3D6 Game System

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3D6 System Designed by

George Katsoulis

Spyros Papageorgopoulos

Nefeli Katsarou, Katia Molfessi, Eva Tsouana, Hlias Tasiopoulos
Nikos Foteinopoulos, Alexandros Meletis, Panagiotis Pavlou
Dimitris Lappas, Nikolas Agadakos, Giannis Agadakos
Georgia Vasiliadou, Antreas Koutroumpis,
Kostantinos Skourlis, Dimitris Antoniou

Developed by
Random Crew Productions ™
The 3D6 Game System was originally designed for the Ascendance setting, a role-playing game campaign
world created by Random Crew Productions. At first, it was made specifically for this setting and evolved
around a sci-fi theme, filled with mechs, power armors, spaceships and aliens. We played a couple of
campaign with it and got hooked with the system. Later on, switching to another campaign setting, a
low-magic fantasy one, we wanted to use this system there, as well. It wasn’t long before we adapted it for
a fantasy world and things were rolling smoothly. One campaign later, we knew we had to get this system
out and show to everyone else. So begun the work of getting the 3D6 system from a collection of scrap
papers and computer notes to this book. It has been a long process, albeit one which improved the system
itself a whole lot, owing mainly to playtesting and trial and error.

In its core, the system attempts to be as realistic as possible, within a role-playing game context, of course.
What this means is that some things need to be taken lightly and that if everything was as realistic as
possible, then every combat would last several hours and would probably be no fun at all. However, the
3D6 system tries to balance things between reality and game as much as possible. For example, falling
from a great height will probably kill you and a good shot from a .45 at close range will take out an
unarmored person most of the times. Of course, with proper play it is possible to do heroic battles, where
swords and axes strike shields or bullets rain and narrowly miss you due to cover.

This system has been tested in a variety of campaign worlds, but mainly one sci-fi and one fantasy, the
Ascendance ™ and the Wartide ™ settings, respectively. In this book you will find references to both these
worlds and the equipment section contains items from fantasy to hi-tech sci-fi settings. In the campaign
books for these two worlds you will find more details and updated rules specific to each setting. It is easy
to adapt this system to any setting, though, since all rules are pretty much unified. All in all, use the system
as you see fit and of course feel free to change it as much as you want, as long as it suits your campaign.

George Katsoulis
Random Crew Productions

Chapter I: The Basics................... 11 Blunt Weapons......... 22
The 3D6 Dice...................... 11 Energy Weapons....... 22
Action Dice......................... 11 Improvised.............. 22
Checks and TN.................... 11 Polearms.................. 22
Success Ratings................... 12 Shield Block............. 22
Casual Rolls........................ 12 Unarmed................. 22
Maxed-Out Rolls................. 12 Ranged Combat................... 22
Progressive Rolls................. 12 Assault Rifles........... 22
The Rounding Rule.............. 12 Bows....................... 23
Chapter II: Attributes.................. 13 Crossbows............... 23
Using the Attributes............. 13 Explosives............... 23
Averages & Maximums......... 14 Hurled.................... 23
Non-Player Characters......... 14 Launch Weapons...... 23
Strength............................. 15 Laser Weapons......... 23
Coordination...................... 15 Machine Guns.......... 23
Stamina.............................. 16 Pistols..................... 24
Reaction............................. 16 Plasma Weapons....... 24
Intelligence........................ 17 Rifles...................... 24
Willpower.......................... 17 Sub-Machine Guns... 24
Personality......................... 18 Shotguns................. 24
Highs & Lows................... 18 Siege Engines........... 24
Chapter III: Skills.................... 19 Thrown................... 24
Categories....................... 19 Transportation.................... 24
Skills & Settings................... 19 Drive, Steering......... 24
Using Skills......................... 19 Drive, Balance.......... 24
Synergy.............................. 20 Gunnery.................. 24
Untrained Skills.................. 21 Operate, Drone......... 24
Fallback........................... 21 Operate, Heavy Mech.. 25
Close Combat...................... 22 Operate, Light Mech... 25
Axes....................... 22 Pilot, Airborne.......... 25
Blades.................... 22 Pilot, Space Fighter.... 25
Pilot, Mothership...... 25 Medicine................. 39
Ride, Quadrapedal.... 25 Machinery............... 39
Ride, Saurial............. 25 Surveillance............. 40
Ride, Flyer................ 26 Academic........................... 40
Sail, Row.................. 26 Knowledge (Any)...... 40
Sail, Engine.............. 26 Language (Any)........ 42
Sail, Command......... 26 Magic................................ 43
Social................................. 26 Word (Any).............. 43
Analysis.................. 26 Province (Any).......... 43
Diplomacy............... 27 Investiture.......................... 44
Bluff....................... 27 Control (Any)........... 44
Intimidate............... 27 Chapter IV: Perks........................ 45
Leadership............... 28 Ranks & Requirements......... 45
Innate................................ 28 Purchasing Perks................. 45
Acrobatics............... 28 Gaining Flaws..................... 46
Athletics................. 29 Bonus Perks......................... 46
Avoid...................... 30 Perk Categories................... 46
Observe................... 30 Adventuring....................... 47
Resilience................ 30 Academic.......................... 50
Resolve.................... 31 Character Options............... 53
Stealth.................... 31 Crafting............................ 57
Search..................... 32 Defensive........................... 60
Expertise............................ 32 Healing.............................. 66
Animal Handling...... 30 Infiltration......................... 69
Disable Device.......... 33 Mobility............................. 73
Disguise.................. 34 Magic................................ 78
Forgery.................... 34 Melee Combat..................... 83
Larceny................... 35 Perception.......................... 89
Survival................... 35 Ranged Combat................... 92
Talent (Any)............. 36 Social................................. 97
Technology......................... 37 Racial - Hman...................... 99
Computers............... 37 Teamwork.......................... 101
Design/Repair.......... 37 Chapter V: Time............................. 103
Electronics.............. 38 Rounds & IC Units............... 103
Explosives............... 38 Initiative............................ 103
Actions & IC Costs............... 103 Using Fatigue........... 117
Modifying Initiative............. 104 Recovering Fatigue... 118
Delay Action............ 104 Composure......................... 118
Hold Action............. 105 Recovering Composure... 118
Interrupt................ 105 Called Shots........................ 118
Scenes................................ 106 Critical Hits........................ 119
Chapter VI: Movement & Vision..... 107 Weapon Criticals...... 119
Tactical Movement.............. 107 Skill Criticals........... 121
Bursting................. 107 Melee Attacks..................... 121
Movement Steps....... 107 Commiting.............. 121
Switching Movement.. 108 Reach...................... 122
Overland Movement............ 108 Armed & Unarmed.... 122
Forced March........... 108 Subdual Damage....... 122
Push........................ 108 Ranged Attacks................... 122
Hustling.................. 109 Range...................... 122
Terrain Modifiers................ 109 Shooting in Melee..... 123
Grid................................... 109 Area Attacks............. 123
Figures & Grid.......... 109 Avoiding............................ 123
Facing..................... 109 Deflecting.......................... 124
Grid Scale................ 109 Shield Deflection...... 124
Cover................................. 110 Weapon Deflection... 124
Characters as Cover... 110 Protecting Locations. 124
Concealment...................... 111 Damage.............................. 124
Light & Darkness................. 112 Damage Rediction.... 125
Modes of Vision................... 113 Penetration.............. 125
Sensors & Targeting............. 113 Elemental Damage.... 125
Sensor Modes........... 113 Item Damage............ 126
ECM & ECCM......... 114 Hazards............................. 127
Locate TN................ 114 Falling Damage........ 128
Chapter VII: Combat................... 115 Infections................ 128
Hit Points........................... 115 Diseases.................. 129
Locations........................... 115 Radiation & Gases..... 130
Massive Damage....... 116 Wind Effects............ 131
Extra Damage........... 117 Landfalls................. 132
Fatigue............................... 117 Combat Maneuvers.............. 133
Melee...................... 134 Swift Interrupt......... 144
Ranged.................... 135 Vigilance................. 144
General................... 136 Chapter IX: Mounts & Vehicles...... 145
Encumbrance...................... 138 Riding a Mount.................... 145
Main & Off-Hand................ 138 Mounted Combat..... 145
Conditions......................... 138 Creatures as Mounts.. 146
Blind....................... 139 Driving a Vehicle.................. 146
Dazed..................... 139 Modifying Attrobutes. 146
Deafened................. 139 Piloting & Driving..... 146
Horified.................. 139 Acceleration............ 147
Paralyzed................. 139 Movement & Speed... 147
Spent...................... 139 Acoidance & Deflection. 147
Stunned................... 139 Using Weapons......... 147
Derangements.................... 139 Fuel........................ 148
Underwater Combat............ 140 Damaging Vehicles.............. 148
Holding Your Breath.. 140 Vehicle Hit Locations.... 148
Movement............... 140 Hit Points................ 149
Visibility................. 140 Systems & Individuals... 149
Weapons.................. 140 Critical Hits............. 150
Aerial Combat..................... 140 Ramming & Crashing... 150
Chapter VIII: Congruity............... 141 Special Vehicles................... 151
Congruity Points................. 141 Wagons & Chariots.... 151
Using Congruity.................. 142 Chase System...................... 151
Formations......................... 142 Chase & Escape PTN.... 151
Communication....... 143 Time & Rolls............ 152
Defense................... 143 Modifiers................ 153
Interrupt................. 143 Finishing Off............ 153
Kill Zone.................. 143 Other Actions........... 153
Mobile Defense........ 144 Other Transports................. 154
Movement............... 144 Chapter X: Crafting..................... 155
Offense................... 144 Work Environment.............. 155
Protection................ 144 Workbench.............. 155
Quickness................ 144 Assistants&Supervisors.. 155
Reaction.................. 144 Making Crafts.......... 156
Stealth.................... 144 Planning.................. 156
TN & PTN............... 157 Resisting Magic........ 173
Making Rolls............ 157 Recovering................ 174
Time Required.......... 157 Investiture............................ 174
Superior Crafts......... 158 Minor Investiture........ 174
ModifyingResistanceTN.. 158 Major Investiture......... 174
Repairing Items..................... 158 Controlling Investitures. 175
Vehicle Repair............. 158 Sample Investitures...... 176
Armor & Shield Repair.. 159 Rituals................................ 177
Generic Repairs........... 159 Learning Rituals......... 177
Upgrading .......................... 160 Mundane & Magical..... 178
Improving Items......... 160 Sample Rituals............ 178
Craftmanship............. 160 Chapter XIII:Character Creation....... 179
Maintenance........................ 160 Creation Overview................. 179
Adverse Effects........... 162 Race Selection...................... 179
Chapter XI: Healing....................... 163 Humans................... 179
Infirmaries........................... 163 Assigning Attributes............... 180
Medkits............................... 164 Assigning Skills..................... 180
Types of Wounds.................... 164 Specialties................. 180
Long-Term Healing................ 165 Distributing Points...... 180
Recovering Damage...... 165 Choosing Perks...................... 181
Recovering Locations... 166 Flaw......................... 181
Medicine Treatment............... 167 Derived Stats......................... 181
Patching................... 167 Equipping Characters............. 181
Treating Wounds......... 167 Character Sheet..................... 181
Treating Conditions..... 167 Finalizing............................ 186
Treating Derangements. 168 Chapter XIV:Experience & Limits...... 187
Chapter XII: Magic........................ 169 Advancement....................... 187
Using Magic......................... 169 Experience Awards...... 187
Unlocking Magic......... 169 Costs....................... 189
Gestures................... 170 Training.................... 189
Words & Provinces....... 170 Limits...................... 190
Effects & TNs............. 170 Chapter XV: Equipment.................. 191
Making the Roll........... 172 Technology Levels.................. 191
Side-Effects............... 172 Crafting.................... 193
Duration................... 173 Melee Weapons..................... 193
Axes........................ 194 Eloh (Shiraldi)............ 215
Blades...................... 195 Exior (Dragonborn).. 216
Blunt Weapons........... 196 Grafted (Deathless)..... 217
Improvised................ 196 Infested (Mutant)........ 218
Polearms................... 197 Ixulthan (Dragonborn).. 219
Unarmed.................. 197 Kurbul (Animal).......... 220
Ranged Weapons................... 197 Naugral (Orc)............. 221
Assault Rifles.............. 198 Recruiter (Deathless).... 222
Hurled & Thrown........ 200 Shangul (Orc)............. 223
Improvised................ 200 Creating Enemies..... 224
Launchers................. 200 Character Sheet
Machine Guns............ 201 Table Index
Pistols...................... 201 Index
Ranged..................... 202
Rifles....................... 202
Shotguns.................. 203
SMGs...................... 203
Ammunition.............. 203
Ranged Accessories... 203
Shields................................ 206
Deflecting Melee......... 207
Deflecting Ranged....... 207
Armors................................ 208
Body Armor............... 209
Helmets.................... 211
Layering Armor.......... 212
Piece By Piece............. 212
Chapter XVI:Adversaries................. 213
Creature Sizes....................... 213
Creature Locations................. 214
Special Abilities..................... 214
Creature CBR....................... 214
Sample Adversaries................. 214
Chapter I
The Basics

B Action Dice
eing a Role-Playing Game System, the
3d6 uses dice. As the name implies, most
commonly three six-sided dice are used. Every player (and certain other non-player
Any other kind of roll still uses six-sided dice, characters) have a certain number of Action Dice
making it easy to find the resources required for to use per Game Scene (more information on
a game session. You will find in this chapter the Game Scenes later in this book).
basic information on how the system works and
what it is about. Each Action Die adds one extra d6 on any kind
of 3d6 roll. Players start with 1 Action Die and
gain more as they gain Experience.
The 3d6 Dice
In the 3d6 Game System, 3 six-sided dice are Players may use only one Action Die per roll,
used. You can use any kind of dice, since d6 can unless some ability decrees otherwise. These
be found in any game store or even convenience Action Dice are in the game to better help the
stores, as they are used for many other games. characters choose when they want to do their
One of these dice is called the Combat Die and it best. It is better that the GM allows the PC’s to
behaves differently, thus it would be better if you use their Action Dice after they have seen the
used a different color or kind for it. outcome of a roll.

The Combat Die explodes, meaning that if it

rolls a 6, you immediately re-roll it and add its Checks and TN
result to your total to calculate the final roll. There’s a TN (Target Number) for almost every
check you will make. The Target Number is
The Combat die gets re-rolled only once, unless determined by the GM or the rules. To beat
some ability decrees otherwise. Certain abilities the check, you must roll equal or more to the
may add some modifiers to the Combat Die when TN indicated. After having calculated the final
it explodes, making it even more potent. Also note modifiers based on your Skills and Attributes, you
that the Combat Die is only used when three make the roll and compare to the TN set by the
dice are rolled for a skill or resistance roll, not GM. You will find below some indication of what
under any other circumstances, such a a damage exactly each TN means, contrasted to real-life
roll that by happenstance consists of three dice. events.

TN Type Example
10 Trivial Walk up a flight of stairs
16 Very Easy Hack a non-moving medium-sized target with a melee weapon
22 Typical Shoot a medium-sized target at 20 meters
28 Challenging Climb a natural wall with few footholds
34 Difficult Shoot a walking human in the head at 50 meters
40 Insane Convince an attacking force that you want to join them
46 Epic Evade incoming bolts and arrows
Table 1.1: TN Examples

Total Roll Result Effect
Missed the TN by 11 or more Botch Very bad result (GM’s discretion)
Missed the TN by 1 to 10 Normal Failure Retry may or may not be warrantied
Equal to or beat the TN by up to 5 Success Normal, intended effect
Beat the TN by 6 to 10 Good Success +1 die of damage for attacks, extra effect on Skills
Beat the TN by 11 to 15 Great Success +2 dice of damage for attacks, extra effect on Skills
Beat the TN by 16 or more Critical Success As above plus Critical Effect for attacks
Table 1.2: Success Ratings

Success Ratings Progressive Rolls

Rolling lower than the TN means you fail. Higher Some rolls (at the GM’s discretion) may take
rolls indicate better success. The extra damage longer and require more rolls than normal. To
dice below apply to damage rolls. Rolling high on make these rolls, the GM assigns a TN, which
other rolls has different effects, explained on each is the base TN of the task at hand, and a PTN
individual skill’s description. Note that failing the (Progressive TN). The player makes consecutive
check for more than 11 or making it for higher rolls and checks by how many points the TN has
than 16 confers no additional bonuses overall. been beaten, plus one. Each roll represents some
There are ways to improve the actions you make time that has passed, according to the task and
though, by talking a penalty on your total roll. is usually set by the GM. Add up all those points
from each roll.

Casual Rolls • Assign a TN and a PTN

When a player is making a non-stressful roll (GM’s • Make one roll for each time period
discretion), they may opt to not roll the dice at • Add together the number of points by which
all, but rather treat the result as if an 11 has been you beat the TN, plus one.
rolled. Note here that you may not use any Action • When these reach the PTN, the task os done/
Dice on Casual Rolls, since they are considered
to be just what your character can normally do. Botches on this roll usually cost materials or even
Normally, you can’t use a Casual Roll if you either decrease the player’s total, again at the GM’s
wish to do your best or you are threatened. Certain discretion.
abilities, though, may allow you to use a Casual
Roll even under such circumstances. When a
player makes a Casual Roll, they may not always The Rounding Rule
know the TN for it. Sometimes a roll will require you to make some
calculations, such as figuring out half of something,
a percentage, etc. Many times, this will require you
Maxed-Out Rolls to round a fraction up or down
When you have enough time, you may treat your
roll as if you had rolled an 18. This practically means When you need to round a fraction of a number,
that you are doing your best, if the circumstances always round up to the nearest integer.
allow it. This usually takes 20 times as much as
the original action and costs 20 times the normal This will equally benefit as well as hinder, though
amount of resources to do it. You may not use any over the course of a campaign it only serves to
Action Dice on Maxed-Out Rolls. simplify and balance things.

Chapter II

he most defining aspect of a character is Also note that Attributes are dynamic, which
their Attributes, a set of numbers that means that they might change as you continue on
attempt to sketch the character, both in your adventures, either increasing or decreasing
terms of physical prowess and mental capacity, but for a variety of reasons. Apart from spending
also their personal charisma and wit. Attributes Experience points on them, you might suffer the
affect many things in a game of 3d6. You will find ill effects of a poison, for example, and have to
most of these uses below, as well as a detailed decrease your Stamina Attribute.
analysis of each Attribute.
Attributes are also very useful in defining your
skills. The limit of a skill is directly based on the
Using Attributes Attribute in question, meaning that the higher the
There are seven Attributes, which make up the Attribute, the better you can be in that skill. All in
core of your character. They represent what he is all, these Attributes matter a lot in an Ascendance
made up of in terms of physical build, smarts and campaign setting and this is why they are very hard
personality. They can get as low as 2 or even 1 and to increase during play with Experience Points
as high as 15 for most humans or even further (see Character Creation later in the book for more
for gifted individuals or other races. The seven details on how to increase your Attributes).
Attributes are:

• Strength Averages & Maximums

• Coordination Not everyone is equally strong, smart or witty.
• Stamina On the table below you will find some examples
• Reaction of what each Attribute number represents in the
• Intelligence modern day world.
• Willpower
• Personality The average number for an Attribute is 7.

You will find more information on each Attribute This means that most common people you meet
firther below. To determine your character’s will have an Attribute at around 6-8, with certain
Attributes, you must make some rolls (see Character weaker individuals going as low as 5 or 6 and
Creation later in this book) or assign points as you talented people reaching 9, 10 and even higher.
see fit. Attributes are used on conjunction with Of course, Player Characters are a different story.
Skills to provide you with the total modifier for Rules for creating PC’s can be found on a later
a certain skill. Usually, you add the Attribute and chapter in this book.
the Skill together. However, there are other aspects
of the game that the Attributes affect directly, For humans the maximum Attribute attainable
such as a character’s Initiative, Resistances, etc. is 15.
Attributes may rise over the course of a game
as you spend Experience Points on them. There Only very special circumstances allow this rule to
are certain restrictions on Attributes, as not be broken. Other races have different maximums
everyone can reach their racial maximum. There and averages (dictated by their bonuses or
are situations which might call for an Attribute penalties), further explained on the Advancement
roll directly, in which case the GM will assign the section, later in this book. You will notice that
TN individually. Also, in some other cases some the increase on certain aspects of an Attribute is
roll might require an aspect of the Attribute to be not linear. As the Attribute increases, so does the
used, such as Damage Bonus for Strength. increase itself. This means that a difference of +1 on

Attribute Example
5 This person has difficulty coping on everyday activities that depend on the Attribute
7 Average person on a modern day setting
9 Exceptional individual, one in a hundred people possess this Attribute
11 Superb individual, who can easily excel in any field relevant to their Attribute
13 Only a few people in a city possess such high scores, and are probably known for them
15 Among the elite in the entire world, perhaps the only one in an entire country
17 Strength of the bear, reflexes of the cat, intelligence of strange alien races
Table 2.1: Attribute Frequency

the 10-14 range is average, while at the same time

a difference of +1 on the 24-28 range has a much Non-Player Characters
greater impact on the game and the character. In a campaign setting, there are always characters
Below you will find all the Attributes explained, controlled by the GM. As far as Attributes go, they
including what they affect and tables with all the can have anything the GM wants, but following
numbers from 1 to 25 and how to progress these is a guideline on what can be expected from the
tables even further, in case of very high numbers. common (or not so common) people.
These will probably be of use to a GM, using them
for strange and powerful opponents who reach In general, most characters you meet should be
these numbers. expected to have Attributes ranging from 6 for a
bit weaker members of the race to 8 for slightly
The table above shows some low, average and high more powerful ones. Those with 4 or 5 in an
scores for an Attribute. This is a generalization Attribute should be considered as problematic
regarding Attributes, but it should be easy to (unless of course they are children or elderly). In
extrapolate what each Attribute means by looking contrast, you should expect to see a Strength of 9
at the table above. Some Attributes are easier on a guard in a medieval setting or a Coordination
to explain and put to numbers such as Strength of 9 on a merc in a science fiction setting. You will
or Intelligence. Other Attributes might be a bit find below a table showing what kind of Attributes
more vague and harder to put to paper, such as NPCs (Non-Player Characters) are expected to
the Willpower or Personality Attributes, but other have. The example below uses Strength as the
Attribute in question.
Attributes can be used as guidelines for the harder
Strength Possessed by
As far as maximums go, however many Experience 3 Six-year old human child
Points you put in an Attribute, there is an upper
limit that is determined by your race, mainly on 5 Midwife in a fantasy setting
whether you get a bonus on that Attribute or not 7 Most people you meet in any setting
from your race. For example, dwarves are usually
9 Typical guard in a medieval setting
more durable than humans in a fantasy setting and
thus can raise their Stamina higher. 11 Bouncer in a modern nightclub
13 Champion gladiator
The maximum Attribute of a character is equal
to their starting maximum + one fourth of that 15 Cybernetically empowered mercenary
same number. Table 2.2: Strength Examples

This means that, for example, a human who Of course, GMs should feel free to adjust these
has a starting maximum of 12 on the Strength Attributes as needed to reflect the feeling of their
Attribute can not get that Attribute higher than campaign setting. Increase the average to 8 or even
15 with Experience Points. A dwarf in a fantasy 9 if you want a more powerful setting, or decrease
setting, though, with a starting maximum of 14 on it to 6 or even 5 for a more toned-down version,
Stamina could bring that same Attribute to a total where the PCs are even more powerful compared
of 18 (remember the Rounding Rule). to NPCs.

Strength Coordination
Measures a character’s ability to deal damage, lift An indication of a character’s ability to target
weights and wield weapons with more ease. A very opponents and perform minute operations. A very
high Strength score allows you to fight better and high score will help with ranged weapons and
perform feats of might. A low score might make it overall accuracy. A very low score means you are
problematic for you to carry more than your own not able to focus on hand to eye coordination.
Value Maximum Aim
Value Attack Damage 1 -
1 -6 -12 2 -
2 -4 -9 3 2 IC
3 -3 -6 4 4 IC
4 -2 -3 5 6 IC
5 -1 -1 6 8 IC
6 -1 0 7 10 IC
7 0 0 8 12 IC
8 0 +1 9 15 IC
9 +1 +2 10 18 IC
10 +1 +4 11 21 IC
11 +2 +5 12 24 IC
12 +2 +7 13 28 IC
13 +3 +8 14 32 IC
14 +3 +9 15 36 IC
15 +4 +10 16 40 IC
16 +4 +12 17 44 IC
17 +5 +14 18 50 IC
18 +5 +16 19 58 IC
19 +6 +19 20 68 IC
20 +6 +22 Table 2.4: Coordination
Table 2.3: Strength
Maximum Aim: The number of consecutive IC
Attack: Modifer added to your total attack roll (Initiative Count) that you may aim for. Any
with melee weapons or unarmed attacks. aiming for more than that will not benefit you
at all. Note that if your Coordination Attribute
Damage: Bonus on damage rolls with melee is too low, you may not even be able to aim for a
weapons or unarmed. full round.

Stamina Reaction
Shows a character’s ability to withstand damage, Measures a character’s ability to react to sudden
endure hardships and also shows overall fitness. changes in their environment, both physically
A high score means you are fit and probably very and mentally by perceiving them and reacting to
well-trained, while a very low score might even them. A very high score means you will have more
mean someone who has some form of disability. time to decide what to do and notice things easier,
while a very low score means you will be easily
Value HP Healing Fatigue
caught off-guard.

1 1 0 -5
Value Initiative
2 2 0 -4
1 -8
3 4 0 -3
2 -6
4 5 0 -2
3 -4
5 7 1 -1
4 -3
6 9 1 -1
5 -2
7 12 1 0
6 -1
8 15 1 0
7 0
9 18 2 +1
8 +1
10 21 2 +1
9 +2
11 24 3 +2
10 +3
12 29 3 +2
11 +4
13 35 4 +3
12 +5
14 41 4 +3
13 +6
15 48 5 +4
14 +7
16 56 6 +4
15 +8
17 64 7 +5
16 +9
18 72 7 +5
17 +10
19 102 8 +6
18 +12
20 116 8 +6
19 +14
Table 2.5: Stamina
20 +16
HP (Hit Points): The number of Hit Points that Table 2.6: Reaction
are added to a character’s base HP to determine
their total (see Characters later in this book). Initiative: The number added to one die roll to
determine who gets to act first in any given round
Healing: A character’s Healing Factor is how during combat.
many Hit Points they recover each day if they
make a roll (see Healing later in this book).

Fatigue: A buffer for your Fatigue that allows you

to spend the indicated number of Fatigue without
getting penalties. A negative number means you
subtract from your total Fatigue points

Intelligence Willpower
Measures a character’s ability to understand A measure of a character’s strength of will and
complex concepts, analyze information and gain belief in one’s inner strength. A very high score
knowledge of the world around them. Very high will help you shrug off magical and fear effects
scores give you more skill points and may also easily, while a low score might mean that you are
increase the limit on skills. Low scores means your easily shaken.
character is slow and does not learn new things
very easily. Value Magic Cap Composure
1 -4 -5
Value Skill Cap
2 -3 -4
1 -4
3 -1 -3
2 -3
4 0 -2
3 -2
5 2 -1
4 -1
6 5 -1
5 0
7 8 0
6 0
8 11 0
7 0
9 14 +1
8 0
10 17 +1
9 0
11 20 +2
10 0
12 24 +2
11 0
13 30 +3
12 0
14 37 +3
13 +1
15 45 +4
14 +1
16 55 +4
15 +1
17 68 +5
16 +2
18 83 +5
17 +2
19 97 +6
18 +2
20 111 +6
19 +3
Table 2.8: Willpower
20 +3
Table 2.7: Intelligence Magic Cap: This value shows the maximum
number of ranks you may have in a magical skill
Skill Cap: This value increases the maximum without losing your sanity.
number that you can raise a skill to, depending on
the Attribute and Expertise. Composure: A buffer for your Composure
statistic that allows you to spend the indicated
number of Composure without getting penalties.
A negative number means you subtract from your
total Composure points

Personality Highs and Lows
Your personality defines the concept you have Very high or very low Attributes may display
for yourself, your ego, but also the way others see some kind of disability or special ability. Even
you. A very high score means you are very likable though special abilities are usually displayed by
and able to convince others easily, but also that Perks which already require a certain Attribute as
you usually have a very high sense of self. A low a minimum (see Perks later in this chapter), very
score means that people find you repulsive and you high Attributes could warranty something special
usually tend to give them reason to. for the character possessing them. At the GM’s
discretion, such Attribute extremes could give
Value Magic Bonus bonuses or penalties.
1 -4 Penalties should only be given for Attributes at
2 -3 a score of 3 or below and bonuses for those that
are at 15 or above.
3 -2
4 -1 These can be as severe or light as the GM wants.
Some examples are given below, to give the GM
5 -
an idea of how these could be in the game. These
6 - are only sample ideas for what you could give
7 - players (or NPCs) with very high stats to set
them even more apart or to those with very low
8 - stats to illustrate some form of disability or even
9 - deformity (in the case of Stamina or Personality).
10 +1
Strength: Extra damage against objects, Unarmed
11 +2 blows cause vibrations, Unable to run, Weak grip
12 +2
Coodination: Fine manipulation, Steady Aim,
13 +3 Clumsy grasp, Trips easily
14 +3
Stamina: Resistant to poison, Prolonged breath,
15 +4 Bleeds easily, Asthmatic
16 +4
Reaction: Swift decision-making, Hear more
17 +5
frequencies, Near-sighted, Hard of hearing
18 +5
19 +6 Intelligence: Multi-tasking, Quick calculations,
Forgets easily, Unable to process numbers
20 +7
Table 2.9: Personality Willpower: Focuses easily, Hard to intimidate,
Avoids confrontations, Easily scared
Magic Bonus: The number added to (or subtracted
from) any kind of rolls you make against magic of Personality: Alluring, Charismatic leadership,
any kind that attempts to influence you. Unattractive, Untrustworthy

Chapter III

ince Attributes are the backbone of your guideline, around 5 to 8 Skills per category will
character, Skills are almost everything else. keep things to a balance concerning Skill Point
They define your character’s development, allocation for players. Of course, this does not
the things they have learned while growing up and apply to Magic, Investiture or Language Skills.
any talents they might have picked up. Skills are As for Academic Skills, count only the Broad
used in conjunction with Attributes to give you Categories not the Specific ones. You will find
the total modifier for most rolls you will make more information on these skills on their specific
during a game session. topics further in this book.

Close Combat, Ranged Combat, Transportation,

Categories Social, Innate & Expertise = 5 to 8 Skills per
All Skills are separated into categories. This has Category.
no effect on the mechanics of the game, other
than to simplify them and make it easier for the Academic = 5 to 8 Broad Categories, each having
players and the GM to find them. Also, it makes 4 to 6 Specific ones.
it simpler to assign penalties for not having any
Ranks at all, as explained below. Skill categories Language Skills should be as many as the setting
are as follows: has different languages or dialects.

• Close Combat Magic and Investiture Skills should not be

• Ranged Combat changed, but the setting will determine if they
• Transportation are used or not.
• Social
• Innate To further simplify things, bear in mind that
• Expertise usually the Social, Innate and Expertise categories
• Academic will contain pretty similar Skills across settings.
• Language The Close Combat, Ranged Combat and
• Magic Transportation should vary wildly. As should
• Investiture Academic and Language Skills, which fully depend
on the setting. For example, a fantasy setting will
These categories also help players assign Skill surely have Crossbows, Bows and Thrown in the
Points. If a player decides to play a mercenary in Ranged Combat category, but would most likely
a science fiction setting, for example, they should not have Assault Rifles or Laser Weapons. On the
probably put more points on the Ranged Combat, other hand, a futuristic setting could potentially
Close Combat and Expertise categories. have a lot of weapons,including most fantasy ones.

Skills & Settings Using Skills

Not all Skills apply to all settings. For some Skills are measured in Ranks, ranging from 1 (very
campaign worlds, maybe even entire categories basic) to 18 (complete mastery) and even higher,
will be left out. If the world you are playing in has depending on race and certain Perks. Having
no magic in any form, the Magic and Investiture zero ranks on a Skill meane you have either not
categories have no use. GMs should certainly trained the Skill at all. All skills in the 3d6 System
choose Skills that apply to their setting from each have their corresponding Attribute. Players assign
category. In this regard, be careful as a GM not to points to their skills, following certain restrictions
choose too few or too many Skills. As a general (explained on the Character Creation section)

When rolling a skill, always use the corresponding
Attribute. Skills may also have certain Synergy
miscellaneous bonuses, depending on Perks, Flaws Sometimes, players might want to help each other
or knowledges. with a Skill Check. This is called a Synergy roll
and gives a bonus to the original roll. First, the
person making the roll must roll normally, taking
Skill Check = 3d6 Roll + Ranks + Attribute + all modifiers into account. This is the Primery Roll.
Miscellaneous modifiers Then, all those helping him make rolls, as well.
Adding all these modifiers gives you a final The TN for a Synergy Roll is 6 lower than the
modifier, which is the number you add on a 3d6 original TN or 6 lower than what the Primary
roll to determine the final TN that you will need Roll was, whichever is higher.
to beat.
This means that it is harder to assist someone
The table below shows what exactly Ranks mean in who has made a very high roll if you can’t roll
terms of proficiency in a skill. Generally, consider that high, meaning that your skill level does not
that a person who has just finished university suffice to help them at all. In fact, it is not always
has 6 Ranks in the subject in question. Lower recommended to do so, as rolling way lower than
Ranks mean that they have not received complete the Primary Roll means you might even give a
education on it, but may be quite capable. Note that penalty to the entire process or even hinder it a
Ranks only represent knowledge on the subject, lot by botching.
not any kind of innate talent. Also, the Attribute is
not factored in at the table below. These should be Note that those who assist the Primary Roll must
used as general gudelines by players to understand do so, even if it is higher than what they can
how powerful their characters are compared to the make. The decision to not assist someone should
people around them and by the GM to be able to be made before the Primary Roll is made. The
create fleshed out NPC’s that have the necessary results of the secondary rolls are outlined in the
skills for their position. table below. Refer to the Success Ratings table for
more information on what each degree of success
Rank Proficiency means.
2 Starting to learn about the skill in
question, still on the basics. Synergy TN Bonus
4 Knows the basics, has a solid grasp on Botch (Miss by -11 or more) Special
the subject, still learning about it.
Bad Failure (Miss by -6 to -10) -2
6 Completed a course in unversity and
Failure (Miss by -1 to -5) 0
considered as having a Bachelor’s
Degree on the subject. Success (Equal or up to TN+5) +2
8 Very good grasp, could make enough Good Success (TN+6 to TN+10) +4
money to go by using the skill.
Great Success (TN +11 to TN +15) +6
10 Similar to having a Post-Graduate
Degree on the subject. Critical Success (TN +16 and above) +8
Table 3.2: Synergy
12 Expert in his field, could advance
further through research.
There should be a maximum number of people
14 Similar to having a Doctorate Degree assisting on a roll. This is usually determined by the
on the subject.
GM in each individual case. For example, when
16 One of the few in the world to possess searching a small room, perhaps no more than two
such understanding of the subject, people may assist the Primary Roll. In the event
could work for top companies in the of someone trying to make an Intimidation roll
field. to frighten a group of enemies, maybe all allies
18 Among the very few masters of the might be able to help. Crafts and certain other
subject in question, can probably make skills have their own limiting factor on maximum
new discoveries and take it to the next number of assistants, but as always the GM is the
level. final arbiter. Of course, it takes as much time to
Table 3.1: Rank Prof iciency make a Synergy Roll as the Primary Roll.

If the Primary Roll makes a Maxed-Out Roll or You can find all Linked Skills below, categorized
Casual Roll, then Synergy Rolls are not required by their respective Skill Catgories.
to do so. This means that since the original roller
does their best, anyone assisting them should do Close Combat
so, or they are not able to help them, at all. • Unarmed, Improvised
• Axes, Blades, Polearms, Blunt
Untrained Skills Ranged Combat
• Bows, Crossbows
There will be characters who have not assigned any
Skill Points in certain Skills, which is very natural. • Pistols, Rifles, SMG’s Assault Rifles, Machine
Some of these Skills, however, carry penalties if Guns
used untrained, meaning having zero Ranks. These
penalties illustrate the lack of training. Some are Transportation
higher than others. The categorization of Skills • Drive (Steering), Drive (Balance)
helps group these penalties better, as well, as • Ride (Quadrapedal), Ride (Saurial)
shown on the table below. • Jockey (Light Mech), Jockey ( Juggernaut)
• Sail (Engine), Sail (Command)
Skill Category Penalty
Academic (Geography)
Close Combat -6 • Mountains, Plains, Forest
Ranged Combat -6
Academic (Theoretical)
Transportation -11 • Leather, Wood, Stone, Metal
Social 0
Academic (Society)
Innate -6 • History, Ancient History
Expertise -11
Academic (Transportation)
Academic (Broad) 0
• Light Mechs, Juggernauts
Academic (Specific) Unusable • Wheelers, Flyers
Language Unusable
Essentially, when making a Fallback roll, you use
Magic Unusable the Skill you wish to use in the mannerism and
Investiture Unusable training you have received for the Linked Skill.
This is obvious to onlookers who are trained in
Table 3.3: Untrained Penalties
the Linked Skill. Although this might just be a
technicality and not affect the game in any way,
Having at least one Rank helps alleviate these
it affects the role-playing and might even give a
penalties completely. A Category that says
hint about an opponent. For example, a fighter in
unusable means that you may not roll Skills in
a fantasy setting that has 10 Ranks in the Axes
this category at all if you have no Ranks in them.
Skill wishes to use a longsword (which falls into
There are certain Perks that can help when rolling
the Blade Skill), in which he only has 2 Ranks.
Untrained Skills, explained further below. He rolls the Axes Skill, but uses only 5 of the 10
Ranks he has. His Attribute is calculated normally.

Fallback To onlookers trained with the use of Blades, he

will appear to be wielding the blade much like an
If you have a lot of Ranks on a Skill and only a axe, meaning making wider swings and relying
couple on a similar Skill, you may make a Fallback on the tip of the blade only. Of course, even at
roll. This means you roll the skill that you have half the Skill, he might be a formidable opponent,
more Ranks in, since they are similar, albeit at a considering the total he might make.
penalty. You can only roll a Fallback roll on skills
that are similar, called Linked Skills. Note here that if you attempt Fallback for a Skill in
which you have no Ranks, you may still do so, but
When you have less Ranks in a Skill than another, the final roll gets the Untrained Penalty associated
Linked Skill, you may roll the Linked Skill, using with it. This also means that if the penalty says
only half the Ranks. The Attribute is calculated Unusable, then the Fallback may not be made at all
normally and any Perks apply normally. on that particular Skill.

Close Combat Polearms
Attribute: Coordination
These skills are a measure of a character’s expertise
Usage: Melee Combat
in melee combat mostly and in abilities that utilize
TN: Target’s Block or Avoid
their prowess, in general. Most of these skills use
Very difficult but effective weapons, polearms
the Coordination Attribute, which determines if
combine slashing with piercing and even
any melee attack is successful or not.
bludgeoning potential. They are usually large
Attribute: Coordination Shield Block
Usage: Melee Combat Attribute: Reaction
TN: Target’s Block or Avoid Usage: Melee Combat
Mostly covers sharp weapons whose damage TN: None (Passive Skill)
is caused by the slashing end of the weapon, Governs the use of shields of any type and
regardless of the size. Covers small or chopping improves the chance to successfully block a melee
axes and even double-edges ones. attack with one, thus negating damage. You do not
roll your Block but rather it is a fixed number that
Blades is derived from your Attributes, Skills and other
Attribute: Coordination factors. This becomes the TN for any opponents
Usage: Melee Combat who try to hit you (see Melee Combat later in this
TN: Target’s Block or Avoid book for more information).
One of the most common categories of melee
weapons, especially in fantasy settings, covers
all size of blades, from daggers or longswords to Unarmed
greatswords. Attribute: Coordination
Usage: Melee Combat
TN: Target’s Block or Avoid
Blunt Weapons Shows a character’s ability to dish out damage
Attribute: Coordination using bare hands or natural weapons. Also helps
Usage: Melee Combat with melee combat maneuvers such as grappling,
TN: Target’s Block or Avoid pushing, etc. Unarmed is used offensively when
These weapons usually deal bashing damage, you try to attack or grapple someone, but also
crushing bones and sending foes backwards. They offensively when you try to resist similar attacks
range from simple clubs and bats to maces, flails from an opponent.
and large headcrushers.

Energy Weapons
Attribute: Coordination
Ranged Combat
These skills contain any kind of ability to shoot
Usage: Melee Combat projectiles ranging from bows and rifles to laser
TN: Target’s Avoid weapons and even siege equipment or any kind
Contains all forms of melee weapons of any kind of explosive device. Almost solely based on the
whose cutting edge is made of pure energy and Coordination Attribute, since it requires precision
thus weighs nothing. targeting and hand-to-eye coordination on the
part of the shooter. Most of these Skills are used
Improvised in modern or fantasy settings.
Attribute: Coordination
Usage: Melee Combat Assault Rifles
TN: Target’s Block or Avoid Attribute: Coordination
Covers a wide range of items that are usually not Usage: Ranged Combat
meant to be used as weapons, but the character TN: Target’s Avoid
does so anyway such as broken chairs, table legs, Military grade weapons that can fire in a variety
etc. Usually, there is also a penalty associated with of modes, including full autofire and single shots,
using such things as weapons. Having Ranks in adaptable for most combat situations. Effective
this Skill does not negate the penalty, but gives you against a variety of targets and able to switch
an advantage when using such ungainly weapons, bullets with ease, these weapons are considered the
making you able to threaten opponents with very pinnacle of human, non-experimental technology
unconventional weapons. in many settings.

Bows recovered the device fully intact. Conversely, a
Attribute: Coordination Failure or Bad Failure means that, most of the
Usage: Ranged Combat times, you accelerate the timer or detonate the
TN: Target’s Avoid device prematurely. A Botch in this case almost
Determines your skill with shortbows, longbows always spells instant trouble as the device will
and even mighty bows that require a certain detonate immediately. The time it takes to disarm
amount of Strength to use. Bows usually shoot such explosives usually depends on the device in
quite fast are have a faster reloading time than question.
most other ranged weapons of this kind.
Crossbows Attribute: Coordination
Attribute: Coordination Usage: Ranged Combat
Usage: Ranged Combat TN: Target’s Avoid
TN: Target’s Avoid In this category lie weapons that are launched to
Covers the use of trigger weapons that fire bolts the opponent by some kind of mechanism which
towards the enemy, such as light crossbows, heavy assists in the hurl and is not based on the wielder’s
crossbows or hand crossbows, including any other Strength. In fantasy settings, many tribes or races
similar, custom-made ones. use such weapons, compensating for low Strength,
since the mechanism launches the projectile with
Explosives a specific force usually.
Attribute: Intelligence
Usage: Setting Charges, Disabling Charges Launch Weapons
TN: Set by the target’s Explosives Skill Attribute: Coordination
Governs the use of any kind of devices that trigger Usage: Ranged Combat
a blast, from simple, makeshift gunpowder barrels TN: Based on desired location on grid
to C4 or large scale demolition equipment. This Explosives that are launched by a launcher
Skill is used to blow up structures, vehicles or even embedded on a weapon, or that fire some sort
people, if need be. It is as useful for those who of explosive ammunition towards the target by
wish to place charges as it is for those who want to themselves. Most commonly, an area needs to
be hit in order to affect all inside that area and
disarm them before detonating.
the opponents do not need to avoid the direct
hit of the explosive but rather the resulting area
Setting Charges damage from it. Most commonly, such weapons
Time: Depends on device to be set are avoided by making a Reflex check from anyone
It is very easy to place explosive devices. There is inside the area of effect.
no associated TN per se, but your roll determines
the TN for someone to disable them. However, Laser Weapons
there are some factors that determine how much Attribute: Coordination
of a given explosive it is required to take down Usage: Ranged Combat
your target, be that an armored van door or an TN: Target’s Avoid
entire block. On the Equipment section later in Very high technology weapons that emit beams
this book you will find details on explosives, their of superheated energy which is usually enough
damage and effectiveness against different targets, to melt most targets, yet consumes very large
such as buildings, armors, vehicles, etc. Also note amounts of energy. These weapons usually have
that different explosives require different amounts very high accuracy and extreme ranges. Most are
of time to be set. Certain settings might have also extremely effective against armors. Existing
different kinds of explosives, or none at all. mostly on high technology settings, usable by
advanced races.
Disarming Explosives
Time: Depends on device to be disarmed Machine Guns
In order to successfully dismantle explosives that Attribute: Coordination
others have set, you need to beat the TN they have Usage: Ranged Combat
set when they placed them. Successfully doing TN: Target’s Avoid
so means you disable the device, but destroy it in Large weapons, usually mounted on vehicles or
the process. A good or Great Success will allow steady mounts that shoot mostly in autofire and
you to recover most of the device intact, while are usually fed by belts or steady ammo feeds to
a Critical Success usually means that you have mow down large numbers of opponents.

Pistols Thrown
Attribute: Coordination Attribute: Coordination
Usage: Ranged Combat Usage: Ranged Combat
TN: Target’s Avoid TN: Target’s Avoid
Small firearms, however technologically advanced Covers a wide array of weapons that are manually
or not, fall into this category. thrown to the enemy, usually from a short range
and take the thrower’s Strength into account to
Plasma Weapons determine the damage.
Attribute: Coordination
Usage: Ranged Combat
TN: Target’s Avoid (if applicable) Transportation
Highly sohpisticated technology which uses These skills allow you to effectively ride mounts
condensed plasma energy to deliver massive in combat, be they simple horses and donkeys, or
amounts of energy to a single point, using very even lizards or other beasts. Also covers the ability
specific power cells. Mostly capable of bypassing to drive carts or wagons and sail boats in the sea or
most kinds of armors. Some of these weapons may rivers, or even spaceships. The Reaction Attribute
even follow a predetrmined path or even attempt is almost solely used here. You will find more
to lock on to some part of their target. information on how to drive a vehicle, as well as
TN’s and other factors in the Vehicles category
Rifles later in this book. The TN to drive a vehice, fly
Attribute: Coordination a helicopter, pilot a spaceship or even a mech
Usage: Ranged Combat depends on many conditions such as the terrain,
TN: Target’s Avoid envinronmental hazards, etc. Depending on the
Long firearms fall in this category, usually firing setting, many Skills from this category might not
bullets with great precision and penetration exist at all.
against armors.
Drive, Steering
Sub-Machine Guns Attribute: Reaction
Attribute: Coordination Usage: Driving Vehicles
Usage: Ranged Combat TN: Situation-Dependent
TN: Target’s Avoid Governs the use of any kind of vehicle with a
Rapid fire, small firearms that shoot in autofire steering wheel, or similar mechanism, from simple
and small burst modes, used mainly for cover fire carts pulled by horses to cars and trucks or even
or large crowds. in most modern settings, they are complicated machinery that may even propel
considered easy to find and use by most people. itself.

Shotguns Drive, Balance

Attribute: Coordination Attribute: Reaction
Usage: Ranged Combat Usage: Driving Vehicles
TN: Target’s Avoid TN: Situation-Dependent
Powerful firearms that shoot in a cone in front of This Skill covers the use of vehicles that depend on
the wielder, usually slugs or a spray of shrapnel the rider’s balance, from bicycles and motorbikes
that cover an area. Weak against armored targets to hi-tech anti-gravity vehicles, as long as the
but very effective against most unarmored, or handling is done via the driver’s body movements.
lightly armored, opponents. or the vehicle’s response to them.

Siege Engines Gunnery

Attribute: Coordination Attribute: Reaction
Usage: Ranged Combat Usage: Ranged Combat
TN: Based on desired location on grid TN: Target’s Avoid
From simple battering rams, to highly advanced This Skill comes into play when shooting any kind
sonic equipment that destroy fortifications, this of fixed weaponry, which is controlled indirectly
skill is mostly used in fantasy settings for catapults via a computer or stick. Found mostly on turrets
or ballistae. In most modern or hi-tech settings, with all kinds of firearms mounted on them,
siege engines have been replaced by explosives usually on mechs or aircraft. However, thay can
or more powerful technological advancements, also be a part of a structure’s defenses, which you
making the use of such equipment outdated. could take over manually.

Operate, Drone Pilot, Space Fighter
Attribute: Reaction Attribute: Reaction
Usage: Operate Drones Usage: Pilot Vehicles
TN: Situation-Dependent TN: Situation-Dependent
Small or medium-sized, unmanned units, droids Covers the use of small or medium-sized
come into play in sci-fi or modern settings and spacecraft, which depend on the pilot’s reflexes.
for a variety of reasons. From surveillance to Usually the main skill used for dogfights in space.
direct warfare or even for delivering bombs, these Mainly used, of course, in sci-fi settings or even
machines can prove to be very useful if under crossover settings in which battles between magic
good guidance. This Skill defines the operator’s and technology take place. This kind of vehicles
ability to pilot these drones. The way the drone is are usually piloted via a direct link between the
operated depends on the setting. Some may have pilot and the vehice, or maybe even a simple stick
simple sticks or keyboards to control them, while for less technologically advanced settings.
others may even have sophistcated, virtual reality
systems that may even jack into a user’s head and Pilot, Mothership
allow for more instinctive control. Attribute: Intelligence
Usage: Pilot Vehicles
Operate, Heavy Mech TN: Situation-Dependent
Attribute: Reaction This Skill is used to pilot large spacecraft, which
Usage: Operating Mechanized Units usually require a certain amount of people to
TN: Situation-Dependent operate normally, which is why the Intelligence
The largest of mechs, 15 meter tall constructs of Attribute is used instead of Reaction, as it usually
metal and capable of levelling an entire city with involves making decisions and coordinating.
their payload. Piloting these vehicles is rather
difficult but, given their usually slow responses and
mobility, the pilot has quite some time to make
Ride, Quadrapedal
Attribute: Reaction
decisions. Of course, their armor means they can
Usage: Riding Mounts
take more than just a few hits. Settings that have
TN: Situation-Dependent
this kind of mechs usually depend heavily upon
The most common riding skill, you can ride
them, as even a single one may win a fight. horses, ponies and even other weird horse-like
creatures, mostly used in fantasy settings or very
Operate, Light Mech low technology areas in sci-fi settings.
Attribute: Reaction
Usage: Operating Mechanized Units Ride, Saurial
TN: Situation-Dependent Attribute: Reaction
The pinnacle of progress in warfare as far as Usage: Riding Mounts
machines go, mechs are a recent addition to many TN: Situation-Dependent
races like the humans and the Deathless, but have Mostly used by alien or monstrous creatures, this
been a part of others, such as the Shiraldi, since the skill allows you to ride lizard-like mounts. Can
dawn of their history. Light Mechs are adapted for be used in fantasy settings, or even in alien world
use in most kinds of combat, combining mobility settings. Most animals that don’t resembe normal
with decent firepower. The pilots that master this quadrapedals can fit into this category, even very
kind of vehicle are capable of feats that are sure to strange aliens that can be used as mounts under
remain in history. the proper training.

Pilot, Airborne Ride, Flyer

Attribute: Reaction Attribute: Reaction
Usage: Pilot Vehicles Usage: Riding Mounts
TN: Situation-Dependent TN: Situation-Dependent
Flying vehicles are common in many settings. With this skill you can ride any kind of flying
With this Skill, you may fly all kinds of flying creature or machine, from dwarven gliders to even
vehicles that remain inside the atmosphere and are dragons. Mostly used in fantasy settings. However,
usually propelled by either rotor blades, engines it can be used in sci-fi settings in which certain
or anything similar. Helicopters, planes, personal beasts or creatures have been tamed to provide
flying devices or anything similar falls into this such flight capabilities. With regard to devices that
category. provide flight, this skill is only used if the device in

question has no electronic parts and flight depends to any kind of role-playing the players might do
solely on the rider’s movements. When it comes to and GMs are encouraged to give extra bonuses
flying mounts, the rider will most certainly require or penalties for any exceptional role-playing on
another Skill, Handle Animal (see further below) the player’s behalf, or lack thereof. Most of the
to successfully control their mount in combat or skill have some rules that give modifiers based on
very dangerous situations, calming or forcing it to situations, but role-playing should always be more
obey commands, as required. important than skills.

Sail, Row Analysis

Attribute: Reaction Attribute: Personality
Usage: Sailing Ships Use: Telling Lies, Analyzing Someone, Reasoning
TN: Situation-Dependent TN: Set by the target’s Diplomacy check
Small boats and ships fall in this category, as In the world, people lie, try to cheat and con
long as the way to propel thm in the water is others for their benefits all the time. Making sure
done manually by using rows and rudder, most of you know when they do and what lies beneath
the times usable only by one or two people. The is a matter of knowing personalities and being
skill required in these cases is the sailor’s ability able to analyze them properly when the situation
to properly place the ship with regard to waves demands it. This skill allows you to knew these
or any other hazard in the sea. Mostly used for things and helps you avoid a dangerous situation
small boats, which have no engines and use rows before it happens. There are several modifiers
or other similar devices to go about. that might influence an Analysis roll, which are
outlined below.
Sail, Engine
Attribute: Reaction Analysis Condition Modifier
Usage: Sailing Boats
TN: Situation-Dependent Passing Familiarity of Target +4
Most modern boats are part of this category, Very Familiar With Target +10
mainly those which are guided by engines and
Target is of a Different Race -5 to -20
most commonly a steering wheel. This Skill reflects
the training and knowledge required to perform Volatile Situation -4
precise movements with the controls when needed At a Disadvantage -2
to properly guide the ship. Yachts, fast crafts and
even larger ships fall in this category, depending Having the Upper Hand +2
on the setting. Table 3.4: Analysis Modif iers

Sail, Command Recognizing Lies

Attribute: Intelligence Time: Reactive, as your Target speaks
Usage: Sailing Boats Success means you manage to find out that your
TN: Situation-Dependent target is lying. A Great or Critical Success makes
This skill deals with large ships, mainly those you able to tell more details about the lie, at the
that require a big crew and the sailing of which GM’s discretion. Failure means you have no way
is mostly governed by giving orders or being at to tell if the target is lying or not. If you want to
the right place in the right time. Captains of these believe that your target is lying, even though you
ships usually guide them by making the right failed the Analysis roll, you are free to do so.
decision at the right time and knowing about
the quirks of their ship. This is the reason why Analyzing Someone
the Intelligence Attribute is used for this Skill in Time: 10 Minutes
place of Reaction. When you have enough time to use the Analysis
skill, you can find out information about your target
that are not visible at first sight. You can discover
Social information such as demeanor, personality clues,
These skills cover all aspects of interacting with etc. It takes time to do this, during which you must
other people, or creatures. From understanding make a Diplomacy roll if you wish your target to
their behaviour and predicting actions, to leading not understand that you are actively observing
armies to war, this category covers all the aids a him. A Great or a Critical Success means that you
player might need to supplement their role-play. are able to discover more details about your target,
Most of these skills should be used in addition to the GM’s discretion.

Reasoning Bartering
Time: Reactive Time: At least 3 Minutes
When someone uses the Intimidate skill on you, Successful bartering reduces the cost of purchasing
your reaction is to try and reason to yourself the something by 10%. A Good Success icnreases that
entire action and react accordingly. If someone to 20% and a Critical Success to 30%. Bartering
beats the TN to an Intimidate check with an using Diplomacy is a quick way to solve purchases
Analysis roll, it means they have managed to in the world of Ascendance. It should be used as
not be affected by the action’s intimidating tone, a guide to what a player can achieve with his skill,
otherwise they are normally affected as per the but in many cases there are several other factors
skill. that can influence the final price of an item in the
open market.
Attribute: Personality Convincing Someone
Use: Telling Lies Time: At least 1 minute
TN: Sets the target’s Analysis roll Success in this allows tou to make the other
With this skill, you can convince people that you’re person go with your way of thinking. Great and
telling the truth when you are not. Several factors Critical Successes usually make the other person
contribute to making your lies more believable. agree even more.
The Bluff skill may also help you pose as someone
else, pretend to be something you are not, etc. Intimidate
Attribute: Personality
Telling Lies Use: Threatening People, Reducing Morale
Time: Reactive, as you speak TN: Sets the target’s Analysis roll
Success in lying means your lie goes through. A Sometimes, the way to get things done might
Great or Critical success simply makes the lie be to just show some people that they will lose
more believable. so much more if they do not follow your way.
Carefully placed threats, coupled with a display of
Diplomacy force to backup your words usually does the trick.
Attribute: Personality Even when you do have the superior force, it is
Use: Bartering, Telling Lies, Convincing Someone not always wise to use it. Even during combat,
TN: Sets target’s Analysis TN your opponent’s morale plays a major part in he
The need to be diplomatic and ensure peaceful encounter. Crushing it may make the difference
between life and death. Depending on who is
conversations and dealings has become even
opposing you at the time, Intimidating rather than
greater now that several new races have appeared.
fighting them may be a very good choice at certain
People with the skills to calm a volatile situation
occasions. Below you will find some modifiers that
can avoid disaster. The Diplomacy skill can also
affect the Intimidate skill.
be used to lie and bluff your way out of situations,
or even to barter during a trade. There are several
modifiers that influence a Diplomacy roll, shown Intimidate Condition Modifier
on the table below. These mostly include different Passing Familiarity of Target -2
races, familiarity with the target and mostly vary
depending on the degree, as usually determined Very Familiar With Target -5
by the GM. Target is of a Different Race -5 to -20*
Previously Failed Intimidate Roll -15
Diplomacy Condition Modifier
You Have superior Force +3
Passing Familiarity of Target +4
Target Has Superior Force -5
Very Familiar With Target +10
Table 3.6: Intimidate Modif iers
Target is of a Different Race -5 to -20
Previously Failed Diplomacy Roll -10
Threatening People
Time: At least 1 Round.
Volatile Situation -4 Success in this means that your target is intimidated
At a Disadvantage -2 enough to act upon what you asked him to do.
Great and Critical Successes will make him more
Having the Upper Hand +2 compliant, subject to the GM’s discretion as to the
Table 3.5: Diplomacy Modif iers limits of this compliance.

Reducing Morale
Time: 1 Round. Innate
Success in this means your target (or targets) are These skills usually come as second nature to
intimidated for the duration of the current combat most characters, whether imperceptibly so or
and get the Shaken Condition. Since there is very noticably. They range from simple danger
no actual TN on this roll, there are no Great or avoidance instincts to dilligently searching the
Critical Successes involved in it. world around you for clues. Most of these skills
are innate, as the name suggests, and thus suffer no
Leadership penalties when used without having any Ranks in
them. Most of these skills come in handy during a
Attribute: Personality
character’s life, one way or another. Regardless of
Use: Issuing Orders, Congruity
profession or character play, these skills are usually
TN: Situation-Dependant
bound to take up some space in your character’s
Whether you are in control of a small group of
mercenaries or a huge army, this skill is needed
to both maintain control and lead them properly.
In times of need, this skill is used to issue orders
Attribute: Reaction
and keep your troops in line, whereas in times of Use: Balancing, Landing
relative peace, you can use this to organise the army TN: Case-Dependent
to be as effective as possible. The Congruity rules This skill involves with walking on precarious
also utilize this Skill heavily, as mostly everything surfaces and how to avoid tripping over or losing
depends on it. your balance when walking over surfaces. Also, it
is used when you wish to break a fall and land on
Issuing Orders your feet.
Time: At least 1 Round.
Using this skill this way enables you to give certain Balancing
commands to your group, raise their morale, help Time: None (part of Movement)
them get through some difficult situation or even Balancing is part of moving around while in a
coordinate them enough to get over an obstacle. combat round. You will find below the TN’s for
You can find below some uses of this skill in a small balancing on different types of surfaces and any
or large group context, as well as the respective modifiers associated with the condition of these
TN to do so. surfaces. For every meter you balance, you use up
2 meters of Movement. For example, if you have
Order TN chosen to Hustle during your round, you move up
to 6 meters during that round. You may instead
Restore 1 Composure 30 balance 3 meters, or balance 1 meter and then
Boost Morale (+2 Mental for one scene) 26 move 4 more. Failing to make a required Balance
roll usually means being prevented from moving
Overcome Obstacle 24
for that round, while losing the roll by 6 or more
Reduce Encounter by 1 28 might mean falling down. A Catastrophe on this
Table 3.7: Leadership Orders roll usually puts you in a vulnerable situation.

Congruiy Surface Balance TN

Time: 1 Round per Maneuver.
25cm wide 18
A very special use, this requires the Congruity
perk and one or more Maneuvers to be effective. 10cm wide 24
In essence, the character must own the perk and Less than 10cm 30
any maneuver he wishes to impart upon the entire
group, but the group themselves must have the Uneven floor +2
Congruity perk. If these criteria are met, the Angled floor +2
whole team gets the bonus of the Maneuver. Refer
Slippery +3
to the Congruity section further in this book for
details and a complete explanation on the entire Very Slippery +6
Congruity system, as well as a detailed analysis of Light Debris +3
all Maneuvers and modifiers. Note that if a person
does not have the Congruity perk, they do not Heavy Debris +6
contribute at all to the unit. Table 3.8: Balance Modif iers

Landing Rating also gives you a bonus on your jumping
Time: None (part of Movement) and you can also get a special bonus if you want to
A special use of the Acrobatics skill is to attempt make the jump and not care to land on your feet.
to land on your own two feet or break a fall. The
table below shows the TN for each.
Condition Jump TN Modifier
Hustling +50% TN
Action Balance TN
Walking x2 TN
Land on Your Feet 20 + 2 per Meter Fallen
Standing x3 TN
Ignore Fall of 1 Meter 12*
Table 3.9: Balance Modif iers Bursting +4 bonus on the roll
*For every 6 by which you beat the TN, you ignore 1 more meter (see Speed Rating +4 per Speed Rating above 3
the Damage section).
Crash Jump* +6 bonus on the roll
Athletics Table 3.11: Jump Modif iers
Attribute: Strength *When you make a Crash Jump, you need to make a Balance check to
Use: Jump or Climb remain on your feet (see the Acrobatics skill below).
TN: Case-Dependent
You use this Skill to perform athletic feats such Climbing
as swimming and jumping. These actions are Time: None (part of Movement)
mainly dependent on your Strength Attribute. Climbing is part of moving around while in a
Usually, they are made as part of your movement combat round. You will find below the TN’s for
for the round and not as separate actions, though climbing different types of surfaces. Certain
circumstances may change that. modifiers also apply, regarding handholds and
Time: None (part of Movement)
When attempting to jump, the character must Climb TN Surface
spend movement points and then make the 14 An easy surface with handholds
appropriate roll. Note that jumping is an Athletics and footholds
roll, using your Strength Attribute. You will find
20 A moderate surface with many
below the relevant TN’s, according to the type places to latch, or hold on to
of jump performed. You can either make a long
jump or a high jump. These TN’s are for making a 26 A moderate surface with adequate
jump while Running. If the character is Hustling footholds or handholds
increase the TN by 50%, double it if Walking and 32 A rough surface with few places to
quadruple it if Standing. Whatever the case, a hold on to
character may not jump vertically more than his
38 A relatively smooth surface that
total height, regardless of the outcome of the final offers very few places to hold on to
roll. Of course, supernatural or technological forms
of jumping, such as divine power or jet packs can -10 Opposite surface that you can brace
overcome these limitations, even if only for a short against
while. Also note that if for some reason you make -5 Adjacent surface you can brace
a jump that is high enough for you to take damage against for support
when you fall, you still take that damage.
-10 Rope to support yourself from, on
which you can hold onto
Type of Jump Jump TN +4 Slippery Surface, for example after
Long Jump 10 + 4 per meter heavy rain
High Jump 10 + 8 per half meter +8 Very Slippery Surface, such as an
oil covered floor
Table 3.10: Jump Types
Table 3.12: Climb Modif iers
Apart from your Speed at the time of jumping,
there are other modifiers that can affect the end For every meter climbed, you use up 3 meters
result, as shown below. These modifiers are the of Movement. For example, if you have chosen
same for both jump types. Namely, your Speed to Hustle during your round, you move up to 6

meters during that round.. You may instead climb character may roll for an Observe (Listen) check,
2 meters, or climb 1 meter and then move 3 more. meaning they only use their hearing to notice the
You may also choose to attempt to accelerate your approaching enemy. Conversely, if the enemy is
movement while climbing, getting a penalty on the too far to be head, but can be seen, the opposite
check. Also note that Encumbrance gives penalties should happen. The base TN is 10. The modifiers
on climbing, as well, since carrying more weight below are for noticing things that the GM has set
will hamper your ability to climb effectively. Of a TN for, not characters trying to actively hide
course, you usually need two free hands to climb, from you. This is covered by the Stealth Skill,
but may also accept a penalty and attempt to do so explained earlier in this chapter.
while holding something on one hand.
Observe Condition Modifier
Attribute: Coordination Size of Target See Size
Use: Sets Avoidance, Evade Area Attacks Per 3 meters from target -1
TN: Target’s Attack Roll or Case-Dependent
This Skill is used when a character wants to move Target Covered See Cover
out fo the way of a ranged or melee attack. It is Target Concealed See Concealment
passive, meaning that it is used to determine your
Lighting Conditions See Light and Darkness
Avoidance Rating, the TN for others to hit you
with Ranged Attacks. You never roll your Avoid Target Actively Stealthing TN set by the target’s
Skill to avoid a blow. Instead, you use your total Stealth Check
to find your Avoidance Rating. It is noticable Table 3.13: Observe Modif iers
that Avoid is very weak against both melee and
ranged attacks, but such is the nature of this Noticing Hidden Things
skill. However, with properly invested Ranks, it Time: None, Reactive
can turn a character into a formidable opponent The TN to notice thigns in your field of view
against both melee and ranged attackers. You will depends on where the item is and its relative size.
find more information on Avoidance Rating and The check can range from something very easy
its use in combat in the Combat section, further in (TN 5, spotting a car on the opposite street) to
this book. Another use of this skill is to step out of insanely hard (TN 40, spotting the license plate
the way of attacks that affect a large area, such as of a car as it speeds by at 150 km/h). A success
collapsing ceilings, flamethrowers, grenades, etc. means that you have noticed the thing your GM
This helps you mitigate some of the damage, or intended you to, while a Great Success or Critical
all of it, depending on the TN. You will find more Success means your GM can give you a lot more
information on this kind of attack on the Combat information.
section, also.
Spotting Hidden People
Observe Time: None, Reactive
Attribute: Reaction The difficulty to see a person trying to actively
Use: Noticing Hidden Things, Spotting Hidden hide from you (whether out of sight or trying
People to not make a sound) depends on the skill of
TN: Set by the target’s Stealth skill the person, who is making a Stealth check to
The Observe skill is the ability to spontaneously set your TN. Success means you are able to spot
notice things in your surroundings. Hidden people, the person hiding from you, while Great and
things tucked away to avoid detection, etc fall Critical Successes mean that you can discern more
into this category. This skill only covers noticing information on your target.
things that happen around you when you look at
your surroundings, but not when you are actively Resilience
searching for something. Usually, you roll your Attribute: Stamina
Observe skill passively. Modifiers on the Observe Use: Resist Physical Effects
skill are based on light conditions, alertness and TN: Case-Dependent
general environmental distractions. You usually This skill is rolled when you wish to resist effects
use all your senses to notice something with the that target your physical body, from poisons and
Observe skill. The GM should call for specific gases to being pushed back from harsh winds.
Observe checks that use only one of the senses, Furthermore, this skill is used when your character
depending on he circumstance. For example, if an wants to perform feats of endurance, such as run
enemy approaching is out of line of sight, then the for a long time or endure severe temperatures.

The TN for such actions is alays determined this Chapter). Lack of both means you can’t hide
by the GM or the situation. There are rules for from your target at all. Note that if your target has
performing such feats of endurance further in some kind of enhanced vision and he see well in
this book. Usually, Fatigue is lost after failing a darkness, you still cannot hide. Enhanced hearing
Resilience roll in such cases. will simply give a bonus to the target’s Observe
rating, but will still allow you to hide. You need
Resolve at least either Medium Cover or Moderate
Attribute: Willpower Concealment to be able to use the Stealth skill to
Use: Resist Mental Effects hide. You get a bonus if your chosen condition is
TN: Case-Dependent better than required. If both conditions are active,
This skill is rolled when your character wishes the secondary condition gets the full bonus.
to resist an effect that targets their mind. It is
used against fear effect, but mainly occurs when
a Composure roll is called for. This skill also Stealth Condition Modifier
helps with certain special abilities of enemies. Size See Creature Sizes
Of course, it is also used against magic when it
Walking -4
targets the mind. The TN for such actions is either
determined by the attack in question or the GM in Hustling -8
cases of special abilities or circumstances. Usually, Running -20
Composure is lost when failing such a roll.
Encumbered -3 per Category
Stealth Lighting See Light and Darkness
Attribute: Coordination
Chosen Condition +2
Use: Avoiding Detection, Tailing
Better Than Needed
TN: Sets target’s Observe TN
In the deadly world that everyone lives in, getting Cover See Cover
hit by a hail of bullets usually means death and Concealment See Concealment
armor is not something you can always rely on
or acquire, for that matter. Not being detected Kneeling +2
by your opponent, though, most often makes the Crouching +6
difference between life and death. The Stealth
Table 3.14: Stealth Modif iers
skill makes you undetectable by normal means
*use only the secondary one if both are present
via hiding, staying silent, timing your movement
so your opponent loses line of sight, etc. Usually,
this takes some form of cover, but can be also
achieved with large crowds, areas with dense fog, Time: None, Part of Movement
smoke, or even concealing natural factors, such as Sometimes, you need to follow someone, or lose a
grass, etc. The Stealth Skill is not limited to hiding tail. The success or failure of this depends mostly
from sight, but remaining silent, as well. There is on the density of the population where this
no need to make 2 different rolls since a Stealth happens. Tailing is a Progressive roll. The GM sets
roll covers both aspects. However, any modifiers a PTN and the parties involved make opposed
that apply to sound and visual elements stack, so rolls. The one making the tailing rolls Stealth,
attempting to use Stealth in an area with a lot of while the one being tailed rolls Observe checks,
light and a noisy surface means higher chances of as normal. The one being tailed attempts to reach
being detected. However, sometimes one of the the PTN, while the one making the tail attempts
two senses might not be an issue, such as when to keep the PTN as low as possible. There is no
one is trying to not be heard. If that’s the case, limit to the time this may take. It all depends on
then disregard any penalties for that sense. when the target reaches their destination or when
the one chasing decides to make a move. You
Avoiding Detection will find some modifiers below which affect this
Time: None, Part of Movement roll. Also note here that Tailing means the one
To effectively use the Stealth Skill you need to being tailed is not aware of who it is making the
have either some kind of cover to avoid direct tail, but simply that they are being tailed. This is
contact with your target, or have the lighting why a Progressive roll is made. In case where the
conditions be such that he has a hard time making defender is not aware of the tailing, only one roll is
you out from the environment. This requires you required. This roll may be repeated as often as the
to be near Cover or have Concealment (see later in GM considers it’s needed.

intact artifacts of the old world, depending on the
Condition Modifier
setting. Campaign sourcebooks usually have rules
No Crowd -16 for salvaging on specific areas, as it all depends on
Light Crowd -4 the setting, the resources available, the currency
and even the frequency of other salvage parties in
Heavy Crowd +4 the area.
Target Blends In +4
Target Significantly Different -4 Expertise
Table 3.15 Blending Modif iers In this category, you will find skills that represent
some form of expertise, be that in dealing with
Search animals, disguising yourself, or making that
Attribute: Intelligence perfect copy of an official document. These skills
Use: Looking for Something, Salvaging come in handy in several occasions and can mostly
TN: Set by the target’s Stealth skill or the task at be trained alone or with someone’s aid. They are
hand. more useful for certain occupations than others,
Similar to the Observe skill, this skill is used but many characters can find use in a few of them.
when you want to actively find something. Usually There is also the Talent skill, which represents a
rolled actively when your character tries to find special knack that a character may have or have
concealed objects, hidden persons, etc. Most of developed and which he is training to learn to use
the times, the Search skill takes a long time as you more effectively.
are moving around the place you are searching.
Also used when you wish to find useful things in Animal Handling
abandoned places. Attribute: Personality
Use: Setting Attitude, Teaching Tricks
Looking For Something TN: Situation-Dependant
Time: 15 IC per 1m square In the wild, there are many animals which can be
The TN for this is usually set by your GM, either tamed, avoided or be interacted with. This
depending on what you are searching for, how well skill allows the character to easily avoid encounters
hidden it is (if hidden at all) and the conditions of with animals that could turn to disaster, or
the place you are searching. The check can range even tame some and use them as pets, teaching
from something very easy (TN 10, searching for them tricks that can help in their adventures.
a specific book in a regular bookcase) to insanely The Animal Handling skill can be useful in the
hard (TN 40, finding a well-hidden surveillance wilderness, but also in big cities as entertainment
camera in a messy room). Success means that you or even as a profession. Of course, it becomes more
have found the item you were looking for, but useful the less technology is available in a setting,
more or less left a mess behind while searching. but it can have quite a few uses in a sci-fi setting,
A Great Success either halves the time searching as well. Note that this skill mostly covers natural
or allows you to leave the searched area more or animals, but exotic and rare varieties can be tamed
less intact. A Critical Success means that you have or handled, as well.
either found what you were looking for in a quarter
of the time it would take you, or that you left the Setting Attitude
area as it was. Note that using a Maxed Out roll Time: 1 Round.
on this check means you spent enough time to do Using the Animal Handling Skill this way enables
your best, but the character may actively believe you to sooth or enrage an animal, depending on
there is something to be found, even though their what you want to achieve. Animals which have
efforts had no results. been soothed may stop attacking, leave or even
just make sure you go away, depending on the
Salvaging circumstance and the number by which you beat
Time: 1 hour or more (see Salvage) the TN. Enraged animals will most certainly
For some people, Salvaging is the only way attack, of course. The TN depends on the GM
to make a living. This means spending hours usually, with 24 to 28 being quite common, while
searching through garbage, abandoned factories it can skyrocket if the animal is protecting its own,
or even crash sites. Salvaging is a complicated for example, or even go below if it is outside its
and often dangerous process. It usually involves territory. Note here that these numbers stand for
the party digging around or searching abandoned normal animals. Other, exotic animals may have
places for any possible loot, from stripped wires to different TNs.

If you wish to rear an animal in order to befriend it, An animal may know a maximum number of
then you need to make an Extended Roll with this Trick Points equal to their Intelligence score if
skill, the PTN of which depends on the situation below 5 and three times their Intelligence score
and the initial disposition of the animal itself. if it is 5 or above, considering that they are no
Commonly, a PTN of 20 to 30 is a good starter for longer regular animals if they have that score. You
normal circumstances. You make a roll every few can not unlearn Tricks from an animal in order
hours, or as frequently as you can meet the animal, to learn new ones, but if somehow the animal’s
whichever is more. At the GM’s discretion, you Inteeligence score increases, it can learn new ones
may get certain bonuses if you have food, for normally. However, for that to happen, it should
example, or if you have already befriended an require certain extraordinary circumstances, such
animal of the same kind. These bonuses can range as magic, imbued animals or maybe simply the
from +1 to even as much as +6 or further if the GM’s discretion becaise the animal in question
animal is very hungry. performed some extraordinary feat or stayed long
enough by its master’s side.
Teaching Tricks
Time: Depending on Trick. Disable Device
The trainer may teach an animal certain Tricks, at Attribute: Intelligence
the GM’s discretion. Different animals may learn Use: Disarming Mechanical Traps
different kinds of Tricks and of course some of TN: Set by the Trap in question
them may not be able to learn certain Tricks. It Mostly used in fantasy settings, this skill allows
all depends on the animal in question and its own the character to dismantle, or perhaps just bypass
abilities. To teach a Trick to an animal, the trainer all sorts of traps of a mechanical nature. To use this
must first approach the animal and befriend it (see skill, some tools are usually required, else there is a
above). When successful, the training can begin. penalty associated. Note that this skill only covers
You make an Extended Roll, the PTN of which mechanical traps, usually hidden spikes in walls
can be found on the table below, depending on activated by pressure plates, trapped doors or stairs
the Trick in question. You make one roll every with poison needles and so on. It does not cover
day, spending a few hours, at the GM’s discretion, natural traps, such as pits, etc. The one that has
depending on the task at hand. Most Tricks can laid out the trap has already made the necessary
be learned while travelling, resting and so on. The rolls to create it and has thus set the TN for your
table below shows a few Tricks and their respective character to disarm it. Also note that this skill
TN and PTN, since these rolls are always made as does not allow you to detect such traps.
Extended Rolld. Previously on this book you can
find more details about Extended Rolls. Disarming Mechanical Traps
Time: At least 3 Rounds.
Trick TN PTN Points First, you must detect the trap in question using
the Search skill. Then, you must use your tools
Fetch 18 24 1 to gain access to the trap so you can disarm it.
Guard 24 40 2 If access can not be granted, then you find some
way to prevent the trap from dealing damage or
Kill 22 36 1
otherwise hindering you. Lack of proper tools
Subdue 26 44 2 gives a big penalty or may even make the attempt
Follow 19 20 1 impossible, at the GM’s discretion. On the other
hand, using perfectly crafted tools gives a bonus.
Track 23 30 1 Should the GM wish to make this skill more
Hide 20 32 2 realistic and complicated, different sets of tools
may be able to disarm different traps. Below you
Armor Use (Leather) 24 40 1
will find any modifiers that may affect this skill
Armor Use (Chain) 26 50 2 roll when you attempt to disarm a trap.
Armor Use (Plate) 28 70 3
Situation Modifier
Ranks (Survival)* 16+ Ranks 26 1 per 2
No Tools -16
Ranks (Unarmed)* 16+ Ranks 26 1 per 2
Inappropriate Tools -1 to -11
Ranks (Avoid)* 16+ Ranks 26 1 per 2
Table 3.16: Tricks Perfect Tools +1 to +6
*Maximum extra points equal to the animal’s Intelligence. Table 3.17: Crafting Tools

Failing the roll usually means you have activated setting, a character could try to impersonate the
the trap, while more serious failures may place you opposite sex, or even maybe a whole different race.
in a more vulnerable position or even destroy your This skill only covers the visual part of the disguise.
tools in the process. On the other hand, successful Any mannerisms, voice impersonations or similar
rolls in this skill mean you have managed to disable shenanigans are in the Bluff skill, explained earlier
the device temporarily or permanently, depending in this chapter. The more different from you the
on the device. Greater degrees of success may target, the harder the disguise to pull off. However,
mean that you can bypass the trap but leave it familiarity of the target or a very clear image may
otherwise intact, while a Critical Success can even give a bonus to the roll, to the GM’s discretion.
mean that you may completely remove the trap You will find below all relevant modifiers.
and take it with you, if such a thing is possible.
Target TN Modifier
Attribute: Intelligence Per 5% Height Difference +4
Use: Changing Features, Impersonating Per 10% Body Mass Difference +3
TN: Set by Target’s Observe Skill
Opposite Sex +6
Depending on the setting, it is very important
to avoid being known for who you really are. Different Complexity +2 to +9
Other settings use high technology and depend Different Race* Varies
heavily upon it, making such a skill very useful as
many forget to look for something so mundane. Special Features (Teeth, etc) +2 to +6
In order to change your features, you need some Table 3.19 Tracking Modif iers
kind of kit, which can range from simple, earthly *Depending on the race in question, up to the GM
materials such as herbs and pigments, to contact
lenses, make-up and wigs. Depending on the Forgery
composition of such a kit, it can give a bonus to Attribute: Intelligence
your overall Disguise roll. A lack of one, of course, Use: Create Fake Documents
may make it impossible to use the skill, or simply TN: Set by the Target’s Knowledge check
impose a penalty if the DM decrees that there are There are times when a character needs to make
enough things to use around you so as to make for a copy of a document to fool authorities, or forge
an effective disguise. The Survival skill may come an official pass to gain access to an event. Either
in handy in conjunction with this skill, in order way, the Forgery skill comes into play. This skill
to create some kind of kit, if you dont have one. allows you to make an accurate copy of any kind of
The table below shows the different bonuses or printed document or badge. In order to do so, first
penalties you may get regarding the kit. you need to make the appropriate Knowlegde roll
to certify that you know exactly how the document
in question is. The GM should keep this roll secret
Disguise Kit Modifier
because your character should not know whether
None -11 they actually have the correct mental image of the
Basic (using Survival) -1 to -4 document or not. Of course, if you have an actual
copy of the image or a pretty good photo, then
Disguise Kit +0 this roll is not required. After that, you need the
Masterwork Kit +1 to +6 appropriate materials (inks, printers, papers, etc).
the time required to make an item depends on
Special Equipment* Varies the kind of item, but usually 3-4 hours per page
Table 3.18: Disguise Modif iers is a good average. In certain settings, there might
*Equipment made specifically for that purpose, such as matching be equipment that automatically make copies of
wigs, fake belly or hunch, beards etc. These usually negate some of the documents or items. These do not use the forgery
penalties outlined below skill but rather set a fixed TN for the opponent to
distinguish the forgery from the original.
Time: At Least 6 minutes Once the forgery has been made, anyone viewing it
In order to effectively change your appearance, may roll the appropriate Knowledge roll regarding
you need to have a clear image of what you want the item in question, if they have any reason to
to change into. Usually, it is a member of your question its authenticity. A successful roll on their
race and the same sex as you. This is considered part means they have managed to discern the
to be the easiest to impersonate. Of course, in any difference.

Larceny Foraging in the Wild
Attribute: Coordination Time: 1 hour
Use: Pickpocket In one hour, you can find enough food and water
Use: Set by the Target’s Observe check to sustain one person for one day. Beating the TN
This skill allows you to retrieve small items from means finding food for more people. Depending
their owners, while these are in their possession. on the place in question, it might be easier or more
Namely, you steal things from people’s pockets, difficult to find food and water. A desert setting,
bags, or even the bags themselves. This skill heps for example, will make it a lot harder. Below you
you do so without them noticing. Of course, failing will find the most common places to forage, their
to do so might make them aware, or even get you TN’s and any other relevant modifiers that may
caught red-handed. The bigger the item you are apply.
trying to steal, the more difficult the action is.
The modifiers this check receives depend largely Foraging Condition TN or Modifier
on the size of the item and its location on the
individual you are trying to pick it from. Note that Forest 20
this skill also allows you to take things from tables, Plains 22
etc, meaning that the item does not have to be
Mountains 25
in someone’s possession. You will find all relevant
modifiers on the table below. Desert 30
Coastal 40
Item Modifier Arctic 30
Tiny (Coin, Button) +6 Underground 32
Small (Dagger, Purse) +3 Near a Small Settlement +2
Normal (Bag, Sword) +0 Near a CIty +5
Big (Shield, Backpack) -6 Foraging for Extra People +5 / person
Inside Pocket -6 Table 3.21: Foraging Modif iers
External Pocket -3
Avoiding Natural Hazards
Hanging Outside +0
Time: None, Part of Travelling
Firmly Attached +3 This part of the skills helps you avoid trouble as
Unattended +9 you travel through the wilderness in the harsh
earth of the chosen setting. Natural elements such
Table 3.20: Larceny Modif iers
as tornadoes, dust clouds in the desert, even heavy
rain can seriously impede travel and even endanger
Survival someone’s life. You may also use the Survival skill
Attribute: Intelligence to hide your tracks and avoid being detected as
Use: Foraging in the Wild, Avoiding Natural you move through such terrain. When the GM
Hazards, Setting Natural Traps, Following Tracks decrees that such a hazard will affect the players,
TN: Situation-dependant he may call for Survival rolls to avoid them, with
The Survival Skill covers everything someone the TN’s as shown below.
needs to get along in the wilderness without
support of technology, or anything else for that
matter. Even though this is rare in modern and Natural Hazard TN
hi-tech worlds that some setting have, a character Hide Own Tracks (Move at Half Speed) -
can get himself into such a situation very easily.
Of course, such a thing is pretty much common Tornado 25
for hunters, who often need to depend on surival Heavy Rain 15
skills on their everyday forage for food in the
Dust Storm 18
wilderness, collecting roots, catching small prey
and looking for water. Also, this skill may be useful Quicksand 23
for someone who wishes to set traps to catch prey Ground Collapse 25
or hinder enemies. It is also largely used to follow
sets of tracks so you know which direction your Natural Trap set by the Survival skill Varies*
enemy or prey is going to. Table 3.22: Avoiding Natural Hazards

Following Tracks Talent (Any)
Time: None, Part of Travelling Attribute: Personality
You may use the Survival skill to follow tracks in Use: Performing your Trade
the wilderness, regardless of their origin. Finding TN: Determines amount of Credits earned
tracks has a base TN, which is modified according Having a talent and honing it through the course
to how many people are being tracked, how fast of character’s life may be very helpful in this grim
you move, how much time passed, the kind of world. It may be as broad as knowing how to draw,
people or even machines being tracked and the or as specific as being able to create works of art
condition of the terrain. from discarded materials. Talent is something
innate that you have developed. When you assign
Following Tracks TN or Modifier Ranks on that skill, you also select what kind of
Base TN 20
Talent you have.

