a melee attack with the parrying
weapon first, but if a hit is achieved, instead of damage,
raise one of the model’s other melee attacks by +1dl
(and an additional +1dl for every crit level achieved by
the attack using the parrying weapon)

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 57

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
This model, if Ready and unengaged, may replace its normal
activation with a Taunt action. The taunting model chooses an
enemy model in LOS and within 12”. The enemy model must
not yet have been activated or must be on Hold or Delay. The
Taunt DISC d8 BW 1
taunting model takes a DISC test opposed by the target model.
If it succeeds, the enemy model must immediately Charge the
taunting model. A Taunting model may Countercharge the model
it taunted.
Models with this talent may ignore friendly [model type] within
1” when determining LOS. A model with this talent gains +1dl to
Morale and Fear tests within 1” of [model type] and vice versa. - B 1
[Model Type]
A model with this talent may fight in support contact with [model
type] even without a weapon with the Standoff ability.
Causes a Morale test in enemy models it engages or that attempt
to engage it (see Morale). This test is taken before any reactions
by the testing model are chosen. The results of this test are
different than a standard Morale test.
• A model attempting to engage a Terrifying model that
Terrifying fails is placed on Hold. - E E: 3
• A model that is going to be engaged by a moving
Terrifying model that fails is forced to evade.
• If the test is a Tarch, the model Panics immediately.
Terrifying models are Fearless.
Model is immune to game effects that work by causing the model
Tireless - E E: 1
to Sleep.
Total Recall The threshold of any use of the Lore skill is 8. - S 1
Tough [X] Model gains +X life points. END d8 All 2X
Attempts to track this Adventurer when traveling alone are at
Trackless a -7. This is not cumulative with other modifiers for partially or AGL d10, AV4 or less HM 1
deliberately covered tracks.
Trailblazer TH 5 to Tracking and Survival tests - W 1
This model does not stop for other models on smaller bases when
it Charges. Each model, friendly or enemy, that is passed over
by a base of the Charging model must make an AGL test or suffer
Trample - E E:2
a d6 damage roll. Models that are Charged through and survive
are moved the minimum distance behind the Charging model that
passed over them.
A Caster with this talent in contact with any type of Woods terrain
Chosen [Treespeak-
Tree Bond (woods, deepwood, orchard, tree, etc.), may cast a spell for one S 1
ing] CAR d10
less power. The cost of countering the spell remains the same.
Includes Arboreal. Model may be in Treefall in a terrain feature
with the Woods keyword. To be in Treefall, the model is either
placed there in the same manner as Ambush or after a special
action in the feature. A model in Treefall is considered in an
elevated position 3” above the encounter area surface and cannot
Treefall - E E: 2
be contacted without a Climb test. It is +1DEF in addition to any
modifier from the feature. In addition to normal LOS rules, a
model in Treefall is out of LOS of all models beyond 6” unless it
has made a ranged attack. A model may leave Treefall at the
start of any movement action for free.

58 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Talent Effect Pre-reqs Paths Cost
An Adventurer with Trick Riding may ride a trained mount at any
speed in any position – backwards, on a handstand, hanging on Ride d12, AGL d10,
Trick Riding H 2
the saddle, etc. He may leap from mount to mount on a Riding AV4 or less
Skill roll with a target of 8.
A model with the Wayfinder talent gains Arboreal, Frostfoot and
Wayfinder Mountaineer. Two of these talents may be treated as Included - W 1.5
Model may choose any single weapon used by any model in its
freeband with which to make its melee and ranged attacks each
Weapon Morph activation. It may also choose to use a weapon from an enemy - E E: 2
model (of the same base size or less) which it has engaged in a
previous turn. [O]
Model may add +d4” (+d6” if Fast) to a Charge or Pursuit. Must
Wild Charge - BH 1
pursue when all surviving enemies Panic.
The model sees into Between. It may attack Spirit models and
Witchsight - E E: 1
suffer no penalties for the model being a Spirit. Bonded talent.
Model may take a SPR test 7 to ignore an attack that would other-
Wraith [X] wise be a hit. Magical attacks (spells, magic weapons, etc.) cannot - E E: 2X
be avoided with this talent. May be employed [X] times per turn.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 59


60 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


Placeholder for fluff text. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah
blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah
blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah.

But blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah
blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah
blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah, and indeed blah.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 61

ENCOUNTERS model on that side may begin the game with a camou-
flage token, although only models who actually have
the Camouflage skill will be able to retain them after
An Encounter occurs when the company and some
making a ranged attack.
number of NPCs and/or dangers are in opposition
to each other. An Encounter is played in a series of The GM may choose, for effect, to keep NPCs with
rounds. During each round, the adventurers are asked stealth or camo tokens off the encounter area until
what action they are taking (or continuing to take). revealed. He should have a small side map or other
Non player characters and creatures (NPCs) will act way of marking their location.
according to the GM’s designs. In each round, each
model will get a turn. The sections below describe Effects of Surprise
what each model can accomplish on its turn. Note that
some actions will require multiple turns to complete. The basic effect of surprise is to permit the side that
The players and GM track the passage of time and has it to act with each of its models before the normal
the expenditure of resources such as magical energy, initiative sequence is employed. When the encounter
arrows, torches, etc. begins, all of the models with surprise activate. Then,
once each model has activated, initiative is determined
The GM determines and lays out the encounter area. and the normal encounter sequence begins from that
This includes: point.

• Lighting Example:

• Weather Surprise Avoidance

• If the encounter area is friendly to the company. A company may attempt to avoid being surprised.
Surprise avoidance is a test TN 9 using either Percep-
• If either side is surprised. tion or Hunt. This may be a group test. Some talents
assist in avoiding surprise. Scout adds +2dl to a test
to avoid surprise. Alert also provides a +2dl to this test
It might be that one side or another has the advantage and these stack. A successful test results in initiative
of knowing what is coming where their adversaries do being determined and rounds proceeding normally and
not. The situation may dictate that it is certain that there is no surprise round. A Tarch and not only is
one side has surprise. This is determined by the GM there a surprise round, each surprised model suffers
based on the specific set of conditions under which the the effects of DAZED during the first normal round.
encounter is initiated. The GM should judge surprise
has occurred when one side has done everything right
to begin the encounter on their terms from a set of Once surprise has been determined, each side deploys
undetected positions. their models. The GM gives the players an area in
which to deploy along with any options or restrictions.
Friendly Ground
Models with the Infiltrate talent may then make use of
The GM must determine if the encounter area is it, NPCs first, if applicable.
Friendly Ground for one of the sides. If one side is
already present in the encounter area and has had
time to prepare for the coming engagement, then for Each Adventurer and group of NPCs takes an initia-
that side, the encounter area is Friendly Ground. The tive test. This is a DISC test modified by one attribute
amount of time necessary is a GM judgement call, but bonus. Models may elect to use any one of their attri-
as a guideline, if that side has not had the time it would butes to determine the attribute bonus for this test, but
take to take position anywhere in the area or the time it decide to do so at the time their Adventurer is created
would take to camouflage each model on that side, then and use this bonus for initiative tests from that point
likely it is not long enough. Being on Friendly Ground forward. The GM rolls for all NPC models. Ties are
permits that side to employ talents like Ambush and resolved between the models with similar results, but
Treefall. Models with Stealth may begin the encounter that does not alter their original result. Models then act
with a stealth token. If a model has Camouflage, each in each round in descending initiative order.

62 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Delay. Adventurers may delay their activation until If the Morale rules are being used (page xx), any appli-
after a model lower than themselves in initiative order. cable morale tests are taken at the end of the action that
Other models must take a DISC test to delay. Multiple caused them.
models on Delay that attempt to act at the same time are
resolved in initiative order. Once all the models in the encounter have received
an opportunity to act, the turn is over, and the GM and
Optional Initiative Method. Each Adventurer and NPC players perform any cleanup needed and then begin a
group is dealt a card from a normal playing deck. Initia- new turn.
tive order is set by Ace to Deuce, reverse alphabetical
order of suit. An Adventurer may take an initiative test 7 Actions a Model is Permitted
to select 2 cards and choose which to keep. A Tarch on
At the start of its activation a model must declare one
this test results in the Adventurer taking the lower of two
movement action type. Then it may:
cards. A Joker may be treated as an number of any suit
and that model is +1dl to all tests for that turn. • Perform one of: special action, ranged attack or
cast, either at the beginning or end of any move-
The Turn
Each group of Activations is known as a turn. Once all
• Perform any movement as allowed by the declared
the Adventurers and NPCs have activated, a new tun
movement action type.
begins. Each turn begins with an Event Phase and then
each model activates in initiative order. • Perform as many free actions as allowed, before,
during or after any movement.
Event Phase
• Perform as many melee attacks as it has on its stat
GM makes any appropriate changes to the environment
line after any movement is complete.
that need to take place this turn, along with any other
global events or changes in surroundings - the arrival
of a ship, a torch going out, a shift in the weather, the
countdown of an explosive device...


For each model:

• Reset response talent availability (Parry, Die Hard,

Dodge, etc.).

• Declare that model’s movement action for the turn.

• Make any movement permitted by the selected

movement action.

• Conduct any non-movement actions and attacks.

This includes any special actions, free actions,
spells, melee attacks and/or ranged attacks as per-

• Conduct any reactions triggered by any of the active

model’s movement or actions.

• Assign a react token if eligible for a reaction.

