Syllabus For B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Program

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Syllabus for B.Sc.

Electrical and Electronic
Engineering (EEE) Program
Department of Electrical and Electronic
United International University

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering involves primarily the study of a
number of core courses which every electrical engineer should know and some courses from a
number of specialized areas. Core courses build the foundation of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering. UIU has set forth four areas of specialization. Students should take at least three
courses from a specializing area in order to make that area his/her major concentration.
Students should also take courses from areas other than their chosen major area of
concentration to ensure that their knowledge is not confined to a particular major area of
concentration. To understand the underpinning theory of the courses of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, a number of courses on Mathematics and Basic Science, e.g., Physics,
Chemistry etc. have been felt mandatory to include in the syllabus. In addition some social
science, management, accounting, economics and communication-skills development related
courses have been incorporated to make the syllabus a balanced one and reasonably complete.
The objective of the undergraduate program in Electrical and Electronic Engineering is to
develop broadly educated and competent graduates to meet the current and future needs of
home and abroad.

Admission Requirements

Every applicant, without any exception, must fulfill the admission requirements as laid down
by UIU. Admission test and interview for admission into the first semester will be held thrice a
year as decided by UIU. No interim or supplementary admission test or interview will be

A higher secondary certificate or its equivalent in science with mathematics and physics or
other fields of study is the basic educational requirement. However, students passing H.S.C
from Arts or Commerce group may also apply provided they complete courses equivalent to 6
credit hours in Mathematics and Physics before they start their regular courses at UIU.

Admission Test

Applicants will be required to sit for an admission test designed to judge their abilities and
aptitude for the program. The test will be held in Dhaka as arranged by UIU. The admission
test will be held on the following three areas:

i. Language and Communication

ii. Mathematics and Physics
iii. Analytical ability

To qualify in a written test an applicant is required to obtain a minimum mark in all the three
sections separately.

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Degree Requirements

The B.Sc. in EEE degree requirements will be as follows:

(a) Completion of 143.5 credit hours

(b) Completion of the project with at least a ‘C’ grade
(c) Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.25



Trimester 1
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. ENG 101/ ENG English I or Pre-English* 3.00*
2. MATH 003 Elementary Calculus 3.00
3. PHY 101 Physics I 3.00
Subtotal 06 or 09**
*Non-credit mandatory course with 3 contact hours.
** 06 for Pre-English and 09 for English I
Trimester 2
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
4. MATH 151 Differential and Integral Calculus 3.00
5. EEE 101 Electrical Circuits I 3.00
6. PHY 103 Physics II 3.00
7. PHY 104 Physics Lab 1.00
8. ENG 103/ ENG 101 English II or English I 3.00
Subtotal 13.00

Trimester 3
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
9. EEE 103 Electrical Circuits II 3.00
10. EEE 104 Electrical Circuits Lab 1.00
11. ACT 111 Financial and Managerial Accounting 3.00
12. MATH 155 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 3.00
13. ENG 103 English II 3.00
Subtotal 10.00 or
** 10.00 without English II and 13.00 with English II
Trimester 4
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
14. EEE 105 Electronics I 3.00
15. EEE 110 Simulation Lab 1.00
16. CHEM 101 Chemistry 3.00
17. CHEM 102 Chemistry Lab 1.00
18. MATH 203 Linear Algebra and Matrices 3.00
19. SOC 101 Society, Technology and Engineering Ethics 3.00
Subtotal 14.00

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Trimester 5
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
20. MATH 201 Coordinate geometry and vector analysis 3.00
21. EEE 121 Structured Programming Language 3.00
22. EEE 122 Structured Programming Language Lab 1.00
23. EEE 207 Electronics II 3.00
24. EEE 208 Electronics Lab 1.00
25. MATH 157 Fourier and Laplace Transforms 3.00
Subtotal 14.00

Trimester 6
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
26. EEE 203 Energy Conversion I 3.00
27. EEE 220 Electrical wiring and drafting 1.00
28. EEE 223 Digital Electronics 3.00
29. EEE 224 Digital Electronics Lab 1.00
30. EEE 211 Signals and Linear Systems 3.00
31. MATH 153 Complex variables 3.00

Subtotal 14.00

Trimester 7
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
32. EEE 205 Energy Conversion II 3.00
33. EEE 206 Energy Conversion Lab 1.00
34. EEE 315 Numerical Analysis 3.00
35. EEE 301 Electrical Properties of Materials 3.00
36. EEE 311 Digital Signal Processing 3.00
37. EEE 312 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1.00
Subtotal 14.00

Trimester 8
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
38. EEE 305 Power System 3.00
39. EEE 306 Power System Lab 1.00
40. EEE 309 Communication Theory 3.00
41. EEE 310 Communication Lab 1.00
42. EEE 255 Probability and Random Signal Analysis 3.00
43. ECO 213 Economics 3.00
Subtotal 14.00

Trimester 9
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.

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44. EEE 303 Engineering Electromagnetics 3.00
45. EEE 307 Power Electronics 3.00
46. EEE 308 Power Electronics Lab 1.00
47. EEE 423 Microprocessor and Interfacing 3.00
48. EEE 424 Microprocessor and Interfacing Lab 1.00
Subtotal 11.00

Trimester 10
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
49. EEE 401 Control System 3.00
50. EEE 402 Control System Lab 1.00
51. EEE 400 Project and Thesis 1.50
52. EEE ….. Elective II (Major) 3.00
53. EEE ….. Elective II Lab (Major) 1.00
54. EEE ….. Elective I (Major) 3.00
Subtotal 12.50

Trimester 11
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
55. IPE 401 Industrial Management 3.00
56. EEE 400 Project and Thesis 2.00
57. EEE ….. Elective I (Major) 3.00
58. EEE ….. Elective I (Minor) 3.00
Subtotal 11.00

Trimester 12
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
59. EEE 400 Project and Thesis 3.00
60. EEE ….. Elective II (Minor) 3.00
61. EEE ….. Elective II Lab (Minor) 1.00
62. EEE ….. Elective I (Minor) 3.00
Subtotal 10.00

List of Elective Courses (EEE ….)

List of Elective Courses (EEE ***)

Elective courses are divided into two categories: Elective I and Elective II. Elective I courses
are offered to build up the foundation on the respective specialized fields. Elective II courses
are offered with their companion laboratory courses so that the students get balanced education
both on theory and practice. Elective (Elective I and Elective II) subjects are distributed into
the four groups, namely, Electronics, Communication, Computer and Power. Out of six
elective courses at least three (two from Elective I and one from Elective II) must be taken
from one group as major and three courses (two from Elective I and one from Elective II) from
at least two other groups as minor.

Elective I

Group 1: Electronics Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.

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1. EEE 431
Semiconductor Processing and Fabrication 3.00
2. EEE 433 Optoelectronics 3.00
3. EEE 435 Analog Integrated Circuits 3.00
4. EEE 437 Semiconductor Device Theory 3.00
5. EEE 313 Solid State Devices 3.00

Group 2: Communication Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. EEE 453 Optical Fiber Communication 3.00
2. EEE 457 Mobile Cellular Communication 3.00
3. EEE 459 Telecommunication Engineering 3.00
4. EEE 461 Antenna and Propagation 3.00
5. EEE 463 Satellite Communication
6. EEE465 Multimedia Communication 3.00

7. EEE 469 Telecommunication Policy and Management 3.00

8. EEE493 Special Topics on Telecommunication 3.00
9. EEE 495 Information Theory and Coding 3.00

10. EEE 491 Biomedical Engineering 3.00

11. EEE 499 Introduction to Software Radios 3.00

12. EEE 467 Advanced DSP and Filter Design 3.00

Group 3: Computer Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. CSE 313 Computer Architecture 3.00
2. CSE 417 Advanced Logic Design 3.00
3. CSE 447 Multimedia System Design 3.00

Group 4: Power Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. EEE 471 Transmission and Distribution Systems 3.00
2. EEE 473 Power Plant Engineering 3.00
3. EEE 479 High Voltage Engineering 3.00
4. EEE 481 Advanced Electrical Machines 3.00
5. EEE 483 Renewable Energy 3.00

Group 5: Embedded System and Robotics Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. EEE 445 Real time Embedded System Design 3.00

2. EEE 447 Industrial Automation and Robotics 3.00

3. EEE 449 Real-Time Embedded Digital Signal Processing 3.00

Elective II

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Group 1: Electronics Group
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. EEE 441 VLSI Design 3.00
2. EEE 442 VLSI Design Lab 1.00
3. EEE 421 Electrical Measurements 3.00
4. EEE 422 Electrical Measurements Lab 1.00
Group 2: Communication Group
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. EEE 451 Microwave Engineering 3.00
2. EEE 452 Microwave Engineering Lab 1.00
3. EEE 455 Digital Communication 3.00
4. EEE 456 Digital Communication Lab 1.00
5. EEE 497 RF Engineering 3.00
6. EEE 498 RF Engineering Lab 1.00

