Volvo Engine MY04B5254T2-S40 PDF
Volvo Engine MY04B5254T2-S40 PDF
Volvo Engine MY04B5254T2-S40 PDF
Vehicle: S40
Engine: B5254T2
Functional Description
Table of content
SYSTEM OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................3
DIAGNOSE FUNCTIONS – OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................4
INPUT SIGNALS ...................................................................................................................................................5
OUTPUT SIGNALS ..............................................................................................................................................6
MISFIRE DIAGNOSTIC .......................................................................................................................................8
LEAKAGE DIAGNOSTIC ....................................................................................................................................9
MONITORING CONDITIONS..........................................................................................................................13
CANISTER PURGE VALVE DIAGNOSTIC ...................................................................................................14
FUEL SYSTEM MONITORING ........................................................................................................................16
FUEL PRESSURE SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS ....................................................................................................17
FUEL PRESSURE REGULATING - DECOS..................................................................................................18
CATALYST MONITORING ................................................................................................................................20
HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR DIAGNOSTIC................................................................................................21
CONTINUOUS VARIABLE VALVE TIMING (CVVT) ...................................................................................23
ENGINE SPEED (RPM) SENSOR..................................................................................................................24
CAMSHAFT POSITION (CMP) SENSOR....................................................................................................25
MASS AIR FLOW METER (MAF) ...................................................................................................................26
ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR ........................................................................................27
All information, illustrations and specifications contained herein are based on the latest pro-
duction information available at the time of this publication. Volvo reserves the right to make
changes in specifications and design at any time.
June 1, 2008
Volvo Customer Service
System overview
The Engine Control Module (ECM) controls The substitute values will enable the vehicle with
activation’s, in- and output signals together with fun- limited emission exceedance to be driven, despite vital
ctions built-in diagnostics. When the control module functions/components are faulty. Functions which be
detects a fault then a fault code will be set after valida- limited can be, e.g.:
tion. In certain cases will the faulty signal be replaced
with a substitute value or certain functions will get - Turbo regulating
restricted functionality. Substitute value can be set, for - Camshaft regulating (CVVT)
instance in: - Lambda regulating
- Throttle angle
- Engine temperature sensor
- Air mass meter Substitute values and reduced functionality exist in
- Throttle position sensor order to keep the system operating, protect compo-
- Air pressure nents or for safety reasons (for instance the electronic
- Fuel pressure throttle). Any fault codes will be accumulated in the
memory of the ECM. The information can be read by
Substitute values are calculated by means of signals means of VIDA (Vehicle Information and Diagnostics
from other components and mathematical calculations. for Aftersales) or a Scantool via the diagnostic Con-
Other substitute values are fixed and pre-defined va- nector (DLC) in the vehicle.
lues in the control module.
Certain diagnoses only demand ignition on and igni- If a fault is healed the fault code will be still in the
tion off in order to have a driving cycle performed. fault code memory a time period, but the status on the
Other diagnoses demands several different conditions fault code will change.
to be fulfilled, for example concerning:
Lighting of Check engine lamp
- Vehicle speed At emission related fault codes when the fault code is
- Engine temperature set, even a counter is stored which counts down to de-
- Time passed after start termine when check engine lamp shall be lighted. The
- Different load ratio and ratio of revolutions during conditions of check engine lamp lighting vary depen-
the same driving ding on which fault cod is set.
- A certain event (for instance the EVAP-valve is regu-
Input signals
Provides information about engine oil pressure. The information is sent to Driver Infor-
Oil Pressure Switch mation Module (DIM) which via the display informs the driver to stop the engine and/or
check the oil level.
Brake Pedal Light Switch Provides information if the brake pedal is pressed or not.
Provides information about brake pedal position. First, the signal is sent to BCM and
Brake Pedal Position Sensor
then to ECM via CAN.
Provides information that the clutch pedal is depressed. The signal is used to discon-
nect the cruise control. Used in certain markets to connect the so-called Interlock
Clutch pedal position sensor
function via VGLA, which inhibits the starter motor. Connected to CEM and is sent to
ECM via CAN.
