2020 Book RhizosphereMicrobes
2020 Book RhizosphereMicrobes
2020 Book RhizosphereMicrobes
Sushil Kumar Sharma
Udai B. Singh · Pramod Kumar Sahu
Harsh Vardhan Singh
Pawan Kumar Sharma Editors
Soil and Plant Functions
Microorganisms for Sustainability
Volume 23
Series Editor
Naveen Kumar Arora, Environmental Microbiology, School for Environmental
Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/14379
Sushil Kumar Sharma • Udai B. Singh •
Pramod Kumar Sahu •
Harsh Vardhan Singh •
Pawan Kumar Sharma
Rhizosphere Microbes
Soil and Plant Functions
Sushil Kumar Sharma Udai B. Singh
NAIMCC Plant-Microbe Interaction and Rhizosphere
ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Biology Lab
Important Microorganisms ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally
Maunath Bhanjan, Uttar Pradesh, India Important Microorganisms
Maunath Bhanjan, Uttar Pradesh, India
ICAR-National Institute of Biotic
Stress Management
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721,
Plants are an incredible gift of nature not only to mankind but also to a myriad of
other organisms for their survival on the planet Earth. The impact of plants on the
environment including the microbiome and viceversa is enormous and is of great
significance to all the component partners. The system consisting of plants, their
environment, and all the associated organisms including microorganisms in this
environment is cumulatively known as phytobiome, while plants with their
associated extra- and endo-cellular microbiome constitute the holobiont. The
genome of such associated microbiome is referred to as the ‘second genome’ of
the plant. The plant genome and microbial genome collectively constitute
‘hologenome’. Similar to phytobiome, there is a concept of ‘rhizobiome’ which
consists of roots, their surrounding environment and all associated organisms living
in that particular environment. The rhizosphere is the zone around roots of the plants
in the soil that may extend from a millimetre to 3 centimetre and beyond around the
root surface. This zone contains sloughed off root, mucilage, root exudates and
gases. The gases released from roots in the soil dissipate to comparatively longer
distances leading to the extended size of rhizospheric zone up to many centimetres.
The rhizosphere is of paramount importance for ecosystem services, namely carbon
and water cycling, nutrient trapping/cycling or mobilization, carbon uptake and
storage etc. The rhizosphere, one of the most dynamic interfaces on Earth, contains
up to 1011 microbial cells per gram of soil representing over 30,000 bacterial
species. Such rhizomicrobiome plays an important role in the regulation of biogeo-
chemical cycles, global climate and sustaining plant growth. The health and produc-
tivity of plants are governed by various microbial mechanisms such as nutrient
solubilization and mineralization, biological nitrogen fixation, induced systemic
resistance (ISR), systemic acquired resistance (SAR), production of plant growth
regulators, siderophores, proton extrusion, organic acids, secondary metabolites and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as well as protection by enzymes like
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC)-deaminase, chitinase and glucanase
functioning in the rhizosphere. Ward off biotic stress, the plants protect themselves
by recruiting a group of disease-resistance inducing and plant growth-promoting
microorganisms (PGPM) in the rhizosphere which is under perpetual pressure from
soil-borne pathogens and helps to maintain PGPM descendents in the rhizosphere
soil. This phenomenon is called ‘soil-borne legacy’. Likewise, plants also have a
vi Preface
viii Contents
xii Editors and Contributors
Plant microbiome · Rhizosphere interaction · Biotic stresses · Abiotic stresses ·
PAMPs · MAMPs · Rhizosphere engineering
1.1 Introduction
Plants existed before the arrival of the man on this planet and numerous species of
these serving as source of nutrition and medicine later became the security for man
against starvation and illness. Dependence of man on plants for food dates back to
more than 12,000 years (Singh et al. 2013). Plants are most widely accepted source
of food and nutrition for majority of the species on this planet, including vertebrates,
invertebrates, fungi, bacteria, and even other plants and humans in one way or the
other (Singh et al. 2019a, b). In the beginning, the life of man was that of a hunter
and food gatherer depending on consumption of whatever grew as wild. Later, he
started domesticating useful plant species first by vegetative propagation and then by
planting seeds (Rowley-Conwy and Layton 2011) and thus ensuring continuous
supply of food and eliminating the problem of food vagaries. With growing depen-
dence on plant-based sources of food and rapid increase in human population, the
global demand of plant-based food sources has increased tremendously. This is
reflected by the fact that nearly 1400 million ha of land (12% of the earth surface)
is under cultivation and 80% of the cultivated land area is under some form of food
crops. In spite of this, food production and food security are still the major
challenges before the agricultural scientists and researchers (Agrios 2005; Singh
et al. 2016a, b, 2019a, b). More than 800 million people across the world lack
adequate food and 1.3 billion people live on daily expenses being less than $1. The
availability of food to human population in reasonable quantity is largely governed
by the population density, cultivated land area available for food production, pro-
duction of food per unit area and most importantly, losses caused by biotic and
abiotic factors, including natural calamities (Gahukar 2011). The worldwide annual
yield losses caused by plant diseases and pests are estimated at USD$ 220 billion
(Liu et al. 2020). Among these, available land for cultivation is a limited resource
and that too is shrinking day by day owing to increased urbanization and develop-
mental activities (Singh et al. 2020a, b). Moreover, increase in production from per
unit land area available for food production cannot be proportionate to that in human
population principally on account of pest infestation and abiotic stresses, which our
1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 3
crops are exposed to. However, researchers continue their efforts to increase the
productivity every year (Agrios 2005; Singh et al. 2013) to meet the ever-growing
demands for quality food. Apart from biotic stress factors of pest and parasite
infestation, there are several abiotic stresses, viz. soil salinity, unfavourable (higher
and lower than optimum) temperatures, floods, droughts/frequent dry spells, air
pollution, organic contaminants, heavy metals and ultra violet light also take a
heavy toll on field crops (Bray et al. 2000), which contribute to reduction in the
crop productivity.
A number of natural enemies as well as rhizosphere microorganisms have been
identified and used against wide range of pests and pathogens to improve plant
growth, production and crop productivity directly and/or indirectly (Singh et al.
2013, 2016a, b, 2019a, b). Considering all the aspects of productivity enhancement
in food crops, plant-growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM) are the best
examples of harnessing microbial activities for the purpose (Singh et al. 2016a, b).
Bio-augmentation of a specific PGPM or consortia of compatible PGPM in a specific
niche modulates the microbial community and plays a crucial role in the plant
growth (Sarma et al. 2015; Singh et al. 2016a, b). Colonization of the roots by
certain PGPMs induces systemic responses against subsequent biotic and abiotic
stresses at whole plant level due to a phenomenon called induced systemic resistance
(Singh et al. 2016b, 2019a, b) whereby resistance/tolerance (Singh et al. 2016a,
2020a, b) is induced in the plant. These beneficial microbes initiate localized and
systemic cellular mechanisms in associated plants against pathogens/stress factors.
There is no ambiguity in the fact that plants can use an array of cellular mechanisms
to defend themselves from stresses (Dixon et al. 2002; Harman et al. 2004; Shoresh
et al. 2010; Harman 2011). Root colonization by T. harzianum, apart from improv-
ing root growth and development with improved nutrients uptake and use efficiency,
also contributes to increase in the productivity of crop and its resistance to biotic
stress factors (Harman et al. 2004; Sarma et al. 2015). Strains of Pseudomonas
fluorescens, Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride, T. asperellum and strains of Bacillus
spp. are notable examples. Many researchers have reported that the proteome,
transcriptome and metabolome of plants alter due to the interaction of metabolites
of bacteria secreted into rhizosphere and plant system (Singh et al. 2016a, b; Malviya
et al. 2020). Thus, they re-programme the expression of plant genes leading to
changes in responses of plants to their environment. For this, the beneficial microbial
community in the rhizosphere could be enhanced through the inoculation of
microorganisms externally or bio-augmentation of native microbial community by
creating favourable micro-environment in the rhizosphere and/or incorporation of
organics and nutritional sources externally (Beckman 2000; Sarma et al. 2015). The
concept ‘Defence Biome’ gives the holistic overview of recruitment of microbiome,
plant-microbe interaction under stressed condition (Interactome) and interaction-
dependent modulation of physio-biochemical and molecular mechanisms in the
plant system such as: (1) stress modulate the exudate profile, which directly affects
the microbial community in the specific niche and (2) an increase in the abundance
of beneficial microbiota to compete for resources and space using bio-weapons and
quorum-sensing quenching of specific molecules (Liu et al. 2020). Moreover, abiotic
stresses can increase the community of particular plant-associated microbes via
4 D. Malviya et al.
The plant rhizosphere is the key hot spot for plant-microbe interaction where
attraction of microbes during stressed conditions is mediated by diversified root
exudates and harbour vast microbial diversity being one of the most complex
ecosystems on the Earth (Liu et al. 2020). Rhizosphere harbours complex and
diverse community of microbes, including epiphytes, endophytes, saprophytes,
pathogens and also plenty of beneficial microbes (Avis et al. 2008; Buchholz and
Collins 2013). Plant-growth-promoting rhizosphere microorganisms (PGPM) com-
prising diverse microbial groups are able to promote plant growth and health directly
and/or indirectly. There is preponderance of bacterial genera, viz. Pseudomonas,
Bacillus, Alcaligenes, Azotobacter, Mycobacterium, Arthrobacter, Rhizobium,
Agrobacterium, Flavobacter, Cellulomonas and Micrococcus in the rhizosphere
(Malviya et al. 2020). Plant-associated beneficial microorganisms can have positive
effects on seed germination, seedling vigour, nourishment, plant growth and devel-
opment, disease suppression, and productivity. Plant–microbe interactions play a
key part in crucial ecosystem processes, viz. carbon sequestration, soil aggregation
and nutrient cycling in the rhizosphere ecosystem (Singh et al. 2004). The rhizo-
sphere microbiome is part of a composite food web that utilizes a large amount of
photosynthates released by the plant roots. During the microbial recruitment, roots of
plants generate biochemical signals that cause microorganisms, mostly zoospores of
oomycetes, to move towards the root (Gow 1999; Van West et al. 2003). Further, the
plant genotype, root exudates, border cells and mucilage are major driving forces.
The species of bacterial genera, viz. Bacillus, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Strepto-
myces, Klebsiella, Flavobacterium, Azotobacter, Enterobacter, Alcaligenes,
Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhodococcus, Arthrobacter, Serratia, and
Burkholderia, etc. are known to promote growth of plants (Singh et al. 2016a, b,
2019a, b). Moreover, mycorrhizal fungi are also an important component of the
rhizosphere ecosystem, which are referred to as mutualistic micro-symbionts. They
perform ecosystem services such as nutrient mobilization, enhancement of plant
establishment and nutrient uptake, protection of plant from biotic and abiotic stresses
and also help maintain structure of the soil (Smith and Read 1997). Root exudate/
secretome comprises water-soluble sugars, amino acids and organic acids along with
a small amount of sugar, phosphate esters, hormones, vitamins, phenolics,
flavonoids and small peptides (Uren 2000; Bais et al. 2006). The stressors, viz.
temperature extremes, deficiency of nutrients and/or pathogenic stresses that influ-
ence membrane integrity and improve the efficiency of the exudation process
(Ratnayake et al. 1978; Singh et al. 2020d). The rhizosphere microorganisms utilize
these compounds leading to improvement in microbial biomass and activity in areas
1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 5
A wide range of biotic and abiotic stimuli continuously challenge plants during
development (Genre et al. 2009). Therefore, in their quest for survival, plants have to
defend themselves against these stresses. Biotic stresses are induced by fungi,
bacteria, viruses, invertebrates and other plants. The effect of pathogenic challenge
and its extent naturally depends on the nature of the organism involved. Biotrophic
pathogens require a living host for their survival, while necrotrophic or hemi-
biotrophic pathogens first kill the host cells and then obtain nutrients from attacked
host cells (Abramovitch and Martin 2004). Natural openings, viz. stomata,
hydathodes, lateral roots, accidental wounds act as portals of entry for the pathogens.
Pathogens can also form appressoria and penetration pegs for direct penetration of
plant surface (Gudesblat et al. 2009; Melotto et al. 2006). Plant in itself is subjected
to stress when it activates its pathogen stress responses and therefore reduction in
yield can be attributed to both the disease and plant defence mechanisms (Heil et al.
2000) employed to counter foil the pathogenic attack or at least reduce its impact on
the plant as a whole, negotiating productivity. Plant mutants have reduced growth
phenotypes or develop disease-like lesions when they show constitutive
SA-dependent responses like PR protein biosynthesis (e.g. cpr mutants) (Alvarez
2000) and their fitness in the field is compromised (Heidel et al. 2004). Plants are
equipped with a multilayered system to recognize pathogenic invaders and trigger
defence responses against colonization (Muthamilarasan and Prasad 2013;
Wirthmueller et al. 2013). Responses of plants to different stressors are complex
and entail alterations at cellular, physiological and transcriptome levels (Atkinson
and Urwin 2012). Plants have arsenals of preformed physical or chemical barriers on
D. Malviya et al.
Fig. 1.1 Multi-trophic interactions in the rhizosphere ecosystem define the active rhizosphere effects
1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 7
their surface, i.e. leaf hair, wax layers, rigid cell walls, antimicrobial secondary
metabolites and others. Induction of endogenous multi-component defence system
occurs when plant recognizes pathogens. If the pathogen overcomes physical
barriers of the plant, the plant recognizes the pathogen by means of its characteristic
chemical signatures, including chitin and flagellin, and then triggers comparatively
more specific biochemical defence responses. This defence response operates in
different plants with various extents of similarity against a common pathogenic
agent. It is operative even in the simple moss where in response to fungal cell wall
extract a peroxidase is produced (Lehtonen et al. 2009). The peroxidase prevents the
pathogenic growth. Plants are also known to produce an array of toxic defence
compounds, which are active against various pathogens. Pathogens suppress plant
defence responses and re-programme the host cell responses to pathogen metabolism
by producing effector proteins that are delivered into the cells. The effectors
produced by pathogens are recognized by the plant eventually leading to activation
of plant defence mechanisms controlled by resistance genes (Dodds et al. 2009). A
very good example of this can be seen in the case of Botrytis cinerea, which, upon
infection in sunflower, shifts the carbohydrate metabolism from hexose production
and alters it towards the mannitol pathway, which is required by the pathogen
(Dulermo et al. 2009).
Rhizosphere microbial populations are affected by plant defences. This happens
either through recruitment of beneficial bacteria or suppression of pathogen prolifer-
ation. Direct and indirect mechanisms are employed by PGPMs to promote growth
of different plants (Harman et al. 2004; Sarma et al. 2015). Processes like atmo-
spheric nitrogen fixation, production of siderophores, solubilization of phosphates,
synthesis and release of plant hormones are involved in direct plant growth promo-
tion. Promotion of plant growth indirectly results in control of diseases through
reduction in harmful effects of pathogens. Various metabolites, viz. cyanide,
antibiotics, antimicrobial peptides, extracellular lytic enzymes, including chitinases,
proteases, β-1,3 glucanases, cellulases, laminarinases cause suppression of
pathogens (Harman et al. 2004). The plant-growth-promoting bacteria produce
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase enzyme (Glick et al. 2007)
in the rhizosphere. This enzyme is involved in stress signalling and negatively
regulates processes that cause elongation of roots. The enzyme ACC deaminase
causes hydrolysis of ACC to ammonia and α-ketobutyrate. Plants release ACC into
the rhizosphere, which is hydrolysed by the bacterial ACC deaminase, thereby
reducing ethylene-mediated repression of root growth. This interface is beneficial
for bacteria, as ammonia and α-ketobutyrate are sources of N and C, respectively.
Plants release ample amounts of secondary metabolites such as terpenes, flavonoids,
glucosinolates, phenylpropanoids, strigolactones (hormones) and antimicrobial
peptides into the rhizosphere. Plant-associated bacteria can trim down the activity
of pathogenic microorganisms by activating the plant to better defend itself, a
phenomenon termed ‘induced systemic resistance’ (ISR) (Shoda 2000; Van Loon
2007). The systemic resistance responses are, depending on the inducing
microorganisms, regulated by the plant hormones jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and
ethylene, foremost to an oxidative burst, the fabrication of secondary metabolites
8 D. Malviya et al.
and cell wall reinforcement. Sometimes, the mechanism of ISR elicited by rhizo-
sphere microorganisms overlaps to some degree with that of pathogen-induced
systemic acquired resistance (SAR).
Phenolic compounds are widespread in plants. These are secondary metabolites and
can be defined as a substance, which has an aromatic ring bearing one (phenol) or
more (polyphenol) hydroxyl substituent, including functional derivatives (esters,
methyl ethers, glycosides, etc.). They arise from the shikimate-phenylpropanoids-
flavonoids pathways, producing monomeric and polymeric phenols and polyphenols
(Harborne 1989). Phenolic compounds have antibiotic, anti-nutritional or unpalat-
able properties and, thus, they play a role in plant defence. They are involved in
plant-microorganism, plant–animal relationships and act as antioxidants and metal
chelators. These compounds act as UV light screens and signalling agents between
plant and other organisms in both below and aboveground environments (Wink
1997). Plant phenolics are of two types: preformed (constitutive) phenolics, which
are formed during plant development; and induced phenolics, which are synthesized
in plant in response to infection, physical injury, or upon exposure to abiotic stresses.
Induced phenolics are called phytoalexins (Nicholson and Hammerschmidt 1992;
Hammerschmidt 1999, 2003; Harborne 1999; Hammerschmidt et al. 2001; Dixon
et al. 2002; Sirvent and Gibson 2002; Winkel Shirley 2002). Pre-existing antifungal
phenolics are simple phenols, phenolic acids, flavonols and dihydrochalcones that
are common in plants and are responsible for non-host resistance to filamentous
fungi. They can be referred to as preformed antibiotics due to the fact that enzymes
that are involved in their activation are already present in plant. They are separated
from their substrates through compartmentalization and their rapid activation does
not require transcription of new gene products (Osbourn 1996). Preformed antifun-
gal phenolics are often tissue specific. The flavones, flavonols and other lipophilic
compounds are present in leaf wax at surface of plant and bud exudates or in the
epidermal cells in the cytoplasmic fraction. In healthy plants, preformed antifungal
phenolics are sequestered in conjugated form, usually with glycosidic attachments in
vacuoles or organelles (Wink 1997; Beckman 2000; Nicholson and Hammerschmidt
1992; Morrissey and Osbourn 1999; Katagiri et al. 2002). Biotrophs may avoid the
release of preformed antibiotics by minimizing the damage to the host, whereas
necrotrophs are likely to cause a substantial release of these compounds. Various
flavones and flavanones have been found to be active against Aspergillus sp.,
Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium oxysporum fungi that infect fruits and vegetables
during storage (Weidenbörner et al. 1990).
1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 9
Unlike animals, plants are unable to move when they encounter outside stimulus;
therefore, they require more capabilities to cope with stresses and to adapt to
environmental fluctuations. There is a functional continuum between the plant cell
wall and the plasma membrane to mediate extracellular signals between these two,
and this continuum functions as cell wall integrity sensors (Humphrey et al. 2007;
Bouwmeester and Govers 2009; Sahu et al. 2016). After a pathogen overcomes
constitutive defence barriers on the host plant, it might be recognized at the plasma
membrane of plant cell. Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP) recogni-
tion causes activation of inducible plant defence responses. The PAMP are present in
all microorganisms (Thomma et al. 2001; Singh et al. 2019c, 2020d). Signalling
cascades are triggered by the PAMP perception systems and the recognition of these
cascades activates defence responses in natural plant-pathogen encounters
(Nürnberger and Lipka 2005). Broad-spectrum innate immune responses in the
plant are activated and these responses may be expressed at the site of pathogen
locally or in uninfected tissues of other plant parts. The stomata, hydathodes, lateral
roots or accidental wounds act as portals of entry for the pathogen or it may penetrate
the host directly by formation of specialized structures called appressoria/penetration
peg (Ryan 2000; Gudesblat et al. 2009; Melotto et al. 2006). The ability of the plant
to recognize the pathogen is the first line of defence, which is governed by cell
surface trans-membrane receptors. Two types of molecules can be recognized by
pattern recognition receptors or PRRs. The PRRs are present in plants and animals.
In plants, membrane-bound receptor-like kinases (RLKs) or receptor-like proteins
(RLPs) constitute PRRs (Boller and Felix 2009). Upon entry of pathogen into plant,
the damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are produced in the plant’s
apoplast. The DAMPs, which include cell wall fragments such as oligo-
galacturonides and cellulose fragments, cutin monomers and peptides such as
systemin, defensin and phytosulphokines, are recognized by PRRs (Albert 2013;
Nühse 2012; Ryan 2000). The pathogen-associated or microbe-associated molecular
patterns (PAMPs/MAMPs) that are conserved microbial structures are also
recognized by PRRs. The PAMPs/MAMPs are vital for fitness and physiology of
pathogen (Newman et al. 2013; Wirthmueller et al. 2013). The PAMPs/MAMPs
comprise peptidoglycan in Gram-positive bacteria, lipopolysaccharides in Gram-
negative bacteria, bacterial flagellins, eubacterial elongation factors (EF-Tu) and
fungal cell-wall-derived glucans, chitins and proteins. The PAMP/MAMP-triggered
immunity (PTI/MTI) response is activated upon perception of PAMP/MAMP and
DAMP by the PRRs causing downstream intracellular signalling events. Mitogen-
activated protein kinases are activated, reactive oxygen species are produced and
transcriptional reprogramming occurs. The net outcome is complex output response
of the plant that precludes growth of microbes (Wirthmueller et al. 2013). In
response to it, pathogens start a counter defence to overcome PTI by expressing
specific elicitors or effector proteins that are referred to as avirulence (Avr) proteins
(Grant et al. 2006). To inject effectors directly into the cytoplasm of plant cell,
pathogenic bacteria use type III secretion mechanisms to cause suppression of
10 D. Malviya et al.
Fig. 1.2 Cross-talk and interactions between the jasmonic-acid-dependent and salicylic-acid-dependent pathways in the plants under biotic stress conditions
12 D. Malviya et al.
and Solano 2005; Van Loon et al. 2006). Plants produce ethylene to regulate defence
to pathogens (Chen et al. 2009). Fusarium graminearum infection in wheat causes
production of mycotoxins. To defend itself from the fungus, the wheat produces
ethylene, which stimulates the spread of the mycotoxin around the plant, causing
death of the host. Reduction in the level of ethylene production reduces the spread of
disease. Till date, only a few models have been studied to decipher plant defence
responses. Therefore, we do not know what the true capacity of plants to protect
themselves against pathogens. Through random sequencing approaches of microbial
populations from seawater samples, it became clear that our knowledge of gene
functions existing in nature is very limited (Venter et al. 2004).
When oxygen comes in contact with metabolic systems having unpaired electron, it
transforms into more reactive and toxic forms, commonly referred to as reactive
oxygen species (ROSs). All ROSs are tremendously harmful to plants at higher
concentrations (Meena et al. 2017; Jiang et al. 2017). When the level of ROS
exceeds, the defence mechanisms are activated and a cell is said to be in a state of
‘oxidative stress’. Low concentration of ROS acts as messengers in various phyto-
hormone responses that include closure of stomata, gravitropism of root, germina-
tion of seed, biosynthesis of lignin, programmed cell death, hypersensitive responses
and osmotic stress (AbdElgawad et al. 2016; Sun et al. 2018). Higher concentration
of ROS is responsible for the oxidative stress and is deleterious for the lipid, protein,
and DNA synthesis and function. ROS show the harmful effects at lipid level, such
as chain breakage, which increases the membrane fluidity and permeability. How-
ever, at protein level, ROS affect in various ways such as site-specific amino acid
modification, fragmentation of the peptide chains, and aggregation of cross-linked
1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 13
reaction products, altered electric charge, and enzyme inactivation, which increase
the susceptibility of proteins to proteolysis (Yamaguchi and Blumwald 2005; Bais
et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2006; Young et al. 2013; Mahmood et al. 2016; Bokhari et al.
2019; Wang et al. 2020). The consequence of higher accumulation of ROS also
affects the deoxyribose oxidation, strand breakage, removal of nucleotides, modifi-
cation of bases, DNA-protein cross-links (Zimmermann et al. 2010; Zhang et al.
Chloroplast: PSI: electron transport chain, Fd, 2Fe-2S, and 4Fe-4S cluster, PSII:
electron transport chain, QA and QB, and chlorophyll pigment.
Mitochondria: Complex I: NADH dehydrogenase segment, Complex II: reverse
electron flow to complex I, Complex III: ubiquinone-cytochrome region, and
Enzyme:aconitase,1-galactono-y lactone dehydrogenase.
Peroxisome: Enzyme: xanthin oxidase, membrane: electron transport chain
flavoprotein, NADH and Cyt b, metabolic processes: glycolate oxidase, fatty acid
oxidation, flavinoxidases.
Plasma membrane: Electron-transporting oxido-reductases, and NADPH oxi-
dase, quinone oxidase.
Endoplasmic reticulum: NADPH-dependent electron transport involving
Cell-wall: Cell-wall-associated peroxidase and diamine oxidases.
Apoplast: Oxalate oxidase and amine oxidase.
1. Presence of systems in cells, which react with reactive forms of oxygen and keep
them at low level, i.e. superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, permease, total
peroxidase, proline, etc.
2. Presence of systems that regenerate oxidized antioxidants, i.e. glutathione reduc-
tase (GR), ascorbate (ASA), glutathione (GSH), mono and dihydroascorbate
reductase, etc.
Plants possess biochemical defence mechanisms, which reduce damage from ill
effects of biotic/abiotic stressors (Singh et al. 2019a, 2019b, 2020a, b, c). This
mechanism involves the induction of both de novo biosynthesis and rapid accumu-
lation of secondary metabolites, referred to as antioxidants. They have several
alternative mechanisms in the form of defence genes. These genes are consistently
present in plants, irrespective of whether they are resistant or susceptible to those
stresses. Signal transduction in plants in the direction of activating defence genes is
mainly accomplished by several inducers in the plant system (Zong et al. 2009; Zhu
2002, Zhu et al. 2003; Zahra et al. 2018). They have no direct inhibitory effect
against these stresses. The cascade of events that occurs in response to abiotic stress
consists of (1) it should be mobilizing a network of signal transduction pathways and
inducing the expression of sets of downstream genes and (2) It should be
synthesizing specific proteins, and accumulating compatible metabolites such as
specific sugars and proline (Fig. 1.2). The secondary messengers (ABA, ROS, Ca2
, inositol phosphates) can alter the levels of intracellular Ca2+, calcium binding
proteins (Colcombet and Hirt 2008). The phytohormone ABA is considered to play a
crucial role in the regulation of cellular responses to abiotic stresses (Danquah et al.
2014). They initiate a protein phosphorylation cascade after interacting with analo-
gous interacting partners. Transcriptome analyses using microarrays and proteomic
studies have given insight into plant signal transduction and gene regulation. Gene
chip and cDNA microarrays along with massive whole-genome sequencing have
enabled identification of new signalling determinants on a whole-genome scale in
response to different various stressors (Popescu et al. 2009). Proteomics approach is
handy in investigating post-translational modifications of the proteins. It can be used
to clone unique genes using differential analysis that will speed up our understanding
of stress-signalling mechanisms in plants (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki
2007). Further, SNAREs are small, abundant, sometimes tail-anchored proteins,
which are often post-translationally inserted into membranes via a C-terminal
transmembrane domain. These proteins were originally identified as membrane
attached receptors for soluble NSF attachment proteins or SNAPs where NSF is an
NEM-sensitive factor. Plant SNAREs provide crucial physiological responses such
as abiotic stress, gravitropism, pathogen defence and developmental processes such
as autophagy, cytokinesis, morphogenesis idioblast (Lipka et al. 2007). A cDNA
1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 15
In last few decades, there has been a huge development in the endophyte research
with respect to the plant growth and health promotion (Compant et al. 2005; Sahu
et al. 2017a, 2018, 2019a, b, 2020a, b; Singh et al. 2020a). Endophytic microbes are
plant dwellers, which do not cause any harm to their hosts (Schulz and Boyle 2006;
Backman and Sikora 2008). History indicates tremendous potential of endophytic
16 D. Malviya et al.
microbes for novel secondary metabolites and other bioactive compounds. In recent
past, endophytes were explored for production of growth hormones, antimicrobial
compounds, stress-alleviating compounds, organic and inorganic acids for nutrient
solubilization, etc. which, in turn, help plants in nutrient uptake, growth promotion
(Sahu et al. 2017b, 2018), nutrient fortification (Singh et al. 2018), biotic (Ting et al.
1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 17
2010; Thomma et al. 2001; Sahu et al. 2020a) and abiotic stress tolerance (Meena
et al. 2017; Singh et al. 2020b).
New dimensions have been realized in biocontrol of fungal pathogens using
endophytes (Sahu et al. 2020b). Endophytes have advantage of being close to
plant cells to influence and protect plants against pathogens (Compant et al. 2005;
Kloepper and Ryu 2006; Bakker et al. 2013). It is not evident that all endophytes
provide protection against pathogens, but report indicates strongly that the
endophytes are having huge potential to be used as excellent biocontrol agents
(Table 1.1) as they endorse disease tolerance against wide array of plant pathogens
(Berg 2009). Induced systemic resistance (ISR) (Feng et al. 2013; Sahu et al.
2019a, b, 2020a), production of antifungal compounds - iturin, surfactin, fengycin
(Wang and Liang 2014; Sahu et al. 2020b), proteases, chitinases, siderophore
production, competition for nutrients, volatile organic compounds (Sahu and
Brahmaprakash 2018), etc. are few of the major mechanisms of pathogen suppres-
sion by endophytes (Nimnoi et al. 2010; Sahu et al. 2017b). After Wei et al. (1991)
reported ISR for first time by bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens strain G8-4 against
anthracnose disease of cucumber, massive efforts have been poured to harness it for
suppressing plant pathogens using endophytes (Sahu et al. 2019a, a). ISR against
plant pathogens involves interaction of plants with microbial-associated molecular
patterns (MAMPs) present in beneficial microbes. There are reports of ISR by
endophytes against several pathogens like cauliflower mosaic virus (CMV; Murphy
et al. 2003), Sclerotium rolfsii (Sahu et al. 2019a), Fusarium oxysporum (Chen et al.
1995; Constantin et al. 2019), Rhizoctonia solani (Sahu et al. 2020a), Agrobacterium
tumifaciens (Asghari et al. 2020), etc.
Five fungal endophytes were studied for compatibility with the host (oil palm)
and suppressive ability to Ganoderma in endophyte-calli and endophyte-ramet tests.
Antagonists were found to produce volatile, non-volatile compounds and competi-
tion against Ganoderma boninense (Cheong et al. 2017). Endophyte BTF08 (Peni-
cillium citrinum) was found to enhance calli weight (1013 mg) by promoting its
growth. In vitro screening of endophytes from poplar and willow plants has shown
the efficiency of endophytes in growth promotion, abiotic stress mitigation and
suppression of pathogen. These endophytes were found to have antagonism against
Gaeumannomyces graminis, Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium ultimum and Fusarium
culmorum apart from having different plant growth-promotion activities (Kandel
et al. 2017).
Study of antibiotic marker labelled endophytic bacterium Bacillus subtilis
DZSY21 from Eucommia ulmoides indicated its effective colonization in maize
plant and suppression of southern corn leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis). Production
of antimicrobial compounds surfactin A, surfactin B and fengycin by the endophyte
was detected by MALDI-TOF-MS analysis. Up-regulation of PDF1.2 and
pathogenesis-related genes PR1 and LOX is found as a result of ISR (Ding et al.
Apart from direct biocontrol activity, endophytes also improve plant yield under
biotic stress by producing plant growth promoting substances like indole acetic acid,
indole pyruvic acid, isopentenyl adenine, gibberellic acid, isopentenyl adenosine,
Table 1.1 Major mode of actions of endophytic biocontrol agents
ammonia, etc. (El-Tarabily et al. 2009; Nimnoi et al. 2010) enhance nutrient uptake
(Malinowski et al. 2000), anti-herbivory substances (Sullivan et al. 2007) and
augment sulphur nutrition (Aziz et al. 2016). With all these effects, endophytes
provide protection against several plant pathogens, which can be harnessed for
sustainable yield enhancement.
Abiotic stress alleviation by endophytes is also well documented (Yu et al. 2019).
Production of stress-reducing compounds by the endophytes is reported as a mecha-
nism for mitigating abiotic stress in plants (Zhu 2002; Schulz et al. 2002). Increased
nutrient assimilation, plant growth, and decreased toxicity to sodium ions by inocu-
lation of Phoma glomerata and Penicillium sp. were reported under salt and drought
stress (Waqas et al. 2012). Production of ACC-deaminase enzyme is one of the key
mechanisms in reducing the harmful effects of stress (Yue et al. 2019). Change in the
expression of stress-responsive genes is another strategy of endophytes that provides
protection against abiotic stresses (Meena et al. 2017; Bilal et al. 2020).
Govindasamy et al. (2020) reported upregulation of drought-responsive genes
sbP5CS2 and sbP5CS1 in the plants treated with bacterial endophytes
Ochrobactrum sp., Microbacterium sp., and Enterobacter sp. against the control
and Escherichia coli-inoculated plants. Down regulation of heavy metal ATPase
gene expression (GmHMA13, GmHMA14 and GmHMA18) and upregulation of
drought-responsive genes (such as GmDREB2) in the Glycine max L. inoculated
with fungal endophytes Paecilomyces formosus LHL10 and Penicillium
funiculosum LHL06 reduced the accumulation of heavy metals in the plants (Bilal
et al. 2020).
could provide novel insights for plant growth and health promotion in the lieu of
second green revolution.
Improving tolerance towards biotic and abiotic stresses by crop plants remains an
issue that can be solved with molecular tools and techniques. However, in general,
different mechanisms have been evolved by the plant to cope with environmental
stresses (Zhu 2002; Dixit et al. 2015). Plants respond to stresses by accumulation of
compatible osmolytes, metabolites and macro-molecules at cellular level.
Now a days, focus has been given to explore the feasibility of molecular biology
tools and techniques for plant as well as microbes engineering to increase the
tolerance against abiotic and biotic stresses with the enhancement in productivity.
Genetic engineering gives base to transfer one or more genes involved in regulation
and pathways signalling that encodes for the functional and structural defence
compounds (osmolytes and antioxidants). Different techniques, viz. differential
display PCR, suppression subtractive hybridization, serial analysis of gene expres-
sion, DNA microarray and cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism, have
been described to identify the genes expressed during different biotic and abiotic
stresses in the plants. Genetically modified stress-tolerant crops, developed by
bioengineering of stress signalling pathways, are the major goal for agricultural
research. Transgenic plant of Arabidopsis thaliana was developed as an
osmotolerant by introduction of proBA genes derived from Bacillus subtilis that
produced higher level of free proline and increased the tolerance against osmotic
stress (Chen et al. 2007). Further, designing of the rhizosphere and plant-associated
microorganism for a specific plant species is an approach to achieve better crop
growth and productivity under stressed conditions (Blount et al. 2012). Advance-
ment in tools for the genetic manipulation like genetic engineering, genome
sequencing, metabolic engineering and synthetic biology helps in design of
microbes as per requirement of desirable traits (Lovley 2012).
Annual agricultural crop losses through plant diseases are caused by various groups
of microorganisms, including fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes that result in
yield reduction, and poor product quality and shelf life. To meet food demand by
global population and changing climate, the need to enhance agricultural productiv-
ity with simultaneous reduction in use of inorganic chemicals for plant stress
management is being underlined. For long-term strategy, novel platforms for crop
disease management are critically needed. However, considering the possible
alternatives, studies on effects of nano-particles on management of plant pathogens
have indicated better prospects in this regard. After application of bio-fabricated
silver nanoparticles, significant reduction in Bipolaris sorokiniana infection was
22 D. Malviya et al.
1.9 Conclusion
Rhizosphere has been defined more than 100 years ago and since then a number of
studies have established its role in affecting plant health and its productivity. The
diverse microbial community of plant rhizosphere known as rhizosphere
microbiome extends the functional scope beyond imagination as indicated by studies
across the world. Developments in metagenomics provide detailed pictures of
rhizosphere microbiomes. Root exudates of specific plant recruit specific group of
rhizosphere microorganisms from main reservoir present in soil. A range of direct
and indirect interactions such as plant–plant, microbe–microbe, and plant–microbe
occur in the rhizosphere. Rhizosphere is dynamic in nature and is very much
influenced by its components. Root and soil are complex microbial habitats
harbouring diverse microbial consortia. Understanding, predicting and controlling
the structure and function of the rhizosphere will allow us to harness plant-microbe
interactions and its activities to increase or restore plant ecosystem productivity,
improve plant responses to a wide range of environmental alterations in the function
and mitigate effects of climate change by designing ecosystems. A number of
strategies have been described to alleviate stress-induced adverse effects on plant
growth. Rhizosphere engineering is the process in which manipulation of rhizo-
sphere microorganisms is done for obtaining desired trait(s). This is basically done
by the alteration in root exudation pattern of plant, which can be achieved through
genetic manipulation in the host plant and by natural induction through interventions
in soil. The present chapter helps in understanding of various approaches to manip-
ulate rhizosphere for system sustainability and chemical-free crop production. Effi-
cacy of microorganisms significantly varies with crop and soil. Even reports suggest
that agro-ecological zone may also have had significant impacts in the efficacy of
microorganisms and this also needs to be considered while going for rhizosphere
Acknowledgements We would like to express our special thanks to Dr. Ruchita Dixit and
Wasiullah for technical assistance in collecting literatures. The authors wish to thanks Dr. Anil
K. Saxena, Director, ICAR-NBAIM, Kushmaur, Maunath Bhanjan, India, for providing technical
support during preparation of manuscript. Our special thanks go to Application of Microorganisms
in Agriculture and Allied Sectors (AMAAS), ICAR-NBAIM, Kushmaur and Indian Council of
Agricultural Research, Government of India, for providing financial support to Udai B. Singh to
carry out the research work.
Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing
financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported
in this paper.
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1 Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere Contributing Crop Resilience to. . . 33
M. Goswami
Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Resource Management and Environment Section, Life
Sciences Division, Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), Guwahati,
Assam, India
Life Sciences Division, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Cotton University,
Guwahati, Assam, India
C. Malakar
Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Resource Management and Environment Section, Life
Sciences Division, Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), Guwahati,
Assam, India
Department of Biotechnology, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
S. Deka (*)
Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Resource Management and Environment Section, Life
Sciences Division, Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), Guwahati,
Assam, India
2.1 Introduction
Meeting the global demand for food to feed the growing human population with limited
resources is a major challenge. Conventional agriculture plays a crucial role in meeting
the growing demand for food and making the country self-independent in food
production, but at the same time it is forcing the agricultural system to completely
depend on chemical fertilizers and pesticides (Santos et al. 2012). Undoubtedly, on the
one hand, these chemical fertilizers in agriculture have made the country self-
independent in food production (Mahanty et al. 2017), but on the other hand, it
is imposing several life-threatening impacts on health and environment, such as
development of resistance in phytopathogens and pests, deterioration in soil health
and quality, decrease in crop productivity over the years (Avis et al. 2008). For instance,
initial application of nitrogen fertilizers to the agricultural crop plants increases the nitro-
gen availability in plants, while indiscriminate use of these fertilizers reduces the rate of
biological nitrogen fixation in soil over the years (Vejan et al. 2016). Reports indicate
that long-term usage of chemical fertilizers can cause series of changes in physical,
chemical and biological properties of soil. Moreover, it influences important soil
properties such as soil structure, density, pH and soil water-holding capacity (Divya
and Belagali 2012). To overcome the ill effects of chemical fertilizers, efforts have been
channelized more towards the production of biological-based fertilizers as potent
alternative to agrochemicals. Biological-based fertilizers or bio-fertilizers in the form
of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can be one of the reliable alternatives
for sustainable agriculture. PGPR are root-associated bacteria that augment plant
productivity and immunity (Alizadeh and Parsaeimehr 2011). This group of soil
bacteria promotes plant growth either by producing phytohormones or by improving
bioavailability of soil nutrients like iron and phosphorus, effective mobilization and
decomposition of organic matter for easy uptake by plants (Valencia-Cantero et al.
2007). Moreover, PGPR provide food safety and increments soil microbial diversity
with no adverse effects on soil ecosystem. The use of biofertilizers will not only uplift
agricultural productivity and soil health, but also would lessen the problems of ground-
water and soil contamination (Yang et al. 2009). Due to the multifarious traits exhibited
by the rhizosphere microbes, there is a growing body of evidence that demonstrates the
potentiality and efficiency of these microbes in soil ecosystem.
The rhizosphere is a part of the soil ecosystem that includes plant roots, soil and the
soil microbiota that are in constant interaction with each other. This positive
interaction not only benefits the plants, but also improves soil fertility and increases
degradation rate of toxic chemicals (Lynch and de Leij 2012). In simpler words, it is
2 Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . . 37
a densely populated niche in which the roots compete with neighbouring plant roots
for space, nutrition and water and also with the soil microbiome (Ryan and Delhaize
2001). The rhizosphere soil is under the supreme influence of the living plant roots,
as manifested by exudation or deposition of a wide selection of essential low-weight-
molecular compounds affecting the microbial activities occurring within the root
rhizosphere (Hirsch et al. 2003). The intensified microbial activity in the rhizosphere
is due to the nutritional benefit derived by microorganisms from the rhizodeposition
released from the living roots along with the cortical cells and the sloughed epider-
mal hairs. Additionally, there are other factors that control and facilitate the intense
microbial activities occurring at the root surface (Curl and Truelove 2012). The
microbial activity at plant rhizospheric region plays a vital role in overall functioning
of the plant, while assisting the plants in soil nutrient uptake and providing defence
against plant pathogens (Mazzola 2002).
Plant rhizosphere serves as a hub for several microbial cells and for variety
of nematodes and arthropods. The rhizosphere microbial population exhibits a
number of beneficial properties that contribute towards enhanced acquisition of
soil nutrients, tolerance to soil stresses, plant defence against soil-borne pathogens
and regulation of plant immune system. The majority of them are part of a complex
food web that utilizes the maximum nutrients released by the plant. There are several
factors that influence or regulate microbial diversity and activity in the rhizosphere
of plants (Mendes et al. 2013).
The structure and diversity of the rhizosphere microbiome mainly depend on the
plant genotype, developmental stage of the host plant, root exudates secreted by
particular plant roots and basically on the surrounding soil (Dey et al. 2012;
Chaparro et al. 2014). Each of the plant species promotes a unique group of
rhizosphere microbes and with subsequent increase in phylogenetic diversity
between the plant’s species, there occurs a huge diversity in the composition of
rhizosphere microbial assemblages. Thus, even a same plant species with different
genotypes can actively transform the rhizosphere microbial composition. Likewise,
a study by Bulgarelli et al. (2015) with barley plant of same species but with different
genotypes shows that it accounts for approximately 5.7% of variance in rhizosphere
microbial composition. Sugiyama et al. (2012) have similarly reported different
rhizosphere microbial composition with variation in five different Arabidopsis
genotypes. Moreover, they have observed that microbial communities belonging
to the five different genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana not only vary in their
rhizospheric microbial compositions, but also in their metabolic activity. Berg and
Smalla (2009) have studied the effect of different plant species on the rhizosphere
microbial community and have observed that the rhizosphere microbiome isolated
from various crop plants, vary in their phenotypic, genotypic as well as metabolic
activity. Moreover, existing studies show that plant species richness and plant
functional diversity have a positive impact on the microbial functional diversity,
38 M. Goswami et al.
microbial species richness and microbial catabolic activity. Decrease in plant bio-
mass, due to a drop in plant species richness and functional diversity, poses a strong
effect on the residing microbial communities since microbial diversity and microbial
catabolic activity is linearly related to plant species and plant functional diversity
(Dey et al. 2012).
Studies have shown that the rhizosphere microbiome or rhizosphere microbial
communities differ according to the plant developmental gradient (Chaparro et al.
2014). Micallef et al. (2009) have studied Arabidopsis plant rhizosphere throughout
its developmental stages. They observed that the rhizosphere microbial communities
vary with each developmental stage and the microbial richness and diversity in the
early plant development were more distinct in the bulk soil, which ceases with
succeeding plant age. Similarly, Xu et al. (2009) and Inceoglu et al. (2011) have
studied and analysed the changes in the rhizosphere microbiome of soybean and
potato plants, respectively, with each succeeding developmental stage. Xu et al.
(2009) observed that the rhizosphere microbiome of soybean plants is strictly
influenced by plant development and the density of the microbial communities
was found to be complex during the early developmental stage as compared to the
later stages. Similarly, Inceoglu et al. (2011) demonstrated that the young potato
plants had cultivar dependent rhizosphere microbial communities, but these micro-
bial differences were found to disappear as the plants aged.
Numerous studies have shown that root exudates play a crucial role in shaping the
rhizosphere microbiome. For instance, Zhou and Wu (2012) showed that the addi-
tion of p-coumaric acid to the rhizosphere of cucumber seedlings altered the
rhizosphere bacterial and fungal communities and increased the microbial density
of soil-borne pathogens of cucumber. In another similar study, Zhou and Wu (2013)
observed that addition of vanilic acid completely altered the rhizosphere microbiome
of cucumber plants. Similarly, phenolic compounds present in the root exudates also
have a strong influence on shaping rhizosphere microbial community (Badri et al.
2013). Recent studies have established a positive correlation between phenolic
compounds and the diversity in microbial communities occurring in the rhizosphere
soil. With increase in phenolic content in root exudate, there is significant increase in
rhizosphere microbial communities. Moreover, the influence of phenolics on rhizo-
sphere microbial communities was found to be more pronounced as compared to
other group of compounds that includes sugars, sugar alcohols and amino acids.
This reflects its prominence as specific substrate or signalling molecule for deciding
the composition of the residing rhizosphere microbial communities (Fang et al.
2013; Michalet et al. 2013).
Soil type with the assemblage of its physicochemical parameters determines the
structure and diversity of rhizosphere microbial communities. Several studies deal-
ing with soil microbiome report on the effect of soil type on the structure and
diversity of rhizosphere microbiome. Some of the studies suggested that soil type
or soil texture has a stronger influence on the structure of rhizosphere microbial
community than plant species richness and plant functional diversity (Groffman
et al. 1996). Chiarini et al. (1998) undertook a study to assess the effect of soil type
and cultivar and the growth stage of cultivar on the composition of rhizosphere
2 Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . . 39
microbial community. During their study, they observed that among all the factors,
soil type was the most pronounced factor that affected the microbial density and
community structure. In a similar study, da Silva et al. (2003) observed that soil type,
rather than plant cultivar type, was the prime determinative factor that influences the
rhizosphere community structure. Moreover, soil texture can also modulate or
structure the rhizosphere microbiome by limiting the root exudates. For example,
some amino acids, peptides remain adsorbed to the sand and clay particles in the soil
and remain less accessible to the microorganism than when present in unbound or
free state (Buyer et al. 1999; Kuske et al. 2002). Reports show that fine texture of
soils like clay soil and soil with an increased pH induces a prominent increase in
density of endogenous soil pseudomonads. Presently, studies revealed that of all the
factors associated with soil parameters, soil pH is believed to be the most influential
factor affecting the rhizosphere microbial communities (Fierer and Jackson 2006).
Studies show that a close relationship exists between soil pH and the overall
structure and diversity of rhizosphere microbiome. The reason behind this connec-
tion is the sensitivity of the bacterial cells towards pH as bacterial cells exhibit a
narrow pH growth tolerance (Rousk et al. 2010).
Thus, the dominant effect of soil type among all environmental factors can be
explained by the impact of soil texture on the rhizosphere microbial communities,
which are the primary sources for rhizosphere and rhizoplane colonization
(Manoharachary et al. 2006).
The interaction between the plant roots and the rhizosphere microbiome is a unique
metabolic process by which the plants monitor the changes in the surrounding
environment and react to the same. Root exudates are a class of chemical compounds
secreted by the living plant roots in response to the chemical signals emitted by the
soil microorganisms (Chaparro et al. 2012). The type and composition of the plant
root exudates vary between plant species, ecological niches and even within distinct
roots of a plant (Rovira 1969; Uren 2000; Micallef et al. 2009). Root exudates are
composed of sugars (glucose, arabinose, galactose, fructose, sucrose, xylose, pen-
tose, rhamnose, mannitol), amino acids (all 20 proteinogenic amino acids), organic
acids (acetic acid, succinic acid, malic acid, 1-glutamic acid, l-aspartic
acid, salicylcic acid, shikimic acid, chorismic acid, tartaric acid, gallic acid, ferulic
acid, oxalic acid, citric acid), lignins (catechol, benzoic acid, nicotinic acid, cinnamic
acid, ferulic acid, coumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, pyroglutamic acid, quinic acid),
flavones (naringenin, kaempferol, naringin, rutin, strigolactone), indole compounds
(indole-3-acetic acid, brassitin, sinalexin, brassilexin, methyl indole carboxylate,
camalexin glucoside), protein and enzymes (proteins, lectins, proteases, acid
phosphatises, proxidases, hydrolases and lipase) and stimulators.
Broadly, root exudates have traditionally been grouped into low- and high-
molecular-weight compounds. The low-molecular-weight compounds form the
40 M. Goswami et al.
major part of root exudates and it comprises of amino acids, organic acids, sugars,
phenolics and various secondary metabolites. High-molecular weight compounds
comprises of mucilage and proteins. The composition and concentration of root
exudates vary depending on the surrounding soil, signals received from the environ-
ment and the rhizosphere, age of the plant and also on the environmental stress
conditions. There are various mechanisms that are involved in extrusion of plant root
exudates (for example diffusion, ion channels and vesicle transport), necessary for
exporting compounds to the rhizospheric soil (Bertin et al. 2003; Neumann
and Romheld 2007). The mechanism for the release or secretion of root exudates
into the soil vicinity depends on molecular weight of compounds present in the root
exudates. Low-molecular-weight compounds are released from the roots via passive
diffusion, while the high-molecular-weight compounds are released via active diffu-
sion into the rhizospheric soil (Badri and Vivanco 2009). At the same time, the
secondary metabolites, polysaccharides and proteins are released through
membrane-bound proteins (Weston et al. 2012). Root exudates released by the living
plant roots behave as chemical attractant for soil microorganisms, regulate the soil
microbial communities, cope with herbivores, alter physical and chemical properties
of soil, inhibit the growth of competing plant species and initiate symbiotic
interactions between plant and rhizosphere microorganisms (Estabrook and Yoder
1998; Bais et al. 2006). Carbohydrates and amino acids present in the root exudates
predominantly act as chemo-attractants for a wide range of PGPR isolates. Recent
studies have reported that arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) play a key role in various
interactions between rhizosphere microbes and plant roots. There are several studies
that report the efficiency of AGPs in rhizospheric interactions attracting beneficial
microbes (Cannesan et al. 2012). In one of the recent studies, it was reported that
AGPs secreted by Arabidopsis root cells and border-like cells affect the colonization
efficiency of Rhizobium sp. which indirectly reflects the potency of AGPs in
recognition and attachment of rhizobia to plant root surfaces (Vicre et al. 2005).
Apart from AGPs, flavonoids, a key constituent of root exudates of legumes, play a
crucial role in initiating root-microbe interactions. Particularly, flavonoids facilitate
interaction of roots with rhizosphere microorganisms, stimulation of rhizobial nod
gene expression, responsible for the synthesis of Nod factors and chemo-attraction
of rhizobia towards the host plant roots (Hassan and Mathesius 2012). Similarly,
benzoxazinoids secreted by the maize roots help in attracting plant beneficial
rhizobacteria towards the plant root surface for colonization (Neal et al. 2012).
Additionally, the plant roots also secrete certain protein compounds as root exudates.
Few of the studies have mentioned that proteins like lectins, secreted as a part of root
exudates, function as defence and recognition factors in symbiotic interactions
(De Hoff et al. 2009). The proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis root by De-la-Pena
et al. (2008) has shown that these roots secrete a wide range of defence proteins such
as chitinases, glucanases and myrosinases during the flowering time. For instance,
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, pathogen of Arabidopsis plants,
induces the secretion of several defence proteins like peroxidases, glycosyl hydro-
lase family 17, chitinase and glycosyl hydrolase family 18 as root exudates.
2 Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . . 41
Rhizosphere microbes are the primary unit of soil nutrient cycling and deciders of
soil status, plant health and richness of soil nutrient pool (Meena et al. 2017), They
help in nutrient solubilization, mobilization, mineralization as well as in nutrient
dissolving and uptake by plants (Verma et al. 2010; Meena et al. 2014a, b; Yadav
et al. 2017). The rhizosphere microbes play a dynamic role in aiding the plants in
easy acquisition of N, P or K from rhizosphere soil apart from siderophore produc-
tion, immune modulation, signal transduction and pathogen control.
Soil nitrogen (N2) availability fluctuates greatly in both space and time due to a
number of factors like precipitation, temperature, soil type and soil pH. The form in
which the available soil N can be easily taken up by the plants depends strictly on
plant adaption to soil conditions. For instance, plants growing at low pH and basic
soil such as those found in arctic tundra or at mature forests tend to take up
ammonium or amino acids, while plants growing at high pH and more acidic soils
tend to take up nitrate as nitrogen source (Maathuis 2009). In general, N acquisition
by the plant roots depends on the availability of N in the surrounding rhizospheric
soil. Mostly, N in soil is present in organic form and suitable transformation of soil N
is highly essential for enhancing the level of soil fertility (Jetten 2008). According to
the existing literature, the transformation of soil N is basically managed by microbial
processes and it is significantly essential for N fixation for better acquisition by
plants (Adesemoye et al. 2009). The rhizosphere soil microorganisms fix atmo-
spheric N2 in soil and convert it into organic form making it available for the plants.
Moreover, the prevailing rhizosphere conditions favour N2 fixation in soil by
heterotrophic bacteria that utilizes organic compounds as the source of electrons
for the conversion of atmospheric N2 (Dotaniya and Meena 2015).
The process of N fixation is a complex process involving interaction between a
number of bacterial and plant gene products. Legumes form symbiotic associations
with microbes for the purpose of N fixation. Rhizobial symbioses result from
formation of root nodules in the host plants roots. It is a symbiotic association of
diazotrophic microbes with roots of leguminous plants involved in the conversion of
atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia for easy N acquisition by host plants. Specific
substances extruded by the plant roots attract the rhizospheric bacteria towards the
plant enabling a plant-rhizobia symbiotic association. As a result of plant-microbe
symbiosis, infection process starts at the host root system and following infection
flavonoid compounds are released by the host root hairs that induce bacterial
nodulation genes, which result in the synthesis of Nod factors, a group of biologi-
cally active oligosaccharide signals (Lynch and de Leij 2012). Recent studies have
unveiled a wide array of PGPR that includes Azospirillum, Alcaligenes,
Arthrobacter, Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Erwinia,
Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium and Serratia, actively participating in
42 M. Goswami et al.
Phosphate is one of the important macronutrients that promote plant root growth and
hastens maturity in plants. It plays a crucial role in every aspect of plant growth and
development. Soluble form of P in soil is highly limited due to its fixation as
insoluble phosphates (Sharma et al. 2013; Walpola and Yoon 2012; Mehrvarz
et al. 2008). Plants take up P mainly in the form of P anions like HPO24 or H2PO4
depending on the pH of the soil. Although soil contains a large quantity of phos-
phate, both in inorganic and organic form, the maximum portion of soil P remains
inactive and unavailable to plants. This unavailable portion of soil P can be made
available to the plants by a unique group of rhizosphere bacteria. This group of
bacteria is known as phosphorus-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM). PSM
hydrolyse the insoluble organic and inorganic soil phosphorus into simpler soluble
forms, increasing the bioavailability of soil P. A large number of soil
microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, algae and arbuscular
mycorrhizae, exhibit the potentiality of P solubilization and mineralization ability.
For instance, several bacterial strains like Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Rhizobium,
2 Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . . 43
root and shoot dry weight, total P and N content of maize seedlings, thereby
enhancing plant growth. Similarly, Wu et al. (2019) observed that priming of
Camellia oleifera Abel. seedlings with two efficient PSB, namely Bacillus
aryabhattai (JX285) and Pseudomonas auricularis (HN038), significantly promoted
the growth of Camellia oleifera plants. Simultaneous inoculation of the strains
significantly increased the plant height and biomass of C. oleifera plants. Moreover,
the study reported the beneficial effect of PSB on the chlorophyll content and
photosynthetic capacity of C. oleifera plants. Similarly, Batool and Iqbal (2018)
observed that potent PSB strains can be further used as bio-inoculants for promoting
growth and yield in plants. They have observed that priming of wheat plants with
efficient PSB strains potentially enhanced different growth parameters in wheat
plants and significantly increased the P content. However, further in-depth study is
required to explore their potentialities as biofertilizer and to study the overall genetic
stability of the particular strains.
Potassium is one of the important nutrients that play a key role in plant growth,
metabolism and development. It also boosts up plant resistance against a wide
number of diseases, pests and abiotic stresses. Additionally, K helps in stimulating
a set of 80 different enzymes responsible for plant processes. Soil contains a large
amount of K than any other soil nutrients; however, only 1–2% of it is available,
while most of the soil K is unavailable to the plants. The unavailable soil K is made
available by some soil microorganisms known as potassium-solubilizing bacteria
(KSM). The KSM are effective in releasing K from inorganic and insoluble form of
soil K through the process of solubilization. There are evidences that suggest that
soil KSB are highly efficient in transforming insoluble form of K into simpler
soluble K forms that can be easily acquired by the plants. Moreover, recent studies
have reported that KSB can improve plant growth through suppression of plant
pathogens and also improve soil structure. For instance, these microorganisms can
solubilize silicate to release silicon, aluminium and potassium, while secreting
biologically active compounds that enhances plant growth (Meena et al. 2014a, b).
KSB in soil includes both aerobic and anaerobic forms, but majority of the soil KSB
are aerobic and are mostly reported to inhabit the rhizospheric soil in comparison to
non-rhizospheric soil. KSBs are ubiquitous in nature and their number varies from
soil to soil. There are a wide array of soil bacteria that can solubilize soil K, which
includes Acidothiobacillus ferooxidans, Peenibacillus mucilaginosus,
P. glucanolyticus, Arthrobacter spp., Enterobacter hormaechei, Bacillus
mucilaginosus, B. edaphicus and B. circulanscans (Meena et al. 2016a, b). Among
all, Bacillus mucilaginosus, B. edaphicus and B. circulanscans have been reported as
effective K solubilizers (Meena et al. 2015, 2014a, b, 2016a, b).
Microbial solubilization of K involves mobilization and solubilization of insolu-
ble and unavailable forms of K through production of various organic acids. These
acids result in the acidolysis and complexolysis exchange reactions that leads to the
2 Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . . 45
conversion of insoluble form into soluble phosphates, thereby increasing the avail-
ability of the nutrients to the plants (Zarjani et al. 2013; Parmar and Sindhu 2013;
Uroz et al. 2009). KSMs solubilize insoluble K either by lowering the soil pH,
enhancing chelation of cations bound to K or by acidolysis of the surrounding area of
microorganism. The lowering of soil pH is particularly due to the secretion of a wide
range of organic acids that either directly dissolves the insoluble K or chelates both
Al and Si associated with K minerals (Romheld and Kirkby 2010). Thus, the release
of organic acids results in the acidification of microbial cells and the surrounding
environment, which ultimately causes the release of K ions from the mineral K by
protonation and acidification (Goldstein 1994).
Priming of seeds and seedlings with KSM results in significant enhancement of
seed germination, seedling vigour, plant growth and total plant yield. Recent studies
reported that the application of KSM under field-level test crops like wheat, maize
and forage crops could drastically reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers as KSM
could meet plant’s demand for nutrient acquisition (Xie 1998). According to few of
the researchers, inoculation of KSM to agricultural crop fields have resulted in root
growth enhancement and significant increase in the number of root hairs. More-
over, it has also improved the K-use efficiency in agricultural lands, thereby creating
a balance in managing nutrient proportion in soil (Meena et al. 2014a, b; Verma et al.
2010; Basak and Biswas 2010). Basak and Biswas (2010) have reported that priming
of rye plants with KSB isolates boosts the growth of rye plants, increased K content
of plants and its absorption of N and K from soil. Moreover, Zhang and Kong (2014)
reported that inoculation of KSB isolates to tobacco plants promoted the growth of
tobacco plants through mineralization of K compounds in soil, which increased the
total K content in soil, thereby facilitating plant growth. Sheng and He (2006) have
reported that KSB priming of wheat plants not only promoted the growth of wheat
plants, but also enhanced K uptake by plants. Increased nutrient uptake by plants has
been attributed to production of plant growth regulation at plant root interface that
ultimately enhances root development, thereby promoting water and nutrient absorp-
tion from soil. However, further research is essential to evaluate the overall genetic
makeup of the strains and for recommending the bacterial strains for using as
biofertilizers replacing chemical fertilizers.
Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and exists in two
oxidation states Fe (III) and Fe (II). It is highly essential for plant growth and
development as it acts as a cofactor for proteins that are involved in a number of
metabolic processes like tricarboxylic acid cycle, electron transport chain, oxidative
phosphorylation and photosynthesis. Moreover, it plays a key role in biosynthesis of
porphyrins, vitamins, cytochromes, antibiotics, siderophores, toxins, pigments, aro-
matic compounds and also in microbial biofilm formation (Saha et al. 2016). Iron is
present in huge quantities in nature, but it is not easily available in the desired state as
it tends to form insoluble complexes in aerobic soils of basic or neutral pH (Ma et al.
46 M. Goswami et al.
endophytic Streptomyces sp. isolated from the roots of a Thai jasmine rice plant
induced significant plant growth and enhanced length and biomass of root and shoots
(Rungin et al. 2012). At the same time, the siderophore-producing rhizobacteria can
induce suppression of a wide range of plant pathogens. The siderophores capture Fe
present in the vicinity of the plant roots and thus limit the amount of iron required for
the growth of fungal pathogens causing severe diseases in crop plants (Saha et al.
2016). For instance, Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Mst8.2, Mst 7.4 and MS-3y
showed maximum disease inhibition in wheat plants. The data obtained during the
course of study demonstrated that the mechanism behind the suppression in fungal
disease in wheat plants is primarily due to siderophore production by the particular
strains (Gull and Hafeez 2012). Few of the common siderophore-producing
pseudomonads proposed as potential biocontrol agents against the well-known
soil-borne fungal pathogens include P. fluorescens CHAO (Couillerot et al. 2009)
and P. putida WCS strain (Weller 2007). With the advent of newer molecular
techniques, further research is necessary to understand the beneficial aspect of
siderophore-producing rhizobacteria in the field of environmental microbiology.
Existing literature on PGPR reveals its potency in synthesis of a wide range of well-
known plant growth regulators that include auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abcisic
acid and ethylene. The plant responds to any of the phytohormone present in the
rhizosphere whether synthesized naturally by the rhizosphere microorganisms or
supplemented externally to the soil. These hormones affect cell enlargement, cell
division, root initiation, growth rate, phototropism, geotropisms and apical domi-
nance in plants (Ma et al. 2015; Yadav et al. 2017). Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) auxin,
synthesized by PGPR and plants, differs only in the biosynthetic pathway and is an
important phytohormone that significantly increases plant growth, stimulates rapid
and long-term responses in plants. Almost 80% of the total rhizosphere microbes are
involved in the production of IAA, and use of these microbes in the agricultural field
will enhance the endogenous IAA content in plants and thereby leaving a remarkable
effect on growth of plants. Auxins produced by the rhizosphere soil bacteria
principally affect the plant root system increasing its size, weight, branching number
and surface area in contact with soil. Additionally, inoculation of auxin-producing
microorganisms stimulates the growth of adventitious roots. IAA is produced by
rhizosphere microbes via two different pathways that include L-tryptophan-depen-
dent and L-tryptophan-independent pathways. In many cases, IAA produced by
rhizosphere microbes is generally produced via L-tryptophan-dependent pathway
utilizing L-tryptophan as the precursor molecule (Jha and Saraf 2015; Goswami et al.
2016). The phytohormone IAA has been directly correlated with the growth promo-
tion of plants (Noel et al. 1996; Tsavkelova et al. 2006). Nain et al. (2012) observed
that priming of cowpea plants with Bacillus sp. RM-2 resulted in significant plant
growth promotion. Further study suggested that the strain exhibited significant plant
48 M. Goswami et al.
promotion in plants (Kruijt et al. 2009). But further research is essential for under-
standing the underlying mechanism behind enhanced plant growth promotion in the
presence of biosurfactant.
Civilization has developed and flourished in areas where soils were fertile, enabling
the human species to meet food needs and other necessities. The fertility of the soil
and its balanced ecology is highly crucial for sustainable agriculture. Agriculture has
been a crucial part of human civilization for thousands of years and still continues to
be an important part of it. Successful agricultural practices result in high yield and for
this purpose soil health plays a crucial role. The soil health is the cumulative
property, which corresponds to agricultural production along with maintenance of
soil native ecosystem. Soil health is reflected in its capability to add to various
agricultural interventions (Kibblewhite et al. 2007). This is highly dependent on
various aspects of soil ecosystem, which is mediated by carbon sequestration,
nutrient cycle of the soil and various management aspects.
Various anthropogenic activities have triggered the depletion of soil health,
thereby decreasing soil fertility and crop yield. Changes in global climate also have
an adverse effect on land quality that results in increased pollution, salinization and
desertification of landmasses. Furthermore, long-term usage of chemical fertilizers
and pesticides for increasing food production has led to a sharp decline in soil
fertility, soil microbial diversity and significant increase in various levels of pollu-
tion. Although there have been various efforts globally to increase soil fertility, more
emphasis was given on green revolution. The quest for biological mediators has been
hailed as an essential part of the revolution. Green revolution aims to enhance soil
fertility and restore soil microbial diversity by remediation of degraded soils
followed by soil enrichment. The soil fertility and plant health is inter-dependent,
which makes plantation an important aspect to maintain soil fertility. A recent study
on rhizosphere has brought attention towards the rhizosphere microbes, which are
inevitable part of the rhizosphere ecology. In this regard, the plant root ecosystem
can be exploited owing to its diverse array of plant beneficial microbes. The
rhizosphere is the most diverse and metabolically active ecosystem that influences
soil nutrition cycle (Zhang et al. 2010). In this regard, along with various bioreme-
diation techniques, rhizoremediation has also been adapted, which implicates the
involvement of various plant beneficial rhizobacteria to enhance soil fertility.
Bio-augmentation of plant rhizosphere with various contaminant-degrading bacteria
as well as plant-beneficial rhizobacteria is an important criterion for soil decontami-
nation, nutrient solubilization for easy plant uptake and enhancing soil fertility and
soil microbial diversity (Divya and Kumar 2011) (Table 2.1).
50 M. Goswami et al.
Table 2.1 Importance of plant beneficial rhizospheric bacteria in remediating soil contaminants,
uplifting soil fertility and plant health
Plant-growth-promoting Significance of microbe-
rhizosphere microbes Test crop plant interaction References
Pseudomonas putida Canola Increased P uptake by Lifshitz
GR12-2 plants, root and shoot et al.
elongation and a significant (1987)
increase in root and shoot
Pseudomonas Chickpea Increases germination Yadav
fluorescens OKC (87%), root length et al.
(108 mm), shoot length (2013)
(122.5 mm), dry shoot
biomass (0.074 g), dry root
biomass (0.075 g) and total
dry biomass (0.149 g) in
comparison to the control
Rhizobium sp. RH4 Germination (86%), root
length (76), shoot length
(91.5 mm), dry shoot
biomass (0.075 g), dry root
biomass (0.070 g) and total
dry biomass (0.146 g) in
comparison to the control
Pseudomonas BA-8, Strawberry Significantly increased total Pırlak and
Bacillus OSU-142 and soluble solids, total sugar Kose
Bacillus M-3 and reduced sugar (2009)
Pseudomonas Highbush blueberry Increases leaf area De Silva
fluorescens Pf5 (748 cm2), number of et al.
leaves (37), increase in (2000)
system diameter (0.40 mm),
dry shoot weight (13 g), dry
root weight (12.7 g)
Pseudomonas Canola Enhances root length and Pallai et al.
fluorescens 6-8 seedling growth (2012)
Bacillus megaterium, Wheat Significantly increases crop Kumar
Arthrobacter yield, total weight and et al.
chlorophenolicus and micronutrient content in (2014)
Enterobacter sp. grains
Klebsiella variicola Tobacco Increases plant dry weight Zhang and
and enhances uptake of Kong
both K and N by the plant (2014)
Enterobacter cloacae Rice Increases root length, Suprapta
number of roots, tillers, et al.
total chlorophyll content (2014)
and macronutrients in leaf,
dry weight of root and shoot
2 Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . . 51
The amount of atmospheric carbon has increased in the last few centuries due to
various anthropogenic activities. Mitigating this large pool of atmospheric CO2 by
terrestrial carbon sequestration is a thoughtful alternative. Soil is an immense
reservoir of carbon. The organic components of soil harbour nearly three times the
amount of carbon present in the atmosphere (Gougoulias et al. 2014). Soil organic
carbon (SOC) is found in the form of structural litter input such as root, shoot detritus
and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) such as rhizodeposits and leaf litter leachate
(Sokol and Bradford 2019). The terrestrial carbon cycle is regulated by photosyn-
thesis and respiration, where in the former case the atmospheric carbon is fixed by
various autotrophs and in the latter, the fixed carbon is released into the atmosphere
by various microbial respiration. The reports provided by Lal (2004) have shown
that the depletion of soil quality through various anthropogenic activities has
resulted in loss of 42 to 78 gigatons of carbon, which accounts for 50 to 66% of
historic carbon loss. This loss has been reflected in poor crop yield, which has
affected the nourishment of the inevitably growing human population. Thus, it is
very essential to maintain the soil carbon level, as with increase in 1 ton of soil
54 M. Goswami et al.
Rhizodeposition, apart from remediation, is one of the other factors that mediate soil
nutrient cycle (Shimp et al. 1993; Nguyen 2009). The root exudates become
important mediator of C cycle in the rhizosphere microbiome, which, in return,
shapes the soil biota surrounding the rhizosphere (Terrazas et al. 2016; Hartmann
et al. 2008; Paterson et al. 2007). Rhizodeposition varies in various developmental
stages in plants, which can vary from 6% to 21% (Bertin et al. 2003; Rohrbacher and
St-Arnaud 2016). Rhizodeposition of root exudates and other functional metabolites
acts as a source of soil organic carbon (SOC), which helps to maintain soil carbon
sequestration and in maintenance of soil structure (Bronick and Lal 2005). The
influence of rhizodeposition not only ends with its effectivity in determining rhizo-
sphere microbial niche, but it also has importance in biogeochemical properties of
soil (Lambers et al. 2009; Singh et al. 2007). The root exudates are metabolized by
the rhizosphere microbial population, thereby enhancing soil nutrients. Root
exudates released by plants are also reported to enhance the microbial behaviour
to a great extent. It is reported that C-based root exudates can modify the rhizosphere
microbes, thereby inducing their capability to transform heavy metal existing in the
rhizosphere region of the plant. This transformation further helps in detoxification of
heavy-metal-contaminated soil (Seshadri et al. 2015). Degradation of pyrene in
contaminated soil was enhanced from 15% in unplanted soil to 65% when the soil
was planted with wheat (Shahsavari et al. 2015). The root exudates directly or
indirectly affect the biological activity of the rhizosphere microbes facilitating
microbes-associated phytoremediation of soil (Vishwakarma et al. 2017). Moreover,
plant roots are reported to secrete certain molecules, whose structures are analogous
to PAH, thereby facilitating hydrocarbon degradation (Divya and Kumar 2011).