• Voluntarily cease any spells desired and remove one

spell counter from every spell the model has in play.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 63


64 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


Ultimately, BrightSword is a game of movement. Winning and losing will

most often be determined by the moves one makes and the reactions to the
opponent’s moves.
Movement allows you to choose where combats occur, who will have the
advantage, who will have the clearest and most numerous shots, who will get
to the bag of gold first.
Adventurers must make all sorts of movement choices. Sometimes it will be
best to charge into the enemy straight away. Sometimes it will be best to wait
and see where the opponent is committing his effort. Sometimes it will be best
to disengage and reevaluate than to stay in a deteriorating position.
Adventurers move over, across, through and under the most interesting and
dangerous terrain challenges. One moment you might be required to leap across
a chasm filled with molten lava. The next moment you might be dancing along
a ledge four stories above a city street.
These movement rules provide you all of those options and more.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 65

A variable move adds some number of inches to
Each model is activated one at a time. The player the SPD of the model for that move only. Panic,
declares what movement action the model is taking Evade and Pursuit moves are examples of variable
and resolves that action, including any interrupts (Page moves. Although a variable move may cause a model
79) or reactions (Page 71), before activating the to move more than its SPD, it is not a Run in and of
next model. The model being activated is the active itself. The model must abide by all terrain and move-
model. ment rules with respect to the type of action it is taking
and whether it is a normal move or a Run. The extra
SPEED (SPD) inches of movement provided by the variable move are
not affected by rough or very rough terrain.
Normally models may move any distance up to their
SPD characteristic in inches. Unless otherwise noted, Panic moves and Evades may deviate the minimum
this movement may be in any direction or combination necessary to avoid impassable terrain or models.
of directions. The move is measured on the encoun-
ter area and must take into account the effects of any If a model starts its activation engaged, the only move-
terrain (pg 147) crossed. ment actions it may choose are Break Off, Delay, Hold,
and Voluntary Panic. It may also choose a Maneuver
Running action, but only to stand up if prone. Break Off, Vol-
untary Panic and Standing Up may trigger Reaction
Some game rules and effects permit a model to Run, Attacks.
most commonly the Sprint and Charge movement
actions. An action or game effect that permits a model KEY MOVEMENT RULES
to Run allows the model to move up to twice its SPD
characteristic in inches. A model may not Run through • Proximity. A model may not move within 1” of an
certain kinds of terrain (see pg 147). A model that runs enemy model without ending the move in contact
must face the same direction as the last 2” of its move with an enemy model (exception: See Break Offs,
and may not change facing after completing its move. pg XX and Panic Moves, pg XX).

• A
 model’s base may not pass over any part of an
enemy model’s base during movement.

• A
 model may pass between enemy models so
long as there is room for its base to fit between

• F
 riendly engaged models are treated as enemy
models for the purposes of passing over them.

• A
 model may pass over friendly unengaged
models as long as it does not end its move on
top of them. However, models may not charge
This Apprentice Knight The Wild Charge talent through friendly models.
of Barek charges a of the Knight provides
Skethar. The charge +d4” in a charge and FACING
is 2.5” because the the Apprentice Knight
Knight’s SPD of 5 is of Barek rolls a 3, so A model may alter its facing in the following circum-
halved due to the very adds up to 3” of to the stances:
rough terrain of the charge distance and
marsh and prevents makes contact with the • B
 y any amount as part of a Maneuver, Break
running. Skethar. Off, Rally, or Hold action. The act of changing
facing is not, in and of itself, movement. Models
on Hold may change facing in player order after
all movement is concluded.

66 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

• W
 hen engaged by the enemy, unless having Run, • A
 Prone Model may move up to 3” and remain
in order to put the enemy model in its front facing. Prone.

• B
 y up to 90 degrees at the start of a charge • P
 rone models (and models trying to see them)
move. treat low walls and hedges as high walls and
Models that Run (whether during a Sprint or Charge)
must end the move facing in the same direction as • Cavalry models may not go prone.
the last 2” of the move. Such models may not change
facing voluntarily again that turn. Knocked Down
Some game effects cause a model to be Knocked
Down (KD). A KD model is knocked off its feet and
becomes Prone. Cavalry models may not be Knocked


• A
 model making a Maneuver action moves in any
direction up to its SPD.
This Wanderer sprints around a Building. It can
move up to twice its SPD of 6 for a total of 12”, but • A
 Maneuver action may end with a model engag-
must end the move facing the same way as the ing an enemy model but is not a charge.
last 2” of the move.
• A
 Maneuver action still permits models to Shoot
or conduct special actions (pg 48).
• A
 Maneuver action that does not end in contact
• A model may end a Maneuver, Sprint, Rally or may not include a model passing within 1” of an
Break off by going Prone as a Free Action. enemy model.

• P
 rone models are +1DEF to ranged attacks Sprint
beyond 4”, but -2 DEF to melee attacks.
• A
 model making a Sprint action may Run (move
• P
 rone models are -2 to combat, DEX, AGL and up to twice its SPD) in any direction.
mobility tests.
• A
 model that Sprints may not take any ranged
• A
 Prone model may still use a shield and may attack or special action, except to make a ranged
employ talents that affect combat. attack with a thrown weapon.
• P
 rone models that stand up while engaged • A
 Sprint action may not include a model passing
trigger Reaction Attacks. within 1” of an enemy model.
• A
 Prone model may only stand up as part of a • M
 odels that Sprint must end the move facing in
Maneuver, Evade, or Break Off action. Standing the same direction as the last 2” of the move and
up costs 3” of SPD (or all of it if the model has cannot voluntarily change facing again that turn.
less than SPD 3).

• P
 rone models that panic stand up (at a cost of Break Off
3” of SPD) and then make their remaining panic
• A model that is engaged with an enemy model
may make a Break Off action, or Break Off.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 67

• A
 Break Off is a move of up to the model’s SPD Charge Bonus. A model that executes a Charge
that starts with it engaged and ends with it not action (or a Countercharge or Intercept reaction) and
engaged. moved at least 3” receives a Charge Bonus to any
melee attack(s) it makes through its front arc. The
• Enemies in contact are eligible to make Break Charge Bonus has three components:
Off Reaction Attacks.
• +1 to melee damage rolls
• A model that is conducting a Break Off action is
considered to be putting the model from which • A
 ttacking before other models (see Skirmish
it is Breaking Off in its rear arc and so does not Combat Sequence, pg 66).
benefit from any shield. It also does not benefit
from any response talent that requires the enemy • A charging model cannot be Piled On.
to be in the front arc.
Declaring a Charge. When a model is about to
• A model that Breaks Off may not shoot, conduct take a charge action, the player indicates the target,
a special action or initiate contact that results in makes any changes to the model’s facing and then
being engaged. determines the charge distance. Before moving the
model, however, he gives the opponent the chance
• Breaking off, including while employing Blade- to make his decision about any charge reactions or
dancer, is an exception to the Proximity rule. intercepts. Any variable distance added to the move
is established before the opponent makes this deci-
Charge sion. This means an opponent will always know if a
charge is going to make contact before deciding on
A Charge action is a direct move into contact (or intend- any reactions.
ing to make contact) with an enemy model that makes
use of momentum to make subsequent melee attacks Charging Without Contact. For various reasons,
more dangerous. Executing a Charge action is also a model may conduct a Charge action and not make
called a charge or charging. The movement portion of contact. A model may deliberately charge towards a
a charge action is called a charge move. model that is beyond twice its SPD, or behind or in
terrain that prevents the charging model from reaching
• A
 model must select an enemy model as the it. A model that is charged may Evade or continue to
target of the charge. A model must have LOS panic, leaving the charging model out of contact. Other
through its front arc to the charge target, before game effects may also cause a charging model to not
any facing changes, to charge it. make contact. A model does not have to make contact
during its charge move to receive the Charge Bonus.
• A charge move must be directly toward the target.

• A
 charging model may change facing by up to 90 Hold
degrees before making its charge move. The
target model must be in the charging model’s The model does not move and is eligible to make a
front arc before this facing change. Reaction, so long as other applicable conditions are
met. A model that has not yet had its turn in the initia-
• A
 model may Run during a charge move, terrain tive sequence is considered to be on Hold if it has not
permitting. If it Runs, it may not voluntarily moved.
change facing again that turn.

• A
 Charge must be in a straight line. If there is
any deviation, such a contacting move must be a Delay
Maneuver action and not a Charge action.
• The first player may select one model to be
• A
 model cannot conduct a special action or placed on Delay. The model must not be pan-
shoot as part of a Charge action, unless with a icked and must pass a DISC test. The model
thrown weapon. may be engaged.

68 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

• A
 model on Delay is not moved during the model may ignore the 1” Proximity Rule for models that
owning player’s normal movement. were in contact with it at the start of the panic move.

• O
 nce the second player has completed move-
ment, a model on Delay may take any movement • W
 hen a model Panics, it makes a Panic move.
action for which it is eligible. Panic moves are covered on page 40.

• If a model fails its DISC test while attempting to • If it cannot make any move without contacting
Delay, it is treated as being on Hold instead. or coming within 1” of an enemy model, it is
• In games with more than two players, all players
except the last may attempt to place a model on • If a panic move brings a model in contact with its
Delay. Once all other sides moving after the side home edge, it is run off and removed from the
with a delayed model have completed movement, encounter area.
a model on Delay may take any movement action
for which it is eligible. • A
 model normally panics as a result of a failed
morale test, but may also choose to panic vol-
• A model on Delay may make reactions. untarily, either as its action for the turn or as a
reaction when it is about to be engaged.
There are two types of Panic Moves: Direct
• A
 model that starts its activation Panicked may Panic Moves and Indirect Panic Moves. Both follow
only choose a Rally Action or to continue to all the same rules except the direction of the movement.
Direct Panic Moves
• This action requires a Rally Test.
Direct Panic Moves are made as a direct result of an
• If a Rally Test is failed, or if continued panic is enemy model or action. Examples include: after a
chosen, the model makes an immediate Panic failed Morale test due to lost combat, Evading or failing
move. a Terror Test.
• If passed, it may be turned to face any direction. Direct Panic Moves are always made in a direction to
A rallied model may conduct no other action maximize the panicked models distance from enemy
except to change facing, but it is no longer pan- model(s) that caused the panic (enemy models that
icked. won combat, attempted to make contact etc).
• M
 odels that rallied may not make reactions, • In the case of the panic being caused by a single
ranged attacks, or non-movement actions that model, the direction of the movement must max-
turn. imize the panicked model’s distance from the
enemy model that caused the panic.

