Takayama 2016
Takayama 2016
Takayama 2016
Procedia CIRP 42 (2016) 623 – 626
18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM XVIII)
In recent years, requirements of “High value-added” has increased to the wire-cut EDM under the situation of the high
precision requirement of industrial products or the high labor cost. For corresponding to them, focusing on “Improvement of
performance being helpful for the practical cutting in factories”, we have developed advanced cutting technologies, various
effective functions and a management tool for productions and quality data on our wire-cut EDM, ROBOCUT. One of the latest
cutting technologies is “High precision cutting for thick work-pieces”, developed for resin molding die cutting. It greatly
improves the straightness of thick work-pieces by our optimum discharge control. And we have developed “Automatic wire
feeding function at the wire break point in taper cutting” that can thread the wire automatically when the wire breaks in a taper
cutting of a press die with relief angles. It contributes to unmanned machining. The rotary table for ROBOCUT named
“ROBOCUT CCR” expands the range of applications, so that various applications such as cutting tools, medical parts, etc, are
available. The management tool for productions and quality data named “ROBOCUT-LINKi” can observe machine status in real
time, and support the productions quality control, so that it can contribute to decrease the machine downtime. For factory
automations, we have also promoted robotaization of ROBOCUT aggressively, and actually we have seen many ROBOCUT
systems combined with FANUC robots in Europe and USA. We correspond to the needs of markets, and continue to develop
new technologies to contribute to the worldwide manufacturing industry. Herein, we introduce the latest technologies of
© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM
XVIII). under responsibility of the organizing committee of 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining
Keywords:Wire EDM, Automatic wire feeding, Rotary table,ROBOCUT, CCR, LINKi
1. Introduction
2212-8271 © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM XVIII)
624 Yushi Takayama et al. / Procedia CIRP 42 (2016) 623 – 626
Herein we report the latest technologies of ROBOCUT as 2.2. Automatic wire feeding function at the wire break point
follows. in taper cutting
(1) Improvement of performance and functions being helpful On the wire-cut EDM, the wire feeding is necessary before
for the practical cutting, and various effective functions the cutting start or the restart. The twin servo wire feeding
- High precision cutting for thick work-pieces system using FANUC digital servo motors can perform the
- Automatic wire feeding function at the wire break point automatic wire feeding as shown in Fig.3.1) The superior
in taper cutting servo technology of FANUC exactly adjusts the wire tension
- Rotary table ROBOCUT CCR for stabilizing to cut the wire with the optimum torque control.
(2) Improvement of the rate of operation by a management As the result, it makes high speed and outstanding success
tool for productions and quality data rate of the automatic wire feeding.
(3) Automation by robot
Servo motor
CNC for brake
2. Improvement of performance being helpful for the
practical cutting, and various functions
Servo motor
Firstly, we report the latest cutting technologies and for feeding
various effective functions focusing on “Improvement of
performance being helpful for the practical cutting in
factories”. Fig. 3. Twin servo wire feeding system
2.1. High precision cutting for thick work-pieces In case of the cutting restart after a wire break, there are
two ways to thread the wire. One is moving back to the start
Resin products are used in wide range fields, such as point to thread the wire and the other is threading the wire at
automobiles, medical equipments, machinery parts, office the wire break point. To reduce the recovery time, the
supplies, commodities, etc. And many mold dies are used for automatic wire feeding at the wire break point is more
manufacturing these products. efficient than doing at the start point.
Thick work-pieces are used for mold dies in many cases. In case of the automatic wire feeding at the wire break
When these thick work-pieces are cut by a wire-cut EDM, the point, the straightness of the wire itself is very important.
distance between the upper and lower guide is so wide that the Many technologies are devised for it up to now. By
wire is bent so easily. This situation sometimes makes an improvement of wire straightness, the rate of the wire
unstable discharge and worse straightness of the work-piece. threading of thick work-pieces or complicated shape work-
Therefore, we have developed an optimum control of the pieces is improved.2)
discharge energy with paying attention to the wire bending. It However, if the work-piece has relief angles such as press
can significantly reduce the wire bending and effectively dies, as shown in Fig.4 (a), during the machine tries to thread
improve the straightness of thick work-pieces. the wire at the wire break point, the wire touches to the
The straightness of 300mm SKD11 work-piece is achieved surface of the work-piece, and the wire feeding fails. By this
to 7ȝm accuracy by 3 times cutting on ROBOCUT, as shown reason, if the wire breaks during a taper cutting, it must move
in Fig.2. back to the start point to thread the wire, not at the wire break
point, in the conventional way.
9.000 Therefore we have developed “Automatic wire feeding
function at the wire break point in taper cutting”. This
function threads the wire with adjusting the upper guide
㻞㻡㻜 position to pass the wire into the cutting groove on
ROBOCUT, as shown in Fig.4 (b). It enables the wire feeding
㻞㻜㻜 8.993 at a cutting groove with the relief angle less than 5°, and it
㻝㻡㻜 Material SKD11
contributes to improve the productivity.
upper nozzel wire
Thickness 300mm
Cutting times 3 times
㻡㻜 Straightness 7ȝm
upper guide
Fig. 2. High precision cutting sample of a thick work-piece ×
Cutting groove
(a) Conventional (b) Automatic wire feeding
automatic wire feeding in taper cutting
Fig. 4. Automatic wire feeding in taper cutting
Yushi Takayama et al. / Procedia CIRP 42 (2016) 623 – 626 625
˄Rotary tool˅