Additionally, various secondary metabolites release as root exudate assists hydro-
carbon degradation via cometabolism and in stimulating various genes responsible
56 M. Goswami et al.
2.8 Rhizoremediation
The association of plant rhizosphere microbes is crucial for plant health. The various
plant growth-promoting traits displayed by the associated microbes play an undeni-
able role in maintaining plant health as well as soil fertility. The rhizosphere is a
connecting link between the plant roots and its surrounding soil, which contains
various rhizosphere microbes contributing significantly towards plant health (Badri
et al. 2009). However, along with the agricultural benefits obtained from plant-
microbe interaction, it has also been found to be an effective medium for soil
remediation, which helps in restoring soil fertility. With more emphasis on green
initiatives to remediate contaminated sites, phytoremediation has gained attention
globally. Although various techniques of phytoremediation, viz. phytoextraction,
phytotransformation, phytovolatilization, rhizoremediation are available, microbe-
assisted remediation is the most effective form of remediation. Rhizoremediation is
an imperative part of phytoremediation. It is the remediation technique that involves
exploitation of both plants and associated rhizosphere microbes for various remedial
strategies. In this regard, plant beneficial rhizosphere microbes play an important
role in uplifting soil quality (Gerhardt et al. 2009). 2–5% of rhizosphere bacteria are
plant growth promoters that are known for their vital role as biofertilizers,
phytostimulators, biopesticides and bioremediators (Antoun and Kloepper 2001;
Bishnoi 2015). This strategy of remediation is one of the most effective and
Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . .
Fig. 2.1 Impact of plant beneficial rhizospheric bacteria in restoring soil fertility and promoting plant growth
58 M. Goswami et al.
the microbes (Divya and Kumar 2011). Various genes contributing to pesticide
degradation are often reported to be present in plasmids of rhizosphere microbes.
Plasmid of Pseudomonas diminuta was reported to contain parathion-degrading
gene (Serdar et al. 1982). Organophosphate-degrading gene OpdA was obtained
from plasmid of Agrobacterium radiobacter P230 (Horne et al. 2002). Similarly,
parathion-degrading gene degrading gene was also identified in 43-kb plasmid of a
Philippine isolate of Flavobacterium sp. (ATCC 27551) (Mulbry et al. 1986).
Moreover, root exudates are reported to induce certain genes of rhizosphere
microbes, which enable the microbes to cope with contaminant soil, thereby enhanc-
ing degradation rates (Segura et al. 2009). Rainey and Preston (2000) have reported
the presence of various genes in bacteria with unknown functions. The unveiling of
these genes in plant beneficial bacteria through in vivo expression technologies
assists further exploration of PGPR. Certain genes are upregulated only in presence
of certain types of stress, resulting in non-expression of them in normal in vitro
condition. The overall functioning of the important genes can be studied using
promoter trap techniques, differential fluorescence induction and in vivo expression
technology (IVET) (Rediers et al. 2005). Omics-based study has shaped a better
understanding of the effect of rhizobacteria in the remediation of contaminated soil
(Reinhold-Hurek et al. 2015). Various pathways involving the degradation of soil
contaminants via enzymatic as well as genetic regulations are previously reported.
Metagenomics, metatrancrintomics, metaproteomics and genomics are few of the
potential tools that have facilitated in-depth study of the various factors that facilitate
the impacts of rhizobacteria on soil decontamination (Kotoky et al. 2018). The
aforementioned omics-based studies have enabled identification of various genes
involved in the degradation of soil contaminants. Moreover, transgenic studies also
play a crucial role in understanding the hydrocarbon degradation mechanisms. Plants
with various bacterial genes responsible for degradation of various xenobiotics and
hydrocarbon have been investigated for their efficiencies. Sylvestre et al. (2009)
reported that three components of biphenyl deoxygenase and 2,3 dihydroxybiphenyl
dioxygenase are actively produced by transgenic plants, which were critical for
bacterial polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading pathway. Transfer of NAH7
plasmid in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 strain enabled efficient expression of Nah
catabolic pathway in vitro and in situ, leading to complete mineralization of naph-
thalene (Fernández et al. 2012). Brazil et al. (1995) reported successful expression of
bph gene in sugarbeet using recombinant P. fluorescens F113pcb strain. Mueller and
Sachs (2015) reported about microbiome engineering, which can be deployed to
enhance plant and animal health. Similar approach can be initiated to strengthen the
rhizosphere microbes, which, in turn, can strengthen the plants as well as soil health.
2.9 Conclusion
Constant anthropogenic exploration of soil has depleted the global soil fertility to
such an extent that there is an urgent requirement to re-establish the soil health. Loss
of carbon as well as other nutrients from the soil due to various agricultural practices
2 Rhizosphere Microbes for Sustainable Maintenance of Plant Health and Soil. . . 61
has resulted in decreased soil fertility. Use of various fertilizers and pesticides to
increase crop yield has further worsened the condition of soil. Excessive use
of fertilizers without considering the rhizosphere microbes has resulted in alteration
of nutrient cycles. With advancement in green biotechnology, the beneficial impact
of plant beneficial bacteria has attracted various researchers to explore their
potentialities in agricultural sector. The plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria are
reported to be associated with various agricultural as well as ornamental plants.
These microbes provide enormous benefits to the plants by making various nutrients
available to the plants, providing protection from wide range of phytopathogens and
secreting various plant beneficial hormones. The beneficial impacts of rhizosphere
microbes are not only limited to the plants, but also are extended towards soil health.
Various root exudates released by the living plant roots help in developing the
rhizosphere microbial ecology, which further increases carbon sequestration in soil
and maintains the nitrogen cycle. This ultimately results in a significant increase in
soil nutrients. The rhizosphere microbial niche is a rich pool of various genes with
high catabolic efficiencies towards various forms of hydrocarbon as well as
pesticides. Molecular approaches to identify such genes and their effect have
allowed scientists around the globe to understand the benefits rendered by the
rhizosphere microbes. Genetic modification of various plants, wherein insertion of
microbial catabolic genes has shown a better tolerance to various contaminants.
Advancement in omics study has provided information regarding the rhizosphere
ecology, which can be further exploited for re-establishing the soil ecology. The
rhizosphere is a complex ecology with constant signalling between roots and the
rhizosphere microflora. Thorough study of rhizosphere ecology is required to better
understand the mutual relation between the microbes and the plant root to utilize it
for the betterment of the environment.
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72 M. Goswami et al.
Rhizomicrobiome · PGP · Bioinformatics · Classical approach · Modern approach
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Rhizomicrobiome
different domains, viz., fungi, bacteria, algae, archaea, nematodes, protozoa, viruses,
and microarthropods (Buée et al. 2009). Amongst these, domain bacteria is the most
dominating followed by fungi, actinomycetes and other groups such as
Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Planctomycetes
(Buée et al. 2009; Turner et al. 2013; da Rocha et al. 2013).
Root–microbe interaction was first reported in the wheat rhizosphere (Foster and
Rovira 1976). Root–microbe interaction includes the exchange of signals that initiate
all the physiological and metabolic activities in the rhizosphere. Root–microbe
interaction is influenced by both root exudates and microbial components. Plant
root exudation pattern governs the structure of rhizomicrobiome (Peter 2011). The
density and diversity of rhizospheric bacteria vary significantly from that of bulk
soil. There is considerable chemical diversity in root exudates which include
monosaccharides (glucose, mannose, and fructose) disaccharides (maltose), amino
acids (aspartate, glutamate, asparagines, glutamine, arginine, and cysteine), organic
acid (benzoic, ascorbic, and acetic acid), and a few high molecular weight com-
pound, such as enzymes, fatty acids, auxins, gibberellins, nucleotides, tannins,
terpenoids, alkaloids, polyacetylenes, and vitamins (Gunina and Kuzyakov 2015;
Hayat et al. 2017). Although both C and C4 plants release root exudates during
photosynthesis, the pattern varies. In C3 plants, dominant sugars are ribose, maltose,
and mannose (Vranova et al. 2013), whereas ribitol and inositol in C4 plants (Nabais
et al. 2011).
(AHL) type of QS signal (Ferluga et al. 2008). However, ascomycetes mostly secrete
alcoholic QS signals (Benocci et al. 2017).
After nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) is the second-largest nutrient that is crucial for
plant growth and development. It plays a key role in major metabolic pathways such
as macromolecular biosynthesis, photosynthesis, respiration, and energy transfer
mechanism (Li et al. 2017). This leads to increased demand for phosphate fertilizer.
However, the use of phosphate fertilizer is not only expensive but also damaging to
soil micro-environment. Phosphorus can cause eutrophication of lakes resulting in
reduced soil fertility. To meet the high demand for phosphorus in an eco-friendly
way, phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are now becoming a central point of
the research. About 95–99% of phosphate present in the soil is insoluble,
precipitated, and is in an immobilized form (Ahemad and Kibret 2014). Different
rhizosphere-associated microbes such as bacteria and fungi have phosphorus solubi-
lization potential. PSB constitutes 1–50% of the whole microbial component of
rhizosphere followed by fungi which constitute only 0.1–0.5% (Satyaprakash et al.
2017). Rhizosphere-associated bacterial genera Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Beijerinckia,
Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Erwinia, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, Rhodococcus, and
Serratia are known phosphate solubilizers. Phosphate solubilizing fungi isolated
from the rhizosphere of haricot bean, faba bean, cabbage, tomato, and sugarcane
belong to genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium. Amongst them, Aspergil-
lus and Penicillium solubilized 728.77 μg mL1 and 514.44 μg mL1 phosphorus,
respectively (Elias et al. 2016).
Nitrogen-based fertilizers are being widely used to fulfil crop nitrogen requirements
(Santi et al. 2013). An alternative environment-friendly approach is crop inoculation
with potential biological nitrogen-fixing plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
(Gaby and Buckley 2012). Nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria include Azoarcus,
Acetobacter, Azospirillum, Burkholderia, Azotobacter, Cyanobacteria,
Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Gluconacetobacter (Bhattacharyya and Jha 2012).
3 Dissecting Structure and Function of Plant Rhizomicrobiome: A Genomic Approach 79
Potassium (K) is the third major essential macronutrient for plant growth and
development. Soil usually contains a low amount of potassium and most of the
potassium present in the soil are found as silicate minerals and insoluble rock
(Parmar and Sindhu 2013). Nowadays, potassium deficiency has become a major
constraint in crop production. Potassium deficiency symptoms include low yield,
poorly developed roots accompanied by slow seed growth rate and small seed size.
Several species present in the rhizosphere microbiome have the potential to solubi-
lize potassium rock by the production of organic acid, and it provides an alternative
source of potassium for plant uptake (Kumar and Dubey 2012). Bacterial strains
Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans, Bacillus edaphicus, Burkholderia, Paenibacillus
sp., Pseudomonas, and Bacillus mucilaginosus (Liu et al. 2012) are responsible for
potassium solubilization.
Iron is one of the most important micronutrients for almost all organisms of the
biosphere. In soil, iron is present as a ferric ion (Fe+3) that is sparingly soluble and
not easily assimilated either by plants or bacteria (Ma 2005). Rhizobacterial strains
have evolved specialized mechanisms for iron assimilation, i.e., production of low
molecular weight iron-chelating compounds referred to as siderophores (Arora et al.
2012). Depending upon functional groups, siderophores are divided into three main
families, namely catecholate, hydroxamate, and carboxylate. To date, 500 different
types of siderophores are known, out of which 270 have been structurally
characterized (Cornelis 2010). The study of radiolabeled ferric siderophores as a
sole iron source confirmed that plants can assimilate labelled iron by several
rhizobacterial strains, i.e., Aeromonas, Azotobacter, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Pseu-
domonas, Rhizobium, Serratia, and Streptomyces sp. (Sujatha and Ammani 2013).
3.6.1 Antibiosis
Antibiotic production is one of the most powerful weapons that microorganisms use
to eliminate phytopathogens. It is one of the most studied biocontrol mechanisms
80 H. Dasila et al.
Endophytes are those microbes (bacteria or fungi) residing inside plant tissues that
do not cause negative effects on plant growth (Coombs and Franco 2003). Distribu-
tion of endophytes throughout the plant is based on several factors, such as their
colonization ability and allocation of plant resources. Based on their plant-inhabiting
lifestyle, endophytes are classified into three main categories: (a) Obligate
endophytes: derived from seeds and unable to survive in soils (b) Facultative
endophytes: widely exist in soil, which can colonize and infect plant in favourable
situations, and (c) Passive endophytes: lack colonization ability and can only infect
via wounds or cracks on the plant (Fig. 3.1) (Hardoim et al. 2008). Most of the
endophytes with plant growth promotion traits belong to a facultative group. Root
endophytes often colonize and penetrate the epidermis at sites of lateral root emer-
gence, below the root hair zone and in root cracks (Zakria et al. 2007). Structure and
composition of root endosphere microbiome is found to be less diverse as compared
Root Cracks
Colonization Types
Passive Soil Bacteria
Facultative Obligate
Fig. 3.1 Bacterial distribution and colonization patterns of endophytes in the plant root
82 H. Dasila et al.
to rhizosphere or bulk soil microbiomes (Liu et al. 2017) which indicate roots as
effective habitat filters, restricting community membership to progressively and
more narrowly defined lineages as environments deviate from soil to roots
(Bulgarelli et al. 2012).
The dominant endophytic bacterial communities in plant roots mainly belong to
phyla Proteobacteria followed by Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes.
Other bacterial phyla commonly found in the root endosphere, but in fewer fractions,
are Armatimonadetes, Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Verrucomicrobia, Nitrospirae,
and Planctomycetes (Edwards et al. 2015). Members from Archaea, Acidobacteria,
and Gemmatimonadetes are either absent or rarely present in the root endosphere
(Sessitsch et al. 2012). The dominance of phyla was plant-specific, whereas the
abundance is influenced by soil cultivation history. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria,
Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomycetes, and Chloroflexi were
the most abundant phyla associated with grapevine roots (Samad et al. 2017).
Correa-Galeote et al. (2018) demonstrated Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and
Bacteroidetes as predominant phyla inside the maize roots. On exploring the rice
root microbiome, members from Rhizobiaceae, Bradyrhizobiaceae,
Streptomycetaceae, and Comamonadaceae family were found in abundance
(Edwards et al. 2015). Fungal endophytic communities in roots are mainly
dominated by Polyporales, Russulales, and Agaricales (Sokolski et al. 2007).A
few endophytes may form mycorrhiza-like structures. For example, Leptodontidium
formed peloton-like structures on roots of Dendrobium nobile, an orchid, and
induced positive effect on various plant growth parameters (Hou and Guo 2009).
Some common root endophytes are DSEs (dark septate endophytes), hyaline hyphal
endophytes, or hyphomycetes endophytes. DSEs occur in roots of Rosmarinus
officinalis along with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and in Pinus halapensis,
with ectomycorrhizal fungi (Girlanda et al. 2002). Similarly DSEs occur with AMF
in Pedicularis roots (Li and Guan 2007). In a mutualistic association between
Heteroconium chaetospira (DSE) and Brassica campestris, endophytic fungi
received carbon from the plant and supplied nitrogen to it (Usuki and Narisawa
2007). Aquatic hyphomycetes are commonly found in riparian and coastal
ecosystems. For example, multiple species of aquatic hyphomycetes were isolated
from roots of riparian plants including grasses (Cupressaceae) and Pteridophytic
trees (Sridhar and Bärlocher 1992).
Endophytes exert various beneficial effects on plant via plant growth hormones,
nitrogen fixation, increased nutrient uptake, and inhibition of phytopathogens. In
addition, they provide diverse bioactive secondary metabolites (Santoyo et al. 2016),
and therefore are used as bio inoculants. Several factors influence the structure and
diversity of the endophytic community. These include plant species and genotype,
agricultural practices, environmental conditions, seasonal variation, geographical
location, soil type, and host plant nutrient status (Hardoim et al. 2015). Spatiotem-
poral patterns have been documented in endophyte communities of certain plant
With the availability of new molecular approaches, such as high throughput
sequencing (e.g., 454-pyrosequencing) (Lundberg et al. 2012), microarray multiplex
3 Dissecting Structure and Function of Plant Rhizomicrobiome: A Genomic Approach 83
technology (Gao and Tao 2012), and nucleic acid-based stable isotope probing
(Radajewski et al. 2000), discovering and characterizing the endophyte community
structure and dynamics has become a reality. A study of potato root extracts by
pyrosequencing showed that five of the 10 most common genera were reported for
the first time as potato endophytes (Manter et al. 2010). With the help of SIP-rRNA
analysis, the diversity within primary bacterial consumers of plant-derived carbon
has been explored, and new endophytic phylotypes have be en identified
(Vandenkoornhuyse et al. 2007). Although endophytes have been detected in all
plant parts, roots are the first to the recruit them.
Classical approach to get insight into microbial community associated with rhizo-
sphere involves isolating and culturing microbes using specific nutrient media and
growth conditions depending on the target organisms and host environment.
Obtaining a pure culture of an organism is required for detailed studies of its genetics
and physiology. Moreover, it will give actual microbial composition and its func-
tional implications on performance of host plant.
These are the methods used for isolation and morphological, physiological, and
functional characterization of microbes from an environmental sample.
Fig. 3.2 Different culturable and unculturable approaches for characterization of microorganisms
2002), it has been estimated that only 1% of the total bacteria can be readily
cultivated in vitro.
Significant efforts have been made in past years to advance culturing methods for
unculturable species which accounts for 99% of the actual bacteria present. Certain
bacteria have fastidious growth requirements, for example, N-acetyl muramic acid
for Tannerella forsythia; Pyridoxal or L-cysteine for Abiotrophia spp.; and
Granulicatella spp. (Vartoukian et al. 2010).Whereas others require specific oxygen
concentration, nutrient level, a humic acids, and signalling molecules in growth
medium (Stevenson et al. 2004). It has been observed that addition of signalling
molecules, for example, cyclic AMP (cAMP), 5-amino-acid peptide, or acyl
homoserine lactone, improves the cultivability of unculturable soil bacteria (Janssen
2008). Use of Gellan gum instead of agar resulted in enhanced bacterial growth and
10-fold higher Colony-forming unit (CFU) counts (Kamagata and Tamaki 2005).
Furthermore, beneficial bacterial interactions are also found to be useful in in vitro
cultivation of unculturable bacteria only when these bacteria are co-cultivated with
helper strains (Nichols et al. 2008). When the cell free extract or spent culture
supernatant obtained from helper strain was added to culture media growth of
species, such as Sphingomonas spp., Psychrobacter spp., Catellibacterium spp.,
and Symbiobacterium spp. was stimulated (Nichols et al. 2008). Recently a novel
strategy, SMART (selective medium design algorithm restricted by two constraints),
3 Dissecting Structure and Function of Plant Rhizomicrobiome: A Genomic Approach 85
was developed to design selective media using non-natural material and containing
two selective agents: a carbon source and an antimicrobial agent. This strategy has
been used for designing selective media for culturing Acidovorax avenae,
Pectobacterium carotovorum, Burkholderia glumae, Xanthomonas campestris,
and Ralstonia solanacearum (Kawanishi et al. 2011).
differentiation for identification and also provides bigger percent difference between
strains. The applications of 16S rRNA gene sequence are as follows:
Functional genomics is the study of how genes, genomes, proteins, and metabolites
contribute to particular phenotype. Functional genomics comprise the study at DNA
(genomics), gene (transcriptomics), protein (proteomics), and metabolite
(metabolomics) level. Functional genomics unfolds the interaction between genes
and proteins. It combines data derived from various molecular process related to
DNA sequence, gene expression, and protein function. Further analysis requires
proper modeling for molecular dynamics and interactive study that regulate gene
expression, cell cycle progression, and cell differentiation. Various tools used for
functional genomics are as follows:
Mass spectrometry analyses the samples through generation of multiple ions which
separate according to charge-to-mass ratio. Three main components of mass spec-
troscopy include an ion source (convert gas phase into simple ions), mass analyser
(separates sample ions under influence of electromagnetic field), and a detector.
Most recent and advanced mass spectrometer available nowadays is Orbitrap, is
versatile, dynamic in range, has high accuracy and high resolution which enable its
use in proteomics and metabolomics application. In Orbitrap, ions are trapped in an
orbital motion around the spindle, and the image obtained from these trapped ions
are detected which are further converted into mass spectrum by using Fourier
transform. Orbitrap provides tandem mass spectra of compounds which help in
elucidation of analyte structure thus resulting in identification of trace-level
components from the complex mixture (Makarov and Scigelova 2010).
3.9.5 Transcriptomics
3.9.6 Proteomics
3.9.7 Metabolomics
Metabolomics deals with the detection and characterization of exudates that are
released by microorganisms in the rhizomicrobiome. Tracing of metabolite directly
correlates with cellular phenotype rather than genes or proteins. Metabolomics
targets the complex cellular metabolism and characterization of new cellular
3 Dissecting Structure and Function of Plant Rhizomicrobiome: A Genomic Approach 89
pathways that can later be used for drug delivery system like in cancer. The most
widely used tools in metabolomics involve liquid chromatography coupled with
mass spectroscopy (MS) and NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance). The main advan-
tage of NMR is easy sample preparation and high reproducibility.
3.9.8 Interactomics
3.9.9 Metagenomics
3.9.10 Metatranscriptomics
Sample collection
RNA extraction
de-novo assembly
Metatranscriptomics Workflow
MetaVelvet (Namiki et al. 2012), Scriptures, and Cufflinks (Guttman et al., 2010;
Trapnell et al. 2010) are used to analyse contigs. Amongst these, Trinity is sensitive
across broadest range of gene expression levels. Li and Dewey (2011) developed
RNA-Seq by Expectation Maximization (RSEM), a quantitative approach for
transcriptome analysis. In RSEM, inputs are taken from reference or standard
transcriptome or assembly (analysed from Trinity) along with RNA-Seq reads that
are generated from the samples which result in normalizing transcriptomics
cDNA/ DNA ratio: It is used to measure the number of transcript present in each
gene copies.
(<5μm) from the surface of the water in Hawaiian ocean (Poretsky et al. 2009).
Comparative metatranscriptomics study is precise and often comes out with hidden
information, and this information sometimes gives insight into microbial evolution,
ecology, and adaptation, e.g., combined metaproteomic and metagenomic analysis
have been conducted to reveal the speciation and evolution in Acid Mine Drainage
(AMD) biofilms (Denef et al. 2010). Applications
1. Comparative community analysis: Community analysis can be done through
omics approaches but comparative abundance or pattern of microbial community
can precisely be done via comparative metatranscriptomics.
2. Cellular-level resolution: Comparative metatranscriptomics aid in cellular level
gene expression that are expressed under different environment conditions, and
there is high resolution for proteins’ expression that are being expressed under
different conditions.
3. Exploring ecosystem: Comparative metatranscriptomics help in exploring
estimated number of taxa, signature proteins, and potential biomarkers in a
different ecosystem, e.g. activated sludge, ocean water, soil, surface water, etc.
The plant rhizosphere microbiome is recognized as a hot spot for functional micro-
bial activity. Dissection of rhizosphere microbial community through classical and
modern approaches helps in the elucidation of unexplored microbial interactions
occurring in the rhizomicrobiome region. These interactions are highly complex and
essential in shaping the rhizomicrobiome and influencing plant health. The rhizo-
sphere is dynamic. Therefore, it is more challenging to adopt advanced molecular
tools such as metatranscriptomics, next-generation sequencing, and genomics to
understand the structure and function of a microbial community in the rhizosphere.
These approaches provide an insight into the activities of the rhizosphere in real-
3 Dissecting Structure and Function of Plant Rhizomicrobiome: A Genomic Approach 95
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Plant Root Exudates as Determinant
of Rhizomicrobiome 4
V. Balasubramanian, Arunima Sur, Kush Kumar Nayak, and
Ravi Kant Singh
4.1 Introduction
The root system is an important organ of the plants. Roots are responsible for
holding of the plant to the soil, water absorption and extract nutrients from the
soil, circulation of nutrients and water to stem, storage of food, vegetative reproduc-
tion, and competition with other plants and soil binding. Additionally, roots perform
special roles, including capability to produce, accumulate, and release various
chemical molecules into the rhizosphere (Flores et al. 1999; De-la-Peña et al.
2008). Those molecules are referred to as plant root exudates. The exudates attract
and repel the microbial communities as well as enhance or suppress the growth of
other plants near the accessible area (Estabrook and Yoder 1998; Bais et al. 2001;
De-la-Peña et al. 2010). About 5–21% of the photoproduced carbon transported to
root system is released as exudates (Marschner 2011). This is one of the ways to
maintain the carbon level in the soil ecosystem by the plant. Exuded molecules of
roots are majorly classified into low- and high-molecular-weight exudates. The
composition and complexity of the biochemicals have not been studied so far.
Amino acids, organic acids, phenolic and simple sugar compounds, and other
secondary metabolites are classified under low-molecular-weight exudates, whereas
proteins and polysaccharide mucilage are high-molecular-weight exudates.
Rhizosphere is a root-surrounding microecosystem formed under the influence of
root exudate chemicals. The communication occurs from root to root and root to
microbes with positive and negative interactions (Fig. 4.1). The stimulation of
environmental factors includes abiotic and biotic factors that regulate and control
the production of exudation of chemicals from the root system (Aulakh et al. 2001;
Fig. 4.1 Representation of positive and negative interaction from root to root and root to microbes
4 Plant Root Exudates as Determinant of Rhizomicrobiome 107
Chaparro et al. 2013; Van Dam and Bouwmeester 2016). For example, the chemical
composition of root exudates of Arabidopsis thaliana comprises 30 compounds of
primary (Chaparro et al. 2013; Badri et al. 2013) and 103 as secondary metabolites
(Strehmel et al. 2014). The exuded chemicals from the plant root have their specific
functions such as make low-level soil nutrients available to plants (phosphorous);
absorption and accumulation of heavy metals; and accommodating the supportive
indigenous microbial population, including rhizobial and endophytic bacteria or
mycorrhizal fungi surroundings of root (Jones et al. 2004; Bouwmeester et al.
2007; Badri and Vivanco 2008; Faure et al. 2009).
In addition, the influence of neighbouring plant species also determines the
chemical composition of exudates (Badri and Vivanco 2008) through direct or
indirect communication with other plant root system (Van Dam and Bouwmeester
2016). The production of exudating chemicals expression depends on the influence
of specific microbes and also root’s exuding chemicals varied plant to plant (Herz
et al. 2018) and their performance (Wilsone et al. 1999; Gubsch et al. 2011; Freschet
et al. 2015). The specific size of the leaf area is associated to growth rate of the plant
and biomass of the plant related to release of large amount of carbon in the form of
exudates (Lambers et al. 2008). In case of unavailability of nutrient, the biomass and
surface of the root system increased due to the transport of nutrients from the soil to
plants by absorption with the help of root exudate molecules. Silva Costa Moscôso
et al. (2018) reported that the root organic carbon molecules, physiological variables
of the plant and shoot dry matter are determined by the photosynthesis of the
irrigated rice cultivars. Rhizomicrobiome has horizontal relationship with plants
and is involved in balancing of hormones, defense system, and metabolism of plants
(Berendsen et al. 2012). The physiology and balance of hormones are performed
through controlled tuning of level of plant hormones by rhizomicrobiome
(Ravanbakhsh et al. 2018). The chemical communication of root and
rhizomicrobiome determines the structure and specific microbial population in
rhizosphere (Bulgarelli et al. 2012; Mendes et al. 2013; Bai et al. 2015). The exuded
root chemicals are involved in important defense processes against the plant patho-
genic fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and root-feeding arthropods
(Baetz and Martinoia 2014).
This chapter discusses the mechanism of transport and release of exudates from
root system, how the exudates assist and influence the specific rhizomicrobiome and
plant’s growth. The plant root exudates consist of various chemicals and how these
exudates are communicating with microorganisms in soil and the mechanism of
exudation chemicals from the root system into the soil.
Root exudates contain a variety of components, viz. sugar molecules, amino acids,
phenolic compounds, etc. Sugar molecules include ribose, glucose, arabinose,
sucrose, fructose, raffinose, rhamnose, galactose, mannitol, pentose, xylose, etc.
Among these chemicals, glucose is the predominant molecule released into soil
108 V. Balasubramanian et al.
(Toal et al. 2000). All common amino acids along with aminobutyric acid,
homoserine, L-hydroxyproline, and mugineic acid are present in exudates. Citric
acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, piscidic acid, protocatacheuic
acid, oxalic acid, tartaric acid acetic acid, L-aspartic acid, caffeic acid, chorismic
acid, L-glutamic acid, isocitric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, malic acid, salicylic
acid, shikimic acid, sinapic acid and succinic acid are phenolic compounds and
organic acids are present in the root exudates (Seal et al. 2004; Rentz et al. 2005).
The growth of surrounding plants and soil microbial population are enhanced by the
chemicals, especially some of the phenolic compounds exuded from roots
(Steinkellner et al. 2007; Evidente et al. 2009). Various chemicals are released to
the soil through root system and provide the signals to attract or repel the diversified
population/community surrounding the root (Table 4.1).
The chemicals are exuded from root as primary and secondary metabolites into the
soil by various mechanisms. The primary metabolic molecules (PMM) are sugar
molecules, amino acids, and organic acids. Flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and
allomones are considered as secondary metabolic molecules (SMM). Both PMM and
SMM are released by different mechanisms.
Fig. 4.2 Root structure and areas of root exudation. The upper figure represents the longitudinal
section of a root. Tissues are indicated in different colors for the different zones of the root (listed at
the bottom). The two circles focus on two distinct zones, a differentiated versus an undifferentiated
area, to show the presence of a Casparian strip and low abundance of plasmodesmata in the
differentiated area (left circle), and the presence of funnel plasmodesmata in the undifferentiated
area (right circle). The square represents a cross section close to the meristematic area where root
exudation is the highest. The lower figures represent a schematic representation of solute movement
sites from phloem unloading to the soil environment, either in the differentiation zone (a) or in the
undifferentiated root tip (b). (a) Solutes move through both the symplastic and apoplastic pathways,
but then they are reuptaken into the cytoplasm as the Casparian strip limits the apoplastic pathway.
Only the cortex and epidermis are responsible for the flux of metabolites into the apoplast and
consecutively into the soil (root exudation). Cortex and epidermis represent the major control point
for root exudation. (b) At the phloem-unloading site, both symplastic and apoplastic pathways are
used. Because of the lack of a Casparian strip, solutes can move out of the root (root exudation)
through both the apoplastic and the symplastic pathways. (Reproduced with permission from
Frontiers in Plant Science (Open Access), (Canarini et al. 2019))
used to transfer the amino acids, sugar, and organic acids, and these may be carried
out by the exudation flux fine tuning that happened via the up or down gene
regulation in gene expression or during the process of post-translational modification
(Badri et al. 2008). The PMM transports on efflux in membrane have been analyzed,
especially UMAMIT transporters (Okumoto and Pilot 2011; Moe 2013; Besnard
et al. 2016; Dinkeloo et al. 2018), GDU transporters (Pratelli et al. 2010), and CAT
4 Plant Root Exudates as Determinant of Rhizomicrobiome 111
transporters (Yang et al. 2010) are helpful to transport of amino acids; likewise,
SWEET transporter family (Williams et al. 2000; Chen et al. 2015; Manck-
Götzenberger and Requena 2016) for sugar molecules. Organic transporters such
as ALMT and MATE transporters are involved in the transport of malate and citrate,
respectively (Meyer et al. 2010; Mora-Macías et al. 2017).
These types of transporters are not energy-dependent H+ pumps (ATP) and
antiports (H+) transporters (Fig. 4.3), whereas MATE transporters for citrate required
H+-coupled antiport activity (Meyer et al. 2010) and ATP is utilized by
ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) transporters for SMM transport (Badri et al. 2009).
Furthermore, PMM transporters are predominantly passed via transmembrane car-
rier proteins by either substrate-specific or gradient in concentration through high-to-
low concentration from intracellular to extracellular. Gene expression of SWEET
and UMAMIT transporter’s synthesis and regulation to facilitate the sugar and
amino acids into soil have not been explored so far. Moreover, not much information
about the gene expression is available and it depends on the edaphic and environ-
mental factors and nutrient demands of plants. Recently, Chen et al. (2015) have
reported that SWEET transcription was induced by pathogen to increase the efflux of
glucose into apoplast of root system. The malate exuded by ALMT in root was
enhanced by Al3+ toxicity or P deficiency in the plant (Ma et al. 2001; Kochian et al.
2005; Mora-Macías et al. 2017). Characterizing the efflux carriers involved in
exudation of prominent PMM into the soil will help to regulate the release of root
exudate chemicals and enhance the yield in crop plants (Sasse et al. 2018).
Fig. 4.3 Summary of the main exudation mechanisms through the plasma membrane at the root
tip. The top panel represents active transport mechanisms, either primary active (direct consumption
of ATP) or secondary active (e.g., coupled to H+ pumps that actively consume ATP). The bottom
panel represents passive transport mechanisms, which allow diffusion following electrochemical
gradients. Red arrows represent movement of solutes against their electrochemical gradient, while
green arrows represent movement following their electrochemical gradient. On the right side of the
figure, examples of membrane transporters allowing movement of primary metabolites are
provided. (Reproduced with permission from Frontier in Plant Science (Open Access), (Canarini
et al. 2019))
4 Plant Root Exudates as Determinant of Rhizomicrobiome 113
(Wu et al. 2000), Juglone from Juglans nigra, black walnut (Jose and Gillespie
1998), and 8-hydroxyquinoline from Centaurea diffusa (Vivanco et al. 2004).
Studies revealed that some compounds share common factors like aromaticity,
common functional groups like presence of ketone group, whereas they differ also.
Plants secrete toxins at different concentrations, For example, Centaurea maculosa
and C. diffusa produce high concentrations of allelochemicals. In contrast to this,
Juglans nigra produces low level of phytotoxins (Pal Bais et al. 2002).
Soil is a heterogeneous, diverse, and sporadic system with poor nutrients and organic
sources (Nannipieri et al. 2003). It is made of both organic and inorganic layers
produced by concerted action of biotic and abiotic factors (Gobat et al. 2004).
Organic substances usually formed in soil are mainly of plant products. It is clear
that the plant remains are degraded by microorganisms by the process of biodegra-
dation and biodeterioration. As a matter of fact, more than 80% of reactions in soil
are mediated by microorganisms (Coleman et al. 2004). In agroecological systems,
microbes especially bacteria play a vital role in improving soil quality and, hence,
enhance the fertility. The microbial activity in soil is depending on the growth of
microbial population and root-exuded chemicals (Nannipieri et al. 2003). The
accessibility of ecological status is determined by pH, mineral composition, salinity,
nutrient availability, etc. Nowadays, researchers are studying about soil, plant, and
114 V. Balasubramanian et al.
Sinorhizobium meliloti but needs luteolin for their nod genes activation for expres-
sion (Zhang et al. 2007). These specific signaling molecules are important to
differentiate the host legumes plants from others. Signaling molecules released
into soil assist the rhizobia to reach the host plant by chemotaxis (Bais et al.
2006). Rudrappa et al. (2008) have demonstrated that L-malic acid is an exudate
chemical released by root for the signal to rhizobacteria to make root infection for
nodule formation. Steinkellner et al. (2007) explained changing flavonoid level
influences the Fusarium infection with host plants. Mostly, the iso-flavonoids are
analyzed in the family of leguminous plants.
Zeng et al. (2003) have studied the inducing effect of Brassicaceae plants on
ectomycorrhizal fungal germination, which led to infecting host plant. Arabidopsis
thaliana and Medicago truncatula can maintain indigenous soil fungi, but cannot
maintain nonindigenous population of fungi in their rhizosphere. These actions are
highly accomplished and regulated by the exudate chemicals released by the root.
When these root exudate chemicals were added with specific fungal population
developed root system in vitro, the qualitative and quantitative results of both
in vitro and in vivo plants grown in soil were similar (Zhu et al. 2009). Plant-
associated microbes are beneficial as they increase the nutrient content, enhance and
stimulate root and shoot growth by producing hormones like indole acetic acid by
4,3,1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminases (Glick 1995).
Organic acids and amino acids are also produced through root exudates. A study
in banana has revealed that organic acid from root exudates plays a major role in
PGPR colonization. It has also been identified those organic acids from banana root
exudates help in interaction with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Fumaric acid helps in
biofilm formation, whereas malic acid promotes chemotactic response in the banana
(Yuan et al. 2015). Rice root exudates have amino acids like histidine, proline,
glycine, etc. and contain carbohydrates like glucose, mannose, galactose, and
glucuronic acid. It promotes chemotactic response in endophytic bacteria Coryne-
bacterium flavescens and Bacillus pumilus (Chaturvedi et al. 2016). The amount of
sugar secretion might affect infection by plant pathogens. It has been proved that
Arabidopsis vacuolar sugar transporter SWEET2 actually protects plant from
Pythium infection. The vanillic acid and p-coumaric acid are the exudate chemicals
released by the root of cucumber into soil, which can alter the microbial population
in rhizosphere of cucumber (Chen et al. 2015).
Some of the exudate chemicals act as a bacterial mimic molecule (quorum-
signaling molecules) to alter the communication between bacteria in rhizosphere
(Gao et al. 2003). This is a kind of communication among the bacteria facilitated by
the small signaling molecules generally called as N-acyl homoserine lactone
(AHLS) in Gram-negative bacteria and peptide produced in Gram-positive bacteria
(Walker et al. 2003; Mathesius and Watt 2010). These exudate chemicals play a vital
role in controlling bacterial population density by regulating the genes. For example,
exudate chemicals of Pisum sativum (Pea) is an AHLS mimic molecule, which
increases the growth of specific bacteria strain and suppresses the growth of others
(Knee et al. 2001).
116 V. Balasubramanian et al.
Rhizomicrobiome is associated with the root tip that produces mucilage and border
cells, which play central role in interaction between plant and microbes (DeAngelis
et al. 2009). These border cells are released into rhizosphere as single cells or as
border-like cells (remain together to each other cells). These processes happen
depending on the organization of root meristematic cells. The release of higher
amount of border cells occurs by the pathogen attack and stimulates the mucilage
production by root tips and border cells. Mucilage consists of proteins with the
function of antimicrobial activity; also DNase released extracellular defense against
certain bacteria and fungi (Watson et al. 2015; Martha et al. 2016). The survival of
the border cells depends on the number of cells released from root tip cells; for
example, the single-border cell is able to live in rhizosphere for a month with starch
in soil, whereas border-like cells survive 2 weeks only and are produced by
Root exudate chemicals are involved in plant defense system against the plant
pathogens (Neal et al. 2012). Proteins released through roots have the potent
4 Plant Root Exudates as Determinant of Rhizomicrobiome 117
function to recognize the nonpathogenic and pathogenic bacteria (Wen et al. 2007;
De-la-Peña et al. 2008). For example, lectins function as defense factors and help to
establish the mutual relationship (De Hoff et al. 2009). Defense enzymes such as
chitinase, glycosyl hydrolase family 17 and 18, and peroxidases are released by the
A. thaliana against Pseudomonas syringae (De-la-Peña et al. 2008). With the help of
rhizomicrobiome, it is now clear that defense mechanism of plants is elucidated and
it reduces plant pathogenic infection even after the attack of pathogens, which
induces systemic resistance in plants (van Loon et al. 1998). Another aspect of
interaction is production of secondary metabolites like antibiotics and antimicrobial
peptides. The low-molecular-weight antibiotic secreted has a negative effect on plant
pathogens. For example, antibiotics such as phenazines, DAPG, and pyrrolnitrin
have proved a boon for controlling plant diseases in crop plants (Raaijmakers et al.
Chemicals of root exudates contribute a lot in belowground plant defense.
Phytoanticipins and phytoalexins are two important antimicrobial chemicals.
Phytoalexins are antimicrobial compounds synthesized by plants against the micro-
bial infection and are also called as plant antibiotics. Phytoalexins inhibit the growth
of microbes and they are synthesized by de novo anabolic pathways after elicitation
of pathogen’s infection. Therefore, the pathogens induction is required for the
production of phytoalexins by inducing the transcription and translational activities.
The mechanism of induced response also includes the production and transfer of
antimicrobial compounds to the site of infection (Grayer and Kokubun 2001).
Phytoanticipins are compounds, which are defensive in nature. They are pro-
duced by root hair just before plant encounters biotic stress. Van Etten et al. (1994)
first coined the term phytoanticipins as low-molecular-weight chemical that inhibits
the growth of plant pathogens. Phytoanticipins are present in plant cells before and
after the microbial infection. These antimicrobial compounds are sometimes found
in surface of the plants and some are impounded in vacuole as efficient compounds
or organelles. It is released by the hydrolyzing enzymes after the microbial infection
in plants. Therefore, the pre-existing phytoanticipins are liberated by enzyme action
and are not synthesized by de novo pathways like phytoalexins (Osbourn 1996).
The plant defense system produces chemicals and releases into soil as exudates to
control the plant pathogens. Lanoue et al. (2010) have demonstrated that Hordeum
vulgare (Barley) root releases chemicals, which contain five phenylpropanoids
potent to inhibit F. graminearum (soil-borne fungal pathogen). Among them, de
novo synthesis and t-cinnamic acid secretion were remarkably noted by labeling
experiment. The seedlings of Oryza sativa (rice) biosynthesize momilacton A and
diterpene derivate released through root system as antimicrobial compounds
(Toyomasu et al. 2008; Kato-Noguchi et al. 2008). Moreover, this compound is
accumulated in leaf and inhibited the growth of blast fungi in rice leaves (Hasegawa
et al. 2010). Hairy root culture of Coleus blumei released antimicrobial compound
rosmarinic acid via root against β-cryptogein during in vitro pathogen mimic
experiment. In this experiment, β-cryptogein acts as an elicitor, which is normally
produced by oomycetes during plant infection (Bais et al. 2002; Vuković et al.
2013). The same kind of in vitro studies have been performed on Arabidopsis (Badri
118 V. Balasubramanian et al.
et al. 2008) and hairy roots of Catharanthus roseus (Ruiz-May et al. 2009), which
induces the gene transcription for the synthesis of defense molecules, viz. salicylic
acid (SA), nitric oxide (NO), and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) that are released into
medium by root (Badri and Vivanco 2008).
Benzoxazinoids are released by the Zea mays (maize) as a defense chemical at the
time of emergency condition via crown and lateral roots specially to inhibit the
pathogen growth on site at which temporarily more vulnerable or in developmental
stages (flowering) where the chance of pathogenic infection is high (De-la-Peña et al.
2010). This is a kind of precautionary process in which the antimicrobial compound
is synthesized and secreted through root without the stimulation of pathogens
(Steeghs et al. 2004; Woong et al. 2004). Phytoalexin (camalexin, indole
glucosinolates, and salicylic acid) produced by Arabidopsis as root exudates
imparted resistance against Phytophthora capsici (Wang et al. 2013), and the
phytoalexin also controlled P. cinnamomic (Rookes et al. 2008). Pisum sativum
(pea) roots secrete pisatin, an isoflavonoids derivative, which is a potent antimicro-
bial compound of legumes (Wu and VanEtten 2004; Weisskopf et al. 2006). Pisatin
is released by specific tissue root tip by the induction of pathogens (Cannesan et al.
Tryptophan-derived secondary metabolites such as indole derivative camalexin
or glucosinolates are another potent antioomycete exudate released via root in soil by
Arabidopsis (Schreiner et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2013). Some of the molecules
involved in biosynthesis of camalexin have been recognized at the gene level. The
fungal pathogen infection leads to release of camalexin by roots of Arabidopsis. The
fungal infection determined the required quantity of production and accumulation of
camalexin (Bednarek et al. 2005; Iven et al. 2012).
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Rhizospheric Microbial Community:
Ecology, Methods, and Functions 5
Amir Khan, Manisha Joshi, and Ajay Veer Singh
Microbial diversity · Microbial function · Rhizosphere · Metaomics · PGPR
5.1 Introduction
In the region below ground, plants and microbes can have a mutualistic relationship,
i.e.. benefit each other. Microbes take nutrients from plants for their metabolic
activities and in turn assist plants in their growth by various activities such as nutrient
mobilization, soil development, and plant protection. Microbial community present
in the rhizosphere region can be classified as fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes,
protozoa, and nematodes. Among these classes, the bacterial and fungal classes
are most studied; also the rhizosphere effect (R/S ratio) for bacterial population is
higher in comparison to other microflora present in soil.
5 Rhizospheric Microbial Community: Ecology, Methods, and Functions 129
5.2.1 Bacteria
Bacteria are very small and advanced biological entities that can adapt in any kind of
surrounding conditions. As per Olanrewaju et al. (2019), the structure of rhizosphere
bacterial community is dependent on root exudates of distinct plant species which
vary with plant age, soil type, root system, and location. Rhizosphere inherits a wide
range of bacterial diversity which promotes plant growth and favors its development.
Collectively, the bacteria which accelerate plant growth and support its development
are called Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). A study conducted on
legume rhizosphere to characterize different bacterial communities present revealed
that the prominent rhizobial microflora consists of Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Coryne-
bacterium, Alcaligenes, and Serratia (Rawat and Mushtaq 2015). Apart from these
genera, the most prominent bacterial population in rhizosphere region includes
species of Rhizobium, Mycobacterium, Azospirillum, Acinetobacteria, Azotobacter,
Agrobacterium, etc. Since these plant growth promoting rhizobacteria are also
capable of eliciting bio-control and inducing growth promoting activities in plants
(Fig. 5.1), they can be exploited as a tool to overcome food security and can aid in
maintaining productive agricultural sustainability to fulfill increasing food demand
(Kumar et al. 2017).
Microbial diversity based on location, functional role, and plant growth promot-
ing activities forms the basis of classification of PGPR. Based on their location, it is
of two types, i.e., intracellular plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (iPGPR) and
extracellular plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (ePGPR). The ePGPRs are most
prominently found in the rhizosphere or are in proximity to root cortex, but not
inside the cell (Fig 5.1). Depending on the distance between them and the root
cortex, the ePGPRs are further subdivided into three divisions, i.e., root surface
colonizers, ones living in close proximity, but not in contact with the root cortex, and
the ones occupying the intercellular space of root cortex. Bacillus and Pseudomonas
species usually reside in cortical intercellular spaces and in soil. The iPGPR can
reach inside the plant cells and cause nodule formation. Frankia and Rhizobium are
prominent iPGPRs that aid in nitrogen fixation. Apart from conferring resistance
against biotic factors, these bacteria also elicit stress tolerance in plants. Yang et al.
(2008) reported that Arabidopsis thaliana was more tolerant to drought on treatment
with Paenibacillus polymyxa. Similar results were obtained for tomato (Sola-
num copersicum L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) when these crops were
treated with Achromobacter piechaudii ARV8. These strains increased plant height,
shoot dry weight, and improved nodule number in drought stress conditions,
indicating synergistic effects. During exposure to elevated temperature, Pseudomo-
nas aeruginosa strain AMK-P6 showed induction of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP);
likewise during low temperature conditions, i.e., cold stress conditions, bacteria
responded by inducing production of cryoprotectant proteins. Genus Pseudomonas
is well documented for its growth promoting activities in plants during water stress
conditions (Bilinski et al. 2019).
Based on functional role, PGPRs are categorized into bioprotectants
(biopesticides and biocontrol agents), biofertilizers, phytostimulators, and
5.2.2 Fungi
tolerance) and nutrient acquisition. Additionally, they also enhance soil quality by
heavy metal immobilization and modulate rhizo-deposits, thus affecting microbial
activity (Lenoir et al. 2016). An iron containing protein secreted by arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi, “glomalin” determines its advantageous ability (Vlcek and
Pohanka 2020). This iron containing protein also takes part in scavenging elements
hazardous to plant health and in turn increases chances of survival in polluted soils.
Apart from playing a role in toxic element sequestration, glomalin enhances soil
penetration by air and water by stabilizing soil aggregates, thus also conferring
erosion resistance. Biocontrol activities of these fungi have also been reported.
They confer protection to plants against biotic stress such as infection caused by
parasitic nematodes. They suppress nematodes in regard to nutrients and space and
bring out induced systemic resistance (ISR) in plants during pathogen attack
(Schouteden et al. 2015). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi positively influence plant
invasion and facilitate seedling establishment. Studies indicate that co-inoculation of
different arbuscular mycorrhizal species helps to increase plant-plant facilitation.
This facilitation is ecologically significant as it helps establishment of woody plants
on semiarid regions (Montesinos-Navarro et al. 2012). Plants share common mycor-
rhizal network among them. In such cases, arbuscular mycorrhizal acts as a mediator
to partition and transfer phosphorus, nitrogen, water, and carbon from resource-
abundant plants (source) to resource-scarce plants (sink) (Walder et al. 2016). This
translocation aids plant growth by providing resources during stress conditions and
speedy recovery from water crises (Babikova et al. 2013). Glomus and Rhizophagus
irregularis species are most widely studied in natural ecosystems (Tisserant et al.
Fungal biocontrol agent Trichoderma spp. has significantly contributed to plant
protection. It competes with plant pathogens through several mechanisms, namely,
induced resistance, competition, parasitism, and antibiosis (Zhang et al. 2016). Other
species of Trichoderma have also been reported to enhance plant growth by produc-
ing growth factors and aiding in nutrients uptake by solubilizing them (Li et al.
5.2.3 Others
commercially produced EPNs are used as potent biocontrol agents against insect
herbivory present at plants (Lacey and Georgis 2012).
The other organism residing in rhizobiome besides nematodes is protozoa. It is a
unicellular organism dependent on microbes for food supply. Protozoa enhance
organic matter release and supply ample amount of nitrogen to plants who otherwise
have limited to access nitrogen. The grazing activities of protozoa also aid in fast
translocation of photosynthates from source to roots. Meanwhile, they also build up
a connection with arbuscular mycorrhiza and enhance nutrient supply (Koller et al.
The ongoing research indicates that the biochemical and ecological processes in
rhizosphere region are interceded by interactions taking place between soil
microorganisms and plants, which in turn also affect the microenvironment biologi-
cally, chemically, and physically. For the preservation of biodiversity and ecological
sustainability, the contribution of rhizobiome and plants is significant in bio-
geochemical transformation, nutrient cycling, biomass turnover, and energy utiliza-
tion during photosynthesis in terrestrial ecosystem (Weyens et al. 2015). At root-soil
interface and plant roots, microbial colonization is facilitated by various root
exudates (Voges et al. 2019). An estimate about the total genome of microbial
communities at rhizosphere indicates that it is greatly huge than the genome of
the plant itself, thereby also called the plant’s second genome (Berendsen et al.
Colonization of root vicinity by microbes triggers rhizosphere processes that
involve various biological and physico-chemical turnovers such as uptake of water
and minerals by the host plant, release of gases such as CO2, and production of
various chemical compounds (Philippot et al. 2013). The biological and physico-
chemical processes, along with various biotic and abiotic factors, affect the popula-
tion and metabolic activity of these microorganisms residing in rhizosphere. Many
soil microorganisms remain in dormant state in conditions of carbon(C) limitation in
normal. Good growth of plants results in an increment of soil organic matter by 20-
to 30-fold around the area of root secretions. This hike in organic input boosts
microbial metabolism and activity which in turn enhances the turnover of soil
organic matter (Xiaoping et al. 2019). Growing roots usually support fast growers
such as bacteria, while mature roots aid slow growers like actinomycetes and fungi.
Mature roots secrete less quantity of cell lysate and mucilage due to a lack of
emerging lateral roots and border cells. During transpiration, inward salt and mineral
movement and outward diffusion lead to generation of chemical gradient near roots
and create a diverse range of microbial habitats. Compounds with low molecular
weight like sugars, organic acids, amino acids, and flavonoids are easily utilized by
microbes and their availability plays a major role in maintaining the dynamics of
microbial community in soil.
134 A. Khan et al.
Plant genetic makeup plays a major role in the selection of rhizosphere microbial
flora because the genetic and physiological control of plant decides the amount and
variety of compounds secreted as exudates by roots. Studies on horticultural crop
plants such as Medicago truncatula (Kisiel and Kępczyńska 2016), Arabidopsis
thaliana (Bulgarelli et al. 2012, 2013) and non-cultivated plant species like
arbuscular mycorrhizal association demonstrate that different plant species grown
in same soil have variable root biome. In nutshell, these studies indicate that the
quality and quantity of secreted root exudates by plant root affect microbial popula-
tion in the soil.
Root structure of plants also affects oxygen pressure and availability of nitrogen
and carbon which influence various transformation processes in soil by inhabiting
microorganisms. This may also result in a shift of microbial community as the
microbial population varies according to sources and availability of carbon and
nitrogen. Additionally, various growth stages of plant and roots alter physical and
chemical properties of the soil such as organic content, mineral content, salinity
levels, water potential, and pH. The plant genotype influences rhizosphere microbial
community which in turn has an effect on plant health, i.e., its growth and survival.
Hence, it is likely that co-evolution exists between plants and microbes. The root-
microbial associations can be symbiotic or non-symbiotic. Symbiotic associations or
symbiosis is a highly evolved interaction, while the non-symbiotic association is less
specific. However, the extent of specificity and co-evolution still remains
The symbiotic associations are more prone to evolve host specificity. The legume
rhizobia interactions are bound by range restrictions. Single rhizobium species is
constrained to single specific plant genus or group of genera, in contrast to the
condition that a single plant may host many microbial strains of identical species.
The non-symbiotic association can be plant genotype-specific or plant species-
specific. The variations in rhizosphere microbial communities at various develop-
mental stages of plants have not been much widely studied. However, alteration in
microbial community structure due to the shift from seedling, mature plant to the
senescence stage has been well studied.
The role of microbes in nutrient recycling in soil ecosystem is well known. This
versatile microbial population serves plants in various forms, but it has to cope up
with many types of abiotic factors that affect them adversely. Temperature, soil pH,
soil topology, soil texture, humidity, use of insecticides, and pesticides are some of
the factors which influence microbial community structure, their growth, and their
physiology. Studies on the climate change effects on soil environment also con-
firmed their influence on soil environment including soil microbiome through
indirect and direct pathways. Microbial community structure varies depending on
5 Rhizospheric Microbial Community: Ecology, Methods, and Functions 135
Rhizosphere looks like a microbial cloud around the root, where vast diversity and
an infinite number of microorganisms (Bacteria, Fungi, and others) reside. About
1011 cells and 30,000 species of microorganisms dwell in a gram of soil (Berendsen
et al. 2012). It is very difficult to isolate and identify each bacterium from this huge
136 A. Khan et al.
dye to formazan, as a result of which a color change occurs within each well which is
detected through photometer. This approach enables intensive sampling across
temporal and spatial scales, owing to low manpower requirements. However, it
requires incubation of 2–7 days for color response in individual wells.
The traditional methods are used to study only the culturable microorganisms.
However, a major fraction of the soil microorganisms are non-culturable, which
makes it difficult to interpret the overall community of the soil. The molecular-based
techniques for studying rhizospheric microbial communities are based on culture-
independent methods (Fig. 5.2). These techniques do not involve the time-
consuming processes of isolating and culturing the bacteria. This method mostly
includes the lysis of bacterial cells in soil system followed by extraction of nucleic
acid and analysis of targeted gene sequence to get the genetic information of the
35–63% (Nüsslein and Tiedje 1999). This difference in G + C content of the DNA is
used to measure bacterial diversity. With this technique, DNA profile is produced
and relative abundance of DNA as a function of G + C content can be indicated.
Since G + C content of various different taxonomic groups may be similar, this
technique does not give a clear species-level resolution. G + C analysis is devoid of
PCR biases and since all the extracted DNA is involved in analysis, all the major and
rare members of microorganisms population get uncovered.
DNA–DNA Hybridization: It is also known as DNA–DNA re-association. This
technique involves making comparison between whole genomes of many different
organisms to calculate overall genomic similarities amongst them. This technique
involves the following steps: (i) extraction of DNA from environmental samples,
(ii) its purification, (iii) denaturation, (iv) and re-annealing. The hybridization rate
varies with similarity between DNA sequences. DNA–DNA re-association generally
ranges from 25 to 75 %. Two strains having 75% or more than 75% of re-association
capability will belong to the same species, whereas reassociation between 50 and
75% demonstrates that the strains belong to same genera, but different species.
Reduction in the rate of DNA re-association is observed with increase in complexity
of microbial diversity. The kinetics involved in re-association of DNA reflects the
variations among the sequences present in the environment, thereby reflecting the
diverse microbial communities in the environment.
DNA Microarrays: In this method, a target DNA and a probe (both complemen-
tary, single stranded regions of DNA) are allowed to hybridize. Either one of the two
is labeled with fluorescent dyes like Cy3 and Cy5. High-resolution scanning is used
to detect the hybridization events by detecting the labelling of the bound comple-
mentary target. Presence of thousands of highly specific DNA sequences in a single
array makes the use of this tool quite precious in bacterial diversity analysis
(DeSantis et al. 2007).
Reverse Sample Genome Probing (RSGP): RSGP is another molecular technique
for analyzing microbial community. RSGP comprises four steps: (1) genomic DNA
isolation, (2) cross-hybridization of DNA fragments to test the hybridization per-
centage, (3) genome arrays preparation on solid support, and (4) defined mixture
from the total community DNA is then used for random labelling. Thus, the RSGP is
a valuable approach for low diversity conditions, but assessment of highly diverse
community by using this approach is difficult (Agrawal et al. 2015).
bands depict the diverse microbial communities structure present in the sample
(Singh et al. 2012; Franco-Duarte et al. 2019).
Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD): In this technique, short
primers (about 10 bases) are selected randomly and amplified by using PCR. These
primers bind non-specifically with complementary nucleotides in the genome
(Franco-Duarte et al. 2019). The amplicons are then separated on gels. The banding
patterns obtained on gel distinguish organisms on the basis of the presence or
absence of bands (polymorphism).
Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (RISA)/Automated Riobosomal intergenic
Spacer Analysis (ARISA): RISA and ARISA are both riobosomal-based fingerprint-
ing techniques to study the microbial diversity. These techniques involve the
amplification of intergenic spacer regions present between the 16S and 23S ribosome
subunits by PCR, followed by its denaturation and separation under denaturing
conditions on polyacrylamide gel. Heterogeneity of the length and sequence of
IGS region is used to differentiate bacterial strains. Fully automatic edition of
RISA, known as ARISA, uses a fluorescence-labeled forward primer. Laser
detectors are used to detect ISR fragments, thereby determining the microbiome
Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE)/Temperature Gradient Gel
Electrophoresis (TGGE): In this technique, 16S rDNA is utilized to analyze the
microbial diversity in environmental samples to determine community structure,
enriched microorganisms at specific sites, population shift, screen clone library, etc.
It includes: (i) extraction of DNA from samples, (ii) amplification of the 16S and 18S
rDNA with universal primers, (iii) denaturation followed by movement on poly-
acrylamide gel. On account of the melting behavior of double-stranded DNA, they
get separated on polyacrylamide gel prepared with gradient concentration of urea
and formamide. Molecules having diverse sequence cease their migration at different
points in the gel. After this, DNA bands are visualized using ethidium bromide,
SYBR Green I, or silver staining. The number of bands present in the gel
demonstrates the number of species present in the sample and these could be
identified by the sequencing of such gene (Salam and Varma 2019).
Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP): This technique
is generally used for examining complex microbial communities structure based on
recognition sequence of restriction enzymes in 16S rDNA. This method was
invented by Liu et al. (1997). In this method, a fluorochrome molecule like
TAMARA, HEX, or 6-FAM is used to label 5' end of either one or both the primers.
Then amplicon mixture gets digested with one or more restriction enzymes. After-
ward, digested fragments get separated in DNA sequencer either by capillary
electrophoresis or by polyacrylamide electrophoresis, and the size of different
terminal fragments is detected using fluorescence detector. Only the fluorescent
labelled terminal fragments are detected due to the use of dye. This makes
T-RFLP different from RFLP or ARDRA where all the separated fragments of
DNA are visualized.
Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphisms (SSCPs): This method involves
detection of differences in the sequence of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). The
140 A. Khan et al.
Plants obtain nutrients from the soil and convert them into complex molecules of
carbohydrates, proteins, and all essential compounds. The three primary nutrients
that plants require are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Calcium
(Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) are the secondary nutrients, while boron,
chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc are the micro-nutrients.
Plants are largely dependent on soil microbes to make these nutrients accessible.
Microbes secrete acids, enzymes, and hormones which are useful for promoting
plant growth and also increasing the bioavailability of nutrients by mobilization of
key nutrients, i.e., phosphorus, potassium, and iron.
5 Rhizospheric Microbial Community: Ecology, Methods, and Functions 141 P Mobilization
Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plants, but due to its active chemistry,
available phosphorus gets converted into unavailable fraction in the soil. Most of the
soils have inorganic or organic P in immobilized or unavailable form (Parveen et al.
2018; Singh et al. 2018). Microbes help in P mobilization by direct as well as indirect
methods. In the direct methods, P is solubilized by reducing the pH of external
medium by proton extrusion and production of low molecular weight organic anions
like citric acid, succinic acid, α-ketogluconic acid, gluconic acid, and oxalic acids.
After this process, ligand exchange occurs, where these anions get exchanged with
P. Hydroxyl and carboxyl groups present in these acids chelate the cations bound to
phosphate, thereby making them soluble. Organic P compounds are also hydrolyzed
by production of phosphatases or phytases. Besides, there are numerous indirect
methods of P mobilization that microbes follow. These are: (i) Respiration
by-product CO2 of these microbes dissolves in water present in the soil pores,
resulting in formation of carbonic acid, which decreases the pH of mycorrhizosphere
and solublizes P. (ii) During assimilation of NH4+, microbes release proton (H+)
which lowers soil pH and available P gets solublized (Singh et al. 2018).
142 A. Khan et al. Fe Sequestration
Iron is a key micronutrient required by plants and predominantly exists as ferric (Fe3
) form in nature. It is not readily available for plants, microbes, or other biota in
aerated soil. Additionally, ferrous (Fe2+) present in soil also gets oxidized to Fe3+,
thereby limiting amount of iron available for assimilation by plants or microbes.
Therefore, a fierce rivalry exists among bacteria, fungi, and plants in the rhizosphere
to meet their iron requirement. Under such conditions, few specific strains of bacteria
synthesize siderophores. These are low molecular mass proteins that deploy high
attraction to chelate and solubilize iron from insoluble compounds (Khan et al.
2019). Uptake of these complexes by the cell membrane of both Gram positive as
well as Gram negative bacteria can reduce siderophore bounded Fe3+ to Fe2+, which
is guided by membrane standing or free extracellular ferric-chelate reductases. Later,
cell links its inner and outer membrane and expels these ions from the siderophores.
This mechanism is known as “gating.” Thus, siderophores solubilize iron from
unavailable minerals or organic compounds in iron limiting conditions.
5.5.3 Decomposition
the degree of recalcitrance. The water-soluble molecules like amino acids and sugars
which are easily accessible to fastidious microorganisms degrade at quicker pace;
(ii) the cellulose, hemi-cellulose, and pectin; and (iii) lignin and other aromatic
compounds. Cellulose, the most abundant natural polymer, is composed of repetitive
units of 1,4-linked D-glucose. It has linear chains held together with hydrogen bonds
creating crystalline structure and amorphous regions that grant rigidity to cell walls
(Rytioja et al. 2014). The hemicellulose is a branched polymer mainly constituting of
xylans, xyloglucans, and mannans (Rytioja et al. 2014). Lignin is the most recalci-
trant of all the polymers present in the litter. Lignin is a complex aromatic substance,
which provides the plant cell wall with rigidity and strength. It functions as an
adhesive between the fibers of polysaccharides.
Easily soluble compounds like starch, amino acids, and sugar are lost rapidly due
to leaching and microbial activities during decomposition. Lignin and cellulose
which are left in the litter are acted upon by specific microbial taxa. The rate of
decay of these substances is comparatively very slow. Fungi are mainly responsible
for litter and wood decomposition and, up to lesser extent, bacteria (Tlaskal et al.
2016). Bacterial communities are known to change successively during the process
of litter decomposition. Most abundant taxa found over the entire process are
Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes (Purahong et al. 2016). Generally,
phyllosphere bacteria play their role only during the initial stage of litter decompo-
sition. Subsequently, they are replaced with the taxa that produce proteolytic and
cellulolytic enzymes (Frigobacterium and Sphingomonas) (Tlaskal et al. 2016). In
the later stages, Bradyrhizobium, Burkholderia, and Streptomyces begin their role.
Fungal communities are also known to undergo a distinct succession of taxa in the
process of decomposition of available biopolymers. The pioneer fungal taxa mostly
involved in the initial stage of the decomposition of both litter and wood are
endophytes (Purahong et al. 2016). In the later stages, i.e., the second phase, fungi
of the phyllosphere are taken over by taxa that produce enzymes like endo-cellulases
and endoxylanases and are able to use cellulose. In the later phase, increasing
fractions of Basidiomycota which are capable of degrading lignin and humic acids
are found. This group of fungi primarily produce manganese peroxidase, laccase,
and lignin peroxidase during this phase.
5.6 Conclusion
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Signaling in the Rhizosphere for Better
Plant and Soil Health 6
Hemant S. Maheshwari, Richa Agnihotri, Abhishek Bharti,
Dipanti Chourasiya, Pratibha Laad, Ajinath Dukare,
B. Jeberlin Prabina, Mahaveer P. Sharma, and Sushil K. Sharma
H. S. Maheshwari (*)
Ecophysiology of Plants, Faculty of Science and Engineering, GELIFES-Groningen Institute for
Evolutionary Life Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
e-mail: h.s.maheshwari@rug.nl
R. Agnihotri · A. Bharti · D. Chourasiya · P. Laad · M. P. Sharma
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
A. Dukare
ICAR-Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPHET), Ludhiana, Punjab,
B. J. Prabina
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College and Research
Institute Killikulam, Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Vallanadu, India
S. K. Sharma
ICAR-National Institute of Biotic Stress Management (ICAR-NIBSM), Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
6.1 Introduction
Fig. 6.1 Signaling in plants for better plant fitness and soil health (Modified from Venturi and Keel
living together. Priming with beneficial microbes likely elicits induced systemic
resistance (ISR) in the plants against pathogenic microorganisms. Hence, the role of
microbial signals in overcoming abiotic and biotic stresses in the plants and selective
recruitment of beneficial microorganisms needs to be studied.
Rhizosphere constitutes a narrow soil zone near the vicinity of the roots, where
intense microbial diversity and activity occur due to exudation of a wide array of root
exudates. Rhizosphere communication is mediated by various root exudates
(a cocktail of both low and high molecular weight), volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), and plant hormones like strigolactones (SLs), which are released from the
root for chemoattracting beneficial microorganisms and repelling deleterious patho-
genic microorganisms. These compounds determine the composition of
microorganisms in the rhizosphere and the fate of plant health and its role in
alleviating biotic and abiotic stresses. All symbiotic interacting microbes have to
overcome the plant immune barriers and physical barriers for any interactions. Plant
immune gets activated upon interaction with microbial signature molecules termed
as a microbe, or pathogen-associated molecular pattern (MAMP)/PAMPs triggered
152 H. S. Maheshwari et al.
Besides root exudates, plants also produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
which can quickly diffuse in the below-ground distantly in the soil micro- and
macro-pores to protect plants against herbivores, pests, and phytopathogens. These
VOCs can stimulate the migration of distantly placed beneficial bacteria during the
biotic stress conditions. Plant roots infected with pathogen Fusarium culmorum in
Carex arenaria result in the alteration in the composition of plant VOCs, which in
turn recruit specific bacteria and fungi with antimicrobial properties as a plant
defense mechanism (Schulz-Bohm et al. 2018). Under biotic stresses, the plant-
mediated VOCs signal other healthy plant tissues to help in promoting beneficial
bacteria and developing shields in the rhizosphere zone to protect them against the
invading pathogens and herbivores. The positive allelopathy in neighboring plants
154 H. S. Maheshwari et al.
and the underlying mechanisms need further investigation (Liu and Brettell 2019).
This possible mechanism performed on the effect of plant-volatile compounds on the
interruption of bacterial quorum sensing (QS) revealed that certain volatile
substances have an inhibitory role, whereas some have a stimulatory function in
the QS, indicating a possible alternative for controlling plant pathogens (Ahmad
et al. 2015). The Arabidopsis plant infected with foliar downy mildew pathogen
Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis alters the root microbiome composition by
chemoattracting consortia of three bacteria, namely, Xanthomonas,
Stenotrophomonas, and Microbacterium, which act synergistically, induce the
defense system, and promote a healthy plant stand.
6.2.3 Strigolactones
Strigolactones (SLs) term was first coined by Butler (1995) to designate a compound
exuded from roots of different plant species that induce germination of Striga
(witchweed). Strigolactones (SLs) are the carotenoid-derivatives plant hormones,
which play a pivotal role in beneficial plant-microbe interactions (AM fungi with
roots of plants, and rhizobia-legume symbiosis), as well as in interaction with
phytopathogenic microorganisms. The beneficial role of SLs is to enhance
(i) spore germination and hyphal branching processes in AM fungi, and (ii) initiate
nodulation in rhizobial symbiosis, and (iii) interaction with plant defense-related
phytohormones like salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, and ABA during pathogen devel-
opment (López-Ráez et al. 2017). The detrimental role is in the case of stimulating
seed germination of Striga, Phelipanche, Alectra, and Orobanche weeds and
involved in disease development with many pathogenic bacteria and oomycetes
fungi (López-Ráez et al. 2017). The SLs synthesis is regulataed by auxin and
phosphate concentrations available to the plants and also helps in nutrient availabil-
ity to the plants (Andreo-Jimenez et al. 2015). The SLs are also involved in the
modification of root system architecture during phosphorus deficiency in
Arabidopsis plants and enhances lateral root branching. Moreover, it inhibits shoot
branching and thereby, increasing the root/shoot ratio (Andreo-Jimenez et al. 2015).