Diagnosis Module Tank Leakage Provides information about pump current, which is related to tank pressure. Used for
(DMTL) module fuel tank leakage detection.
System relay Controlled by the ECM and provides sensors and functions with voltage supply.
Fuel pump control Continuous control of the fuel pumps duty cycle.
Used for leak diagnostic and consists of: - pump current, - changeover valve, - module
Diagnosis Module Tank Leakage
heater. Controls if there are any leakage in the tank system by pumping an overpres-
(DMTL), US market only.
sure and monitor the current to the pump motor.
Canister Purge (CP) valve Continuous control of flow from EVAP canister to engine intake side.
Continuously Variable Valve Continuous control of the camshaft setting for both the exhaust camshaft and the
Timing control valve (CVVT) intake camshaft.
Controls turbocharger (TC) boost pressure, see turbocharger (TC) control system
Turbocharger (TC) control valve
description section S0805.
Ignition coil/Ignition Discharge Separate ignition coil with integrated Ignition Discharge Modules (IDM) for each cylin-
Module (IDM) for cylinders 1 – 5 der. Gives shorter charging interval and more power.
Via CAN-communication
With the crankshaft sensor the segment time devia- volutions or the 4th exceedance (for the rest of DCY)
tion between two following ignitions is measured. The over the emission threshold value after the first 1000
crankshaft is divided into 5 or 6 segments depending engine revolutions are relevant. If the number is so
on engine cylinder type. Each segment corresponds to high that the exhaust emission standard is exceeded by
a specific ignition/cylinder. To avoid incorrect seg- a factor of 1.5, then the emission related misfire rate
ment time deviations, due to manufacturing tolerances, has been reached and exceeded a fault code will be
a crankshaft adaptation must be accomplished. The stored. If misfires occur and the threshold is exceeded
crankshaft adaptation is performed during fuel-on and in the following DCY, MIL illuminates.
For detection of catalyst damaging misfires, the num-
Misfire detection is shut-off for loads below the Zero bers of misfires that have occurred during an interval
Load-line at engine speeds up to 3000 rpm, and also of 200 engine revolutions are relevant. If the number
shut-off for loads under the 4"Hg-line from 3000 rpm of misfires are so high that the catalyst is endangered
up to redline. It is also shut-off during rough road (by various number of misfires depending on actual
operation, which is determined by signal from the ABS engine operating range), then the cat. Damaging mis-
control unit. fire rate has been reached and exceeded. The the fuel
will be cut off to the misfirering cylinder and a fault
Misfire detection is enabled when the engine speed code will be stored. MIL will blink with one Hertz as
has reached 150 rpm below warm idle speed plus two long as the engine has catalyst-damaging misfires. The
crankshaft revolutions or after nine ignitions, depen- fuel is cut off until engine is restarted.
ding on which occurs first.For detection of emission
related misfires, the number of misfires which have
occurred within the first interval of 1000 engine re-
Misfire Diagnostic
DTCs P0300 - P0305 Misfire, Emission related
P0300 – P0305 Misfire, Catalyst damage
Monitor Strategy descrip- Misfire detected, emission related,
tion Cylinder 1-5 (P0301-305).
Misfire detected, catalyst damage
Cylinder 1-5 (P0301-305).
Vapor that evaporates from the fuel in the fuel tank is corresponding to a 0,20 inch or larger hole. The fuel
routed to and stored in the EVAP canister from where tank system consists of fuel tank, fuel filler pipe,
it is introduced into the combustion process via the EVAP canister, CP valve and all pipes between these
Canister Purge (CP) valve. components. To be able to diagnose the fuel tank
system, it is also equipped with a diagnostic module
A leak diagnostic has been introduced in certain mar- (DMTL = Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage) inclu-
kets to ensure that there are no leaks in the fuel tank ding the electrical driven air pump.
system. The diagnostic is designed to detect leakage
To canister
Fresh air
Leakage diagnostic (LD) is performed in after run mode, when key off.