• In the case of the panic being caused by multiple

PANIC MOVES models (example, lost combat), the direction of
panic must maximize the panicked models dis-
tance from all enemy models involved.
A panicked model moves its base movement + d4
inches (+d6 if Fast). It may deviate the minimum • A
 model will take the path of least resistance to
amount required to avoid enemy models or terrain get away.
that would slow it. If it cannot make any move without
coming within 1” of an enemy model, it loses all
Indirect Panic Moves
remaining LP and is dropped. A panicked model
must remain >1” away from enemy models during the Indirect Panic Moves are made when an enemy model
entire Panic Move. The only exception is a panicked is not directly involved. Examples include: Failed
Morale test due to proximity to a dropped model or a
failed Rally Test.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 69

Indirect Panic Moves are always made in the direction NON-MOVEMENT ACTIONS
of the model’s Home Edge or Home Area. Fleeing
models must move along the shortest path possible
towards their Home Edge or Area only changing FREE ACTIONS
course to avoid impassible terrain or models. Models
A model may take certain free actions as part of its
that reach their Home Edge are removed and consid-
activation in addition to its movement action and any
ered Run Off. Models that reach their Home Area may
special actions it takes. A model may take any number
continue to move up to their full movement, but may not
of Free Actions during its activation.
leave their Home Area. Fleeing models must remain
>1” away from enemy models during their panic move. Most skill tests are Free Actions. Those that are not
Models making an Indirect Panic Move may not take will be noted in the skill description. A model may only
mobility tests if there is a legal path of movement that take one skill test per turn.
would take it nearer to its Home Edge or Home Area.
Mobility tests are conducted as an integral part of the
model’s movement and so are Free Actions.
Forced Panic. If an enemy is about to engage a Attribute Tests are Free Actions.
panicked model, either with a Charge or Move action,
take these steps:
• The moving player activates a model and
Special actions are actions a model takes that are not
declares that he is going to Charge or Maneu-
standard combat or casting actions.
ver it into contact with the panicked model. No
movement is performed yet, but any facing • Making certain skill tests (see skill description)
changes as part of a charge are performed at • Special scenario task
this time. • Picking Up Items
• Exchanging Items and Equipment
• T
 he panicked model makes a panic move directly
away from the model intending to contact it. Skill Tests are explained on pg 37. Special Scenario
Tasks (such as freeing a prisoner) are described in the
• The model intending to make contact is moved
applicable scenario rules. Picking up and exchanging
directly toward the panicked model. If it makes
items are explained on page 72. Special Actions occur
contact with the panicked model, the panicked
as part of a model’s activation.
model loses all remaining LP and is dropped.

• T
 here is no limit to the number of panic moves a A Special Action:
single model might make in a single turn through
several attempts by enemy models to contact it. • M
 ay be combined with a Maneuver movement
action, either before or after the model moves.
Voluntary Panic. A model may choose to panic
• May be combined with a Hold movement action.
when it is about to be engaged. To be able to volun-
tarily panic, a model must not have taken a movement • M
 ay be combined with a Delay action, but only
action other than Delay or Hold this turn. An engaged while treated as on Hold or after the Delay has
model MAY voluntarily panic, but may suffer reaction become a Maneuver action.
attacks when it does so. A model may choose to vol-
untarily panic after failing an Evade test. • M
 ay not be combined with any other movement

• M
 ay not be conducted on the same turn the
model conducts a ranged attack or casts a spell.
Conversely, a model may not conduct a ranged
attack if it has already conducted a Special

70 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

REACTIONS Any model that did not move at least 3” does not count
as charging, even if it made a Charge or Intercept
In certain situations, a model may act in response to
the opposing player’s actions.
Prorated Movement. Countercharges and Inter-
A model may only make one cepts involve models moving toward each other
Reaction of any kind in a turn. until contact is made.
Note that whenever a model is activated using a • If both models are the same SPD, move each
Maneuver or Charge action, and the player intends one inch until the movement of both models is
to engage an enemy model, he so states, giving the concluded.
enemy player the opportunity to make a reaction before
the activating model is moved. • If one model has a higher SPD, but not twice as
high, move the model with the lower SPD 1” and
then the model with the higher SPD 1.5” until the
movement of both is complete.
Countercharge • If one model has a SPD twice or more than that
If an enemy model is declared to be charging or of the other model, move the model with the
maneuvering into contact with a friendly model, that higher SPD 2” for every 1” the model with the
model may conduct a countercharge. lower SPD is moved.

The two models’ movement is prorated (pg 47) until • If both players agree, prorating can be simplified
they make contact. Any model that did not move at by the models being moved into contact at a spot
least 3” does not count as charging, even if it made a halfway in between them.
Charge or Countercharge action. A model may Run
as part of a countercharge if otherwise able to do so.
If an enemy model is activated and its chosen move-
A model may counter charge a charging model that is
ment action will result in it engaging a friendly model,
initially out of its LOS, but does not start the counter
the friendly model, under certain circumstances, may
charge move until the charging model enters its LOS.
Evade the contact.
In order to Countercharge, a model:
In order to Evade, a model:
• Must be on Hold or Delay.
• Must not be engaged or be panicked.
• Must not be engaged or panicked
• Must not yet have moved this turn.
• Must have the enemy model in its front facing
• Must pass a DISC Test
Intercept An Evade move is equal to the SPD of the model +d4
A Ready model on Delay or Hold that has not yet inches (d6 if Fast) directly away from the contact, that
moved may Intercept a moving enemy model that is, in the opposite direction from where the contacting
comes within 4” of it and is in its front arc. model started its move. The enemy model uses its
Intercepting models and their targets use prorated full move or charge to attempt to contact the evading
movement (see pg 47). The Intercepting model must model, deviating the minimum amount to avoid models
move by the shortest path possible to reach the target and impassable terrain.
model. An Intercept move cannot exceed 4”. If all the
• M
 odels that Evade must end the move facing
requirements of a Charge are met, the Intercepting
directly away from the point at which they started
model counts as Charging. A model may intercept a
the move.
model conducting a Break-off or Evade.
• A
 n Evade counts as the model’s movement for
that turn.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 71

• A
 model about to Evade off-table may either stop Ranged Reaction Attack
at the edge or move off and count as Run Off
(pg 170-1). A Ranged Reaction Attack, or Stand and Shoot, is a
special type of reaction attack available to models with
• An attempt to Evade counts as the model’s ranged weapons. A model with a ranged weapon may
activation for that turn, and results in the model shoot any model that just engaged it as a reaction, if
being on Hold. the shooting model has not yet moved or conducted
an attack, is unengaged by any other models and all
Redirecting a Charge. If a charging model, other requirements for shooting are met (pg 58). The
whose original target model has Evaded (or Volun- modifier for a Ranged Reaction Attack test is -1 and
tarily Panicked, see below), passes within 1” of a not the -4 for shooting at engaged models. A model
different enemy model, it may engage that model that shot as a Ranged Reaction Attack must choose
instead of continuing to charge the original target. It Hold as its movement action during its activation and
must engage the new target if that new target blocks may not shoot again as part of its activation.
its path. The new target may react if eligible. A
model may only redirect one charge per activation. Intercept Shot. A Ready model on Delay or Hold
that has not yet moved may make a ranged reac-
REACTION ATTACKS tion attack called an Intercept Shot against a moving
enemy model that comes within 4” of it and is in LOS.
In certain circumstances, a model may conduct an This shot counts as the model’s ranged attack and
attack triggered by an enemy action. reaction for that turn and receives a -1 penalty. Inter-
cept shots occur at the same time as other Reaction
• A model may only make one Reaction Attack (or Ranged Attacks and uses the same rules. Intercept
reaction of any kind) per turn. shots ignore the -4 engaged penalty for models that
just became engaged this turn.
• A model may not make a Reaction Attack if
already engaged prior to the cause of the attack
unless it is engaged ONLY with a model that is Break Off Reaction Attack
breaking off or conducting a special action and
If an enemy model breaks off from contact with
the Reaction Attack is against that model.
a friendly model, the friendly model gets a Reaction
• A Reaction attack may make use of any talents Attack with all of its melee attacks. Panicked models
normally applicable to the type of attack being do not trigger this type of attack as they are not break-
made. All requirements for the use of that talent ing-off. Panicked models are pursued instead (pg 69).
must be adhered to. A model conducting a Break Off reaction attack is con-
sidered to be in the rear arc of the model Breaking Off
• A model may not make any type of Reaction for the purposes of this reaction.
Attack against a model engaging it through its
rear facing. Special Action Reaction Attack
There are four kinds of Reaction Attack: If an enemy conducts a special action in contact, the
friendly model gets a Reaction Attack with its melee
Standoff Reaction Attack weapon(s). A model is also eligible to make this type
of reaction attack if the enemy model in contact casts
A Standoff Reaction Attack, or Standoff Attack, is a or counters a spell. The results of the attack are taken
special type of Reaction attack available to certain into account before the special action is conducted or
models. Some models, usually by virtue of the casting roll occurs.
weapons they carry, have the Standoff ability. If an
enemy model without the Standoff ability engages a
model with the Standoff ability, then the model with
the Standoff ability may attack when an enemy model
makes contact. A model must be Ready and on Delay
or Hold to employ a Standoff Reaction Attack.

72 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

SPECIAL MOVEMENT RULES Cavalry models may not climb.

A model may climb down as well as up. A model may

MOBILITY TESTS: CLIMBING, JUMPING AND climb down a height of up to 2” without a climb test, the
SWIMMING height climbed down being part of the model’s move
for that action.
Adventurers operate in some fascinating and danger-
ous places. Their quests take them to treacherous A model on or moving onto a ledge, wall top, cliff edge
ancient ruins, dormant volcano interiors, jungle-cov- or any other elevated location where its base is not
ered islands and more. These rules cannot cover fully on a flat surface, must take a climb test in order
every situation in which an Adventurer may find them- to move and is Vulnerable.
selves, but we do give you enough tools to adapt to
whatever interesting and complex terrain you and your Ladders require a Climb test, but the TN is 2 and No
game group might contrive. Run.

Mobility tests are part of a model’s movement and are

not separate actions. They are Free Actions and do
not, in and of themselves, prevent shooting, fighting, Jumping
and special actions.
A model may jump across a gap by using a Jump Test.
A Jump Test is a Mobility Test. A gap of ½” or less may
Climbing be crossed without a Jump Test. The TN is 4 for a gap
A model may climb a cliff, a wall or other sheer surface of up to 1”, and 5 for a gap of up to 2”, 6 for a gap of up
by using a Climb Test. A Climb Test is a Mobility Test. to 3” and 7 for a gap of up to 4”. Gaps of greater than
The TN is 4 unless otherwise specified. 2” need a move of at least 3” prior to the jump. Gaps
of greater than 4” cannot normally be jumped.
A wall may be crossed without a Climb Test if it is 2”
high or less, though it does reduce the model’s SPD • C
 ritical Success: Model jumps the gap and may
(pg 147). move a total, gap included, of its SPD.