The phosphate-starvation and rhizobia LCOs trigger SLs synthesizing gene MtD27
in rice (van Zeijl et al. 2015). However, the response of SLs in the case of controlling
or promoting pathogenic microorganisms in plants is inconsistent and varies with
different pathogen-plant system.
ABA signaling), and tolerance (IST induction and sodium ion homeostasis)
mechanisms. Furthermore, secondary metabolite compounds produced by various
Gram-negative bacterial biocontrol agents (BCAs) are, namely, diacetyl
phloroglucinol (DAPG), siderophore, HCN, pyrroles, pyrrolnitrin, phenazines, quin-
olone derivatives, phenylacetic acid, etc.. In contrast, Gram-positive bacterial bio-
control agents produce iturins, bacillomycin, fengycins, surfactins, and various lytic
enzymes. Similarly, various PGPF and mycorrhizal fungi also produce secondary
metabolites that kill phytopathogenic microorganisms and help in increasing plant
health (Navarro et al. 2019). Moreover, the quorum-sensing compounds produced
by microorganisms play a role in modulating root system architecture (RSA). Hence,
these microbial signals play a role in rhizosphere modification like increased rooting,
triggering host plant immunity, and increasing yield (Ortíz-Castro et al. 2009).
Recently, a new concept termed as systemically induced root exudation of
metabolites (SIREM) published. The colonization of specific microorganisms in
the root zone triggers the systemic exudation of specific compounds. Here, coloni-
zation of specific bacteria in tomato root triggers exudation of acyl sugars
insecticides, organic acids hydrocinnamic acid derivatives, and steroidal glycoalka-
loid compounds. When Bacillus subtilis 3610 and Pseudomonas fluorescens
SBW25 were introduced in root individually, it resulted in exudation of acyl sucrose
and ferulic acid hexose, respectively. It means rhizomicrobiome can change the
exudation profile of primary as well as secondary metabolites by systematically
altering plant metabolism. SIREM explains long-distance communication of
rhizomicrobiome with the above-ground plant parts (Korenblum et al. 2020).
Many soil bacteria and fungi are known to release certain volatile organic
compounds, which are low-molecular-weight (<300 Da) lipophilic and odorous
compounds (<C15) having low boiling temperatures, and having high vapor pres-
sure (0.01 kPa at 20 C). These MVOCs can quickly evaporate and diffuse over short
and long distances in the root vicinity. The MVOCs are chemically related to
alkenes, alcohols, benzenoids, ketones, pyrazines, sulfides, and terpenes classes
(Kanchiswamy et al. 2015). Such compounds have typically implicated in the
microbe-microbe, plant-microbe, and diverse intra-/inter-kingdom interactions
(Schulz-Bohm et al. 2018). Many microbes, namely, Bacillus, Pseudomonas,
Alternaria and Fusarium, produce MVOCs which are involved in enhancing the
root and plant biomass and modulate phytohormones for the better plant health
(Bailly and Weisskopf 2012). The MVOCs, in dole produced by many soil bacteria,
are involved in lateral roots formation and promote shoots biomass via auxin in a
controlled pathway in Arabidopsis plants (Bailly et al. 2014). The MVOCs secreted
by many Bacillus species are isolated from lemon grass rhizosphere identified
ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols, which modulate the root-system architecture and
increase plant biomass in the Arabidopsis seedlings (Gutiérrez-Luna et al. 2010).
156 H. S. Maheshwari et al.
During the field evaluation of two MVOCs, 3-pentanol and 2-butanone for antago-
nistic activities against Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans causing angular leaf
spot disease in cucumber and anaphid Myzus persicae, it was found that these
volatile compounds significantly reduced the aphid population and increased the
number of natural enemies such as the lady bird beetle Coccinella septempunctata
(Song and Ryu 2013). Contrary to the growth promotion response of MVOCs, their
adverse effects on plant fitness have also been reported in certain studies. For
example, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) produced by bacteria induces oxidative stress
phytotoxicity in Arabidopsis plant tissue (Blom et al. 2011). Similarly, some volatile
compounds produced by bacterial genera Bacillus sp., Serratia, and
Stenotrophomonas, and many soil-borne pathogenic fungi retard Arabidopsis seed-
ling biomass (Vespermann et al. 2007). The use of MVOCs in agriculture for
managing phytopathogen or insect-pest may be a sustainable alternative to toxic
agrochemicals in the field for higher crop production. We have briefly mentioned the
role of various microorganisms and their MVOCs for plant growth promotion by
alleviating biotic as well as abiotic stresses in Table 6.1.
The plant’s roots recruit a diverse variety of soil microorganisms by releasing a wide
array of root exudates, which produce phytohormones like auxin, cytokinins,
gibberellin acid, and abscisic acid (ABA). The PGPR convert tryptophan into
indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) via various pathways (el Zahar Haichar et al. 2014) and
by non-tryptophan-dependent pathway (Prinsen et al. 1993); similarly,
aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), an ethylene precursor released from
plant roots are cleaved by the PGPR-mediated ACC deaminase enzyme and thereby
alleviating the abiotic stresses (el Zahar Haichar et al. 2014). The notable example of
multiple plant growth–promoting hormones (IAA, GA, zeatin, ET, and ABA)
producing bacteria is the Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA110, E109, and
SEMIA5080 (Boiero et al. 2007). Auxin
PGPR-mediated auxin biosynthesis plays a dominant role in the formation and
development of lateral roots and root hair and modification of root system architec-
ture (RSA) (Vacheron et al. 2013). Auxin biosynthesis in microorganisms occurs by
many pathways, and more than 80% of rhizospheric bacteria can synthesize indole-
3-acetic acid (Khalid et al. 2004). Many PGPR, bacterial and fungal endophytes,
including ectomycorrhizal fungi, produce auxin, and its transport and signaling alter
IAA homeostasis in the plants (Sukumar et al. 2013). The IAA acts as a mutual
signaling molecule and Phyto-stimulant in Azospirillum and plant interaction
(Lambrecht et al. 2000). The biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens, which
controls black-pepper foot rot caused by Phytophthora capsici, is involved in the
root proliferation mediated by auxin and gibberellic acid (Paul and Sarma 2006). The
root colonization by Trichoderma viride in Arabidopsis occurs via an exchange of
6 Signaling in the Rhizosphere for Better Plant and Soil Health 157
Table 6.1 Mechanisms of MVOCs in plant growth and mitigate biotic- and abiotic-stresses
no Microorganisms MVOCs Effect References
1. Pseudomonas 2R,3R-butanediol Induces ISR in tobacco Han et al.
chlororaphis 06 against Erwinia carotovora (2006)
sub sp. carotovora SCC1
2. Bacillus subtilis 2,3-butanediol, and Increases the surface area of Ryu et al.
GBO3 acetoin the leaf in Arabidopsis (2003)
Increase plant biomass of Xie et al.
the Arabidopsis (2009)
Induction of jasmonate and Kwon et al.
salicylate acid pathway, and (2010)
ROS scavenging by Zhang et al.
antioxidant enzymes in (2008)
Alleviate salinity by
downregulating sodium
transporter HKT1
expression in root and Na+
homeostasis in the
3. Bacillus subtilis FB17 Acetoin Trigger ISR by SA and ET Rudrappa
dependent pathways against et al. (2010)
Pseudomonas syringae
pv. tomato DC 3000 in
4. Pseudomonas simiae Induces IST for tolerating
AU salinity.
Reduction in the uptake of
Na+ and accumulation of K
+ and P.
5. Pseudomonas strains HCN and Antagonistic against Hunziker et al.
1-undecene Phytophthora infestans by (2015)
compounds inhibiting hyphal growth
and sporulation.
6. Pseudomonas Antagonistic against Cordero et al.
fluorescens MGR 12 Fusarium proliferatum (2014)
7. Colombians Various MVOCS Fungal inhibition of Garbeva et al.
fungivorans Ter331 phytopathogenic genera (2014)
and Fusarium, Pythium,
Collimonas pratensis Chaetomium, and Mucor
8. Trichoderma viride Isobutyl alcohol, The plant had larger leaves, Hung et al.
isopentyl alcohol, higher plant biomass (45%), (2013)
and root biomass, increased
3-methylbutanal, lateral roots, earliness in
flowering and chlorophyll
content (58%) as compared
to the control-treated plant
158 H. S. Maheshwari et al. Ethylene
Plants under abiotic stresses accumulate a large amount of stress ethylene (Paul et al.
2017). The ethylene modulation is a holobiont process as it is influenced by a
combination of both plant and associated microbes, indicating an ecological and
evolutionary role in the plants (Ravanbakhsh et al. 2018). Plant-associated
microorganisms modulate the ethylene signaling by producing
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase and ACC synthase enzymes.
The ACC deaminase cleaves plant ACC, an ethylene precursor, into alpha-
ketobutyrate and ammonia, thereby reducing ethylene level inside the plants.
Whereas ACC synthase enzyme can increase ethylene accumulation in the plants
(Glick 2014). These associated microbes both upregulate and downregulate ethylene
by integrating with plant ethylene response factors (ERFs), which leads to complete
or partial inhibition of the ethylene pathway (Ravanbakhsh et al. 2018). It shows that
plants and associated microorganisms are co-evolved, and plants are dependent on
their partners (Ravanbakhsh et al. 2018). The bio-priming of seeds with
ACC-deaminase producing microbes imparting abiotic stress resilience may be an
alternative strategy to alleviate abiotic stress in plants (Gupta and Pandey 2019). The
ACC-deaminase positive Variovorax paradoxus 5C-2 increases shoot K+: Na+ ratio
improves photosynthetic parameters, and ion homeostasis in salinity stress (Wang
et al. 2016). Here, we mention some of the microorganisms and their hormones in
plant-microbe interaction in Table 6.2.
160 H. S. Maheshwari et al.
of siderophores for sequestering iron for plants and lower the disease-causing
potential of phytopathogens. The Trichoderma protects the plants from various
pathogenic microorganisms and acts as a biocontrol agent. It kills harmful pathogens
by utilizing various mechanisms as (i) competition for space and nutrients by
colonization in root and, thereby, starving pathogens, (ii) antibiosis through produc-
ing various antibiotic compounds, (iii) mycoparasitism via secreting cell wall lytic
enzymes (chitinase, cellulases, b-glucanases, and proteases), (iv) production of
siderophore and various secondary metabolites, (v) eliciting plant defense via
ethylene production and hypersensitive responses, (vi) plant growth enhancement
via the production of growth hormones and nutrient (P) solubilization (Abdel-Lateif
2017; Kumar 2013). The role of important biocontrol agents (BCAs) and their
secondary metabolites for disease management are briefly discussed in Table 6.3.
Table 6.3 Biocontrol agents and their secondary metabolites for disease suppression
Sr. Secondary
no Microorganisms metabolites Effect References
1. Bacillus alvei NRC-14 Lytic enzymes Against Fusarium Abdel-
oxysporum in tomato Aziz
2. Pseudomonas putida Siderophore Induces ISR in Meziane
WCS358 and Arabidopsis against et al.
pseudobactin Pseudomonas syringaepv. (2005)
Against Colletotrichum
lindemuthianum in bean
and Botrytis cinerea in
tomato and bean
3. Bacillus subtilis Hydroxymate Suppress Fusarium Patil et al.
CTS-G24 type of oxysporum f. sp. ciceris (2014)
siderophore and
pathogen in chickpea
4. Bacillus fortis AGS162 Phenylacetic Elicitor of SAR against Akram
acid (PAA) Fusarium wilt by et al.
phenylpropanoid pathways (2016)
5. Bacillus sp. Non-ribosomal Fira et al.
peptides, (2018)
and siderophore
fengycin, and
6. Pseudomonas 2, 4-diacetyl Control soil-borne Lohitha
fluorescens phloroglucinol pathogens like Sclerotium et al.
(2, 4-DAPG), rolfsii in groundnut (2016)
and phenazine-
acid (PCA)
7. Pseudomonas Pyrrolnitrin and Controlling tomato late Park et al.
chlororaphis O6 phenazines blight fungal infestation (2011)
8. Bacillus subtilis GB03 2R,3R- Against bacterial pathogen Ryu et al.
and Bacillus butanediol Erwinia carotovora subsp. (2004)
amyloliquefaciens Carotovora by eliciting
IN937a ISR in Arabidopsis
9. Paenibacillus polymyxa Long-chain Elicits ISR in Arabidopsis Lee et al.
E681 volatile plants against (2012)
compound Pseudomonas syringaepv.
tridecane maculicola ES4326
6 Signaling in the Rhizosphere for Better Plant and Soil Health 163
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) forms symbiotic interaction with the roots of
more than 80% higher plants. Under phosphate starvation, the plant releases
strigolactones (SLs), which stimulates the AM symbiosis by the stimulation of
hyphal branching during the pre-symbiotic growth phase of the fungus (Zwanenburg
et al. 2016). Symbiosis is mediated between plant-produced strigolactones and
mycorrhizal fungi produced lipochito-oligosaccharides. In-plant root and AM
fungi symbiosis, AM-fungi Nod/Myc factor give the signal to activate secondary
messenger molecules like POLLUX, CASTOR, or DMI. After activation of these
messengers, cytoplasm becomes hyperpolarized, and permeation of K+ ion occurs,
which leads to Ca2+ spiking. Now, Ca2+ ions bind with CCaMK and further signal
transfer to the CYCLOPS gene, which regulates the mycorrhiza colonization process
(Venkateshwaran et al. 2012).
Symbiosis involves the three-tiered response of AM host plant as i) Perception:
AMF host plant perceives Myc-LCO by its receptor kinases SYMRK/DMI2, ii)
Transmission: enzyme reductase converts DMI2 to DMI1 and calcium spiking
occurs, and iii) Transcription: Conversion of DMI3 into RAM 1 takes place in the
presence of calcium and DELLA (MacLean et al. 2017). AMF helps in the uptake of
nitrogen, phosphorus, and many other macro- and micro-nutrients from the soil
6 Signaling in the Rhizosphere for Better Plant and Soil Health 165
The rhizospheric signals can be manipulated via three methods (i) microbiome-based
method, (ii) plant-based method, and (iii) meta-organism-based method to enhance
biological functions required for nutrient recycling, disease suppressiveness, and
tolerance against biotic and abiotic stresses (Quiza et al. 2015). Many microbiome-
based approaches are currently being advocated. Firstly, the inoculation of beneficial
PGPR, AMF, microbial-endophytes, and nutrient fixers or solubilizers in the rhizo-
sphere are being practiced to have better plant functions through greater nutrient
availability, phytohormones production, induction of ISR, and IST (Chaparro et al.
2012). Secondly, to transfer desired genes for performing specific functions through
horizontal gene transfer by the application of recombinant strains (Ryan et al. 2009).
Thirdly, disrupting microbial communities by application of physical and chemical
forces like tillage and agrochemicals for facilitating the management of the desired
composition of resident beneficial microorganisms (Bakker et al. 2012). Plant-based
approaches involve the use of breeding or selecting cultivars, which release desired
root exudates compounds for chemoattracting beneficial microorganisms and repel-
ling pathogenic microorganisms (Bakker et al. 2012). Additionally, altering the
genetic makeup of plants for producing specifically desired root exudate compounds
may impart higher nodulation, siderophore, biocontrol substances, and bioremedia-
tion of heavy metal or toxic compounds (Sharma et al. 2013). Genetic modification
in the plant to alter the composition of root exudate compounds, which selectively
chemoattract beneficial bacteria from bulk soils. Altered root exudates may modify
soil quality like soil pH for tolerance against heavy metals toxicity to roots (Ryan
et al. 2009). Similarly, genetically altered transgenic plants release a range of
quorum sensing and quorum quenching compounds that interfere with communica-
tion between pathogens thus hinder the growth of pathogens (Zhang et al. 2015).
Meta-organisms-based approaches besides improving the health of plants and soil
through the addition of fertilizers and organic inputs (Mazzola 2007), the use of
agronomic practices involving growing non-host crops in crop rotation will help in
the suppression of growth and development of pathogens in the soil. Additionally,
crop rotations may induce suppressive soil formation by altering soil biodiversity,
involving in recycling nutrients, and improving the physicochemical properties of
soils (Ryan et al. 2009).
166 H. S. Maheshwari et al.
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Microbial Transformation of Nutrients
in Soil: An Overview 7
Deep Mohan Mahala, Hemant S. Maheshwari,
Rajendra Kumar Yadav, B. Jeberlin Prabina, Abhishek Bharti,
Kiran K. Reddy, Chiranjeev Kumawat, and Aketi Ramesh
D. M. Mahala
ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
H. S. Maheshwari (*)
Ecophysiology of Plants, Faculty of Science and Engineering, GELIFES-Groningen Institute for
Evolutionary Life Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
e-mail: h.s.maheshwari@rug.nl
R. K. Yadav
Agriculture University, Kota, Rajasthan, India
B. J. Prabina
Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Vallanadu, Tamil Nadu, India
A. Bharti · A. Ramesh
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
K. K. Reddy
ICAR- Directorate of Groundnut Research, Junagarh, Gujarat, India
C. Kumawat
SKN Agriculture University, Jobner, Rajasthan, India
role of different soil abiotic and biotic components also determines the fate of the
nutrient transformation and its availability to the plants by affecting the microbial
community structure as well as diversity. Taking sustainability into consideration,
the exploitation of microbial inoculants to increase the availability of essential
plant nutrients could be a viable alternative option for increasing food productiv-
ity without compromising soil quality. In this chapter, we discussed the role of
diverse microbial communities in nutrients transformation of major (nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, sulfur) and minor elements (iron, manganese, and cop-
per), their mechanism, and their key roles in plant and soil health, and the
conditions favouring the availability of nutrients are elucidated in detail.
7.1 Introduction
To meet the food, fuel, and fodder requirements of the burgeoning population,
agricultural practices are linked with indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides that pollute water, air, soil and is a major cause of concern for human and
animal health (Sharma and Singhvi 2017). The world’s requirement of agriculture
fertilizers by nutrient was 107.9 million metric tons in 2011–12, and its requirement
is expected to be 189 million metric tons by 2020–21 (https://www.statista.com/
statistics/438930/fertilizer-demand-globally-by-nutrient). Furthermore, the nutrient
use efficiency (NUE%) of chemical fertilizers like nitrogen (30–50%), phosphorus
(15–20%), potassium (70–80%), sulfur (8–10%), and other micronutrients (2–5%) is
very low. It is mainly as a consequence of nutrient leaching, surface runoff due to
soil erosion, nutrient fixation, immobilization, and gaseous losses (Parihar et al.
2019). The imbalanced fertilization also causes soil salinity, accumulation of toxic
heavy metals, eutrophication of water bodies, accumulation of nitrate and phosphate
in drinking water, nitrosamine formation, and release of toxic nitrogen and sulfur
gases as greenhouse gases leading to global warming (Savci 2012; Coskun et al.
2017; Parihar et al. 2019).
Furthermore, the rampant use of fertilizer and pesticides negatively impacts
global food production by altering the natural soil microflora structure and composi-
tion, diversity and ultimately affecting soil quality and nutrient availability (Prashar
and Shah 2016; Mandal et al. 2020). Excessive nitrogen fertilizer causes soil acidity,
whereas chemical fungicides and insecticides negatively impact soil health (Bitew
and Alemayehu 2017). Therefore, the inclusion and increasing the population of soil
nutrients transforming microorganisms can help in maintaining sound soil ecology
and also an agricultural intervention that aid in the proliferation of beneficial
microorganisms can improve soil quality leading to a sustainable, environmental-
7 Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview 177
Table 7.1 Soil conditions inducing nutrient deficiencies and availability for plants
form of Condition favouring
Nutrient nutrient availability Condition favouring deficiency
N NH4+, NO3 Less in acidic pH having Leaching of soil in heavy precipitation,
lesser than 5 and in an low organic matter content in the soil;
alkaline pH crop residue burnt sites
P H2PO4, Optimum pH 6.5–7.2 Acidic and alkaline soil
K K+ 2:1 Smectite-dominated Sandy soil, lime application, intensive
black soil cropping system
Ca Ca2+ Near neutral to alkaline Acidic, alkaline, or sodic soils
Mg Mg2+ Near neutral to alkaline Acidic, alkaline, or sodic soils
S SO42 Available pH range Organic matter content deficient soils;
4.0–7.5 application of nitrogenous and
phosphatic fertilizers having no Sulfur
content, and crop residue burning
Fe Fe2+ Acidic pH Higher pH, high calcareous soils
Zn Zn2+ Acidic pH Light texture soil, high pH, high
calcareous soils, eroded soil, low
organic matter, lowland rice soil
Mn Mn2+ Acidic pH High pH, high calcareous soils
Cu Cu2+ Acidic pH Sandy soils, organic soils, liming
soil rich in Zn, Fe, and Mn content
B H3BO3, pH range 5.0–6.5 Acid light texture soil low organic
H2BO3, matter, high calcareous soils, dry
HBO32, weather
Mo MoO42 Higher pH and less Ca Podzolized soils and well-drained
activity calcareous soils
sources. However, the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of applied chemical nitrogen
fertilizer is less than 50% due to leaching, volatilization loss, denitrification, and
surface-runoff. These losses are undesirable because of environmental concerns and
the high cost of production (Coskun et al. 2017; Beeckman et al. 2018; Xin et al.
2019). In natural soils, 98% of the nitrogen is found in-bound in organic forms,
which cannot be easily accessible by the plants except for some amino acids and
peptides (organic molecules) (Näsholm et al. 2009). Despite the high abundance of
nitrogen in the atmosphere, plants cannot utilize it directly due to the nitrogen
molecule’s triple-bonded nature. So, nitrogen fixation and mineralization are crucial
processes for the release of N for plant nutrition. The nitrogen cycle, which is a
repetitive cycle of processes by which nitrogen moves through the atmosphere, soil,
water, and plant can be divided into mineralization, immobilization, nitrification, and
denitrification, as shown in Fig. 7.1. The soil microorganisms convert nitrogen from
Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview
Soil microorganisms mediate the nitrogen transformation in the soil. The micro-
bial diversity, activity, and abundance are impacted by global climate change and
also associated parameters such as temperature, precipitation patterns, and carbon
dioxide (Ollivier et al. 2011). Furthermore, the nitrogen deposition into the soil by
the atmosphere and chemical fertilizers increases the net or gross mineralization,
nitrification, and immobilization rates (Cheng et al. 2019). The nitrogen transforma-
tion also varies between the agricultural and forest ecosystem. The agricultural soils
have a higher rate of nitrification, gross ammonification, and a lower immobilization
rate than forest soils (Xu and Xu 2015). Other drivers that determine the nitrogen
transformation is the cropping pattern. The conversion of the maize-soybean system
into the grass field altered the nitrogen mineralization, gross nitrification, ammo-
nium, and nitrate immobilization processes, thereby increasing the supply of soil
nitrogen (Li et al. 2018).
Additionally, the cropping system also influences nitrogen transformation and is
well documented in maize-soybean intercropping. It showed enhancement of
ammonifiers, nitrifiers, and denitrifiers. It also increased nitrogen use efficiency by
reducing volatilization loss and N2O emission (Chen et al. 2019).
Furthermore, the toxic elements like cadmium also decreased the microbe-
mediated soil nitrogen transformation activities. These effects were more pro-
nounced in upland rice soil system due to alteration in soil bacterial and archaeal
composition. Similarly, the extent of soil degradation also determines the minerali-
zation and nitrification rates by decreasing the soil microbial biomass nitrogen
(Singh et al. 2007). The agrochemical application adversely affected nitrogen trans-
formation processes like urea hydrolysis, nitrification, and denitrification, as is
evident in the case of a commonly used fungicide, such as carbendazim and
chlorothalonil (Ding et al. 2019). Similarly, the application of pesticides in soil
affects nitrogen transformations, such as ammonification, nitrification, and
biological nitrogen fixation by negatively affecting microbial activity and biomass
(Zhang et al. 2016).
The invasion of weed Praxelis clematidea in the soil increases the soil nitrogen
transformation rate by increasing the microbial biomass nitrogen in tropical savanna
7 Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview 181
(Wei et al. 2017). The availability of oxygen also affects the transformation by
altering the microbial diversity and composition. In the anoxic condition of low-land
paddy, the nitrogen transformation is mediated by the Deltaproteobacteria group of
microorganisms, mainly Geobacter and Anaeromyxobacter (Masuda et al. 2017).
The inoculation of microbial nitrogen transformants also influenced the process. The
inoculation of nitrogen transforming microbial strains into compost reduced the
microbial diversity and favoured dominant genera, thereby making the environment
favourable for nitrogen fixation and increasing the nitrogen content (Yang et al.
2019). The fungal endophyte Phomopsis liquidambari was found to decompose the
below-ground rice straw and affect nitrogen transformation processes and thereby
acting as a priming effect (Sun et al. 2019). We explained the different nitrogen cycle
events separately below.
plant communities have higher nitrogen mineralization rates and dissolved nitrogen
content than monoculture cropping (Mo et al. 2016). The C: N ratio plays a critical
role in both mineralization and immobilization processes. When C: N ratio is >25:1,
immobilization occurs, whereas <25:1 mineralization occurs. The soils that are
having acidic pH < 5.0, the nitrogen mineralization is mediated by heterotrophic
fungi, as acidic pH favours fungal population, while under neutral or slightly
alkaline conditions, bacterial community predominates (Rousk et al. 2009). The
various agricultural management practices like crop residue retention, organic
manure, tillage operations, fertilizer, and green leaf manuring alter soil microbial
communities that determine nitrogen mineralization and plays a role in nitrogen
availability to the plants. The dry soils favour nitrogen mineralization by heterotro-
phic nitrifiers (Angus et al. 2006; Phillips et al. 2015).
Proteinases peptidases
Proteins ! Peptides ! Amino acids
The amino acids obtained through protein degradation are further acted by a
different group of microorganisms in which the amino groups from the amino acids
are displaced, and this phenomenon is called deamination. This reaction is com-
monly brought out by Proteus sp., Clostridium sp., Micrococcus sp., etc. In aerobic
conditions, amino acids are deaminated to organic acids, alcohol, or aldehyde
(Coyne and Coyne 1999).
Under anaerobic conditions, amino acids are converted to ammonia and volatile
fatty acids (Greenwood and Lees 1956).
7 Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview 183
Nucleic acid ! Nucleotides
! PO4 þ Sugar þ Nitrogen bases
Furthermore, the nitrogen bases, the purines, and pyrimidines are acted upon by
microbial enzymes. The ammonia thus released is either utilized directly by plants
and soil microorganisms or released into the atmosphere or under favourable
conditions oxidized to form nitrates. The urea thus obtained from the degradation
of nucleic acid is absorbed by plants. Some are converted to ammonia by ureases.
The application of organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds to the soil alters
the chitinolytic and ureolytic bacterial communities that are involved in mineraliza-
tion by secreting extracellular enzymes (Ouyang and Norton 2020). The key
ureolytic microorganisms are Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes,
Cyanobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia that are identified based on 16S rRNA gene and
Illumina sequencing (Oshiki et al. 2018). Nitrification
The biological transformation of ammonia into nitrite and further to nitrate is
mediated by chemoautotrophic, heterotrophic bacteria and fungi, and comammox
bacteria. In autotrophic nitrification, the first step of conversion of ammonia into
nitrite is done by chemoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), such as
Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus, and Nitrosospira, and ammonia-oxidizing archaea
(AOA), such as Nitrosotalea and Nitrososphaera. The second step involving the
conversion of nitrite to nitrate is mediated by Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus, Nitrospina,
and Nitrospira (Purkhold et al. 2000; Leininger et al. 2006). Heterotrophic nitrifica-
tion is mediated by many soil heterotrophic bacteria and fungi, which oxidizes both
inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds (Hayatsu et al. 2008). Furthermore,
recently two Nitrospira species were reported to have both the genes ammonia
monooxygenase (AMO) and hydroxylamine dehydrogenase (HAO) that catalyse
both steps of nitrification and are termed as comammox bacteria (Daims et al. 2015).
The chemoautotrophic nitrifications are more common than heterotrophic. Ear-
lier, it was thought that nitrification normally occurs between pH 7.0 and 7.6 and
completely stops below pH 4.0. However, recent developments showed that even
below pH 3.0, nitrification occurs and is governed by heterotrophic fungi, and even
184 D. M. Mahala et al.
above pH 13.0 also nitrifiers are active in the soil. It showed that soil pH has the least
influence on nitrification processes (Weber and Gainey 1962; De Boer and
Kowalchuk 2001). However, another study showed that soil pH plays a significant
role in gross autotrophic nitrification and N2O emission in the agricultural soils (Zhu
et al. 2019a). The nitrification rate is higher with high temperatures and neutral to
alkaline soils. It also showed that inorganic fertilizers’ applications increase nitrate
content and are prone to leaching losses compared to organic nitrogen amendments
(Thangarajan et al. 2015).
The addition of nitrogen inhibitors reduces nitrogen losses by inhibiting nitrifica-
tion rates and preventing N2O emission (Tao et al. 2018). The addition of biochar
in the composting increases nitrate-nitrogen (Liu et al. 2017b). Similarly, a decrease
in soil moisture results in the inhibition of the first step of the nitrification process in
semiarid regions (Tatsumi et al. 2019). Another critical factor is temperature; the
heterotrophic nitrification increases with an increase in temperature from 5 C to
25 C and further decreases with further increase in the temperature. In chemoauto-
trophic nitrification, the rate increased up to 35 C to 45 C. The higher temperature
increases the soil nitrogen availability by nitrogen mineralization in the subtropical
forest having acidic soils (Dan et al. 2019). During composting, the nitrification
process occurs under high temperatures during the curing stage. The conversion of
gaseous ammonia into nitrate takes place in a two-step process mediated by various
chemoautotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms and is linked to the acidifica-
tion of compost (Cáceres et al. 2018). Similarly, the plant releases different high and
low-molecular-weight organic compounds from the roots that chemoattracts specific
soil microbial communities involved in nitrogen transformation. Some compounds
such as sorgoleone, sakuranetin, Brachialactone, Methyl 3-(4- hydroxyphenyl pro-
pionate, and 1,9-Decanediol are inhibitors of nitrification, which generally block
AMO and HAO (Coskun et al. 2017). Denitrification
The conversion of plant-available nitrate into atmospheric gaseous form is
microbially mediated and is termed as denitrification or dissimilatory nitrate reduc-
tion (Van Spanning et al. 2005). Under microaerophilic or anaerobic conditions, the
denitrifiers use nitrate and other oxidized forms of nitrogen as an electron acceptor
instead of molecular oxygen. The reductive process that involves the conversion of
nitrate to atmospheric N2 gas occurs through a series of enzymes, namely nitrate
reductase (Nar), nitrite reductase (Nir), nitric oxide reductase (Nor), and nitrous
7 Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview 185
oxide reductase (Nos). These enzymes are involved in the conversion of nitrate to
nitrite (NO2-), nitrite to nitric oxide (NO), nitric oxide to nitrous oxide (N2O), and
nitrous oxide to dinitrogen (N2), respectively (Hochstein and Tomlinson 1988)
(Fig. 7.1). This is an undesirable process mediated by many heterotrophic bacteria
like Thiobacillus denitrificans, Pseudomonas denitrificans, and Paracoccus
denitrificans (Zumft 1997). Additionally, some fungi. Fusarium sp. Gibberella sp.
Cylindrocarpon tonkinense (ascomycetes), and Trichosporon cutaneum-
basidiomycetes and archaea are also involved in denitrification (Hayatsu et al.
2008). Moreover, some nitrogen fixers such as Bradyrhizobium, Azospirillum
(Rösch et al. 2002), and AOB (Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira) are also involved
in the denitrification process (Shaw et al. 2006).
The nitrogen addition to tropical forests increases the N2O emission rates from
the soil; conversely, phosphorus addition did not affect it. However, under wet
seasons, the interaction between the fertilizer enhances the N2O emission by
increasing microbial activity (Wang et al. 2014). For reducing the N2O emission
in the soil system, Bradyrhizobium carrying nitrous oxide reductase enzymes genes
on the nos gene cluster are advocated in soybean (Sanchez Gomez and Minamisawa
2019). Additionally, molybdenum application to the soil decreases soil pH and
denitrification activities and increases plant biomass, and nitrate nitrogen in the
wheat rhizosphere and was recently documented (Wen et al. 2019).
Another route for conversion of nitrite and ammonium into gaseous nitrogen
directly is performed by microorganisms belonging to the phylum Planctomycetes
termed as anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation). The main bacterial genera
involved in this process are Brocadia, Kuenenia, Scalindua, and Anammoxoglobus
(van Niftrik and Jetten 2012). The conversion occurs inside a unique compartment
anammoxosome consisting of a unique lipid ladderane (Jetten et al. 2009). This
mechanism does not involve aeration and requirement of any electron donors. The
possible pathways for the conversion are below.
NifD NifK
NifJ NifF
NifH NifD
catalysis process, electrons are transferred from Fe-protein (reducing protein) to the
Mo-Fe-protein (catalytic protein) (Hu and Ribbe 2013; Lee et al. 2019). For every
single electron transfer, two ATP molecules are hydrolysed. Therefore, for fixing a
unit of N2, a total of 16 ATP is required (Igarashi and Seefeldt 2003). Nitrogenase
enzymes catalyse this bioconversion in diazotrophic organisms. Nitrogenase is an
extreme oxygen (O2)-sensitive enzyme. It gets irreversibly inactivated even at low
O2 concentrations (Lee et al. 2019). In the symbiotic or endophytic relationships,
bacteria colonize the host plant root system and form a structure called a nodule,
which protects the nitrogenase from exposure to oxygen.
About 95–99% of phosphorus present in the soil are in the fixed form and is
unavailable to plants. It is vital for plant growth and development as it is an integral
component of nucleic acid (RNA and DNA), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and
phospholipids of the cell membrane. The nutrient use efficiency of phosphatic
fertilizers is low in the soils due to sorption on clay lattices, aluminium and iron
oxides, primary (apatites), and secondary phosphorus minerals (Ca, Fe, and Al
phosphates). In low pH soils, phosphorus in the soil gets fixed in the form of iron
and aluminium phosphate. In contrast, in high pH soils, phosphorus is bound or
precipitated as calcium and magnesium phosphate (Pierzynski et al. 2005). Further-
more, available phosphorus gets immobilized into organic polymers like phytin,
nucleic acids, and phospholipids. The factors favouring phosphorus sorption are
highly weathered soils like oxisols and ultisols, high clay content, low and high pH,
and high temperatures. Factors that decrease phosphorus sorption are anions like
carbonates, sulfates, molybdate and silicates, organic matter, and flooding. The
plant-available forms of phosphorus are dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4) and
188 D. M. Mahala et al.
crop rotation, compost addition, and soil pH (6–7.5) (Alori et al. 2017). The increase
in soil organic carbon content and soil pH also enhances phosphorus availability
(Nobile et al. 2020). Similarly, drought stress associated with a decrease in soil pH
helps in the solubilization of calcium phosphates and increases phosphorus avail-
ability in temperate forest soil (Zhang et al. 2020). Moreover, the cultivation of
leguminous trees enhances phosphorus availability and could be used to reclaim
weathered soils (Aleixo et al. 2020).
Sulfur is a secondary nutrient that is required for all life forms. In agricultural soils,
sulfur exists mainly (95%) in organic forms as ester sulfates or carbon-bonded form
(Kertesz and Mirleau 2004). The sources by which sulfur gets added to the soil are
through organic matter decomposition of plant and animal residues, weathering of
sulfur-containing minerals, and atmospheric deposition (Saha et al. 2018). The sulfur
is categorized into organic and inorganic sulfur. The organic sulfur is present as ester
sulfates (C-O-SO3) in the form of choline sulfate, sulfated polysaccharides, and
carbon bonded sulfur (C-S) in the forms of amino acids such as methionine, cysteine,
and sulfo-lipids (Neptune et al. 1975). The inorganic forms like SO2, SO3, SO4, and
H2SO4 are common in soil and are added through various biochemical processes. All
192 D. M. Mahala et al.
these forms of sulfur are cyclically metabolized in the soil to have an eco-balanced
environment (Fuentes-Lara et al. 2019).
The soil microorganisms mediate four key sulfur transformation processes. They
are oxidation of inorganic sulfur compounds, reduction of sulfates and other anions
to sulfides, microbial assimilation, and immobilization through organic matter
decomposition. (Vidyalakshmi et al. 2009; Anandham et al. 2011).
2. The elemental sulfur that is made available as sulfate S+6 is further microbially
reduced to hydrogen sulfide. Reduction of sulfate into H2S by sulfate-reducing
bacteria (SRB) such as Desulfotomaculum, Desulfomonas, and Desulfovibrio is
termed as dissimilatory sulfate reduction, and this transformation is not desirable
with regards to agricultural perspective (Mori et al. 2018) (Fig. 7.4).
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are obligate anaerobes and have desulfurases and
bisulfate reductase enzymes for sulfate reduction. The H2S produced is further
transformed into elemental sulfur by various green and purple-sulfur bacteria. The
bacterium Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus can reduce sulfate and dissimilatory nitrate
reduction processes in the soil (Thorup et al. 2017). Sulfate-reducing microbes are in
abundance in marine and wetland ecosystems (Pester et al. 2012; Bowles et al.
The assimilatory sulphate reduction (ASR) process utilizes reduced sulfur
compounds for the synthesis of cellular biomolecules (Bolten et al. 2010), whereas
in the dissimilatory sulphate reduction process microbes utilize sulfur, sulfite, sulfate
or elemental sulfur as terminal electron acceptor (Grein et al. 2013) for energy
generation, with the involvement of dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DsrAB) and
adenosine 50 phosphosulfate reductase (AprAB) enzymes under anaerobic condition
(Rabus et al. 2015). The DsrAB genes are distributed among the Acidobacteria and
Chloroflexi phyla (Anantharaman et al. 2018). The elucidation of the involvement of
Dsr C protein with the dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DsrAB), the key enzyme in
DSR, provide bio-energetics insights as the activity of these proteins are linked to
chemiosmotic coupling (Venceslau et al. 2014). Under anaerobic conditions, nitro-
gen and sulfur cycles are coupled, and this process was first elucidated by
Fdz-Polanco et al. (2001a, b) and is termed as sulfate-reducing ammonium oxide
(SROA). The SROA constitutes direct oxidation of ammonium into di-nitrogen,
oxidation of ammonium to nitrite, and ammonium to nitrate (Fdz-Polanco et al.
2001a, b). The Anammoxoblobus sulfate and Bacillus benzoevorans have been
reported as SROAs (Liu et al. 2008; Cai et al. 2010).
The organic sulfur compounds like sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine, and
methionine), proteins, lipids, and biotin are either ester sulfates (C-O-SO3), or
194 D. M. Mahala et al.
carbon-bonded S (C-S bond) and get microbially mineralized in soil (Ghani et al.
1992) The key enzymes involved are sulfatases and rhodanese. The rate of organic
sulfur transformation depends on the cropping system. It is influenced by the
microbial biomass present in the soil (Castellano and Dick 1991), and the influence
is attributed to the amount and composition of the root exudates. The bacterium
Pseudomonas putida S-313 could mineralize ester sulfates for sulfur nutrition in
plants (Kertesz and Mirleau 2004). Under high-temperature terrestrial environment,
the thermophilic Firmicutes (Bacillales) group of microorganisms are involved in
organic sulfur compounds mineralization into sulfate (Santana et al. 2016).
The iron is the fourth most abundant element in the earth’s crust and is predomi-
nantly available in ferric form (Fe+3) (Radzki et al. 2013; Sahu et al. 2018). The iron
availability is limited in problematic soils such as calcareous, saline, sandy, and
alkaline soils (Alloway 2008a, b). Iron exists in Fe2+ and Fe3+ forms, but the former
is an available form to the plants, and the latter is unavailable. The iron gets oxidized
196 D. M. Mahala et al.
to Fe3+ form with phosphate, carbonates, and oxide/hydroxide in the soil. The iron
oxidation can take place under aerobic, microaerophilic, and anaerobic environment.
The bacterial iron oxidizer was enlisted by Singh et al. (2018), depending upon
oxygen, pH, and energy requirement are as follows. The acidophilic, aerobic iron
oxidizers are Thiobacillus, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus
ferrooxidans, Metallogenium, and Sulfolobus.
In iron reduction, hydrogen, short and long fatty acids, sugars, amino acids, and
aromatic compounds act as electron donors. Key iron reducers are
Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia, Serratia, Proteus, and Vibrio), Clostridiae,
Bacillaceae, sulfate-reducing bacteria (Desulfovibrio), Achromobacter, Paracoccus,
Shewanella oneidensis, Stenotrophomonas, and Geobacter sp. (Fig. 7.5). The iron-
reducing bacteria Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 plays a role in the immobilization of
dissolved cadmium at low concentration (Yuan et al. 2018). Furthermore, iron
reduction helps reduce the methylation of arsenic, thereby decreasing the arsenic
uptake by the rice plants (Xue et al. 2020).
Additionally, the soil microorganisms produce low-molecular-weight, iron-
chelating compounds under iron-deficient conditions (<10KD) siderophore, which
chelates iron and zinc and increases the availability to the plants and deprived the
same to the phytopathogen. The siderophore is of hydroxamates, catecholates,
carboxylates, and mixed type (Neilands 1981).
The bacterium Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 produces two types of siderophore
pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin for the iron chelation and phytopathogen inhibi-
tion in the soil (Drehe et al. 2018). The siderophore-producing bacterium Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa strain RSP5 enhances the iron availability in the soil and maize
plants (Sah et al. 2017). Two siderophore-secreting bacteria Paenibacillus
illinoisensis YZ29 and Bacillus sp. DZ13 plays a role in iron absorption in the
7 Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview 197
peanut in alkaline in calcareous soil (Liu et al. 2017a). Similarly, a nitrogen-fixer soil
bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum synthesizes three different types of
siderophores: vibrioferrin, amphibactins, and crochelin A and play a role in iron
availability (Zhang et al. 2019).
Manganese is the fifth most dominant metal element on the earth’s surface. It is
required in minute quantity for photosynthesis and superoxide dismutase enzyme
activity in the plants (Nealson et al. 1988). The manganese transformation in soil
depends on soil pH, oxygen availability, temperature, and soil organic matter content
of a given soil environment (Sparrow and Uren 2014). The Mn+2 oxidation rate is
higher under high pH soils, high temperatures, and elevated O2 concentrations (Uren
2013). However, recently many anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria such as
Chlorobium under anaerobic conditions have been found to be oxidizing manganese
(Daye et al. 2019).
In acid soils, manganese is present in the bivalent state (Mn2+), whereas in natural
and alkaline soils, it occurs in the trivalent or tetravalent state (Mn4+), which are not
readily available to the plants.
198 D. M. Mahala et al.
The trivalent and tetravalent oxidation state forms insoluble oxides and adsorbs
many metals and radionuclides such as cadmium, copper, cobalt, and nickel.
Whereas bivalent oxidation states also form insoluble minerals and are required in
trace amounts in the plants. However, it is toxic at a higher concentration (Nealson
2006). Therefore, the oxidation state of the element is the primary factor affecting its
absorption by the plants. Many heterotrophic bacteria and fungi mediate the manga-
nese oxidation in the soil. The common bacterial Mn2+ oxidizer includes Bacillus,
Azotobacter chroococcum, Leptothrix discophora, Pedomicrobium sp.,
Rhodobacter, Arthrobacter, Hypomicrobium, Caulobacter, Pseudomonas
chlororaphis, Proteus, Chromobacterium, Vibrio, Escherichia coli,
Oceanospirillum, Corynebacterium, Enterobacter, Flavobacterium, and
Citrobacter (Tebo et al. 2005, Nealson 2006, and Wang et al. 2017a, b) (Fig. 7.5).
The possible mechanisms of manganese oxidation are direct and indirect. The
indirect mechanisms include free radical formation (hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl
radical, and superoxide formation), via modification of redox potential by oxygen
production, increasing soil pH, and via chelators (organic chelators and manganese
oxides). In contrast, the direct mechanisms for manganese oxidation are through
oxidases enzymes and manganese binders such as bacterial cell components such as
glycocalyx and proteins (Nealson 2006).
The principal fungal genera involved in Mn oxidation are Metallogenium,
Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Cephalosporium, Helminthosporium, and
Curvularia (Tebo et al. 2005). On the other hand, most common manganese reducers
are Bacillus, Clostridium, Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter, and
Arthrobacter (Ghiorse 1988; Gounot 1994). A facultative anaerobic bacterium
Shewanella putrefaciens is involved in the reduction of Mn and Fe oxides in anoxic
condition (Nealson and Myers 1992). The manganese reduction occurs in acidic and
near-neutral pH in the soil.
The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are associated with about 80% vascular
plants and make nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients available to the plants and takes
carbon in the form of lipids from the plants (Wang et al. 2017a, b). The AMF
employs two pathways for phosphorus absorption. First, through direct nutrient
absorption in the root epidermis and root hairs, second via arbuscules or hyphal
coiling, which provide bi-directional nutrient exchange site (Smith and Andrew
Smith 2011). These two pathways operate independently and coordinate due to the
involvement of different nutrient transporters and cell types: (1) mobilization and
acquisition by forming extensive extraradical mycelium (ERM) and (2) transporta-
tion of absorbed nutrients across the fungal–root interface (arbuscules or intracellular
coils) (Ferrol et al. 2019). The highly coiled mycelium termed as extraradical
7 Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview 199
intraradices fungus has zinc transporter GintZnT1, which plays a role in zinc
homeostasis and providing Zn nutrition to plants (González-Guerrero et al. 2005).
Similarly, in soybean, plants showed higher dependency on mycorrhiza. When both
mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal inoculated plants were analysed, the N, P, K, Mg,
and Ca contents were significantly increased in mycorrhizal inoculated plants. The
role of AMF in other micronutrients such as copper, manganese, and iron uptake and
transfer in crops was studied through meta-analysis (Lehmann and Rillig 2015).
The ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) are involved in nutrient mobilization by
producing extracellular enzymes such as peptidases and proteinases, which
hydrolyse the organic nitrogen compounds and convert them into simpler amino
acids, which is further taken up by fungi (Shah et al. 2013). Moreover, the secretion
of many extracellular phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase enzymes by
ECM help in mobilizing soil nutrients. The enzyme phosphodiesterase can mobilize
phosphorus, a structural part of nucleic acids (Nall 2010). Many reports showed that
the ECM could produce siderophores, which bind and form complexes with oxalate
and iron that increases the uptake of potassium by the symbiont. The reducing agents
produced by the ECM increase the acquisition of ions form stable oxides, such as
MnO2, which enhances plant nutrient availability (Lindahl et al. 2001, 2007). The
soil conditions favouring the availability and deficiency of the soil nutrients are listed
in Table 7.1.
Productive and durable life of the soil is attained if the biotic and abiotic
components, organic matter, microbial biomass, minerals, air, and water are
complementing and supplementing each other with the self-regulating natural mech-
anism. The nutrient flow and cycling of nutrients in an ecosystem involve the
integration of elements present in the atmosphere as gases, unavailable insoluble
minerals in rocks and soils, chemically readily available nutrients, and organically
bound nutrients present in living autotrophs and heterotrophs and dead organic
matter. The soil microorganisms play a vital role in the nutrient transformation of
the soil and its availability to the plants. These microorganisms mediate mineraliza-
tion, solubilization, and transforms into various forms. Many efficient
microorganisms for major and minor nutrients are screened, identified, and exploited
in agriculture. However, there is a need for regional-based microbial strains for better
performance. Furthermore, microbial strains should be isolated from unexplored
sites. Identifying microbes with multi-nutrient transformation capabilities with min-
imum dependence on soil organic matter for food could be another potential area for
soil plant-health microbiologists.
Furthermore, microbial strains having additional abiotic and biotic stresses toler-
ance potentials have always been advantageous for plant growth. Additionally,
omics tools such as metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics, and
metabolomics should be employed to trap the unculturable diversity of
microorganisms, which could be a better nutrient transformer than known culturable
7 Microbial Transformation of Nutrients in Soil: An Overview 201
isolates. Additionally, looking for fungal and bacterial consortium rather than any
individual strains should be focused. Simultaneously, their efficient method of
delivery for better performance in the soil for plant fitness should be optimized.
Furthermore, a particular focus on the development of suitable carriers or
formulations increases the microbes’ shelf life.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the editorial team for giving critical comments for
substantial improvement in the quality of this chapter.
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Microbial Indicator of Soil Health:
Conventional to Modern Approaches 8
Dolamani Amat, J. K. Thakur, Asit Mandal, A. K. Patra, and
Kampati Kiran Kumar Reddy
Increasing population pressure and rapid urbanization have put added pressure on
land for higher food production per unit area for ensuring food security, which
has led to intensive agriculture resulting in deterioration in soil quality. To protect
the soil from degradation and for its sustainable management, soil quality assess-
ment strategies are required. Hence, monitoring of soil quality is important and
can be achieved through assessment of physical, chemical, and biological
parameters of soil. Among the different soil quality parameters, biological
parameters are more responsive to changes in management practices. With the
accessibility of new tools and techniques, assessments of microbiological
parameters have become more rapid, reproducible, and informative. The shift in
conventional methods like microbial biomass carbon and soil respiration to
modern tools like molecular methods and high-throughput enzyme assay
techniques not only gives more information about what is happening in an
ecosystem, but also helps to formulate a strategy for sustainable land management
for future.
Microbial indicator · Soil health · Microbial biomass · Soil enzyme · Microbial
8.1 Introduction
Soil sustains civilization; hence, it is imperative to restore and sustain the soil health
for a healthy civilization. Being an important natural resource, soil health is funda-
mental for sustainable food production, the very basic need of all organisms (Awale
et al. 2017). Different ecosystem services rendered by soil include soil aggregation,
increased retention and availability of water, nutrient cycling, microbial diversity
and functions, detoxification, filtration, etc. Soil health represents the physical,
chemical, and biological conditions of soil which have important role in agricultural
productivity in the long term with little environmental impacts. It gives an overall
view of performance of soil. Soil health cannot be assessed directly, rather it can be
ascertained by the measurement of important soil properties, soil organic matter, and
soil fertility status (Arias et al. 2005).
The terms “soil health” and “soil quality” have been used interchangeably in the
literature. Soil health has been defined by different researchers in different ways. In a
broad ecological sense, soil quality has been defined as “the capacity of a soil to
function within the ecosystem boundaries to sustain plant-animal productivity,
maintain or enhance water and air quality and support human health and habitation”
(Karlen et al. 1997). Doran et al. (1996) defined soil quality as “The capacity of a soil
to function within ecosystem boundaries to sustain biological productivity, maintain
environmental quality, and promote plant and animal health.” Similarly, Doran and
Safley (1997) integrated into sustaining nature of the soil functions or services and
defined soil quality as “the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living
system, within ecosystem and land use-boundaries, to sustain biological productiv-
ity, promote the quality of air, water and maintain plant, animal and human health.”
Singer et al. (2000) related the term soil quality to agricultural productivity and soil
fertility. The characteristics of a healthy soil are: it should be stable, resistant to
stress, biologically more diverse, and should have higher internal nutrient cycling
(Elliott and Lynch 1994). It should also retain and release water and nutrients
properly, encourage and sustain proper root growth, maintain soil biotic habitat,
respond to management practices, and resist from soil degradation (Manna et al.
2013). Similarly, the characteristics of deteriorated soils are: prone to erosion,
extremely low or high soil pH, high salt content, compact subsoil and poor physico-
chemical properties, low organic matter content and soil biomass carbon, and
decreased diversity and activity of soil fauna (Saha et al. 2012).
Soil health assessment helps in the evaluation of suitability of a soil to carry out
selected functions and its resilience. Researchers, growers, and land managers give a
relative value to soil health using different qualitative and quantitative indicators
(Awale et al. 2017). For example, soil compaction may lead to the loss of soil
structure, restricted air and water infiltration, and poor development of root, making
the soil less productive compared to a well-structured soil. Here, the fitness of the
soil for proper root growth (soil function) can be judged by assessing penetration
resistance and bulk density (soil health indicator) of soil with the use of standard
methodology. Estimation of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties that
are sensitive to changes due to management practices provides knowledge about the
8 Microbial Indicator of Soil Health: Conventional to Modern Approaches 215
different soil processes. Compared to physical and chemical parameters that undergo
slow changes to management practices (Ghosh et al. 2020), soil biological and
biochemical parameters are prone to little variations in soils and could give accurate
information on variation of soil quality (Paz Ferreiro and Fu 2016). Sensitivity of
soil health indicators varies in different agro ecosystems. Hence, selection of most
sensitive soil health indicators is required with respect to spatio-temporal variations.
From a large dataset of microbiological soil health indicators, selection of group of
indicators that are most sensitive forms the ‘Minimum Data Set’ (MDS) which can
be obtained using ‘Principal Component Analysis’ (PCA), cluster analysis, multiple
regression analysis, multiple corelation analysis, etc. (Patra et al. 2015). The chapter
focuses on importance of microbiological soil health indicators and different
techniques available for its assessment with inclusion of some modern techniques.
Assessment of soil health needs the selection of soil health indicator for evaluation of
its status (Arias et al. 2005). Soil health indicators are properties of soil that can be
determined to provide facts regarding the capacity of the soil to render essential
environmental services. Among the different indicators, those which are quick to
respond to the management practices are the most appropriate ones (Arshad and
Martin 2002). These indicators are usually related to a particular soil property and
are of two types, i.e., stable and dynamic. Soil texture, its type, and depth are
considered as stable properties. Soil-forming factors like climate, topography, parent
material, and organisms influence the stable soil properties which undergo little
change with different management practices. Similarly, dynamic properties, soil pH
and organic matter, can change with land use and management practices over short
period of time.
Many soil physical, chemical, and biological parameters (Table 8.1) have been
suggested as useful soil quality indicators (Arshad and Martin 2002; Anderson 2003;
Schloter et al. 2003; Winding et al. 2005).
Soil quality characterization requires the selection of the soil properties that are
most sensitive to changes in management practices (Yakovchenko et al. 1996). It has
been proved that microbiological processes can respond to disturbance and alteration
in land use systems within short period of time compared to other soil properties. In
addition, these are directly related to the ecosystems processes like recycling of
nutrients and soil aggregation (Doran and Zeiss 2000; Rillig 2004). Hence, these
properties serve as early and sensitive indicators of changes due to management
practices such as addition of fertilizers, tillage, crops, and environmental conditions
(Kandeler et al. 1999).
216 D. Amat et al.
Table 8.1 Potential physical, chemical, and biological parameters for soil health assessment
Physical Chemical Biological
Soil color Organic C and N Soil respiration
Aggregate stability Particulate organic matter Potential mineralizable nitrogen
Water infiltration Active carbon Microbial
Bulk density pH Soil enzymes
Penetration Base saturation and cation exchange Earthworms
resistance capacity
Water holding Electrical Crop condition, and root growth
capacity conductivity
Runoff and erosion Heavy metals Weed and disease pressure
Rooting depth
Source: Awale et al. (2017)
• They play key role in the organic matter degradation and recycling of nutrients.
• They are more sensitive to the modification in the soil environment.
• Their activities in soil are affected by the all factors that regulate the degradation
and transformation of nutrients.
• They are of dynamic in nature and are closely associated with the microenviron-
ment of soil.
8 Microbial Indicator of Soil Health: Conventional to Modern Approaches 217
• measured correctly and with more precision covering a variety of soil conditions
and soil types
• easy and inexpensive because many analyses have to be carried out
• helpful in accurate determination of pollutant effect in comparison to a control
• more sensitive to show pollution, and at the same, time it should also be robust
enough not to provide false results
• valid scientifically based on current and reliable scientific knowledge used in two
or more sets for making the evaluations more robust.
• apart from above characteristics, it should also show cropping and history of
management in long-term studies and support soil physicochemical properties
(Jordan et al. 1995).
• consistent with basic ecosystem processes in soil and chemical and physical
indicators of soil health (Sharma et al. 1999)
All the microbial indicators of soil health can be categorized into three groups,
i.e., microbial biomass, microbial activity, and microbial diversity (Fig. 8.1)
Direct Method
(a) Enumeration by plating
Indirect Methods
(a) DNA measurement
Total microbial DNA extraction from soil and its quantification is an easy and
practicable method for quantification of microbial biomass (Girvan et al. 2004).
Nonetheless, further work is required for correlating measurements of DNA with
respect to soil types. Using quantitative PCR, total number of bacteria in soils under
different agricultural management practices was determined (Bach et al. 2002).
Cluzeau et al. (2012) quantified copy numbers of 16S rRNA gene to measure the
size of the bacterial community with real-time PCR. By extraction and quantification
of total soil microbial DNA, Munoz et al. (2017) determined microbial biomass.
The principle of this method is that freeze-dried soils when treated with 0.5 M
NaHCO3 or 0.5 M K2SO4 release cytoplasmic carbon compounds from desiccated
and disrupted microbial cells and these are extracted (Islam et al. 1997). The analysis
of extracted carbon is carried out with rapid colorimetric method (Islam and Weil
1998) to calculate the soil microbial biomass contents. This method is safe, reliable,
and precise; however, it requires sophisticated equipments and trained personnel.
Air-dried soils are rewetted with water or dilute salt solution for determination of
microbial biomass (Blagodatskiy et al. 1987). Because of rehydration, the desiccated
microbial cells are disrupted and released intracellular carbon compounds which are
extracted and analyzed by rapid K2Cr2O7 oxidation method for determination of soil
microbial biomass content.
The pattern of utilization of different carbon sources by the microbes can be
measured by the BIOLOGTM assay (Gardland and Mills 1991). Briefly, a soil extract
is incubated in a microtiter plate containing upto 95 different carbon sources, and the
microbial activity is indicated by the use of tetrazolium blue (redox dye). For the
study of microbial communities in the soil, distinct carbon sources have been
chosen. It is a qualitative assay and it shows a metabolic fingerprint of the culturable
microbial community in the soil sample. Then multivariate statistics can be used to
show the difference in the profile. The advantageous part of this technique is the
simplicity and requirement of inexpensive equipment.
Soil Enzymes
Microorganism, the living entity in the soil such as fauna and plant roots, has great
potential to contribute to diverse groups of enzymes. Soil enzymes play a crucial role
in soil organic matter degradation and nutrient cycling and respond quickly to
changes in soil management practices, and hence, have potential to act as soil quality
indicators. Soil enzymes have been classified as C cycle enzymes which include
cellulase, amylase, lipase, invertase, and glucosidases; Ncycle enzymes comprising
of proteases, amidases, ureases, and deaminases; P cycle enzymes which include
phosphatases; and S cycle enzymes include arylsulphatases. The use of these
8 Microbial Indicator of Soil Health: Conventional to Modern Approaches 225
enzymes for soil quality assessment is not always reliable as soil enzyme content
may vary depending upon the presence of the substrates in the soil as energy source
for microorganisms (Awale et al. 2017). Furthermore, the extracellular enzyme’s
activity is not necessarily associated with active cells and these enzymes occur in
both living and dead components of the soil (Skujins 1978). As a result, the
interpretation will be unpredictable. However, Visser and Parkinson (1992)
advocated dehydrogenase activity to be an exception to other soil enzymes as it is
truly intracellular enzyme. It reflects total oxidative activities of soil microorganisms
and is related to organic matter degradation (Dick 1997). Nevertheless, enzyme
activities are widely measured for soil ecological assessment (Dick 1997). Beck
(1984) evaluated several enzymes (hydrolases and reductases) together with total
microbial biomass while working with a series of agricultural soils and observed that
all the measured parameters are significantly correlated and suggested that an
“overall index of soil microbial activity” could be derived from them.
is calculated as the difference in amount of ammonium ion in the soil slurry before
and after incubation period.
(c) Denitrification
Rhizobium is the abundant bacterial genus in soil; they truly exist in a symbiotic
relationship with the roots of the legume. The bacteria mainly live in the nodules, the
prime site for N2 fixation, and supply nitrogen to the plant for better growth and
development. Similarly, the plant in turn provides organic substrates to the bacteria
for optimal growth. The legume-Rhizobium symbiosis is highly host-specific in
nature. Several authors have advocated to use Rhizobium species as soil health
indicator (Brookes 1995) based on sensitiveness of soil organisms to the pesticides
(Domsch et al. 1983) and heavy metals (McGrath et al. 1988; Chaudri et al. 1993;
Chambers et al. 1999). Diversity and abundance of Rhizobium in soil are assessed by
8 Microbial Indicator of Soil Health: Conventional to Modern Approaches 227
pot test, where different species of legume are grown in the test soil and then nodules
are counted after a specific stage of growth. The enumeration of rhizobia from test
soil may also be carried out on specific culture media and characterized for morpho-
logical and physiological features (Laguerre et al. 1993; Tong and Sadowsky 1994;
Bromfield et al. 1995; Hungria et al. 2001). Many biotechnological methods like
profiling of plasmid and insertion sequence fingerprints (Hartmann et al. 1998),
detection of specific genes using PCR (Tesfaye and Holl 1998), 16S–23S rDNA
spacer sequences (Tan et al. 2001), colony hybridization method (Laguerre et al.
1993), RAPD (Baymiev et al. 1999), and RFLP (Laguerre et al. 1994) can be
employed to estimate the diversity of the rhizobia present in different soils.
Unlike Rhizobium, the cyanobacteria or blue-green algae are nonsymbiotic nitro-
gen fixer. They produce exo-polysaccharide, and thus, help in improving soil
structure. Cyanobacteria have mainly been used as indicators of heavy metal con-
tamination in soil due to application of sewage sludge. Higher concentrations of
heavy metals have detrimental effect on abundance and activity of nitrogenase
enzymes of cyanobacteria (Brookes 1995; Lorenz et al. 1992; Dahlin et al. 1997).
Population can be estimated by most probable number (MPN) method (Rippka et al.
1979) and the activity can be determined by estimating nitrogenase enzyme activity
using acetylene reduction assay (ARA) (Hardy et al. 1968). In ARA, acetylene is
reduced to ethylene due to action of nitrogenase enzyme which can easily be
measured by gas chromatography(GC).
8.3 Conclusion
Among the different soil health indicators, biological indicators are the most sensi-
tive and also rapidly respond to the management practice than the physical and
chemical parameters, and thus can serve as reliable parameters to assess soil health.
Recent advances in technology have improved the precision and reproducibility of
measurement of biological parameters, thus giving more information about the
processes occurring in soil mediated by soil flora and fauna. High-throughput for
genomic and enzyme study is added to understand microbial community structure
and thus for a broader understanding of comparative study across the ecosystem.
This will help in identifying suitable agricultural practices for long-term soil health
maintenance. Each method has its limitation and its use depends upon the purpose of
the end user. As characteristics of soil change because of spatial variation, these
methods need to be optimized for different types of soil for their better practical
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Director, Indian ICAR-Institute of Soil Science,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India for his constant support and encouragement.
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Rhizosphere Microbes: Driver for Soil
Health Management 9
H. K. Patel, R. V. Vyas, A. Ramesh, and J. P. Solanki
The soil is a living entity and its significance and functions are irrefutable.
Organisms present in the soil play a major role in sustainable soil health manage-
ment. Current agrochemical-based nutrient management strategies can fulfil the
demand of food to feed 7.8 billion humans living on earth, however, potential
uses of agriculturally important microbial bioresources have been ignored, which
can lead to compromise towards soil health and agro ecosystem sustainability.
Major soil functions like nutrient and organic matter recycling, fertility, soil
reclamation and ultimately tiny soil creatures called microbes, which comprise
major portion of soil biota, manage soil and ecosystem health management.
ABMs (Agriculturally beneficial microbes) include bacteria, actinobacteria,
fungi and others which live in a mutualistic relationship along with plants
(symbiotic/associative/free living/ endophytic) and make the nutrients available,
play a major role in organic matter decomposition, produce phyto-hormones,
phytoremediation and act as biocontrol agents for plant pests and diseases. These
ABMs are supposed to be present in the soil, but looking to the sustainability and
soil health, to enhance nutrient use efficiency, it is desirable to elevate their
strength through direct application or following different agronomic interventions
that enhance their abundance and activity. This review details the role of
rhizospheric microorganisms and soil organic matter in soil quality management.
9.1 Introduction
Awareness among people regarding the link between the trillions of microbes that
live within our bodies and human health are increasing day by day. Studies have
found that a healthy population of microbes or a microbiome in a human body can
prevent food allergies and other disorders to improve human health (Kumar and
Chordia 2017). Just as in the human body, these types of tiny creatures also play a
crucial role in soil health management. Growth enhancing microorganisms (MOs)
can be added to plants or soil in a variety of ways—as seed coating, suspended in
water and sprayed on plants or soil or mixed into manure and mulches that are added
to the soil or placed around the plants. Studies of this unseen world have been going
on for so many decades, but now they are gaining momentum and researchers are
looking into ways to improve agriculture in an eco-friendly manner (Wander et al.
Agricultural management strategies such as intensive/conventional systems
involving excessive inorganic nutrient addition, tillage and other interventions by
modifying soil processes in long-term affect soil environment. The conventional
inorganic fertilization supplies nutrients to crop plants immediately for plant assimi-
lation for improved crop growth and productivity. However, fertilizer application
has a cascading effect on soil quality, soil degradation and groundwater contamina-
tion (Hernández et al. 2016). In conventional agricultural systems, the loss of soil
organic carbon content is a common phenomenon and resorting to improving soil
organic carbon content through proper management practices viz. resource conser-
vation technologies such as reduced tillage/no-till and organic management is the
way forward. These practices tend to increase the concentration of carbon, microbial
proliferation and diversity, improve physical, chemical, microbiological
characteristics of soil and overall environment quality. The world human population
has reached 7.8 billion and is bound to touch approximately nine billion by the year
2050 (https://www.worldometers.info). The biggest challenge is to feed them with-
out compromising the sustainability of agriculture and soil health. Soil is a vital
component of our agro-ecosystem, not only for production of sufficient food and
quality of produce but also for maintaining a sustainable environment for our future
generations (Kumar et al. 2015). Looking into the performance of the existing
technologies, it seems we have reached a plateau and it is no longer sufficient to
fulfil the increasing food production. Therefore, to cope with the food demand for
ever increasing population in an eco-friendly manner, reconsideration, exploration
and exploitation of eco-friendly low-cost technologies or natural resources are
needed to sustain our ecosystem and soil health and prevent further degradation.
Agriculture sustainability cannot be attained without proper management of micro-
bial population directly or indirectly through agronomic interventions in soil
(Timmusk et al. 2017).
The soil ecosystem contains microorganisms as a key player of its living biomass.
The ecosystem services performed microorganisms include improvement of plant
nutrition, management of soil health and quality (Lugtenberg 2015). Overall, effi-
cient management and functions of agro-ecosystem mainly depends on its dynamic
9 Rhizosphere Microbes: Driver for Soil Health Management 237
Lorenz Hiltner in 1904 for the first time used the term ‘rhizosphere’. It is the
immediate thin soil periphery around the plant roots and is governed by the rhizo-
sphere effect. Plant root secretes different types of exudates in varying
concentrations. These exudates act as a messenger for induction of interactions
between plant and soil organisms (Canarini et al. 2019). Therefore, the rhizosphere
determines microbial population structure and diversity as shown in Table 9.1
(Brimecombe et al. 2001; Verma et al. 2017b). The mutual association between
Table 9.1 Abundance of culturable microbes in the rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soil
Rhizospheric Non-rhizospheric
Microbial group Number g 1 soil R:S ratio
Bacteria 1.3 109 5.4 107 24.0
Fungi 1.2 106 1.0 105 12.0
Actinobacteria 4.6 107 7.0 106 7.0
Algae 5.0 103 2.7 104 0.2
9 Rhizosphere Microbes: Driver for Soil Health Management 239
Fig. 9.1 An overview: role of agriculturally beneficial microorganisms (ABMs) in soil and plant
health management
microorganisms and plants results in lots of positive effects on soil health, crop
growth and development, increase in nutrient assimilation along with disease con-
trol. This relationship between plants and microorganisms leads to improvement in
crop yield along with soil and plant health management (Fig. 9.1; Sarkar et al. 2017).
The rhizosphere plays a decisive role in affecting crop growth and productivity by
influencing important soil processes. The interactions between plants and microbes
may be classified as mutualistic or antagonistic to the plant, depending on the
growth-promoting or limiting effects of microbes on plants (Bais et al. 2006).
Revealing the dynamic multi-component system of rhizospheric microbes and its
mutual relationship to soil sustainability is going to become very much important
towards maintaining food production with no or minimal use of agrochemicals
(Velazquez et al. 2016).
240 H. K. Patel et al.
readily available food that contains both extra and intracellular enzymes. Moreover,
the microbial population’s proliferation due to rhizodeposition also contributes to
increased DHA in the organic amended soils. This is consistent with the findings of
other researchers, wherein they also observed increases in DHA in organically
managed agro-ecosystems (Aparna et al. 2014; Tamilselvi et al. 2015; Hernández
et al. 2016). A decrease in DHA under conventional agricultural systems can be
ascribed to higher bulk density and compaction which is also observed in the present
study as compared to organic systems as it decreases air filled pore space and macro-
porosity resulting in deficient aeration conditions in soils, this being unfavourable
for microbial activity (Roldan et al. 2005). ß-glucosidase is also a reliable indicator
of microbial activity under the influence of different agricultural management
systems and therefore included as an important component in soil quality
assessments (Stott et al. 2010). This enzyme involves the decomposition of carbo-
hydrate compounds especially cellulose and helps in providing substrates for micro-
bial proliferation due to management-related perturbations. Both acid and alkaline
phosphatases are produced by microorganisms, while plant roots secrete only acid
phosphatases (Tarafdar 1989; Rao and Tarafdar 1992). Metabolized organic
substrates in organic system are critical factors in increasing acid and alkaline
phosphatase activity. Many workers also reported increased phosphatase activity
with organic management (Aparna et al. 2014; Hernández et al. 2016).
Arylsulphatase (ARS) is recognized to mineralize organic sulphur involving the
hydrolysis of ester-S to sulphate sulphur, which is a readily available source for plant
sulphur assimilation. That is why this enzyme was chosen as a functional marker of
S cycling. Soil arylsulphatases are principally microbial in origin. Since carbon
(C) substrates largely control microbial growth in soil, the availability of C is also
a key factor governing S transformations in soil (Knights et al. 2001). Microbial
respiration rate indicates carbon availability to soil microorganisms and subsequent
mineralization. Moreover, substrate induced respiration (SIR) is indicative of meta-
bolic and physiological state of soil microorganisms also increased under organic
management and also at critical stages of crop growth and construed as increased
carbon availability, rhizodeposition with increased microbial activity is in conso-
nance with other researchers (Tamilselvi et al. 2015; Hernández et al. 2016).
