Icap 1

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The key takeaways are that the lesson plan aims to teach students about how the environmental and economic conditions of the Great Depression affected daily life for different groups in the US.

Several contextual factors that will affect instruction are IEP, ESL, and ADHD students, as well as students with issues seeing from a distance.

The learning objective is for students to be able to detail and discuss examples of everyday life experienced by American citizens from information gained from primary sources.

Southern Utah University – Teacher Education

Integrated Core Applied Project (ICAP)

Explicit Integrated Lesson Plan (Updated: 2019)

Estimated Instruction
Name Kelsey Hagman Grade Level/Content Area: United States History 1 11th grade 1 hour

Contextual Factors that will affect Several IEP and ESL students, Students with ADHD, and students with issues seeing from distances

Contextual Factors (Specific) Students with issues seeing will need to be placed closer to the board so they can see, Student with ADHD should be sat in a place where there are less distractions and closer to where teachers sit so
List for individual or groups of course students that he may be monitored. ESL students should be placed in an area where their progress can be monitored and teachers can easily check in with them.
who have varied learning needs.

Utah Core Standard(s): US II Standard 5.3:

Students will explain how economic and environmental conditions, including the Dust Bowl, affected daily life and demographic trends during the
Great Depression

Integrated Content Areas: Language Arts Reading of Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Learning Objective(s): SWBAT...

*Each content area listed needs to have a Detail and discuss examples of everyday life experienced by American Citizens from information gained from Primary Sources.
learning objective)

Essential Question(s): What effect did environmental and economic conditions have on people within the United States, and how did that vary based on where they lived?

Materials: Primary Source Documents and Photographs

*Complete the following sections of the lesson plan using: red or bold type – to script what teacher says, blue or regular type – to script what students will do, green or italic type - for what is to be written on the board or a chart.

Time Lesson Components Action Steps: Instructional Learner Differences Recommendations to Action Steps Assessment Rationale
*Number Language/Teacher Script/Activities (Contextual Factors) meet learner differences How was the lesson modified for *Documentation *Thoroughly explain your reasons behind
of min. for the two focus students? *Outcomes your lesson choices.
each Scripted step by step for each lesson Examples: UDL Principles, *Pre and Post
component component. *Remember to add in List for individual or groups of Guidelines, Checkpoints *Formative/
essential questions when applicable. students Summative
Differentiation: List for individual *Rubric, Project
Indicate very specifically what actions *Observation
or groups of students who have
students will be performing. Note: varied learning needs. *Reteach concepts
“Listening” is not sufficient.
Indicate what you will look for, how
Teacher will… will you know when you see it, and
what you will use to measure the
Students will… level of mastery.

5-10 Anticipatory Set / Students will write a paragraph For ADHD student’s Principle: Representation The ADHD and ESL students The assignment is to make The goal of this is to establish
minutes Warm-up started that answers review teacher will lead the will have to have additional sure students understand the a baseline of information and
/Introduction help and have the teacher lesson that was taught review what we learned in
* How will I “hook” the
questions such as… discussion in front of Guideline: check in to keep them on task previously and summarize the previous lessons so that
students? What factors lead to the initial them and see if they Comprehension and ensure their information as we move students can use that to draw
Access/build on prior financial collapse? can prompt them to understanding. forward and build onto that. connections between what we
knowledge. What factors created the Dust answer any question. Checkpoint: Activate or For a student who has I will assess this by having have learned in the past and
Bowl? For IEP and ESL Supply Background difficulty speaking out in class them write down on paper. what we will learn todays
I will make sure that they are lesson.
Teacher will lead the class in a student’s teacher will Knowledge writing on their page so I can This is a short review to make
discussion aimed to refresh pay attention to how make sure that they sure that each student
students on what they have responsive they seem understand what we learned understands what they need to
previously learned about the great and double check their without any verbal in order to move forward.
depression by having students understanding confirmation.
For a student who has
answer these questions in a class privately once class difficulty not talking to others
discussion. transitions into their in the class I will stand closer
assignments. They will to act as a deterrent against off
also only have to task conversations
respond in 1 sentence
but and with a
sentence starter
ESL students will also
be given the essential
vocabulary for the rest
of the day’s lesson
Time Lesson Components Action Steps: Instructional Learner Differences Recommendations to Action Steps Assessment Rationale
*Number Language/Teacher Script/Activities (Contextual Factors) meet learner differences How was the lesson modified for *Documentation *Thoroughly explain your reasons behind
of min. for the two focus students? *Outcomes your lesson choices.
each Scripted step by step for each lesson Examples: UDL Principles, *Pre and Post
component component. *Remember to add in List for individual or groups of Guidelines, Checkpoints *Formative/
essential questions when applicable. students Summative
Differentiation: List for individual *Rubric, Project
Indicate very specifically what actions *Observation
or groups of students who have *Paper/Pencil
students will be performing. Note: varied learning needs. *Reteach concepts
“Listening” is not sufficient.
Indicate what you will look for, how
Teacher will… will you know when you see it, and
what you will use to measure the
Students will… level of mastery.