The diagnostic is divided into different phases as fol- - While fuel level sensors are working correctly and
low: the fuel level is higher than 85 % all leakage tests and
healing attempts are aborted.
- Reference leak measurement, performed every LD
- Rough leak test, performed every DCY - While the fuel level sensors are not working cor-
- Small leak test performed every second DCY when rectly, the test is aborted if the initial rate of change is
enabling conditions are met. higher than a calibrated level due to a combination of
high fuel level and high evaporation. In case of healing
The diagnostic is performed by measuring the motor when the fuel level sensor are not working correctly
current and then compares it to a specified reference the attempt is aborted if the initial rate of change is
current. If a fault is detected in any of the phases the higher than a calibrated level due to a combination
diagnostic is interrupted and the diagnostic trouble of high fuel level and high evaporation. This level is
code (DTC) for the component identified is stored. calibrated to approximate 70 %.
Diagnosis is carried out in the following stages:
1. Reference leak measurement phase The rough leak check (≥ 0.04-inch) is performed by
For the reference current measurement, the motor- monitoring the pump motor current gradient. Relative
pump is switched on. In this mode fresh air is pum- pump motor current is created by using minimum
ped through a 0.02-inch reference orifice, situated pump motor current and reference pump motor cur-
internally in the module, and the pump motor current rent. Area ratio is created by dividing integrated relati-
is measured. At some unusual operating conditions ve current with ideal area, which is the linear integrated
the pump current may not stabilize. In this case the area from minimum pump current to current sample
leak check is aborted and a new leak check will be of the current. If the relative current has increased
performed in the next after run. To prevent a perma- above an upper limit but not exceeded a calibrated
nent disablement of the leak check due to a DM-TL area, within a calibrated time, the rough leak check has
module problem, the number of subsequent irregular passed without a fault. If the calibrated area ratio is
current measurements is counted and a module error reached before the relative pump current limit, within
is set as soon as the counter exceeds a calibrated value. the calibrated time, a rough leak fault code is set.
The integrated relative pump current area Aint is
2. Rough leak test phase defined by;
In this monitoring mode the changeover valve is
switched over (the purge control valve remains closed). Aint = A1 + A2
The motor current drops to a zero load level. Fresh
air is now pumped through the canister into the tank. and the ideal area Aideal ,
This creates a small overpressure at a tight evaporative
system, which leads to a current increase. Aideal = A2 .
3. Small leak test phase mum time limit has been reached.The judgment is
If the conditions for a small leak check (≥0.02-inch) based on a test value which is a combination of the
are set the pump motor remains on in monitoring actual area ratio and gradient of area ratio with respect
mode until an elliptic combination of the relation to relative pump current.
pump current and area ratio are fulfilled, or a maxi-
Results from simulation using old measurements and to no leakage, red curves to 0,5 mm leakage and the
creating the area ratio and relative pump current and magenta to 1,0 mm leakage.
plot them versus each other.Blue curves correlates
Results from simulation using old measurements and correlates to no leakage, red curves to 0,5 mm leakage
plotting the area ratio vs. the ideal area.Blue curves and the magenta to 1,0 mm leakage.
Reference Leak
Monitoring conditions
To carry out the leak diagnostic it is necessary that: With the following errors the leakage detection moni-
toring can not be performed. These errors will there-
- engine-on time is at least 10 minutes fore disable the leakage detection monitoring and the
- engine coolant temperature at start doesn’t exceed MIL (and the corresponding fault code) will be set.
the ambient (with cold start offset) air temperature The disable conditions are:
- ECM (=Engine Control Module) is in after run mode
- engine speed is 0 rpm - Error on power stages DM-TL pump (E_dmpme)
- vehicle speed is 0 km/h - Error on power stage purge valve (E_teve)
- altitude is less than (or equal to) 2500 meters - Error on purge valve (E_tes)
- engine coolant temperature is above (or equal to) +0°C - Error on change-over valve (E_dmmve)
- ambient temperature is between +0°C and +37°C - Error on vehicle speed signal (E_vfz)
- fuel level between 0 % to 85 % - Error on coolant temperature sensor (E_tm)
- concentration of fuel vapor in the EVAP canister is - Error on altitude sensor (E_dsu).