Group 3: Computer Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. CSE 421 Microprocessor based System Design 3.00
2. CSE 422 Microprocessor based System Design Lab 1.00
3. CSE 323 Computer Networks 3.00
4. CSE 324 Computer Networks Lab 1.00

Group 4: Power Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. EEE475 Operation and Control of Power System 3.00
2. EEE 476 Operation and Control of Power System Lab 1.00
3. EEE 477 Power System Protection 3.00
4. EEE478 Power System Protection Lab 1.00
5. EEE 421 Electrical Measurements 3.00
6. EEE 422 Electrical Measurements Lab 1.00

Group 5: Embedded System and Robotics Group

Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hr.
1. EEE 439 Introduction to Embedded System Design and 3.00
2 EEE 440 Embedded System Design and Architecture Lab 1.00

Credit hours distribution in twelve trimesters:

Trimester Theory Credit Lab/Thesis Total Credit
Trimester 1 6.0 or 9 0.0 6.0 or 9.0
Trimester 2 12.0 1.0 13.0
Trimester 3 12.0 or 9.0 1.0 13.0 or 10.0
Trimester 4 12.0 2.0 14.0
Trimester 5 12.0 3.0 14.0
Trimester 6 12.0 2.0 14.0
Trimester 7 12.0 2.0 14.0
Trimester 8 12.0 2.0 14.0

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Trimester Theory Credit Lab/Thesis Total Credit
Trimester 9 9.0 2.0 11.0
Trimester 10 9.0 3.5 12.5
Trimester 11 9.0 2.0 11.0
Trimester 12 6.0 4.0 10.0
Total 122 24.5 146.5
*Non-credit courses with total 6 contact hours

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Course Contents
EEE 101 Electrical Circuits I
Circuit variables and elements: Voltage, current, power, energy, independent and dependent
sources, resistance. Basic laws: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws. Simple
resistive circuits: Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current division, Wye-Delta
transformation. Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis including supernode
and super mesh. Network theorems: Source transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and
Superposition theorems with applications in circuits having independent and dependent
sources, maximum power transfer condition and reciprocity theorem. Energy storage elements:
Inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination of inductors and capacitors. Responses of
RL and RC circuits: Natural and step responses.

Magnetic quantities and variables: Flux, permeability and reluctance, magnetic field strength,
magnetic potential, flux density, magnetization curve. Laws in magnetic circuits: Ohm’s law
and Ampere’s circuital law. Magnetic circuits: series, parallel and series-parallel circuits.

EEE 103 Electrical Circuits II (Pre-requisite EEE 101)

Sinusoidal functions: Instantaneous current, voltage, power, effective current and voltage,
average power, phasors and complex quantities, impedance, real and reactive power, power
factor. Analysis of single phase ac circuits: Series and parallel RL, RC and RLC circuits, nodal
and mesh analysis, application of network theorems in ac circuits, circuits simultaneously
excited by sinusoidal sources of several frequencies, transient response of RL and RC circuits
with sinusoidal excitation. Resonance in ac circuits: Series and parallel resonance.
Magnetically coupled circuits. Analysis of three phase circuits: Three phase supply, balanced
and unbalanced circuits, power calculation.

EEE 104 Electrical Circuits Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 101 and EEE 103. In the second part,
students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 101 and EEE 103.

EEE 105 Electronics I (Pre-requisite EEE 103)

P-N junction as a circuit element: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, operational principle of p-
n junction diode, current-voltage characteristics of a diode, simplified dc and ac diode models,
dynamic resistance and capacitance. Diode circuits: Half wave and full wave bridge rectifiers,
rectifiers with filter capacitor, characteristics of a zener diode and its applications. zener shunt
regulator. Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor (MOSFET) as circuit element:
structure and physical operation of MOSFETs, body effect, current- voltage characteristics of
MOSFETs, Early Effect, biasing discrete and integrated MOS amplifier circuits, single stage MOS
amplifiers. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) as a circuit element: Basic structure. BJT
characteristics and regions of operation, DC analysis, biasing the BJT for discrete circuits, small
signal equivalent circuit models, BJT as a switch. Single stage BJT amplifier circuits and their
configurations: Voltage and current gain, input and output resistances. RC coupled two stage BJT

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EEE 110 Simulation Laboratory (Prerequisite: EEE 105)
Simulation laboratory based on EEE 101, EEE 103 and EEE 105 theory courses. Students will
verify the theories and concepts learned in EEE 101, EEE 103 and EEE 105 using simulation
software like PSpice and Matlab. Students will also perform specific design of DC and AC
circuits theoretically and by simulation. Students will learn how to write and debug programs
for simulation of different mathematical models.

EEE 203 Energy Conversion I (Pre-requisite EEE 103)

Electromechanical energy conversion fundamentals: Faraday's law of electromagnetic
induction, Fleming’s rule and Lenz’s law. Elementary generator: Commutation,
electromagnetic force, left hand rule, counter emf and comparison between generator and
motor action. Transformer: Ideal transformer - transformation ratio, no-load and load vector
diagrams; actual transformer - equivalent circuit, regulation, short circuit and open circuit tests.
Three phase induction motor: Rotating magnetic field, equivalent circuit, vector diagram,
torque-speed characteristics, effect of changing rotor resistance and reactance on torque-speed
curves, motor torque and developed rotor power, no-load test, blocked rotor test, starting and
braking and speed control. Single phase induction motor: Theory of operation, equivalent
circuit and starting.

EEE 205 Energy Conversion II (Pre-requisite EEE 203)

Synchronous Generator: excitation systems, equivalent circuit, vector diagrams at different
loads, factors affecting voltage regulation, synchronous impedance, synchronous impedance
method of predicting voltage regulation and its limitations. Parallel operation: Necessary
conditions, synchronizing, circulating current and vector diagram. Synchronous motor:
Operation, effect of loading under different excitation condition, effect of changing excitation,
V-curves. DC generator: Types, no-load voltage characteristics, build-up of a self excited shunt
generator, critical field resistance, load-voltage characteristic, effect of speed on no-load and
load characteristics and voltage regulation. DC motor: Torque, counter emf, speed, torque-
speed characteristics, starting and speed regulation.

EEE 206 Energy Conversion Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 203 and EEE 205. In the second part,
students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 203 and EEE 205.

EEE 207 Electronics II (Pre-requisite EEE 105)

Operational amplifiers (Op-Amps): Properties of ideal Op-Amps, non inverting and inverting
amplifiers, inverting integrators, differentiator, weighted summer and other applications of Op-
Amp circuits, effects of finite open loop gain and bandwidth on circuit performance, slew rate.
Differential Amplifiers: Basic Differential pair, DC transfer characteristics, differential- and
common-mode gains, frequency response of the cascade and differential amplifiers. Operational
amplifiers (Op-Amp): logic signal operation of Op-Amp, dc imperfections. General purpose Op-
Amp: DC analysis, small-signal analysis of different stages, gain and frequency response of 741
Op-Amp. Feedback: the general feedback structure, ideal closed-loop signal gain, gain sensitivity
and noise sensitivity, some properties of negative feedback, the four basic feedback topologies, the
series-shunt feedback amplifier, the series-series feedback amplifier, the shunt-shunt and shunt-
series feedback amplifiers, Bode plots: one-, two and three-pole amplifiers,Nyquist Stability
criterion. the effect of feedback on the amplifier poles. Active filters: Different types of filters and
specifications, transfer functions, realization of first and second order low, high and band pass
filters using OpAmps. Signal generators circuits: basic principle of sinusoidal oscillators, Op-Amp

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RC oscillators, the Wien-Bridge oscillator, LC and crystal oscillators. Output stages and power
amplifiers: classification of output stages, class A, B and AB output stages.

EEE 208 Electronics Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 201 and EEE 207. In the second part,
students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 201 and EEE 207.

EEE 211 Signals and linear systems (Prerequisite Math 157 and EEE 103)
Classification of signals, basic operation on signals, elementary signals, representation of
signals using impulse function. Classification of systems, properties of Linear Time Invariant
(LTI) system like linearity, causality, time invariance, memory, stability, invertibility. Time
domain analysis of LTI systems, system representation, order of system, solution techniques,
impulse response, convolution. Basic concepts of state variable representation of a system.
Frequency domain analysis of LTI systems, Fourier series and Fourier transforms and their
properties, system transfer function. Laplace transforms and its properties, system transfer
function, stability and frequency response, different techniques of inverse Laplace transforms.