Different geochemical processes take place among microorganisms resulting in
nutrient transformation in rhizobiome (Table 9.2). Activities of microorganisms vary
at different levels in rhizospheric soil as against non-rhizospheric one (Marschner
et al. 2003). In field, the target plant has to face competition for all resources with
unwanted plants in its surroundings, e.g. weeds. Among the most essential
resources, soil moisture coupled with temperature and nutrient availability is critical
for crop growth (Akhtar and Siddiqui 2010).
On average, half of SOM is composed of organic carbon, and remaining half is
composed of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and other nutrients and microbes resid-
ing in soil exclusively cycle these nutrients through different geochemical cycles.
9 Rhizosphere Microbes: Driver for Soil Health Management 243
Table 9.2 Important nutrient and their transformation processes governed by microorganisms
Nutrient Microbial activity (transformation)
N N2 fixation, immobilization, nitrification, denitrification, urea hydrolysis
P Mineralization, mobilization, immobilization
K K mobilization
S Oxidation, reduction, mineralization, immobilization
Zn Zn solubilization
Fe Siderophore production
Mn Change in oxidation state
Table 9.3 Effect of agriculturally beneficial microorganisms (ABMs) on growth and development
of different crops
Crop ABM Effect on crop Reference
Rice Pseudomonas Improvement in growth, yield, and Chamani
fluorescens, P. Putida yield-contributing parameters et al. (2015)
Maize Klebsiella sp., Pantoea Increased crop growth and indole Rodrigues
sp., Enterobacter sp. acetic acid production in maize. and Forzani
Pseudomonas Inoculation enhanced the vegetative Ghorchiani
fluorescens and reproductive traits, nutrient et al. (2018)
assimilation, productivity of maize
Wheat Azotobacter Increase seed and straw yield of wheat Desai et al.
chroococcum, Bacillus (2015)
Azospirillum sp. Significant increase of root length, and Singh et al.
root fresh and dry weight (2017)
Azorhizobium Inoculation improved the number and Liu et al.
caulinodans weight of leaves and roots (2017)
Bacillus subtilis (LDR2) Inoculation improved tolerance Barnawal
towards abiotic stress and improved et al. (2017)
growth of seedlings
French Cellulosimicrobium Enhanced seed germination rate, plant Karthik
bean funkei KM032184 vigour and carotenoid contents by et al. (2016)
modulating oxidative damage
Tomato Azotobacter Crop growth improvement and Viscardi
chroococcum overcoming by reducing the abiotic et al. (2016)
Soybean Bradyrhizobium sp. Increased nutrient accumulation and Raja and
yield in soybean Takankhar
Groundnut Rhizobium huautlense Inoculation along with FYM Patel et al.
GNR I, Rhizobium enhanced seed and haulm yield and oil (2016)
giardinii GNR II content
Bradyrhizobium sp. Inoculation enhanced the nutrient Argaw
uptake and nodulation in groundnut (2018)
Chilli Azotobacter Increase in number of transplantable Shelat et al.
chroococcum, seedling and seedling vigour (2017)
Azospirillum sp.,
Bacillus coagulans
number of mechanisms that enable P assimilation from soil (Vance et al. 2003).
Plants as well as microorganisms increase P availability by solubilization of inor-
ganic P and mineralization of organic P. These includes changes in root architecture
(Ge et al. 2000), mycorrhizae (Smith and Read 1997), fungi, bacteria,
rhizodeposition and phosphatase production (Yadav and Tarafdar 2001) that
catalyse the hydrolysis of P from organic-P (Ramesh et al. 2004) and to enhance P
availability as most of the soil P (up to 80%) occurs as organic P. Phosphatase
activity in soil is derived by root activity as well as microorganisms (Yadav and
9 Rhizosphere Microbes: Driver for Soil Health Management 245
(AM) fungi play a very important role in agriculture ecosystem (Bianciotto and
Bonfante 2002). The AM fungi play a significant role in nutrient mobilization and
assimilation by crop plants through their extra radical hyphae. In addition to their
contribution in plant nutrition, AM fungi also improve soil physical properties as
well as abiotic stresses through production of several cementing compounds and
metabolites (Raghavendra et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2017a).
Table 9.5 Soil microbes and their significance in agro waste decomposition
Microorganisms activity Nature of organic matter References
Pleurotus eryngii Lignocellulose Agricultural wastes Yildirim
degradation, laccase et al. (2015)
Aspergillus Niger Cellulase, xyalanase Decomposition of Singh and
production organic matter, Sharma
sugarcane bagasse (2002)
Aspergillus awamori Cellulases Agro wastes Pleissner
et al. (2013)
Paecilomyces marquandii Keratinase Poultry waste (feather Veselá and
waste) Friedrich
Pseudomonas putida Manganese Agro waste Ahmad et al.
peroxidases and (2010)
Cellulomonas, Pleurotus, Cellulase Banana stem waste Dabhi et al.
Propionibacter, (2014)
Citrobacter freundii Manganese Agro waste, saw dust Ali et al.
peroxidases, lignin (2017)
B. cereus, B. megaterium Breakdown of Organic substrate Ribeiro et al.
cellulose and (2017)
Many microorganisms have the ability to detoxify pollutants, and it is a practical and
effective remedy for disposal of hazardous soil contaminants (Murali and Mehar
2014; Kao et al. 2006). The degradation by soil microbes is performed through
several enzymatic processes in the rhizobiome. The phyto-degradation of these
pollutants is also carried out by several plant species and microorganisms. The
ectomycorrhizal fungi also reported to bioremediate heavy metals and abiotic
stresses (Fomina et al. 2005). Bioremediation as a strategy revolves around the
changes in metabolic capacity of microorganisms to detoxify xenobiotic compounds
(Xu and Zhou 2017; Kulshrestha and Husain 2007) as compared to any physical or
chemical methods.
9 Rhizosphere Microbes: Driver for Soil Health Management 249
Water stress, salinity and various other abiotic stresses are directly associated with
soil-derived limitations and other environmental factors. These stresses include
metabolic, morphological and genetic-level changes in the plant under abiotic
stresses. Although after application, only 30–50% of nitrogenous fertilizers and
only 30% of phosphatic fertilizers are utilized by crop plants for its growth and
development (Adesemoye and Kloepper 2009). Now-a-days due to compromised
soil health and agriculture ecosystem, a trend of curtailing use of agrochemicals in
agriculture is increasing worldwide. Various biotic and abiotic factors and their
interactions govern uptake of soil moisture and nutrients by plant roots that involves
microorganisms thereby increasing the fertilizer use efficiency (Meena et al. 2015b).
During stress condition, plant produces more amounts of ethylene. Ahmad et al.
(2011) reported that increased ethylene concentration adversely affected crop
growth. Rhizosphere microorganisms are known to produce ACC deaminase, a
precursor of ethylene under stress and are known to improve crop growth under
stress through decreased ethylene production (Glick et al. 1998; Glick 2012).
Rhizodeposition (a complex mixture of various acids, sugars and enzymes) and the
activity of microorganisms in the rhizobiome are of particular significance in nutrient
cycling for plant growth promotion activities. The rhizosphere physico-chemistry
can improve phosphate and potash solubilization, mobilization and acquisition from
soil by plants (Zhang et al. 2010). Recommended agricultural management practices
and integrated soil and nutrient, cropping sequences, reducing tillage shift the
rhizosphere processes favourably and enable sustainable agricultural production
(Zhang et al. 2012).
Now-a-days more and more focus has been given on food quality for human and
animal consumption and also on environmental concerns and due to this a new trend
of organic agriculture or natural farming has become popular. Different organic
amendments for supply of balanced nutrition is becoming more and more popular
among farming communities which is directly helping to maintain soil quality and
crop productivity in environmentally sustainable manner. These includes improve-
ment (1) in soil microbial activities, (2) in colonization of ABMs, (3) in physical
properties and (4) nutrient-supplying capacity from recalcitrant pool of organic
nitrogen, phosphorus, potash along with other secondary and micro nutrients in
the soil, reducing their loss by leaching or by fixation in the form of mineral salts
(Singh and Mandal 2000).
9.6 Conclusion
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Ralstonia solanacearum: Biology and its
Management in Solanaceous Vegetable 10
A. Balamurugan
Department of Plant Pathology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
K. Sakthivel
Crop Protection Section, ICAR—Indian Institute of Oilseed Research, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
R. K. Gautam
Division of Germplasm Evaluation, ICAR—National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New
Delhi, India
S. K. Sharma
ICAR—National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
A. Kumar (*)
Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
e-mail: kumar@iari.res.in
10.1 Introduction
The world human population is estimated to increase 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2
billion by 2100 according to United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA
(Alexandratos and Bruinsma 2012). In the ecosystem, healthy plants play an impor-
tant role and provide foundation for all life. Every year, as much as 40 % of the
world’s potential harvest in agricultural and horticultural crop plants and their
produces are lost due to insect’s damages, plant diseases, and weeds according to
the report of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO 2015).
Keeping in current view, the United Nations and International Plant Protection
Convention (IPPC) announced the year 2020 as International Year of Plant Health
(IYPH), to recognize the plant health protection on global level. To feed the growing
mankind, the production of adequate amount of food crops and their products will be
the main challenges in the twenty-first century (Rana et al. 2020), and it is first
priority for human life to ensure food security from crop damages (Varshney et al.
In the growing population, vegetables are contributing important constituents of
agriculture in attaining food and nutritional security. The yield loss due to pest and
diseases is of serious concern in successful vegetable cultivation all over the world,
among which soil-borne pathogens play important role (Delgado-Baquerizo et al.
2020). Cultivation of solanaceous crops is much prone and their yield production
was limited by diverse group of both infectious and noninfectious agents. Several
diseases in solanaceous vegetables crops incited by fungal, bacterial, and viruses are
reported from time to time. Among all other bacterial diseases in solanaceous crops,
the bacterial wilt or sudden wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, formerly called
Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith), is one of the most important diseases world-
wide (Denny 2007). In this chapter, the bacterial wilt disease in solanaceous
vegetables crops is discussed in detail in terms of pathogen biology, nature of
infection, pathogenicity determinants, disease diagnosis, and integrated disease
management (IDM) approaches.
is listed in second rank among the top ten important plant pathogenic bacteria
worldwide (Mansfield et al. 2012). Elphinstone (2005) has estimated the crop losses
to be up to the cost of US$1.0 billion every year due to the R. solanacearum infection
in potato alone. Further, R. solanacearum was listed out in the selective agent of
agriculture bioterrorism Act in 2002 in USA, which considered the pathogen as a
potential tool for developing microbial bioterrorist weapon (Anon 2005). In India,
the yield losses due to R. solanacearum infection of 2.0–95.0% in tomato (Singh
et al. 2010), 80.0–100.0% in eggplant (Selastin Antony et al. 2015), 20.0–100.0% in
chili (Shekhawat et al. 1978), and 50.0% in potato were recorded (Mukherjee and
Dasgupta 1989).
10.3 Symptomatology
Fig. 10.1 Field symptoms of bacterial wilt disease in tomato (a); eggplant (d) and chili (g); close-
up view of drooping of green leaves downwards observed on wilt infected tomato (b); eggplant (e)
and chili (h) plants; Milky-white, thread-like bacterial ooze exuding from the cut-end of wilt
infected tomato (c); eggplant (f) and chili (i) stems indicated bacterial etiology of the disease
test for R. solanacearum infection (Fig. 10.1c, f, i). This ooze-out test is a prelimi-
nary diagnostic tool for quick and easy detection of R. solanacearum in the field and
under laboratory conditions (Balamurugan et al. 2018b). In the natural field
conditions, the bacterial wilt disease is somewhat difficult and confused with fungal
wilts in solanaceous vegetables crops, especially of very important soil-borne
pathogens including fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici), southern
blight/sclerotial wilt (Sclerotium rolfsii), and verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahlia
and V. albo-atrum). However, the specific symptomatology characters of bacterial
10 Ralstonia solanacearum: Biology and its Management in. . . 263
wilt can exclude and be differentiated from fungal wilts as summarized in the
Table 10.1.
The pathogen R. solanacearum is classified into numerous genera since it was first
described by E.F. Smith and named as Bacillus solanacearum (Smith 1896). Then
Smith changed its name to Pseudomonas solanacearum Smith (1896) in 1914
(Smith 1914). Further, it was included in the approved lists of bacterial names
(Skerman et al. 1980) and subsequent literature was also published under this
name (Hayward 1991). Later, Yabuuchi et al. (1992) transferred P. solanacearum
and nonfluorescent pseudomonads to a novel genus as Burkholderia solanacearum.
Further, the genomic-based molecular approaches to characterize the genus of
bacterial pathogens have been suggested by many workers. Yabuuchi et al. (1995)
proposed a new genus as Ralstonia having distinct characteristics from
B. solanacearum and B. pickettii based on the phenotypic traits, phylogenetic
analysis using 16S rRNA gene, rRNA-DNA hybridization, fatty acid, and cellular
lipid analysis, respectively. The pathogen is currently been referred as
Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith 1896; Yabuuchi et al. 1995) among scientific
community worldwide. The current taxonomic status of this pathogen is placed
264 A. Balamurugan et al.
Table 10.1 How bacterial wilt differed from fungal wilt in the solanaceous vegetable crops
Specific Fungal wilt
symptoms and (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
other lycopercisi, Sclerotium rolfsii,
identification Bacterial wilt Verticilium dahlia, V. albo-
S. No. characters (Ralstonia solanacearum) atrum)
1. Early stage Drooping of green leaves Yellowing of leaves on one
symptoms on downwards during hottest time side of the plant is the first sign
leaves of the day is the very first sign of the disease. In case of
of the disease Verticillum wilt, premature leaf
chlorosis followed by
leaf necrosis is first evident
2. Late stage In serious cases, whole plant Yellowing of leaves rapidly
symptoms on wilt typically and upper leaves advanced to part or entire plant.
leaves remains show green-wilt In serious cases, these leaves
appearance, whereas lower/ turn to blighted appearance and
older leaves show extensive tend to cause wilt symptoms on
wilting and dropped off part or entire plant. In case of
Verticillum wilt, the infected
leaves become of limp and
flaccid appearance
3. Vascular Brown discoloration in the Brown discoloration in the
discoloration vascular bundles is common in vascular bundles is most
the matured plant, but less commonly associated with
conspicuous on young fungal wilt disease; In case of
seedlings Verticillium wilt, light-tan
color discoloration could be
4. Surface infected Water-soaked lesions will Due to disfunctioning of
stem develop on the basal as well as vascular systems, the infected
aerial branching stem that leads stem becomes blightening, and
to darken and collapsed stem, drying leads to death of plant.
fall-off to soil, and plant death The fungal mycelium, spores,
occurred and resting structures remain
present in the vascular systems
and return to soil environment
along with dead plant debris
5. Signature When performing the ooze-out None produce such ooze. On
identification or streaming test, the collar region, stem girdling,
test in the field characteristic thread-like, mycelia growth, and
milky-white, bacterial ooze presence of mustard-like
could exude from cut-end of an sclerotia are signs of sclerotial
infected portion of the plant wilt; V. dahlia produces
confirming bacterial etiology of minute, black color
the disease microsclerotia; V. albo-atrum
produces dark thick-walled
mycelium on the infected plant
debris. Fusarium wilt infection
does not fall under any of two
these categories
6. Mechanism of Due to accumulation of Due to secretion of toxin and
wilting bacterial cells, slimy cell wall degrading enzyme
10 Ralstonia solanacearum: Biology and its Management in. . . 265
families over 200 plant species including Solanaceae family (tomato, eggplant, chili,
potato, tobacco) and other important crops from monocots (banana, ginger), legumi-
nous plants (peanut, French bean), ornamentals (Pelargonium, Anthurium and
Rose), shrubs and trees (mulberry, olive, cassava, eucalyptus), weed hosts (Sola-
num nigrum and S. dulcamara) as well as model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Genin
and Denny 2012; Mansfield et al. 2012; Garcia et al. 2019). Further, Moraes (1947)
reported that R. solanacearum is capable to infect the potato even in the temperature
of 24 C in the temperate zones (cold race).
it is special from other four races as it required optimum temperature of 27 C (cool
with higher elevation) found mainly in the temperate climate (Buddenhagen and
Kelman 1964; Sagar et al. 2013; Singh 2017). This race is also called ‘temperate
race or potato race or cold race’ primarily isolated and associated with potato brown
rot/bangle blight disease. Race 4 specifically infects Zingiberaceae family and
especially causes bacterial wilt disease in ginger and small cardamom found in
Asia and Hawaii (Persley 1986; Kumar and Sarma 2004; Kumar et al. 2004, 2012,
2014a, 2017; Kumar 2006; Kumar and Abraham 2008). Race 5 particularly causes
wilt disease on mulberry (Moraceae family), so far reported from China (He et al.
1983; Denny 2007; Garcia et al. 2019).
R. solanacearum is also traditionally classified into six biovars including biovar1,
2, 2-T, 3, 4, and 5 (Table 10.2), based on the utilization or acidification of the basal
media containing different carbon sources like disaccharides and sugar alcohols as
given in the Table 10.3 (Hayward 1964). Few strains infecting potato isolated from
Amazon basin differ with biovar 2; hence, they utilize the extended carbohydrates
panel and this new group is known as biovar 2-T (T refers, tropical) in the recogni-
tion of its lowland origin (Garcia et al. 2019). The biovar 3, 4, 1, 2 are associated
with race 1 (Solanaceae family); biovar 2-T, 1, 2 associated with race 2 (Musa spp.);
biovar 2, 1, 2-T associated with race 3 (particularly potato); biovar 3, 4 associated
with race 4 (ginger, small cardamom); and biovar 5 mostly associated with race
5 (mulberry). Exact race assignment for biovar 2-T strains is problematic because
they are identified to have a wider host range than archetypal biovar 2, known as race
3. Biovar assignations are somewhat confusing because reports demonstrated that
due to single frame-shift mutation in the plants or in storage, and horizontal gene
transfer could change phenotypic reaction of the strain. However, these subgrouping
or classification systems for race and biovars identification in R. solanacearum are
neither biological means of predictions nor genetically meaningful (Lowe-Power
et al. 2018) and are still to be verified at strains level (Garcia et al. 2019), or using
268 A. Balamurugan et al.
new alternative methods. Although there is no specific correlation between races and
biovars, strains belong to biovar 2 almost race 3, and strains belong to biovar
5 usually race 5 (Denny 2007). Additionally, the phylogenetic studies indicated
that strains belonging to biovar 3, 4, and 5 shared separate genetic-lineage and were
formed distinct from other biovars (Hayward 1994).
Further, using multiplex-PCR assay R. solanacearum is classified into four
phylotypes (Table 10.2) based on geographical origins are as follows: the
Phylotype—I: belong to Asia origin (specific amplicon size is 144 bp);
Phylotype—II: belong to America origin (specific to 372 bp); Phylotype—III:
belong to Africa origin (specific to 91 bp); and Phylotype—IV: belongs to Indonesia
and Australia (specific to 213 bp), which was originally suggested by Fegan and
Prior (2005) according to their sequence variation of the internal transcribed spacer
region. The ‘phylotype’ is a cluster of monophyletic strains identified by the analysis
of phylogenetic relationship from their sequences, and it can be used to identify the
subspecies level to even a separate species (Fegan and Prior 2005). The proposal of
Safni et al. (2014) to the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary
Microbiology revealed that high intraspecific variations in genomic profile of
R. solanacearum species—complex are classified into three species or genospecies
such as (i) Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum (corresponding to Phylotypes—I and III
strains); (ii) Ralstonia solanacearum (corresponding to Phylotype—II strains); and
(iii) Ralstonia syzygii (corresponding to Phylotype—IV strains) based on whole-
genome sequences. Each phylotype can be further subdivided into sequevars
(sequence variants); it is a group of strains having the highly conserved partial
sequence regions of endoglucanase (egl) gene (Fegan and Prior 2005), and currently,
around 20 sequevars have been identified for all the four known phylotypes (Garcia
et al. 2019). Among the five races, six biovars, and four phylotypes, the race 1, biovar
3, and phylotype—I is genetically and geographically well-distributed in nature and
causes bacterial wilt outbreak in major solanaceous crops worldwide (Denny 2007;
Mansfield et al. 2012). In India, prevalence and distribution of race 1, 3, and 4;
biovar 1, 3, 4; and phylotype—I, IIB were previously reported by several workers,
both from solanaceous crops and also from ginger and small cardamom (Shekhawat
et al. 1978; Kumar and Hayward 2005; Kumar et al. 2014a, b; Ramesh et al. 2014;
Sagar et al. 2014; Sakthivel et al. 2016; Singh 2017; Balamurugan et al. 2018a).
Among all, race 1, biovar 3, and phylotypes—I was considered as much important as
a consequent of bacterial wilt disease in solanaceous vegetable crops and its genetic
diversity also wider spread across the mainland as well as Andaman Nicobar islands
Fig. 10.3 Colony characters of R. solanacearum; irregularly round, white-fluidal, opaque single
colonies along with pinkish center on CPG agar amended with 2, 3, 5 triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride
is the characteristic to R. solanacearum (a); Virulent colony of R. solanacearum appears as highly
white-fluidal with less pink center (b); Avirulent colony appears to flatten, non-fluidal, butyrous/dry
and narrow streak (c); Absence of exopolysaccharides (EPS) makes difference between these two
colonies (b, c)
deprivation and Phyllanthus emblica fruit extract for the reversal of EPS production
in avirulent type colonies under laboratory experiment.
The pathogen R. solanacearum is a soil-inhabitant, gram negative, aerobic,
rod-shaped, motile, and non-spore forming bacterium. Individual cell size varies in
length from approximately 1.5 to 2.0 μm to 0.5 to 0.7 μm width (Champoiseau
2009). Transmission electron microscopy study using negatively stained
R. solanacearum cells revealed to have lophotrichous type of flagella (two or three
flagella at one polar end), which ensure their motility in the aqueous environments
(Clough et al. 1997). Various biochemical methods to characterize the
R. solanacearum demonstrated that R. solanacearum is positive for potassium
hydroxide (3 % KOH) test (Suslow et al. 1982), appears pink-red color rod-shaped
cells on gram-staining reaction (She et al. 2017), positive for catalase test (He et al.
1983), and negative for fluorescent-pigments production on King’s B medium (Clara
1934) and indole production on Kovac’s reagent (Prior and Steva 1990). The 1%
NaCl amended liquid nutrient broth supports the R. solanacearum growth, whereas
beyond the 1% NaCl concentration no growth or poor growth was observed (Kumar
and Sarma 2004; She et al. 2017). R. solanacearum isolates also highly sensitivity to
1% bleaching powder amend nutrient medium where complete growth inhibition
was also recorded (Singh et al. 2012; Balamurugan et al. 2018b).
Phenotypically, R. solanacearum can be identified through Biolog (Biolog Inc.,
Hayward, CA) based approach. Biolog is a phenotypic metabolic finger printing
method and applies by single panel system using microtiter plate which contains
71 carbon sources and 23 chemical sensitivity preselected assay solely for bacterial
substrate utilization. It is easy to handle, reliable, can detect the identity of the
organisms within 24 hrs of incubation, and several attempts were reported on
R. solanacearum (Tawfik et al. 2008; Albuquerque et al. 2016).
Serological-based diagnostic kit is also available for the detection of
R. solanacearum both from field and laboratory condition. Nitro-cellulose-mem-
brane-based ELISA originally developed by International Potato Center, Lima, Peru,
for the detection of R. solanacearum in the seed tubers of potatoes was also adopted
for indexing ginger rhizomes (Priou et al. 1999; Kumar et al. 2002). Agdia® (Agdia,
Elkhart, IN) is the commercially available, farmer-friendly, field diagnostic
R. solanacearum-specific immunoassay strip and can detect the result within
10 minutes of use from freshly infected plant samples (Selastin Antony et al.
2015; Ireland et al. 2016). The Central Science Laboratory, UK, developed the
lateral flow device kit to detect the R. solanacearum in a single step process within
3 minutes (Singh 2017; Thind 2019).
Methods described above are generally reliable and easy to perform, but each
technique has certain limitations. False-positive results in the serological-based
approach are one of the drawbacks and the results proportionally increase with
number of dead cells and contaminants in the samples (Garcia et al. 2019).
DNA-based approaches using PCR techniques are very reliable, accurate, and
more sensitive method to identify the R. solanacearum (Weller et al. 2000) than
other methods. With the advancement of molecular biology, many genomic
techniques are available to verify and investigate the phylogeny of
10 Ralstonia solanacearum: Biology and its Management in. . . 271
R. solanacearum (Denny 2007). The universal bacterial primers, 27F and 1492R, for
the target of 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene become unique for the identifi-
cation of bacteria at the genus level and several workers reported for identification
(Taghavi et al. 1996; Kumar 2006; Balamurugan et al. 2018a). Ireland et al. (2016)
used the fD1 and rP2 primer probe for identification of 16S rRNA region and
confirmed the sequence result as R. pseudosolanacearum which incited the wilt
disease in tomato. For specific identification of R. solanacearum through PCR-based
assay, Opina et al. (1997) have developed the species-specific primers using 759F
and 760R to attain the 281 base pairs, which are specific to R. solanacearum. Till
date, these primers are widely adopted and used for the species level identification of
R. solanacearum (Kumar and Abraham 2008; Sakthivel et al. 2016; Balamurugan
et al. 2018a; Mollae et al. 2020). The primer probes of Y2F and OLI1R also were
reported for species-specific identification of R. solanacearum (Singh et al. 2010;
Sagar et al. 2013). Additionally, recombination (recN) gene-based makers for
intraspecific classification of R. solanacearum are also reported (Kumar et al.
2013). Other molecular tools that include total genomic fingerprinting by restriction
fragment length polymorphisms (Van Der Wolf et al. 1998), amplified fragment
length polymorphism (Poussier et al. 2000; Mollae et al. 2020), repetitive element-
PCR (Horita and Tsuchiya 2001), qPCR (Chen et al. 2010), microarray (Cellier et al.
2017), real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification for field detection of
R. solanacearum (Prameela et al. 2017), multilocus sequence typing (Kumar et al.
2014a; Sakthivel et al. 2016), draft genome (Zou et al. 2016; Kotorashvili et al.
2017; Kumar et al. 2017), and whole-genome sequencing (Salanoubat et al. 2002)
are also investigated to describe the phylogeny of R. solanacearum.
Although PCR techniques are available to characterize the R. solanacearum
through 16S rRNA gene and species-specific primers, none of these primer probes
allow them for identification of the phylotypes which identify pathogen based on
broad geographical origin. To address these limits, Fegan and Prior (2005) have
developed multiplex-PCR primers which provide the genomic gateway for identifi-
cation of the geographical origin of R. solanacearum and the genetic variations in the
pathogen have been successfully studied by several workers (Safni et al. 2014;
Lowe-Power et al. 2018; Mollae et al. 2020).
For the past several years, MLST/MLSA (Multilocus Sequence Typing/Analy-
sis)-based genotyping systems become popular to investigate microbial populations
of bacterial pathogens (Almeida et al. 2010; Kumar et al. 2020). The MLST-based
identification of R. solanacearum was developed by Castillo and Greenberg (2007)
to exploit the variation in housekeeping genes in a diverse group of the strains which
consisted of five housekeeping genes, including gapA (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
dehydrogenase oxidoreductase), gdhA (Glutamate dehydrogenase Oxidoreductase),
ppsA (phosphoenolpyruvate synthase), adk (adenylate kinase), and gyrB (DNA
gyrase), and three megaplasmid-borne virulence-related genes such as egl
(endoglucanase precursor), fliC (encoding flagellin protein), and hrpB (regulatory
transcription regulator), respectively, based on its specific conserved regions present
in each R. solanacearum strain. MLST-based genetic characterization of
R. solanacearum is used to not only identify the bacterial diversity, but also enable
272 A. Balamurugan et al.
to understand the pathogen migration across the regions which reflect the horizontal
spread of the bacterium through movement of any planting materials (Kumar et al.
2014a; Sakthivel et al. 2016; Balamurugan et al. 2018a), also reported on other
baterial pathogen (Kumar et al. 2020).
like projection called type-III secretion system (T3SS) present on the bacterial cell
and used to inject the ‘effector proteins’ to plant cell cytosol also contribute to the
virulence (Coll and Valls 2013). In addition to these biological weapons, others
factors also contribute to the virulence functioning such as protein appendages called
flagella and pili used for motility, attachment, and biofilm formation on the surface-
roots (Tans-Kersten et al. 2001), type 4 pili used to move on the solid surface by
twitching motility fashion (Strom and Lory 1993), hrp is the pathogenicity gene
274 A. Balamurugan et al.
control wilt induction and hypersensitive reaction (Boucher et al. 2001), as well as
type-II (T2SS) secreted enzymes used to collapse the plant cell wall (Kang et al.
2002) were reported. However, other molecular and physiological functions also
contributes to the R. solanacearum virulence and were discussed (Alvarez et al.
2008; Genin and Denny 2012; Peeters et al. 2013; Lowe-Power et al. 2018).
Transmission of R. solanacearum can also be carried over long distances through the
movement of latently infected planting materials and seed tubers which are studied
well (Brito et al. 2002; Sagar et al. 2013; Charkowski et al. 2020). Potato bacterial
wilt is a well-known fact for its local and international spread through latently
infected seed potatoes (Tiaden et al. 2010) and geranium cuttings produced in Africa
and Central America (Williamson et al. 2002). As a consequence of seed potato
movement, the potato strain grown in planta in the lower altitudes (27 C) often
expresses latent infection in the higher altitudes (29 to 35 C) from tropical and
subtropical potato growing areas, interestingly this same strain can cause wilt disease
on tomato (Charkowski et al. 2020). Potato tubers may carry the pathogen on surface
of seed potatoes, lenticels, and inside the vascular tissue (Genin and Denny 2012;
Charkowski et al. 2020). True seed transmission of R. solanacearum has long been
suspected and even confirmed by its seed-transmitted nature by several workers
(Devi and Menon 1980; Shakya 1993; Sanchez Perez et al. 2008; Genin and Denny
2012). However, the possibility of latently infected true seed in case of tomato,
eggplant, chili, and tuber potatoes needs to be investigated with more study using
sensitive techniques using DNA-based probes and monoclonal antibodies, etc.
(Genin and Denny 2012).
R. solanacearum spreads over long distance and nearby field through displace-
ment of contaminated soil, movement of surface irrigation water from infected field
to disease-free field, dissemination by farm equipments, and improper cultural
practices that can translocate the bacterium (Kelman 1965; Marchetti et al. 2010;
Remigi et al. 2011; Genin and Denny 2012). Root wounding by root-knot nematode
(M. incognita) infection seems to play an important role in increasing bacterial wilt
incidence in tomato (Deberdt et al. 1999; Furusawa et al. 2019) and eggplant (Zakir
and Bora 2009).
During overwintering, the cells of R. solanacearum stay as saprophytic life stage
in association with reservoir plants, infected plant stubbles, and soil (Hayward 1991;
Elphinstone 1996). Several weed hosts including Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet
nightshade), Solanum nigrum (black nightshade), and Urtica dioica (stinging nettle)
are frequently reported as potential host for R. solanacearum survival (Olsson 1976;
Wenneker et al. 1999; Pradhanang et al. 2000; Charkowski et al. 2020).
The R. solanacearum cells exude and are released from infected plant materials
and enter inside the soil by a matrix of protective extra-polysaccharide substance
(Shekhawat and Perombelon 1991). van Elsas et al. (2000) reported that
R. solanacearum survived in agricultural soil up to one year; up to two years after
10 Ralstonia solanacearum: Biology and its Management in. . . 275
removal of crops (Shamsuddin et al. 1979); and holds the wilt causing capacity even
four year intercropping period with nonhost plants (Graham et al. 1979). Pathogen
has the ability to survive in contaminated water and multiply in pure water in the
absence of nutrients. Potentially, irrigated field with contaminated water responsible
for bacterial wilt outbreak on several crops and water-channel are considered as
major routes for R. solanacearum dissemination (Elphinstone 1996; Janse 1996; van
Elsas et al. 2001; Caruso et al. 2005; Alvarez et al. 2008). Not surprisingly, by
keeping bacterial wilt infected or dead plant debris and seed potatoes within the
growing field itself provides an excellent source of bacterial inoculums in the next
season, and the R. solanacearum population will build-up much higher than the
previous season.
Bacterial wilt disease is very difficult to control due to its wider host range and
geographical distribution, species complexity, antibiotic resistance, soil-inhabitant
nature, ability to survive in the soil for many years, and association with weed host
(King et al. 2008; Yuan et al. 2014). Till date, numerous control strategies are well-
practiced and recommended regarding usage of chemical fumigants, tillage
practices, use of organic amendments, external nutrient supplements, usage of
resistant cultivars and other beneficial microbes, etc. Chemical usage through soil
disinfection has only temporary effect, but it may also pose serious threat to
nontargeted beneficial microbes and can cause environment hazards to food chain
and human health (Gamliel et al. 2000; Yi et al. 2007). Soil solarization, a steam
therapy method is another strategy for controlling soil-borne pathogens, but it is not
economically feasible under larger field conditions (Tamietti and Valentino 2006).
In recent days, control of R. solanacearum by using potential beneficial microbes
has been suggested for suppression of bacterial wilt under field conditions either
alone or in consortia with different formulations (Ji et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2008;
Xue et al. 2009; Ramesh et al. 2009; Ling et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2012). However,
these potential biocontrol activities persist and perform well only under in vitro trails
than the field grown experiment (Kamilova et al. 2005; Liu et al. 2012). The usage of
transgenic crops, avirulent strains of R. solanacearum, and bacteriophages has also
been suggested for managing the bacterial wilt disease (Dong et al. 1999). But the
usage of genetically edited plant varieties may raise the environmental issues
(Lemessa and Zeller 2007) on diverse organisms.
Table 10.4 Potential antagonistic rhizhosphere bacteria against R. solanacearum for disease
S. No. Antagonistic bioagents Host used References
1. Bacillus species: Tomato, Saddler (2005), Zhou et al.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Eggplant, (2008), Ramesh et al. (2009),
B. velezensis Chili, Potato, Ramesh and Phadke (2012),
B. cereus and Tobacco Hyakumachi et al. (2013),
B. subtilis Kurabachew and Wydra
B. artrophaeus (2013), Raza et al. (2016a),
B. sacchari Tahir et al. (2017), Cao et al.
B. tericola (2018), Balamurugan et al.
B. pyrrocinia (2018b), Sakthivel et al.
B. thuringiensis (2019), Alamer et al. (2020)
Bacillus spp.
2. Pseudomonas species: Eggplant, Saddler (2005), Ramesh
Pseudomonas fluorescens Tomato, and (2006), Ramesh et al. (2009),
P. brassicacearum Chili, Ramesh and Phadke (2012),
P. aeruginosa Vanitha et al. (2009), Zhou
P. mallei et al. (2012), Raza et al.
P. cepacia (2016b), Alamer et al. (2020)
P. putida
Pseudomonas sp.
3. Burkholderia species: Tomato, Nion and Toyota (2008),
Burkholderia nodosa Eggplant, and Ramesh et al. (2009)
B. sacchari Spinach
B. tericola
B. pyrrocinia
B. cepacia
4. Other bacterial agents: Tomato, Hoa et al. (2004), Saddler
Serratia marcescens Eggplant, (2005), Momma et al. (2007),
Serratia sp. Chili, Ramesh et al. (2009), Xue et al.
Enterobacter cloacae Tobacco, and (2009, 2013), Tan et al. (2011),
Chryseobacterium daecheongense Potato Yang et al. (2012), Huang et al.
C. indologenes (2013), Wei et al. (2013), Li
Clostridium sp. and Dong (2013), Kurabachew
Flavobacterium johnsoniae and Wydra (2013), Yuliar et al.
Myroides odoratimimus (2015)
Paenibacillus marcerans
Ralstonia pickettii
Sphingomonas paucimobilis
Staphylococcus auricularis
Streptomyces rochei
S. virginiae
Escherichia sp.
5. Avirulent strain of R. Tomato and Arwiyanto et al. (1994), Khan
solanacearum shown potential Eggplant et al. (1997), Grimault and
antagonistic to virulent strains of Prior (2008), Zheng et al.
R. solanacearum: Avirulent strain (2019)
FJAT-1458 and hrp-mutants
6. Virulent bacteriophage against Tomato and Toyoda et al. (1991),
R. solanacearum: Phage φP4282, Eggplant Sambrook and Russell (2001),
278 A. Balamurugan et al.
Complete control of bacterial wilt disease in the field conditions is very difficult
because bacterium localizes inside the xylem vessels and is able to survive at depth
in soil (Mariano et al. 1998). Fumigating the soil using methyl-bromide, vapam,
chloroicrin, or antibiotics is done in some countries, but has only limited efficacy
10 Ralstonia solanacearum: Biology and its Management in. . . 279
and/or no more usage. Also, production of methyl-bromide gas was phased out
during 2005 since it causes depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer according to
Montreal Protocol and Clean Air Act (Fujiwara et al. 2011). Bacteriostatic nature of
1.0% NaCl and 0.25 to 1.0% bleaching powder amended nutrient media able to
inhibit the growth of R. solanacearum was reported earlier only under laboratory
condition (Kumar et al. 2004; Singh et al. 2012; Balamurugan et al. 2018b). Actigard
(Syngenta) is a plant resistance inducer and enhances the resistance against
R. solanacearum, only when used on moderately resistance cultivar if available
(Champoiseau 2009). However, there is no specific chemical identified for success-
ful control of R. solanacearum under field conditions (Singh 2017).
Several agronomic/cultural practices can reduce the bacterial wilt disease such as
crop rotation with nonhost plant species, but only partial or less control of the wilt
disease can be achieved (Akiew and Trevorrow 1994; Mariano et al. 1998).
R. solanacearum is a ubiquitous soil-borne pathogen; hence, implementations of
phytosanitary measures are important where the disease is of an endemic form and/or
recently introduced (Saddler 2005). Use of disease-free planting, seed (seed
potatoes), and other vegetative propagated materials and avoidance of weed hosts
through herbicides application also have been considered. Intercropping with use of
cereals crops, such as maize and wheat, and other plant species such as onion,
cabbage, bean, and pea proved variable efficiency to control bacterial wilt disease
(Pradhanang and Elphinstone 1996; Terblanche 2002; Katafiire et al. 2005).
10.12 Conclusion
Due to its extreme diversity in host range and strainal variability, this bacterial wilt
pathogen, R. solanacearum, is now called R. solanacearum species complex
(RSCC). The successful management of this disease in field conditions is of serious
concern. The available host plant resistance is limited, and hence, resistant cultivars
are not much reported. Also, no specific chemical has been reported for successful
management unlike other diseases. Nowadays, biological control using native
antagonistic microbes seems to be a promising approach towards disease manage-
ment under field conditions. Bacterial wilt disease is continually reported in new
locations and hosts, and hence, imposing strict quarantine measures even in intra-
regional transportation on seed and seed potatoes or other vegetative planting
material would be helpful to avoid the rapid spread of this disease in newer locations.
At present, pathogen biology and mechanisms of infections of R. solanacearum are
well-understood using recent molecular approaches, and hence, the future research
should focus on resistance breeding programs for effective disease management
against wider strains of bacterial wilt pathogen with the available knowledge.
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S. Bodhankar
ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
M. Grover (*)
ICAR-Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, India
entry, establishment, diversity, and interactions with host plants along with the
applications in agriculture under changing climatic conditions. A better under-
standing of plant-endophyte interaction can help in the optimization of plant
microbiome and microbe assisted breeding in the near future.
Anton de Bary first introduced the terms “epiphytes,” for the fungi living on the host
plant’s surface and “endophytes” for those present in the plant tissues (De Bary
1886). The term “endophyte” means “in the plant” (endon Gr. ¼ within, phy-
ton ¼ plant); however, with the inclusion of added information its elucidation has
changed over time (Petrini 1986). Petrini (1991), expanded the definition further as
“all organisms inhabiting plant organs that, at some time in their life cycle, can
colonize internal plant tissues without causing apparent harm to their host.” Thus,
the microorganisms like fungi and bacteria, including actinobacteria, can be called
endophytes if they, during their life cycle, colonize internal tissues of a healthy plant,
without causing any apparent disease (Dutta et al. 2014). Besides microorganisms
inside the plants (Kobayashi and Palumbo 2000; Stone et al. 2000), plants and
insects inside the plants (Marler et al. 1999; Feller 1995), and algae inside algae
(Peters 1991) can also be termed endophytes as per the literal meaning of the term.
On the other hand, plant pathogens also colonize the internal plant tissues, but there
are critical levels of disagreement over considering them as endophytes, since the
endophytes need to be asymptomatic and in harmony with the host plant (Freeman
and Rodriguez 1993; Sinclair and Cerkauskas 1996). The endophytes have also been
defined based on the purpose for which they are isolated. Bacon and White (2000)
proposed an inclusive and widely accepted definition of endophytes as “Microbes
that colonize living, internal tissues of plants without causing any immediate, overt
negative effects.” The endophytic microorganisms can be isolated from surface-
sterilized plant tissues, but to establish their “true” endophytic nature, additional
validation by inoculating the tagged microorganisms and then tracing them inside
plant tissues by microscopic and/or molecular techniques is required. A true endo-
phyte should be able to infect and establish in the internal tissues of the disinfected
plants from which it was initially isolated.
The seed carries forward the progeny and can escape the unfavorable conditions by
remaining dormant for years and germinates into a new plant, when the conditions
become congenial (Nelson 2004). The soil that immediately surrounds the seed
11 Seed Endophytes: The Benevolent Existence in the Plant System 293
Recent studies indicate that almost all plants harbor endophytes. In recent years,
attempts to study diversity of seed endophytes in various crop plants, to understand
their role and to harness their beneficial effects in agriculture have increased
exponentially. Both cultivation-dependent and independent techniques are being
used to study endophytic diversity in crop plants. Liu et al. (2012) compared the
seed endophytic bacterial communities of four hybrid maize offspring and respective
parents by preparing 16S rDNA libraries and showed significant differences in
number and species of seed endophytic bacteria among the offspring hybrids and
their parents, indicating the vertical transmission of microorganisms from both
parents to offspring plant. Vega et al. (2005) isolated different fungi from the seed
of coffee including Acremonium, Aspergillus, Eurotium, Fusarium, Gibberella,
Penicillium, Pseudozyma, and an undescribed Clavicipitaceous species. Among
the bacterial genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas are commonly reported as seed
endophytes in different plant species. In addition, Paenibacillus, Micrococcus,
Staphylococcus, Pantoea, and Acinetobacter have also been found frequently as
seed endophytes (Truyens et al. 2015). Okunishi et al. (2005) observed that majority
of the rice seed endophytes were motile that has enabled their migration into the
seeds. Kaga et al. (2009) isolated and identified bacterial endophytes from
germinating rice seedlings as Bacillus fusiformis, B. firmus, B. pumilus, Caulobacter
crescentus, Micrococcus luteus, Kocuria palustris, Methylobacterium
radiotolerans, M. fujisawaense, and Pantoea ananatis. The study indicated that
bacterial endophytes colonizing the rice seed infect the subsequent generation via
seeds and establish as the dominant endophytic species in the developed plant.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) helped in detecting the colonization by
Bacillus spp. inside the grapevine seeds, as indicated by their presence along the cell
walls of some cells (Compant et al. 2011). Gagne-Bourgue et al. (2013)
demonstrated the presence of the same Bacillus spp. and Microbacterium spp. in
the harvested switch grass seeds and the plants grown from these seeds indicating
transmission of endophytes from the seeds to the developing plant. Cankar et al.
(2005) collected fresh seeds from four differently located Norway spruce trees
(Picea abies) in the Slovene subalpine region and attempted to detect the presence
of endophytes by cultivation method and by 16S rDNA gene amplification. Both
approaches detected the presence of Pseudomonas and Rahnella in the surface-
sterilized spruce seeds. Endophytic colonization studies of germinating wheat seed
by gfp tagged Streptomyces sp. strain EN27 revealed successful colonization of
inoculated strain in the embryo, endosperm, and emerging radicle indicating that
colonization of wheat seedling started at very early stage of plant development
(Coombs and Franco 2003). In a study by Ferreira et al. (2008), endophytic bacteria
belonging to Bacillus, Enterococcus, Paenibacillus, and Methylobacterium could be
isolated from seeds and seedlings of ten species and two hybrids of eucalyptus,
indicating their vertical transfer from seeds to seedlings. In addition, seed-inoculated
gfp tagged endophytic bacteria Pantoea agglomerans could be re-isolated from the
grown up seedlings indicating its vertical transmission (Ferreira et al. 2008).
11 Seed Endophytes: The Benevolent Existence in the Plant System 295
Bodhankar et al. (2017) isolated eighty maize seed endophytic bacteria (MSEB)
from 30 maize genotypes, and characterized them by 16S rRNA sequence analysis.
Among the identified MSEB isolates, Bacillus sp. was found as the most dominant
genus under Phylum Firmicutes, few isolates belonging to genus Staphylococcus
and one isolate was identified as Corynebacterium sp. under Phylum Actinobacteria
(Bodhankar et al. 2017). In a study by Johnston-Monje and Raizada (2011) compo-
sition of seed endophytic microbial community varied with host plant phylogeny and
a core microbiota of endophytes was conserved in maize seeds across boundaries of
evolution, ethnography, and ecology. Three genera (Paenibacillus, Acidovorax, and
Pantoea) were seed specific in rice and as the seed matured, the flora of culturable
endophytic bacteria changed in a different manner from that of culturable surface
bacteria (Mano et al. 2006). López-López et al. (2010) isolated a novel rhizobial
species Rhizobium endophyticum from Phaseolus vulgaris seed and it was observed
that endophytic rhizobia were not capable of forming nodules, indicating a different
functional profile as endophyte. Shen et al. (2014) isolated 350 strains of fungi from
the seeds of uncommon moso bamboo (Phyllostachysedulis) and reported four new
genera including Leptosphaerulina, Simplicillium, Sebacina and an unknown genus
under Basidiomycetes.
Venkatesagowda et al. (2012) attempted isolation of endophytic fungi from seeds
of oil producing crops (castor, coconut, neem, peanut, pongamia, rubber, and
sesame). They could morphologically identify 40 isolates as belonging to 19 taxa
(Alternaria, Aspergillus, Chalaropsis, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Curvularia,
Drechslera, Fusarium, Lasiodiplodia, Mucor, Penicillium, Pestalotiopsis, Phoma,
Phomopsis, Phyllosticta, Rhizopus, Sclerotinia, Stachybotrys, and Trichoderma).
Brownbridge et al. (2012) used two methods: (1) seed coating and (2) root dipping
to study endophytic colonization of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana
in the pine seedlings. Interestingly, B. bassiana could successfully colonize pine
seedlings by both methods. Parsa et al. (2016) attempted isolation of endophytic
fungi from seeds of 11 Colombian cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).
Identification of isolated 394 endophytic fungi by ITS region sequence analysis
revealed representation by 42 taxa. Aureobasidium pullulans was the most dominant
endophyte (isolated from 46.7% of the samples) followed by Fusarium oxysporum,
Xylaria sp., and Cladosporium cladosporioides detected in 13.4, 11.7, and 7.6% of
seedlings, respectively. Ottesen et al. (2013) observed that different organs of tomato
plant were colonized distinct groups of microbial communities. Further, a gradient of
compositional similarity of microbial communities was observed in different plant
parts depending on their distance from the soil. The fruits and flowers of tomato
plants harbored unique bacterial phylotypes including Microvirga, Pseudomonas,
Sphingomonas, Brachybacterium, Rhizobiales, Paracocccus, Chryseomonas, and
Microbacterium. Among the bacterial taxa, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas were
observed as most frequent taxa across aerial plant parts. Among the identified fungal
taxa, Hypocrea, Aureobasidium, and Cryptococcus were found to be abundant. A
study by Rosenblueth et al. (2012) revealed difference in bacterial population and
diversity among the individual seeds harvested from the same cob of maize (Zea
mays L.) and among the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds harvested from different
296 S. Bodhankar and M. Grover
pods as well as the same pod. The study indicated role of fertilization step in creating
seed microbial diversity. Thus, various studies indicate toward the diverse groups of
microorganisms that could colonize seeds as endophytes. The microbial variability
observed within seeds of a plant may be useful in the adaptation of plant species to
diverse environmental conditions and, thus, can be explored for enhancing agricul-
tural productivity.
endophytes to adapt and adjust with the different physiological processes inside the
plants (Rai and Agarkar 2014; Rodrigues and Samuels 1999).
Populations of endophytes increase after seed germination and colonize different
tissues including roots and endorhizosphere and may also reach exorhizosphere
(Herrera et al. 2016). Mano et al. (2006) observed that although seed endophytes
in the germinating rice seed mainly colonized shoots, some strains could reach the
rhizosphere and also spread to the soil. López-López et al. (2010) could recover
almost all bacterial genera from bean seeds and also from the emerging roots of
germinating seed. Thus, introduced microorganisms need to compete and/or share
their ecological niche with endophytic communities that spread in the rhizosphere
during germination (Herrera et al. 2016). The plant’s immune system can influence
the colonization of endophytes. However, endophytic bacteria produce their
microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), which do not trigger plant
immune responses and, thus, can escape elimination by the plant system
(Vandenkoornhuyse et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2017). Pitzschke (2018) studied molecular
dynamics in the endophyte colonized germinating seeds of quinoa. Quinoa seeds and
seedlings exhibit remarkably complex and dynamic mitogen-activated protein
kinase (MAPK) activity profiles. Variances have been reported in MAPK patterns
and probably also in endophyte assemblages, depending on the seed origin. The
ability to degrade mucilage enabled the quinoa endophytes to colonize Salvia
hispanica (chia) seeds, a non-host species. The motile quinoa endophytes caused
expansion of the cells, were able to move across the cell wall, and elicited damage-
associated molecular patterns and MAPKs in the host plant. The study indicated that
the bacteria may hasten the germination process and confer a primed state to the
germinating seeds. There is a possibility of transfer of these endophytes into
non-native crops for desirable results. Mitter et al. (2017) described an innovative
approach to modulate seed microbiomes of elite crop seed embryos and concomi-
tantly design the traits to be mediated by seed microbiomes. They found that the
introduction of the endophyte Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN to the flowers of
parent plants can add it to the microbiome of the progeny seeds, thus facilitating its
vertical transmission to the next generation. They demonstrated the introduction of
PsJN to seeds of monocot and dicot plant species and the resulting changes in the
composition of seed microbiome and effect on plant growth parameters. The study
illustrated the potential role of modified seed microbiomes in influencing plant traits.
Thus, methods to optimize the seed microbiomes of major crops can have
far-reaching implications for plant breeding and crop improvement to enhance
agricultural productivity.
Climate change has become the most important issue in the twenty-first century,
affecting agricultural productivity worldwide. It is a real challenge to supply suffi-
cient food for the ever-increasing population, while maintaining the environment
sustainability. Water availability is one of the major constraints limiting crop
300 S. Bodhankar and M. Grover
production, and, thus, a real challenge for global food security. The emerging
climatic variabilities are exerting pressure on agriculture. Drought affected areas
have been increasing under all major crops including wheat, maize, rice, sorghum,
soybean, etc., as expressed in terms of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)
(Palmer 1965). In addition, rising atmospheric CO2 and increasing average temper-
ature are bound to impact agricultural productivity directly by changing crop
physiology and indirectly through influencing pests and disease dynamics. Simi-
larly, unpredictable rainfall events causing frequent floods can affect wider areas,
and lead to soil anaerobic conditions, water logging, and sometime wiping out the
entire crops causing huge losses (Gornall et al. 2010). Seed persistence is a complex
phenomenon that allows its survival after death of the parent plant, thus preserving
the genotype through time. It is a complex expression of seed and species
characteristics that resist germination during pre-dispersal and post-dispersal envi-
ronmental conditions determining the fate of the seed toward germination or death.
Thus, environment has a strong influence on seed persistence even before the
dispersal of seeds (Donohue 2009; Kochanek et al. 2011). The environment of
parent and even grandparent plant at different stages of life cycle can influence
seed traits like size, germination efficiency, seed coat properties, dispersal, dor-
mancy, longevity, and fecundity, thus influencing the complexities of seed persis-
tence (Gallagher and Fuerst 2006; Long et al. 2015). Seed endophytes may play
important role in the germination, establishment and growth of the miniature plant
coming out of the seed. Microorganisms have the capability to actively respond to
various biotic and abiotic stress factors. Many reports have demonstrated the role of
endophytes in conferring tolerance to abiotic stress in the host plants. Abiotic
stresses like salinity and drought cause disruption of homeostasis and ion distribu-
tion in fescue plant; however, infection with Epichloë coenophialum, a seed-
transmissible systemic fungal endophyte, confers stress tolerance to the fecuse plants
(Singh et al. 2011). Moreover, production of epoxy-janthitrem alkaloids by Epichloë
festucae var. lolii protects the plants from herbivory. The alkaloid content depends
on genetic predisposition of the endophyte and host plant, and is also influenced by
seasonal variations and plant age. This study indicated that global warming may
increase incidences of endophyte mediated intoxications of livestock feeding on
European grasslands (Fuchs et al. 2017). Absence of fungal endophytes has been
found to impair the tolerance of host plants to habitat imposed abiotic and biotic
stresses. For example, colonization of Dichanthelium lanuginosum plants found in
geothermal soils of Yellowstone National Park by fungal endophyte Curvularia
protuberate enables the plants to tolerate high temperatures (60 C) of the geother-
mal habitat and neither the fungus nor the plant can survive in separation from one
another at temperatures above 38 C (Redman et al. 2002). Higher amount of
ethylene is generally secreted by plants due to pathogen attack or other stresses,
which cause plant growth inhibition and cell death in the infected part. This
phenomenon of triggered cell death can be avoided by reducing the level of ethylene
(White and Verma 2019). The bacterial enzyme ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-
carboxylate) deaminase catalyzes the conversion of ACC, the immediate precursor
of ethylene synthesis in plants into ammonia and α-ketobutyrate. The sequestration
11 Seed Endophytes: The Benevolent Existence in the Plant System 301
of ACC by bacterial ACC deaminase reduces ethylene levels and thus helps in
ameliorating plant stress under various abiotic and biotic stress conditions (Glick
2015). Many studies have demonstrated the promotion of plant growth by some
ACC deaminase producing bacteria under various abiotic stresses like drought,
salinity, and flooding (Glick et al. 1999). Isolation of ACC deaminase-producing
bacteria from seeds of wild plants and their application in crop plants can help in
better growth even under stressed environmental conditions (White and Verma
2019). Treatment of tomato seeds with the ACC deaminase-producing endophytic
bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens YsS6 and P. migulae 8R6) resulted in priming of
the emerging plant to tolerate imposed salt stress more effectively due to
pre-colonization of developing plant with the endophytes. Even under non-stressed
conditions, treatment with endophytic bacteria resulted in substantial increase in the
growth of tomato plants as compared to uninoculated treatment (Ali et al. 2014). A
non-nodulating legume, marama bean (Tylosema esculentum), indigenous to the arid
regions of Southern Africa, thrives in stressful and harsh environmental conditions
in soils with nutritional and moisture deficiencies (Council 2006; Chimwamurombe
et al. 2016). Investigation revealed the existence of seed-associated bacterial com-
munity in surface-sterilized seeds and gnotobiotically grown marama bean seedlings
with Firmicutes and Actinobacteria as dominant groups. Firmicutes are endospore
formers that can help host plant in dealing with harsh and unfavorable environmental
conditions. Actinobacteria are known to be well adapted to environmental
fluctuations such as moisture deficit conditions. Members of genera Curtobacterium
and Microbacterium present as seed endophytes in marama beans are also desicca-
tion tolerant and can persist through dry periods (Goodfellow and Williams 1983)
and can enhance tolerance of host plants to drought (Ali et al. 2014; Lucas et al.
2014). Walitang et al. (2017) isolated Flavobacterium sp., Microbacterium sp., and
Xanthomonas sp. type strains from the salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant rice cultivars.
Flavobacterium sp. strains tolerant to salinity and osmotic stress also exhibited IAA
production and phosphate solubilization. Certain groups of bacteria, including
Flavobacterium, Pantoea, Curtobacterium, Microbacterium, Kosakonia, and
Enterobacter, were more abundant under stress conditions. The study indicated
their potential role in enhancing tolerance of rice plant to stress (Walitang et al.
2018). Conservation and transmission of these dominant bacterial groups to the
subsequent generations of rice plant via seeds even after crossbreeding and
recultivation indicated an evolutionary co-existence between the rice plant and its
endophytic bacteria (Walitang et al. 2019). Gond et al. (2015) isolated Bacillus
sp. from modern varieties of corn and reported isolation of only Pantoea
agglomerans and Agrobacterium sp. from teosinte. Treatment with
P. agglomerans enhanced tolerance of the tropical corn seedlings to hypersaline
conditions. Endophytic bacteria isolated from seeds of Nicotiana tabacum grown
under metal stress induced plant growth promotion as well as reduced cadmium
phytotoxicity in the newly grown tobacco plants. Endophytic strains of
actinobacteria Streptomyces coelicolor DE07, S. olivaceus DE10 and
S. geysiriensis DE27 isolated from wheat exhibited plant growth–promoting traits
such as IAA production and intrinsic osmotic stress tolerance (0.05 to
302 S. Bodhankar and M. Grover
0.73 MPa). Culture and cell-free extracts of these endophytic actinobacteria when
applied to wheat seeds under moisture deficit conditions enhanced plant growth and
yield of wheat as compared to untreated control plants (Yandigeri et al. 2012).
Treatments with direct seed coating of cultures showed superior performance than
seed coatings with cell-free extract and, further, co-coating of seeds with culture and
cell-free extract exhibited better performance than those with only culture coatings.
Bacteria isolated from stressed habitats exhibited a high level of stress tolerance
along with the plant growth–promoting traits and, hence, could be potential
candidates for seed inoculants (Tiwari et al. 2011).
The exact role of seed endophytes in plant growth is not understood yet. It has been
demonstrated that seed endophytes benefit the host plant by using similar
mechanisms as used by rhizobacteria. However, seed endophytes get advantage
over the rhizosphere microorganisms in terms of time and space, which means that
when the seed undergoes germination, endophytes are the closest partners that can
be triggered for timely action. Some of the seed endophytes have been reported to
enhance plant growth through phytohormones production, helping in nutrient acqui-
sition, specially N and P, control of phytopathogens, etc. (Gagne-Bourgue et al.
2013; Johnston-Monje and Raizada 2011; Xu et al. 2014; Herrera et al. 2016). Many
studies have reported the positive effect of IAA producing endophyte strains on seed
germination and establishment and growth of plant (Prasad and Dagar 2014).
Burkholderia sp. strain KJ006, an endophytic bacterium associated with rice root
bacterial strain benefits its host plant by providing plant growth substances and a
broad range of antifungal activities (Cho et al. 2007). Whole genome sequence
revealed that the strain KJ006 harborsvital genes related to plant growth promotion,
antimicrobial activities, and degradation of several kinds of aromatic pollutants (Cho
et al. 2007; Pérez-Pantoja et al. 2012). Expression of these genes including accD
gene, encoding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase; the pqq operon for
biosynthesis of pyrroloquinoline quinone, and the nif gene cluster contributes to
plant growth. A similar whole genome sequences of some endophytic Bacillus
species revealed the genes that enabled them to act as biocontrol agent, stimulate
plant growth, produce phytohormones (like GAs and IAA), and ameliorate drought
stress in host plant (Forchetti et al. 2007). Bacterial endophyte Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens RWL-1 isolated from rice (Oryza sativa L. “Jinsomi”) seeds
could produce gibberellins (GAs), and influence host-plant physiology. Rice plants
treated with GAs producing RWL-1 exhibited significant improvement in growth
parameters and endogenous levels of salicylic acid as compared to the control plants
treated with water or exogenous GA3, indicating their potential role in plant growth
and hormonal modulation (Shahzad et al. 2016). Seed entophytes of finger millet
(Eleusine coracana) exhibited multiple plant growth–promoting traits like produc-
tion of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), biologically nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubi-
lization, and hydrogen cyanide production (Misganaw et al. 2019). The multiple
11 Seed Endophytes: The Benevolent Existence in the Plant System 303
plant growth–promoting traits can help in better growth and nutrient status of host
plant finger millet under limited moisture and nutrient conditions. Besides growth
promotion, endophytic microorganisms can also protect the host from biotic stresses.
Several seed endophytic bacteria (such as Bacillus and Pseudomonas) have been
reported to exhibit antagonism against plant fungal pathogens (Sundaramoorthy and
Balabaskar 2013; Bodhankar et al. 2017). Production of antifungal volatiles and
lipopeptide metabolites like surfactin, iturin, and mycobacillin have been reported in
many of Bacillus strains frequently mentioned as seed endophytes (Gagne-Bourgue
et al. 2013). Members of genus Bacillus are known to promote plant growth under
adverse conditions, besides helping in disease control (Bent and Chanway 1998).
Bacillus-based commercial biofertilizers and biopesticides are popularly used in
agricultural crops (Borriss 2011). Seed plant growth–promoting (PGP) endophytic
Bacillus sp. isolated from different maize genotypes exhibited multiple PGP traits
including antagonism against fungal phytopathogens (Bodhankar et al. 2017). The
biocontrol trait can be highly advantageous for the host at the seed germination stage
which is particularly prone to fungal attack. The trait could probably be one selection
criteria for recruiting endophytic population by the host plant (Bodhankar et al.
2017). Moreover, endophytic microorganisms have been found to produce toxins
effective against insects that results in weight loss and increased death rates of pests
(Azevedo et al. 2000). Beauveria bassiana, the entomopathogenic fungus known to
causes disease in various insects, including bark beetle pests of plantation forest
trees, has been found to exist as an endophyte in plants, including the commercial
Pinus radiata plants in New Zealand (Brownbridge et al. 2012).
Endophytic microorganisms have been reported to alleviate abiotic stress in host
plants. Adaptation to various environmental stresses is governed by cascades of
molecular networks that result in series of metabolic, physiological, and morpholog-
ical changes in plant (Table 11.1). In an important response to drought stress,
osmotic level in the cytosol of the plant cell and the vacuoles is modulated by
accumulating higher levels of osmolytes, which can counteract the loss of turgor
caused due to desiccation. These osmolytes help to maintain cellular osmotic
balance without interfering with normal biochemical reactions of the cell. Osmolytes
include an array of compounds like amino acids such as proline and quaternary
ammonium compounds (glycine, betaine, etc.), carbohydrates (sucrose, trehalose,
fructan, etc.), polyols (pinitol, mannitol, etc.) and polyamines, and hydrophilic
proteins (late embryogenesis abundant proteins) (Chaves et al. 2003; Liu et al.
2004). Accumulation of osmolytes like proline and glycine betaine under drought
and salinity stress has been demonstrated in different plants under the influence of
endophytic bacteria (Delauney and Verma 1993; Rhodes and Hanson 1993).
Barnawal et al. (2016) isolated an ACC deaminase-producing salt-tolerant endo-
phyte Brachybacterium paraconglomeratum SMR20 from the roots of salt stress–
sensitive medicinal plant Chlorophytum borivilianum. Inoculation with SMR20
successfully protected C. borivilianum from negative effects of salt stress by poten-
tial deamination of ACC leading to reduced levels of stress ethylene, thus delaying
chlorosis and senescence. Apart from reducing stress ethylene, inoculation with
endophyte enhanced levels of indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid in plants, altered
304 S. Bodhankar and M. Grover
the amount of total leaf pigments and biochemical compounds like proline and
malondialdehyde, and increased foliar nutrients. Maize seed endophytic bacteria
possessing PGP traits exhibited tolerance in vitro to abiotic stresses and could also
alleviate the effect of moisture deficit stress in maize plants, thus indicating their
potential application under drought conditions (Bodhankar et al. 2019). Endophytic
fungus Curvularia protuberata has been associated with the survival of the grass
306 S. Bodhankar and M. Grover
Ilangumaran and Smith 2017). Sheibani-Tezerji et al. (2015) observed that potato
endophyte Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN could modulate expression of genes for
a cell surface signaling element, which helped bacteria to sense and respond to
changing environmental conditions. The strain has been found to enhance stress
tolerance of host plants. The inoculation with PsJN enhanced cold tolerance of grape
plants earlier and faster, and resulted in higher levels of stress-related gene
transcripts and metabolite levels than in un-inoculated counterparts (Theocharis
et al. 2012). Endophytic bacteria Enterobacter sp. SA187 previously isolated from
a desert plant could colonize inner tissues of Arabidopsis roots and shoots. Produc-
tion of 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyric acid (KMBA) by this bacteria could modulate the
plant ET signaling pathway, resulting in enhanced salt tolerance and higher yield of
alfalfa crops under salt stress conditions (de Zélicourt et al. 2018). Shittu et al. (2009)
observed an upregulation of the genes for R-carotene hydroxylase, Rubisco and
glutamyl tRNA synthase and increase in photosynthetic activity in Craigella
tomatoes (Lycopercicum esculentum Mill.) plants having Verticillium dahlia
Dvd-e6 as endosymbiont, which is likely to result in an increased vigor and a
stronger resistance response against pathogen. A study by Singh and Gaur (2017)
revealed the role of endophytic Streptomyces sp. in eliciting systemic resistance in
plant and mitigating oxidative stress in chickpea plants infected with fungal patho-
gen Sclerotium rolfsii. Seed treatment with Streptomyces griseus caused significant
increase in levels of defense enzymes such as phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL)
and polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and total phenolics and flavonoids in pathogen
compromised chickpea plants. The inoculation also caused a significant increase in
levels of antioxidant enzymes viz superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (PO),
ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and reduced lipid
peroxidation in chickpea under biotic stress. The findings were further supported
by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of genes encoding SOD, PO, PAL,
APX, catalase, chitinase, and β-glucanase that showed significant change in expres-
sion. The results indicated that the chickpea defense pathway is triggered after
perception of endophytes to synthesize various enzymes, leading to an enhanced
resistance against pathogen. Ray et al. (2019) used a consortium of two
endophytes—Acinetobacter sp. SM1B and Marmoricola sp. SM3B—to improve
the in planta morphine yield of poppy (Papaver somniferum cv. Sujata). The study
revealed that Acinetobacter sp. SM1B upregulated most of the genes of morphine
biosynthesis except T6ODM and CODM, which were upregulated by Marmoricola
sp. SM3B in alkaloidless poppy plants. Dual inoculation was superior in improving
the photosynthetic efficiency of the plants, resulting in higher biomass and yields as
compared to single bacterial inoculation. The increase in morphine content was
attributed to the bacterial consortium mediated upregulation of related biosynthetic
genes that altered the metabolic-flow of key intermediates and enhanced expression
of COR, key gene for morphine biosynthesis. The study emphasized the potential of
microbial based strategies for upregulation of metabolic pathways for
overexpression of genes similar to transgenics. Recent findings on micro-RNAs
(miRNAs) and plant gene expression revealed endophytic microorganisms mediated
response of genes and pathways in host plant. Khare et al. (2018) observed the
308 S. Bodhankar and M. Grover
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314 S. Bodhankar and M. Grover
Maintaining the fertility of the soil has been the major concern of the farmers as
this factor directly rules the productivity of plants. With the continuously increas-
ing application of chemical fertilizers for a span of the last few decades, the
fertility of soil has deteriorated due to acidification and mineral depletion. Plant-
microbe interactions have been providing an excellent alternative for these
chemicals hazardous to plants, animals, humans, and notably soil health. This
makes these interactions the main motif for sustainable agriculture. Rhizospheric
microbes have been the main focus being considered responsible for plant growth
promotion, prominently known as plant growth-promoting rhizomicrobes
A few of these rhizospheric microbes can enter the plant and reside there
without showing any deleterious effects. Such microbes are known as
endophytes. The site of wound formations due to lateral root formation and the
differentiation zones are the major entry points of endophytes into the roots of
host plant. Thereafter, these microbes produce various hydrolysing enzymes like
cellulase, pectinase, etc. and migrate towards the shoot tissues. Endophytes
confer more advantages to the plant as compared to the rhizospheric population
because of the decreased concentration inside the host plant. Endophytes promote
plant growth by various direct as well as collateral mechanisms that involve
providing nutrients to the plants. Endophytes are known to metabolically accli-
matize plants by forming mutualistic relationships. This makes their contribution
significant as biological fertilizers. Carefully selected in a knowledge-driven
manner, endophytic microbes must be combined and formulated in accordance
with the environmental conditions for the development of efficient endophytic
biofertilizers. A deeper insight into various gene-level mechanisms and
conditions that limit the colonizing efficiency of these endophytes is necessary for
the successful exploitation of plant-microbe interactions for agricultural
12.1 Introduction
Plants cannot be considered solo entities. They are the holobiomes where multiple
plant-microbe interaction complexes exist. Plant-microbe interactions have been the
focus of researchers these days. The microbes residing in the vicinity of roots in the
rhizosphere are known to secrete regulatory chemical substances, which intensify
the plant growth. Such microbes responsible for promoting plant health are known as
plant growth-promoting rhizomicrobes (PGPRs), which include both fungi and
bacteria (Kloepper et al. 1980). There are various direct as well as indirect
mechanisms incorporated by PGPRs to augment plant growth, improve nutrient
uptake and antagonism against pathogens.
Some of these rhizospheric microorganisms are opportunistic to inhabiting plant
tissues and become symbionts. These tissue-invading microbes colonize plants
without exerting any subversive effects on the host and are known as endophytes
(Hallmann et al. 1997; Azevedo et al. 2000). They can be obligate or facultative and
are usually harmless to the host plants. They form a mutualistic association with
plants usually but can also behave antagonistically at times. Plants, in response to
their colonization, limit the growth of these endophytes. The successful endophytes
then develop and use mechanisms to gradually revamp to the restricted environmen-
tal conditions (Gehring and Whitham 1994; Gehring et al. 1997; Dudeja et al. 2012).
The interaction between plant and microbes leads to many physiological changes
that help both the partners in gaining maximum benefits.