not excessive
- battery voltage between 11.0 V and 14.5 V
- purge valve is closed
Canister purge valve diagnostic
The task of the canister purge valve diagnosis is to There is one possibility for defective purge control
detect a defective purge control valve. The purge valve check:
control valve is checked with regard to controllability
of the flow rate such as permanently open as well as 1. If neither a reaction of the Lambda controller or of
permanently closed. In this cases purge control valve the idle controller can be observed during the active
is detected. Minor leaks or slightly blocked valves are check by controlling the purge control valve open.
not detected if the valve is still controllable to a large Then the purge control valve can no longer be con-
extent. A check for absolute tightness must be per- trolled (jammed at closed or open position), so the
formed separately or it can be derived from a possibly purge control valve is defective. The canister purge
given canister leak test. valve diagnosis is depending on lambda controller,
throttle angle and ignition efficiency.
The diagnosis is used in addition to the electrical
diagnosis. Provided the electrical diagnosis has already Monitoring conditions
detected a fault, the canister purge valve diagnosis To carry out the purge valve diagnosis it is necessary
remains inactive. If the electrical diagnosis should that:
not yet have detected a fault it will be detected by the
canister purge valve diagnosis. - Ambient temperature is above -20°C
- Engine temperature is above +65°C
There are two possibilities for an OK check: - Altitude is less than (or equal to) 4000 meters
- Vehicle speed is 0 km/h
1. From active check at idle. A deviation of the Lamb- - Canister load is below 3
da controller from its value prior to opening, the purge - Condition for Lambda closed loop control fulfilled
control valve indicates that the purge control valve can - Critical misfire or limp home on velocity pick-up
be controlled and thus is OK. signal not detected
2. If a stoichiometric mixture is coming there is no With the following errors the purge control monito-
deviation of the Lambda controller. ring can not be performed. These errors will therefore
a) Only the reaction of the idle control, which closes disable the purge control diagnosis and the MIL (and
the throttle valve, can be evaluated. the corresponding fault code) will be set. The disable
b) Indication for an OK check is the decrease of the conditions are:
air mass flowing through the throttle valve
c) If the valve cannot close any further the ignition - Condition for fault type ”implausible signal” detected
angle efficiency is worsened. This is also detected. in the DM-TL module.
- Error on DM-TL change-over valve power stage,
short circuit to ground.
Canister purge valve diagnostic
Evaporative Emission System Monitor Strategy description
P0496 Max error
DTCs Incorrect purge flow
P0497 Min error
Fuel system monitoring
The fuel injection system has a function which com- The integrator signal controls the fuel injection time,
pensates for changes in the lambda (λ) control which in a new car the integrator signal oscillates about 1
occur slowly over its service life. It is called λ adap- (equivalent λ=1).
tation and its purpose is to keep the integrator signal
within its limits of control (see figure below).
Integrator signal
Upper contol limit
Lower control limit
The amount of λ integrator offset is calculated when The correction of the fuel amount = calculated fuel
the set λ is equal to 1 and the canister close valve is amount * frai + ora. The speed of the fuel adapta-
closed. tion is depending on the λ integrator offset (big offset
is equal to high adaptation speed). The amount of
The fuel adaptation will compensate the fuel amount the λ integrator offset is also used in calculation of
so that the λ integrator will remain in the middle the physical urgency. The purge functionality is also
(λ=1.0). calculating a physical urgency (dependant of charcoal
canister load). This means that the fuel adaptation will
The λ control adaptation is divided into two adaptation get more time for adaptation if there is an offset and/
areas: The additive adaptation at idle conditions (ora) or low charcoal canister load.
and the multiplicative adaptation area at loaded engine
Fuel pressure system diagnosis
New fuel pressure system diagnosis function is im- The function, fuel temperature sensor diagnosis will
plemented. It is due to new hardware design for this detect min and max error.
model year, with a variable fuel pump, a fuel pressure
sensor and a fuel temperature sensor. The function tar- The function, fuel pressure sensor diagnosis will detect
get is to be able to point out the fuel pressure system min and max error.
as incorrect due to performance specification and ful-
fill legal requirements. The function will detect the fuel And the function fuel power stage diagnosis will detect
pressure to be stuck high (higher pressure than target), min, max and signal error.
stuck low, noisy pressure signal or plausibility.