EEE 220 Electrical wiring and Drafting (Prerequisite EEE 103)

Basics of electrical drafting; safety rules for electrical wiring, wiring diagram and conduit
layouts for electrical connections, television cables, telephone/intercom, computer network etc.

EEE 255 Probability and Random Signal Analysis (Pre- or corequisite: EEE 211)
Probabilistic and statistical analysis as applied to electrical signals and systems. Statistics:
Frequency distribution, Mean, Median, and other measures of central tendency. Standard
deviation and other measures of dispersion. Moments, skenness and kurtosis. Probability and
random variables. Distribution and density functions and conditional probability. Expectation:
Moments and characteristic functions. Transformation of a random variable. Vector random
variables. Joint distribution and density. Independence. Sums of random variables. Random
Processes. Correlation functions. Process measurements. Gaussian and Poisson random
processes. Noise models. Stationarity and Ergodicity. Spectral Estimation. Correlation and
power spectrum. Cross spectral densities. Response of linear systems to random inputs.
Introduction to discrete time processes, Mean-square error estimation, Detection and linear

EEE 301 Electrical Properties of Materials (Prerequisite PHY 103 and Math 153)
Crystal structures: Types of crystals, lattice and basis, Bravais lattice and Miller indices.
Classical theory of electrical and thermal conduction: Scattering, mobility and resistivity,
temperature dependence of metal resistivity, Mathiessen's rule, Hall effect and thermal
conductivity. Introduction to quantum mechanics: Wave nature of electrons, Schrodinger's
equation, one-dimensional quantum problems - infinite quantum well, potential step and
potential barrier; Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and quantum box. Band theory of solids:
Band theory from molecular orbital, Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penny model, effective mass,
density-of-states. Carrier statistics: Maxwell-Boltzmann and Fermi-Dirac distributions, Fermi
energy. Modern theory of metals: Determination of Fermi energy and average energy of
electrons, classical and quantum mechanical calculation of specific heat. Dielectric properties

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of materials: Dielectric constant, polarization - electronic, ionic and orientational; internal
field, Clausius-Mosotti equation, spontaneous polarization, frequency dependence of dielectric
constant, dielectric loss and piezoelectricity. Magnetic properties of materials: Magnetic
moment, magnetization and relative permittivity, different types of magnetic materials, origin
of ferromagnetism and magnetic domains. Introduction to superconductivity: Zero resistance
and Meissner effect, Type I and Type II superconductors and critical current density.

EEE 303 Engineering Electromagnetics (Prerequisite Math 201 and Phy 103)
Static electric field: Coulomb's law for discrete and continuously distributed charges, Gauss's
law and its application, electrostatic potential, conductors and dielectrics in static electric field,
flux density - boundary conditions; capacitance - electrostatic energy and forces, capacitance
calculation of different geometries; boundary value problems - Poisson's and Laplace's
equations. Steady electric current: Ohm's law, continuity equation, Joule's law, resistance
calculation. Static Magnetic field: Postulates of magnetostatics, Biot-Savart's law, Ampere's
law, vector magnetic potential, magnetic dipole, magnetic field intensity and relative
permeability, boundary conditions for magnetic field, magnetic energy, magnetic forces, torque
and inductance of different geometries. Time varying fields and Maxwell's equations:
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations - differential and integral
forms, boundary conditions, potential functions; and Poynting theorem. Plane electromagnetic
wave: plane wave in loss less media - Doppler effect, transverse electromagnetic wave,
polarization of plane wave; plane wave in lossy media - low-loss dielectrics, good conductors;
group velocity, instantaneous and average power densities, normal and oblique incidence of
plane waves at plane boundaries for different polarization.

EEE 305 Power System (Prerequisite EEE 205)

Line representation: Equivalent circuit of short, medium and long transmission line. Network
representation: Single line and reactance diagram of power system and per unit representation.
Load flow: Gauss-Seidel method. Power flow control: Tap changing transformer, phase
shifting, booster and regulating transformer and shunt capacitor. Fault analysis: Short circuit
current and reactance of a synchronous machine. Symmetrical fault calculation methods:
symmetrical components, sequence networks and unsymmetrical fault calculation. Protection:
Introduction to relays, differential protection and distance protection. Introduction to circuit
breakers. Load curves: Demand factor, diversity factor, load duration curves, energy load
curve, load factor, capacity factor and plant factor.

EEE 306 Power System Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 305. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 305.

EEE 307 Power Electronics (Prerequisite EEE 207)

Power semiconductor switches & triggering devices: BJT, MOSFET, SCR, IGBT, GTO,
TRIAC, DIAC, UJT. Rectifiers: Uncontrolled & controlled, Single phase & three phase. PWM,
Choppers, SMPS, voltage controllers, Inverter: Single phase & three phase, voltage & current
source, their applications. DC motor control, AC motor control, Stepper motor control.
Application of power electronic devices in industries, power system & automation.

EEE 308 Power Electronics Laboratory

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This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 307. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 307.

EEE 309 Communication Theory (Prerequisite EEE 211and EEE 255)

Overview of communication systems: fundamental elements, system limitations, message
source, bandwidth requirements, transmission media types, bandwidth and transmission
capacity. Noise: Source, characteristics of various types of noise and signal to noise ratio.
Information theory: Measure of information, source encoding, error free communication over a
noisy channel, channel capacity of a continuous system and channel capacity of a discrete
memory less system. Communication systems: Analog and digital. Continuous wave
modulation: Transmission types - base-band transmission, carrier transmission; amplitude
modulation - introduction, double side band, single side band, vestigial side band, quadrature;
spectral analysis of each type, envelope and synchronous detection; angle modulation
instantaneous frequency, frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM), spectral
analysis, demodulation of FM and PM. Pulse modulation: Sampling - sampling theorem,
Nyquist criterion, aliasing, instantaneous and natural sampling; pulse amplitude modulation -
principle, bandwidth requirements; pulse code modulation (PCM) - quantization principle,
quantization noise, differential PCM, demodulation of PCM; delta modulation (DM) -
principle, adaptive DM; line coding - formats and bandwidths. Digital modulation: Amplitude-
shift keying - principle, ON-OFF keying, bandwidth requirements, detection, noise
performance; phase-shift keying (PSK) - principle, bandwidth requirements, detection,
differential PSK, quadrature PSK, noise performance; frequency-shift Keying (FSK) -
principle, continuous and discontinuous phase FSK, minimum-shift keying, bandwidth
requirements, detection of FSK. Multiplexing: Time- division multiplexing (TDM) -
principle, receiver synchronization, frame synchronization, TDM of multiple bit rate systems;
frequency-division multiplexing - principle, de-multiplexing; wavelength-division
multiplexing, multiple-access network - time-division multiple-access, frequency-division
multiple access; code-division multiple- access (CDMA) - spread spectrum multiplexing,
coding techniques and constraints of CDMA. Communication system design: design
parameters, channel selection criteria and performance simulation.

EEE 310 Communication Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 309. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 309.

EEE 311 Digital Signal Processing (Pre-requisite EEE 211)

Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP): Discrete-time signals and systems, analog to
digital conversion, impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse
response (IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation, convolution, transient and steady
state response. Discrete transformations: Discrete Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier series,
discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties, fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast
Fourier transform, Z transformation - properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and inverse
Z transform. Correlation: circular convolution, auto-correlation and cross correlation. Digital
Filters: FIR filters - linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and
frequency sampling methods; IIR filters - specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-
linear Z transformation, least-square methods and finite precision effects.

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EEE 312 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 311. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 311.

EEE 313 Solid State Devices (Prerequisite EEE 301)

Semiconductors in equilibrium: Energy bands, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi
levels, electron and hole concentrations, temperature dependence of carrier concentrations and
invariance of Fermi level. Carrier transport processes and excess carriers: Drift and diffusion,
generation and recombination of excess carriers, built-in-field, Einstein relations, continuity
and diffusion equations for holes and electrons and quasi-Fermi level. PN junction: Basic
structure, equilibrium conditions, contact potential, equilibrium Fermi level, space charge, non-
equilibrium condition, forward and reverse bias, carrier injection, minority and majority carrier
currents, transient and ac conditions, time variation of stored charge, reverse recovery transient
and capacitance. Bipolar junction transistor: Basic principle of pnp and npn transistors, emitter
efficiency, base transport factor and current gain, diffusion equation in the base, terminal
currents, coupled-diode model and charge control analysis, Ebers-Moll equations and circuit
synthesis. Metal-semiconductor junction: Energy band diagram of metal semiconductor
junctions, rectifying and ohmic contacts. MOS structure: MOS capacitor, energy band
diagrams and flat band voltage, threshold voltage and control of threshold voltage, static C-V
characteristics, qualitative theory of MOSFET operation, body effect and current-voltage
relationship of a MOSFET. Junction Field-effect-transistor: Introduction, qualitative theory of
operation, pinch-off voltage and current-voltage relationship.