Larger than Human-Sized -2 per size Performing your Trade

Smaller than Human-Sized +2 per size Time: 8 hours
Performing your trade for 1 hour means either
Mechanical or Very Heavy +6 crafting things and selling them or making a
Per Extra Person Tracked +1* performance in front of a public to gain Credits.
Per 24 Hours Passed +1 The amount of Credits earned depends on the roll
and is shown on the table below. Since this is not
Per Hour of Rain +1 actually a TN but rather a table that shows how
Per Hour of Snow +5 many Credits you earn with your roll, there are no
Great or Critical Successes. Note that it is only
Poor Visibility +4
possible to use the Talent roll more than once per
Tracked Targets Hide Trail +6 day at the GM’s discretion. It might usually take a
Soft Ground -4 Knowledge (Streetwise) roll to do so.
Firm Ground +4
Talent Roll Credits Earned
Table 3.23: Following Tracks
21-25 5 Credits
Setting Natural Traps 26-30 10 Credits
Time: 20 minutes per trap
Using the Survival skill, the player may set traps 31-35 25 Credits
with tools found in the sirrounding wilderness. 36-40 75 Credits
Crafting these traps requires only the Survival
41+ 200 Credits
skill and the relevant damages or effects are shown
on each individual trap on the table below. The Table 3.25: Credits Earned From Talent
TN to avoid these traps is the total Survival roll
the person that set the trap made (see Avoiding There are a few modifiers that can influence this
Natural Hazards above). Success means that you roll, as shown on the table below. Note that if
have managed to create the trap. Since the TN to a skill is unknown in an area, using it for more
avoid the trap is the total Survival roll you make, than 15 days effectively, means the penalty is lost
there are no Great and Critical Successes. For since it will no longer be unknown. The GM may
these traps, your total Survival roll is also the TN also adjust this time period if your rolls are high
for the Athletics check to halve the damage taken enough. This skill is a way for character to make
or avoid the effect. some money. A high skill can afford a character
pretty decent living from this alone.
Natural Trap Effect Craft TN
Talent Condition Modifier
Spikes 2d6 Damage 21
Talent Used For 7 Days in Same Area -6
Heavy Stone 3d6+1 Damage 25
Others With Same Talent in Area -8
Net Trap Suspended on air 28
Talent Needed in Area +2
Pit 1d6+2 Damage* 24
Table 3.24: Natural Traps Unknown Talent in Area -4
*Falling damage only Table 3.26: Talent Modif iers

Technology Programming
Time: Varies, depending on program
One of the most widely used skill categories, You may use the Computer skill to create
the Technology category encompasses all the programs that can perform any function you want.
advances mankind (and aliens, too) has made in The GM sets the TN depending on the program
the last centuries, including computer technology, you wish to make. For certain programs, your
creating mechs and weapons, using all kinds of GM may call for a Progressive Roll. For example,
technological equipment and even administering making a simple program that takes some data
first aid. Also contains the ability to use any and sorts them alphabetically is a very simple
surveillance equipment, from microcameras to process. Creating one that will form an Artificial
orbital satellites. In general, it is probably the most Intelligence which will “learn” as it is fed data and
common category to use in the Ascendance setting, will be able to communicate back with the user is
considering that technology can turn the tides in not an easy task.
many situations. Of course, if your characters live
in the slums or settlements outside the cities, this Hacking
category should be a bit more difficult to maintain. Time: 15 minutes
You may attempt to gain access to places you are
Make sure that you select the appropriate not allowed to or which are protected by specific
technological skills for the setting in question, passwords and other forms of computer protection.
as this will heavily influence the playstyle of the You can learn these passwords, change them or
campaign and the players. Some settings may not perform other functions on the target computers,
have any technology available, at all. For example, regardless if you are using them directly or through
medieval or earlier settings will most certainly a network. For every roll you make, you can gain
not have computers or electronics. Usually, most access to one location and retrieve data from it.
settings will have the Design/Repair skill, as some The TN for this is an opposed Computers check,
kind of crafts are always made. made by the person that set up the computer in
question. Success means that you have gained
Computers access, but the other side will have some clues
Attribute: Intelligence that someone is attacking them. A Great Success
Use: Using Computers, Hacking means that they will not discover it until after you
TN: Set by the target’s Computers skill are done, while a Critical Success means that you
The Computers skill covers all kinds of have left no trace of your presence and the other
programming and using computers, as well as any side will probably never know that something
kind of device that requires input in the form of happened.
either a programming computer language (or has
a graphic interface, of course). You may use this Design / Repair
skill to have such devices perform any functions Attribute: Intelligence
you designate them, search for important data or Use: Crafting, Repairing, Upgrading
even discover hidden passwords and gain access TN: Set by the item (see Crafting & Repairing)
to encrypted or protected information. Of course, When it comes to creating items, there is a long
since most important things in the Ascendance and, most of the times, costly process involved.
setting are closed networks, you will probably first Of course, not as costly (and sometimes not as
have to infiltrate somewhere to be able to connect dangerous) as buying the item from somewhere.
to their network. The Design/Repair skill allows you to craft any
item you want, provided you have the necessary
Using Computers knowledge on how to do it. This skill provides
Time: Situation-dependent with the actual crafting skills. To be able to use it,
This covers any kind of use, from simple searching you first need to have a Pattern and then make the
to remotely-controlling other terminals to setting appropriate skill roll depending on the item you
up networks. These range from simple to insanely are crafting (a Mechanical roll if you are making
difficult, depending on the situation. Any kind of a rifle, for example). The Design/Repair check is
Success usually means you get the job done, while the final check you make and is as Progressive
sometimes Great and Critical Successes may halve check. The Design/Repair skill is also used to
or further reduce the time required to do it. As repair broken equipment, even vehicles and mechs
always, though, there should be some limit to provided that you have enough resources, time
how fast anyone can perform a computer-related and the appropriate tools. Also, this skill is used to
operation. Upgrade any equipment, making better than their

normal counterparts. This is a very important part Setting Electronic Devices
of the crafting process, as an upgraded mech, for Time: 1 Minute
example, can seriously dominate the battlefield. Each electronic device has its own function and
Finally, the Design/Repair skill is commonly TN associated with placing it, as well as the bonus
used to perform maintenance on your equipment associated with this roll, since the device was
(along with the apppropriate Knowledge skill, as made for that reason. Usually, it’s easier to set such
normally required). See the Crafting & Repairing devices than bypass them. The total Electronics
section later in this chapter for more information. roll you make will determine the TN of anyone
trying to bypass your device in any way. See the
Crafting Equipment Chapter for more information on such
Time: Varies (see Crafting & Repairing) devices, their function and associated TN’s.
The Design/Repair skill lets you make a roll to craft
any item you want. Since it is a Progressive roll, Avoiding Electronic Traps
there are no special effects for Great and Critical Time: 3 Minutes
Successes. If you succeed on the Progressive Roll, You can use the Electronics skill to bypass traps
it means you have crafted the item you want. that are electronic in nature, such as motion
sensors, electronic locks, etc. You need some kind
Repairing of electronic tools to do this, such as an Electronics
Time: Varies (see Crafting & Repairing) kit. The TN to bypass a security device is usually
Another use of the Design/Repair skill is to repair the total Electronics check of the person that set
broken equipment, from a simple Pistol to a the device. Bear in mind that this person usually
colossal Juggernaut mech. To do this, you require gets a bonus on this roll, so it is always tougher to
the appropriate resources, which are usually quite bypass them than set them. A Success means you
costly, depending on the item you are repairing. have managed to bypass the device, but it has been
Secondly, you need a proper place to work on, such rendered useless, able to be sold only for spare
as a workbench or a fully equipped laboratory, parts. A Great Success means that the device is
again depending on the repairs. mostly saved, able to function again with a few
repairs, while a Critical Success means you have
Upgrading managed to bypass it and keep it intact, saving it
Time: Varies (see Crafting & Repairing) for later use or for sale.
Much similar to Crafting, the Upgrading process
improves upon ready-made equipment, making Explosives
them a lot better. Excellent crafters can really Attribute: Intelligence
make a difference when upgrading equipment. Use: Setting Explosives, Disarming Explosives
TN: Set by the target’s Explosives skill.
The Repair, as well as the Crafting and Upgrading, Devices and materials that cause explosions of any
part of the skill are covered extensively in the kind are quite useful in such a setting. Knowing
relevant sections below, where you will find a how to activate them and, more importantly,
very detailed explanation of the entire process. In deactivate them, is even more useful. Characters
general crafting entails finding the TN and the with this skill may set-up devices that blow things
PTN (since it’s a Progressive Roll) and making up, or manage to take them apart and prevent
rolls until you have created the item. themselves from being blown up. Usually, the one
who set the explosive determines how hard it is
Electronics to dismantle it, as usual for such skills. Of course,
Attribute: Intelligence attempting to disable such devices carries a risk, as
Use: Setting Electronic Devices, Avoiding Traps missing the TN by a lot means you usually activate
TN: Set by the device in question (see Equipment) the device immediately.
The Electronics skill involves activating and
tampering with all kinds of devices that are Setting Explosives
composed of circuits and powered with electricity. Time: 1 Round per item
In the Ascendance setting, these are mostly used It is very easy to place explosive devices. There is
to set some kind of alarm or trap, or even activate no associated TN per se, but your roll determines
certain equipment. Usually, the more simple the TN for someone to disable them. However,
devices are very easy to activate but complex ones there are also some TN’s that determine how
take more skill to operate. You may also use this much of a given explosive you require to take
skill to avoid traps of a technological nature, or down your target, be that an armored van door
disable them completely. or an entire block. On the table below you will

find these targets along with their respective TN’s. Patching Wounds
Failing to beat these TN’s means that you do not Time: Varies (see Damage and Healing)
deal enough damage to destroy your target, but The simpler task of a Medic, patching wounds
rather damage it only, if at all. requires at least some kind of cloth or other similar
material available. In most cases, a Medikit is used,
which is able to restore Hit Points to a wounded
Target TN Explosives Required
character almost immediately or be applied over
Armored Door 20 1 Piece a longer period of time for better results. You
Armored Van 24 3 Pieces will find more details on this on the Damage and
Healing section.
Apartment 28 6 Pieces
Small Shop 32 18 Pieces Treating Diseases
Time: Varies (see Damage and Healing)
12-Storey Building 36 50 Pieces
Wounds usually carry with them the peril
Table 3.27: Explosive Targets and TN’s of disease. Also, the environment itself may
sometimes be the cause of simple, or very powerful
However, you can always use more explosives ailments. The Medicine skill helps alleviate the
to guarantee success. The table below shows any negative effects of such diseases or, given enough
bonuses you can gain from using more than the time and skill, remove them completely, although
required amount of explosives. On the other hand, this is a process that usually takes a long time. You
using less will not guarantee success. will find more details on this on the Damage and
Healing section.
Special Condition TN Modifier
Numbing Pain
Less than Required (min half ) +4 per piece Time: Varies (see Damage and Healing)
More than Required (max double) -2 per piece Sometimes, a wounded soldier is unable to carry
on because of the sheer pain and discomfort of his
Table 3.28: Explosive Bonuses
wounds. The Medicine skill comes in handy as a
way to numb the pain and allow these characters
Disarming Explosives to go on, despite grievous injuries. Also, it can
Time: Depends on device in question be used to ignore (or at least partially counter)
In order to successfully dismantle explosives that penalties on Attributes due to some kind of poison
others have set, you need to beat the TN they have or other trouble. You will find more details on this
set when they placed them. Successfully doing so on the Damage and Healing section.
means you disable the device, while a Good or
Great Success allows you to take the device intact. Machinery
Attribute: Intelligence
Medicine Use: Operate Machinery
Attribute: Intelligence TN: Case-Dependent
Use: First Aid, Long Term Care, Patching Used mainly in low technology settings, this
TN: Set by the target’s Condition technological skill entails the use of machines or
Probably one of the most useful skills, the Medicine devices that are operated either by use of gears and
has literally saved the life of many soldiers on wind-up mechanisms, hydraulic systems, or steam
the battlefield, but also saved many from losing technology. Of course, in certain settings, this
arms or legs. The Medicine skill allows characters could be the norm as it could be considered the
to help their wounded friends, whether on the equivalent to high-tech in our age. Normally, you
battlefield in the heat of battle or at the safety of roll this skill to put such devices in operation and
a hospital. The Medicine skill covers all sorts of to further continue to operate them, if necessary.
medical treatment, from quick wound patching Note that most of these devices perform some
to long-term medical care and from a small cold task either on their own, or through user input.
to severe diseases. There are many factors that For example, a steam irrigation pump would need
can influence a Medicine check, outlined at the to be activated, but the require nothing on the part
Damage and Healing section, in this Chapter. In of the character. A weapon that shoots pressurized
general, you require to beat a TN to restore 1 Hit steam, on the other hand, requires both activation
Point from an injured character, but there is a time and then must be aimed and shot using the
limit after the wound has been delivered in order equivalent weapon skill (in this case, for example,
to do so. improvised weapons).

Surveillance and the majority have a written form, as well.
Attribute: Intelligence Knowing how to speak, read or write the language
Use: Detecting Things of the area you are visiting will certainly give you
TN: Situation-Dependant an edge, or at least take away a disadvantage. Of
Using the Surveillance skill always requires some course, many settings have a common language
kind of equipment, ranging from a handheld that most people know at least at a basic level.
scanner to state of the art satellite equipment.
Different gear give different bonuses. You use Knowledge (Any)
this skill to discover and pinpoint enemy vehicles, Attribute: Intelligence
mechs, even missiles and aliens. There are a lot of Use: Lore, Assist
equipment to use with the Surveillance skill and TN: Set by the knowledge involved
they determine several factors such as how far Each player may assign points to any kind of
they can scan, how strong their signal is and what Knowledge, subject to the GM’s approval. You may
kind of objects they can detect. See the Locating choose any number of Knowledges you want, as
section later in this chapter for a more detailed long as you can spend the points on them. Normal
analysis of the way locating someone or something restrictions on skill ranks apply to each Knowledge
using sensors works in the Ascendance setting. separately. You will find below all Knowledges,
divided into certain categories. There are two kinds
Detecting Things of Knowledge Skills: Broad and Specific. Broad
Time: 15 IC Knowledge Skills are generalized categories,
To successfully find something with your while Specific ones contain more accurate and
handheld scanner, radio antenna or orbital selected information. There are certain limitations
satellite (be it energy emissions from a mech, fuel to how you can assign skill points on Knowledges
emissions from a vehicle or heat signature from an and how they are used. First, you may not assign
incoming enemy space fighter, or anything else), points to a Specific Knowledge Skill, unless you
you need to use the Surveillance skill, against a have assigned points first to the corresponding
TN determined by what is called the target’s General one. You can have as many as three times
Locate TN. This is determined by several factors, the skill points assigned on a Specific Knowledge
including the target’s size, speed, emissions and than its Broad category.
ECM (Electronic Counter Measures, making
it more difficult to be detected). Success means Specific Knowledge Skill maximum = Broad
you have managed to locate your target. While Category x 3
rolling more than the TN does not provide
with any extra benefits on its own, it will allow For example, if you have 2 Ranks in the Applied
you to maintain the lock on a target even if they Sciences Broad Category, you may have up to 6
somehow manage to increase their Locate TN. Ranks in any of its Specific Skills. These categories
For complete information on detecting and TN’s cover most of the themes of lore in the Ascendance
see the Locating section. setting. However, if a GM wishes to add to these
knowledges, they should feel free to do so. It is
imperative, though, to take into account the fact
Academic that simply adding extra skills in the setting might
seriously unbalance it.
Knowledge is power, it is said. In this sense,
academic skills give a lot of power to characters, if
used wisely. Investing points in these skills largely Each setting has their own set of unique
depends on the setting and on the availability of knowledges, either Specific or Broad. GMs should
knowledge in the world. The more knowledge feel free to adjust these categories as they see fit,
is available through technology, for example, depending on the setting. For example, fantasy
the easier it will be to find and the less impact settings will probably not have the Space Broad
actual knowledge might have. However, in such category, or some very low magic setting might
a setting, knowledge helps distinguish truth not have the Magic category, or even the Religion
from fake reports or outright lies. Knowledge category if gods do not exist in the setting. The
helps with remembering things or information same also goes for Specific knowledges. These
you might have read, but also provides you with should probably need to be adjusted more
outright bonuses on certain skills, combining between every setting. For example, the Races
knowledge with practice. Academic skills also Broad category should always change its Specific
contain languages, an integral part of any setting, ones, depending on the kinds of races available to
since most races have at least a spoken languages that setting. However, GMs are advised to keep

at least most of the major Broad categories, to Lore
preserve system consistency and balance. For Time: 15 IC per piece of information
example, the Races, Combat Training, Society and The Lore skill tells you information about the
Environment Broad categories should always exist item in question. The GM determines the kind of
in any setting, as they are mostly common in any information avaialble to you based on your roll. An
world. You will find all proposed Broad categories outline of the type of information usually given is
below, along with some suggested Specific ones for found below. To use the skill, you make the roll
each category, so as to gain a better understanding and your character recalls the piece of information
of the knowledge system. he requires if you beat the TN. Note here that you
first check to see if you have the relevant Specific
Applied Sciences: Knowledge that has to do with Knowledge Skill and roll using it. If you don’t have
most sciences that are not theoretical, such as it, you may roll the relevant Broad Category, but
physics, chemistry, etc. you may not go beyond a total TN of 22, meaning
the basic information. This makes it possible to
Combat Training: Involves any knowledge on know a few things with a Broad Category, but you
how to operate and fight with all sorts of weapons need to invest points in a Specific Category to
or armors and also includes large scale training for actually know the important things.
armies and groups.
Knowledge TN
Environment: Anything that has to do with
knowing about your surroundings, both flora and Very Common, Known by Most People 16
fauna. Also contains knowledge about dungeons Common, Known by Many 22
and caverns.
Uncommon, Known by Specialists 26
Magic: Knowledge about the origins, behaviour Secret, Known by Few People 32
and usage of whatever magic is any setting, be it
divine or arcane in origin, including Investiture. Top Secret, Known Only by a Few 40
Note that certain settings might make that Hidden, Known by Virtually Noone 45
distinction, while some others may not. Table 3.29: Knowledge & TN ’s

Races: The majority of settings have the human Assist

race and many of them have quite a lot, and very Time: Passive
different ones. This skill covers knowing about the Another use for the Knowledge skill is to recall
strengths and weaknesses of each race, including some very specific piece of information that will
their history and origins.
help you in some task. This is a passive bonus that
is granted by calculating if you have enough skill
Religion: If the settings has gods, this skill
to gain this bonus. To find that out, add check
governs knowledge on them, their whims, clergy
the table below. As long as you have the relevant
and traditions they may have.
Specific Knowledge and you can match or beat
the TN’s below, you constantly have that bonus on
Society: This knowledge concerns with your own
all appropriate checks you make. Also note that
race usually, from everyday things like commerce
only Specific Knowledge Skills give that bonus,
and trade, to knowing heraldry and royalty.
not Broad Categories. This bonus is also passive,
Space: Knowledge about travelling to space, meaning that it is always in effect, assuming that
colonies, spaceships and even potential trade you meet the requirements. your GM has the final
routes in a deep space setting. say on where this bonus can go to exactly in each
specific setting.
Theoretical: These knowledge skills define
technical knowledge, such as materials, computers, Knowledge Modifier Passive Bonus
electronics, etc. +14 +1
Transportation: Depending on the setting, +20 +2
transportation can range from simple horses or +26 +3
even lizards, to high-tech mechs and speeders.
this skill contains everything a character needs to +32 +4
know about these machines. Table 3.30: Knowledge Assist

Language (any) that this applies to each language separately, not
Attribute: Intelligence adding up. Potentially,, if the GM allows it and
Use: Using Language the character has enough experience to spend, one
TN: No TN involved could master all languages in the game. Of course,
The language barrier usually makes the already time should be an issue when spending experience
volatile relationships between races even worse. on a language. Again, the GM should make the
In the game, the Language skill is not actually final call of whether a character is able to increase
rolled most of the times but rather represents your Ranks in a language or not. Also, certain languages
knowledge of a language and your ability to speak, (such as Elven) could require a lot more time and
read and write it. You choose your languages others (Tradecommon) might require less.
separately, subject to the GM’s approval. Ranks
Using Language
in Language skills are measured a little differently
Time: Situation-dependent
than normal skills, but points invested in them are
The most common use of the Language skill is
much like all other skills. In a setting there will
to communicate with others either verbally or
most probably be a somewhat universal language, to read and write. Usually, there is no roll for
or trade language, depending on the circumstances, this. You are either able to speak the language or
and many others, usually racial or local, such as not. Same thing goes with reading and writing
Orcish, elven, Dwarven, etc for fantasy settings. it. However, there might be situations where
Certain languages may be closely related to each your GM may call for a Language skill roll. For
other, so the GM might decree that knowing one example, when you encounter a text in a language
means you know the other, albeit a little worse. that you know. A text that has been written by
someone with 5 Ranks in the Language while
All Language skills have a maximum of 6, but you only have 3 would qualify. In these cases, the
both Speak and Read/Write added together may TN is determined by the GM. Success means you
not exceed your total Intelligence Attribute. understand most of the text, while a Great and
Critical success means you can even make out the
This means that if you have, for example, a 10 little details. In the above example, the GM could
Intelligence, you may learn to speak a language force a player to make a roll if there is 1 point of
at 5 ranks and read/write it at 5 also, or you difference, while impose a penalty if there are 2
could learn to speak it at 6 and read/write at 4. pintsof difference. At the GM’s discretion again, a
Either way, you need an Intelligence of 12 to difference of 4 could render it impossible to read
be able to fully master a language. Note here almost anything in a language.

Rank Speak Read / Write

1 (Basic) Rudimentary, may only communicate on a Discern difference between letters and identify
basic level, requires time and effort to speak words in the text. May incorrectly write most
intelligibly. of the alphabet.
2 (Capable) Can be clearly understood, has some issues Write simple sentences, which can be
though with structure and vocabulary, understood but have grammatical and spelling
especially when in a hurry. errors.
3 (Fluent) Very good and fluent use of language, can Can read and write almost any text, will lack
speak fast and clearly, very minor issues with certain words but able to grasp or convey full
structure that do not impede understanding, meaning.
shows that they are not native.
4 (Native) Native speaker, nearly unimpeded use of the Native use of the language, able to read and
language and effortless. write effortlessly.
5 (Eloquent) Able to use highly sophisticated phrases and May read all texts without a problem and is
expressions, can convey the same message in able to write literature and make a decent living
a variety of ways. through it probably.
6 (Artist) Can create verses, poetry or make Can write works of art that will be remembered
extraordinary orations, might even make their and use language in a way which captivates
own small adjustments and corrections to the readers.
existing structure.
Table 3.31: Knowledge & TN’s

Magic impossible. There are other limitations on how
you can assign skill point on Words. You will find
Depending on the setting, magic can have a truly below a brifef explanation of Words. You assign
spectacular variety of forms. In the Ascendance skill points to each Word separately, always subject
setting, for example, it is called Divine Power, to your GM’s approval on how you have managed
while in the Wartide setting they call it Magic. to acquire the ability to do so through the course
Either way, somehow, someone has been granted of your adventures.
the ability to manipulate reality. This skill category
is always subject to the GM’s approval, as it is Alter: Change the properties of your target
the only category that players do not have easy
access to. To be able to use these skills, you need Confine: Diminish the properties of your target
to have first managed to find a source of power
and imbue yourself with it. This is a process that Create: Make something out of nothing
involves gathering ancient artifacts of power and
unlocking them, seeking out powerful wizards or Destroy: Remove your target from existence
forgotten tomes of lore, unlocking some inner
potential through rituals or any other way your Direct: Move something in any direction
GM may wish to incorporate magic in the setting
with. Empower: Increase the properties of your target
Magic entails using Words and Provinces. You use Province (any)
the first to describe which way you are altering Attribute: Willpower
reality and the latter to show which part of reality Use: Divine Abilities
you are affecting. You require both to be able to TN: Varies (see Magic)
perform a magic ability normally. Usually, the After choosing the Word, you must find and learn
worst of the two determines the total modifier on the Province that is going to be affected by your
your roll. reality-altering powers. A Province is the part
of reality to be affected, the aspect of the world
To perform a Magical Ability, you combine a around you that you manipulate with the power
Word with a Province and follow the rules for of the Word you learned. The Provinces are: Mind,
performing Divine Abilities. You use the worst Matter, Space, Time, Body and Spirit. Having
of the two skills to figure out your total modifier. chosen both a Word and Province, you may go on
to find out the specifics of the Divine Ability you
This means that if you are using, for example wish to perform. You may only use a Province that
an ability that manipulates the Word Direct you have invested at least one skill point in. There
and the Province Matter (moving something are other limitations on how you can assign skill
telekinetically), a character with 12 Willpower, 10 point on Provinces. You will find these in the Magic
Ranks in the Word and 6 Ranks in the Province chapter. You assign skill points to each Province
would roll with a total of +18 (assuming no other separately, always subject to your GM’s approval
modifiers apply). For more information on Divine on how you have managed to acquire the ability
Abilities, see the chapter Divine Power, later in to do so through the course of your adventures.
this book. You assign skill points to each Province separately,
always subject to your GM’s approval on how
Word (any) you have managed to acquire the ability to do so
Attribute: Willpower through the course of your adventures.
Use: Performing Magic
TN: Varies (see Magic) Body: Manipulate physical, living matter
In the wonder that is magic in any setting, Words
define the way that something is altered. Since the Matter: Dead matter, objects, etc.
Magic is, in essence, the ability to shape reality at
one’s whim, a Word shows exactly how this reality Mind: Mental capacity and functions
is altered. There are six Words that make up the
Magic: Create, Destroy, Alter, Direct, Empower Space: Distances and in-between
and Diminish. First, you choose the Word to use
when performing a Divine Ability and then go to Spirit: Soul and the psyche
Provinces. You may only use Words that you have
invested at least one skill point in, otherwise it is Time: Manipulate the passage of time

Investiture Control (any)
Attribute: Willpower
Apart from pure magic, there is another way for
Use: Performing Investitures
character to gain special abilities. Investiture
TN: Varies (see Investiture)
means giving some of your power to another and
allowing them to use certain, specific abilities. To be able to control the powers given to you,
These abilities are chosen by you at the time of first you need to train and learn to harness them,
investing them and may not usually be changed regardless of their source. This skill can have a
by the recipient. In fantasy settings, this is what number of different sub-skills, depending on the
gods do to their followers and in other settings kind of Investiture and the setting. These can take
it’s what kings or leaders give to their chosen to several forms, but are usually categorized by their
make them stronger. Dpending on the setting, effect and the kind of magic they manipulate.
there are certain things th recipient needs to do Different settings will use different sub-sills for
to be able to maintain that Investiture, such as the Control Skill.
give faith, loyalty, or anything the one giving the
Investiture wishes to gain. As opposed to magic, Each sub-skill of the Control Skill must be
you don’t choose what to do with an Investiture. purchased individually.
Instead, there are specific abilities that you are
given. Depending on the setting, they may be For this reason, those who have received
called spells, divine abilities, manifestation, or any Investiture usually are highly specialized in the
name they have been given by those who have field they have chosen. Depending on how they
them. There is only one skill involved in using received the Investiture, this may be the result
Investiture, which takes many forms depending of a deity’s interference, combination of magic
on the granted powers. you mainly use your with technology to transfer it, or simply a caster’s
Willpower to control these abilities. In most transferance of Manifestations. There is no limit
cases, Investitures are categorized into their effect nor strict rules on how many sub-skills there
or the way they are created and different skills should be, but a good guideline is four to six.
are used. When creating Control sub-skills GMs There could be settings where there is only one,
should be advised to use anywhere from one or because the imbuing of magic is very specific and
two to six separate sub-skills, to maintain system characters have no way to learn different things. In
balance and consistency. In certain settings, one other settings, though, Investiture could be almost
or two might be enough if the powers granted are as diverse as magic and have six, even seven or
very limited. They are not Words and Provinces, eight different skills, which show a different aspect.
since the caster has no direct control to alter and Either way, GMs should be careful and group sub-
shape them as they see fit, but rather must follow skills based on their general concept. For example,
the pattern directed by whoever gave them the the Control (Elemental) sub-skill could apply
Investiture in the first place. This makes it very to any kind of Investiture granted to a character
specific on what individuals can learn to harness which allows him to control the elements. You will
when they are imbued with magic. find more examples in the Magic chapter.

Chapter IV
Perks & Flaws

erks are special abilities that your character requirements above are considered to be fulfilled
gains at his creation and when he advances the moment the character reaches that number.
in level. They have varying benefits, giving Thus a Perk with a requirement of 12 Ranks, for
bonuses to skills, allowing you to perform great example, may be taken at the same Experience
feats or even giving you an ability you otherwise Award in which the character increased their
wouldn’t have. Perks are separated into categories, respective skill to 12. Note here that a Perk may
corresponding to the skill categories. There is also be acquired as a Specialty Perk, meaning it gets a
the General category, which every player will reduced cost (see the Experience chapter later in
probably find useful, including giving bonuses to this book). This is only valid if the Perk itself has
Hit Points, Initiative, special abilities, etc. a requirement that corresponds to a specific Skill
in which you have your Specialty. If the Perk in
Flaws, on the other hand, may only be taken at question has no Skill requirement, then it can’t be
character creation and represent some thing purchased at a reduced cost.
in which your character is terrible at. Getting a
Flaw gives you extra perks at character creation. Certain Perks also have other Perks as
However, Flaws are usually more hindering than requirements. These usually form a part of a chain,
Perks are beneficial, meaning that you will be a whose bonuses or effects get progressively better.
lot worse in one area and better in another. But Sometimes, the lowest and cheapest Perks of a
since you can choose what kind of flaw you will chain my seem to have less of an impact, but they
have, you can always try to avoid putting yourself are quite strong considering that they allow you
in situations where your flaw will come into play. to progress more inside the respective tree and
gain more powerful Perks in the end. Usually, such
You will find below all Perks and Flaws, divided Perk chains are linked to one common Skill, the
into their respective categories. Each is detailed requirements of which also increase as the Perks
individually. Each of them also has certain in question get more expensive.
requirements to get, also included below. Later in
this chapter, in the Experience & Advancement
section, you will also find details on their
Experience Point costs.
Purchasing Perks
Perks are purchased by spending Experience on
them. Their cost varies, depending on the Perk,
but there are some broad categories. Namely Perks
Ranks & Requirements cost 30, 60, 90, 120 or 150 Experience Points (less
Perks have two kinds of Requirements: having if they are within your Specialty Skills, for more
a certain rating in a Skill or Attribute or having information see further in this book). Of course,
another Perk. Each perk shows these requirements GMs could adjust these numbers if they feel
in their description or in the Perk Tree. Perks some Perks are too powerful or not as powerful
are divided in Ranks, as shown in the Perk as they should be, but it is not advised, in order to
Trees. There are six Perk Ranks in general, each maintain game balance and system stability.
progressively more powerful and more demanding
than the previous one. Perks are detailed in order At character creation, you get 3 Perks for free as
as they appear on their respective Tree, from top a starting character.
left to bottom right. Also, Racial Perks (and a few
other Perks) have a different kind of requirement: You main gain extra Perks if you choose to have
Experience Points. This means that the character one flaw. Also at character creation, you choose
must have a specific amount of Experience one category, called your Field of Expertise. This
Points to be eligible for that Perk. Note that all corresponds both to Skills and Perks. Purchasing

something from the chosen category, whether Adventuring: Perks that help with finding your
Skill or Perk, costs less. Also note that the General way in the wilderness, and dungeon crawling.
and Racial categories always costs normally for all
players, regardless of which category they choose. Academic: Concerning books, knowledge and
Depending also on the player’s choice concerning lore in general.
becoming a Specialist or a Generalist, the price of
Perks will also be affected. Character Options: Perks that generally assist
your character, usually in out of game fashion.

Gaining Flaws Crafting: Making of items, from simple tools to

Only at character creation, you may choose a Flaw, intricate devices, even mechs and vehicles
meaning your character is particularly weak at
some field. You may only choose one Flaw. Defensive: Perks that help you mitigate or avoid
damage and other hazards
Getting a Flaw gives you three extra Perks at the
creation of your character. Healing: Any kind of Perks that make someone a
more efficient healer, both in the field of battle and
You should always find any relevant role-playing within the confines of a hospital.
details concerning the Flaw and discuss them with
your GM. For example, if your character is inept Infiltration: Getting in and out of buildings,
at fighting, find a reason why this is true. There is stealing or simply hiding from view.
another way to gain a Flaw during the game. Your
GM might give you a Flaw, because of some rare Magic: Perks that alter, empower and generally
event (probably realted to Divine Power), a very affect your magic. Note here that some settings
unfortunate circumstance, or anything else in line may make some distinction on these Perks or have
with such severe situations. In that case, you do not totally different ones, depending on the source
get to choose a Perk at that point. However, GM’s and origin of magic.
should be advised to keep such severe punishment
to a minimum. On the other hand, GM’s should Melee: Close quarters fighting with melee
care not to allow players to simply select a Flaw weapons, or unarmed.
that would never hinder them, just to get an extra
Perk. Flaws should be a part of your character, Mobility: Moving around both in and out of
define them and probably haunt them, as well. combat, as well as positioning.

Perception: Noticing things in the environment

Bonus Perks around you.
Some races may gain extra Perks when you create
your character. These are called Bonus Perks and Ranged Combat: Using missile weapons, firearms
are gained individually from normal Perks which and any kind of weapons that fire from afar.
you get at character creation. Most of the times
these Perks are specific and may not be altered. Racial: This Category contains Perks that pertain
When you gain Bonus Perk, you mark it on your specifically to one of the races in the setting. There
character sheet and works just like any other are usually as many sub-categories as there are
Perk. If you have a bonus Perk, for example, it races and, of course, Perks of one race are restricted
counts exactly as having that Perk for purposes of to the other races. In this book, only Racial Perks
requirements, etc. for humans will be detailed, since they are mostly
prevalent in any setting. In campaign sourcebooks
you will find Perks for all other races that are
Perk Categories common in that setting.
Assuming you meet the requirements, you
can choose any Perk you want. Categories and Social: Perks that help you deal with the people
Perk chains (see above) play no part other than around you and make you a better diplomat,
convenience and ease of use of the Perks presented merchant or leader.
in this book. The Categories presented here are
broad enough to fit in any campaign setting, Teamwork: Perks that help the Congruity
whether it is a deep space or fantasy one. You will mechanic and allow you to more efficiently guide
find a brief analysis of all Categories below. your team when using this system.

Perk Effect XP
Animal Training (Animal Handling)
Trainer Animals you train do not attack, may learn double number of Tricks 90
Animal Friend Animals start friendly 120
Encumbrance (Resilience)
Pack Mule Your EL is considered 1 higher for purposes of Encumbrance. 30
Improved Pack Mule Your Strength is considered 2 higher for purposes of Encumbrance. 60
Unencumbered You only gain half the listed penalties for Encumbrance. 90
Foraging (Survival)
Fast Forage Forage Faster 30
Forager Find Double Quantity Of Food 60
Plenty of Game More Food 90
Natural Provisions Sustain Yourself Without Reducing Your Speed 120
Marching (Resilience)
Forced March Gain a +3 on Forced March 30
Improved March Gain a +6 on Forced March 60
Specialty (Survival, Handle Animal)
Adventuring Focus Gain +1 to a specific use of an Adventuring Skill 30
Adventuring Specialty Gain +1 to Survival or Handle Animal Checks 30
Adventuring Expertise Gain +1 on two Adventuring Skills 60
Adventuring Mastery Choose one of your focus perks, you may re-roll any checks 90
Adventuring Supremacy You may re-roll once any skill check of the chosen skill 150
Starvation & Thirst (Resilience)
Sustenance May endure without food for 50% more, +3 on roll 60
Improved Sustenance May endure without food for double time, +6 on roll 90
Tracking (Survival)
Hard to Track Harder to Track -3 or -6 60
Lead Astray On Fail, Botch 90
Safe Travel Decrease chance by 1 90
Traceless You do not leave any trace behind 120
Table 4.1 Adventuring Perks

These Perks are mainly concerned with surviving Adventuring Expertise

on your own in the wilderness, finding food and XP Cost: 60
shelter, dealing with animals and natural hazards Requirements: Chosen Skill 6 Ranks,
or even making your way unnoticed in hazardous
Adventuring Specialty (Chosen Skill)
terrain. Also, they allow you to carry more and
enable you to sustain yourself without food or Gain an extra +1 on all Animal Training and
water. Characters who specialize in these Perks Survival skills. This bonus stacks with the previous
are those who will be spending most of their time Perks, giving a +2 bonus on the skill you chose and
outside cities. a +3 when using that Skill in a specific condition.

Adventuring Focus Fast Forage
XP Cost: 30 XP Cost: 30
Requirements: Chosen Skill 3 Ranks Requirements: Survival 6 Ranks
Choose one Skill from the following: Animal When you use the Survival skill to forage for food,
Training or Survival. You gain a +1 bonus on a you do it in 50% less time than normally required.
specific use of that skill, such as Foraging or This means you require only half an hour for each
Teaching Tricks, for example. Refer to the Skills check, rather than one full hour.
section for more information on these specific
skills. Forager
XP Cost: 60
Adventuring Mastery Requirements: Survival 8 Ranks, Fast Forage
XP Cost: 90 When you use the Survival skill to forage for food,
Requirements: Chosen Skill 9 Ranks, you always find double quantities. If the GM rolls
Adventuring Expertise (Chosen Skill) to see what kind of food you find, you then the
You may re-roll once any checks made with the dice are doubled normallly. Also, you gain a +3 on
chosen skill, but only when the roll pertains to the any Survival rolls you make to gauge the general
specific condition for which you have chosen the danger level of the environment in which you are
Adventuring Focus Perk. Note here that you must foraging.
choose to re-roll only if you don’t like the result
of the first roll, as you must accept the outcome of Forced March
the second roll, even if it’s worse than your original XP Cost: 30
roll. Also, any Action Dice you may have used on Requirements: Resilience 4 Ranks
the first roll are lost if you choose to re-roll. Whenever you are required to make a Forced
March check to move beyond the normal alloted
Adventuring Specialty time, you gain a +4 on the roll. This means you
XP Cost: 30 can go on for a long time each day before you are
Requirements: Chosen Skill 4 Ranks, required to take a rest or lose Fatigue, maybe even
Adventuring Focus (Chosen Skill) an entire day.
You gain a +1 on all Animal Training or Survival
checks. This bonus stacks with the bonus from the Hard to Track
previous Perk if you are performing the specific XP Cost: 60
task. If you are in a situation where you are using Requirements: Survival 7 Ranks
the specific bonus, you gain a +2 bonus on the roll, You impose a -3 penalty on all who attempt to
while on all other situations you get the +1 from track you in the wilderness. Furthermore, if you
this Perk. move at half your normal speed and take some
time to cover up tracks, you improved that to -6,
Adventuring Supremacy on top of any other normal penalties for covering
XP Cost: 120 tracks. This means that you increase the TN for all
Requirements: Chosen Skill 15 Ranks, who attempt to track you by 6, plus any further
Adventuring Mastery (Chosen Skill) increase made by your skill.
The peak Perk of an adventuring career, this Perk
allows you to re-roll once any adventuring skill Improved March
you select with it. Choose either Animal Training XP Cost: 60
or Survival. This Perk is usable in any situation, as Requirements: Resilience 6 Ranks
long as you are rolling the specific skill you have You gain a +6 total whenever you make a Resilience
chosen. check to not lose Fatigue when you make a forced
march to move for more than the normally alloted
Animal Friend time. With this Perk, characters may even march
XP Cost: 120 for an entire day.
Requirements: Handle Animal 12 Ranks, Trainer
If you have an unpexpected encounter with a Improved Pack Mule
hostile animal, it will begin this encounter as XP Cost:630
one step calmer. This means that animals which Requirements: Resilience 5 Ranks, Pack Mule
would be Indifferent will start as Friendly, while Your Encumbrance is considered to be a total of 3
those who are Hostile will start as Indifferent. This points higher than normal. Thus, you can lift more
occurs only if you are able to see the animals and weight off the ground and carry it with you longer
are not incapacitated. before getting tired.

Improved Sustenance Safe Travel
XP Cost: 90 avel
Requirements: Resilience 10 Ranks, Sustenance XP Cost: 90
You have an improved ability to endure without Requirements: Survival 10 Ranks
food or water. You last for twice as normal without Everytime the GM rolls to check if there are any
requiring either of the two. You also get a +6 total encounters on the way, you decrease that chance
bonus on Resilience rolls made to not lose Fatigue by 1. Usually, the chance is a 2d6 roll and if the
from starvation or thirst. GM rolls a number lower than what the area’s
encounter rating is, then you get an encounter. For
Lead Astray example, if an area has an encounter rating of 5, it
XP Cost: 90 means that the GM must roll 5 or lower on 2d6
Requirements: Survival 10 Ranks, Hard to Track for an encounter. If you have this Perk, in this case
Whenever someone attempts to track you in the the GM would have to roll 4 or lower.
wilderness and you have taken the time to cover
up your tracks, you confuse them if they fail. If Sustenance
your pursuers fail the roll to track you, they instead XP Cost: 60
Botch, with all the consequences involved, such as Requirements: Resilience 7 Ranks
getting led astray or ending up in a hazard. You have an improved ability to endure without
food or water. You last for 50% more time than
Natural Provisions normal without requiring either of the two. You
XP Cost: 120 also get a +3 bonus on any Resilience rolls made to
Requirements: Survival 12 Ranks, Plenty of not lose Fatigue from starvation or thirst.
The pinnace of foraging for food and water, this Traceless
Perk allows you to travel through the wilderness XP Cost: 120
and gather food for yourself at the same time, Requirements: Survival 12 Ranks, Lead Astray
requiring no time at all to forage. This is only valid Having reached the peak of moving in the
for you as you find only a couple of portions every wilderness, this Perk allows you to not leave any
day you spend walking. You find 1 portion this trace behind when moving in the wilderness. To do
way for every 10 points you have in the Survival so, you must move at half speed, meaning that you
Skill, which you can share with your companions. use your type to almost ensure that your pursuers
You can’t be assisted in this, as any other character will not be able to locate you. If ever needed, you
would have to search for food separately from you give all people tracking you a -24 penalty. Should
if you are using this Perk. someone, however, be good enough to make the
roll despite the penalty, then they might discover
Pack Mule some insight as to your direction.
XP Cost: 30
Requirements: Resilience 3 Ranks Trainer
Your Encumbrance is considered to be 2 points XP Cost: 90
higher than normal. Thus, you can lift more Requirements: Animal Training 10 Ranks
weight off the ground and carry it with you longer Animals that you personally train will not attack
before getting tired. For more information see the you or anyone else while training them. Also, any
Encumbrance section later in this book. animal you befriend may learn double the normal
amount of Tricks it would normally be able to.
Plenty of Food Finally, animals you have trained treat their
XP Cost: 90 Intelligence score as one higher.
Requirements: Survival 8 Ranks, Forager
When you forage for food, you never have a Unencumbered
chance to encounter danger, even if you fail or XP Cost: 90
Botch the roll. you instinctively know if danger Requirements: Resilience 10 Ranks
lurks in the area. You are also aware of how much You only gain half the listed penalties for being in
food is in the area and any increased TN. Finally, any Encumbered category. As every other rounding
you don’t have the normal chance for food to be in the game, round fractions up. Although this
contaminated or otherwise problematic, unless Perk does not allow you to actually carry more, it
there are special circumstances in the area, in makes you able to move around a lot more when
which case the negative effects are halved. carrying heavy loads.

Perk Effect XP
Faster Search (Any Knowledge)
Archivist Use libraries 25% faster 30
Expert Archivist Use libraries 33% faster 60
Master Archivist Use libraries 50% faster 90
Practical Lore (Any Knowledge)
Practical Combat Lore Tick a combat skill 60
Practical Crafting Lore You don't lose materials, if already, you spend 10% less 60
Practical Racial Lore Gain +3 on all interactions 60
Practical Religious Lore Gain a +1 bonus on all Divine Incantations and Rituals 60
Practical Riding Lore Convert Mishap to simple failure 60
Practical Society Lore Instinctively know basic information 60
Practical Tech Lore You avoid Mishaps with technology 60
Recalling (Any Knowledge)
Auto Recall, General Roll an Academic Category roll as a 1 IC action 60
Swift Recall You Are Able To Recall Information using half your IC (instead of all) 60
Auto-Recall, Specific Roll a Knowledge skill roll as 1IC action 90
Specialty (Any Knowledge)
Academic Category Specialty +1 to one Academic Category Skill 30
Academic Focus +2 to a specific sub-category skill 30
Academic Specialty +1 to two sub-category skills 30
Academic Category Expertise +1 to all subcategory skills of a specific Academic category 60
Knowledge Specialty +1 Bonus On All Skills Of One Category 60
Academic Mastery Gain re-roll to all rolls of a sub-category skill 90
Mastered Applied Lore +1 additional synergy to your non-academic skills from academic skills 120
Academic Supremacy Re-roll a checks in an Academic Category (including all sub-categories) 150
Synergy (Any Knowledge)
Applied Knowledge Add +1 on a sub-category total when calculating synergy bonus 30
Improved Applied Lore Add +2 on a sub-category total when calculating synergy bonus 60
Table 4.2 Academic Perks

Perks in this category deal with knowledge, lore Academic Category Expertise
and assist the character in searching through XP: 60
libraries, databases, or whatever the setting has Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 6
available. Knowledges give practical bonuses to Choose a Knowledge Category. Your expertise in
active skills and help characters in crafting, using this field grants you a +1 bonus on all Knowledge
technology, even combat as theoretical studies can Skills of that specific category. Also, your general
have applications in real life. These Perks also help expertise increases, granting you the chance to
with synergy bonuses. Mastering this category know more general information. The maximum
means devoting a lot of time to reading books or TN that you can reach for general information
data on a screen, looking for valuable and old item. increases to 24.

Academic Category Specialty Archivist
XP: 30 XP: 30
Requirements: Academic Category (Any) 3 Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 5
You gain a +1 bonus on checks made with the When you use a library or similar resource of
General Category of your choice. Note that this information, you do so 25% faster than normal.
only applies to the General Category, not any rolls The total time it takes you to search the source of
you make with specific skils within that category. information is up to the GM’s discretion.

Academic Focus Auto Recall, General

XP: 30 XP: 60
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 4 Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 6
Select one skill from one Knowledge Category. You may instinctively bring to mind information
You gain a +2 bonus on all rolls that involve this about a subject at hand, even in the midst of
specific knowledge. combat. It only takes you 1 IC to recall specific
bits of information on a topic. This only works for
Academic Mastery a General Category of your choice, chosen when
XP: 90 you select this Perk. If you take this Perk multiple
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 10 times, it can apply to a new Category.
You may re-roll once any checks you make with
the chosen Specific Knowledge Skill. You may Auto-Recall, Specific
choose to re-roll after you see the first roll, but XP: 90
you must keep the second roll even if it is worse Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 9
than the original roll. However, it is up to the You may instinctively bring to mind information
GM’s discretion if they will allow you to know if about a subject at hand, even in the midst of
the original roll succeeded before you make the combat. It only takes you 1 IC to recall specific
second roll. Note that you can re-roll only once for bits of information on a topic. This only works
every roll you make with the chosen skill. for a Specific Skill of your choice, chosen when
you select this Perk. If you take this Perk multiple
Academic Specialty times, it can apply to a new Specific Skill.
XP: 30
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any Two) 3 Expert Archivist
Select two Specific Skills that belong to the same XP: 60
General Category. You gain a +2 bonus with these Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 7
skills. It only takes you one third of the time (33%) to
use a library or similar data resource.
Academic Supremacy
XP: 150 Improved Applied Lore
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 14 XP: 60
The pinnacle of your knowledge has been achieved Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 6
and few things slip out of vast lore. In your chosen Select one Specific Skill. When you calculate the
Category, you may re-roll all checks, including total Synergy Bonus you get from this Skill, you
checks in any Specific Skill. As with Academic treat the total as if it were 6 points higher.
Mastery, you may opt to not re-roll, but if you do
you must keep the second roll, even if it is worse. Knowledge Specialty
XP: 60
Applied Knowledge Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 6
XP: 30 Select a Category. You gain a +1 bonus on all
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 4 checks involving that Category, including all
Select one Specific Skill. When you calculate the Specific Skills and the Category itself. Note
total Synergy Bonus you get from this Skill, you that this is just a bonus and can’t count towards
treat the total as if it were 3 points higher. For increasing your Synergy bonus.
example, if you have a total modifier of +14 on
a Specific Skill, you get a +1 bonus on a relevant Master Archivist
active skill. With this Perk, you would only need XP: 90
a +11 total to get the bonus, as it would be treated Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 10
as if it were 3 points higher, thus 14. Similarly, you It only takes you half normal time (50%) to use a
would only need a +17 to get to the next step. library or similar data resource.

Mastered Applied Lore Practical Riding Lore
XP: 120 XP: 60
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 12 Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 8
Whenever one of your non-Knowledge Skills Your knowledge on the behaviour of mounts makes
receives Synergy Bonus from a Knowledge Skill, you an expert. If you roll a Botch on a riding skill,
this bonus increases by +1. This means that if, for you simply fail and no negative effects occur.
example, you have a total of +20 on a Knowledge
Skill, you get a +3 bonus on the corresponding Practical Society Lore
active Skill. XP: 60
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 8
Practical Combat Lore Having read so much about societies and cultures
XP: 60 you have gaine an instinctive understanding of
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 8 how they work around you. This is mainly a Perk
Your mastery of combat knowledge has enabled for role-playing. Your GM should give you basic
you to select one Combat Skill as an extra information every time something occurs in
Specialty. This allows you to have a total number your vicinity, if it concerns people or events. For
of Specialties equal to your Intelligence +1. example, if you are standing in the middle of a
town square in a fantasy setting and there is an
Practical Crafting Lore illegal trade of merchandise going on behind a
XP: 60 wagon, your GM should let you know that you
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 8 notice some people acting strangely and certain
When you fail a roll on a crafting process, you do others appear as if they are keeping guard, to alert
not lose any materials, unless it was a Botch. If you to the presence of this transaction. Apart
you already have that ability from another Perk, from the role-playing aspect, though, this Perk
your total materials spent on crafting decrease by also gives you a +2 bonus on all checks made to
10%, which stacks with any similar Perk also for investigate the working of a society.
material reduction.
Practical Tech Lore
Practical Racial Lore XP: 60
XP: 60 Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 8
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 8 Whenever you use technological equipment, you
Your mastery on Knowledge in certain races gives always avoid Botches. This means that weapons
you a +3 bonus on all interaction rolls with that don’t jam, electronic devices don’t get stuck, etc.
race in question (Diplomacy, Analysis, Bluff, Even if you come across such a device or someone
Intimidate, Leadership). You do not gain that else rolls a Botch on one, you get a +4 bonus on
bonus on any other check you make, even if the the roll to restore it.
race you have the bonus on is present.
Swift Recall
Practical Magical Lore XP: 60
XP: 60 Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 7
Requirements: Academic Skill (Any) 8 Any kind of information you attempt to recall in a
Having read so much about the nature of magic, strenuous situation (most of the times in combat)
you have gained an innate understanding of your takes you half the time it normally would. This
own powers and abilities. You get a +1 bonus on means that, instead of a Full Action, any kind of
any kind of magic you cast, be that Investitures or mental recollection of information requires you to
magical Manifestations. spend half your total CBR to bring it to mind.

Character Options
Perk Effect XP
Action Dice (None)
Extra Action Die Action Dice 1 Extra 60
Improved Action Die Action Die +1 60
Combat Die Expert Combat die explode get +1 90
Ambidexterity (None)
Ambidexterity Offhand penalty -4 instead of -8 30
Improved Ambidexterity Offhand penalty -2 instead of -8 60
Full Ambidexterity Offhand no penalty 90
Combat Rating (None)
Superior Training Combat Rating +2 120
Combat Training Combat Rating +1 90
Role-Playing (None)
Greater Destiny Greater Destiny 120
Destiny Destiny 60
Improved Destiny Improved Destiny 90
Action (None)
Interrupter Reroll Interrupt 120
Improved Initiative Initiative +1 30
Improved Interrupt Interrupt +2 30
Superior Initiative Initiative +2 (+3 total) 60
Superior Interrupt Interrupt 1 IC Less 60
Linked Skills (None)
Improved Link Linked Skills are considered as if having 1 Rank More 30
Link Expert Linked Skills are considered as if having 2 Ranks More 60
Link Master Linked Skills are considered as if having 3 Ranks More 90
Perfection (None)
Greater Purity Greater Purity 120
Ascension Ascension 180
Chosen One Chosen One 150
Purity Purity 60
Improved Purity Improved Purity 90
Skills (None)
Linguistic Specialty Spend 6 extra skill points on Languages at Creation 30
Untrained Expert Untrained -4 instead of -6 30
Untrained Master Untrained -2 instead of -6 60
Untrained Superiority Untrained None 90
Table 4.3 Character Option Perks

These Perks have a distinct difference to the Destiny
rest. They do not correspond to any specific XP: 60
Skill, but rather have Attribute or Experience Requirements: None
Point requirements. Some of these Perks affect You have some kind of destiny or mission to
things out of game, such as die rolls, character fulfill in your existence. This is a role-playing Perk
development, etc. They also affect some in-game and as such shoud be carefully considered by the
things such as Combat Rating or Initiative that GM before granting it to a character. The GM
also do not correspond to a specific Skill. should carefully flesh out a destiny for the player,
which will most likely affect the campaign and
Ambidexterity the direction it will head towards. However, this
XP: 30 Perk should also reward the character with certain
Requirements: Coordination 9 bonuses, active only when the character is actively
When using two weapons together, the penalty pursuing their destiny. Some examples follow.
for using one of the weapons in your off-hand Note that powers granted should be more or less
(whichever you have chosen when creating the in line with other Perks of this cost, yet towards
character) is reduced to -6 from -11. the more powerful end, mainly because of the
hindering effect that they are only active when the
Ascension character is following their destiny. As a general
XP: 180 guideline, these effects should be similar to effects
Requirements: 6000 XP, Chosen One of Perks purchased with around 90 Experience
The pinnacle of your perfect self. You may always Points, making this Perk slightly stronger.
make a Casual Roll and you gain a +2 bonus on it,
meaning you always roll as if it were a 13 on the • Increasing the maximum cap of an Attribute
roll. When you make a Maxed-Out Roll, it only • Taking a Skill as a Specialty
takes half the time it would normally take and • Ability to perform minor magical Rituals
spend half the resources, if a crafting roll. Your • Ability to use items otherwise impossible
Personality Attribute has no limit and you gain • Innate understanding of certain skills
a +3 bonus against all magic attacks against you. • Re-rolls and bonus Dice

Chosen One All the above examples should be analysed by the

XP: 150 GM and adapted to suit the needs of the campaign
Requirements: 4200 XP, Greater Purity and the kind of destiny the GM has devised for
You do not Botch. Any such roll is considered a the character. Note that this Perk should only be
simple Failure, instead. Also, when you make a given to players willing to role-play their destiny,
Resilience check to not die from having a Torso even if their characters choose to actively avoid
or Head Location Disabled, you simply fall it, or rush in following it. This Perk is a tool for
unconscious if you lose the check. The drawback the GM to cater to players who like grandeur
to this Perk is that you gain a Derangement, and also to help the GM move the plot using the
appropriate to the amount of power you have. character’s destiny.
Also, you require a Resolve check to interact with
anyone that you do not consider equal to you. Extra Action Die
Failure meand you either become enraged towards XP: 60
them or completely apathetic. You choose which Requirements: None
of the two your character prefers. Your total number of Action Dice increases by 1.
This Perk stacks with any other Perk that increases
Combat Die Expert or affects your Action Dice, such as Human Racial
XP: 90 Perks or special abilities.
Requirements: 1200 XP, Improved Action Die
When your Combat Die Explodes, you get a +1 Full Ambidexterity
on the total roll. If you have an ability that allows XP: 90
the Combat Die to explode more than once and it Requirements: Perfect Ambidexterity,
does, you gain the +1 bonus every time. Coordination 13
You have no penalties for using your off-hand.
Combat Training Effectively, you have no off-hand anymore, being
XP: 90 considered totally ambidexterous. An onlooker
Requirements: Intelligence 9, Reaction 9 could not distinguish which used to be your main
Your total Combat Rating increases by 1. and which your off-hand.

Greater Destiny Improved Initiative
XP: 120 XP: 30
Requirements: 1800 XP, Improved Destiny Requirements: Reaction 8
This Perk works just like the Destiny Perk, except You gain a +1 bonus on your Initiative roll.
that its effects are more profound and affect the
game and the character in a bigger way. Effects Improved Interrupt
should be in line with a Perk costing around 150 XP: 30
Experience Points, making this Perk somewhat Requirements: Reaction 9, Improved Initiative
stronger, since it is only valid when your character Whenever you use the Interrupt Action, you gain
is pursuing the destiny chosen by the GM. You a +2 bonus on the opposed check to act faster than
will find sample effects for this Perk on the first your opponent.
Perk in this chain, the Purity Perk, earlier in this
chapter. Improved Link
XP: 30
Greater Purity Requirements: At least 3 points of difference in
XP: 120 any two Linked Skills.
Requirements: 1800 XP, Improved Purity Any Linked Skills for which you use the highest
The effects of your nature are now apparent. Any of your Skills have their Ranks increased by 1. This
scars you have disappear and permanent wounds means that if, for example, you have 6 Ranks in
heal. Furthermore, you gain the Determination Blades and no Ranks in Axes, you could treat Axes
trait, or an extra use per Scene if you already have as if you had 3 Ranks. With this Perk, you could
it. You gain a +2 an all Intimidate rolls, but suffer treat them as if you had 4 Ranks.
a -3 penalty on all interaction rolls, as people are
more afraid of you than drawn to you. Improved Purity
XP: 90
Improved Action Die Requirements: 1200 XP, Purity
XP: 60 You become even more in touch with your perfect
Requirements: None self. You gain one extra Action Die. However, you
Whenever you roll an Action Die, you gain a +1 become distant and get a -1 on all interaction
on it. If you have a Perk or ability that lets you use rolls. Both the GM and the player should attempt
two Action Dice on the same roll, each one gets to role-play this Perk and the GM should only
the bonus separately. Also, if it explodes and you allow this Perk to players who are willing to do
have Perk which allows you to roll it again, it gets so. Granting this Perk to a player means that the
the bonus again on the second roll. GM should figure out why the character is special.
Characters with this Perk might even drive
Improved Ambidexterity campaign stories onward.
XP: 60
Requirements: Ambidextrous, Coordination 11 Interrupter
The penalty to your off-hand becomes -3 instead XP: 120
of the -6 that you had with the previous Perk. Requirements: Reaction 13, Superior Interrupt,
Although you still have penalties with it, your Superior Initiative
off-hand shows only minor trouble used as a main You may re-roll once your Interrupt checks. You
hand. must keep the second roll, even if it is lower than
the first one. In this Perk, your GM should let you
Improved Destiny know if you have succeeded before you decide to
XP: 90 re-roll.
Requirements: 1200 XP, Destiny
This Perk works just like the Destiny Perk, except Link Expert
that its effects are more profound and affect the XP: 60
game and the character in a bigger way. Effects Requirements: At least 5 points of difference in
should be in line with a Perk costing around 120 any two Linked Skills.
Experience Points, making this Perk somewhat Any Linked Skills for which you use the highest
stronger, since it is only valid when your character of your Skills have their Ranks increased by 1. This
is pursuing the destiny chosen by the GM. You means that if, for example, you have 8 Ranks in
will find sample effects for this Perk on the first Blades and no Ranks in Axes, you could treat Axes
Perk in this chain, the Purity Perk, earlier in this as if you had 4 Ranks. With this Perk, you could
chapter. treat them as if you had 6 Ranks.

Link Master Superior Training
XP: 90 XP: 120
Requirements: At least 7 points of difference in Requirements: Intelligence 11, Reaction 11,
any two Linked Skills. Combat Training
Any Linked Skills for which you use the highest Your Combat Rating increases by an extra 1, for a
of your Skills have their Ranks increased by 1. This total of 2 extra Combat Rating.
means that if, for example, you have 12 Ranks in
Blades and no Ranks in Axes, you could treat Axes Untrained Expert
as if you had 6 Ranks. With this Perk, you could XP: 30
treat them as if you had 9 Ranks. Requirements: None
You reduce all Untrained Skill penalties by 2.
Linguistic Specialty If you do a Fallback on a Skill that you have no
XP: 30 Ranks in, then this Perk applies. For example, if
Requirements: Intelligence 9 you have 8 Ranks in Axes and 0 in Blades and
You may spend an extra 6 points to Language you attempt to use a Sword, you can use it as if
Skills during character creation. you had 4 Ranks, but you also get the -6 penalty
for not having any Ranks in the Skill. With this
Purity Perk, you would only get a -4 penalty for using the
XP: 60 Sword like this. This Perk shows a natural talent
Requirements: None in learning and understanding things, making it
You are becoming resistant to the effects of magic easier for you to practice a new skill.
and at the same time strengthening yourself,
approaching your perfect form. In certain cultures, Untrained Master
people who master this chain are considered XP: 60
blessed, in others the opposite. In game terms, you Requirements: Untrained Expert
gain a +1 bonus on your Resolve and Resilience You reduce all Untrained Skill penalties by 2.
checks. If you do a Fallback on a Skill that you have no
Ranks in, then this Perk applies. For example, if
Superior Initiative you have 8 Ranks in Axes and 0 in Blades and
XP: 60 you attempt to use a Sword, you can use it as if
Requirements: Reaction 11, Improved Interrupt you had 4 Ranks, but you also get the -6 penalty
You gain an extra +2 bonus on your Initiative for not having any Ranks in the Skill. With this
check, for a total of +3. Perk, you would only get a -2 penalty for using the
Sword like this.
Superior Interrupt
XP: 60 Untrained Superiority
Requirements: Reaction 10, Improved Interrupt XP: 90
Any Interrupt checks you make cost 1 Less IC. Requirements: Untrained Master
For example, if you want to make in Interrupt to You get no penalties for using any Skill untrained.
shoot a Crossbow (IC 7), you normally need 11 IC However, you can still not use any Skill that can’t
to do so (+50% on the original 7 IC, rounded up). be used if you have no Ranks in it, such as Specific
With this Perk, you need 10. Knowledge Skills.

Perk Effect XP
Creating Items (Design/Repair)
Superior Craftsman +3 Bonus On All Design/Repair Checks 120
Armor Mastery Superior Quality Armor with +13 instead of +16 60
Arms Mastery Superior Quality Weapon with +13 instead of +16 60
Enhancement Mastery Superior Quality Enhancement with +13 instead of +16 60
On The Fly Half Penalties For Using A Lower Level Workbench 60
Second Chances Ignore One Roll When Creating Something 60
Efficient Crafting Reduce The Total PTN Of Any Craft By 20% 90
Structural Engineer Structures you create get +1 Hardness, +5 HP 90
Vehicle Mastery Ground Vehicle Created Is Superior Quality with only a +13 90
Specialties (Design/Repair)
Crafting Focus +1 to your Craft Skill 30
Crafting Specialty You Gain A +1 Bonus On Your Design/Repair Skill 30
Crafting Expertise +1 and 10% less PTN on the chosen craft(Metal, Wood, Alchemy etc) 60
Tampering (Design/Repair)
Damage Reduction Temporarily Increase Item Hit Points By 10% 120
Delay Effect Delay Negative Effects On Items 60
Patch Reduce Malfunction Penalties 60
Table 4.4 Crafting Perks

Mainly of use to those characters who make a Arms Mastery

living by creating things, these Perks are also very XP: 60
good for those who wish to discover and creat enew Requirements: Design/Repair 7, Technology
things in the game, using different technologies. (Any) 9, Crafting Focus
Crafting Perks help characters improve their skill, You are an expert at designing superior
make crafts better and faster and even allow some craftmanship Weapons. Any Weapon you make
tinkering with already existing items to make is considered to be Superior Craftmanship with a
them better or make them function when they TN increase of +9 instead of +11. Note that this
would not.
applies only if you are in charge of the crafting
process, not if you are assisting. You can apply the
Armor Mastery effects of this Perk regardless of whether you have
XP: 60
Requirements: Design/Repair 7, Technology made the plans or not. This Perk is also valid for
(Any) 9, Crafting Focus creating Superior Craftmanship plans, in which
You are an expert at designing superior case the TN also only increases by +9.
craftmanship armors. Any armor you make is
considered to be Superior Craftmanship with a Crafting Expertise
TN increase of +9 instead of +11. Note that this XP: 60
applies only if you are in charge of the crafting Requirements: Design/Repair 6, Chosen Craft 6
process, not if you are assisting. You can apply the Select a craft material from the Technology
effects of this Perk regardless of whether you have Knowledge Category. You gain a +1 bonus when
made the plans or not. This Perk is also valid for creating plans or crafts with this material and any
creating Superior Craftmanship plans, in which PTN for crafting items decreases by 10%. This
case the TN also only increases by +9. effect stacks with any other PTN reduction effect.

Crafting Focus Delay Effect
XP: 30 XP: 60
Requirements: Design/Repair 4, Chosen Craft 4 Requirements: Design/Repair 7
You gain a +1 bonus on your Design/Repair skill. You may attempt to temporarily “fix” an item that
Note that since this Perk requires 4 Ranks in a has malfunctioned. By making a Design/Repair
Technology Knowledge Skill (materials such as check at a TN equal to the item’s Complexity +6,
leather, wood, metal, etc), you may only apply you can temporarily make it function again, but
this bonus to crafts made involving Knowledge with a few glitches. This roll requires one minute
Skills in which you have at least 4 Ranks. This per Complexity of the item.
means that, for example, if you have 5 Ranks in
Technology (Wood), 5 Ranks in Technology • TN = Complexity +6
(Metal) and 3 Ranks in Technology (Stone), you • Time = Complexity in Minutes
get a +1 bonus on your Design/Repair check when
you make wood or metal items, but not when you If the item makes rolls, it takes a -3 penalty. If
make stone items. not, there is a chance of 2 on 2d6 that it will
malfunction again every time it is used. There is
Crafting Specialty also another drawback in doing so. Since you make
XP: 30 hasty repairs on the item, it receives an extra Hit
Requirements: Design/Repair 3 every time it is damaged. Also, if it malfunctions
You gain a +1 bonus on your total Design/Repair again before it is repaired, the malfunction is
Skill, regardless of which type of craft you make worse, at the GM’s discretion.
and how many Ranks you have in it. This bonus
stacks with any other similar Perks. Efficient Crafting
XP: 90
Damage Reduction Requirements: Design/Repair 10
XP: 120 Every time you make a craft, you reduce the total
Requirements: Design/Repair 12, Appropriate PTN of the item by 20%. Note that you must be
Knowlegde 10 the one making the actual craft, not assisting.
This Perk grants you the knowledge to temporarily
adjust a piece of armor or shield, even a weapon Enhancement Mastery
or other kind of item, increasing its number of XP: 60
Hits by 25%. A Large Shield, for example, which Requirements: Design/Repair 7, Technology
normally has 24 Hits, would now have 30 Hits. (Any) 9, Crafting Focus
Doing so takes 10 minutes per extra Hit given. You are an expert at designing superior
This bonus is not permanent. The item you have Enhancements. Any enhancement you make is
tampered with can only be repaired up to the considered to be Superior Craftmanship with a
normal maximum number of Hits it had prior to TN increase of +9 instead of +11. Note that this
your tampering. If you want to increase its Hits applies only if you are in charge of the crafting
again, you would have to perform the same action process, not if you are assisting. You can apply the
again every time. The TN to do so depends on the effects of this Perk regardless of whether you have
item’s Complexity and how many Hits you are made the plans or not. This Perk is also valid for
increasing. creating Superior Craftmanship plans, in which
case the TN also only increases by +9.
TN to Tamper = Complexity + Extra Hits
On The Fly
You may purposefully reduce the number of extra XP: 60
Hits, in order to reduce the TN to make it more Requirements: Design/Repair 6
manageable for you. There is however a drawback You are able to make do with what you have and
to doing so. Should the item need any repair after are thus hindered less when you use a lower level
your tampering, it is made more difficult. Increase Workbench that what the item needs normally.
the TN to repair the item by the number of Hits As the rules state, you may only use a Workbench
you increased. Also, any cost to repair the item one level lower than required. With this Perk,
increases by 50%. This makes it costly to use, but a the penalty you get is reduced to -8, from -11.
few more Hits could mean the difference between Furthermore, you can attempt to use a Workbench
life and death, one extra shot or one extra block two steps lower than required, but the whole
and this is something many warriors or soldiers process gets a penalty of -16 and any PTN you
would probably prefer. make there is doubled.

Patch Structural Engineer
XP: 60 XP: 90
Requirements: Design/Repair 6 Requirements: Design/Repair 9, Technology
By making a Design/Repair check with a TN (Any) 9, Crafting Focus
equal to the item’s Complexity, a process taking 1 You are an expert at creating structures. Every
minute per Complexity, you can reduce penalties structure that you make plans for has an extra +1
on an item due to it having malfunctioned. The Hardness and +10% Hit points in every Location.
better your roll, the more you reduce the penalty. You must have designed the plans yourself, but
need not be present at the actual construction.
• TN = Complexity +6
• Time = Complexity in Minutes Superior Craftsman
• Reduce 1 penalty per Success Rating XP: 120
Requirements: Design/Repair 12
If you do this on an item, it immediately receives 3 All your Design/Repair check gain a +2 bonus. This
Hits. Thereafter, it receives an exra Hit every time bonus stacks with any other bonus that increases
it is damaged. Doing that taxes the item a lot, this Skill. If you have a Perk that increases your
perhaps even making it unusable if it has already Design/Repair check only on a specific condition,
sustained enough Hits. Of course, sometimes even then both bonuses apply again.
one penalty less can make a great difference.
Vehicle Mastery
Second Chances XP: 90
XP: 60 Requirements: Design/Repair 10, Technology
Requirements: Design/Repair 6 (Any) 10, Crafting Focus
When you create any item, you may ignore one roll You are an expert at designing superior Vehicles.
during the entire crafting process. For example, if Any Vehicle you make is considered to be Superior
you are halfway to the PTN and you make a very Craftmanship with a TN increase of +9 instead
low roll, you can ignore it an continue normally. of +11. Note that this applies only if you are in
However, the time is wasted already, but the roll charge of the crafting process. You can apply the
has not counted as a Botch or Failure. You also do effects of this Perk regardless of whether you have
not lose any materials, since you have essentially made the plans or not. This Perk is also valid for
managed to contain the error befoe any such los creating Superior Craftmanship plans, in which
occurs. case the TN also only increases by +9.

Perk Effect XP
Blocking (Shield Block)
Improved Quick Block Your second and your third block cost 1 IC, the fourth block cost 2 IC 120
Superb Safe Block Block 4 Less Hits 120
Improved Shield Cover Shield 1 Additional Location 150
Safe Block Block 1 Less Hit 30
Improved Safe Block Block 2 Less Hits 60
Quick Block Your second block for the round also cost 1 IC, the third block cost 2 IC 60
Expert Safe Block Block 3 Less Hits 90
Condition Penalties (Resilience)
Condition Reduction Reduce Condition Effects 120
Condition Immunity Immune Condition 150
Elemental Resistance +3 vs saves against one element 30
Endure Condition Condition 1 Round Less 30
Delayed Condition Condition Takes Place +1 Rnd 60
Improved Endure Condition Condition half duration 90
Cover (Avoid)
Greater Cover Half Cover Double 120
Expert Cover Half Cover +1 60
Improved Cover Cover +1 Location 60
Locations & HP (Avoid/Resilience)
Expert Safe Guard Location Protect +3 120
Safeguard Location Protect +1 30
Improved Safeguard Location Protect +2 60
Vigor Hit Points +10% 60
Specific Vigor Hit Points +10% on specific location 90
Wound Reduction (Resilience)
Greater Endure Wound Ingore 2 additional penalties on a specific wound (Head, L. Arm etc) 120
Endure Wounds Mastery 6 less Penalty when wounded 150
Endure Wounds 1 less Penalty when wounded 30
Improved Endure Wounds 2 less Penalty when wounded 60
Expert Endure Wounds 4 less Penalty when wounded 90
Unarmed Deflection (Unarmed)
Unarmed Master Parry Deflect Unarmed No Penalty 120
Unarmed Deflection Deflect Unarmed +2 30
Unarmed Parry Deflect Unarmed 1 Less Damage 30
Unarmed Parry Expert Deflect Unarmed +4 60
Unarmed Superior Parry Deflect Unarmed 2 Less Hits 90

Perk Effect XP
Multiple Attackers (Avoid)
One Against All Multiple Attackers -6 on their bonus 150
One Against Two Multiple Attackers -2 on their bonus 60
One Against Many Multiple Attackers -4 on their bonus 90
Specialties (Knowledge)
Resistance Supremancy You may re-roll once any skill check of the chosen skill 150
Defensive Specialization Gain +1 to your Shield Block or Avoid 30
Resistance Focus Get +2 vs specific effect (Poison, Disease, Fear, Explosions etc.) 30
Resistance Specialty +2 to Resolve, Resilience or Avoid resistance checks 30
Defensive Expertise Additional +1 Block And Avoid 60
Resistance Expertise +1 to all resistance rolls 60
Resistance Mastery Choose one of your focus perks, you may re-roll checks it is applied to 90
Composure (Resolve)
Improved Composure +1 to composure resistance 60
Expert Composure +2 to composure resistance 90
Disregard Composure You may ignore up to -1 penalty from Composure 30
Ignore Composure You may ignore up to -2 penalty from Composure 60
Fatigue (Resilience)
Disregard Fatigue You may ignore up to -1 penalty from Fatigue 30
Ignore Fatigue You may ignore up to -2 penalty from Fatigue 60
Exhausting Burst Ignore a large penalty from Fatigue, gain more afterwards 60
Improved Fatigue Resistance +1 to fatigue resistance 60
Mastered Fatigue Resistance +2 to fatigue resistance 90
Table 4.5 Defensive Perks

One of the biggest Perk Categories, Defensive Condition Immunity

Perks help characters remain alive and keep going. XP: 150
They provide them with many options, such as more Requirements: Resilience 13, Condition
defense, ability to deflect blows better so shields Reduction
don’t take too much damage, or even blocking After much exposure to the chosen Condition,
attacks with their bare hands. Whatever path one you have now become immune to it. This is only
chooses, these Perks are largely useful to most valid for the Condition you have already chosen
characters, as staying alive usually matters more. with the previous Perks.
At their peak, these Perks may even have some
effects that are quite supernatural. Depending on Condition Reduction
the setting, this might be normal, or very unique. XP: 120
However, all these Perks may be explained by Requirements: Resilience 11, Endure Condition
pushing one’s body to the limit, however inhuman Whenever the chosen Condition has some effect
this may be. Of course, certain races need no such on you, you only get the minimum of this effect.
excuses, as they might have an innate ability to For example, if the Condition leaves you unable
shrug off fatigue or exhaustion, for example, such to act for 1d6 rounds, then you only suffer from
as those possesses by dwarves. this effect for 1 round. If the Condition gives you

a -3 penalty, you only get a -1 penalty. This works Endure Condition
for all numeric effects of the Condition and not XP: 30
just the variable ones. If the Condition makes you Requirements: Resilience 4
suffer some binary effect, such as being Blinded, Select one Condition (Blinded, Dazed, Deafened,
for example, you halve all penalties associated Horrified, Paralyzed, Spent, Stunned). This
with that Condition or reduce them by a step, Condition lasts one round less than it normally
if applicable. In the case above, you would only would. If its duration is only 1 round, then it is
get a 2-6 miss chance against an opponent and unaffected by this Perk.
a -6 penalty on Observe, since you reduced the
Concealment by one step. Endure Wounds
XP: 30
Defensive Expertise Requirements: Resilience 4
XP: 60 You ignore up to 1 penalty from being wounded.
Requirements: Block 6, Safe Block That is, having one or more Location at the
You gain a +1 bonus on both your Avoid and Wounded or Disabled level. For example, if you
Shield Block Skills. have two Locations Wounded, you get a -6 total
penalty on all actions. With this Perk, you would
Defensive Specialization only get a -5.
XP: 30
Requirements: Block or Avoid 3 Endure Wounds Mastery
You gain a +1 bonus on either your Avoid or your XP: 150
Shield Block Skill. If you select this Perk again, Requirements: Resilience 15, Greater Endure
you can select the other and have both bonuses Wounds
with two Perks. You ignore up to 9 penalty from being wounded.
That is, having one or more Location at the
Delayed Condition Wounded or Disabled level. For example, if you
XP: 60 have three Locations Wounded, you get a -9 total
Requirements: Resilience 6, Endure Condition penalty on all actions. With this Perk, you would
The Condition you have chosen with the previous have no penalty at all in this case. With this Perk
Perk is very temporarily shrugged off, enabling and 2 Disabled Locations, though, you would get
you a few precious seconds before you are affected. a -3 total penalty.
Whenever the chosen Condition takes hold, you
may delay the effect for 1 round. For example, if Exhausting Burst
you become Blinded by a Manifestation, you can XP: 60
use this Perk to act normally for one round. Then Requirements: Resolve 7, Ignore Fatigue
after the first round, you are normally Blinded. You may temporarily shrug off the ill effects from
having lost Fatigue. You may ignore an extra
Disregard Composure number of Fatigue penalty equal to your total
XP: 30 Fatigue Resistance for 3 minutes. After that,
Requirements: Resolve 4 you become winded and lose an equal number of
You may ignore up to -1 penalty that results from Fatigue Points immediately. If this brings you to
Composure loss. zero, you follow the normal rules for Fatigue loss.

Disregard Fatigue Expert Composure

XP: 30 XP: 90
Requirements: Resilience 4 Requirements: Resolve 9, Improved Composure
You may ignore up to -1 penalty that results from You gain an extra +1 on your Composure
Fatigue loss. Resistance, for a total of +2 points. This stacks
with any other increases you may have from Perks
Elemental Resistance or special abilities.
XP: 30
Requirements: Resilience 4 Expert Cover
You gain a +3 bonus on the Resilience check XP: 60
against an element of your choice (frost, first, acid, Requirements: Avoid 6, Safe Guard
electricity). You can gain this Perk multiple times. Whenever you gain Half Cover on a Location,
Each time it applies to a new element of your you increase the bonus by 1. This brings the total
choice. bonus from Half Cover to +5.

Expert Endure Wounds Ignore Fatigue
XP: 90 XP: 60
Requirements: Resilience 9, Improved Endure Requirements: Resilience 7
Wounds You may ignore up to -2 penalty that results from
You ignore up to 4 penalty from being wounded. Fatigue loss.
That is, having one or more Location at the
Wounded or Disabled level. For example, if you Improved Composure
have two Locations Wounded, you get a -6 total XP: 60
penalty on all actions. With this Perk, you would Requirements: Resolve 6, Resistance Specialty
only get a -2. (Resolve)
You gain an extra +1 on your Composure
Expert Safe Block Resistance. This stacks with any other increases
XP: 90 you may have from Perks or special abilities.
Requirements: Block 10, Improved Safe Block,
Quick Block Improved Cover
When you use your shield to block attacks, it XP: 60
receives 3 Less Hits. This can bring the total to Requirements: Avoid 8, Safe Guard
zero Hits from an attack. For example, a Steel When you stay behind cover, you may give Half
shield usually has a Damage Reduction of 3. If you Cover to one extra Location. Normally, you can
manage to block an orc’s attack with an axe, you give Half Cover to one Location and with this
would suffer 6 Hits. With this Perk, your shield Perk you increase this to two Locations.
would get no damage at all.
Improved Endure Condition
Expert Safe Guard XP: 90
XP: 120 Requirements: Resilience 9, Delayed Condition
Requirements: Reaction 10, Avoid 10, Improved The Condition you have chosen with the previous
Safe Guard Pirks in this chain has its duration on you
When you cover a Location to prevent it from decreased to half.
becoming a target of your opponents’ attacks, you
increase the total bonus by 3, for a total of +7 on Improved Endure Wounds
the Location specified. XP: 60
Requirements: Resilience 6, Endure Wounds
Greater Cover You ignore up to 2 penalty from being wounded.
XP: 120 That is, having one or more Location at the
Requirements: Reaction 13, Superior Cover Wounded or Disabled level. For example, if you
Whenever you gain Half Cover on a Location, have two Locations Wounded, you get a -6 total
you double the bonus from the cover. This brings penalty on all actions. With this Perk, you would
the total bonus from Half Cover to +8. Note that only get a -4.
there are certai Perks on the Ranged Category
that can negate this penalty. Improved Fatigue Resistance
XP: 60
Greater Endure Wound Requirements: Resilience 6, Resistance Specialty
XP: 120 (Resilience)
Requirements: Resilience 12, Expert Endure You gain an extra +1 on your Fatigue Resistance.
Wounds This stacks with any other increases you may have
You ignore up to 6 penalty from being wounded. from Perks or special abilities.
That is, having one or more Location at the
Wounded or Disabled level. For example, if you Improved Quick Block
have two Locations Wounded, you get a -6 total XP: 120
penalty on all actions. With this Perk, you would Requirements: Reaction 11, Shield Block 12,
get no penalty at all in this case. Quick Block
When you make a Deflection with your shield or
Ignore Composure weapon, the first two you make do not increase the
XP: 60 IC cost. This means that the first three Deflections
Requirements: Resolve 7 cost 1 IC and the fourth one costs 2 IC. From
You may ignore up to -2 penalty that results from then on, it follows the normal rules for increasing
Composure loss. IC on blocks.