Corresponding Monitor
Fuel Monitor Operation ID
ora: P2187 Lean 81
P2188 Rich 81
frau: P2177 Lean 81
P2178 Rich 81
Monitor Strategy description Long term fuel trim correction value is updated to
maintain the short-term fuel trim at desired set value
(0 % correction). The value of the long term fuel trim
correction is monitored.
Fuel pressure regulating – DECOS
The fuel pressure regulating for demand control- The Engine Control Module (ECM) calculates which
led fuel pump (DECOS – DEmand COntrolled fuel fuel pressure that shall be reached. After that a signal
Supply), means that the fuel pressure is infinitely vari- will be sent to the Fuel pump control module with a
able by vary the power of the fuel pump. The systems request for desired fuel pressure. This is performed
construction implies among other things that a larger via serial communication between ECM and the Fuel
maximum pressure (approx. 6.5 bar) is allowed in the pump control module. By changing the PWM-signal
fuel pump. This pressure is used in extreme situations, the fuel pump can be infinitely variable. Only the
for instance at high engine load. Following compo- needed pressure will be delivered to the Fuel distribu-
nents are used for fuel pressure regulating: tion pipe/Injection valves. The value of the PWM-
signal is a measure on workload of the Fuel pump (%
- Engine Control Module (ECM) duty, 100% = maximum pressure).
- Fuel pump control module
- Fuel pressure sensor with Fuel temperature sensor The ECM is continually monitoring the fuel pressure
- Fuel pump with overflow valve. by means of a signal from the Fuel pressure sensor.
Thereby, desired fuel pressure can be reached and
The time for start process of the engine can be de- on condition a signal will be sent to the Fuel pump
creased by quickly raising the pressure in the fuel control module with a request to adjusting the fuel
distribution pipe, when ECM receive a signal from pressure.
Central Electronic Module (CEM) about position of
the ignition switch. ECM can easier calculate the in- If the control module in Supplemental Restraint Sys-
jection time for the injection valves, because the signal tem (SRS) detects a collision the Engine Control Mo-
from the fuel pressure sensor provides information dule, by reasons of security, will cut off the fuel pump.
about current fuel pressure. Especially cold start pro-
perties of the engine are improved. Advantages which
receives when not all power of the fuel pump is used
continuously are:
Fuel pressure regulating – DECOS operation
P0087 Min error
DECOS – Fuel Pressure P0088 Max error
error P0089 Plausibility error
P0090 Signal error
Monitor Strategy description Performance
Catalyst monitoring
General Description
2-sensor method
Sensor methods
The two-sensor method makes use of one upstream - Computation of the amplitude of the downstream
and one downstream oxygen sensor, one sensor Lambda sensor.
(UHEGO) before the catalytic converter and one - In the 3-sensor case, an additional modeling of a
sensor (HEGO) inserted into the catalytic converter, borderline catalyst and of the signal amplitudes of the
monitoring the front part of the catalyst. downstream Lambda sensor
- Modeling of a single air fuel mixture corresponding
Catalyst monitoring is based on monitoring the oxygen to the two front sensors, before the catalytic converter.
storage capability. The (nonlinear) correlation between - Signal evaluation
conversion efficiency and storage capability has been - Fault processing
shown in various investigations. The engine mixture - Check of monitoring conditions
control results in regular Lambda oscillations of the
exhaust gas. When using a linear sensor Lambda con-
trol, Lambda oscillations are artificially created during
catalyst monitoring. These oscillations are dampened
by the storage activity of the catalyst. The amplitude
of the remaining Lambda oscillations downstream the
catalyst indicates the storage capability.