EEE 315 Numerical Analysis (Pre-requisite MATH 203 and EEE121)

Preliminaries of computing; Numerical solution of non-linear equations; Interpolation and
polynomial approximation; Numerical integration and differentiation; Applied linear algebra;
Least square approximation.

EEE 400 Project

A final year project based on Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering Problems.

EEE 401 Control System (Pre-requisite EEE 211 and EEE 207)
Introduction to control systems. Linear system models: Transfer function, block diagram and
signal flow graph (SFG). Slate variables: SFG to state variables, transfer function to state
variable and slate variable to transfer function. Feedback control system: Closed loop systems,
parameter sensitivity, transient characteristics of control systems, effect of third pole and zero
on the system response and system types and steady state error. Routh stability criterion.
Analysis of feedback control system: Root locus method and frequency response method.
Design of feedback control system: Controllability and observability, root locus, frequency
response and state variable methods. Digital control systems: introduction, sampled data
systems, stability analysis in Z-domain.

EEE 402 Control System Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 401. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 401.

EEE 421 Electrical Measurements (Prerequisite EEE 205 and EEE 207)

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Measuring instruments: Permanent magnet moving coil, moving iron, electrodynamometer and
electrostatic type. Ammeter and voltmeter, extension of instrument range. Current and
potential transformers. Measurement of power and energy: induction and electrodynamometer
type, maximum demand and power factor meter. Electronic measuring equipments.
Measurement of resistance, capacitance and inductance. Measurement of conductivity,
localization of cable faults.
Transducers: strain gauges, thermocouple, resistive Capacitive and inductive transducers,
linear variable differential transformer, piezoelectric and optical transducers and their
applications. Signal conditioning and data acquisition systems.
Error in measurement and their statistical analysis.

EEE 422 Electrical Measurements laboratory

Laboratoty experiments based on EEE 421

EEE 431 Semiconductor Processing and Fabrication Technology (Prerequisite EEE 105)
Substrate materials: Crystal growth and wafer preparation, epitaxial growth technique,
molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapor phase epitaxy and chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
Doping techniques: Diffusion and ion implantation. Growth and deposition of dielectric layers:
Thermal oxidation, CVD, plasma CVD, sputtering and silicon-nitride growth. Etching: Wet
chemical etching, silicon and GaAs etching, anisotropic etching, selective etching, dry physical
etching, ion beam etching, sputtering etching and reactive ion etching. Cleaning: Surface
cleaning, organic cleaning and RCA cleaning. Lithography: Photo-reactive materials, pattern
generation, pattern transfer and metalization. Discrete device fabrication: Diode, transistor,
resistor and capacitor. Integrated circuit fabrication: Isolation - pn junction isolation, mesa
isolation and oxide isolation. BJT based microcircuits, p-channel and n-channel MOSFETs,
complimentary MOSFETs and silicon on insulator devices. Testing, bonding and packaging.

EEE 433 Optoelectronics (Prerequisite EEE 207 and EEE 313)

Optical properties in semiconductor: Direct and indirect band-gap materials, radiative and non-
radiative recombination, optical absorption, photo-generated excess carriers, minority carrier
life time, luminescence and quantum efficiency in radiation. Properties of light: Particle and
wave nature of light, polarization, interference, diffraction and blackbody radiation. Light
emitting diode (LED): Principles, materials for visible and infrared LED, internal and external
efficiency, loss mechanism, structure and coupling to optical fibers. Stimulated emission and
light amplification: Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein relations, population
inversion, absorption of radiation, optical feedback and threshold conditions. Semiconductor
Lasers: Population inversion in degenerate semiconductors, laser cavity, operating wavelength,
threshold current density, power output, optical and electrical confinement. Introduction to
quantum well lasers. Photo-detectors: Photoconductors, junction photo-detectors, PIN
detectors, avalanche photodiodes and phototransistors. Solar cells: Solar energy and spectrum,
silicon and schottky solar cells. Modulation of light: Phase and amplitude modulation, electro-
optic effect, acousto-optic effect and magento-optic devices. Introduction to integrated optics.

EEE 435 Analog Integrated Circuits (Prerequisite EEE 207)

Review of FET amplifiers: Passive and active loads and frequency limitation. Current mirror:
Basic, cascade and active current mirror. Differential Amplifier: Introduction, large and small
signal analysis, common mode analysis and differential amplifier with active load Noise:
Introduction to noise, types, representation in circuits, noise in single stage and differential
amplifiers and bandwidth. Band-gap references: Supply voltage independent biasing,
temperature independent biasing, proportional to absolute temperature current generation and

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constant transconductance biasing. Switch capacitor circuits: Sampling switches, switched
capacitor circuits including unity gain buffer, amplifier and integrator. Phase Locked Loop
(PLL): Introduction, basic PLL and charge pumped PLL.

EEE 437 Semiconductor Device Theory (Prerequisite EEE 313)

Lattice vibration: Simple harmonic model, dispersion relation, acoustic and optical phonons.
Band structure: Isotropic and anisotropic crystals, band diagrams and effective masses of
different semiconductors and alloys. Scattering theory: Review of classical theory, Fermi-
Golden rule, scattering rates of different processes, scattering mechanisms in different
semiconductors, mobility. Different carrier transport models: Drift-diffusion theory, ambipolar
transport, hydrodynamic model, Boltzmann transport equations, quantum mechanical model,
simple applications.

EEE 439 Introduction to Embedded System Design and Architecture (Prerequisite EEE
This course will teach the new powerful programming technique used for embedded system
development. Student will learn to program 8-bit microcontroller using embedded-C. They will
be able to solve small to medium scale problem using MCUs. Can input data from the system,
process them and can show or use them to control the system. This course will cover 8-bit
single–core general purpose MCU, which will make the course easy, interesting and finally
drive them to be interested to learn high level MCUs thus to be aligned with the present trends
of embedded system development.

MCU introduction- architecture, memory and registers management, built-in peripheral,

Introduction to embedded-C and development environment- IDE, variable types, I/O operation,
Array and string, Functions, Pointers , IDE, Peripheral programming- I/O port, timer/counter
and interrupt programming, Device interfacing- various display devices (LCD, Matrix etc),
input devices, analog sensors interfacing, analog device drive designing and interfacing, High
level system introduction- 16/32 bit application specific MCU, advanced feature of embedded-

EEE 440 Embedded System Design and Architecture Lab (Prerequisite EEE 423)
Lab experiments will be based on different applications based on the MCU internal peripherals
like ports, timer/counter and interrupt module. Display devices interfacing, Digital input device
interfacing, Analog sensor interfacing, Analog device control (motor, light etc.)

EEE 441 VLSI Design (Prerequisite EEE 207 and CSE 223)
VLSI technology: Top down design approach, technology trends and design styles. Review of
MOS transistor theory: Threshold voltage, body effect, I-V equations and characteristics, latch-
up problems, NMOS inverter, CMOS inverter, pass-transistor and transmission gates. CMOS
circuit characteristics and performance estimation: Resistance, capacitance, rise and fall times,
delay, gate transistor sizing and power consumption. CMOS circuit and logic design: Layout
design rules and physical design of simple logic gates. CMOS subsystem design: Adders,
multiplier and memory system, arithmetic logic unit. Programmable logic arrays. I/O systems.
VLSI testing.

EEE 442 VLSI Design Laboratory

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This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 441. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 441.

EEE 445 Advanced / Real time Embedded System Design (Prerequisite EEE 439)
Embedded system courses are divided into two main-streams one is manly SW-oriented and
the other is HW oriented. This course is planed focusing the SW part of high level embedded
system design. Students who are interested in mainly embedded SW, intelligence, algorithm
and real-time system design can take this course as an intro. For the HW part we will have
another intro course. After learning this course students will be able to understand real-time
operation and control algorithm, embedded OS, how to develop device driver for embedded
system based on embedded OS. Can understand and will be able to continue higher studies in
application specific embedded system design like communication, signal-processing, power
optimization etc.

32-bit MCU intro- ARM architecture, feature, Advanced Programming- real-time system
control, multitasking, real-time algorithm, Advanced embedded communications- USB,
Ethernet, wireless, CAN, Mod-bus, Embedded OS- Various Tiny-OS, Embedded Linux,
Windows CE, and OS for hand-held devices (Android, Symbian etc.)