Improved Safe Block Quick Block
XP: 60 XP: 60
Requirements: Shield Block 8, Safe Block Requirements: Reaction 9, Block 8 Ranks, Safe
When you use your shield to block attacks, it Block
receives 3 Less Hits. This can bring the total When you make a Deflection with your shield or
number of Hits to zero. weapon, the first you make does not increase the
IC cost. This means that the first two Deflections
Improved Safeguard cost 1 IC and the third one costs 2 IC. From then
XP: 60 on, it follows the normal rules for increasing IC
Requirements: Avoid 8, Safe Guard on blocks.
When you cover a Location to prevent it from
becoming a target of your opponents’ attacks, you Resistance Expertise
increase the bonus by 2, for a total of +6. XP: 60
Requirements: Resistance Specialty (All Three)
Improved Shield Cover You gain an extra +1 bonus on your Resolve,
XP: 150 Resilience and Avoid checks. This bonus stacks
Requirements: Block 15, Improved Quick Block with any other Perk that increases these Skills.
Your shield can cover one additional Location
from Ranged Attacks. Depending on the shield, Resistance Focus (Any)
it can usually cover anywhere from one to four XP: 30
Locations. Requirements: Chosen Skill 4
You gain a +2 bonus on your Resilience or Resolve
Mastered Fatigue Resistance checks against a specific effect (such as poisons for
XP: 90 Resilience, fear for Resolve, etc). You can select
Requirements: Resilience 9, Improved Fatigue this Perk multiple times, each time pertaining to
You gain an extra +1 on your Fatigue Resistance, a different effect.
for a total of +2 points. This stacks with any other
increases you may have from Perks or special Resistance Mastery
abilities. XP: 90
Requirements: Resilience, Resolve or Avoid 10
One Against All The Skill you have chosen on the previous Perks
XP: 150 in this chain increases in potency. You may now
Requirements: Avoid 12, Reaction 13, One make a re-roll once on any rolls you make with
Against Many this Skill. You must keep the second roll, even if its
The total number of penalty you have from fighting worse than the first roll. Your GM should tell you
multiple opponents decreases by 6. This means that if the first roll is a success or not before you decide
if three or less opponents are fighting you, you get to make the re-roll or not.
no penalty. If four opponents have circled you, you
only get a -3 penalty instead of the normal -9. The Resistance Specialty (Any)
maximum number of opponents that can attack XP: 30
you at the same time is six. Requirements: Chosen Skill +5
Select either Resilience, Resolve or Avoid. You
One Against Many gain a +2 bonus on that skill. You may get this
XP: 90 Perk multiple times, each time choosing a different
Requirements: Avoid 9, One Against Two Skill, until you have selected all Skills and gained
The total number of penalty you have from the bonuses once on each one.
fighting multiple opponents decreases by 4. This
means that if three opponents are fighting you, Resistance Supremancy
you get -2 instead of -6. XP: 150
Requirements: Resilence 15, Resolve 15 or Avoid
One Against Two 15, Resistance Mastery
XP: 60 You may re-roll once any checks you make with
Requirements: Avoid 6 the Skill you have chosen with the previous Perks
The total number of penalty you have from in this chain.You must keep the second roll, even
fighting multiple opponents decreases by 2. This if its worse than the first roll. Your GM should tell
means that if three opponents are fighting you, you if the first roll is a success or not before you
you get -4 instead of -6. decide to make the re-roll or not.

Safe Block when you deflect an attack this way, the Location
XP: 30 that blocked it takes damage equal to half normal
Requirements: Shield Block 6 damage of your opponent. For example, someone
When you use your shield to block attacks, it hitting you with a Sword dealing 2d6+5 points of
receives 1 Less Hit. This can bring the total damage (2d6+1 for the Sword and the rest from
number of Hits taken to zero. the Strength Damage modifier) misses and you
manage to block the attack unarmed. Normally
Safeguard you would take 6 points of damage (average for
XP: 30 the attack, halved). Assuming you wore Leather
Requirements: Avoid 6 armor, you would deduct 5 points from the attack,
When you cover a Location to prevent it from bringing the total to 1 point of damage on the
becoming a target of your opponents’ attacks, you hand you used to block with. With this Perk you
increase the total bonus by 3, for a total of +5 on would receive no damage at all.
the Location specified.
Unarmed Parry Expert
Specific Vigor XP: 60
XP: 90 Requirements: Unarmed 6
Requirements: Resilience 10 You are able to better deflect attacks using your
bare hands. This Perk only works if you are
Select a Location. The total Hit Points on that
unarmed and not using weapons or shields to
Location increase by 10%. This bonus stacks with
block these attacks. You gain a +4 bonus when you
that from the Vigor Perk, for a total increase on
deflect attacks unarmed.
that Location of 20% bonus Hit Points.

Superb Safe Block Unarmed Superior Parry

XP: 90
XP: 120 Requirements: Unarmed 9
Requirements: Block 13, Expert Safe Block When you use your hands to block incoming
When you use your shield to block attacks, it attacks, you get 2 less damage on the Location.
receives 4 Less Hits. This can bring the total You must successfully block an attack for this Perk
number of Hits to zero. to take effect and it only works for the Location
which you used to block the attack with. Normally,
Unarmed Deflection when you deflect an attack this way, the Location
XP: 30 that blocked it takes damage equal to half normal
Requirements: Unarmed 4 damage of your opponent. For example, someone
You are able to better deflect attacks using your hitting you with a Greatsword dealing 3d6+6
bare hands. This Perk only works if you are points of damage (3d6+2 for the Sword and the
unarmed and not using weapons or shields to rest from the Strength Damage modifier) misses
block these attacks. You gain a +2 bonus when you and you manage to block the attack unarmed.
deflect attacks unarmed. Normally you would take 9 points of damage
(average for the attack, halved). Assuming you
Unarmed Master Parry wore Leather armor, you would deduct 5 points
XP: 120 from the attack, bringing the total to 4 points
Requirements: Unarmed 12, Unarmed Parry of damage on the hand you used to block with.
Expert With this Perk you would receive only 2 points
You have beome a master at deflecting attacks of damage.
with your bare hands. You get no penalty at all
when you parry without a weapon. Note here that Vigor
all other drawbacks in doing so apply normally. XP: 60
Requirements: Resilience 6, Resistance Spec.
Unarmed Parry (Resilience)
XP: 30 You gain an extra 10% Hit Points on all Locations.
Requirements: Unarmed 6 To calculate this, it would be better to add the
When you use your hands to block incoming extra HP to the Torso Location and then make
attacks, you get 1 less damage on the Location. the necessary calculations for the rest of the
You must successfully block an attack for this Perk Locations. That is, half of the Torso HP for the
to take effect and it only works for the Location Head and two thirds for the Arms and Legs, as
which you used to block the attack with. Normally, per the rules found later in this book.

Perk Effect XP
Healing Times (Medicine)
Fast Patch Treat A Wound Within 15 Minutes Instead Of 10 90
At Death’s Door Heal A Character Below 0 Hit points 150
Wound Reduction (Medicine)
Pain Reduction Reduce Penalties Of Wounds By 1 60
Superior Pain Reduction Wound reductions apply to secondary effects, as well 60
Improved Pain Reduction Increase Penalty Reduction By 1 90
Resource Reduction (Medicine)
Economist You spend 1 less resource total, minimum of 1 60
Natural Kit Reduce penalties of lower-level Workbench requirements by 3 60
Disregard Resources Double resources required, gain a +4 on the roll 90
Specialties (Medicine)
Medical Specialty You Gain A +1 Bonus On Your Medicine Skill 30
Medical Expert +1 on your Medicine checks 60
Medical Focus Gain +2 on specific Medicine checks 60
Disease Specialist Halve all penalties from diseases on subjects you treat 90
Medical Mastery Choose one of your focus perks, you may re-roll checks it is applied to 90
Surgery Specialist Failing a surgery does not leave subjects with bad effects 90
Medicine Supremacy Reroll all medicine rolls 150
Table 4.6 Healing Perks

When combat is over, it is usually time for rest dead, you have a chance to save them, even from
and recuperation. This is where healers come into the brink of death. You must act within the next 3
play. Without someone capable of tending to the rounds. You need to be able to see the wound that
injured, it will probably take a really long time dropped the character and have access to it. At the
before characters recover from injuries. For some GM’s discretion, wounds big enough might have
of them, those with very heavy injuries, maybe left a small gap at the armor and allow the healer
they will never heal. Even worse, their health may to see it. Otherwise, the character will need a
deteriorate and it could result to death. Having couple of rounds (depending on the kind of armor
someone tend the wounds and continue to do so worn) to tear the armor away or just unstrap it.
until the character recovers might save their lives. Should the character manage to see the wound,
Other than that, though, healers are very useful they need to make a Medicine check at a TN that
right after a fight. They can patch wounds and depends on the recipient’s Resilience Skill total.
reduce their potency, thus making it a lot easier for This action takes only 1 round.
characters to heal. The Perks in this category assist
will all the aforementioned situations, making TN = 60 - Target’s Resilience Total
them a must for all those who wish to take on the Time = 1 Round (must be done within 3 Rounds)
role of assisting other characters with their health. A successful roll means that the character is
restored to consciousness if they had fallen
At Death’s Door unconscious or left unconscious if they had failed
XP: 150 the save and it indicated they should have died.
Requirements: Medicine 15, Fast Patch Additionally this Perk extends the time in which
If an ally fails the Resilience check after getting you can use the Patch action by another 5 minutes,
a Location to Disabled and drops unconscious or to 20 minutes.

Disease Specialist Medical Focus
XP: 90 XP: 60
Requirements: Medicine 10, Medical Focus Requirements: Medicine 7, Medical Specialty
(Disease) Select a specific use of the Medicine Skill
While you are treating a character for a disease, (Patching, Long-Term Care, Treat Disease, Treat
you reduce all penalties that stem from the disease Poison, Surgery). You gain a +2 bonus whenever
to half. If you stop treating the character, this you use the Medicine Skill for that specific reason.
bonus holds for one day, then the disease resumes
to the old penalty normally, until you begin Medical Mastery
treating them again. XP: 90
Requirements: Medicine 9, Efficient healing,
Disregard Resources Expert Medic
XP: 90 You may re-roll once any checks you make with the
Requirements: Medicine 9, Economist Skill you have chosen with the previous Perks in
You learn how to make use of a medkit as much this chain, namely the specific use of the Medicine
as possible, with complete disregard for how many Skill (Patching, Long-Term Care, Treat Disease,
resources you spend. By doubling the amount of Treat Poison, Surgery. You only have the re-roll
HP required to perform a healing action with a when you use the Medicine Skill for that specific
medkit, you gain a +4 on the Medicine check. reason. You must keep the second roll, even if its
worse than the first roll. Your GM should tell you
Economist if the first roll is a success or not before you decide
XP: 60 to make the re-roll or not.
Requirements: Medicine 7
When you use a Medkit, you spend one less Medical Specialty
resource every time you make a Patch, surgery XP: 30
or long-term treatment. For example, if you treat Requirements: Medicine 3
a Serious Wound and recover 2 Hit Points, you Gain a +1 bonus on your Medicine Skill. This
would normally spend 6 HP fom the medkit. bonus stacks with any other Perk or ability that
With this Perk, you would spend only 5. Note that increases your skill.
a minimum of 1 Hit Point expenditure is always
required. When applying the Medicine Skill for Medicine Supremacy
Long-Term care, you deduct this 1 Hit Point XP: 150
every day that you treat a character. On a surgery, Requirements: Medicine 15, Racial Medicine
you deduct 1 from the overall requirement of Hit Expert
Points for it. You have gained complete mastery on the healing
process and all uses of the Medicine Skill in
Fast Patch general. You may re-roll once all Medicine checks.
XP: 90 You must keep the second roll, even if its worse
Requirements: Medicine 9, Pain Reduction than the first roll. Your GM should tell you if the
You may treat a wound with the Patch action first roll is a success or not before you decide to
within a time frame of 15 minutes, instead of the make the re-roll or not.
normal 10.
Natural Kit
Improved Pain Reduction XP: 60
XP: 90 Requirements: Medicine 6
Requirements: Medicine 10, Pain Reduction You have the ability to create a Medkit out
When you apply the Medicine Skill to a character of natural materials, without the need of the
to reduce their Wound Penalty, you reduce it by an Workbench normally required. You do not get the
additional 1, for a total Wound Penalty Reduction penalty for using a lower level Workbench, but only
of 2. when you use the Survival Skill to create a Medkit.
Normally, you get a -11 penalty on the check to
Medical Expert create anything on a lower level Workbench. Note
XP: 60 here that Medkits created in this way have less
Requirements: Medicine 6, Medical Specialty Hit Points than normal and do not give a bonus to
You gain an extra +1 on all your Medicine Skill the character’s Medicine check, unless you create
checks. This bonus stacks with any other Perk or them as Superior Craftmanship items. See the
ability that increases your skill. Crafting chapter for more information.

Pain Reduction a one-to-one basis. A healer treating a character
XP: 60 that has a Wounded Torso, giving them 2 points of
Requirements: Medicine 8, Medical Specialty Wound Penalty Reduction would also reduce the
Through your overall knowledge of combat Combat Rating penalty to 1 in this case.
healing and patching wounds, you have gained
the ability to assist others with their pain better. Surgery Specialist
When you apply the Medicine Skill to a character XP: 90
to reduce their Wound Penalty, you reduce it by Requirements: Medicine 10, Medical Focus
an additional 1, for a total of 2 points of Wound (Surgery)
Penalty Reduction with this Perk. You make sure that any characters you perform
surgery on will at least heal normally, even if the
Superior Pain Reduction surgery is not a complete success. If you make a
XP: 60 successful surgery on a character for a Disabled
Requirements: Medicine 8, Pain Reduction Location, you expedite the healing process by 20%.
Whenever you use the Medicine Skill to reduce the A Location that would normally take 20 Days,
penalties a character has from wounds, you extend for example, takes only 16 Days with this Perk.
this reduction to the secondary negative effects Additionally, if the surgery is not successful, the
that these wounds have, as well. For example, a character does not suffer any Permanent Damage,
Wounded Leg gives you a -1 Movement penalty. unless you Botch during the surgery. Normally,
A Wounded Torso gives you -3 Combat Rating characters who fail such a surgery have some kind
and a Wounded Head gives you a -6 on your of Permanent Damage that can be rid of only with
Observe checks. Characters with this Perk allow similar surgery. See the Healing chapter for more
their targets to shrug off these penalties, as well, on details.

Perk Effect XP
Awareness (Observe/Search)
Intuitive Awareness You Always Know The TN For Your Infiltration Skill 60
Trap Avoidance Reduce damage from failure 60
Flawless Search +4 On Maxed Out Rolls For Searching 90
Intuitive Search Know if Search failed 120
Disable Traps (Disable Device)
Makeshift Tools Less -2 penalty for no tools 30
Disabling Master When Disabling a Device, it doesn't break on a failure 120
Trap Perfection Only botch activates 120
Perfect Ambush On Fail Surprise, Botch 150
Sneak Attack (Observe)
Armor Sneak Ignore up to 2 points of DR from armor, 1 round study 60
Bleeding Critical Add the Bleeding property to Critical Strikes on Sneak, if already triple it 60
Sneak Attack Deal 1 extra damage on Sneak Attack 60
Taxing Critical Add the Taxing property to Critical Strikes on Sneak, if already triple it 60
Improved Armor Sneak Ignore up to 4 points of DR from armor, 2 rounds study 90
Improved Sneak Attack Deal 3 extra damage on Sneak Attack 90
Ripping Critical Add the Ripping Property to Critical Strikes on Sneak, if already add +1 90
Master Armor Sneak Ignore up to 6 points of DR from armor, 3 rounds study 120
Double Sneak Critical Add Taxing, Bleeding and Ripping properties on critical sneaks 150
Specialty (Observe/Search)
Infiltration Focus (Any) Gain +1 to a specific use of an Infiltration Skill 30
Infiltration Specialty (Any) Gain +1 to Stealth, Disguise, Disable Device, Larceny or Forgery checks 30
Infiltration Expertise (Any) Gain +1 on two Infiltration Skills 60
Infiltration Mastery (Any) Choose one of your focus perks, you may re-roll checks it is applied to 90
Infiltration Supremacy (Any) You may re-roll once any skill check of the chosen skill 150
Hiding (Stealth)
Speed Stealth Half Normal Penalties For Hustling Or Running 60
Sleight of Hand Mastery Reroll Sleight of Hand on specific condition (Hide Weapon, Feint) 90
Swift Stealth No Penalties For Hustling When Stealthing 90
Table 4.7 Inf iltration Perks

Getting in and out of buildings undetected is when they catch them unaware and also help them
the specialty of people usually living in the big remain undetected in the presence of enemies, thus
cities, whether in fantasy or sci-fi settings. Such increasing their chances of making such deadly
characters prefer the cover of darkness or silence attacks. It also gives characters the opportunity
to infiltrate places and gain information, acquire to better investigate places they infiltrate into and
certain items or even assassinate individuals. This even disable traps that have been set to hinder
Perk category helps characters kill their opponents such actions.

Armor Sneak Improved Armor Sneak
XP: 60 XP: 90
Requirements: Observe 7 Requirements: Observe 10
Whenever you are out of sight of your opponents Whenever you are out of sight of your opponents
and surprise them, you gain the ability to ignore and surprise them, you gain the ability to ignore
up to 2 points of DR from armor. In order to do up to 2 points of DR from armor. In order to do
that, you must have first studied your opponent that, you must have first studied your opponent
for 1 round. This means spending a Full Action for 2 rounds. This means spending a Full Action
doing nothing else but checking for weak spots. doing nothing else but checking for weak spots.
You must be within meters equal to half your You must be within meters equal to half your
Observe Ranks for that to be effective. When you Observe Ranks for that to be effective. When you
have done that, the next attack you make against have done that, the next attack you make against
that opponent gains the benefit described above. that opponent gains the benefit described above.
If you lose sight of your opponent, you have to If you lose sight of your opponent, you have to
study them again. study them again.

Bleeding Critical Improved Sneak Attack

XP: 60 XP: 90
Requirements: Knowledge (Race) 6, Observe 6 Requirements: Observe 7, Knowledge (Race) 6
You add the Bleeding Critical Property to any When you attack your opponents by surprise, you
Critical Success attacks you make when you catch deal a total extra 3 points of damage. This bonus
your opponents by surprise. If the weapon already supersedes (does not stack with) other bonuses for
has that property, triple its effectiveness. Bleeding damage from similar Perks in this chain.
weapons deal 1 point of damage every minute after
the attack. Characters with this Perk deal 3 points Infiltration Expertise
of damage per minute with Bleeding weapons. XP: 60
Requirements: Two Chosen Skills 6
Disabling Master Select two Infiltration Skills (Stealth, Disable
XP: 120 Device, Larceny, Forgery, Disguise). You gain a +1
Requirements: Disable Device 12 bonus on both these Skills.
When you attempt to disable a device, it does not
break if you fail the roll to disable it. Instead, it Infiltration Focus
only breaks on a Botch. XP: 30
Requirements: Chosen Skill 4
Double Sneak Critical Select one Infiltration Skill (Stealth, Disable
XP: 150 Device, Larceny, Forgery, Disguise). You gain
Requirements: Knowledge (Race) 14, Observe a +1 bonus on a specific use of that Skill (for
14, All Criticals example Avoiding Detection, Tailing for Stealth,
Whenever you score a Critical Success on a Sneak Disabling Mechanical Traps for Disable Device,
attack (when you catch your opponents unaware), Impersonating or Changing Features for Disguise,
add the Taxing, Bleeding and Ripping properties etc). You may select this Perk multiple times, each
to your weapon. If the weapon already has one of time gaining a new focus.
these properties, triple its effectiveness. However,
if the weapon is unable to deal one of these Infiltration Mastery
properties, this particular property has no effect. XP: 90
For example, a Club could not deal a Bleeding nor Requirements: Chosen Skill 9, Infiltration
a Ripping Critical, so ignore these properties. The Expertise, Focus
GM has the final say on what kind of property a The Skills you have chosen on the previous Perks
weapon can have. in this chain increases in potency. You may now
make a re-roll once on any rolls you make with
Flawless Search the specific use of the Skill you have chosen from
XP: 90 the Infiltration Focus Perk. This Perk is only valid
Requirements: Search 11, Search Mastery for when you use the Skill you have chosen for its
Whenever you make a Maxed-Out roll on specific use. You must keep the second roll, even if
searching, you gain a +4 bonus on the check. This its worse than the first roll. Your GM should tell
means you make the Maxed-Out roll as if you had you if the first roll is a success or not before you
rolled a 22 on the dice. decide to make the re-roll or not.

Infiltration Specialty (Any) doing nothing else but checking for weak spots.
XP: 30 You must be within meters equal to half your
Requirements: Chosen Skill 4 Observe Ranks for that to be effective. When you
Select an Infiltration Skill (Stealth, Disable have done that, the next attack you make against
Device, Larceny, Forgery, Disguise). You gain a +1 that opponent gains the benefit described above.
bonus on this Skill. If you lose sight of your opponent, you have to
study them again.
Infiltration Supremacy (Any)
XP: 150 Perfect Ambush
Requirements: Chosen Skill 15, XP: 150
The Skills you have chosen on the previous Perks Requirements: Stealth 14, Surpise
in this chain increases in potency. You may now Whenever your opponents fail an Observe check
make a re-roll once on any rolls you make with to detect you if you are hidden from sight, the
the Skills you have chosen from the Infiltration GM should treat this roll as a Botch, with the
Expertise Perk. You must keep the second roll, appropriate consequences.
even if its worse than the first roll. Your GM
should tell you if the first roll is a success or not Ripping Critical
before you decide to make the re-roll or not. XP: 90
Requirements: Knowledge (Race) 6, Observe 6
Intuitive Awareness You add the Ripping Critical Property to any
XP: 60 Critical Success attacks you make when you catch
Requirements: Stealth 8, Observe 8 your opponents by surprise. If the weapon already
With this Perk, you always know the TN for your has that property, double its effectiveness. Ripping
Stealth or Disable Device check before you roll. weapons ignore 1s, 2s and 3s on the dice when
You need to be able to see the area you are about rolling damage. A character with this Perk and
to stealth into or the trap you are about to disable using a Ripping weapon would also ignore 4s on
and make an Observe check equal to the relevant the dice.
skill. For example, if the GM knows you need to
roll 26 or higher to disable a trap, you may roll on Sleight of Hand Mastery
Observe check. If you make it, your GM can tell XP: 90
you the TN to disable the trap. If you fail, you don’t Requirements: Sleight of Hand 10
know, but you will get an indication according to Select a specific condition for the Larceny Skill
how high you scored on the Observe check. If (Pickpocket, Open Lock). You may re-roll checks
you fail the Observe check having rolled a 25, for when doing that specific action.
example, you know the TN is more than that.
Sneak Attack
Intuitive Search XP: 60
XP: 120 Requirements: Observe 7, Knowledge (Race) 4
Requirements: Search 13, Search Mastery When you attack your opponents by surprise, you
When you make a Search check, your GM should deal an extra 1 point of damage.
hint you that you sense you have missed something
if you fail the roll. Speed Stealth
XP: 60
Makeshift Tools Requirements: Stealth 8, Stealth Specialty
XP: 30 When you use the Stealth Skill, you only get half
Requirements: Disable Device or Larceny 6 the normal penalties for Hustling or Running.
You get 2 less penalty for not using proper tools to Normally you get a -4 for Walking, -8 for
use the Disable Device or Larceny Skills. Hustling and -20 for Running. Characters with
this Perk would only get a -2 when Walking, -4
Master Armor Sneak when Hustling and -10 when Running.
XP: 120
Requirements: Observe 13 Swift Stealth
Whenever you are out of sight of your opponents XP: 90
and surprise them, you gain the ability to ignore Requirements: Stealth 10, Speed Stealth
up to 6 points of DR from armor. In order to do You decrease the penalties for moving while
that, you must have first studied your opponent stealthed by 2. This means you now get no penalty
for 3 rounds. This means spending a Full Action for Walking, -2 for Hustling and -8 for Running.

Taxing Critical Trap Avoidance
XP: 60 XP: 60
Requirements: Knowledge (Race) 6, Observe 6 Requirements: Disable Device 8, Disable Device
You add the Taxing Critical Property to any Specialty
Critical Success attacks you make when you You reduce any damage sustained from failed
catch your opponents by surprise. If the weapon attempts to disable a trap by 2. For example, if a
already has that property, double its effectiveness. spike trap would deal 2d6+1 points of damage for
Taxing weapons deal 1 point of Fatigue every failing to disable it, you would suffer 6 points of
time a Critical Success is scored. Characters with damage instead of 8 (average of the roll). Decrease
this Perk deal 2 points of Fatigue instead. Note this damage after DR has been applied.
here that certain weapons might not be able to
deal Taxing Criticals, such as daggers or smaller Trap Perfection
weapons. In this case, ignore this Perk and do not XP: 120
add the Taxing property at all, unless the wileder Requirements: Disable Device 12, Disable
has some weapon able to deal that kind of Critical. Mastery
Usually, Taxing Criticals are dealt by massive, You do not activate traps if you fail to disable
heavy-hitting weapons such as mauls, big them. Instead, traps you disable activate only on
hammers, etc. a Botch.

Perk Effect XP
Armor Usage (Athletics)
Improved Armor Use 1 less penalty from armor 60
Expert Armor Use 3 less penalty from armor 90
Efficient Armor Use 1 less Reaction penalty from armor 120
Superior Armor Use Armor DR +1 150
Athletic Ability (Athletics)
Fast Climber Faster Climb 30
Fast Swimmer Faster Swim 30
Improved Jump Longer Jump 30
Expert Jump Less runing Distance to Jump 60
Roll With the Blow Receive 2 Less Damage 150
Charge (Athletics)
Mobile Attack Gain +1 Bonus on Attack when Move 30
Improved Mobile Attack Gain +2 Bonus on Attacks when Hustle 60
Charge +2 on Attcak when Hustle in straight line (+4 total) 90
Greater Charge +2 Damage when Charge 120
Supreme Charge Negate penalties from movent on attack when charge 150
Defense vs Reach (Acrobatics)
Close In Get +1 Defense if you are hit by Reach 30
Improved Close In Get +2 defense if hit by Reach (Total +3) 60
Defensive Positioning (Acrobatics)
Kneel Mastery Get -2 Less defense and +1 Avoid when Kneel 30
Improved Reflexes Position 1 less IC 60
Prone Mastery Get -2 Less defense penalty when prone 60
Perfect Positioning Get -4 Less both Prone and Kneel 90
Superior Reflexes Switch Move 1 less IC 90
Disengage (Acrobatics)
Disengage Specialty Disengage +1 Defense 30
Disengage Expertise Disengage +3 Defense 60
Disengage Mastery Disengage Avoid = Acrobatics 90
Falling Damage (Acrobatics)
Reduce Fall Reduce Fall Damage 90
Subdual Fall Convert Fall to Subdual 120
Faster Movement (Athletics)
Dash Run Instantly 30
Sprinter Run x5 30
Longstrider +1 Speed 60

Perk Effect XP
Mobile Defense (Acrobatics)
Impoved Mobile Defense 1 less defense penalty when Move 30
Moving Target Avoid +1 When Walk 30
Dashing Target Avoid +2 When Hustle 60
Expert Mobile Defense 3 less penalty when Move 60
Greater Mobile Defense 5 less penalty when Move 90
Running Target Gain +4 Avoid When Run 90
Specialties (Acrobatics/Athletics)
Mobility Focus Gain +1 to a specific use of a Mobility Skill 30
Mobility Specialization Gain +1 to Athletics or Acrobatics checks 30
Mobility Expertise Gain +1 to Acrobatics and Athletics checks 60
Mobility Mastery Choose one of your focus perks, you may re-roll any that it is applied to 90
Mobility Supremacy You may re-roll once any skill check of the chosen skill 150
Table 4.8 Mobility Perks

Getting around in combat, when out in the wild Close In

or on the rooftops of buildings can sometimes XP: 30
be quite important. Characters who perform Requirements: Acrobatics 4
such stunts or utilize the battlefield effectively in If you are hit by a Commit Attack due to weapon
combat can benefit from the Perks in this category. Reach, you gain a +1 bonus on your defense,
Mobility is vital for stealthy types of characters, whether Avoidance or Deflection, as you have
but also for strong warriors who want to ensure learned to close in on your opponent much more
that they always get the maximum benefit from efficiently.
the terrain and the positioning of their enemies
and allies. Charging towards an opponent and Dash
using your momentum to deal a lot of damage XP: 30
is a favored tactic among the more powerful of Requirements: Athletics 5, Sprinter
warriors, especially using two-handed weapons. You do not need to first increase your Movement
This category also contains Perks that help to either Walk or Hustle in order to run. You
characters finish off their opponents when they can choose to use the Run action even if you are
are undetected and also enhance your ability stationary.
to detect and disable traps and similar devices,
mainly useful to more stealthy types of characters. Dashing Target
XP: 60
Charge Requirements: Acrobatis 6, Moving Target
XP: 90 When you use the Hustle Movement mode,
Requirements: Athletics 10, Improved Mobility you gain a +2 extra bonus on your Avoidance, as
You gain the ability to make a powerful charge when you have learned to move a little eratically, thus
you move fast towards your opponent. Whenever becoming a harder target for your opponents.
you move in a Hustle towars an enemy and attack
them without breaking your momentum (meaning Disengage Expertise
you must not switch your Movement), you gain a XP: 60
+2 on your attack roll. Effectively this Perk allows Requirements: Acrobatics 6, Disangage Specialty
you to counter the penalty you get for moving and When you attempt to disengage from melee
attacking. Combined with the Improved Mobile combat and get away from your opponents, you
Attack Perk, you get a total of +4 on the attack get +3 to your defense (Avoidance or Deflection)
roll, making for a total penalty for Hustling and if the opponent makes a Commit Attack, or even
attacking of -2. a Hold Action to hit you when you try to leave.

Disengage Mastery Expert Mobile Defense
XP: 90 XP: 60
Requirements: Athletics 9,Improved Disengage Requirements: Acrobatics 6, Improved Mobile
When you attempt to move away from your Defense
opponents, you do so while attempting to evade When you Walk or Hustle, the total penalties for
their attacks completely. Your defense against defending yourself in melee are 3 less. This means
any Commit Attacks or Hold Actions to hit you that you get no penalty on your Deflection when
when you move away from melee is neither your you Walk and -3 when you Hustle.
Avoidance nor your Deflection.
Fast Climber
Defense = Acrobatics Skills +11 XP: 30
Requirements: Athletics 3
Of course, if for some reason either of the You only use 2 meters of movement for every
aforementioned Skills is higher, use that instead. meter you climb, instead of the normal 3 meters
for every one you climb.
Disengage Specialty
XP: 30 Fast Swimmer
Requirements: Acrobatics 4 XP: 30
You gain a +1 bonus on your defense (Avoidance Requirements: Athletics 3
or Deflection) when you move away from your You only use 2 meters of movement for every
opponents and they hit you either with a Commit meter you swim, instead of the normal 3 meters
or a Hold Action. for every one you swim.

Efficient Armor Use Greater Charge

XP: 120 XP: 120
Requirements: Athletics 12, Expert Armor Use Requirements: Athletics 12, Improved Mobility
When you wear armor, you have become so When you use the Charge action to move towards
accustomed to it that you treat the total penalty of your opponent and make an attack without losing
any armor you are wearing as 1 less. your momentum (that is, without switching your
movement) you gain a +2 bonus on your damage
Expert Armor Use roll, if your attack succeeds.
XP: 90
Requirements: Athletics 9 Ranks. Improve Greater Mobile Defense
Armor Use XP: 90
You have learnt how to use the armor more Requirements: Acrobatics 9, Expert Mobile
effectively and it now hinders your skills less when Defense
you wear one. You treat any penalty the armor has When you Walk or Hustle, the total penalties for
on physical skills as 3 less. Normally, armors give defending yourself in melee are 5 less. This means
their penalty on certain Skills such as Stealth or that you get no penalty when you Move and only
Acrobatics and Athletics, on top of the Reaction get a -1 penalty on your Deflection when you
reduction. With this Perk, you reduce this penalty Hustle.
for these Skills.
Impoved Mobile Defense
Expert Jump XP: 30
XP: 60 Requirements: Acrobatics 4
Requirements: Athletics 6, Improved Jump When you Walk or Hustle, the total penalties for
You are able to leap well even if you are not defending yourself in melee are 1 less. This means
moving fast enough. Whenever you make a Jump that you only get a -3 penalty on your Deflection
Skill check while moving, the TN increase is when you Walk and -5 when you Hustle.
treated as one category less. If you make a jump
while Standing, the TN increases as if you were Improved Armor Use
Walking. If you were Walking, the TN increases XP: 60
as if you were Hustling and if you were Hustling Requirements: Athletics 6
there is no TN increase at all. This means that with You have learnt how to use the armor more
this Perk, jumping while Standing means the TN effectively and it now hinders your skills less when
gets an x2 modifier, and jumping while Walking you wear one. You treat any penalty the armor has
means it gets an increase of +50%. on physical skills as 1 less. Normally, armors give

their penalty on certain Skills such as Stealth or Mobile Attack
Acrobatics and Athletics, on top of the Reaction XP: 30
reduction. With this Perk, you reduce this penalty Requirements: Athletics 4
for these Skills. When you Walk, you gain a +1 bonus on any
melee attacks you make, effectively making the
Improved Close In penalty for attacking while Walking -2.
XP: 60
Requirements: Acrobatics 7, Close In Mobility Expertise
If you are hit by a Commit Attack due to weapon XP: 60
Reach, you gain an extra +2 bonus on your defense, Requirements: Chosen Skill 6, Chosen Skill
whether Avoidance or Deflection, as you have Specialty
learned to close in on your opponent much more Gain a +1 bonus on both your Acrobatics and your
efficiently. This Perk stacks with the previous one, Athletics Skills. This bonus stacks with any other
enhancing the total bonus to +3. Perk or ability that enhances these skills.

Improved Jump Mobility Focus

XP: 30 XP: 30
Requirements: Athletics 3 Requirements: Chosen Skill 4, Chosen Skill
The TN to make a Long Jump or a High Jump Specialty
becomes less as you have learnt how to jump more You gain a +1 bonus on a specific use of eiher
efficiently. Acrobatics or Athletic (such as Jump or Climb for
Athletics and Balancing for Acrobatics).
Long Jump TN = 10 + 3 per meter
High Jump TN = 10 + 6 per meter Mobility Mastery
XP: 90
Other rules for jumping do not change, such as Requirements: Chosen Skill 9, Chosen Skill
how much you can jump horizontally or vertically Focus
and any other factors that give modifiers to the The Skill you have chosen on the previous Perks
roll. in this chain increases in potency. You may now
make a re-roll once on any rolls you make with
Improved Mobile Attack the specific use of the Skill you have chosen from
XP: 60 the Mobility Focus Perk. This Perk is only valid
Requirements: Athletics 6, Mobile Attack for when you use the Skill you have chosen for its
When you Hustle, you gain a +2 bonus on any specific use. You must keep the second roll, even if
melee attacks you make, effectively making the its worse than the first roll. Your GM should tell
penalty for attacking while Hustling -4. you if the first roll is a success or not before you
decide to make the re-roll or not.
Improved Reflexes
XP: 60 Mobility Specialization
Requirements: Acrobatics 6 XP: 30
You require one less IC to position yourself from Requirements: Chosen Skill 3
and to any position (Standing, Kneeling, Prone), Gain a +1 bonus on either your Acrobatics or your
making you able to switch positioning for 2 IC. Athletics Skills. This bonus stacks with any other
Perk or ability that enhances these skills. You may
Kneel Mastery gain this Perk twice, each time for a different Skill.
XP: 30
Requirements: Acrobatics 3 Mobility Supremacy
When you are Kneeling, you reduce the penalty XP: 150
you get on youe Deflection by 2, taking it to -6 Requirements: Chosen Skill 15, Chosen Skill
and you also gain a +1 bonus on your Avoidance. Mastery
Your mastery over mobility skills has reached its
Longstrider peak. You now re-roll once any roll you make with
XP: 60 both the Acrobatics and Athletics Skills. You must
Requirements: Athletics 8, Dash keep the second roll, even if its worse than the
You have learnt to move faster than normal people first roll. Your GM should tell you if the first roll
of your kind. You gain a +1 to your Movement, is a success or not before you decide to make the
increasing Walk, Hustle and Run accordingly. re-roll or not.

Moving Target Subdual Fall
XP: 30 XP: 120
Requirements: Acrobatis 4 Requirements: Acrobatics 12, Reduce Fall
When you use the Walk Movement mode, you When you suffer falling damage, you have learnt
gain a +1 bonus on your Avoidance. how to soften the fall effectively. Any wounds you
get are treated as one Wound Category less. If you
Perfect Positioning fall and take 7 damage, for example, this would
XP: 90 mean a Moderate Wound if you have a Stamina
Requirements: Reaction 10, Assume Position of 12. With this Perk, this wound, despite being
When you are Kneeling or Prone, you reduce the 7 Hit Points, would be treated as a Light Wound
penalty you get on your Deflection by 4, taking it and would be healed a lot faster.
to -2 when Kneeling and -7 when Prone.
Superior Armor Use
Prone Mastery XP: 150
XP: 60 Requirements: Athletics 15, Efficient Armor Use
Requirements: Acrobatics 6, Improved Kneeling You are keenly aware of how to place armor
When you are Prone, you reduce the penalty you properly when being dealt a blow in order to
get on your Deflection by 2, taking it to -9. maximize its damage reduction. Every armor you
wear is treated as if having +1 DR, as long as you
Reduce Fall are aware of the blow and not surprised.
XP: 90
Requirements: Acrobatics 9 Superior Reflexes
You ignore the first 2 meters when you are dealt XP: 90
falling damage. This means that if you fall from a Requirements: Acrobatics 10, Improved Reflexes
height of 4 meters, for example, you take damage You have learnt how to stop, sprint and then stop
as if you had fallen from 2 meters. again swiftly. When you switch your movement
inside a combat round, it only takes 2 IC per
Roll With the Blow switch. For example, if you are Hustling and want
XP: 150 to stop, it would normally take 6 IC. 3 to switch
Requirements: Acrobatics 15 from Hustle to Walk and 3 more to switch from
Your mastery of combat avoidance has reached its Walk to Standing. With this Perk, you would only
peak. Whenever you are dealt damage, you reduce need 4 to stop.
this damage by 2, as long as you are aware of the
attack against you. Supreme Charge
XP: 150
Running Target Requirements: Athletics 15, Greater Charge
XP: 90 You have completed the art of charging towards
Requirements: Acrobatis 9, Dashing Target your opponents and dealing lethal blows that
When you use the Run action, you gain an extra stagger and destroy their morale. When you charge
+34on your Avoidance. Normally, when you at an opponent and use your momentum (this
Run you get an Avoidance of 11 + your current means you must not switch you movement) you
Movement Rating. With this Perk you get a total gain certain bonuses. Disregard all bonuses from
Avoidance of 15 + your current Movement Rating. the previous Perks in this chain and replace them
This means that faster individuals usually give all with the ones mentioned here. Note that these
their enemies a tougher target. Perks work only if you are charging on a straight
line towards your opponent and you are Hustling.
Sprinter You completely negate all penalties for moving
XP: 30 and attacking. Furthermore, you get a +1d6 bonus
Requirements: Athletics 4 damage on your damage roll, assuming you hit
You run faster than the average person. When your opponent. Finally, if you score a Critical Hit,
you use the Run action, you run five times your you also knock your opponent down. If you already
Movement. have that ability, gain a +4 bonus on the roll.

Perk Effect XP
Attribute Expenditure (Word/Province)
Burn The Body Suffer Stamina Damage To Gain Bonuses 60
Inner Fire Burn XP to increase DVP on a 1 to 10 basis 120
Investiture (Word/Province)
Investiture Transfer a Portion of Your Power to Another 120
Investive Transfer You may alter investitures and the 150
Manifestation Bonuses (Word/Province)
Improved Power All your powers have a +1 TN 60
Magic You Gain XP equal to your Willpower to spend on DVP 60
Province Specialty Choose One Province And Gain A +1 Bonus With It 60
Word Specialty Choose One Word And Gain A +1 Bonus With It 60
Greater Power All your powers have an extra +1 TN 90
Paragon Spend 3 Willpower to get no increase on TN for 10 rounds 120
Path Mastery Gain a +1 on both chosen Word and Province 120
Merge Paths Double bonuses on chosen Words and Provinces 150
Reality Alteration (Word/Province)
Divine Sight Gain a bonus on Observe and Search checks 60
Alter Chances Gain one extra Action Point 90
Divine Foresight Gain a bonus on Avoidance and Deflection 90
Control Reality All Checks gain a +1 Bonus 120
Manipulate Reality Gain a Free Re-Roll per Session 120
Ascendance Roll All Checks Twice 150
Divine Endurance Gain a bonus on Hit Points and DR 150
Rituals (Word/Province)
Ritual Expert Adverse Effects of Ritual Failings are halved 90
Ritual Master You decrease all requirements on Rituals by one quarter 90
Side-Effects (Word/Province)
Endure Madness +2 On Mental Checks For Derangements 60
Strength Of Will You Gain A +2 Bonus On Your Mental Resistance 60
Suppress Derangement Make A Mental Roll To Suppress A Derangement 60
Improved Magic Treat Willpower As 1 Higher For Maximum Magic 90
Mental Fortitude You May Reroll Mental Saving Throws Once 90
Method To The Madness Suppress A Derangement 90
Magic Mastery Treat Willpower As Two Points Higher 150
Sustain Manifestations (Word/Province)
Improved Sustain Sustain a Power with -4 the penalty instead of -6 90
Mentality Of Power You May Sustain An Additional Active Power 120
Table 4.9 Magic Perks

Whether it is in the form of fire raining from the sky, Divine Endurance
lighting crackling at the caster’s fingertips, more XP: 150
subtle like armies subdued to your will, or even Requirements: Word (Any) 14 or Province (Any)
simpler like healing ailments and recovering from 14, Improved Sustain, Alter Reality
diseases, magic is a driving force in any campaign The magic around you coalesces into something
setting. The Perks mentioned here enhance the solid that gives you a permanent boost of 3 Hit
magical abilities of a character and help them Points on all Locations and 1 extra DR. At the
bring forward this power inside them, whether GM’s discretion this bonus could be visible or not.
it comes from the gods themselves or through
years of study and learning. Using and learning Divine Foresight
magic also enhances the practisioners themselves. XP: 90
Certain Perks here provide with passive bonuses Requirements: Word (Any) 10 or Province (Any)
that those who use magic can begin to develop 10
almost innately. In this Perk category, characters You gain a permanent +1 bonus on both your
will be able to gain extraordinary abilities that will Avoidance and Deflection as you gain insight in
even shape a campaign. All these Perks require combat through your magic.
some form of magic, of course.
Divine Sight
Alter Chances XP: 60
XP: 90 Requirements: Word (Any) 8 or Province (Any)
Requirements: Willpower 10, Personality 10, 8
Word (Any) 10 or Province (Any) 10 You gain a permanent +2 bonus on all Observe
Your innate potential for magic or your training and Search checks as your magic gives you the gift
and dabbling in magic has changed fate for you. of sight.
You gain one extra Action Die.
Endure Madness
Ascendance XP: 60
XP: 150 Requirements: Willpower 10, Word (Any) 6 or
Requirements: Word (Any) 16, Province (Any) Province (Any) 6
16, Merge Paths You have strengthened your resolve against the
This is the complete mastery of your inner magical side-effects of magic, which extends to any kind
abilities manifested. You can re-roll any skill check of mental strain. When you make a roll to gain a
twice. This effect does not extend to magical skill Derangement for any reason, you gain a +2 bonus.
checks. You must keep the second roll, even if it’s
worse than the original roll. Greater Power
XP: 90
Burn The Body Requirements: Word (Any) 10 or Province (Any)
XP: 60 10
Requirements: Stamina 10 All your magical Manifestations or Investitures
You may burn your own body to fuel your gain an extra +1 to their TN.
magical skills. When casting a Manifestation or
Investiture, you can take 1 Stamina damage, which Improved Magic
returns at the normal rate. You gain a +4 bonus on XP: 90
the Manifestation or Investiture check. You may Requirements: Willpower 12, Endure Madness,
only get one Stamina damage this way for every Strength of Will
Manifestation you cast. Your willpower is extraordinary when it comes
to containing magic. You treat your Willpower
Control Reality Attribute as one higher for purposes of how much
XP: 120 magic your character can endure before gaining
Requirements: Willpower 13, Word (Any) 12 or Derangements.
Province (Any) 12
Your potential has increased to the point where Improved Power
reality around you is slightly responding to your XP: 60
will and desires. You gain a permanent +1 bonus Requirements: Word (Any) 8 or Province (Any)
on any roll you make. You also gain a +1 bonus on 8
your Avoidance and Deflection and also when you All your magical Manifestations or Investitures
make Casual or Maxed-Out rolls. gain an extra +1 to their TN.

Improved Sustain Investive Transfer
XP: 90 XP: 150
Requirements: Word (Any) 10 or Province (Any) Requirements: Willpower 15, Personality 13,
10 Word (Any) 15 or Province (Any) 15
Any Manifestation or Investiture that you cast When you grant a character Investiture, you can
and has a duration of Sustain, only gives you a alter it at any time by increasing the penalty
penalty of -4 on any other you cast instead of the you get by 1. You may alter any of its properties,
normal -6. increasing or decreasing the TN accordingly. This
may be done at a distance of 1 kilometer for every
Inner Fire Rank you have in the lowest of the two Magic
XP: 120 Skills you used to grant the Manifestation. For
Requirements: Word (Any) 10 or Province (Any) example, if you have 15 Ranks in Empower and
10, Improved Magic 16 Ranks in Matter and you gave a character a
This Perk is only valid for settings where there is a Manifestation that grants extra DR to a material
limit on how you can increase your Magic Skills, (armor, for example), you could alter it at a
whether you need to discover ancient tomes of maximum range of 15 kilometers. Also, you may
lore, or find items to unlock. In these settings, like remove an Investiture at will, at the same range
the Ascendance setting, usually you are not allowed limitations.
to use Experience Points to increase magic Skills.
This Perk allows you to burn Experience Points Magic
on an x6 basis and convert them to increases in XP: 60
your Magic Skills. For example, to get the Matter Requirements: Willpower 12
Province Skill from 3 to 4 you would need 24 This Perk is only valid for settings where there is a
Experience Points. Although this might seem like limit on how you can gain Magic Skills, whether
a lot, especially compared to other settings, the you need to discover ancient tomes of lore, or
limitation usually imposed makes this Perk quite find items to unlock. In these settings, like the
worthwhile. Ascendance setting, usually you are not allowed to
use Experience Points to increase magic Skills. This
Investiture Perk allows you to start gaining Ranks in Magic
XP: 120 Skills. You gain a number of points to spend on
Requirements: Willpower 12, Personality 12, Magic Skills equal to your Willpower Attribute.
Word (Any) 12 or Province (Any) 12 You assign these points as if you were spending
You can transfer some of your power to another them during character creation. For example, if
character. You select one Manifestation and you have a 12 Willpower and gain this Perk, you
determine the TN, Range, Targets and so on, as could put 4 points in Empower (assuming it ws
if you were casting that Manifestation yourself. chosen as a Specialty), 3 in Direct, 3 in Matter and
The recipient may cast this Manifestation as if 2 in Body, or any other combination. Note that
he knew it normally, but they can’t alter it in any you could have chosen some Skills as Specialties
way. Their TN is equal to your TN and it increases during character creation, even if you could not
normally. However, you get a penalty equal to assign any points in them then, or even leave
the TN divided by 10 on all Magic Skills. Lastly, Specialties unchecked and decide later in the
the recipient must learn some sub-skill of the game at any point in which Skills you would like
Control Skill to be able to use your Manifestation, to use them.
depending on the setting and the effect of the
Manifestation. Usually, this is determined by the Magic Mastery
GM, grouping the kind of Manifestations, to XP: 150
their discretion. You will find more infomation on Requirements: Word (Any) 14 or Province (Any)
Investiture on the Magic chapter, later in this book. 14, Improved Magic
Should the character who has the Investiture die, Your willpower is extraordinary when it comes
you are immediately relieved of the penalty, but to containing magic. You treat your Willpower
that leaves you quite stunned, getting 1d6 points Attribute as one higher for purposes of how much
of Composure and 1d6 points of Fatigue damage. magic your character can endure before gaining
Furthermore, all your Magic TNs are increases by Derangements and for the Magic Skill checks you
11 until you make a proper rest. There is no way to make. However, when you want to increase your
remove the Investiture unless you are able to touch Willpower with Experience, you should calculate
the person it has been granted to. required XP with your normal Willpower, not two
points higher.

Manipulate Reality Paragon
XP: 120 XP: 120
Requirements: Willpower 13, Word (Any) 12 or Requirements: Willpower 14, Word (Any) 12 or
Province (Any) 12 Province (Any) 12, Improved Sustain
Your potential has increased to the point where You can spend 3 Willpower points and enter
reality around you bends to your will and desires. a special, trance-like state in which you attune
You gain a free re-roll per Scene, as if you had yourself with your magic. For the next number of
the Determination Special Ability. Note that this rounds equal to your current Willpower Attribute,
does not give you the Ability actually, so you are you gain no increase in the TN of your Magic
not allowed to purchase any associated Perks. If Skill checks from casting Manifestations or
you already have this ability, you gain another use Investitures. You still gain an increase in TN for
per Scene. sustaining any normally.

Mental Fortitude Path Mastery

XP: 90 XP: 120
Requirements: Word (Any) 10 or Province (Any) Requirements: Willpower 12, Word (Any) 10
10, Improved Magic or Province (Any) 10, Province Specialty, Word
You can re-roll once Resolve checks made to resist Specialty
the effects of magic, or counter its side-effects. You gain an extra +1 bonus on both your chosen
You must keep the second roll, even if it’s worse Word and Province, making the total bonus on
than the original check. Your GM should inform each one +2.
you of the success or failure of your prior to your
choosing to re-roll. Province Specialty
XP: 60
Mentality Of Power Requirements: Word (Any) 6 or Province (Any)
XP: 120 6
Requirements: Willpower 14, Word (Any) 12 or Select a Province that you have at least 6 Ranks in.
Province (Any) 12, Improved Sustain You gain a +1 bonus on all checks associated with
You can sustain one Manifestation or Investiture that Province.
without increasing the TN at all. This means that
the second Manifestation you sustain will give you Ritual Expert
a -4 bonus, since to purchase this Perk you have XP: 90
already purchased the Improved Sustain Perk. Requirements: Intelligence 11, Word (Any) 10 or
Province (Any) 10
Merge Paths If you fail to perform a Ritual by failing the check
XP: 150 associated with it, you halve all adverse effects,
Requirements: Willpower 15, Word (Any) 16, regardless if they are penalty to your actions,
Province (Any) 16, Manipulate Reality Willpower loss, damage, or anything else. This
Your mastery on Words ad Provinces is superb. Perk affects only these adverse effects, not any
Any bonuses you have for casting Manifestations penalties that are part of performing the ritual
or Investitures from previous Perks in this chain itself. For example, if the ritual requires you to
are doubled. Effectively, you gain a total of +4 on take 1d6 points of damage to perform it, you do
the chosen Word and +4 ont he chosen Province, not halve that damage. If, however, you suffer 1d6
combining the effects of previous Perks and points of Composure damage if you fail the check
doubling them. to perform the ritual, you halve that normally.

Method To The Madness Ritual Master

XP: 90 XP: 90
Requirements: Willpower 13, Word (Any) 10 or Requirements: Intelligence 12, Word (Any) 10 or
Province (Any) 10, Mental Fortitude Province (Any) 10, Ritual Expert
You may spend a Willpower point to temporarily Any requirements that a Ritual has involving
supress a Derangement and ignore its negative either sacrificing something on your part, such as
effects for a number of rounds equal to your Willpower, getting damage or spending a specific
Willpower Attribute. This Willpower points number of a material are reduced by one third for
return at the normal rate. You may continue to character with this Perk. A Ritual that requires,
spend Willpower, extending the duration that you for example, 10gr of ground diamond dust would
ignore the Derangement each time. work with only 7gr with this Perk.

Strength Of Will be as low as 16 for very light cases and as high as
XP: 60 36 or more for extreme cases that severely impact
Requirements: Word (Any) 8 or Province (Any) your character. For example, if your character
8 has Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) and
Using Magic has helped you gain a greater you find yourself trapped inside an elevator, the
understanding of your mind and how to better TN would probably be very low. If you become
resist negative effects regarding your psyche. You trapped beneath the rubble in an earthquake and
gain a +2 bonus on your Resolve Skill. can barely move your legs and arms, the TN would
probably be very high and you would suffer the
Suppress Derangement effects of the Derangement unless you made the
XP: 60 Reoslve check, which in this case would probably
Requirements: Willpower 11, Word (Any) 8 or mean panicking or fainting.
Province (Any) 8
Whenever you are subject to the effects of a Word Specialty
Derangement, you may make a Resolve check XP: 60
to suppress that Derangement for a number of Requirements: Word (Any) 8 or Province (Any)
rounds equal to your Willpower Attribute. The 8
TN for this check is at the GM’s discretion and Select a Province that you have at least 6 Ranks in.
depends on the severity of whatever caused your You gain a +1 bonus on all checks associated with
Derangement to surface at that point. This could that Province.

Melee Combat
Perk Effect XP
Bull Rush (Unarmed)
Improved Bull Rush +1 on Bull Rush attempts 30
Expert Bull Rush +2 on Bull Rush attempts 60
Destabilizing Bull Rush Increase acrobatics DC when bull rush 90
Bull Rush Mastery Successful bull rush creates attack of opportunity 150
Commit Attacks (Any Melee)
Cleave Cleave (Commit) 60
Greater Cleave +2 on Cleave attacks 90
Improved Commit +1 when make Commit Attack 30
Expert Commit +2 when make Commit Attack 60
Superior Commit Commit 1 Less IC 90
Counterattack Commit to counter attack (-5Defense) 120
Disarm (Any Melee)
Improved Disarm +1 on Disarm attempts 30
Expert Disarm +2 on Disarm attempts 60
Throwing Disarm When disarm throw opponent's weapon 1d6 meters away 90
Thieving Disarm When disarm steal opponent's weapon (if you have one free hand) 120
Disarm Mastery Successful disarm crates attack of opportunity 150
Extra Hits (Any Melee)
Smasher Blocked +1 Hit 30
Improved Smasher Blocked +2 Hits 60
Greater Smasher Blocked +3 Hits 90
Superior Smasher Blocked +4 Hits 120
Attack Modes (Any Melee)
Careful Attack Lose 1d6 to gain +3 Atk 30
Expertise Get -2 Atk, +1 Def 30
Furious Attack Get -2 Atk, +1 Dmg 30
Increased Damage (Any Melee)
Improved Damage Melee Dmg +1 60
Greater Damage Melee Dmg +1 90
Perfect Critical Critical Ignore Extra 1s 120
Superb Damage Melee Dmg +1 120
Speicalties (Any Melee)
Weapon Spec. (Melee) Specific Melee Weapon +1 30
Skill Spec. (Any Melee) Specific Melee Skill +1 60
Linked Spec. (Linked Melee) +1 to all skills of a linked category 90
Category Spec. (Melee) +1 to all Melee skills 120

Perk Effect XP
Spend Less IC (Any Melee)
Fast Draw (Melee) -2 IC when draw, ready or sheath a weapon (Min. 1) 30
Improved Swift Attack Swift Attack -4 instead of -6 60
Improved Fast Draw (Melee) -2 IC when draw, ready or sheath a weapon (Total: -4, Min. 1) 90
Improved Weapon Speed Melee 1 Less IC 90
Greater Weapon Speed Melee 2 Less IC 150
Destroying Items (Any Melee)
Improved Sunder +1 on Sunder attempts 30
Expert Sunder +2 on Sunder attempts 60
Greater Sunder +1 Hit when Sunder 90
Superior Sunder +1 Hit when Sunder 120
Sunder Mastery 150
Trip Opponents (Unarmed)
Improved Trip +1 on Trip attempts 30
Expert Trip +2 on Trip attempts 60
Savage Trip Damage opponent when throw to the ground 90
Knockdown Trip Trip opponent after successful attack 120
Trip Mastery Successful trip crates attack of opportunity 150
Weapon Reach (Any Melee)
Improved Reach +1 when makes Reach attacks 30
Expert Reach +2 when makes Reach attacks 60
Greater Reach Weapon +1 Reach 90
Superior Reach Weapon +2 Reach 120
Reach Mastery 150
Table 4.10 Melee Combat Perks

Undoubtedly the largest Perk Category and people and practisioners of magic. Eventually, any
probably the most commonly used in in many character, no matter how good or how careful, will
settings, melee combat sees many uses, ranging come to the point where they will find themselves
from simple bar brawls to gigantic mechs fending engaged in melee. Even some starting Perks in this
off alien beasts. Whatever the size or race of the category will prove extremely useful then, maybe
combatants, face to face combat is the trademark even life-saving.
of many role-playing games. Knights wielding
greatswords, strange beasts with blade-like arms Bull Rush Mastery
and even martial artists using nothing but their XP: 150
fists usually dominate most settings, even sci-fi Requirements: Unarmed 15
ones where ranged weapons are prevalent. The If you succseefully Bull Rush your opponent and
Perk mentioned in this category help in a variety move him past an ally, you have mastered the
of things related to melee combat, from damaging Maneuver in such a way that your ally can make
your opponents better or making more devastating a Commit Attack against them for moving, while
Critical Hits, to using Combat Maneuvers better they would not be abe to normally. Furthermore,
or improving the reach of your weapons. There are you could make a Commit Attack yourself and
useful Perks here for a large spectrum of characters, activate it when you successfully move your
from warriors and adventurers, to even common opponent backwards.

Careful Attack Expert Bull Rush
XP: 30 XP: 60
Requirements: Melee (Any) 3 Requirements: Unarmed 6, Improved Bull Rush
You may reduce your damage by 1d6 to get a +3 You gain an extra +1 bonus on any opposed checks
bonus on your attack roll. This can only be done you make when you use the Bull Rush Maneuver,
once for every attack you make. for a total of +2.

Category Spec. (Melee) Expert Commit

XP: 120 XP: 60
Requirements: Melee (Any) 15, Linked Specialty Requirements: Melee (Any) 6, Improved Commit
(Linked Melee) You gain an extra +1 bonus on any attacks
You have complete mastery over all melee weapons. you make when any Commit Action activates,
You gain a +1 bonus on all Melee Skills. regardless of what triggered it, for a total of +2.
This Perk can combine with any other Perk that
Cleave pertains to that Committed Attack. For example,
XP: 60 if you also have the Expert Reach Perk and you
Requirements: Melee (Blades, Axes) 6 make a Committed Attack against an enemy, you
You can make a Commit Attack and activate it gain a total +4 bonus.
when you kill an opponent, continuing your blow
to strike another character in range. You must be Expert Disarm
using a weapon that can hit another enemy in an XP: 60
arc, such as a Sword, axe, or similar weapons. Only Requirements: Unarmed 6, Improved Disarm
slashing weapons can be used to make a Cleave You gain an extra +1 bonus on any opposed checks
Attack. If you can have multiple Commit Attacks, you make when you use the Disarm Maneuver to
you can continue to use this Perk against as many remove your opponents’ weapon from their hands,
opponents as your Combat Rating allows you to. for a total of +2.

Counterattack Expert Reach

XP: 120 XP: 60
Requirements: Melee (Any) 12, Expertise Requirements: Melee (Any) 6, Improved Reach
You can make a Commit Attack to counterattack You gain an extra +1 bonus on any opposed checks
your opponent when they strike you, but you get you make when you strike an opponent due to you
a -6 penalty on your defense while you are using weapon having double the Reach, for a total of +2.
this Perk. This means you change your stance to be
more vulnerable, but also to allow you to swiftly Expert Sunder
strike anyone who strikes you. XP: 60
Requirements: Melee (Any) 6, Improved Sunder
Destabilizing Bull Rush You gain a +1 bonus on any opposed checks you
XP: 90 make when you use the Sunder Maneuver to
Requirements: Unarmed 9, Expert Bull Rush destroy your opponents’ weapon, for a total of +2.
You send opponents away with greater force when
you hit them with a Bull Rush attack, giving them Expert Trip
a -4 penalty on the Acrobatics roll they must make XP: 60
to not fall down on the ground. Requirements: Unarmed 6, Improved Trip
You gain an extra +1 bonus on any opposed checks
Disarm Mastery you make when you use the Trip Maneuver to send
XP: 150 your opponent to the ground, for a total of +2.
Requirements: Unarmed 15, Thieving Disarm
You have learnt to take advantage of momentry Expertise
lapses in your opponents’ defenses when their XP: 30
weapons are thrust from their hands. If you Requirements: Melee (Any) 4
successfully disarm an opponent, you may You have learnt how to protect yourself when
immediately make an attack against them, if you making attacks, effectively increasing your
have a Commit Attack. You must first make the Deflection when you attack. For every -2 penalty
Commit Attack and then disarm your opponent you take on your attacks, you gain a +1 bonus
and, sould the latter succeed, the Commit Attack on you Deflection. The maximum bonus you can
activates normally. have is equal to half your total Ranks on the Skill

associated with the weapon you are using. This Greater Sunder
penalty and bonus lasts until your turn comes XP: 90
again in the next round. Requirements: Melee (Any) 9, Expert Sunder
When you use the Sunder Maneuver to destroy
Fast Draw (Melee) your opponents’ weapon or shield, you deal extra
XP: 30 damage to the item. Increase the total number of
Requirements: Melee (Any) 3 Hits you make in this case by 1. This Perk stacks
You can draw melee weapons swiftly, reducing the with any other similar Perks.
IC Cost by 2. This means you draw one-handed
weapons for 2 IC and two-handed weapons for Greater Weapon Speed
6 IC. XP: 150
Requirements: Melee (Any) 15, Improved
Furious Attack Weapon Speed
XP: 30 Any kind of melee attacks you make have their IC
Requirements: Melee (Any) 3 reduced by 2.
You can make a powerful, but reckless attack. For
every -2 penalty you take on your attacks, you gain Improved Bull Rush
a +1 bonus on you Damage. The maximum bonus XP: 30
you can have is equal to half your total Ranks Requirements: Unarmed 4
on the Skill associated with the weapon you are You gain a +1 bonus on any opposed checks you
using. This penalty and bonus last only for that make when you use the Bull Rush Maneuver to
one attack. push your opponents away.

Greater Cleave Improved Commit

XP: 90 XP: 30
Requirements: Melee (Blades, Axes) 9, Cleave Requirements: Melee (Any) 4
If a Cleave Committed Attack activates, you gain You gain a +1 bonus on any attacks you make when
a +2 bonus on your attack roll. any Commit Action activates, regardless of what
triggered it. This Perk can combine with any other
Greater Damage Perk that pertains to that Committed Attack. For
XP: 90 example, if you also have the Improved Reach Perk
Requirements: Melee (Any) 11, Improved and you make a Committed Attack against an
Damage enemy, you gain a total +2 bonus.
You know how to place efficient blows on your
opponents. Every melee weapon you wield deals 2 Improved Damage
more points of damage. XP: 60
Requirements: Melee (Any) 7
Greater Reach You know how to place more powerful blows on
XP: 90 your opponents. Every melee weapon you wield
Requirements: Melee (Any) 9, Expert Reach deals 1 more point of damage.
By holding your weapon a little further, you have
learnt how to maximize its Reach, increasing it by Improved Disarm
1. XP: 30
Requirements: Unarmed 4
Greater Smasher You gain a +1 bonus on any opposed checks you
XP: 90 make when you use the Disarm Maneuver to
Requirements: Melee (Any) 9, Improved remove your opponents’ weapon from their hands.
You deliver devastating blows on armors and Improved Fast Draw (Melee)
shields. Every time your attacks are Deflected, you XP: 90
deal 3 extra Hits on whatever was used to bock Requirements: Melee (Any) 9, Quick Draw
you, meaning Shield, Weapon or Armor. If an (Melee)
opponent uses a part of their armor to block you, You can draw melee weapons swiftly, reducing the
you still deal the extra number of Hits. If they do IC Cost by 4. You still need a minimum of 1 IC
so unarmed and unarmored, though, you do nto to draw a weapon, though. This means you draw
get any extra bonus on the damage toll you make one-handed weapons for 1 IC and two-handed
to that Location. weapons for 4 IC.

Improved Reach Linked Spec. (Linked Melee)
XP: 30 XP: 90
Requirements: Melee (Any) 4 Requirements: Melee (Any) 11, Skill Spec.
You gain a +1 bonus on any opposed checks you (Melee)
make when you strike an opponent due to you Select a Linked Category, such as Unarmed and
weapon having double the Reach. Improvised. You gain a +1 bonus on all Linked
Skills in that category.
Improved Smasher
XP: 60 Perfect Critical
Requirements: Melee (Any) 8, Smasher XP: 120
You deliver devastating blows on armors and Requirements: Weapon (Any) 14
shields. Every time your attacks are Deflected, you Your Criticals Hits are so devastating that they
deal 2 extra Hits on whatever was used to bock ignore an extra number on the dice. Normally,
you, meaning Shield, Weapon or Armor. If an Critical Hits ignore 1s and 2s. With this Perk, you
opponent uses a part of their armor to block you, would ignore 1s, 2s and 3s. If you have a weapon
you still deal the extra number of Hits. If they do that has a Ripping Critical effect and this Perk,
so unarmed and unarmored, though, you do nto you would ignore 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s, counting only
get any extra bonus ont he damage toll you make numbers 5 or 6 on the dice.
to that Location.
Reach Mastery
Improved Sunder XP: 150
XP: 30 Requirements: Melee (Any) 15, Superior Reach
Requirements: Melee (Any) 4 You do not need to have double Reach than your
You gain a +1 bonus on any opposed checks you opponents to make a Commit Attack against. If
make when you use the Sunder Maneuver to your weapon has even at least 1 Reach more than
destroy your opponents’ weapon. your opponent’s weapon, you can make a Commit
Attack to strike them if they strike you.
Improved Swift Attack
XP: 60 Savage Trip
Requirements: Melee (Any) 6 XP: 90
When you use the Swift Attack option, your Requirements: Unarmed 9, Expert Trip
penalty on attack rolls becomes -4 instead of the You follow up you trip attacks with great force. If
normal -6. you successfully trip an opponent and they fall to
the ground, you send them down with such force
Improved Trip that they take damage equal to 1 + your Strength
XP: 30 Damage modifier on any one Location of your
Requirements: Unarmed 4 choice.
You gain a +1 bonus on any opposed checks you
make when you use the Trip Maneuver to send Skill Spec. (Any Melee)
your opponent to the ground. XP: 60
Requirements: Melee (Any) 6, Weapon Spec.
Improved Weapon Speed (Melee)
XP: 90 You gain a +1 bonus on any Melee Skill of your
Requirements: Melee (Any) 9, Improved Swift choice.
Any kind of melee attacks you make have their IC Smasher
reduced by 1. XP: 30
Requirements: Melee (Any) 5
Knockdown Trip You deliver devastating blows on armors and
XP: 120 shields. Every time your attacks are Deflected,
Requirements: Unarmed 12, Savage Trip you deal 1 extra Hit on whatever was used to bock
If you have this Perk and make a successful melee you, meaning Shield, Weapon or Armor. If an
attack against an opponent, you immediately opponent uses a part of their armor to block you,
make a normal Trip Attack, allowing you to drop you still deal the extra number of Hits. If they do
the ground using the momentum and force of your so unarmed and unarmored, though, you do nto
initial blo.w. A failed attempt means you might get any extra bonus on the damage toll you make
fall down, as normal. to that Location.

Sunder Mastery Superior Sunder
XP: 150 XP: 120
Requirements: Melee (Any) 15, Superior Sunder Requirements: Melee (Any) 12, Greater Sunder
If you manage to destroy your opponent’s weapon When you use the Sunder Maneuver to destroy
with a Sunder Attack, you immediately deal your opponents’ weapon or shield, you deal extra
damage to the Location dictated by the original damage to the item. Increase the total number of
attack’s Location Dice. This damage is reduced by Hits you make in this case by 2. This Perk stacks
the striken weapon’s Damage Reduction. with any other similar Perks.

Superb Damage Thieving Disarm

XP: 120 XP: 120
Requirements: Melee (Any) 13, Greater Damage Requirements: Unarmed 12, Throwing Disarm
All your attacks gain an extra +1d6 points of If you successfully disarm an opponent’s wepon,
damage. This Perk replaces the previous Perks in you can snatch it with your free hand, instead of
this chain. However, you can always choose to sending it to the ground. You must have one free
revert to the previous Perks when you make an hand to use this Perk. If you are using a shield on
attack, deciding to deal 2 extra damage instead of the other hand, you would still be able to catch
the extra 1d6. ithe weapon. but it takes an Avoid cgheck at a TN
of 28 to do so.
Superior Commit
XP: 90 Throwing Disarm
Requirements: Melee (Any) 9, Expert Commit XP: 90
Commiting an attack costs 1 less IC. Normally, Requirements: Unarmed 9, Expert Disarm
you need half the normal IC to make a Commit If you successfully disarm an opponent’s weapon,
Attack. With this Perk, for example, if you wanted you send it flying away from them. The weapon
to make a Commit Atack with a Sword, you would lands 1d6 meters away in a random direction. To
only need 4 IC instead of the normal 5, resolve the direction randomly, roll 2d6-1. A result
of 1 means lightly to the right of your opponent,
Superior Reach a result of 4 means on your right, 6 means right
XP: 120 behind you and 9 on our left, lie an analog clock.
Requirements: Melee (Any) 12, Greater Reach Although you can’t roll 12, usually the wielder
By holding your weapon a little further, you have himself is blocking that position.
learnt how to maximize its Reach even more,
increasing it by 1. Trip Mastery
XP: 150
Superior Smasher Requirements: Unarmed 15, Knocldown Trip
XP: 120 If you succseefully Trip your opponent and and
Requirements: Melee (Any) 12, Superior send them to the ground, you have mastered the
Smasher Maneuver in such a way that you can make a
You deliver devastating blows on armors and Commit Attack against them for falling down.
shields. Every time your attacks are Deflected, you
deal 4 extra Hits on whatever was used to bock Weapon Spec. (Melee)
you, meaning Shield, Weapon or Armor. If an XP: 30
opponent uses a part of their armor to block you, Requirements: Melee (Any) 4
you still deal the extra number of Hits. If they do Select a specific melee weapon. You gain a +1
so unarmed and unarmored, though, you do not bonus with it. This bonus stacks with any other
get any extra bonus on the damage roll. similar Perks in this chain.

Perk Effect XP
Cover & Concealment (Observe/Seach)
Blind Fighting Get -2 in Darkness 30
Improved Blind Fighting Get -4 in Darkness 60
See Through Reduce Concealment by 1 60
Discern Details Reduce Concealment by 2 90
Never Miss Reroll Miss Chance 90
Penalty Reduction (Observe)
Light Sleeper You get a -6 penalty on Observe checks when sleeping, instead of -16. 30
Helmet Expertise Reduce helmet penalties by 2 60
Surveillance (Search)
Flawless Search +4 On Maxed Out Rolls For Searching 120
Foresight If fail Observe, know something wrong 120
Intuitive Search Know if Search failed 120
Specialties (Observe/Search)
Investigation Focus Gain +1 to a specific use of an Investigation Skill 30
Investigation Specialty Gain +1 to Observe or Search 30
Investigation Expertise Gain +1 on Observe & Search 60
Investigation Mastery Choose one of your focus perks, you may re-roll checks it is applied to 90
Investigation Supremacy You may re-roll once any skill check of the chosen skill 150
Surprise (Observe)
Surprise Expert On Surprise, +2 Initiative, +2 Interrupt 120
Fast Reactions On Surprise, Interrupts cost normal 150
Table 4.11 Perception Perks

If you don’t see your opponents, maybe they treasure hoard. The Perks presented here give you
are the last thing you will see. Perception is the opportunity to do all of the above things, if
very important, as it allows you have a general you master the art of noticing and searching. They
awareness of the battlefield, the movements of your are useful to a variety of characters, from assassins
opponents and, more importantly, how many you who want to be able to discern vulnerabilities in
are facing. Knowing this is usually half the fight, their opponents and guards who want to ensure
as it allows you to plan better. Being very keen nothing gets past them, to adventurers who daily
on noticing your opponents in darkness or behind go through piles of rubble to find that one item.
cover, also helps a lot as you can sometimes use the
terrain or other situations and items such as fog Blind Fighting
grenades to your advantages, creating a hindrance XP: 30
for your opponents, while minimizing yours. Requirements: Observe 3
Being also able to search an area efficiently might You have the ability to instinctively fight in
mean that you don’t miss out on a very important darkness, using your other senses. You gain 2 less
clue about the campaign or the storyline for the penalty when you fight in any kind of darkness.
future. Of course, this ability to locate items or This means you ignore the penalty for Soft
hidden entrances to your surroundings might Concealment and decrease the one for Medium
also get you to some well-deserved artifact or a Concelament to -3 and for Heavy to -6.

Discern Details Intuitive Search
XP: 90 XP: 120
Requirements: Observe 10, See Through Requirements: Search 13, Search Mastery
You gain an increased chance to hit your You know if a Search roll you make failed or not.
opponents, if the area has concealment or you In other words, your GM should tell you that you
are fighting in darkness, by 2. This means that feel something has still not been found, as you
on Soft Concealment you have a 2-11 chance are instnictively sure you are missing something,
on 2d6 to hit your opponent, a 2-9 on Medium if there is something to find. If there is nothing
Concealment, 2-8 on Heavy Concealment and in the area you are looking, then you simply
2-6 on Full Concealment. understand that our Search sufficed.

Fast Reactions Investigation Expertise

XP: 150 XP: 60
Requirements: Observe 14, Surprise Expert Requirements: Chosen Skill 6, Investigation
During the surprise round, you may react quickly Specialty
to make up for not noticing your opponents or You gain a +1 bonus on any usage of Observe and
make your ambush even more effective. During Search, as your senses are honed and you become
the surprise round only, the first interrupt you keener at noticing things you are looking or
make costs normal IC, instead of +50%. searching for.

Flawless Search Investigation Focus

XP: 120 XP: 30
Requirements: Search 12, Investigation Mastery Requirements: Chosen Skill 3
(Search) Select either Observe or Search. You gain a +1
Every time you make a Maxed-Out roll to bonus on a specific usage of that Skill (Noticing
minutely search an area, you gain a +4 bonus on Hidden Things for Observe, Looking for
the total. Something for Search).

Foresight Investigation Mastery

XP: 120 XP: 90
Requirements: Observe 13, Observe Mastery Requirements: Chosen Skill 9
You get subtle hints, even if you don’t see the You may re-roll once any checks you make
danger ahear or the detail you were looking for. when using the skill you have chosen with the
Every time you fail an Observe check to notice Investigation Focus Perk for that specific reason.
something, your GM should hint you that You must keep the second roll, even if it is worse
something is wrong, perhaps even allowing you to than the original roll. Your GM should inform you
make a re-roll, if your opponents have not acted of that prior to making the re-roll.
first. Whatever the case, this should at least aloow
your character to perhaps take some action before Investigation Specialty
they get surprised. XP: 30
Requirements: Chosen Skill 3
Helmet Expertise Select either Observe or Search. You gain a +1
XP: 60 bonus on that Skill, as you either become better at
Requirements: Observe 6 noticing or searching for things.
You have grown accustomed to wearing a helmet
all the time. Reduce all Observe penalties from Investigation Supremacy
wearing any kind of helmet by 2. XP: 150
Requirements: Chosen Skill 14, Investigation
Improved Blind Fighting Mastery
XP: 60 Your mastery over investigation skills has reached
Requirements: Observe 6, Blind Fighting its peak and virtually nothing escapes your sight or
You have the ability to instinctively fight in scrutiny. You now re-roll once any roll you make
darkness, using your other senses. You gain 4 less with both the Acrobatics and Athletics Skills.
penalty when you fight in any kind of darkness. You must keep the second roll, even if its worse
This means you ignore the penalty for Soft than the first roll. Your GM should tell you if the
Concealment and Medium Concealment and only first roll is a success or not before you decide to
get a -2 on Heavy Concealment. make the re-roll or not.

Light Sleeper See Through
XP: 30 XP: 60
Requirements: Observe 4 Requirements: Observe 6, Expert Blind fighting
You are easily awakened when sleeping, as you You gain an increased chance to hit your
sleep very lightly and are very alert. You only get a opponents, if the area has concealment or you
-6 penalty to your Observe (Listen) checks when are fighting in darkness, by 2. This means that
you are sleeping, instead of the normal -16. This on Soft Concealment you have a 2-10 chance
Perk is very useful for characters travelling in the on 2d6 to hit your opponent, a 2-8 on Medium
wilderness, especially if travelling alone or in a Concealment, 2-7 on Heavy Concealment and
small group. Of course, it is very good in an urban 2-5 on Full Concealment.
setting, too, as knowing when someone is in your
house, for example, is a very good bonus. Surprise Expert
XP: 120
Never Miss Requirements: Observe 12, Investigation
XP: 90 Mastery (Observe)
Requirements: Observe 11, Discern Details You are able to react very swiftly if when other
You have become better at discerning where can’t. You gain a +2 Initiative and a +2 on your
opponents inside Concealment really are. When first interrupt check following a surprise round.
you roll 2 Dice to determine if you hit your This Perk works if your opponents surprise you
opponent due to Concealment, you may re-roll and if you surprise your opponents, allowing you
the dice once. You keep the best of the two checks, to either finish them off, or make up for the lost
so only re-roll them if you miss. ground.

Ranged Combat
Perk Effect XP
Aiming (Any Ranged)
Improved Aim Aim for 50% more 60
Expert Aim Aim for 2 IC Free 90
Greater Aim May take 10 on aimed attacks, need 2 rounds 120
Aim Mastery May take 18 on aimed attacks, need 5 rounds 150
Increased Damage (Any Ranged)
Precise Attack Get -3 for +1 dmg 60
Improved Precise Attack Get -6 for +2 90
Precise Attack Mastery Get -6 Ignore 1s 120
Swift Draw & Reload (Any Ranged)
Fast Draw (Ranged) -2 IC when draw, ready, sheath a weapon or a projectile (Min. 1) 30
Fast Arm Arm -2 IC 60
Fast Place Place -2 IC 60
Improved Fast Draw (Range) -2 IC when draw, ready, sheath a weapon or a projectile (Min. 1) 90
Thrown Range & Damage (Hurled/Thrown)
Powerfull Throw Thrown Damage +1 30
Long Throw Thrown Range x2 60
Migthy Throw Full STR on Thrown Damage 90
Devastatin Throw Thrown +2 Damage 120
Pierce Cover (Any Ranged)
Expose Cover Half Cover ignore +2 60
Reveal Cover Half Cover ignore +3 90
Perfect Expose Cover Half Cover ignore +6 120
Range Reduction (Any Ranged)
Steady Shot Reduce total penalties from range by 1 30
Improved Steady Shot Reduce total penalties from range by 2 60
Expert Steady Shot Reduce total penalties from range by 4 90
Greater Steady Shot 120
Steady Shot Mastery 150
Scatter (Hurled/Thrown)
Scatter Expert Reroll Scatter 30
Perfect Blast Place Blast 60
Specialties (Any Ranged)
Weapon Spec. (Ranged) Ranged Weapon +1 30
Skill Spec. (Ranged) Ranged Group +1 60
Link Spec. (Linked Skills) Linked Skills +1 90
Category Spec. (Ranged) Ranged Category +1 120

Perk Effect XP
Making Called Shots (Any Ranged)
Called Shot Spec. Specific Called Shot -1 60
Expose Location Half Penalty Hidden Location 90
Improved Called Shot Spec. Specific Called Shot -2 90
Improved Called Shots Called Shot -1 90
Expert Called Shots Called Shot -2 120
Improved Expose Location Reveal Location on Target 150
Table 4.12 Ranged Combat Perks

Depending on the setting, ranged attacks can be Called Shot Spec.

anywhere from important to majorly necessary XP: 60
for the survival of a character. In fantasy settings, Requirements: Ranged (Any) 6
crossbows and bows can make for some very Select a Called Shot Location, such as Torso,
devastating attacks, even against armored Head, Arms (either) or Legs (either). You reduce
characters. In high technology, sci-fi settings, the penalty to hit this Location by 1, as you have
ranged attacks are almost a one-way street, as the become more efficient in targeting it. This means
high-tech rifles, assault rifles and even laser or you get a -5 penalty on the Torso, a -10 on the
plasma weapons usually make melee attacks either Arms and Legs and a -15 on the Head.
obsolete or extremely rare and hard to master in
a world of where you can get shot by more than Category Spec. (Ranged)
two kilometers away. The Perks here help you XP: 120
aim, shoot and deal with the nuances of ranged
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 15, Linked
weapons, such as reloading, refueling, etc. You
Specialty (Linked Ranged)
also get a better chance at making Called Shots,
Select a Ranged category. You gain a +1 bonus on
as well as make them more effective. Characters
all checks you make with ranged weapons from
can also use these Perks to learn how to effectively
this category.
ignore cover and shoot their opponents through
even the tiniest of cracks. In many settings, many
characters choose one or two Peks from this Devastating Throw
category, as most characters usually have and XP: 120
make use of some secondary ranged weapon, even Requirements: Thrown 12, Mighty Throw
if it is not their main method of attack. Thrown When you throw a weapon at your opponents
weapons, for example, are favored by barbarians using the Thrown Skill, you gain a +2 bonus on
in fantasy settings for stopping fleeing opponents your damage roll. This bonus is on top of any other
and even wizards who usually don’t fight might bonus you might get for damage with Thrown
have a crossbow or a bow for times of need. weapons.

Aim Mastery Expert Aim

XP: 150 XP: 90
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 15, Greater Aim Requirements: Ranged (Any) 9, Improved Aim
If you spend 5 rounds studying an opponent you You gain a +1 bonus when you use the Aim action
are about to shoot with a ranged weapon, you may with a ranged weapon. Aiming costs 2 IC for the
make a Maxed-Out roll against them, ensuring first +1 and an extra 1 thereafter. Increase your
a devastatingly accurate shot. If for any reason total bonus from aiming by 1 with this Perk. For
you lose sight of your opponent, you must restart example, if you aim for a total of 20 IC, you get
studying them for 5 rounds. If you are shooting a total +5 bonus on your next ranged attack. In
through a scope, you must always view your that instance, you would get a +6 bonus with this
opponent either through the scope, or without it, Perk, as you have learnt to make your aiming a lot
not a combination of the two. smarter and efficient.

Expert Called Shots Fast Place
XP: 120 XP: 60
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 12, Improved Requirements: Ranged (Any) 6, Fast Draw
Called Shots You require 2 less IC to place ammunition on
Every Called Shot you make with ranged weapons Ranged Weapons, meaning you only need 2 IC
decreases in difficulty by 2. This means that shots total to do so. The majority of Ranged Weapons
on the Torso are at -4 TN, on the Arms and Legs require 4 IC to place ammunition, although certain
at -9 and on the head at -14. weapons may require more or less, depending
on its design. Placing ammunition is the act of
Expert Steady Shot putting the bolt of a crossbow, for example, on the
XP: 90 special slot that fires it. This Placing is invalid for
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 10, Improved pistols and other weapons, who usually do that
Steady Shot automatically after firing.
If you make ranged attacks beyond Close Range,
you reduce the penalties associated with shooting Greater Aim
this far. You can reduce the total penalty taken XP: 120
from Range by 4. This means you get no penalty at Requirements: Ranged (Any) 12, Expert Aim
Medium Range, a -2 penalty at Long and a -7 at If you spend 2 rounds studying an opponent you
Effective Range. are about to shoot with a ranged weapon, you may
make a Casual roll against them, ensuring at least
Expose Cover a If for any reason you lose sight of your opponent,
XP: 60 you must restart studying them for 2 rounds. If
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 6 you are shooting through a scope, you must always
If your target has any Location behind Half Cover, view your opponent either through the scope, or
meaning you can still see it but only a part of it, without it, not a combination of the two.
you gain a +2 bonus on your ranged attack roll
against that Location only, effectively reducing Greater Steady Shot
the bonus your opponent takes from Half Cover XP: 120
by 2. Requirements: Ranged (Any) 13, Expert Steady
Expose Location If you make ranged attacks beyond Close Range,
XP: 90 you reduce the penalties associated with shooting
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 11 this far. You can reduce the total penalty taken
If an opponent attempts to hide a Location from from Range by 6. This means you get no penalty
you in combat to protect it, you halve their bonus at Medium or Long Range and a -5 penalty at
for this action. Usually, Protecting a Location Effective Range.
means your opponents must make a Called Shot
at a +6 TN. With this Perk, your opponents only Improved Aim
have a +3 TN. XP: 60
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 6
Fast Arm You may Aim for 50% IC than what is normally
XP: 60 dictated by your Reaction Attribute.
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 8, Fast Place
You require 2 less IC to Arm any Ranged Weapon. Improved Called Shot Spec.
There is a minimum of 1 IC, even if your total XP: 90
Arm IC is less. Requirements: Ranged (Any) 9
Select a Called Shot Location, such as Torso,
Fast Draw (Ranged) Head, Arms (either) or Legs (either). You reduce
XP: 30 the penalty to hit this Location by 2.
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 3
You require 2 less IC to Draw or Brace a Ranged Improved Called Shots
Weapon, with a minimum of 1 IC. Usually, this XP: 90
means you need 2 IC to Draw a one-handed Requirements: Ranged (Any) 9
Ranged Weapon and 6 IC for a two-handed Every Called Shot you make with ranged weapons
weapon. Bracing a weapon is usually an action decreases in difficulty by 1. This means that shots
that takes 3 IC and with this Perk you would only on the Torso are at -5 TN, on the Arms and Legs
need 1. at -10 and on the head at -15.