The studies conducted by different authors have shown that the potential of plant
growth promotion is much higher in endophytes as compared to the exophytic
microbes surviving in the rhizosphere and rhizoplane areas (Lledó et al. 2016; Van
Overbeek and Saikkonen 2016). Endophytes confer more advantages to the plant as
compared to the rhizospheric population because of the decreased contention inside
the host. In order to establish a symbiotic association between plant and microbes
exhibiting endophytism, different signalling molecules and expression of specific
genes are required (Compant et al. 2010; Chaturvedi et al. 2016). An insight into
these symbiotic interactions, the signalling molecules involved and the expression of
different genes can facilitate the development of new schemes for the promotion of
plant-endophyte interaction to be applied for agricultural sustainability (Coutinho
et al. 2015).
12 Exploitation of Plant Tissue Invading Rhizospheric Microbes as Bio-Fertilizers 317
The root exudates produced by the plant roots stimulate chemotaxis by microbes
towards root surfaces. The root exudates are a mixture of multiple compounds like
enzymes, ions, amino acids, organic acid, vitamins, etc. For the movement as well as
colonization of interior roots, chemotaxis has the most important role to play. In a
study carried out by de Weert et al. (2002), the absence of gene cheA in a mutant
Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, reduced efficiency for chemotaxis was observed
towards tomato rhizosphere, which further resulted in reduced root colonization
(Gupta et al. 2019). A two-way interaction is required for upregulating genes coding
for chemotactic proteins, motility proteins and the ones required for adhesion. Mark
et al. (2005), in his study, observed that the down-regulated expression of genes
cheA and pctA in the presence of exudates produced by sugar beet cultivar, while it
remained unaltered by another cultivar. This differential response attractive or
repulsive, to different root exudates, affects the gene expression.
The crosstalk between the host and the microbes begins on arrival of microbes in
the rhizosphere and this results in preferential colonization of some microbes over
other because of the secretion of selective signalling molecules (Compant et al.
2010). The root-driven chemical elicitors are responsible for this preferential
behaviour. Jha et al. (2015), in his study, mentioned about this selective mechanism
as rhizo-engineering. This mechanism is known to have a major involvement when
microbes compete with each other for limiting nutrients in the rhizosphere (Bais
et al. 2006). Different competing bacterial strains show varied chemotactic efficiency
in response to root exudates, which is crucial for colonization (Kloepper 1993).
318 H. Chaturvedi and A. Prakash
The invading endophytic microbes attach to the root surface after being attracted by
the chemotactic molecules. This attachment process is carried out due to interaction
between the surface molecules of the host as well as microbes. Both attachment and
motility are contributory to the process of endophytic colonization. A number of
surface proteins are found to be responsible for early recognition of host for
attachment. Burdman et al. (2000) reported a bacterial major outer membrane protein
(MOMP) identified in Azospirillum brasilense. These MOMPs are reported to show
a greater inclination towards the chemicals secreted by cereals and a reduced
attraction to the ones secreted by legumes and tomatoes. The study shows that
MOMPs play a very crucial role at all the three steps as adhesion to host roots,
adsorption on root and cell aggregation.
The mechanism of fungal adhesion to the plants has been studied for years, but
the compounds responsible for the mediation of this adhesion have not been
characterized fully till date and very less information is available for molecular
basis of this interaction. It is difficult to explain the fungal attachment to the host
because adhesion is found to occur at multiple stages of fungal morphogenesis
(Epstein and Nicholson 1997).
A number of different mechanisms are used by to enter the plant tissues specifically
roots. Endophytes employ distinct mechanisms to invade into the plant tissues,
particularly in roots. Some of the microbes are already present inside the seeds.
Rest of the endophytes gain access to the tissues via root cracks both primary as well
as lateral, and also via tissue wounds occurring in the process of plant growth. These
sites attract microbes because these wounds and cracks lead to secretion of various
plant metabolites. The other openings of the plant, including stomata, lenticels, etc.,
are also the sites of ingress. (Sprent and de Faria 1988; Hardoim et al. 2015).
Chi et al. (2005) illustrated that rhizoplane is where colonization begins at the site
of lateral root emergence and then is followed by entry into stem base, stem, and
lastly leaves. The whole study was carried out with the help of gfp-tagged rhizobia.
The amount of time required to colonize the roots varies from 7–10 days, which is
later extended into aerial parts of the plant with the help of two degradative enzymes
responsible for dissolving the cell walls of plant tissues. These two enzymes are
cellulases and pectinases, which are produced by majority of the endophytes as a part
of their strategy to colonize plants (Dong et al. 2003; Compant et al. 2008).
12 Exploitation of Plant Tissue Invading Rhizospheric Microbes as Bio-Fertilizers 319
Scientists are still trying to understand how plants distinguish between beneficial and
harmful microbes. Studies suggest that the host immune system has a major role to
play in this (Fesel and Zuccaro 2016). Research findings have suggested that the
endophytic microbes regulate the responses of genes, which is evident by studies
carried out on plant gene expression and micro-RNAs (miRNAs). However, signal-
ling pathways of ethylene (ET)/jasmonic acid (JA)/salicylic acid (SA) remain
affected by the presence or absence of endophytic microbes. In a study conducted
by Kusajima et al. (2018), it was observed that bacterial endophyte Azospirillum
sp. B510 induces systemic disease resistance in rice
There are many reports that suggest that mutualistic partners of plants like
rhizobia or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) down-regulate plant defence
pathways during colonization. (Fouad et al. 2014; Benhiba et al. 2015; Sarkar
et al. 2016). For example, when symbiosis is to be established between the host
and microbes, almost all the pathways targeted by miRNAs for plant defence system
are switched off that would lead to obstruction of endophytes (Plett and Martin
2018). Also, in a study carried out by Plett and Martin (2018), it was suggested that
there is a late induction of defence pathways, which prevents the colonizing
microbes from ‘overstepping’ and ‘overpowering’ the plant. It suggests that different
group of genes might get activated in response to colonization by different set of
Agricultural soils normally lack one or more nutrients essential for the optimum
growth of plants like nitrogen, iron, and phosphorus. Endophytes directly enhance
plant growth by providing these nutrients.
320 H. Chaturvedi and A. Prakash
Fig. 12.1 Some rhizospheric microbes colonize the internal tissues of plants and confer benefits to
the host by various direct as well as indirect mechanisms like nitrogen fixation, solubilization of
minerals like phosphorus and zinc, siderophore production, HCN production and by priming the
immune system of the plant by induced systemic resistance
have developed a mechanism to cope up with this stress. They synthesize a com-
pound known as siderophore, which has extremely high affinity for Fe+3. They also
have membrane receptors able to bind the Fe-siderophore complex, thereby
facilitating iron uptake (Neilands 1981; Hider and Kong 2010). In various studies,
it has been reported that siderophore production also helps to alleviate stress
imposed on plants due to heavy metal contamination of soil (Diels et al. 2002;
Belimov et al. 2005; Braud et al. 2006).
adverse effect on shoot growth, chlorosis, leaf size (Alloway 2004). The unavail-
ability of zinc in sufficient amount may also lead to susceptibility to heat, light and
fungal infections, grain yield, pollen formation, root development, water uptake and
transport (Tavallali et al. 2010).
The form of zinc, which can be easily up taken by plants, is in the form of divalent
cations, but very less amount of zinc is available in this form. (Kabata-Pendias and
Pendias 2001). The remaining amount of zinc is present in insoluble form (Alloway
2008). The methods incorporated by zinc-solubilizing microorganisms to solubilize
zinc mainly include acidification. The pH of the soil is balanced by the organic acid
produced by the microbes, thereby making it suitable for zinc solubilization (Alex-
ander 1997).
The surrounding environment of the plants determines the growth and development
of plants and the plant hormones are the regulatory factors, which control the
responses of the plant (Davies 2004). Plants are subjected to many non-lethal
stresses, which directly or indirectly affect the plant growth. In order to overcome
such conditions, plants try to modulate the levels of phytohormones just as it is the
case with humans and animals. Some microbes are known to produce these
phytohormones, which add on to this strategy adopted by plants to overcome
negative effects of environmental stress (Salamone et al. 2005; Glick et al. 2007).
Table 12.1 Different endophytic bacteria are known to produce different plant hormones which
play a major role in plant growth promotion
hormone Function Bacterial strains References
Indoleacetic plant cell division, Pseudomonas putida GR12-2, Patten and Glick
acid extension, and Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium (2002), Tsavkelova
differentiation; elkanii, et al. (2006),
affects Methylobacterium extorquens, Fukuhara et al.
photosynthesis, Methylobacterium zatmanii (1994), Pattnaik
pigment formation, et al. (2017)
biosynthesis of
various metabolites,
and resistance to
stressful conditions
Cytokinins Cytokinins promote Azotobacter spp., Rhizobium Atzorn et al. (1988),
and cytokinesis and spp., Pantoea agglomerans Joo et al. (2005),
Gibberellins gibberellins Rhodospirillum Kang et al. (2009)
stimulate shoot rubrum, Pseudomonas
elongation, seed fluorescens,
germination, and Bacillus
fruit and flower subtilis,
maturation Paenibacillus polymyxa. Ethylene
Another plant hormone ethylene, which is known to be one of the simplest
molecules, is found to affect plant growth and development in multiple ways,
which include regulation of root development and elongation, fruit development
and maturation, initiating seed germination, etc. Ethylene is also synthesized when
plant is under stress both biotic and abiotic, also known as ‘stress ethylene’ (Abeles
et al. 1992; Morgan and Drew 1997). Miscellaneous environmental stresses may
lead to an intense increase in production of ethylene, which can exacerbate some of
the symptoms of the stress. It might also result in an increased resistance to adverse
The endophytes upon colonization are known to improve overall plant health by
activating the immune system of the plant the mechanism known as induced
systemic resistance. Using this mechanism, the plant growth-promoting microbes
prime the whole plant body for enhanced defence against a wide range of pathogens
and insect herbivores. A wide variety of microbes, including Pseudomonas, Bacil-
lus, Trichoderma, and mycorrhizae species, strengthen the plant immune system for
enhanced defence (Bardoel et al. 2011).
Boller and Felix (2009), in their study, found that the plant immune system
contains pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) specific for recognizing common
microbial compounds like bacterial flagellin or fungal chitin just like that of humans,
324 H. Chaturvedi and A. Prakash
12.5 Conclusion
Probiotics, also known as ‘good’ or helpful bacteria, are beneficial for human beings.
They help in modification of microbiota by replacing the harmful microbes with
helpful microbes. These friendly bacteria are known to improve the immune system
and are also found to be effective in treatment of various diseases. Plants are also
known to associate with some good microbes, which can be considered plant
Plants in nature have been known to form beneficial associations with microbes,
which are essential for their survival and growth also affecting their biodiversity and
ecosystem functioning. The area surrounding the plant roots called the rhizosphere
contains an extensive range of bacteria as well as fungi, which promote plant growth
orchestrated by their ability to interact with plants using complex chemical
mediators. Some of these rhizospheric microbes have the capability to enter the
plant and reside there without showing any deleterious effects. Such microbes are
known as endophytes.
Endophytes confer more advantages to the plant as compared to rhizospheric
population because of the decreased contention inside the host plant. Endophytes
promote plant growth by various direct as well as indirect mechanisms, which
involve providing nutrients to the plants, which are not available in absorbable
forms, an example of which is phosphate. Endophytes help in solubilization and
uptake of phosphate from soil, which is otherwise available in insoluble forms of
phosphorus. Other mechanisms include modulation of phytohormone levels like
auxins and gibberellins. Endophytes also help in suppression of plant diseases either
directly by antagonizing the plant pathogens or indirectly by eliciting plant immune
responses. The mechanism involved is analogous to the one responsible for devel-
oping the human immune system. The process by which the pathogen activates host
plant’s immune system shares similarities as well as differences with beneficial
effects. It is similar to the way a vaccine works in human body. Introduction of a
weakened pathogen or another similar non-pathogenic strain provokes an immune
response, which helps the body in developing resistance against the pathogen. An
excellent example is Pseudomonas bacteria; the cell-surface components of patho-
genic as well as beneficial Pseudomonas strains are potent inducers of similar
immune responses, the former causing disease and the latter conferring resistance
to the particular disease. It is not the stress that kills but the reaction to it. Plant
pathogens, when interacting with plants, induce stress, which leads to production of
ethylene. The aftereffects of heightened ethylene production may lead to a signifi-
cant inhibition of plant growth and survival. Endophytes help in reduction of stress
by synthesizing indole acetic acid (IAA), which is also a type of plant hormone. This
12 Exploitation of Plant Tissue Invading Rhizospheric Microbes as Bio-Fertilizers 325
IAA, produced by endophytic microbes together with endogenous plant IAA, can
stimulate plant growth. In other cases, they may also induce the synthesis of the plant
enzymes, which convert immediate precursor of ethylene to ammonia and
α-ketobutyrate, compounds that are readily assimilated. This enzymatic activity
reduces the amount of ethylene produced by the plant.
Agriculture, being the most important sector of Indian economy, has been the
target area of enormous research and development. Sustainable agriculture is the
need of the hour as the environment has been ignored by us so much so that we are at
the verge of breaching the critical threshold. Microorganisms provide a promising
alternative to the extensive use of chemical fertilizers. However, the feasibility of
these strains in open field trials still remains a challenge as there are many factors,
which affect the interactions as compared to in vitro conditions where all factors
under control.
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Contribution of Microbe-Mediated
Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain 13
Environmental Equilibrium
Nitrogen (N), the most important element, is required by all living organisms for
the synthesis of complex organic molecules like amino acids, proteins, lipids etc.
Nitrogen cycle is considered to be the most complex yet arguably important cycle
next to carbon cycle. Nitrogen cycle includes oxic and anoxic reactions like
organic N mineralization, ammonia assimilation, nitrification denitrification,
anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), dissimilatory nitrate reduction to
ammonium (DNRA), comammox, codenitrification etc. Nitrogen cycling is one
of the most crucial processes required for the recycling of essential chemical
requirements on the planet. Soil microorganisms not only improve N-cycle
balance but also pave the way for sustainable agricultural practices, leading to
improved soil properties and crop productivity as most plants are opportunistic in
the uptake of soluble or available forms of N from soil. Microbial N
transformations are influenced by plants to improve their nutrition and vice
versa. Diverse microorganisms, versatile metabolic activities, and varied biotic
and abiotic conditions may result in the shift in the equilibrium state of different
N-cycling processes. This chapter is an overview of the mechanisms and genes
involved in the diverse microorganisms associated in the operation of nitrogen
cycle and the roles of such microorganisms in different agroecosystems.
13.1 Introduction
Global nitrogen cycle deals with the movement of various forms of N, either reactive
or unavailable across various reservoirs and ecosystems. Nitrogen availability can be
predicted by the presence of diverse and metabolically versatile microorganisms.
Reactive nitrogen (Nr) species include NO3, NO2, NH3, NH4+, NOx, N2O, urea,
amides, etc. These nitrogen transformation result into production of available forms
of nitrogen leading to shift in nitrogen cycle equilibrium. The associated reactions
either reduce or intensify global environmental change and produce/consume green-
house gases. Microorganisms play a vital role in maintaining geochemical N cycle
across the globe. These microbial processes namely nitrogen fixation, nitrification,
ammonification, denitrification, etc. are mediated by Cyanobacteria, Azotobacter,
Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus, Rhizobium, etc. Assimilation of nitrates
and ammonium ions are mediated through conversion into complex molecules, like
amino acids, proteins, etc. in living beings. While some plants provide amino acids
and/or nutrients to bacteroids, these bacteria in turn fix nitrogen and provide amino
acids back to plants through symbiotic relationship. Further, conversion of nitrate to
ammonium is mediated by microorganisms through the process of dissimilatory
nitrate reduction. Anammox is anaerobic ammonium oxidation, wherein nitrite and
ammonium combine to form nitrogen. The key genes steering microbial N cycle
include nif (nifHDK); amoA; narG; nirS/K; and nosZ genes (David et al. 2014).
Agroecosystem is considered to be the major ecosystem in India, with highest
quantum of N fertilizer utilization and loss as well. This excess nitrogen fertilization
is a threat to human, animal, and environment. According to Rockstrom et al. (2009),
three of the nine interlinked planetary boundaries (rate of biodiversity loss (terres-
trial, marine), interference with the N cycle, and climate change) have been crossed
as a result of industrialized form of agriculture and anthropogenic activities, which if
not stopped or rectified can lead to disastrous consequences or irreversible environ-
mental changes. Interference with N cycle is due to excess fertilizer application to
enhance cereal production, followed by energy, industrial, and wastewater manage-
ment (Abrol et al. 2017). According to Pathak (2015), greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions increased 75% from 1970 to 2010, of which N2O emissions doubled,
and N2O was the second largest emitted GHG after CH4. In addition to this, Nr
(reactive nitrogen) emissions are due to puddled rice; horticultural production
13 Contribution of Microbe-Mediated Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain. . . 333
systems; burning of crop residues, livestock and poultry etc. which lead to nitrate
leaching and groundwater pollution (Abdullah et al. 2017). Due to this, we are
witnessing nitrogen-deficient food and food products (Abrol et al. 2017). In this
chapter, we will discuss the role of microorganisms, the genes involved in N cycle,
microbial diversity in different ecosystems, and the role of microbes in maintaining
N equilibrium.
Nitrogen is important for muscle movement and other body functions, an essential
component of protein, and an integral part of protein synthesis, photosynthesis, and
other critical biological processes. It is predicted that N fixed by human activities
would be greater than N fixed by microbial processes (Fowler et al. 2013; David
et al. 2014; Silvia and Brendan 2016; Ramiro and Silvia 2018).
N cycle is the most important cycle after carbon cycle as both nitrogen and carbon
(C) are required mainly for the synthesis of essential biomolecules. Nitrogen cycle
includes organic N mineralization, ammonia assimilation, bacterial and archaeal
nitrification (autotrophic and heterotrophic), comammox, anammox, dissimilatory
nitrate reduction, and denitrification and codenitrification. The major genes
associated with the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen are as follows: (1) nif for
nitrogen fixation; (2) amoA and amoB for archaeal and bacterial ammonification/
ammonia oxidation; (3) chi A for mineralization; (4) nar and nap for nitrate
reduction; (5) nirS and nirK for nitrite reduction; (6) norB for nitric oxide reduction;
(7) nosZ for nitrous oxide reduction; (8) nrfA for DNRA (dissimilatory nitrate
reduction to ammonium); (9) hzo, hh and hzs for anammox; (10) pmoA/amoA,
norB and hao for comammox and (11) nap, nor, nir and nos together in different
steps of denitrification (Fig. 13.1). Microorganisms respond differently to various
biotic and abiotic factors and result in a shift in the equilibrium state of N cycle
(Shoun et al. 2012; Lisa and Martin 2016; Olivia et al. 2017; Florence et al. 2018).
Almost 80% of Earth’s atmosphere contains nitrogen gas, but the availability of
nitrogen is still limited. Nitrogen fixation becomes accelerated/limited based on the
presence/absence of factors like iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), phosphorus (P), and
cobalt (Co) (Dilworth et al. 1978; Howarth et al. 1988; Vitousek 1999). Net
biologically available nitrogen is determined by balancing between denitrification
and nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen status in the environment is controlled as a result of
interactions among N2 fixation and other biogeochemical processes of cycle. The
process of getting biologically available forms from dinitrogen is called nitrogen
fixation. Dinitrogen is chemically inert due to triple bond and requires a large
amount of energy, i.e., eight electrons and 16 adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
molecules, to convert a dinitrogen molecule into ammonia. On the other side,
nar A,B,
G,H ,B,
De N2O NO3-
Nitrous oxide Nitrate
N2H4 Microbes
Hydrazine ChiA
Dinitrogen B
A ,n
nifH B ,nif
Organic Nitrogen
Glutamate Synthesis pathway
odA ,Vn
nirA Ammonificatiion
A, ,anfG
Urea Extracellular NH4+
gdhA amt
Fig. 13.1 Processes and associated genes of microorganisms involved in operation of N cycle. [Sources: David et al. (2014), Holger et al. (2015), Inoue et al.
H. Quadriya et al.
(2015), Lisa and Martin (2016), Olivia et al. (2017), Florence et al. (2018), Marcel et al. (2018), Ramiro and Silvia (2018), Black et al. (2019) and Yan et al.
13 Contribution of Microbe-Mediated Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain. . . 335
boron (B) and iron (Fe) for nodule development. Cobalt accelerates nitrogen fixa-
tion, participates in “cobamide” coenzyme catalyst formation, and is the center of
cyanocobalamin. There are enzymes like methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase and
methionine synthase that are dependent on cobalamin, especially in rhizobia, which
would affect the concentration of leghemoglobin. Cobalt (Co) acts as a cofactor for
cobalamin during N fixation and nodule growth. It has a role in the activity and
population of nitrogen fixers like Azotobacter and Cyanobacteria.
The presence of Co only or Mo when applied along with Co has shown an
increase in nodule formation, nutrient content, and yield and growth in legumes, and
studies also revealed lesser use of fertilizer dose than recommended dose. There is
antagonistic relation between Fe and Co (Dilworth et al. 1978; Graham et al. 1988;
Nadia 2012; Weria et al. 2013; Campo et al. 2000).
13.2.2 Nitrification
Nitrification is an oxidation process that converts ammonium into nitrate via nitrite.
It involves two pathways: autotrophic nitrification and heterotrophic nitrification.
Factors contributing to both include the nature and availability of substrates in soils.
In addition to this, acidic soils inhibit the activity of autotrophic nitrifiers while
favoring heterotrophic nitrifiers. In heterotrophic nitrification, oxidation of ammonia
is not coupled to energy conservation and the enzymes regulating both pathways are
Aerobic Nitrification
Nitrification is a process wherein ammonia in converted in nitrate via nitrite. A major
percentage of nitrification is carried out by prokaryotes under aerobic conditions.
Hydroxylamine is the intermediate form in the first step, where aerobic ammonia
oxidizers convert ammonium to nitrite, generating a little amount of energy that
utilizes two different enzymes—ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) and hydroxyl-
amine oxidoreductase (HAO). It is carried out not only by a few bacteria but majorly
by archaea (David et al. 2014). In the next step, oxidation of nitrite to nitrate is
carried out by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria; some genera involved are Nitrospira,
Nitrobacter, and Nitrospina. These ammonium and nitrite oxidizers are autotrophic,
slow growers that synthesize organic carbon but utilize ammonia as their energy
source instead of light. Nitrospira moscoviensis respires nitrate while utilizing
hydrogen in aerobic and organic acids in an anaerobic environment. Ammonia and
nitrite oxidizers help maintain environmental balance by the removal of potentially
toxic ammonia level.
Aerobic nitrite oxidation conserves energy, while anaerobic process does not.
Mostly, aerobic and anaerobic nitrite oxidation is carried out by NXR (nitrate
oxidoreductase), with few exceptions like Thiocapsa sp. KS1 and
Rhodopseudomonas sp. LQ17 (Marcel et al. 2018).
13 Contribution of Microbe-Mediated Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain. . . 337
Comammox can be defined as complete microbial oxidation of ammonium/ammo-
nia to nitrate in one step. Chemolithotrophic microorganisms in second cohort utilize
nitrite as reductant and are confined to Cohort II of lineage II of Nitrospira genus of
Proteobacteria class in phylum Nitrospirae and third cohorts utilize ammonia as
reductant for cellular growth and Cohort III have high affinity for ammonia, lower
growth rate, and higher growth yield than typical ammonia oxidizers. A few
examples include Candidatus Nitrospira nitrosa, Candidatus Nitrospira nitrificans,
and Nitrospira inopinata with new gene camoA, which is similar to amoA; addition-
ally, new enzymes AMO and hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) are similar to
typical enzymes of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). These organisms lack
enzymes for assimilatory nitrite reduction and instead are able to take up
ammonia/urea-based ammonia via urease-encoding genes (Holger et al. 2015;
Kessel et al. 2015; Lisa and Martin 2016; Hu and He 2017).
NH4þ ! NO2 ! NO3
Ammonium Nitrite Nitrate
In contrast to nitrification, anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) takes place in
an oxygen-limited environment like the rhizosphere of rice and oceans. Strous et al.
(1999) discovered that ammonia oxidation is even carried out in anoxic conditions
by prokaryotes. Candidatus (Ca) Brocadia anammoxidans is the first anammox-
performing bacterium reported, and it uses nitrite as electron acceptor to oxidize
ammonia and synthesize nitrogen. Haem4 is the catalytic center of octaheme
hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) in anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria,
Kuenenia stuttgartiensis (Marcel et al. 2018). Anaerobic ammonium oxidation or
anammox take up both ammonium and nitrite to form dinitrogen from nitric oxide
and/or hydrazine as intermediate form/s; hence, it is also referred to as nitrification-
denitrification process catalyzed by hydrazine synthase (HZS). This process is
carried out in the “anammoxosome,” a specific membrane-bound organelle
containing hydrazine dehydrogenase (HDH), HZS, NIR, hydroxylamine oxidase
(HOX), and NOR enzymes in Kuenenia and members of Brocadiaceae of
Planctomycetales. The gene hzsA (hydrazine synthase) is considered as genetic
markers for anammox (Harhangi et al. 2012). It is a major nitrogen removal process,
may be nitrite or ammonium without the production of N2O, and hence ecologically
338 H. Quadriya et al.
beneficial and applied industrially for wastewater treatment (Lisa and Martin 2016;
Marcel et al. 2018).
NH4þ ! NO2 ! NO3
Ammonium Nitrite Nitrate
NH4þ =NO2 ! N2 H4 ! N2
Ammonium=Nitrite Hydrazine Dinitrogen
NH4þ þ NO2 ! N2" þ 2 H2 O
Ammonium Nitrite
According to David et al. (2014), bacterial and archaeal nitrifiers are significantly
different. Crenarchaeota oxidizes ammonia by nitroxyl (HNO) as it lacks HAO.
Archaea here requires less oxygen and is useful in anoxic zones of soil. Bacterial
ammonia oxidation is restricted to β- and γ- Proteobacteria. Methanotrophs are
capable of utilizing ammonia in scarcity of methane to produce hydroxylamine by
methane monooxygenase (MMO). HAO is an octahaem protein that involves end-
ergonic reaction for the oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitric oxide, and then it is
converted to nitrite (Marcel et al. 2018).
Autotrophic nitrification contributes to proportional relatedness with increased
soil pH and raised N2O level and is inversely related to denitrification, soil pH, and
N2O emission (Zhang et al. 2015). Low pH and low ammonia are assumed to hinder
ammonia oxidation by chemolithoautotrophs, but this was proved reverse by the
isolation of Candidatus Nitrosotalea devanaterra. Soils with sandy and silty clay
texture witness abundant Thaumarchaeota than bacteria. Ammonia is produced
from the hydrolysis of organic N compounds like urea and cyanate by Nitrosospira
sp., Nitrososphaera viennensis and Nitrososphaera gargensis with ureases and
cyanase, respectively (Marcel et al. 2018).
Soils fertilized by manure or compost which receive ammonical substrate
represents increase in the ratio of gross nitrification rate to nitrification potential
(GNR:NP). Agricultural soils are acidified due to higher rates of nitrification and
leaching of nitrates. Population abundance and ecotype of ammonia and nitrite
oxidizers more or less regulate nitrification rate in the presence of higher substrate
concentration. There are examples, such as one from Utah agriculture soils, where
ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) represented lower Vmax at lower substrate
concentration. During the first few weeks of fertilization, ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria (AOB) mediated net and gross nitrification rates as ammonium got
13 Contribution of Microbe-Mediated Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain. . . 339
depleted and AOA overcame AOB. Another example can be of Oregon soils,
where lower ammonium concentration saturates nitrification via AOA. Zhu et al.
(2018) revealed that bacteriovorous nematodes significantly reduced AOB while
increasing AOA abundance (Norton and Yang, 2019). In a few plants, root
exudates synthesize inhibitors that hinder nitrification activities (Subbarao et al.
2013, 2015).
Gowda et al. 1977; Moir et al. 1996; Brierley and Wood 2001; Behrendt et al. 2010;
Dilfuza 2018).
13.2.3 Denitrification
NO3 ! NO2 ! NO ! N2 O ! N2
Nitrate Nitrite Nitric oxide Nitrous oxide Dinitrogen
It can also be understood as the anaerobic respiration of nitrite, nitric oxide, and
nitrous oxide to dinitrogen. Microorganisms carrying out all the three reactions are
termed as classical or canonical denitrifiers. Nitrous oxide reductases (NOS) present
in the periplasm of diverse bacterial species have diverse NOS variants. Inhibition of
NOS resulted in nitrous oxide emission during reduction of nitrate to nitrogen by
denitrifiers. Nitric oxide reduction is catalyzed by heme-copper oxidases containing
cytochrome c-dependent nitric oxide reductase (cNOR), quinol-dependent qNOR,
and copper-containing CuANOR. There exists an unusual qNOR, viz., nitric oxide
dismutase (NO-D), that catalyzes dismutation of nitric oxide to dinitrogen and
oxygen gas, a lesser known process in organisms like Candidatus Methylomirabilis
Certain bacteria and archaea do not complete the pathway, and this results in the
release of greenhouse nitrogenous gases to the environment, like ammonia-oxidizing
13 Contribution of Microbe-Mediated Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain. . . 341
chemolithotrophic bacteria that reduce nitrite to nitrous oxide, while eukaryotes such
as fungi and foraminifers reduce nitrite/nitrate to nitrous oxide/dinitrogen, respec-
tively. A denitrifying intra-oxygenic methanotroph, Candidatus Methylomirabilis
oxyfera found in anoxic environment, reduces nitrous oxide to dinitrogen without
producing an intermediate by utilizing methane as a source of energy, reductant and
carbon (Lisa and Martin 2016; Dilfuza 2018; Marcel et al. 2018).
13.2.4 Ammonification
Various fungi and prokaryotes decompose organic nitrogen from dead and decaying
organisms, excreta etc. to inorganic bioavailable nitrogen form, ammonia. This
process of converting complex organic nitrogenous compounds such as proteins,
vitamins, nucleic acids and urea to simple available nitrogenous forms like ammonia
and ammonium ion is known as ammonification. Nitrogen is returned to the ecosys-
tem by enzymes such as proteases, nucleases and ureases of different heterotrophic
fungi and bacteria like Bacillus, Microbacterium, Streptomyces, Clostridium, Pro-
teus, Pseudomonas, Zygorhynchus, Penicillium, Rhizopus etc. (Jeanette and Joshua
2011; Dilfuza 2018).
Ammonia fungi are the chemoecological group of fungi that exclusively develop
their reproductive structure or fruiting bodies when soils are rich in ammonia, urea,
and other nitrogenous compounds. Examples include (1) early-phase fungi—ana-
morphic and cup fungi in Ascomycota when ammonium content in soil was
decreased to pH-7—and (2) late stage of early-phase fungi—with the oxidation of
ammonia and decrease in pH from 7 to 6, Basidiomycota were in larger number and
still decrease in pH witnessed in late-phase fungal species with larger fruiting bodies.
Previous studies have shown that early-phase species Amblyosporium botrytis and
Ascobolus denudatus had deadlock competition/inhibition with nonammonium
fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium citrinum on substrate-containing urea
while medium and weak competition in ammonium-, nitrite-, and nitrate-containing
media (Barua et al. 2012).
gene product. It is stimulated by negative redox potential and removes or reduces the
loss of dinitrogen from soil by conserving energy and generating proton motive force
for cellular growth. DNRA to ammonium is catalyzed by periplasmic cytochrome c
nitrite reductase (ccNIR) encoded by nrfAH, octahaem nitrite reductase (ONR), or
octahaem tetrathionate reductase (OTR). ANRA is similar to DNRA except that the
enzymes participating would be nitrite reductases that are evolutionarily unrelated
from bacteria and/or fungi. Microbes carrying ANRA utilize assimilatory cytoplas-
mic ferredoxin or NADH-dependent nitrite reductases with a single siroheme and an
iron-sulphur [4Fe-4S] center containing nirA of Cyanobacteria, ε Proteobacteria, or
nirB/nasB gene product of β- and γ- Proteobacteria, respectively (Zhang et al. 2013;
Lisa and Martin 2016; Marcel et al. 2018).
Recent metagenomic and microscopic studies have shown that the volcanic
eruption consists of different genera of prokaryotes and eukaryotes that can be
involved in different metabolic pathways for the uptake of sulfur and nitrogen
compounds. Of the different microorganisms reported in this study, it was observed
that Thiolava veneris has genes for both dissimilatory and assimilatory nitrate
reduction (Philippot and Germon 2005; Danovaro et al. 2017).
13.4 Codenitrification
NO ! □
2 =NO
N2 O Nitrate=Nitric oxide, Nitrous oxide ! N Nitrogen □ Dinitrogen
13 Contribution of Microbe-Mediated Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain. . . 343
forests, etc., usually driven by pH, annual precipitation, annual temperature, sunlight
exposure and soil organic matter, i.e., C:N ratio (David et al. 2014).
Nitrification is carried out by chemolithotrophic ammonia oxidizers—bacteria
and archaea—and nitrite oxidizers. Nitrosospira sp. clusters 1, 2, 3, and 4 predomi-
nate AOB amoA in forest soils. AOA and Crenarchaeota affiliated to groups 1.1a
and 1.1b are significant in the oxidation of ammonia in forest soils. The amoA of
AOA copies are 16 times higher in sandy grasslands with a pH of 7 than in arable
grasslands with pH 5.5. In silty clay, AOA is one to ten times higher in abundance
than AOB in clay agri-undic soil, which is similar to that in semi-arid soil. Archaeal
nitrifiers are directly correlated with N2O flux in the forest ecosystem (David et al.
N2O emission and fungal:bacterial ratio is higher in low pH soils, either in forest
soil or drained peatland soil. Rosch et al. (2002) suggested an effective link between
biological nitrogen fixation and denitrification by nirS and nosZ; nirS and nirK gene
diversity is low in oak and spruce, i.e., acid forests. Positive correlation of napA gene
is observed with exchangeable manganese (Mn) and soil C; narG is positively
correlated with soil C. Various factors influence the quantity or concentration of
nirS and nirK, like soil moisture; soil temperature; total N; available P, ammonium,
nitrate, soil organic matter, dissolved organic carbon; and soil pH. Forest soils have
abundant nosZ, while agricultural soils are home to nirS. Nitrogen addition via
ammonical sulfates reduces soil pH, leading to lowered narG, nirK, nirS, and
nosZ, while the addition of organic fertilizers increases soil pH to near neutral,
thereby increasing narG, nirK, and nosZ abundance (David et al. 2014).
13.6.2 Agroecosystems
soils, whereas amoA, narG, nirS, nosZ and nifH were in greater abundance. Mean-
while, amoA, narG, and nifH diversity was significantly affected. It is known that
these soils have higher organic C, nitrate, available potassium (K), and ammonium
ion concentration, and lower available P. The more significantly found bacteria in
such soils include Tumebacillus, Bacillus drentensis, Bradyrhizobium and Strepto-
myces (Zhou et al. 2019). Bacterial amoA, nirK and nirS genes abundance were
observed in early vegetative stage, irrespective of fertilizer application, which
decreased gradually with the passing of the developmental stages of plant and was
lowest at flowering stage. Meanwhile, AOA was abundant in all stages, organic
fertilizer application increased its abundance, nifH gene was abundant during the
flowering stage when manure-based fertilizer was applied, and nirK and nirS genes
were abundant in legume-cultivated soils (Hai et al. 2009).
Studies in Antarctic soils revealed that the addition of nitrogen and temperature had a
significant effect on microbial community diversity. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
348 H. Quadriya et al.
are quantitatively more than archaea in Antarctic soils. Fungi and archaea are mostly
found in colder temperatures. Warm temperature reduces ammonia-oxidizing
archaea (amoA) and nitric oxide reductase (norB) genes and is even detrimental to
ammonia-oxidizing archaea. Warm temperature increases nifH and nirK gene abun-
dance, while nirS is less sensitive to it. Nitrogen addition increased nifH and nirK
genes. Greater numbers of denitrifiers (nirS and nirK) are observed upon nitrogen
addition, whereas archaeal communities remain unaffected.
Nitrous oxide emissions usually depict a truncated denitrification pathway. Bac-
terial norB and nosZ abundance is lesser than bacterial narG, nirS and nirK abun-
dance due to the reduction of nitric or nitrous oxides, hence resulting in incomplete
nitrogen pathway. The nirS gene is predominantly abundant than nirK; however, a
significant increase in NirK abundance was observed if the temperature of soil was
maintained at 10 C. Temperature plays a crucial role in denitrifying community size
and composition. There are certain temperature-sensitive amoA communities, and a
few of them can be made adaptive or less detrimental by favorable environmental
factors like nutrients. Soils fertilized with nitrogen witnessed amoA at 4 C and narG
at 10 C (Jung et al. 2011).
Tropical peat can be defined as Histosol, i.e., with high organic C and low bulk
density of approx. 0.2 mg/m3, which mostly contains carbon-water storage in
tropical latitude covering Southeast Asia, Africa, and Central and South America.
Peatland ecosystems are very much affected by climate changes, anthropogenic
activities like logging and building of drainage, and land conversions to agriculture.
Denitrification or conversion of nitrous oxide to dinitrogen in natural tropical
peatlands is usually controlled by nosZ clade I genes and in drained peatland soils
by clade II genes mainly. Archaeal abundance is observed in drained peatlands,
while bacteria are dominant in natural peatland soils. Genera Mycobacterium,
Conexibacter, Burkholderia, Rhodoplanes, Pseudomonas and Paenibacillus of bac-
terial phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Firmicutes are domi-
nant in both natural and drained peatland soils. NirS, nirK, nosZ I, nosZII, nifH, and
archaeal amoA genes are abundantly found in both soils, while nrfA is seen in natural
peatland soils only. Bacterial amoA is not seen in peatland soils. Drained peatland
soils are comprised mostly of archaeal community, while natural peatland soils
comprise both bacterial and archaeal communities equally. Warm temperature
favored AOA than AOB, just like acidic tea orchards and forest soils (Lu et al.
2012; Wu et al. 2013). This AOA abundance can be related to chemical properties of
soil like temperature, pH, and available C, O, and N content. Anammox has a very
minor role here (Espenberg et al. 2018).
13 Contribution of Microbe-Mediated Processes in Nitrogen Cycle to Attain. . . 349
13.8 Conclusion
Nitrogen occupies more than two-third part of the atmosphere and is in an unavail-
able form. Besides, its presence in every cell of living beings in different stable
forms, combined with various elements, demonstrates its importance. Nitrogen
circulates globally in three major ways: (1) nitrogen fixation, (2) nitrification, and
(3) denitrification, apart from other lesser known processes. Anthropogenic activities
350 H. Quadriya et al.
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Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing
and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) 14
to Enhance Zinc Bioavailability for Better
Soil, Plant, and Human Health
The impetus on agricultural productivity and food security to feed the burgeoning
population is a major challenge faced by researchers and policy makers. Thus,
there is a need for enhancing not only productivity but also the quality of produce
for human and animal consumption. Micronutrient malnutrition is due to low
concentration of micronutrients in farm produce. The micronutrient content is
appreciably low, especially in cereals, and is below the dietary requirements. Zinc
(Zn) is one of the integral components of many metabolic processes involving
crop growth, human and animal development. Zinc deficiency is a universal
problem among crops, humans, and animals. Globally, 33% of the human
R. C. Yadav
ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms , Maunath Bhanjan, Uttar
Pradesh, India
Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
S. K. Sharma (*)
ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms , Maunath Bhanjan, Uttar
Pradesh, India
ICAR-National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
e-mail: sushil.sharma1@icar.gov.in
A. Ramesh
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
K. Sharma
ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
P. K. Sharma
ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms , Maunath Bhanjan, Uttar
Pradesh, India
A. Varma
Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
14.1 Introduction
Micronutrient deficiency in soils is the most recognized abiotic stress that affects
crop productivity globally. With regard to micronutrient deficiencies, zinc deficiency
is often prevalent in most soils in almost all countries, including India (Cakmak et al.
1999; Alloway 2009). Zinc is associated with metabolic activity in plants, animals,
human beings, and microorganisms (Broadley et al. 2007) and is a constituent of
many proteins required for structural and functional integrity (Andreini et al. 2009).
Zinc deficiency not only affects agricultural productivity but also inflicts human and
animal well-being and is prevalent in a majority of countries (Hotz and Brown 2004;
Myers et al. 2015). The deficiency depends on many factors such as high pH, organic
matter, bicarbonate content, soil phosphorus, and iron concentration (Wissuwa et al.
2006; Alloway 2009) in soils. Other reasons for deficiency in micronutrients include
intensive cropping system, dispensing with organic matter application, recycling of
crop residues, and high-analysis inorganic fertilization that is devoid of
micronutrients (Hafeez et al. 2013). Soluble zinc sulfate applied to agriculture fields
is either sorbed or precipitated, affecting its availability to crop plants (Sarathambal
et al. 2010), and hence efficiency of zinc fertilizer use is very low (Ma and Uren
14 Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) to. . . 359
1997; Zhang et al. 2017). Moreover, the high cost of inorganic zinc fertilizers makes
them further inaccessible to resource-poor farmers (Cakmak 2008; Ramesh et al.
2014a). The total soil Zn content does not translate to increased zinc availability, and
much of the zinc in soil is in discreet chemical forms, and the availability depends on
their solubility (Sillanpää and Vlek 1985). Apparently, the bioavailability of zinc to
crops and the quality of produce for human and animal dietary intake have declined
(Cakmak and Hoffland 2012). Genetic biofortification takes a longer time, and its
performance differs in different soil environments and acts as an impediment for
successful implementation (Cakmak 2008). Agricultural interventions involving the
application of fertilizer zinc through soil and foliar application, crop rotation
(Dimpka and Bindraban 2016; White and Broadley 2009), organic manure applica-
tion (Aghili et al. 2014; Helfenstein et al. 2016), and bioinoculation (Gandhi and
Muralidharan 2016; Ramesh et al. 2014b; Wang et al. 2014; Kaur et al. 2020;
Kushwaha et al. 2020) are gaining prominence (Table 14.1). In recent years, efforts
are being made to isolate zinc-solubilizing and -mobilizing microorganisms with
multiple plant-growth-promoting traits, including innate ability to solubilize insolu-
ble Zn to bioavailable Zn for crop assimilation. Many ZSMM have been reported to
play a decisive role in crop zinc assimilation. Still, there is a need at a global level to
explore potential microorganisms that solubilize and mobilize native soil Zn pool to
improve Zn content in edible portions of crops to improve the health of all. This
chapter focuses on the status and contribution of ZSMM for improving bioavail-
able zinc in soil, plant, and human growth and development.
360 R. C. Yadav et al.
14.2.1 Microorganisms
Zinc is known for its immense role in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic microbial
metabolisms (Hughes and Poole 1989). In bacteria and fungi, reduced zinc avail-
ability affects pigment formation (Chernavina 1970). Some fungi are known to
tolerate zinc even at high concentrations. Aspergillus niger has been reported to
survive both at higher concentration (1000 mg Zn) and at low zinc concentration
(2 mg kg 1 available zinc) (Bullen and Kemila 1997). This is also the case with
lichens and poisonous mushrooms (Vinogradov 1965). Some bacteria such as
Thiobacillus thiooxidans, T. ferrooxidans, and facultative thermophilic iron
oxidizers are reported to solubilize zinc from sulfide ore (sphalerite) present in soil
(Hutchins et al. 1986).
14.2.2 Plants
14.2.3 Human
Zinc plays a catalytic, cocatalytic, or structural role in human beings, in whom many
enzymatic activities are maintained (Tapiero and Tew 2003). Similar to other
14 Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) to. . . 361
organisms, zinc is required for the activity of six classes of enzymes. Skeletal
muscles possess 86% zinc, followed by other body parts like hippocampus, pan-
creas, prostate, and kidney cortex (Vallee and Falchuk 1981). Furthermore, meta-
bolic homeostasis is dependent on zinc content. Evidence shows that the number of
zinc-protein complexes govern gene expression (Welch 2001). Therefore, a defi-
ciency in micronutrients affects brain development and wound healing and has a part
in causing pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria (Prasad 2013). Zinc deficiency causes
many health-related complications in human beings and need to be looked into
(Graham 2008; Benton 2008). Moreover, infertility and congenital diseases like
acrodermatitis enteropathica occur due to zinc deficiency in men (Zimmermann and
Hilty 2011; Kumar et al. 2016).
Fig. 14.1 Geographical distribution of zinc deficiency in soils, plants, and humans at global level
(Sources: Alloway 2008a; Wessells and Brown 2012; Cakmak et al. 2017)
362 R. C. Yadav et al.
against animal-derived foods. This has led to billions of humans around the globe
suffering from micronutrient malnutrition (Cakmak 2008; White and Broadley 2009;
Rehman et al. 2018a). Alloway (2004a) reported lower content of Zn in the grains of
most of the wheat crops. Moreover, the adoption of high-yielding crop varieties has
further aggravated this problem (Zhao and McGrath 2009; Cakmak et al. 2010).
Furthermore, wheat grain processing lowers not only Zn concentration, but also the
concentration of other essential nutrients (Zhang et al. 2010; Kutman et al. 2011).
This can be overcome by adopting agronomic (fertilizer, microbial inoculation),
biotechnological, and plant-breeding strategies that improve zinc bioavailability in
The wide-spread zinc deficiency is well recognized around the world (Katyal and
Rattan 1993). Low solubility of native and applied zinc is the major cause of low
zinc bioavailability in soil. Generally, to overcome zinc deficiency, zinc sulfate is
commonly applied to increase the growth and productivity of crops; however, the
efficiency of zinc use is very low as the applied zinc is sorbed on colloidal surfaces or
precipitated. Zinc is known to exist in different chemical forms in soil, such as
exchangeable, organic-bound, calcium-carbonate-bound, and Mn-oxide-bound crys-
talline and amorphous sesquioxides and clay lattices. Zinc sorption is associated
with cation exchange in acidic soils, whereas zinc fixation occurs in the sorption and
precipitation of calcium and in complexation in high pH (Alloway 2008a). The
bioavailability of zinc determines zinc supply for proper crop growth and is a
determinant of soil characteristics (White and Zasoski 1999). Zinc deficiency is
widespread in Australia (Sillanpaa 1990) China (Liu 1991) and India (Takkar 1996;
Singh 2008; Behera et al. 2009a) and other countries. Zinc deficiency is prevalent in
calcareous soils with high pH (Liu et al. 1983; Katyal and Vlek 1985). In acidic soils,
its deficiency is due to low organic matter content and lack of plant available
nutrients (Rautaray et al. 2003). The acidic soils in India cover about 49 million ha
of area, whereas more than 800 million ha of acidic soils are found worldwide
(Sharma and Singh 2002). Therefore, soil acidity is also a huge problem affecting
food production across Asia, Africa, and Latin America and is imposing heavy costs
on farmers in Europe and North America. Excessive accumulation of phosphorus in
the soil has also been found to interfere in zinc uptake by plants, and thus, it has been
found to cause zinc-induced deficiency in plants (Salimpour et al. 2010). Differential
uptake of zinc by crops among different soil zinc fractions gives credence to the fact
that zinc gets redistributed between different pools due to cropping. Behera et al.
(2009b) reported a decline in organic matter and carbonate-bound Zn in an inceptisol
as a result of intensive cropping with maize and wheat for more than three decades.
High organic matter (Lindsay 1972; Moody et al. 1997) increased exchangeable and
organic fractions of zinc and decreased the oxide fractions of zinc in soil because of
reducing conditions that enhance zinc availability for uptake by the plants. To
evaluate the bioavailability of zinc in soils, several extractants are being used,
14 Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) to. . . 363
which include mineral acids, chelating agents, buffered salts, and neutral salts.
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) is the most widely used extractant for
the extraction of plant-available Zn in different soil types.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), hydrochloric acid, ammonium
bicarbonate-DTPA (ABDTPA), Mehlich 1, and Mehlich 3 are also being used
(Alloway 2008b). The non-availability of zinc fertilizers at proper time, poor quality,
exorbitant cost, and the lack of awareness among farmers of its importance in crop
productivity and human health are major impediments and have to be recognized
(Das and Green 2013).
ZSMM with multiple plant-growth-promoting traits have the ability to improve crop
quality through their intense shift in rhizobiome, leading to increased mobilization
and assimilation by plants (Ahmed et al. 2011; Bhatt and Maheshwari 2020). There
are many instances of microbial inoculation, and their role in improving crop
productivity and the quality of produce are recognized (Rawat et al. 2020; Sharma
et al. 2020). Plant-growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM) present in the
rhizobiome promote plant growth by different mechanisms, like biological nitrogen
fixation; mobilization of nutrients; solubilization of phosphorus; synthesis of
siderophores, which can solubilize insoluble iron from the soil; production of
organic acids and production of phytohormones such as auxins, cytokinins, and
gibberellins; altering the native level of phytohormones; and improving plant stress
tolerance to salinity, toxicity, drought, metal, and pesticide load, and also act as
biocontrol for the plant (Bänziger and Long 2000; Glick 2005; Reeves and Chaney
2008; Senadheera and Cvitkovitch 2008; Khalid et al. 2009; Yoshihara et al. 2010;
Ahmad et al. 2014).
Pseudomonas 28–625 247–753 Production of gluconic acid and 2-ketogluconic Azadeh Bapiri
fluorescens acids et al. (2012)
Table 14.2 (continued)
Table 14.2 (continued)
Bacillus sp. AZ6 13.55 – – Production of organic acids like cinnamic acid, Hussain et al.
ferulic acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, syringic (2020)
acid and gallic acid in a liquid medium
Bacillus ZM20, ZnO – – Production of organic acid such as lactic and acetic Mumtaz et al.
Bacillus cereus acid (2019)
Bacillus KT221633 ZnO – – Production of organic acids Hussain et al.
Bacillus sp. AZ6 (2020)
Curtobacterium strains ZnO – – Production of glutamic acid Kushwaha et al.
Pseudomonas – – – Chelation is the dominant phenomena to improve Whiting et al.
monteilii Zn bioavailability and uptake by plant roots (2001)
Microbacterium – – – through microorganisms
Enterobacter – – –
Pseudomonas – – – Producing chelating agent Tariq et al. (2007)
sp. 96–51, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Azospirillum lipoferum – – –
JCM-1270, ER-20,
Agrobacterium – – –
sp. (Ca-18)
Penicillium bilaji – – – Chelation Kucey (1987)
Changes in root architecture
Arbuscular – – – Obtain Zn from a distance of 40 mm from the root Bürkert and
mycorrhizae surface Robson (1994)
Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) to. . .
Table 14.2 (continued)
Heterotrophic zinc solubilization in fungi (White et al. 1997) has been widely
studied. Many free-living saprophytic fungi, ericoid, and mycorrhizal fungi have
been studied for their ability to solubilize metal-bearing minerals (Sayer et al. 1999;
Sayer and Gadd 2001; Martino et al. 2003; Artmann et al. 2020). Sayer and Gadd
(2001) reported that Aspergillus niger produces citric acid and plays a significant
role in zinc phosphate solubilization. Burgstaller et al. (1994) investigated the role of
gluconic, citric, and oxalic acids excreted by the fungus Penicillium simplicissimum
in zinc oxide solubilization. Beauveria caledonica, an entomopathogenic fungus,
dissolves zinc phosphate in medium by the production of acetic, malic, and citric
acids (Fomina et al. 2005). Acid production, complexation, and accumulation of
metals help in zinc phosphate solubilization by ericoid; ectomycorrhizal plant
symbionts like Hymenoscyphus ericae, Oidiodendron maius, Laccaria laccata,
Paxillus involutus, Suillus bovinus, S. luteus, and Thelephora terrestris; and the
entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria caledonica (Martino et al. 2003; Fomina et al.
2004; Fomina et al. 2006). For example, zinc phosphate solubilization is carried out
by the production of gluconic acid by H. ericae DGC3(UZ) and S. bovinus MG1;
oxalic and citric acids by B. caledonica; gluconic and succinic acids by L. laccata;
and succinic acid by T. terrestris; malic, succinic, and fumaric acids by S. luteus. The
application of zinc phosphate significantly increased acetic acid synthesis by
H. ericae DGC3(UZ). As acidolysis is a predominant mechanism of zinc solubiliza-
tion by most of the fungi, Trichoderma harzianum T-22 follows different
mechanisms of zinc solubilization, such as by chelation and reduction but not at
all by acid production (Altomare et al. 1999). Several species of fungi are known to
convert immobile metal compounds to available forms through proton extrusions
(plasma membrane ATPase); production of enzymes, especially phosphatases; and
production of organic acids (Franz et al. 1991; Sigler and Höfer 1991; Burgstaller
and Schinner 1993; Gadd 1993; Winkelmann and Winge 1994; Artmann et al. 2020;
Bakri 2019). Ericoid mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi solubilize zinc from
insoluble forms by the excretion of organic acid with high complexing ability
(Martino et al. 2003; Fomina et al. 2005). AMF are ubiquitous (Schüβler et al.
2001) and are integral to the root components of crop plants (Smith and Smith 2011).
The presence of hyphae, arbuscules in AMF, provides an alternative plant nutrient
assimilation pathway (Parniske 2008; Smith and Read 2008). This association is
known to increase the assimilation of immobile nutrients, particularly phosphorus,
zinc, and iron (Cavagnaro 2008; Subramanian et al. 2008; Subramanian et al. 2013;
Lehmann et al. 2014; Balakrishnan and Subramanian 2016), from soil components.
The presence of zinc in insoluble forms affects crop assimilation (Barber 1995).
Zinc-mobilizing microorganisms assume significance for zinc solubilization and
assimilation by plants. There are different types of mechanisms for the solubilization
of insoluble zinc by zinc-solubilizing and -mobilizing microorganisms.
372 R. C. Yadav et al.
The exact mechanism of zinc solubilization by microbes is still not clear. Some of
the mechanisms reported are production of organic acid, sequestration or active
efflux, cell wall modification, and bioprecipitation (Sunithakumari et al. 2016).
Organic acid production, extrusion of protons, and secretion of metabolites play an
important role in metal solubilization (Upadhyay and Srivastava 2014; Bakri 2019;
Mumtaz et al. 2019). Many organic acids have been identified that have chelating
properties and are reported to solubilize metals (Panhwar et al. 2013). Various
mechanisms have been studied to understand the mechanism of zinc solubilization
and zinc tolerance by microbes.
It is well known that the bioavailability of zinc in soil is low and depends on soil
characteristics and climatic conditions. Zinc-chelating agents have a role to play in
zinc solubilization and are derived through root exudation and also by proliferating
microorganisms (Obrador et al. 2003; Tarkalson et al. 1998) that chelate zinc and
increase its availability. It is one of the dominant processes by which the bioavail-
ability of zinc become more for plant assimilation. Pseudomonas monteilii,
Microbacterium saperdae, and Enterobacter produce metallophores that chelate
zinc, thereby enhancing zinc bioavailability (Whiting et al. 2001). Tariq et al.
(2007) reported that Pseudomonas sp. 96–51, Azospirillum lipoferum
ER-20 (JCM-1270) and Agrobacterium sp. Ca-18 had the ability to produce chelat-
ing agents like ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
Zinc is an immobile nutrient, and its uptake is diffusion controlled (Havlin et al.
2005). Native zinc bioavailability being low in soils, zinc bioavailability can be
increased either by an external application of zinc fertilizer or changing the root
architecture, enabling the roots to traverse long distance. In this context, the role of
mycorrhiza on root architecture is well documented (Subramanian et al. 2008, 2013).
Mycorrhizal fungi are known to increase root surface areas and help mobilize zinc
for plant uptake from long distances, even up to 40 mm (Bürkert and Robson 1994).
Subramanian et al. (2009a) reported that mycorrhiza fungi increase zinc content in
grains with concomitant increase in root parameters as compared to those without
inoculation. Similarly, Tariq et al. (2007) also recorded an increase in root-
associated parameters that influence increased assimilation and yield.
14 Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) to. . . 373
and might have resulted in increased zinc mobilization (Gandhi and Muralidharan
Zinc bioavailability and zinc concentration increased by 5.6 times and 113% in
rice, respectively, through bacterial inoculation (biopower) (Tariq et al. 2007). The
inoculation of maize (Zea mays) with Azospirillum and Azotobacter increased grain
zinc content (Biari et al. 2008). Abaid-Ullah et al. (2015) reported that the
co-inoculation of zinc-solubilizing Bacillus thuringiensis and Serratia
sp. increased wheat yield by 9%. Similarly, Mishra et al. (2012) reported that a
consortium of Rhizobium leguminosarum-pr-1 and Pseudomonas sp. increased zinc
content in shoots. The inoculation of endophytic bacterium Sphingomonas SaMR12
increased shoot biomass in rice by 40 to 64% and also zinc accumulation. Strain
SaMR12 also increased root branching and root surface area and increased root
exudation of oxalic acid (Chen et al. 2014). Changes in root architecture and root
exudation by both endophytic bacteria and rhizobacteria improved crop performance
(Meharg and Killham 1995; Hinsinger et al. 2003; Taghavi et al. 2009), thereby
effecting redistribution of different forms of zinc and increasing zinc bioavailability.
Similarly, Wang et al. (2014) reported that endophytic bacteria Sphingomonas
sp. SaMR12 and Enterobacter sp. SaCS20 modulated root morphology and
increased zinc accumulation in shoots and roots and also increased grain yields as
well as zinc concentration in grains in brown and polished rice. This was also
accompanied by a considerable increase in DTPA-extractable zinc in soil. The
inoculation of ZSB has been shown to increase the root and shoot parameters of
many crops (Sharma et al. 2012; Goteti et al. 2013; Ramesh et al. 2014a; Vaid et al.
2014). The increase in biomass could be attributed to their zinc-solubilizing and
-mobilizing characteristics as well as to other PGP traits (ACC deaminase, ammonia
production, siderophores, indole-3- acetic acid (IAA) production, P solubilization, K
solubilization, etc.). Zinc application in combination with strain Pseudomonas
spMN12 through seed priming increased the grain yield of wheat against control.
Soil and foliar application of zinc with and without Pseudomonas sp. MN12
increased protein content and zinc concentration in wheat (Rehman et al. 2018b).
Singh et al. (2017a, b) reported that inoculation with endophytic Bacillus subtilis
DS-178 and Arthrobacter sp. DS-179 increased zinc concentration in wheat gains
as compared to control and attributed this to higher IAA synthesis and improved
root architecture. Zinc-solubilizing and -mobilizing rhizobacterial isolates of Bacil-
lus sp.ZM20, Bacillus aryabhattai ZM31 and S10, and Bacillus subtilis ZM63 with
multifaceted plant-growth-promoting traits resulted in improved crop growth and
productivity and can be the potential the biofertilization and biofortification
strategies for overcoming zinc deficiency in maize (Mumtaz et al. 2017; Hussain
et al. 2020). Transformation of native soil nutrients by microorganisms to plant-
available forms is one strategy to increase the assimilation of nutrients (microbial
biofortification) in staple food crops to meet the recommended dietary intake in
human beings to overcome zinc deficiency malice in human populations (Mader
et al. 2010). Any biofortification strategy should be commensurate with the
decrease in phytic acid content and increase in zinc concentration in seeds. Phytic
acid/zinc molar is a good indicator of zinc bioavailability (Weaver and Kannan
14 Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) to. . . 375
ZSMM will provide crucial information in the future for better use of these ZSMM in
varied environmental conditions.
14.9 Conclusion
Zinc deficiency in soils and other environments has serious impact on all forms of
life, including human beings. It is observed that globally most of the soils are zinc
deficient, which is considered to be a major constraint hindering zinc enrichment in
crops and resulting in decreased consumption of grains/edible portions of crops,
particularly cereals. This does not fulfill the dietary requirements of human popula-
tion, especially in developing countries. As such, it has led to several health
problems in human population. Strategies like agronomic and genetic interventions
for increasing zinc density in seeds seem to have immense potential; however, these
interventions have their own set of issues such as environmental pollution, exuberant
cost, socioeconomic issues and policy issues. The use of zinc-solubilizing and
-mobilizing microorganisms (ZSMM) opens up a new horizon for overcoming
micronutrient deficiency (zinc) in soil and plants and thereby improving human
health (Fig.14.2). These strategies are sustainable in nature with the aim of increas-
ing zinc concentration and fulfilling human dietary requirements. ZSMM can be
used as biofertilizers, which may proliferate in the rhizobiome and influence crop
growth, soil fertility, and yield and zinc content in crops, thereby obviating the
indiscriminate use of inorganic fertilizers. The use of effective microbial
technologies in agriculture in recent years is progressing at a rapid pace with the
reorganization of novel bacterial strains and due to their role in plant growth
promotion. The exploitation of multifunction PGPR will be a good approach for
biofertilizer formulations. The introduction and popularization of biofertilization and
biofortification could be a promising and apt strategy for avoiding micronutrient
deficiencies in an era of sustainable agriculture. To sustain ZSMM technology,
proper availability and distribution of good quality microbial inoculants with longer
shelf life are of paramount importance. Therefore, consistent efforts in identifying
ZSMM and extensive field validation to allow identification with greater efficiency
are important. Moreover, microbial inoculants should be selected not for a single
trait but for multiple plant-growth-promoting traits so that they may perform in
different agroecological zones. Understanding contributions of ZSMM is required
for sustainable agriculture with a generic consideration of a green revolution and an
evergreen revolution, which needs to be accomplished for societal progression.
Although significant work on ZSMM has been carried out over the last few decades,
the effects of these microorganisms on the zinc content of crops are still scanty. The
future challenges in the area of ZSMM and their potential use for the health of soils,
plants, and humans need to be explored:
Contribution of Zinc-Solubilizing and -Mobilizing Microorganisms (ZSMM) to. . .
Fig. 14.2 The role of zinc-solubilizing and -mobilizing microorganisms (ZSMM) in zinc biofertilization and biofortification in crops and the impact of zinc on
plant and human health
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384 R. C. Yadav et al.
Iron (Fe) is an essential nutrient for life and the fourth most abundant element in
the earth. The availability of ferric iron (Fe III) is less in soil solution due to the
low solubility of ferric hydroxides, oxides, and oxyhydroxides. Therefore, the Fe
availability to microbes and plants is limited, albeit its abundance in the environ-
ment. Therefore, the availability of Fe to microbes and plants has evolved
strategies based on acidification through proton extrusion and organic acid
production, chelation, ligands like siderophore and phytosiderophore production,
and enzymatic reduction involving reductase enzymes. This review attempts to
explain the fungal siderophore, its biosynthesis, transport, and practical applica-
tion. Thus, siderophore is an iron-binding molecule synthesized by fungi, bacte-
ria, cyanobacteria, and plants. The common types of siderophore are
hydroxamates, catecholates, carboxylates, but hydroxamate type is dominant in
fungi. L-ornithine is a biosynthetic precursor of siderophore and synthesized
through multimodular large enzymes complex nonribosomal peptide synthetase
(NRPSs) dependent/independent. Siderophore-Fe chelators protein (FIT1, FIT2,
and FIT3) helps in the retention of siderophore. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
expresses two genetically separate systems (reductive and a non-reductive sys-
tem) at the plasma membrane, which converts Fe III into Fe II by ferrous-specific
K. Tripathi (*)
Centre for Conservation and Utilization of Blue-Green Algae, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi, India
N. Kumar
Depaqrtment of Biotechnology, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
M. Singh
Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
R. K. Singh
Amity University Chattisgarh, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Siderophore · Iron · Fungi · Hydroxamate · Biocontrol
15.1 Introduction
siderophores are mainly scavenging iron and formation of complexes with the other
metals in addition to iron like molybdenum, cobalt (Bellenger et al. 2008). This
compound enhances plant growth, biocontrol (Verma et al. 2011) and bioremedia-
tion agents (Ishimaru et al. 2012). In addition to microbes, mammalian siderophore
is also reported (Devireddy et al. 2010). Characterization of siderophores by spec-
trophotometric titration, electrophoretic mobility, mass spectrometry, acid hydroly-
sis, and biological activity is frequently used (Pluhacek et al. 2016).
Iron is a ubiquitous element predominant in the terrestrial ecosystem and one of the
essential micronutrients for both microorganisms as well as plants albeit at low
concentrations. Paradoxically, though the total Fe content is high but its availability
is controlled by stable oxides and hydroxides and never correlates with its availabil-
ity to plants and microbes. The factors that determine its availability is solubilization
and dissolution rates of oxides of Fe. The solubility and dissolution rates are pH
dependant, and its minima exist at neutral and alkaline range especially in calcareous
soils under aerobic environment (Lindsay 1979; Cornell and Schwertmann 2003). In
a pH range of 7–9, the sum of the soluble inorganic forms of Fe does not exceed
10 10 M (Lindsay 1979), which is far below the minimum requirement for normal
plant growth. This indicates the Fe acquisition under oxic and carbonate-rich
environment to be strongly sensitive for plant and microbial Fe acquisition. More-
over, redox potential and complexing agents also play a significant role in regulating
Fe availability through the rhizosphere and microbial effect. The low availability of
Fe in calcareous soils can be ascribed to (1) an extremely low solubility of soil Fe,
which is essentially in ferric oxide form (Miller et al. 1984; Mengel 1994), and
(2) reduced Fe uptake from the apoplast into the symplast, which can be related to
the pH of the former (Yu et al. 2000), influenced by a high bicarbonate concentration
in calcareous soils (Mengel 1994; Lucena 2000). This leads to the widespread
occurrence of lime-induced Fe chlorosis (Wiersma 2005; De Santiago et al. 2008).
Therefore, to acquire Fe(III) has become a major challenge crop plant as well as
microorganisms as they are essential for growth and metabolism. To overcome this,
plants and microorganisms have evolved strategies that include (1) acidification of
soil solution through excretion of organic acids or protons, (2) chelation of Fe(III) by
ligands with very high affinity for Fe(III), and (3) reduction of Fe (III) to Fe(II) by
reductases and reducing compounds (Lemanceau et al. 2009).
Acidification of the rhizobiome is one process to overcome Fe limitation in
calcareous soils. Organic acid exudation from plant cells, microbes, and organic
matter decomposition is one strategy that enables us to overcome Fe limitations.
Dicots and non-graminaceous plants exhibit this strategy and are known as strategy
I. Moreover, organic ligands with high affinity for Fe like phytosiderophores are
exuded in response to Fe limitation. They are generally exuded by graminaceous
plants by ligand-controlled dissolution processes (strategy II). Enzymatic dissolution
390 K. Tripathi et al.
The term “siderophores” is a Greek word for “iron carriers” (Ishimaru 1993) as these
molecules are produced by microorganisms and were found to have an extremely
high affinity for ferric iron (Lankford 1973). Siderophores bind Fe (III) ion and
transport it into the bacterial cell. They are low molecular weight (350–1500
Daltons) organic molecules, which can compete for Fe (III) in ferric hydroxide
complexes (Postle 1990). There are over 500 described siderophores (Corneils and
Matthijs 2002; Wandersman and Delepelaire 2004) that are classified based on their
chelating group specific for Fe (III). Microbial siderophores are classified as
catecholates (phenolates), hydroxamates, α-carboxylates, and “mixed” depending
on the chemical nature of their coordination sites with Fe (Winkelmann 1991, 2002;
Renshaw et al. 2002). Catechol-type siderophores bind Fe (III) with adjacent
hydroxyls of catechol rings and are almost always derived from
2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) (Crosa and Walsh 2002). The best-studied
example of a catechol-type siderophore is enterobactin, which is produced by
E. coli (O’Brien and Gibson 1970). Hydroxamate-type siderophores contain a
carboxyl group attached to the adjacent nitrogen, which chelates Fe (III). An
example of this type is ferrichrome, a fungal siderophore produced by Ustilago
sphaerogena (Emery 1971). Hydroxamates are generally more complex structurally
and are also considered more hydrophilic nature. Hydroxamate types are produced
by fungi and bacteria, whereas catecholates are produced exclusively by bacteria and
comprise catechol and hydroxy groups as ligands. In addition to these classes, a
miscellaneous class called “mixed-type” of siderophores does occur. Heterobactins
and pyoverdins, produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis (Carran et al. 2001) and
Pseudomonas species (Meyer and Hornsperger 1978; Meyer and Stintzi 1998),
respectively, contains both hydroxamate and catecholate functional groups. A third
mixed molecule called “anguibactin” is produced by Vibrio anguilarum and contains
combinations of all three siderophore types hydroxamate, catecholate, and carbox-
ylate (Crosa and Walsh 2002).
15 Fungal Siderophore: Biosynthesis, Transport, Regulation, and Potential. . . 391
The process of Fe transport begins with the binding of siderophore with Fe (III) in
the external environment. The Fe (III) siderophore complex is then recognized by the
corresponding outer membrane receptor protein. Binding of the Fe (III) siderophore
complex induces considerable conformational changes, perhaps signaling to initiate
TonB interaction. Using energy presumably provided by the TonB complex (proton
motive force), the Fe (III) siderophore complex is actively transported into the
periplasm. Once in the periplasm, the Fe siderophore complex is bound to a
periplasmic binding protein that transports the complex to the ABC-type transporter
in the cytoplasmic membrane, which transports the complex into the cytoplasm
utilizing energy from the hydrolysis of ATP. Fe is released from the siderophore by
either reduction via ferric reductases or by chemical modification or breakdown of
Fe (III) siderophore complexes by acetylation and esterases, respectively (Schwyn
and Neilands 1987).
The most common detection method for siderophore production is the universal
assay of Schwyn and Neilands et al. (1987). This assay is independent of the
structure of siderophore and thus is a very useful method for screening
siderophore-producing bacteria. The assay is based on a competition for iron
between the ferric complex of the dye chrome azurol S (CAS) and removal of iron
by siderophore is indicated by a change from blue dye color to orange or yellow or
purple. The CAS assay of liquid supernatants of cultures has been stated to be
quantitative; however, on the solid medium, it is not possible to quantify the CAS
reaction (Schwyn and Neilands 1987; Raaska et al. 1993). Schwyn and Neilands
et al. (1987) observed that detergent hexadecyl trimethyl-ammonium bromide
(HDTMA) used in the preparation of the CAS medium may be toxic to some
microorganisms. To overcome the problem of HDTMA inhibition, a modification
was made in the CAS-agar plate assay in which half of each plate was filled with the
most appropriate culture medium for each organism and the other half with
CAS-blue agar. This modification allowed all fungi and Gram-positive bacteria to
grow properly without any inhibition and also reacted to CAS effectively (Milagres
et al. 1999; Machuca and Milagres 2003). In 2007, Perez-Miranda and coworkers
suggested further modification in which they allowed all microorganisms to grow in
a nontoxic medium followed by overlaying growing microorganisms with CAS
medium containing agarose as a gelling agent and then incubated for change in
color from blue to the orange of the overlaid medium exclusively surrounding
siderophore microorganisms.