EEE 447 Industrial Automation and Robotics (Prerequisite EEE 439)

Embedded system courses are divided into two main-streams one is manly SW-oriented and
the other is HW oriented. This course is planed focusing the HW part of high level embedded
system design. Students who are interested in mainly embedded HW, industrial automation,
robotics and machine drives can take this course as an intro. For the SW part we will have
another intro course. After learning this course students will be able to understand and work
with various industrial drive and actuators, sensors and transducers. Will be able to understand
work with robotic components, hydraulic, pneumatic devices, closed-loop control scheme and
can continue higher studies in this field.

Industrial drives- DC/AC motor, servo drives, power-electronics interfacing, Sensors and
transducers- motion, position, velocity, force, strain etc, Robot as machine-robotic
components, kinematical structure and mechanical components, end-efforts (tools and grips),
Mechanical drive- Hydraulic and pneumatic system.

EEE 449 Real-Time Embedded Digital Signal Processing (Prerequisite EEE 439)
Embedded system design also involves communication and signal processing application. DSP
and FPGA based system design are mainly used in these fields. Students who are interested in
other than industrial (machine) control and robotics can take this course to get an exposure in
DSP and FPGA based system design. In this course application specific system design will be
focused, such as telecommunication, protocol implementation, image-voice-video processing,
bio-medical-signal processing etc. This course will use mainly 32-bit DSP-processor to
develop system based on RTOS (need course 3) and/or Linux. MPU-Core design using FPGA
will also be introduced besides ASIC design. DSP-Processor intro and system development,
FPGA based MPU core design, ASIC design.

EEE 451 Microwave Engineering (Pre-requisite EEE 303)

Transmission lines: Voltage and current in ideal transmission lines, reflection, transmission,
standing wave, impedance transformation, Smith chart, impedance matching and lossy

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transmission lines. Waveguides: general formulation, modes of propagation and losses in
parallel plate, rectangular and circular waveguides. Micro strips: Structures and characteristics.
Rectangular resonant cavities: Energy storage, losses and Q. Radiation: Small current element,
radiation resistance, radiation pattern and properties, Hertzian and halfwave dipoles. Antennas:
Mono pole, horn, rhombic and parabolic reflector, array, and Yagi-Uda antenna.

EEE 452 Microwave Engineering Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 451. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 451.

EEE 453 Optical Fiber Communication (Prerequisite EEE 303 and EEE 313)
Introduction. Light propagation through optical fiber: Ray optics theory and mode theory.
Optical fiber: Types and characteristics, transmission characteristics, fiber joints and fiber
couplers. Light sources: Light emitting diodes and laser diodes. Detectors: PIN photo-detector
and avalanche photo-detectors. Receiver analysis: Direct detection and coherent detection,
noise and limitations. Transmission limitations: Chromatic dispersion, nonlinear refraction,
four wave mixing and laser phase noises. Optical amplifier: Laser and fiber amplifiers,
applications and limitations. Multi-channel optical system: Frequency division multiplexing,
wavelength division multiplexing and co-channel interference.

EEE 455 Digital Communication (Prerequisite EEE 309)

Introduction: Communication channels, mathematical model and characteristics. Probability
and stochastic processes. Source coding: Mathematical models of information, entropy
Huffman code and linear predictive coding. Digital transmission system: Base band digital
transmission, inter-symbol interference, bandwidth, power efficiency, modulation and coding
trade-off. Receiver for AWGN channels: Correlation demodulator, matched filter demodulator
and maximum likelihood receiver. Channel capacity and coding: Channel models and
capacities and random selection of codes. Block codes and conventional codes: Linear block
codes, convolution codes and coded modulation. Spread spectrum signals and system.

EEE 456 Digital Communication Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 455. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 455.

EEE 457 Mobile Cellular Communication (Prerequisite EEE 309)

Introduction: Concept, evolution and fundamentals. Analog and digital .cellular systems.
Cellular Radio System: Frequency reuse, co-channel interference, cell splitting and
components. Mobile radio propagation: Propagation characteristics, models for radio
propagation, antenna at cell site and mobile antenna. Frequency Management and Channel
Assignment: Fundamentals, spectrum utilization, fundamentals of channel assignment, fixed
channel assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic and channel assignment. Handoffs
and Dropped Calls: Reasons and types, forced handoffs, mobile assisted handoffs and dropped
call rate. Diversity Techniques: Concept of diversity branch and signal paths, carrier to noise
and carrier to interference ratio performance. Digital cellular systems: Global system for
mobile, time division multiple access and code division multiple access.

EEE 459 Telecommunication Engineering (Prerequisite EEE 309)

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Introduction: Principle, evolution, 'networks, exchange and international regulatory bodies.
Telephone apparatus: Microphone, speakers, ringer, pulse and tone dialing mechanism, side-
tone mechanism, local and central batteries and advanced features. Switching system:
Introduction to analog system, digital switching systems - space division switching, blocking
probability and multistage switching, time division switching and two dimensional switching.
Traffic analysis: Traffic characterization, grades of service, network blocking probabilities,
delay system and queuing. Modem telephone services and network: Internet telephony,
facsimile, integrated services digital network, asynchronous transfer mode and intelligent
networks. Introduction to cellular telephony and satellite communication.

EEE 461 Antenna and Propagation (Prerequisite EEE 303)

Basics of antenna: gain and effective area; radiation pattern, gain and radiation impedance of
monopole, dipole, folded dipole, array of isotropic radiators; Antenna as an aperture:
Babinet’s principle, horn and reflector type of antenna. Printed antennas. Propagation of radio
waves – broadcast and line of sight, transmission and reception of radio waves, effect of
earth’s curvature; long, medium and short wave propagation, ionospheric propagation,
scattering in radio links, effect of rain and dust.

EEE 463 Satellite communication (Prerequisite EEE 303 and EEE 309)
Brief history and overview of satellite communications, communication satellite systems,
communication satellites, orbiting satellites, satellite frequency bands, satellite multi-access
formats, the Regulatory Bodies. Frequency allocations. Fundamental orbital laws, GEO,
MEO, LEO satellites, subsystems of a communication satellite, earth station, satellite link
analysis, attenuation, effect of rain on propagation. Modulation and multiplexing techniques
for satellite link, Communication payload, transponders, coverage. Multiple access techniques:
FDMA, SPADE, TDMA, CDMA, Antijam advantage of spectral spreading, satellite jamming,
DS-CDMA acquisition and tracking, FH-CDMA acquisition and tracking, random access.
Phase coherency in satellite systems: carrier phase-noise, phase noise spectra, carrier frequency
and phase stability, phase errors in carrier referencing. Satellite ranging systems: ranging
systems, component-ranging codes, and tone-ranging systems. Inter-satellite links, VSAT
satellite system concept, link analysis, mobile-satellite communication systems, mobile
satellite channel, direct home TV broadcasting.

EEE 465 Multimedia Communication (Prerequisite EEE 309 and EEE 311)
Some basics on television systems, multidimensional signals and Fourier transform,
multidimensional (space-time) sampling, interlaced and non-interlaced scanning: Information
theory: conditional and joint entropy and redundancy, source coding theorem, statistical source
models, mutual information rate distortion theory: Predictive coding: linear prediction,
quantization, optimum predictor; Discrete two-dimensional transforms: DFT, DCT,. wavelet
and Hadamard transforms; Transform Coding with motion estimation, principles of MPEG
coding; Modern audiovisual terminals and communication systems.

EEE 467 Advanced DSP and Filter Design (Prerequisite EEE 311)
Sampling, interpolation, and decimation; Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), fast convolution by
FFT using the overlap-save or overlap-add methods; Bandpass sampling; IIR and FIR filter
design and implementation issues: filter structures, coefficient quantization and sensitivity,

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finite wordlength arithmetic or signal quantization, limit cycles, noise shaping; Spectral
estimation methods, Basic adaptive filtering.

EEE 469 Telecommunication Policy and Management (Prerequisite EEE 309)

International telecommunication organizations, trans-border data flow, barriers to trade in
information equipment and services, development of competition, and World Trade
Organization telecommunication agreement. Policy problems created by the vulnerability of
telecommunication and computer networks to accidental or intentional attacks, dependence of
economic and military security on telecommunication networks, information warfare, privacy
and surveillance, international trade and information security. Fundamentals of daily
telecommunication operations, including human factors in organization, acquisition and
procurement, research and development, logistical planning, and relations with carriers and

EEE 471 Transmission and Distribution Systems (Prerequisite EEE 305)

An overview on transmission & distribution system of Bangladesh. Transmission Line:
Inductance, Capacitance for single phase & three phase lines. Underground cables: Types,
electrostatic stress, grading of cables, Capacitance of single phase and three phase cables. High
voltage AC & DC transmission: Advantages & disadvantages of each type of transmission,
kinds of dc link. Mechanical design of transmission line: Types of insulators, voltage
distribution along string of insulators, string efficiency, methods of equalizing potential; Sag:
Sag calculation, effect of ice & wind on sag.
Stability: Swing equation, power angle equation, equal area criterion, multi-machine system,
step by step solution of swing equation, factors affecting stability. Flexible AC transmission
system (FACTS): Objective of FACTS, basic types of FACTS controllers and devices, Series
compensation, Parallel compensation, Distribution automation & control (DAC), harmonics in
power system.
Distribution System: Effect of voltage on transmission efficiency, comparison of various
transmission and distribution systems, Kelvin’s law, method of feeding distribution.