Heated oxygen sensor diagnostic
Heated oxygen sensors are used in the system. These open-circuits. When these faults occur, corresponding
sensors are checked as usual for short-circuits and errors are stored for each sensor.
The basic functionality of these sensors is the concept The internal resistance of the front sensors is con-
of a pump current of the oxygen in fuel-air mixtures, stantly monitored for the heating diagnosis. A com-
from where the sensor system can compute the actual parison is therefore made with a reference in order
fuel-air mixture. Heating of the sensors is also under- to consider aging and sample deviations. Also, power
taken in order to decrease the internal resistance and stage diagnosis is made for the front sensors where a
to further improve the performance of the sensors. comparison of the control signal (input) and the out-
put signal is made. Through this procedure all various
possible types of short-circuits will be detected.
Diagnosis of incorrect lambda measurements due to Similar testing as these above are also undertaken for
shunting effects is performed through a lambda offset the rear sensors, where the major differences in the
of the downstream-control if a difference of air-fuel diagnosis can be found through oscillation checks,
mixture exceeds a threshold (3%). By monitoring the checking of the sensor voltage and the dynamics
voltage output of the specific processor CJ125 a check during fuel cut-off, for the rear sensors.
is made that it operates correct, avoiding hardware
errors. Insufficient heating of the LSU, i.e., the front During active oxygen sensor aging diagnosis the sensor
sensor, and disconnection of the pump current are signal (shape and frequency) can be considered as
detected through a comparison of the fuel-air mixture characteristic for the quality of the installed upstream
with the rear sensors. The criterion is that if the front sensor. Thus, for this purpose several parameters
sensor indicates a fuel-air mixture with a ratio of 1, are calculated continuously. These calculated values
while the rear sensor indicates a lean or rich mixture, are then provided via a tester interface (Scan Tool),
one of these failures has occurred. Through different together with the correction value of the downstream
comparisons of the front and rear sensors, also short- controller, the dynamic property value of the upstream
circuits and high resistance to battery and ground, are continuous sensor and different constants by this
detected for the front sensors. Low resistance con- tester interface. It is by this functionality the legislative
nection between heater and the sensor, i.e. the heater authorities (for instance CARB) determine the stan-
coupling, is detected by monitoring lambda changes dard of the oxygen sensor system.
due to the heater pulse rate. A decrease of the actual
performance, known as the dynamics, of the sensor
due to aging or fouling can be detected through a
comparison of the estimated (model based) signal and
the actual measured signal.
Catalyst Monitor Operation
DTCs P0420 Main Catalyst, Bank 1 Corresponding Monitor ID
Monitor Strategy description Efficiency below threshold (oxygen storage) 21
Continuous Variable Valve Timing (CVVT)
Engine speed (RPM) sensor
The periphery of the flywheel/flex plate is provided dule (ECM) determines the engine speed and of the
with a series of holes. As it passes, each transition crankshaft by detecting the voltage pulses.
between hole and metal induces a voltage in the pick-
up coil of RPM sensor. The resulting signal is an A/C At approximately 90° before TDC for cylinder 1 there
signal whose frequency is a function of the number is a section without any gap. When this longer me-
of holes passing per second and whose voltage can tal section (= missing holes) passes the RPM sensor,
vary between 0.1 V and 100 V AC, depending on the voltage pulses stop and the ECM can calculate angular
engine speed and the air gap. Voltage and frequency crankshaft position.
increases with engine speed. The engine control mo-
Camshaft position (CMP) sensor
The sensor consists of an MRE (Magnetic Resistance The magnetic field swings backwards and forwards
Element). It is a permanent magnet with 2 special between the teeth on the pulse wheel and the ECM
semiconductor resistors, which are connected in series senses the signals between the teeth, partly before and
with each other, as described in the picture above. partly after the sensor.