To detect the nature of siderophores, a variety of assays have been developed
based on chemical properties. The catecholate nature of the siderophore can be
detected by Neilands spectrophotometric assay (Neilands 1981). Formation of
wine colored complex with FeCl3 that absorbs maximal at 495 nm indicated the
catecholate nature of siderophores. This can also be confirmed with the Arnow test
(Arnow 1937) using nitrite molybdate reagent. The hydroxamate-type siderophore
can be detected by Neilands spectrophotometric assay (1981) or tetrazolium salt test
(Snow 1954). This type of siderophore can also be detected by Gibson and Magrath
(1969), Casky’s methods, and Atkin’s method (Atkin et al. 1970). The carboxylate
392 K. Tripathi et al.
nature of siderophore can be detected by the Vogels chemical test. It can also be
confirmed by spectrophotometric assay (Shenker et al. 1992).
Table 15.1 List of some fungal species and their siderophore biosynthesis
S. No Fungal species Siderophore References
1. U. maydis Hydroxamate (Ferrichrome) Allen et al. (1989)
2. A. nidulans Hydroxamate (Fusigen, Haas et al. (2003)
3. A. fumigates Hydroxamate (Fusarinine) Haas (2014)
4. C. Hydroxamate (Ferrichrome, Fatima et al. (2017)
heterostrophus Coprogen)
5. F. graminearum Hydroxamate (Ferrichrome) Tobiasen et al. (2007)
6. A. brassicicola Hydroxamate (Coprogen) Chen et al. (2013)
7. N. crassa Hydroxamate (Coprogen) Toth et al. (2009)
8. E. festucae Hydroxamate (Fusarinine) Fatima et al. (2017)
9. A. flavus Hydroxamate (Ferrichrome, Holinsworth and Martin
Fusarinine) (2009)
10. F. oxysporum Hydroxamate (Ferrichrome Ahmed and Holmström
15 Fungal Siderophore: Biosynthesis, Transport, Regulation, and Potential. . . 393
nidulans and consists of ester bonds. Two O2 molecules of these groups bind with Fe
known as a bi-dentate ligand. Hydroxamate siderophore is capable to bind
hexadentate octahedral complex with Fe (III) (Saha et al. 2016).
Fungi synthesized more than one type of siderophore and categorized into a
particular structural family, whereas in some cases synthesized different structural
families. For example, Trichoderma pseudokoningii and T. longibrachiatum
synthesizes all the three structural families of siderophore (Anke et al. 1991).
Fusarinine is a siderophore synthesized from young cultures of Fusarium roseum,
but at the older stage of the culture, fusarinines are replaced by malonichrome.
Charlang et al. (1981) suggested that the identity of siderophore can be exploited as a
useful trait for fungal taxonomy.
The fungal cell wall is a highly dynamic structure and biochemically is the polymer
of glucan (β-1,3-glucan, and β-1,6-glucan) and chitin (Caroline 2006). The outer
layers are composed of mannoprotein (Orlean et al. 1997). The cell permeability and
mannoprotein composition change dramatically and influenced by growth
conditions. They provide the passage of nutrients across the cell wall to the periplas-
mic space and plasma membrane (Lesuisse and Crichton 1987). Saccharomyces
cerevisiae retains a significant amount of Fe-chelating molecules in their cell wall
and periplasmic space termed as siderophores. Fe-deficient condition, expression of
very high levels of three mannoproteins, termed as a facilitator of Fe transport (Fit1p,
Fit2p, and Fit3p) (Protchenko et al. 2001). Siderophore-Fe chelators help to the
retention of the proteins in the cell wall. Deletion of these genes FIT1, FIT2, and
FIT3 reduces 50% uptake of ferrichrome and ferrioxamine. Fe- transport of
S. cerevisiae expresses in two genetically separate systems known as reductive
15 Fungal Siderophore: Biosynthesis, Transport, Regulation, and Potential. . . 395
and a non-reductive system (Philpott 2006). The reductive system operates in two
steps at the plasma membrane in which reduction of Fe III (oxidized) into Fe II
(reduced) by a ferrous-specific complex that is high-affinity transporter (Kosman
oxidase reaction is copper-dependent, and four copper ions are inserted into Fet3p
during post-translationally in the secretory pathway on the post-Golgi compartment
(Yuan et al. 1997). The copper chaperone Atx1p is responsible for the binding of
copper and transported it to Ccc2p (Lin et al. 1997). Copper transporter pumps
transported copper into the lumen of the post-Golgi vesicle (Yuan et al. 1997). Both
of the proteins are required for the maintenance of adequate cellular copper levels
and functioning secretory pathways (Dancis et al. 1994). These copper-binding
proteins Atx1p and Ccc2p are synthesized during the iron deprivation and not a
copper deficiency, indicating that Fet3-dependent iron uptake. Assembled
complexes (Fet3p and Ftr1p) of protein are retained quality control systems in the
endoplasmic reticulum if they are expressed in the absence of their protein partner
(Felice et al. 2005). Fet3p/Ftr1p complex is rapidly degraded by the process of
ubiquitin-mediated endocytosis in the presence of high levels of iron (Felice et al.
Most of the fungi synthesized and secrete siderophores, and are small organic
compounds bind with iron molecules with high affinity with specificity (Neilands
1995). Fungal siderophores bind iron with dissociation constants (10 29 M), which
have greater affinity than any iron-binding ligand in the biological systems. Hsiang
and Baillie (2005) reported that all fungi express a non-reductive uptake system that
is specific for siderophore-iron chelates. Most of the fungi express transporters
specific for siderophores and secreted by other species of fungi. When siderophore
is abundant, the reductive system of transport can catalyze the uptake of siderophore-
bound iron. Although, more than 50% of genes are transcriptionally activated under
iron deprive condition and involved in the uptake of iron chelators. The evolution of
these uptake systems helps fungi to other microorganisms to effectively compete in
limited availability of iron.
15.10 Regulation
Fig. 15.2 Mechanisms of ferric ion (Fe III) transport in a Yeast cell, and subsequent transforma-
tion into ferrous ion (Fe II) (redrawn with slight modification from source, Philpott 2006)
iron to the Fur protein and then binds to the Fur Box present on the target DNA. The
inhibition of RNA polymerase is responsible for the search of the promoter region of
the iron-regulatory region. Under limited iron conditions, transport systems and
siderophore biosynthesis are activated and Fur protein separated from the Fur box
on the DNA (Tanui et al. 2017) (Figs. 15.2 and 15.3).
Gram-positive bacteria (Streptomyces, Mycobacterium, and Corynebacterium)
contain a high percent of G + C sequences. Diphtheria toxin regulator (DtxR) is
preventing similar types to Fur protein. In fungi, similar transcriptional repressor
proteins are known as GATA factor proteins (Scazzocchio 2000; Kim et al. 2012).
These proteins contain GATA types of zinc fingers that bind to the genes of
siderophore biosynthesis (Gauthier et al. 2010) (Table 15.2).
On the other hand, Aft1 is a transcription factor of C. albicans and S. cerevisiae
which binds to the promoters region of siderophore biosynthetic genes and posi-
tively activates the expression in the genes in the iron-deficient condition
(Yamaguchi-Iwai et al. 1995, 1996). Therefore, external ion concentration is a
regulatory factor for intracellular biosynthesis of siderophores and transport proteins
microorganisms. Thus, we can say the regulation of siderophore production and
transporter proteins is the most important siderophore ecology. Iron sensing in the
natural environment helps for the survival of the competing microorganisms which
are unable to adapt in iron metabolism (Stubbendieck and Straight 2016). Therefore,
398 K. Tripathi et al.
Fig. 15.3 Regulatory model for the biosynthesis of siderophore and Fur Box activation or repres-
sion: At the higher concentration of iron the formation of Fur box protein and iron complex binds at
promoter region of the DNA and RNA polymerases unable to binds at promoter to express the gene
while at low concentration of iron Fur proteins released and RNA polymerases binds and lead to the
expression of genes (proposed model redrawn with slight modification from Tanui et al. 2017)
Table 15.2 Fungal regulatory proteins are negatively regulated in the biosynthesis and transport of
Regulatory protein similar to
S. No GATE factor Organisms References
1. URBS1 U. maydis Voisard et al. (1993);
2. SRE N. crassa Zhou et al. (1998)
3. SREP P. chrysogenum Haas et al. (1997)
4. SREA A. nidulans Haas et al. (1999); Oberegger
et al. (2001)
5. GAF2p S. pombe Hoe et al. (1996); Pelletier et al.
those microorganisms which are highly sensitive to iron regulation are superior to
other colonizing species of microbes. It means that in ecological environments, those
having low iron content will be colonized rapidly by the aerobic microorganisms and
upregulation of siderophore biosynthetic genes and transport proteins (Tshikantwa
15 Fungal Siderophore: Biosynthesis, Transport, Regulation, and Potential. . . 399
et al. 2018). Now, the important question is where is the low iron content in natural
habitats? The marine region especially in the open oceans, calcareous soils, and
freshwater lakes contains iron concentration in surface water in nano-molar
(0.2–1 nM) range (Butler 2005) and inhibits the growth of planktonic, bacterial,
and plant. Free iron is absent in humans but present in protein-bound forms like
transferrin or lactoferrin and ferritin. Under low iron concentration, pathogens can
multiply by sequestering iron from the host protein by the use of ferric binding
protein and transferrin binding protein found in Neisseria. These transport proteins
are transported from periplasm-to-cytosol (Cornelissen and Sparling 2004). Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa cell lysis and degradation of proteins by the proteases and
subsequent iron scavenging by the excretion of siderophores are another method
of iron acquisition. There are different routes by which pathogen can utilize iron
from the host cells, but the most suitable system is siderophore mediate transport
(Butt and Thomas 2017). The further important aspect is siderophore ecology which
is energy saving. The siderophore biosynthesis requires energy which is obtained
from ATP and carbon sources. Siderophore production is just started after the
germination of conidiospores in fungi starts (Wang et al. 2016). The conidiospores
contain a certain amount of siderophores which is packed into the wall of the spore
and secreted at the time of germination (Matzanke et al. 1988). If the siderophore
genes were knocked out from the fungi then the process of sporulation cannot
possible in such fungal strains (Eisendle et al. 2003).
15.11.1 Medical
For the treatments of thalassemia, siderophores can use to iron overload conditions
(Faa and Crisponi 1999; Day and Ackrill 1993). This problem is associated with the
use of the compound desferrioxamine (DFO) (Dexter et al. 1999; Kontoghiorghes
1995). DFO is a natural and synthetic analogs of siderophore and few side effects
was associated with its medical use (Peterson et al. 1976). Therefore, it is used as an
alternative to iron and aluminum overload. Rhodotorulic acid is a fungal siderophore
that has been investigated and found that it is not active orally. The mechanism of
rhodotorulic acid is similar to iron excretion of DFO but increased the excretion of
zinc and found toxic at the site of administration (Grady et al. 1979). DFO and other
hydroxamate siderophores have been used for the treatment of cancer, malaria,
actinide contamination, and other infectious diseases (Stradling 1998; Weinberg
1999). Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia has been carried out by using
DFO (Yang et al. 2018). Vergne et al. (2000) reported that several other siderophores
exhibit anticancerous and antitumor activity. For example, triornicin fungal
siderophore, produced by Epicoccum purpurascens, has an inhibitory effect on
tumors in mice (Frederick et al. 1981). For the treatment of infections, siderophore
transport/uptake research can be exploited for the transport of the drugs into the
microbial cell conjugated with siderophore-drug (Lu and Miller 1999; Vergne et al.
400 K. Tripathi et al.
2000). The actinides are radioactive elements and capable to create cancer known as
are potent carcinogens. Siderophores and its analogs have enhanced the excretion of
actinides. It might be possible to decorporation of actinides (Durbin et al. 1997).
Although the research on application of siderophores in the medical field is still
under progress and most of the research has been focused on bacterial siderophores
mainly desferrioxamine B (DFO) and siderophore analogs hydroxypyridinones.
15.11.2 Remediation
Further, Van Scholl et al. (2008) suggested that the ectomycorrhizal fungi forms an
associations with plant for nutrition through fungal the siderophores. Plant growth-
promoting activities of the fungi were investigated recently. Yadav et al. (2011)
found that fungal strains such as Trichoderma harzianum, Penicillium citrinum, and
Aspergillus niger produce siderophore and enhance root and shoot length of the
chickpeas. Kloepper et al. (1980) demonstrated that siderophores play a significant
role in the biological control mechanism. This mechanism is based on the
siderophores as competitors for Fe wherein biocontrol agent reduce Fe availability
for the pathogens of plants and thereby jeopardizes survival pathogens due to iron
deficiency (Beneduzi et al. 2012). Wilt diseases of potato caused by Fusarium
oxysporum can be controlled by pyoverdine type siderophores produced by Pseudo-
monas sp. (Schippers et al. 1987). Apart from fungi, the bacterial strain mainly
Pseudomonas species is extensively studied for the improvement in plant growth or
protection from plant pathogen by siderophore production them from plant
pathogens (Kloepper et al. 1980; Gamalero and Glick 2011).
As we know, siderophores are iron chelators and they are capable to inhibit the iron-
dependent activity of enzymes by withdrawing iron. Many reports have been proved
that ribonucleotide reductase activity is reduced by synthetic siderophores (Kurth
et al. 2016), as a result of inhibition of biosynthesis of DNA. In the proliferating
neoplastic cells, the iron delivering transferrin receptors are frequently occurred on
the cell surface and enhanced iron requirement of the cell. Inhibition of iron supply
by the siderophore reduces the growth of neoplastic cells. Therefore, siderophores
can be used as inhibitors of cell proliferation and help drug designing with
anticancerous agents.
15.12 Conclusions
Iron is an essential need for all living organisms. Fungi acquire iron by secreting
siderophores, small low molecular weight, and iron-binding molecules, in extracel-
lular environments. Siderophore plays a significant role in iron homeostasis of the
fungi which shows similarity to bacteria and plants for the mobilization of extracel-
lular iron. However, much more remains to be explored, concerning the biosynthetic
pathway, iron assimilation, and regulation. In this regard, genome sequence analysis
of the fungus and siderophore-mediated iron acquisition in a wide range of fungal
species is still unexplored. Apart from the fungal siderophore, several unexplored
aspects will be the elucidation, e.g., extracellular excretion mechanism, details of the
siderophore biosynthetic pathway, intracellular iron release, iron metabolism, and
storage of iron. The iron requirement of fungi opens up a new area of research for the
development of novel antifungal treatment such as iron chelation therapy. However,
functional studies of siderophore will reveal novel nonribosomal peptide synthetases
402 K. Tripathi et al.
are another area that opens the way for the development of new compounds that are
important for pharmaceutical value. In fungal species, iron uptake through
siderophore-mediated is essential not only to the survival of free-living organisms
but also in establishing commensal or pathogenic.
Acknowledgments Review paper supported by the Department of Science and Technology, India,
as the Young Scientist Project (SB/FT/378/2012).
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Status of Silicon in Ecosystem, Silicon
Solubilization by Rhizospheric 16
Microorganisms and Their Impact on Crop
16.1 Introduction
Silicon (Si), the second most ubiquitous element in the earth’s surface (Epstein 1994;
Wedepohl 1995), has been considered as beneficial substance by the Association of
American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) and International Plant Nutrition
Institute (IPNI) in 2014 and 2015, respectively (AAPFCO 2014; IPNI 2015). The
concentration of Si, present as silicic acid, in the soil solution usually varies from 0.1
to 0.6 mM (μg per gram) (Epstein 1994). In spite of the numerous evidences
indicating the benefits of Si in providing resistance against various environmental
stresses in several crop species (Farooq and Dietz 2015; Guntzer et al. 2012; Meena
et al. 2014; Liang et al. 2015; Prakash et al. 2018), the essentiality of Si for growth of
higher plants is still under dilemma (Epstein 1994) as it fails to meet the criteria of
essential nutrient proposed by Arnon and Stout (1939). According to the modified
criteria for essentiality of nutrients advocated by Epstein and Bloom (2005), Si can
be optimistically recognized as an essential element from the point of view of
nutrition of higher plants (Liang et al. 2015). It has also been documented in the
existing literature that sodium (Na), rubidium (Rb) and potassium (K), selenium
(Se) and sulfur (S), cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni), Si and carbon (C) often substitute
each other in certain nonspecific metabolic processes. Hence, it can be stated that the
element substituting the essential element may be more effective than any other
element (Kaur et al. 2016).
Although Si is omnipresent, majority of Si in soil exist as crystalline
aluminosilicates that are unavailable for plant uptake (Richmond and Sussman
2003). The concentration of Si in soil solution is chiefly affected by solubility of
minerals in soil (Sommer et al. 2006). Soil is considered as a nutrient bin for the
plants, on a broader scale it is a heterogeneous complex ecosystem comprising of
varieties of microbes including bacteria, fungi, protists, and other small animals
(Muller et al. 2016). Microorganisms usually boost plant performance by enhancing
the availability of nutrients present in minerals. Their involvement is crucial in
various biological processes including the conversion of insoluble soil nutrients to
soluble ones (Babalola and Glick 2012). In this regard, Drever (1994) opined that
plants and their related microbiota play a pivotal role in promoting silicate
weathering by production of chelating ligands, modification of pH through produc-
tion of CO2 or organic acids, and alteration of soil physical properties. Henderson
and Duff (1965) reported that numerous bacteria and fungi are capable of
transforming insoluble silicates to soluble silicates through production of mineral
and organic acids and chelating agents.
Although soil contains plethora of microbiota, such as diatoms, radiolarian,
microorganisms, and protists, the role of microbiota in the transformation of Si has
been poorly understood. Das et al. (1992) and Chakrabarty et al. (1988) reported that
Microbacterium and Nocardia species can develop without carbon in the presence of
Si compounds. They further claimed that bacteria can grow automatically under such
environment by fixing CO2 by using energy received from Si metabolism which is
considered as a form of Si autotrophy. Likewise, few fungi were noticed to grow in
ultrapure water in the presence of Si compounds and on nutrient-free silica gel (Tribe
16 Status of Silicon in Ecosystem, Silicon Solubilization by Rhizospheric. . . 411
and Madadaje 1972; Parkinson et al. 1989). Regardless of the plenty of Si in earth’s
surface, only few organisms, viz., diatoms, chrysophytes, silicoflagellates, and some
xanthophytes, absorb and accumulate Si (Heinen 1962). Basak and Biswas (2009)
reported that Bacillus mucilaginosus is a model microorganism in research on
silicate mineral weathering. Bacterial like genera of Proteobacteria, Aminobacter,
Burkholderia, Collimonas, Janthinobacterium, Dyella, and Frateuria, have been
reported to solubilize the biotite, which contains substantial quantity of silicate
minerals (Uroz et al. 2009). Further, Burkholderia cenocepacia KTG, Aeromonas
punctata RJM 3020, and Burkholderia vietnamiensis ZEO3 have been observed to
speed up the solubilization of silicon dioxide (SiO2 originated from quartz (Santi and
Goenadi (2017)). Various studies have also exposed about different isolates of
silicate solubilizing bacterium from root rhizosphere and mineral surfaces (Sheng
et al. 2008; Sulizah et al. 2018; Chandrakala et al. 2019; Vijayapriya et al. 2019).
However, silicate dissolution by bacteria has gained increasing attention due to the
potential of bacteria in the release of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium
(Mg) from the silicates (Vasanthi et al. 2018). Thus, in this chapter, we outlined
status of Si accumulation in different microorganisms, sources and sinks of terres-
trial Si cycle, role of microbes in silicate weathering, importance of rhizosphere
microbes in solubilizing silicates, and the impact of silicate solubilizing bacteria on
crop productivity.
16.2.1 Diatoms
Diatoms are unicellular algae that contribute for nearly 40% of the total marine
primary production (Falkowski et al. 1998). These algae either live in water or soils
and few diatoms live in the plankton of ponds, lakes, and oceans (Mann 1999).
Although majority of the diatoms are photosynthetic, however, only some are
obligate heterotrophs and can survive in the nonexistence of light but in the presence
of organic source (Armstrong et al. 2000; Lewin and Lewin 1967). They uptake the
dissolved silica from fresh water and sea water and later precipitate in their cell walls
as biogenic silica (Brunner et al. 2009). However, marine diatoms have the ability to
persist at low Si concentrations compared to freshwater diatoms (Olsen and Paasche
1986). This eukaryotic organism serves as the best example from the view of silica
biomineralization and has been widely studied (Lewin 1965; Sumper and Brunner
2006, 2008; Hildebrand 2008; Gordon et al. 2009). It has also been reported that Si
plays a substantial role for DNA synthesis in diatoms (Volcani 1983).
The diatom cell is composed of two halves, each made up of a flat plate, or valve
and marginal connecting, or girdle band. The pore on the valves mainly helps in gas
and nutrient exchange (de Vrind-de Jong and de Vrind 1997). These algae have two
distinguishing shapes: centric diatoms are radially symmetric, while pennate diatoms
are usually bilaterally symmetric (Mishra et al. 2017). Cell wall made of hydrated
412 P. B. Nagabovanalli et al.
16.2.2 Radiolarians
silica in 1.0 mM seawater concentration, changes in seawater silicate may not have
an intense influence on longevity, weight, or skeletal size of the radiolarians
(Sugiyama and Anderson 1997). However, due to the presence of ornate skeletons,
radiolarians have been extensively used in biostratigraphy (De Wever et al. 2001).
Silicoflagellates have a star shape skeleton made of silica and chloroplast. They are
also known as silica secreting marine microplankton. Their origin is anticipated to
the early Cretaceous sediments and extends to the present, but was more abundant
during the late Cretaceous (McCartney 1993). The original Silicoflagellates were
first reported by Ehrenberg in 1837. The cell size of Silicoflagellates ranges from
20 to 80 μm (Taylor et al. 2009). Silicoflagellates have two flagella and thin
pseudopodia. Silicoflagellates are considered golden algae or chrysophytes on the
basis of pigmentation, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and siliceous skeleton. The ele-
mentary configuration for the skeleton consists of a basal ring and an apical ring
either slightly curved or dome shaped (McCartney and Loper 1989). The joints of the
various types of bars generate hollows known as portals or windows (Adamonis
et al. 2008). Silicoflagellates account for 1 and 2% of the siliceous components of
marine sediments and are more copious in waters of the equatorial upwelling zone.
Moreover, silicoflagellates are erratic and strongly coupled with ambient near-
surface changes (Boltovskoy et al. 1993).
Sponges, the members of the phylum Porifera, are the simplest form of multicellular
animals. The phylum Porifera consisting of classes Demospongiae and
Hexactinellida represents a major group for these siliceous sponges. They are
characterized by spicules made of SiO2, unlike calcareous sponges. Siliceous
sponges are usually found in the marine ecosystem but occasionally in fresh water.
In areas with low sediment accumulation rate (<5 103 cm yr1), the siliceous
sponge spicules can build up a significant fraction of the near-interface sediments
(DeMaster 2001). However, spicule begins with the formation of an organic filament
to which silica is secreted (Imsiecke et al. 1995).
Although siliceous sponges are involved in the overall balance of Si (Harriss
1966), few researchers opined that the contribution of spongesis is ignored in global
marine Si cycle (Greenwood et al. 2001; Gallinari et al. 2002; Rickert et al. 2002).
Few studies have highlighted that the Si deposited by sponges is hydrated, amor-
phous, and noncrystalline which is similar to opal (Mihin 1910; Vinogradov 1953;
Jones 1979). Numerous studies described that siliceous sponges may function as Si
sinks (Maldonado et al. 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012; Chu et al. 2011). Moreover,
sponges may influence dynamics of Si cycling and Si availability under
Si-deficient conditions (Maldonado et al. 2005). Recently, Maldonado et al. (2019)
414 P. B. Nagabovanalli et al.
revealed that sponges help to substantial Si burial through their siliceous skeletons
which are resistant to dissolution. As the life span of sponges can range from decades
to millennia (Maldonado et al. 2005, 2010, 2012; Jochum et al. 2012, 2017), it will
be interesting to study annual accumulation of biogenic Si through sponges.
16.4.1 Sources
The most important source of DSi in soil is the weathering of rock forming silicate
minerals. Throughout silicate weathering, dissolved soil CO2 helps in releasing
monosilicic acid (H4SiO4) or DSi from the structural lattice of silicate minerals
(Lindsay 1979) and the DSi is transported through soil and exported to rivers and
ultimately to ocean (Meybeck 1994). For example, during the weathering of albite to
kaolinite, produced DSi is shown in Eq. (16.1):
2NaAlSi3 O8 þ 9H2 O þ 2Hþ ! Al2 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ 2Naþ þ 4H4 SiO4 . . . : ð16:1Þ
In general, weathering potentially provides 5.6 1012 moles yr1 of DSi to the
ocean via river discharge along with an additional 0.5 1012 moles yr1 contributed
via atmospheric deposition (Tréguer et al. 1995).
16.4.2 Sinks
The chief sink of the terrestrial Si cycle is transported to the ocean by rivers. The rate
of this transport is assumed to be about 6 Teramole (Tmol; 1 Tmol ¼ 1012 mole) Si
yr1 (Conley 2002; Tréguer et al. 2013). This is the major sink and largest source of
the terrestrial silica cycle and marine silica cycle, respectively (Tréguer et al. 2013).
A minor sink for terrestrial silica, deposited in terrestrial sediments, is eventually
exported to the earth’s crust.
Siliceous organisms such as diatoms and radiolarians are the most important sink of
dissolved silicic acid into opal silica (Yool and Tyrell 2003). Once in the ocean, DSi
molecules are biologically recycled approximately 25 times before export and
permanent deposition in marine sediments on the seafloor (Conley 2002). This
rapid recycling is dependent on the dissolution of silica in organic matter in the
water column, followed by biological uptake in the photic zone. The estimated
residence time of the silica biological reservoir is about 400 years (Conley 2002).
Opal silica is predominately under saturated condition in the world’s oceans. This
undersaturation promotes rapid dissolution as a result of constant recycling and long
residence times. The estimated turnover time of Si is 1.5 104 years (Tréguer et al.
2013). The total net inputs and outputs of silica in the ocean are 9.4 4.7 and
9.9 7.3 Tmol Si yr1, respectively (Tréguer et al. 2013).
Biogenic silica production in the photic zone (surface layer of the ocean that
receives sunlight) is estimated to be 240 40 Tmol Si yr1 (Tréguer et al. 2013).
Dissolution in the surface removes roughly 135 Tmol Si yr1, while the remaining Si
is exported to the deep ocean within sinking particles (Conley 2002). In the deep
ocean, another 26.2 Tmol Si yr1 is dissolved before being deposited to the
416 P. B. Nagabovanalli et al.
sediments as opal rain (Conley 2002). Over 90% of the silica here is dissolved,
recycled, and eventually upwelled for use again in the euphotic zone (layer closer to
the surface which receives sufficient light for photosynthesis to occur) (Conley
16.5.1 Sources
The major sources of marine silica include rivers, groundwater flux, seafloor
weathering inputs, hydrothermal vents, and atmospheric deposition (aeolian flux)
(Gaillardet et al. 1999a). Rivers are by far the largest source of silica to the marine
environment, accounting for up to 90% of all the silica delivered to the ocean
(Gaillardet et al. 1999a; Tréguer et al. 2013; Huebner 1982). A source of silica to
the marine biological silica cycle is silica that has been recycled by upwelling from
the deep ocean and seafloor.
16.5.2 Sinks
Deep seafloor deposition is the largest long-term sink of the marine silica cycle
(6.3 3.6 Tmol Si year1), and is roughly balanced by the sources of silica to the
ocean (Gaillardet et al. 1999a). The silica deposited in the deep ocean is primarily in
the form of siliceous ooze, which is eventually subducted (a geologic process in
which one edge of one crustal plate is forced below the edge of another) under the
crust and metamorphosed in the upper mantle (Gaillardet et al. 1999b). Under the
mantle, silicate minerals are formed in oozes and eventually uplifted to the surface.
At the surface, silica can enter the cycle again through weathering which can take
tens of millions of years (Gaillardet et al. 1999b). The only other major sink of silica
in the ocean is burial along continental margins (3.6 3.7 Tmol Si year1), primar-
ily in the form of siliceous sponges (Gaillardet et al. 1999a). Due to the high degrees
of uncertainty in source and sink estimations, it is difficult to conclude if the marine
silica cycle is in equilibrium. The residence time of silica in the oceans is estimated
to be about 10,000 years (Gaillardet et al. 1999a). Silica can also be removed from
the cycle by becoming chert (quartz without clay) and being permanently buried.
Bennett et al. (1988) revealed that the organic acids such as citric, oxalic, pyruvic,
and humic acids produced by fungi or bacteria can dissolve the quartz in slower
rates; however, acetate, fumarate, and tartrate were ineffective in dissolving silica as
a complex. Numerous investigations also indicated that almost dilute solutions of
oxalic, citric, and acetic acid can enhance silicate dissolution by up to one order of
magnitude (Canfield et al. 2005). Nevertheless, the rates of dissolution in solutions
containing organic acids may be up to 10 times higher compared to the rates in
solutions containing inorganic acids at similar pH level (Welch and Ullman 1993).
An experiment conducted by Welch and Ullman (1993) on weathering of three
different Ca-Na feldspar by acids produced by different microorganisms revealed
that oxalate, citrate, succinate, pyruvate, and 2-ketoglutrate were the most effective,
whereas acetate and propionate were less effective. They further indicated that all
organic acids were more effective than the inorganic acids like hydrochloric acid and
nitric acid. Moreover, solubilization of silica from amphibolite, biotite, and ortho-
clase by citric and oxalic acids produced by numerous fungi and yeasts at the
expense of glucose has been revealed by Eckhardt (1980) and Barker et al. (1997).
Few studies have also reported the release of Si from plagioclase and nepheline by
acid produced by Penicillium notatum and Pseudomonas sp. (Aristovskaya and
Kutuzova 1968; Kutuzova 1969).
Alkaline environments are very comfortable zone for mobilizing silica from
silicates, aluminosilicates or even quartz (Karavaiko et al. 1984). This is ascribed
to the substantial lability of the Al-O and Si-O-Si bonds under alkaline conditions
due to their susceptibility to nucleophilic attack (Karavaiko et al. 1984). Maurice
et al. (2001) reported that Pseudomonas mendocina was able to enhance mobiliza-
tion of Al, Si, and Fe impurities from kaolinite in a succinate-mineral salt medium
where the pH rose from 7.7 to 9.2 in 4 days of growth under aerobic condition.
polymers, microbes can also influence weathering of silicates (Canfield et al. 2005).
These polysaccharides are capable enough to react with Si-O-Si (siloxanes) bonds to
form organic siloxanes. It may either derive from bacteria (Avakyan et al. 1986) or
fungi (Holzapfel and Engel 1954). Due to the presence of water in the mucoid
polymers, they increase the contact time between water and the mineral surface
(Canfield et al. 2005). High-molecular-weight polysaccharides formed by microbes
may increase the extent of silica dissolution by complexing with ions in soil solution
and thus lower the solution saturation state (Canfield et al. 2005).
Several studies demonstrated the effect of silicate solubilizing bacteria (SSB) on the
nutrient uptake from the soil, their positive influence on photosynthesis, and the
growth of some crops (Han and Lee 2005; Han et al. 2006; Tripti et al. 2017). Few
studies also indicated that SSB can be used as a biofertilizer and found to enhance
the growth, suppress pest and diseases, and increase the yield (Kannan 1996;
Kannan and Raj 1998). Ciobanu (1961) reported that Azotobacterin and
Silicabacterin when applied simultaneously increased the yields of raw cotton by
34–50%. The beneficial effects of SSB on lucerne and maize were also shown by
Vinticova (1964). Inoculation of SSB to sterile and unsterile soil solubilized silica in
water reflected the improvement in the available silica in soils (Tables 16.2 and 16.3)
(Kannan 1996).
Moreover, field trials conducted with SSB showed that this bacterium enhanced
the number of grains per panicle, thousand grain weight, fully filled grains, biomass
and grain yield in rice (Table 16.4) (Kannan 1996). Peera et al. (2016) studied the
effect of silicon (Si) on yield and uptake of rice (var. BPT 5204) based on graded
levels of Fly Ash (FA), SSB and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) at fixed fertilizer
schedule. The highest mean grain yield was recorded by the addition of SSB + FYM
(3622 kg ha1) followed by FYM (3530 kg ha1) and SSB (3310 kg ha1). Further,
Peera et al. (2016) reported that combined application of SSB + FYM recorded the
lowest leaf openness in rice followed by FYM and SSB. Brindavathy et al. (2012)
revealed that the application of silicon mobilizing bacteria (Bacillus edaphyticus)
16 Status of Silicon in Ecosystem, Silicon Solubilization by Rhizospheric. . . 421
Table 16.2 Available silica (mg L1) in water from different soils inoculated with silicate
solubilizing bacteria
Red soil Clay soil Sand
Sl No Treatment 0 4 0 4 0 4
1 Sterile soil 203 210 119 215 173 176
2 Sterile soil + SSB 302 321 278 326 258 330
3 Unsterile soil 287 291 152 225 230 258
4 Unsterile soil + SSB 327 363 184 328 248 306
0: Initial; 4: after 4 weeks; SSB—silicate solubilizing bacteria
Table 16.3 Release of available silica (mg kg1) in different soils inoculated with silicate
solubilizing bacteria
Red soil Clay soil Sand
Sl No Treatment 0 4 0 4 0 4
1 Sterile soil 105 106 73 75 430 430
2 Sterile soil + SSB 105 135 73 105 430 494
3 Unsterile soil 105 110 73 105 430 453
4 Unsterile soil + SSB 105 145 73 129 430 496
0: Initial; 4: after 4 weeks; SSB—silicate solubilizing bacteria
Table 16.4 Influence of silicate solubilizing bacteria inoculation on the yield parameters in rice
No of grains 1000 grain Fully filled Biomass Grain yield
Treatment per panicle weight (g) grains (%) (Mg ha1) (kg ha1)
Control 54 22.14 76.7 10.24 3400
SSB 62 22.84 78.1 11.27 3800
SSB—silicate solubilizing bacteria
Kang et al. (2017) reported that the isolate Burkholderia eburnea CS4-2 has the
capacity to produce indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) under alkaline conditions, solubilize
silicate, and encourage crop growth in rice. Lee et al. (2019) reported the inherent
ability of the strain Enterobacter ludwigii GAK2 to solubilize silicate that produces
organic acids, IAA, and gibberellic acid (GA). This study further revealed that
isolate GAK2 increased root length, shoot length, fresh biomass, and chlorophyll
content of rice plants and consequently might be considered as an efficient
inoculants for plants as a Si biofertilizer. Chandrakala et al. (2019) characterized a
silicate solubilizing bacterial isolate IIRR-1 from rhizosphere soil of rice and
revealed that the isolate successfully colonized rice seedling roots and improved
seedling vigor by 29.18% as compared to uninoculated control.
16.9 Conclusion
Living organisms might have impacted Si in earth much longer than was previously
thought, and hence there is necessity to understand the length of time involved. The
researchers need to analyze fossilized spicules in order to know how much Si was
dissolved in the oceans and other water bodies at different times. The need of the
hour is to elucidate mechanism for Si solubilization through organic acid profiling
and its correlation with other enzymes in soil. There is necessity to isolate and
identify group of soil microorganisms which has the potential to be employed as a
plant beneficial for accelerating the weathering process and increasing silicon
availability in the rhizosphere.
Acknowledgements The first author would like to profusely thank Dr. Sushil K. Sharma, Princi-
pal Scientist (Agricultural Microbiology), ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important
Microorganisms, Mau Nath Bhanjan, Uttar Pradesh, India for the invitation to contribute this
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17.1 Introduction
The genus “Eleusine” is derived from the Greek goddess of cereals, “Eleusine,”
whereas the universal name finger millet designates “fingerlike” panicle branching.
Intrinsically, it might be one of the earliest aboriginal cultivated African tropical
cereals. It is very productive crop that can flourish under various severe environ-
mental conditions. Marginal farmers in underdeveloped and developing countries
grow finger millet without any chemical input; therefore, this crop in such conditions
is also organic by default. This crop can be cultivated under low or poor fertility soils
and therefore is not reliant on application of chemical fertilizers, henceforth, is an
advantage for the huge arid and semiarid regions all over the globe (Gull et al. 2014).
Finger millet, scientifically named as Eleusine coracana and commonly known as
“Ragi,” is one of the most important cereal crops of the tropical and semiarid regions.
Finger millet is an important, but underutilized crop in semiarid and tropical regions
of the globe owing to its better pests and diseases resistance, great adaptation to
varied environmental range. It also has good production yield, able to tolerate
substantial salinity level, compared to other crops, the growing season is short. It
is waterlogging resistant and tolerates drought. During growth period, it requires
little input and with ever increasing planet population and lessening water sources,
therefore, is a significant crop for future human consumption (Taylor and
Emmambux 2008; Gupta et al. 2017).
In India, the Karnataka state is leading in finger millet production and accounts
for up to 58% of its worldwide production; however, only very few Indian are aware
about its nutritional importance and health benefits. In the context of climate
unpredictability, the crop has become very important and is providing nutritional
as well as fodder security and can be helpful in addressing the issue of nutrition
deficiency and contribute toward sustainable food security. There are enormous
possibilities to process finger millet grains into value-added products and beverages
in underdeveloped and developing nations. Moreover, finger millet is suggested for
abdominal (stomach) patients, since it does not contain gluten.
Rhizosphere, the biologically active and productive region of soil adjoining the
plant root, is the region for finger millet plant-microbe interaction. The
microorganisms interact in a variety of ways and it could be as follows: pathogenic
(negative), symbiotic (positive), or neutral. Microorganisms associated with finger
millet rhizosphere have been studied for their beneficial impact upon the finger millet
plant growth, nutrient uptake, also as bio-controlling agent and for stress mitigation
(Singh et al. 2004; Bakker et al. 2013).
To comprehend the dynamics within rhizospheric region and the effect on finger
millet plant traits by action of associated microbes, one should study the
accompanying microbiome. In this chapter, we have discussed the nutraceutical
facets, beneficial aspects of bacteria and fungi on finger millet plant growth, nutrients
acquisition, and stress mitigation.
17 Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 433
Table 17.1 Composition and concentration of finger millet grain nutritional compounds
Essential essential
amino acids amino acids
Minerals and trace (g/100 g (g/100 g
elements (mg/100g) Vitamins (mg/100g) Proximate composition (per 100g) Phenolic compounds protein) protein)
Calcium 350 Thiamine 0.42 Protein (g) 7.7 Total phenol (mg/100g) 102 Phe 6.2 Asp 7.9
Phosphorus 283 Riboflavin 0.19 Fat (g) 1.5 Protocatechuic acid 23.1 His 2.36 Glu 27.1
(mg) (μg/mg)
Potassium 408 Niacin (mg) 1.10 Crude fiber (g) 3.6 Gentisic (μg/mg) 61.5 Ile 5.1 Ala 8.0
Sodium 11 Vitamin E 22.0 Carbohydrate (g) 72.6 P- Hydroxy benzoic 8.9 Leu 13.5 Arg 5.2
(mg) acid (μg/mg)
Magnesium 137 Total folic 18.3 Energy (Kcal) 336 Vanillic (μg/mg) 15.2 Lys 3.7 Cys 1.6
acid (μg)
Iron 3.9 Total dietary fiber (% of 19.1 Caffeic (μg/mg) 16.6 Met 2.6 Gly 4.8
crude fiber)
Manganese 5.94 Syringic (μg/mg) 7.7 Thr 5.1 Pro 6.7
Molybdenum 0.102 Coumaric (μg/mg) 56.9 Val 7.9 Ser 6.9
Zinc 2.3 Ferulic (μg/mg) 387.0 Tyr 3.6
Cinnamic (μg/mg) 35.1 Trp 1.3
Source: Sood et al. (2019), Gopalan et al. (1989), Chandra et al. (2016), and McDonough et al. (2000)
R. Choudhary et al.
• Tryptophan
• Fibers (Lowers appetite)
• Calcium
• Prolamins, (Strengthening
globulins, bones)
albumins CBPs
• Phenolic compounds • Iron
Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 435
Fig. 17.1 Nutraceutical aspects of finger millet (Source: Chandra et al. (2016); Devi et al. (2014) and Kumar et al. (2016a, 2016b))
436 R. Choudhary et al.
et al. 2017; Kamal et al. 2015; Ahanger et al. 2014). Fungal species belonging to the
genus Glomus has drought tolerant abilities, and they also promote plant growth,
nutrient accumulation, gaseous exchange, transpiration conductance under water
stress conditions (Kamal et al. 2015). In the rhizospheric zone, rhizobacteria and
AM fungi interact with each other synergistically and this association enhances the
beneficial attributes of PGPR for plants (Bianciotto et al. 2009).
Soil structure and composition also plays a major role in the diversity of
rhizospheric microflora such as endospore forming, aerobic bacteria belonging to
Bacillus species which are abundantly found in high altitude regions. The
rhizospheric zone of Eleusinecoracana harbors high abundance of Bacillus and
Paenibacillus spp. A number of bacterial species belonging to genera Pseudomonas,
Serratia, Stenotrophomonas, and Streptomyces, and fungal genera Ampelomyces,
Coniothyrium, and Trichoderma are also well associated with the finger millet plant,
and they are involved in plant growth promotion, nutrient uptake, and hormone
stimulation (Dheeman et al. 2017).
Bacteria have the capability to regulate the growth of other organisms, and this
property is observed in the soil ecosystem and can be used for crop protection and
enhanced crop production. Free living, aerobic, endospore forming rhizobacteria
have the potential to be used in sustainable and intensive agriculture (Dheeman et al.
(2019). The biocontrol activity is due to the enzyme chitinase produced by Pseudo-
monas fluorescens which deforms the cell wall of Ragi blast fungus
Pyricularia grisea resulting in killing of the pathogen (Radjacommare et al. 2004).
Plant hormones IAA, ethylene, cytokinins, and gibberellins produced by plant-
associated microbes play significant role in modulating the plant growth and devel-
opment under normal and stress conditions. Microorganisms which produce these
beneficial hormones have the potential to protect plants against biotic and abiotic
stresses (Berg 2009).
The inappropriate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is an environmental
hazard and need to be replaced by safe substitute for use in sustainable agriculture
(Leach and Mumford 2008). Effective, competent, and proficient microbes can be
the safe substitute of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Figure 17.2 shows the
diverse role of microbes toward finger millet plant growth promotion as well as
about stress extenuation.
Enhanced plant growth
• Nitrogen fixaton
• Phytohormone production
Root hair • Phosphate solubilization
• Stress resistance
Rhizoplane • Resistance to
Rhizosphere • Nutrient uptake
• Increased plant yield
Root exudate
• Biocontrol
Root cap
Fig. 17.2 Microbial role in finger millet rhizosphere for regulating growth
Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 437
438 R. Choudhary et al.
• Phoduction of PGPR • ACC deaminase
IAA,cytokinin, activity
gibberellin • Low erhylene level
• Phoduction of Insoluble/organic phosphate ISR responses • Antioxidant
abscisic acid enzymes
• Phoduction of • Proline and
Solubilized phosphate Prevention of plant diseases
etylene quaternary amine
Fig. 17.3 Direct and indirect mechanisms of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in finger millet plant
Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 439
440 R. Choudhary et al.
It has been reported that efficacy of PGPRs with respect to finger millet plant
development and growth relies upon the distribution, diversity, and population
dynamics in different areas. Members of Bacillus genus and their significance in
finger millet sustainable production have been studied and documented by many
researchers. Moreover, their eco-friendly biocontrol potential has considerably
increased over the past several years (Kumar et al. 2011; Agarwal et al. 2017).
Autochthonous and allochthonous properties and chemotactic colonizing properties
of Bacillus sp. associated with finger millet rhizosphere have been studied. Based on
the BS (Bonitur Scale) and VSD (Venn Set Diagram), two efficacious Bacillus
sp. strains, viz. Bacillus pumilus MSTA8 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
MSTD26, were isolated from rhizospheric soil. The application of these isolates
showed increased seed yield up to 37.87% and 16.45 harvest index (HI) in field and
laboratory trials (Dheeman et al. 2019). Bacillus spp. association has significant
impact on the productivity of finger millet crop. Inoculation of bacteria to finger
millet resulted in stress tolerance, secretion of extra cellular enzymes, signal
molecules, phosphate solubilization, siderophore production etc. (Dheeman et al.
2017). The Bacillus isolates inhibited Sclerotium rolfsii in finger millet crop by
secreting extra cellular enzyme chitinase and β-1, 4- glucanase which degraded the
cell wall of the causative fungus. Both the isolates possessed excellent plant growth-
promoting attributes and also produced secondary metabolites which were helpful in
crop protection and production (Dheeman et al. 2019). In another study, Singh and
Goel (2015) reported that Chryseobacterium sp. PSR 10 inoculation resulted in
enhanced plant growth, chlorophyll content, nitrate reductase in Eleusine coracana
(VLM-149), and solubilized phosphate under pot experiment. The PSB (phosphate
solubilizing bacteria) can also promote the growth of finger millet by providing more
phosphate to the plant, therefore, the PSB could be an imperative approach in finger
millet for enhancement of growth and yield. PGPR not only provides disease
resistance to the host plant, but also their association is capable of reducing the
effect of abiotic stress (Fig. 17.4). Chandra et al. (2018a) evaluated the efficacy of
ACC deaminase (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid) producing drought-
resistance bacteria (three isolates) on finger millet plant under stressed and
non-stressed conditions. These potential isolates possessed gene (structural gene
for enzyme ACC deaminase) and were able to reduce the plant stress hormone
ethylene level. These isolates were identified as Pseudonomas spp. Along with stress
mitigating property, inoculated bacterial strains improved plant growth and
nutritional content in leaves of finger millet as compared to control plant under
stressed and non-stressed conditions. During pot trials, bacterial isolates also
improved the antioxidant activity that protected plant from drought induced oxida-
tive impairment. According to the authors, they were the first to report the drought
tolerance effect of ACC deaminase producing bacteria on Eleusine coracana.
Reports on drought tolerance bacteria and their positive impact on host plants in
managing drought (other than finger millet) have also been documented in many
studies (Ahmad et al. 2011; Kumar et al. 2016a, 2016b).
ACC producing PGPB strains are to benefit the plant either as single inoculator in
consortia. Several drought tolerant rhizobacteria (Variovorax sp., Achromobacter
Increased evapotranspiration,
Redox modification / acidification
DROUGHT reduced germination, cell division
and photosynthesis rate
Lowering soil pH and increasing
metal sequestration Nutrient imbalance, disturbed
SALINITY ion homeostasis, membrane
Inducing morphological changes in cell
structure and expression of heat shock water deficiency, elevated
proteins HEAT evaporation and deactivation of
photosynthetic enzymes
Fig. 17.4 Schematic representation of abiotic stress effect upon Eleusine coracana and its mitigation through plant growth-promoting microorganisms
Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 441
442 R. Choudhary et al.
Fungi and plants symbiotic association has been known for years. Finger millet’s
rhizosphere has many diverse functional fungi (mycorrhizae), and their biotic
interaction under the soil plays a crucial role in the agricultural productivity.
Increased root
PGPR Rhizospheric
Finger millet plant surface area
Cu Zn Mn
Mn Zn Cu
a Fe b
Fig. 17.5 Application of PGPM increases rhizospheric surface area and enhanced nutrient uptake. (A) Plant root without PGPM, unable to uptake nutrient, (B)
PGPM (rhizobacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi, and plant growth-promoting fungi) application and mycorrhizal network helps in enhanced root surface
area and improved nutrient uptake
Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 443
444 R. Choudhary et al.
Table 17.2 Plant growth-promoting bacteria, their mechanism and effect on finger millet plant
Bacterial species Mechanism Effect on plant References
Pseudomonas sp. Production of antimicrobial 1. Blast Sekar et al.
secondary metabolites and disease (2018); Ali
hydrolytic enzymes management, et al.
Biosynthesis of high growth (2009)
molecular weight protein promotion
molecules 2. Drought
stress tolerance
Bacillus sp. Nitrogen fixation, formation Yield Dheeman
of stress resistant endospores, improvement, et al.
secretion of extracellular foot rot disease (2019)
Chryseobacterium sp. Phosphate solubilization Increased plant Singh and
growth Goel
Azospirillum brasilense Reduced activity of nitrate Salt tolerance Rai
reductase and nitrogenase, (1991);
increased uptake of K and Ca Hamdia
ions et al.
Streptomyces cinnamomeous P solubilization and Improved P Krishna
mineralization content and et al.
plant growth (1982)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) is one of the contributing agents, which assist
the plant in nutrient uptake, promotes growth, and also helps in phosphorus mobili-
zation (Miyasaka et al. 2003; Srivastava et al. 2014). The omnipresent nature of
AMF and extra radial mycelium abundance in the soil is helpful in nutrient transport
even in harsh environment (i.e., low rainfall, drought). Srivastava et al. (2014)
isolated Glomus intraradices and Glomus etunicatum from the rhizosphere of
Eleusine coracana and examined their effect (root and shoot dry weight, mycorrhi-
zal infection, and phosphorus proportion) upon nine genotypes of finger millet. Both
species significantly promoted plant growth and nutrient uptake, and all the exam-
ined parameters ranged higher in AMF inoculated plants than non-inoculated plants
except two cultivars (named as 11 and 21). Glomus intraradices inoculation resulted
in higher shoot dry weight and shoot P content in all finger millet genotypes as
compared to G. etunicatum, although both the strains showed improved phosphorus
content. Arbuscular mycorrhizae application has also been reported to be beneficial
to crops in nutrient and water uptake under abiotic stress conditions. During water
stress condition, plant undergoes varied physiological changes (i.e., reduced chloro-
phyll content, low accumulation of secondary metabolites, oxidative damage of
biomolecules, and elevated level of ROS). Rhizophagus intraradices was found to
mitigate drought stress and induced tolerance when inoculated in finger millet
seedlings. Under severe drought stress, R. intraradices colonization with finger
millet rhizosphere led to significantly increased plant growth (7%), P and
17 Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 445
chlorophyll amount (29%), higher amount of proline, soluble sugar, flavonoid (16 %
in roots), phenol content in leaves, 25% elevated level of ascorbate in leaves,
reduced lipid peroxidation, and higher level of glutathione (GSH 182%) as com-
pared to non-mycorrhizal control plants (Tyagi et al. 2018).
Common mycorrhizal network (CMN) formed by AM fungi and their root
colonization in Eleusine coracana and Pigeon pea showed interconnecting associa-
tion. During an experiment under water stress, AMF transferred the water from water
logged pigeon pea to water restricted finger millet roots (Singh et al. 2019; Saharan
et al. 2018).
In another report, Glomus mosseae found in the rhizospheric zone of finger millet
proved to facilitate acquisition of nutrients, P, N, and water, which resulted in
healthy growth of the host plant (Ramakrishnan and Bhuvaneswari 2014).
In another study, the varied effects of different VAM fungi (vesicular arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi) on plant growth parameters of five finger millet genotypes were
investigated. Inoculation of Glomus caledonicum resulted in highest response on
finger millet genotype HR-374. This genotype showed enhanced P, N, Zn, and Cu
content in shoots, highest plant biomass, and mycorrhizal root colonization (Tewari
et al. 1993). Table 17.3 exemplifies the AMF species mechanism and effect on plant
growth aspects.
Table 17.3 Mechanism of AMF and their effect on finger millet plant
Fungal species Mechanism Effect on plant References
Glomus intraradices Hormone Plant growth, nutrition Srivastava
production, P uptake, higher shoot et al. (2014)
solubilization growth and shoot P
Glomus etunicatum Production of Plant growth, nutrition Srivastava
antifungal uptake, elevated et al. (2014)
metabolites, cellular phosphorus content
deformations in
fungal hyphae
Rhizophagus intraradices Minerals uptake and Increased plant growth, Tyagi et al.
transportation, P and chlorophyll (2018)
stress mitigation amount, higher amount
of proline, soluble sugar,
flavonoid, phenol
content in leaves, higher
elevated level of
ascorbate in leaves,
reduced lipid
peroxidation, and higher
level of glutathione
Glomus mosseae Nutrients P, N, water, and nutrients Ramakrishnan
mobilization acquisition and
Glomus caledonicum Nutrients Enhanced P, N, Zn, and Tewari et al.
mobilization Cu content in shoots, (1993)
more plant biomass and
mycorrhizal root
Glomus fasciculatus Phosphate Enhanced phosphorus Krishna et al.
solubilization and content and plant growth (1982)
and irrigated conditions. Among all the consortia, combination of S. labedae (SB-9)
with Glomus intraradices and P. poae KA-5 with Glomus intraradices significantly
enhanced higher plant height. Association of P. poae with P. fluorescens,
G. intraradices, and S.labedae with Streptomyces flavofuscus, G. intraradices
resulted in better performance under water stressed and normal conditions. All the
strains produced higher level of secondary metabolites. Glomus intraradices and
P. poae KA-5 consortium inoculation also resulted in higher content of antioxidants,
superoxide dismutase, and accumulation of proline in the leaves of finger millet
under water stressed environment.
The combined interaction of AMF (G. mosseae) and bacteria (A. chroococcum)
promoted plant growth via many mechanisms including nitrogen and phosphorus
mobilization in low fertility soils. Chandana and Venkataramana (2019) first
reported the interaction and synergy of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria
A. chroococcum and AMF G. mosseae on in finger millet crop. Azotobacter assists
17 Diversity and Function of Microbes Associated with Rhizosphere of Finger Millet. . . 447
Table 17.4 Effect of AMF, phosphate solubilizing bacteria on finger millet plant
Treatment Effect on plant (Eleusinecoracana)
AMF P solubilization and mobilization
AMF + Azospirillium brasilense Higher P acquisition, increased plant growth attributes,
spore number
AMF + Bacillus polymyxa Increased P uptake capacity of plant
AMF + Azospirillium brasilense Increased plant growth attributes, root colonization rate,
+ Bacillus polymyxa spore number, higher N and P content and uptake in roots
and shoots
17.5 Conclusion
Various types of abiotic and biotic stresses affect the finger millet plant survivability,
growth attributes, and productivity. By expressing stress tolerant proteins, the crop
can sustain various stress conditions by modulating the biological and physiological
features. An alternate solution of stresses challenge in finger millet plants is to use
potent microbial approaches. This approach will certainly prove advantageous in
refining the present research scenario of finger millet. The employment of nutrient
mobilizing, stress tolerating consortium of plant growth-promoting microbes may be
applied to boost plant growth under abiotic and biotic stress condition. These
beneficial microbiome will stimulate finger millet plant growth by modulating
phyto-hormones, improving nutrition uptake, producing metal chelating
siderophore, and improving the antioxidant system. Induction of acquired systemic
resistance and induced systemic resistance during diverse stresses could also be
another approach by microbes. On the other hand, application of AM fungi might
play a role in enhancing the water and nutrients supply under stressful conditions.
Therefore, application of competent microbes has huge potential to resolve future
food security issues and also helps in maintaining the soil health. Finally, identifica-
tion and characterization of molecular mechanisms responsible for various finger
millet plant-microbe-interactions is significant to exploit these beneficial microbes in
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Diversity and Community Structure
of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi 18
in the Rhizosphere of Salt-Affected Soils
Soil salinity is one of the major problems in agricultural production. Since saline
soil occupies more than 7% of the total land surface, it is expected to increase in
next few years due to the many environmental factors and anthropogenic
activities. Plant itself develops many adaptation mechanisms to overcome soil
salinity stress. Among many adaptation mechanisms exhibited by plants,
establishing symbiotic association with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF)
is economically more beneficial to the plants. AMF mitigate plant salinity stress,
and it has many adaptation mechanisms to survive under stress conditions. AMF
species belongs to the order Glomerales was documented to be dominated in the
salt-affected soil. Species of Glomerales order was reported to survive in various
environmental stress conditions. Glomerales diversity was found higher in salt-
affected soils compared to other three orders namely Diversisporales,
Archaeosporales, and Paraglomerales. Use of autochthonous (native), habitat
R. Krishnamoorthy (*)
Department of Crop Management, Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu,
Department of Environmental and Biological Chemistry, Chungbuk National University,
Cheongju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea
R. Anandham
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu, India
M. Senthilkumar
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Eachangkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
T. Sa
Department of Environmental and Biological Chemistry, Chungbuk National University,
Cheongju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea
adopted (salt stress tolerant) AMF species may be selected to establish symbiotic
association with plants to improve growth and yield of plants in salt-affected soils.
18.1 Introduction
Soil salinity is one of the important abiotic stresses which play a significant role in
reducing plant growth and agricultural production worldwide. Out of 1.5 billion ha
of arable land in the world, 77 million ha are declared as unsuitable for plant growth
because of the soil salinity (Miransari 2016). Presences of salt in soil affect plant
physiological conditions due to higher accumulation of sodium and chloride ion in
plants. Effects of soil salt on plant growth are explained by many authors (Horneck
et al. 2007; Evelin et al. 2009; Ding et al. 2010). Plant adopts many mechanisms to
alleviate salt stress; among the mechanisms adopted by plants, establishing symbi-
otic relationship with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is considered as one of
the effective mechanisms.
AMF are obligate symbiont which has the association with more than 80% of the
terrestrial plants. AMF adopt different mechanisms to help the plant to overcome salt
stress (Evelin et al. 2009). Even though AMF alleviate salt stress in plant, high
salinity is found harmful to AMF fitness, spore germination, and community struc-
ture. Soil salinity is one of the important abiotic factors which shapes soil AMF
community structure. AMF naturally occur in salt-affected soil might have devel-
oped adaptation mechanisms to overcome salt stress and perform better under salt-
affected soils. This chapter provides an overall view on AMF and how it mitigates
salinity stress in plants? What is the impact of salt on AMF colonization and
community structure?
In Greek, the term mycorrhiza means fungus root (mykes ¼ fungus, rhiza ¼ root),
which was first coined by A.B. Frank in the year 1885. Based on the fugal associa-
tion and structures, mycorrhizal is grouped into seven types viz., ectomycorrhiza,
endomycorrhiza, monotropoid, ericoid, arbutoid, orchid, and arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi (AMF). Among these seven types of mycorrhiza, ectomycorrhiza and
endomycorrhiza (AMF) are more abundant and studied extensively (Allen et al.
2003). AMF are obligate symbiotic fungi which establish a relationship with plant
roots of more than 80% of the terrestrial plant species (Smith and Read 1997). In
earlier times, these endomycorrhizae are called as vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal
(VAM) which was changed to AMF because of the members of this group do not
form vesicles (storage organ of mycorrhiza). AMF spores are called
18 Diversity and Community Structure of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the. . . 455
Fig. 18.1 Signaling, colonization, and nutrient uptake by AMF, (a), (b), (c), and (d) illustrate
stages of AMF colonization and nutrient transport
strigolactones, which trigger AMF spore germination, with response to plant signal-
ing molecules AMF produces the myc factor (lipochito-oligosaccharides) that helps
in the communication and successful establishment of the symbiotic relationship
(Akiyama et al. 2005; Maillet et al. 2011). In line with this, plant activates the
common symbiosis signaling pathway (CSSP) to accommodate the fungi in plant
roots and leads to calcium spiking in the roots. AMF attached to the roots surface by
the structure called hyphopodium, followed by formation of pre-penetration appara-
tus (PPA) occurs in the epidermal cells and leads to the cortical cells (Oldroyd 2013).
PPA helps in the formation of inter, intracellular hypha and arbuscules in the cortical
cells. Arbuscules are the site of nutrient exchange between plant and fungi
(Fig. 18.2). Arbuscules are finger like structure, based on the formation it grouped
into Arum and Paris. In Arum type, the hyphae and arbuscules grow along the
longitudinal intercellular air channels between the walls of the root cells, whereas in
paris type, arbuscules are formed in the intracellular spaces of the plant roots (van
Aarle et al. 2005). Vesicles are developed to accumulate the excess nutrients
absorbed by the fungal hypha (Fig. 18.2). Vesicles are formed by the hyphal
swelling, and these are formed in inter- or intracellular spaces of the plant cells.
AMF plays a key functional role in crop production and ecosystem sustainability.
These fungi colonize the plant roots and extend the hyphae beyond rhizosphere soil,
and the extended region is called as mycorrhizosphere (Fig. 18.2). Compared to
rhizosphere region, mycorrhizosphere region has more microbial activities.
Mycorrhizosphere helps in enhancing plant nutrient absorption, water retention
efficiency (Bedini et al. 2009), bio-control ability, improved secondary metabolite
synthesis, tolerance to abiotic stress, degradation of environmental pollutants
(Gamalero et al. 2009), and phosphate uptake. The beneficial role of AMF on soil
health is highly important for sustainable agriculture (Barrios 2007).
18 Diversity and Community Structure of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the. . . 457
Soil salinity is defined as the concentration of water dissolvable salts extracted from
soil (Richards 1954). The water extractable salt contains cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+,
and K+) and anions (Cl, SO42+, HCO3, CO32 and NO3) (Tanji 2002). Electrical
conductivity of the soil saturation extract was mostly used to quantify the salinity
(ECse). ECse is reported as milliSiemens/cm (mS/cm) or deciSiemens/m (dS/m,
equivalent to mmhos/cm). Soil salinity affects the plant in three ways one is creating
ionic imbalance in the cells because of the shortage of essential nutrients (N, P, K)
compared to salt ions. Second is drought stress, and third is ion toxicity (Evelin et al.
2009). Salinity also increases the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in
plant, which causes the oxidative damage in cells (Ding et al. 2010). These processes
ultimately affect the photosynthesis, osmotic potential of the cell, growth, and
protein synthesis. Naturally, plants have developed the intrinsic mechanisms like
production of ROS scavenging enzymes, increase aquaporin channels, and ion
homeostasis (Munns 2005).
United States department of agriculture classified the soil based on the soil ECse
as mentioned in Table 18.1 along with the plant response to each salt class. Salt
tolerant plants can be grouped into two types one is excluders and another is
includers. Excluders prevent excessive uptake of salt ions, while includers take up
more salt ions and store outside the cytosol (Munns 2002). Mechanical removal
(Horneck et al. 2007) of salt from soil or development of salt tolerant crops
(Wei-Feng et al. 2008) is economically not feasible, whereas use of microorganisms
like arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may improve plant establishment and growth
under salt stress in economically feasible manner.
Krishnamoorthy et al. 2016; Ma et al. 2019). Even though AMF enhancing plant
establishment and growth in salt-affected soil, their diversity and community
changes with different level of salt are still not well explained. Our group has done
a detailed survey of AMF root colonization and the community change of AMF
specie with respect to the soil salinity in one of the largest reclamation site named
Saemangeum which is located in South Korea (Krishnamoorthy et al. 2014).
Saemangeum is one of the reclamation sites which added 283 km2 of land and
118 km2 of lake to South Korea’s total geographical area. This reclamation site was
made by constructing a sea dike on the estuary of yellow sea for 33.9 km long, and
water was evacuated. The land areas were planned to use for multiple purposes like
agriculture, industry, tourism, global business, scientific research, new and renew-
able energy, ecological environment, and residential districts. Among these, higher
percentages of area are allotted for agricultural (30.3%). However, establishment of
crops in saemangeum reclaimed land is more challenging (Ryu et al. 2010). Soil in
this area has contained high amount of salt and low level of nutrients, which are not
suitable for crop cultivation (Yang et al. 2008).
AMF have the ability to enhance the plant capacity to overcome the salt stress by
improving nutrient absorption, maintaining ionic balance, protection of enzyme
activities, accumulation of osmolytes, and facilitating water uptake (Fig. 18.3).
Under salt stress plant face problem in acquiring sufficient amount of water, a
process in which aquaporins participate (Luu and Maurel 2005). Aquaporins are
water channels, which regulate passive movement of water from soil to plant cells. In
plants, aquaporins are divided into four groups like plasma membrane intrinsic
proteins (PIPs), tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIPs), noduline like intrinsic proteins
(NIPs), and small and basic intrinsic proteins (SIPs). Aroca et al. (2007) reported that
mycorrhizal inoculation increased aquaporin gene expression under salinity stress;
gene expression shows positive correlation with leaf relative water content. Soil
salinity significantly affects nutrient uptake especially phosphorus, because phos-
phate ion precipitate with Mg2+, Ca2+, and Zn2+. Salinity also interferes with
nitrogen uptake and utilization by interfering nitrogen metabolism. Higher Na+ in
soil leads to suppress the uptake of K+ ions, where Na+ competes with K+ for uptake
through common transport systems. AMF mitigate salinity stress by selective uptake
of nutrients from soil and prevent the toxic ion entering into the plants. AMF are
proved to have appositive influences on plant nutrient uptake under salt stress
(Sharifi et al. 2007). Hajiboland et al. (2010) demonstrated that inoculation of
Rhizophagus intraradices significantly increases N, P, and K uptake in tomato
under salt stress.
Proline, free amino acids, soluble proteins, and sugars are organic solutes, which
are involved in maintaining osmotic balance. Sheng et al. (2011) reported that
mycorrhizal inoculation increases the sugars, organic acid to overcome salt stress.
Similarly, the stress proline synthesis in leaves was decreased in mycorrhizal
18 Diversity and Community Structure of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the. . . 459
Fig. 18.3 Effect of soil salinity on plants and salt stress alleviating mechanisms of AMF
inoculated plants under high salinity. Soil salinity affects the chlorophyll content by
affecting the uptake of Mg ions, which is important in the synthesizing specific
enzyme responsible for chlorophyll synthesis. Chlorophyll content of the plants can
be increased by mycorrhizal inoculation (Kumar et al. 2010). Reactive oxygen
species like singlet oxygen, superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl
radical are produced during normal metabolism. Ding et al. (2010) reported that
salinity stress increases the production of ROS in the cell compared to cell under
normal metabolism. These ROS in cells are scavenged by superoxide dismutase
(SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APOX), glutathione reductase, gluta-
thione peroxidase, and some of the non-enzymatic compounds like carotenoids,
glutathione, tocopherols, and ascorbic acid also scavenge oxygen radicals. Mycor-
rhizal inoculation can increase SOD, CAT, and APOX in plants grown under high
salt level (Abdel Latef and Chaoxing 2011).
clear separation from the Zygomycota phylum and formed new phylum
Glomeromycota. Detailed information of the history of AMF classification and
phylogenic grouping is reviewed by Sturmer (2012). As it is first discovered,
AMF species are described based on the sporocarp, based on this first classification
was published by Gerdemann and Trappe (1974) with one order (Endogonales) and
four genera. Later Morton and Benny (1990) changed the order name to Glomerales
from Endogonales and included two more genera, which results in six genera under
the order Glomerales. New phylum of Glomeromycota was formed by Schuβler
et al. (2001) based on the available rDNA sequences of AMF. This new phylum
Glomeromycota consists of four order and nine genera. Few years later, Sieverding
and Oehl (2006) included two new genera (Kuklospora and Intraspora) in
Entrophosphora family. Schußler and Walker (2010) further updated the
Glomeromycota with 18 genera under 11 families in total. However, this classifica-
tion was not accepted by all due to the lack of live specimen availability for all
18 genera. AMF phylogeny is still updating based on the availability of the cultures
and their sequences. So far, 34 genera are accepted and are presented in Table 18.2.
18 Diversity and Community Structure of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the. . . 461
Guo and Gong (2014) reported that soil salinity affects the AMF root colonization in
a salinized south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay, China. Recently, Parihar et al. (2019)
showed the negative correlation between soil EC and AMF spore count in saline
alkaline soils of India. Another negative correlation between soil salinity and AMF
colonization in rice plant was recently reported by Parvin et al. (2019). Impact of soil
salinity on AMF root colonization and AMF species dominance was given in
Table 18.3. Our study conducted in Saemangeum reclaimed land also revealed the
AMF root colonization reduction with increasing soil salinity level of the native
plant species (Krishnamoorthy et al. 2014).
Two decades ago, spore morphology of AMF was used as an important tool to find
out the species name and diversity analysis. However, with the technology develop-
ment many novel techniques are implemented successfully in diversity analysis.
Among the molecular techniques, Terminal restriction fragment length
polymorphisms (T-RFLP), Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and
high-throughput sequencing are widely used in AMF diversity analysis.
Recently, Zhang et al. (2019) reported the community structure of the AMF in
Songnen Plain, which is the largest saline-sodic area in China with the help of high-
throughput sequencing techniques. Glomerales order was found to dominate in the
saline-sodic degraded grassland compared to other AMF orders. However, increas-
ing soil salinity concentration showed negative correlation to the AMF diversity
(Zhang et al. 2019).
In our study, we have used salt-affected Saemangeum reclaimed soil for AMF
diversity analysis using T-RFLP technique (Krishnamoorthy 2014). In this study,
soil samples were collected from different salinity level and grouped into five
different classes based on USDA classification (Table 18.1). Total DNA from soil
sample was isolated using Power soilTM DNA isolation kit (MO Bio Lab., Inc,
USA). And the isolated DNA was amplified with two rounds using different sets of
primers. In First round of PCR amplification, primer LR1/FLR2 was used, and for
second round, FLR3/FLR4 was used to amplify the large subunit (LSU) of AMF.
For easy detection of sequences in T-RFLP analysis, FLR3 and FLR4 primers were
fluorescently labeled at 5’ end with FAM and HEX, respectively. Sequence size of
Terminal Restriction Fragment (T-RF) was determined using ABI 3130 DNA
sequencer (Applied biosystem, USA) with ROX 500 (Applied biosystem) as a
standard. T-RF size of 40–400 bp only used to analyses AMF diversity.
FLR3/FLR4 primers used in our study were proved to amplify the LSU of
Glomus, Funneliformis, Acaulospora, Gigaspora, Entrophospora, and
Scutellospora. Number of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) obtained from
AluI and MboI digestion ranged from 11 to 96 and 5 to 31, respectively. Of the
T-RFs obtained from AluI digestion, 37% of the fragments were not observed in soils
Fig. 18.4 (a) Abundance of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) and AMF ribotype corresponds
to fragment size of Alu1 digestion. (i) Non, (ii) Slightly, (iii) Moderately, (iv) Very, (v) Extreme
saline. (b) Abundance of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) and AMF ribotype corresponds to
fragment size of Mbo1 digestion. (i) Non, (ii) Slightly, (iii) Moderately, (iv) Very, (v) Extreme
464 R. Krishnamoorthy et al.
with ECse more than 4. Interestingly, 21% and 4% of the fragments were found in
salt level ranges from <2 to 8 and <2 to 16 ECse, respectively. In addition to this,
12% of the unique fragments were observed in all salt classes, 10% of the fragments
observed in soils with ECse > 8, and remaining 26% of the fragments were
inconsistent. AMF richness was found to be high in moderately and slightly saline
conditions for AluI and MboI digestion. Species richness showed negative correla-
tion (r2 ¼ 0.1178, P ¼ 0.025) to soil salinity, in contrast to richness and diversity
indices which were not significantly different among salt classes.