EEE 473 Power Plant Engineering (Prerequisite EEE 205 and EEE 255)
Sources of energy: Fuels, nuclear energy, wind power, solar energy, tidal power. Power plant
cycles: Routine cycle, regenerative cycles, gas power cycle, gas turbine cycles and others.
Power plants: General layout and principles, Turbines: Steam turbine, gas turbine, combined
cycle gas turbine, IC engines, hydro, nuclear and thermal power plant. Power plant
instrumentation: Measurement of pressure, temperature, fuel and speed; electrical
measurements, instrumentation and controls in steam power stations. Selection of location:
Technical, economical and environmental factors, Load forecasting. General scheduling:
Deterministic and probabilistic, Electricity tariff: formulation and types.

EEE 475 Operations and Control of Power System (Prerequisite EEE 305)
Principles of power system operation: The economic load dispatch (ELD), SCADA:
Communication system, remote terminal unit (RTU). Unit commitment, static security
analysis, state estimation, optimal power flow, automatic generation control and dynamic
security analysis. Frequency regulation and load side management. Need based energy
management (NEBM).

EEE 476 Operation and Control of Power System Laboratory

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This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to
verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 475. In the second part, students
will design sample systems using the principles learned in EEE 475.

EEE 477 Power System Protections (Prerequisite EEE 305)

Purpose of power system protection. Instrument transformers: CTs, PTs, accuracy class of CTs
& PTs. Criteria for detecting faults: Over current, differential current, difference of phase
angles, over and under voltages, power direction, symmetrical components of current and
voltages, impedance, frequency and temperature. Harmonics in power system and power
quality. Electromechanical, electronic and digital Relays: Basic modules, over current,
differential, distance and directional. Trip circuits. Unit protection schemes: Generator,
transformer, motor, bus bar, transmission and distribution lines. Miniature circuit breakers and
fuses. Circuit breakers: Principle of arc extinction, selection criteria and ratings of circuit
breakers, types - air, oil, SF6 and vacuum.

EEE 478 Power System Protection Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the tirst part, students will perform experiments to
verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 477. In the second part, students
will design sample systems using the principles learned in EEE 477.

EEE 479 High Voltage Engineering (Prerequisite EEE 105 and EEE 305)
High voltage DC: Rectifier circuits, voltage multipliers, Van-de-Graf, and electrostatic
generators. High voltage AC: Cascaded transformers and Tesla coils. Impulse voltage:
shapes, mathematical analysis, codes and standards, single and multi-stage impulse
generators, tripping and control of impulse generators. Breakdown in gas, liquid and solid
dielectric materials. Corona. High voltage measurements and testing. Over-voltage
phenomenon and insulation, lightning and switching surges, basic insulation level, surge
diverters and arresters.

EEE 481 Advanced Electrical Machines (Prerequisite EEE 205)

Special machines: Universal series motor, permanent magnet DC motor, unipolar and bipolar
brushless DC motors, stepper motor and control circuits. Reluctance and hysteresis motors
with drive circuits, switched reluctance motor, electro static motor, repulsion motor,
synchronous and control transformers. Permanent magnet synchronous motors. Acyclic
machines: Generators, conduction pump and induction pump. Magneto hydrodynamic
generators. Fuel Cells, thermoelectric generators, flywheels. Vector control, linear motors and
traction. Photovoltaic systems: stand alone and grid interfaced. Wind turbine generators:
induction generator, AC-DC-AC conversion.

EEE 483 Renewable Energy (Prerequisite EEE 205 and EEE 207)
Fundamentals of Energy Systems: reserve and resources, primary and secondary energy, Green
House Gases and their effects. Energy Meteorology: The fundamental physics of solar
radiation, solar geometry, interaction of solar radiation with the atmosphere, Reasons for wind
flow, the coriolis force, the vertical wind profile, solar radiation and wind velocity
measurements. Solar Energy: Solar PV: physical processes in solar cells, Modeling of solar
cell, solar cell materials, properties of solar cells, influences of different parameters,
Formation of PV arrays and modules, components of solar home systems and grid connected
PV systems. Solar Thermal: The selective surfaces, the working principle of flat plate solar
collectors, its important components and its usage. Wind Energy: The power content of
flowing wind, wind flow profile, Bernoulli's equation, air foil, drag and lift force, wind turbine,
Page | 21
power curve, Bets Optimum, Different types of generator for wind turbine. Biomass Energy:
Biomass gasifier, biogas digester, bio methenation process, parameters influencing bio
methenation process. Different types of biofuels. Hydro Power: The principle of hydro energy
conversion, different types of water turbine based upon water head difference. Hydrogen and
Fuel Cell: Properties of hydrogen, hydrogen production and storage, wind hydrogen system ,
working principles of fuel cells. loses, advantages and application of fuel cells, fuel cell types,
stacking principles of fuel cells. Other Renewables: Geothermal energy, tidal, wave and sea
current energies, the energy content and technologies to extract energy from other renewables.
Energy Storage: Properties of energy storage media, different type of batteries, working
principle of Lead-Acid batteries, factors that affect the performance of Lead-Acid batteries.
Energy Economics for Renewable Energy

EEE 491 Biomedical Engineering (Prerequisite EEE 311)

Human body: Cells and physiological systems. Bioelectricity: genesis and characteristics.
Linear and Nonlinear Models of Biological Systems.
Measurement of bio-signals: Ethical issues, transducers, amplifiers and filters.
Electrocardiogram: electrocardiography, phono cardiograph, analysis and interpretation of
cardiac signals, cardiac pacemakers and defibrillator. Blood pressure: systolic, diastolic mean
pressure, electronic manometer, detector circuits and practical problems in pressure
monitoring. Electroencephalogram: cerebral angiograph and analysis of EEG signals. Brain
scans. Electromayogram (EMG). Tomograph: Positron emission tomography and computer
tomography. Magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasonogram. Telemedicine. Effect of
electromagnetic fields on human body.

EEE 493 Special Topics on Telecommunication Engineering (Prerequisite EEE 309)

This course is aimed at covering topics of current interest and new technology of
Telecommunication Engineering

EEE 495 Information Theory and coding (Prerequisite EEE 309 and EEE 255)
Basic concepts of information theory and its measurement, error coding in communication
systems. Entropy, zero-memory information source, Markov information source. Adjoin
source, language structure. Huffman codes, LZ, arithmetic codes. Introduction to rate distortion
theory. Channel coding theorem, channel capacity, Shannon limit. Block codes: characteristics
of block codes, non-singular block codes, uniquely decodable codes, instantaneous codes,
Kraft’s inequality. Error detection, Burst error detecting and correcting codes, linear block
codes, binary cyclic codes, Hamming codes, BCH codes, and Read-Solomon codes, encoding,
Syndrome decoding and decoding algorithms. Introduction to convolution codes, code tree,
trellis, state diagram, maximum likelihood decoding and the Viterbi algorithm. Trellis-coded
modulation and Ungerboeck codes. Introduction to Turbo coding. Selection of coding scheme.

EEE 497 RF Engineering (Prerequisite EEE 309)

Introduction to Wireless Components: Antenna, Amplifier, Mixer, Oscillator,
Resonant Circuits.
Noise: Thermal Noise, Shot Noise, Noise Voltage and Power, Mixing of Noise
Noise Temperature and Noise Figure (NF), NF of Cascaded Components, NF of passive

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Effects of Nonlinearity: Harmonics, Sensitivity and Dynamic Range, Gain Compression
(P1dB), Intermodulation Distortion, Third Order Intercept Point (IP3), IP2, Intercept points of
cascaded components.
Impedance matching: Smith chart, L-Network, Pi Network Impedance matching. Impedance
matching using smith chart.
Filter: Filter Design: Maximally Flat, Equal ripple, Linear Phase Filter, Filter Scaling and
Transformation. Butterworth, Chebyshev response.
Amplifiers and Oscillators: S-Parameter, Power Gain, Stability, Stability Circles, Low Noise
Amplifier (LNA) design, Characteristics of Power Amplifier (PA) and amplifier classes.
Oscillator Tuning Range, Frequency Stability, Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), Oscillator
Phase Noise. Amplifier and Oscillator Design using S-parameters.2
Mixer: Frequency Conversion, Image Frequency, Conversion Loss, Isolation, Diode Mixer,
Image Reject Mixer.