Improved Expose Location Perfect Blast
XP: 150 XP: 60
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 15 Requirements: Thrown 7, Scatter Expert
If an opponent attempts to hide a Location If you fail your attack roll with an explosive,
from you in combat to protect it, you can target thrown weapon that deals damage in a blast, you
that Location normally, as if they have not been may determine the direction it will go, but not the
protecting it, meaning they gain no bonuses. range it will go to.

Improved Fast Draw (Ranged) Perfect Expose Cover

XP: 90 XP: 120
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 11, Fast Draw Requirements: Ranged (Any) 12
You require 4 less IC to Draw or Brace a Ranged If your target has any Location behind Half
Weapon, with a minimum of 1 IC. This means you Cover, meaning you can still see it but only a
draw a one-handed Ranged Weapon for 1 IC (the part of it, you gain a +6 bonus on your ranged
minimum) and two-handed weapons for 4 IC. attack roll against that Location only, effectively
negating the bonus your opponent takes. Note
Improved Precise Attack here that Half Cover means that your opponent
XP: 90 usually gets a +4 bonus on that Location, making
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 9, Precise Attack this Perk quite redundant against normal enemies.
You may get a -6 penalty on your attack roll with a However, certain Perks allow characters to increase
Ranged Weapon to gain a +2 on damage rolls. This the bonus they receive on Locations when they
bonus replaces the previous Perks in this chain, protect them. This Perk allows you to effectively
meaning that the maximum penalty you can get is counter such Perks.
the one from this Perk.
Powerful Throw
Improved Steady Shot XP: 30
XP: 60 Requirements: Thrown 4
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 7, Steady Shot When you throw a weapon at your opponents
If you make ranged attacks beyond Close Range, using the Thrown Skill, you gain a +1 bonus on
you reduce the penalties associated with shooting your damage roll. This bonus does not stack with
this far. You can reduce the total penalty taken any other bonuses from Perks in this chain that
from Range by 4. This means you get no penalty at increase this damage.
Medium Range, a -2 penalty at Long and a -7 at
Effective Range. Precise Attack
XP: 60
Link Spec. (Linked Skills) Requirements: Ranged (Any) 6
XP: 90 You may get a -6 penalty on your attack roll with a
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 11, Skill Spec. Ranged Weapon to gain a +2 on damage rolls. You
(Ranged) may only do this once per attack that you make,
Select a Linked Skill Category. All Linked Skills getting a maximum of +2 on your damage.
inside that Category get a +1 bonus. You may
select this Perk multiple times, each time for a Precise Attack Mastery
different category. XP: 120
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 12,Improved
Long Throw Precise Attack
XP: 60 You may choose to get a penalty on your attack
Requirements: Thrown 6, Powerfull Throw roll to increase your average damage. By taking on
Through training with thrown weapons, you have your attack roll a -6 penalty, you ignore 1s on the
increased the range at which you can throw them. damage dice. If an ability or Critical Hit already
Double your Range for thrown weapons. gives you that ability, ignore an additional number
on the damage dice. For example, if you score a
Mighty Throw Critical Hit, you normally ignore 1s and 2s. With
XP: 90 this ability, you would ignore 1s, 2s and 3s. If the
Requirements: Thrown 9, Powerfull Throw weapon had the Ripping Critical property, you
You gain your full Strength Damage on Thrown would ignore any number below 5 with this Perk,
Weapons using the Thrown Skill. Normally, you effectively treating all such numbers as 5. You
get half that number for thrown weapons. could even treat all rolled damage as 6s.

Reveal Cover Steady Shot
XP: 90 XP: 30
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 9, Expose Cover Requirements: Ranged (Any) 4
If your target has any Location behind Half If you make ranged attacks beyond Close Range,
Cover, meaning you can still see it but only a part you reduce the penalties associated with shooting
of it, you gain a +3 total bonus on your ranged this far. You can reduce the total penalty taken
attack roll against that Location only, effectively from Range by 1. This means you get a -2 penalty
reducing the bonus your opponent takes from at Medium Range, a -5 penalty at Long and a -10
Half Cover by 3. at Effective Range.

Scatter Expert Steady Shot Mastery

XP: 30 XP: 150
Requirements: Thrown 6 Requirements: Ranged (Any) 16, Greater Steady
If you miss an attack with a Thrown, explosive Shot
weapon, you may re-roll the scatter die that If you make ranged attacks beyond Close Range,
determines the direction your explosive has taken you reduce the penalties associated with shooting
after missing your primary target. You choose this far. You can reduce the total penalty taken
whichever of the two rolls you want, based on the from Range by 8. This means you get no penalty at
current situation. Note that this Perk does not Medium or Long Range and only get a -3 penalty
affect the Range that the explosive device will go at Effective Range.
to before making the blast.
Weapon Spec. (Ranged Weapon)
Skill Spec. (Ranged Skill) XP: 30
XP: 60 Requirements: Ranged (Any) 4
Requirements: Ranged (Any) 6, Weapon Spec. Select a specific Ranged Weapon. You gain a +1
(Ranged) bonus on all your attacks with this particular
Select a Ranged Weapon Skill. You gain a +1 weapon. This bonus stacks with bonuses for a
bonus on all weapons that use this Skill. This single category, or other Perks that give you
bonus stacks with any other bonuses in this chain. bonuses on all categories.

Perk Effect XP
Boost Abilities (Perform)
Inspire Courage Inspire Courage 60
Inspire Resolve Inspire allies to spend Willpower 90
Inspire Skill Inspire Skill 90
Inspire Combat Inspire Combat 120
Interaction (Any Social)
Quick Analysis Perform Small, Quick Analysis Or Gain Bonuses 90
It's In The Details You Know Something Is Wrong, Even If You Fail 120
Make Them Tremble Terrified Instead Of Shaken Condition For Enemies 120
Slick Tongue Almost Impossible To Detect If You Are Lying 120
Trade Master You Are An Expert At Bartering And Trading 120
Keep Calm No Penalties For Stressful Situations 150
Specialties (Any Social)
Social Focus +1 to a specific use of a social skill 30
Social Specialty +1 to Diplomacy, Intimidate, Bluff or Analysis 30
Social Expertise +1 to two social skills 60
Social Mastery You may re-roll any social skills checks when you gain your focus bonus 90
Social Supremacy You may reroll any social skill check 150
Table 4.13 Social Perks

Sometimes, combat is not the only way and this Inspire Courage
is when time calls for diplomacy or even some XP: 60
subterfuge. Social Skills play a major part in Requirements: Any Perform (8)
political campaigns or those that the characters With a Perform check at a TN of 26, you can
usually face challenges that require a slick tongue inspire your allies, giving them a +4 bonus against
rather than a sharp sword. These Perks here help any effects that require Resolve checks, which lasts
characters become better diplomats and even learn for as long as they can hear you.
how to intimidate their opponents when the need
arises. Finally, in this category are Perks that give Inspire Resolve
those who can play an instrument abilities to use XP: 90
them to entrance their crowd or inspire their allies. Requirements: Any Perform (10), Inspire
Inspire Combat WIth a Perform check at a TN of 28, you increase
XP: 120 the Composure Resistance of all allies who can
Requirements: Any Perform (13), Inspire Skill hear you by 2 for as long as they can hear you sing
With a Perform check at a TN of 32, you can drive or play your instrument.
your comrades to extreme displays of bravery.
These bonuses last only as long as they can hear Inspire Skill
you and for 1 more round afterwards. Your allies XP: 90
gain a +2 bonus to their Combat Rating, a +2 Requirements: Any Perform (10), Inspire
bonus on all attacks, +1 on their Initiative scores Courage
and one re-roll for as long as the combat lasts. You With a Perform check at a TN of 28 all your allies
need to be able to continue playing the instrument that can hear you gain a +3 bonus on any skill
to have your allies gain the benefits. check they make.

It’s In The Details Social Focus
XP: 120 XP: 30
Requirements: Analysis 12 Requirements: Chosen Skill 4, Chosen Skill
If someone is hiding information from you with Specialty
the Bluff Skill, you know something is wrong, Choose a Social Skill (Analysis, Bluff, Intimidate,
even if you fail your Analysis check. Diplomacy). You gain a +1 bonus on a specific
usage of that Skill (Discerning Lies for Analysis,
Keep Calm Instill Fear for Intimidate, etc.).
XP: 150
Requirements: Bluff, Diplomacy & Analysis 14 Social Mastery
When using Bluff, Diplomacy or Analysis, you XP: 90
may make a Casual Roll, even in the midst of Requirements: Chosen Skill 9, Chosen Skill
combat. Focus
You may re-roll once any checks you make in the
Make Them Tremble specific situation with the Skill you have chosen
XP: 120 with the Social Focus Perk previously in this chain.
Requirements: Intimidate 13 You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse
When you use the Intimidate Skill to instill fear than the original roll.
in your enemies, they become Terrified instead of
Shaken. Social Specialty
XP: 30
Quick Analysis Requirements: Chosen Skill 3
XP: 90 Choose a Social Skill (Analysis, Bluff, Intimidate,
Requirements: Analysis 9 Diplomacy). You gain a +1 bonus on all uses of
You can perform a quick analysis on a subject, that Skill. This bonus stacks with all other Perks
within one round and your GM should give you that give a bonus to these Skills.
only basic information. Alternatively, you gain
a +2 bonus when you normally use the Analysis Social Supremacy
Skill. XP: 150
Requirements: Chosen Skill 15, Chosen Skill
Slick Tongue Mastery
XP: 120 You may re-roll once any checks you make with
Requirements: Bluff 14 the Skill you have chosen with the Social Specialty
It is impossible for someone to detect if you are Perk. You must accept the second roll, even if it’s
lying. When your opponents use the Analysis Skill worse than the original roll.
on you, they may know something is wrong with
a normal success, but they need a Good Success at Trade Master
least to determine your lies. XP: 120
Requirements: Diplomacy 14
Social Expertise You have become an expert at Bartering and
XP: 60 Trading. Reduce the prices on items you haggle
Requirements: Chosen Skill 6, Chosen Skill by a base 10%. Gain a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy,
Specialty Knowledge (Commerce) or Knowledge
Gain a +1 bonus on two Social Skills of your (Streetwise) checks you make. When you check
choice (Analysis, Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy). to see the price of an item, your margin of error
This bonus stacks with any other Perks or abilities is only 20% above or below the item’s price, never
that provide a bonus to any of the above Skills. more than that.

Racial - Human
Perk Effect XP
Action Dice (None)
Action Die Superiority When you use an Action Die, you gain +1 60
Superior Action Point Your Total Number Of Action Points Increases By an extra 1 60
Action Point Mastery Your Action Points May Explode 90
Action Die Pool You may spend 2 Action Dice on the same roll 120
Action Dice (None)
Combat Die Specialty When The Combat Die Explodes, You Gain A +1 60
Double Bullet Die Your Combat Die May Explode One More Time 90
Combat Die Mastery Your Combat Die May Explode Any Number Of Times 150
Determination Enhancement (None)
Improved Determination When you use Determination, you gain a +2 bonus 60
Action Determination If your 2nd roll is better, you regain an Action Die 90
Determination Mastery Gain an extra Re-roll 90
Sheer Determination You may choose the result you want 90
Superior Determination Gain an extra Determination 90
Dice Mastery Gain Insane Bonuses With Dice 180
Karma (None)
Luck of Heroes Force enemy to Re-Roll once per session 120
Lucky Break Use Action die to give penalties to enemies 150
Table 4.14 Human Racial Perks

In any setting, humans have certain things in Action Die Pool

common. Their sheer determination to achieve the XP: 120
impossible and sometimes unexpected strokes of Requirements: 1800 XP, Action Point Mastery,
luck. In the 3d6 system, these qualities are reflected Action Die Superiority
in Perks that deal with the dice in the game. From You can spend two Action Dice on the same roll,
re-rolling more times to altering enemies’ rolls, if you wish.
humans always find something to do to have it
their way. The main chain of Perks here deals with
the core ability of the humans in the 3d6 system:
Action Die Superiority
XP: 60
Determination, the ability to re-roll any 3d6 roll
once per Scene, which makes humans able to Requirements: Superior Action Point
achieve something they set their will to. Every time you use an Action Die, you gain a
+! bonus on the roll. Note that if you have some
Action Determination ability that causes your Action Dice to explode,
XP: 90 they get the +1 bonus every time they explode.
Requirements: 1200 XP, Improved Determination
When you use your Determination ability to make Action Point Mastery
a re-roll on a roll you just made, note if the second XP: 90
roll was better than the original roll. If it was, then Requirements: 1200 XP
you regain one Action Die. Note here that the Your Action Dice may now explode. If they roll a
bonus you get from the Improved Determination 6 on the die, you re-roll it and add the total to your
Perk should be factored in normally on the second check. Note that any abilities giving you a bonus,
roll. grant it every time you re-roll the die.

Combat Die Mastery Luck of Heroes
XP: 150 XP: 120
Requirements: 3000 XP, Double Bullet Die Requirements: 1800 XP, Superior Determination
There is no limit to the number of times that your You may activate your Determination ability,
Combat Die may explode. If you roll a 6, you roll not to make a re-roll for yourself, but to force an
it again and if it comes up a 6 a second time, you enemy to make one. Essentially, you announce
roll again until the result is not 6. to your GM that you want an enemy to re-roll a
check they just made, even after your GM has told
Combat Die Specialty you that they succeeded on the check, but before
XP: 60 any other effects of the check occur. For example,
Requirements: None you could force an enemy to re-roll an attack with
Every time the Combat Die Explodes you gain a a grenade, but only before they roll damage.
+1 bonus on the roll. Note that if you have some
ability that causes your Action Dice to explode, Lucky Break
they get the +1 bonus every time they explode. XP: 150
Requirements: 3000 XP, Superior Action die
Determination Mastery You can use your Action Dice to give penalties
XP: 90 to enemies You must announce that intention
Requirements: 1200 XP, Superior Determination before the enemy makes their roll, not after. For
Gain an extra use per Scene of the Determination example, if an enemy is about to make an attack
ability, effectively bringing your total number of roll on an ally, you can spend the Action Point
re-rolls available to 3 per Scene. before they make the attack. You roll the Action
Point normally and subtract the result from your
Dice Mastery opponent’s roll.
XP: 180
Requirements: 4200 XP, Action Die Pool, Sheer Sheer Determination
Determination XP: 90
Everytime you make a 3d6 check, you do not Requirements: 1200 XP, Improve Determination
calculate 1s or 2s. Treat all 1s on the roll as 3s. You may select which of the two Determination
Note that this does not apply to damage rolls, but rolls you want to keep, thus allowing you to revert
works for every other check you make. to the first roll if the second one was worse.

Double Combat Die Superior Action Point

XP: 90 XP: 60
Requirements: 1200 XP, Bullet Die Specialty Requirements: None
Another of the 3d6 Dice you roll gains the You gain an extra Action Die. This increases your
properties of the Combat Die. Effectively, you total number of Action Die and can stack with any
have 2 Combat Die on each 3d6 roll, all following other Perks that give you extra dice.
every rule for Combat Dice.
Superior Determination
Improved Determination XP: 90
XP: 60 Requirements: Improved Determination
Requirements: None Gain an extra use per Scene of the Determination
Every time you use Determination, you get a +2 ability, effectively bringing your total number of
bonus on the second roll. re-rolls available to 2 per Scene.

Perk Effect XP
Congruity Extra (None)
Congruity Gain Congruity 60
Hold Congruity Delay losing Congruity for a few rounds 60
Hold the Line Make check to avoid losing Congruity 60
Provide Congruity You give +1 Congruity to your group 60
Racial Congruity Accept members of other races without losing Congruity 60
Improved Congruity Congruity +2 90
Improved Provide Congruity Provide +2 Congruity to your group 90
Belief Team maintains half Congruity even without you 120
Automatic Congruity Automatic Congruity 150
Synergy Assistance (None)
Assist Synergy 1 Less 30
Combat Co-operation Attack Melee +1 Allies (if both) 60
Improved Assist Synergy 3 Less 60
Improved Synergy Synergy +1 90
Synergy Mastery May not botch Synergy 90
Automatic Assist Give at least +1 bonus, unless Botch 120
Table 4.15 Teamwork Perks

A group of people working together can achieve Automatic Congruity

many impossible tasks. Small groups are largely XP: 150
effectively in small scale skirmishes and large Requirements: Improved Congruity, 5 Maneuver
armies can make the difference in a war, especially Perks
in fantasy settings. In sci-fi settings, where armies You need no time to activate or cancel a Congruity
are less importand due to the presence of weapons Maneuver, but you can only do each once per
of mass destruction, small units gathering round. Furthermore, you may now pass on your
intelligence or sabotaging critical structures can knowledge on small unit tactics to members who
turn the tide in battle easily. Here, you will find have not quite grasped the Congruity basic yet.
Perks that allow characters to work together as a You can include up to two characters that don’t
team more efficiently. have the Congruity Perk and give them the
benefits of your Maneuvers normally, as long as
Assist those characters who don’t have the Perk are not
XP: 30 more than those who do.
Requirements: Intelligence 10
When you give Synergy to an ally, you reduce the Belief
difference required to give them a bonus. You only XP: 120
require a difference of 5 to provide with Synergy. Requirements: Hold Congruity, Improve
Automatic Assist You have such great ability for Congruity, that
XP: 120 your team may continue to operate as if under
Requirements: Intelligence 13, Improved Assist your command, even if you are not present or are
You always give a character you assist with the otherwise unable to give orders, albeit with half
Synergy action a basic +2 bonus, even if you fail Congruity. You must have been the leader of the
the Synergy check, unless you Botch. team for at least a month for this Perk to work.

Combat Co-operation Improved Provide Congruity
XP: 60 XP: 90
Requirements: Intelligence 11 Requirements: Provide Congruity
When engaged in melee, all allies that you are You contribute an extra +2 Congruity to your
leading gain a +1 bonus on all attacks. group if you are not leading it. If multiple
characters have this Perk, only one can provide the
Congruity group with that bonus.
XP: 60
Requirements: None Improved Synergy
You can gain Congruity or be part of a team that XP: 90
uses Maneuvers. See the Congruity chapter for Requirements: Intelligence 12, Improved Assist
more details. Every time you give Synergy, you add +1 to the
total bonus you give to your ally. If you make a
Hold Congruity good roll, for example, and you give a +4 bonus to
XP: 60 your ally, with this Perk you would give +5.
Requirements: Congruity
You may delay losing Congruity for a number Provide Congruity
of rounds equal to your Composure Resistance. XP: 60
Players are responsible for keeping track of this. Requirements: Congruity
You contribute an extra +1 Congruity to your
Hold the Line group if you are not leading it. If multiple
XP: 60 characters have this Perk, only one can provide the
Requirements: Hold Congruity group with that bonus.
You can make a Leadership check when you are
about to lose Congruity, to avoid losing it. The TN Racial Congruity
depends on what caused the loss. XP: 60
Requirements: Congruity, 3 Maneuver Perks
Improved Assist You do not lose Cogruity if you are leading a
XP: 60 group in which there are different races fighting
Requirements: Intelligence 11, Assist together.
When you give Synergy to an ally, you reduce the
difference required to give them a bonus. You only Synergy Mastery
require a difference of 4 to provide with Synergy. XP: 90
Requirements: Improved Synergy
Improved Congruity You can never Botch a Synergy check, even if you
XP: 90 fail by a lot. Also, you gain a +1 bonus on the roll
Requirements: Congruity, 3 Maneuver Perks every time you attempt to give synergy to an ally,
You gain an extra 2 Congruity Points, which stack as long as you have at least 1 Rank in the Skill in
with any other Perk or ability that increases your question. You still can’t Botch if you don’t have
Congruity. Ranks, you just don’t gain the bonus.

Chapter V

W Initiative
hen playing any role-playing game, the
concept of combat involves some kind
of record-keeping for who gets to act Every combat begins with an Initiative check,
first, whose turn it is and what kind of actions a which determines who goes first. The order of
character can do at any given time. To put this initiative is kept throughout the entire combat,
into perspective, rounds are used, in which players regardless of the number of rounds. All players
have a specific amount of actions they can do, roll one die and add their Initiative Modifier to it.
depending on their statistics and choices when The one with the highest total gets to act first (or
creating their character. These rounds have strict wait for the rest, if he wishes).
rules and guidelines.
Initiative = 1d6 + Initiative Modifier

Rounds & IC Units In cases of similar totals, the player with the
highest modifier acts first. If this is a tie as well,
To better facilitate things, combat in the
Ascendance game is divided into rounds. Each roll another die to determine who goes first.
round is roughly equivalent to 3 seconds of normal During a player’s Initiative, they can spend all or
time. Use that as a basis for any calculations you part of their Combat Rating performing actions.
might be required to make. Actions that happen Any IC they have remaining may be used later in
inside Combat Rounds are determined by their IC the round. However, you may not retain IC for the
cost, meaning how many Initiative Counts it takes next round. Once the round is over and Initiative
to perform them. Every played has a Statistic is reset, then any remaining IC for any charactera
called Combat Rating (CBR), which determines are lost. Consider that the character’s hesitation or
how many IC they have each round to perform inability to decide fast cost them that IC.
actions. A player’s Combat Rating is derived from
the average of their Intelligence and Reaction
Attributes, adding 5. Actions & IC Costs
Every action takes a certain amount of time. This is
Combat Rating = Number of IC each round. reflected in the game by their IC costs. An IC cost
determines the time required to take an Action.
CBR = [(Intelligence + Reaction) / 2] +5 There are several kinds of Actions in the 3d6 game
system and they are all governed by different sets
A high Combat Rating means more IC to use in a of rules..
given Round. This does not change the total time
which you have in a round, but it changes how Passive Actions: May be performed while doing
fast you can perform, meaning you have can do something else and they require no IC to do so at
more things during a round with a higher Combat all. Usually are made as part of something else, or
Rating. Actions have their own IC costs, noted are entirely instinctive.
below. Note that while a player with a Combat
Rating of 15 for example, still takes almost the Normal Actions: The most common type of action,
same amount of time to draw a weapon with a they require a certain amount of IC, determined
player having a CBR of 10. However, the player by the type of action. More information on these
with a CBR of 15 may do more actions in the costs below.
round and they do them more efficiently. The
Combat Rating is, in general, one of the most Full Actions: These actions take up an entire
important statistics in the game, especially for Combat Round, regardless of anyone’s Combat
combat situations. Rating.

For example, talking or walking is done as part of During a Combat Round, you may only perform
any other Actions. Shooting a weapon requires a as many Actions as your total CBR allows you
certain amount of IC, while opening a blast door to. If you have spent some IC and do not have
takes one full Round. You will find below a table enough to do another Action, you cannot perform
with all Actions and their respective IC Costs. it. However, there’s a note to this concerning
actions and your total CBR, which allows you to
overcome some of these hindrances.
Action IC Cost
Attacking If an Action costs more IC than what you have
remaining you cannot perform it in this round
Melee or Ranged Attack per Weapon and will have to either use up all remaining IC
Short Burst +3 or waste them for that round.
Autofire 1 Full Round
This means that if, for example you have a CBR of
Aim 2*** 14 and you draw an assault rifle (3 IC) and shoot
Drawing Weapons once (6 IC), you have 5 IC remaining, meaning
you cannot shoot a second time in this round. You
Draw One-Handed Weapon 4 can do anything else that has an IC cost of 5 or
Draw Two-Handed Weapon 8 less, though. You wouldn’t be able to shoot halfway
through and then spend the remaining IC on the
Draw Light Shield 4
next round. Usually, the action would have been
Draw Heavy Shield 8 voided anyway by that time.
Draw Secured Weapon 12
Brace Weapon 1 Modifying Initiative
Reloading & Unjamming During combat, a character’s Initiative stays the
same throughout the entire fight. However, this
Place Ammunition 4 does not mean they may not act out of their turn.
Arm Ranged by Weapon There are ways to interrupt an opponent’s action or
prepare an action to use it just when you want, or
Reload Firearm (Single) 6
even make attacks when your opponents attempt
Reload Firearm (Clip) 6 to do something that leaves them vulnerable. In
Reload Firearm (Internal) 10 general, note that your rolled Initiative never
changes, unless something happens mid-combat
Reload Firearm (Belt) 15 that alters your modifier. For example, if you have
Unjam Light Weapon 15 an Initiative of +3 and you have rolled a 2, it means
your Initiative is on 5. This is the same for every
Unjam Heavy Weapon 30
round thereafter. However, if for some reason you
Defense & Movement increase or decrease your Reaction (due to poison,
Avoid 1 toxin or even magic) and your Initiative changes,
from then on you play at the new one. In the above
Block Melee 1*** example where someone increases their Reaction
Brace Shield through magic in the midst of combat and their
Initiative becomes +4, they now play at 6 for the
Switch Movement Mode 3 IC remainder of the combat.
Change Position (1 Step)* 3 IC
Delay Action
If a player does not spend all of their IC, they
Use Skill per Skill** may declare a Delay Action, which means they
Simple Task (open a door) 5-10 IC are waiting to see what happens next in order
to decide what they want to do. While a player
Table 7.1: IC Costs has a Delay Action, they may act at any time
*Standing to Kneeling is one step, Standing to Crouching is two steps. after the current player has finished their actions.
**See Skill descriptions for more information on the time required to Characters with a Delay Action may not interrupt
use these actions other players whose Initiative part it is. This is
***Progressive increase, meaning that every time you use that particula done with a Hold Action (see below). After the
option, the IC cost increases by 1. current player has finished their actions, either by

spending all their IC or declaring a Delay Action, cost for every action. This enhances the feeling
any player with a Delay Action may become active that after making your Held Action, you need
and play. At this point, they may spend all or part to act fast to catch up with having been waiting
of their remaining IC, as normal. Note here that for the right time to make your move. However,
your Initiative does not change. This means that usually most players prefer to spend their IC first
if, for example, you play at Initiative 4 and choose and then use the remaining to make their Held
to make a Delay Action and wait until Initiative Action.
1, when the next round comes, you still play on
Initiative 4. Interrupt
There are situations where you need to take some
For example, it’s Mick’s Initiative turn. He has 16 kind of action immediately, perhaps to interrupt
Combat Rating and decides to shoot once with his an opponent or to push a button just before the
Assault Rifle, spending 6 IC. Then he decides to monsters come rushing through the door, or
make a Delay Action. The turn continues normally maybe even shoot that guard before he pushes the
with every player taking turns. When Mick sees alarm button. This is possible in the 3d6 system,
an opponent coming into view, he decides to take but costs a bit more and it is called Interrupt.
action. However, he must wait until the opponent
has finished his own Initiative turn. Mick’s To perform an Interrupt, you spend IC equal to
opponent shoots twice at Mick with a pistol, 1,5 times the original Action. Then, you make
spending 10 IC and wounding him slightly. Then, an opposed Initiative check with your opponent.
he moves behind a car and takes cover, spending
the rest of his IC. Only now can Mick act, since he If you win, you take the action first before your
couldn’t interrupt his opponent’s actions. He has opponent, interrupting them. If you lose, you have
10 IC remaining, so he chooses to aim carefully still spent the extra IC but the action is done just
and make a single shot at the exposed part of his after your opponent’s. There are certain Perks
opponent, spending all of his IC for the round. that enhance this check. Note here that this is an
There are ways to interrupt your opponent, if you Initiative check, so Perks which enhance it will
wish, explained further below. also take effect here. There are also Perks which
enhance only the Interrupt check, if you want to
Hold Action specialize there. For example, if you notice during
There is also the option to hold an Action until combat a guard going for the alarm and you have
a very specific time. To do so, you must spend an some IC left for the round to make an Interrupt,
amount of IC normally required for that Action you can try to shoot him and kill him before he
+3 (see below for specific rules about very long activates the alarm. To do so, first you need to
Actions). Then, you must declare what will trigger spend 9 IC (6 normally) and then roll an opposed
your Action. The Action itself does not take place Initiative. If you beat that, you take the shot right
at that point, you merely spend the time preparing before he triggers the alarm, hopefully killing him
it. When your conditions are fulfilled, you may before he manages to do so. If not, you can still
take the Action, even interrupting other player’s take the shot, but it will happen after the alarm
Actions at that point (this being pretty much the has sounded. You may opt not to take the shot,
case at most times). As with a Delay Action, your but you have already spent the IC, which are lost.
Initiative changes. However, if your Action took
place during another player’s Initiative pass, you Note here that, if a new round has started, but it
are now playing at the same time, as if you had is not yet your Initiative (meaning it’s not your
rolled the same Initiative in the first place. See turn to play yet), you can still make an Interrupt,
the rules above to determine who will actually but you will have less IC to spend when your turn
play first on the following round. You cannot hold actually comes, for this round. While the interrupt
2 Ready Actions, even if your total CBR allows is very important and can turn the tide of battle, it
you to do so. Also, Actions that are already Full is costly and may therefore leave you vulnerable to
Actions may not be Held. attack if, for example, you don’t have any IC left to
block attacks at the end of the round. Since the IC
Once you have completed your Held Action, you of every round reset in the beginning of the round,
may continue spending your IC for the round, but players have a lot of options with Interrupts, but
their cost doubles and you may not make a Delay should be careful how they spend their IC during
Action. Effectively, this means that once you have a battle. It is important to note here that amongst
performed your Held Action, you either end your the most important things is having enough IC to
round, or use up your remaining IC at double the be able to block an incoming attack.

Scenes campaign as a Scene, it has to be a complete part
on its own, but also part of something greater in
While combat is an integral part of any system, the grand scheme of the campaign. For example,
there are ways required to track certain abilities suppose the party is up against a local crime
that last for a specific duration or which are lord in a low-magic fantasy setting. They have
refreshed at certain intervals. In most cases, gathered some information and are now ready to
minutes and hours suffice to measure anything disrupt an undercover trade in a warehouse. The
you want in the game. However, there are a few entire planning, buying any gear, scouting the
things in the 3d6 System that refresh on a more warehouse beforehand and the actual fight inside
abstract basis. For example, Action Dice and the the warehouse is considered a Scene. This means
human special trait, Determination. Depending that any Action Dice the players use making the
on the setting, there could be more that have this planning, for example, will not refresh until after
abstract refresh mechanism. These abilities are the fight in the warehouse.
almost exclusively abilities that affect the game in
an out of game fashion and do not have effects It is up to the GM to make a Scene last longer
that can be seen in game. These abilities refresh for or less, as they see fit. However, in doing so these
the players, not their characters. abilities that refresh after a Scene ends will become
less or more important, respectively. Action Dice,
To better illustrate this, the Scenes are used. Scenes for example, will be used more frequently if Scenes
are a measure of a small part of the campaign last less. It is also advised that if you play some
which you are currently running. It is up to the downtime in your campaign, when the players
GM’s discretion as to how long a Scene is exactly, either relax or are left to their own devices, to
but it is perfectly acceptable for Scenes to vary a consider the entire time as one big Scene, so the
lot in duration. Usually, to classify a part of the players can use their Action Dice again.

Chapter VI
Movement & Vision

ovement in the 3d6 system is handled The last rule applies to most circumstances,
independently of any Actions you may but should be at the GM’s discretion. When a
take during combat. In essence, every character is moving towards or away from you,
Round you decide what kind of movement you they should get no bonuses, or maybe get half of
want your character to make, if any at all. Then, them, if the GM judges they are attempting to
you get penalties or bonuses on any actions you evade your attacks.
make, depending on the kind of movement you
have chosen. Usually, you get a bonus on your
Movement Meters Avoid Block Atk.
Avoidance when you move, as you become a more
evasive target. You get a penalty, though on melee Walking Speed +3 -3 -3
attacks and block, as you move very predictably Hustling Speed x2 +6 -6 -6
and are easier to hit.
Running Speed x4 +11 -16 N/A
The different kinds of Movement are: Walking, Table 6.2: Movement Modes
Hustling, Running and Standing Still
(technically having no movement). Bursting
When you want to get that extra burst of speed,
These modes work differently when in combat you may make a Burst. This requires you to use the
(called Tactical Movement) or travelling (called Running Movement Mode and declare you wish
Overland Movement). Use the first to determine to Burst. This has one benefit and one drawback, as
fights and any other situation where positioning shown below. Generally, you get that extra burst of
and movement is releveant and the latter for speed in exchange for exerting yourself after you
covering long distances, especially when travelling stop. This mode is used mainly by athletes who run
on foot or on a mount. sprints, enabling them to break all these records.

You increase your Running Speed by +50%. You

Tactical Movement may sustain a Burst for a number of Rounds
When in combat, movement happens in detail and equal to half your Stamina Attribute. After that,
it is important to know the exact location of each you must wait for an equal number of rounds. If
combatant. Everyone has a Speed Rating, noted in you continue without waiting, you may burst for
their entry or character sheet. The Speed Rating is 3 more rounds and then you become Fatigued.
the number of meters a character can move in one
Round in Walking mode. Hustling doubles that. Movement Steps
Running quadruples it. It is not possible for characters (or creatures, for
that matter) to automatically move from a still
At the start of your turn at every Round, you condition to running on a given round. Characters
choose your Movement Mode. Until then, or creatures of Average or Vehicle size may only
you are considered to have your previous one, increase their Movement by two steps on any given
whichever it was. round. Giant or Juggernaut-sized individuals may
only increase their Movement by one step. This
You gain bonuses on Avoidance and penalties on means that if someone is not moving at all on one
Deflection and Attacks when moving. round, they may choose to Hustle on the next, but
not run. Note here that Bursting is part of the
Running is a Full-round Action. You gain the Running mode and obeys all associated rules. For
listed bouses only if not moving away or towards creatures or characters larger than vehicle-sized,
your opponent. they may only Run if they were Hustling.

Switching Movement Movement Rating km / Hour km / Day
It is possible to change the movement mode
you have chosen during the round, but it costs 3 5 30
you a certain amount of IC, requiring 3 IC to 6 10 80
increase or decrease your movement mode by
9 15 90
one step. For example, it takes 3 IC to go from
Walking to Hustling and 6 to go from Standing to 12 20 160
Hustling. You may use any remaining meters you 15 25 200
have if you switch. If you have already moved 3
meters Walking and decide you wish to switch to 18 30 230
Hustling (spending 3 IC), you may move 3 more Table 6.3: Overland Movement
meters for that round. *Rounded up to the nearest 5

This is very effective if you wish to move first, for Forced March
example, then use the IC to stop and avoid taking Sometimes a character will need to move more
a penalty on your next shot or on your next block. than normal, perhaps because he is being chased,
You are free to switch as many times as you want, he is chasing someone or maybe he has to meet
assuming you still have IC and that you have not some deadline. This may call for a Forced March.
moved more than your allowed movement per This is when a character pushes himself to move
round, as normal. There are also Perks that allow for more than the normal hours of travelling per
you to take such actions faster, thus giving you day. For every hour the character is marching like
even more options during a fight. this, he needs to make a Resilience check roll. The
TN for this increases with every hour.
Overland Movement Forced March TN = 10 + 2 per hour
Travelling usually measures distance in kilometers
and time in hours or days. Different Speed Ratings As long as you make the save, you can continue
travel more or less kilometers per hour or per day,
to make a Forced March. If you fail this save,
as shown on the table below. Also, during Overland
you are automatically Fatigued and sustain 1
Movement (out of combat movement) characters
point of Damage. You may continue to make a
have a limit to how many hours they can travel
Forced March, but for each failed roll the Damage
before requiring rest. Of course, the basis for this
increases by 1 and your Fatigue level increases by
are humans, as they are the most common race.
Other races may have less, or even no difficulty at one also. This means on the next failed roll you
all, travelling for days or weeks. Note that on the get 2 points of damage, 3 on the next one, etc.
table below, the Movement Rating is the normal A Forced March is always considered a Push (see
Movement Rate of the character. If he chooses below).
to Hustle or Run (even though impossible to run
for so long for humans, some other races may be Push
able to do so), double or quadruple these rates, During the course of a day, a character is considered
respectively. to be taking small rests in between hours. As
seen earlier, this translates to 8 effective hours
When travelling, you make the kilometers shown of travelling, in 12 hours total. Walking for more
below in one hour. Bear in mind that distances than that means you are making a Forced March.
while following a road or a path can be as much However, your character may wish to move for a
as twice the distance when calculated in a straight few hours without making breaks. Effectively, you
line. The per Day column shows how many move a bit more but exert yourself.
kilometers a character may travel in one day,
including time required to sleep and be fully rested, At a Push, you move 20% more in an hour, but
etc. This takes a few things into consideration. A must make a Resilience check roll. The TN to
character travels for an effective 8 Hours per day. make this roll is 8 + 2 per hour.
Small breaks are taken in between, resulting in a
total of 12 hours of travelling per day. Assuming 8 If you fail this save, you are automatically Fatigued
hours of sleep per day, this leaves 4 hours for extra and sustain 1 point of Damage. You may continue
activities or moving even more. during the day. A to make a Push, but for each failed roll the Damage
character may change all this by making a Forced increases by 1 and your Fatigue level increases by
March, Hustle or a Push. one also.

Hustling A Well-Travelled Path means any kind of
When travelling, a character may only move at a manufactured road, while No Road or Path means
Walking or Hustling Rate. They may not run for that there is not even a small trail to guide you on
such a prolonged period of time. Hustling carries the way and make moving easier. Note here that all
certain limitations, though, as it is severely taxing relevant modifiers apply together. When putting
on you. Most people are not able to hustle for together two different modifiers of this kind that
prolonged periods of time, but there are Perks stack, just add the modifiers first and then divide
which help characters make long marches while the Speed Rating. In the above example, since the
Hustling. Desert gives a /3 modifier and the Poor Visibility
gives a /2. This means that the total modifier
You may Hustle for one hour without any penalties. becomes /5.
Every consecutive hour after this automatically
makes you Fatigued and you sustain 1 point of
Damage. You may continue to Hustle, but for each Grid
hour after that, the Damage increases by 1 and When in combat, it is useful to use a Grid. It helps
your Fatigue level increases by one also. when you clear things out on who is where and also helps
become Spent, you may not Hustle anymore players judge distances. To use a Grid you need a
printout of one (you will find printable Grids in
the end of this book) and some figures to represent
Terrain modifiers the characters, opponents, mechs, monsters and
anything else you need to display on the Grid. For
The terrain on which you move may hamper
your Movement, whether on the Tactical or the figures you may use either 1-inch miniatures or
Overland Scale. The terrain gives penalties on bead tokens.
movement by applying a modifier to it, which
divides the meters which you move every IC, Figures & Grid
as shown below. Other modifiers that affect Normally, one hex on the Grid represents 1 meter.
Movement are the kind of visibility you have and Movement is done normally, whether straight or
whether you are travelling on a well-travelled diagonally. On the image below you will see how
road or on none at all. Of course, these modifiers figures of different sizes are usually placed on the
stack if two or more are present at the same time, Grid. For smaller size figures, use the Human Size
such as moving through mountains, with poor one, or you may adjust the scale of the Grid.
visibility, without any road or path. Just add the
total amount of divisions and apply the final one Facing
only. For example, on the case above the modifier Normally, facing is not checked in Ascendance,
would be to divide by seven (since /3 + /2 + /2 in to facilitate play and make things faster. When
this case make /7). faced with multiple opponents in melee, you are
constantly moving around trying to face them
all, hence the penalty you get. However, if for any
Terrain Modifier reason you need to check the facing of a character
Plains Normal or a creature, use the last figure that attacked it
or the last figure it attacked to determine the
Mountains /3
direction where it is facing. GM’s could introduce
Hills /2 facing to the game, but it will probably only
Forest Normal unnecessarily complicate things.
Jungle /3 Grid Scale
Swamp /3 You may increase or decrease the Scale of the
Grid, if it fits your current needs. You may wish
Desert /3 to represent entire groups in the Grid. For
Icy /4 example, if you change the Grid Scale so that it
Blast Zone /3
represents 1 Kilometer or even 10 KIlometers, you
can represent Movement on an Overland Scale.
Poor Visibility /2 In this case, you would use a Human Size figure
No Road or Path /2 for each group as you track their progress on the
Grid. This may help you track chases across the
Well-Travelled Path x2 wilderness or even handle different groups going
Table 6.4: Terrain Modif iers to different places.

Cover Near-Total Cover means that only a small part
of one Location is visible, such as someone
Knowing where your enemies are with precision is peeking through a crack on a wall or a very well-
key to winning a fight. More than that, being able constructed sniping position where only a part of
to detect your enemy before he strikes can offer the head is visible. A Called Shot is necessary here,
make the difference between life and death. For as well. However, due to the degree of cover, the
something to qualify as cover, it must be a solid covered character also receives a +4 bonus on their
surface that is able to deflect or endure attacks, Avoidance or Deflection Rating. This bonus is on
forcing attackers to target only the visible parts top of the penalty that the attackign characetr gets
of their target. In case the cover is not able to for making a Called Shot, meaning that characters
withstand attacks, it instead works as Concealment behind Near-Total Cover are difficult to hit.
(see below). There are various degrees of cover,
each with its own rules. Effectively, cover allows Total Cover means the character is not visible at
you to be in a position where you can shoot at all, either completely behind a wall, for example,
your opponent normally, but he has a hard time or behind a closed door. It is possible to shoot
doing so (unless he is behind cover, as well). through the cover, but you must at least be able
Usually, most firearm fights involve cover. In the to guess where your opponent is. Even then,
3d6 setting, cover plays a very important part, the target benefits from Full Concealment (see
as most characters left exposed to heavy fire will below) and you must also penetrate the cover by
surely die very soon. This of course depends on damaging it to be able to deal damage to your
the setting, but even in a fantasy setting where target, as well (see Item Damage later on in this
ranged weapons are more primitive, so are armors chapter). However, characters behind this kind
probably, which means that the difference is of cover get no Avoidance Rating, since they are
almost always the same. In a high-tech setting unable to see the target hitting them. However,
where firearms may shoot in three-round burst, if they have some means of looking through the
full autofire and rapid modes, it is alost suicidal to area covering them, then they might be able to use
engage in a gunfight without being behind some their Avoidance normally, at the GM’s discretion,
sort of cover. Of course, heavy armors in certain of course.
settings mitigate this kind of damage, or might
even make it negligible. Characters as Cover
Sometime, a character may be standing in front
Soft Cover means that the character is standing of your target, blocking line of sight, whether
behind something relatively small, such as a fighting or protecting them. In this case, the
standing character behind an upturned table. In character acts as Cover, depending on the size of
this kind of cover, most of the character is visible. the one blocking line of sight and the one behind.
One part of the character may be covered, but this Also, it depends on if the one blocking line of
does not affect targeting that character very much, sight is actively attempting to cover the target or
other than a small penalty. not. For example, in cases where there is someone
fighting in melee with the target, they are not
Medium Cover means the character is at least actively protecting the target but rather simply get
half-covered by a solid surface, such as shooting in the way. However, if an ally is standing in front
behind an open door or kneeling behind an of the target willing to get the bullet instead, then
upturned table. Usually, three Locations of a he is actively protecting him. You will find below a
human character are visible behind this cover. table showing these bonuses.
The attacker does not need to directly target
exposed Locations. The dice that determine which
Location is hit change accordingly. Blocker Size Passive Active *
2 Sizes Smaller No Protection Soft Cover
Hard Cover means that the character is only
1 Size Smaller Soft Cover Medium Cover
partially exposed, such as peeking through a
window or carefully shooting from behind a semi- Equal Size Medium Cover Hard Cover
closed door. In this situation, only one or two 1 Size Larger Hard Cover Near-Total
Locations will probably be visible on a human
character and the attacker is forced to make 2 Sizes Larger Near-Total Total Cover
a Called shot to hit their target. In the case of Table 6.5: Characters as Cover
Ranged Attacks, the attacker is forced to select *also add a synergy bonus from the Blocker’s Avoidance Rating to the
only the visible parts to shoot at. target, see below

Type Benefits Area Effect Observe / Stealth*
Soft +2 Avoid / Block +2 Reflex +2 / -2
Medium +4 Avoid / Block +4 Reflex +4 / -4
Location die changes Reduce Damage by 1d6
Hard Must make Called Shot on exposed Locations +4 Reflex +6 / -6
Reduce Damage by 2d6
Near-Total +4 Avoid / Block +8 Reflex +12 / -12
Must make Called Shot on exposed Locations Reduce Damage by 2d6
Total May not be Targeted No Reflex -
Reduce Damage by 2d6
Table 6.6: Cover Benef its

Passive Protection means that the character is Rating, but is considered unaware (meaning a
either standing, moving with the target, or fighting total Avoidance or Deflection Rating of 10 +
the target. If the attacker misses the target by the Size Modifier). Once all this has been considered,
amount of bonus the Blocker provides the target you must make an attack roll normally and then
with, the Blocker is hit instead. However, since the deduct the barrier’s Toughness (see below). Any
attacker is not actively attacking the Blocker, only remaining damage is dealt to your target behind
a normal Success is possible. the barrier, assuming you made the concealment
roll. Finally, since you are effectively shooting
Active Protection means that the blocker wants blind, you can’t benefit from a Good, Great or
to get hit instead of the target. For that reason, Critical Success. If you hit, you will deal at best
the total Avoidance Rating of the character normal damage. Summarizing, in order to attack
blocking the target is taken into account. Use the an enemy behind a barrier with Total Cover, you
total Rating as a synergy bonus on the target’s must do the following:
Avoidance Rating with a base TN of 22. However,
if the attacker misses the target, the shot hits the • Guess the location of the enemy on the Grid
Blocker instead. • Roll for Full Concealment
• Target only has 10 + Size Modifier defense
For example, suppose a mech is fighting a human • You may not benefit from extra successes
in melee and a third person is attempting to • If you hit, deduct the barrier’s Toughness
shoot the mech, but the line of sight is blocked
by the human. In that case, since the human is
not actively protecting the mech, it gets only a +2
bonus on its Avoidance Rating and the attacker
Different from Cover, Concealment is when
will hit the human only if he misses the mech by a character is not visible not because they are
a margin of 1 or 2. If the human was actively (for hidden behind something, but because vision
some strange reason) actively defending the mech, conditions prevent their opponent from seeing
then the mech would get +4 on its Avoidance them clearly. These conditions include fog, smoke,
Rating, but any missed shot would hit the human etc. As far as rules are concerned, Concealment
instead. gives an attacker the chance to miss their target,
rather than provide a bonus to the defender. Also,
Shooting at a Target behind Total Cover Concealment provides a bonus on Stealth rolls.
Sometimes, it may be a viable tactic to unleash a Note also that being blinded counts as your target
hail of bullets on an enemy you know is hiding having Full Concealment.
behind a wall, for example. First, you need to be
able to guess (or know) the exact location of the To determine if the attacker has hit the target
individual you are shooting at. Of course, if using or not, two dice are rolled, independent of any
an Autofire weapon, you may always shoot in attack rolls made against the one standing inside
multiple locations with one autofire. Secondly, the the concealed area. These two dice determine the
target benefits from Total Concealment. On the outcome. It is advisable for the GM and the players
up side, though, your target (unless somehow able to roll both the Concealment dice and the normal
to see you from behind the barrier while you can’t) attack dice together, since the attack might be a
does not have his normal Avoidance or Deflection Botch even if it misses its target.

Concealment Hit Vision Attack Lighting Condition Observe Modifier
Soft 2-9 (85%) +2 / -2 -2 Daylight +24
Medium 2-7 (60%) +4 / -4 -5 Superb Lighting +12
Heavy 2-6 (30%) +6 / -6 -8 Normal Lighting +4
Full 2-4 (15%) - -11 Low Lighting Soft Concealment*
Table 6.7: Concealment Benef its Poor Lighting Moderate Concealment*
*the bonus is for Stealth checks, while the penalty is for Observe
Darkness Heavy Concealment*
checks. Use either of the two, not both, depending on who rolls.
Total Darkness Full Concealment*
Soft Concealment means that the target is visible, Table 6.8: Light and Darkness
but may be distorted or not very clear, such as very *see Concealment above for details on penalties or bonuses
light fog, smoke on external areas, etc. Insufficient
lighting can also cause this kind of Concealment, Daylight is pretty much self-explanatory, meaning
as can the heat effect from extreme temperatures that the sun is visible in the sky, unobstructed
at long distances. Soft rain can also cause this kind from clouds, etc. Also, several lights can manage
of Concealment. to attain that kind of lighting indoors, providing
with the same bonuses as natural daylight.
Medium Concealment means the character’s
facial details are indiscernible at medium range Superb Lighting means any condition that is less
and from afar may be seen as a silhouette. This is than daylight, such as outdoors in the afternoon or
caused by heavy fog, poor lighting conditions or indoors in a house with most of the lights turned
even dense smoke and very heavy rain that makes on.
it almost impossible to see details.
Normal Lighting is any condition where there is
Heavy Concealment means being barely visible, adequate lighting for a uman to see, such as a house
discernible only by an outline or a shadow figure. with some lights on or late afternoon outdoors.
This is usually caused by extreme smoke conditions,
near-total lack of lighting and submersion in Low Lighting is a place where few lights are on
shallow water. or a shadowed road in the afternoon, for example.
Outdoors at night with many street lights on is a
Full Concealment means the character is not good example.
visible at all, either because it is total darkness or if
the attacker is blinded. For a situation to qualify as Poor Lighting is outdoors at night, with street
Full Concealment, the target must not be visible lights on, but few and far between. Also, a popular
at all, not even as a silhouette or outline. nightclub without many lights qualifies for this
kind of lightning.

Light & Darkness Darkness is pretty much self explanatory,

Whether natural or artificial, lighting can always meaning outside in the wilderness, with no lights
make a huge difference in the Ascendance setting. in the distance, lit only by the light of the moon,
There are several different kinds of lighting or indoors in a house lit only by candles.
available, all of which provide penalties or bonuses
on someone’s Observe check. Lighting helps a lot Total Darkness means just that: absence of light,
in cancelling out attempted Stealth approaches, complete darkness which could be inside a cave in
but technology usually has ways of circumventing a mountain with no light at all or in a basement
absence of light. You will find below a table showing where there is no light, either.
different lighting conditions and how they affect
an observer’s check. Note here that some Lighting The GM has the final say on what kind of lighting
Conditions provide with Concealment. See each area has, of course. There are lights that can
the appropriate section above for details on the perfectly simulate any kind of condition above.
bonuses and penalties. Also note that if a Lighting However, if the GM judges that a condition can
Condition provides with Concealment, it satisfies offer a more severe lighting than daylight, they
the rule for being able to use the Stealth Skill and should increase the bonuses, as they see fit in each
also provides the appropriate bonuses, as well. occasion.

Modes of Vision Sensors & Targeting
Technology has offered much in the way of Knowing your enemy’s position is half the battle,
enhancing the human vision, from simple some generals used to say. In that aspect, the
binoculars to goggles that alleviate the need sensors of a unit give a significant advantage.
for light. Humans have developed devices that Long range and capable of detecting energy
can coutner most adverse circumstances as far emissions, these sensors can pinpoint locations,
as vision is concerned. Of course, certain aliens analyze a target and give vital information, while
or mutants may already possess such abilities, relaying any movement to your allies. Of course,
allowing them to see in the dark or sense heat as most sensors are only as good as their operator. In
well as any goggle. Whatever the case, the table such open spaces, the Grid is treated differently.
below shows how different kinds of vision interact Each hex counts as 1 kilometre for the purposes
with Concealment or Light Conditions. Note also of range, so the GM should play the game on this
that sometime you may be penalized for using scale if they want to detail movement and sensor
one type of vision versus the other. For example, usage.
using Infrared Vision from binoculars makes you
discern details with more difficulty, while using Sensor modes
Low-Light Vision in the day renders you almost Effectively, sensors come in a somewhat bulky
blind. Of course, most equipment has internal package, complete with antenna relays and
compensators to cope with such effects, shutting transmitters. When using them, the operator has
down as needed. the option of selecting several different modes,
depending on the task at hand. In essence, the
Night Vision enhances normal vision by wider the arc of locating, the smaller the range
amplifying light and using high technology lenses and the more difficult it is to locate someone. It is
to improve light in conditions where there is little. the operator’s choice which sensors to use in each
However, it is useless in situations where there is situation. You will find below all sensor modes,
practically no light. Amplifying light also assists the bonus that they give to the operator’s skill, the
in situations of smoke or fog, but does not make a maximum range and arc of coverage.
great difference. Most, if not all, of Night Vision
devices have built-in adjusters to autimatically
Sensor Mode Bonus Range Arc
turn it off in case of sudden burst of light, making
flash grenades not an issue for those with such Passive -4 10 km 360°
devices. Search 0 20 km 180°

Infrared Vision uses lenses that are able to detect Locate +4 30 km 90°
wavelengths the human eye cannot. The infrared Discern +8 50 km 45°
spectrum is visible, making out differences in
temperature from objects around the character. Analyze 0 50 km Target
However, it is impossible to make out details, Table 6.9: Sensor Modes
so the GM should be careful to describe things
in reference to heat emanated. For example, it The roll to use the sensors is a Surveillance check
is difficult to tell what kind of rifle a soldier is and receives the above bonuses depending on
holding, but you can see the soldier. In Infrared the type of sensor used. As noted in the skill
light, everything is seen as a silhouette. descriptions, it takes 1 minute to use this skill and
the success pinpoints any energy emissions on
Active Infrared is quite different from Infrared your device.
in that it emits light below the visible spectrum
and the device reads this information and shows Changing modes requires another Surveillance
black-and-white images to the observer. Since it check, but you do not lose your current target.
relies on its own emitted light to function, it is
not affected by almost any kind of lighting, but it Apart from the Analyze mode, the rest provide
is affected by environmental conditions. However, only with that information. The Analyze mode,
this kind of vision has a severe drawback. You however, allows you to learn information about the
are extremely visible if someone is viewing the target, such as kind of unit, active weapon systems,
infrared spectrum. Anyone utilizing such a mode current Heat, etc. Of course, you must have first
of vision while you are using Active Infrared gets a pinpointed your target to be able to analyze them
+24 on their Observe checks to spot you. at all.

ECM and ECCM Faster movement means more energy expended
These two abbreviations stand for Electronic and thus making an easier target. Also, the sensors
Counter-Measures (ECM and) Electronic themselves are emitting a lot of energy, so using
Counter Counter-Measures (ECCM). Effectively, them means being detected easier. Finally, active
the first allows the operator to evade detection weaponry and systems also decrease the Locate
(see below for details) and the latter allows for TN. All mechs and vehicles have certain systems
circumventing the effects of ECM. These two that are active when the unit powers up and others
modifications give a bonus or penalty on the that can be turned on or off at will. For example,
Surveillance check to locate someone. Their the life support system is always active, much like
Rating depends on their cost and availability. This the vehicle’s cameras, communication and similar
equipment is usually installed on many vehicles. systems. At the pilot’s choice, they can turn on
or off all these systems, including weapons, if
Using ECM gives the one attempting to use they want to increase their Locate TN to avoid
the Surveillance skill on you a penalty equal to detection by their opponents. Below you will find
(Rating x 2). all modifiers that reduce the Locate TN.

Using ECCM gives you a bonus on your skill Situation TN Modifier

equal to their Rating. However, this bonus may
not exceed the target’s ECM Penalty. Sensor (Passive) -2
Sensor (Search) -4
You will find more information on these Sensor (Locate) -6
modifications, their costs and detailed usage on
the Equipment section in this book. Equipment Sensor (Discern) -8
for locating targets using sensors are essential, Sensor (Analyze) -10
as it is impossible to do so without them. Of
course, targeting in such a way is usually limited Movement -1 per 5 km/h
to advanced technology worlds and mostly Active System -1 per System
unavailable in fantasy ones. The rules presented
Active Weapon -2 per Weapon
here are exclusively made for such settings.
Table 6.11: Locating Modif iers
Locate TN The operator rolls once after choosing the sensor
Once the operator has chosen their sensor mode, mode and the GM compares the result to the
the Locate TN must be found. This depends on Locate TN of all targets and shows which of them
the target’s size and a few modifiers, depending appear on the sensor map of the operator. Once
on weaponry active, movement and other kinds of a target has been detected, you only lose them if
energy emissions. The size of your target sets the their Locate TN increases above your current roll,
basic TN and other factors increase or decrease it. as it is possible for their TN to fluctuate based
on the actions of the opposing operator. If a TN
increases so you lose the target, you have a chance
Size Locate TN to roll the Locate check again, to determine if you
Small 50 are able to find your target again.
Character 47
Remember that sensors are used mostly in
V ehicle 44 advanced technology settings, where there are
Giant 41 equipment capable of performing these feats. In
low technology settings, some devices may have
Juggernaut 38 been created to substitute sensors, but these could
Table 6.10: Locating & Size at best prove to be unreliable.

Chapter VII

W Locations
hen playing in the 3d6 system, as
in most role-playing game systems,
combat is the most fundamental part Every character in the game has a number of Hit
of the game. Most role-playing games end up Points, which represent their overall ability to
fighting enemies, running through swarms of withstand damage of any kind. There are different
creatures or going up against a major villain. All parts in a character’s body, called Hit Locations.
these situations are resolved with the combat These locations suffer damage and other effects
system. The 3d6 system aims to be quite realistic individually. Each characters records in their
in that regard, but doing so without losing sight character sheet the number of Hit Points dealt
of the fact that this is a game. GMs who play this to each location separately. When attacking
system should always bear that in mind when someone, you hit some part of their body. Which
adjucating situations. For a system to be realistic, part is it depends on the dice you roll or you can
characters should be in danger of dying in difficult make a Called Shot (see further in this book in
situations, if they don’t play correctly. This system the Combat section). Locations on a character are
provides players with a lot of options which, if as follows.
used appropriately, can result in them making
a lot of heroic deeds. However, mistakes cost in Torso: Front and back side of the character,
this system and can easily result in a character’s includes chest, abdomen and back.
death. In general, the system aims to help players
find innovative solutions for their troubles and Head: Includes the neck, face and the entire skull
promote good thinking and problem-solving, of the character.
without taking out the fun.
Arms (Left & Right): The entire part of the arm,
including hands and the shoulders.
Hit Points Legs (Left & Right): All of the leg, including
A measure of a character’s endurance, Resilience
shows toughness and ability to withstand pain. The hips and feet.
same hit could be trivial to a well-trained, tough
soldier, while prove to be fatal for an old person, This is valid for humanoid creatures, which
for example. Hit Points measure just how much characters mostly are. In the case of quadrapedals
punishment one can take before their wounds or stranger beings, you will find more information
begin to trouble them or before they collapse and in the Menagerie section, further in this book
begin to die. Every character, NPC or anyone else, The number of Hit Points that a character has is
has a number of Hit Points dependent on their the number of Hit Points on the Torso location.
Stamina, as well as some bonus points based on The rest of the Locations use the formula on the
their size. There are also certain Perks that may following table to determine the total number of
increase the total number of Hit Points one has. Hit Points.

Your total Hit Points are based on your Stamina Location Hit Points
Torso Based on Stamina Attribute
This number represents the Hit Points on Head Half of Torso HP
your Torso Location. Read below to find more Arms Two Thirds of Torso HP
information about Locations and how Hit Points
are distributed differently, also what happens if Legs Two Thirds of Torso HP
you lose Hit Points in a Location. Table 7.1: Location Hit Points

For example, a character that has a Stamina of 9 not mean it is completely useless, it practically
has 18 Hit Points on the Torso Location. Using the makes it so. The table on this page sums up all
table above, he has 9 HP on the Head Location, penalties associated with getting a Location on
12 HP on each Arm and also 12 HP on each leg. half Hit Points, or losing them all.

Taking damage on a Location means you record Losing a Resilience check on a Disabled Head or
that damage on your character sheet and check to Torso means death if you fail or unconsciousness
see if the Location is at half Hit Points or below if you succeed.
and if it is at 0 Hit Points. In either of these
circumstances, there are bad consequences for Losing a Resilience check on a Disabled Arm or
your character. Leg means unconsciousness if you fail, staying
up if you succeed. However, losing this check by
When a location reaches half its Hit Points, it 11 or more means death.
becomes Wounded, meaning that the character
suffers some negative effects. These checks have an initial TN of 22, which
increases by 6 for every other Disabled
Once all Hit Points have been lost from a Condition.
Location, it becomes Disabled, meaning that
the character is probably in serious trouble. For example, if you have lost all Hit Points on your
Left Arm, you are required to make a Resilience
Characters that have one or more Wounded check with a TN of 22 or fall unconscious. If
Locations get a -3 for each location in this state you make it, you stay up. If you lose all your Hit
on all actions they perform. A Disabled Location Points on the other Arm, as wel, you need to make
increases this penalty to -6. Furthermore, there another Resilience check, with a TN of 28 this
are extra penalties associated with each location time. If after all these you suffer too much damage
separately. If the Head is Wounded, you get a -6 and lose all Hit Points on the Torso, you need to
on all your Observe checks. A Wounded Torso make another Resilience check, this time with a
means you have 3 less Combat Rating. Wounded TN of 34.
Arms give you an extra -3 on any action performed
using that arm (for a total of -6). Finally, Wounded Massive Damage
Legs reduce your Movement to half. Taking even If you take a hit big enough that it is equal to the
more damage deteriorates your condition. A total Hit Points on a Location, this spells serious
Disabled Head or Torso means you have to make trouble. If an Arm or a Leg, it is immediately
a Resilience check or die instantly, fainting if you severed or shattered, depending on the kind of
succeed in it. Disabled Arms means you make a damage taken. If this happens on the Head, it is
Resilience check to avoid fainting, doubling the either a decapitation, broken skull or something
already existing penalties on that Location even similar. Such a hit on the Torso means a ruptured
if you succeed. A Disabled Leg requires the same heart, shattered thorax or even pierced through
Resilience check as in the arms, with a success from one side to another. Either way, a character
halving your Movement even more. Note here is instantly killed if they suffer such a hit on the
that a Disabled Arm, for example, takes a -12 on Head or Torso and have their extremities removed
all actions performed with hit. While that does or destroyed if on an Arm or Leg location.

Location Wounded (Half Hit Points) Disabled (0 Hit Points)

Torso -3 Penalty, -3 CBR Resilience check (TN=22**) or die, faint if
Head -3 Penalty, -6 Observe Resilience check (TN=22**) or die, faint if
Arms -3 Penalty, -6 when using that Arm Resilience check (TN=22**) or faint, -6 penalty
and -12 when using that arm if successful
Legs -3 Penalty, Half Movement* Resilience check (TN=22**) or faint, -6 penalty
and half Movement if successful
Table 7.2: Location Damage
*Two halves equal one quarter, remember to round fractions up
**This TN increases by 6 for every other Disabled Location

Extra Damage Characters, though, have an innate resistance to
Taking a lot of damage on a Location is bad. losing Fatigue. This is a number based on your
Getting one to Disabled is even worse. Continuing Stamina Attribute.
to suffer damage on the same Location that you
have Disabled may lead to fainting or even dying. Before you begin to lose Fatigue Points, first you
must lose all your Fatigue Resistance.
If a character suffers extra damage on a Disabled
Location, they are forced to make another Losing Fatigue Resistance gives no penalties at
Resilience check, which is increased by 1 for all. Essentially, you ignore the first few points
every extra damage that has been dealt to this of Fatigue you lose and only then do you begin
Location. subtracting from your 10 Fatigue Points. Note
here that your Fatigue Resistance is not subtracted
This means that if a Location continues to suffer every time you lose Fatigue, but rather works as
damage, eventually the character will either die a buffer before you actually begin to lose Fatigue
or faint. This also means that the player should Points. For example, if you have a Fatigue
continue to mark damage on that specific Resistance of 2 and you lose 1 Fatigue, you don’t
Location, even after it has lost all of the Hit suffer any bad effects. If you lose one more, you
Points. However, there is a limit to this. have lost all your Fatigue Resistance. The next
Fatigue Point that you lose will be subtracted from
If a Location has as much extra damage as its total your normal 10 points and give you a -1 penalty, as
number of Hit Points, it is completely destroyed, normal. This continues all the way until you reach
severed or anything else depending on the kind of zero Fatigue Points, in which case you are in a
damage it has been dealt. terrible condition.

Usually, however, most characters will have fainted Losing all your Fatigue Points renders you
or died long before this happens. Exhausted, requiring a Resilience check
(TN=26). If you fail, you fall unconscious.
On a success, halve your Combat Rating and
Fatigue Movement. You are unable to Run or Hustle.
This measures a character’s ability to endure
Resilience strain and push their bodies to the Using Fatigue
limits. Whenever the GM calls for a Resilience Apart from losing Fatigue due to combat,
roll because of some physically strenuous marching or other factors, you may spend Fatigue
situation, some Fatigue may be lost. Sometimes, to boost certain actions for a limited amount of
making a Resilience check makes you lose from time. You may increase your speed or push your
one to several Fatigue points, other times you body to perform better in combat.
automatically lose some and must make a roll to
avoid losing more, to the GM’s discretion. Magic, Burst: Spending 1 Fatigue increases your speed by
or failing ritual or incantation rolls may also cause 50% for a number of rounds equal to your Healing
you to lose Fatigue. Whatever the reason, when Factor.
you lose Fatigue, your character begins to strain
their body and feel worse with each Fatigue lost, Push: Spending 1 Fatigue gives you +2 Combat
until at some point you are unable to even move Rating for one round.
due to exhaustion.
Endure: You may spend 1 Fatigue to gain a +3
Fatigue may also be lost due to heavily strenuous bonus on any Resilience check.
situations, such as prolonged combat, exercise and
any other similar situation. This is left to the GM’s Strain: You gain a +2 bonus on any Resilience
discretion and players should usually be aware that check, including attacking or defending.
they are about to lose Fatigue, since it something
their bodies feel over time, not suddenly. Of course, these options should be used with
caution, as they might help you in a situation, but
Every character has a total of 10 Fatigue Points leave your character exhausted very easily. The
available. stacking penalty of having lost Fatigue Points can
build up very quickly and hamper your character.
Every lost Fatigue gives a -1 penalty on all However, there are situations where the above
actions performed. options can appear to be pretty useful.

Recovering Fatigue Every character has a total of 10 Composure
You need to rest in order to recover some, or Points available.
all of your Fatigue. You need to be resting, not
walking or doing any other strenuous activity. If Every lost Composure gives a -1 penalty on all
you are riding a horse, for example, you still are actions performed.
not considered to be resting but if you are sitting
inside a car or carriage, you may recover Fatigue Characters, though, have an innate resistance to
normally. You need to first recover from being losing Composure. This is a number based on your
Exhausted, then recover all your Fatigue Points Willpower Attribute.
and finally your Fatigue Resistance, in that order.
Before you begin to lose Composure Points, first
You need 6 hours to recover from the Exhausted you must lose all your Composure Resistance.
Losing Composure Resistance gives no penalties
Then, you recover 1 Fatigue for every hour you at all. Essentially, you ignore the first few points of
spend resting. Composure you lose and only then do you begin
subtracting from your 10 Composure Points.
Afterwards, you recover all of your Fatigue Note here that your Composure Resistance is not
Resistance within 30 minutes of rest. subtracted every time you lose Composure, but
rather works as a buffer before you actually begin
If you have not recovered all your Fatigue, you may to lose Composure Points. For example, if you
not regain any Fatigue Resistance, thus meaning have a Composure Resistance of 2 and you lose 1
that even with 1 lost point of Fatigue, the next will Composure, you don’t suffer any bad effects. If you
be lost normally. lose one more, you have lost all your Composure
Resistance. The next Composure Point that you
lose will be subtracted from your normal 10 points
Composure and give you a -1 penalty, as normal. This continues
all the way until you reach zero Composure Points,
The mental counterpart to Fatigue, Composure
is the mental resolve of a character. It measures in which case you are in a terrible condition.
a character’s ability to withstand severe emotional
and mental hardships, as well as enable them Losing all your Composure Points means you
to fight strange creatures and even endure the gain a Derangement (see the Derangements
strain of magic. The GM will call for a Resolve section later in this chapter). Upon getting one,
check to nto lose Composure under a variety of you regain points of Composure equal to your
circumstances. The frequency of these rolls will Composure Resistance immediately.
define a setting’s mood, making it darker if players
roll a lot and a lot more heroic if they don’t. For Recovering Composure
example, the GM might call for such a roll the You need to be calm in order to recover Composure.
first time the players encounter an undead creature If you are forced to make another Resolve roll in
in a fantasy setting, or when they find out that all order not to lose Composure while recovering, the
doors inside the castle have been locked and they timer resets and you do not gain any yet, regardless
cannot leave. Composire may also be lost when of the outcome of the roll. Only getting away from
under stress because of torture or simply under the source of your fear will let you start regaining
situations where the character is quite shaken. Composure again.
Intimidate checks might also force characters to
make such rolls to avoid losing Composure if their You recover 1 Composure for every 6 hours
foes succeeed to intimidate them. that pass without rolling a Resolve check for
Whatever the case, the GM should exercise
caution when using this roll, as too few might lose Afterwards, you recover all of your Composure
the feeling of danger and mental stress for the Resistance within 1 hour, but the same rule still
players while too many will make the characters applies.
very weak and unable to act most of the times
Once you have lost Composure, you are pretty If you have not recovered all your Composure, you
shaken mentally and this takes a toll on your may not regain any Composure Resistance, thus
actions, making you nervous and afraid to act, meaning that even with 1 lost point of Composure,
especially in strenuous situations. the next will be lost normally.

Called Shots Weapon Criticals
Critical Successes with weapons have some very
During a fight, it may sometimes be required
definable results. Apart from increasing the
to target a specific part on your enemy, such as
damage of the attack like a Great Success does,
the shield hand to weaken them or the sword
they also add more damage indirectly.
arm to make them hit worse. Sometimes, you
need to specifically target someone’s legs so they
Critical Hits with weapons ignore 1s and 2s on
are hampered if they try to get away, or most
the damage dice, converting them to 3s.
commonly, you may want to target the head to
ensure a quick kill. In these cases, Called Shots
Furthermore, there is another benefit to Critical
come into play.
Hits with weapons, depending on the type of
weapon used. These special effects happen only
To make a Called Shot you need to choose the part
when a Critical hit is scored. The Critical Effects
of the body you wish to hit and then take a penalty
mentioned below show how long an effect lasts,
on the attack roll, depending on the Location you
whether it allows a Resistance or not and what
have chosen. If your attack hits, it automatically
kind of effect it has when you score one. Note that
hits the Location you chose. Called Shots serve
similar weapons may even have different Critical
to ensure that your opponents are unable to make
Effects, depending on the construction of the
certain actions you don’t want them to, such as
pressing a button, using a specific, very powerful
weapon, etc. Perhaps even to slow someone down
so he can’t reach you or your allies. You will find
Duration: 5 minutes
a table below that shows the penalty you get for
Resistance: None
targeting certain Locations.
Criticals with the Conductive property are usually
made by weapons that use some kind of electrical
Location Penalty power. These criticals make the victim more
Head -16 susceptible to further attacks. When a victim
suffers a Critical Hit, he gets a -4 penalty on
Arms -11 their Avoidance Rating and Athletics Resistance.
Legs -11 Further criticals increase the penalty even further,
stacking indefinately.
Torso -6
Table 7.3: Location Penalties Deadly
Duration: N/A
Note here that ranged attacks force you to make Resistance: Resilience (TN=16+damage dealt)
a Called Shot, while melee attacks can be made Very few weapons have this Critical Effect, usually
randomly and the Location is selected by a roll of found on sniper rifles. Anyone suffering a Critical
the dice. Hit from such a weapon may be instantly slain as
the bullet strikes a vital spot. Targets are allowed a
Resilience Resistanc check to shake off the effect.
Critical Hits Note that the damage dealt is the damage after
Sometimes, the dice roll and your skill are so high DR has been applied.
that you beat your opponent’s defenses, or the skill
TN the GM assigned, by a lot. When the attack Flaming
roll you make beats the TN by 16 or more, you Duration: 5 Rounds
have scored a Critical Success. There are different Resistance: None (see text)
effects for this and are usually divided into skill When a weapon with the Flaming Effect makes
Critical rolls and weapon Critical rolls. Other a Critical Hit, the target is engulfed in flames
rolls, like Resistance checks don’t usually have and catches fire, as the flames continue to burn
an effect when a Critical hit is scored. Skills and on him, aided by the weapon’s fuel or the target’s
Weapon Criticals are handled differently. When clothing, if any. The target takes 1d6 Hit Points of
a Critical Hit is scored, something extraordinary damage every Round for 5 Rounds, for a total of
happens, beneficial for the player who made the 5d6 extra Hit Points. While burning in this way,
roll. Usually, players have no control over what a character may take 10 IC in an attempt to put
kind of critical they make and most of the times out the flames, also requiring an Athletics check
these criticals (unless noted otherwise) have no (TN=24). A second character may do that by
Resistance roll to avoid. using 10 IC and requiring no roll, provided the

target stands still. Unless using some kind of cloth Paralyzing
or anything else to put out the fire, the character Duration: 1 Round
assisting also gets 1d6 points of damage when Resistance: Resilience (TN=11+damage dealt)
attempting to put the flames out. Also note here Critical Hits with a Paralyzing weapon make the
that armor protects against this kind of damage victim shake and tremble for 1 Round, unable to
(but not natural DR). However, the armor itself act at all. If attacked the victim is Helpless (see
gets damaged every round and at some point will Conditions later in this chapter) and can be easily
probably sustain enough damage to not be able to killed. The victim is allowed a Resilience check to
provide any more protection. shake off the effect. After the duration has passed,
the victim instantly resumes his normal state.
Duration: Weapon’s IC cost in Rounds Ripping
Resistance: None Duration: N/A
These brutal melee weapons, when they score Resistance: None
a Critical Hit, latch on to the victim, allowing The most common Critical Effect, it causes the
the wielder to autmatically deal damage on his dice to ignore an extra number when being rolled.
next attack. Note though that since no dice are This means that Ripping Critical Hits ignore 1s,
rolled, the wielder forfeits the chance for a Great 2s and 3s when rolling the dice, converting them
or a Critical Success. The wielder must spend the automatically to 4s. Thus the minimum possible
next Round attacking with the weapon again. If outcome, for example, when rolling 5 dice of
he makes any other actions, the weapon falls off damage is 20.
when a number of Roudns equal to its own IC
cost to attack have passed. If not, then the next Stunning
attack requires no Attack Roll. Until this happens, Duration: 2 Rounds
the victim may spend 10 IC taking the weapon Resistance: Resilience (TN=16+Damage Dealt)
off him (assuming there is enough time to do so These weapons usually strike in such a way that
before being attacked again), requiring no check they leave the victim reeling from the blow. A
at all, but dealing half normal weapon damage Critical Hit leaves the victim disoriented and
instantly. unable to act or defend himself, for a total of 2
Rounds. See the Conditions section below for
Infecting more information on what the Stunned Condition
Duration: Until Cured means.
Resistance: Resilience (TN=16+Damage Dealt)
Some weapons are made in such a way that they Taxing
carry an infection and, if they score a Critical Duration: 2 Rounds
Hit, transfer that infection to their victim. The Resistance: None
infection immediately drains 1 point from all The most common Critical Effect, this one
Resilience Attributes of the victim if he doesn’t imposes a penalty on the victim, causing great
make the Resilience check check. The infection discomfort. This Critical Effect removes 1 Fatigue
requires treatment, as per the normal rules for from the target. If the same target is struck again,
healing. The effects of the infection do not stack, they continue to lose Fatigue normally.
but if the victim suffers another Critical Hit, the
TN to treat the disease increases by 3 each time, Wounding
to a total maximum of +12 (assuming the victim is Duration: Until Stopped
still alive due to damage by then, of course). Resistance: None
These weapons strike a major blood vessel and
Knockdown make a wound that, if not stopped, will cause fatal
Duration: N/A blood loss. The victim of a Critical Hit from such
Resistance: Resilience (TN=16+Damage Dealt) weapons will continue to take damage in the form
These weapons strike their target with enough of bleeding, losing 1 Hit Point every Round. This
force to knock them off their feet. Once a Critical continues until the wound is treated. A victim
Hit has been scored, the victim must make a suffering from a bleeding wound does not take any
Resilience check check or move backwards 2 additional penalties. If the victim suffers another
meters and fall down unless it collides with a wall Critical Hit from such a weapon at the same time,
or barrier. A quadrapedal creature gets a +6 bonus the effects stack. However, you will probably have
on this check and is not pushed back, but merely to keep track of the bleeding damage separately
knocked down. because of the healing they will receive later.

Skill Criticals To make a melee attack, you use any relevant
In most situations, Skill Criticals are determined skill and roll the dice against your opponent’s
by the GM, as they are mostly role-playing or Deflection or Avoidance Rating. There are many
environmental situations. Some skills have certain modifiers that can apply to this, detailed later in
guidelines on how to handle critical situations and this chapter.
the GM is encouraged to make the effects more
or less on par with them. Usually, a Skill Critical Melee Attack Roll = Relevant skill + 3d6 roll
entails doubling some bonus, reducing the time Melee Attack TN = Target’s Deflection Rating
taken or achieving something that would normally
take another roll, or even giving some synergy Beating this TN by 6 or more increases the
bonus to another, relevant roll. Most of them are damage of the attack by 1 Die, while beating it
up to the GM. Also, a lot of skill rolls may have for 11 or more increases it by 2 Dice. An excess
no critical effects, at all. Once again, this is up to of 16 or more indicates a Critical Hit.
the GM.
There are certain requirements you need to meet
to be able to deflect or avoid an attack, outlined
Melee Attacks further below. There are also several modifiers that
affect an attack roll, namely the weapon’s bonus
When a character or a creature uses either their
hands, feet, claws or some kind of close combat and any other situation or position appropriate
weapon, it is considered to be a melee attack. bonuses and penalties.
When this happens, the target may attempt to
somehow deflect the blow using a weapon or their
Some maneuvers or Perks may require you to
own, natural weapons.
commit some IC to be able to use them, such as
the Cleave Perk or the Free Attack option. This
Hitting a stationary, human-sized target that
means that you spend half the IC of the melee
does not actively try to avoid you has a TN of 12.
weapon which will be used to make this attack. In
case the situation described in the Perk or Ability
When you make a melee attack, you can either
triggers, you may make the Commited attack.
make a Called Shot (see above) or strike at your
opponent and let the circumstances show where Committing means spending half your weapon’s
your blow will land. It depends on your opponent’s IC in case the situation described in the relevant
reaction, the angle of your blow and several other ability is triggered.
factors, even luck. In this case, the two dice other
than the Bullet Die determine the Location that There are various situations where you would want
was hit. to use he Commit option, described below. Many
of them are linked to a Perk and must be activated
Location 2d6 Roll after certain conditions, while other times you
may commit just in case your opponent does
Head 2
something to warranty an attack from you. You
Left Arm 3 will find below situations in which you could use
Right Arm 4 the Commit option.
Left Leg 5 Fleeing Opponent: Your opponent allows you to
Right Leg 6 use your Commit attack if he tries to move away
from you.
Torso 7-12
Table 7.4: Random Melee Hits Ranged Attack: Your opponent makes a ranged
attack next to you, meaning he is within melee
This shows that random rolls very rarely strike range of you.
the Head, while most commonly the Torso will
be hit. It also means that strong blows will land Reach: Your opponent attacks you with a weapon
on the Torso, as if the dice roll high, the Torso is that has half the Reach of your weapon.
hit. Conversely, if an attack strikes the Head , it
will probably be quite weak. This helps increase Perk: Some Perk allows you to Commit for a
realism, as the Torso area is the largest one, and specific reason, such as the Cleave Perk, which lets
also increases survivability a little. you make an attack if you drop an opponent.

Weapons differ from one another in many aspects.
Ranged Attacks
When you make a ranged attack, you shoot some
Their length and ease of use is one of the most
kind of projectile at your target, from bows and
important ones, though. The Reach statistic defines
crossbows firing bolts and arrows, to assault rifles
just that: how far away a weapon can hit, giving
and pistols firing bullets. Throwing spears, hurled
larger weapons a distinct advantage when fighting
weapons and grenades also fall into this category.
opponens who wield smaller ones, allowing you to
In general, a ranged attacks means you have to
make a free attack if you commit.
aim something at your opponent from a distance.
There are several modifiers that affect your roll,
If you have a weapon whose Reach is at least
mainly range and the state of your target.
twice as much as your opponent’s, you may
Commit to make an attack whenever they attack
you. Hitting a stationary, human-sized target that
does not actively try to avoid you has a TN of 14.
This helps immensely in several cases, as
Commiting is cheaper and may even result in To make a ranged attack, you use any relevant
you making two attacks every round agaisnt your skill and roll the dice against your opponent’s
opponent. Note here that certain weapons have Avoidance Rating. There are many modifiers that
the ability to attack two hexes away instead of just can apply to this, detailed later in this chapter.
one (or maybe even more). Although this directly
correlates to Reach, it is not the same nor do they Ranged Attack Roll = Relevant skill + 3d6 roll
have an effect on each other. Ranged Attack TN = Target’s Avoidance Rating

Armed & Unarmed Beating this TN by 6 or more increases the

When making melee attacks there are two damage of the attack by 1 Die, while beating it
possibilities: you are either armed or unarmed. for 11 or more increases it by 2 Dice. An excess
of 16 or more indicates a Critical Hit.
Being Armed means having either a weapon or
natural means to defend yourself or attack. There are certain requirements you need to meet
to be able to avoid an attack, outlined further
Being Unarmed means using your own body, below. There are also several modifiers that affect
fists or feet to attack and defend yourself. an attack roll, namely the weapon’s bonus and any
other situation or position appropriate modifiers.
If you are Unarmed and you opponent is Armed
when you attack him, you immediately get Range
damaged for the weapon’s base damage, without The most important thing when making a ranged
your opponent applying his Damage Bonus. attack is the distance you have from your target.
There are five different ranges in the Ascendance
Subdual Damage setting: Close, Medium, Long, Effective and
Sometimes, killing your opponent might not be Extreme. These are shown in each weapon’s entry,
necessary or desirable. This calls for a Subdual separated by a dash. Most commonly, each weapon
Damage attack. This means that you use the part shows in its entry the Close Range only. All other
of your weapon that does not have the potential Ranges derive from it. For convenience reasons,
to immediately kill your opponent, such as the the weapons only show the Close Range of the
pommel of a blade, the back of a rifle, etc. weapon, where it takes no penalties.

Subdual attacks get a -4 penalty and deal 1 less Range Modifier Distance
die of damage.
Point Blank +6 2 Meters
The effect of Subdual Damage is that a character Close 0 Weapon Rating
that is dropped to 0 HP at a Location does not Medium -3 Rating x2
die if they fail their Resilence check. Instead, they
drop unconscious, even if the Location is the Long -6 Rating x3
Torso or Head and even if they lose the check for Effective -12 Rating x4
more than 11, as described above. This should help
in taking out targets that your characters do not Extreme -24 Rating x8
want to kill but subdue them instead. Table 7.5: Ranges and Modif iers.