• Critical Success: Model moves up to its SPD. • S

 uccess: Model jumps the gap and may move a
total, gap included, of ½ its SPD.
• Success: Model moves up to ½ its SPD.
• F
 ailure: Model stumbles and does not cross the
• Failure: Model moves 1”. gap, move ends.

• Tarch: Model moves no further and falls if above • Tarch: Model falls into the gap, move ends.
ground level.
Cavalry adds +1 to its Jump Test for jumping a gap.
A model may climb as part of a move that includes
both horizontal and vertical movement. If any part of A model may jump down from a height. A model may
the movement is vertical, the total of horizontal and jump down a height of up to 2” without a jump test, the
vertical movement cannot exceed the total amount of height jumped being part of the model’s move for that
movement it is permitted by its climb test result. If a action. A jump test to jump down from a height has
model takes a climb test after moving some horizontal a TN equal to the number of inches jumped. A failure
distance and the climb test results are less than the results in an automatic fall and a tarch results in an
distance it has already moved, it may not climb. A automatic fall with a +2 to the TN of the END test
model may move horizontally after a climb, but must
abide by this rule.
A model that tarches a climb or a jump falls the dis-
A model in the process of climbing is treated as if at
tance it is above ground level. A model that falls takes
that point on the sheer surface. A model in mid climb
an END test. The target number of the test is 2+the
may not shoot or take a special action and is Vulner-
distance fallen in inches. A failed test results in the

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 73

loss of an LP. For every 5 by which the END test is Spirit Models are +1 AV and +1DEF vs non-magical
failed one additional LP is lost. A model that falls is attacks. Magical attacks are those caused by spells
knocked down. or employing magic items. Spirit Models may always
be attacked normally (without penalty) by other Spirit
Swimming Models or models with the Witchsight talent. Spirit
Models are not slowed by any terrain, always automati-
A model may move in a Deep Water feature by using cally pass mobility tests without rolling and may move
a Swim Test. A Swim Test is a Mobility Test. The TN through even impassable terrain, but may not end a
is 4 unless otherwise specified. move in or on impassable terrain.

• Critical Success: Model swims up to its SPD. At the start of its activation, a Spirit Model may
Discorporate and remains so until the End Phase. Dis-
• Success: Model swims up to ½ its SPD. corporate models are completely in Between. They
cannot attack, be attacked, engage, be engaged by
• Failure: Model swims no further.
or voluntarily move within 1” of non-Spirit/Witchsight
• Tarch: Model sinks. models. They cannot cast spells that effect non-Spirit
Models in any way and cannot be affected by spells
Models with the Aquatic and Amphibious special abili- cast by non-Spirit/Witchsight models. Discorporate
ties do not need to take Swim Tests to move in deep models only block the LOS of other Discorporate
water. models. Discorporate models may be moved through
by non-discorporate models (and vice versa) so long
Sinking as the bases do not overlap at the end of the move.

A model that sinks remains where it is in the water and A Discorporate model retains any items and may drop
takes an END test. If it fails, it loses one LP. them, but may not pick one up, nor transfer one to a
model that is not discorporate. Game effects linking
two models, like Bonded and Teammate, may not be
employed when one of the models is Discorporate and
A model may enter, move through and remain in a one is not. Spirit models and those with Witchsight
gap in terrain that is half or more of the width of the can attack and cast a spell on a Discorporate model
model’s base if the model itself could fit into such a normally and vice versa. Models with the Spirit talent
gap if it were not mounted on the base. This is known do not gain their DEF and AV benefit against models
as “Squeezing.” that are Discorporate. Discorporate models may not
interact with (move, carry, pick up, take a test related to,
Models that are squeezing are Vulnerable and -2 to etc.) objectives, objects or items as part of End Phase,
AGL and Mobility Tests while they are squeezing, that free or special actions unless those objects, objectives
is, while the model is in the gap requiring that it use or items are also Discorporate.
this rule.

A model on a 25mm base may squeeze through a door

or window that is less than half its base width. Models that leave the encounter area while making an
Evade or Panic move count as Run Off.
A model may not Run while Squeezing.
Models that leave the encounter area from an edge
BETWEEN that is not their home or victory edge count as Run Off.

Faelon occupies the same “space” as an alternate Models may voluntarily move off their home edge or off
dimension known as Karelon, the Spirit World. Along any edge designated as a victory edge in a scenario.
the seam where the two overlap is a realm known as These models count as Withdrawn. Withdrawn models
Between. do not count as dropped and may count towards victory
conditions of the scenario being played as appropriate.
A model with the Spirit talent is called a Spirit Model.
Spirit Models are beings that are either originally from
Karelon or trapped in Between.

74 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Withdrawn models may return to the encounter area
unless otherwise specified (see below for Returning
models). The player will want to mark the spot at which
a Withdrawn model leaves the encounter area.


A model entering the encounter area may do so using
a normal Maneuver or Sprint action. They may not
charge on the turn they enter the encounter area. They
may engage enemy models through normal movement.
They may shoot or take special actions on the turn on
which they enter the encounter area.

• Arriving models. Arriving models are those who

have not yet been in play in the encounter area
and are entering it as a scenario reinforcement,
reserve or through the use of a special rule.
Arriving models enter the encounter area from
any home edge, unless otherwise specified.

• Returning models. Returning models are those

who have withdrawn from the encounter area
and are now returning to play. They may enter
from the edge from which they left the encounter
area, within 6” of the spot where they left.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 75


76 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


There’s no denying it is simply safer and cleaner to shoot your enemies from
a distance. Adventurers employ a wide variety of missile weapons to discourage
enemies and to even the odds before the inevitable clash of steel.
However, at some point, someone is going to have to get hurt. If the things
Adventurers set out in search of were just lying around with no one guarding
them and no one else trying to possess them, Adventurers wouldn’t have to carry
around all those weapons. As it happens, there comes a time in every quest
when there is just no other way to get the job done than to draw steel and settle
things hand to hand. Melee is a fancy word for this hand to hand combat. The
point of melee is to strike one’s opponent and hit him hard enough to force him
to yield or incapacitate him. Or kill him.
What you will need to determine is whether your shooting is critical to your
plans or melee plays the dominant role.
Either way, the ultimate test of leadership is knowing when to fight and where.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 77

SHOOTING BASICS • An engaged enemy model may never be counted
as nearest, unless it is engaged with the shoot-
ing model during a ranged reaction attack. This
• S
 hooting, also known as making a ranged attack,
means to shoot an engaged model is always
is conducted by a model with a ranged weapon
treated as shooting a model further away than
against the nearest enemy model in its frontal
the nearest target, even if the engaged model is
arc within range and LOS.
the closer than any other target.
• A model may only fire at targets in line of sight
(LOS Page 14), through the shooting model’s
front arc.

• W
 hen a model conducts a ranged attack, it may
lose some game benefit(s). Some, such as the
benefit of a shield (p XX) are lost until the model A Ranged Attack is an attack using the shooter’s
activates again. Some, such as camouflage and Ranged Attack Rating (RAR). See Combat Tests, Page
stealth tokens, are lost until they are regained 30, for guidance on how to conduct an attack.
through the appropriate rules.
Modifiers to the Ranged Attack Test
• The range of ranged weapons is given in Bands
of some number of inches. A model may fire at • Shooting and moving (unless Thrown weapon):
a target within its band normally, at a target up -1
to two bands away at a -1 to the ranged attack
test and up to three Bands away at a -2 ranged • Medium Range (out to twice the weapon’s Band):
attack test modifier. Shots out to the band are -1
known as Short range, shots out to twice the • Long Range (out to triple the weapon’s Band): -2
band are known as a Medium Range and shots
out to triple the band are Long Range attacks. • Engaged target: -4, (misses may hit other
models, see Shooting into Combat, pg 62). Note
• A
 model may not make a Ranged Attack if the exception for thrown weapons on the next
engaged at the start of its activation. page.
• Models may not choose friendly models as • Shooting as a Reaction Attack: -1
targets, although friendly models may be
affected by shooting. • Shoot and Run (Thrown weapons ONLY): -1

Shooting the Nearest Enemy • Concealment. If the model is concealed, it

receives a +1 to DEF vs Ranged Attacks.
Normally a model must shoot the nearest enemy target.
There are three exceptions. • Various model conditions may modify a ranged
attack, such as Dazed, Stunned and Prone.
• A model may shoot the nearest enemy model
that is not concealed or prone even if there are Note that a model that moved can only shoot as part
nearer enemy models that are prone or con- of a maneuver action. Thrown weapons and some
cealed. talents are an exception to this and permit shooting
while moving during other types of actions.
• A model may take a targeting test to shoot a
model further away than the nearest. If it fails Thrown Weapons (Javelin, Gadoru, Dart,
the test, it may still shoot the closest target Grenade, etc.)
unless it tarches, then it may not shoot. Note
the Shoot Them! talent allows a model to shoot • Do not suffer the -1 for shooting while moving.
any enemy target without a DISC test.
• May be thrown while running during a Sprint or
Charge at -1.

78 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

• If thrown as part of a Sprint or Charge, the last 2” MELEE BASICS
of movement must be in a straight line.

