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Case Report


A Case of Multiple System Atrophy with Preexisting Alzheimer’s

Disease and Predating The Hot Cross Bun Sign
Chi-Wei Lin1, Chi-Yu Tseng1, Chung-Ping Lo2, Min-Chien Tu1

Purpose: Synucleinopathy, tauopathy and amyloidopathy were classified as distinct clinical and
pathological entities in traditional classification systems, and their interactions have been studied on
neuropathology and molecular genetics recently.
Case Report: In this report, we present a 69-year-old male patient who had been diagnosed with probable
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia due to progressive forgetfulness in February 2013. His Mini-
Mental State Examination score was 21/30, and his Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument score
was 78/100, resulted from profound deficits in recent memory and abstract thinking domains. Initial
brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed bilateral medial temporal lobe atrophy but was
otherwise unremarkable. He presented with new-onset progressive gait disturbance 18 months after
the diagnosis of AD, and mild ataxic gait and linear hyperintensity within the midline of the pons
on axial T2-weighted MRI were documented. Neither extrapyramidal nor autonomic signs were
observed. Ten months later, profound cerebellar signs, urinary incontinence, and mild axial rigidity
consistent with the hot cross bun (HCB) sign were noted. Probable multiple system atrophy-cerebellar
(MSA-C) type was finally diagnosed by the clinical and neuroimaging features. Of note, his diagnoses
of AD and HCB sign predated the diagnosis of MSA-C by 28 and 10 months, respectively.
Conclusion: Given that the HCB sign rarely predates overt symptoms or a diagnosis of MSA, we
hypothesized that the preexisting amyloidopathy and tauopathy exerted additional neurotoxicity on
the synucleinopathy.

Key Words: Multiple system atrophy, hot cross bun sign, Alzheimer’s disease

Acta Neurol Taiwan 2016;25:152-159

INTRODUCTION by varying degrees of extrapyramidal, cerebellar and

autonomic features (1) . Its subtypes, formerly called
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a sporadic, striatonigral degeneration, olivopontocerebellar atrophy,
progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized and Shy-Drager syndrome, are now termed MSA-

From the Departments of 1Neurology, 2Radiology, Taichung Tzu- Correspondence to:Dr. Min-Chien Tu, MD. Department of
Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu-Chi Medical Foundation, Taichung, Neurology, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi
Taiwan. Medical Foundation. No. 88, Sec. 1, Fengxing Rd., Tanzi Dist.,
Received May 24, 2016. Revised July 19, 2016. Taichung City 427, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Accepted August 4, 2016. E-mail: tmctmc30@yahoo.com.tw

Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 25 No 4 December 2016


parkinsonism (MSA-P), MSA-cerebellar system (MSA-C), history of diabetes mellitus was brought to our hospital
and MSA-autonomic system (MSA-A) according to the in February 2013 by his family for a neuropsychiatric
predominance of the impaired system. Although there evaluation due to progressive cognitive complaints for
is a growing body of evidence describing the clinical 2-3 years. He had been the chief executive officer of a
presentations and neuroradiological features of MSA, prestigious company with an education level of more
several aspects have yet to be elucidated. Clinically, than 12 years. He stated that he started having problems
dementia was proposed to be one of the features not with managing his personal finances, followed by several
supporting a diagnosis of MSA in the 2008 consensus episodes of getting lost after going for a walk around his
diagnostic criteria(1). However, an increasing number of neighborhood, causing distress to his wife and family.
pathologically-confirmed patients with MSA have been During the interview, heightened anxiety, especially when
reported to have cognitive deficits and/or dementia(2). recalling his memory problems, was observed. While
Moreover, the synucleinopathy neurodegenerative diseases his thought contents were normal, the flow of thoughts
other than MSA have also been reported to progress or was slow. His mood was not depressed, and his appetite
coexist with dementia (3). In neuroradiological studies, and sleep remained unchanged. His Mini-Mental State
several specific imaging features have been described, Examination (MMSE) score was 21/30, and his Cognitive
including putaminal slit, hot cross bun (HCB) sign, and Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI) score was 78/100,
associated atrophy of relevant regions (4). While most which fell 1.5 standard deviations below the normative
patients with MSA share an identical pathognomonic data (8). Deficits were detected in recent memory and
pathology according to the hierarchy of region-specific abstract thinking domains (Table 1).
susceptibility(5), the pattern and development of imaging Except for the cognitive impairments, his gait and
features vary according to clinical phenotypes. Moreover, motor performance were generally normal. Brain magnetic
the appearance of these imaging features is generally resonance imaging (MRI) showed bilateral hippocampal
delayed, and they develop later than the clinical diagnosis atrophy, but was otherwise unremarkable (Fig. 1). He
and changes in pathology(5,6). This suggests that additional was then diagnosed with probable AD dementia(7) in the
pathology may participate in or coexist with the initially context of amnestic presentations supported by profound
identified pathogenesis. In this report, we present a rare cognitive deficits and relevant medial temporal lobe
case of MSA with preexisting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) atrophy. Treatment with rivastigmine, a cholinesterase
predating the HCB sign, and discuss the possible inhibitor, with an optimized dose was initiated. The
pathogenesis. response to this treatment was good, as improvements
in both MMSE (21/30 to 25/30) and CASI (78/100 to
CASE REPORT 80/100) scores we noted 1 year later (Table 1).
The patient remained neurologically stable until
This 69-year-old right-handed man with a past August 2014 (Table 2), when a mild but gradually
Table 1. The initial and follow-up cognitive assessment under treatment of cholinesterase inhibitor.
Feb. 2013 Feb. 2014
Mini-Mental State Examination ( 30) 21 25
Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument Total score (100) 78 80
Remote memory ( 10) 10 10
Recent memory ( 12) 6 4
Attention ( 8) 8 8
Mental manipulation ( 10) 9 10
Orientation ( 18) 16 15
Abstract thinking ( 12) 6 11
Language ( 10) 7 10
Drawing ( 10) 10 9
Verbal fluency ( 10) 6 3
Number within parenthesis represents full score of each cognitive test.

Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 25 No 4 December 2016


Table 2. Clinical course of current case.

Figure 1. Initial coronal T2-weighted magnetic resonance images showing bilateral hippocampus atrophy (arrows) (A-F:
rostral to caudal sections; thickness: 3 mm; Feb. 2013). The pathological changes are confined to the temporal
regions. (Repetition time = 4000; echo time = 90).

progressive gait disturbance was noted, including therapy to assist with balance and postural stability.
difficulties in moving his feet, negotiating obstacles and Unfortunately, his gait continued to deteriorate, and at
maintaining balance. Months later, clumsiness involving a follow-up visit in June 2015 frequent falls were reported
his hands was noted, which was especially pronounced even with the assistance of a walker (Table 2). Additional
when using chopsticks or other utensils. A neurological findings including bradykinesia and axial rigidity were
examination revealed astasia, appendicular ataxia and noted, which were consistent with symmetrically-impaired
generalized hyperreflexia. No extrapyramidal or autonomic radio-uptake within bilateral basal ganglia as seen in a
signs were observed, however linear hyperintensity within TRODAT scan (Fig. 3). He started experiencing voiding
the midline of the pons was noted in brain T2-weighted problems which finally resulted in implantation of a
MRI. No horizontal lines in the pons or any pathological Foley tube due to a poor response to pharmacological
signs within the putamen in brain T2 fluid-attenuated treatment. A urodynamic study identified hypocontractility
inversion recovery image were noted at that time (Fig. of the detrusor with mild outlet obstruction. Brain T2-
2B, E). Cervical spine MRI was also performed, and the weighted MRI at this time showed remarkable evolution
results excluded the possibility of compressive cervical compared with the previous two studies (Fig. 2C,
myelopathy. He was then advised to undergo rehabilitation F). The middle cerebellar peduncles appeared to be

Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 25 No 4 December 2016


Figure 2. Axial magnetic resonance images showing sequential changes of pons and putamens (A & D: Feb. 2013; B & E:
Aug. 2014; C & F: Jun. 2015) (A-C: T2-weighted images; D-F: T2 fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images).
(A) normal appearance in pons (B) midline hyperintensity (arrow) (C) completion of hot cross bun sign (arrow)
(D-F) no interval changes of putamen across serial studies (A-C: Repetition time = 5200; echo time = 100; D-F:
Repetition time = 12000; echo time = 111).