Shoting in Melee
When an enemy is within reach of you, he is
The only way to avoid a bullet or other projectile
threatening you in melee combat and has you
coming towards you is to try to duck, weave and
engaged (see above). In this situation, it is harder
dodge out of the way. This stands true for melee
to shoot a ranged weapon. You will find below the
weapons also, when you don’t have any other way
penalties, depending on the weapon held.
to defend yourself. Your total Avoidance Rating
When engaged in Melee, One-handed Ranged depends on your Avoid Skill, as described below.
Weapons get a -6 penalty and Two-handed Note that the Avoidance Rating is a passive skill,
weapons get a -11 penalty. which means you never roll your Avoidance Rating
actually, but rather you have a fixed number which
Note here that the bonus for Point Blank still is the TN for others to hit you with ranged or
stands true even when engaged in melee, meaning melee attacks. If they equal your Avoidance Rating
that One-handed weapons get no penalty with a Ranged Attack, they manage to hit you.
(effectively the +6 negates the -6 penalty), while
larger weapons get a -5 penalty total. Avoiding an attack against you costs 1 IC.

Area Attacks Avoidance works for Melee and Ranged attacks.

These attacks cover an area with destructive
fire, shrapnel or even superheated gases. Most Avoidance Rating = Avoid Skill
explosives fall in this category. The blast that
results from these weapons is usually spherical Normal rules for Success Ratings apply. For
in shape and extends from the point where the example, if someone hits you with a ranged
weapon first impacted. Such weapons are usually attack and beats your Avoidance Rating TN
thrown or fired from a distance. The attacker by 6 or more, he gets to do extra damage. Note
makes an attack roll normally, which becomes the also that if a target is standing still, they also use
TN for the defender’s Reflex roll to receive less their Avoidance Rating to dodge and weave, but
damage from the effect. get no extra bonuses for movement. If you don’t
have the IC to spend, it means your opponenet
A successful Avoid roll against an Area Effect gets to hit you without you attempting to avoid
attack reduces damage by 1 die. Extra successes them. However, unless you invest on some points
also reduce total damage by 1 die per step. and have a quite significant Reaction Attribute,
there is not much difference between trying or
Normally, Area Effect attacks hit all Locations not. Your opponent has the same chance to hit
on a character, unless these Locations are behind you and this shows that it is very difficult to avoid
cover (see below). However, a character may, with projectiles and melee attacks. Usually, if you don’t
a successful Avoid check, protect one or more have a shield or cover, it will be dangerous to be
Locations, by making themselves a smaller target out in the open if there is a gunfight in progress,
overall. for example. Characters should actively seek cover
and try to give out as small a target as possible.
A successful Avoid roll excludes one Location
from the damage of the area attack. Further For example, a character has a Reaction of 8 and 3
successes exclude more Locations at a rate of 1 Ranks in the Avoid skill, for a total of 11. Anyone
per step. attacking them has a TN of 12, since it is bigger
than the character’s Avoidance. This means that
It is advisable to use the same Avoid roll for the character needs not spend the IC to dodge and
both situations, to make things easier and faster. weave, knowing simply that it won’t have much
Note that Cover further decreases the damage impact at all. However, if the same character had a
dealt by Area Effect attacks. Area Effect attacks Reaction of 10 and an Avoid skill of 6, they would
can also be conical in shape, extending from the have a total of 16. An attacker would have to roll
weapons initial point outwards in a cone, up to 16 total to hit them, assuming the character spends
the maximum range. These weapons are usually the IC to attempt to avoid the attack. If not, the
explosives and the kind of blast is noted on heir TN is 12, which is the base TN to hit anything
individual descriptions. Rarely, area attacks can in the setting. In the numbers above ake sure you
take the form of a line, which extends from the take into account the fact that if the attacker is
weapon to the maximum range. All these attacks shooting with a ranged weapon, they are forced to
follow the rules for area attacks shown above. make a Called Shot, thus increasing the TN.

Deflecting Weapon Deflection
When using any kind of weapon (or whatever else
When you are hit by a melee attack, the best thing
you are holding in lack of one), you use your skill
to do in most situations is to attempt to block it
with that weapon to deflect attacks. Any modifiers
or change its course so it does not deal damage. It
that apply to attacking with that weapon, also
is impossible, of course, unless you possess some
apply to deflecting with it, such as bonuses from
special training, to deflect ranged weapons in
Perks, etc. However, it is more difficult to deflect
this way. Melee weapons, however, can be safely an attack with a weapon, so there is a penalty
deflected away this way. Deflection Rating is a associated with it.
passive skill, which means you do not roll it, but
rather is a number which becomes the TN for your Weapon Deflection = Weapon Attack -3
opponents to hit you with melee attacks. IT costs
an increasing number of IC to deflect attacks. The As with shields, weapons also get damaged if they
first one costs 1 and each consequent one costs one are used to successfully deflect an attack.
more than the previous one. This means that the
second will cost 2, the third 3, etc. There are Perks Protecting Locations
which lessen these values. The Deflection Rating There are times when a character will need to
varies depending on if you are using a shield, a make sure that a Location does not get further
weapon and even on what kind you use. Deflecting damaged in a battle, so you need to protect it. This
an attack is reactive and can be done any time you can be done at the cost of Deflection. In essence,
are attackes, unless of course you are surprised and you are fighting while keeping that Location out
cannot act at all. of reach of your opponent’s attacks. This has an
effect on your overall performance, but makes it a
Deflecting an attack costs 1 IC, plus one for lot harder for your opponent to target or randomly
every other deflection you have made this round. hit that Location.
Deflection works for Melee Attacks only. Choose a Location to protect. Remove it from
the table for random melee Locations hit. If a
Normal rules for Success Ratings apply. For Called Shot is made on it, it has a +6 extra TN.
example, if someone hits you with a melee attack
and beats your Deflection Rating TN by 6 or For each Location that you are protecting, you
more, he gets to do extra damage. Note also that suffer a -4 penalty on all actions you perform,
movement penalties apply to Deflection Rating, including Deflection and Avoidance.
meaning it is harder to block an attack if you
are moving. If you don’t have the IC to spend, Of course this penalty does not come into effect
it means your opponenet gets to hit you without if your opponent makes a Called Shot against
you attempting to block them. This usually means the Location you are protecting, on which he
a critical hit, with dire consequences for your gets the penalty above. Note here that the GM
character. It is better to deflect an attack with should have the final say on how many Locations
a shield, of course, than with a melee weapon. you may protect, depending on the situation and
However, in case of emergency, you can deflect your opponent’s weapon. Usually, no more than 2
using your weapon or even anything else you are Locations should be protected by a character at
holding in your hand. If all comes to worst, you any time.
may even attempt to place your hand in the way of
an incoming blow. You will find more information
on how items get damaged when they deflect
attacks further in this book.
After all calculations have been made for an
attack and the die have been rolled, the attack will
Shield Deflection either miss or hit. In the first case, the character
Shields are most effective for deflecting attacks. suffers no ill effects and the attack was deflected
When using a shield, you use your Shield Block harmlessly, or simply missed. In the latter though,
skill and any bonuses from the shield. Of course, it made an impact and will possibly deal damage,
effective blocks damage the shield with each blow, unless of course there is armor or magic to protect
but this is most of the times preferable to getting against this damage. You will find each weapon’s or
damaged yourself. attack’s individual damage entry in the equipment
chapter, further in this book. This is the number
Shield Deflection = Shield Block + Shield Bonus of dice or fixed number that the attack does as

damage. The roll of these dice indicated the total Elemental Damage
amount of damage that this attack has dealt. Then, Another kind of damage that characters may
any kind of resistance on the part of the defender sustain is damage that comes from natural
is checked. The first, and usually the only one, of elements, instead of physical damage, as is the
these is the amount of armor a character has and one coming from weapon blows. There are various
how effectively this can mitigate the blow. Of kinds of elemental damage, namely heat, frost,
course, not all armors protect equally, but most of acid and lightning. Each of these has special rules
the times it is better to wear one. regarding damage and how armors and characters
react to it, as discussed below.
Damage Reduction
This is a number that is deducted from any kind Heat
of damage you are dealt. The DR is deducted from This kind of damage comes mainly from fire,
any hit taken. For example, if you are hit on a superheated gases and other similar sources,
Location that has a DR of 7 and you receive 12 depending on the setting. Usually, armor is
points of damage, you first deduct the 7 points normally effective against heat damage, but
rom the DR and then take the remaining 5 as Hit gradually melts away and becomes useless soon.
Point Damage (see below).
If a heat attack at least equals the armor’s DR,
Damage Reduction is deducted from the damage the armor loses one DR. If it is deals damage
you are dealt from each attack. double than the armor’s DR, then the armor
loses 2 DR.
Usually, armors and a tough hide determine the
DR a character has. Armors, as noted on the Other than that, armor protects as normal,
Technology and Equipment chapter later in this subtracting the DR from heat attacks.
book, protects certain Locations, while natural
DR covers all areas of a creature’s body. On mechs Frost
and vehicles, the DR is usually uniform, as the Very rarely does this kind of damage come from
armor is the same everywhere. non-natural sources and even rares is it sudden.
Usually, frost damage is dealt gradually over
Penetration time. If this is the case, then refer to the Hazards
Reserved for Ranged Weapons only, this chapter, later in this book, for more details on how
determines how easy it is for the weapon’s to deal with it. However, in the rare cases that
ammunition to pierce through armor, thus frost damage occurs as a result of some powerful
negating some of its potency. Penetration rating ability or high-technology weapon, armor protects
is written in each ammunition’s individual entry. a lot better than normal. However, much like heat
Some ranged weapons may also give a bonus to damage but a lot more potently, it destroys the
this number, adding to the Penetration Rating of armor it impacts with.
the ammunition.
Armor counts double against forst attacks.
If the Penetration Rating of ammunition is at
least equal to the Armor’s DR, then half of that For every 2 dice of damage that a frost attack
DR is ignored. deals, increase the number of Hits that the
armor suffers from then on by 1.
Special ammuniton may increase this number
further. Note that Penetratin Rating is binary. This This means that if, for example, an attack deals
means that a weapon will either have the potency 4d6 points of damage against an armor with a
to bypass the amor, or not. In the first case, half DR of 10, the armor counts as 20 for this attack.
of the armor is ignored, while in the latter all However, from then on the armor takes +2 Hits
of it counts. This makes ammunition with large from every attack against it. This is valid until
Penetration Ratings very effective against armors, either as many minutes as the damage it has been
which is the main source of defense in the 3d6 dealt passed or until it sufferes as many points
setting. However, Penetration Rating has no effect of heat damage as poits of frost damage it has.
on unarmored opponents. Conversely, it is less Armors and the availability of high-technology
effective when there is no armor to penetrate, but frost weapons is the reason why such weapons are
this only shows on ammunition which has been not so common. However, in some settings where
specifically designed to have extra Penetration technology is very oriented towards such kind of
Rating. damage, it could be prevalent.

Acid Item Damage
As opposed to frost attacks, acid attacks are usually Equipment and items in general take damage
devastating to armors and the individuals wearing differently from characters, mainly for convenience
them, at the same time. This kind of attack also purposes. All items in the 3d6 system have a
reamins on the armor unless somehow removed number of Hits and a Hit Resistance, meaning
and continues to deal damage every round, until the number of damage they can take before being
there is nothing else to dissolve, or until it has destroyed and the number of Hits they can ignore,
been completely absorbed by the armor. This has respectively. This is done to simplify the process
dire consequences for the armor, of course. when armors, shields and weapons are hit in
combat. It is for this reason that these numbers
Acid damage continues to do damage, losing 1 are simplified this way. When a weapon is struck
die of damage every round. in combat, it suffers some damage. Weapons are
especially vulnerable to being damaged when used
For every die of acid damage it receives, an armor to block attacks, while shields a lot less so.
loses 1 DR.
All items have a number of Hits.
For example, if an armor takes 4d6 points of
damage on the torso and hands, it loses 4 points Dealing damage to an item directly means you
of DR from these Locations. Next round, it loses 3 deal half normal damage and deduct Hits.
more, as the acid attack is reduced by one die. Note
that this stands true for every different location
These rules apply to all items. When dealing with
that the armor is dealt damage to, meaning that
weapon and shield damage in combat, though,
the character might have to track different losses
they have been somewhat simplified for ease of
to different locations.
use. Armors take damage differently if they are
being worn at the time. Items also have some kind
of resistance to physical blows. This is the number
Found quite commonly in nature and more
of Hits deducted from each attack against them.
commonly in sci-fi settings in weapons, the special
properties of this kind of damage make it quite The table below shows the most common material
appealing. Electricity damage is usually unable to resistances and any extra rules about them.
deal a lot of direct damage, but it is able to ignore
armor (or even be assisted by it, if metallic) and Material Sample Hit Res.
can be sustained to deal damage continuously. It Wood Quarterstaff 2
usually does not affect nor is affected by armor.
Most often, electricity attacks target a specific Fiberglass Riot Shield 1
Location, but since it is being spread throughout Metal Longsword 3
an individual’s body, it also deals some damage to
other Locations. Titanium Blast Door 4
Worn Out - -1 to -3
Electricity damage ignores armor. If the armor
Hardened - +1 to +3
is metallic, the attack gains 1 extra point of
damage per 6 DR. Table 7.6: Material Hit Resistance

Electricity damage targets one Location, but all Worn out and Hardened refer to items being
other Locations also suffer 1 point of damage either mistreated and left without maintenance
when that Location does. for very long or items which have been specifically
designed to withstand damage, respectively.
Electricity damage imposes a -1 penalty per die
of damage for as long as it is being sustained on Targeting items
an individual. The TN to target a specific item depends on
whether it’s unattended or not and who is
For example, if an electricity attack deals 2d6 wielding it at the moment. Unattended items
points of damage to an individual’s Torso, then all simply get a fixed TN and a modifier based only
other Locations suffer 1 point of damage and the on their size. Ones in the possession of someone,
indvidual suffering that damage has a -2 penalty though, use their wielder’s Avoidance Rating,
on all actions performed until the electricity stops again including the same modifier based on size.
passing through his body. Of course, these rules imply that the wielder is

actively trying to protect the item in question if Damaging Armor
it is directly targeted. Otherwise, the item has its Armor, since it is being worn by a character at the
own Avoidance Rating, which is usually quite low. time, reacts differently to damage. The number
of Hits it takes in combat depends on whether
Unattended item TN to hit = 10 + Size Modifier the attack dealt damage to the wearer or not. In
general, fully absorbing a blow deals no damage,
Attended item TN to hit = Wielder’s Avoidance while if the wearer suffers any damage, the armor
Rating + Size Modifier has been slightly damaged.

You will find the size modifiers below, as well as an If an attack deals no damage because of Armor
example of an item for each size category. DR, then the armor takes no damage.

Size Item Example TN If an attack deals at least 1 point of damage after

DR has been applied, the armor suffers 1 Hit.
Diminutive Penny +16
Miniature Cigar Packet +8 Hit Resistance does not apply to armors worn
and damaged in this way.
Tiny Laptop +4
Small Bicycle +2 Note here that an armor that has lost all Hits has
been destroyed and does not offer any protection
Average Motorbike 0
anymore. If an armor has at least 1 Hit, it still offers
Vehicle Armored Carrier -4 protection normally. This rule makes it faster and
Giant 6 Meter Wall -8 helps character not track too many numbers during
a battle. There are certain weapons or abilities of
Juggernaut Skyscraper Side Wall -16 creatures that rend armors easily, meaning that
Table 7.7: Item Hit TNs they might lose some Hits even if the attack
deals no damage, or lose a lot more if the attack
Damaging Weapons & Shield deals damage. However, these abilities should be
In combat, weapons and shields used to block used sparingly, as destroying a character’s armor
or attack are dealt damage differently. This in combat will probably mean the character will
facilitates ease of play and reduces the number of have a very short life span afterwards. There are no
dice rolled when fighting. You will find below the Perks to further reduce damage to the armor, since
number of Hits that weapons and shields receive, it is either zero or one. However, maintenance and
which depends on whether the attacker wields a repair rules apply normally to armors.
1-handed or a 2-handed weapon. Note here that
Hit Resistance applies normally.
An attacking weapon is dealt a number of Hits There are many things that can hamper the
equal to the wielder’s Strength Attack modifier. everyday life of a character, apart from Hit Point
damage or weapon attacks. Some are a by-product
A weapon or shield used to block is dealt of the aforementioned, while others are unique
the attacker’s Strength Damage modifier if features of the envitronment. These hazards will
1-handed and the attacker’s Strength Damage be encountered by the players in the wilderness
and Strength Attack modifier if 2-handed. mostly. Note that most of them are deadly and
the players should be made to understand that
Certain weapons also add to this number, as they these hazards should be avoided at any cost.
have been made to destroy other weapons. Note Regardless of the player’s Experience Point total
here that this means that eventually a weapon that and their ranks in any skill, a very strong tornado,
has been long used in battle will break and become for example, will sweep away any player. Getting
useless. Of course, maintenance and repair should crushed beneath a mountain of debris will also
be performed on the weapon to prevent that prove fatal, regardless of your Experience Points.
from happening. It is not uncommon, though, for Of course, other hazards will be ignored by very
weapons to break in long fights. Also note here the strong characters, such as gases or radiation. those
Sunder option, that allows you to deal even more with very high Ranks in Resilience will probably
damage to your opponent’s weapons or shield. be able to walk in and out of an irradiated zone,
Conversely, there are Perks that help you reduce for example, disregarding the negative effects
the number of Hits your weapon or shield takes. completely.

Falling Damage Infections
It’s never pleasant when gravity pulls you down, When characters get hit by melee weapons, claws
especially when the impact ends in a hard surface. or other instruments that may potentially infect
Although most people can safely drop a couple them, they run the risk of aggravating the wound
of meters, beyond that it gets troublesome. A if not treated properly, or even causing permanent
good athletic potential and training might help damage. Most wounds from bullets do not run
in reducing the damage even more. Damage from that risk, but some melee weapons may cause
falling increases exponentially over the distance serious trouble. Infections only cause trouble if
fallen. There’s little that someone can do to reduce not properly treated within an hour of receiving
that damage, apart from wearing armor to cushion the wound. If, during that time, the character
the fall, attempt to land on a soft surface or either receives the Medicine skill to recover Hit
use their skills to reduce damage by rolling and Points for that wound, or is specifically treated
tumbling. for infections on that wound, the infection has
no chance of manifesting. If, however, neither of
Height Damage these happens, the wound may get infected and
continue to trouble the character until he fully
1 - 2 Meters 1d6, +3 per Meter recovers.
3 - 10 Meters 2d6, +3 per Meter
11 - 20 Meters 4d6, +3 per Meter Infection Manifest Penalty Permanent
21 - 80 Meters 6d6, +3 per Meter Light 2 -2 None
81+ Meters 8d6 + 240 Moderate 2-6 -4 1 Hit Point
Table 7.8: Falling Damage Severe 2-8 -8 2 Hit Points
Lethal 2-11 -16 1 Strength
There are several ways to reduce this damage, or 1 Reaction
outlined below. Armor protects, but not as much
Table 7.10: Infections
as it would against melee or ranged damage. Also,
the Acrobatics skill can be a life saver when it
comes to falling damage. You will find the TN Infections give a penalty on all rolls the
for this below. You will find what you can do character makes to regain Hit Points, regardless
to get bonuses in the Acrobatics skill for that of assistance. If that roll is failed, the character
reason. Finally, soft surfaces directly reduce falling may receive some permanent damage to their
damage. Calculate the total damage first, then Hit Points, or even some Attribute. This kind of
reduce it by a percentage based on the surface you damage permanently reduces the character’s stats
are landing on. and may not be recovered. For an infection to
leave permanent damage, it must remain untreated
Armor DR = Half against falling damage until the wound closes off naturally. Then, if the
Manifest roll is successful, the character loses the
Ignore 1 Meter = Athletics (TN 14). Also, For number of Hit Points, Attributes or anything else
every 6 points by which you beat the TN, you explained in the Permanent column. This kind of
ignore 1 more meter. If you have at least 1 Round damage may not be restored via any known means.
to prepare, you gain a +4 on this roll. If a character loses a point from an Attribute, for
example, they may only bring that Attribute back
If you have something to hold on to and lower via Experience Points, unless of course some kind
yourself from, you reduce the total falling of regenerative magic is used. Even then, simple
damage by your height in meters (remember to application of magic should not function for this,
round up any fractions). It takes 1 Full Action since it would require strong magic.
to do that.
Light Infections are usually caused by common
melee weapons, which are normally well-treated
Surface Reduction Example
and taken care of.
Absorbant 80% Mattress
Very Soft 40% Water Moderate Infections are usually caused by old
weapons, or those who have been subject to much
Soft 20% Mud misuse, or placed in unsanitary environments.
Table 7.9: Fall Absorbtion Wounds from most animals can cause this.

Severe Infections are usually caused by weapons The table below shows different kinds of diseases
specifically prepared for this reason, meaning and all their respective numbers, as well as a couple
treated with special chemicals that infect a wound. of disease examples for each category.

Lethal Infections are only caused by supernatural Bad Effects of a disease may not be recovered by
creatures or extreme circumstances, such as natural means, unless the disease is completely
demonic blades. eradicated or has run its course, unless of course
healing magic is used.
GMs should be careful when dealing with
Infections and should usually allow players some The bad effects of disease are left to the GM’s
chance of avoidig them, since losing Attributes is discretion. They should, however, fit the disease’s
never fun. category. For example, a Light disease could mean
having a penalty on all rolls or loss of Combat
Diseases Rating. A Moderate one could mean loss of
Characters may also be subject to various diseases, Attributes or further penalty. A Sever one can lead
from the common cold to potentially lethal ones, to inability to perform certain actions, halving of
as they adventure in the world. Depending on the Combat Rating or worse penalties. A Lethal one
kind of diseases acquired, it may be difficult or easy could leave a character unable to move or travel,
to get rid of. However, the technological advances giving them serious penalties on Attributes or any
in medicine have made most diseases quite actions they perform. You will find below a sample
redundant. Lack of such a facility or a qualified of what each disease could cause to a character.
medic, though, may prove to be a problem for a
character. Diseases are separated into categories Disease Bad Effects
and a few examples are given to help categorize
any other diseases. Common Cold -1 Penalty on All Actions
Strong Flu -1 Penalty on All Actions
TN: Diseases have a TN, which is the initial Loss of 1 Combat Rating
Physical Resistance you must beat to not acquire Severe Arthritis -1 Penalty on All Actions
the disease in the first place. -2 Using Hands or Legs

Onset Time: How much time passes until the Light Thrombosis Bleeding causes 1 extra HP
Medicine TN is at -3
character first suffers the bad effects of a disease.
Cancer -2 Penalty on All Actions
Stage: How much time passes until the character -1 Strength, -1 Stamina
must roll another Resistance roll, or further Table 7.12: Disease Examples
worsen their condition. Failing this roll means the
character again receives the bad effects and must In fantasy settings, diseases are a lot more
continue rolling. common and a lot less treatable, thus a lot more
deadly. Characters who contract diseases might
Rating: Shows how many times the character not even have anyone capable of treating them.
must make this TN in order to be able to beat Modern settings usually have hospitals capable
the disease completely. This is the total times the of treating even Lethal diseases given enough tie
character must do so, not consecutively. and money, while sci-fi settings might have even
gotten rid of diseases in general. Of course, magic
Course: The time in which the disease will can always help and in fantasy settings specifically
naturally wear off, assuming the character has there is bound to be someone capable of removing
survived by then. diseases on characters.

Type TN Onset Stage Rating Course Examples

Light 22-25 1-6 Days 1 Week 1 4-6 Weeks Cold, Common Viruses
Moderate 26-29 1-3 Days 1 Week 2 2-3 Months Strong Cold, Illness
Severe 30-33 1 Day 3 Days 3 1-2 Years Debilitating Disease
Lethal 34+ Instant 1 Hour 4 Until Death Epidemic, Rare Disease
Table 7.11: Diseases

Radiation and Gases Radiation works quite differently. Most kind of
Commonly found in enclosed areas, these types of radiation is quite harmless in the short run, but
hazards can seriously hinder a character. Gases can usually affects the offspring of those infected or
be either natural (which are rarely very harmful) or has minor consequences. Radiation classification
manufactured (which can vary from insignificant is made according to its severity, which mainly
to lethal). Radiation, on the other hand, is almost has to do with what caused the fallout in the first
always man-made and results either from the years place.
of nuclear bombardment the planet has endured
or nuclear testing from scientists. Either way, Radiation TN: The number which must be made
radiation has remained on the earth and threatens on a Resilience roll to not suffer the Effect.
Stage: Every time a character remains on the
If a visible gas (see below) has been released, then irradiated zone for that amount of time, another
all in its area of effect have Soft Concealement check is needed and the Effect is applied again.
or more, depending on the type of gas. All gases
are classified according to the way they affect the Effect: Bad things that happen to your character
character. if you are in the zone and fail the Resilience check.
Note that these effects continue for one day after
Gas TN: The number which must be made on a leaving the zone.
Resilience roll to not suffer the Effect.
Permanent: Damage which is sustained each
Visibility: How thic the gas is and how it affects time the character fails a Reslience roll inside
your vision. In parenthesis is the Concealment it the irradiated zone, meaning that the radiation
provides to all in the area. inside that zone is so severe that your character
will probably have some kind of disability from
Effect: Bad things that happen to your character then on.
if you breath the gas and fail the Resilience check.
Note that these effects continue for one hour after Note that all Effects stack, meaning that each
breathing the gas. time a character fails a roll, they suffer both the
Effects and the Permanent damage columns, if
Any damage sustained from gases returns at any. Of course, this should make characters leave
normal rates. The character keeps making rolls for irradiation zones swiftly. However, it is not always
every round in which they remain inside the area apparent that you are in such a zone until you
of the gas, if they make their resistance roll. All make, or possibly until you fail, your first Reslience
gases take effect immediately upon being inhaled. check and realise something is wrong.

Radiation TN Stage Effect Permanent

Light 18 1 Month
Moderate 22 1 Week
Severe 26 1 Day
Deadly 32 1 Hour
Table 7.13: Radiation Effects

Gas Type TN Visibility Effect

Nerve 26 Invisible Lose 2 Combat Rating for every failed Resistance roll
Hallucinatory 22 Visible (Soft) Mild Hallucinations (-4 penalty on all rolls)
Teargas 24 Visible (Moderate) -4 on all rolls
Deadly 24 Visible (Soft) Lose 2 Stamina for every failed Resistance roll
Sleeping 22 Invisible Fall asleep if you fail the Resistance roll
Searing - Visible (Heavy) 1d6+3 heat damage every round (non-continuous*)
Table 7.14: Gas EFfects

Wind Effects Hampered: The character affected receives a -2 on
Weather conditions can be very harsh and cause all checks. Note that this stacks with the penalty
major trouble, even to vehicles. Severe winds on ranged attacks.
can hamper speed, even endanger humans on
foot by throwing them down or making them Checked: The character is held back by the wind
unable to walk forward. In extreme circumstances, and can only move at a rate of 1 meter per round
hurricane-force winds may even prove to be deadly against the force of the wind.
to exposed people. Of course, the bigger one is,
tha harder it is to suffer ill effects from winds. Knocked Down: The character is thrown to the
Also, vehicles have a harder time being affected, ground and must make the check again each time
as their center of gravity is way lower and are a lot they stand up, while they remain in the area of the
more stable. As far as ranged combat is concerned, winds.
primitive ranged and thrown weapons are affected
a lot more than firearms, since bullets tend to Blown Away: The character is thrown to the
cancel out the effects of wind due to the very high ground and shoved back 1 meter for every 10
speeds at which they are fired. You will find on the km/h of the air’s speed. The character receives 1
table below all kinds of winds and their effects. damage for every meter travelled this way if he
impacts a solid object. An Acrobatics roll equal to
The Result column is for a creature of human the physical TN halves this damage.
size, Character scale on the setting.
Battered: A stronger version of the condition
Also note that all penalties stack with the previous above. The damage increases due to the speed of
one, meaning that if you are knocked down for the winds.
example, you may also not move forward and
receive a -2 penalty on all rolls, resulting from the Picked Up: Literally means that the character is
Checked and Hampered conditions. lifted in the air. Apart from the damage from the
above condition if they impact a solid object, the
Ranged: The penalty that Ranged Weapons such character also suffers falling damage. For every 20
as bows and crossbows get in this weather. km/h, the character is lifted 1 meter high in the
air. Once there, there’s a 2-8 chance on 2d6 that
Firearms: The bonus that firearms get, such as they will be dropped to the ground. Otherwise,
pistols, rifles, etc. They are less affected by winds, they continue to rise higher and higher, until the
in general. wind effects wears off.

TN: Resilience roll made to counter the Result of Creatures and Vehicles
the wind condition. Depending on the size and shape of whoever or
whatever is affected by the winds, they are treated
The TN is a Physical Resistance roll and is checked differently. Quadrapedal creatures and vehicles are
every round that the character remains within the affected a lot less, while flying creatures suffer the
area of the winds. The speed of each particular effects a lot more, since their method of moving
wind is determined by the GM. Also note that requires winds already. Similarly, objects designed
heavier, more bulky creatures or vehicles have a to withstand the effects of the winds (purposefully
harder time being affected by winds. or not) exist.

Wind Air Speed Ranged Firearms TN Result

Light 0-15 km/h -1 - 16 -
Moderate 16-30 km/h -2 - 18 Hampered
Strong 31-45 km/h -4 - 20 Checked
Severe 46-75 km/h -6 -1 24 Knocked Down
Windstorm 76-110 km/h -8 -2 28 Blown Away
Hurricane 111-250 km/h -12 -4 32 Battered
Tornado 251+ km/h -16 -8 36 Picked Up
Table 7.15: Wind Effects

For every size category larger than Character, Once the Landfall has affected you, you will
the target treats the wind as one lower for all probably find yourself trapped beneath the debris
purposes. For every category smaller than and dirt. If this is the case, the GM should check
Character, the target treats them as one higher. to see how deep your character is and how much
of their body is exposed, as this will help his
If the target is quadrapedal, a vehicle or companions get him out. Usually, some damage is
otherwise has a very low center of gravity, they dealt in the process if this attempt is failed.
treat the winds as one lower. The same is true for
a bipedal creature that falls prone. Quarter Submersion: The character (or vehicle)
has only part of their body under the landfall, yet
If the target is specifically designed to ignore they are stuck. The GM could choose or roll 2d6 to
wind effects (a wire fence, for example), they randomly determine which part is buried beneath
treat the winds as one lower. On the opposite the landfall. To escape this situation, an Athletics
case, they treat them as one higher. roll (TN = 22) is required. On a failure, half of the
Damage is dealt again. The character is free to try
Note that all of the above effects stack. Also note as many times as they want, though.
that large creatures get a bonus on their Physical
check for all rolls. Also, while vehicles have no Half Submersion: The character is mostly
Physical Resistance stat, they substitute that with submerged in the landfall. Unlucky characters
a Drive check, which gets a -8 penalty. could be buried head first. If the GM wishes to
roll randomly, then a roll of 2-4 on 2d6 would
Landfalls indicate a character being trapped head first and
In the wilderness of the Ascendance setting, the the rest would indicate that the character is free
ground may sometimes be so unstable that it could to breathe. In the first case, the character begins
collapse right underneath a travelling vehicle or to suffocate immediately. In order to escape this
traveller, causing a massive landfall or avalanche, situation, an Athletics roll (TN=26) is required
dependin on the setting. Such occurences can (TN=30 if head first). On a failure, half of the
seriously damage someone, ro even bury them Damage is dealt again.
in the dirt or snow. when in an area that asuch
an event might occur, it is noticable if you know Total submersion: The character is fully trapped
enough about nature. It takes a Survival check beneath the landfall. The character immediately
to realise you are in such an area and avoid it. begins to suffocate (assuming they have survived
Otherwise, it is too late to do something about it. the damage). To escape this situation, an Athletics
roll (TN = 34) is required. On a failure, half of
TN to Notice: The Survival TN required to notice the Damage is dealt again. This is the most dire of
that the area you are in is a Landfall before you circcumstances and it is unlikely that characters
enter and are in trouble. will survive this. Refer to the rules for holding
your breath to determine how long your character
Damage: The Damage dealt to you by the landfall has before they pass out.
itself. Note that this is area damage and you may
roll an Avoid check normally at a TN of 28. Note here that other characters may assist in
freeing the trapped character, providing them
Chance to be Buried: If the GM rolls within this with a bonus on their Athletics roll, as per the
number range on 2d6, this means that you are Synergy rules. Otherwise, they may themselves
trapped beneath the debris and the dirt, being roll Athletics checks to free the trapped character,
submerged. Following you will find more details although the TN is 2 higher in all cases, since it is
on the different types of submersion. more difficult to do so without assistance.

Landfall TN to Notice Damage Chance to be Buried (2d6) Submersion

Minor 32 1d6+4 - -
Mderate 28 2d6+6 2-4 Quarter
Major 24 3d6+10 2-6 Half
Catastrophic 20 4d6+20 2-10 Total
Table 7.16: Landfalls

Combat Maneuvers Melee
These Maneuvers assist in making better attacks
During a round, you can play defensively,
offenseively, hide behind cover, try to throw down when engaged in melee with your opponents. They
your opponents, break their weapons or items and are focused on attempts to throw your opponent
many other options that make combat complicated off balance, take their weapon and generally force
but very detailed and allows you to play smart and them to have a disadvantage in combat. These
turn the tide of battle. Below you will find all these Maneuvers may be used by anyone, but there are
options, called Maneuvers, ow they affect the game Perks which make characters master each specific
and also any special rules governing them. As their Maneuver.
names imply, melee ones can only be used when in
melee, ranged ones can only be used while making Careful Attack
ranged attacks. General ones are for miscellaneous Time: Part of Attack
actions. Following, you will find the Maneuvers Limit: Skill Used / 2
detailed and sorted as they appear on the table Sacrificing accuracy, but keeping your weapon
below, for easier reference. The Limit entry shows ready to deflect a blow. You get a -2 penalty on
how many times you can apply the same penalties your Attack Roll but gain a +1 bonus on your
and bonuses on the same Maneuver. If the Limit is Deflection Skill, making your attack less precise,
None, you can do so indefinitely. Once means you but you are more likely to block any incoming
can only apply the penalties and bonuses one time counter-attacks. You also gain a +1 to your
only. If it is N/A (Not Applicable) it means that Avoidance Rating, in case anyone is shooting at
there is no stackable bonus or penalty involved. you while you are making this attack.

Maneuver Effect
Careful Attack -2 Attack, +1 Deflection
Disarm Remove Your Opponent’s Weapon, Risk Getting Damaged
Grapple Take Hold Of Your Opponent, Locking Him Down
Power Attack -2 Attack, +1 Damage
Push Move Your Opponent Backwards, Risk Getting Damaged
Sunder Attack Your Opponent’s Weapon, Risk Getting Damaged
Swift Attack -6 Attack, -1 IC
Trip Throw Your Opponent To The Ground, Risk Falling Down Yourself
Battery (+3 IC, +2 Attack) Per Extra Weapon, Extra Damage / 6 Points Above TN
Blanket Fire Autofire Attack, Cover An Area, Give Penalties To Enemies
Full Burst +1 Bullet / 3 Points Above TN, Up To Rate Of Fire, Full Action
Short Burst +1 Bullet / 3 Points Above TN, Up To 3 Bullets Total, +3 IC
Strafe Fire Autofire Attack, Target Many Enemies At Once
Volley (+3 IC, +2 Attack) Per Extra Weapon, Extra Damage / 6 Points Above TN
Aimed Shot +1 Attack for 2 IC, cost increases by 1 for consecutive bonuses
Cautious Retreat +3 Avoidance / Deflection, Walk Only, Full-Round Action
Crouching +2 Avoidance / Ranged, -8 Deflection / Melee, Half Movement
Kneeling +1 Avoidance / Ranged, -4 Deflection / Melee, Half Movement
Stand Ground +6 Avoidance / Deflection, No Movement, Full Action
Table 7.17: Combat Maneuvers

Disarm Subdue: Pin your opponent, holding him down,
Time: Weapon IC +2 requiring a Grapple check on his part to reverse
You attempt to reach into your opponent’s weapon his condition back to Grappled, with all normal
with yours and remove it from his hands. You consequences.
are immediately dealt the base weapon damage
of the weapon your opponent holds, applying Attack: Both the Attacker and the Defender may
DR as normal. Afterwards, you make opposed attack their opponent, but can do so using only
Attack Rolls with your target, using your current 1-handed weapons, unarmed, natural weapons and
wielded weapons. For every size category larger only get half their total attack roll for this action.
your weapon is than your opponent’s, you get a Also, any IC costs are increased by 2.
+3 bonus and vice versa. Also, anyone wielding a The Attacker has the option of using only a part
weapon with two hands gets a +3 bonus, as well. If of his body to make the Grapple with, leaving
you succeed on the opposed Attack Roll, you have hmiself able to dodge, weave and even attack. By
thrown your opponent’s weapon to the ground. If accepting a -16 penalty on the check, the Attacker
you fail, nothing happens. Note that if you attack may still maintain the Grapple, but only get a -4
someone who is Armed and you are Unarmed, penalty on Avoidance, Deflection and be able to
you are dealt damage twice, first for starting the make any Attacks with a -4 penalty. Note here,
Disarm Maneuver (as above) and then for the though, that these attacks must be made with one-
opposed Attack Roll while you are Unarmed and handed weapons, since the other hand is occupied
he is Armed, making it almost suicidal. holding the opponent down.

Grapple Power Attack

Time: Unarmed +2 Time: Part of Attack
More often than not, you may need to take Limit: Skill used / 2
down your opponent without killing him and You may swing your weapons with great power,
subdual damage might not be able to overcome but at the expense of accuracy, gaining momentum
armor worn. These situations call for a Grapple and damage, but losing control of where the blow
check. This means using your body to hold your strikes. You get a -2 penalty on your Attack Roll
opponent and constrain him in any way possible. and gain +1 on your Damage roll. The better you
To do so, you must first force your body onto your become at the weapon you are using, the more
opponent’s. If he is armed, you immediately receive force you can put behind your blows. Note that
unmodified weapon damage. You must first must all fractions are rounded up when calculating the
make a Martial Arts check against your opponent’s maximum Power Attack you can use.
Deflection Rating. In this roll, the attacker gets
a +6 bonus. If this roll is successful, you go to Push
the next step. You both make opposed Unarmed Time: Unarmed +2
checks. If the attacker wins, he has grappled his Sometimes, you may simply wish to get your
opponent. This means that the defender cannot opponent off balance and seize that opportunity
move or use his hands at all. By taking a -4 penalty, to move him from his current position, whether to
the attacker may even cover the defender’s mouth free up a hallway so your allies don’t get attacked or
so he may not speak, when you don’t want guards even the occasional nudge to drive someone off a
to shout for help, for example. cliff or onto an approaching vehicle. To do so, you
must first force your body onto your opponent’s. If
Grappled characters (both the attacker and the he is armed, you immediately receive unmodified
defender) have their Avoidance and Deflection weapon damage. Note here that if you are in a
Ratings halved. Also, neither the Attacker nor Grapple with your opponent, you do not receive
the Defender may make any attacks on others, this damage, but may automatically make a Push
either normal or Attacks of Opportunity. attempt (see rules for Grappling, below). To
successfully do that, you first must make a Martial
There are several things you can do while you are Arts check against your opponent’s Deflection
grappling someone, noted below. All these require Rating. In this roll, the attacker gets a +6 bonus.
an extra opposed Unarmed check. If this roll is successful, you go to the next step.
You both make opposed Unarmed checks. If the
Drag: Move the defender 1 meter for every 3 by attacker wins, he pushes his opponent back 1
which you beat the roll, as long as your maximum meter for every 3 by which he won the roll. Note
movement allows you to. Costs 3 IC per meter here that the attacker may opt to move with the
moved this way. defender, should his chosen method of movement

allow him to do so. If not, he may simply push Battery
him back. If the defender wins, nothing happens. Time: Full-Round Action
The character receiving this attack may use This Maneuver requires several weapons linked
their normal Deflection Rating, but receive no in some way together, most commonly on a ship,
movement bonuses, due to being a little off- vehicle or even a mech. Also most commonly used
balance from the push. with cannons. A Battery fires all (or any number
the shooter wants) of the weapons simultaneously,
Sunder making for some serious damage. Note that
Time: Weapon IC +2 linking such weapons together is a separate
You try to hit your opponent’s weapon with process. Also, all weapons must point in the
enough force to break it. You and your opponent same area and attack the same target. Finally, you
make opposed Attack Rolls, with your current may only link same weapons this way, meaning
wielded weapons. For every size category larger weapons that are of the same type and model. You
your weapon is than your opponent’s, you get a get a +1 bonus on your Attack Roll for each extra
+3 bonus and vice versa. Also, anyone wielding weapon that is linked in this way, but the attack
a weapon with two hands gets a +3 bonus, as is made at 1 IC more for every weapon linked.
well. If you win the roll, you deal full damage of Also, you deal an extra weapon damage for every
your weapon plus your Damage Bonus to your 6 points by which your Attack beats your target’s
opponent’s weapon. In turn your opponent deals Avoidance Rating TN. The maximum, of course, is
half his weapon damage plus his Damage Bonus the numebr of weapons you have linked. However,
to your weapon. If you lose the roll, these values there’s another restriction regarding the size of
are reversed, meaning you deal half damage while your target. Due to the linking of the weapons
your opponent deals full damage. See the Damage and their facing, not all of them can strike a small
section below, for more information on striking target. When attacking a target that is the same
objects with weapons. size as the weapons linked together, only up to
two of them may deal damage, regardless of how
Swift Attack much the attack beats the TN for. If the target is
Time: Part of Attack one size category smaller than the weapons firing
Limit: Once only or less, only one may deal damage. For every size
When time matters, you make your blow faster, category larger than the size category the weapons
but lose accuracy. You get a -6 penalty on your are, one more of the linked weapons may deal
Attack Roll, but the attack takes 1 IC less (at a damage. Note here that even though the weapons
minimum of 1 IC). There are Perks to lessen this are linked, they still require targetting as normal.
penalty for Swift Attacks.
Blanket Fire
Trip Time: Full-Round Action
Time: Weapon IC +2 Sometimes, especially when you are facing many
You attempt to throw your opponent off-balance unarmored opponents, it’s better to just cover an
and sent him to the ground with your weapon entire area with your automatic weapon and spread
(or even with your hands and feet. You and your a hail of bullets through it, in the hopes of getting
target immediately make opposed Martial Arts everyone with it, leaving your opponents little
Rolls. For every size category larger your weapon chance to react. First, target a number of hexes on
is than your opponent’s, you get a +3 bonus and the grid, with a maximum of 5. These hexes must
vice versa. Also, anyone wielding a weapon with be adjacent and within line of sight, as normal.
two hands gets a +3 bonus, as well. If you win, Every hex you target beyond the first gives a -2
your target falls to the ground. If your target wins, penalty on your Attack Roll. You spend bullets as
you must make a Athletics Resistance check (TN you do for an Autofire attack, meaning equal to
= opponent’s total current Attack Roll +6) or fall your weapon’s Rate of Fire. All your targets suffer
down yourself. a penalty to their Avoidance Rating equal to your
weapon’s Rate of Fire. Then, make only one Attack
Ranged Roll and compare it to your opponent’s Avoidance
Maneuvers in this category help characters Ratings. Any target whose Avoidance Rating
aim better, make rapid shots that batter their you beat gets hit by one bullet only, regardless of
opponents, pin them down or even use multiple how many points your Attack Roll exceeds his
weapons linked together, depending on the setting. Avoidance Rating. Also, you do not benefit from
Mastering these Maneuvers gives a great edge to a Great Success or a Critical Success while using
characters using ranged weapons. this Maneuver.

Short Burst The first bullet in a random Autofire attack
Time: Weapon IC +3 strikes the Location determined by the Location
When one shot just won’t cut it, you can hold the Dice. Then, add 1 to that number. This
trigger of an automatic weapon just long enough determines where the second bullet hit. Keep
so that 3 shots are fired from the weapon in rapid adding 1 for as long as there are bullets.
succession. Not as powerful as an autofire, but
still quite effective and giving you time to align If the result is greater than 12, all subsequent
another shot afterwards, while at the same time bullets strike at 12. For example, if the Location
keeping the weapon at as a low recoil as possible. dice show 6, then it means that the Left Leg is hit
When you fire a Short Burst, you spend three (for a human). The next bullet is a 7, meaning the
bullets and make a normal Attack Roll with your Torso is hit. Subsequent bullets also hit the Torso,
weapon. For every three points by which your since they will be 8,9, etc. This means that in an
Attack Roll beats the target’s TN, an extra bullet autofire attack, a hail of bullets go towards a target
hits the target, dealing damage normally and but only some of them actually hit. If the attacker
calculating DR as a normal shot, at a maximum does not focus fire on a single Location, then
of 3. However, a Short Burst does not increase the random bullets hit random parts of the target. You
damage of the shot with a Great Success and does choose this depending on the situation and how
not benefit from a Critical Success, either. Also, wounded your enemies are.
after the shot you need to spend 1 IC recovering
the weapon from the burst. You do not lose any Strafe Fire
bracing you had on the weapon itself. If you do Time: Full-Round Action
not recover the weapon after the burst, the next If you are facing multiple enemies and wish to
shot the weapon makes take a -4 penalty, as the give a shot at hitting all of them at the same time,
wielder struggles to control it while it is shooting. you can use this Maneuver. You make an Autofire
The weapon also loses brace if this IC is not attack (see above), but with a few differences.
spent immediately after the burst. Short burst is First, you do not target an individual but rather
the mode of fire favored and used by soldiers in a number of hexes on the grid, with a maximum
modern and sci-fi settings, as it gives you a good of 5. These hexes must be adjacent and within line
chance of killing your opponent outright and does of sight, as normal. Every hex you target beyond
not spend the massive amount of ammo that a the first gives a -2 penalty on your Attack Roll.
Full Burst (see below) does. Of course, the extra You spend bullets as you do for an Autofire attack,
IC required might make it non-viable in certain meaning equal to your weapon’s Rate of Fire.
circumstances. Then, you divide these bullets by the number of
hexes targeted. Each enemy in each hex that you
Full Burst target is subject to an autofire attack. If a hex
Time: Full-Round Action has no enemies, you still spend bullets for it. The
Firing a hail of bullets, you almost empty your maximum number of bullets that can hit an enemy
clip, sending all bullets flying towards your is the weapon’s Rate of Fire divided by the number
opponent. When you fire an Autofire, you spend of hexes, as described above. You only make one
bullets equal to the weapon’s Rate of Fire and Attack Roll and individually compare it to each
make a normal Attack Roll with your weapon. For enemy to find out how many bullets hit him, if
every three points by which your Attack Roll beats any. Thus, each enemy might be hit by a different
the target’s TN, an extra bullet hits the target, number of bullets or none at all, depending on
dealing damage normally and calculating DR as a their Avoidance Rating. For example, a player
normal shot, at a maximum of the weapon’s Rate decides to target 4 hexes with a Strafe Fire attack.
of Fire. However, an Autofire does not increase His weapon’s Rate of Fire is 12, so dividing that
the damage of the shot with a Great Success and by the number of hexes, means each one will be
does not benefit from a Critical Success, either. hit by a maximum of 3 bullets. Of the four hexes
Also, when you make an Autofire attack, not all he targeted, only three of them contain enemies.
bullets strike the same spot on the target, unless The player makes an Attack Roll and gets a
you have also made a Called Shot. In the case of total of 31, factoring in the total -8 penalty for
a Called Shot, all bullets strike the Location of choosing 4 hexes, a very impressive attack. His
the Called Shot. In the case where the Location three opponents each have a total of 22, 32 and 28
Dice determine the Location hit, each bullet may Avoidance Ratings, respectively. This means that
strike a different Location, as the shot follows the the first one is struck by three bullets, the second
weapon’s recoil and moves with it. To determine is missed completely and suffers no damage, while
that, use the following formula: the last one is hit by two bullets.

Volley more IC. Also note that in case you may spent
Time: Full-Round Action for more IC than you have for a round, they carry
This Maneuver fires a deadly array of missile over to the next one. For example, someone who
weapons such as rocket or missile launchers linked can aim for 20 IC and has a 16 Combat Rating,
together, most commonly off a ship, vehicle or may use the 16 IC of the first round to aim, then
mech. A Volley fires all (or any number the shooter on the second round aim for 4 IC more and then
wants) of the weapons simultaneously. Note shoot. If you take away your eyes from your target
that linking such weapons together is a separate for any reason, then aiming is totally lost. Also if
process. Also, all weapons must attack the same your target is moving, all IC costs increase by 50%
target. Finally, you may only link same weapons and if he is Hustling all IC costs double. Running
this way, meaning weapons that are of the same means that you have to spend 3 times more the IC
type and model. Your target gets a -1 penalty on required to aim. This stands true for any aiming
their Athletics Resistance checkfor every weapon you make while your target is moving.
linked and the attack is made at 1 IC more for
every weapon linked, as well. Also, you deal extra Cautious retreat
half weapon damage for each weapon linked this Time: Full-Round Action
way. The maximum, of course, is the number of When you want to move and also make sure you
weapons you have linked. However, there’s another stay alive long enough to do so, you may sacrifice
restriction regarding the size of your target. Due some of your movement to gain bonuses on your
to the blast radius of such weapons, they are not as Avoidance and Deflection Ratings. While in this
effective against smaller targets. When attacking state, you gain a +3 bonus on these Ratings, but
a target that is the same size as the weapons may only Walk, not Hustle.
linked together, only up to two of them may deal
damage, meaning one deals normal damage and Crouching
the other half damage. If the target is one size Time: 3 IC
category smaller than the weapons firing or less, Crouching helps remaining unseen and aim a
only one may deal damage. For every size category little better, but you are an easy pick for melee
larger than the size category the weapons are, one targets. If you crouch you get a +2 bonus on your
more of the linked weapons may deal damage, Avoidance Rating and a +2 bonus on any ranged
again with the first dealing normal damage and attacks you make. However, you get a -8 penalty
any others half. Note that the target makes only on your Deflection Rating and any melee attack
one Athletics Resistance check and, if successful, rolls you make. Also, your movement is reduced to
halves all of the damage. one quarter of normal.

General Kneeling
In this category lie mainly positioning Maneuvers, Time: 3 IC
namely those who give you an advantage if you are It is usually beneficial to kneel when shooting or
crouching or kneeling, as well as Maneuvers that getting shot at, but all the while making sure you
have to do with aiming, avoiding and deflecting. are not going to be engaged in melee. If you kneel
you get a +1 bonus on your Avoidance Rating
Aimed Shot and a +1 bonus on any ranged attacks you make.
Time: Part of Shot However, you get a -4 penalty on your Deflection
Limit: Coordination-Based Rating and any melee attack rolls you may make
When you have time to plan your shot carefully when kneeling. Also, your movement is reduced to
and keep your target in line of sight, you can aim half of normal.
at him and then fire. For the first 2 IC that you
spend aiming, you get a +1 bonus on the next shot Stand ground
you make at your current target. Thereafter, you Time: Full-Round Action
may continue to aim, but the cost increases by 1 This maneuver allows you to gain a very good
every time. The maximum total IC that you aim is bonus on your Avoidance and Deflection, but
determined by your Coordination Attribute. You you lose mobility. Effectively, this means that you
must keep your target within sight at all times can’t move at all, but gain a +6 bonus on those
and may at most be Walking, not Hustling or Ratings, choosing to stand and attempt to avoid
Running. The maximum number of IC you may or deflect your opponents, but maybe cover your
spend aiming depends on your Coordination allies or protect an entrance. While this gives a
Attribute. Note that certain Perks may allow you greater bonus to your Avoidance and Deflection
to overcome these limitations and even aim for than Running would, it has its price.

Encumbrance Encumbrance
up to EL
Carrying things around, a character may find
himself overwhelmed by the weight he has to Encumbered up to (ELx2) -1 /2
carry. Encumbrance is a measure of how burdened
the character is with respect to weight carried Overburdened up to (ELx5) -4 None
on him. The Encumbrance Limit of a character Table 7.19: Encumbrance Penalties
is determined by their Strength and Stamina
Ratings. You will find below a table showing the As a final note, remember that Encumbrance
EL for easy reference. counts all equipment on a person, including armors
worn, other clothing and even weapons wielded
(Strength+Stamina) /2 Encumbrance Limit and the containers themselves.. Also, at the GM’s
discretion, any items that are tucked very hastily
1 0 may count their weight more than normal, since
2 1 they hinder the character more. Conversely, very
secured items or even items that provide the one
3 2 carrying them with reduced Encumbrance could
4 5 exist in either fantasy or sci-fi settings. In such
5 10
cases, GMs should feel free to adjust the penalties
above to better reflect these items. For example,
6 20 a belt that halves all Encumbrance on items
7 30 attached to it could exist in a fantasy setting as a
magic item or in a sci-fi setting as a sophisticated
8 40 technological device.
9 50
10 65
Main & Off-Hand
11 80 Most characters are either left or right-handed.
12 95 Whatever the case, the player should decide that
upon character creation. Using the main hand,
13 110 everything is normal. However, in situations
14 130 where one can’t use their main hand and are forced
to use their off-hand instead, some penalties occur.
15 150
16 200 • Using the off-hand gives a -11 penalty on all
rolls made with this hand
17 250
18 300 This means that if you are right-handed, for
19 400 example, and you are forced to shoot with your left
hand, you get a -11 penalty on the attack roll. Of
20 500 course, this does not affect situations where using
Table 7.18: Encumbrance Limits one hand or the other is not really an issue. For
example, picking a lock with your off-hand would
Exceeding this limit poses certain penalties, not get a penalty. You also don’t get a penalty if
explained on the table below. The EL mentioned your off hand is used to support attacks with your
below is the Encumbrance Limit as determined by main hand, such as firing a crossbow.
the Strength and Stamina Attributes. Characters
who are encumbered take a penalty on every
physical roll they make and suffer reduced Conditions
movement. Overburdened characters may not Apart from Hit Point loss, there are other factors
move at all, as the weight of their equipment holds that can negatively influence a character. These
them down. It is possible to move forward 1 meter Conditions, as they are called, can occur due to
with an Acrobatics check (TN = 32), but only if various circumstances, from Critical Hits to
you are have not reached more than twice your Divine Power effects. These Conditions, as well as
Overburdened limit. You must spend 1 Fatigue to their effects, are described in detail below. How
make this roll, regardless if you make it or not as long these Conditions last is usually depended
the strain on your physique is too severe. upon the means by which they were inflicted.

Blinded Spent
Characters who suffer this Condition cannot A more severe version of being fatigued, the Spent
see at all. They may not roll any Observe checks Condition means you are completely exhausted.
relating to sight, but may do so if related to Occurring after getting to zero Fatigue, it means
hearing. In order to successfully attack someone you are reduced to a maximum movement of
when Blinded, the character must first make an 1 meter per round and your Combat Rating is
Observe check to pinpoint the target’s current reduced to half of your normal. To remove the
location. Alternatively, the character could also Spent Condition, a character requires 6 hours of
guess and blindly attack (the location must be rest. Doing so sends the character back to having
accurate to the hex when using the Grid). Once zero fatigue, but they are Spent. Getting to this
this has been successfully accomplished, attacking condition also forces you to make a Resilience roll
someone when Blinded gives them the benefits of (TN=28) or fall unconscious.
Full Concealment. This means that the character
must then roll 2d6 and only hits on a roll of 2-4. Stunned
A Stunned character has little control over their
Dazed actions and may only passively defend themselves
The dazed Conditions is usually caused by shock, if attacked or move away. Stunned characters may
resulting in being distracted and sometimes at a only use the Walking movement mode and may
loss. This translates to a -2 penalty on all rolls. not perform any actions at all.
Characters recover from that shock differently,
depending on what caused it. You will find such
information on each individual source of the Derangements
Dazed Condition, such as special abilities, etc. Some situations cause physical damage to
characters, while others cause psychological
Deafened damage. In the latter case, some emotional
Much like being blind, the Deafened Condition scars may be left on the character in the form
means complete loss of one sense. Namely, of Derangements, phobias or psychological
hearing. You may not roll Observe checks related conditions that hinder the character in their
to hearing. Also, you get a -6 penalty on Observe everyday life. Most commonly, Derangements
checks when you attempt to notice someone using are brought about by loss of all Composure,
the Stealth skill, due to the lack of one of your though certain situations or special abilities may
senses. warranty granting the characters a Derangement
automatically. Once a character suffers a
Horrified Derangement, they must make a Resolve check at
Horrified means that the character has no other a TN set by the GM according to the source of
option but to flee from the source of fear as fast the Derangement. Note that if the Derangement
as possible. However, this Condition does not comes from a loss of all Composure, then the GM
deprive the character of reason or logic. For should probably judge what the Derangement is
example, they may even blow up an entrance based on the most important thing that caused
to prevent the source of their fear from chasing that loss.
them, jumpstart a vehicle, pilot a mech in order to
leave faster, etc. If cornered by the source of their Beating the check means the Derangement will
fear, it takes another Mental check (at the same not surface automatically and the characters
TN as the original). On a success they may attack, gets a Light Derangement. Failing the roll gives
all the while looking for an opportunity to escape, a Moderate one, while Botching it will give them
if the duration of the effect has not passed. This a Severe Deragement.
condition may also occur, at the GM’s discretion,
by a character being at zero Composure, even if You will find below some sample Derangements
they gain a Derangement. on each of the three categories.

Paralyzed Severity Sample Derangements

A physical Condition, being paralyzed means
the character has no motor control. A paralyzed Light Arachnophobia, Agoraphobia
character drops everything holding and falls to the Moderate Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
ground. They may not move, but they can still feel
pain and they can see directly in front of them if Severe Schizophrenia, Multiple Personalities
their eyes have not closed. Table 7.20: Derangements

Underwater Combat Weapons
All melee attacks are affected. Some melee weapons
When fighting in water, there are a lot of things
that change, especially with firearms. Melee are also affected on damage. Melee attacks are
weapons are also affected, since their damage is greatly affected, as well, since they mostly depend
greatly decreased. Of course, movement is also on momentum. Certain attacks, though, such as
affected and most humans find it hard to descend spears, are only minimally affected.
more than a few dozen meters, unless specialized
gear is used. Holding one’s breath is also an issue, Weapon Attack Penalty
as is visibility, which is greatly affected, as well.
Melee Weapons -6
Holding Your Breath Ranged Weapons -3
How much you can hold your breath is based on Table 7.21: Attacking Underwater
your Stamina Rating and any kind of training you
may have in that regard. The Athletics skill helps This table shows the penalties in damage for
you in holding your breath more. fighting underwater.
Holding Your Breath = (3 x Stamina Attribute) +
(3 x Athletics Skill) Attack Type Damage Penalty
Strength Damage Bonus Half
Note that this is true for when you are simply
swimming or standing still. If you are fighting or Piercing Weapons -2
doing any other strenuous activity underwater, this Slashing Weapons Half Damage
time is halved. Also note that the above numbers
Bashing Weapons Minimum Damage
mean that the character is prepared and knows
that there will be a need for holding one’s breath Ranged (Point Blank) Half Damage
in advance. In case they are simply thrown in the Ranged (Close) Minimum Damage
water without warning, these change to x2.
Table 7.22: Damage Underwater

When fighting underwater, all Movement is
reduced to half, requiring Athletics checks to move Aerial Combat
(see the skills section for more information on Depending on the setting, aerial combat may play a
Swimming). Movement is made in all directions, big or small part in a character’s life, Aerial combat
which can be disorienting for characters unused to is a lot like normal vehicle combat, except that it is
this kind of combat. possible to move in all directions. All other rules
for vehicular combat apply normally (see the Mech
Visibility and Vehicle Combat section for more details). The
,Visibility is greatly affected. Normal vision fades difference in aerial combat is that ascending and
at 10 meters and beyond that range no Observe descending provide a penalty of -50% and a bonus
checks are allowed, unless the character has some of +50% on movement, respectively. This is mainly
special form of seeing that allows vision through due to the effect of gravity on flying vehicles. If a
the density of water. Hearing gets a -16 penalty vehicle is designed to ignore gravity rules, ignore
due to sound having a greater difficulty being the penalty for ascending.
carried through water than air, but works normally
otherwise. Of course, muddy or clear waters may Ascending = -50% Movement
reduce or increase this penalty. Descending = +50% Movement

Chapter VIII

ighting alone or with a small group certainly have to do with the size of the group. The bigger it
has its merits, but large, coordinated groups is, the more Congruity Points it has. Large groups
can perform great acts of war. Congruity assume the existance of lieutenants as needed fo
helps large or medium-sized groups act as a team the entire army to function. Of course, the leader
and gain benefits otherwise unattainable. It makes can be in command of a small group, which is
units very effective and makes going up against part of a bigger group. Either way, calculate the
one very difficult. Congruity requires a leader, one character’s group size and adjust as necessary. It
who coordinates the entire group and on whom is important to note here that soldiers part of a
everyone is based. This leader keeps the group large group must also know the basics of large
together and helps maintain congruity. When scale combat to be able to function effectively in
a grou has a lot of Congruity Points and keeps the group.
them, they can react to danger very quickly, assume
formation and guard each other effectively. Losing All members of a group must have the Congruity
Congruity Points, though, begins to destroy the Perk, otherwise they do not count towards the
cohesion of the group, making them a lot less total number of group members.
effective. It is then that the leader must shine and
display great leadership to restore congruity and Secondly, bonus Congruity Points have to do with
push the group forward. the leader’s status and fame (or notoriety). This will
affect positively or negatively the entire group and
Congruity Points raise or lower its congruity. A well-known leader
will boost morale and give soldiers something to
In order to acquire Formations (discussed later aspire to, while one with bad reputation will most
in this chapter) and effectively lead a group, the likely make soldiers uneasy.
leader must purchase the Congruity Perk (see the
Perks chapter for more details). Doing so gives
them a number of Congruity Points that they can Army Composition Congruity
spend when they are leading a group. These points 1-5 Members* -5
depend on the character’s Leadership skill total,
the number of people in the group, the races that 6-10 Members* -1
comprise the group and several other factors that 11-20 Members* 0
raise or lower the number of Congruity Points
21-50 Members* 1
51-100 Members* 2
Initial Congruity Points = One third of total 100+ Members* 3
Leadership Skill + Personality Bonus
Renown Leader +1 to +3
You will find the Personality Bonus on the Notorious Leader -1 to -3
Attributes section earlier in this book. These points
are given at the beginning of each undertaking Different Races -2 per race
in which the leader will use congruity with their Table 8.1: Congruity Points
team. In case the leader’s Personality or Leadership *Members must possess the Congruity Perk to be accounted for
scores change during that undertaking, the
Congruity Points are not calculated again. Apart This means that attempting to lead a group of
from the initial points, there are other modifiers 1 to 5 people will most likely be impossible to
that affect the total points that are available to use Congruity with, or perhaps just a very basic
a group, as shown below. Firstly, these modifiers Formation, if the leader has a very good Leadership

score, while larger groups will provide with a lot In case where Congruity lost due to one of the
of potential for the leader. Of course, having a reasons mentioned above reduces your total
lot of different races (depending on the setting) number of Congruity Points, but the Formations
will result in errors in cimmunication. Other you have activated cost more than that, the leader
than that, there are ways fo the group to lose or of the group may select which Formation he wants
even gain Congruity Points during their mission. to keep and which ones to stop using. This happens
These have to do with members dying, leaders not autimatically, but since you are forced to stop a
managing to keep the group together, or perhaps Formation immediately, there is a little chaos in
even accomplishing some major goal. Conversely, the group and 1 Congruity Point is lost. Once a
failing to achieve a goal might warranty losing Formation has been activated, the members of the
some Congruity. group who fulfill the requirement explained earlier
gain the full benefits of the Formation. You will
Situation Congruity find all available Formations and their detailed
descriptions below.
10% Loss -2
25% Loss
50% Loss
Special abilities known by leaders and imparted
Lost Leadership check -1 onto their groups, these Formations allow for
Lost Composure* -1 per point
great feats of strength and coordination amongst
war groups. All Formations must be initiated by
Enmity between members -1 to -3 the leader of the group and he must be present and
Table 8.2: Congruity Modif iers able to communicate with the group in order for
*Valid for group Composure rolls only the Formation to be valid. Of course, this can be
done in many ways, depending on the setting. In
There are Perks, called Teamwork perks, that asist sci-fi settings, it can be done from the leader’s home
with Congruity by giving more points, allowing using communication technology, while in fantasy
characters to disregard the different races in an settings leaders are usually in the field of battle. Of
army and even to make a Leadership roll to avoid course, at the GM’s discretion, such decisions may
losing Congruity Points in a bad situation. give bonuses or penalties to the group’s morale,
depending on the situation. Formations also have
a Leadership TN and a Congruity Point cost.
Using Congruity Leaders must succeed at a Leadership check to
Once the army has been set up and the Congruity
Points have been calculated, the group can make activate a Formation.
use of Formations. These are special abilities
granted to the whole group, coordinated by the Each Formation costs a certain amount of
leader. All these Formations cost Congruity Congruity Points, paid as soon as it’s activated.
Points to activate, so the leader will not have a lot
of them active at any given time. Leaders, though, Formations require XP to purchase, much like
are able to change Formations in combat as it suits Perks. Only the leader is required to purchase a
the needs of the group. Formation to benefit the group. Once purchased,
the character is considered to know this Formation
Formations cost Congruity Points, which are and can freely use it from now on. There are no
refunded once the Formation is cancelled. You requirements to purchasing Formation, as there
may have a maximum number of Formations are in purchasing Perks, but the Leadership TN
active whose combined cost equals your serves as a kind of requirement for characters and
Congruity Points. Formations. Below you will find all Formations,
their XP Cost, Leadership TN, as well as a short
It takes a Full Action to activate a Formation description on what benefit they give to the group.
and another one to cancel it. However, the leader Of course, the GM should feel free to create any
may cancel a Formation as a Free Action, at the kind of Formation that fits the campaign settings,
cost of 1 Congruity Poiny. as the Formations below are an indication of what
they should be like in the 3d6 system. Depending
Only members of the group with the Congruity on the campaign setting, some of the Formations
Perk may benefit from Formations. shown in this book might be invalid, such as the
ones using firearms, for example.

Maneuver Effect XP
Communication Communicate with perfect effectiveness 30
Interrupt +4 on Interrupts 30
Quickness May Re-roll Initiative checks 30
Vigilance +2 Initiative, +4 Observe 30
Kill Zone Create a kill zone with ranged weapons 60
Mobile Defense Increase movement bonuses on defense 60
Movement Switch Movement modes within round at no extra cost 60
Offense Increase multiple opponent bonus by 1 60
Protection Selected group member gains +3 defense per other group member 60
Stealth Gain +1 stealth per group member 60
Defense Gain +1 defense per group member within melee Reach 90
Reaction Commit reactively if you have IC left 90
Swift Interrupt Interrupts cost only 1 IC more 90
Table 8.3: Congruity Maneuvers

Communication Kill Zone

XP Cost: 30 XP Cost: 60
Congruity: 1 Congruity: 4
Leadership TN: 22 Leadership TN: 28
This Formation allows all members of the group Reserved only for settings where rapid-fire
to speak to each other via learned gestures, facial weapons exist, this Formation uses up a lot of
expressions and normal speech very effectively. ammunition, but blankets an area with bullets,
The group can talk to each other during the making it impossible, or at least very deadly, for
round, as long as communicatin does not exceed enemies to pass through. To do so, the group must
what could be said within the confines of a game first declare an area up to the Close Range of the
round. Also, should they choose so they may make weapons they are using. This Formation requires at
all communication silent, but then it is limited to least two such weapons to function properly. These
a few words per round. weapons must form two cones of fire that overlap
each other. The overlapping zone is the Kill Zone.
Defense Anyone entering there is subject automatically to
XP Cost: 90 damage from the rapid fire. Enemies inside the
Congruity: 7 Kill Zone must make an Avoid check at a TN
Leadership TN: 32 equal to that set by the operators of the weapons,
Covering each other, all members of the group who give a synergy to each other. Failing that TN
gain a +1 bonus to their Deflection Rating for means they get hit by a many bullets as there are
every other member within melee range of their weapons. Failing by more adds one to this number
opponent. Note that this Formation only counts and Botching the roll doubles the total number of
group members that are close enough to the same bullets the enemy gets hit by.
opponent, not just each other.
Mobile Defense
Interrupt XP Cost: 60
XP Cost: 30 Congruity: 5
Congruity: 2 Leadership TN: 28
Leadership TN: 26 When moving, character have certain bonuses on
Groups using this Formation are able to react to Avoidance Rating. Groups using this Formation
danger very effectively and cover each other with increase these bonuses by 50%, regardless of if
superb speed, gaining a +4 bonus on all Interrupt they are Walking, Hustling or Running. Penalties
checks made. from movement to Deflection are reduced by 2.

Movement Reaction
XP Cost: 60 XP Cost: 90
Congruity: 5 Congruity: 8
Leadership TN: 28 Leadership TN: 32
To a group using this Formation, switching A very versatile Formation, it allows group
Movement Modes in combat costs no IC the members to commit reactively if you have enough
first time. This means that a Walking character, IC left. This means that they can hold on to their
for example, can stop immediately at no cost. IC and decide to commit even on their opponent’s
However, a Hustling character could slow to a turn, making free attacks immediately. The normal
Walk, but then would have to spend 3 IC to stop. requirements for making a commit attack still
apply, but there is no need to declare a Commit
Offense action beforehand.
XP Cost: 60
Congruity: 6 Stealth
Leadership TN: 30 XP Cost: 60
Strength in numbers is an old saying and is true in Congruity: 4
this system, as well. This Formation increases the Leadership TN: 27
bonus for multiple opponents by 1, for the entire When subtlety is needed, all group members
group. This means that for every extra combatant watch out for their opponents and give warning
beyond the first, the entire group gives -4 instea to other members, increase the group’s Stealth by
of the normal -3 penalty to their opponents. Six +1 for every 2 members when this Formation is
group member encirciling a hapless foe with this active. Note here, though, that large groups tend
Formation would give a total penalty of -20 to the to have penalties to Stealth due to their number.
defender’s defenses. This Formation usually compensates for that,
allowing members of even large groups to stealth
Protection by their opponents.
XP Cost: 60
Congruity: 4 Swift Interrupt
Leadership TN: 28 XP Cost: 90
When there is a need to protect a single group Congruity: 8
member, this Formation comes into play. For Leadership TN: 36
every group member in melee range of the chosen One of the most powerful Formations, it allows
character, he gains a +3 on all Deflection and all members of the group to Interrupt their
Avoidance rolls, as his companions constantly opponents easily. Interrupts for the entire group
protect him from harm. This does not confer any only cost 1 IC more, instead of the normal +50%
penalties for those who protect their companion and are made with a +1 bonus on the roll.
this way.
Quickness XP Cost: 30
XP Cost: 30 Congruity: 3
Congruity: 3 Leadership TN: 25
Leadership TN: 26 This Formation helps members of the group
When quick reflexes are required, this Formation notice their opponents better and at the same
allows all members of the group to re-roll their time react to danger faster, granting them a +4
Initiative checks once at the beginning of each bonus to Observe checks and a +2 to Initiative,
combat. Note that this is only valid for Initiative which usually means that the group will have the
checks, not interrupts. opportunity to act first.

Chapter IX
Mounts & Vehicles

rom high speed chases in an abandoned You need a Full Action to mount up and requires
runway to jousting matches and even a Ride check at a TN of 16.
dogfights between two pilots in the sky,
vehicles and mounts are an essential part of You can mount up for 7 IC with a TN of 32.
a system. Apart from fighting and trampling
opponents, mounts and vehicles are mainly used This TN might change depending on the mount
as transportation, especially in high technology in question, to the GM’s discretion. For example,
settings. Whether it is a horse, a lizard, a bike, a mounting a gryphon will require more time than
car or a hovercraft, transportation is always key mounting a horse. The penalty for no saddle
to being more efficient in a role-playing game. applies here, as well.
Players usually prefer travelling fast to their
destination, let alone avoid random encounters Mounted Combat
on the way. This chapter will cover the basics of Fighting on the back of a mount has many
getting on a mount and inside a vehicle, as well advantages, but requires good riding skill to do so.
as the chase system, by which players can run To guide a mount in combat, it has to be a trained
away from or hunt down their opponents while on mount, else it will attempt to flee rather than fight.
mounts or vehicles. Untrained mounts will usually not attack, unless
cornered and unable to flee. However, extremely
well-trained riders can force even untrained
Riding a Mount mounts to fight. Failing this roll means the mount
The first and foremost thing a character needs, of will not move at all in this round and gives a -6
course, is the appropriate Ride skill, depending on on any attacks you may make. Botching the roll
the mount in question and the setting. Riding is usually means the mount will try to shake you off
pretty straightforward, as all the rider needs to do and run away. It takes another check at a TN of 28
is guide the mount to where they want it to go. to avoid that and calm it down.
Usually, there are no checks required to guide a
mount, but in certain situations the GM might It takes a Ride TN of 18 and 7 IC to guide a
call for a Ride check to see if the character can mount in combat, using one hand. You get a +2
sufficiently control the mount. For example, if the bonus on this roll if you use both.
mount tries to jump over a log or navigate quickly
through a dense forest, a Ride check is required, at By getting a -6 penalty, you can guide the mount
a TN set by the GM depending on the situation. with your knees and have both hands free.

It takes 7 IC to control a mount every round. If the mount is not trained for battle, this check
takes a -11 penalty.
Lack of a saddle gives a -6 penalty on the Ride
check, whenever it’s needed. There are several things that a rider can do with
a mount in combat. First of all, they may attack
In this case, the GM could call for a Ride check normally, assuming they have enough IC left
even in normal situations, since the -6 might after guiding the mount. Riders may use melee
make it possible to fail even against a relatively or ranged weapons. Assuming your target is your
low TN. Making a long journey on horseback is size or smaller, you get a +1 penalty for being at a
usually as tiring as walking, except that it is the higher level than your opponent. You may also use
same regardless of the speed of the mount. You your mount as cover, but this of course endangers
also get a +4 bonus on your Resilience check to the mount being hit. Most riders, though, prefer
resist Fatigue loss from marching while mounted. that in some cases.

The mount moves at your Initiative and can take Driving a Vehicle
its round of attacks normally, even attack if it is In the 3d6 setting, it is usually easy to enter
trained to do so. you can direct it to move where a vehicle of any kind, Rule-wise, at least. The
you want or attack as part of your 7 IC that you character’s Attributes change, depending on the
use to control it every round, You get penalties and vehicle in question. Also, the Hit Points of the
bonuses for movement normally. individual don’t matter (unless of course someone
is shooting at them inside the vehicle). Finally,
Attacking the user’s skill in piloting the mech or vehicle in
You may attack normally while on your mount, question determines several factors, such as the
assuming you have enough IC left to do so after chance to avoid attacks, stability, etc. Vehicles can
guiding it. Note that you need both hands free be found in many settings and these rules below
to make certain attacks, so you need to guide the work the same for cars, bikes, hovercars, speeders
mount with your knees in that case. and even flying craft. However, aerial combat has
certain distinct properties, explained earlier in this
Cover book in the Combat chapter.
You can duck behind your horse and use it as cover
from one direction while you are riding. This has Modifying Attributes
a TN of 16 + 3 for every Location you cover this Once a pilot enters a vehicle, several Attributes
way. It is possible to cover yourself completely. change. As normal, the Strength of the vehicle
is used, rather than the user’s. However, some
Mount Damage vehicles such as cars have no Strength Rating. Of
When a mount is damaged in combat, you need course, no vehicles have a Stamina Rating. Hit
to control it, so it does not panic and attempt to Points for vehicles vary from one to another. Next
throw you off and flee. are the Reaction and Coordination Attributes.
Depending on the vehicle in question, the user
If your mount takes damage, you must make a receives a bonus or a penalty on these Attributes,
Ride check at a TN equal to 18 + Damage dealt as the vehicle is equipped with good mechanisms
to avoid getting thrown off. that respond perfectly to the user’s input, or
ones that have some form of delay. Also, certain
For every 2 points of Wound Penalties a mount vehicles provide a bonus or penalty on any kind
has, the rider has a -1 penalty on all Ride checks. of targeting the user makes from these vehicles.
As expected, mental stats do not change at all. The
This makes it important for your enemies to target table below shows the changes in Attributes that
and hit your mount in an attempt to knock you result from entering different kinds of vehicles.
down. There are Perks, though, that help reduce
the damage your mount takes. Piloting & Driving
The Pilot or Drive skill in a vehicle determines
Staying On several factors, such as your chance to avoid
Whenever something happens that would knock attacks, any rolls you make to move on difficult
you off your mount (the mount itself trying to surfaces, etc. There is no actual roll to move
trhow you off or a knockdown effect), you can around in a vehicle, but the GM may call for a roll
make a TN 26 Ride check to stay on the mount. when he deems that there is need for one, such
The penalty for no saddle applies here normally. If as a dangerous situation while travelling, avoiding
you are knocked unconscious and there is a saddle, a crash, etc. The TN for such rolls is usually
you have a 2-8 on 2d6 to remain on the saddle. determined by the GM, according to the difficulty.
See below for other ways in which the Pilot or
Creatures as Mounts Drive check determines certain other factors in
Mounts can take many forms. From normal horses, the game.
ponies or donkeys, to trained bulls, elephants and
even gryphons and lizards. Each mount has unique Driving a vehicle is usually done via a steering
abilities, depending on their race. All mounts as wheel, some form of controller or even hi-tech 3D
treated as normal animals, unless their description interfaces controlled by hand motion for certain
says otherwise. They can be taught Tricks and more high-tech vehicles. This usually translates to
befriended normally. They make attacks, have Hit differences in Reaction for each specific vehicle,
Points and skills according to their entry in the which is what makes vehicles better or worse
Menagerie chapter, later in this book. against each other.

Acceleration Avoidance & Deflection
When you pilot a vehicle, it is important to know When inside a vehicle or mech, the user determines
how fast you can increase your speed in any given how effectively they may dodge attacks to their
situation. Although usually it’s top speed that vehicle, according to their respective Pilot or
matters when you are crossing the wilderness or Drive skill. Vehicles determine these Ratings by a
driving fast in the city, sometimes it is important fixed number, the vehicle’s size and an assistance
to know how fast you can switch from one speed from the user’s check (see Synergy, above). Mechs,
mode to another. For example, if a soldier is though, are more dependent on the user’s skill
loading a rocket launcher to shoot at you while and thus have higher Ratings. A mech’s skill in
you are driving a vehicle, it is good to know if Avoidance or Deflection is determined by adding
you will be able to go out of line of sight in the 10 to the user’s Pilot Rating and then adding any
same round or if you will be hit by the rocket. size modifiers, as appropriate. However, you use
Vehicles may increase their movement at different the Strength Attribute instead of the Reaction
paces, depending on their Acceleration Rating, as Attribute to determine Deflection Rating. You
explained below. will find below the way to determine Avoidance
and Deflection.
Acceleration Rating is in kilometers per hour
and determines how much a vehicle can increase Vehicle Avoidance & Deflection = 11 + Size
their speed in any given round. Modifier + driver’s Drive skill Synergy (TN 18).

Note that this does not apply to chases (see This takes into account both the vehicle’s size
below), as the Acceleration is already factored in and the driver’s ability to evade attacks on their
the opposed rolls and rolls during a chase are one vehicle, however small a bonus that may be. The
minute apart (see below for more details on the Synergy check mentioned is the TN one must
chase system). GMs should use Acceleration only beat with his Pilot check to receive a +2 bonus
to determine how suddenly a car can increase their on the Avoidance or Deflection Rating. Beating
speed in a single round. that TN by 6 or more gives a +4 bonus, beating
it by 11 gives a +6 bonus and so on (see Synergy
Movement & Speed above). In this roll, always calculate the roll as if
Vehicles and mechs measure movement differently. the user has made a Focused Roll (meaning as if
There are times, though, when the one requires to they rolled a 10 on the 3d6). This makes things a
be measured by the other’s standards. For example, lot faster, rather than rolling each time the user
if a vehicles chases a mech, both movement modes
gets attacked and a lot more just, since this is the
need to be converted to kilometers per hour to be
able to determine the difference and the overall way other Avoidance and Deflection Ratings are
bonus. Similarly, there may be times when it’s also calculated.
important to note how many meters a vehicle may
move in a single round. In these cases, consult When a vehicle is attacked by an area damage,
the table below to see how each mode may be the same rules as characters apply. The vehicle’s
converted to the other. Usually, you need kmh per driver may make an Avoid check to evade some
round over long distances. of the damage. Avoidance is normally rolled,
but remember to recalculate them using the new
Reaction Attribute, since it usually changes once
Mtr/Rnd Kmh/Hour Example someone enters a vehicle or mech.
6 10 Human Hustling
Using Weapons
12 15 Human Running Once inside a mech or vehicle, the user has a
18 20 Human Dashing vast array of weapons to choose from in order to
annihilate their enemies. There are certain rules
24 30 Mech Running
governing the use of different weapons, which
30 35 Human Runner Dash* are detailed below. On a vehicle, there can be
36 30 Mech Dashing mounted weapons, meaning they are embedded
inside the vehicle and are usually fired by the
42 40 Mech Runner Dash* pilot’s seat, via control mechanisms. Launch
Table 9.1: Speed & Movement weapons are usually fired in the same way from a
*Runner means having the Perks that increase your Movement and vehicle, but most of the times target an area and
allow you to use the Running mode x5 instead of x4 not an individual directly, much like their normal

counterparts. Lock weapons, on the other hand, Fuel
require no targeting on the driver’s part. Instead, This resource varies wildly, depending on the
they lock on to a target and fire. Mechs usually setting. Usually, each individual setting should
use the same kind of weapons, but have an extra have details on what kind of fuel is used. For
option to sport blades or other melee weapons. example, in the Ascendance setting, there are
There are different skills used when shooting certain very high technology devices that can
weapons from inside vehicles, especially mechs. power up a car or mech for days. Other settings
Even if someone knows how to use a certain kind might have oil, coal or electricity as a resource.
of weapon effectively outside the vehicle or mech,
it’s a lot different when inside one. The principles
that govern the use of the first do not apply on the
latter. The Driving and Pilot category has skills
Damaging Vehicles
Mechs and Vehicles are affected differently than
that are made specifically for this reason. characters. In essence, you cannot destroy one by
simply dealing enough damage to it, as you would
Mounted Weapons with a character. Each specific part of a mech or
These weapons are fired (or used in the case of a vehicle is treated individually, has different Hit
melee weapons) directly from the vehicle or Points and is affected differently. As a vehicle
mech in question via controls. Under the Driving or mech loses different parts, they begin to take
and Pilot Skill Category, there is a skill called their toll and reduce the overall effectiveness.
Weapons: Gunnery, which is the skill used for Sometimes, it is preferable to target a mech’s
these weapons. Using internal controls, these left arm, for example, to prevent it from using a
weapons usually target one or more targets and specific weapon. Of course, in vehicles this is also
fire at will. useful, as you can disable their front or back and
spill the contents of their cargo, maybe including
Pistols, Shotguns, Rifles, Assault Rifles, SMG’s, passengers.
Machine Guns, Cannons and Ranged Weapons
fall in this category and use the Weapons: Vehicle Hit Locations
Gunnery Skill. Mech and vehicles do not have an overall Hit
Point pool. They are separated into different
Launch Weapons Locations which have their own Hit Point pools.
These weapons are fired from inside the mech as Mechs even have different Hit Locations than
well, but they use similar rules and targeting modes vehicles. You will find below tables which list all
as their normal counterparts. Under the Driving Hit Locations and the associated penalty to target
and Pilot Skill Category, there is a skill called them individually. Should someone not want to
Weapons: Launchers, which is the skill used for target a Location specifically, the normal rule for
these weapons. Using internal controls or even the targeting applies.
pilot’s own body movements (for a mech), these
weapons usually target an area and deal damage to
Making a Called Shot on a Location entails
anything inside a radius, either via shrapnel or a
a specific penalty, while randomly attacking
blast and usually affect many enemies due to their
means the 2 Dice other than the Bullet Die
determine the Location hit.
Launch Weapons fall in this category and use
You may only make a Called Shot using Ranged
the Weapons: Launchers Skill.
Lock Weapons
You can either make a Called Shot or allow your
These weapons require no targeting on the part
attack to randomly hit with Melee Weapons.
of the user and thus do not require a different
skill inside the vehicle than when they are fired
outside of it. These weapons are fired using precise Hit Location Called Shot Random (2d6)
calculations and require a lock on the target to Driver Cabin -8 2-3
effectively fire, else they will most surely miss. The
Surveillance Skill is used in this case, as there is no Left Flank -6 4-6
driving or piloting skill involved. Right Flank -6 7-9

Missiles and W.O.M.Ds fall in this category and Rear -8 10-12

use the Surveillance Skill. Table 9.2: Vehicle Called Shots & Random Hits

Note here that the environment may cancel out Each Location also has a number of negative Hit
certain Locations, such as when a mech or vehicle Points, equal to its maximum Hit Points. In case a
is behind cover. In that case, there are special rules Location continues to receive damage even after it
that determine how the locations are affected has been Damaged, continue to mark the number
if you hit randomly. Soft Cover only gives a of HP taken as damage. Once a Location loses all
penalty. Medium Cover means that only half the its Negative Hit Points, as well, it is completely
Locations are visible. Heavy Cover always requires Removed from the vehicle or mech. No amount of
a Called Shot on the part of the attacker. You repair can get that Location back once it has been
will find below the changed Random Hit chart so removed. It will have to be replaced, as there
for Medium Cover, depending on the number of is virtually nothing let to save. It can be salvaged,
Locations visible and the type of target. though, for a small fraction of its cost.