Abundance of T-RF ranges from 40 to 400 bp is presented in Fig. 18.4, and
abundance pattern was found to change with respect to salt classes. Possible ribotype
of 50 T-RFs from AluI and MboI digestion was identified using MiCA (Fig. 18.4a,
b). Funneliformis constrictum (304 bp), Glomus sp. WUM3 (305 bp),
Funneliformis caledonium (307 bp and 308 bp) were found only under non saline,
slightly and moderately saline conditions. Interestingly, Funneliformis mosseae
(183 bp), Rhizophagus proliferus (152 bp), Glomus sp. MUCI43207 (182 bp), and
Funneliformis geosporum (187 bp) ribotypes are found in most of the salt classes
(at least four). Two species belong to the family Gigasporaceae [Scutellospora
sp. hr9 (125 bp); Gigaspora rosea (127 bp)] and one uncultured glomeromycete
(55 bp) were found only in soil samples with ECse more than 4. Abundance of
Scutellospora sp. hr9 and uncultured glomeromycete was increased as salt level
(ECse) increased above 4. In addition to this, MboI digestion revealed the presences
of Funneliformis coronatum (105 bp) only in high salt levels (>8 ECse) (Fig. 18.4b).
Interestingly, Rhizoglomus fasciculatum was found in the strongly saline alkaline
condition while Funneliformis mosseae was well distributed under slightly (22.99%)
to moderately saline alkaline condition (35.78%) of saline soil found in Varanasi,
India (Parihar et al. 2019).
T-RFLP-based community structure analysis revealed that ribotype pattern dif-
fered with respect to soil salinity level. Out of 100% ribotypes obtained, only 12%
were observed in all samples and these ribotypes might have an adaptation mecha-
nism to overcome salinity stress. But remaining 88% percent of the ribotypes vary
with respect to soil salinity. Ribotypes with lack of tolerance mechanism were only
present in low saline soil (ECse < 8) and disappeared in elevated salinity levels
(Fig. 18.4a, b). Particularly, F.caledonium was found to be dominated only in low
saline soil. This species might not have an adaptation mechanism to overcome high
soil salinity. Similarly, dominance of Funneliformis genus in rhizosphere soil of
black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plant grown in the salt-affected area of China
(Sheng et al. 2019). Contradict to this, dominance of F. caledonium in yellow river
delta was reported, where the soil salinity was 40 dS/m (Wang et al. 2004).
Ribotypes present in high salinity level might have developed a tolerance mecha-
nism to salt stress, and this could possibly suppress the sensitive ribotypes.
Verbruggen et al. (2012) showed that only tolerant AMF species could survive in
environmentally stress conditions by suppressing sensitive ones. Competition
between tolerant and sensitive ribotypes may lead to the succession process, where
sensitive ribotypes are suppressed and tolerant ribotypes are dominated. Due to this
process of succession, the richness and diversity indices have not changed severally
466 R. Krishnamoorthy et al.
with respective to soil salinity. Similarly, the allelopathic effect of invaded garlic
mustard plants on AMF community in a forest ecosystem has also been observed
(Barto et al. 2011).
Abiotic factors of soil can alter the diversity of AMF over multiple generations
(Verbruggen and Kiers 2010). In line with this, soil salinity has had an effect on the
AMF abundance and diversity of the salt-affected site. Similar to soil salinity, other
soil abiotic factors are also found to influence the abundance and functions of AMF
(Oliveira et al. 2010). Species prediction for particular T-RF using the microbial
community analysis III (MiCA) tool was an easy and cost-effective method to find
out AMF community changes with respect to soil salinity. This online tool has been
widely used in bacterial diversity studies (Yi et al. 2009), but has been limited to
AMF diversity studies, because of the low number of sequences in databank, with
respect to T-RF size of 28S rDNA. However, in the current study, we managed to
obtain species name for 50 T-RFs, which are belonged to three different genera
(Glomus, Gigaspora, and Scutellospora). Interestingly, 58% of the identified
fragments were belonged to Glomus and eight percent of the identified fragments
belonged to Gigaspora and Scutellospora in T-RFLP analysis.
The recent report by Parvin et al. (2019) also showed the occurrence of order
Glomerales in rice grown in the salt-affected soils of Bangladesh. This indicates the
importance of AMF symbiosis required by the plants to alleviate any kind of abiotic
stress. The soil used by Parvin et al. (2019) was affected by both salts and heavy
metals. In line with this, Wang et al. (2015) documented the dominance of
Glomerales in China’s wetland paddy field was noted, and Watanarojanaporn
et al. (2013) reported the same in Thialan’s paddy fields. These reports clearly
indicate the dominance and wider adoptability nature of Glomerales in
microaerophilic/anaerobic soil conditions present in the paddy region.
Our analysis and several other recent reports clearly indicate the dominance of
order Glomerales in higher saline conditions and well distributed in the soil,
irrespective of the salt concentration. Species of order Glomerales is known to be
well adapted to various environmental stresses, in particular to soil salinity.
Looking in to the results of many studies, the order Glomerales of AMF was found to
be predominant in salt-affected soil and their colonization formation was also higher.
The use of native adopted species of Glomerales order could therefore be more
effective in the establishment of vegetation in salt-affected lands. However, due to
the lack of live specimens for all AMF species described so far is one of the major
drawbacks in AMF phylogenic classification and proper naming of the species in the
diversity analysis studies. In the future, having the live specimen and their genetic
information for all the species placed in the phylogeny and proper nomenclature of
the genus with species will only provide the accurate and reliable information on
AMF diversity analysis studies.
18 Diversity and Community Structure of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the. . . 467
Acknowledgements This work was supported by basic Science Research Program through the
National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technol-
ogy (2015R1A2A1A05001885), South Korea. RK is pleased to acknowledge Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, India for the doctoral programme in their International
Fellowship (IF). RK's tuition fees and other expenses were also provided by ICAR-IF.
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Beta-Glucanolytic Soil Actinomycetes:
Diversity and Applications 19
Lekshmi K. Edison and N. S. Pradeep
Glycosyl hydrolases · Brewing industry · Streptomyces · Western Ghats
L. K. Edison
Microbiology Division, KSCSTE-Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research
Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
N. S. Pradeep (*)
KSCSTE-Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute of Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
19.1 Introduction
Nowadays the industries are looking for novel microbial strains with the intention of
producing efficient enzymes to meet the enzyme requirements in a sustainable and
eco-efficient manner. Innovative enzyme production platforms from potential
microbes provide more choice and uncover previously unexploited enzyme sources.
Streptomyces is the largest genus of phylum Actinobacteria, well characterized and
recognized as fundamental unhampered sources of novel compounds with vast
industrial applications (Sathya and Ushadevi 2014; Mukhtar et al. 2017). Streptomy-
ces is well documented as the predominant reservoirs of several bioactive
compounds (Terkina et al. 2006). At present, the existing 75% of natural antibiotics
are made by Streptomyces species (Khattab et al. 2016).
According to previous reports, Streptomyces produces a variety of carbohydrases
that hydrolyse many soluble and insoluble polysaccharides (Chater 1993).
According to Wu et al. (2018), actinobacteria are considered as better candidates
for isolating β-glucan degrading enzymes; however, very little have been explored
for potential screening and production of β-glucanase. Some Streptomyces spp.,
namely S. rimosus (Beyer and Diekman 1984), Streptomyces sp. Mo (Kurakake
et al. 2013), S. torulosus (Park et al. 2012), S. sioyaensis (Hong et al. 2002) and
S. matensis (Woo et al. 2014), have been recognized as endo-β-1,3-glucanase
producers. The exo-β-1,4-glucanase, a cellulolytic enzyme, activities have been
reported in S. coelicolor A(3) (Lee et al. 2018), S. reticuli (Walter and Schrempf
1996a) and S. thermocerradoensis I3 (Carolina et al. 2015). Actinobacteria are
abundantly distributed in all kinds of soils. The population is the highest in soil
surface layer and progressively decreases with depth. Actinobacteria are typically
leading soil microbes (Hill et al. 2011). Mostly beta-glucan degrading actinomycetes
strains are found in soil habitats and highly sensitive to waterlogged and acidic pH
soil conditions. Glucanolytic actinomycetes strains are important re-cyclers of soil
organic matters (Holmalahti et al. 1994). Many beta-glucanase producing
actinobacteria show antagonistic activities to phytopathogens like Pythium spp.,
Fusarium spp., Colletotrichum spp., etc. (Hong et al. 2002). This chapter briefly
explains the diversity and applications of beta-glucanase producing soil inhabitant
19.2 Actinobacteria
The phylum Actinobacteria is recognized as the foremost taxonomic group amid the
currently recognized main lineages within the Bacteria domain (Ludwig et al. 2012).
The majority are free-living and are extensively disseminated in terrestrial and
aquatic environments (Macagnan et al. 2006). The name actinomycetes derived
from Greek words aktis or aktin for ray and mukes for fungi, since the hyphae
grow by the combination of tip extension and branching. Conventionally, they were
considered as an intermediate form between bacteria and fungi. Actinobacteria
superficially resemble filamentous fungi, since they produce mycelia and reproduce
19 Beta-Glucanolytic Soil Actinomycetes: Diversity and Applications 473
by sporulation. However, like bacteria, the cells are thin with peptidoglycan cell wall
and prokaryotic nucleoid; moreover, they are vulnerable to antibacterial agents
(Barka et al. 2016). The adequate exclusive features delineate the Actinobacteria
into ‘Kingdom Bacteria’. They are aerobic, sporulating, Gram-positive bacteria with
high GC-rich genome and characterized with the non-septate distinctive substrate
and aerial mycelium.
The actinomycetes are pervasive microbial group broadly dispersed in nature
such as soils, fresh and saline water, and also in the mid-air (Srinivasan et al. 1991).
The majority are soil inhabitants (Kuster 1968), although they are broadly dispersed
in diverse extreme habitats including deep-sea vent sediments (Colquhoun et al.
1998), deepest areas of Mariana Trench (Pathom-aree et al. 2006), Antarctic deep-
freezing soils (Moncheva et al. 2002) and also in deserts (Diraviyam et al. 2011).
Especially they are largely found in the superficial layer of soils with alkaline and
rich organic matter, and gradually decrease when increasing the depth (Takahashi
and Omura 2003).
The phylum Actinobacteria included in the fourth and fifth volumes of Bergey’s
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology represent the largest taxonomic units includ-
ing 5 subclasses, 6 orders and 14 suborders (Ludwig et al. 2012). All actinomycetes
are encompassed in the order Actinomycetales and divided into four families—
Actinomycetaceae, Streptomycetaceae, Mycobacteriaceae and Actinoplanaceae
(Williams et al. 1989). The two generally defined actinobacterial genera are Strepto-
myces and Micromonospora. The genus Streptomyces is massively documented as
the major reservoirs of natural bioactive products such as antibiotics, enzymes,
immunosuppressive agents, antitumor agents, etc. (Terkina et al. 2006).
In the actinomycetes, genus Streptomyces was first introduced in 1943 by
Waksman and Henrici (Williams et al. 1983). Concerned with the number and
species diversity, Streptomyces signifies the largest taxonomic unit in actinomycetes
(Bhattacharyya et al. 1998). They are Gram-positive, aerobic and non-acid fast
bacteria with around 70% GC content in genome (Dehnad et al. 2010). Currently
more than 500 species of the Streptomyces genus have been defined (Mohanraj and
Sekar 2013) and also unveils extensive phylogenetic spread (Aderem 2005). Strep-
tomyces is the only morphologically diverse actinobacteria which is found copiously
in soil habitats, plays a major role in carbon recycling by the production of hydro-
lytic exoenzymes. Due to the production of the spectacular diversity of secondary
metabolites, Streptomyces is considered as ‘chief competent chemists in nature with
boundless interest in industry and medicine’ (Hopwood 2007).
The actinobacterial members, especially Streptomyces, are the dominant
producers of innumerable antibiotics, secondary metabolites and industrial enzymes.
They have the ability to biotransform and bioconvert certain organic compounds,
urban and agricultural wastes into economically valued products. Streptomyces, the
promising reservoir of a diverse collection of industrially important enzymes,
actively participate in the putrefaction of various organic compounds and these
enzymes are widely exploited in food, leather, detergent, textile, pharmaceutical
and medical industries (Salwan and Sharma 2018).
474 L. K. Edison and N. S. Pradeep
To encounter the increasing demand for industrial enzymes, there is a need for
endless research and innovations to find novel highly efficient enzymes with cost-
effective and environment-friendly production. Further, the large accessibility of
genomic and proteomic data leads to the high-throughput production of high-value
enzymes from Streptomyces strains. Numerous genes responsible for the hydrolysis
of the polysaccharides recognized in Streptomyces genome indicate that microbes
are proficient producers of glycosyl hydrolases (GH) and decompose the complex
polysaccharides which is vital to carbon cycle of earth and animal nutrition
(Talamantes et al. 2016).
β-specific glucanases have been reported in the Archaea (Bauer et al. 1996). Based
on similarities in amino acid sequences the β-glucanases are categorized into several
GH families in the Carbohydrate Active enZymes (CAZy) (http://www.cazy.org/
Glycoside-Hydrolases.html, accessed on 10-04-2020) database.
The β-glucanases have appreciable ecological implication and commercial usages
in well-established biotechnological industries, for instance, in brewing and wine
production, animal feed industry, coffee processing, waste treatments, textile indus-
try, biofuel production and also in agriculture (Annamalai et al. 2016a). In brewing
industry, it efficiently degrades the β-glucan contents in cereal grains, thereby
increasing the wort filtration rate and reducing the chance of β-glucan precipitation
and also decreasing the mash viscosity and turbidity (Celestino et al. 2006). During
winemaking, the addition of β-glucanase improves colour extraction, must
clarification, skin maceration, filtration, and ultimately wine quality and stability
factors (Singh et al. 2007). In poultry and animal feed enzyme industry, cereal
β-glucan rich feed produces a viscose digesta, which impede in nutrient release
and absorption. Hence the addition of β-glucanases in barley rich animal feed
reduces the anti-nutritive effects of β-glucan, thereby increasing digesta viscosity,
nutrient release and feed passage rates (Choct 2001; Mathlouthi et al. 2002). In the
textile industry, it is used for cotton softening, denim finishing, colour care and
cleaning (Cherry and Fidantsef 2003). In agriculture sectors, the β-glucanases are
used as a biocontrol agent since it is capable of degrading cell wall of plant
pathogens, weaken the seed endosperm, and enhances seed germination, and also
helps for preparation of plant and fungal protoplasts applicable in various research
purposes (Bhat 2000).
Western Ghats regions in India are one of the most incredible places containing
treasurable natural resources of the earth (Gadgil 1979). It has a protected and well-
preserved unique biodiversity. The Western Ghats in India signifies geomorphic
19 Beta-Glucanolytic Soil Actinomycetes: Diversity and Applications 477
Fig. 19.1 Diverse Streptomyces isolates from Western Ghats regions with β-glucanase activity
2013). Rhizosphere samples from mountain and forest regions are vast domicile of
taxonomically different actinomycetes strains particularly Streptomyces sp. The rich
recalcitrant biopolymers present in these soil samples make them energetically
involved in the forest nutrient turnover (Bontemps et al. 2013).
The study also envisioned to screen and quantify different β-glucanase enzymes,
endo-β-1,3-glucanase (Laminarinase) and exo-β-1,4-glucanase (avicellase or
cellobiohydrolase) from the isolated soil actinomycetes strains. Microcrystalline
cellulose or Avicel was used as a substrate for the screening of exo–β1,4-glucanase.
Previous reports suggested Avicel is the specific substrate for cellobiohydrolases or
exo-acting β-1,4-glucanase (Florencio et al. 2012; Annamalai et al. 2016b).
Exoglucanase secreted by Streptomyces reticuli capably utilizes Avicel (crystalline
cellulose), when Avicel is supplied as a sole carbon source (Wachinger et al. 1989;
Walter and Schrempf 1996b).
Out of 127 total strains isolated from Western Ghats soil samples, 106 Streptomy-
ces strains (83% of total strains) showed exo-β-1,4-glucanolytic activity and merely
79 strains (62%) exhibited endo-β-1,3-glucanolytic activity. Based on the obtained
enzymatic index values, 14 strains with exo-β-1,4-glucanolytic activity and 8 strains
with endo-β-1,3-glucanolytic activity were designated for quantitative evaluation of
enzyme production using submerged fermentation. Actinomycetes strain Streptomy-
ces althioticus TBG-MR17 exhibited highest exo-β-1,4-glucanase production
(95 U mL 1) and Streptomyces cinereoruber sub sp. cinereoruber TBG-AL13
showed maximum endo-β-1,3-glucanase production (219 UmL 1), after 5 days of
incubation (Edison and Pradeep 2020).
19.6 Conclusion
Western Ghat’s ecological habitats are diverse and almost unexplored. Microbial
populations from these distinctive niches remain rich reservoirs of valuable
metabolites and prospective to deliver a wide range of applications beneficial to
humanity. Exclusively fast-emerging enzymes prerequisite in different magnitudes
demand an urgent need to discover actinobacteria as a treasured resource of market-
able enzymes. Studies showed that Western Ghats soil ecosystems are peculiar
habitats for auspicious actinomycetes diversity with exceptional β-glucanase activ-
ity. Features such as large assortment of rich woodland areas, varying climatic
environments and fewer divergences in soil type with low acidic to alkaline pH
and less electrical conductivity are comparatively favourable for the distribution of
largest actinobacterial population with high β-glucanase activity.
Abe K, Nakajima M, Yamashita T, Matsunaga H, Kamisuki S, Nihira T, Takahashi Y, Sugimoto N,
Miyanaga A, Nakai H, Arakawa T, Fushinobu S, Taguchi H (2017) Biochemical and structural
19 Beta-Glucanolytic Soil Actinomycetes: Diversity and Applications 479
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the third most important food legume in the
world; its annual production is nearly about 11.5 million tons with an estimated
land area of 14.56 million hectares. The chickpea is a multifunction crop and has
huge nutritional value. From a microbiological point of view, it is a legume crop
and harbor rhizobia in its root in the form of nodules. The chickpea also has a
diverse microbial population including both bacterial and fungal species. These
microbial communities especially bacterial genera play an important role in its
growth and protection. In this chapter, we will discuss these microbial
communities and their role in chickpea growth.
20.1 Introduction
The word rhizosphere represents the surrounding regions of the rhizosphere which is
under the direct influence of the roots. The term was first introduced by Hiltner
(1904). This zone is considered, a zone of high microbial activity which is greatly
influenced by the root and its exudates (Pinton et al. 2001; Soni et al. 2016, 2017;
Suyal et al. 2015b, c). This region affects the biological, chemical, and physical
activities of the surrounding soil (Saharan and Nehra, 2011; Kumar et al. 2019).
Rhizosphere can be distinguished into ecto- and endo-rhizospheric regions. The term
endorhizosphere is generally describing a multilayered microenvironment, which
includes a mucoid layer on the root surface, the epidermal layer of the root tissue
including the root hairs and the cortical cells. Whereas, the ectorhizosphere is the soil
surrounds the root surface up to a few millimeters (Goel et al. 2017). However, it is
not easy to make a clear-cut boundary between rhizosphere soil and bulk soil, but a
usual separation of the rhizosphere and bulk soil can be obtained by shaking the
roots manually. Soil adhering to the root surface is the rhizosphere soil. Also, plants
may have a strongly adhering layer of root hairs. This layer is referred to as
rhizosheath, and also consists of mucilage material, microorganisms, and soil
particles (Goel et al. 2017; Joshi et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2019; Basirat et al. 2019).
The plant rhizosphere is an important soil ecological environment for plant-
microbe interactions. It involves several microorganisms interacting in different
manners viz. associative, neutralistic, parasitic or symbiotic (Suyal et al. 2014a;
Dash et al. 2019). These interactions depend on the type of microbes, plant defense
system, and soil nutrient status as well as the environment (Verma et al.2013; Giri
et al. 2015; Goel et al. 2017). Furthermore, the rhizosphere of leguminous crops
presents a unique ecological niche in which nodule formation is an important factor
of the metabolic activities; however, other inoculated microorganisms/PGPRs are
known to improve plant vigor and yield, especially in chickpea (Valverde et al.
2006; Verma et al. 2012, 2013; Joshi et al. 2019). PGPR and abiotic stress resistance
have been reported in several crops, including soybean, chickpea, and wheat (Kumar
et al. 2014, 2018; Ngumbi and Kloepper 2016; Goel et al. 2018; Rawat et al. 2019).
The application of PGPR has been reported to enhance the growth and development
of chickpea and other crops under natural field conditions (Rokhzadi et al. 2008;
Suyal et al. 2015a; Rajwar et al. 2018). These PGPRs are known to exhibit multiple
traits including HCN production (Joseph et al. 2007; Suyal et al. 2014b; Shukla et al.
2015). Jain et al. (1999) and Rudresh et al. (2005) have documented the advanta-
geous effect of PGPR towards chickpea plant growth and productivity.
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the world’s third most important food legume,
cultivated on about 11.5 million hectares in tropical, subtropical, and temperate
regions of the world. In context to feed nutritious food to the burgeoning human
20 Microbial Diversity of Chickpea Rhizosphere 485
population, pulses play a significant role, as these are rich in vitamin, mineral, and
protein (protein tablets). However, their production and productivity are still very
low in India. It contributed around 45% of the total annual production of the pulses
in the country. In the world scenario, 75% of total pulses are produced by India.
Among the states, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, UP, and Andhra Pradesh have
contributed around 14, 10, 9, and 7% of the pulses, respectively.
Chickpea is among the most grown legumes (Romdhane et al. 2007). It is known
to maintain symbiosis with Mesorhizobium ciceri (Khan et al. 2006). This crop plays
an important role in organic farming by adding the atmospheric nitrogen in the soil
through biological nitrogen fixation under nutrient limiting conditions. Ali et al.
(2015) have investigated the diversity of chickpea-associated rhizospheric
microorganisms which belonged to Bacillus, Chryseobacterium, Enterobacter,
Pantoea, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, and Sphingobacterium. Moreover, 16S
rDNA-based analysis of chickpea endophytes revealed the dominance of Firmicutes
and Proteobacteria. Further, Actinobacteria, Enterobacter, and Pseudomonas were
among the most frequent endophytes. The proteobacterial members belonged to
Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Kosakonia, Rhizobium, and Pantoea. These were followed
by the members of Pseudomonadaceae and Xanthomonadaceae. Brígido et al.
(2019) and Maheshwari et al. (2019) have documented the lower abundance of
Klebsiella, Kosakonia, Leifsonia, Rhizobium, and Staphylococcus than Bacillus,
Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Stenotrophomonas. Similarly, 240 Bacillus strains
were screened by Singh et al. (2014a, b, c) based on their ability to produce indole
acetic acid, hydrolytic enzymes, and siderophores besides phosphate solubilization
potential. A similar study was carried out by Sreevidya and Gopalakrishnan (2017)
in which they have investigated the role of Bacillus species in the growth promotion
of chickpea. Pandey et al. (2019) have isolated chickpea-associated plant growth-
promoting strains of Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis,
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In another study, Joseph et al. (2007) have isolated
150 bacterial strains of Azotobacter, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Rhizobium from
the rhizosphere of chickpea. Now a days, metagenomics has emerged as a potential
tool to explore the agriculturally important microorganisms and their genes for
sustainable agricultural developments (Suyal et al. 2019a, c). It has also shown its
importance for investigating the diversity and community structure of rhizospheric
microorganisms (Goel et al. 2017, 2018). Some of the rhizobacteria reported from
chickpea rhizosphere are summarized in Table 20.1.
Nitrogen is an important limiting nutrient for plant growth. Almost 78% of the gas
components in the environment are represented by nitrogen in molecular form (N2).
The Rhizobium is the main input to the fixation of symbiotic nitrogen in pulse crops.
Krusell et al. (2005) stated that there is a specific organ called nodules, those results
from rhizobial infection through symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes. Rogers
et al. (2009) recorded that a better atmospheric CO2 may be accepted to support the
486 B. Sahu et al.
Table 20.1 List of some chickpea rhizobacteria and their function in rhizopshere
Rhizobacteria Properties References
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (with Nodulation, leghaemoglobin Abd-Allaa et al.
Rhizobium and VAM ) content, nitrogenase activity (2019)
during salt stress
Bacillus pumilus, B. subtilis, Growth promotion and biocontrol Sharma et al.
B. licheniformis, B. safensis, B. cereus traits (2019)
Azotobacter chroococcum, B. subtilis, PGPR and stress tolerance Pandey et al.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and (2019)
Bacillus pumilis
B. altitudinis, Pseudomonas Plant growth-promoting traits Baliyan et al.
chlororaphis (2018)
Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas Antagonistic activity Palmieri et al.
fluorescens, Rahnella aquatilis, and (2017)
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Pseudomonas geniculata Plant growth-promoting traits Gopalakrishnan
et al. (2015)
P. aeruginosa P and K uptake Ahemad and
Kibret (2014)
P. aeruginosa Plant growth-promoting traits Yadav and
B. megaterium, Azotobacter antagonistic activity Verma (2014)
Lysinibacillus fusiformis Antifungal activity Singh et al.
(2013a, b)
Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, Plant growth-promoting traits Joseph et al.
Rhizobium (2007)
Pseudomonas striata Phosphate solubilizing bacterium Meena et al.
Erwinia herbicola and Enterobacter Nitrate-solubilizing ability Rangeshwaran
agglomerans et al. (2008)
N2-fixation and growth of symbiotic N2-fixing crops when grown in the nonappear-
ance of any ecological constraints like drought or low temperature, nutrient defi-
ciency, and increasing CO2 levels may offer several defense mechanisms from
drought-induced and N2-fixation decrease (Suyal et al. 2017; Jeyakumar et al.
2020). Several cold-adapted PGPR are known to perform biological nitrogen fixa-
tion under cold stress conditions and contribute towards agricultural sustainability
(Suyal et al. 2017,2019b; Soni et al. 2015).
Furthermore, chickpea has been considered as a restrictive host for nodulation by
rhizobia (Fig. 20.1). Chickpea is reported as a restrictive host for rhizobial nodula-
tion (Suneja et al. 2016). Only two species of Mesorhizobium, i.e., M. ciceri and
M. mediterraneum are known to nodulate this plant (Nour et al. 1994, 1995).
However, Laranjo et al. (2004) and Rivas et al. (2007) have reported several other
species of Mesorhizobium which may nodulate chickpea effectively.
Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium, and Sinorhizobium are known to
possess chickpea-associated symbiovars viz.ciceri. This symbiovar has been
20 Microbial Diversity of Chickpea Rhizosphere 487
and root nodules of chickpea plant were characterized by several scientific groups
(Saini et al. 2015; Egamberdieva et al. 2017). It was found that the inoculation of
these bacterial alone or in combination with Mesorhizobium-enhanced plant growth,
nodulation, and nitrogen- fixing parameters in chickpea. Similar to the other
rhizobacteria, endophytic isolates were also characterized from chickpea nodules
having antagonistic properties against chickpea pathogen F. solani causing root rot
(Bahroun et al.2018).
More recently, Brígido et al. (2019a) characterized bacterial endophytes from
chickpea root tissues grown in different soils. The diversity of endophytes showed
that the common bacterial genera were Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and
Actinobacteria, with Enterobacter and Pseudomonas. Isolated endophytes were
also showed plant growth promoting activities including IAA and ammonia produc-
tion and also exhibited tolerance to salt and manganese (Mn) The functional
characterization of Pseudomonas sp. and Kosakonia sp. showed improved chickpea
mesorhizobia symbiotic performance under control and stress conditions (Brígido
et al. 2019b). Similarly more endophytes like Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp.,
Staphylococcus sp., Pantoea sp., Enterobacter sp., and Mixta sp. have been
characterized for plant growth promoting and antagonistic properties (Mukherjee
et al. 2020).
Every plant has both fungi and bacteria in its rhizosphere along with some other
microbial groups. As per available reports, approximately 50 pathogenic fungal
genera inhabit chickpea rhizosphere but only few are causing serious harm to the
plant and cause various severe diseases. These pathogenic fungi are Ascochyta
rabiei, Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani,
Phytophthora megasperma, Pythium ultimum,Operculella padwickii, Sclerotinia
20 Microbial Diversity of Chickpea Rhizosphere 489
Sclerotiorum (Nene and Reddy 1987). Out of these, Sclerotium rolfsii (collar rot),
F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceris (Vascular wilt), and Rhizoctonia bataticola (dry root rot)
are accountable for causing diseases in different stages (Gupta and Sharma 2015).
Mitra (1931) firstly reported the dry root rot disease in chickpea. Earlier it was
known as Rhizoctonia wilt and later it was named as dry root rot. It is caused by
necrotrophic fungi R. bataticola. This disease generally appears around the
flowering and podding stage. Disease destructs the lateral roots and caused extensive
rotting (Khaliq et al. 2020). In India, one of the major chickpea disease, i.e., fusarium
wilt (FW), caused by fungus, F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceris can cause 10–15% yield
annual loss (Sharma et al. 2016).The fungus go into the vascular system of the
chickpea plant via the roots system. Similarly, collar rot of chickpea is another
disturbing soil-borne fungal disease which causes 10–30% yield loss (Maurya et al.
2008). Further, one of the major pulse producing region in central India is the
Bundelkhand. This region comprises seven districts of Uttar Pradesh and six districts
from Madhya Pradesh state of India and Chickpea is one of the major pulse crop of
this area (Kumar et al. 2017). However, the production in this region does not
commensurate with the acreage. The main cause for this situation is infections by
several soil-borne fungal pathogens (Trivedi et al. 2017). Mainly, fusarium wilt, dry
root rot, collar rot, stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), are major culprit behind the
yield loss of chickpea in this region (Arya et al. 2019). Further, it was reported that
rhizosphere fungi reduce the productivity of chickpea but there are some plant
growth-promoting fungi also inhabiting chickpea rhizosphere (Bazghaleh et al.
2015). El Hazzat et al. (2018) explored fungal diversity in the chickpea rhizosphere
which is represented by 22 species of mycorrhizal fungi.
The chickpea forms nodules with symbiotic association with Mezorhizobium spe-
cies. This symbiont is the main nitrogen fixer for chickpea plants. In this section we
will discuss other chickpea rhizobacterial members having plant growth properties
other than nitrogen fixation.
It has been observed that Chickpea inoculation with PGPR and phosphorous-rich
compost have improved the nodulation, growth, and yield of the crop (Shahzad et al.
2008). The study conducted by Midekssa et al. (2016), demonstrated that PSB
isolates from chickpea rhizosphere belong to different bacterial genera:
Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Brevibacillus, Burkholderia, Chryseomonas, Enterobacter,
Empedobacter, Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Sphingomonas, and Stenotrophomonas.
Similarly, diversity and community structure of Chickpea rhizospheric phosphate
solubilizing microorganisms were documented by various scientific groups (Peix
et al. 2001; Kundu et al. 2009; Singh and Tejo Prakash 2012; Solanki et al. 2018).
490 B. Sahu et al.
Further, Kumar et al. (2016) isolated 28 different Bacillus sp. from the chickpea
rhizosphere. This Bacillus sp. has antagonistic properties against chickpea wilt
caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Similarly, Rangeshwaran and Prasad (2000)
obtained a rich population of P. fluorescens isolates and which can fully control
the chickpea wilt. Finding similar to these two studies have already been reported
one decade back by Landa et al. (1997) that rhizospheric bacteria from chickpea
mainly Bacillus and Pseudomonas sp. were best biological agents to control chick-
pea wilt caused by F. oxysporum. However, it was also reported that the Bacillus
species isolated from the Chickpea rhizosphere also helpful in controlling root rot in
chickpea itself (Singh et al. 2013a, b). In one more interesting study, it was revealed
that these rhizobacteria are synergistically supported by native Mesorhizobium
isolates in providing this antagonistic property (Kumari and Khanna 2020). There-
fore, some workers also used microbial consortia of chickpea rhizosphere microbes
to cure Fusarium wilt in chickpea (Palmieri et al. 2017). The microbial consortium
made from the chickpea-associated bacterial strains B. amyloliquefaciens,
P. fluorescens, Rahnella aquatilis, and Serratia marcescens is known to control
Fusarium more efficiently in comparison to the individual applications of the
respective strains. Furthermore, a consortium of chickpea rhizobacteria Pseudomo-
nas, Trichoderma, and Rhizbium also controls the biotic stress of collar rot (Singh
et al. 2013a, b). Similarly, four chickpea rhizobacteria, namely B. cereus,
Achromobacter xylosoxidans, B. thuringiensis, and B. subtilis were also helpful in
suppressing root rot disease in chickpea caused by F. solani (Egamberdieva et al.
2017). Some of the rhizobacteria having antagonistic properties are summarized in
Table 20.2. Not only bacteria, actinobacteria but also fungal antagonists like
T. harzianum, T. viride, and A. niger were isolated from the chickpea rhizosphere
(Srivastava et al. 2015).
Table 20.2 List of chickpea rhizosphere bacteria and their antagonistic behavior to phytopathogenic fungi
Effective against
Genera Species Pathogen Disease Reference
Bacillus Bacillus sp Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris, Chickpea wilt Landa et al. (1997)
Fo. phaseoli, and Fo. melonis
B. subtilis Fo. ciceris race 1 Chickpea wilt Singh et al. (2014a, b, c)
B. subtilis F. solani Chickpea wilt Singh et al. (2014a, b, c)
B. subtilis Macrophomina phaseolina Dry Root Rot of Chickpea Singh et al. (2014a, b, c)
Bacillus subtilis Fo. ciceris Karimi et al. (2012)
Bacillus sp. Fo. ciceris Chickpea wilt Landa et al. (2001)
Bacillus subtilis Fo. ciceris Chickpea wilt Fernández-Herrera et al.
Pseudomonas P. fluorescens Fo. ciceris Chickpea wilt Landa et al. (1997)
P. cepacia Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. root rot of chickpea Myatt et al. (1993)
Microbial Diversity of Chickpea Rhizosphere
Stenotrophomonas Stenotrophomonas sp. Fo. ciceris Chickpea wilt Landa et al. (2001)
492 B. Sahu et al.
PGPR rhizobacteria are well known to possess multiple traits. Malik and Sindhu
(2011) have revealed that chickpea-associated Pseudomonas were able to produce
indole acetic acid (IAA) significantly when supplemented with L-tryptophan in LB
broth. Furthermore, the production of IAA by the chickpea-associated rhizobacteria
is known to contribute to plant growth promotion as identified through the green
fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene (Fierro-Coronado et al. 2014). Also, some
chickpea root-soil bacteria like Azotobacter, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas also proven
to protect the plant in drought conditions by producing ACC deaminase enzyme
(Pandey et al. 2019). This enzyme cleaves the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic
acid (ACC) which is the precursor for ethylene production and ethylene is responsi-
ble for the early maturity of the plant during stress. Furthermore, Bacillus species are
well-known biological agents to improve the plant health and plant protection from
abiotic stresses (Radhakrishnan et al. 2017). A salt loving B. subtilis promotes
chickpea seed germination and plant growth by increasing the production of some
photosynthetic pigments, sugars, proteins, and some osmolytes like proline, glycine,
betaine, and choline, in salt-stressed chickpea crop (Qurashi and Sabri 2013).
Similarly, a consortium of three Bacillus species, i.e., Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus
thuringiensis, and Bacillus megaterium induced metabolic and physiological
changes in chickpea plant during drought conditions. They changed several amino
acids, amines, sugar alcohol, sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, and other intermedi-
ate compounds (Khan et al. 2019a, b). Further, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
has been reported to improve growth of chickpea under drought stress (Hashem et al.
2019). In addition, growth enhancement and levels of protein, Fe, and Zn were also
reported found in mycorrhizal chickpea (Pellegrino and Bedini 2014).
In another study, Nag et al. (2018) screened 86 isolates from the chickpea rhizo-
sphere, out of which 16 on Yeast extract Mannitol agar, 40 from the nitrogen-free
medium, 29 from media used for Azosprillum isolation. One PSB was also obtained
on selective culture media. In this study, they found that the potential chickpea
rhizobacteria were tested for their effect on chickpea seedlings. The results revealed
that rhizobacteria are performing better as compared to control (Fig. 20.2). Similarly,
the performance of consortium (Fig. 20.3) was observed in the pot experiment (Porte
et al. 2017). In continuation, Kushwaha (2020) in his master’s thesis conducted a
field experiment using one of the best consortiums originally isolated from the
chickpea rhizosphere. He observed that consortia performed better in all recorded
parameter including grain yield (Fig. 20.4). However, not only bacterial consortia
but also bacterial and fungal consortium also enhances the nutritional value in
chickpea plants (Yadav et al. 2017).
20 Microbial Diversity of Chickpea Rhizosphere 493
Uninoculated Chickpea
Control Control
Not only PGPR activities, chickpea rhizobacterial consortia also used to reduce
abiotic stress in the plant. In a report, the synergistic effect of B. amyloliquifaciens
and P. putida was observed in mitigating drought tolerance in chickpea (Kumar
et al. 2016). Khan and Bano (2018) used plant growth regulators salicylic acid
(SA) in combination with chickpea rhizobacteria viz. B. subtilis, B.thuringiensis,
and B.megaterium for phytoremediation of heavy metals. These PGPRs further
increased the accumulation of heavy metals and macronutrients in chickpea shoot
and the rhizosphere. They recommended these PGPR for phytoremediation in
chickpea. Nonetheless, chickpea root-soil bacteria are also used for bioremedia-
tion of chromium (Shreya et al. 2020). A similar application has been done to
improve the growth and yield of chickpea under salinity stress by Riaz
et al. (2019).
494 B. Sahu et al.
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The Rhizosphere Microbiome and Its Role
in Plant Growth in Stressed Conditions 21
Bhrigu Bhuyan, Sourav Debnath, and Piyush Pandey
The rhizosphere is a region where microorganisms exist within the soils and grow
in direct influence of the plant root system. Rhizosphere plays a vital role in the
nutrient cycling process and also protects plants against different environmental
stresses such as salinity, flooding, pathogens, temperature, contaminants, etc.
Root exudates are released by plant roots and it has a significant role in shaping
the microbiome. The microbial community offers the functions which contribute
in improving plant growth and health, even in stressed environments. Plant-
microorganisms interactions and the protection of plant health and productivity
in a stressed environment yet remain poorly understood. This chapter summarizes
recent knowledge of rhizospheric microorganisms in the process of plant-
microbiome interactions in the stress environment to improve plant growth
employing current omics techniques such as metagenomics, metaproteomics,
metatranscriptomics. These approaches, along with strategies such as stable
isotope probe (SIP), and bioinformatics tools provide insights into integrated
functional harmony between plant and microorganisms for enhanced plant
growth in stressed environments.
21.1 Introduction
In 1904, Hiltner described the term “rhizosphere”, which is a hotspot in the soil near
root surface, having maximum microbial activity under the influence of plant root
(Hrynkiewicz and Baum 2011). In natural habitats, microorganisms live in a com-
munity that forms a complex environment called microbiome, and similarly, in
rhizosphere habitats, it forms a rhizosphere microbiome (Philippot et al. 2013).
The rhizosphere microbiome consists of diverse types of microorganisms which
are influenced by the roots (Tan et al. 2017). In rhizosphere, the microbiomes density
is relatively very higher than the bulk soil (Watt et al. 2006). In different biotic- and
abiotic-stressed conditions, the rhizospheric microorganisms play a major role in the
cycling of nitrogen, phosphorus, or other minerals and provide resistance to plants
(Bender et al. 2016; Lladó et al. 2017). The tripartite interactions among soil, plant,
and microbes in the soil habitat (Antoun and Prevost 2005) are significant, helpful,
unhelpful, or impartial that controls the plant growth (Lau and Lennon 2011).
There are large numbers of microbes such as bacteria, algae, fungi,
actinomycetes, etc., present in the rhizosphere. Out of all microorganisms, bacteria
are the most dominate organisms in the rhizosphere, in terms of abundance. Some of
these bacteria promote the growth of plants and known as plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Kloepper et al. 1980). Some distinct species of genera such as
Serratia, Pseudomonas, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Klebsiella, Burkholderia, etc., are
some of the known PGPR (Joseph et al. 2007). The organic compounds released
from roots of plant have role in selection of the bacteria which contribute for the
growth of the plants (Lynch 1990), and create a selective environment (García et al.
2001). The constituents present in root exudates are determined by the physiological
status of plants along with other factors, and act as chemo-attractant for soil microbes
(Kang et al. 2010).
Rhizosphere microbiomes affect plant productivity by manipulating plant physi-
ology through underground complex interactions (Schnitzer et al. 2011).
Egamberdieva et al. (2017) reported that beneficial interaction between rhizospheric
bacteria Pseudomonas and Rhizobia improves growth of the plant Glycyrrhiza
uralensis (a plant used in food manufacture) in salt- stressed environment. In
different stressed environments, the function of rhizosphere microbiome for devel-
opment of plant growth is an important phenomenon and there is possibility of
microbiome engineering to achieve desired effects. Most of the earlier efforts have
been focused on individual microbes-mediated plant growth, while the role of total
microbiome had been greatly ignored. The functional capabilities of microbiome
communities need to be deciphered to design the advance strategies (Bashiardes
et al. 2018). For such application, the focus should be on developing main
characteristics of crop productivity such as availability of nutrients, soil fertilization
ability, etc (Syed Ab Rahman et al. 2018). Therefore, Amrani et al. (2015) suggested
that different “omics” approaches should be introduced with the soil to improve
microbiomes in rhizosphere. Haas et al. (2017) have explained role of “omics”
techniques to know about the community of microbiomes. The decreasing price in
sequencing, combined with sequencing technologies and development of powerful
21 The Rhizosphere Microbiome and Its Role in Plant Growth in Stressed Conditions 505
The rhizosphere is dynamic and their component gets changed with time and other
factors. Different biotic as well as abiotic factors and roots exudates help in shaping
the rhizospheric environment as per their requirement to inhabit pathogenic
microorganisms and affect their activities. The microbial communities shaping up
depend upon various criteria which are described in the sections below.
Most of the paddy fields after it is reaped are kept empty till the arrival of a new
season. To utilize the time and space, different crops are tested to produce and add
nutrients to the field. One such is the cultivation of maize, after rice. It has been
observed that in a particular type of soil, loss of moisture results in cracks, which
might develop as a result in loss of important substances such as organic carbon and
other nutrients. Cabangon and Tuong (2000) reported that the application of straw as
a cover in field is seen to reduce the above adverse effects with improving the
physical structure of the soil including the nutrient content. It has been reported that
the application of straw has a capability to alter the microbial communities of the
area (Asari et al. 2007; Shrestha et al. 2011; Conrad et al. 2012). Shrestha et al.
(2011) found that during flood condition which turns anaerobic, rice straw decom-
position follows up with increased production of compounds such as acetate,
formate, and H2 as by-product and eventually produce methane which plays instru-
mental role in altering the microbial communities in the field. With the increase in
methanogens, other bacteria such as Clostridium, Sphingobacteria, Cyanobacteria,
and Bacilli had also been identified in the community (Rui et al. 2009). Lee et al.
(2012) reported emergence of many hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic
methanogens during nonflooded conditions and the bacteria such as Alpha-, Beta-,
and Gamma-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacillus were not detected
(Conrad et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2012).
21 The Rhizosphere Microbiome and Its Role in Plant Growth in Stressed Conditions 507
Soil with low phosphorus (P) content is spread all over the globe. It is a macronutri-
ent that helps in plant growth. It is the reason for limiting the productivity of most
agriculture-based lands (Von Uexküll and Mutert 1995). The addition of phosphorus
from external sources results in only 10–25% uptake for the plants (Johnston et al.
2014). Lambers et al. (2006) and Shen et al. (2011) reported that roots which firstly
come into contacts with the soil, change morphologically and physiologically, i.e., to
facilitate the uptake of P or increased uptake of carboxylate, proton, and discharge of
soil-related P as reported by Rengel and Marschner (2005), Pang et al. (2010), Wang
et al. (2010), Mehraet al. (2017). An alternative strategy such as use of PGPR, takes
part in increasing the P availability for plants (Richardson et al. 2009; Richardson
and Simpson 2011). Seeling and Zasoski (1993) reported microbes assist in transfer
of orthophosphate ions into the soil, thus aiding transport of organic P (Seeling and
Zasoski 1993), and also by induction of metabolic processes that solubilize and
mineralize P from sparingly available forms of soil inorganic and organic P
(Richardson et al. 2009). A study of soil bacterial communities under low P on
soybean plant, reported that with enrichment of bacterial community, the availability
of P also increased. At phylum level, Proteobacteria was most abundant and in
genus level Pseudomonas was most dominant, followed by Dechloromonas,
Massilia, and Propionibacterium (Tao et al. 2019). Thus, it can be said that changes
take place in community level which can be advantageous for the plant to thrive.
Bender et al. (2016) introduced arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in corn field to note
its potential in promoting growth of the crop. Further, the authors reported that when
native fungi are less abundant, then the introduction of new fungi can have a positive
effect on growth and yield of crops. It can also be positively correlated with the
availability of total P, which is present in the soil, i.e., the higher level of P in soil, the
better the inoculated fungi will bond with the roots and establish the network
around it.
Due to the ongoing human activities and the daily wear and tear of the soil and
introduction of new plant species, it has been seen that other plants that were not
dominant previously in a particular area have suddenly emerged as the most domi-
nant by different biotic and abiotic factors. Some areas are resistant to such invaders
whereas particular sites had been easily invaded and such phenomena are not well
understood (Catford et al. 2012). The invasive species of plants which are distributed
in various geographical locations might have an influence on the microbial commu-
nity of the soil. The success story of such invasiveness can be mediated by the
absence of virulent pathogens, growth of pathogens, the presence of mutually
beneficial organisms, and the availability of nutrient resources. Nutrients such as
phosphate and other important substances can resist stress and maintenance of soil
systems are the keys to the success of the invading species (Van der Putten et al.
2007). The geological location and the time of introducing a plant are considered
essential for a successful plant-microbe interaction, which helps in bringing a
positive change to the microbial community. All these depend upon the immediate
situations, soil related features, type of flora, and microbial community of the soil
with reference to diversity and composition (Inderjit and Cahill 2015). In a study by
Rodríguez-Caballero et al. (2020) reported that the invasiveness of Carpobrotus
edulis and how it shapes the rhizosphere microbiome that the most abundant phylum
was Actinobacteria, followed by Proteobacteria and the existence of Bacteroidetes,
Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi were low in abundance.
Further, the author reported that Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria were
higher in the native rhizosphere while invasive rhizosphere showed the abundance of
Verrucomicrobia and Acidobacteria.
21 The Rhizosphere Microbiome and Its Role in Plant Growth in Stressed Conditions 509
The root is the most important part for attracting microbes. The tissues of root tips
are the first to interact with the soil and actively select microbes (De Angelis et al.
2005). Kawasaki et al. (2016) reported that distinct parts of root harbors different
type of microorganisms. Therefore, there are differences in tips and bases of roots in
terms of presence and availability of microbes which also vary in accordance with
the age, type of the roots. It was observed that members of Oxalobacteraceae were
abundant on nodal and seminal roots; Comamonadaceae population was rich on the
tip and base of nodal roots. Polyangiaceae (class Delta-proteobacteria) was seen on
the basal region of the nodal roots, while Sorangium reported highest in the region,
signifying a role that is entrusted to only a particular zone. For example, the mature
root zone harbors the community of microbes which are responsible for the degra-
dation of dead cells shedding from old root parts (Jones et al. 2009). It was found that
under stress condition, plants tend to recruit specific microbes with the help of RE
and microbes provide beneficial traits to the plants (Lundberg et al. 2012; Bulgarelli
et al. 2012; Edwards et al. 2015). Hooper et al. (2015) studied the role of RE in
different species of Desmodium, i.e., D. uncinatum, D. intortum, D. ramosissimum,
and D. incanum against Striga hermonthica. It was seen the RE were successful in
inhibiting S. hermonthica. Di-C-glycosylflavones, an important component of REs,
is known to responsible for antifungal activities (McNally et al. 2003). REs have
been reported for antifeedant activity against Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata
lugens (Chul-sa et al. 2009) and corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Byre
et al. 1996). Also antagonistic activity of REs have been reported against Striga
hermonthica (Hopper et al. 2010), in addition to their role in assisting the coloniza-
tion of mycorrhizae (Akiyama et al. 2002). Vives-Peris et al. (2018) analyzed the
root secretion of citrus plant on rhizobacteria and got into conclusion that the
exudates from the plants which are exposed to stress (abiotic) are capable to
influence in a positive way, i.e., increase of bacterial load and also can be modified
accordingly with the stress type and genotype. Cesari et al. (2019) have studied the
role of RE during stress of restrictive water and found out that the external environ-
ment also plays an important role for shaping the pattern of the RE which then results
in attracting the beneficial bacteria to the root by changing the pattern of RE resulting
in increase of naringenin, oleic FA, citric acid, lactic acid, and the release of terpenes
which are known for antioxidant and antimicrobial property. In a study by Xiong
et al. (2020), the ability of RE to attract beneficial microbes for growth promotion
was studied and it was reported that the RE of Limonium sinense has ability to
promote the growth and chemotaxis effect to attract beneficial bacteria Bacillus
flexus KLBMP 4941. The components of the RE individually had positive role in
growth, mobility, chemotaxis, and colonization of root by the desired bacteria
having a positive role in increasing the photosynthetic ability of the plant and
other necessary mechanisms to support the plant growth required in saline condition.
Ludueña et al. (2017) investigated the activity of pqqE gene and pqq promoter in
Serratia species in presence of REs under low phosphate condition and it was found
510 B. Bhuyan et al.
that the activity of pqq promoter region has a diverse role based on the concentration,
nature of REs, and bacterial growth. Exudates are effective in increasing the expres-
sion of pqq genes and modifying it for better phosphate solubilization.
Fig. 21.1 Microbiome and their positive effects in plant development under stress environment such as salinity, flood, toxicity, pathogens, temperature, natural
and anthropogenic pollution, etc., Rhizosphere microbiome activates various defense-related genes for improvement of plant growth. Root exudates and PGPR
have important role in shaping microbiome that is promoting plant growth. Molecular techniques and combination of stable isotope probe to know about the
function of rhizosphere microbiome in plant growth under stress conditions
512 B. Bhuyan et al.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and the efficient PGPR Bacillus subtilis prevents the
powdery mildew disease from the host plant Hordeum vulgare (Oyedele et al. 2014);
Paenibacillus polymyxa prevents the fungal disease from the host plant Sesamum
indicum (Ngumbi and Kloepper 2016).
Under the stress environment, the whole microbiomes (Fig. 21.1 and Table 21.1) in
the rhizosphere, encourage the plant development and protect plants against different
harmful actions (Raaijmakers et al. 2009). The whole microbiomes in the rhizo-
sphere induce different mechanisms such as fertilization ability, development of
root, rhizodegradation, etc., that decrease the environmental stresses. The
rhizospheric microbes specifically bacteria, fungi, etc., play a critical role in increas-
ing the plant development in stress conditions that helps in plant productivity
(Dimkpa et al. 2009), whereas some microorganisms in rhizosphere indirectly
protect the plants from fungal diseases (Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2009).
The function of microbiome associated with plants exposed in different abiotic stress
environments takes great importance in recent past (Souza et al. 2015). Earlier, it was
reported that several rhizospheric microorganisms play a great role in development
of plant growth in different types of abiotic-stress conditions (Table 21.1). For
example, the microorganisms belonging to the genera Trichoderma,
Bradyrhizobium, Bacillus, Rhizobium, Pseudomonas, etc., have been actively
involved in plant development in abiotic-stress conditions (Panlada et al. 2013;
Ahmad et al. 2015; Sorty et al. 2016).
One of the most important abiotic stresses is the soil salinity that is extremely
harmful for development and production system of plant. But the beneficial interac-
tion between halotolerant bacteria with the plant can promote the growth in salt-
stress conditions. Upadhyay et al. (2009) reported that 24 strains can tolerant
elevated levels (8%) of NaCl. Further, the author reported that the maximum number
of strains showed PGP attributes such as IAA production, siderophore production,
phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, and Bacillus was the most revealed
genus in this environment. Jha et al. (2012) reported that microorganisms
Zhihengliuella sp., Pseudomonas spp., Brevibacterium casei, Vibrio sp., Halomonas
sp., Cronobacter sakazakii, and Rhizobium radiobacter can tolerant salt stress.
Low or high temperature is another abiotic stress that affects the plant growth.
Under low-temperature stress, microbial inoculants competently colonize the rhizo-
sphere region of the plant that develops their resistance mechanisms, leading to plant
growth. For example, Pseudomonas spp. and Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN
Table 21.1 The rhizosphere organisms supporting the plant growth in biotic and abiotic-stress environment
Dominant phylum/
Stress Nature of stress Host plant micro-organism Functions References
Abiotic Salt Vitis vinifera Burkholderia, Bacillus Proline accumulation Barka et al.
stress 2006
Salt Phragmites australis Glomus fasciculatum Carbohydrates accumulation Al-Garni
Osmotic stress Zea mays Bacillus megaterium Higher rate of water transfer, Marulanda
increase of ZmPIP isoforms related et al. 2010
to gene expression of root
Heat Triticum aestivum Bacillus Change in metabolites, lessens El-Daim
amyloliquefaciens, oxygen radicals, protects from heat et al. 2014
Azospirillum brasilence shock
Drought Triticum aestivum Bacillus thuringiensis To produce volatile organic Timmusk
AZP2 elements et al. 2014
Salt Glycine max Pseudomonas simiae Promotion of germination of seed Vaishnav
et al. 2016
Carbon dioxide Kandeliao bovata Proteobacteria, Degrade organic substrates Yin et al.
Crenarchaeota, 2018
Various abiotic phenomena Populus deltoides Proteobacteria, Reduces stress Timm et al.
(CO2, drought & heavy metal Actinobacteria, 2018
toxicity) Verrucomicrobia
High temperature Grassland Actinobacteria and Adaptation Bei et al.
Proteobacteria 2019
Antibiotic Cyperus alternifolius Methylosinus, Degradation of Sulfonamide Man et al.
Methylotenera, 2019
The Rhizosphere Microbiome and Its Role in Plant Growth in Stressed Conditions
Table 21.1 (continued)
Dominant phylum/
Stress Nature of stress Host plant micro-organism Functions References
Continuous cropping Glycine max Xanthomonadales, Plant growth and maintenance Tian et al.
Bacillales, 2019
Saline and alkaline Cynara scolymus Nitrospira, Nitrospira: Nitrogen cycle, controls Yue et al.
Gemmatimonas the oxidation of nitrite in the soil 2020
Gemmatimonas: Carbon cycle
Salt Zea mays Kocuria rhizophila PGP attributes, regulation of Li et al.
phytohormone levels 2020
Salinity and drought Spinacia oleracea Proteobacteria Adaptation by encoding proteins Ibekwe
(Halomonas elongate) et al. 2020
Salt Cressa cretica Planctomyces, Various PGPR effects Etemadi
Halomonas and et al. 2020
Agrochemical Dwarf wheat cultivar Verrucomicrobia, Production of specific hormone Kavamura
Planctomycetes, et al. 2020
Biotic Fungus and Nematode Wild Plants Bacillus, Enterobacter, PGP and antifungal effect El-Sayed
stress (Fusarium oxysporum, (Zygophyllum simplex and Pseudomonas et al. 2014
Sclerotinias clerotiorum, L., Peganum harmala L.,
Meloidogyne incognita) etc.)
Influence of plant Glycine max Proteobacteria, In growth of plant Liu et al.
Acidobacteria, 2019
Actinobacteria, and
Change of soil Phaseolus vulgaris Proteobacteria, Nitrogen fixation and using Pérez-
Acidobacteria, and nutrients Jaramillo
Bacteroidetes et al. 2019
B. Bhuyan et al.
Fungal (B. cinerea, F. solani, Panax ginseng Meyer Bacillus Antagonistic activity Sun et al.
F. oxysporum, etc.) amyloliquefaciens 2019
Fungal (Fusarium oxysporum, Cucumis sativus Paenibacillus jamilae PGP and antifungal activity Wang et al.
Rhizoctonia solani, etc.) HS-26 2019
Bacteria (Ralstonia Chrysanthemum spp. Lysinibacillus sp., PGP and antibacterial activity Djaya et al.
solanacearum) Bacillus subtilis, and 2019
Fungus (Rhizoctonia solani, Arachis hypogaea L. Bacillus subtilis Better yield and fungicidal effect Ahmad
Sclerotium rolfsii, etc.) et al. 2019
The Rhizosphere Microbiome and Its Role in Plant Growth in Stressed Conditions
516 B. Bhuyan et al.
The rhizospheric microorganism protects the plant from various biotic stresses
(Table 21.1). For example, it can trigger killing or removal of soil-borne pathogens
during infection by different mechanisms such as antibiosis, quorum sensing that
disturbing virulence, resistance capacity, elemental and nutritional competition
(Duffy et al. 2003; Chan et al. 2011; Druzhinina et al. 2011; Raaijmakers and
Mazzola 2012; Schenk et al. 2012). Brakhage and Schroeckh (2011) reported that
the rhizospheric bacteria and rhizospheric fungi provide antibiotic metabolites which
can reduce the virulence capacity of pathogenic microbes. For example,
Trichoderma sp. and Agrobacterium sp. (Kim et al. 2006; Druzhinina et al. 2011).
Microbiomes in rhizosphere supply the volatile organic compounds that are the
metabolites which can help in plant development by attacking the pathogens. For
example, the genus belonging to the bacteria Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Serratia
sp., etc., antagonizes the fungal pathogens through the volatile organic compounds
(Vespermann et al. 2007; Jamalizadeh et al. 2010).
Dede et al. (2020) reported that the Actinomycetes protect the host plant Olive
through various PGP and antifungal activity from the pathogenic bacteria Staphylo-
coccus aureus. Similarly, Bacillus subtilis CKT1 protect the host plant Solanum
lycopersicum L. through PGP and antifungal activity from the fungal pathogen
(Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) (Walia
et al. 2013).
21 The Rhizosphere Microbiome and Its Role in Plant Growth in Stressed Conditions 517
21.7.1 Metaproteomics
21.7.2 Metagenomics
21.7.3 Metatranscriptomics
Combination of stable isotope probe (SIP) with molecular biology techniques is one
of most useful modern approaches to determine the microbe-microbe interactions,
i.e., the community structure and composition with the relatable functions and the
various metabolic process taking place within the community (Bressan et al. 2009).
This SIP connects the elements to an organism’s genome and then organisms utilize
the labeled isotope into their nucleic acids that increase the density of nucleic acids
(Radajewski et al. 2000). The example of isotope atoms are 15N, 13C, 18O, 13CO2
(Rasche et al. 2009; Haichar et al. 2012, 2016; Angel et al. 2018). This SIP has wide
applications in microbiota of rhizosphere and other environmental samples to
recognize the novel enzymes and genes of microorganism that is responsible for
rhizoremediation and other metabolic process (Haichar et al. 2016). In a study of
potatoes, SIP 13C, has been used to recognize the bacterial organisms (Rasche et al.
2009). In another study of SIP, Haichar et al. (2012) reported that using DNA and
RNA-SIP techniques under 13CO2, that provide an information of microorganism
that actively incorporate the root exudates and mRNA-SIP techniques help in
examine the control of bacterial genes expression by root exudates. In other study
of SIP, Fortunato and Huber (2016) used RNA-SIP combined with other molecular
methods to identify the chemolithoautotrophic microbes situating in the deep-sea
vents. Similarly, Gülay et al. (2019) used combined DNA-RNA SIP method that
figures out the responsible microorganism which carry out nitrification in the
biofilters of groundwater Hanajimaa et al. (2019) took advantage of the SIP by
using 13C-labeled E. Coli that is used to find out the groups of bacteria which take
nutrition from the dead bacteria.
only activating the genes that are associated with the nutrient responses and motility
but also produce antibacterial and antifungal substances, participate in degradation
of contaminants as per the need. Therefore, for better understanding of rhizosphere
microbiome-mediated plant growth under stress environment, the current molecular
approaches and technology must be exploited more, to discover the explanations on
the function of the rhizospheric microbiome for plant growth and development under
stress environment.
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Rhizobacteria-Mediated Alleviation
of Abiotic Stresses in Crops 22
Priyanka Gupta and Manjari Mishra
Crop production is often limited by varied abiotic stresses. Unlike animals, plants
do need a more finely regulated signaling system to withstand these natural
constraints, which otherwise negatively affect plant growth and productivity.
Since plants and the rhizospheric microbes are coevolved, the later is adapted
to continuously changing environmental factors and hence provide an excellent
source for the alleviation of abiotic stresses. Interaction of plants with microbes
under stress conditions lead to the activation of complex signaling machinery in
both plants as well as in microbes. The outcome of this cross signaling makes the
plant tolerant of aforesaid conditions. In the current chapter, the underlying
mechanisms of cross-tolerance conferred to plants by its microbial counterparts
have been summarized. This chapter focuses on plant responses to varied abiotic
stresses and the molecular changes taking place in response to the stress. Different
mechanisms and possible explanations by which soil microbes are known to
confer stress tolerance to different crop plants are also summarized here.
Abiotic stress · Crop · Rhizobacteria · Omics · Osmoprotectant · Microbes
Priyanka Gupta and Manjari Mishra have been contributed equally to the chapter.
P. Gupta (*)
Department of Biotechnology, Maharashtra Education Society’s Abasaheb Garware College,
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
M. Mishra
Plant Stress Biology, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi,
22.1 Introduction
Fig. 22.1 A broad signal transduction circuitries operative in plants under abiotic stresses. A
schematic representation of the events taking place under abiotic stresses in the plant cell. All
abiotic stresses are perceived by certain receptors that activate signal carrier molecules such as Ca2+.
Further activation of signaling mediated through other signal components, ultimately lead to the
tolerance against the stresses
from these methods, another approach that has become popular these days includes
the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for the mitigation of abiotic
stresses (Kang et al. 2014a; Meena et al. 2017; Kumar et al. 2018). The microbes are
the most abundant and fundamental creatures of life on earth and hence they have
become an integral part of the soil ecosystem. Therefore, they directly make
associations with different plant parts. The bacteria residing in the rhizosphere,
exert a beneficial effect on the plant by mobilizing essential nutrients from soil to
the plant; fighting against phytopathogens; alleviating the detrimental effect of
stress, etc. (Barassi et al. 2007; Odoh 2017). These bacteria are called plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). These soil microbes have been widely
explored for decontamination of the soil from heavy metal toxicity (Khan et al.
2009). These PGPRs are being utilized for minimizing the detrimental impact of
abiotic stresses on crop plants too (Yang et al. 2009; Gupta et al. 2015). Since
microbes have coevolved in the same environment along with the plants, they too are
adapted to such harsh conditions. Various researches indicate that the plant-microbe
interaction can improve the overall tolerance of the plants against the environmental
hurdles. Therefore, this chapter gives comprehensive information on plant-microbe
534 P. Gupta and M. Mishra
Plants utilize light energy, water, minerals, and carbon for running the normal cell
physiology and overall growth. Being sessile, plants do experience a plethora of
environmental stresses, and thus they must have more tightly regulated stress-
responsive machinery to survive under aforesaid circumstances. These environmen-
tal aberrations are in the form of soil salinity, drought, extremes of temperature (heat
and cold), and soil heavy metal toxicants. These factors interfere with nutrient
mobilization from the soil; disturb plant water balance; disrupt soil matrix composi-
tion; misbalance water holding capacity of the soil; decrease total plant yield; cause
ion toxicity in the plant cell (Alami et al.2000; Qadir and Schubert 2002). Initially,
the stress effects are observed only at the cellular level, while at the later stage
physiological changes are observed. Stresses also disturb the hormone balance of a
plant. Under drought stress, the plant cytokinin levels are reduced, while abscisic
acid (ABA) level is increased (Dobra et al. 2010; Nishiyama et al. 2011). The
elevated ABA level plays a very significant role in drought stress and regulates
many physiological changes in plant cells such as the closure of stomata (Liu et al.
2005; Daszkowska-Golec andSzarejko2013). Drought stress also leads to the accu-
mulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) including superoxides, and peroxides
which cause cell membrane damage (Zhao et al. 2001; Wang et al. 2005). These free
radicals also damage the nuclear membrane and finally damage DNA. The negative
impact of drought also includes decreased photosynthetic efficiency, reduced leaf
size and water potential, delayed flowering, reduced productivity, and seed viability
(Xu and Zhou 2006; Osakabe et al. 2014). Drought stress is considered to be one of
the most severe abiotic stresses because it can lead to complete yield loss and also
interferes with the nutrient balance of the plant cell. It affects nitrogen metabolism by
targeting the activity of the key enzyme of the pathway, nitrate reductase as a result
of which mobilization of nitrate from the soil is reduced which in turn causes
nitrogen deficiency in plants (Caravaca et al. 2005). One of the mechanisms
employed by the tolerant plants to overcome the lethal effect of drought is the
modification in the root architecture which includes extended root length and higher
root surface area, to absorb more nutrients and water from the soil (Wu et al. 2013;
Rao et al. 2016).
Heat stress or high-temperature stress is another severe threat to crop plants.
Plants do require the optimum temperature to complete their life cycle. Deviation
from this optimum temperature can lead to malfunctioning of cellular processes and
consequently yield is compromised. Some of the key physiological changes
observed under heat stress are higher transpiration and evaporation rate, also severe
cellular and tissue water scarcity (Wahid et al. 2007). Reduction in photosynthetic
efficiency, reduced seed setting rate, reduced photorespiration, and lower seed
germination rate is also associated with high-temperature stress (Xu et al. 2014).
22 Rhizobacteria-Mediated Alleviation of Abiotic Stresses in Crops 535
Thus, heat stress affects almost all the developmental stages of the plant. Extremes of
temperature also include a sudden drop in environmental temperature from optimum
growth temperature. This stress is termed as cold or chilling or freezing stress. Cold
stress is another severe abiotic stress which can lead to complete yield loss (Koini
et al. 2009). Cold stress affects plants by diverse mechanisms such as the formation
of ice crystal which in turn causes physio-chemical damage to the plant, photosyn-
thetic efficiency also decreases as CO2 fixation is compromised, and there is a
generation of ROS or free radicals, etc. Plants produce antifreezing proteins to
cope with the adverse effect of cold injuries (Theocharis et al. 2012; Janmohammadi
et al. 2015; Clemente-Moreno et al. 2020). Certain cold tolerant plants survive under
stress by accumulating osmoprotectants such as proline, mannitol, trehalose, glycine
betaine, etc. (Rathinasabapathi 2000; Chen and Murata 2002; Hasanuzzaman et al.
Similar to drought, salinity is also known to exert a lethal impact on the plant.
Highly saline soil can adversely affect the plant biomass as well as total yield. In
some cases, if the plant is exposed to salinity for a longer duration, the plant may die.
Salinity in the form of sodium, calcium, and magnesium salts of chloride, bicarbon-
ate, and sulphate can interfere with the mobilization of other essential nutrients from
the soil to the plants (Munns and Tester 2008). If the conductivity of soil becomes
equal to or more than 4 dS/m (40 mM NaCl concentration), the soil is considered to
be saline (Munns and Tester 2008). The physiological impact of high salt concen-
tration in the soil can be summarized as, a sharp decline in soil water potential which
in turn restricts water entry in the plant; nutrient imbalance because of excess Na+
ions in the rhizosphere competing with essential ion for the uptake; cellular toxicity
as caused by excessive Na+ ions in the cell leading to altered biochemical processes
(Boursiac et al. 2005; Aroca et al. 2012; Ambede et al. 2012; Gupta et al. 2019).
Therefore, it can be concluded that salinity causes both ionic as well as osmotic
stress and the combined effect of these stresses exerts a negative impact on plant
Plant biologists are employing various strategies to combat these abiotic stresses. As
described earlier, breeding methods and transgenic technologies are the most com-
mon methods used for the development of stress-tolerant crop varieties. However,
these methods are time-taking and expensive too. The use of microbial inoculants is
the new tool devised by crop biologists for sustainable agricultural development.
Many soil bacterial isolates are termed as plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB)
because of their direct and indirect impact on plant growth (Kloepper and Schroth
1981). These PGP traits include solubilization of nutrients, synthesis, and secretion
of plant growth regulators such as IAA, organic acids, nitrogen fixation, production
of protective enzymes such as ACC (1-aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylate) deami-
nase, glucanase, and chitinase, induction of systemic resistance, and production of
volatile organic compounds (Di Simine et al. 1998; Sharma et al. 2003; Mayak et al.
536 P. Gupta and M. Mishra
2004a;Mayak et al. 2004b; Saleem et al. 2007; Antoun and Prévost 2005). These
PGPRs have become an integral part of current agricultural practices to boost crop
production, improve the nutritional value, overcome the lethal effect of environmen-
tal stresses, and control phytopathogens (Glick et al. 1998; Yang et al. 2009; Yadav
et al. 2020). Various PGPRs belonging to distinct genus namely Acinetobacter,
Acetobacter, Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Bacillus,
Beijerinckia, Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Erwinia, Flavobacterium,
Gluconacetobacter, Pantoea, Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Rhizobium, Serratia etc.,
have been identified (Lucy et al. 2004; Singh et al. 2019). Past research carried out
on these PGPRs shows that their close association with plant provides greater
tolerance against various abiotic stresses (Schlaeppi and Bulgarelli 2015;
Vandenkoornhuyse et al. 2015). Crop plants such as rice, wheat, soybean, tomato,
apple, and lettuce, when coinoculated with PGPRs, show better adaptation to abiotic
stresses (Meena et al. 2015; Etesami and Alikhani 2016). Figure 22.2 gives the
mechanism of stress tolerance by rhizospheric microbes. The detailed mechanisms
of tolerance provided by the microbial community have been summarized in the
upcoming section.
The rhizobial microbes are known to synthesize and secrete phytohormones such as
indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinin, and gibberellic acid
(Yang et al. 2009; Dimkpa et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2012). The phytohormones are
important biological components of plants and enable it to survive under normal as
well as harsh conditions. Therefore, the production of phytohormones by PGPRs
provides an indirect mode of survival under stress. IAA is an auxin that is known to
promote root growth. Egamberdieva and Kucharova (2009) have shown that inocu-
lation of IAA producing bacterial species to the plant can make the plant tolerant to
drought stress as it promotes the lateral root formation and hence facilitates more
water absorption from the soil. Similarly, Dimkpa et al. (2009) have shown that
Azospirillum inoculation could make the plant tolerant to low water stress via IAA
production. In another study, Lavandula dentate plants showed tolerance to drought
stress when coinoculated with IAA producing PGPR B. thuringiensis (Armada et al.