• A
 model may make a ranged attack with a thrown When Attacks Take Place. Once a model has
weapon against a target it engaged this turn, if completed its movement action, and any free
the target was not already engaged at the start or special actions for which it is eligible, if it is
of the throwing model's activation. A thrown engaged, it may conduct a melee attack
weapon does not suffer the -4 for shooting into
contact in this case. Engaged. A model is engaged if it is in base to base
contact with an enemy model. A model may make a
Multiple Attacks melee attack if it is engaging another model and has
that model in its front arc.
If a model has multiple ranged attacks, each attack can
be directed at any enemy in the model’s front facing. Option Talents. Certain talents and weapon abili-
Each target shot by a multiple ranged attack must be ties provide a model a choice between two or more
within 2” of another model shot by the same attack. game effects. These are known as “option talents.”
Examples are Swordsman, Two-ended, Power Attack

An engaged model may only make a ranged attack if: The use of all option talents are declared before any
die is rolled in a combat.
• It is done as a ranged reaction attack, OR
Response Talents. Certain talents only work when
• The model did not start the activation engaged triggered by other game effects. Dodge, Parry and
and employed a thrown weapon while maneuver- Sidestep are examples of response talents. The talent
ing, charging or sprinting. will list the triggering effect. When that effect occurs,
the owning player decides whether or not to employ the
SHOOTING AT AN ENGAGED MODEL talent before any further action is taken or any other
die is rolled. Response talents triggered by attacks are
If a ranged attack is made against an engaged model only triggered by attacks originating from the model’s
and it misses, the shooting model must make the exact front facing.
same attack again against one other model in the same
combat with the target chosen at random.
Support Contact. Certain rules and abilities apply
• A model may shoot into a group of engaged to a model in Support Contact. To be in Support
models (pg XX), but must still have a LOS to the Contact, a model must be in contact through its front
original target model. facing with a friendly model of the same size or smaller
base that is in contact through its front facing with an
• This attack uses the same weapon, ratings, abili- enemy model. The model that is in Support Contact is
ties and modifiers as the original attack. called the supporting model and the friendly model with
which it is in contact is the supported model.
• This model may be friendly or enemy. It cannot
be the model that originated the attack. • A
 model in support contact that can make use
of an ability or weapon in that turn to attack an
• Models that are not eligible to be attacked by the enemy model is treated as engaged for all pur-
original attack due to LOS blocked by terrain are poses.
not eligible to be selected at random.
• A model may charge into support contact. The
• Models in the combat do not block LOS for the supported model does not block LOS for the pur-
purposes of this rule. poses of this charge.
• If this second attack misses or there are no eli- • Only one model may claim support contact
gible models in contact, no further attack results through any given friendly model.
from the miss.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 79

Standoff Engagement. A model with a standoff Piling On
melee weapon that is in Support Contact may attack
an enemy model in contact with the friendly model it A model may be engaged by as many opponents as
is supporting. Models attacking in this manner do not can make contact with it. Models beyond the first that
reduce an enemy’s DEF through Piling On. are in contact with the same model count as “piling on.”

Each model piling on reduces the enemies DEF by 1

Hero’s Honor. If a hero is engaged with to a minimum of 1. Stunned and Restrained models do
at least one enemy hero, it must attack not contribute to Piling On. A model does not suffer the
only enemy heroes if it can instead of any piling on modifier on a turn in which it charged.
enemy followers.
Model Conditions
Various model conditions may modify a ranged attack,
such as Dazed, Stunned and Prone.
The Melee Attack Test uses the same mechanics as a
Ranged Attack Test. The player rolls the Melee Attack A successful melee attack results in a damage test.
Rating (MAR) and, after modifiers, compares to the The weapon's damage rating is rolled and if the final
target’s DEF. Melee Attack Tests may spike. result is equal to or greater than the target's AV, the
target loses on LP. For details, see page XX.
Without a special ability that permits otherwise, a
model may only make a melee attack through its front

Unless otherwise specified by a special rule or game

effect, models cannot attack friendly models.

How to Hit: If the Melee Attack Test meets or

exceeds the target’s Defense, a hit is achieved.

Shields. See Page <?>.

Reaction Attacks. See Movement: Reactions for

the rules on Reaction Attacks.

Multiple Attacks: If a model has multiple attacks,

each attack can be directed at any enemy the model
has engaged through its front facing.

Split Attacks. A model that did not move this turn,

and is otherwise eligible to make a melee attack, may
use split dice to make more than one attack using the
same MAR. See Split Dice, page 27. Split attacks may
not be combined with any abilities that produce multiple
attacks such as Frenzy and Sweep Attack.

A model may choose which of multiple opponents

gets its attacks, but any model selected must be in the
attacker’s front facing.

80 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


Melee Weapons
Basic Melee Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Length EP Group Time Cost
Club d6 - 1 B 1 1 Cudgel 1 2
Dagger d4 - 1 P 0 1 Sword 1 30
Knife d4 - 1 P 0 1 Sword 1 30
Great Club d10 - 2 B 2 2 Cudgel 1 5
Hand Axe d6 - 1 S 1 1 Axe 2 35
Javelin d6 Thrown 1 P 2 2 Javelin 1 30
Long Knife d6 - 1 S 1 1 Sword 2 40
Peasant Weapon d6 Standoff 2 P 3 2 Polearm 1 2
Short Spear d6 - 1 P 2 2 Polearm 1 10
Short Sword d6 - 1 S 1 1 Sword 2 40
Staff d6 Two-ended 2 B 3 2 Staff 1 5
Thresher d6+1 Shieldbreaker 2 B 2 2 Flail 1 10

Specialist Melee
Dam Special Hands Injury Length EP Group Time Cost
Broadsword d8 - 1 S/P 1 2 Sword 2 120
Cutlass d6+1 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 100
Falchion d8 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 100
Foil d6 Deadly, Swift 1 P 1 1 Sword 3 150
Longsword d8/+1 d8+1 if 2 handed 1/2 S 2 2 Sword 3 180
Parry Dagger d4 Swift 1 P 0 1 Sword 2 50
Ice Axe d6 +1dl Climb on Icy Terrain 1 S 1 1 Axe 2 40
Rapier d6 Deadly, Swift 1 P 1 1 Sword 3 150
Saber d8 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 120
Scimitar d8 - 1 S 1 2 Sword 2 120
Whip d4 Entangle, Standoff 1 B 3 1 Whip 1 20

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 81

Melee Weapons
Military Melee Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Length EP Group Time Cost
Battle Axe d10 - 2 S 2 3 Axe 2 200
Flail d10 Shieldbreaker 2 P 2 3 Flail 5 200
Halberd d10 Standoff 2 S/P 3 3 Polearm 2 150
Greatsword d10 - 2 S 2 4 Sword 5 300
Lance d10 Impact 1 P 3 3 Lance 1 50
Longspear d8 Standoff 1 P 3 3 Polearm 1 20
Mace, Warhammer d8 - 1 B 1 2 Cudgel 2 90
Morning Star d8 Shieldbreaker 1 B 2 2 Flail 2 180
Pike Standoff 2, Unwieldy
d8 2* P 4 4 Polearm 2 30
War Mattock d10 - 2 B 2 3 Cudgel 2 150

Exotic Melee Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Length EP Group Time Cost
Banehammer d10 Sweep Attack 2 S 3 4 Cudgel 3 150
Barbed Spear d8 - 1 T 2 2 Polearm 2 25
Barbed Whip d4+1 Entangle, Standoff 1 C 3 1 Whip 2 25
Dire Claws d6 - 2 C 0 1 - 3 70
Dread Spear d8+1 Pinning 2 T 3 2 Polearm 2 40
Herenkal d6+1 Thrown 1 C,T 1 1 Sword 3 100
Impaler d8 Impact 1 T 2 3 Lance 1 40
Kolekar d10 (Swordcatcher) 2 C 2 2 Sword 3 200
Moonsglave d8 Two-ended 2 C,T 2 3 Staff 4 180
Moonsknife d6+1 - 1 T 1 1 Sword 2 60
Sakhazet d8+1 Deadly? 1 S 1 1 Sword 3 200
Scourge d8+1 Standoff 2 T 3 3 Polearm 3 200
Scythe d10 Sweep Attack 2 C 3 4 - 3 150
Spikedrakh d8 Deadly 1 C 1 2 Sword 2 140
Taumari d10 Deadly 2 C 2 3 Sword 3 170
Toloron d10 Swift 2 C 2 3 Sword 3 180
Trident d8+1 (remove) 2 T 2 3 Polearm 3 120
War Chain d8 Entangle 2 S 3 3 Whip 3 100
Zeradrakh d8+1 Two-ended 2 C 3 4 Staff 3 120

*Although a two handed weapon, a Pike may be employed with a shield.

82 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Ranged Weapons
Basic Ranged Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Band EP Group Time Cost
Bow d6 - 2 P 8” 2 Bow 3 70
Javelin d6 Thrown 1 P 4” 2 Javelin 1 30
Sling d8 - 1 B 6” 2 Sling 1 10

Specialist Ranged
Dam Special Hands Injury Band EP Group Time Cost
Composite Bow d8 - 2 P 10” 2 Bow 14 250
Longbow d8 - 2 P 12” 3 Bow 10 250

Military Ranged
Dam Special Hands Injury Band EP Group Time Cost
Crossbow d8 Reload 2 P 10” 4 Xbow 8 200
Heavy Crossbow d10 Slow Reload 2 P 10” 4 Xbow 15 300
Dart d4+1 Thrown 1 P 6” 1 Javelin 1 20
Gadoru d6+1 Disrupt, Thrown 1 T 4” 3 Javelin 2 80

Exotic Ranged Weapons Dam Special Hands Injury Band EP Group Time Cost
Double Crossbow d6+1 Doubleshot, Reload 2 T 8” 4 XBow 14 300
Pistol Crossbow d6 - 1 T 6” 1 - 20 400
Blow-gun d4 - 1 T 8” 1 - 1 100
Boomerang d4 Return, Thrown 1 S 6” 1 - 1 100
Bola d6 Entangle, Thrown 1 S 6” 1 - 1 70
Grappler d6 Pull, Scale 2 S 2” 3 - 3 50
Net d4 Entangle, Thrown 1 T 2” 1 Net 6 80
Herenkal d6+1 Thrown 1 T 4” 1 - 3 100
Throwing Star d4+1 Thrown 1 T 4” .5 - 1 30
Thrown Dagger/Knife d4 Thrown 1 T 2” 1 - 1 30
Thrown Handaxe d6 Thrown 1 T 2” 1 - 1 35
Vranshar d8 Indirect Fire, AoE2 2 S 8” 5 - 30 400