Location Random (2d6)

Also note that once a Location loses all Negative
Hit Points, anyone inside that Location is affected,
First 2-6 as well. For vehicles, it is usually the front, where
Second 7-12 the driver is, or the back for passengers. You will
also find any adverse effects on individuals below.
Table 9.3: Vehicle Locations

You need to assign which Location is which, Location Destroyed Removed

depending on what parts of the vehicle or mech in Front -6 Drive -8 Drive
question are visible. When you do that, make sure
you give the fewer numbers to the smaller part of Rear -4 Drive -8 Drive
the unit, such as the Head for a mech, or the Front Flanks -4 Drive -12 Drive
for a vehicle. Also note here that while striking Table 9.5: Vehicle Damage
vehicles may seem to have a sense to always hit
a Location depending on where the vehicle faces Also note that all penalties stack, which means
at the time the shot is taken, the GM and the that the front of a Vehicle on the Removed
players should take into account that the vehicle condition (meaning completely destroyed) gives a
is constantly swerving, trying to avoid the attacks. total penalty of -14 Drive. Furthermore, there are
However, if the GM judges that only a particular
other effects for Destroyed or Removed Locations
part of the vehicle is visible, then the player should
both on the vehicle itself and those inside, as
be required to make a Called Shot.
outlined below.
Hit Points Systems & Individuals
Each Location has different Hit Points, depending
on the vehicle or mech in question. You can find Inside a mech or vehicle the pilots, drivers and
this information on the Equipment section, passengers - although protected - are not totally
below. However, there is a somewhat general rule safe. If their unit sustains enough damage, they
regarding the relation between the Hit Points of may be exposed and receive a part of the damage,
each Location. GM’s should feel free to follow this as well. Also, vehicles and mechs contain several
rule, as it usually represents the difference between sensitive systems that may be damaged themselves
the different Locations, or completely ignore it. if the mech sustains enough damage.

If a Location becomes Destroyed, all systems in

Location HP Relation this Location shut down automatically.
Rear as Front
If a Location becomes Removed (loses all
Flanks 2/3 of Rear its Negative Hit Points), all systems in this
Table 9.4: Vehicle HP Relation Location are completely destroyed and gone.

Players should track HP of each Location Note here that pilots and drivers may use the
individually on their vehicle or mech sheet, when Design/Repair Skill to restart these systems and
hit. Once a Location has lost all Hit Points, it is operate them, albeit with penalties. There are also
considered Damaged and is no longer functioning Perks that enable pilots to more quickly resume
properly. This has certain adverse effects, depending these systems. You will find more details on
on the Location itself and whether the target is a what individual systems each vehicle has on the
vehicle or a mech. Equipment section, below.

Once a Location is Destroyed, those inside are not solution. Of course, this usually ends up with both
at any particular risk, save the fact that they might parties getting damaged.
not have any light or sustenance and could also be
locked inside if the doors or other entry points are To Ram a target, you must beat its Avoidance
sealed off. Rating with a Drive or Pilot check (or an
Unarmed check if you are a Kal’Thian), but you
If a Location becomes Removed (loses all get a -6 on the roll, due to the inherent difficulty
its Negative Hit Points), anyone inside that in doing so. If you succeed, it means you hit your
Location receives damage equal to half the target and deal damage as if you had crashed
maximum number of Hit Points this Location on to him (see below). Failure means the target
has. managed to avoid you, while Good and Great
Successes increase the damage dice normally.
For example, if there are 3 passengers in an APC
with 30 Hit Points on the Rear Location, on When you Crash, regardless of how, both sides are
the Rear end of the vehicle and that Location dealt damage. It does not matter if a vehicle crashes
becomes Destroyed, they are probably locked in on a concrete wall or a human, both will suffer the
with no light. Should they not escape in time and effects of the impact. The DR of both sides applies
the Location is dealt enough damage to take it and serves as a basis that determines the damage
to the Removed Condition, they are all dealt 30 of the crash. If the vehicle or mech in question has
points of Damage. Note that DR applies, so some passengers, they too suffer some damage. Once a
may survive this. This is especially dangerous for Crash happens, the following are calculated and
mech pilots, since typically mechs have more Hit affect both sides. One factor is the hardness of
Points, which means they will make a bigger mess the vehicles and the other is the speed at which
when they indeed become destroyed. they crash, called the Speed Damage Bonus. To
calculate the Speed Damage Bonus, consider both
Critical Hits speeds and consult below. Note that if both sides
Vehicles and mechs are immune to Critical Hits. are moving towards one another, then the speed is
This means that any effect from a Critical Hit added, while if moving away it is subtracted. For
(such as Taxing, Ripping, etc) does not apply to example, consider two vehicles approaching each
them. However, they are not completely risk-free other. The first has a current Speed of 40 kmh and
when someone scores a Critical Hit against them, the other 30 kmh. This means that at the moment
because some of their systems might be affected of the crash they will impact with a force of 80
by such precise (or lucky) shots. kmh, since their speeds are combined to find the
total force.
When a vehicle or mech suffers a Critical Hit,
one random system on the Location hit shuts Speed Damage Bonus = 1d6 per 10kmh
Once this is calculated, the two vehicles crash and
To determine which system got hit, roll a die and each deals damage to the other separately. DR
divide accordingly. For example, if there are three applies normally in this damage.
systems, roll 1d6 and divide by 2. If there are two
systems, divide by 3. In case that the division can’t Crash Damage = DR + Speed Damage Bonus
be an integer (when there are four or five systems),
roll 1d6 and ignore any rolls higher than the Passengers and the driver inside the vehicle suffer
number of systems available, re-rolling if that’s some damage, as well. This damage depends on the
the case. speed and the damage that the vehicle itself was
dealt by the crash. The faster it goes, the worse the
Ramming & crashing impact for those inside. Also, the more damage
When a vehicle crashes, sever things happen. the vehicle takes, the more possible it is for those
First, the vehicle itself and the surface it hit (or the inside to be hurt, as well.
other vehicle, mech or human) get damaged. Then,
those inside get damaged. Of course, external Passenger Damage = (Speed Damage Bonus +
damage to the vehicles is always a lot more than Crash Damage after DR) / 2
what happens to those inside, but it is possible for
drivers and passengers to be hurt or killed in a Also note here that this is for passengers who are
crash. Also sometimes, ramming the entire vehicle secured inside the vehicle. Loose passengers suffer
onto your target might seem like the most viable normal damage instead of half.

Giving an example, suppose two vehicles, an APC wagon is reduced. There is another base difference
and an Armored Van are on an impact course. The with wagons. Even though the driver uses the
APC travels at 30 kmh and the AV at 40 kmh. Riding skill, those inside the wagon, and even the
The total force with which they will impact is 90 driver who is sitting on the front of the wagon, are
kmh. The Speed Damage Bonus is 9d6. Suppose subject to the same rules as people who are inside
the APC has a DR of 30 and the AV a DR of a vehicle, in all regards. This means that they are
20. This means that the APC deals 9d6+30 points subject to damage, have double cost for actions,
of damage to the AV, while the AV deals 9d6+20 etc. Of course, at the GM’s discretion, certain
points of damage to the APC. For the purposes of actions may not have this penalty, at all.
the example, say both rolled a total of 32 points of
damage on their dice. This means that the APC
deals 62 points of damage, while the AV deals 52 Chase System
points. Subtracting DR for both vehicles means More often than not, a driver or pilot may find
that the AV is dealt a total of (62-20) points of themselves on a chase. Either chasing someone
damage. This is a total of 42 points of damage, or on the wrong end of a couple of mercs. The
which is enough to take the Driver Cabin to Ascendance system has a simple, yet effective way
the Destroyed Condition. The APC is dealt (52- of dealing with such a situation. The Chase System
30) points of damage, which means a total of is treated much like a Progressive Roll, in which
22 points, enough to damage it quite a bit, but the two parties (the one making the chase and
it still holds. In the aftermath, the APC is fine, the one being chased) attempt to either increase
having lost a lot of Hit Points, but the AV suffers the PTN of the roll to a point where they have
a -6 penalty on all Drive checks. Continuing, escaped or decrease it enough to make a finishing
those inside the vehicles suffered some damage, move and capture their prey. Drivers may not take
as well. Supposing that all are secured (meaning other actions during the chase.
strapped on their seatbelts, safety clasps, etc), the
passengers of the APC take 11 points of damage All in all, the Chase System can be broken down
total, while those inside the AV take 21 each. Of into the following steps:
course, armor applies for all passengers inside the
vehicle normally. Prepare: Find the Chase PTN.
Set Limit: The GM assigns the Escape PTN.
Rev Up: Parties select their Speed.
Special Vehicles Flag: Calculate all applicable modifiers.
There are some vehicles which deserve a special Chase: Make opposed rolls.
mention, namely wagons and chariots (mainly for
fantasy settings) and mechs (exclusively for sci- When the PTN either becomes zero and the
fi settings). These vehicles or mechs have special Hunter makes the Finishing Off maneuver, or it
rules, some of which will be explained below. reaches the Escape PTN, the Chase ends.
Since mechs are not part of the basic setting,
though, they will onyl be mentioned here and Chase and Escape PTN
analyzed further in a campaign setting that sports The first thing to do during a chase is find the
such high technology transports. Chase, the number which determines how far
each party is from the other. Firstly, there are
Wagons & Chariots two parties involved in a chase: the one making
Fairly common in basic fantasy settings, wagons the chase, referred here as the Hunter and the
are the main form of transportation for many one being chased, referred here as the Prey. The
people. Driving a wagon uses the same skill as first thing to do is calculate the distance between
riding a horse, or whatever it is that is pulling the them. The PTN of the Chase begins at 0. Count
wagon. the number of meters of distance between Hunter
and Prey the moment the chase starts. For every
For all intents and purposes, use the rules meter between them, the total PTN of the Chase
for guiding mounts, explained earlier in this increases by four. This helps give the prey some
chapter. advantage and makes it important to get a head
start, in order to make it a lot harder for your
However, the main difference is that you cannot pursuer to catch you.
be dismounted and that any such checks take a -3
penalty for every second mount that is pulling the Chase PTN = meters of distance between
wagon or chariot, since the maneuverability of the Hunter and Prey

For example, if two vehicles are involved in a Time & Rolls
chase and start at 15 meters apart, the total Chase Once the PTN is set, the chase is separated into
PTN is 15. Of course, there has to be line of sight Segments, periods of time in which the two parties
between the two parties for any chase to happen. make rolls. During these segments, one roll is only
Next, the two parties make opposed rolls, either made concerning the Chase, but others can be
closing the distance or increasing it, until the Prey made depending on the actions of the participants,
gets away or the Hunter gets them. Note here that who may shoot weapons, help the driver or make
regardless of how many groups are involved in the any other kind of roll normally made in rounds.
chase, there is always a Hunter party and a Prey
party. Even if there are four vehicles following Each roll on a Chase represents 6 normal
one, the rules don’t change. The four cars make Combat Rounds.
individual rolls and some may cross the distance
faster than others, meaning they either escape This determines what each character can do while
faster or catch their prey sooner. on a chase (see Other Actions, below). Every
party makes a roll and compares the outcome. The
The GM should also determine the Escape number by which the Hunter won is subtracted
PTN. A number which, if reached, will end the from the PTN, while if the Prey wins, it is added
Chase in the favor of the Prey, meaning they will to the PTN. In essence, the Hunter attempts to
escape. The Escape PTN is usually depended on take the PTN to zero to end the chase, while the
the environment and the population. In open Prey attempts to increase as much as possible in
wilderness, it is very hard to lose your target, while order to escape (see Finishing Off, below). Note
in densely populated areas it can be significantly here that the Prey may choose to voluntarily
easier. reduce the distance, or the Hunter may choose to
increase the distance, should they wish to do so.
The Escape PTN is up to the GM’s discretion, It is the winner’s decision. Usually, such actions
but some guidelines are on the table below. are noticed by the other party, though. If a party
wishes to do such an action, the GM may call for
Note that the numbers below signify the distance a Driving or Pilot check on their part, opposed
at which someone would normally lose their target. by an Observe check from the other party, to
Chases should never start with a PTN higher than determine the ruse. Success means they have seen
the Escape PTN, of course. The environment also through and may act accordingly. Before every
determines the final bonus or penalty that the Chase roll, all parties involved must choose their
Hunter receives on their Finishing Off maneuver, current Speed. This is a choice of the driver, but
if they reach their Prey. Also note that it may the Acceleration Rating of the vehicle must be
not be possible to actually lose someone on the taken into account, to determine how much the
wilderness, unless you have a difference of more Speed can be increased. In this part, the drive or
than a kilometer, in which case rolling Chase dice pilot TN needs to be taken into account. When
is pretty pointless. If the pursuer wishes to follow making the opposed rolls for the Chase, also note
even then, though, the GM should just calculate the current drive or pilot TN. If the roll does not
the speeds and determine if the pursuer or the exceed that, then the one who missed it suffers
victim is losing ground. In the latter case, a new some consequences, in the form of a penalty on
chase might ensue once the pursuer has sufficiently the current roll, as explained on the table below.
caught up with the victim.
Failed Roll Penalty
Environment Escape PTN Finish Off
By 1-5 -4
Open Wilderness -* -16
By 6-10 -8
Mountains, Hills -* -12
By 11 or Lower -16
Slums 80 +2
Table 9.7: Chase Difference
Sparse City 60 +4
Dense City 60 +6 For example, consider above where the PTN starts
at 15 and the drive TN due to the conditions and
Inner City 40 +8 the Speed chosen is 24. Suppose that the Hunter
Table 9.6: Escape PTN & Finish Modif iers rolls a total of 30, while the Prey rolled a total
*In such areas, the GM’s should decree if there is indeed a way for the of 23. Since the Hunter is chasing the Prey and
Prey to escaoe at all wishes to close the distance, the PTN is now 8.

Two more rolls like that will seal the deal and the If the PTN reaches zero, the Hunter must beat
Hunter will be in range for a Finishing Off. Note the Prey in a final, opposed roll. If the Hunter
that these rolls have certain modifiers, explained wins, the Chase is over. If the Prey wins, the
further below. Chase continues for another round.

Modifiers There are certain modifiers that affect the Finishing

Several factors may affect the rolls of both the Off roll, mostly having to do with environmental
Hunter and the Prey. Apart from normal piloting factors, population density, etc. These modifiers
or driving modifiers (such as terrain difficulty, are noted on the table above. Also, there are more
environmental factors, etc), these modifiers here severe consequences for the Prey if the Hunter
have to do with the difference in speeds and beats the Finishing Off roll with a Good, Great
maneuverability of the units involved in the Success or a Critical one. You will find these on
Chase. You can find other relevant modifiers in the table below.
the Piloting section, above. Mainly, the difference
in the current speed and the maneuverability give Finishing Off Success Effect
modifiers on this part. Mechs and humans, even
though they lack top speed, they have a lot greater Normal Success Prey stopped, no dam-
maneuverability and thus gain a bonus on chase age or other effects
rolls. Of course, even though they are able to Good success Prey cornered, may not
maneuver better does not mean they will be able leave the area
to escape. A smart driver could make a finishing Great Success Prey must make a check
move on a human easily. (TN 30) to avoid crash-
Situation Modifier Critical Success Prey must make a check
Current Speed +2 per 10 km/h* (TN 36) to avoid crash-
Perfect Maneuverability +8
Table 9.9: Finishing Off
Table 9.8: Chase Speed Modif iers
*Only count the difference of the speeds of vehicles, not their total There are also other ways that a Chase can end.
speed. For example, one of the parties might run out of
fuel or stop the vehicle for some reason, or even
As stated earlier, the table below also shows just abandon the chase. In the case where one of
estimated Acceleration Ratings for humans and the parties stops their vehicle (or stops moving,
mechs, as well as any kind of creatures by size, if a person), the other party continues to roll, but
only used for the Chase System, when combining treats their opponent’s roll as a 0. This means
mechs, vehicles and humans in a single chase. that any roll they make automatically adds to
Once all modifiers have been applied and the (or subtracts from) the PTN. Of course, in these
chase is on, one of two things will happen. Either cases the GM might want to just adjucate that
the PTN will reach the Escape PTN which the the hunter has caught the prey and the chase is
GM has set and the Prey will escape (see above) or over, but there is always the chance for the prey to
the PTN will reach zero and the Hunter will have react to the situation and come up with something
a chance to stop the Prey. clever enough to continue the chase.

Finishing Off Other Actions

Once either of the above two conditions have been Since a roll represents around 18 seconds of
met, the chase must one way or the other come to chasing, this translates to 6 combat rounds. This
an end. If the Prey manages to escape by reaching means that any characters involved in the Chase
the Escape PTN, the Chase is automatically over. may choose to perform some other actions during
However, if the Hunter manages to get the PTN these rounds, even shooting. All these actions,
to zero and reach the Prey, a final roll must be though, share the same rule, below.
made to determine if the Hunter manages to stop
the Prey. All Actions during a Chase double in IC Cost.

If the PTN reaches the Escape PTN, the Chase While other characters are more free to do so, the
is over and the Prey is considered to have escaped driver or pilot is otherwise engaged chasing (or
the Hunter. being chased).

During a Chase, the Pilot receives no Combat such a condition. Otherwise, while having a full
Rating, as stated on the Driving and Pilot CBR, a crash might very well kill them. Of course,
description. However, drivers and pilots always the GM should be the final judge on what actions
have the option to get a -16 on the check and can be performed during a chase and how this will
get half their Combat Rating, or get a -8 on the affect the chase. For example, if a heavily fortified
check and get a quarter of their Combat Rating, APC is involved in a chase, the driver or those
as normal. Even so, anyone piloting or driving inside suddenly decide to get out, climb on top of
receives a -6 on any rolls they make and may only the vehicle and, in true Terminator style, attempt
use one-handed weapons to make attack rolls to stand up on top of the car. This means that they
while inside the vehicle. will have to first open the door or the rear of the
vehicle. During that time, the APC has no DR on
Other characters, though, receive their normal the open Location, which means that any attack
Combat Rating and may freely use it as they see inside there will be devastating for both the APC
fit. However, they still get a -6 penalty on any and all inside.
actions made inside the vehicle when in a chase.
Consider that one roll equals 6 combat rounds
and you will know how many actions may be Other Transports
made by passengers or co-pilots in a chase. Note In this book, only vehicles and creatures as mounts
that since you are actually playing combat rounds, are covered. However, in the settings on which
Initiative checks may be required, as normal. Also this system will be used there might be more.
note here that vehicles in a chase are considered For example, in the Ascendance setting there are
to be Running, which means they get a +3 bonus mechs and spaceships. It is beyond the scope of
on their Avoidance Rating. Also, any characters this book to cover other than the non-basic ways
inside vehicles have the options of being buckled of transport and vehicular or mounted combat.
to be protected from crashes, or not. In the first You will find details on other types of transport
case, they have their Combat Rating halved. The in individual campaign setting books, such as the
trade-off, of course, is the protection afforded by Ascendance campaign setting.

Chapter X

onsidered to be a very important part Using What You Have
of the setting, crafting can make a huge Sometimes though, you may not have enough
difference in a character’s life. It can bring resources to get the workbench you need. In that
a lot of Credits or can be used to create the things case, you may use a lesser one, but it incurs a
you can’t buy easily. Also, repairing is an essential penalty.
part of a character’s life, since machines can only
go on for so long without maintenance or fixing. You may only use a Workbench one step lower
Of course, one can always find a crafter to make than the one required for the craft you need to
things for them, but they usually cost a lot. Even make, which incurs a -11 penalty on the final
so, being out in the field without someone with Design/Repair check, since items usually require
the ability to repair your equipment is a recipe for a certain level of technology to be crafted.
Assistants & supervisors
Although the crafter is the one making the craft,
Work Environment they need not work alone. In fact, sometimes one
From a simple, makeshift tool shed, to a complete cannot accomplish a craft all on their own. In this
factory, the place where one makes their craft is case, they may hire assistants and supervisors.
very important. A better workplace will give you
more bonuses, allow you to have more assistants Assistants are people who help with mundane
and in general make your craft better. However, tasks. They require to have a knowledge of the
a bad work environment can hamper your final craft at hand and, though they don’t need to be
craft. Of course, sometimes you just have to make as capable as the crafter, they still need to be at
do with what you have. least a bit apt. Supervisors, on the other hand, are
more capable individuals who are able to provide
Workbench with more help, but they are required to know a
The workbench is the place where you are lot more about the craft. These people can assist
making the actual craft. The simplest is a set of both on the planning, the actual craft or both,
tools that one can make even at home. The most depending on their skills and knowledges.
complex workbench is a Hi-Tech Factory, ready
to even mass-produce mechs or other wonders You will find below a table showing the bonuses
of technology. You will find this information on that assistants and supervisors give, their required
the Complexity and Cost section, below. Below skills and the maximum number possible to assist
you will find a table showing all Workbenches, in any given craft, since it is depending on the
bonuses and a small description. item’s Complexity, this number is limited.

Workbench Description
Makeshift Set of tools, some may not even be for the job at hand exactly
Personal A bench, a couple of machinery and a complete set of tools
Shop A complete, fully equipped shop
Factory A working factory, capable of mass production
Hi-Tech A Hi-Tech facility, equipped with state of the art technology
Table 10.1: Workbench Examples

Assistants give a maximum +2 bonus. The TN Complexity and Craft Points
they must be able to beat is equal to (TN -8). The two most basic things in an item are its
The maximum number of Assistants on a craft is Complexity Rating and its Craft Points, which
the item’s Complexity Rating / 2. determine the PTN. The higher the Complexity
Rating, the more difficult it is to create the item
Supervisors have a TN equal to (TN-4), but they and, usually, the more time it takes. You will find
give normal Assist Bonus, no maximum. The below the complexity ranges for items, the general
maximum number of Supervisors on a craft is category they fall in, as well as an example of each
the item’s Complexity Rating / 6. range. Complexity means how difficult the item
is to understand in terms of technology and the
Making Crafts Cratft Points reflect the overall difficulty an item
Crafting anything, from a simple bench to a has to be created.
complete mech, is done by using Progressive Rolls.
However, the process of crafting is usually more
Complexity Type
detailed and complex, since there is Credits and
materials involved in it. To make a Craft from 1 to 9 Solid Objects
scratch, a few things need to be known and others 10 to 15 Tools
need to be figured out first. The Complexity and
Cost of an item are given in their description or 16 to 20 Single Crafts
can be inferred if compared to similar items. The 21 to 25 Simple Designs
Craft TN and the PTN are derived from these
attributes. Factoring in the fact that you roll once 26 to 30 Complex Crafts
per day (representing 8 hours of normal work, 31 to 35 Mechanisms
what a human crafter can usually pull off ), crafting
36 to 40 Complex Mechanisms
can be done with a few rolls. Of course, no craft
can be made without planning it first. This is the Table 10.2: Complexity
most important part of any craft, since it shows
whether the crafter has the know-how to do it or An item’s Craft Points also affect the crafting
not. It is impossible to craft something unless you process. You can find the Craft Points of each
know how to plan it. However, good knowledge of item on the Equipment chapter, later in this book.
the subject you are crafting will provide you with However, it does not cost you as much to make the
bonuses on the actual craft. The Crafting Process item as it does to buy it new.
is as follows:
To make an item, you need to spend materials
Workplace: Choose the Work Environment, worth 50% of its total price.
meaning the Workbench you are using and the
number of Assistants or Supervisors, who will Planning
give bonuses to the final Design/Repair roll, as To be able to make anything, you first need to
explained above. have a knowledge of how to do it. Planning is the
first part in a crafting process. It is the making
Plans: Read the Plans you have with an appropriate of designs and categorization of the processes
Knowledge check or create your own plans if you required to make the craft. To make the plans, you
have none. Plans are very important, as they speed need to first find the TN for them, which depends
up the craft by a lot. Lack of plans will make it on the Complexity of the item in question (see
difficult, if not impossible, to create anything with below for rules about complexity. You can either
this skill. read ready-made plans or you can make your own.

Numbers: Find the various TNs required. It is impossible to make a craft without Planning.
• Find the item’s Complexity and Craft Points. You can either create new plans or read existing
• Find the Craft TN = Complexity ones.
• Find the Craft PTN (Depending on Item).
• Add all modifiers to the total Design/Repair skill These plans can come from many sources. You
can either find them in old books, download from
Crafting: Make Progressive Rolls, one every 12 the internet, have someone explain and write
hours of work, until the craft is finished. Note here them down for you, or even find long forgotten
that if you work overtime and exert yourself, you knowledge on ancient laboratories. Of course, you
can finish the craft faster. can always create them yourself.

Reading Plans Making rolls
Whatever form your plans have, you have to be The last part of the Crafting Process is the actual
able to read them and understand them in order rolling. To finish the craft you need to follow the
to create what you want. rules of the Progressive Roll. You make a roll every
8 hours (one day’s work for a normal human) and
You need a TN equal to Complexity -10 to read then see by how much this check exceeded the TN.
existing plans. You add that number to the PTN and continue
rolling. As normal, a failure does not reduce the
For example, if you are making an Assault Rifle, PTN, but it slows you down. On a Catastrophe,
you need to make a Knowledge (Mechanical) roll, though, you waste 5% of the materials used. You
at a TN based on the item’s Complexity to read may continue to roll for as long as you want.
existing plans that have been created by someone Even if you keep rolling a catastrophe and lose
else. These plans may even provide you with materials, you might eventually be able to do the
bonuses or penalties on the roll. craft you want.

Creating Plans There are several modifiers to consider when

There are some advantages and disadvantages making the actual roll and the character needs to
to making your own plans. First, any plans the calculate them all in order to effectively make the
GM may give you are fixed. Most of the times, item in question. You will find all these modifiers
they are just the right plans for the task at hand. summarized below, for ease of use.
Sometimes, they may be even better plans, which
will give you a bonus. • Workbench bonus (or Penalty)
• Assistant & Supervisor bonuses
It takes a TN equal to Complexity +6 to create • Plan bonus
new plans from scratch, assuming you have some
idea of what you are making. If you fail the roll, All these bonuses are then added to the total
you can try again, but you have wasted half the Design/Repair roll of the character making
time reuired. Trying again gives a +2 to your roll, the craft and then the Progressive Roll is made
which stacks with every attempt, up to +6. normally, following all rules.

To make plans of your own, it takes as many days Time Required

as the TN of the plans. Every roll on this check represents 8 hours of work.
Someone who wants to double that in a day and
However, when you make your own plans, you work for 16 hours will make the item faster, but
have the chance to make them exactly as you want. might wear themselves out. In one day, a human
can work for 12 hours, taking small breaks in the
TN and PTN meantime, accounting for the better part of a day.
The next step is to determine the TN for the craft When crafting like this, a human may normally
and the total PTN of the Progressive Roll. The do only non-taxing things for the rest of the day.
Craft TN is the number you have to beat to at In order to work for more hours, the character
least make some progress and the PTN determines needs to make a Physical check every day. There
how long it will take you to make the craft. are two options for the crafter. One is to work for
16 hours total and the other to work for 24 hours,
Craft TN: Item Complexity the maximum that you can work per day.
Craft PTN: Craft Points
For every day spent working more than 12 hours,
These two numbers will be used throughout the the crafter must make a Resilience check.
crafting process. The individual Craft Points for
each item are noted on each item’s description. In The TN starts at 18 and increases by +2 for every
general, the Craft Points of an item are usually day when you work 16 hours and by +5 for every
based on how difficult the GM considers the item day when you work 24 hours. The TN drops by -1
to be as far as the crafting process is concerned. for every day of normal work and by -2 for every
The item’s cost in materials usually does not play a day of no work at all. If you work for 16 hours, you
major role, but depending on the item it can be a make an extra roll every four days and if you work
factor. GMs should use the Craft Points presented for 24 hours you make two rolls per day. Of course,
later in this book, in the Equipment chapter as a most normal people would become exhausted
guideline for creating new items. after such work.

Superior Crafts Modifying Resistance TN
Characters have the option of making better than Good crafters may make their creations better.
normal items by increasing the TNs involved. This means that the TN of any items that one
There are two kinds of superior crafts: Master crafts may be increased. For example, explosives
Crafts and Legendary Crafts. When creating an may be made to be more difficult to avoid, etc.
item from scratch, increasing the TN to make a
superior craft will require an excellent crafter and The crafter has the option of adding a Synergy
will definately take a lot more time than making bonus of half their normal Design/Repair
a normal item. Synergy to the activation TN of any crafted
item. Doing so increases the Craft TN of the
Making Master Crafts increase the item’s item by double that amount.
Complexity by 11. This modifies both the Plan
TN and the Craft TN. The item’s material Note that this is purely an effort on the part of the
cost also triples. An item may only have one crafter, making the item’s effects more difficult to
modification with a Master Craft. resist, thus not modifying the cost at all.

Legendary Crafts increase the item’s Complexity

by 16. This also affects the Craft TN and the
Plan TN accordingly. The item’s material cost
Repairing items
Crafting is one thing. Repairing is another. Most
is increased 6 times. An item can have up to 2 of the times, the same rules are used but it is, in
modifications with a Legendart Craft, including general, easier and a lot less expensive to repair
the same one twice. something than craft it. Some items have a number
of Hit Points, while others are measured in Hits
Note that the craft PTN remains unchanged. for easier play. Mechs and Vehicles are treated
However, since the item’s Craft TN is now a lot differently, though.
higher, it means that the crafting process will
be overall slower. Very few crafters could craft Repairing Normal HP requires a Workbench
complicated crafts as Legendary Crafts. two steps lower than required to initially craft
the item.
Superior craftmanship has one major benefit for
an item. It increases the bonuses granted by the
Repairing Negative HP and Location damage
item or decreases any penalties associated with it.
requires a Workbench one steps lower than
There are many potential improvements that can
required to initially craft the item.
be done to items with superior crafts, mostly on
vehicles, weapons and armors. Several factors can
The Cost, Repair TN and Repair PTN and time
be increased, as shown on the table below.
per roll depend on the type of repair performed.

Item Superior Craft To repair an item, you need to follow the same
Vehicles rules as with crafting one, choosing a Workbench,
assistants, etc. Note that since Complexity Rating
Plating (DR) +2 changes, certain things change, as well. The one
HP Increase +10% thing that definitely changes, though, is the cost.
Repairing also reauires Planning (see above),
Damage +1 per 2 die but the TN is equal to (Complexity Rating -6).
Range +20%
Vehicle Repair
Accuracy +1 The first layer of defense of a mech or a vehicle unit
Block +1 is the armor, meaning its DR. This is translated
in terms of repair as the cost for replacing plates,
Penetration +1
damaged hydraulics, etc. The more important
Armors and costly parts are usually protected. Of course,
Bonus (DR) +1 extended damage to the mech will definitely result
in such systems being damaged and eventually
Flexibility -1 breach the hull of the mech itself and even
Table 10.3: Superior Crafts endanger the pilot. In order to repair a mech or

vehicle, you need to follow some guidelines, an Calculating the TN and the PTN to make
order of repairs. First, you must repair all Negative these repairs is the next step in order to be able
Hit Point damage from it. Then, any Locations to complete the process. The TN to make these
that were reduced to zero Hit Points or less must repairs is equal to five plus the item’s Complexity
be restored. Finally you may restore normal Hit Rating, while the PTN is equal to half the item’s
Point damage. Complexity Rating for Normal Hit Points and
equal to the item’s Complexity Rating for Negative
• Restore Negative Hit Points Hit Points.
• Restore Damaged Locations
• Restore normal Hit Points • HP TN = 5 + Complexity Rating
• Normal HP PTN = Complexity Rating / 2
HP Loss • Negative HP PTN = Complexity Rating
When first taking damage, the mech or vehicle
only takes armor damage. This kind of damage The Final step is making the roll and comparing
is the easiest to fix and, most importantly, the it to the TN to reach the PTN and repair the
cheapest. It usually requires a small portion of the damage. Of course, to repair any normal Hit
unit’s cost in materials and a normal amount of Point damage, the Negative Points must first be
time. The Hit Points on all Locations of a Mech repaired. However, see below first for rules about
or Vehicle, added together, cost 10% of the total repairing Damaged Locations before moving on
cost of the vehicle, including all modifications. to normal Hit Points.
Dividing these two numbers gives the cost per Hit
Point on each individual vehicle or mech, which For Hit Point repairs of any kind, you make one
helps you when repairing. roll per Hour.

• Add up the Hit Points on all Locations. For example, consider an LWPR-23 Light Mech,
• Find the 10% of the total cost of the unit with no upgrades, which has suffered a total of 30
• Divide the Cost by the Hit Point total Hit Points of damage. The mech’s cost is 160.000
Credits and it has 50 Hit Points on each Location.
Knowing beforehand the Hit Point cost of the Adding all six Locations together means a total of
vehicle you are in will help the party determine 300 Hit Points. The 10% of the total cost is 16.000
the risk of a mission, in comparison to the rewards. Credits. Making the division (rounding up) means
It is naturally not very effective if you successfully that each normal Hit Point costs 54 Credits.
complete a mission that gives some money as a Similarly, each Negative Hit Point would cost 162
reward, only to use them for repairs. This formula Credits. For this mech to be repaired completely,
works for normal Hit Points, but Negative Hit the total cost is 1620 Credits (54 Credits x 30
Points are quite more expensive. Hit Points). Next, the TN of the repair is set to
27, since the Complexity Rating is 22. The PTN
Negative Hit Point Cost = Normal Hit Point x 3 is set to 11 for these Hit Points, since the mech
has not suffered any Negative Hit Point damage.
This makes it important for the group during a Supposing the one making the repair has a total of
mission to not only succeed in their goals, but +28 on their Design/Repair skill. Making a Casual
they will also be rewarded if they make it out with Roll, the result is 38, meaning that the crafter beat
as little damage as possible to their equipment the TN by 11, which is enough to repair 1 Hit
and especially their vehicles (or even better, their Point in an Hour. Should he wish to continue, the
mechs), since they are probably the most expensive entire process will take approximately 30 Hours,
possessions. little more than a day.

Repair Type TN PTN Time Cost

HP (Normal) CMP + 5 CMP / 2 1 Hour 10% of Cost / Total HP
HP (Negative) CMP + 5 CMP 1 Hour 10% of Cost / Total HP
Location Damage CMP x 2 - 3 Days 60% of Cost / Number of Locations
Armor / Shield DR x 2* - 10 Minutes Cost / Total Hits
Generic Item CMP + 5 (CP x Half CMP) 8 Hours 10% of Cost / Total HP
Table 10.4: Repairing Items

Location Damage Next, you need to find the Repair TN and the time
Once a Location has lost all normal Hit Points, required. Bear in mind that repairing Armors and
it is considered to be Damaged. This means that Shields is not a Progressive Roll and thus no PTN
important systems have been hit and it will be exists. The repair TN is equal to twice the Damage
more costly and difficult to repair them. Bringing Reduction for Armors and ten times their Block
these Locations back requires more skill and Rating for shields.
Credits. Repairing them also means repairing any
systems that were inside each of these Locations, Armor Repair TN = Damage Reduction x 2
as well. All Locations combined make for 60% of
the unit’s total cost. Thus, for mechs each Location Shield Repair TN = Block Rating x 10
is 10% of the total cost to repair and for vehicles
it’s 15% of the total cost. For non-conventional The time required to repair armors and shields
units, adjust Location percentages accordingly, is always 10 minutes per roll.
always keeping the 60% rule in mind.
There is a special rule here involving these items,
Vehicle Location Repair Cost = 15% of total cost since their damage is counted in Hits and repairs
are made a bit easier in this way.
Repairing a Location requires that all Negative
Hit Points in it have been repaired first. Then, you For every six points by which you beat the TN,
need to repair that Location in order to be able to you repair one more Hit.
begin restoring normal Hit Points to it. To do so,
you need to find the TN. The first is equal to twice Generic Repairs
the Complexity Rating of the unit in question. As a rule of thumb, to find the cost of repairing any
Note here that there is no PTN for this, since it item other than those mentioned above, first find
is not a Progressive Roll, but rather a simple roll its Hit Points and Negative Points, add them up
made, in which you either manage to restore the and divide its total cost with that number to find
Location or not. It takes 3 Days of repairing to the cost of each Hit Point. Next, find the item’s
do so, per Location. Losing a Location is almost Complexity Rating. Then, make a Progressive
as important for a vehicle as it is for characters, Roll, figuring out the Repair TN and Repair
which is why it takes this long and requires a lot PTN by using the numbers above, but treat the
more money. Complexity Rating as half, because it is easier to
repair an item than craft it from scratch. For easier
Repair TN = Complexity Rating reference, this process is outlined below. This is for
any kind of repair that you want to make on any
Time required = 1 roll per 3 Days (single roll) kind of items other than those mentioned above.
For that reason, you should know how many Hit
In case of failure, you may try again, but you Point damage an item has sustained.
have already spent three days and you lose 10%
of the materials required to make the repair. It Item Hit Point Cost = Sum of Normal and
is important to note that you may always make Negative Hit Points / Total Cost
a Casual Roll, which should help with both not
losing materials if you can’t beat the roll and will Item Repair TN = Complexity Rating
facilitate play, as you will not have to roll any dice
at all. Item Repair PTN = Craft Points

armor and shield repair Following these guidelines will result in smooth
As mentioned earlier armors may be damaged repairs for all the members of the group. However,
during a fight. Since armor damage is measured in if these procedures seem too tedious or time
Hits, there is a specific process in order to be able consuming, GMs should feel free to adjust them
to repair them, albeit a more simplified one. To do on the fly. A good thing to do is prepare beforehand
so, first add up the total number of normal Hits any kind of repairs that items might require, for
and Negative Hits that the armor or shield has. two reasons. First, to make things easier and faster
Divide the total cost of the item by that number for when repairs are indeed needed and secondly
to find the cost of one Hit. for the player to check and ensure that the mission
they are undertaking is worth the risk and the
Armor or Shield Hit Cost = Total number of rewards will at least cover their repair cost and will
Normal and Negative Hit / Total Cost not set them back.

Upgrading Craftsmanship
Exquisite crafters can make a huge difference by
The real mastery in crafting comes not from
choosing to upgrade an item with an Excellent
making simple things, but upgrading them so
that they are better than the rest and separate Craftsmanship modification. All upgrades give
themselves from the majority. To do that, you need some form of penalty. Put simply, Excellent
a very good crafter with the ability to upgrade Craftsmanship does not. However, it is a lot more
existing items. There’s a limit to how much an difficult, increasing the TN of the upgrade and
item can be upgraded, depending on its type. thus the time. Also, the cost is increased a lot
when one does such Craftsmanship.
Upgrading an item is a process much like the
crafting process, using a TN and a PTN, except Excellent Craftsmanship removes all Penalties,
that the Upgrade Cost is permanently added to increases the TN by +16 and the cost of the
the item’s total price after it’s completed. upgrade triples.

To make an upgrade, you require a lower level

Workbench than what you need to craft the Maintenance
item, of course. Also, it is a lot easier to upgrade Things deteriorate over time. This is true for
something than craft it, so Planning is easier, too. everything, from simple weapons to gigantic
juggernauts. Unless properly cleaned, regularly
Upgrading requires a Workbench one step lower serviced and taken care of, all these items will
than to craft the item. eventually start to cause problems for their owners.
This is a relatively easy process and quite cheap. Of
The Planning TN to upgrade an item is equal to course, it requires at least basic tools in order to
its Complexity Rating. do it. Note that lack of proper Workbench carries
penalties, as explained earlier in this chapter.
Improving Items
You will find below all kinds of improvements Maintenance requires a Workbench two steps
that can be done on weapons, armors and mechs lower than what is needed to craft the item.
or vehicles. Upgrading items has an Effect and a
Penalty. Both must be applied, unless the upgrade Usually it only takes a very small amount of
is of Excellent Craftsmanship. You will find the currency (depending on the item, of course) and
Complexity and Cost of each item. Finally, the last little time. Maintenance has to be done once per
entry shows the maximum number of upgrades month, otherwise items may display problems, as
that the item can receive on a specific aspect. explained further below.

Upgrade Effect Penalty CMP Cost Maximum

Armor Plating +1 DR -10% Speed 6 1500 +10% DR
Hit Points +2 HP -10% Speed 7 1000 +10% HP
Steering +1 Drive - 12 20% of Base Price 2 Increases
Top Speed +10% Speed -1 Drive 8 20% of Base Price +50% Speed
Acceleration +1 Step -1 Drive 8 10% of Base Price -
Weapons & Armors
Damage +1 Damage -1 Accuracy 9 100% of base price 2 Increases
Range +20% Range -1 Damage 8 50% of base price 3 Increases
Accuracy +1 Attack - 12 200% of base price 2 Increases
Recoil -1 Penalty - 7 25% of base price 3 Increases
Armor Bonus +1 DR -1 Penalty 5 50% of base price 2 Increases
Flexibility -1 Penalty -1 DR 6 25% of base price 2 Increases
Table 10.5: Upgrading Items

• Maintenance Cost = 0.5% of Item Cost will find below all these penalties and damage
• Maintenance TN = Complexity Rating that any non-maintained items take over time. Of
• Time = Complexity Rating / 10 in Hours course, this damage can continue until the item
is completely destroyed. At the GM’s discretion,
Usually it is not the time that is the issue, but the items left alone completely without maintenance
cost. This gives a monthly cost to all of your items, could still have some value.
meaning that the more things one owns, the more
money he has to spend every month to keep them
Time Period Penalty Damage
in top shape. It is easier, assuming you can easily
beat the TN, to group up all your items requiring 4 – 11 Months -1 5%
maintenance, find the total Cost and Time and 1 – 2 Years -2 10%
announce to the GM when your character takes
the time to perform that maintenance. More Than 2 Years -2 per Year 5% per Year
Table 10.6: No Maintenance Penalties
Adverse Effects
Items left without maintenance soon start to To counter these effects, you need to repair the
break down. If left for long periods of time, they damage normally. However, in order to remove the
might even start to take damage and using them penalty, you need to do maintenance on the item
becomes difficult. The higher the technology, the equal to all the months you have already missed.
more maintenance it usually requires and the more This means that if, for example, you have left an
adverse are the effects, since repairing the damage item non-maintained for 6 months, you need to
is a percentage of the total cost of the item. You do 6 months worth of maintenance.

Chapter XI

fter combat, there are bound to be some (meaning that the term Infirmary can range
wounded people. This is when medics and from a small hut in the forest to a fully equpped
healers come into play. Medicine plays a high-tech Infirmary in the heart of the capital),
very important part in the 3d6 settings as without the type of equipment available and on whether
it, characters will take too long to recover from the Infirmary is specialized in dealing with the
wounds and may not recover at all. Without proper condition at hand. In general, in a big hospital
healing, wounds leave scars and, in worse cases, with a very good doctor, decent assistants and
might deteriorate further and cost characters their well-maintained equipment, there should be very
lives. Of course, it is not easy to patch up someone, little diseases or conditions that they will not be
especially if the wound they have received is able to treat, assuming a modern setting.
severe. There is also a time limit to patch up a
wound and reduce its severity. After that, it can You will find below a table showing all various
only be naturally treated. Healers may also treat Infirmary sizes and the corresponding bonuses.
other things thatn wounds, such as infections and
Infirmary Example Bonus
There are many limitations to treating wounds. Minimum Dotor’s Room +3
The most basic is the place and equipment used Average Small Clinic +6
to do so. In the wilderness without any sort
of bandages or other healign gear, healers will Excellent Downtown Hospital +11
probably only manage to stop bleeding and Superb Multi-level Hospital +16
prevent infections. In a hospital, though, with
Table 11.1: Inf irmaries
very good healing equipment, healers could save
even near-death situations. Of course, magic turns
The TN also changes depending on the state of
everything upside down when it comes to healing,
the Infirmary and the quality of its equipment.
disregarding the need for hospitals or gear.

Status Bonus
Infirmaries Superior Equipment +2
The first thing to know about treating wounds is
that it is very important to be in a proper place Specialized Equipment* +3
and have proper healing equipment, such as Neglected** -1 to -6
bandages, salves, disinfectants, etc. Of course, this
always depends on the setting. In fantasy worlds, Lack of Materials -1 to -2
Infirmaries are very rare and usualy one can find Table 11.2: Healing Equipment
healers with a decently equipped workplace. *Bonus only applies to checks that pertain to the equipment’s function
In modern setting, they are very common and, **Refers to the Infirmary in general, including equipment.
depending on the country in question, they could
be very well-equipped or work under very poor Also note here that any other doctors or people
conditions. In sci-fi settings, Infirmaries can be qualified enough to help, can make a Synergy roll
able to treat any condition or perform mundane and assist with any healing or operation that the
tasks within a fragment of the time normally main doctor makes, thus further increasing the
required in other settings. Whatever the case, bonus on the Medicine check.
Infirmaries give a bonus on the Medicine roll
of the healer who is doing the job. This bonus The Infirmary Bonus does not stack with the
depends on the Infirmary’s size and condition bonus from Medkits (see below).

Medkits Types of Wounds
Apart from Infirmaries, most often characters will The most important factor for a medic attempting
require care right after combat, or in the field, to patch a wound is the severity of the wound. This
without the option of a hospital. Medkits are the is determined by the wounded character’s Healing
key to accomplishing this. These compact medicine Factor (based on the Stamina Attribute) and the
boxes contain everything one needs to be able to raw damage of the wound. These factors determine
perform basic medicine on the field. Most medkits the type of wound the character has received and
contain one form of disinfectant, bandages and in turn this determines the difficult for the medic
some basic tools for patching wounds and treating to use the Medicine skill on the character. There
patients. Medkits are usually made by alchemists, are four types of wounds.
who have the necessary concoctions to prepare
or herbalists, for the same reason. However, they Light: Scratches and superficial wounds, they heal
should have a knowledge of medicine also. Of quite fast and usually leave no scars.
course, in modern or sci-fi settings they are made
in bulk and sold in pharmacies. Moderate: Wounds that have cut quite deep and
will probably hinder the character. Quite difficult
Medkits have certain Hit Points of healing they to treat, will leave a scar.
can do before they are depleted. They also give a
bonus to Medicine rolls. Severe: A very serious wound, one that will take
a very long time to close, if at all. Requires a very
Lack of a Medkit gives a -11 penalty on any capable healer and will leave a bad scar.
Medicine checks attempted.
Critical: Wounds that might as well cost a
There are very few types of medkits, whoch of character their career if not treated properly. Must
course depend on the setting. The only difference, usually be treated in an Infirmary. Hopefully, they
though, is the availabilty of materials and how will only leave a scar.
difficult it is to make one. Once you do, they serve
the same purpose, regardless of the setting. You The table below shows the different types of
will find below the most common Medkits and wounds and how each damage taken is translated
the bonus they give (if any) to Medicine rolls. into these wounds, based on the character’s
Healing Factor.
Medkit Bonus HP
Wound Type Threshold
Patchwork* -2 10
Light Up to Healing Factor
Basic 0 20
Moderate Up to Healing Factor x 3
Excellent +1 25
Severe Up to Healing Factor x 4
Superb +2 30
Table 11.3: Medkit Bonuses Critical Above Healing Factor x 4
*Refers to Medkits made either with inadequate materials or those Table 11.4: Wound Types
made in nature by herbs, etc
For example, a character with a Stamina of 10 has
The cost of medkits differs based on the setting. a Healing Factor of 2. This means that any wound
The GM should make them as available or as rare of 1 or 2 Hit Points is considered a Light Wound.
as they want healing to be. Players with eough Any wound from 3 to 6 Hit Points is a Moderate
knowledge on Medicine and either Alchemy Wound. Damage from 7 to 8 Hit Points is a Severe
or Survival should be able to create Medkits. Wound and any damage dealt to the character of 9
However, those made with Survival will always be and above Hit Points is a Critical Wound.
inferior to those made with Alchemy.
These types of wounds affect two things. First, the
Natural Medkits start with a -2 penalty on the time it takes for a character to naturally recover
Medicine roll. Alchemical Medkits start basic at from the wound and the inherent difficulty in
zero penalty or bonus. Thus, a Legendary Craft doing so. Secondly, the difficulty for any healer
natural one will go up to zero bonus or penalty who tries to heal the wound, either through long
and a Legendary Craft alchemical one can get up term care, or by attempting to patch the wound
to +2 normally. right ater it has been received.

Long-Term Healing Distributing Healing
When you do make the roll and recover a Hit
Wounds heal on their own, even if left unattended. Point, you don’t gain one from all wounds, nor do
This usually takes quite a while, though. Of course, you choose where to restore the point to.
if someone tends the wound, they make it a lot
easier and usually ensure that the wound will close The largest of all wounds has the Hit Point
quickly enough. Some wounds, though, are too restored every time you gain one.
severe to just close on their own. Failure to do
so usually results in them deteriorating and, even Each Time Period for wounds counts differently
worse, get infected. In fact, a weak character might from the rest.
even die from such an unattended wound.
This means that at some point, you may get one
Recovering From Damage Hit Point back from a Moderate wound and one
For a character to recover alone from any kind from a Severe Wound, for example. Also note that,
of damage, they must rest. Even mundane things as wounds heal and Hit Points are restored to
make it a lot more difficult for the wound to heal them, they will change status, meaning that they
on its own. Resting means lying down somewhere will soon become Moderate from Severe, Light
and doing only basic things such as walking for a from Moderate and so on. Characters tracking
few minutes only, reading or even talking to your these wounds should be aware of that, in order to
companions. Strenuous activities impose a penalty keep good track of their healing times.
on the wound’s recovery.
As an example, consider a character with a Healing
If the character is not resting, add +3 to the TN Factor of 3 who has sustained 5 different wounds:
below for normal activities and +6 for strenuous 3 Light, 1 Moderate and 1 Severe. In particular,
activities. three wounds of 2 Hit Points each (Light), 1
wound of 5 (Moderate) and the last one of 10
At the GM’s discretion, certain activities might (Severe). This character stops to rest for a couple
even impose a further penalty. Note, though, that of days at the local inn (assuming no characters
in order to get these penalties, the character should with the Medicine skill are available and that this
spend quite a while doing these activities. For character is on a medieval setting). Also assume
example, stopping to assist a companion lifting that this character has a Stamina of 12 and a total
a heavy load onto a horse will not qualify, but Resilience skill of +16 (a very sturdy character). The
helping the blacksmith character create a weapon GM assumes that the character is making a Casual
qualifies as strenuous activity, while walking across Roll and sees that it is more than enough to make
the countryside qualifies as normal activity. the TN for the Light Wounds. This means that
each 10 minutes the character rests, 1 Hit Point is
Recovery TN: The TN required for a Resilience removed from the highest Light Wound he has. In
check in each time period in order to restore 1 Hit this case, since there are 3 wounds of 2 Hit Points,
Point to the wound.Failing this roll means no Hit in the first 10 minutes there are 2 wounds of 2
Points are gained, while Botching means 1 extra Hit Points and 1 of 1 Hit Point. In a similar way,
Hit Point is lost. all Light Wounds are healed within 60 minutes.
The character continues to rest. In the first day of
Time Period: You make a roll to restore 1 Hit rest, he must make a Resilience check at a TN
Point at this rate. of 24, which he can still beat with a Casual Roll.
So, in the first day, the Moderate Wound becomes
You will find on the table below the different types 4 Hit Points total. In the next day, another Hit
of wounds, their respective TNs and the Time Point is deducted and the wound now becomes
Period for each one. Light, which means he needs another 30 minutes
to shake it off completely. In the third day, he
Wound Type TN Time Period can remove 1 Hit Point from the Severe Wound.
Light 20 10 Minutes
Since he cannot beat the TN, he must roll. He
needs a 12 or more on the dice. He rolls a 15 and
Moderate 24 1 Day restores 1 Hit Point, getting the wound to 9 Hit
Severe 28 3 Days Points, which means the wound is now Moderate.
Following the rules above, after 6 days and a short
Critical 32 6 Days rest more, the character is once again in top shape
Table 11.5: Wound TNs after his adventure.

Recovering Locations Permanent Damage
A more severe form of injury is when a Location Locations that recover on their own and are
has suffered a lot of damage and is on the Wounded not treated within the time frames above suffer
or Disabled state. In the first case, the only thing permanent wounds, as explained below. These
that has to be done is restore enough Hit Points permanent wounds are more than mere scars. They
to the wound, while the latter case in a lot more will hinder the character for the rest of their lives,
dire. Disabled Locations take a very long time to unless surgery is made or magic is used. In any
heal and require medical attention in most times case, should a character find themselves in this
and for all but the hardiest of characters, as it is situation, a hospital or similar Infirmary will most
virtually impossible for someone to recover from probably be needed to help them.
such a condition on their own. Even if they do,
they are bound to have something to remember Once a character sustains permanent injury, roll
this wound by. Much like Hit Point loss, recovering 2d6 and consult the table below for the possible
from Disabled Locations is the same process, only outcome.
more lengthy overall.
GMs are encouraged to make their own effects,
You may not restore any Hit Points to that making them as light or as severe as they wish.
Location until you make this roll. When you do,
this Location is considered to have 0 Hit Points
and you begin restoring HP to that Location’s Roll Effect
wounds normally. 2 Chance to reopen upon taking damage,
depending on wound (roll 2d6): 2-3 Light,
Recovery TN: The TN required for a Resilience 2-4 Moderate, 2-5 Severe, 2-6 Critical
check in each time period in order to completely 3 Wound reopens every night, dealing 1 point
restore the Location. Failing this roll means the of damage and one extra every 6 hours unless
Location is not restored, while Botching it means bleeding stops (Medicine TN = 18)
you have to re-roll the Resilience check as if
the Location was just Disabled (see the Damage 4 When the weather changes, you have a -1
penalty on all rolls, until it changes again or
section earlier in this book), but at a -2 penalty, you apply some kind of pain soothe
meaning that the characters is at risk of dying in
this way if the roll fails by a lot. 5 If the Location receives damage, roll 2d6. On
a roll of 2-6, the damage is increased by 1, as
Time Period: You make a roll to remove the the blow strikes near, or on, the wound
Disabled state from the affected Location at this 6 Arms or Legs: -1 penalty when using them,
rate. Torso: -1 CBR, Head: -2 Observe penalty,
Medicine rolls on Location have a -3 penalty.
Time Limit: The amount of time that a Medicine 7 You gain a -3 on all Resilience checks made
check must be made to that Location, else you to resist the effects of Infections, as the open
suffer some permanent damage to that Location wound is a source of potential infection in
(see below for more details). The medic performing itself
that surgery must do so within this time frame at 8 If the Location receives damage, it is always
an equal TN to the Location’s original Recovery dealt 1 more.
9 The wound has left some leftover. Head:
-1 Personality, Torso: -3 Physical, Arms: -1
You will find on the table below the different types Strength, Legs: -1 Movement. This may be
of wounds, their respective TNs, the Time Period repaired by major surgery.
and Time Limit for each one.
10 In times of stress, make a Reslience check (TN
= 28). On fail, the internal wound triggers a
Location TN Time Period Time Limit defect. Arm or Leg: Lose control, Torso: -3
CBR, Head: Stunned for 1d6 rounds
Torso 36 1 Month 2 Days
11 If the Location becomes Disabled again, you
Arms 40 20 Days 1 Day
get a -11 penalty on the Resilience check.
Legs 40 20 Days 1 Day
12 The Location loses 1d6 Hit Points
Head 44 2 Months 12 Hours permanently.
Table 11.6: Disabled Location Recovery Table 11.7: Permanent Damage

Medicine Treatment Treating Wounds
Once Patching is complete, it is time for the
Characters are not alone in recovering their
recovery process to commence. Healers may
health. They can have the assistance of medics
expedite this recovery, or at least ensure a safe
who, by the use of the Medicine skill, will be able
recovery for a character. There are two ways to
to ensure that characters will heal up after their
do that. First, the medic can attempt to aid the
fights. Although medicine may not technically
individual’s system and self-recovery process.
hasten the healing process, it can make sure that
Secondly, they may attempt to do their job without
characters make their Resilience checks, thus not
taking the individual’s system into account, thus
prolonging the process. With the aid of a good
effecctively making the treatment themselves. This
medic, wounds will heal in the predetermined
is usually chosen in cases where the individual is
amount of time. More than that, they will not
considered too weak to fight it off with just the
have any adverse effects from their wounds or risk
healer helping them and dire measures are needed.
dying from them.
Assistance: The healer makes a Synergy roll at a
Patching TN of 22, regardless of the wound treated. The
A very important application of Medicine,
individual makes the Resilience roll as normal and
Patching can be done on the field, right after a
they add the healer’s bonus into theirs.
wound has been suffered. This can lead to a lot
less time for recovery, as Severe Wounds can be
Treatment: The healer substitutes their own
made Moderate, for example, if the healer is very
Medicine check with the individual’s Resilience
good and well-equipped for the situation. Combat
check. The character does not make the Resilience
medics in armies are a perfect example of this kind
check at all.
of healing. All normal rules for having a medkit
or not apply. However, healers must be quick an
These options above are valid for any kind of
applying this kind of healing, as a wound can only
recovery characters make. It can be done on wound
be treated within a fixed amount of time.
recovery and recovery of Disabled Locations, as
well. It can also be done on the Medicine check
Patching can only be done within 10 minutes required to help a character not get Permanent
after receiving the wound. Damage from a Disabled Location. Note that
this procedure must be done within a certain time
It takes 1 minute to perform a Patch on one limit for the character to be safe.

Patching restores Hit Points to the wound,

Treating Conditions
Apart from Hit Points and Location damage,
effectively reducing its potency and providing the characters may suffer adverse effects int he form
character with less downtime recovering from it. of certain Conditions, which mainly originate
from special abilities, magic, weapons or loss of
Patching restores 1 Hit Point if successful. 2 Hit Fatigue, Composure, etc. Whatever the case, these
Points are restored on a Good Success, 3 on a Conditions do not really heal, but rather expire,
Great Success and 4 on a Critical Success. such as the Stunned Condition. In each individual
Condition or source of it, players can find the
Patching has the same TN as the Resilience check duration or ways of ending it. Being Spent from
for recovery. Also, Patching spends many Hit losing too much Fatigue, for example, requires rest
Points from a medkit, again depending on the as stated in each description.
wound. The table below shows the type of wound
received, the corresponding TN to Patch it and Conditions are recovered naturally based on
the medkit usage. their description.

Wound TN Medkit HP Of course, certain Conditions may be permanent,

Light 20 1
like being deaf or blind. In this case, it is up to the
GM’s discretion as to if these Conditions could
Moderate 24 2 be healed without the use of magic. In this case, it
Severe 28 3 should at least require very high technology, or the
use of devices that can artificially restore sight to
Critical 32 4 the individual, if such are available to the setting
Table 11.8: Patching TN in question.

Treating Derangements treated. As with all Progressive Rolls, there is an
Another difficult situation for medics, this amount of time that passes with every roll.
usually calls for very specialized individuals.
Derangements can be treated and removed from One PTN is for the Medicine check, the other is
a character. To do so, anyone treating must devote for the Diplomacy check.
many hours and effort. Furthermore, it requires
the use of the Diplomacy skill, as well as Medicine. You will find below a list of the different types of
Treating Derangements requires two successful, Derangements, their respective PTNs and Time
separate Progressive Rolls. between rolls.

The TN is equal to the TN of the source that

caused the Derangement. Severity Medicine Diplomacy Time
Light 80 40 6 days
The PTN is set according to how severe the Moderate 120 60 15 Days
Derangement is. There are two different PTNs
that healers must content with. Both must be Severe 180 90 1 Month
completed for the Derangement to be effectively Table 11.9: Derangement Treatment

Chapter XII

ending the laws of nature has always been or could have been predetermined by whoever
the rise and fall of many individuals in have them that power. As characters cast more
many worlds. It is a very central theme Manifestations, magic takes a toll on them and
in many role-playing games and this stands grows increasingly more difficult, until they rest
true for the 3d6 System, as well. Depending on and have had a chance to recover, else they are
the setting in question, magic can be anywhere bound to experience some very negative effects
from extremely rare to very common, either in from the failure of their magic. The process to cast
fantasy or sci-fi settings. Magic in this setting is a Manifestation is as follows:
freeform, meaning that the character chooses the
effect that their spells will have and proceeds to • Select Word and Province
do the necessary motions, words or anything else • Select Manifestation Properties
the setting requires in order to cast magic. There • Calculate Final TN
are quite a lot of different ways to use magic, • Make the Roll
but ultimately it has the same core in any world
and any setting in the 3d6 system: the ability to You will find below all stages of this process in
reshape the world to your liking. detail. If you fail a magic roll, there are bad effects,
which depend largely on the type of Manifestation
Depending on the campaign setting, magic can you were using, or at least attempted to use. You
be in the form of wizards and people who wield will find these also below.
magic as a tool or weapon. Alternatively, it can be
in the form of a secret society that try to protect Unlocking Magic
the world from threats only they can counter Characters must usually do some kind of special
with magic, but it slowly drains them and makes ritual, read and learn about specific concepts
them wither. Whatever background you are using, or even unlock powerful items in order to learn
magic must be a major part in the world, if it exists how to cast magic. Depending on the setting,
at all. In this book, no background or explanation characters may need to study on a library or tower
about magic will be given. It is beyond the scope of magic. In some other setting, perhaps they
of the system book. Instead, you will read about are required to go through some extensive and
the rules and how magic works, allowing GMs to exhaustive mental training. Of course, in certain
incorporate these rules in their settings and then worlds, magic might be something that is very
find an explanation for all the above. simply unlocked in very specific individuals only,
who fit ancient prophecies. This all is up to the
GM and the feeling they want to give to their
Using Magic campaign setting. Two examples are the signature
Regardless of how a character possesses it, magic worlds of the 3d6 system, Wartide and Ascendance.
enables them to alter reality around them in In the first, magic had been locked in ancient years
the form of spells, incantations or whatever else by the gods to prevent humans from misusing it
people call them in the campaign setting. For again and now has to be unlocked via a very deadly
convenience purposes we will call them here and hard to find ritual or through training in the
in this book Manifestations, since they are just long-lost tower of sorcery. In the latter, magic is
that. Manifestations have a TN depending on stored in artifacts left behind by the old age, which
the effect they produce.This TN varies wildly, must be unlocked in a vey specific way in order
depending on the range, the area they cover, their to imbue individuals with magic. However the
targets and, most importantly, the effect they have. GM chooses to adjucate this, it should be a very
All these are chosen by the individual casting memorable and unique experience for the player
these Manifestations at the time of casting, and the characters alike.

Gestures determine what is to be affected by the Word, thus
In most cases, there is something specific required they are linked to each other.This means you are
of the casters in order to cast Manifestations. somewhat limited to the effects you can achieve
These largely depend on the setting and the with a single Manifestation.
beliefs of the people in it. For example, in a
fantasy setting components and specific words You may only choose one Word and one Province.
may be required. In another similar setting, drops
of blood might do the trick. In yet another one, If you wish to affect your target in another way, for
perhaps Manifestations require carving intricate example, you should cast a separate Manifestation.
patterns on surfaces in order to perform them. For example, a magic user wishes to create a big
This all is up to the setting and the mood the metal ball and hurl it to their opponents. First,
GM wishes to give to it. Magic usually plays an he must use the Word Create and the Province
important part on that mood. However, there is Matter, because he is trying to form something
a common ground here. Something is required solid, in this case metal. This is one Manifestation.
in order to cast Manifestations. People find it Then he must, while sustaining that Manifestation
impossible to simply will their way into magic and (see below for more information on Manifestation
cast Manifestations out of sheer will. There could durations), cast another one to move the metal ball.
be settings where people have managed to do just This calls for the Word Direct and the Province
that, shedding the limitations of magic attempting Matter, since he is trying to move the ball. If that
to conform to norms and having learnt how to character wished, he could continue to cast more
perform Incantations without so much as a blink Manifestations on the ball, while sustaining the
of an eye. Of course, they still should follow all other two actively on it. Continuing the example,
the rules for magic, as described below. In general, let’s say he decides he wants to add metal spikes
GMs should feel free to do as they please with the to that ball of steel he is moving around. He
way magic is performed and Manifestations are should sustain both the creation Manifestation
cast in this system. and the movement one, and cast another, using
the Word Alter and the Province Matter, again.
Words & Provinces Due to the limitation above, characters may not
The foundation of magic, using Words and select two words and affect a province with the
Provinces together is what makes casters able same Manifestation, nor could they affect two
to do magic. This is the first step to casting different Provinces at once. GMs should be aware
a Manifestation. Earlier in this book, in the of which cases would call for two separate Words
Skills chapter, all the Words and Provinces were or Provinces and help the players understand the
explained. They are also laid out here for quick limitations of this form of magic. The business
reference. of affecting two or more Provinces or using two
or more Words together is left to the Rituals,
Words explained further in this chapter.
Alter: Change the properties of your target.
Confine: Diminish the properties of your target. Effects & TN
Create: Make something out of nothing. As soon as the Words and Provinces are chosen,
Destroy: Remove your target from existence. then the rest of the Manifestation’s effects must be
Direct: Move something in any direction. decided by the caster, such as range, targets to be
Empower: Increase the properties of your target. affected and the actual effect.

Provinces The effect of the spell must be feasible with the

Body: Manipulate physical, living matter. Words and Provinces you have selected.
Matter: Dead matter, objects, etc..
Mind: Mental capacity and functions. Players are responsible for finding ways for their
Space: Distances and in-between. Manifestation to be possible with their choice of
Spirit: Soul and the psyche. Word and Province. If they can’t come up with a
Time: Manipulate the passage of time. way for that to happen, then the spell effect might
not be feasible at all. For example, attempting to
To begin the process of casting a Manifestation, increase a character’s Strength Attribute using
you must choose one Word and one Province, the combination Destroy and Matter is one such
whose effects will be combined to create the final example. Of course, the Gm has the final say in
result. You must choose both. Words determine any choices the players make with regard to the
how you affect the Province and Provinces feasibility of the Manifestation. Once this has

been dealt with, the other factors need to be
considered. You will find all these on the tables
below with their respective TNs. Personal +0
per 2 Meters +1
First, the target must be selected, or an area if no
Table 12.2: Magic TN Range Modif iers
targets are present. Note that if there is something
that can be specified as a target, then the size
Finally, the effect must be chosen and all modifiers
must be applied, according to the table below.
added together. The caster may select any kind of
Otherwise, select an area. Usually, spells that
effect they want and even combine any effects
affect an area have no targets or cannot select any.
together. All modifiers shown here are per +1
They usually do something that does not target
increase, unless otherwise stated in each individual
someone in particular. However, if you wish to
description. Remember that all these modifiers
affect multiple targets, you must select the target
stack together and are in addition to earlier ones
modifier as many times as there are targets to be
for Range or Targets.
affected by your Manifestation.

Tiny +2
Internal Damage +6 per die, +3 per 1
Small +4
External Damage +11 per die, +5 per 1
Human +6
Attributes & Skills
Big +12
Attribute +9
Giant +24
Skill +5
Huge +36
Simulate Attribute +2
per Square Meter* +4
Speed & Mass
Table 12.1: Magic TN Size Modif iers
*if no targets are selected and an entire area is to be affected Speed +6 / Meter
Weight +2 / 10kg
For example, if you want your Manifestation to
affect 2 Humans, the TN gains a +12. If a big Defensive
creature is also to be affected, it rises to +24 total. Healing +9
If you don’t want to select targets, but you prefer
Wound Reduction +12
to affect an entire area of 5 square meters, for
example, the TN is +20. HP +3
Fatigue/Composure +12
Then, the range must be selected. If doing
something on one’s person then it does not Combat & Misc.
increase the TN. But beyond that, any range Combat Rating +9
increases the TN proportionally. In this sense,
magic is unlimited in its range, except for the fact DR +10
that at some point the TN will become too much Initiative +6
for the caster to handle and will have to reduce Re-Roll +20
the range accordingly. Note here that since ranges
are quite small, indeed, it means that magic in the Ad-Hoc** GM’s Discretion
3d6 is up close and personal. Casters should be in Table 12.3: Magic TN Modif iers
the field of battle next to their enemies to affect *unless said otherwise, all values are per 1 increase
them. If the GM wishes to set a more traditional, **Ad-Hoc means any effect that is not included in any of the above
high fantasy mood, then these values should be categories, but is usually more abstract.
adjusted accordingly. Making it +1 per 10 meters
will result in powerful casters able to affect their Note that if you want one Manifestation to have
targets from afar. Even moe range will result in multiple effects, you just add up all modifiers to
the more traditional casters of fantasy settings, find the final TN of your Manifestation. However,
hurling balls of fire from the mountain peaks, bear in mind the feasibility of the Manifestation
shouting their name in the process. itself.

Making the Roll Minor (Failed Roll by 1 to 5)
Once you have found all relevant modifiers, These effects cause a small inconvenience to the
calculate the final TN. Add together all modifiers character and may affect those around them.
and make the roll using the Word and Province Uually causes something which could be removed
you have selected. However, the less you know, the with a little rest or just patience. Roll 2D6 and
more you are hindered when it comes to Words consult the table below.
and Provinces. It is better for characters to keep a
balance in the Words and Provinces they wish to Roll (2D6) Effect
use, because the lowest will drag them down.
2 Decrease Combat Rating to half
The magic roll to cast a Manifestation is made 3 Lose 2 Willpower
using the total skill of either the Word or the
4 Any damage you are dealt increases by 2
Province, whichever is lower.
5 You get 2 Fatigue
Casting a Manifestation is always a Full Action. 6 Get 1d6+1 points of damage, no DR

Another impotant factor is that you mustalways 7 Black out for 1 Round every 10 minutes,
have a visual on your opponent directly. If -1 on all rolls
that criteria is not met, then you can’t cast any 8 Get a -4 penalty on all rolls
Manifestations on them.
9 All targets have Moderate Concealment
You must have line of sight on your target, 10 Lose 2 HP per Minute
otherwise the Manifestation can’t be cast. 11 Everyone within 10m around you
(including you) take 3 points of damage
Also, the more magic you cast, the harder it is to every 10 minutes, no DR
keep going. Your mind becomes more and more
exhausted and you will soon find yourself unable 12 Roll on the Moderate table
to cast more Manifestations. Table 12.4: Minor Side-Effects

After casting a Manifestation, the TN of your Moderate (Failed Roll by 6 to 10)

Manifestations increases by +2. This stacks until More serious than Minor ones, these effects may
you have recovered (see below). even harm the character quite a bit or prevent
the use of magic for a while. Usually hinder the
If successfully cast, the Manifestation stays character or their companions enough. Roll 2D6
according to its duration (see below). If you fail and consult the table below.
this roll, then there are some bad effects, which are
explained below. Roll (2D6) Effect

Side-Effects 2 May not use Magic at all

If the roll to cast a Manifestation fails, bad things 3 Lose 2 Willpower and Intelligence
happen to the character as the magic backlashes
and harms the caster or those around him, directly 4 Everyone within 10m around you
(including you) suffer -4 on all rolls, half
or indirectly. These effects can range from mildly Speed and half CBR
annoying for the character, to devastating for them
and those in the vicinity. This largely depends on 5 Get a -8 penalty on all rolls
how much the roll was missed by. You will find 6 Black out for 3 Rounds every 10
below a list of all Minor, Moderate and Severe minutes, -2 on all rolls
Side-Effects from losing the roll. These Side-
7 Get 2d6+2 points of damage, no DR
Effects can be lessened, worsened or even thrown
away, as the GM sees fit. If you don’t use them, 8 You get 5 Fatigue
magic becomes easier and a lot less troublesome 9 All targets have Heavy Concealment
for casters. Using them makes magic a bit darker
and quite uncontrollable. GMs should feel free to 10 Lose 4 HP per Minute
even adjucate certain effects on certain situations 11 You receive double damage, after DR
without a roll, as befits the current situation.
Sometimes, Minor ones can change to Moderate 12 Roll on the Severe table
or Moderate to Severe. Table 12.5: Moderate Side-Effects

Severe (Failed Roll by 11 or More) Instant
The most serious of effects, Severe ones cause some These Manifestations appear when you finish
debilitating effect, from which the character may casting, their effect takes place and they do not
not recover soon. Could even cast some magical remain more. A ball of fire is an example of this.
effect oon their own as a side-effect, or even alter
the reality around the character. Roll 2D6 and Sustained
consult the table below. Manifestations whose effects persist must be
maintained by your character consciously. This
does not take any actions on your part, but is a
Roll (2D6) Effect mental process.
2 Everything you touch, suffers 1d6+2
points of damage (DR applies). You are Sustaining a Manifestation gives you a -6
dealt 1 each time (no DR) penalty on all further Manifestations or uses of
3 You suffer a -8 penalty on both magic. This is on top of the penalty for casting
Avoidance and Deflection Manifestations.
4 You lose your sight, seeing only surges
of Magic
These Manifestations must have the complete
5 Any mechanical equipment within attention of the caster, both physically and
your DVP Range around you suffers a mentally. They may not walk around or perform
Malfunction every round other actions, unless some Perk or ability allows
6 Your mind leaves your body, until you them to.
make a Progressive Mental check (TN
26, PTN 100, 1/hour) The caster must spend a Full Action each round
7 You may not affect anyone save yourself to maintain the Manifestation. Concentrating
this way gives a -6 Observe penalty.
8 You suffer 3d6+8 points of damage, no
DR It is the Manifestation itself that shows what
9 Get a -8 penalty on all rolls kind of duration it has. For example, if the caster
decides to hurl a rock at their opponent using
10 Lose 6 HP per Minute
Direct Matter, then it is instant. Should he decide,
11 Lose 4 points of Willpower and though, to move a rock at a certain speed so he can
Intelligence place it above their heads and let it drop, then this
12 You drop to -1 HP, unconscious and is sustained, considering it would take more than
only awaken if fully healed. a round to take it where he wants. Concentration
duration is reserved for Investitures or Rituals.
Table 12.6: Severe Side-Effects

Duration Resisting Manifestations

Some effects might grant the opportunity to
Some Manifestations are valid for as long as you the target to resist the negative effects, usually
sustain them, meaning that a small part of your either with a Resilience, Resolve or Avoid check,
mind must remain focused on the magic you are depending on what the Manifestation targets.
wielding and keep it active, otherwise it disappears The TN to do so depends on the caster and their
immediately. Other Manifestations are instant, Willpower, more specifically their total Resolve
meaning that they are cast and then after their effect check.
takes place they vanish. Some rare Manifestations
may call for complete concentration on the part The TN to resist a Manifestation is equal to the
of the caster. These are quite rare and usually are caster’s Resolve Skill + 11.
Investitures (see later in this chapter). In that
case, the caster is quite helpless and must usually Since Resolve is a character’s force of will, this
rewly on their companions for protection while takes effect in casting Manifestations, as well.
concentrating on the Manifestation. Usually, The more powerful your willpower, the harder it
the caster can decide whether they want their is for others to resist you Manifestations. Those
Manifestation to be instant or sustained, as they Manifestations that allow such resistance checks
are not fixed. However, Rituals and Investitures must have that stated in their description, or the
are and their duration can’t be changed by the GM should decree that, in conjunction with the
caster. player.

Recovering all from all who have been granted them, while on
Considering that the TN for casting Manifestations the latter one Full Action is needed for each one
increases every time the character casts one, it is you want to remove. In any case, the penalty for
easy to see that at some point the character will the caster is removed.
not be able to cast any more. Apart from the risk
of failure (see Side-Effects below), the TN will Casters may remove an Investiture they have
be impossible to beat and casting further will granted as a Full Action, but the line of sight
have no point. At this point, the character needs rule must be satisfied.
to rest, in order to be able to continue casting
Manifestations. If a character with an Investiture dies, the
penalty is automatically removed from the
It takes one hour of physical and mental rest to caster, but he has to make a Resolve check (TN
reset the TN back to normal. = Manifestation TN) or suffer 1d6 poins of
Composure Damage.
This means complete rest, free of distractions,
both intellectual and physical. If at any point rest This makes it very dangerous for characters to give
is severely interrupted, the character must reset Invetiture to other characters, unless they trust
and start again, as the magic is still in turmoil them or they beliebe they are going to die soon.
inside them. Resting this way usually clears some There have been rumours of rituals which help a
or most of the Side-Effects of having failed a character retrieve Investiture even from unwilling
Manifestation roll. targets across any distance. Of course, usually
these casters kill the perpetrators afterwards.

Investiture Major Investiture

Very different to the minor version, Major
Those imbued with the power of magic can have
the ability to give some of it to others temporarily. Investiture is the way the gods reward their
This is costly for them, but very rewarding for followers and give them powers, or generals in
those who receive the blessing of magic. There are armies in sci-fi settings empower their soldiers to
several ways to do this and GMs are encouraged fight with great magical powers. Major Investiture
to be creative, since Investiture is not so much a can not be granted by characters. This is the realm
set of rules, but more a concept which allows for of gods, supreme beings or technological wonders
different use of magic in individuals who have not of artifact status. Major Investiture is given as a
unlocked the use of Words and Provinces. There reward for loyalty, faith or even as a means to gain
are minor and major forms of Investiture. the aforementioned. In fantasy settings, Major
Investiture is granted by the deities of the setting.
Minor Investiture In accordance to their dogma, they provide the
Usually granted by characters who possess magic, it faithful with the means to spread the word about
gives the ability to cast a very specific Manifestation them and promote their faith to others. In sci-fi
to another character. While doing so, the character settings, great devices have been built with the
is left with a big drawback: increased difficulty in help of alien or long-forgotten technology and
casting their own Manifestations for as long as the sustained with insane amounts of energy. These
other character has that ability. take the energy from someone, enhance it and
give it to others. In either case, those who give
Minor Investiture means the caster chooses a the power, be it gods or humans with the use of
Manifestation he can cast and gives another enhancing machines, do not suffer any ill effects.
character the ability to cast it normally. Of course, the GM could place any limitations
on this, such as the use of special symbols only
The caster gets a penalty on all Manifestation through which the receiver is able to channel the
checks equal to the TN of the Manifestation energy required or even not being too far from a
granted divided by 10. specific place. Anything that fits the setting and
sets the mood for magic like this to work.
There is no limit to the range after the Investiture
has been granted, but the caster must have line of Major Investiture can transfer the ability to cast
sight on the character initially to be able to make Manifestations, Rituals (see below) and even
the transfer of magic. Casters may withdraw all grant passive powers or any other effect that
Investitures or one by one with a Full Action. In the GM wishes to impart upon the characters
the first case, a Full Round action removes them through the being that grants it.

Of course, always bear in mind that the being who Wartide
gives can take away as easily. Characters who use A fantasy setting, Wartide has certain gods who
Investiture are almost always subject to the deity’s, grant Investitures to their followers in return for
or other character’s, whims and must usually faith and service. In this setting there are the
adhere to a strict set of rules, lest they lose the following sub-skills of the Control Skill. Some
ability to perform these miracles. This usually puts gods grant a few, some more, some maybe even
players under strain to perform well for the deity grant only a couple of them as they are more
or commander who has given them the power, but focused in their dogma.
most often forms the basis of entire campaigns
that revolve around this concept. Alteration: The changing of things to different
forms or materials from one to another.
Controling Investitures
Learning an Investiture alone is not worth much Foresight: Divinations about the future or
unless you properly learn how to control it and insights in combat situations.
harness the power of magic that has been granted
to you. This is where the Control Skill comes into Elemental: Controlling the elements to cause
play. Depending on the setting and the being destruction or protect.
granting the Investiture, there are several skills
that the receiver must develop in order to properly Manipulation: Control of minds, emotions and
control all Investitues that are granted to them. even physical actions of others.
As mentioned in the skill description, the sub-
skills of the Control Skill should net exceed six Life & Death: Manipulation of life energies to
or seven and should probably not be just one, cause harm or restore health.
unless the GM wishes the players to be able to
increase their use of magic through Investitures Enhancement: Boosting physical skills, morale or
very easily or in the case where Investitures are even resistances against elements.
very specific. On the other hand, having one skill
for every Investiture granted will deter characters Ascendance
from learning more than a couple usually. Once In the sci-fi setting of Ascendance, Investitures are
a character has learned the appropriate Control used by the army in order to empower the soldiers
Skill and has been given an Investiture, casting it against their enemies. Thus, they are categorized
follows all the rules for Manifestations. by what their purpose is. Most commonly, they are
granted by machines capabke of combining magic
Casting an Investiture must obey rules for Line with technology to channel it from an individual
of Sight for Manifestations. possessing it to the receiver. Investiture and magic
in this setting is called Divine Power, as the
Casting an Investiture increases the TN of further humans consider it to be the force of creation.
Investitures by +2, as with Manifestations.
Infiltration: Entering in enemy territory
Casting Investitures is a Full Action. unseen, striking from cover and ambushing your
Duration is stated in each individual Investiture’s
description. Empowerment: Increasing physical strength and
prowess, as well as strengthening resolve.
However, there is one different thing. Due to not
being exposed to magic directly, you do not suffer Destruction: Powers that harm, directly or
any of the bad effects from losing a roll as with indirectly, through elements or forces.
Healing: Restoring vitality and quickening the
Losing an Investiture check means you get 1 healing rates of the body itself.
Fatigue if you fail by 1 to 5, 2 Fatigue if you fail
by 6 to 10 and 3 Fatigue if you fail by 11 or more. In the same setting the Shiraldi, ancient beings
of light and solar energy, grant powers to others
Below you will find a couple of examples on and even to some humans. In this case, they use
how certain settings handle the Control skill different categories, depending on the Shiraldi
for Investitures, namely the Wartide and the giving the ability, much like the deities in the
Ascendance campaign settings. Wartide setting.

Sample Investitures Elemental Protection
Following you will find some example of TN: 27
Investitures, in order to get a better understanding Range: Control in Meters
of how they work. Note here that if an effect seen Target: 1 Creature
here can’t be replicated with the use of a Word Duration: Sustained
and a Province, it means that it falls under the This Investiture provides a character with 10 DR
Major Invesiture category, granted by deitied and against a single element of the caster’s choice,
other beings and not subject to common, mortal using the opposing element momentarily to cancel
rules. You can find all Investitures available for out the damage. A small indication of the element
each setting on its campaign setting book As appears on the wound just short of receiving it.
opposed to the versatility of freeform magic,
Investitures are fixed and have predetermined Fearless
properties, chosen at the time of granting them to TN: 27
the individual. You will find a detailed analysis of Range: Control in Meters
these properties below. Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Sustained
Investiture TN: The TN that the caster has to A creature warded by this Investiture gains a +6
beat to cast the Investiture. bonus on their Resolve check. This bonus is gained
on all checks, including rolls for Manifestations,
Range: The predefined range at which the etc. However, it does not count for the TN for
Investiture can reach. Most commonly this is the your powers to be resisted.
Control Ranks in meters.
Hold Enemy
Target: How many targets the Investiture can TN: 28
affect and whether it can be cast on others or not. Range: Control in Meters
Investitures with a target of Personal can only be Target: 1 Creature
cast upon the caster. Duration: Concentration
A very potent Investiture, it holds the target in
Duration: As explained earlier in this chapter, place, depriving them of motor skills. The target
this shows if the specific Investiture has a duration retains their balance, yet they find themselves
of Instant, Sustained or Concentration. unable to physically move, as if an unseen force
hold them in place. This takes effect over 3 rounds
Note here that the Control sub-skill used in each in which the target fails the Resolve check to resist
Investiture is not shown here, as it is very campaign this Investiture. You will find below what penalties
specific and beyond the scope of this chapter. For they receive every failed roll until the third when
example, in the Wartide setting the Investiture they are completely held.
Sanctum should fall under Manipulation, as
it attemptes to control the willpower of those 1 Failed Roll: -2 penalty on all checks
affected in order to force them not to attack the 2 Failed Rolls: -3 CBR
target of the Investiture. Similarly, the Flaming 3 Failed Rolls: Held in place
Weapon Investiture should go to the Elemental
sub-skill, as it uses elemental energy to seethe The caster can keep sustaining this Investiture
the target weapon in flames and cause it to deal unti the target is either held or moves out of sight
additional damage. completely.