Figure 3. Tc-99m TRODAT-1 (Jun. 2015) showing impaired uptake in the bilateral basal ganglia (arrows) in line with
additional parkinsonian features.

symmetrically atrophic and hyperintense (Fig. 4), with the (Fig. 2D-F). A diagnosis of MSA-C was finally made.
new development of horizontal hyperintense lines within Unfortunately, he became wheelchair-bound and required
the pons forming a complete HCB sign with changes in nasogastric feeding 8 months later, and finally succumbed
the preexisting midline signal. In contrast to the findings to aspiration pneumonia 9 months after being diagnosed
in the infratentorial area, the putamen remained normal with MSA-C.

Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 25 No 4 December 2016


Figure 4. T2-weighted magnetic resonance images showing pathological changes of pons and cerebellums (A & D: Feb.
2013; B & E: Aug. 2014; C & F: Jun. 2015) (A-C: axial view; D-F: sagittal view). (A) normal appearance in pons
(B) hyperintensity of bilateral middle cerebellar peduncles (arrows) (C) progression of hyperintensity and atrophy
within bilateral middle cerebellar peduncles (arrows) (D-F) sequential volume reduction of pons and cerebellums,
as evident by the distance between basilar artery to pons and prominence of folia of cerebellum (Repetition time =
5753; echo time = 111).

DISCUSSION the whole course. Furthermore, serial imaging evaluations

did not reveal any signs typical of variant Creutzfeldt-
This case report describes the rare neurological Jakob disease. The clinical findings excluded vasculitis,
consequences and evolution of neuroimaging findings as constitutional symptoms such as seizures, myoclonus,
in the context of coexisting AD and MSA. The rapid and fever were not present. Fragile X-associated tremor/
decline in motor performance and predating HCB sign ataxia syndrome may have been possible as part of the
provide an interesting insight into the interaction between differential diagnosis with regards to cerebellar syndrome
two neurodegenerative diseases of distinct pathological with additional extrapyramidal features. However, we
properties. Delineating the time-based changes in the HCB regarded this to be unlikely, as he presented with a
sign with the neurological presentations also provides stable cognitive performance with acetylcholinesterase
further insight into the fundamental pathogenesis of MSA. inhibitor treatment, normal appearing white matter, and no
Although the HCB sign is commonly seen in patients family history. Taken together, we are convinced that the
with MSA, its pathognomonic properties have yet to be diagnosis of MSA-C was properly made.
determined, as its appearance has been reported in other The pathogenesis of HCB in MSA is considered to
neurodegenerative diseases. Differential diagnoses include involve glial cytoplasmic inclusions immunoreactivity
spinocerebellar ataxia type II, III, VII, VIII (9), variant for α-synuclein, accompanied by other pathological
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease(10), and parkinsonism secondary features such as neuronal cytoplasm inclusions positive
to vasculitis(11). A lack of family history and absence of for α-synuclein, neuritis, neuronal loss, myelin damage,
signs related to ophthalmoplegia and myoclonus primarily and gliosis (4,5) . In one clinicoradiological study, the
excluded the possibility of spinocerebellar ataxia. The appearance of the HCB sign, which is far more commonly
age at onset in the current case also favored MSA, as identified in MSA-C than in MSA-P or MSA-A, was
symptoms related to spinocerebellar ataxia generally mostly delayed until after the formal clinical diagnosis(6).
appear between 30 to 50 years of age(12). While variant This delay between the appearance of MSA symptoms
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease can present with a similar and completion of the HCB sign can be as long as 5 years
course, our patient had no relevant travel history and or even longer in patients with MSA-C(6). Intriguingly,
remained free from profound psychiatric symptoms during a small proportion of patients with MSA have been

Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 25 No 4 December 2016


reported to be free of the HCB sign even in the presence phosphorylation and aggregation(18). Another in vivo study
of profound debility(6,13). This suggests that the formation demonstrated that the tau protein itself can promote the
of the HCB sign may be an important (but not the accumulation of α-synuclein and vice versa in a bigenic
sole) structural change resulting in the neurological mice model(20).
consequences of MSA. With the advent of diffusion Interactions between α-synuclein and amyloidosis,
tensor imaging, microstructural changes within transverse although not conclusive, have been reported in recent
and longitudinal fibers have been shown to predate the neuroscience research. Several neuropathological studies
formation of the HCB sign and to be correlated with the have also reported that the deposition of amyloid plaque
clinical presentations in a more sensitive manner(14). In appears to be mitigated by the coexistence of Lewy
addition, the detection of iron deposition adjacent to the bodies, as the amount of amyloid plaque has been reported
HCB sign in T2-weighted imaging has also shown that to be lower in the hippocampus, frontal and temporal
ferritin-bound iron deposition within the basis pontis is an cortices in patients with AD with Lewy bodies compared
additional pathological change in patients with MSA(13). to those without(21,22). These results seem to be in contrast
Taken together, the structural changes related to MSA are: to clinical observations, as patients with Lewy body
(i) gliosis, neuron loss, and myelin fiber damage along the dementia often present with faster cognitive decline than
transverse and longitudinal fibers; and (ii) ferritin-bound those with pure AD(23). Another study reported that Aβ
iron deposition within the basis pontis. plague and α-synuclein interact in vivo to promote the
In a retrospective study, patients with MSA generally aggregation and accumulation of each other and accelerate
remained ambulant for 6 years from the onset of gait cognitive dysfunction(24). Advanced molecular modeling
difficulties(12). Although an older age at onset was mildly has also shown that interactions between α-synuclein
associated with accelerated disease progression and the and Aβ dimers on the membrane results in additional
risk of death(12), our case had a relatively rapid deterioration α-synuclein molecules, leading to the formation of
in motor performance and a shorter life expectancy than more stable pentamers and hexamers that adopt a ring-
average. We therefore suggest that the coexistence of like structure which has been associated with increased
synucleinopathy and tauopathy/amyloidopathy rather than intracellular calcium levels and eventually cell death(25).
the age at onset was responsible for our patient’s dismal An animal study by Bachhuber et al.(26) appeared to bridge
prognosis. The deposition of tau protein and amyloid clinical observations and biochemical research findings. In
plaque has frequently been reported to be the main their study, the authors compared two transgenic models,
pathogenesis of AD(15,16), whilst synucleinopathy has been APPPS1 and double transgenic mice (APPPS1 mice
reported to be the main pathological findings for MSA(17,18). crossed with A30P-α-synuclein mice). While there were
Although synucleinopathy, tauopathy and amyloidopathy no differences in the levels of soluble Aβ and APP mRNA
constitute distinct clinical and pathological entities in in the younger mice without plaque deposition, the double
traditional classification systems, their interaction has been transgenic mice had fewer hippocampal plaques but higher
highlighted in studies on neuropathology and molecular levels of cerebrospinal fluid Aβ at the age of 4 months.
genetics. Synuclein and tau protein have been proposed to These findings suggest that α-synuclein interferes with
act synergistically in neurodegeneration. From a clinical the deposition but not production of Aβ. However, such
viewpoint, an overlapping spectrum of neurodegenerative α-synuclein-mediated inhibition of Aβ aggregation and
diseases has frequently been reported (e.g., coexisting deposition had a detrimental effect on synaptic structures,
Parkinson’s disease, synucleinopathy with AD, and as dendritic spine density and synaptophysin levels in the
tauopathy)(18). Pathologically, neurons labeled with both hippocampus of the double transgenic mice were far lower
α-synuclein and tau protein have also been associated with compared to their single- or non-transgenic littermates,
Lewy bodies in the brains of patients with Parkinson’s even before the onset of Aβ deposition.
disease or dementia with Lewy bodies(19). At the molecular In conclusion, we presented a 69-year-old man whose
level, in vitro experimental evidence has demonstrated that AD diagnosis and HCB sign predated the diagnosis of
α-synuclein not only binds to tau but also stimulates its MSA-C by 28 and 10 months, respectively. Although the

Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 25 No 4 December 2016


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Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Vol 25 No 4 December 2016

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