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 83

WEAPON ABILITIES Pull (pul) If a same size or smaller base target is unen-
gaged and hit by an attack from this weapon in the
Shooting Phase, the model may take an opposed STR
Anghara (an) See defensive abilities under weapon
test to force a surviving target model to make an imme-
diate Free Move up to d4” directly toward the model.
Charge Only (chg) An attack may only be made with This Free Move may end in engagement and the pulled
this weapon in a turn where the model conducts a model does not count as Charging. The decision to
Charge action. pull and the opposed test are made at the time of the
attack, but any Free Move is made as part of ranged
Deadly (de) Causes a Critical Hit on TH 8 instead of attack effects. (FALKAAR)
TH 10.
Quills (qu) The model does not suffer any penalties
Double Shot (dsh) A model that did not move may for enemies Piling On. The Quills ranged attack is
make an additional ranged attack with this weapon through the model’s rear facing (only) and can be used
against the same target. The additional ranged attack is to conduct a reaction attack even if engaged.
in all ways the same and may employ the same abilities
as the one on which it is based. Cannot be combined Reload (re) A model may not shoot this weapon if it
with the Marksman talent. Rapid Fire and Double Shot moved over half its SPD this turn.
do not stack. (KUZAARIK)
Scale (scl) A model equipped with this weapon gains
Entangle (ent) If a target model on the same or smaller +2dl to Climb tests. A model that benefits from this
base is hit by a weapon with this ability, the target ability may not use this weapon to make a ranged
model must take an AGL test 5. If it fails,the model is attack in the same turn. (FALKAAR)
-2 DEF. If the AGL test is failed by 4+, the target model
Shieldbreaker (sb) An attack with this weapon ignores
is Restrained instead. If the attack is a critical, instead
the first +1 of any shield- or weapon ability-based modi-
of auto-spiking damage, increase the TN of the AGL
fiers to the melee DEF of the enemy model.
test by 2 for each level of crit.
Standoff (so) See CRB 51 Reaction Attacks and CRB
Heavy Quills (hqu) The model does not suffer any
67 Support Contact.
penalties for enemies Piling On. The Heavy Quills
ranged attack is through the model’s rear facing (only) Standoff 2 (so2) Includes Standoff. A weapon with
and can be used to conduct a reaction attack even if Standoff 2 cancels opposing weapons and effects with
engaged. The model is AV+1 against attacks originat- Standoff in its front arc. A model with Standoff 2 can be
ing in its rear arc. in Standoff engagement over a friendly model that is
already in Standoff engagement if both friendly models
Impact (imp) When a melee attack using this weapon
and the enemy model are in its front arc. (FALKAAR)
hits, the user rolls two damage dice and chooses the
higher result to resolve damage. Impact can only be Summoner (su) A model with this ability is +1 to
employed in a combat on a turn in which the model casting rolls for Summoning spells.
counts as Charging.
Sweep Attack (swp) The use of a weapon with Sweep
Indirect Fire (idf) If the model employing it did not Attack is treated the same as an Option Talent (CRB
move, this weapon may be used to conduct a ranged 81). Instead of a normal attack, a model that did not
attack against a target out of LOS. The attack is made move using a weapon with this ability may attack every
at a -4 modifier that is not cumulative with conceal- enemy model in contact through its front face. The
ment, but is with all other modifiers. The attack may owning player chooses to attack each model in turn
not be made into or out of a space enclosed by Solid left to right or right to left. Each is attacked in turn and
terrain. (KUZAARIK) the MAR and damage roll of each attack is reduced
by -1dl (to a minimum of d4) for each attack after the
Lethal (let) Critical damage from this weapon is TH
first. A model using Sweep Attack is -2 Melee DEF. A
model employing this ability may ignore Hero’s Honor.
Mighty (mi) Parry attempts vs attacks made with this
Swift (sw) A model using this weapon is +1 to Parry
weapon are -1.

84 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Thrown (thr) Thrown weapons do not suffer the
penalty to RAR for the thrower‘s movement, unless
Running. The use of Thrown weapons is covered
further on CRB 61.

Two-ended (te) The use of a Two ended weapon is

treated the same as an Option Talent (CRB 81). The
weapon can be employed in one of two ways, but only
one in any given round, announced before any attacks
are made by any models in the combat:

• Defend. Using the second end to defend. +1

to melee DEF.

• Second Strike. Make a second attack at -2dl

to that melee attack test.

Unwieldy (unw) Unwieldy weapons lose all other

weapon abilities unless in open terrain. The first model
to Pile On a model with an Unwieldy weapon reduces
its DEF by -2. (FALKAAR)

Venomous (ven) Target model that is hit but survives

takes and passes an END test or gains a Poison [END]


Anghara (an) The “an” notation on a model’s DEF is
for Anghara. The model has the listed DEF against
frontal melee attacks and is DEF -1 in all other cases.

Large Shield (ls) The “ls” notation on a model’s DEF

is for Large Shield. The model has the listed DEF
against all frontal attacks and DEF -2 in all other cases.

Shield (s) The “s” notation on a model’s DEF is for

Shield. The model has the listed DEF against all frontal
attacks and DEF -1 in all other cases.

NOTE: Any game effect that causes a shield or other

defensive ability not to be used means that model
loses its defense bonus for that phase. The two most
common examples are shooting with a two handed
weapon and the use of the Shield Bash talent.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 85


86 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


Whether it’s a longsword, a crossbow, a coil of rope or the legendary Crown

of Xiachar, Adventurers employ tools of the trade to accomplish their tasks and
deal with rivals.
An Adventurer is expected to bring the basics along when she joins a freeband.
But along the way, she will have opportunities to purchase, find and in some
cases, steal additional items.
Often, the quest itself is leading the freeband to locate some item, famous or

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 87

ITEM BASICS Necklace, Torque, etc. 1

Rings 2
Models may start with or acquire various items:
weapons, gear, magic items. Rod or Wand 1

The melee weapons, ranged weapons, armor and Socks 1 pair

shield the model has on its stat line are referred to
as inherent items. Without a special scenario rule, a Talisman/Amulet 1
model cannot lose, pick up or transfer inherent items.
A model’s base cost includes the cost of its inherent
Excess Items
Some scenarios contain items that models may pick
up. It may happen that a model acquires more items than it
can wear. A model may have up to four carried items,
• An item may be picked up by a non-Feral model in addition to its inherent and worn items. A model may
using a special action. move items between carried and worn as a special
action. Carried items do not have a game effect while
•  n item may be dropped at any time. If it is
A carried, but may be switched out with a worn item with
dropped at the start of a move, the model may a special action.
take any legal move action.

• Items worn and carried by a model that is GEAR

dropped are placed back on the encounter area
on the spot where the wearing/carrying model Gear is non-magic items that may be purchased for
is dropped. a model with the gold available to recruit a company.
Items may be exchanged between two ready friendly The cost of Gear is included in Company Value, page
models in contact with each other and the receiving XX. For a one-off game, only one of each Gear item
model taking a special action. may be purchased by each freeband.
Worn Items Gear marked (1) takes one hand to employ continu-
ously and so cannot be employed in a turn where the
Such items as clothing, armor, jewelry, etc are not
model benefits from a Shield, a second weapon, or
carried by the being the model represents, but are
uses a weapon marked (2).
worn on its body. There is a limit to how many items
may be worn. Some gear items are inherent items. These will be
identified in the Gear Items Table.
Worn Item Limit Worn

Belt 1

Boots 1 pair

Bracers 1 pair

Cloak 1

Coins, Gems, Keys, etc No limit

Gauntlets/Gloves 1 pair

Headgear (helm, circlet, hat, etc) 1

Horn 1

Monocle, Eyepiece, etc 1

88 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Weapon Accessories
Item Cost Time EP Description
Arrows, 20 10 1 1
Blow-gun Darts, 20 10 1 1
Crossbow Bolts, 20 20 2 1
Scabbard, Belt 30 1 1
Scabbard, Shoulder 50 1 1 May also attach to a mount’s harness
Quiver 3 1 1 Holds 20 arrows or bolts
Sling Stones, 20 0 0 2 -1 Damage
Sling Bullets, 20 10 1 2


Max AGL Untrained

DEF+ Melee DEF+ Ranged Cost Time EP
Bonus Penalty
Buckler +1 +0 +4 -1dl AGL 40 3 3
Shield +1 +1 +3 -2dl AGL 70 5 6
Large Shield +2 +2 +2 -3dl AGL 100 6 8
Pavise +0 +3 +0 -3dl AGL 150 8 10

Max AGL Untrained
AV Class Cost Time EP
Bonus Penalty
Leather 3 Light +4 -1dl AGL 180 15 10
Ring Mail 4 Medium +3 -2dl AGL 300 30 15
Chain Mail 5 Heavy +2 -3dl AGL/-1SPD 1000 60 20
Plate Mail 6 Extra Heavy +1 -4dl AGL/-1SPD 2000 80 25
Full Plate 7 Super Heavy +0 -5dl AGL/-2SPD 4000 100 30

Leather Barding 3 Light 250 15 50

Chain Barding 5 Heavy 3000 40 80
Plate Barding 6 Extra Heavy 6000 120 100

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 89

Camping Gear
Item Cost Time EP Description
Bedroll 20 1 5 Heavy, four season
Blanket 10 1 2
Cooking Utensils 7 1 1
Hammock 3 2 1
Tarp 4 6/1 2 6" x 4"
Tent, 2 Man 25 2 4
Tinderbox 2 2/1 1

Carrying Gear
Item Cost Time EP Description, EP Capacity
Backpack 8 1 1 canvas or leather, 15EP
Belt 5 2/1 - 4 pouches/scabbards
Belt Pouch 1 2/1 - 1EP
Bucket or Pot 6 1 1 5EP
Case (Hard) 30 2 1 1EP, water resistant
Jug, Glass 10 1 1 4EP liquid
Jug, Wood 2 2/1 1 4EP liquid
Sack, Large 2 6/1 1 Canvas or leather, 25EP
Sack, Small 1 6/1 1 Canvas or leather, 12EP
Saddlebag 15 2 2 Leather, 10EP
Vial, Glass 3 6/1 1 1EP liquid
Vial, Metal 2 2/1 1 1EP liquid
Waterskin 1 2/1 - 2EP liquid

Climbing Gear
Item Cost Time EP Description
Climbing Hook 1 Prong 10 1 1
Climbing Hook 3 prong 20 1 1
Ladder, Rope 3 1 2 12" long
Ladder, Wood 5 2 6 8" long
Mallet 2 1 1
Pitons, 10 10 1 2
Rope, Hemp 10 3 3 12"
Rope, Silk 100 5 2 12"

90 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Clothing (Poor x ½ cost, Fine Quality x 5 cost)
Item Cost Time EP Description
Boots 20 3 2
Gloves 5 1 -
Cloak 20 1 1
Furs 50 2 3
Snowshoes 50 2 2 Wearer gains the Frostfoot talent
General Clothing 15 2 - Shirt, Pants, Underclothes

Food and Lodging (Poor x ½ cost, Fine Quality x 5 cost)

Item Cost Time EP Description
Inn Room, Communal 5 - -
Inn Room, Separate Bed 10 - -
Inn Room, Separate Room 20 - -
Stable and Feed 1 - -
Meal 2 - -
Ale, liter 1 - -
Wine, liter 3 - -
Trail Rations, 1 week 50 - 4