Investiture TN Effect
Elemental Protection 27 Gain 10 DR against one element
Fearless 27 You have a +6 bonus on your Resolve rolls
Hold Enemy 28 Keep an enemy unable to physically move
Keep Away 38 Hold an undead being at bay
Restore Light Wound 25 Remove a Light Wound
True Sight 39 See all things as they truly are
Table 12.7: Invesitures

Keep Away even grant immortality. The setting determines
TN: 38 what kind of ritual are available to the characters
Range: Personal and to the world in general. Most rituals must be
Target: Self found on old tomes, hidden databases or passed
Duration: Sustained on from one person to another. The most difficult
The character is enveloped in a faintly visible part of a Ritual is performing it, not learning it.
aura of light, which illumunates an area around Performing a Ritual involves small gestures and
him like a torch. The area of effect is eual to the words, accompanied with specific instructions.
caster’s Control Ranks in meters. Any undead These range from lining a circle with cloth dipped
creature attempting to enter this area must make in oil or smearing a weapon with blood from a
a Resolve check or be unable to do so. Creatures freshly killed animal, to mass sacrifices and
so blocked may use their ranged weapons or cast wrenching out a beating heart from a helpless
Manifestations or abilities, but they are physically victim.
prevented from moving towards the caster. The
creatures which are affected can only check once Learning Rituals
against the resistance TN of the Investiture, unless Rituals must be learnt before they can be
the caster loses sight of them. performed. Leanring one entails first finding it.
This is always at the GM’s discretion and could be
Restore Light Wound as simple as downloading data from the interweb
TN: 25 or as complicated as planning an entire campign
Range: Touch around it, delving deep in long-forgotten dungeons
Target: Up to 2 Light Wounds and awakening dormant evils. Whatever the case,
Duration: Instant Rituals are usually written somewhere, be that
Amongst the most important Investitures for data or old times, perhaps even inscribed on walls.
soldiers and warriors alike, it relieves them of
minor wounds suffered in combat. This Investiture All Rituals have some form of spoken words in
clears up to 2 Light Wounds on a character. some language and a series of actions that have
The caster must be able to touch both wounds to be performed.
simultaneously for the Investiture to take effect.
The wounds close immediately. There is no time Discovering a Ritual is the first step. Then,
limit on when this Investiture can be cast on a characters have to memorize it. This is usually
wound, as there is with medicine checks. dependent on the length of the written text and
the complexity of the actions involved. This can
True Sight take from a day to many months, depending also
TN: 39 on the character’s Intelligence. Once the Ritual
Range: Touch has been learnt, the character (assuming they
Target: 1 Creature don’t forget it) can freely perform it anytime they
Duration: Sustained want. In the same manner, they can impart that
Nothing stays hidden long from characters knowledge to someone else.
with this Investiture active. Once activated, the
character gains a +4 on their Observe and Search Memorizing a Ritual requires a Progressive
skills. Furthermore, any characters who are Language roll at a TN and PTN defined
invisible, polymorphed or otherwise not appearing by the Ritual itself. All Rituals also have a
as who they are are automatically revealed to the Language Rank requirement. You get a -6 on the
character.’s sight. After touching their target to memorization check for every Rank of difference
cast the Investiture, the caster can maintain it you have lower than that requirement. Checks
on a character who is up to their Control total in are made each day.
meters away. The range of the Investiture’s power
itself, though, is the recipient’s visual range. Furthermore, all Rituals have a corresponding TN
and skill (or several of them). If it is a magical
Ritual, the caster needs to be able to beat the
Rituals TN on the combination of Word and Province
Apart from Manifestations, Investitures and other required.
abilities, Rituals are ways to enhance magic even
more. The power span of rituals is immense, as To be successfully performed, Rituals have one
they can range from very simple, nearly mundane or more TNs for specific skills that must be
everyday ones, to godly powerful rituals that may made.

In some cases, characters with Investiture can cast Mask Scent
such Rituals, substituting the Word & Province Type: Mundane
combination check with their respective Control Memorize: Rank 2, TN 20, PTN 16
skill, assuming that they have one which fits. Skill: Survival (28)
Duration: Up to 3 days (See text)
Mundane & Magical This Ritual requires a live possum, drained
There are two very broad categories of Rituals in completely of blood over a period of 9 hours,
the 3d6 system. Again, the availability of both left in the sun for 6 more and then skinned. The
categories depends on the setting. In low magic flayed skin is then smeared with the blood while
settings, mundane rituals help common people speaking the words of the Ritual and left another
do exraordinary things and surpass otherwise hour in the sun. Then, it can be fashioned into a
unsurmountable situations. cloak or any other cloth. Wearing it gives a -16
to all scent checks made to detect the wearer by
Mundane Rituals require no magical background enemies with the Scent ability. This Ritual lasts
or skills, at all. They can be performed by anyone for a maximum of two days, unless the wearer
who has learnt them, assuming they possess the submerges in water or the cloth gets severly torn.
proper materials. Failing such a Rituals usually Failing the Ritual roll wastes the materials and
has some negative impact on the caster. Although deals the caster 3 Fatigue and 1 Composure. These
mundane, they may have quite an impact. points recover normally.

Magical Rituals can be only performed by a Ignore Flames

practicioner of magic, as they contain magical Type: Magical
writing and actions that require magic to be Memorize: Rank 4, TN 28, PTN 64
performed. Most commonly, failing a Magical Skill: Empower Body (30), Diminish Matter (28)
Ritual has the same drawbacks as failing a Duration: 3 months
Manifestation check, including extra bad effects. Favored by those who fight fire-wielding
creatures, this Ritual makes you virtually immune
Sample Rituals to fire, although not without a cost. To perform
You will find below two sample Rituals: one the Ritual, the caster needs to perpare a mixture
mundane and one magical, to better help you of gold, copper and silver and melt it on a pot.
understand the basics of Rituals, how they are this takes a Knowledge (Metal) TN of 22. Using
performed and what kind of effect they may have. a small needle, the caster needs to spread this
Bear in mind that the mundane one is relatively mixture on the target’s body, inscribing on them
simple and easy to perform, while the magical one the symbols detailed in the Ritual, while chanting
is a complicated Ritual with a very potent effect. the words continuously. This deals 1 point of
damage per minute. These wounds are treated as
Type: Whether the Ritual is mundane or magical, Moderate instead of Light. It takes 12 minutes
for purposes of easier search. for each extremity, 8 for the Head and 24 for
the Torso. In the end, the character must make a
Memorizing: The Language Rank requirement, as Resilience check to avoid being poisoned by the
well as the TN and PTN for the Progressive roll. metal inside them (TN = 26). At the end of this
process, the caster makes the magical skill checks.
Skill: The skill (or skills) used when performing If successful, the character gains a DR of 30 against
the Ritual and their respective TNs. all kinds of fire attacks. Failing the roll requires a
roll on the Severe Side-Effects table and drains 2
Duration: Each Ritual has its own, unique way Stamina from the target and the character, which
that it ends or a time frame it lasts for. return normally.

Chapter XIII
Character Creation

P Race Selection
layer characters are undoubtedly the most
important aspect of any role-playing game.
This stands true for the 3d6 system, as well. The diversity of races in settings is immense. One
Characters are the protagonists and should be could have orcs, goblins, dwarves and elves, while
treated as such. You will find below all the phases another strange aliens or outworldly creatures.
of creating a character in detail, along with any Players usually have fun playing various strange
guidelines for GMs. In the end of this chapter races, but the GM and the player should consider
you will also find a character sheet explanation, the role-playing implications of wierd races. Of
along with images to better understand where course, humans always play a major part and
to write each piece of information. The end of are usually the most common race for a player
this entire book has the character sheet, in four character, in most settings. They are very diverse,
pages, ready to print. Also in this chapter are the found in various positions and professions, from
rules for gaining Experience Points after every soldiers to craftsmen, lorekeepers to naturalists,
session and how to spend these points to improve even magic users and devout worhsippers. In this
your character. Players can spend these points to book, only the human race will be presented, as the
purchase Perks, increase skill points or increase rest are usually dependent o the campaign setting.
their Attributes. GMs and players should always Also, certain settings might even have different
discuss about these increases before doign them. human sub-races for the players to choose from.
In this book, only the basic human race will be
shown in detail.
Creation Overview Selecting a race is only a matter of picking
Below is a brief look on the entire character
creation process, to make things easier for both which race you want to play and then noting the
the GM and the players reading this chapter. The changes, if any, to your Attributes or Skills.
entire process is split in several stages, to make it
easier to create a character. Also, bear in mind that some races may even give
bonus Perks, which you must also write down. You
Race: First, you must select the race that you want will find below Humans as a sample race. Each
to play as. This is very important, as it might also individual setting’s campaign sourcebook will
adjust the Attributes. have information on other races unique to the
setting in question.
Attributes: The core of your character, as explained
earlier, Attributes define who your character is Humans
both physically and mentally. Attribute Changes: None
Skills: 3 Extra Skill Points
Skills: Your selection of Skills will define how Perks: 1 Bonus Perk
your character was raised and which fields they Special Abilities: Determination 1/Scene
specialized in.
Determination: Once per scene, you have the
Perks & Flaws: Specific abilities or enhancements option to re-roll a roll you have just made. This
to existing abilities, Perks allow you to customize represents the humans’ innate determination and,
your character more. sometimes, stubborness. You may select to make
this re-roll even after you have seen if your original
Finishing Touches: Filling in information on the roll was successful or not (the GM should tell you
character sheet and finding any properties derived this). You must accept the second roll, even if it
from existing Attributes or Skills. was lower than the original.

Assigning Attributes Distributing Points
You gain a number of Skill Points to spend when
In the 3d6 system, starting characters are given
you create your character. These can be assigned
a number of starting points to spend on their
to any Skill, assuming your GM approves of it.
Attributes. You assign points to each Attribute,
Players are encouraged to talk things with the
but note that after a score of 9, points cost double.
GM and explain what their character knows and
You get a fixed number of points, but you also get
how they learned that, thus building a background
to roll a die to add a few extra points.
for their characters, as well.
Initial Attribute Points: 70 + 1d6
Initial Skill Points: 60+(Intelligence Attribute*2)

Attribute Score Point Cost You assign these Points one a one-to-one basis.
1 to 9 1 Point
There is a cap in these Skill Ranks during character
10 to 12 2 Points creation. This depends on whether it is a Specialty
Table 13.1: Assigning Attributes Skill or not.

You may increase an Attribute only up to 12 Specialty Skills have a maximum of 4, while
using these points. Normal Skills have a maximum of 3 during
character creation.
Any racial adjustments to Attributes take effect
only after you have assigned these points. In that Remember here to add any extra points you get
case, an Attribute can exceed 12. from your race, or any other bonuses to Skill Ranks
in general that your chosen race may give you.
There are also a couple of issues that have to be
Assigning Skills addressed, namely concerning Knowledge Skills
and Language Skills. In order to know something
The next step is to distribute points to your Skills,
which wil define the direction your character is about any specific skill on any Knowledge category,
heading and show his profession or line of work. you must have first invested some points in the
This is reflected in the number of Ranks you will General Category.
give to each Skill and also on whether you have
chosen it as a Specialty. Specific Knowledge Categories can have as many
Ranks as three times the General Category.
A Skill Specialty means that you are either For example, if you have 1 Rank in the General
innately good in this Skill or that years of training Technology Category, you can have up to 3 Ranks
have shown that you have become very good at it. in each Specific Category. If you want to have 4
Either eay, you gain bonuses on these skills. Ranks in a Specific Category, you must assign at
least 2 Points in the Technoogy Category. This
You choose a number of Skills as Specialties helps illustrate that you can’t know something
equal to your Intelligence Attribute. specific in a Category without knowing the basics.

Select the Skills you want as your Specialties by Concerning Languages, also, there is a distinction
ticking them on the character sheet. Note that between knowing how to speak a language and
if a player wishes his character to not use up all how to read or write it. You can learn one but not
of their Specialties, they may leave any number the other.
of them in order to tick them later in the game,
perhaps when the character has found what it is You assign Skill Points differently in Speak and
they want to do. You get certain benefits in the Read/Write a Language.
Skills you have assigned as Specialties. You may
increase their Ranks at character creation further Of course, a character may be illiterate. Not
than the rest of the Skills. Later, when you gain assigning any points in any Read/Write Language
Experience Points and advance your character, means you can’t read at all. Not assigning points
these Skills cost less to increase. Finally, Perks that in any Speak Language means that your character
correspond to these Skills cost less, also. This will can only communicate in gestures. Although it is
make your character quite adept at these Skills, so a nice role-play suggestion, players are advised to
choose wisely. invest a few points in speaking language.

Choosing Perks Movement: Based on your character’s size. Human
sized characters have a base Walking Movement
After the Skills, players must choose their Perks of 2 meters per round. Hustling is double that
and Flaw, if any. Players are advised to check amd Running is four times. Remember to increase
all available Perks and then decide which ones these numbers if you have any relevant Perks.
they want their characters to start with, since
many Perks have other Perks or Skill Ranks as Damage Bonus: Derived from your character’s
requirements. Strength Attribute.
Initial Perks: 2 Encumbrance: Add together the Strength and
Stamina Attributes, then look up the relevant
You may only select Perks that cost 30 XP as your table earlier in this book, in the Combat chapter.
starting Perks.
Maximum Aim: Derived from your character’s
This precludes certain Perks from being starting Coordination Attribute.
ones, mainly all Racial Perks. Characters can pick
these up with Experience Points after a few game Healing Factor: Found on your character’s
sessions. Stamina Attribute.
Your character may select a Flaw, which has a quite
debilitating effect on your character. The player
Equipping Characters
After everything else, equipment must be selected
and the GM should talk about the Flaw, how the or assigned to your character. This can either
character got it and how he feels about it. GMs be done by the GM or the players could have a
and players alike should be careful with Flaws, as choice over what their characters will start with.
they can disrupt the character very much. Of course, equipment is solely dependent on the
setting in question, including their availability
Choosing a Flaw gives your character 2 Bonus and how much starting currency players have
Perks. available to purchase gear with. If the characters,
for example, start as part of an army, then the GM
Perks and Flaws are very defining for your will probably assign gear to them. If they begin on
character. Players should choose these carefully. their own, they could have the option to choose
their equipment.

Derived Stats
Once you have made all the appropriate choices for
your character, there are a few numbers you should
Character Sheet
The final step in the character creation process is
write down for ease of play and convenience both to note down all the information on the character
for you and your GM. sheet. There are four pages on the character sheet.
At the end of this book, you can find images of all
Combat Rating: Calculated by adding together four pages, along with guides on how and what
your Intellienge and Reaction Attributes, dividing to fill in the boxes. A brief summary of what each
them by 2, then adding 5. page contains follows. The character sheet in the
3d6 system is generic. This means that it can be
Initiative: Found by looking up the appropriate adapted for use with any campaign setting, from
column on your character’s Reaction Attribute. low magic fantasy to very high technology, deep
space settings. For that reason, many fields are left
Avoidance: Equal to your character’s Avoid skill. blank, for the players to fill them depending on
the setting. You will notice that most skill entries
Deflection: Equal to your character’s Shield are left blank, since many skills change depending
Block total plus 11. on the technology available. The same goes for
Knowledge and Language Skills, as well as magic.
Composure Resistance: Found on the Willpower In other books that use the 3d6 system, namely the
Attribute. campaign books for the Ascendance and Wartide
worlds, you will find character sheets with all such
Fatigue Resistance: Found on the Stamina campaign relevant information such as skills and
Attribute. certain informatio filled up.

You will find your character’s height
and weight, as well as their age,
in the description of your race.
Profession means whatever your
character is doing as a job or the
combination of their total Specialty
Input your normal Attributes here
on the Current column. Use the
Temp column for any equipment
or buffs that modify them. The Max
column is for writing the maximum
allowed by your race, for reference.
The Incr. column, meaning
Increases, totals any adjustments
you have made to the Attribute with Combat Rating is found by adding
Experience Points, so you know your Intelligence and Reaction
how many you may still make on ATtributes, dividing by 2 then
that Attribute. adding 6. Initiative is found on
the Reaction Attribute, including
any Perks you may have. Note
down any other relevant numbers
from your Attributes here, for
quick reference. Your Movement is
calculated as follows: Walk is your
The Atk (Attack) column shows the total attack of your weapon. normal Movement Speed. Hustle is
The ShD column (Shield Damage) shows the number of Hits Walk x2 and Run is Walk x4. Note
that this weapon does when it is blocked by a shield or otherwise also the Fatigue and Composure
parried. Blk (Block) is the weapon’s Deflection bonus. Note Resistance next to the boxes you
that this is usually -4 for most weapons. Hits Taken is there have for jotting down any lost
for your convenience, so you can track the damage the weapon Fatigue or Composure. Avoidance
has sustained easier. Finally, Def. (Defense) means your total comes from your Avoid total or 14,
Deflection Rating with this weapon, found by using your total whichever is higher. On Deflection,
Attack but switching Coordination for Reaction and getting the input your shield Deflection total.
penalty of the Block column. For ranged weapons, Arm means
the IC it takes to rearm the weapon. Range is also calculated as
follows: Close is the weapon’s printed entry. Medium is Close x2,
Long is Close x3 and Effective is Close x4.

All protective items are noted here. Starting from Armor won,
the Hits boxes on the right hep you track the number of Hits
your armor has received, so you know when it is in need of repairs.
Similarly with the Shield you are holding, note any damage it
has sustained to the right. Input your character’s DR on each
Location to the right and below that write down your character’s
total HP. The HP for Torso are found on the Stamina Attribute,
including any Perks you may have. Arms and Legs have two thirds
of that number and the Head has half of the Torso’s Hit Points.
The numbers you see next to the name of the Locations indicate
the die roll on the two dice that shows which Location has been
hit, if it is not a random blow. The six boxes on each Location
help you keep track of any damage you have sustained on that
Locatin specifically. Once a Location has enough damage, tick
the box below these to indicate its condition.

The total of your Skills is the sum of your Ranks, the relevant
Attribute and any miscelaneous modifiers, such as those coming
from Perks, knowledge bonus, etc. Tick all Skills that you have
selected as Specialties (equal to your Intelligence Attribute) on
their respective tick boxes. Melee Skills are those used to perform
hand to hand combat or use close weapons. Ranged are Skills
using weapons from slingshots to assault rifles. Abilities are any
innate skills you have developed and usually come instinctively.
Talents must be trained and represent things you pick up in your
life. Social skills have to do with interaction with other characters.
Piloting skills allow you to ride horses, drive cars and bikes and
even pilot spaceships. Technology skills involve medicine, using
devices and allow you to craft items.

Threshold is the maximum number

of Ranks you can have in any Magic
Skill, based on your Willpower
Attribute. Active Powers is how
many you can have on you without
taking a penalty and next to that
write the penalty, which is -6 or
less, depending on any Perks you
may have. Magic Resistance comes
from your Personality Attribute
and is the bonus you add to any
roll versus magic attacks against
Knowledge Skills are treated you. Remember that you tick any
differently to other Skills. You must Words or Provinces separately as
assign points to General Categories Specialties. On the Control Skill,
in order to be able to invest in the you also tick each one separately.
Specific ones. You can only have a Rituals are noted down on the end,
maximum in a Specific Category of along with their respective skill, or
3 times the General Category. Note skills, and the TN of each.
here that you choose only General
Categories as Specialties. Certain
Specific Knowledges are linked,
meaning that you may roll any one
of them using half the Ranks of
any other of the Linked Skills. On
Languages, you must assign points
to Speak and Read/Write differently.
Languages can go up to 6 points,
with 2 being a fairly competent
speaker, 4 a native speaker and 6 a
rhetoric sage.

A short description of your character
goes on the top, along with any scars
or special characteristics they may
Experience total is noted on the left,
have, such as marks, tattoos, etc. To
while any currently unused points
on the right. Write down your total the right, you can daw a sketch, if
number of Action Points and use the you have the will and inclination to
boxes below to tick them off as you do so. On the bottom, you can input
spend them. Costs and Limits are ay contacts your character has made
also written here. on their background or during the
course of the game sessions. Also
note these contacts’ occupations or
what they do in their lives.

Your character gets 2 Perks during character creation. Note that

certain races may even grant Bonus Perks, such as humans. Input
your character’s Flaw here, if any. Remember that getting one
grants you 2 extra Perks on character creation, but wll probaby
hinder your character in a quite debilitating manner. You may
only purchase Perks that cost 30 Experience Points at first. If
these Perks have any requirements, you must fulfill all these
requirements. Any Perks that correspond to Specialty Skills cost
two thirds the normal cost. Specialty Perk costs are 20, 40, 60, 80
and 100. For a Perk to qualify as a Specialty Perk, it must have
a Skill requirement. Perks without Skill Requirements can’t be
purchased at a reduced cost, at all. Character Option and Racial
Perks are two such examples.

Any kind of structures you own
or living arrangements in general
are noted here, along with a small
If you wish to go into that detail,
description and their monthly cost,
write here your character’s month
to help you keep track of your
to month expenses for their lifestyle,
houses, mansions or other dwellings
accomodation, maintenance of their
more easily.
equipment and any other monthy
costs they may have. This should
help you keep track of their fortune.

In this part of the character sheet, you can record all your gear.
You will find it categorized by equipment that you have on your
person, meaning those that are on your belt, on scabbards or
even worn by you. In backpack means all equipment that you
have inside any kind of bag you are carrying, from small sacks
to magical equipment that can hide more than they appear to. In
Storage means all equipment that are in your house, safely stored
away in vaults, or anywhere else you may have hidden them. Also
here you should note all the weight of the items and write down
the total weight of all the items you carry on your person and your
backpack, so you can calculate your total Encumbrance. Look up
the Encumbrance table on the book and note your maximum, so
you can check if you are Encumbered or not.

Characters may have some sort of

special powers that are not magical,
nor are parts of Rituals performed Depending on the setting you are
upon them. Some races have playing in, your character may have
strange, dark powers, while others any kind of trsnaportatio available
have powers of the mind. Any kind for them, from simple horses to
of special abilities are noted here, mechs or space shuttles. Note this
along with any description the transportation available and also
player would like to give for them, write a small description for them
including any respective TNs and
all game mechanics regarding these

Finalizing Attributes. Playing a character who was trained
to be a fighter since he was a boy means you
There are some guidelines which should help should allocate points to Strength and Stamina.
players and GMs create better characters and, A very studious child should probably maximize
above all, make them more quickly. Understanding the Intelligence Attribute. Similarly, concerning
the character creation process will help make Skills, the first character should assign a lot,
more detailed characters, also. First of all, the and most probably select them as Specalties, on
background of your character is really important. Larceny, Observe, Streetwise and other skills
Once you have decided on your race, take some that have to do with stealing. The second should
time to make up the story of your character. How obviously tick a few weapon skills, both melee and
we was born, where he grew up, the people he ranged, while the last one would likely choose
knew. The more detail you have before you start several Knowledge Categories as Specialties.
making your character, the easier it will be to
make the choices during creation. For example, Creating a background first will certainly expedite
if you choose that your character grew up on the the character creation process. Once you have
streets of a big city, stealing food and robbing for chosen everything, your GM, who should probably
a living, you know that you should probably assign know the system better, can help you fill in all the
many points to your Coordination and Reaction derived statistics and complete your character.

Chapter XIV
Experience & Limits

Advancement given per session, as well as some extra rewards for

closing minor or major campaign arcs. The entire
Starting characters are just that. Characters 3d6 system Experience is based on these awards
who have just begun their journey in the world and GMs should familiarize themselves with the
of Ascendance. When you play a game session, system of Arcs, explained below in detail.
your characters increase in experience and learn
new things. In the game, this is reflected by the A Session in the 3d6 system is defined as being
Experience Points they acquire. These are points at around six hours.
your GM gives to all players at the end of every
session, story or even in the midst of those. In the If the sessions you play last longer or less, adjust
3d6 system, everything you wish to increase costs the awards accordingly. For example, if you usually
a number of Experience Points. The better you are play nine hours, make the award from 60 to 90.
at something, the harder it is to become better. Similarly, if you only play 4 hours, make it from
There are certain limits, though, as to what you 25 to 40.
can increase and how many times before you can
do so again. Usually, this is determined by your
overall Experience Points. The players should Time Period Experience Award
always work in collaboration with the GM to Each Session 40-60
increase their Attributes, Skills or even buy a Perk.
The GM should have the final say on if they can Minor Arc +20
increase something or not and usually the players Major Arc +30
should be able to justify that increase via role-
Campaign End +100
playing or via actions their characters had done
in the course of the adventures during which they Table 14.1: Experience Awards
received these Experience Points.
Minor Arcs are parts of the campaign that
Experience Awards complete a small part of the campaign. Minor
How often the GM gives out Experience Points Arcs usually last three sessions. For example,
is one factor that determines how often your suppose the players are in a fantasy setting and are
character will be able to increase their statistics hired by a local inn owner to take care of a thieves’
and advance in general. guild, which ha recently been threatening him. At
first, players decide to do a little surveillance and
The most common Experience Award method begin to ask around the area where they believe
is to grant a number of XP after every game the guild has their hideout. After a few days of
session. surveillance, they discover a contact of the guild,
who owns a tannery just outside the city and
This provides the players with the most fun, since provides the guild with armors. They decide to go
they can see their characters getting better and there, kill his guards and question him, then use
better after every time you play and this makes the information to find the guild itself. The players
for more fun overall. If you choose to award after go there, have a fight with the guards, chase the
three or maybe four sessions, or even after every escaping tanner and finally manage to catch him
time a big story arc in your campaign ends, then after a climactic fight with his bodyguards. Then,
the players will probably feel as if their characters they question him and he reveals that while he
are taking huge leaps towards becoming better doesn’t know the hideout of the guild, he knows
in what they do and not small steps, as is more of a couple of other contacts. All this concludes a
appropriate. Below you will find the suggested XP Minor Arc for the campaign.

Major Arcs are parts of the campaign that attempts by the guild and one that almost killed
complete a big part of it. Major Arcs usually one of the players, they have a lucky break as they
last nine or more sessions. Using the following are contacted by a rich noble who offers them a
example, the players have learnt about two more big reward for the recovery of an item from some
contacts, a blacksmith and a minor noble, from the goblins and ogres in the nearby mountains. The
tanner, who they killed afterwards. They decide to noble does not reveal any more information, just
go swiftly to the blacksmith and question him. that the item is a family heirloom stolen from him
The blacksmith cooperates easily and reveales when he suffered an attack returning to the city a
that the guild have been threatening him and few months ago. The players bargain not to receive
this is why he had been working with them, so money, but rather help in dealing with the guild.
he decides to help the players. Then, the players The noble heartily agrees. Luckily for the players,
begin to investigate tha noble and discover that the noble has very strong influence on the other
he is quite out of their league. So, they decide city and promises to help them get rid of the guild,
they should first find some allies to help them. if they retrieve the item for him. A very difficult
With the help of the blacksmith, they contact dungeon crawl ensues as the players search for the
a small mercenary company that he knows and item. As it turns out the ogre lord in possession of
hire them to attack the noble. After a few days the item was quite the match, but they persevered.
of planning and surveillance, they learn that the However, the players discover inside the lair
noble will travel with a caravan to the nearest city evidence of the guild’s involvement with the ogres
on business. They set up an ambush and intercept and orcs in the area, thus confirming even more
the caravan on the way with very efficient effort. that they had been messing with the wrong guild.
The fight gives them more than they bargained Returning to the noble with his heirloom, he is
for, but the players end up winning, although two excited to have it. Learning also that the guild had
get seriously hurt and will require a lot of time to been involved with the creatures, he decides to go
recover. The noble unfortnately didn’t survive the overboard with helping the players and sends a
fight, but a servant fortunately knew enough and small army with them back to the first city. Playing
was willing to talk and reveals the location of the a smart move, the players go to the city authorities
guild. However, in their condition the players are and reveal the evidence in hopes of getting official
not able to make an attack, especially considering help, as well, considering that the city would not
that the mercenary company took similar hits and take kindly to a guild working with monsters. In a
even a couple of losses, so they decide to return turn of events, though, the guild had already dug
and recover. All this up to now contained around their claws in the guard and this plan backfires.
three Minor Arcs, including the previous one and Evading the guard itself, the players now have a
thus becomes the conclusion of a Major Arc. very short window in which to act before they are
hunted down by the guard. In a bold move, they
Campaign End means the end of a big campaign, gather the army given by the noble and openly
which usually covers several Minor and a couple attack the guild in broad daylight. Chaos ensues
of Major Arcs. Still following the previous as the guild barricade themselves inside their
scenario, the players are recovering and they are ground, which also has some catacombs beneath
informed (by the blacksmith, who has strangely it and wait for the guard to come and arrest the
remained loyal) that the guild has them in their players. Many die in the fight, which turns to a
sights and are planning an attack. Realising they skirmish. The players manage to break through
have gone in way over heir heads, they turn to and enter the hideout. A final surprise awaits
the mercenary company, but find out, the hard them there, as the guild has given home to an orc
way, that they have been hired by the guild to get shaman and his ogre bodyguard, right beneath the
them. One of the players dies in the ensuing fight, city. Making the last stand, the shaman, the ogre
but the rest manage to flee. The players decide and the surviving guild members fight the players
to go to the nearest city and stay low there for in a fierce battle. Ultimately, the players emerge
a while. The guild, though, pursues them, intent victorious. The guards capture the players, who
on vengeance and use their own contacts in that are released soon after the guild was confirmed
city to attempt to find the players and kill them. to have been cooperating with monsters. Having
It’s a race against time as the players attempt to gained quite a lot of wealth and experience in the
find contacts and assistance there, as well as do process, the players decide to not accept the reward
a couple of jobs in order to gain some gold. The originally promised to them by the innkeeper, who
problem is that the more jobs they do, the more himself has no idea how deep he was getting them
famous they become and are easier traceable by into. Finally, the players rest, safe in their own city.
the guild. After a couple of failed assasination This was the closing of a long campaign, in which

the players fought a guild, fled chased by them, This means that, for example, if you want to
found some allies and then returned home to increase a Skill from 4 to 5 Ranks, it would cost
make a big battle with their enemies and finally 10 Experience Points if it is a Specialty Skill and
managed to win and destroy the entire guild, 15 if it is not. Increasing an Attribute from 10 to
revealing their connection to the monsters and 11 would cost 110 Experience Points. Perks have a
becoming local heroes at the same time. All in normal cost, which is written in their descriptions
all, this entire campaign consisted of two Major in the Perks chapter earlier in this book. If a Perk
Arcs and five to six Minor Arcs. Players should be falls into the Specialty Category, it costs less. For
given rewards after each session, extra Experience example, if you want to buy the Sustenance Perk,
after each Minor and Major arc and finally a big which normally costs 60 Experience Points, you
reward at the end of everything, especially since would need 40 Experience Points if you have the
they succeded. Failing a mission would probably Resilience Skill as a Specialty Skill.
warranty less Experience Points.
If a Perk has no Skill requirement at all, then
Downtime it can’t be purchased as a Specialty Perk at a
Not all sessions are combat intensive and full reduced cost.
of danger or rewards. There are some times in a
character’s life where for many months or even Training
years they stay in their home reading, training Atrributes and Skills don’t generally increase
or simply idling by. During this time, characters overnight. Characters must usually train them.
should get some Experience Points, but not as This training can happen anywhere, from a
many as they would gain from a combat session. character’s home to a specially equipped place. In
general, players should be able to advance their
Downtime gives players who improve their craft, Skills on their own, learning and developing
train or are otherwise very active 2 Experience themselves in the process. Most of the time this
Points per month. increase happens over a long period of time, while
the character learns and goes from one adventure
To acquire those Experience Points players should to the next. Hands on experience is the best way
participate in the session, not just state that some to learn and increase your numbers. However,
months pass while they craft. Rolls need to be sometimes characters might just want to read
made and role-playng done in order to warranty about something to learn more about it, or have
these Experience Points. someone else train them on it. In that case, the
Skill in question should take some time to learn,
Costs increase or master.
In order to spend Experience Points, you must
first know the cost of each increase you are Statistic Training Time
attempting to make. This mostly depends on the
type of increase and whether it belongs to your Skill Rating in Days
Specialty or not. This is both true for Skills and Attribute Rating in Months
Perks. The table below shows all Experience Point
Perk Hours Equal to Cost
costs for characters. As shown below, all Ratings
are calculated as the Rating you are buying. Table 14.3: Training Times

Any Perk that has as a requirement a Skill that These numbers are left to the GM’s discretion, if
you have as a Specialty is considered a Specialty training times are used at all. It is advisable that
Perk. Skills the character uses and makes enough rolls
for be allowed to increase without training times.
In the aforementioned case, though, these might
Type Experience Cost come in handy.
Skill New Rating x3
Furthermore, in the case of a character reading or
Specialty Skill New Rating x2
learning a Skill or Perk from someone else, the
Perk 30 - 150 trainer must have at least 1 Rank above what the
Specialty Perk One Third Normal Cost character who is taught wishes to reach. If, for
example, the character wishes to increase a Skill
Attribute New Rating x10 from 8 to 9, then they must find someone who has
Table 14.2: Experience Costs at least 10 Ranks in that Skill.

Limits Attribute Limits
There are several limiting factors that GMs Attributes also have their own limitations as to
and players should bear in mind when they are how high they can go, depending on the initial
increasing their Attributes and Skills. The first maximum they had.
limiting factor has to do with how often you
are given awards. The other has to do with your To find the maximum of an Attribute, multiply
Attributes and whether the Skill in question is a the maximum Starting Attribute by 1,25.
Specialty Skill or not.
For most races, the maximum Starting Attribute
Limit by Awards is 12. This means that the maximum an Attribute
Everytime the GM grants the players Experience can go in that case is 15. If the race in question has
Points they can increase once their Ranks or a bonus, it also increases the maximum.
Limit by Experience
The final limiting factor is the total Experience a
You may increase an Attribute or Skill only by
character has. The more Experienced one is, the
one with every Experience award given.
higher the Ranks of Skills can go and the more
Attribute increases they can make.
Of course, GMs may waive that rule if they judge
that the character was very focused enough and
made a tremendous effort towards increasing that Current XP Skill Max Attribute AD
particular Skill twice in that award. However, 0 - 400 6 Ranks 0 2
doing so will get character to other caps much
quicker and is generally not advised. 401 - 1000 8 Ranks +1 3
1001 - 1800 10 Ranks +2 4
Limit by Specialty 1801 - 2800 12 Ranks +3 5
Another limiting factor in a character’s
advancement is their Attribute, combined with 2801 - 4000 14 Ranks +4 6
whether the Skill is a Specialty or not. 4001 - 5400 16 Ranks +5 7
5400 - 7000 18 Ranks +6 8
Normal Skills may only have as many Ranks
as the character has in the Corresponding 7000+ No Limit* No Limit* 9
Attribute. Table 14.4: Experience Limits
*At such high Experience brackets, characters may increase their
Specialty Skills may have as many Ranks as their Attributes and Skills as high as they want, but must always obey other
Corresponding Attribute +3. limitations (see above).

For example, if you have a Reaction score of 10, Skill Max means the total maximum Ranks the
then the Avoid Skill may only have 10 Ranks character can have in any skill.
maximum if it’s not a Specialty Skill and 13 if
it is. Note here that these numbers may increase Attribute shows how many increases the character
if the character has a high enough Intelligence can make on a single Attribute.
Attribute. This means that a high Intelligence
helps players learn more and reach levels in a Skill AD shows the maximum number of Action Dice
that other character are unable to. that the character has at this Experience bracket.

Chapter XV

ear can give a great boost to a character. technology to be apparent and for numbers to
Depending on the setting, it can make not lose their meaning otherwise, follow the rules
the difference between winning a fight or below. First, though, you will find below all the
losing it. The higher the technology level, the more different technology levels one can find throughout
dependent people are on equipment. In a fantasy the 3d6 system. A small description for each one
setting, people can go by with simple weapons and follows, as well as their Technological Ranking,
still get the work done. In a sci-fi setting, though, used when combining different technologies.
lack of gear can mean being stranded somewhere Information on existing earth time periods taken
not knowing where your enemies are, while they from historical sites on the internet.
can locate you and blast you away from afar. In
the 3d6 system, you will find several equipment Stone Age begins with the first production of
of different technology levels. Usually, they are stone implements and ends with the first use of
grouped by the setting, but certain settings can bronze. Since the chronological limits of the Stone
hae a mixture of different technologies. In this
Age are based on technological development
case, refer to the appropriate section below for
rather than actual date ranges, its length varies
ways of mixing technologies like this. You will
in different areas of the world. The earliest global
find in this book a variety of equipmetn which,
however, do not cover all technology Levels. In date for the beginning of the Stone Age is 2.5
specific campaign settings, you will find compiled million years ago in Africa, and the earliest end
lists of equipment from this book, as well as new date is about 3300 BCE, which is the beginning
gear only available in that setting. of Bronze Age in the Near East.

Middle Ages or Medieval Times was a long

Technology Levels period of history from 500 AD to 1500 AD. That’s
1000 years! It covers the time from the fall of the
Most commonly, a fantasy setting has the same
technology level all around the world. Certain Roman Empire to the rise of the Ottoman Empire.
settings, however, have cultures far more advanced This was a time of castles and peasants, guilds
than the others and some who are still less evolved and monasteries, cathedrals and crusades. Great
in that regard. Mixing them creates certain issues leaders such as Joan of Arc and Charlemagne were
which have to be addressed, namely Crafting part of the Middle Ages as well as major events
and Penetration Ratings. For the difference in such as the Black Plague and the rise of Islam.

Level Name Description

1 Stone Age Crude weapons, no mining, creations of stone and wood only.
2 Middle Ages Sword and shield, heavy, metallic armors, low educational levels.
3 Rennaisance Firearms first appear, armors leather and light metal, crafts and inventions.
4 Industrialisation Explosives and heavy armors, machines of war, coal and minerals as resources.
5 Modern Times Rifles, explosives, nuclear weapons, electronics, computers & the Internet
6 Space Age Power armors, laser weaponry, spaceships and alien races with alien technology.
7 Cyber Era Merge of humans with robots, uploading consciousness, AI gaining sentience.
8 Warp Age Deep space exploration, intergalactic travel, planet-destroying technologies.
Table 15.1: Technology Levels

Renaissance literally means “rebirth” and is the ones. Laser was fully weaponized and the energy
period in European civilization immediately crisis was fully resolved. Computers were highly
following the Middle Ages, conventionally held advanced and mechanized fighting units were
to have been characterized by a surge of interest in deployed. This era lasted for a couple thousand
classical learning and values. The Renaissance also years, as contact with aliens and the wars halted
witnessed the discovery and exploration of new the advancement of technology and evolution.
continents, the substitution of the Copernican
for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, the Cyber Age sees the rise of Artificial Intelligence
decline of the feudal system and the growth of and the uploading of consciousness onto the
commerce, and the invention or application of web, thus creating a bond between mankind and
such potentially powerful innovations as paper, computers, which created the first cyborgs and
printing, the mariner’s compass, and gunpowder. meta-humans. People begun to exhibit strange
To the scholars and thinkers of the day, however, evolutionary powers. Weapons that disintegrate and
it was primarily a time of the revival of classical affect molecular structures have been discovered,
learning and wisdom after a long period of cultural diseases have been eliminated, yet strange viruses
decline and stagnation. have taken over parts of civilizations. Certain AI
have also gained consciousness and begun wars
Industrialisation refers to the first transformation with humans. Many alien races have been made
to an industrial economy from an agricultural one, contact with and some hybrids of two races have
known as the Industrial Revolution, took place been born. This era lasted for several thousand
from the mid-18th to early 19th century in certain years as technology increases in complexity and
areas in Europe and North America; starting in dominates every aspect of people’s lives. Aging is
Great Britain, followed by Belgium, Germany, and also no longer an issue as humans live for hundreds
France. The “Second Industrial Revolution” labels of years, assuming they can afford the technology
the later changes that came about in the mid-19th to do so. On the other hand, the common populace
century after the refinement of the steam engine, lives in terror and decay, as they are used as fodder
the invention of the internal combustion engine, and cattle for those who control the world.
the harnessing of electricity and the construction
of canals, railways and electric-power lines. The Warp Age was heralded by the invention of
invention of the assembly line gave this phase a devices that allowed mankind to travel faster than
boost. light and explore the distant corners of the galaxy.
The earth has been ravaged and made nearly
Modern Times has been a period of significant uninhabitable, but mankind has spread across the
development in the fields of science, politics, galaxy. Spaceships and motherships have taken
warfare, and technology. It has also been an the role of planets in many cases and all kinds
age of discovery and globalization. During of planets have been discovered, some with life
this time, the European powers and later their of their own. Alien races are at war with humans
colonies, began a political, economic, and cultural and with each other. Technology is at its peak,
colonization of the rest of the world. By the late but extremely focused on space exploration, travel
19th and 20th centuries, modernist art, politics, and sustenance. Humans are able to virtually
science and culture has come to dominate not live indefinately, yet not without problems in
only Western Europe and North America, but this, such as the need for certain chemicals.
almost every civilized area on the globe, including Uploading consciousness and switching bodies
movements thought of as opposed to the west and to sustain eternal life is a fairly common thing.
globalization. The modern era is closely associated The combination of man and machine is almost
with the development of individualism, capitalism, perfect, yet still turns people to cold-blooded
urbanization and a belief in the possibilities of individuals devoid of emotions and the ability to
technological and political progress. act randomly. Weapons have reached a new peak,
able to destroy entire planets, tilt planetary axes
Space Age refers to an era that brought about and knock entire planets off course. Warfare exists
space travel and colonization of other planets, on two very different levels. The large scale one,
albeit with still slow and unreliable methods. First where soldiers don’t matter and only the weapons
Contact was made and alien races begun to emerge of mass destruction do, and the personal one where
as humans set their sights on the neighbouring small untis infiltrate specific targets and perform
galaxies and, soon after, discovered ways to travel surgical strikes. On some planets, war with aliens
faster. Wars were waged and weapons of mass for the recovery of anceitn artifacts and newfound
destruction were widespread, including biological technologies is raging.

The first thing to note about Technology Levels is
Melee Weapons
Common enough across many time periods, hand
the ease with which crafts are made. In the Stone
to hand weapons have taken a variety of forms,
Age, for example, a weapon made of metal would
from stone spears to alien, sword-like weapons
be a newfound artifact of immense value, if it ever
made of strange metals. You will find below a brief
existed. In the Rennaisance it is very common,
description of some melee weapons available in
if somewhat outdated. This has an impact on
the Complexity Rating, as this measurement some 3d6 system campaign settings, along with
of technology is subjective when dealing with their properties explained in detail.
differing Technology Ratings in the same time
period. Size: The minimum size requirement to wield
that weapon effectively. Also noted is whether
If you are crafting something exclusive to a the weapon requires one or two hands. Note that
Technology Level one less than your own, halve creatures one size smaller may use one-handed
all Complexity Ratings. Continue to halve them weapons with two hands, while creatures one size
for every Technology Rating lower. larger may use two-handed weapons on one hand,
If you are crafting something exclusive to a
Technology Level one higher than your own, Bonus: A flat bonus given to the weapon’s Attack,
double all Complexity Ratings. Continue to added on top of all other modifiers, showing the
double them for every Technology Rating weapon’s general effectiveness.
Damage: How many dice or flat damage the
This makes it virtually impossible to create weapon does.
something more advanced than your current
technology level and at the same time, trivial Reach: Length and threaten area of the weapon.
if you try to create something that belongs to a Note that this is to calculate Committed attacks.
lower technological era. For example, someone Certain weapons may be able to attack enemies at
attempting to create an assualt rifle in the a distance of more than one hex. This is shown on
Renaissance would find it impossible, while the Special entry, not here.
attempting to make a medieval armor in Modern
Times should be very easy to pull off, given the IC (Initiative Count): The time it takes to swing
current technological equipment. that weapon, measured in Initiative Count,
showing how slow or fast a weapon is.
Penetration Ratings
Similarly to crafting, ranged weapon ammunition Critical: The type of Critical Hit the weapon
is affected by the rise of technology. Although makes if the attacker scores a difference of 16 or
armors give more or less an equal amount of more.
Damage Reduction (though higher technology
armors are a lot more comfortable and have less Hits: How much damage the weapon can endure
severe penalties), ammunition has been created in in terms of Hits when it is used to block an
such a way as to make certain, older armors quite incoming attack. Note that most melee weapons
redundant. are not usually used to that purpose and this is
why they have a quite low number of Hits.
For every Technological Level that Ammunition
is higher than Armor, increase all Penetration CP (Craft Points): For crafting purposes only,
Ratings by 6. these Points indicate the PTN for the Progressive
Roll required to craft an item. This number is
For every Technological Level that Ammunution indicative of items here and can be used to find
is lower than Armor, reduce all Penetration the CP of other items, as well.
Ratings to half.
CMP (Complexity): The item’s difficulty to
This makes it very hard for older armors to resist craft and understand how it works, in general.
higher technology ammuntion and vice versa. Of Complexity Rating is used in crafting, creating
course, half the DR may still be enough to stop and reading plans of an item and a few other
enough of the damage from the ranged attack, calculations. Refer to the Crafting chapter for
even if the armor is old and outdated. more details on all these.

Weapon Size Bonus Damage Reach IC Critical Hits CP CMP
Axe Chr (2H) +2 3d6 4 10 Ripping 10 18 25
Greataxe Chr (2H) +2 4d6-1 6 12 Ripping 14 25 26
Hatchet Chr (1H) +1 2d6 4 8 Ripping 10 15 24
Cestus Chr (1H) +1 2d6-1 3 10 Bleeding 16 35 28
Dagger Chr (1H) +1 1d6+1 2 8 Bleeding 8 22 24
Great Sword Chr (2H) +3 3d6+2 6 12 Bleeding 18 35 28
Magnetic Sword Chr (1H) +1 1d6+1 2 8 Bleeding 8 25 25
Short Sword Chr (1H) +1 1d6+2 3 8 Bleeding 8 20 24
Survival Knife Chr (1H) +1 1d6+1 2 8 Bleeding 8 25 25
Sword Chr (1H) +2 2d6+1 4 10 Bleeding 12 25 27
Wrist Blade Chr (1H) +1 1d6+1 2 8 Bleeding 8 25 25
Blunt Weapons
Club Chr (2H) 0 2d6 5 12 Taxing 12 15 19
Headcrusher Chr (2H) -1 4d6-1 5 12 Taxing 18 20 22
Morningstar Chr (1H) +1 2d6+1 4 10 Taxing 12 22 24
Shortclub Chr (1H) -1 1d6+3 4 10 Taxing 6 15 19
Three-Headed Flail Chr (2H) -1 2d6+1 5 12 Taxing 12 40 25
Chain Chr (2H) -1 2d6+1 8 12 Ripping 8 12 22
Grappler Chr (2H) -3 1d6-2 6 14 Taxing 6 60 32
Malvard Chr (1H) 0 1d6+2 2 8 Ripping 8 22 23
Halberd Chr (2H) +3 3d6 7 12 Ripping 14 30 30
Longspear Chr (2H) +2 3d6 8 12 Bleeding 10 15 22
Shortspear Chr (1H) +1 2d6 5 10 Bleeding 10 15 22
Fist/Kick Chr (1H) 0 1d6 2 8 Taxing - - -
Table 15.2: Melee Weapons
*for every category larger than Character, Unarmed deals 1d6+1 base damage extra and for every category smaller, it deals -3 damage

Axes Axe
Usually made as tools, except the very big ones, axes This weapon has a wooden shaft which ends in
have decent damage, but are not as well crafted as a single metal, curved blade made for chopping
blades are. However, they deal devastating damage wood or anything else that the wielder wants. An
when they astrike a critical hit, making them Axe does +1 damage when it scores a Critical Hit,
quite random but spiking in damage a lot. The since it has a very specific impact surface and a lot
advantage of axes is their simple design, which of power behind the swing. Axes are used mainly
usually consists of a wooden shaft and a metal by nature-abiding races or by those who use them
blade embedded on top of it. as tools.

Greataxe Magnetic Sword
A very devastating weapon, it can slice an arm or A high-tech weapon, this sword does not see
a leg clean in a single strike. The greataxe is larger much use, though, as the settings it is used in
than a normal axe and usually has blades on both usually have very potent ranged weapons that have
sides. It also deals +1 damage on a Critical Hit, made melee weapons nearly obsolete. However,
much like its smaller counterpart. this assumption is usually the last some people
make, as a character can do a lot of damage if they
Hatchet manage to get close enough, despite high-tech
A smaller version of the axe, it is used mainly for amors and protection. The magnetic sword acts
cutting small logs or carving trees, but can be quite like a normal sword, except that when a button is
an effective weapon. The hatchet shares the rest of pressed on the grip (an action costing 1 IC), the
the axes’ increased +1 damage on a Critical Hit. sword is magnetized, gaining a +4 bonus on all
disarm attempts the wielder makes and +1 damage
Blades if the opponent is wearing metallic armor.
One of the most commonly used weapon categories,
across any settings. Blades are considered to be the Short Sword
bost well-balanced weapons, both regarding their A relative short blade, somewhere between a
craft and ability to deal and withstand damage. dagger and a sword, it compromises between the
Blades are found in many places and settings, two. Used by those who would prefer to hide the
from medieval cities to slums in sci-fi settings. weapon easier, than deal more damage, the short
However, it usually takes some skills to craft one sword is nonetheless more effective than a dagger.
properly, and thus they are less common in places
where the economy is very low or metal is scarce. Survival Knife
Blades usually have a crossguard, to protect the The modern counterpart of the dagger, the
hand of the wilder when they use them to block. Survival Knife has some extra uses. Usually, the
grip can be unscrewed, containing a compass,
Cestus thin wire and anything else small enough to fit
A gladiatorial weapon, the cestus is a metal glove in the grip. Usually comes along with a strap,
that envelops the arm up to halfway through the allowing the owner to place it anywhere on their
wrist and ends in a small sword. The Cestus allows person. Survival Knives are extremely common
the wielder to parry with it easily, thus it does not on a modern or even sci-fi setting, being used by
get the -4 penalty that blocking with a weapon hunters, mercenaries or even simply for the safety
usually does. Used by gladiators and pirates, since of carrying a small weapon.
it allows the freedom to use the other hand for a
weapon or holding on to something. Sword
The signature weapon of many a fantasy game,
Dagger this long blade is simple in design, yet extremely
A very common weapon in any kind of world, effective. Considered the best in weaponry as far as
this usually doubles as a tool. Used for a variety of balance between cost, construction, effectiveness
needs, from slicing meat to skinning or even as a and durability are concerned, this weapon is
sacrificial tool, the dagger is very easily hidden and being used across virtually any kind of setting.
can deal small, yet powerful blows which bleed Although it requires some expertise to craft, is
easily. remains popular among warriors for its balance,
damaging power and ability to withstand enough
Greatsword blows. Swords can be very simple or extremely
The signature weapon of berserkers and huge, intricate in design, but usually craftmanship and
armored warriors, this sword is almost as big decorations don’t affect the weapon’s effectiveness
as a normal human and quite heavy. It requires in combat.
two hands to wield, thus it is often called a two-
hander. It deals tremendous amounts of damage Wrist Blade
and few can withstand a direct blow. However, the Favored by assassins everywhere, the concealability
lack of defense while wielding one makes it not of this weapon is the most coveted property.
very deserable among those who are not confident Able to be hidden wearing a long-sleeved coat
enough they can drop their enemies in a single or anything similar, the Wrist Blade requires an
blow. In many fights it is used as a weapon to action that costs 3 IC to draw, much faster than
initiate a charge with and then swiftly drop on the drawing a normal, small weapon. Moreover, you
ground to draw a sword and shield. may not be disarmed while wielding this weapon.

Blunt Weapons balls, giving the weapon +1 damage. However
A very common weapon category, these weapons ungainly the weapon may be, it has the potential
are used mainly by those who have nothing to deal tremendous amounts of damage, but its
better to defend themselves with. There are those, chaotic nature makes many warriors not have it
however, who prefer them as weapons of choice, as their weapon of choice. Very common for the
mainly becuse they fight monsters that require arena, though, where luck favors the bold. When
bashing damage to be defeated, such as undead. attacking with this weapon, roll 2d6. On a roll of
Very simple to create usually, these weapons are 2-7, the weapon deals it normal damage. On a
made out of wood or single, solid pieces of metal roll of 8-10, it deals an extra 1d6 pints of damage,
with a grip. while on a roll of 11 or 12, it deals an extra 2d6
points of damage.
Made from wood or metal, clubs are used in Improvised
a variety of settings by thugs, bandits or even Either not really made as weapons, or too wierd to
normal people who need to defend themselves be classified as any basic type, improvised weapons
from intruders. A simple, but effective swing can are not very widely used, except by gladiators or
break more than just a couple of bones. Clubs can individuals who specialize in them. These weapons
be used to deal subdual damage without getting a usually have certain properties making them quite
penalty, making them ideal for when you want to unique, but are difficult to use. This category also
send a message. contains any kind of item wielded as a weapon,
such as a broken chair, a stool or even a street sign.
A heavy, ungainly, yet very powerful weapon. The Chain
headcrusher deserves its name as it is a massive, A simple weapon, the chain is just that. Some
rectangular rock on the end of a thick, metal shaft. prefer to embroider it with piercing spikes or
Usually, lines of metal run on an X pattern along its hooks in the end. Chains are used effectively
top, lining the shaft with the stone. A Critical Hit to snatch weapons from other people’s hands,
with this weapon will also send the target reeling thus gaining a +2 on any roll made to disarm an
back 1 meter, unless they make a Resilience check opponent while holding a chain. You gain the
(TN = 11 + damage dealt before DR). The target same bonus if someone tries to disarm you. Chains
must then make an Acrobatics check at a TN of that sport spikes or hooks gain a +1 damage, but
18 or fall down. suffer a -2 on their attack rolls, since the weapon
becomes unwieldly.
A metal shaft with a large ball full of spikes, it Grappler
takes its name due to the resemblance to the sun. The grappler is a strange weapon, used to hold
This weapon deals both bashing and piercing your opponents, but is otherwise very innefective
damage, unless the spikes are removed, in which as a weapon. It is used by gladiator groups, though,
case it deals only bashing but gains a -1 on the who use this as an opportunity for their allies to
damage roll. In any calculations where it is needed, finish off their opponent. If you hit your opponent
half of the total damage is bashing and the other with the Grappler, you automatically initiate a
half piercing. In case a creature has different DR Grapple attempt. Others characters may attack
for different kinds of damage, apply the DR to the weapon itself to free the trapped character.
the total attack and then divide the damage into You must hold on to the weapon every round to
bashing and piercing. maintain the grapple, as if you were grappling
yourself. Neither you nor the opponent may attack
Shortclub one another through the grapple.
Much like the Club, but smaller, this weapon can
be used with one hand as effectively. A simple Malvard
weapon, can also be used as a tool if the situation A strange weapon, used by vile and sadistic
demands breaking something or holding open a individuals usually, the Malvard is a glove that
door, for example. sports hooks, nooks, spiked chains and all sorts of
similar protrusions. Although not a very effective
Three-Headed Flail weapon, it is devastating on a Critical Hit, gaining
Aptly named, this weapon consists of a small grip, a +1d6 on its damage, as it rips the flesh or armor
which splits in three chains, all ending in large, of the target. The weapon, though, takes 2 Hits
metallic balls. Sometimes, spikes are used on the whenever it scores a Critical Hit.

Polearms Reach also changes. Smaller characters find their
Requiring very good craftmanship and expensive damage and bonus reduced, but attack faster. You
materials usually, these weapons provide the will find all these changes on the table below for
wielder with many options. However, their size
makes them inefficient for those who want to Unarmed Bonus Damage Reach IC
stealth or conceal them. Most of them have
excellent reach, making them ideal for armies Small -1 1d6-2 1 6
facing charging opponents or those fighting Vehicle +1 2d6+1 2 9
enemies on horseback. Polearms are difficult to
Gigantic +3 3d6+4 4 11
fight with, but learning to do gives characters a
great advantage. Juggernaut +5 4d6+6 8 15
Table 15.3: Unarmed Size
A very sophisticated weapon, the halberd sees Unarmed attacks are at risk of being
many uses. It has a very good reach and thus used counterattacked by a Commit Action, if your
against charging opponents. It can deal slashing opponent is armed. If you attempt to deflect an
or peircing damage, at the wielder’s option, with attack while Unarmed, the Location you used to
a simple twist of the wrist to alter the weapon’s do so (typically one of your Arms) gets damaged
orientation. The bottom part can be inserted to by the attack for half damage even if you make the
the ground as an action that costs 7 IC. Doing so Deflect. This is true even for animals, who usually
means the weapon deals extra damage to characters
don’t deflect attack, though, but merely attempt to
who are moving towards you. This damage is +1d6
avoid them.
if the character is Hustling and +2d6 if they are

Ranged Weapons
From slings that shoot stone bullets to mortars
Polearms are the weapon of choice for soldiers
who fight opponents on horseback and the that decimate an entire area, ranged weapons
longspear is no exception. Much like the halberd, dominate many kinds of settings. The more
the Longspear can be set on the ground with an advanced it is, of course, the more dependent
action that costs 7 IC. You gain a -2 penalty if people are on ranged weapons. In fantasy settings,
you do so, though. It deals +1d6 points of damage shields can protect from crossbows and bows. In
against a Hustling opponent and +2d6 against a sci-fi settings, though, assault rifles and explosives
Running one. A Longspear can also be thrown, make things a lot more deadly. All ranged weapons
but gets a -16 penalty. Its Close range if used this are dependent on the ammunition they use, which
way is the wielder’s Strength Attack modifier +1. also ranges from arrows to grenades and mortars.
You will find below all ranged weapons, along with
Shortspear a description of all properties. Ammunition and
Serving as both a throwing weapon (in which weapon accessories have their own section, further
case it gets no penalty) and a piercing weapon, the in this chapter. Refer to the Ranged Combat
shortspear is most effectively used along with a big section for more details.
shield. It deals a lot of damage for its size, yet it
does not have the option to be set on the ground, Size: The minimum size requirement to wield
like its larger cousin. It deals the same damage if that weapon effectively. Also noted is whether
thrown, in which case follow the normal throwing the weapon requires one or two hands. Note that
rules for Range and Damage Bonus. creatures one size smaller may use one-handed
weapons with two hands, while creatures one size
Unarmed larger may use two-handed weapons on one hand.
Though not technically a weapon, it is listed here
since it falls into the melee category. Unarmed Bonus: A flat bonus given to the weapon’s Attack,
means damage with bare hands, made by a added on top of all other modifiers, showing the
character of human size. Claws, talons, etc are not weapon’s general effectiveness and accuracy in its
covered here, but on individual entries later in this shots.
book, in the Adversaries chapter. Larger creatures
also deal more damage with Unarmed attacks. For Damage: How many dice or flat damage the
every size category larger than Character size, weapon does. Note that this changes depending
both the damage and the Bonus increase. The on the wielder’s attack roll.

Weapon Size Bon. Dmg. IC Arm Critical Ammo Clip Range Hits CP CMP
Assault Rifles
K'Tor 1 Chr (2H) +2 2d6+8 6 - Taxing 0.762mm 100 100 20 40 20

Mendak-9 Chr (2H) +1 2d6+7 6 - Taxing 0.762mm 120 120 16 30 30

Pyrkal-EXC Chr (2H) +3 2d6+6 6 - Taxing 0.762mm 80 80 30 90 34

Hurler Chr (2H) +5 2d6 9 30 Paralyze Spears 20 6 12 90 31

Rocksling Chr (1H) -2 1d6-1 8 0 Taxing Bullet 5 1 3 5 32

Thrown Blade Chr (1H) -1 1d6+2 8 0 Impaling - - STR/2 10 22 31

Thrown Spear Chr (1H) 0 2d6 9 0 Paralyze - - STR 12 10 36

Flamethrower Chr (2H) 0 3d6 Full - Flaming Tank - - 10 55 28

Launch Weapons
Grenadier Chr (2H) +1 - 13 - - Grenade 25 25 15 50 30

RPG Chr (2H) 0 - Full - - Rocket 80 80 22 75 27

Machine Guns
CC-Patrol Mech -2 3d6+22 Full - Ripping 20mm 200 200 30 90 32

RDM-Valve Chr (2H) -1 3d6+13 Full - Taxing 0.762mm 150 150 28 110 30

Carnak-E Chr (1H) +2 1d6+6 6 - Taxing 0.22mm 10 10 12 35 32

DE-45 Chr (1H) -1 2d6+5 8 - Taxing 0.45mm 15 15 20 110 31

CRT-Pelt Chr (1H) +1 1d6+7 6 - Taxing 0.22mm 12 12 14 30 32

Bolas Chr (1H) -3 - 11 - Trip - - 5 5 20 31

Hand X-Bow Chr (1H) +1 1d6+2 7 8 Taxing Bolts 5 3 15 50 22

Heavy X-Bow Chr (2H) +3 3d6+1 9 14 Taxing Bolts 15 5 22 45 30

Light X-Bow Chr (2H) +2 2d6+1 7 8 Taxing Bolts 10 4 18 30 34

Longbow Chr (2H) +2 1d6+4 8 0 Taxing Arrows 40 2 8 15 30

Shortbow Chr (2H) +1 1d6+2 7 0 Taxing Arrows 30 2 7 15 31

DTA Recon Chr (2H) +3 2d6+8 7 - Taxing 0.762mm 200 200 20 120 35

OS-Sonic Chr (2H) +4 2d6+10 9 - Death 0.762mm 300 300 25 210 18

FND-R5 Chr (2H) 0 4d6+8 8 - Ripping Shells 10 10 25 45 32

KND-M12 Chr (2H) 0 4d6+8 8 - Ripping Shells 10 10 24 65 22

CMB-10 Chr (1H) 0 1d6+7 Full - Taxing 0.22mm 25 25 12 35 20

PYT-Red Chr (1H) +1 1d6+6 Full - Taxing 0.22mm 35 35 15 60 25

Table 15.4: Ranged Weapons

IC (Initiative Count): The time it takes to swing CMP (Complexity): The item’s difficulty to
that weapon, measured in Initiative Count, craft and understand how it works, in general.
showing how slow or fast a weapon is. Complexity Rating is used in crafting, creating
and reading plans of an item and a few other
Arm: The time it takes to load ammunition into calculations. Refer to the Crafting chapter for
the weapon. For modern weapons, it is commonly more details on all these.
part of the act of firing the weapon itself, using
the leftover force to rearm autimatically. Older Assault Rifles
weapons, though, must be manually reloaded. In modern settings, assault rifles are considered
Also note that in order to Arm a weapon, any the epitome of personal firearm technology. They
ammunition required must be at hand and must combine very good accuracy, great range and
also be placed on the weapon itself. stability and good design with a variety of options.
Assault rifles can shoot in autofire, small bursts
Critical: The type of Critical Hit the weapon and can handle many accessories, making them
makes if the attacker scores a difference of 16 or extremely versatile and a soldier’s best friend.
more. Some weapons may have the effect of two Scopes and stabilisers are very commonly found on
Critical Hits at the same time, which is noted in an assault rifle, allowing wielders to use them for
their descriptions. damage, cover or even sniping within a moment’s
notice. Assault Rifles are considered to be the best
Ammo: What kind of ammunition the weapon overall weapon, but its cost and low availability
shoots. Bullets are classified according to their in most settings makes them quite uncommon,
caliber, which is a universal stanard for most unless you are in the army.
campaign settings, mainly for convenience and
trading reasons. If a weapon lists a certain kind K’Tor 1
of ammunition, it requires tampering with to be Created by assisted designs from an alien race, this
able to accept a different kind, however small the assault rifle is as high-tech as it goes. It looks like
differences may be. it is a solid piece with no seams or joints, at all.
The grip is quite soft, adjusting to the user’s hand
Clip: The number of projectiles that the weapon size easily. The uniqueness in design is that this
can fire before requiring reload. For handguns, weapon has never been known to jam, even if fired
it’s the number of bullets inside the weapon, for after being submerged in water and not cleaned
assault rifles it’s the number of bullets inside the for years. Regardless of the damage this weapon
clip. Crossbows, unless heavily modified, have a has sustained, it stays in top shape until it has been
Clip of 1, meaning they shoot once and then must destroyed. It never requires maintenance.
be reloaded.
Range: The Close Range of the weapon, in which The favored weapon for urban encounters, where
it takes no penalty. The other ranges are calculated you want to confuse your opponent when you
by multiplying the Close Range by 2 for Medium, attempt to surprise them, there is a built-in
by 3 for Long and by 4 for Effective. You get a flash compensator and sound suppressor on the
-6 penalty on Medium, -11 on Long and -16 on weapon, giving it a -4 on all Observe checks to
Effective. There is also a maximum Range for all notice the firing direction. Not as effective as the
ranged weapons, calculated at Close x8 and the normal version of a suppressor and a compensator,
penalty is -32. Usually, weapons fire at an arc in they can nonetheless be attached on the weapon
this Range. itself, making it virtually undetectable with that
Hits: How much damage the weapon can endure
in terms of Hits when it is used to block an Pyrkal-EPK
incoming attack. Note that most melee weapons The name of this weapon contains the word “fire”
are not usually used to tha t purpose and this is and rightfully so, because it has been known to
why they have a quite low number of Hits. spew fire when it jams. This weapon deals 1d6
points of fire damage to the wielder whenever
CP (Craft Points): For crafting purposes only, a Botch is made. However, despite that distinct
these Points indicate the PTN for the Progressive disadvantage, it is one of the best assault rifles
Roll required to craft an item. This number is there is. Its best property is that it is so light and
indicative of items here and can be used to find effective in design, that it counts as a one-handed
the CP of other items, as well. weapon for the purposes of penalties or usage.

Hurled & Thrown Improvised
Designed to function as both melee and ranged Weapons that are not exactly, weapons, this
weapons, the difference between the two is that category usually contains ranged weapons that
the first require a device to launch themselves have some other function, but using them as
from, while the latter are thrown by the wielder. weapons is very effective. These ranged weapons
Switching from fighting in melee with them are quite complicated and usually require some
to throwing them towards running or charging kind of preparation beforehand and most of them
weapons is a favorite tactic for those specializing take some kind of special fuel, usually not in the
in these weapons. Usually, more than one is form of bullets, but rather gas, oil, spikes, etc.
carried on a person. Having the Fast Draw Perk
also allows you to throw more quickly. Flamethrower
Quite a bulky, yet deadly, weapon, the
Hurler Flamethrower was not originally designed as such.
The Hurler contains of a wooden, semi-circular Of course, its combat uses were soon apparent and
base that has a grip on the bottom. On the top, was adopted by the army very quickly. Its only
it is hollow and a spear can be attached to it. A drawbacks are the relatively short range and the
trigger mechanism inside fires the spear, using a volatility of the flammable material it dispenses.
spring and metal foil. There is quite a bit of recoil The Flamethrower spews forth fire in a cone up
in this weapon, as it quite primitive in design. to 10 meters away from the wielder, which opens
Reloading is a relatively fast process, yet requires up to 2 hexes wide at the end, 2 in the middle and
a lot of Strength. For every Strength score below 1 at the start. All within the area must make an
10, reloading the hurler requires one more IC, as Avoid check at a TN equal to the Attack roll or
it requires pulling a lever back with as much force suffer the full damage of the weapon. Note that
as possible to make it faster. this weapon does not have its damage increased
by the attack. The target also catches fire, unless
Rocksling they don’t have flammable objects on them. the
A very primitive weapon, it consists of a long piece Flamethrower uses a tank, usually strapped on
of leather with a slot that fits a stone. Swirling the the back of the wielder so it is protected, which
rocksling around gives it momentum. Letting go disperses the flammable material from the front
of one end of the weapon sends the stone bullet tube, where it is ignited and sprayed on opponents.
hurtling away towards your target. It takes 7 Ic to Enemies may make a Caled Shot to the tank itself,
begin to swirl the Rocksling. After that, you fire it if the wielder has not somehow else covered or
using the normal weapon’s IC. Another version of hidden it. This requires a penalty as if you were
this weapon is a rubber band (if available) wrapped targetting Arms or Legs (-11). If successful, the
around a Y-shaped piece of wood or metal. Pulling tank will most likely blow (assuming the person
the rubber band back, the stone is placed on its hitting it made at least 10 points of damage to
end and released with great speed. This version it). This causes an explosion dealin 5d6 points of
allows for more accuracy, gaining a +1 on attack fire damage to all within 4 meters, knocking them
rolls. It also does not require swirling the weapon down if they fail a Resilience check (at a TN of
beforehand, but needs 1 more IC to shoot. 11 + Damage Dealt). Affected targets also suffer
a -6 penalty on Observe checks related to sounds,
Thrown Spear unless somehow protected. Refilling the tank is a
A slightly smaller spear, it is balanced for long process, which takes quite a few minutes. The
throwing. It can be used as a melee weapon, but tank is enough for 60 round of continuous use of
gets a -1 penalty if done so.Otherwise, it is treated the Flamethrower.
as a normal Shortspear. Used by hunters mainly
for larger game that would run away unhindered Launchers
by an arrow. Very deadly weapons, these shoot explosive
devices directly from the weapon, targeting an
Thrown Dagger area usually, rather than an individual target. These
Smaller than a normal dagger, this weapon is weapons need only to strike close to the target to
designed to be thrown. Usually there is no grip, deal damage. A direct hit, although very rare, is
but rather a single piece of metal with a hollow very deadly, as well. Launchers usually have very
inside, in order to be more lightweight. Throwing expensive ammunition and require a long time
daggers are used mainly if speed is of the essence, to reload. Some launchers require a crew of two
as they are very quick to throw, but their damage is people, or even more, to fire effectively, yet can be
usually no match for armored opponents. manned by a single person, albeit with difficulty.

Grenadier CC-Patrol
Not exactly a weapon, but more of an accessory Used primarily mounted on mechs or on the front
that attaches to weapons, the Grenadier can have of assault helicopters, this is a minigun that can
up to 6 grenades placed inside and, upon a pull spew a hail of bullets with great accuracy and
of the trigger, launch them. If fired standalone, it range. Usually mounted on a gyroscopic base,
gets a -4 penalty on the attack roll. Attaching it to which acts both as a stabiliser for recoil and for
a weapon gives the weapon a -1 on all attacks, but roation on full circle, this weapon is the primary
the Grenadier itself gets no penalty this way. The choice for those attacking mechanized units.
kind of grenades inside are determined by the user.
For example, you can have one concussion, three RCH-Valve
frag and one gas, in any order. A Light Machine gun that is usually fired in short
bursts, as it has the capability of switching by
RPG (Rocket-Propelled Gun) pressing a button on the left side of the weapon,
A portable explosion, this weapon is actually a long costing 3 IC to do so. Of course, much like all
metal tube, which fits a small rocket inside. The machineguns, it fires in a continuous stream of
firing mechanism is located at the bottom in the bullets if so desired. In most cases, it is mounted
form of a trigger. If the wielder does not have the on a vehicle or fixed mount, since it is too big to
weapon stabilized somewhere, such as Kneeling or be wielded. However, in cases where it’s needed, it
Crouching, they risk missing their target as the may be picked up and fired, but gets a -6 penalty.
weapon gets a -3 penalty on the attack roll. Also,
at the time of firing, anyone behind the shooter Pistols
in a 3-meter cone gets 2d6+1 points of Fire Small, easy and convenient, pistols range from low
damage from the heat and gas exhaust and gets damage to very high ones. their main advantage
knocked away 2 meters. Then, they need to make is portability and concealability. They come in
an Acrboatics check at a TN of 18 or fall down. different types, depending on the setting. Some of
the iser only needs to target an area with this them take bullets in a special, rotating chamber
weapon. The rocket impacts the area and explodes, inside. Others use clips which contain anywhere
dealing the damage on everyone in its radius. This from four to twelve bullets. Pistols have very
is area damage and is thus not increased by extra short range and are used primarily inside cities or
successes. Instead, the user’s skill determines the confined areas.
TN of the Avoid check to reduce the damage of
the blast. Alternatively, the shooter may target the Carnak-E
rocket directly at an individual, in an attempt to A small, leightweight pistol, it takes very small
directly hit them.This takes a -16 penalty on the caliber bullets and is the perfect weapon for when
attack roll on top of any weapon penalties and you don’t want others to notice you are carrying
Called Shots the shooter is required to make. If one. Can be hidden even inside a large pocket.
it hits, it deals 6d6+6 points of direct damage and However, it is very ineffective against armored
then expodes for normal weapon damage, making enemies.
for an insanely devastating attack.
Machine Guns A light pistol that has decent damage, yet enough
Referred to as rifles on steroid firing on autofire, concealability to make it desirable in covert
these weapons are designed to be able to spew operations, it has a bigger clip than most of its
out hundreds of bullets. For that reason, they are caliber and size.
mostly fed via a belt system, or contain hundreds
of bullet inside them. They also usually have DE-45
several barrels which rotate constantly, to prevent The so-called Desert Eagle, this is a behemoth
a single one from melting from the heat generated of a pistol. It requires a Strength minimum of 9
by the weapon firing at such a rapid rate. Used to shoot the DE-45, else you get a -4 penalty for
mostly by vehicles, either mounted beneath flying every Strength missing. It packs an immensely
ones, or on top of wheeled vehicles, allowing the powerful punch for a pistol, hence the powerful
shooter to remain stable while firing it. Their kick. Scoring a Critical Hit with this weapon also
range is big enough to allow for gunfights between knocks your opponent back 2 meters from the
flying vehicels. Many machine guns are placed sheer force of the blow. Then, they must succeed
in turrets and controlled by remote or even fire at a Resilience check at a TN of 22 or fall down.
automatically as sentries, making them effective This weapon takes 0.45 caliber bullets, specifically
for protecting important locations. made for such heavy pistols.

Ranged Longbow
A very broad category, this contains weapons One of the oldest ranged weapons, the longbow is
that do not belong to one of the other categories, a piece of bent wood, held on its edges by a taut
such as bows, crossbows, etc. Ranged weapons fire string, made of whatever material is available on
some kind of ammunition and are usually quite the setting. Pulling the string back and notching
primitive, found mostly in fantasy settings and are an arrow held by the other hand, the bow releases
quite unusable in sci-fi ones. In fantasy settings, that arrow with very good accuracy. The important
though, these weapons can prove to be quite advantage of this weapon is its range, making it
devastating, especially if you are facing armored the best hunting tool for low technology settings.
opponents, since they usually have quite high Its size, though, makes it very ineffective for
Penetration Ratings. those living inside cities, so it is more preffered
for hunters and those living in the wilderness and
Bolas hunt prey.
Not exactly a weapon in itself, but rather a way
to put your opponent in a very disadvantageous Shortbow
position, the Bolas is a set of heavy, leather balls The small version of the longbow, it is more
that are linked together with either hardened compact and easy to carry, yet deals less damage.
rope or wire. Throwing that to your opponents Used primarily by hunters, yet also by some people
requires spinning it around first, requiring 7 IC. inside the city, especially if a Crossbow is hard or
Once you hit, your opponent must succeed at an expensive to find. As with a longbow, the main
Avoid check at a TN equal to your Attack Roll or advantage of the shortbow is its range.
become entangled. Escaping this requires either
making the same Avoid check as before (an action Rifles
that costs 10 IC) or somehow destroying the Bolas A very specialized weapon, rifles are used for
itself. hunting or sniping mostly. Most of them fire
only single shots and take very few bullets
Hand X-Bow inside. Found commonly in modern or sci=fi
The lightweight and more compact version of the settings, these weapons usually have sophisticated
Light Crossbow, it addresses the main issue of this computer systems inside them allowing for perfect
weapon for those who want to walk around a city calibration and compensating for several factors,
unnoticed. The Hand Crossbow can be relatively such as wind or range. Of course, firing such a
easiy hidden, if covered with a cloak or anything weapon usually requires quite a bit of time. the
similar. It can also fit easily inside a normal bag. main concern of most people using rifles, whether
However, in all other aspects, it is worse than its hunting prey or assassinating people, is making
bigger counterpart. sure that more than one shot will not be required.

Heavy X-Bow DTA Recon

A big, powerful and bulky weapon that is the Rightfully called a sniper rifle, this is the preferred
bane of armored warriors everywhere. Too large weapon of many snipers, who want the perfect shot.
to be hidden on a person, it is usually fired from Extremely accurate and devastatingly damaging,
a prone position. Due to the immense time it this rifle has been known to deal damage, however
takes to reload this weapon, wielders usually fire light, even to mechs. Only capable of storing three
one shot then change for a swifter one. Armies, bullets inside the chamber, it does not take a clip,
though, coordinate fire in turns and make for a but rather requires manual reload of each bullet
very powerful combination of attacks. individually. Its range is what makes it ideal for
snipers, who can take shots at distances of over
Light X-Bow 1 kilimeter with this weapon. However, after
Firing a heavy and powerful bolt, the Crossbow every 3 shots the weapon requires 3 Full Actions
(as it is more commonly known) has been used of calibration, else it takes a cumulative -2 on its
since the old times. It has the advantage of being attack roll. Also, it must be stored in a special
able to bypass light armor easily. Even if it doesn’t, box, tailor-made for this weapon, else it takes a -1
the damage it does alone is enough to make such penalty after being carried around for even a while
armor quite inconsequential. Crossbows reuire in a less suitable container. All these penalties
quite a lot of loading time, so those shooting go away if the owner spends 3 Full Actions
them usually plan their attacks so they can have calibrating the weapon. Critical Hits made with
some relative protection when they are in between this weapon add the Ripping property on top of
attacks. the Taxing one.

OS-Sonic SMGs
This is the dream of snipers everywhere. The best A mix between a pistol and an machine gun, an
weapon there is for firing from a distance, its SMG (Sub-Machine Gun) is widely used mainly
accuracy, range and damage make it the perfect due to its availability. However, it is notorious for
tool to take out your opponents from afar. This is its low accuracy and is thus used mostly to cover
a weapon that you need to take your time with. It large areas with autofire and prevent enemies
takes up to 3 bullets inside the chamber. Inside the from surfacing. Of course, if used in autofire mode
weapon, there are sophisticated computer chips against an individual, it can be very destructive.
that autimatically recalibrate the weapon, making
it able to be be carried around virtually anywhere CMB-10
withour requiring re-calibration. However, it still A farily accurate, as far as SMG’s go, weapon
requires regular cleaning and maintenance, even used primarily against single targets. Its increaed
more than normal weapons. Double all penalties accuracy makes it quite effective, ensuring that at
for lack of maintenance for this rifle. least a couple of bullets will hit the target. Much
like other SMG’s though, it empties the clip fairly
Shotguns quickly.
Developed for medium range combat, these
weapons are extremely efficient in close range and PYT-Red
even for multiple opponents. Armor, however, A well balanced SMG, as it is small and light.
usually reduces their efficiency. Instead of bullets, Used to fire burst to mow down opponents or
shotguns fire a volley of shrapnel that burst open keep them pinned, but also to precisely attack a
when they shoot and form a cone. A point blank target. With a switch on the side of the weapon,
attack from a shotgun can kill even very tough an action requiring 3 IC, the mode changes from
opponents and will cause stress to even a very Full Autofire to 3-Round Burst.
capable doctor. Shotguns are quite slow, though,
and often require reload. In certain settings, the very Ammunition
deadly repeating shotguns exist, though. Sawing Ranged weapons are only as good as their
off a shotgun makes for a very interesting weapon, ammunition. Without ammo, a ranged weapon is
also. This means cutting off half of the barrel. This only a veru useless melee weapon, which can be
reduces the range and spread and increases the used at a maximum as a club. From simple stones
damage of the weapon. Some shotguns in certain to supersonic bullets and explosive grenades,
settings can also fire slugs, meaning normal bullets, ammunition plays a very important part int he 3d6
or even gel rounds for subduing opponents. Such system. The lower the technology, the bulkier the
weapons and ammunition can be found in each ammo usually is. A quiver of arrows, for example,
different settings. holds 20 arrows, while inside the same quiver more
than 6 clips of 24 bullets each could fit. There are
FND-R5 also different kinds of Ammunition, each with its
This shotgun is as simple as they go, yet as own benefits and drawbacks. In modern times,
effective as a shotgun can be. Firing single there are many types of ammunition, However, in
shots, the devastating power of such a weapon the 3d6 System, most have been made reduntant,
is unquestionable. The FND can be sawed off, to ease play and help players and the GM run
increasing damage by +2, but reducing Range to the game smoother and faster. If the GM wishes
half and getting a -2 penalty on attack. Created to add them, though, check the already existing
for law enforcement, the FND is a big weapon ammunition and create more as you wish.
and, as a shotgun, can’t be hidden. Even sawed off,
it still has trouble being concealed. Patrol groups Penetration: Ammunition can make an armor
typically attach a launcher at the bottom of the less effective. If the ammo’s Penetration Rating is
weapon that fires concussion or gas grenader. at least equal to the Armor’s Damage Reduction,
then the armor only counts as half DR. If it is
KND-M12 double than the Armor’s DR, the armor is
Usually found sawed off to gain the extra +2 completely ignored.
damage, this weapon is used by gangs and
individuals who want to ensure that their target Special: Certain Ammunition can have special
will die, even if standing behind a barrier. However, properties, such as less damage, more attack, extra
doing so makes the weapon get a -4 penalty. There range, etc. Most of the times, this comes with some
is enough room in the chamber of the shotgun for kind of drawback, mostly decreased Penetration
3 bursts, which also makes it very efficient. Rating.