Modeling (I do it. Teacher will use an example of an This portion is mostly Principle: Action and A student who has problems I will try to make sure that This is to give the students an
Show and tell. image and document displaying instructional, but for Expression speaking out in class will not students will understand the understanding of the
Demonstrate, have to provide feedback as assignment instructions and instructions of the
describe, involve
different daily lives during the great ESL students I will long as they are following gage this understanding based assignments as well as what to
students.) depression and instruct the repeat instructions Guideline: Executive along with a lesson. on the competency of the look for within their primary
students of the various things they and give them a Functions A student who has problems filled-out practice organizer. documents by having us all do
will be looking for helping them separate graphic keeping to themselves will it as group beforehand.
figure out what sort of things they organizer with Checkpoint: Facilitate have to be monitored so that After this they should have a
they do not interrupt class baseline idea of what they
should look for in their documents different sentence managing information instruction should look for in their
as a group beforehand. starters to aid them in and resources documents.
Students will follow along on their understanding.
own handouts and provide
feedback when asked

Students will break into groups and The two ESL students Principle: Engaging Students who have problems Students will be able to identify Students will not only work on
Guided Practice discuss their own documents, should be placed in a speaking in class should be and summarize the different collaborative thinking, but also
Reinforce / Reteach placed with other students who factors that afflicted people be able to help each other
(We do it. Teacher
identifying the different lifestyles group together with a Guideline: Sustaining they are friendly with and who during the great depression. I notice different things in a
guides students and for people in different classes, third student who has effort and persistence are comfortable speaking. will mark their understanding document that the other
models instruction.) areas of the United States, and Spanish experience. The student who has trouble based on how accurate their students may not notice on
*Practice together races. They will get a Checkpoint: Foster being quiet actually works well understanding of the their own.
*Small group The students will then summarize document that was collaboration and with his friends and working document is. Writing down what is found will
*Whole group with them does not normally help the students remember
*With teacher
their documents and write down original in Spanish communication impede them from getting an what they found and identify
three things that can be and translated into assignment done. what that means for the people
understood from the document. English. They will be of that demographic in the
And evidence for it in the graphic able to read the great depression.
organizer. Spanish version. They
will also get pictures
that will illustrate the
environment their
document took place
ADHD student will be
placed in a group of
boys that do not have
issues staying on task
and will have several
Student 30 will be
placed in a different
group of students who
are patient but also do
not have problems
staying on task and
working with others.
Independent Practice As students present their ESL students will be Principle: Representation Student who has problem Students will make sure to Students will be able to learn
Scaffolding: information those not presenting able to work through speaking out in class does not write down other students about different demographics
Unprompted have to be the student who understandings. From this they without spending too much
will write 2 factors of the lives of this section using Guideline: presents the information to the will get a broader time analyzing the other
(You do it. Individual different demographics, they google translate to Comprehension class. understanding different documents.
student practice) learned from each group’s help answer the The student who has problems perspective on the topic that From this they will be able to
*Similar to guided presentation. sentence prompts on Checkpoint: maximize not talking should be remined are different from the ones explain they things that
practice activities their graphic transfer and to respect his fellow students they read. effected other demographics
*Done alone to while they are talking during the great depression.
show competency
organizer. generalization
ADHD student will be
Student 30 will not
have to present.

Time Lesson Components Action Steps: Instructional Learner Differences Recommendations to Action Steps Assessment Rationale
*Number Language/Teacher Script/Activities (Contextual Factors) meet learner differences How was the lesson modified for *Documentation *Thoroughly explain your reasons behind
of min. for the two focus students? *Outcomes your lesson choices.
Scripted step by step for each lesson Examples: UDL Principles, *Pre and Post
component component. *Remember to add in List for individual or groups of Guidelines, Checkpoints *Formative/
essential questions when applicable. students Summative
Differentiation: List for individual *Rubric, Project
Indicate very specifically what actions *Observation
or groups of students who have
students will be performing. Note: varied learning needs. *Reteach concepts
“Listening” is not sufficient.
Indicate what you will look for, how
will you know when you see it, and
Teacher will… what you will use to measure the
Students will… level of mastery.

END On the same page students wrote Teacher will discuss Principle: Representation The student who has problems This will be a final Students should be able to
their starters they should write a the essential speaking in class will probably understanding of their over all identify and summarize what
not need any adjustments. understanding of the they learned and why it is
Closure / Revisit / paragraph on the essential questions with ESL Guideline: Student who has problems implications of the assignment important in American history.
Exit Ticket question as an exit ticket. students and allow Comprehension
*Learning objectives being quiet may need to be they were given during the day. This is a marker to ensure that
*Did students answer
them to write only one reminded to stay on task. the class all understand what
essential questions? What effect did environmental and or two questions in Checkpoint: maximize they read and learned during
*How did students economic conditions have on people answer with a transfer and the day.
within the United States, and how did that
make a real life
vary based on where they lived?
sentence started. generalization
Overall Reflection:

Note: This reflection section is only for lessons that are actually taught.

*Were the learning objectives met in each content area
*How did the lesson answer essential questions
*What evidence do I have that students reach competency?
*How did I adjust lesson to meet the need of all types of learners?
*How was my timing and “withitness”?
*Did I enjoy teaching and did students enjoy learning?

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