Item Cost Time EP Description
Candles, 10 5 1 1 3" radius, 4 hours
Lantern 20 4 1 18" radius, 6 hours, removes effects of Gloom and Darkness
Torches, 10 1 10/1 5 9" radius, 1 hour, removes effects of Gloom and Darkness

Item Cost Time EP Description
Caltrops, 10 25 1 2 Portable spikes to disrupt a mounted charge
Chain 10 1 6 Iron, 4 steps in length
Mirror 70 1 1 1 hand by 1 hand
Oil 10 - 1 6 hrs of light
Stakes, wooden, 10 1 - 5
Stakes, iron, 10 10 1 10
Tack, horse 60 6 6 Includes saddle
Ink 10 - -
Parchment, 10 pages 40 1 -

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 91

Item Cost Time EP Description
Carpentry Tools 20 3 2
Drawing Tools 30 1 1
Leatherwork Tools 30 3 1
Metalwork Tools, fine 50 3 1
Metalwork Tools, smithing 30 3 2 Does not include forge and anvil
Stonework Tools 30 2 2
Lockpick Kit 50 2 1
Disguise Kit 70 10 1
Alchemist’s Lab 1000 30 10

Item Cost EP EP Capacity Passengers Notes
Canoe 800 60 350 3
Rowboat 500 100 500 4
Long Boat 5000 400 2000 20
Sail Boat 15000 1000 3500 20
Camel 3000 400 150 2
Elephant 10000 5000 500 4 8 passengers with howdah
Mule 350 300 150 1 Climb d10
Horse, average 1000 500 150 1 2 riders for short distances
Horse, draft 2000 600 200 1 2 riders for short distances
Warhorse, trained 5000 500 175 1 2 riders for short distances
Warhorse, charger 7500 600 200 1 2 riders for short distances
Ox 1000 1000 350 1
Chariot, 2 horse 2000 200 200 2
Chariot, 4 horse 5000 300 300 3
Cart 400 250 400 4 Two wheels
Wagon 1000 350 600 6 Four wheels
Dog-sled 700 150 250 1 Pulled by 8 dogs
Sledge 30 50 200 2 Pulled by a horse or man
Skis 70 7 150 1
Longship 50000 3000 10000 50
Merchant Ship 150000 6000 18000 60
Trireme 300000 10000 25000 90

92 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4


There are those in the world attuned to the energies of creation and destruc-
tion or chosen by their gods to manipulate the very force of life and death. The
rare individuals who learn to focus these gifts are known as Casters.
A Caster is a highly valuable member of a freeband. She
supports and strengthens her team and confounds and damages their enemies.
She brings unique abilities that cannot be replicated in any other way, not the
least of which is the ability to counter the actions of enemy Casters. Casters
see possibilities, unlock secrets, call upon the gods and command the denizens
of both this world and Between.
It is the rare freeband leader not closely accompanied by a

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 93

MAGIC BASICS • If a Caster is engaged with an enemy model
and casts a spell, that casting triggers a reac-
tion attack. The results of the attack are taken
Casting a Spell is a type of Special Action. If a Caster
into account before the casting roll.
casts a spell while engaged, eligible enemy models
are permitted a Reaction Attack in the same manner • Unless otherwise noted, spell effects "stack."
and using the same rules as a normal Special Action
Reaction Attack. A Caster may not combine casting a Power Cost. Spells are listed with a Power cost. This
spell with a second Special Action or a ranged attack cost is paid from the Power available to the casting
in the same turn. Caster. A Caster’s current available Power total is not
secret. Players use power tokens available separately
The Sundering of the two types of magic is explained from DGS Games (or any convenient method) for each
on page xx. The Gaal, or “gods,” have made the two Caster to "count down" his available Power points.
types of magic difficult to combine, and when they are Game effects may reduce the cost of a spell, even to
both employed in the same area, the fabric of reality is a cost of zero, but a Caster must possess the power
stretched ever so slightly, with unpredictable results. needed to cast a spell.
Types of Magic. Energy Magic and Spirit Magic are
Spell Base Cost. The final cost of a spell may be
opposite types. Each of the spell lists in the game will
increased or decreased over the base cost by many
identify the type of magic that spell list represents.
game effects and abilities. Unless otherwise stated,
the base cost of a spell is used for the cost of its coun-
CASTING SPELLS terspell (Page 95) and for gaining experience through
casting spells (page 172).
• A Caster has a Caster Rating (CAR) (d8, d10,
etc) for casting and countering spells. This is a
specific type of primary Skill. The target number for
• Unless otherwise indicated, a Caster may cast Casting Spells is 2.
ONE spell per turn.

•  Caster may not Run or Break Off in the turn he

casts or counterspells. Casting Roll. Once the Power cost has been spent,
the caster must roll his CAR to cast the spell (called
•  Caster has Power with which to cast spells and
the Casting Roll). Unless otherwise stated, the Target
counterspell. Once these Power points are used,
Number for a Casting roll is ‘2’. If the spell fails, the
they are gone without a special ability or magic
Power is lost. On any other result, the spell is cast.
item to provide more or until the Caster rests.
Casting rolls may Spike.
•  he range of all spells is 18” unless otherwise
noted. Missile spells are Band 9”.
The target number for Casting
•  he duration of a spell is three turns unless oth-
T Spells that Summon Models is 4.
erwise noted.

•  he Caster must have LOS to the target of a

Modifiers to the Casting Roll:
•  riendly models do not block the LOS of a spell
where the target is a friendly model. • -4 if Caster is engaged
•  pells that are listed as being able to be cast only
S • -X Armored Casting [-X] (see below)
once per game are once per game per Caster.

94 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Critical Casting. If the result of the Casting roll is SPELL BOOSTING
a Crit, the spell costs one less Power to cast for each
level of critical success. This may make the cost of a Some spells may be boosted. Boosting is the act of
spell zero power. increasing either the number of targets of a spell or
its effect or both. Each spell shows the cost, if any,
Summoning Spells. Some spells summon models
of boosting either number of targets or its effect. If
to the battlefield. They have the Summoned talent,
no power cost is shown, that part of a spell cannot be
see page 85. Summoning spells are Target Number 4
boosted. Without an exception provided by a game
to cast, not TN2 like other spells.
effect or ability, the maximum number of times a spell
Missile Spells. Some spells are missile spells and can be boosted is three for the number of targets and
will be marked “Missile” in the spell lists. Missile spells three for effect.
work in much the same way as a ranged attack. The
The target number of the spell is increased by two for
Casting roll is used to determine if the spell is cast.
each target and/or effect by which it is boosted. For
Once cast, a missile spell results in some number of
example, if a spell is boosted for two additional targets
ranged attacks. The caster’s ranged attack rating is
and has its effect increased by one level, its target
his CAR rating. The target number of the roll is the
number is +6.
target’s DEF vs ranged attacks. Casters must abide
by all ranged attack rules, including the -4 for shooting Boosting Number of Targets. Additional targets
at an engaged target. Missile spells are Short Range must be in LOS and must be within 2” of another target
out to 9" and Medium Range out to the spell's base of the spell.
maximum of 18", unless otherwise noted.
Boosting Level of Effect. This is for spells whose
Spells That Affect Die Rolls. In a case where deci- effect includes a bonus or penalty to an ability, statistic,
sions must be made to use a spell effect to influence game effect or die roll. A single boost is only ever for a
a die roll, such decisions are made by players in initia- +/- 1 or +/- 1dl. So, for example, if a spell’s base effect
tive order. A die may only be rerolled ONCE. Each is to increase a target’s MAR by +2dl, a single boost is
player may only reroll or modify a die with a spell and/ for +1dl and after this boost, the effect would be +3dl.
or special ability once per roll.
example box.

Based upon the type of armor worn and the form of
magic being cast, a Caster may suffer a penalty to his
or her casting roll. The Armored Casting Table shows SPELLSHOCK
the base AV at which that form of magic suffers no
penalty. The penalty is -1 for each AV of the Caster If a Caster casts or counters a spell using more total
above the value shown. Power than his Caster Rating, he may suffer spellshock.
Spellshock has a target number of 4. A Caster uses
Form of Magic Base AV without Penalty
his END if he is a user of Energy magic and his SPR if
Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Air AV2 a user of Spirit Magic. For every Power spent over his
CAR, the roll is –1. If the spellshock roll is failed, the
Treespeaking, Moons, Sun AV2 spell fails and half the Power is lost. If the result is a
Tarch, all of the Power is lost and the Caster loses a LP.
Celestial, Storm, Void AV2

Shadow, Illusion, Totem AV3

Varanic Rites, Necromancy AV4

Blood, Devilry AV4

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 95

SPELLSENSE A Caster may attempt a counterspell as many times a
turn as they wish. Counterspells are Free Actions, but
a Caster may not counterspell if they exceeded their
A Caster can detect the casting of a spell by another.
SPD on its last activation.
Distances are measured to the Caster or the target of a
spell. In some cases, as with cloaked spells or Casters A counterspell costs 1 less power for each level of criti-
or targets out of LOS, the GM may need to perform the cal effect.
measuring in secret.
A Caster may not counterspell while panicked. If a
Encounter Area Energy or Spirit Caster attempts to counterspell while engaged, Reac-
tion Attacks are triggered in the same manner as with
Caster Rating in Inches Form
a Special Action and the counterspell attempt is -4 to
Caster Rating in Inches/LOS Exact Spell the die roll.