Arrow, Flight
Ammunition Penetration Special
Made for long range shots, used mainly by races
0,762mm 8 - or individuals very adept at using bows, Flight
22 cal. 5 - Arrows have a 25% increased range, yet their
Penetration is a bit lower than normal, making
45 cal. 9 - them very effective at long ranges, but not against
Arrow 5 - heavily armored targets.
Arrow, Flight 4 +25% Range Arrow, Piercing
Arrow, Piercing 8 -1 Damage A popular option for hunters who want to take out
Arrow, Wooden 4 -1 Damage
armored trespassers in their woods, the Piercing
Arrow has increased Penetration due to its design,
Bolt 6 - but lacks a little in actual damage for the same
Bolt, Piercing 9 -1 Damage reason.
Bolt, Wooden 5 -1 Damage Arrow, Wooden
Grenade, Frag 3 - If you have a lack of metal and only wood to
work with, you can still make arrows, but they
Greande, Stun - Lose Half CBR
don’t have the metal tip that gives tham the edge.
Mortar - Knocked Away This means that the Wooden Arrow will have -1
Rocket - Knowed Away Penetration and -1 Attack, already factored in on
the table above.
Shells 3 No AP
Spear 10 - Bolt
A bulky, short piece of wood carved on the front
Table 15.5: Ammunition
to form a tip and bolstered there with metal, the
bolt does a lot of damage at very close range.
The damage of a ranged weapon does not depend Lacks Range due to the sheer weight and design,
on the Ammunition it uses, but on the weapon but more than makes up for it with damage and
itself, as shown on the previous tables for ranged Penetration, as it is able to disregard very light
weapons. armors. Used mainly by guards or organised
armies and the occasional assassin, who values the
0.762mm impact and deadliness of the crossbow.
The standard diameter for bullets, this has been
set by most nations in order to effectively trade Bolt, Piercing
between one another. The Penetration Rating Lighter than the normal Bolt, a Piercing Bolt deals
means it will get past most normal, commonly less damage because of its size, but makes up for
used armors. it with an increased Penetration Rating, making it
very effective against armored opponents.
22 cal.
The bullets used in small pistols, these are the Bolt, Wooden
smallest caliber you can find, reserved for situations If you have a lack of metal and only wood to work
where your opponents are usually unarmored or with, you can still make bolts, but they don’t have
other options are not available. the metal tip that gives tham the edge. This means
that the Wooden Bolt will have -1 Penetration and
45 cal. -1 Attack, already factored in on the table above.
The exact opposite of the 22 cal. bullets, these pack Used mainly by races who live in nature and don’t
a massive punch and are used only in very heavy have a way or inclination to mine metal.
pistols. These bullets can kill a man outright, even
at a near miss and they knock down opponents, Grenade, Frag
even if armor protects them from damage. An explosive device that sends shrapnel flying al all
over the target area, which is 10 meters. Anything
Arrow in that area takes the aforementioned damage,
The most basic of ranged ammunition, the arrow unless they succeed on an Avoid check to reduce it.
is a short piece of wood which has a metal tip The shrapnel are small and not made to penetrate
embedded on one end. Feathers are used on the armor, so they have very little Penetration Rating,
back to increase range and stability. but their damage usually makes up for it.

Grenade, Stun
Made specifically to disorient and confuse rather Ranged Weapon Accessories
than deal damage, this grenade sends outwards a Many ranged weapons have preconstructed slots,
loud bang, followed by a concussive force. This is made so that certain equipment can be placed
enough to cause anyone failing a Resilience TN of on them. These go into certain slots on weapons
22, to lose half their CBR and gain a -3 penalty and usually adjusted by straps on armors. When
on all attacks for 3 minutes. If anyone makes this placed on ranged weapons they can go to the Top,
check, they are temporarily dazed, getting a -2 on Barrel or Underbarrel of the weapon, depending
all rolls they make, for 3 minutes. on the availabiltiy of each weapon in these slots
and on the construction of the weapon itself, as
Mortar certain weapons have no capability to accept
Called “Sudden Death” for a good reason, the modifications in certain slots, as noted in their
mortar can strike targets out of visual range, individual description. Accessories allow for great
assuming calculations are made perfectly. Mortars customization and gives a lot more options.
have a very large area of effect, dealing their
damage in a 30 meter radius from the impact point, Top means that the weapon has a plane to fit
diminishing by 1d6 for every 10 meters thereafter. equipment above the trigger usually, right where
Mortar shells are quite big and weigh around 10kg the barrel ends for most ranged weapons.
each. Usually carried by one of the two operators
of a mortar, as the other is responsible for the Barrel means the accessory is placed in the front of
weapon itself. the gun, either on the inside to help with recoil or
outside, when using compensators or suppressors.
A small missile, it flies forward in a straight line, Underbarrel is the place in the weapon just below
ejecting gases from behind it. Upon impactm the barrel and near the trigger mechanism. Usually
it deals its damage on a 10 meter radius and reserved for accessories that help with recoil.
diminishes by 2 dice for every 3 meters thereafter.
Rockets are quite lightweight and can be easily Accessory Slot Effect
carried, although they take up a lot of space on a
character. It is common for a weapon firing these Compensator Barrel Lessen Flare of Shot
rockets to be operated by two men, one of which is Gas Vent Barrel Reduce Recoil by 2
responsible for the loading of the rockets. Rockets
Gyrostab Underbarrel Reduce Recoil by 11
are also very delicate, having a 2 on 2d6 chance to
explode if damaged or handled very roughly, being Laser Sight Top Gain +1 Attack
dropped by a height, for instance. Recoil Belt Underbarrel Reduce Recoil by 6

Shells Scope Top Reduce Range Steps

A small container, placed inside the shotgun, shells Shoulder Pad - Reduce Recoil by 1
are unique to these weapons. Inside, they contain
a multitude of small shrpanel. Upon firing, the Suppressor Barrel Lessen Sound of Shot
external casing bursts open and shoots out all the Table 15.6: Weapon Accessories
projectiles. Most commonly, these are round and
very small. The external part is then ejected from Compensator
the shotgun, or the user has to do it manually, This device uses coating on the inside to soften
depending on the kind of technology available to the glow of a weapon being fired. Any shots made
your setting. Some shells are also made to dissolve with this accessory attached give observers a -11
upon firing the weapon, thus eliminating the need on the Observe check to notice the direction the
for dispensing with them. shot is coming from. Of course, it is less effective
at night.
A version of the Shortspear that is made for Gas Vent
throwing, it is smaller and lighter. Although not Using an internal system of exhaust mechanisms
technically ammunition, it can still be loaded onto for dispensing the pressure outside the gun, this
a Hurler, for example, which is why it has its place accessory helps lessen recoil penalties by 2. When
here. Other than that, this weapon shares the same the weapon fires using this accessory, there is a
stats as its melee counterpart and can, in fact, be lot of visible gas expelled from the sides of the
used as a melee weapon normally. weapon.

A vey sophisticated system with hydraulics and Shields
grips, designed to spread all recoil from the Useful for both melee and range combat, Shields
gun into the various systems, which ultimately provide effective cover and a way to block
dispense it altogether. The entire system straps incoming weapons. They are based on your
on the wielder’s body, using a harness and belt Reaction Attribute, since you need to be able to
strap, dividing the recoil everywhere, reducing place the shield at the right place in exactly the
its potency. Any recoil from the weapon firing is right moment, as far as melee attacks go. Ranged
reduced by 11. attacks are usually too swift to have the time to
respond to them, so you must pre-emptively place
Laser Sight the shield to cover you. The only disadvantage
Mounted on the Top part of a weapon, the small of shields is that they will, at some point, break
laser dot points at exactly where the weapon is from the blows they receive. Competent warriors,
going to hit. This gives the weapon a +2 bonus, but though, know enough to deflect blows without
only in Close Range and you may not use a scope overly damaging their shields, so they can last
with it. The dot is visible on the individual you are longer in combat. In the 3d6 system, Shields are
targeting. very important, perhaps even more than armor, as
they are the first layer of defense against damage.
Recoil Belt All shields are presented with their Block Bonus
A simpler version of the Gyrostab, this is a belt and Locations covered.
that straps around the wielder and leads a system
of hydraulics to the weapon, reducing recoil by 6. Block: the bonus which is given to the defender’s
Shield Block Skill when they attempt to parry
Scope with the shield.
Mounted on the Top part of a weapon, scopes have
a small selector switch on the side that allows you Locations: How many Locations the Shield can
to choose a certain Range Stepm except Extreme. cover from Ranged attacks.
Looking through the scope makes that specific
Range Step function as Close Range, meaning that Draw: The time it takes to draw the Shield, if
you get no penalties firing the weapon. However, normally strapped. Note that this does not make
for every Range Step further from Close that your the shield protect any Locations yet, it is just for
target really is, double the Movement Bonuses to drawing purposes.
your opponent’s Avoidance. If your target is at
Medium Range, Movement bonuses are double, at CP (Craft Points): For crafting purposes only,
Long triple and at Effective quadruple. these Points indicate the PTN for the Progressive
Roll required to craft an item. This number is
Shoulder Pad indicative of items here and can be used to find
A simple, retractable device that locks on to the the CP of other items, as well.
back and under the weapon, it absorbs a small
amount of force from the recoil, reducing it by 1. CMP (Complexity): The item’s difficulty to
craft and understand how it works, in general.
Suppressor Complexity Rating is used in crafting, creating
This device muffles the sound of a shot being fired, and reading plans of an item and a few other
giving any listeners a -11 on all Observe (Listen) calculations. Refer to the Crafting chapter for
checks made to hear the weapon firing. more details on all these.

Shield Block Locations* Draw CP CMP

Buckler +2 1 4 30 20
Small Shield +4 2 4 50 21
Large Shield +6 3 8 70 22
Tower Shield +10 5 16 80 22
Energy Shield +4 2 4 220 38
Table 15.7: Shields
*The Arm wielding the Shield is cconsidered as having Half Cover

Buckler Deflecting Melee
The most basic of shields, the buxkler has a distinct In order to successfully deflect melee attacks, you
advantage in that its wielder can utilize weapons, need to place the shield properly, in the way of
or anything else, with the same hand. However, any your opponent’s blow and deflect it away.
attacks made or items used with that hand get a -2
penalty. Bucklers are commonly made out of wood The first Deflection in any round costs 1 IC.
and used by swift and agile characters in order to Thereafter the IC cost increases by 1 everytime
have some means of protecting themselves against you attempt a new block.
a couple of hits.
The shield itself gives a bonus to your Deflection
Small Shield Rating. There are also certain Perks that allow
A very typical, usually wooden or with metal stripes you to make some blocks at a reduced cost. For
running along the front, this shield provides with convenience purposes, the table below shows the
a very solid means of defending against blows and number of Deflections that someone can make and
projectiles. Can be made very easily and quickly. their total costs, including columns for the Perks
Usually, most fighters in fantasy settings have at Quick Block and Improved Quick Block, which
least one of them available, even if they carry a reduce the costs for the first and second blocks.
larger one, as it can provide with a very effective
emergency backup in case the larger shield breaks
or is removed. Parry Normal* 1 Perk** 2 Perks***
1 1 1 1
Large Shield
A warrior’s best friend, this metal shield offers 2 3 2 2
enough protection to allow the warrior to slowly 3 6 4 3
wear down their enemies while deflecting their
4 10 7 5
blows. Usually has a sharp bottom edge, used to
sometimes hit opponents who are down. Has the 5 15 11 8
option of sporting armor spikes that allow the 6 21 16 12
wielder to make attacks with the shield, using the
Table 15.8: Deflection IC
Improvised Skill.
*The Toal IC Cost to make all Blocks

Tower Shield **1 Perk means Quick Block, 2 Improved Quick Block

A very large shield, usually almost as large as a

person, the Tower Shield allows the wielder to Remember also that if you don’t have the required
completely hide behind it if they crouch a bit, or IC to block an attack, you are effectively treated as
leave just one Location visible. However, this is having a defense of 12.
a very uncomfortable shield to fight with, giving
you a -6 on all attack rolls. Furthermore, you Deflecting Ranged
double all costs to Deflect with a Tower Shield. Ranged attacks work differently regarding Shields.
Although this makes it very encumbering and You can’t react to a Ranged attack against you.
difficult to use effectively, it can prove to be life- Rather, you place the shield on the Locations you
saving in certain situations, especially since it can want to cover.
completely negate ranged weapons fired against
you. At least until it breaks, which will probably Readying a Shield against a Ranged attack
take quite some times. requires 3 IC and allows you to select as many
Locations as the Shied allows, covering them
Energy Shield fully from ranged weapons. If you use the shield
A very advanced piece of technology, the Energy or perform any other action, the benefit is wasted
Shield is made of pure force, created by an alien and you must spend the 3 IC again.
race imbued with mental powers. It generates
an audible barrier that functions as a shield, but For example, a warrior needs to position the Shield
is indestructible. However, when it is hit there to protect himself from a ranged attack, for which
is a 2-4 chance on 2d6 that it malfunctions he requires 3 IC. If he has to block a sword thrust
and shuts down for 1d6+1 rounds. The check is at that point, he needs 1 IC. Another ranged
rolled separately from the attack roll and must be attacker shoots after that. The warrior must again
checked even if the Shield sustains as little as 1 position the Shield, requiring another 3 IC to do
damage. so, for a total of 7 IC.

Armors the body. Most warriors use heavy armors and
usually disregard the drawback, which is a lack of
At some point attempts to avoid and cover will mobility. Armors reduce your Reaction, making
fail a character and a blow will be received in you slower and reducing the number of Actions
full force. A thin strip of leather or a thick layer you can make in a given round. Most armors are
of metal might be the only thing between you made as a combination of protective layers on the
and an incoming decapitation. Armors come in entire body, but some may leave parts uncovered,
various materials, which cover different parts of depending on availability or occasion. Usually, the

Armor DR Coverage Penalty* CP CMP

Body Armor
Armor Coat 6 Full 0 30 26
Armor Jacket 6 Torso, Arms -1 20 26
Banded Mail 12 Full -5 60 28
Breastplate 12 Torso -2 90 32
Chain Shirt 9 Torso, Arms -1 60 26
Chainmail 9 Full -3 90 26
Full Plate 15 Full -7 500 38
Gelsuit 10 Torso 0 80 30
Hellborn Armor 14 Full -4 350 36
Hide 6 Torso, Arms -3 50 26
Leather 5 Full -2 60 26
Leather Coat 5 Torso, Arms -1 40 26
Merc Armor 12 Full -2 220 30
Padded 3 Full -1 25 24
Pilot Armor 7 Full 0 180 30
Plate Mail 14 Full -7 350 36
Power Armor 20 Full 0 650 40
Scale Mail 10 Full -3 120 32
Scout Armor 8 Full 0 220 30
Studded Leather 6 Full -2 110 29
Bike Helmet 10 Head -7 40 26
Chain Coiff 9 Head -2 45 24
Full Helmet 12 Head -7 200 28
Leather Cap 5 Head -2 20 22
Leather Helmet 5 Head -5 25 22
Scout Cap 8 Head -5 70 26
Pilot's Cap 8 Head -5 90 26
Plate Helmet 11 Head -7 160 27
Powerhelm 18 Head -11 250 38
Table 15.9: Armors & Helmets
*Reaction for Armors, Observe for Helmets

Torso is well protected, as most hits end up on that Armor Coat
area. Melee random hits strike the Torso because A strong choice for those who spend much time
of the dice involved and ranged attackers usually on the streets, this armor can protect adequately
prefer the Torso because of the small penalty. and at the same time used as quite heavy, biker
style clothing. Consists of a pair of pants and a
Armors and Helmets are worn separately. Armors jacket, with protective plates inside the material.
give a penalty to Reaction, while Helmets give a
penalty on Observe checks. Armor Jacket
A simple, yet effective and easily concealable piece
It is possible to combine different kinds of armor, of armor, can be mistaken for clothing, if not a
but this usually carries a greater penalty than bit heavy. This leather jacket has protective plates
normal. Furthermore, you may even layer armor, seamed on the inside. This is simply the upper
placing one on top of the other, for situations part of the Armor Coat mentioned earlier, worn
where the penalty is not an issue, but that extra separately.
Damage Reduction is. Most commonly, though,
set armors are better overall. Banded Mail
A very well-balanced armor, it consists of metal
DR: the Damage Reduction the armor offers, plates on top of leather armor, placed on key
subtracting it from any damage dealt to any points on the entire body. Worn mainly by
Location it covers. mercenaries and soldiers as it offers adequate and
full protection.
Coverage: which Locations the armor covers,
Total meaning the entire body, except the Head as Breastplate
Helmets are worn separately and give penalties to Protecting only the Torso, it is still considered a
Observe, not Reaction. very good piece of armor, as it provides with solid
Damage Reduction in plate armor. Usually worn
Penalty: the number subtracted from your Reaction by guards along with chain on the arms and legs.
Attribute because of the armor interfering with
your movements. For helmets, the penalty is for Chain Shirt
all Observe checks. A simple top made of chain links bound together,
it is nonetheless pretty decent armor, especially
CP (Craft Points): For crafting purposes only, since it can be worn under clothing, making for a
these Points indicate the PTN for the Progressive good surprise factor in certain fights. However, it
Roll required to craft an item. This number is only protects the Torso, making it very unreliable,
indicative of items here and can be used to find unless combined with other parts.
the CP of other items, as well.
CMP (Complexity): The item’s difficulty to A full upper body suit of chain armor, this extends
craft and understand how it works, in general. to the arms, providing ample protection. Mainly
Complexity Rating is used in crafting, creating used by adventurers or soldiers, who usually get
and reading plans of an item and a few other hit on the front, upper body. Can be worn under
calculations. clothing, yet usually it is quite visible, especially
on the arms.
Body Armor
Covering the vital parts of a character is very Full Plate
important, especially when bullets or swords fly The hallmark of a great warrior or knight, this
and slash towards you in the chaos of a battle. armor is coveted upon by many. Few can handle
Body Armors cover the Torso, Arms and Legs of such an armor, though, as it requires great training
a character, providing with resistance to damage. and very good Reaction, to keep up wth the great
Any hit the wearer suffers has its total damage penalty it gives. However, it provides overall superb
reduced by the DR entry on the armor. However, damage reduction, probably the best available for
Armors are most commonly restrictive, reducing a medieval setting. The Full Plate is actually a set
the wearer’s Reaction Attribute. Certain Armors, of plate pieces, specifically made for the wearer,
of course, will not available in some settings, such internally interlocked to provide with as much
as Power Armors in fantasy settings. Sci-fi or protection as possible. On the inside, Padded
modern settings may have archaic armors such as Armor is always worn, to stabilize the platings and
plates or chainmails, but these would be obsolete. fit perfectly on the wearer.

Gelsuit everything someone may need out both out in the
An achievement of technology in armor design, the wild and inside cities. Contains a compass, wire,
Gelsuit is a chest armor that contains a specially comlink and has enough space in hidden or not
designed gel, which hardens upon impact. The pockets to contain more useful items for those
faster and more precise the impact, the more it who want to ensure they will never run out of
hardens, making it superb against bullets. Being options. Made of reinforced kevlar and the latest
simply a piece of clothing with a liquid inside technology in shock absorbtion.
it, it has no penalty, not hindering movement at
all. This gel requires replacing every few moths, Padded Armor
though, making this kind of armor quite expensive Several layers of cloth, pressurized together to
to maintain and making the wearer dependant on create a thick layer of protection, just enough to
the manufacturer of that gel. Used primarily by not be too constricting. Usually worn beneath
private security companies, who usually strike normal armor.
deals with such manufacturers, sometimes even
for exclusivity. Pilot Armor
Designed specifically for vehicle, mech or
Hellborn Armor space pilots, this armor provides with enough
Made by the army’s top engineers, this armor has protection, but the most important thing is that
everything the merc or the elite trooper wants. it gives a +1 on any driving or piloting checks the
Although the penalty is considered quite high for user makes while wearing this armor. Its design is
a sci-fi or modern setting, the protection it offers such that any kind of uplink the pilot needs can be
is very good. It comes with a built in comlink fed through the armor. Made of light kevlar and
and systems that regulate temperature to protect reinforced with steel plating in a few places only,
the user from environmental extremes, giving to ensure maximum flexibility for the pilot.
them Cold and Fire DR of 3. Contains magnetic
holsters that allow for faster draw, removing the Plate Mail
need for weapons to be strapped. Made of kevlar Essentially the same as Full Plate armor, yet just
and titanium, it is the top technology available to a little less well-designed and less custom-made
soldiers, excluding power armors. for each individual wearer, this armor shares many
common characteristics with the Full Plate, yet is
Hide slightly inferior. In many fantasy settings, the cost
A crude armor, the hide armor deserves its name. more than makes up for it.
Made from the tampered hide of an animal, such
as a wolf, jackal or whatever similar animal can Power Armor
be found. Usually protects the upper body, but This armor is impossible to use unless the wearer
is considered a quite uncomfortable armor, as can somehow link to it via some neural interface,
it hinders the wearer a lot. Worn by barbarians, found commonly in sci-fi settings. Without it,
druids and those living in the wilderness who this armor requires at least 12 Strength to even
prefer a more natural armor or can’t find anything move. Then, it gives the wearer a -12 Reaction
better to use. penalty, making most people immobile. Once this
implant is in place, though, the armor moves and
Leather responds to the wearer’s desires, as if it was a part
Made by a solid stripe of leather, seamed into of him. Thus the Power Armor has no penalty at
armor and hardened, this is the most cost effective all. Simply wearing it enhances the user’s Strength
armor, as it can be found in most places and offers and Stamina by 2 points, as the naural uplink feeds
decent protection and enough flexibility to make chemicals through the armor. This also makes the
it very a common armor for many people. wearer ignore up to 6 penalty from wounds. He is
also able to stay active even after losing a Resilience
Leather Coat check from loss of a Location, as the armor
Similar to the Leather armor, except that it covers automatically injects adrenaline. This means that
only the upper body, the Leather Coat is made of if the wearer loses consciousness, he automatically
tempered leather stripped of animals and left in awakens at the end of the round, and gets a +1
the sun to harden. bonus on all rolls for 10 minutes, taking though a
-1 Intelligence damage, which recovers normally.
Merc Armor Furthermore, the wearer’s Movement is increased
Signature of mercearies all around the world in by 1 and he is considered one size category larger
modern or sci-fi settings, this armor contains for purposes of opposed checks.

Scale Mail Chain Coiff
Made of interlocking plates that from afar look An extension of the Chainmail, this coiff can
like scales, hence the armor’s name, this armor is actually be a part of the armor, linked together.
surprisingly expensive for its benefits. However, Made of the same metal links, it can easily be taken
being a metal armor, it is sought after by many off, in case the wearer needs to notive something
warriors who wish that kind of protection and in detail around them. Using two leather straps on
flexibility. Scale armors are usually found on elite the front part, it covers most of the face.
guards or captains in large, fantasy cities and also
worn by dungeon delvers. Full Helmet
Going together with the Full Plate armor, this
Scout Armor helmet covers all the face and leaves only a small
Constructed with as light alloys as possible, lining for the eyes. Despite the fact that this gives
this armor manages to be extremely flexible, a huge penalty on Observe checks, it is prefferabe
whle providing enough protection to those who to a sword thrust in the face. Full Helmets have
perform reconnaisance missions. Using Kevlar the option of opening on the front and staying
plates, the armor protects the vital parts of the open, extended upwards, allowing for a reduction
wearer and allows them to move around very of the penalty to -2 only.
easily. Usually, scout armors come in camouflage
texture, depending on the weather conditions. Leather Cap
This gives a +6 on any Stealth checks made in that A small, round, leather cap worn as a very minor
terrain or +11 if the wearer is immobile. White for means of protection, this cap protects half of the
snow terrains, green for forests, light brown for wearer’s face. If someone makes a Called Shot
deserts, etc. or randomly hits the Head Location of someone
wearing this, there is a 2-6 chance that the attack
Studded Leather strikes an exposed part and the DR of the Leather
An upgraded version of the Leather Armor, this Cap is ignored.
armor has thin metal plates embedded on the
inside or outside, depending on the crafter’s choice. Leather Helmet
These plates provide with exra protection, but A full-face leather cap that straps on the front to
make the character’s movements more restricted. protect as much of the face as possible. Leather
Thus, many assassins prefer the ease of another, Helmets come with a nasal that protects the nose.
light armor. However, when stealth is not an issue, The leather also extends to the sides, protecting
but protection is, there are many characters who the ears and part of the neck.
look for a Studded Leather Armor, preferring
or being unabe to afford, metal armors. Studded Scout Cap
Leather Armors are usually brown in color, much Similar to the bike helmet yet more compact and
like all tempered leather. more durable, the Scout Cap goes along with
Scout Armor to complete the scout’s disguise and
Helmets protection in reconnaisance missions.
Covering the most important part of a character’s
Location, as it is the most fragile, helmets require Pilot’s Cap
specific mention. Although they do not hinder the Complimentary to the Pilot’s Armor, the cap
character’s movements as armors do, they block supports communication systems and feedback
their field of view, giving a penalty to all Observe of the vehicle’s status through it, making it ideal
checks. Some helmets allow the front part to be for anyone driving or piloting. It gives a +1 to any
removed and alleviate some of that penalty, but weapons fired from the vehicle. The Pilot’ Cap
characters risk getting hit in the exposed part in also provides with certain information that the
doing so. In fantasy settings, where Penetration character might request, assuming it gets linked
Ratings are relatively lower than sci-fi settings, to the ship’s, or vehicle’s, computer system. Pilot
helmets are the line between life and death. Caps also allow direct link with neural interface.

Bike Helmet Plate Helmet

Not as commonly used in combat as other helmets, Essentially a reinforced metal helmet, usually
it is mostly for protection against crashing or contains a nasal and eyeguard, though some are
falling. Made with fiberglass and reinforced with relatively open in the front. Most Plate Helmets
kevlar to ensure protection, these helmets have are solid and must be removed in order for the
found their way in gang brawls in urban sprawls. wearer to avoid the Observe penalty.

Powerhead most often remain the same whether you wear one
The final part of the Power Armor, the helmet or two pieces. The process of making armor this
seals it off environmentally. It provides the wearer way is as follows:
with night vision, thermal vision and completely
protects from concussion grenades, both from • Find the penalty for the Torso part
the flash and the sound. Inside the helmet, there • Add the penalties for Arms (2 Pieces)
is also a sophisticated computer, equipped with • Add the penalties for Legs (2 Pieces)
short range sensors, targeting systems giving every • Pick a Helmet from the list above
weapon the wearer shoots a +2 on all attacks and a
database with information available to the wearer
Armor Type DR Penalty*
on command.
Layering Armor Chain 9 -2
It is not always that a single layer of armor will
do the job. Also, certain armors like heavy plates Gelsuit 10 0
require a sort of padding underneath, which Hide 6 -2
acts like armor itself. Layering costs, though, as
it enhances the penalty. Of course, the increased Kevlar 7 -1
DR is something that might save you life at some Leather 5 -1
point. Not all Armors may be layered, but this is
Padded 3 -1
left to the GM’s discretion
Plate 11 -2
When Layering Armor, you gain the DR of the Scale 10 -2
best Armor normally. You gain one third of the
lesser’s DR. Both penalties are added together. Studded Leather 6 -1
Arms / Legs
For example, if you are wearing a Chainmail,
giving you a DR of 9 on all Locations for a penalty Chain 9 1
of -3, and you want to add Padded Armor beneath Hide 6 1
it, your total DR on all Locations would rise to 10 Kevlar 7 1
and the penalty would become -4. Still, it’s worse
than wearing Scale Mail. Leather 5 1
Padded 3 0
Piece By Piece
There are times where normal armors are either not Plate 11 2
available or certain pieces have been destroyed and Scale 10 1
the character is need of armor in these Locations.
Studded Leather 6 1
If the same kind of armor is not available, another
kind will have to do. This mix and match creates Table 15.10: Armor Piece by Piece
some armor combination that are usually more *For 2 Pieces, if less adjust accordingly
hindering than whole armors, yet if that is the only
option, it’s prefferable to no armor at all. When The final penalty might be worse, but the
making armor piece by piece, you must first select inconsistency of the pieces worn makes it so
the Torso part. Then, you fit the Arms and Legs. usually. Also bear in mind that most set armors
The numbers given here are for both Arms and are already layered, which has been factored in on
both Legs. If you want to add only one of them, their respective penalty, shown on the table above.
round penalties up, meaning that the penalty will See above for more rules on Layering Armor.

Chapter XVI

iven the nature of the 3d6 system, which considered Small size, because he is 1 meter long.
encompasses many different campaign In the game there is no difference in stats between
settings, the enemies that can be pitted these two. However, being tall or long can cause a
against the player characters are numerous. From creature to have different depiction on the grid, if
orcs, goblins and dragons of fantasy settings, you are using it. Tall creatures take up less space
to mechs and aliens of sci-fi settings, there is a on the grid, while long creatures take up more.
variety of adversaries to throw to your players as However, the GM should always bear in mind the
a GM. This chapter should not be read by the height of these creatures.
players, as it will create a better mood if they
don’t know the creatures they are about to face. It
Size Sample Creature Height Range
contains information on the enemies, their habits,
combat abilities and descriptions, as well as system Small Dog 30cm – 80cm
statistics such as Attributes, Skill Ranks, etc. There Character Normal Human 1,5m – 2,5m
are certain things different with creatures. Their
physiology for one, calls for different Locations Vehicle Light Mech 3m - 5m
and different combat maneuvers. Size also matters, Gigantic Shiraldi Trooper 6m - 9m
since larger creatures follow different rules. You
will also find in this chapter some sample creatures Juggernaut Deimos Juggernaut 18m - 24m
from both campaign settings of the 3d6 system, Table 16.1: Creature Sizes
Wartide and Ascendance, along with their stats and
a description of their special abilities. Larger creatures gain certain in-game benefits,
despite the obvious such as great Strength and
Stamina. These are shown on the table below.
Creature Sizes Namely, the larger a creature is, the easier it is to
hit it with ranged weapons, but a lot tougher to hit
Size in the 3d6 system is measured in its own scale,
using humans as the basis for all comparisons. in melee, because of its ability to block your blows
This is done to ease play and make sure players and not allow you to hit it where it matters, thus
understand easily the different sizes. You will find the bonus on Block. Also, larger creatures have an
a table below listing all the sizes, their respective easier time hitting and damaging other creatures
height range (or width) and a representative of in melee, because their weapons cover a greater
each size category. Heights (or lengths) in between area and can reach further. All this makes large
may belong to either of the two categories. So, for creatures very dangerous in combat. Even very
example, while a small child can be 1 meter tall experienced characters will probably find such a
and be considered Small size, so can a big dog be creature more than a match.

Size Avoid Melee / Block Damage Bonus* Stealth

Small +2 -2 Normal -4 / +4
Character Normal Normal Normal 0
Vehicle -4 +4 x1.5 +4 / -4
Gigantic -8 +8 x2 +12 / -12
Juggernaut -16 +16 x4 +24 / -24
Table 16.2: Size Modif iers
*modifier only for Melee Damage Bonus from Strength

Creature Locations These abilities are detailed in each individual
creature’s description, though there are certain
If you want to use the Hit Locations table for common ones that are found in many of them. As
stranger creatures, some adjustments need to be with Manifestations, if any special ability allow a
made. For example, in the campaign setting there chance to the target to resist it or at least reduce
might be spider-like creatures, creatures with four the effect, this is calculated with the following
arms or tails, etc. To find the Hit Locations for formula.
these creatures, simply reduce the numbers for the
“Torso” entry and use one number on each extra Special Power TN = Creature’s Resolve +11
Location. You will find below a table showing all
possible numbers and the Location they should Also note here that any bonuses from Perks that
hit depending on the creature attacked. GMs apply to Resolve do not increase that TN. It
should be encouraged to follow these guidelines only counts the creature’s Willpower and Ranks
and create their own, as needed for even weirder in the Resolve Skill. Any bonuses that increase
creatures. In the campaign setting, mutations or the Resolve check to so only to resist effects, not
even unique aliens may have a variety of forms. increase your TN.
Note also here that mechs use the Hit Location
chart of humanoid creatures, but the same rules
apply to them as well, in case you wish to make
a non-humanoid looking mech, such as one with
Creature CBR
Unintelligent creatures (those with an Intelligence
no hands, four hands, four legs, etc. Usually here, score of 3 or less, such as animals and insects)
lower numbers mean that the Location is more calculate their Combat Rating differently to
difficult to hit, as since the two dice are low, the normal characters.
entire attack will probably miss. Conversely, high
numbers mean that the attacks that strike their Unintelligent Creature CBR = Reaction +5
target usually strike the most bulky part of the
creature. There might be even stranger creatures in These creatures depend on their instincts and
your campaign, such as beings made of light, full innate reactions in order to attack and defend
of tentacles or strange floating balls and creatures themselves in combat, which is why only their
whose physiology defies physics. In these cases, Reaction Attribute comes into play and not
GMs should devise their own correlations for their Intelligence score. However, creatures that
the dice. Bear in mind how often you want each are intelligent may not rely on their instinct and
Location to be hit and adjust accordingly. must use the Intelligence Attribute like all other

Special Abilities
Many creatures and characters may possess some
very unique qualities and powers, from natural
Sample Adversaries
You will find below some samples adversaries,
regeneration to enveloping their enemies in flames mainly from the two 3D6 settings, Warite and
and from hardened skin to killing their foes with Ascendance. For more information on these enemies
a glance. There are also abilities that help with and many more of them, refer to the appropriate
the dice or other game mechanics, like re-rolls. campaign setting book.

Roll Animal Bird 4-Armed 4-Legged Tailed

2 Head Head Head Head Head
3 Front Right Leg Right Wing Upper Right Arm Right Arm Right Arm
4 Front Left Leg Left Wing Lower Right Arm Left Arm Left Arm
5 Rear Right Leg Right Leg Upper Left Arm Front Right Leg Right Leg
6 Rear Left Leg Left Leg Lower Left Arm Front Left Leg Left Leg
7 Torso Torso Right Leg Rear Right Leg Tail
8 Torso Torso Left Leg Rear Left Leg Torso
9-12 Torso Torso Torso Torso Torso
Table 16.3: Creature Locations

Eloh (Shiraldi)
Strength 18 Armor Worn: Sunplate Combat Rating

Coordination 15
Location HP DR 16
Head 105 42
Stamina 20 Torso 210 38
Avoidance 16
Reaction 7 Left Arm 140 38 Shield Block -
Intelligence 15 Right Arm 140 38
Movement & IC
Willpower 18 Left Leg 140 38 Initiative +0
Personality 12 Right Leg 140 38 Movement 9

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Sunsword +42 4d6+32 14 Giant (1H) 18 Bleeding 160 50
Solar Lance +44 6d6+34 16 Giant (1H) 23 Ripping 220 52

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

Sunbeam +32 3d6+20 14 - - 250 Taxing -

Resistance Skills The Eloh, meaning Sunburst in the Shirladi tongue, are the shock troopers of
the Shiraldi. Their bodies appear like smooth, yellow flames frozen in time.
Resilience +26 On the upper part of their head, a horizontal beam of white light appears
Resolve +26 to be pulsing. Their armor is made of sunmetal, the dark yellow element the
Shiraldi craft from solar energy. They fight with sunforged extensions of
Avoid +26
their arms or beams of light shot through their central eye-like beam.
Common Skills
Observe +21 Senses
Automatically perceive anything within line of sight.
Search +28
Survival +25 Resistances
Stealth -3 Frost DR 10, Fire & Acid Immunity
Medicine +15 Regeneration
Mobility Skills 1 HP per round if under direct sunlight, 1 HP per minute if not.
Acrobatics +16
Athletics +30 As a Full Action, the Eloh charges up inside as light is emitted at a 30 meter
Interaction Skills radius, blinding all who fail a Resilence check (TN=28). The plates of the
armor open up slightly, reducing its DR by 10. The Elog must keep charging
Analysis +28 for 3 rounds. In its turn on the fourth, it unleashes a blast of light that deals
Bluff +16 12d6+20 points of fire damage to anyone within 100 meters. The Eloh can’t
Diplomacy +32
use its weapons or beam for 10 minutes thereafter.

Technology Skills Sunbeam

Design/Repair +28 Able to turn themselves to beams of light, the Eloh can freely move virtually
anywhere. However, they spend Hit Points to do so at a rate of 6 per round.
Disable Device +16

Exior (Dragonborn)
Strength 11 Armor Worn: Scale Mail Combat Rating

Coordination 11
Location HP DR 16
Head 15 11
Stamina 12 Torso 29 10
Unarmed 25
Reaction 11 Left Arm 20 10 Shield 34
Intelligence 11 Right Arm 20 10
Movement & IC
Willpower 12 Left Leg 20 10 Initiative +4
Personality 12 Right Leg 20 10 Movement 3

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Defl.

Halberd +24 3d6+6 12 Chr (2H) 7 Bleeding 20 31
Sword +22 2d6+6 10 Chr (1H) 4 Bleeding 15 29

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

Thrown Kukri +20 1d6+3 8 Chr (1H) - 30 Taxing 12

Resistance Skills Considered the fodder for the Dragonborn race, since they are the weakest
and tainted with human blood, the Exior are nonetheless used for a variety
Resilience +22 of purposes. Some of them infltrate human territories. These usually find it
Resolve +22 as a way out of the oppression of their Dragonborn masters. Exior look like
humans, except they are nearly perfect in that aspect. They are stronger, faster,
Avoid +21
prettier, better overall. However, there is always one distinct sign of their
Common Skills Dragonborn heritage. Sometimes a rougher skin, other times a small scale on
Observe +24 their side, or even golden eyes. Some of these features can be hidden, while
others are impossible to hide. Exior usually fight with whatever weapons are
Search +24
available to the city they are in, being very adaptable. All of them know how
Survival +18 to use the weapons of the Dragonborn heritage.
Stealth +16
Medicine +15 Sees twice as far as a human, able to discern details easily.
Mobility Skills
Acrobatics +20
Fire Immunity
Athletics +21
Interaction Skills
Analysis +13
Bluff +17
Diplomacy +15
Intimidate +17
Leadership +12
Technology Skills
Design/Repair +16
Disable Device +15

Grafted (Deathless)
Strength 14 Armor Worn: Metal Plating Combat Rating

Coordination 9
Location HP DR 14
Head 42 11
Stamina 16 Torso 84 16 Defenses
Left Arm 64 4 Avoidance 14
Reaction 8 Right Arm 64 4 Shield Block -
Intelligence 9 Front Left Leg 64 21
Front Right Leg 64 21 Movement & IC
Willpower 10 Initiative +1
Back Left Leg 64 21
Personality 6 Back Right Leg 64 21 Movement 6

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Body Blades +20 2d6+5 10 Chr (1H) 4 Bleeding 15 31
Knife +19 1d6+5 8 Chr (1H) 3 Bleeding 10 27

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

Flamethrower +18 3d6+3 12 Chr (2H) - - Taxing 25
Armripper +21 2d6+7 7 Chr (2H) - 90 Ripping 40

Resistance Skills The heavy infantry of the Deathless, the Grafted are called thus because of
the way they carry their weapons, usually grafted onto their flesh and joined
Resilience +30 with dark alchemy and strange liquids. The Grafted resemble arachnid
Resolve +21 creatures on the lower part, made of metal and filled with tubes and tanks
full of the acidic liquid that fuels their abilities. On the upper part, they
Avoid +12
are partly humanoid, resembling what they once were. Usually, they have
Common Skills some sort of armor on the Torso, metal plates that jut out and extend in all
Observe +16 directions. On the bottom part extend flametrhowers and an automatic gun
that can fire a hail of bullets at their enemies
Search +15
Survival +17 Senses
Stealth +8 May discern life and the status of any individuals within 100 meters.
Medicine +15 Resistances
Mobility Skills Acid DR 20
Acrobatics +22
Athletics +27 1 HP per minute, as long as they have liquid inside their tanks.
Interaction Skills
Analysis +12 By placing parts of their enemies inside their tanks, the Grafted can suck on
Bluff +9 their living tissue and regain their vitality. The victim needs to be helpless
Diplomacy +9
but not dead. For every round spent sucking the victim inside, the Grafted
regain 1 Hit Point and the victim loses 2. When the victim has no more Hit
Technology Skills Points, all that remains behind is a husk, drained of blood and vital fluids.
Design/Repair +14
Disable Device +13

Infested (Mutant)
Strength 12 Armor Worn: None Combat Rating

Coordination 12
Location HP DR 18
Head 16 2
Stamina 12 Torso 32 2
Avoidance 18
Reaction 12 Left Arm 22 2 Shield Block -
Intelligence 12 Right Arm 22 2
Movement & IC
Willpower 10 Left Leg 22 2 Initiative +7
Personality 8 Right Leg 22 2 Movement 4

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Body Blades +20 2d6+5 10 Chr (1H) 4 Bleeding 15 31
Knife +19 1d6+5 8 Chr (1H) 3 Bleeding 10 29

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

DE-45 +20 2d6+5 8 Chr (1H) - 30 Taxing 25

Resistance Skills Those that survived the alien virus that came from Thuria via the portal on
Orion-X got several benefits, yet one major drawback, though they don’t
Resilience +26 really consider that a drawback anymore. The virus was a sentient being that
Resolve +26 sought to prolong its life by making those it infested the perfect survival
organism. The Infested carry that virus inside them, which allows them to
Avoid +26
shape their bodies and adapt to many situations.
Common Skills
Observe +18 Adaptation
The Infested gain a number of Adaptation Points (AP) by reducing one of
Search +18
their physical Attributes (Strength, Stamina, Reaction, Coordination). They
Survival +18 can use these to adapt to situations.
Stealth +18
Adapt Form
Medicine +14 Spending 1 AP, the Infested may boost one physical Attribute by 1.
Mobility Skills
Adapt Body
Acrobatics +19
The Infested may, spending 1 AP, gain 5 DR in an element. Alternatively,
Athletics +19 they can require one tenth normal food & water or breathing.
Interaction Skills
Adapt Sight
Analysis +14 By spending 1 AP, the Infested gain either Infrared Vision or Enhanced
Bluff +10 Light vision.
Diplomacy +10
Technology Skills The Infested may never display true emotions, only fake them. It takes a
Design/Repair +15 Resolve check to take any altruistic action, in which they get a -6.
Disable Device +12

Ixulthan (Dragonborn)
Strength 15 Armor Worn: Plate Mail Combat Rating

Coordination 12
Location HP DR 15
Head 16 2
Stamina 16 Torso 32 2
Avoidance 10
Reaction 6 Left Arm 22 2 Shield Block 38
Intelligence 12 Right Arm 22 2
Movement & IC
Willpower 14 Left Leg 22 2 Initiative -1
Personality 13 Right Leg 22 2 Movement 6

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Draconic Halberd +33 4d6+14 14 Vehicle (2H) 12 Ripping 45 34
Dragonblade +32 3d6+12 12 Vehicle (1H) 7 Bleeding 35 33

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

Thrown Kukri +25 2d6+6 10 Chr (2H) - 15 Bleeding 25

Resistance Skills Fierce and formidable, the Ixulthan were the first the dark lady created
in the world of Wartide. They resemble scaled bipedals, a little less than
Resilience +34 3 meters tall and have a pair of huge wings on their back. Their head is
Resolve +30 that of a dragon, spewing fire at will. For their size and prowess, they are
perfect strategists and very cunning adversaries. They are the rulers of the
Avoid +16
Dragonborn in Wartide. they fight using huge polearms made specifically
Common Skills for them or pointed shields with serrated blades on the bottom. Some prefer
Observe +60 to use clawed gauntlets, which increase the damage of their unarmed attacks.
Search +60
Survival +24 Sees 10 times as far as a human, able to discern details easily.
Stealth +10
Medicine +27 Fire Immunity
Mobility Skills
Flame Spit
Acrobatics +16
As a Full Action, the Ixulthan prepares and spits a flaming ball at one
Athletics +25 opponent, dealing 3d6+6 points of fire damage as a Ranged Attack. By
Interaction Skills taking 1 Stamina damage, the damage of this attack doubles.
Analysis +22 Flight
Bluff +16 Ixuthan Dragonborn can fly using their wings. Their Movement in this
Diplomacy +16
mode is 6.

Technology Skills
Design/Repair +19
Disable Device +16

Kurbul (Animal)
Strength 8 Armor Worn: None Combat Rating

Coordination 10
Location HP DR 19
Head 16 2
Stamina 9 Torso 32 2
Avoidance 22
Reaction 14 Left Arm 22 2 Shield Block -
Intelligence 4 Right Arm 22 2
Movement & IC
Willpower 7 Left Leg 22 2 Initiative +7
Personality 3 Right Leg 22 2 Movement 4

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Bite +17 1d6+2 7 Chr (1H) 2 Ripping - -
Claw +15 1d6+1 7 Chr (1H) 3 Bleeding - -

Resistance Skills Of the beasts roaming the wilderness, the cunning Kurbul is perhaps the
most well-known. Feared for its pack mentality, the Kurbul employs tactics
Resilience +18 rarely seen in animals. Kurbuls will only attack if they have at least double
Resolve +9 numbers than their opponents and only if they are very hungry at this ratio.
Usually, they assault opponents if they are three times more in numbers.
Avoid +21
Kurbuls look like hyenas, only taller and with sharper teeth. Like their
Common Skills coutnerparts, Kurbuls are corpse-eaters, but wouldn’t mind devouring living
Observe +24 victims.
Search +24
Survival +32 May sniff opponents using Scent. Can see in very low-light perfectly.
Stealth +25
Mobility Skills If a Kurbul manages to hit its opponent (even if it deals no damage), it may
Acrobatics +28 make an automatic Trip attempt against them, gaining a +2 on the roll.
Athletics +22

Naugral (Orc)
Strength 13 Armor Worn: Scale Mail Combat Rating

Coordination 9
Location HP DR 12
Head 20 11
Stamina 13 Torso 39 11
Avoidance 14
Reaction 7 Left Arm 26 11 Shield Block 33
Intelligence 7 Right Arm 26 11
Movement & IC
Willpower 8 Left Leg 26 11 Initiative +0
Personality 6 Right Leg 26 11 Movement 4

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Cleaver +23 4d6+7 12 Chr (2H) 7 Ripping 20 28
Waraxe +21 3d6+6 10 Chr (1H) 4 Ripping 18 26

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

Heavy Crossbow +16 3d6+1 8 Chr (2H) 14 15 Taxing 12

Resistance Skills Orcs in Wartide are a force to be reckoned with. Cunning and cruel, they
lead armies of lesser monstrous creatures. The Naugral are the elite soldiers
Resilience +24 of the orcs. More than 2,5 meters tall and twice as broad as a human, these
Resolve +12 massive, green-skinned humanoids sport a series of uneven teeth on the
front, jutting out and inside. They wear plate armors, usually created for
Avoid +10
them by the Dragonborn and wield serrated cleavers, huge axe-like blades
Common Skills that destroy armor.
Observe +8
Search +15
Naugral Orcs see perfectly in darkness, as a human would see in daylight.
Survival +17
Stealth +9 Daylight Blindness
During the day, Naugral lose 3 CBR and get a -2 on all checks.
Medicine +9
Mobility Skills
Acrobatics +12
Athletics +19
Interaction Skills
Analysis +8
Bluff +8
Diplomacy +8
Technology Skills
Design/Repair +11
Disable Device +11

Recruiter (Deathless)
Strength 12 Armor Worn: Scout Armor Combat Rating

Coordination 11
Location HP DR 15
Head 18 8
Stamina 13 Torso 35 8
Avoidance 16
Reaction 10 Left Arm 24 16 Shield Block -
Intelligence 9 Right Arm 24 16
Movement & IC
Willpower 8 Left Leg 24 8 Initiative +6
Personality 7 Right Leg 24 8 Movement 4

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Clawglove +23 1d6+8 8 Chr (1H) 2 Ripping 28 32
Pierceglove +22 1d6+10 8 Chr (1H) 3 Bleeding 25 29

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

KND-M12 +20 2d5+5 8 Chr (1H) - 30 Taxing 25

Resistance Skills Since they have no ability to reproduce, the Deathless must rely on
transforming their victims, through alchemy and dark magic. The Recruiters’
Resilience +22 job is to find potential victims, capture them and bring them back to the
Resolve +14 Deathless. Like most of their race, the Recruiters look wrinkled and bloated.
They have two large metallic claws on their hands, one having a multitude of
Avoid +19
syringes and other sharp instruments, while the latter has claws or attached
Common Skills blades. Both are connected to a small tank on the back of the Recruiter, filled
Observe +21 with the green liquid signature to their race.
Search +21
Survival +15 Acid DR 12
Stealth +23
Medicine +21 1 HP per hour, as long as they have liquid inside their tanks.
Mobility Skills
Acrobatics +16
As a Full Action, the Recruiter may inject its victim with toxins that it carries
Athletics +18 on its tank and passes through the syringe on their arm. The Recruiter must
Interaction Skills first deal at least 1 point of damage to the victim. Then the victim must fail
a Resilience check (TN=26) or be paralyzed for 10 minutes. Succeeding in
Analysis +12 this check gives the victim a -2 on all checks. Making a Critical Success
Bluff +11 means that the victim suffers no il effects.
Diplomacy +11
Acid Spray
Technology Skills As a Full Action, the Recruiter may use its normal arm to spray acid on their
Design/Repair +12 opponents, spending a lot of liquid from the tank, though, converting it to
acid in the process of shooting it. The acid deals 3d6+points of damage in a
Disable Device +10
5 meter cone in front of the Recruiter.

Shangul (Orc)
Strength 11 Armor Worn: Leather Armor Combat Rating

Coordination 13
Location HP DR 17
Head 12 5
Stamina 11 Torso 24 5
Avoidance 23
Reaction 12 Left Arm 16 5 Shield Block 33
Intelligence 8 Right Arm 16 5
Movement & IC
Willpower 7 Left Leg 16 5 Initiative +7
Personality 6 Right Leg 16 5 Movement 4

Melee Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Reach Critical Hits Blk

Shortspear +25 2d6+4 10 Chr (1H) 5 Bleeding 16 29

Ranged Weapon Atk Dmg IC Size Arm Range Critical Hits

Light Crossbow +22 2d6+1 7 Chr (2H) 7 10 Taxing 14
Longbow +22 1d6+4 8 Chr (2H) - 40 Bleeding 10

Resistance Skills The archers of the orcs in Wartide, the Shangul are very agile and swift, sec-
ond only to the lizardmen in that aspect. They are, however, the virtual slaves
Resilience +16 of the Naugral, though many a Shangul has risen against the oppression of
Resolve +10 the much stronger orcs. Shangul are relatively thin, for orcs, with long arms
and elongated features. They usually fight with bows or, depending on their
Avoid +26
opponents, crossbows. Shangul Orcs are famous for their ability to swiftly
Common Skills reload and attack with a Crossbow very quickly.
Observe +21
Search +18
Shangul Orcs see perfectly in darkness, as a human would see in daylight.
Survival +22
Stealth +23 Daylight Blindness
During the day, Shangul lose 3 CBR and get a -2 on all checks.
Medicine +12
Mobility Skills
Acrobatics +21
Athletics +17
Interaction Skills
Analysis +10
Bluff +9
Diplomacy +8
Technology Skills
Design/Repair +12
Disable Device +13

Creating Enemies Skills
As far as Skills go, NPCs should usually have as
When the GM wishes to make new adversaries for
many Specialties as PCs do and have appropriate
the players in their campaign setting, a few things
need to be noted. The Non-Player Characters maximum Ranks in them, 3 for Non-Specialty
(NPCs) you make should reflect the average of Skills and 4 for Specialty ones. When distributing
your campaign, especially if they are commoners. the skills points these NPCs have, ensure again
Strong men like warriors or guards, for example, that you have described them adequately, as far as
should have higher stats in general than normal their skills, background and life are concerned.
people and those capable in their craft should
have that reflect in their stat block. Advancement & Breaking Limits
Of course, not all NPCs are just starting out
Attributes their lives. Some of them might have Experience
To determine Attributes for an NPC, you could Points, much like normal characters. However,
use the character creation rules found earlier in it is advisable to disregard the common rules for
this book. These will make for some quite powerful character advancement when it comes to such
NPC’s, as the Attributes and starting Skill Points characters. For example, the village blacksmith
are made for PCs. It is advisable to lower the could be a local legend when it comes to crafts. You
Attributes a bit if you want to make normal, low don’t need to give him 2000 Experience Points,
power commoners. Always bear in mind that the just so he can have 11 Ranks in the Design/Repair
average for an Attribute is 7. People with higher Skill, because that will give them a bunch of
than that are rare and people with 11s and 12s Experience Points that you would have to add and
are extremely rare. Lower Attributes usually could maybe this character has not really done anything
mean some kind of defect or even an unhealed else with their lives other than learning their craft.
wound, if it is their Stamina. When assigning Just adjust the Skill Ranks on such NPCs as you
Attribute Points for an NPC, make sure that you want them to be, based on what they have done in
have a clear image of who he is in your mind. their lives.

Table Index

Academic Perks 50 Derangements 141

Adventuring Perks 47 Diplomacy Modifiers 27
Ammunition 206 Disabled Location Recovery 168
Analysis Modifiers 26 Disease Examples 131
Armor Piece by Piece 214 Diseases 131
Armors & Helmets 210 Disguise Modifiers 34
Assigning Attributes 182 Encumbrance Limits 140
Attacking Underwater 142 Encumbrance Penalties 140
Attribute Examples 14 Escape PTN & Finish Mod. 154
Avoiding Natural Hazards 35 Experience Awards 189
Balance Modifiers 28 Experience Costs 191
Balance Modifiers 29 Experience Limits 192
Blending Modifiers 32 Explosive Bonuses 39
Character Option Perks 53 Explosive Targets and TN’s 39
Characters as Cover 112 Fall Absorbtion 130
Chase Difference 154 Falling Damage 130
Chase Speed Modifiers 155 Finishing Off 155
Climb Modifiers 29 Following Tracks 36
Combat Maneuvers 135 Foraging Modifiers 35
Complexity 158 Gas EFfects 132
Concealment Benefits 114 Healing Equipment 165
Congruity Maneuvers 145 Healing Perks 66
Congruity Modifiers 144 Human Racial Perks 101
Congruity Points 143 IC Costs 106
Coordination 15 Infections 130
Cover Benefits 113 Infiltration Perks 69
Crafting Perks 57 Infirmaries 165
Crafting Tools 33 Intelligence 17
Creature Locations 216 Intimidate Modifiers 27
Creature Sizes 215 Invesitures 178
Credits Earned From Talent 36 Item Hit TNs 129
Damage Underwater 142 Jump Modifiers 29
Defensive Perks 60 Jump Types 29
Deflection IC 209 Knowledge & TN’s 41
Derangement Treatment 170 Knowledge & TN’s 42
Knowledge Assist 41 Size Modifiers 215
Landfalls 134 Social Perks 98
Larceny Modifiers 35 Speed & Movement 149
Leadership Orders 28 Stamina 16
Light and Darkness 114 Stealth Modifiers 31
Locating & Size 116 Strength 15
Locating Modifiers 116 Strength Examples 14
Location Damage 118 Success Ratings 12
Location Hit Points 117 Superior Crafts 160
Location Penalties 121 Synergy 20
Magic Perks 79 Talent Modifiers 36
Magic TN Modifiers 173 Teamwork Perks 103
Magic TN Range Modifiers 173 Technology Levels 193
Magic TN Size Modifiers 173 Terrain Modifiers 111
Material Hit Resistance 128 TN Examples 11
Medkit Bonuses 166 Tracking Modifiers 34
Melee Combat Perks 84 Training Times 191
Melee Weapons 196 Tricks 33
Minor Side-Effects 174 Unarmed Size 199
Mobility Perks 73 Untrained Penalties 21
Moderate Side-Effects 174 Upgrading Items 163
Movement Modes 109 Vehicle Called Shots & Hits 150
Natural Traps 36 Vehicle Damage 151
No Maintenance Penalties 164 Vehicle HP Relation 151
Observe Modifiers 30 Vehicle Locations 151
Overland Movement 110 Weapon Accessories 207
Patching TN 169 Willpower 17
Perception Perks 91 Wind Effects 133
Permanent Damage 168 Workbench Examples 157
Personality 18 Wound TNs 167
Radiation Effects 132 Wound Types 166
Random Melee Hits 123
Ranged Combat Perks 93
Ranged Weapons 200
Ranges and Modifiers. 124
Rank Proficiency 20
Reaction 16
Repairing Items 161
Sensor Modes 115
Severe Side-Effects 175
Shields 208

0-9 Adventuring Supremacy 48

Adversaries 214
0.762mm 204
Adverse Effects 162
3d6 11
Aerial 140
4 92
Aimed Shot 137
22 cal. 204
Aim Mastery 93
45 cal. 204
Alter 43, 170
A Alteration 175
Alter Chances 79
Absorbant 128
Ambidexterity 54
Academic 19, 40, 46, 50
Academic Category Expertise 50 Ammunition 203
Academic Category Specialty 51 Analysis 26
Academic Focus 51 Analyzing Someone 26
Academic Mastery 51 Animal 220
Academic Specialty 51 Animal Friend 48
Academic Supremacy 51 Animal Handling 32
Acceleration 147, 161 Applied Knowledge 51
Acceleration Rating 147 Applied Sciences 41
Accessories 205 Archivist 51
Acid 126 Area Attacks 123
Acid Spray 222 Area Effect 123
Acrobatics 28 Armed 122
Action Determination 99 Armor Coat 209
Action Dice 11 Armor DR 128
Action Die Pool 99 Armor Jacket 209
Action Die Superiority 99 Armor Mastery 57
Action Point Mastery 99 Armor Plating 161
Actions 103 Armor Repair TN 160
Active Infrared 113 Armors 208
Active Protection 111 Armor Sneak 70
AD 190 Arms 115, 116, 119, 166
Adaptation 218 Arms Mastery 57
Adapt Body 218 Arrow 204
Adapt Form 218 Arrow, Flight 204
Adapt Sight 218 Arrow, Piercing 204
Advancement 187, 224 Arrow, Wooden 204
Adventuring 46, 47 Artist 42
Adventuring Expertise 47 Ascendance 79, 175
Adventuring Focus 48 Ascending 140
Adventuring Mastery 48 Ascension 54
Adventuring Specialty 48 Assault Rifles 22, 199
Assigning Attributes 180 Bluff 27
Assigning Skills 180 Blunt Weapons 22, 196
Assimilate 217 Body 43, 170
Assist 41, 101 Body Armor 209
Assistance 167 Bolas 202
Assistants 155, 156 Bolt 204
At Death’s Door 66 Bolt, Piercing 204
Athletics 29, 128 Bolt, Wooden 204
Attack 15 Bonus Perks 46
Attended 127 Botch 12
Attribute Limits 190 Bows 23
Attributes 13 Breaking Limits 224
Autofire 136 Breastplate 209
Automatic Assist 101 Breath 140
Automatic Congruity 101 Broad Category 40
Auto Recall, General 51 Buckler 207
Auto-Recall, Specific 51 Bull Rush Mastery 84
Average 163 Buried 132
Avoid 30, 123 Burn The Body 79
Avoidance 127, 181 Burst 117
Avoidance Rating 122, 123 Bursting 107
Avoiding 123
Avoiding Detection 31
Avoiding Electronic Traps 38 Called Shots 119
Avoiding Natural Hazards 35 Called Shot Spec. 93
Avoid Skill 123 Campaign End 187, 188
Axe 194 Capable 42
Axes 22, 194 Careful Attack 85, 133
Carnak-E 201
Casters 174
Bad Effects 129 Casual Roll 12
Balancing 28 Catastrophic 132
Banded Mail 209 Category Spec. (Melee) 85
Bartering 27 Category Spec. (Ranged) 93
Basic 42, 164 Cautious retreat 137
Battered 131 CBR 103
Battery 135 CC-Patrol 201
battle 145 Cestus 195
behind Total Cover 111 Chain 196
Belief 101 Chain Coiff 211
Big 171 Chainmail 209
Bike Helmet 211 Chain Shirt 209
Blades 22, 195 Character 132, 213
Blanket Fire 135 character creation 45
Blast Zone 109 Character Options 46, 53
Bleeding Critical 70 Characters as Cover 110
Blinded 139 Character Sheet 181
Blind Fighting 89 Charge 74
Blown Away 131 Chariots 151
Chase 151 Coverage 209
Chase System 151 Crafting 38, 46, 57, 156, 193
Checked 131 Crafting Expertise 57
Choosing Perks 181 Crafting Focus 58
Chosen One 54 Crafting Specialty 58
Cleave 85 Craft Points 156
Climbing 29 Craft PTN 157
Close 122 Crafts 156
Close Combat 19, 22 Craftsmanship 161
Close In 74 Craft TN 157
Club 196 Crash Damage 150
CMB-10 203 crashing 150
CMP 193, 199, 209 Create 43, 170
Cold-Blooded 218 Creating Enemies 224
Combat 133 Creating Plans 157
Combat Co-operation 102 Creature CBR 214
Combat Die Expert 54 Creature Locations 214
Combat Die Mastery 100 Critical 164
Combat Die Specialty 100 Critical Hits 119, 150
Combat Maneuvers 133 Critical Success 12
Combat Rating 103, 181 Crossbows 23
Combat Rounds 152 Crouching 137
Combat Training 41, 54 CRT-Pelt 201
Commiting 121 Cyber Age 192
Communication 143 Cyber Era 191
Compensator 205
Complexity 156
Complexity Rating 160 Dagger 195
Composure 17, 118 Damage 15, 124, 132
Composure Points 118 Damage Bonus 181
Composure Resistance 181 Damage Reduction 58, 125
Computers 37 Damaging Armor 127
Concealment 111 Damaging Vehicles 148
Concentrating 173 Darkness 112
Condition Immunity 61 Dash 74
Condition Reduction 61 Dashing Target 74
Conditions 138, 167 Daylight 112
Conductive 119 Daylight Blindness 221, 223
Confine 43, 170 Dazed 139
Congruity 102, 141 DE-45 201
Congruity Points 142 Deadly 119, 130
Congruiy 28 Deafened 139
Control 44 Deathless 222
Controling Investitures 175 Defense 143
Control Reality 79 Defensive 46, 60
Convincing Someone 27 Defensive Expertise 62
Coordination 13, 15 Defensive Specialization 62
Counterattack 85 Deflecting 124
Cover 110 Deflecting Melee 207
Deflecting Ranged 207 Dragonborn 216, 219
Deflection 181 Drive, Balance 24
Deflection Rating 121 Driver Cabin 148
Delay Action 104 Drive skill 147
Delayed Condition 62 Drive, Steering 24
Delay Effect 58 Driving 146
Dense City 152 DTA Recon 202
Derangement 118 Duration 173
Derangements 139
Derived Stats 181
Descending 140 ECCM 114
Desert 109 ECM 114
Design / Repair 37 Economist 67
Destabilizing Bull Rush 85 Effect 130
Destiny 54 Effective 122
Destroy 43, 170 Effects & TN 170
Destroyed 149 Efficient Armor Use 75
Destruction 175 Efficient Crafting 58
Detecting Things 40 EL 138
Determination Mastery 100 Electricity 126
Devastating Throw 93 Electronics 38
Dice Mastery 100 Elemental 175
Diplomacy 27 Elemental Damage 125
Direct 43, 170 Elemental Protection 176
Disabled 116 Elemental Resistance 62
Disable Device 33 Eloh 215
Disabling Master 70 Eloquent 42
Disarm 134 Empower 43, 170
Disarming Explosives 23, 39 Empowerment 175
Disarming Mechanical Traps 33 Encumbered 138
Disarm Mastery 85 Encumbrance 138, 181
Discern Details 90 Encumbrance Limit 138
Diseases 129 Endure 117
Disease Specialist 67 Endure Condition 62
Disengage Expertise 74 Endure Madness 79
Disengage Mastery 75 Endure Wounds 62
Disengage Specialty 75 Endure Wounds Mastery 62
Disguise 34 Energy Shield 207
Disregard Composure 62 Energy Weapons 22
Disregard Fatigue 62 engaged 123
Disregard Resources 67 Enhancement 175
Distributing Healing 165 Enhancement Mastery 58
Distributing Points 180 Environment 41
Divine Endurance 79 Equipping 181
Divine Foresight 79 Escape 151
Divine Sight 79 Excellent 163, 164
Double Combat Die 100 Excellent Craftsmanship 161
Double Sneak Critical 70 Exhausted 117, 118
DR 125 Exhausting Burst 62
Exior 216 Figures 109
Experience Awards 187 Figures & Grid 109
Expert Aim 93 Finalizing 186
Expert Archivist 51 Finishing Off 153
Expert Armor Use 75 Finishing Touches 179
Expert Bull Rush 85 Firearms 131
Expert Called Shots 94 Flame Spit 219
Expert Commit 85 Flamethrower 200
Expert Composure 62 Flaming 119
Expert Cover 62 Flanks 149
Expert Disarm 85 Flaw 181
Expert Endure Wounds 63 Flawless Search 70, 90
Expertise 19, 32, 85 Fleeing Opponent 121
Expert Jump 75 Flexibility 161
Expert Mobile Defense 75 Flight 219
Expert Reach 85 Fluent 42
Expert Safe Block 63 FND-R5 203
Expert Safe Guard 63 Following Tracks 36
Expert Steady Shot 94 Forager 48
Expert Sunder 85 Foraging in the Wild 35
Expert Trip 85 Forced March 48, 108
Explosives 23, 38 Foresight 90, 175
Expose Cover 94 Forest 109
Expose Location 94 Forgery 34
External Damage 171 Formations 142
Extra Action Die 54 Front 149
Extreme 122 Front Left Leg 214
Front Right Leg 214
Frost 125
Facing 109 Full Actions 103
Factory 155 Full Ambidexterity 54
Fallback 21 Full Burst 136
Falling 128 Full Concealment 111, 112
Falling Damage 128 Full Helmet 211
Fast Arm 94 Full Plate 209
Fast Climber 75 Furious Attack 86
Fast Draw (Melee) 86
Fast Draw (Ranged) 94
Fast Forage 48 Gaining Flaws 46
Fast Patch 67 Gases 130
Fast Place 94 Gas TN 130
Fast Reactions 90 Gas Vent 205
Fast Swimmer 75 Gelsuit 210
Fatigue 16, 117 General 137
Fatigued 107 Gestures 170
Fatigue Points 117 Giant 171
Fatigue Resistance 117, 118, 181 Gigantic 197, 213
Fearless 176 Good Success 12
Fiberglass 126 Grafted 217
Grapple 134 Helmet Expertise 90
Grappled 134 Helmets 211
Grappler 196 Hide 210
Greataxe 195 Hills 109
Greater Aim 94 Hit 127
Greater Charge 75 Hi-Tech 155
Greater Cleave 86 Hit Points 16, 115
Greater Cover 63 Hits 126
Greater Damage 86 Hold Action 105
Greater Destiny 55 Hold Congruity 102
Greater Endure Wound 63 Hold Enemy 176
Greater Mobile Defense 75 Hold the Line 102
Greater Power 79 Horrified 139
Greater Purity 55 HP 16
Greater Reach 86 Huge 171
Greater Smasher 86 human 121
Greater Steady Shot 94 Human 171
Greater Sunder 86 Humans 179
Greater Weapon Speed 86 Hunter 151, 153
Great Success 12 Hurled 23
Greatsword 195 Hurled & Thrown 200
Grenade, Frag 204 Hurler 200
Grenade, Stun 205 Hurricane 131
Grenadier 201 Hustling 107, 109
Grid 109
Grid Scale 109
Gunnery 24 IC Costs 103
Gyrostab 206 IC Units 103
Icy 109
Ignore Composure 63
Hacking 37 Ignore Fatigue 63
Halberd 197 Ignore Flames 178
Hallucinatory 130 ignores 126
Hampered 131 Impaling 120
Hand X-Bow 202 Impersonating 34
Hard Cover 110 Impoved Mobile Defense 75
Hardened 126 Improved Action Die 55
Hard to Track 48 Improved Aim 94
Hatchet 195 Improved Ambidexterity 55
Hazards 127 Improved Applied Lore 51
Head 115, 116, 119, 121, 166, 214 Improved Armor Sneak 70
Headcrusher 196 Improved Armor Use 75
Healing 16, 46, 66, 175 Improved Assist 102
Healing Factor 181 Improved Blind Fighting 90
Heat 125 Improved Bull Rush 86
Heavy Concealment 112 Improved Called Shots 94
Heavy Stone 36 Improved Called Shot Spec. 94
Heavy X-Bow 202 Improved Close In 76
Hellborn Armor 210 Improved Commit 86
Improved Composure 63 Infiltration Expertise 70
Improved Congruity 102 Infiltration Focus 70
Improved Cover 63 Infiltration Mastery 70
Improved Damage 86 Infiltration Specialty (Any) 71
Improved Destiny 55 Infiltration Supremacy (Any) 71
Improved Determination 100 Infirmaries 163
Improved Disarm 86 Infirmary Bonus 163
Improved Endure Condition 63 Infrared 113
Improved Endure Wounds 63 Initial Attribute Points 180
Improved Expose Location 95 Initial Congruity 141
Improved Fast Draw (Melee) 86 Initial Skill Points 180
Improved Fast Draw (Ranged) 95 Initiative 16, 103, 181
Improved Fatigue Resistance 63 Innate 19, 28
Improved Initiative 55 Inner City 152
Improved Interrupt 55 Inner Fire 80
Improved Jump 76 Inspire Combat 97
Improved Link 55 Inspire Courage 97
Improved Magic 79 Inspire Resolve 97
Improved March 48 Inspire Skill 97
Improved Mobile Attack 76 Instant 173
Improved Pack Mule 48 Intelligence 13, 17
Improved Pain Reduction 67 Internal Damage 171
Improved Power 79 Interrupt 105, 143
Improved Precise Attack 95 Interrupter 55
Improved Provide Congruity 102 Intimidate 27
Improved Purity 55 Intuitive Awareness 71
Improved Quick Block 63 Intuitive Search 71, 90
Improved Reach 87 Investigation Expertise (Any) 90
Improved Reflexes 76 Investigation Focus (Any) 90
Improved Safe Block 64 Investigation Mastery (Any) 90
Improved Safeguard 64 Investigation Specialty (Any) 90
Improved Shield Cover 64 Investigation Supremacy (Any) 90
Improved Smasher 87 Investiture 19, 44, 80, 174
Improved Sneak Attack 70 Investive Transfer 80
Improved Steady Shot 95 Issuing Orders 28
Improved Sunder 87 Item Damage 126
Improved Sustain 80 Item Hit Point Cost 160
Improved Sustenance 49 Item Repair PTN 160
Improved Swift Attack 87 Item Repair TN 160
Improved Synergy 102 It’s In The Details 98
Improved Trip 87 Ixulthan 219
Improved Weapon Speed 87
Improving Items 161
Improvised 22, 196, 200 Juggernaut 197, 213
Industrialisation 191, 192 Jumping 29
Infecting 120 Jungle 109
Infections 128
Infested 218
Infiltration 46, 69, 175 Keep Away 177
Keep Calm 98 Linguistic Specialty 56
Kill Zone 143 Linked Spec. (Linked Melee) 87
KND-M12 203 Link Expert 55
Kneeling 137 Link Master 56
Kneel Mastery 76 Link Spec. (Linked Skills) 95
Knockdown 120 Locate TN 114
Knockdown Trip 87 Location Damage 160
Knocked Down 131 Locations 115
Knowledge 40 Long 122
Knowledge Specialty 51 Longbow 202
K’Tor 1 199 Longspear 197
Kurbul 220 Longstrider 76
Long Throw 95
Looking For Something 32
Lack of Materials 163 Lore 40, 41
Landfalls 132 Lower Left Arm 214
Landing 29 Lower Right Arm 214
Language 19, 42 Low Lighting 112
Larceny 35 Luck of Heroes 100
Large Shield 207 Lucky Break 100
Laser Sight 206
Laser Weapons 23
Launchers 200 Machine Guns 23, 201
Launch Weapons 23, 148 Machinery 39
Layering 212 Magic 19, 41, 43, 46, 80
Lead Astray 49 Magical 178
Leadership 28 Magical Rituals 178
Leadership Skill 141 Magic Bonus 18
Learning Rituals 177 Magic Cap 17
Leather 210 Magic Mastery 80
Leather Coat 210 Magnetic Sword 195
Leather Helmet 211 Maintenance 161
Left Arm 121 Maintenance Cost 162
Left Flank 148 Maintenance TN 162
Left Leg 121, 214 Major 132
Left Wing 214 Major Arc 187
Legendary Crafts 158 Major Arcs 188
Legs 115, 116, 119, 166 Major Investiture 174
Lethal 128, 129 Makeshift 155
Lethal Infections 129 Makeshift Tools 71
Life & Death 175 Make Them Tremble 98
Light 128, 129, 131, 139, 164 Malvard 196
Light Infections 128 Manifestation 169, 172
Light Sleeper 91 Manipulate Reality 81
Light X-Bow 202 Manipulation 175
Limit by Awards 190 Mask Scent 178
Limit by Experience 190 Massive Damage 116
Limits 190 Master Archivist 51
Line of Sight 175 Master Armor Sneak 71
Master Crafts 158 Modern Times 191, 192
Mastered Applied Lore 52 Modifying Initiative 104
Mastered Fatigue Resistance 64 Morningstar 196
Matter 43, 170 Mortar 205
Maxed-Out Roll 12 Mount 145
Maximum Aim 15, 181 Mountains 109
maximum Attribute 14 Mount Damage 146
Mderate 132 Mounted Combat 145
Medical Expert 67 Mounted Weapons 148
Medical Focus 67 mount up 145
Medical Mastery 67 Movement 140, 144, 181
Medical Specialty 67 Movement Steps 107
Medicine 39, 164 Moving Target 77
Medicine Supremacy 67 Mundane 178
Medium 122 Mundane Rituals 178
Medium Concealment 112 Mutant 218
Medium Cover 110
Medkits 163, 164
Melee 46, 133 Native 42
Melee Attack 121 Natural Kit 67
Melee Attack TN 121 Natural Medkits 164
Melee Combat 83 Natural Provisions 49
Melee Weapons 193 Naugral 221
Memorizing 177 Near-Total Cover 110
Mendak-9 199 Negative Hit Points 150
Mental Fortitude 81 Neglected 163
Mentality Of Power 81 Nerve 130
Merc Armor 210 Net Trap 36
Merge Paths 81 Never Miss 91
Metal 126 Night Vision 113
Method To The Madness 81 Non-Player Characters 14
Middle Ages 191 Normal 138
Mighty Throw 95 Normal Actions 103
Mind 43, 170 Normal Failure 12
Minimum 163 Normal Lighting 112
Minor 132, 172 Noticing Hidden Things 30
Minor Arc 187 Numbing Pain 39
Minor Arcs 187
Minor Investiture 174
Mobile Attack 76 Observe 30
Mobile Defense 143 Offense 144
Mobility 46, 73 Off-Hand 138
Mobility Expertise 76 One Against All 64
Mobility Focus 76 One Against Many 64
Mobility Mastery 76 One Against Two 64
Mobility Specialization 76 One-handed 123
Mobility Supremacy 76 On The Fly 58
Moderate 128, 129, 131, 139, 164, 172 Open Wilderness 152
Moderate Infections 128 Operate, Drone 25
Operate, Heavy Mech 25 Pit 36
Operate, Light Mech 25 Plains 109
Orc 221, 223 Planning 156
OS-Sonic 203 Plans 156
Overburdened 138 Plasma Weapons 24
Overland Movement 108 Plate Helmet 211
Plate Mail 210
Plenty of Food 49
Pack Mule 49 Point Blank 122
Padded Armor 210 Polearms 22, 197
Pain Reduction 68 Poor Lighting 112
Paragon 81 Poor Visibility 109
Paralyzed 139 Power Armor 210
Paralyzing 120 Power Attack 134
Passenger Damage 150 Powerful Throw 95
Passive Actions 103 Powerhead 212
Passive Protection 111 Practical Combat Lore 52
Patch 59 Practical Crafting Lore 52
Patching 167 Practical Magical Lore 52
Patching Wounds 39 Practical Racial Lore 52
Patchwork 164 Practical Riding Lore 52
Path Mastery 81 Practical Society Lore 52
Penalty 209 Practical Tech Lore 52
Penetration 125 Precise Attack 95
Penetration Rating 125 Precise Attack Mastery 95
Penetration Ratings 193 Prey 151, 153
Perception 46, 89 Programming 37
Perfect Ambush 71 Progressive Roll 12
Perfect Blast 95 Prone Mastery 77
Perfect Critical 87 Protecting 124
Perfect Expose Cover 95 Protection 144
Perfect Positioning 77 Provide Congruity 102
Performing your Trade 36 Province 43, 169
Perk 121, 189 Province Specialty 81
Permanent 130 PTN 151, 157
Permanent Damage 166 Purchasing Perks 45
Personal 155 Purity 56
Personality 13, 18 Push 108, 117, 134
Personality Bonus 141 Pyrkal-EPK 199
Picked up 131 PYT-Red 203
Piece By Piece 212
Pilot 154
Pilot, Airborne 25 quadrapedal 132
Pilot Armor 210 Quick Analysis 98
Piloting 146 Quick Block 64
Pilot, Mothership 25 Quickness 144
Pilot’s Cap 211
Pilot, Space Fighter 25
Pistols 24, 201 Race 179
Races 41 Resistance Specialty (Any) 64
Race Selection 179 Resistance Supremancy 64
Racial 46 Resistance TN 158
Racial Congruity 102 Resisting Manifestations 173
Racial - Human 99 Resolve 31, 118
Radiation 130 Restore Light Wound 177
Radiation TN 130 Reveal Cover 96
Ram 150 Ride, Flyer 25
Ramming 150 Ride, Quadrapedal 25
Range 122 Ride, Saurial 25
Ranged 122, 135, 202 Riding 145
Ranged Attack 121 Rifles 24, 202
Ranged Attacks 122 Right Arm 121
Ranged Attack TN 122 Right Flank 148
Ranged Combat 19, 22, 46 Right Leg 121, 214
Ranged Weapons 197 Right Wing 214
RCH-Valve 201 Ripping 120
Reach 121, 122 Ripping Critical 71
Reach Mastery 87 Ritual Expert 81
Reaction 13, 16, 144 Ritual Master 81
Reading Plans 157 Rituals 177
Read/Write 42, 180 Rocket 201, 205
Readying a Shield 207 Rocksling 200
Rear 148, 149 Roll With the Blow 77
Rear Left Leg 214 Rounding Rule 12
Rear Right Leg 214 Rounds 103
Reasoning 27 RPG 201
Recognizing Lies 26 Running 107
Recoil Belt 206 Running Speed 107
Recovering 165, 174 Running Target 77
Recovering Composure 118
Recovering Fatigue 118
Recovering Locations 166 saddle 145
Recovery TN 165, 166 Safe Block 65
Recruit 222 Safeguard 65
Recruiter 222 Safe Travel 49
Reduce Fall 77 Sail, Command 26
Reducing Morale 28 Sail, Engine 26
Regeneration 217 Sail, Row 26
Religion 41 Salvaging 32
Removed 149, 150 Sample Investitures 176
Renaissance 192 Savage Trip 87
Rennaisance 191 Scale 109
Repairing 38, 158 Scale Mail 211
Repair TN 160 Scatter Expert 96
Resilience 30 Scene 106
Resistance Expertise 64 Scope 206
Resistance Focus (Any) 64 Scout Armor 211
Resistance Mastery 64 Scout Cap 211
Search 32 Small 171, 197, 213
Searing 130 Small Shield 207
Second Chances 59 Smasher 87
See Through 91 SMGs 203
Sensor 113 Sneak Attack 71
Session 187 Social 19, 26, 46, 97
Setting Attitude 32 Social Expertise 98
Setting Charges 23 Social Focus 98
Setting Electronic Devices 38 Social Mastery 98
Setting Explosives 38 Social Specialty 98
Setting Natural Traps 36 Social Supremacy 98
Severe 128, 129, 131, 139, 164, 173 Society 41
Shangul 223 Soft 128
Sheer Determination 100 Soft Concealment 112
Shells 205 Soft Cover 110
Shield Block 22, 124 Space 41, 43, 170
Shield Bonus 124 Space Age 191
Shield Deflection 124 Sparse City 152
Shield Repair TN 160 Speak 42, 180
Shields 206 Spear 205
Shiraldi 215 Special Abilities 214
Shop 155 Specialized Equipment 163
Shortbow 202 Specialties 180
Short Burst 136 Specialty 189
Shortclub 196 Specialty Perk 189
Shortspear 197 Specialty Skill 189
Short Sword 195 Specialty Skills 180, 190
Shotguns 24, 203 Specific Knowledge 40, 180
Shoting in Melee 123 Specific Vigor 65
Shoulder Pad 206 Speed Damage Bonus 150
Side-Effects 172 Speed Stealth 71
Siege Engines 24 Spent 139
size category 132 Spikes 36
Size Modifier 127 Spirit 43, 170
Sizes 213 Spotting Hidden People 30
Skill 189 Sprinter 77
Skill Cap 17 Square Meter 171
Skill Check 20 Stage 130
Skill Criticals 121 Stamina 13, 16
Skill Max 190 Stand ground 137
Skill maximum 40 starting character 45
Skill requirement 189 Steady Shot 96
Skills 19 Steady Shot Mastery 96
Skill Spec. (Any Melee) 87 Stealth 31, 144
Skill Spec. (Ranged Skill) 96 Steering 161
Sleeping 130 Stone Age 191
Sleight of Hand Mastery 71 Strafe Fire 136
Slick Tongue 98 Strain 117
Slums 152 Strength 13, 15
Strength Attack 127 Swift Recall 52
Strength Damage 127 Swift Stealth 71
Strength Of Will 82 Switching Movement 108
Structural Engineer 59 Sword 195
Studded Leather 211 Synergy Mastery 102
Stunned 139 Synergy Roll 20
Stunning 120 Systems 149
Subdual Fall 77
Sub-Machine Guns 24
Submersion 132 Tactical Movement 107
Success 12 Tail 214
Success Ratings 12 Tailing 31
Sunbeam 215 Talent 36
Sunburst 215 target 121
Sunder 135 Targeting 113
Sunder Mastery 88 Targeting items 126
Superb 163, 164 Taxing 120
Superb Damage 88 Taxing Critical 72
Superb Lighting 112 Teaching Tricks 33
Superb Safe Block 65 Teamwork 46, 101
Superior Action Point 100 Teargas 130
Superior Armor Use 77 Technology 37
Superior Commit 88 Technology Level 193
Superior Crafts 158 Technology Levels 191
Superior Craftsman 59 Telling Lies 27
Superior Determination 100 Terrain modifiers 109
Superior Equipment 163 Theoretical 41
Superior Initiative 56 Thieving Disarm 88
Superior Interrupt 56 Threatening People 27
Superior Pain Reduction 68 Three-Headed Flail 196
Superior Reach 88 Throwing Disarm 88
Superior Reflexes 77 Thrown 24
Superior Smasher 88 Thrown Dagger 200
Superior Sunder 88 Thrown Spear 200
Superior Training 56 Time 43, 152, 170
supervisors 155 Time Limit 166
Supervisors 156 Time Period 165, 166
Suppress Derangement 82 Tiny 171
Suppressor 206 Titanium 126
Supreme Charge 77 TN 11, 131, 157
Surgery Specialist 68 Tornado 131
Surprise Expert 91 Torso 115, 116, 119, 121, 166, 214
Surveillance 40, 113 Total Cover 110
Survival 35 Total Darkness 112
Survival Knife 195 Toughness 111
Sustenance 49 Tower Shield 207
Swamp 109 Traceless 49
Swift Attack 135 Trade Master 98
Swift Interrupt 144 trained 145
Trainer 49 Volley 137
Transportation 19, 24, 41
Trap Avoidance 72
Trap Perfection 72 Wagons 151
Treating Conditions 167 Walking 107
Treating Derangements 168 Warp Age 191, 192
Treating Diseases 39 Wartide 175
Treating Wounds 167 Weapon Attack 124
Treatment 167 Weapon Criticals 119
Trip 135, 220 Weapon Deflection 124
Trip Mastery 88 Weapon Spec. (Melee) 88
True Sight 177 Weapon Spec. (Ranged Weapon) 96
Two-handed 123 Well-Travelled Path 109
Types of Wounds 164 Willpower 13, 17
Wind 131
Wind Effects 131
Unarmed 22, 122, 197 Windstorm 131
Unarmed Deflection 65 Wood 126
Unarmed Master Parry 65 Word 43, 169
Unarmed Parry 65 Word Specialty 82
Unarmed Parry Expert 65 Workbench 155
Unarmed Superior Parry 65 Work Environment 155
Unattended 127 Workplace 156
Underwater 140 Worn Out 126
Unencumbered 49 Wounded 116
Unlocking Magic 169 Wounding 120
Untrained 21 Wound Penalties 146
Untrained Expert 56 Wrist Blade 195
Untrained Master 56
Untrained Superiority 56
Upgrading 38, 161
Upper Left Arm 214
Upper Right Arm 214
Using Computers 37
Using Language 42
Using Magic 169
vehicle 132
Vehicle 197, 213
Vehicle Avoidance 147
Vehicle Hit Locations 148
Vehicle Mastery 59
Vehicle Repair 158
Very Soft 128
Vigilance 144
Vigor 65
Visibility 130, 140
Vision 113

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