EEE 498 (RF Engineering lab)

This course consists of two parts. In the tirst part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 497. In the second part, students will
design sample systems using the principles learned in EEE 497.

EEE 499 Introduction to Software Radios (Prerequisite EEE 309)

Introduction & Foundational Principles, RF Design for DSP Engineers, Digital Generation of
Signals, Analog to Digital Conversion, Equalization and Interference Rejection,
Synchronization, Demodulation and Decoding, Real-Time Programming Issues, Case Studies
in Software Radio Design

EEE 121 Structured Programming Language

Overview, Structure of C program, Data Types and Data Type Qualifier, I/O Functions-
Character I/O, Formatted I/O, Character Set, Identifiers, Keywords and Contents, Variables,
Expressions, Statement and Symbolic Constants, Arithmetic operators, Relational Operators
and Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, Increment/Decrement Operators, Unary
Operator and Conditional Operator., Bit-wise Operators, Comma Operator, Precedence and
Associativity, Branching: The IF statement (break and continue statement), Branching:
SWITCH statement, GOTO statement and operator, Looping: FOR statement (break and
continue), Looping: WHILE and DO WHILE statement, Storage class: Automatic, Static,
Register and Extern, Functions: Access, Prototype, Argument Passing and Value Receiving,
Functions: Pass-by-value, Pass-by-reference and Value Receiving , Functions: Command Line
Parameter and Library Functions, Arrays: Initialization, Access, Passing and Receiving ,
Arrays: 2D handling, Arrays: Sorting and Searching , String Handling , Structure:
Initialization, Access, Passing and Receiving, Structure: Embedded Structure, Union and Bit-
fields, File: Types of File, Text File Handling, File: Binary File Handling , File: Data File
Management Program, Pointer: Concept, Passing and Receiving, Memory Allocation and
Release, Pointer: List or Tree Management by Self-Referential Structure, Pointer: Pointer and
Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Enumeration, Macros, Pre-Processor and Compiler , Directives,
Library, Compiler and Linker, Segment and Memory Model, Video Adapter, Modes and
Graphics Initialization, Graphics Functions

EEE 122 Structured Programming Language Sessional

Laboratory work based on CSI 121

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EEE 223 Digital Electronics (Prerequisite EEE 105)
Number systems and codes: number system, arithmetic, base conversion, signed number
representation and computer codes. Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits: Boolean algebra,
switching functions, switching circuits and combinational logic circuits. Implementation of basic
static logic gates in CMOS and BiCMOS: DC characteristics, noise margin and power dissipation.
Power optimization of basic gates and combinational logic circuits. Modular combinational circuit
design: pass transistor, pass gates, multiplexer, demultiplexer and their implementation in CMOS,
decoder, encoder, comparators, binary arithmetic elements and ALU design. Programmable logic
devices: logic arrays, field programmable logic arrays and programmable read only memory.
Sequential circuits: different types of latches, flip-flops and their design using ASM approach,
timing analysis and power optimization of sequential circuits. Modular sequential logic circuit
design: shift registers, counters and their applications.

EEE 224 Digital Electronics Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 223. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 223

CSE 313 Computer Architecture (Prerequisite CSE 423)

Information representation and transfer, instruction and data access methods, the control unit:
hardwired and microprogrammed, memory organization, I/O systems, channels, interrupts,
DMA, Von Neumann SISD organization, RISC and CISC machines.
Pipelined machines, interleaved memory system, caches, Hardware and architectural issues of
parallel machines, Array processors, associative processors, multiprocessors, systolic
processors, data flow computers and interconnection networks, High level language concept of
computer architecture.

CSE 323 Computer Networks (Prerequisite EEE 309)

Network architectures- layered architectures and ISO reference model: data link protocols,
error control, HDLC, X.25, flow and congestion control, virtual terminal protocol, data
security, Local area networks, satellite networks, packet radio networks, Introduction to
ARPANET, SNA and DECNET, Topological design and queuing models for network and
distributed computing systems.

CSE 324 Computer Networks Sessional

Laboratory work based on CSE 323

CSE 417 Advanced Logic Design (Prerequisite CSE 223)

Introduction. Combinational circuit design with programmable logic devices, implementation
of high speed multipliers. Design of modular sequential logic circuits, implementation of
digital fractional rate multipliers. State machine design, Mealy and Moore machines.
Asynchronous circuit design. Design, modeling and verification of complex digital systems.
Modem design methodologies for logic design: Data path and control design, algorithmic state
machines integration of data and control. Logic circuit testing and testable design. Modern
tools for the design and testing of digital systems. Digital design case studies.

CSE 421 Microprocessor System Design (Prerequisite CSE 423)

Limitations of 16 bit processors. 32 bit microprocessors (Intel 80386/80486, Motorola 68000)
internal architecture, addressing modes, instructions, memory and I/O interfaces, system

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design, programming, applications to industrial process control. Embedded processors
architecture, advanced port, programming, controller design for adjustable speed motor

CSE 422 Microprocessor System Design Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in CSE 421. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in CSE 421.

EEE 423 Microprocessor and Interfacing (Prerequisite CSI 121 and CSE 223)
Introduction to microprocessors. Intel 8086 microprocessor: Architecture, addressing modes,
instruction sets, assembly language programming, system design and interrupt. Interfacing:
programmable peripheral interface, programmable timer, serial communication interface,
programmable interrupt controller, direct memory access, keyboard and display interface.
Introduction to micro-controllers.

EEE 424 Microprocessor and Interfacing Laboratory

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify
practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 423. In the second part, students will
design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 423.

CSI 447 Multimedia Systems Design (Prerequisite EEE 309 and CSE 423)

Overview to multimedia systems, multimedia storage. Data compression techniques for audio
and video. Synchronization. Multimedia networking and protocols, QOS principles. Video
streams on ATM. Mobile multimedia computations. Operating system support for multimedia.
Hypermedia system. Standard for multimedia. Multimedia database and multimedia

Chem 101 Chemistry

Atomic structure, quantum numbers, electronic configuration, periodic table; Properties and
uses of noble gases; Different types of chemical bonds and their properties; Molecular
structure of compounds; Selective organic reactions; Different types of solutions and their
compositions; Phase rule, phase diagram of mono component system; Properties of dilute
solutions; Thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria; Ionization of water and pH
concept; Electrical properties of Solution.

Chem 102 Chemistry Laboratory

Experiments based on Chem 101

Phy 101: Physics I

Physical Optics: Theories of light: Interference of light, Young’s double slit experiment,
Displacements of fringes & its uses. Fressnel Bi-prism, Interference at wedge shaped films,
Newton’s rings, Interferometers; Diffraction of light: Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction.
Diffraction by single slit. Diffraction from a circular aperture, Resolving power of optical
instruments, Diffraction at double slit & N-slits-diffraction grating; Polarization: Production &
analysis of polarized light, Brewster’s law, Malus law, Polarization by double refraction.
Retardation plates. Nicol prism. Optical activity. Polarimeters, Polaroid.
Waves & Oscillations: Differential equation of a Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Total energy &
average energy, Combination of simple harmonic oscillation, Lissajous figures, Spring-mass

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system, Calculation of time period of torsional pendulum, Damped oscillation, Determination
of damping co-efficient. Forced oscillation. Resonance, Two-body oscillation. Reduced mass
Differential equation of a progressive wave, Power & intensity of wave motion, Stationary
wave, Group velocity & Phase velocity. Architectural acoustics, Reverberation and Sabine’s
Modern Physics: Michelson-Morley’s experiment. Galilean transformation, Special theory of
relativity & its consequences; Quantum theory of Radiation: Photo-electric effect, Compton
effect, wave particle duality. Interpretation of Bohr’s postulates, Radioactive disintegration,
Properties of nucleus, Nuclear reactions, Fission. Fusion, Chain reaction, Nuclear reactor.

Phy 103: Physics II (Prerequisite Phy 101)

Heat & thermodynamics: Principle of temperature measurements: Platinum resistance
thermometer, Thermo-electric thermometer, Pyrometer; Kinetic theory of gases: Maxwell’s
distribution of molecular speeds, Mean free path, Equipartition of energy, Brownian motion,
van der Waal’s equation of state, Review of the First law of thermodynamics and its
application, Reversible & irreversible processes, Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot;
Efficiency of heat engines, Carnot theorem, Entropy and Disorder, Thermodynamic Functions,
Maxwell relations, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Gibbs phase rule, Third law of
Properties of Matter: States of matter; Elastic properties of solids: Coefficients of elasticity,
Energy calculation; Flow of liquids: Equation of continuity, Laminar and turbulent flow,
Reynolds number & its significance, Bernoullis theorem and its application; Viscosity:
poiseulles equation, Motion in a viscous medium, Determination of coefficient of viscosity;
Surface tension: Surface tension as a molecular phenomenon, Surface tension and surface
energy, Capillarity and angle of contact, Quincke’s method.