The output signal is an analog sine curve which passes
through an analog/digital converter in the Camshaft The pulse wheel has 4 teeth. The ECM calculates the
Position (CMP) sensor before being sent on to the time interval from one tooth to the next and can de-
Engine Control Module(ECM). cide exactly which cylinder must be supplied with fuel
and ignition spark respectively.
When a tooth on the pulse wheel nears the sensor the
magnetic field is bent and affects the resistor located Faults in the CMP sensor:
nearest to the ground, resistance affects the voltage
and the output signal to the ECM is low. When the - The engine can still be started and driven in event of
same tooth continues past the sensor the magnetic faults in the CMP sensor.
field follows and so affects the other resistor that is
located nearest to the voltage supply, this resistor af- - The engine may need to be cranked for a long time
fects the voltage so that the output signal to the ECM before the ECM sends a spark to the correct cylinder
is high. and the engine starts.
Mass air flow meter (MAF)
The mass air flow (MAF) sensor supplies the engine intake air to the engine.
control module (ECM) with a signal describing the
intake air mass. The heated film consists of four resistors. The MAF
This information is for instance used to: sensor is supplied with battery voltage and has sepa-
rate power and signal ground points. The sensor signal
- Regulate fuel/air conditions varies from 0 V to 5 V, depending on the air mass.
- Regulate emission Voltage increases with air flow.
- Calculate torque.
The ECM will adopt substitute (limp home) values if
The MAF sensor consists of a plastic housing con- the MAF sensor signal is missing or faulty.
taining a connector, electronic circuitry and an alumi-
num heat sink. The MAF sensor measuring device is a The MAF sensor is located between the air cleaner
heated film mounted in a pipe which is cooled by the cover and the intake air hose.
Engine coolant temperature sensor
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor trans- The voltage across the sensor is a function of engine
mits a signal to the engine control module (ECM) temperature and, therefore, of sensor resistance. Vol-
describing the temperature of the engine coolant. This tage can be between 0 V and 5 V.
gives the ECT sensor a measurement of engine tem-
perature and influences the control of: The ECM uses substitute values if the signal from the
ECT sensor is missing or faulty, however, substitute
- Injection period values can cause starting problems in very cold wea-
- Idling speed ther.
- Engine coolant fan (FC)
- Ignition timing The sensor is mounted in the thermostat housing.
- On-board diagnostic (OBD) functions.
Mode $06 Data
Vehicle: S40
Engine: B5254T2
The purpose of this service is to allow access to the results for on-board
diagnostic monitoring tests of specific components / systems that are
continuously monitored (e.g. mis-fire monitoring) and non-continuously mo-
nitored (e.g. catalyst system).
The request message for test values includes an On-Board Diagnostic Moni-
tor ID (see below) that indicates the information requested.
The latest test values (results) are to be retained, even over multiple ignition
OFF cycles, until replaced by more recent test values (results). Test values (re-
sults) are requested by On-Board Diagnostic Monitor ID. Test values (results)
are always reported with the Minimum and Maximum Test Limits. The Unit
and Scaling ID included in the response message defines the scaling and unit
to be used by the external test equipment to display the test values (results),
Minimum Test Limit, and Maximum Test Limit information.
The diagnostic communication for external Scan Tools follows ISO 15765-4.
Mode $06 Data
Vehicle: S40
Engine: B5254T2
Test ID Description DTCs
01 83 Front O2 sensor slow response. P0133
Oxygen sensor monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2 Rich to Lean Sensor Threshold Voltage
02 01
Oxygen sensor monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2 Lean to Rich Sensor Threshold Voltage
Oxygen sensor monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2 Minimum Sensor Voltage for Test Cycle.
Oxygen sensor monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2 Maximum Sensor Voltage for Test Cycle
21 80 Catalyst monitor Bank 1 P0420
81 80 Fuel System Monitor Bank 1 (Additive correction of the mixture adaptation) P2187/P2188
82 Fuel System Monitor Bank 1 (Multiplicative correction of the mixture adaptation) P2177/P2178