9”, LOS independent Exact Spell

Spells can be cloaked to prevent detection or reduce

the information given by detection. See pg X. CASTER LEVELS
Each of the levels of Caster is a talent. Each of these
COUNTERSPELLS talents requires the level talent below it be obtained first
and has a CAR pre-requisite. Each level talent permits
After an enemy spell is cast but before its effects access to a list of nine spells.
are applied, ONE friendly Caster may be selected to
attempt to counter it. If there are multiple Casters eli- Caster level CAR Number of spells in play
gible to counter one spell, players choose which one
Novice d8 1
will counter in initiative order from among the eligible
players. Apprentice d10 1
In order to counterspell, either the target of the spell or Initiate d12 2
the Caster of the spell must be within his CAR in inches
of the countering Caster and in LOS. Practitioner d14 2

Friendly models do not block LOS to a target friendly Adept d16 3

model for the purposes of employing a counterspell.
Journeyman d18 3
The countering Caster must spend power equal to the
BASE cost of the spell to be countered. Master d20 4

Note that many talents and critical effects may increase Grand Master d24 4
or reduce the cost of a spell, but only those few that
Lord d30 5
alter the BASE cost are taken into account for the cost
of a counterspell. An Adventurer either chooses Chosen (for the use of
a type of Spirit Magic) or Attuned (for the use of a type
Counterspells and Types of Magic. Each type of
of Energy Magic) as a talent. This talent confers the
magic is still substantially a mystery to Casters using
status of Novice, a starting CAR of d8, the ability to use
the opposite type. To reflect this, a Caster wishing to
the Novice spell list of that type of magic and 5 power.
counter a spell of the opposite type of magic (Spirit v.
Energy) must spend an extra power to do so. JON INSERT " an example of a spell and how it is used
start to finish"
The countering Caster rolls his CAR. This result sets
the TN of the spell, although it cannot be set lower
than the original TN. Put another way, the counter-
spell roll must exceed the casting roll for the spell to
be countered.

96 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

The Gaalbohr is the “Well of the Gods,” that place in the heavens from whence the Gaal draw their power. Mixing
of the types of magic pushes and stretches the boundaries of the Gaalbohr and can produce strange effects as
it seeks to right itself.

At the end of the Magic Phase in which the total amount of power used to that point reaches 9 power of each type,
Spirit Magic and Energy Magic, the player who last used power rolls on the Gaalbohr Table. Each time a new,
additional multiple of nine power of each type is used, another roll is made. So, the first roll at 9 each, then 27 of
each (an additional 18 each), then 54 each (an additional 27 each) and so on. Unless otherwise stated, results
affect the entire encounter area and last for the rest of the game. Note that each point of Sorcery power counts
as a point of power of both types of magic.

Gaalbohr Table

d24 Roll Effect

1 Secrets Revealed - All KNW tests are +1dl.
2 Heartsapper - All END tests are -1dl.
3 Divine Wind – Each model must pass a one time, immediate STR test 7 or be Knocked Down.
Casters Must Die! – Each Caster passes an END test or loses 1 LP each time they cast or
counterspell. This test and any effects occur before the cast or counterspell attempt.
5 The Children are Weak – All STR tests are -1dl.
6 Karekal Ascendant - All Spirit Magic spells are +1dl to cast.
7 Soulsease - All SPR tests are +1dl.
Battle in Heaven – All Casters of Energy Magic take a SPR test 6 and gain or lose power equal
to the amount by which the test is passed or failed.
Fate Intervenes – Roll d6 per model: 1-2 Lose a Fatestone, 3-4 no effect, 5-6 gain a Fatestone.
10 Gouts of Flame – Roll d6 per model: on a 1-3 the model gains a Flame Token. Once/game.
11 Faithful Eye - All DEX tests are +1dl.
12 Painful Joints - All AGL tests are -1dl.
Gaal are Fickle – All Casters of Spirit Magic take a SPR test 6 and gain or lose power equal to
the amount by which the test is passed or failed.
14 Davakal Drained – All Energy Magic Spells -1dl to cast.
15 Soul’s Torment - All SPR tests are -1dl.
16 Thoughts Confounded - All KNW tests are -1dl.
17 Karekal Blighted - All Spirit Magic spells are -1dl to cast.
18 Might of Heaven - All STR tests are +1dl.
19 Drought – all Watery features lose that keyword (CRB 145).
20 Blurred Vision - All DEX tests are -1dl.
21 The Darkening - The entire encounter area is subject to Gloom (CRB 148).
22 Storm of Davakal - All Energy Magic Spells +1dl to cast.
23 Fortitude of the Gaal - All END tests are +1dl.
24 Light of Foot - All AGL tests are +1dl.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 97

Type of Magic. Each Spell List will indicate its type of magic, either Spirit Magic [S] or Energy Magic [E].

Varanic Rites [Spirit Magic]

According to Faeler tradition, the Gaal transformed themselves from animals to men and women to reward the children of Faelon for having
matured. From their home in Varan, the gods and goddesses provide their divine power directly to their priests and priestesses to assist them
in their good works. And the occasional smiting...

Novice Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect

Ailea’s Heart 2 +1dl SPR to all friendly models within 12” of the Caster - 2
Barek’s Charge 1 Gives a friendly model Bull Rush 1 -
Glareyn’s Guard 2 Target gains Active Defense, Contain, Protector 2 -
Jeyna’s Call 1 The Rally test TN of all friendly models is 2 for the remainder - -
of the turn.
Modo’s Mending 1 Removes 1 LP lost from target, range 9” 3 2
Tahnar’s Blessing 1 Target adds +2dl MAR or RAR, Caster’s choice 3 2
Valar’s Vision 1 Target model gains Witchsight and is immune to the effects 1 -
of Gloom and Darkness.
Vidunar’s Hammer 1 Missile spell, damage d8. Surviving target SPR test or 1 2
knocked down
Vidunar’s Strength 1 Target is +1dl STR 1 2

Apprentice Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect

Ailea’s Light 3 Melee attacks vs target model are -2dl - 3
Barek’s Rage 2 Gives a friendly model Frenzy 3 -
Orva’s Waverider 2 Target gets Amphibious, +2dl Swim 2 -
Modo’s Call 2 Target model gains Taunt. Target model is +1dl DISC for the - -
DISC test associated with the Taunt action.
Syldron’s Guise 3 Target gains Disguise 3 -
Sylvia’s Second 2 The player may reroll any one friendly die once. - -
Tahnar’s Aerie 2 Target gets placed in last haven designated in the encounter 3 -
Jeyna’s Hooves 2 Target is SPD +1 3 4
Valia’s 2 +3dl to KNW tests 2 3

98 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Varanic Rites [Spirit Magic]

Initiate Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect

Ailea’s Revelation 3 Removes Stealth and Camouflage tokens from all models - -
within 18”.
Glareyn’s Shield 3 Gives a friendly model Parry or Dodge, Caster’s choice 3 -
Valia's Journey 3 Target friendly model gains the Spirit talent and is considered 6 -
Discorporate while the spell lasts. See CRB page 54.
Modo’s Mass 3 Heal up to 3 LP total among models in an AoE4”, 9” range - 4
Orva’s Surge 4 Target may Run x3 SPD 3 -
Tahnar’s Shift 3 Target gets immediate 3” Free Move 3 4
Valar’s Skill 2 Gain any one secondary skill, d10 3 -
Valar’s Unmasking 3 Target Model loses the effect of any Spirit or Disguise Talent, 3 -
is no longer Discorporate if it was, and is Dazed.
Vidunar’s 3 Mssile spell, damage d12, SPR test 6 or KD 3 4

Practitioner Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect

Barek's Stampede 4 Target gains Assault and Impact. 5 -
Barek's Blessing 3 Target gains +3dl MAR 5 -
Glareyn's Defiance 4 Target is +3 DEF 5 -
Jeyna's Fleetness 4 Target gains Agile Charge 5 -
Orva's Child 4 Target gains Aquatic and can breathe underwater 5 -
Syldron's Surprise 4 Target gains Covert Charge and Ambush 5 -
Sword of Sylvia 3 Target may reroll failed melee damage tests 4 -
Valia's Insight 3 Target is +3dl to Devices and Craft tests. 3 4
Vidunar's Roar 4 Cone. Models under the cone SPR 7 or be KD. - 4

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 99

Fire Magic [Energy Magic]
Fluff text...

Novice Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect

Boil 1 Creates an AoE 4” with its center within 12” of the caster and - -
in LOS. If a terrain feature with the Watery keyword is under
that AoE, it has the same effect as Scorch on a model that
touches the AoE and the feature loses the Watery keyword
when the spell expires.
Dire Flame 1 No model within 12” of the Caster may use a Special Action - -
to remove Flame tokens.
Flameskin 1 Any model that contacts (or is already in contact with) the 1 2
target model must pass an immediate AGL test 5 or is hit for
d6 damage.
Flaming Weapon 1 Target model gains +1 dl damage for one weapon of the 1 2
Caster’s choice. Models hit by an attack with this weapon
gain a Flame token.
Heat Stroke 1 Target model becomes -2dl to END tests and cannot Run. 1 2
Illuminate 1 This spell places an AoE 4”. Any game effects that restrict - 2
LOS or provide a bonus to DEF for ranged attacks are
negated in the AoE. Models attacking targets in the AoE are
+1dl to ranged attack tests.
Magic Sight 1 Detect the presence or use of energy magic within CAR. - -
Scorch 1 A target model hit by this spell must pass an END test or lose 1 -
one LP. The target number of the test is the target’s base AV.
Missile Spell.
Wizard Lock/Key 1 Open/lock normal door. CAR to open wizard locked door or - -
CAR to set TN for magic lock.

100 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Apprentice Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect
Burn 2 Target gains a Flame token. 2 -
Cone of Fire 2 Creates a d8 damage cone. Surviving models hit by this - 3
attack gain a Flame token.
Fireball 3 Places a d8 damage AoE 4” centered on the target enemy - 3
model. Models hit by this attack gain a Flame token. Missile
Fire Shield 2 Target is +2 DEF and cannot gain an energy magic token. 2 3
Flare 2 Target has no LOS to any model. 2 -
Kindle 2 Creates an AoE 4” with its center within 12” of the caster and - -
in LOS. If a terrain feature with the Woods keyword is under
that AoE, it has the same effect as a Wall of Fire on a model
that touches the AoE and the portion of the feature that was
under the AoE is considered open terrain after the spell
Shift 2 Target may take up to a 3” Free Move in any direction. May 2 -
not end in contact or impassable terrain.
Smoke 2 Creates an AoE 4” with its center within 12” of the caster and - -
in LOS. Visibility into or through the AoE is reduced to 12”.
The AoE 4” is considered Concealment for all purposes.
Wall of Fire 2 Creates a straight line 1-6” long, 1” wide and 2” tall. All of the - -
wall must be within 18” and more than half of its length must
be in LOS of the Caster. Friendly models do not block LOS
for the purpose of placing the wall. Wall of Fire conceals
models seen through it. It cannot be cast on top of models.
Models passing through the wall gain a Flame token and
must pass an AGL test 5 or take d6 damage.

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 101

Initiate Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect

102 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

Practitioner Spells Power Effect + Tgt +Effect

BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4 103


104 BrightSword Playtest ver 7.4

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