Phy 104 Physics Laboratory

Experiments based on Phy 103

Math 003 Elementary Calculus

(non-credit course)
Number System: Natural Number, Integer, Rational Number, Irrational Number, Real
Number, Even and Odd Number, Prime Number, Interval, Inequality; Functions: One-to-one,
Many-to-one Function, Domain, Range, Inverse Function, Even and Odd Function; Graphs:
Algebraic (Quadratic, Cubic) and Transcendental (Trigonometric, Exponential, Logarithmic)
Function, Absolute Value Function; Graphing New Functions from Old: Translations,
Reflections, Stretches and Compressions; Differentiation: Limit, Continuity and Derivative of
Functions; Integration: Indefinite Integral, Integration by substitution. Definite integral. Area
under curves.

Math 151 Differential and Integral Calculus I

Differential Calculus: Limits, Continuity and differentiability. Successive differentiation of
various types of functions. Leibnitz’s theorem. Roller’s theorem. Mean value theorem.
Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange’s form of remainders.
Cauchy’s form of remainders. Expansion of functions by differentiation and integration.
Evaluation of indeterminate forms by L’Hospitals rule. Partial differentiation. Euler’s theorem.
Tangent and Normal. Subtangent and subnormal in cartesian and polar co-ordinates.
Determination of Maximum and minimum values of functions and points of inflection with

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applications. Curvature: radius, circle, centre and chord of curvature, asymptotes and curved
Integral Calculus : Integration by the method of substitution. Standard integrals. Integration by
successive reduction. Definite integrals, its properties and use in summing series. Walli’s
formulate. Improper integrals. Beta function and Gamma function. Area under a plane curve
and area of a region enclosed by two curves in cartesian and polar co-ordinate. Volumes of
solids of revolution. Volume of hollow solids of revolution by shell method Area of surface of
revolution. Jacobians. Multiple integrals with applications.

Math 153 Complex Variables I (Prerequisite Math 201)

Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions of a complex variable. Limits
and continuity of a function of a complex variable and related theorems. Complex
differentiation and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Infinite series. Convergence and uniform
convergence. Line integral of a complex function Cauchy integral formula. Liouville’s
theorem. Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem. Singular points. Residue, Cauchy’s residue theorem.

Math 155 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations I (Prerequisite Math 151)
Ordinary Differential Equations: Degree and order of ordinary differential equations.
Formation of differential equations. Solutions of first order differential equations by various
methods. Solutions of general linear equations of second and higher orders with constant
Solution of homogeneous linear equations. Solution of differential equation of the higher order
when the dependent or independent variable is absent. Solution of differential equation by the
method based on the factorization of the operators. Frobenius method.

Partial differential equations: Wave equations. Particular solutions with boundary and initial

Math 157 Fourier and Laplace Transformations (Prerequisite Math 155)

Laplace Transforms: Definition. Laplace transforms of some elementary functions. Sufficient
conditions for existence of Laplace transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms. Laplace transforms
of derivatives. The unit step function. Periodic function. Some special theorems on Laplace
transforms. Partial fraction. Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms.
Evaluation of improper integrals.
Fourier Analysis: Real and complex forms of Fourier series. Finite transform. Fourier integral.
Fourier transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems.

Math 201 Co-ordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis I

Two-dimensional co-ordinate Geometry: Change of axes-transformation of co-ordinates,
simplification of equations of curves.
Three-dimensional co-ordinate Geometry: System of co-ordinates, distance between two
points, section formula, projection, direction cosines, equations of planes and lines.
Vector Analysis: Definition of vectors. Equality, addition and multiplication of vectors. Linear
dependence and independence of vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together
with elementary applications. Definitions of line, surface and volume integrals. Gradient of a
scalar function, divergence and curl of a vector function. Physical significance of gradient,
divergence and curls. Various formulae. Integral forms of gradient, divergence and curl.
Divergence theorem. Stoke’s theorem, Green’s theorem and Gauss’s theorem.

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Math 203 Linear Algebra and Matrices I (Prerequisite Math 155)
Matrices: Definition, equality, addition, subtraction multiplication, transposition, inversion,
rank. Equivalence, solution of equations by matrix method. Vector space, Eigen values and
Eigen vectors. Bassel’s and Legendre’s differential equations.

ECO 213 Economics

Definition of Economics; Economics and engineering; Principles of economics
Micro-Economics: Introduction to various economic systems – capitalist, command and
mixed economy; Fundamental economic problems and the mechanism through which these
problems are solved; Theory of demand and supply and their elasticities; Theory of consumer
behavior; Cardinal and ordinal approaches of utility analysis; Price determination; Nature of an
economic theory; Applicability of economic theories to the problems of developing countries;
Indifference curve techniques; Theory of production, production function, types of
productivity; Rational region of production of an engineering firm; Concepts of market and
market structure; Cost analysis and cost function; Small scale production and large scale
production; Optimization; Theory of distribution; Use of derivative in economics:
maximization and minimization of economic functions, relationship among total, marginal and
average concepts.
Macro-economics: Savings; investment, employment; national income analysis; Inflation;
Monetary policy; Fiscal policy and trade policy with reference to Bangladesh; Economics of
development and planning.

ENG 101 English I

The course aims at developing proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing of
English. It is generalized as a remedial course for students whose English need considerable
repair and as a foundation courses for ENG 103. The contents include parts of speech, count
and uncountable nouns and articles, agreement between subject and verb, adverbs of
frequency, tense and the sequence of tenses, active and passive voices, types of sentences,
prepositions: time, place, action, directions, questions forms, multi-word verbs, capitalization.

ENG 103 English II (Prerequisite ENG 101)

A course to provide solid foundation on study skills in English reading writing, listening
comprehension and speaking. The course emphasizes the practice of pronunciation, speed-
reading, and effective writing and listening. The course contents include the grammar parts of
revision of tenses, use of idioms, prepositions, modals, conditional sentence, use of linking
words, use of suffixes and prefixes, synonyms and antonyms, words with multi names, reading
parts include the skills in skimming, scanning, selecting information, writing parts include
planning, outlining, organizing ideas, topic sentences, paragraph writing, essay writing, job
applications, writing reports, writing research report.

ACT 111 Financial and Managerial Accounting

Financial Accounting: Objectives and importance of accounting; Accounting as an information
system; Computerized system and applications in accounting. Recording system: double entry
mechanism; accounts and their classification; Accounting equation; Accounting cycle: journal,
ledger, trial balance; Preparation of financial statements considering adjusting and closing
entries; Accounting concepts (principles) and conventions.
Financial statement analysis and interpretation: ratio analysis.
Cost and Management Accounting: Cost concepts and classification; Overhead cost: meaning
and classification; Distribution of overhead cost; Overhead recovery method/rate; Job order

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costing: preparation of job cost sheet and quotation price; Inventory valuation: absorption
costing and marginal/variable costing techniques; Cost-Volume-Profit analysis: meaning
breakeven analysis, contribution margin approach, sensitivity analysis.
Short-term investment decisions: relevant and differential cost analysis. Long-term investment
decisions: capital budgeting, various techniques of evaluation of capital investments.

IPE 401 Industrial Management

Introduction, evolution, management function, organization and environment.
Organization: Theory and structure; Coordination; Span of control; Authority delegation;
Groups; Committee and task force; Manpower planning.
Personnel Management: Scope; Importance; Need hierarchy; Motivation; Job redesign;
Leadership; Participative management; Training; Performance appraisal; Wages and
incentives; Informal groups; Organizational change and conflict.
Cost and Financial Management; Elements of costs of products depreciation; Break-even
analysis; Investment analysis; Benefit cost analysis.
Management Accounting: Cost planning and control; Budget and budgetary control;
Development planning process.
Marketing Management: Concepts; Strategy; Sales promotion; Patent laws.
Technology Management: Management of innovation and changes; Technology life cycle;
Case studies.

SOC 101 Society, Technology and Engineering Ethics

Engineering Ethics will consider ethical issues in the practice of engineering: safety and
liability, professional responsibility to clients and employers, whistle-blowing, codes of ethics,
career choice, and legal obligations. The course will relate general ethical theory to concrete
problems in engineering, using readings, videotapes, scenarios, and case studies. Class sessions
will vary: some possibilities are a discussion in small groups on a software liability scenario, a
focused discussion of the full class on bribery, a formal debate on a conflict of interest
dilemma, a role play of a meeting of characters in a scenario, and a brief lecture on protection
of intellectual property.

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