2014). Some PGPR produce volatile compounds such as nitric oxide which induces
the IAA biosynthesis pathway in the plant and, thereby promotes root growth under
drought stress (Creus et al. 2005; Molina-Favero et al. 2008). Apart from IAA, ABA
is another important stress hormone, whose elevated level plays a significant role in
Rhizobacteria-Mediated Alleviation of Abiotic Stresses in Crops
Fig. 22.2 Mechanisms operated by PGPRs to confer stress tolerance. A schematic representation of the various mechanisms utilized by the rhizobial
counterpart to provide tolerance against multiple abiotic stresses to the plants
538 P. Gupta and M. Mishra
known to produce and secrete compatible solutes under stress condition which
facilitates plant survival under stresses. In an interesting study carried out by Shintu
and Jayaram (2015), inoculation of Bacillus polymyxa was found to confer tolerance
to drought stress in tomato plants due to the secretion of proline. Maize plants
accumulated higher proline when inoculated with Pseudomonas putida under
drought stress and hence maintained their leaf water potential (Sandhya et al.
2010). Gusain et al. (2015) have analyzed the effect of PGPR consortia comprising
of Pseudomonas jessenii, Pseudomonas synxantha, and Arthrobacter
nitroguajacolicus on contrasting rice genotypes (IR64 and Sahbhagidhan) under
drought stress. Surprisingly, treatment with PGPR consortium caused a higher
accumulation of proline leading to stress tolerance. However, the genotypes differ
in the extent of proline accumulation. Various other studies confirm the stress
tolerance in diverse plant groups due to hyperaccumulation of proline upon PGPR
inoculation (Sandhya et al. 2010; Ansary et al. 2012; Armada et al. 2014). Tolerance
to salinity stress was also observed in Brassica juncea upon inoculation with
Trichoderma harzianum which caused accumulation of osmoprotectants (Ahmad
et al. 2015). Apart from proline, various reports confirm the accumulation of amino
acids and sugars in the plant when coinoculated with PGPR under stress conditions
(Sandhya et al. 2010; Bano et al. 2013). Inoculation of B. subtilis and Klebsiella
variicola in Arabidopsis and maize, respectively leads to the accumulation of
glycine betaine leading to protection against water stress (Zhang et al. 2010; Gou
et al. 2015). A higher level of glycine betaine produced by many PGPRs also makes
plant tolerant to osmotic stress by regulating water loss mechanism in plants
(Nadeem et al. 2010). Sandhya et al. (2010) showed that plants inoculated with
B. subtilis and Pseudomonas showed tolerance to osmotic stress because of the
hyperaccumulation of glycine betaine. Researchers have also utilized modern tools
such as recombinant DNA technology where instead of using microbe in their
natural form, engineered PGPR strains are used which can synthesize specific
osmoprotectants. Suarez et al. (2008) used transgenic Rhizobium in which gene
encoding for trehalose-6-phosphate synthase is overexpressed leading to higher
trehalose accumulation in P. vulgaris conferring drought tolerance. Similar reports
are available for maize plants (Rodríguez-Salazar et al. 2009). Inoculation of maize
plants with genetically modified Azospirillum brasilense, which can synthesis and
accumulate higher trehalose, can confer drought tolerance to the inoculated plants
(Rodríguez-Salazar et al. 2009). One report confirms that salinity stress-induced
accumulation of trehalose in the soil bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum can
improve the soybean growth and nodulation under salinity stress (Sugawara et al.
2010). Dardanelli et al. (2009), showed that the application of Bradyrhizobium
strains also led to higher accumulation of trehalose in the bacterium which indirectly
supported the survival of peanut plants under salinity stress. Hence, these reports
give evidence that osmoprotectants produced and accumulated by the PGPRs play
an important role in providing stress tolerance to the crop plants.
540 P. Gupta and M. Mishra
Plants require a balanced cellular ionic environment for the normal functioning of
bioprocesses inside the cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus. Exposure to prolonged
abiotic stresses leads to disturbance in the ion balance of the cell. To cope with the
external factors, plants need to maintain ion homeostasis by adjusting the expression
pattern of distinct transporters and ion channels in the cell. Interestingly, certain
PGPRs are identified, which are involved in maintaining ion homeostasis of the plant
cell by direct or indirect mechanisms. Work carried out by Ryu and colleagues
(2004) demonstrated that inoculation of a novel strain of Bacillus subtilis GB
03 leads to tissue-specific expression of HKT1, i.e., high-affinity K+ transporter
1, making the inoculated Arabidopsis plant tolerant to salinity stress. HKT1 are the
transporters that differentially maintain cellular K+ and Na+ levels. Under salt stress,
B. subtilis GB 03 emits VOC which in turn represses the expression of HKT1 in the
root, while promoting expression in the shoot. Consequently, Na+ levels are opti-
mally maintained in the plant (Ryu et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2008). A similar
mechanism was proved using athkt1 Arabidopsis mutant plants where mutants
showed severe salt-stress phenotypes due to lack of functional HKT1 (Ryu et al.
2004; Zhang et al. 2008). Inoculation of PGPR consortium comprising of
P. syringae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and P. fluorescens helped the maize plants
in maintaining the high K+/Na+ ratio under salt-stress conditions, making the plant to
function normally even under salinity (Nadeem et al. 2007). However, the exact
mechanism is not clear. Mishra et al. (2009a) showed that Pseudomonas inoculation
to cold-stressed wheat plants can lead to higher accumulation of prolines, higher
chlorophyll content as well as higher K+/Na+ levels making the plant tolerant to cold
stress. Similar observations were made with a few other strains of Pseudomonas,
where wheat plant maintained lower Na+/K+ levels and showed tolerance to cold
stress (Mishra et al. 2009b). Work done by Ashraf et al. (2004) showed that
inoculation of a PGPR producing exopolysaccharide to wheat plant, conferred
tolerance to ionic stress as the former can cover the root zone and hinders the
movement of Na+ ions from soil to the plants. Likewise, salt-affected maize plants
inoculated with Azospirillum resulted in a higher K+/Na+ ratio and thus conferred
salinity tolerance (Hamdia et al. 2004).
Along with the ions, the excess of ROS generated due to abiotic stresses also
creates a problem for the cellular biochemical processes. Detoxification of this ROS
is another challenging factor for the crop biologists working in this area. Literature
confirms that inoculation of varied PGPR strains also led to better ROS management
strategies in stressed plants. PGPRs belonging to genus Bacillus are widely used for
ROS detoxification in the plants due to the availability of superoxide dismutase
(SOD), one of the key detoxifying enzymes. Oxidative damage caused by these ROS
molecules can be overcome by either enzymatic or nonenzymatic ROS detoxifica-
tion machinery in the cell (Kaushal and Wani 2016). To combat drought stress,
Gusain et al. (2015) have used PGPR consortium of P. jessenii, P. synxantha, and
A. nitroguajacolicus for treating contrasting rice genotypes. Interestingly, the
22 Rhizobacteria-Mediated Alleviation of Abiotic Stresses in Crops 541
antioxidant enzyme machinery comprising of CAT, SOD, APX, and POD was
upregulated making the plant tolerant to drought. A similar kind of consortium
analysis was carried out on drought-stressed maize plants, where inoculation of
five Pseudomonas species upregulated ROS detoxifying enzyme machinery confer-
ring drought tolerance to the plants (Sandhya et al. 2010). Combination of PGPR and
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus also led to drought tolerance in lettuce by
managing ROS as well as by the accumulation of proline (Kohler et al. 2008).
Various other reports confirm the activation of CAT, SOD or APX activity in
stressed plants upon PGPR inoculation (Baltruschat et al. 2008; Sun et al. 2010;
Heidari and Golpayegani 2011; Vardharajula et al. 2011). Table 22.1 gives the
details of diverse microbes used for the alleviation of abiotic stresses from crop
Crop Abiotic
plants stresses PGPR used Mechanism References
Rice Drought P. jessenii, A. nitroguajacolicus Promotes plant growth Gusain et al. (2015)
Salinity PGPR Induction of the stress responsive plant gene Jha et al. (2014)
Soybean Drought P. putida Higher gibberellin levels promote growth Sang et al.(2014)
Salinity Pseudomonas simiae Enhances the germination rate of soybean seed Vaishnav et al. (2016)
Pseudomonas koreensis Enhances K+/Na+ ratio Kasotia et al. (2015)
Glomus etunicatum Higher proline accumulation in root Sharifi et al. (2007)
Glomus intraradices Accumulation of carbohydrates Porcel and Ruiz-Lozano
Wheat Drought Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, A. brasilense Enhanced expression of the stress responsive Kasim et al. (2013)
Streptomyces pactum ABA signaling Li et al. (2019)
Pseudomonas spp. Protects from oxidative damage Chandra et al. (2018)
Bacillus thuringienesis Production of alginate Timmusk et al. (2014)
Agrobacterium fabrum, Bacillus ACC deaminase activity elevated Zafar-ul-Hye et al. (2019)
Salinity Glomus clarum, Glomus etunicatum Regulated K+/Na+ levels Daei et al. (2009)
Heat Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Production of HSPs and better ROS El-Daim et al. (2014)
Tomato Drought Azospirillum brasilense Phytohormone IAA production Molina-Favero et al. (2008)
Salinity Achromobacter piechaudii Reduced levels of ethylene, Increased biomass Mayak et al. (2004b)
under stress
Heat Curvularia proturberata Root colonization de Zelicourt et al. (2013)
Heavy Methylobacterium oryzae Nickel and cadmium uptake is reduced Madhaiyan et al. (2007)
P. Gupta and M. Mishra
Maize Drought Rhizobium Accumulation of osmoprotectant and regulated Bano and Fatima (2009)
K+/Na+ levels
Salinity Azospirillum lipoferum Higher ABA levels induced by GA Cohen et al. (2009)
Osmotic Bacillus megaterium Induction in ZmPIP expression Marulanda et al. (2010)
Pepper Drought B. licheniformis Expression of the stress responsive genes Lim and Kim (2013)
Salinity Burkholderia and Arthrobacter spp. Higher proline accumulation Barka et al. (2006)
Azospirillum brasilense and Pantoea High rate of photosynthesis del Amor and Cuadra-
dispersa Crespo (2012)
Lettuce Drought Bacillus spp. Higher plant growth Vivas et al. (2003)
Salinity Bacillus subtilis Phytohormone induced higher biomass Arkhipova et al. (2007)
Glomus intraradices ABA-mediated regulation Aroca et al. (2007)
Pea Drought Pseudomonas fluorescens Modification in root for more water absorption Zahir et al. (2008)
Variovorax paradoxus Phytohormone mediated higher yield Dodd et al. (2005)
Heavy Pseudomonas brassicacearum Nutrient uptake by root modification Safronova et al. (2006)
Rhizobacteria-Mediated Alleviation of Abiotic Stresses in Crops
544 P. Gupta and M. Mishra
Fig. 22.3 Omics approaches to identify genes, proteins, and metabolites, involved in stress
alleviation through plant-microbe interaction. A representation of different strategies that help to
identify the impact of plant-microbe interaction on abiotic-stress tolerance
inoculation of Pseudomonas sp. AK-1 and Bacillus sp. SJ-5 to soybean results in
superior tolerance to salt stress due to proline accumulation and lipoxygenase
activity (Kumari et al. 2015). Proline accumulation in bacterial-treated plants was
also found due to overexpression of GmP5CS gene (Kim et al. 2007). Inoculation of
Pseudomonas brassicacearum, Rhizobiumleguminosarum with Brassica juncea
provides tolerance to zinc toxicity (Adediran et al. 2016). Zinc toxicity was mediated
by expression of acetyl transferases lacA and cysE genes (Downie 1989). There are
several reports relating to abiotic stress alleviation and plant-microbe interaction.
Metagenomics is an alternative approach to sequence plant microbiome
metagenome. High-throughput metagenomics sequencing is an exceptionally useful
tool for a better understanding of plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial
communities. Two types of ACC-deaminase genes (acdS), homologous to Pseudo-
monas fluorescens, for stress alleviation were detected from potato endophyte
through PCR analysis. Metagenomic libraries helped to find out the entire acdS
operon from uncultivated endophyte and discovered a transcriptional regulator gene
acdR at upstream of acdS (Nikolic et al. 2011). The metagenomics library also
helped to find out salt tolerance genes in uncultivable bacteria by growing at
inhibitory NaCl concentrations of 750 mM (Kapardar et al. 2010).
22.6 Conclusion
Agricultural stability is the prime most requirement of crop biologists across the
world because all the other sectors such as health and economy are dependent on
agriculture. With global climate issues, increasing production, while maintaining
22 Rhizobacteria-Mediated Alleviation of Abiotic Stresses in Crops 547
crop quality has become a challenging task for scientists. Extensive work has been
carried out to understand the plant responses to abiotic stresses and technologies to
mitigate these stresses. Potential of these innate rhizobial microbes have been
realized in the alleviation of the plant abiotic stresses too. In turn, the plant-microbe-
stress interaction studies have identified many novel pathways, gene circuitry,
biomolecules, and metabolites signal cascade and have broadened up the existing
knowledge of plant stress alleviation. However, these studies are at a level, where
the key components which are involved in the stress alleviation are identified, but the
knowledge about the exact mechanism is not there. Future studies must address the
following technologies for the betterment of crop systems: (1) Identifying the best
candidate PGPR or combination of PGPR consortium which can function for most
of the cropping systems and which can prove functionality at multiple abiotic stress
level, (2) Furthermore, extensive work needs to be done to dissect out the molecular
machinery and pathways involved the plant-PGPR interaction under stresses,
(3) Molecular analysis to fetch out the key stress regulatory genes from the bacterial
counterparts, (4) Utilizing the best candidate gene for the ectopic expression in the
sensitive plant varieties to make them multistress tolerant, and (5) Applying the
“omics” strategies to have a complete snapshot of the global transcriptome, prote-
ome, and metabolome changes in plant-microbe-stress interaction.
Acknowledgments Research fellowships received from Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR) to PG and grants received from SERB-DST to MM are duly acknowledged. We
thank Dr. Sushil K. Sharma for giving us an opportunity to contribute a book chapter.
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Rhizospheric Microbes as Potential Tool
for Remediation of Carbofuran: An 23
The use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, hybrid seeds, and modern irrigation
practices is an obligation for our agriculture to be healthy and to be able to feed
the vast population. More than half of the cultivable land in the Indian cropping
system depends on chemical pesticides, which leads to increased demand
and consumption of these pesticides. Carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2,2-
dimethylbenzofuran-7-yl methylcarbamate) belongs to the methyl carbamate
group of pesticides extensively employed as nematicide and insecticide and is
one of the most consumed pesticides in India. It is highly persistent in the soil,
which leads to its leaching to groundwater and surface water, causing various
health hazards in humans and other communities. Thus, there is an imperative
demand for feasible approaches for the removal of carbofuran from soil and
water. Bioremediation technologies for pesticide removal have been used for
both on-field and off-field applications and are widely accepted across the world
because of their eco-friendly nature. The authors in the present chapter review the
current advancements on microbial remediation of carbofuran, its degradation
pathways, and mechanisms, including the role of enzymes and other factors.
23.1 Introduction
The ever-growing population has triggered the transition from traditional practices to
modern science-based agriculture. The use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, hybrid
seeds, and advanced irrigation practices is must for our agriculture to be strong and
supportive of feeding the vast population. As the availability of land is decreasing
day-by-day, the application of fertilizers and pesticides has become necessary to
meet the demand for food grains. Recent reports by Directorate of Plant Protection,
Quarantine and Storage (DPPQ&S), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare,
revealed that total chemical pesticide consumption in the year 2018–2019 was
around 59,670 MT (Metric tonnes) technical grade (Government of India 2019a).
According to a report by DPPQ&S during 2018–2019, the total area under cultiva-
tion across India was ~167 million hectares. Out of the total cultivated area, ~52%
was under the use of chemical pesticides, ~8% under biopesticides, ~19% under
both chemical and biopesticide, and ~ 21% under no pesticides (Government of
India 2019b). So in Indian cropping systems, the significant portion of the cultivable
land is under the use of chemical pesticides, which leads to the increased demand
and consumption of indigenous as well as imported chemical pesticides. Among all
the Indian states, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh are major pesticide consuming
states with annual use of 11,746 MT and 11,049 MT during 2018–2019, respec-
tively. Both the states constitute more than a 38% share of the total pesticides
consumed throughout the year (Fig. 23.1). Other major pesticides consuming states
are Punjab, Haryana, and Telangana, which together share more than 24% of the
total pesticides consumed during 2018–2019 (Government of India 2019a).
Fig. 23.1 State-wise consumption of pesticides in India during 2018–2019 (Govt. of India 2019a)
23 Rhizospheric Microbes as Potential Tool for Remediation of Carbofuran: An. . . 559
The rhizosphere is a restricted zone of soil near the plant roots where numerous
microbial biochemical processes take place, including contaminant degradation. The
rhizosphere provides an increased supply of nutrients to the microorganisms in the
form of a wide range of organic compounds such as sugars, alcohols, and acids via
root exudates and mucilage, which leads to the increased microbial activity and
diversity (Hrynkiewicz and Baum 2012). Microorganisms have dominated the field
of bioremediation due to their ability to transform all forms of organic matter. The
significant proportion of bacteria in the rhizospheric zone comprises nonsporulating,
gram-negative bacilli followed by gram-positive bacilli and aerobic nonspore
forming bacteria.
The rhizosphere affords microhabitats for aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms
(Walton et al. 1994). The plants have been exposed to different natural as well as
anthropogenic toxicants, including halogenated aliphatics, aromatics,
nitroaromatics, chloroaromatics, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalate esters, and nitrosamines. The
degradation of these compounds using rhizospheric microbes has been extensively
studied. The fate of these compounds present in the rhizosphere depends upon the
interaction between three components of the rhizosphere, i.e., the microorganisms,
plant, and soil. Along with the potential pollutant degrading microorganisms, the
plant factors also play a significant role in the increased rate of pollutant removal
from rhizospheric sites. The plant factors include different organic and inorganic
chemicals in the form of root exudates, which vary with the plant species, the
physical morphology of the roots, which affects the bioavailability of the compounds
to the microbes, plant cell wall, and the uptake mechanisms. The different microbial
species for carbofuran removal are discussed below.
Fig. 23.3 Proposed pathways for microbial degradation of carbofuran (Yan et al. 2007)
sole carbon source and resulted in the production of several intermediate compounds
detected by GCMS analysis. The peaks for carbofuran and one of its metabolite
carbofuran-7-phenol were observed at retention times of 9.36 and 6.39 mins,
respectively. The MS analysis of culture extract revealed the presence of metabolites
resulting from the cleavage of ether and ester bonds present in the carbofuran. The
metabolite with M+ peak at 239 m/z was formed possibly due to the addition of water
molecule, causing the cleavage of ether bond, which was further detected as
2-Hydroxy-3-(2-methylpropan-2-ol)benzene-N-methyl carbamate. Another metabo-
lite of M+ peak at 182 m/z detected at 8.37 mins was proposed to be 2-hydroxy-3-
(3-methylpropan-2-ol) phenol formed from hydroxylation of carbofuran-7-phenol.
The third compound detected with M+ peak at 237 m/z was found to be similar to the
fragment ion patterns of 4-hydroxycarbofuran and 5-hydroxycarbofuran, which are
formed via hydroxylation of the benzene ring (Fig. 23.3).
In another study, carbofuran degradation metabolites were detected during
carbofuran degradation by wild type and mutant strains of Sphingomonas sp. KN
65.2. A metabolite with molecular mass 343.1178 Da was detected while screening
the wild type strain for carbofuran degradation. However, the structure of this
metabolite was not identified. In the case of the mutant strain, seven different
types of metabolites were detected and, depending upon the type of different
intermediate pathways, were hypothesized for carbofuran degradation (Fig. 23.4).
The hydrolysis of carbamate resulted in the formation of carbofuran-7-phenol, while
the oxidation of carbofuran-7-phenol causes the cleavage of the furan ring, resulting
in the formation of 3-(2-hydroxy-2-methyl propyl)benzene-1,2-diol. Other
metabolites such as (3-(2-hydroxy-2-methyl propyl)cyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-
dione), 4((2E,4Z)-2,8-dihydroxy-8-methyl-6-oxonona-2,4-dienoic acid), and
5-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoic acid) were hypothesized on the basis of molecular
566 M. A. Khan et al.
Fig. 23.4 Pathways for carbofuran degradation by Sphingomonas sp. KN 65.2 (Nguyen et al.
formulae, MS/MS spectra, monoisotopic patterns, etc. One more metabolite was
proposed to be formed by a hydroxylation methyl group on the furan ring of
carbofuran (Nguyen et al. 2015).
Recently, the research interest in the field of bioremediation has been toward the
behavior of contaminants in the presence of added organic carbon sources
(Blackshaw et al. 2005). The degradation of such organic carbon sources releases
sugars and amino acids that cause enhanced microbial activity in the soil. Moreover,
contaminant mobility is also affected due to the increase in dissolved soil organic
matter (Cox et al. 2001). Sludge from different energy generation plants, including
hydrogen, ethanol, and methane, was used as a stimulator for the enhanced degrada-
tion of carbofuran. While bioaugmentation treatment showed the half-life of
16.63 days, stimulation from the sludge from the hydrogen power plant recorded
carbofuran half-life of 9.53 days. Interestingly, the best carbofuran degradation (t1/2:
3.22 days) was observed when both the biostimulation and bioaugmentation
approaches were applied together (Pimmata et al. 2013). Biomixtures containing
bioaugmented lignocellulosic biomass have also been developed for the purification
of pesticide-contaminated wastewaters. Trametes versicolor, a medicinal mush-
room, was grown in rice husk and evaluated for carbofuran degradation. The
combined treatment degraded 55.1% carbofuran within 34 days with a t1/2 of
23 Rhizospheric Microbes as Potential Tool for Remediation of Carbofuran: An. . . 567
23.4 Conclusion
carbon sources can be explored for their effect on carbofuran removal from
contaminated soil and water systems. Also, formulating the microbial cultures
ensures their viability over more extended storage periods by providing them with
an inert surface for adsorption and nutrition. The choice of ingredients for the
development of microbial formulations is very significant. There might be a possi-
bility where a recipient might transform parent toxicant to another metabolite that
can act as xenobiotic to the microbe in the formulation. The challenge, however, is to
fabricate a commercially available and effective microbial formulation that shall lead
to the progress of an effective bioremediation process for recalcitrant compounds in
the environment.
23 Rhizospheric Microbes as Potential Tool for Remediation of Carbofuran: An. . . 569
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Trichoderma spp.: A Unique Fungal
Biofactory for Healthy Plant Growth 24
Hesham Ali El Enshasy, Kugan Kumar Ambehabati,
Siti Zulaiha Hanapi, Daniel J. Dailin, Elsayed Ahmed Elsayed,
Dalia Sukmawati, and Roslinda Abd Malek
The increased global demand for food leads to the extensive use of chemical
fertilizers, which posed significant impacts and drawbacks on animal, environ-
mental, and plant resources. Therefore, much attention has been paid recently
toward the development of biofertilizers and biocontrol agents. Trichoderma is a
fungal species that exists in various ecosystems and has many beneficial effects
H. A. El Enshasy (*)
Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia
School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
City of Scientific Research and Technology Application, New Burg Al Arab, Alexandria, Egypt
e-mail: henshasy@ibd.utm.my
K. K. Ambehabati · S. Z. Hanapi · R. A. Malek
Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia
D. J. Dailin
Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia
School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
E. A. Elsayed
Bioproduct Development Chair, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Kind Saud University,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
D. Sukmawati
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
Jakarta, Indonesia
24.1 Introduction
fungal prey, Trichoderma spp. establishes in the rhizosphere and shows positive
rhizosphere interactions with other plants (Druzhinina et al. 2011; Halifu et al.
2019). The potential strains appear to show their effects on plants in different
ways such as by increasing plant growth and nutrient uptake, which leads to
significant increase in the rate of seed germination as well as stimulates the plant
defense/resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses (Shoresh and Harman 2008). In
recent times, increasing number of studies have been conducted to reveal the
molecular basis of plant and Trichoderma interaction. For example, some compara-
tive studies have been done to analyze the genome sequence of the two established
biocontrol Trichoderma species viz. T. atroviride and T. virens. Both the species
show better picture on how mycoparasitism takes place (Kubicek et al. 2011).
Trichoderma spp. are used not only to control the growth of pathogen but also for
the enhancement of plant growth and contribute in the development of root system.
They also stimulate the defense system of the plant. Some of the strains on the other
hand are known to penetrate epidermis and colonizate the root surface. Besides the
root colonization, the Trichoderma strains produce secondary metabolites, which
can act as the plant growth regulators. For example, they produce gluconic acid,
citric acid, and oxalic acid, which reduce soil pH and thus solubilize phosphate,
minerals, and other micronutrients (Promwee et al. 2014; Li et al. 2015). Therefore,
Trichoderma plays three key roles in supporting plant growth: source of different
metabolites necessary for growth and nutrient solubilization, acts as biological
control agent using different mechanisms, and supports healthy plant growth under
biotic and abiotic stress (Fig. 24.1).
Fig. 24.1 Different functional effects of Trichoderma to support healthy plant growth
576 H. A. El Enshasy et al.
Different strains of Trichoderma colonize root systems of many crops. The fungus
has the capacity to colonize the roots of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous
plants and alters the hormones, soluble sugars, phenolic compounds, water content,
photosynthesis rate, and transpiration processes, which results in significant changes
in the metabolism of the plant (Brotman and Lisec 2012). Trichoderma can colonize
broad range of hosts, and therefore, it can be used as an efficient strategic strain that
can enhance the immunity of the plant and create a good microenvironment for plant
growth and production. The plant-derived sucrose plays a vital role in facilitating
root colonization and coordinating the defense mechanisms and increases the rate of
photosynthesis (Harman et al. 2004).
Any fungal strain that promotes plant growth and provides protection must be
able to colonize the plant roots. The overall colonization processes involve the
recognition, adhesion to roots, and colonization on the plant roots and lastly show
strong response toward the metabolites produced by plant as a result of external
fungal invasion. However, in the case of Trichoderma, the adhesion process to the
root surface is mediated by the hydrophobins. “Hydrophobins are small (about
100 amino acids), cysteine-rich, hydrophobic proteins that are present in large
amounts in fungal cell walls, where they form part of the outermost layer (rodlet
layer); sometimes, they can also be secreted into the medium” (Linder et al. 2002;
Lienemann et al. 2013). The T. asperellum produces class-I hydrophobins, which
have been shown to support the colonization of the plant roots. The colonization
process involves attachment of the hydrophobins to the root surface and protects the
hyphal tips from the plant defense compounds. The swollenin is the expansion-like
protein with the cellulose-binding domain, which helps in recognizing the cellulose
and plays important role in plant cell modification and initiation of root colonization
(Morán-Diez et al. 2009). According to Samolski et al. (2012), T. harzianum
encodes the cysteine-rich cell wall protein, which plays significant role in adhesion
to the root of the tomato plants.
Trichoderma normally colonizes the root surface and causes some changes in
plant morphological features during the mycoparasitism when the hyphae start to
penetrate the root epidermis.
However, the penetration process of the root tissue is limited only to the first and
the second layers of the root surface. The root penetration is usually facilitated by the
secretion of certain hydrolytic enzymes such as cellulases and proteases. The
degrading enzymes of plant cell wall are also majorly involved during the active
root colonization. After 72 h of root colonization, yeast-like cells can be observed
together with the plant epidermal and cortical cell walls. According to Chacón et al.
(2007), the newly formed barrier consists of deposition of large amount of cellulose
and infiltrations of cellulose.
The typical reaction of the host toward Trichoderma can be found beyond the
sites of the potential fungal penetration and it does not induce the reinforcement of
the plant cell wall, which surprisingly is efficient for the restriction of the fungal
growth for the intercellular spaces of the epidermis and cortex. This prevents the
24 Trichoderma spp.: A Unique Fungal Biofactory for Healthy Plant Growth 577
entry of the Trichoderma into the vascular stele. Besides that, the plants, on the other
hand, also show some reaction against fungal invasion simply by accumulation and
secretion of antimicrobial compounds, and therefore, the ability of fungal propagules
to colonize the plant root mainly depends on the ability of the strain to tolerate these
compounds. When it comes to Trichoderma, the resistance is associated with the
ABC transport system. The ABC system is one of the key factors for the multiple
interactions established by Trichoderma with the other types of microbes in
the environment (Ruocco et al. 2009; Liu et al. 2019). During this process, all the
phenolic compounds are removed from the plants (Chen et al. 2011) with the
phytoalexin production being reduced as well (Masunaka et al. 2011). On the
other hand, secretion of cysteine-rich protein in a small amount was detected in
both T. harzianum and T. atroviride. This protein has similar homologue with
avirulence protein known as Avr4. Due to the homologue similarity, the cysteine-
rich protein is expected to protect against plant chitinase with the same mechanism
like Avr4.
During the root colonization, the enzyme that degrades the cell wall to facilitate
fungal penetration is called swollenin (Brotman et al. 2008). This enzyme helps to
carry the cellulose binding module and can cause changes on the crystalline cellulose
structure of the plant cell wall (Eibinger et al. 2016). The protein has a set of
sequences, which is similar to another plant protein known as expansins. This
protein usually helps to cause expansion of the cell wall in plant roots and root
hairs. Due to its function of causing expansion, Trichoderma may increase the root
surface area once it is successfully established in the plant rhizosphere (Druzhinina
et al. 2011). Exchange of the molecular messages takes place during Trichoderma
root colonization, and it includes deposition of the fungal elicitors in the root cell
apoplast (Contreras-Cornejo et al. 2014a; Hermosa et al. 2012). However, the exact
molecular and biochemical mechanisms that take place during the fungal coloniza-
tion need in-depth investigation. According to Segarra et al. (2007), the same effects
were identified in cucumber plants when it was inoculated with T. asperellum T34
where the identified proteins were classified into four groups, which are related to
metabolism and energy, stress and defense, secondary metabolism, and protein
biosynthesis and protein folding structure.
Trichoderma for the past few years has received less attention as plant resistance
enhancer. However, this was overcome with publication of more studies. One of the
well-known publications of De Meyer et al. (1998) explained the T. harzianum root
colonization mechanism and defense response in beans. Other research also shows
the penetration mechanism of T. asperellum in the root of cucumber and the
activation of systemic resistance mechanism (Yedidia et al. 1999). The proteome
and transcriptome of the plant leaves were systemically due to fungus root coloniza-
tion and the MAMP interaction. The triggering of the ISR takes place by the JA or
the ET signaling pathway, which is similar to the ISR induced by PGPR (Shoresh
and Harman 2008; Shoresh et al. 2005). This has been confirmed by other authors
such as (1) Segarra et al. (2007) confirmed that the MYBB72 converged when ISR is
triggered by PGPR and Trichoderma, (2) Korolev et al. (2008) investigated that JA
or ET induced by Trichoderma treatment led to enhanced resistance toward Botrytis
cinerea, and (3) according to Djonovic et al. (2007), Sm 1, cerato-platanin is
required for ISR induction by T. virens to fight against Colletotrichum graminicola
in maize.
However, several studies indicate that during the T. asperellum and cucumber
interaction, the defense response of the plant is highly dependent on time and
concentration of the inducer. During the first hour of contact between the two
partners, SAR-like response is observed and there is increase in the SA and peroxi-
dase activity. After the inoculation of the fungus, the systemic resistance of SA and
580 H. A. El Enshasy et al.
JA levels increased to high density. Similarly, Gallou et al. (2009) concluded that the
defense system caused by T. harzianum on potato was mainly depending on JA or
ET and SA signaling pathway. There are several findings that support the importance
of Trichoderma in signaling mechanisms (Ramirez-Valdespino et al. 2019). One of
the examples is inoculation of Trichoderma that can cause long-lasting effect on the
upregulation of SA gene markers in the plants that didn’t have any negative impact
from the pathogens (Singh et al. 2016a, b). However, if at all, the plant is challenged
by any pathogens, the pretreatment with Trichoderma can modulate the
SA-dependent gene expression (Singh et al. 2016b; Reacić et al. 2018). After the
infection, the induction of expressed gene is carried out through the JA signaling
pathway and caused an increase in the ISR mechanisms (Tucci et al. 2011; Singh
et al. 2019). Similar to that, a delayed and overlapping expression of defense-related
genes of both SA and JA or ET pathways was noticed when Arabidopsis roots were
colonized of by T. atroviride and wheat colonized by T. harzianum (Salas-Marina
et al. 2011; Singh et al. 2019). This happens against the biotrophic and necrotrophic
pathogens both locally and systemically.
Besides being used for plant growth, certain species of Trichoderma can be applied
to increase the resistance of the plant toward abiotic and biotic stresses. According to
Chen et al. (2011), research studies conducted on different plants such as radish,
cucumber, and tomato indicate the presence of the fungus to enhance the plant
growth response toward the abiotic and biotic stresses. Harman et al. (2000) on the
other hand have concluded that Trichoderma also increases root development and
crop yield as well as fresh weight of the seedling and foliar area of the plant. Yedidia
et al. (2003) have confirmed that T. harzianum can enhance the uptake of nutrients in
the plants and improve plant growth, biomass accumulation, and other physiological
traits. In many cases, the genetic background of the plant can influence the outcome
of the plant-fungal interactions (Tucci et al. 2011). They confirmed that the genetic
background of tomato can affect the biocontrol agent, T. atroviride and
T. harzianum. The plant growth promotion activities of many Trichoderma strains
were found to be associated with the production of indole-3-acetic acid (Singh et al.
2019) and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase. According to
Kubicek et al. (2011), ACC deaminase consists of putative sequence, which can be
found in most of the Trichoderma genes. This enzyme plays significant role in root
elongation of canola plant (viterbo et al. 2010). RNAi silencing of the ACCD gene in
T. asperellum mutant strain has led to losing of the fungal ability to support root
elongation in canola seedlings. In other study, root colonization of maize by
Trichoderma is supported by the presence of sucrolytic enzymes. The presence of
invertase gene in T. virens (tvinv) supports hyphal growth through sucrose utilization
and also intensive root colonization. In addition, colonization of maize root by
T. virens increases photosynthesis rate as proved by the significant systemic increase
in carbon dioxide uptake rate in maize leaves (Vargas et al. 2009).
24 Trichoderma spp.: A Unique Fungal Biofactory for Healthy Plant Growth 581
On the other hand, although the effect of Trichoderma on abiotic stress has been
well studied by several workers, the mechanisms on how the stress can be controlled
by the plant is yet to be discovered. Mastouri et al. (2010) have reported that treating
tomato seeds with T. harzianum fastens up the process of seed germination as well as
increases the seedling vigor by providing physical protection against the oxidative
damage. The amelioration of damage caused by the reactive oxygen species accu-
mulation in any stressed plants could be the well-known mechanism that happens
through any beneficial fungi and PGBR in which the plant increases its tolerance
against abiotic stresses. In general, salinity affects the plant growth and several
developments such as formation of lateral roots, primary root length, and root hair
induction, which all together reduce the total root surface (Robin et al. 2016). This
causes negative impact on the diameter of the shoot and the content of the chloro-
phyll (Contreras-Cornejo et al. 2014b). On the other hand, when the plants are
inoculated with Trichoderma, they show high tolerance toward the saline stress.
When the stress is too high, the fungi modify the saline stress. Most probably, this
can be done by the mechanisms initiated by the ABA accumulation, osmolyte-
proline, which is also known as L-Pro, and the accumulation of antioxidant ascorbic
acid. Brotman and Lisec (2012) also discovered the accumulation of L-Pro when
Arabidopsis thaliana was inoculated with T. asperelloides T203. It has also been
reported that Indole 3-acetic acid (IAA) plays important role in plant adaptation to
salt stress. Therefore, IAA producer microorganisms can enhance plant adaptation to
salinity stress by causing some modification on the plant hormone pathway (Waqas
et al. 2012; Korver et al. 2018; Singh et al. 2020). Other study showed that the
application of T. longibrachiatum T6 as growth-promoting biological agent can
enhance wheat plant tolerance to salt stress (Zhang et al. 2016). This effect was
carried out through the upregulation of gene set responsible for the expression of
antioxidant enzymes involved in abiotic stress defense system: catalase (CAT),
superoxide dismutase (SOD), and peroxidase (POD). A recent research also showed
that application of T. longibrachiatum T6 in wheat seedling increases plant tolerance
to salt stress by increasing IAA, ACC-deaminase, and ethylene synthesis (Zhang
et al. 2019). Other research showed that application of T. longibrachiatum T6 leads
to the induction of transcription of reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging
enzymes. This results in increase in the induction of glutathione s-transferase
(GST), thione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), ascorbate peroxidase
(APX), and dehydroascrbate reductase (DHAR). In addition, it also enhances non-
enzymatic antioxidant defense system (Zhang et al. 2019).
The dual application of Trichoderma phytohormone as biocontrol and growth
enhancer on melon plants has been studied by Martinez-Medina et al. (2014). They
pointed out a strong relationship between the auxin induction in plant and the
presence of Trichoderma. In addition, the protective effect of this strain against
plant pathogens such as F. oxysporum is associated with the alternation of hormones,
abscisic acid, and ethylene induction in the plant. In general, the production of
growth hormones and other growth promoters is heavily affected by the environ-
mental growth condition of the Trichoderma spp. (Nieto-Jacobo et al. 2017).
582 H. A. El Enshasy et al.
According to Hermosa et al. (2012), the growth of the plant as well as the produc-
tivity can be enhanced by solubilization of the mineral nutrients. In general, different
Trichoderma strains have been reported for their capacity to solubilize different
macro- and micronutrients from soil. This can be mediated through the production of
wide range of organic acids such as gluconic, citric, and fumaric acids, which reduce
the pH of soil, ease mineral solubilization, and thus increase nutrient plant consump-
tion and healthy growth. T. harzianum T22 can be taken as a good example, where
the particular stain can solubilize different types of plant nutrients, which can be the
limiting factor in plants in certain soils. Of different nutrient of soil, phosphate is one
of the essential elements which is needed for healthy plant growth. Phosphate is
present in soil mainly in insoluble form. It has been reported that different
Trichoderma strains were able to solubilize phosphate in soil and thus increased
availability for plant consumption (Sharma et al. 2013). The solubilization mecha-
nism involves the production of different type of organic acids and cultivation under
salt stress (Gaind 2016). However, exposure of T. asperellum Q1 to salt stress not
only increases phosphate solubilization but also increases phytohormone production
and thus enhances the growth of cucumber (Zhao and Zhang 2015).
However, the soil condition and the exposure of Trichoderma to abiotic stresses
can govern the phosphate solubilization capacity. Recent research showed that the
solubilization of tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) was increased when T. koningiopsis
grew under abiotic stress of draught and alkaline conditions (Tandon et al. 2020).
Other study also showed that Trichoderma strains such as T. harzianum,
T. viridescens, and T. citrinoviride can solubilize phosphate from tri-calcium phos-
phate and potassium from biotite concurrently (Nahidan et al. 2019). T. harzianum
increases the solubilization of essential macro- and micronutrients and mineral
uptake by tomato plant (Li et al. 2015; Singh et al. 2018). They also reported that,
in addition to phosphorus, T. harzianum strain SQR-T037 also increases Zn, Cu, and
Fe plant uptake by plant.
Trichoderma is well known for production of diffusible metabolites, which can
reduce the Fe(III) and Cu(III), which is controlled by the formation of Fe(II)-Na2-
bathophenanthrolinedisulfonic acid and Cu(I)-Na2-2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-
phenanthrolinedisulfonic acid complexes. The solubilization mechanism of metal
oxides by Trichoderma spp. involves both the chelation and the reduction of iron.
This, however, can be useful to the plants as they solubilize the iron that cannot be
found all the time. In this nutrient solubilization process, the nitrogen signaling
always has some interaction with the other signaling networks in order to control the
growth and development of plant. In particular, T. asperelloides T203 boosts the
level of amino acid in any colonized plant. The level of amino acid is increased
mainly because of the allocation and continuous reuse of nitrogen. The plants that
have been inoculated with T203 always show increased level of amino acid, and this
can be the reason behind increased use of nitrogen (Brotman and Lisec 2012). In
addition to the above mechanisms of mineral solubilization in soil, some
Trichoderma strains are able to produce specific enzymes to ease phosphate
24 Trichoderma spp.: A Unique Fungal Biofactory for Healthy Plant Growth 583
24.6 Mycoparasitism
It has been reported that around 75 Trichoderma species have the ability to attack
and destroy the plant pathogenic fungi through mycoparasitic effect. Some of the
pathogenic fungi such as Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium spp., Alternaria alternata,
Rhizoctonia solani, and Bipolaris sorokiniana have the capability of causing such
damage to the plant (Singh et al. 2016a, b, 2019). The mycoparasitism process by
Trichoderma involves different steps initiated by host recognition followed by
hyphal attachment and coiling around the hyphae of the host (Harman et al. 2004).
To be more precise, it involves complex process that starts with tropic growth of the
biocontrol agent toward the host fungi followed by lectin-mediated coiling of
Trichoderma hyphae to the pathogen, which leads to complete inhibition of patho-
gen growth. Some of the antibiotics metabolites produced during this phenomenon
help to kill the pathogen. Table 24.2. shows the list of antibiotic metabolites that are
produced during this process.
In addition, the biocontrol agents have the ability to inhibit the production of
enzyme like pectinases from the pathogens, which facilitate plant tissue degradation.
Benítez et al. (2004) investigated the synergic effect caused by the interaction
between endochitinase of Trichoderma harzianum (gliotoxin), the hydrolytic
enzymes, and peptaibols on the germination of Botrytis cinerea. They reported
that Trichoderma virens strains, which are tentatively known as Q strains, can
produce gliotoxin. Gliotoxin is mainly produced by the gene clusters that have
NRP GliP as the core enzyme and normally is regulated by LaeA. This gene cluster,
in particular, is coregulated during the process of mycoparasitism, but it will not be
regulated in the presence of other fungi, which leads to the lack of gliotoxin
production (Mukherjee et al. 2012; Mukherjee et al. 2013). In addition, according
to Vinale et al. (2008), volatile metabolites have been reported to play vital role
during the mycoparasitism process. Crutcher et al. (2013) showed a list of volatile
compounds being produced by some of the Trichoderma strains during
mycoparasitism. However, the chemical profile of volatile compounds might be
varied and was highly strain dependent. For example, Trichoderma atroviride has
the capacity to produce 6-pentyl-α-pyrone, which was not reported in any other
strains. However, Trichoderma reesei releases very poor mixture of volatile
compounds as compared to any other strains. These differences in the capacity of
volatile compound production are directly related to effectiveness of different strains
as biocontrol agent.
584 H. A. El Enshasy et al.
Table 24.2 Antibiotics metabolites and enzymes produced by Trichoderma species during
Diversity Compound Effect Strain References
Pyrone 6-(1-Pentenyl)- Antifungal T. harzianum Claydon
2H-pyran-2-one activity against et al.
Aspergillus (1987),
fumigatus and Parker et al.
Penicillium (1997)
Nitrogen Harzianic acid Antimicrobial T. arundinaceum Vinale et al.
heterocyclic (HA) metabolites and T. harzianum (2013)
compound plant growth Mangaiello
regulator et al. (2018)
Trichothecene Trichodermin Phytotoxic T. brevicompactum Malmierca
effect et al. (2013)
Anthraquinone Pachybasin Increase the T. harzianum Lin et al.
coil of any (2012)
control agent
Monoterpene β-Myrcene Regulate the T. virens Crutcher
expression of et al. (2013)
genes involved
in biotic and
abiotic stresses
Diketopiperazine/ Gliotoxin Antibacterial Trichoderma Vargas
NRP and antifungal virens et al. (2014)
activities Trichoderma spp. Bulgari
et al. (2020)
Hydrolytic Chitinases Break down Trichoderma spp. Tzelepis
enzymes fungal cell wall Trichoderma et al. (2015)
harzianum Ting and
Chai (2015)
Hydrolytic β-1,6-Glucanases Hydrolyze the Trichoderma spp. Druzhinina
enzymes cell wall of et al. (2011)
cinerea and
fungal cell wall hydrolysate and chitin. Ciliento et al. (2006) investigated the role of
Trichoderma ABC transporters during mycoparasitism. The data demonstrated that
the mycelia of the plant pathogen can induce the expression of specific ABC
transporter genes in Trichoderma species. However, confirmation was made when
production of knockout mutants exhibited slower growth rate as compared to wild
type strain. However, most of the cell wall degrading enzymes produced by
Trichoderma sp. have been purified and purified enzyme showed antifungal activity
toward wider range of fungal pathogens when tested alone or in combination with
other enzymes. On the other hand, the presence of different carbon sources enhances
the production of cell wall-degrading enzymes. However, better antifungal activity
has been reported by combining the purified protein with different types of synthetic
fungicides, which can affect the cell membrane integrity. A mixture of cell wall
degrading enzymes (of different lytic effects) can exhibit antimicrobial effect against
pathogen better than the treatment with synthetic pesticides alone (Lorito et al.
24.7 Antibiosis
rhizosphere zone. On the other hand, the polar antibiotics and peptaibols act near to
the proximity of the hyphae of the fungus and exhibit activity in short distance range.
According to Lorito et al. (2016), it has been demonstrated that fungal peptaibols can
prevent the activity of β-glucan synthase. The inhibition of glucan synthase
interrupts the buildup of cell wall of the pathogen, which can also disrupt the action
of β-glucanases.
However, the mode of action as well as the production of secondary metabolites
and their interaction with other compounds is yet to be studied fully for most of the
Trichoderma strains, although role of peptaibols is clear. The secondary metabolites
can be divided according to the producers into two groups viz. “Q” strains and “P”
strains. The P strain normally produces the compound named gliovirin, while the Q
strain produce antibiotic compound named gliotoxin. The differences between the
two are that gliotoxin has wide range of antibiotic activity, while the gliovirin is
limited because of the presence of specific potent inhibitor of the Oomycetes. The
production of gliovirin is interrelated to the efficiency of biocontrol of the P strain. In
some cases, in the presence of high carbon to nitrogen ratio, some strains produce
compound named viridiol, which acts as bioherbicide without any negative effect on
the other crops in the soil. The presence of this compound enables Trichoderma
strains to degrade the seed-emitted compounds, which promotes the germination of
pathogen. In general, the Q strain can enhance the phytoalexin synthesis, which can
help to improve the biocontrol efficiency by simply not being pathogenic to the
cotton roots (Howell 2002; Howell and Puckhaber 2005). On the other hand, the P
strain does not support the production of phytoalexin synthesis in cotton. However,
despite the study of Hanson and Howell (2004), about the phytoalexin synthesis in
cotton, the exact biochemical process involved during the synthesis is yet to be
24.8 Conclusion
Soil fungi play critical and multifunctional roles in plant growth and stress tolerance
under different circumstances. In particular, strains belonging to Trichoderma spe-
cies are so far the most widely studied and used microbial inoculants in agriculture
and allied sectors. Their roles are not only limited to the conventional supply of
essential nutrients and prevention of diseases in plants but also to certain extent to
help plant adaptation to various environmental stresses and have the capacity to
produce several plant growth promoting substances. This ensures healthy growth of
plant with minimal use of chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides. However, many
other functions and mechanisms of action are still under study. Therefore, further
research is needed to elucidate the complicated mechanisms of Trichoderma in
supporting healthy plant growth. This will help to develop new applications and
protocols for organic fertilization and prevention of plant diseases. This will help to
maximize the beneficial application of Trichoderma in field, supporting chemical
free fertilization practice, and improve agroeconomy of the current organic fertiliza-
tion strategies.
24 Trichoderma spp.: A Unique Fungal Biofactory for Healthy Plant Growth 587
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590 H. A. El Enshasy et al.
R. M. Ram (*)
Department of Plant Pathology, A.N.D.U.A & T, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India
R. S. Rajput
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Sciences, Rama University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh,
A. Vaishnav
Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Applied Sciences and Humanities, GLA University,
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
25.1 Introduction
Plant diseases are one of the major challenges to ecosystem stability and food
security for the soaring population. Due to the attack of pathogens both at pre- and
postharvest stages, the crop yields are severely affected. There are innumerable
pathogens, viz., Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia,
Puccinia, Bipolaris, Erysiphe, etc., that causes heavy crop losses, but among them,
Sclerotium rolfsii is a major polyphagous pathogen attacking more than 500 plant
species (Singh et al. 2014). It is really a threat to all agricultural crops owing to its
broad host range. So the management of such a polyphagous pathogen is very
cumbersome. Though the chemical method is considered to be quite promising,
higher dependency on chemical pesticide use also imparted a major health and
environmental hazard, which ultimately paved the path to exploring eco-friendly
alternatives for minimizing this loss. At present scenario, the only possible protec-
tive measure that seems effective and promising for fulfilling the challenges of plant
disease management and soil fertility without affecting the sustainability of the
ecosystem and the environment is the use of antagonistic microorganisms.
Biocontrol using beneficial microbes, i.e., biocontrol agents (BCAs), is an
eco-friendly method, and in certain cases it seems to be the only available effective
biological option to combat plant diseases (Cook 1993). Some BCAs have also the
ability to enhance plant growth activity by improving nutrient acquisition through
siderophore production. Thus, biological control can be regarded as a safer, effec-
tive, and eco-friendly means to protect plants from phytopathogens and to manage
the ecological balance. Nature has gifted mankind a wide range of beneficial
microorganisms, among which Trichoderma is widely used as antagonistic fungi,
which possess potential ability for disease suppression and plant growth promotion,
along with other multifarious actions (Khan and Anwer 2011; Ram and Singh 2017).
Since the last few decades, Trichoderma spp. has become widely popularized and
has gotten global recognition as an effective antagonist for various phytopathogenic
fungi (Khan and Gupta 1998; Kubicek et al. 2011). Thus, it holds an immense
potential not just in crop improvement but also in maintaining agro-ecosystem
sustainability. The large number of Trichoderma-based formulations commercially
available in the market is a clear evidence of its effective results and widespread
The current chapter primarily focuses on Sclerotium rolfsii and its biological
management through Trichoderma spp. and the various mechanisms employed by
Trichoderma spp. to overcome the phytopathogens. Furthermore, the various
formulations of Trichoderma and the associated constraints are also discussed.
25 Management of Sclerotium rolfsii Induced Diseases in Crops by. . . 595
Fig. 25.1 Global distributions of Sclerotium rolfsii pathogen causing collar rot disease in tomato
crops (https://www.plantwise.org/KnowledgeBank/datasheet)
596 R. M. Ram et al.
This pathogen is a causative agent of southern blight, southern stem blight, and white
mold diseases in several crops. It causes rots in the crown, root, lower stem, and fruit.
Management strategies for the pathogen consist of cultural, physical, chemical, and
biological means of control. Managing collar rot through chemicals alone is not
satisfactory in view of environmental concerns and cost benefit ratio. Biological
control is regarded as one of the efficient management approaches that could achieve
good results (Biswas and Sen 2000; Sahni et al. 2008; Singh et al. 2013a; Dinesh
et al. 2018). Apart from single control practices, integrated disease management is
also being widely practiced. The prime idea behind integrating management
practices is its broad action spectrum. Often a consortium of biological, botanical,
and chemical methods is followed.
The indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides in order to minimize crop losses and
increase production has led to increased interest in searching for alternatives for
disease control. Biological control has been promoted as a sustainable approach for
crop production. In biological control, antagonistic microorganisms are used to
manage the population density of phytopathogens. These antagonistic
microorganisms, often referred as “BCAs,” compete with pathogens for nutrients
and space, leading to the inhibition of pathogen growth. They also secrete antibiotic
substances or other active metabolites that directly attack pathogens and either
reduce or completely inhibit their growth. In addition, antagonistic microorganisms
are also able to induce defense response in plants, which enhances plants’ immune
system and helps to fight attacks on pathogens (Rajput et al. 2019a). The most
studied microorganisms with antagonistic activity are Bacillus, Pseudomonas in
bacterial genera and Trichoderma, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Pochonia
chlamydosporia, Aspergillus, and Gliocladium virens in fungi (Mukherjee et al.
1995; Rangeshwaran and Prasad 2000; Vaishnav et al. 2014; Jain et al. 2014,
2018; Singh et al. 2013b, 2014).
hosts by mediating signal development in the host for the induction of local as well
as systemic resistance against some foliar pathogens (Singh et al. 2020; Shores et al.
2005). It is evident from numerous reports that the formulation of Trichoderma spp.
is quite popular in crop cultivation for growth promotion attributes. Trichoderma
spp. has high colonizing ability with plant roots rendering them rhizospheric com-
petent. Their higher root-colonizing ability directly facilitates enhanced uptake of
nutrients. Trichoderma influences plant growth through several means, i.e., stimula-
tion of phytohormones, induced defense network, solubilization of nutrients, and
increased uptake, coupled with suppression of phytopathogens (Ram and Singh
2017). The metabolic products of Trichoderma spp. have vivid applications not
only in agriculture but also in other sectors, viz., pharmaceuticals, beverage,
cosmetics, etc. (Ram et al. 2016; Keswani et al. 2014). Apart from biocontrol,
numerous species of this genus possess the ability to degrade hydrocarbons,
polysaccharides, as well as xenobiotic chemicals extensively used in the agriculture
and allied sectors (Harman and Kubicek 1998; Harman et al. 2004).
being utilized for the classification of new species, which analyze the carbon use
patterns for 96 carbon sources (Bochner et al. 2001).
Table 25.1 Fungal biocontrol agent Trichoderma used for the management of Sclerotium rolfsii in
different crops
BCAs Crop/study type References
T. lignorum Citrus Weindling (1934)
T. harzianum Ryegrass Wells et al. (1972)
T. harzianum Groundnut Backman and Rodriguez-
Kabana (1975)
T. harzianum Bean Elad et al. (1980)
T. harzianum Sugar beet Upadhyay and Mukhopadhyay
T. harzianum Snap bean Papavizas and Lewis (1989)
T. viride Tomato Wokocha (1990)
T. harzianum Chickpea Kaur and Mukhopadhyay
T. koningii Tomato Latunde-Dada (1993)
T. harzianum Sugar beet Abada (1994)
T. harzianum, T. virens Chili Jinantana and Sariah (1998)
T. parceramosum, Rice Cuevas et al. (2001)
T. pseudokoningii
T. harzianum Mung bean Mishra et al. (2000)
T. harzianum Tomato Dutta and Das (2002)
T. koningii Tomato Tsahouridou and
Thanassoulopoulos (2002)
T. viride Groundnut Manjula et al. (2004)
T. harzianum, T. virens Mint Singh and Singh (2004)
T. harzianum Groundnut Karthikeyan et al. (2006)
T. harzianum Chickpea Maurya et al. (2008)
T. harzianum Sunflower, mung bean Yaqub and Shahzad (2008)
T. harzianum (ITCC-4572) Groundnut Ganesan et al. (2007)
T. harzianum, T. viride Eternity plant (Zamioculcas Jegathambigai et al. (2010)
T. harzianum Faba bean Abdel-Kader et al. (2011)
Trichoderma spp. Groundnut Bagwan (2011)
Trichoderma spp. Chilli Joshi et al. (2010)
T. harzianum Tomato Singh et al. (2013b)
T. harzianum Artichoke (Helianthus Sennoi et al. (2013)
tuberosus L.)
Trichoderma spp. Cucumber, bottle and bitter Kotasthane et al. (2015)
T. harzianum, T. viride, Lentil Kushwaha et al. (2018)
T. virens
T. harzianum Tomato Suriyagamon et al. (2018)
Trichoderma sp. T76 12/2 Snake fruit (Salacca zalacca) Wonglom et al. (2019)
and lettuce
T. harzianum Barley Faruk (2019)
Table 25.2 List of different formulations of Trichoderma species available in India (Modified from Khan and Mohiddin 2018)
Rhizoctonia, Macrophomina
25 Management of Sclerotium rolfsii Induced Diseases in Crops by. . . 601
There are various mechanisms through which Trichoderma spp. imparts its antago-
nistic and plant growth promotion traits. The various mechanisms employed by
Trichoderma spp. for biocontrol is depicted in Fig. 25.2.
25.4.1 Mycoparasitism
Fig. 25.2 A schematic representation of the action mechanism employed by Trichoderma spp.
against different phytopathogenic fungi (Source: Singh et al. 2012)
602 R. M. Ram et al.
(MAPK) in biocontrol activities. Deletion of the MAPK gene affects the biocontrol
potential of T. virens, and the mutants were reported to be less efficient (Mukherjee
et al. 2012).
25.4.2 Antibiosis
25.4.3 Competition
Trichoderma competes with other pathogens for niche and nutritional requirements
(Wells 1988). Competition allows the biocontrol agent to displace the pathogen from
the targeted zone. Trichoderma spp. shows excellent competition with other fungi
for food and nutrients in the rhizospheric zone (Chet et al. 1990; Irtwange 2006). It
was reported that T. viride displaces Chondrostereum purpureum, the silver leaf
pathogen of plum trees, by competing for nutrients (Corke and Hunter 1979).
Similarly, T. harzianum T35 checks the growth of Fusarium oxysporum by compet-
ing for both nutrients and rhizosphere colonization (Tjamos et al. 1922).
Trichoderma spp. is known to be an efficient producer of siderophore, which
quenches iron from the soil and thus renders it unavailable for the pathogen. It
modifies the rhizosphere through soil acidification, which becomes unsuitable for the
growth of the target pathogen (Benitez et al. 2004). Apart from iron and zinc,
competition for carbon is also a deciding factor in determining the antagonism
potential of different strains of Trichoderma spp. (Sivan and Chet 1989, Viterbo
et al. 2007). However, few strains have the ability to colonize their rhizospheric zone
throughout their lifetime. In a study, it was found that maize plant treated with
T. harzianum strain T-22 had a twofold increment in root development in compari-
son with control (Harman et al. 2004). Secondary metabolites such as koninginin A
25 Management of Sclerotium rolfsii Induced Diseases in Crops by. . . 603
and 6-pentyl-alphapyrone act as plant growth regulators (Cutler et al. 1986, 1989).
However, citric and gluconic acids lower soil pH and facilitate solubilization of
micronutrients and other mineral components (Harman et al. 2004; Benitez et al.
2004; Vinale et al. 2008).
Often to defend plants from pathogen invasion, BCAs induce local and systemic
resistance in host plants to counter the attack of the pathogen. It emerged as a vital
tool by which selected BCAs build up their defense against a broad range of
phytopathogens (Ram et al. 2015). Plants usually generate induced resistance as a
result of an interaction by a pathogen, an insect, upon the colonization of the roots by
BCAs or even after treatment with a specific chemical (Singh et al. 2012). The first
report of induced resistance with T. harzianum strain T-39 disclosed that on soil
treatment, bean leaves were given induced resistance against diseases caused by
pathogens such as B. cinerea and C. lindemuthianum (Bigirimana et al. 1997).
Jasmonic acid and ethylene are the principal components of induced systemic
resistance. Certain strains of Trichoderma penetrate root tissues and induce a chain
of biochemical and morphological alterations to trigger resistance responses in the
host (Singh et al. 2011; Singh et al. 2013b). Induced resistance has been reported to
be effective in several monocots and dicots, against infection caused by fungi
(Phytophthora spp., R. solani, Alternaria spp., Colletotrichum spp., B. cinerea,
Magnaporthe grisea, etc.) and bacteria (Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas
spp., etc.), and even in some viruses like cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) (Waghunde
et al. 2016).
A lot of work has been done by various researchers on the management of Sclero-
tium rolfsii by different Trichoderma species on a wide range of crops. The
experiments were carried out through either the sole application of Trichoderma or
in combination with any fungicide, botanical agent, or other bioagents.
Muthamilan and Jeyarajan (1992) reported that seed pelleting method with
T. harzianum (5 109 conidia ml 1) is the best approach for the management of
root rot caused by S. rolfsii in groundnut. Application of T. harzianum at 60 g kg 1
of soil leads to a reduction in stem rot of groundnut caused by S. rolfsii of up to 83%
(Biswas and Sen 2000). However, Biswas and Sen (2000) observed that in pots,
application of T. harzianum inoculum to soil and seed dressing at sowing time
exhibited reduced disease incidence. The Sclerotium wilt of groundnut was effec-
tively reduced to 92.58% when soil was treated with T. harzianum at 10 g kg 1
(Patibanda et al. 2002). Manjula et al. (2004) reported that parasitization of the
mycelium of S. rolfsii attacking groundnut by T. viride pq 1 is due to the production
of extracellular chitinase. T. harzianum effectively controlled S. rolfsii, which causes
604 R. M. Ram et al.
foot and root rot of brinjal (Islam 2005). Radwan et al. (2006) documented that
T. harzianum and T. hamatum were most effective against S. rolfsii and inhibited
mycelial growth by 79%. Karthikeyan et al. (2006) reported that T. harzianum,
T. viride, and P. fluorescens were effective against the growth of S. rolfsii (Sacc.) in
stem rot of groundnut. T. viride inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen by
69.40%, while P. fluorescens exhibited 64.40% inhibition. S. rolfsii causing
damping off in tomato and other vegetable crops can be effectively controlled by
T. harzianum. In a study conducted by Okereke and Wokocha (2006), about
52–62% disease reduction was achieved on application of the latter.
Trichoderma species have also been used in commercial enzyme productions,
like production of cellulases, hemicellulases, proteases, and β-1, 3-glucanase (Verma
et al. 2007). T. harzianum has antagonistic activity against S. rolfsii as it produces
antibiotic substances such as harzianone, viridin, trichosetin, gliotoxin, glioviridin,
trichodermin, dermin, etc. (Eziashi et al. 2007; Ghildiyal and Pandey 2008).
Trichoderma spp. also illustrated antagonistic potential against S. rolfsii,
B. cinerea, and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris under in vivo conditions
(Anand and Reddy 2009).
Rekha (2012) reported that different Trichoderma sp. reduced mycelial growth
and the formation of sclerotial bodies of S. rolfsii in tomato. Similarly,
Samsuzzaman et al. (2012) stated that tomato seedling treated with T. harzianum
recorded reduced mortality upon infection with S. rolfsii in soil. Moreover, it also
increased plant height and the production of tomato in treated plants. Thilagavathi
et al. (2012) reported that vermicompost-based bioformulations of Trichoderma spp.
reduced root rot disease of sugar beet caused by S. rolfsii, facilitating yield incre-
ment. Deepika et al. (2014) reported that the culture filtrate of T. harzianum PBT
23 at 50% significantly inhibited the mycelial growth of S. sclerotiorum, R. solani,
S. rolfsii, F. oxysporum, and B. cinerea at a range of 20.6–48.9%. Islam et al. (2016)
documented three Trichoderma strains (T. harzianum TR05, T. virens TR06, and
T. asperellum TR08) from Bangladesh which acted as potential BCAs against
tomato collar rot under greenhouse conditions. They found that with
T. asperellum, disease incidence was reduced; the effect was more consistent
when the biocontrol agent was inoculated in the seed and applied to the soil.
Basumatary et al. (2015) selected six fungal species, viz., Penicillium sp.,
Curvularia sp., Aspergillus niger, T. harzianum, T. viride, and Fusarium spp., as
bioagents against S. rolfsii. The maximum percentage of growth inhibition of
S. rolfsii was reported with T. harzianum (77.39%), followed by T. viride
(76.54%). Elshahawya et al. (2016) reported ten Trichoderma species and seven
fungicides which were found effective against pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani,
F. solani, F. oxysporum, Macrophomina phaseolina, and Sclerotium species.
T. harzianum and T. atroviride were found to be most promising against S. rolfsii
in chickpea. The mutant strain of T. harzianum and T. atroviride inhibited pathogen
growth by 82.9% (Singh et al. 2016). Similarly, Ramzan et al. (2016) tested
15 bioagents antagonistic to S. rolfsii in mung bean, among which T. harzianum,
Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, T. virens, P. fluorescens, and Micrococcus varians were
found effective, whereas Bacillus subtilis and T. harzianum were most efficient.
25 Management of Sclerotium rolfsii Induced Diseases in Crops by. . . 605
Trichoderma spp. is effective even when it is applied singly, but in most cases it is
frequently combined with other beneficial microbes, botanicals, or chemicals in
order to enhance its effect. In this regard, also several works have been attempted
by scientists, and the results obtained were quite satisfactory.
Upadhyay and Mukhopadhyay (1986) reported that integration of a
pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)-tolerant isolate of T. harzianum with PCNB
improved disease control. Under field conditions, a combination of T. harzianum
606 R. M. Ram et al.
and PCNB lowered the incidence of sclerotium root rot (76% disease control) and
increased root, foliage, and sucrose yield in sugar beet. Dutta and Das (2002)
documented that soil application of Trichoderma spp. during transplanting reduced
disease incidence and enhanced root and shoot dry weight (g/plant) and yield
(g/plant) in tomato. Application of T. harzianum resulted in minimum disease
incidence and enhanced root and shoot biomass, followed by T. viride and
T. koningii, as compared to control. Reduction in sclerotia production of the patho-
gen by different Trichoderma isolates was earlier reported by Prasad et al. (1999).
Charitha Devi and Reddy (2003) evaluated five isolates of Trichoderma sp. and
Pseudomonas sp. against S. rolfsii, the causal agent of groundnut root rot, and
reported that T. harzianum showed maximum (66.6%) pathogen inhibition. Simi-
larly in another experiment, the combination of T. harzianum and Rhizobium was
found to promote plant growth and increase seed production in groundnut. Ganesan
et al. (2007) performed integrated management of S. rolfsii in groundnut using a
combined application of T. harzianum (ITCC-4572) and Rhizobium. The results
were promising as the bioagents caused reduced disease incidence and increased
yield. However, a combined soil application of T. viride, seedling treatment, and soil
drenching with tebuconazole (0.05%) resulted in a complete control of the collar rot
of tomato in pot (Banyal et al. 2008).
Singh et al. (2012) conducted a study in order to check the efficacy of a microbial
consortium consisting of Trichoderma (THU0816), Rhizobium (RL091), and fluo-
rescent Pseudomonas (PHU094) in imparting defense responses in chickpea against
S. rolfsii causing collar rot. The results suggested that the triple microbial consortium
acted in a synergistic manner and provided maximum disease control compared to
double and single application. Singh et al. (2013b) used a double microbial consor-
tium of Trichoderma spp. and Pseudomonas spp. in tomato against S. rolfsii and to
assess the synergistic effect of compatible isolates for disease management and plant
growth promotion. Rajendraprasad et al. (2017) conducted experiments with
24 isolates representing two different species, T. harzianum and T. viride, and
12 different B. subtilis and P. fluorescence species. The combination of potential
T. harzianum 1 and P. fluorescence proved to be most effective in increasing
germination and in reducing pre- and postemergence collar rot in tomato when
inoculated with S. rolfsii. Similarly, Mahato et al. (2017) reported that soil mulching
+ neem seed cake and T. harzianum as soil amendments gave maximum disease
reduction and yield increase in the same crop.
The biocontrol property of Trichoderma spp. against S. rolfsii is mainly attributed
to its ability to produce various metabolites like α-glycosidase, β-xylosidase,
glioviridin, β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, viridian, chymotrypsin, N-acetyl
β-glucosaminidase, trypsin, chymoelastase-like proteases, etc., along with its other
modes of action, such as mycoparasitism, rapid substrate colonization, competition,
and induction of defensive responses in plants.
25 Management of Sclerotium rolfsii Induced Diseases in Crops by. . . 607
Generally, the bioformulations are classified according to their physical state, i.e.,
dry or liquid formulations. Dry formulations include powder and granules, while
liquid formulations comprise oil, suspension, and emulsion (Singh et al. 2014,
Trichoderma-based formulations are registered as biofungicide in several
countries, viz., India, the UK, Switzerland, New Zealand, France, Sweden, Belgium,
the USA, and Chile, with few pending regulations of other countries. About
970 microbial-based biopesticide products are registered with the Central
Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC) till date (http://cibrc.nic.
in/bpr.doc) under sect. 9(3B) and 9(3) of the Insecticides Act, 1968, Government of
India. The Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC) is the
main regulatory body under the Insecticide Act 1968, which also covers
biopesticides. A review of the status of biopesticides showed that India has the
capacity to produce 1850 MT of Trichoderma formulations per annum, while the
requirement is 22,038 MT with a market value of Rs 260 crores, which indicates that
there is a requirement of more Trichoderma formulations (Sriram et al. 2013). The
number of biopesticide production units in India has exceeded 410, out of which
130 belong to the private sector (Singhal 2004; Singh et al. 2012; Desai et al. 2016).
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutions, along with state agri-
cultural universities (SAUs), are taking initiatives for the research and production of
microbial biopesticides. The number of biocontrol research laboratories and produc-
tion units is continuously increasing day by day.
Although a large number of research publications are published every year about
Trichoderma, the registration of Trichoderma for microbial biopesticide is limited.
There are several challenges in Trichoderma bioformulations, including inconsis-
tency in results, limited shelf life, and low awareness and popularization at farmer
level. The shelf life of the bioformulation is a principal point that determines the
success of the commercialization of its products. A short-lived shelf life of
Trichoderma spp. in any formulation can create a vital issue for the development
of commercial formulations. Further research has to be done in this field to enhance
the shelf life and existence of Trichoderma spp. in any formulation. Moreover, there
are lots of rules and regulations associated with the registration of microbial
biopesticides, and sometimes the registration cost exceeds the production cost. So
the government should charge a substantial amount from manufacturers and con-
struct committees to fasten the registration process.
Several experiments have been conducted by various researchers to enhance the
shelf life of Trichoderma-based products (Navaneetha et al. 2015). Th-10 isolate
from T. harzianum was successful in controlling Fusarium wilt of banana. It was
found that the dried banana leaf is best suited for growth with high density of
608 R. M. Ram et al.
propagules of T. harzianum, but adding jaggery to the leaves increased its multipli-
cation, which resulted to an increase in shelf life of more than six months as the
stored substrate (Thangavelu et al. 2003). The survivability of Trichoderma spp.
conidia can increase in alginate pellet formulation when further supplemented with
10% cellulose (Shaban and El-Komy 2001). Kolombet et al. (2008) studied the
effect of different modifications in formulating T. asperellum, which includes the
addition of starch and trace amounts of copper, along with reduced pH. This gave a
shelf life of six months from the developed formulation. The formulation of
bentonite-vermiculite, however, maintained the colony-forming unit of
T. harzianum for eight weeks and also enhanced the shoot weight of melon plants
and gave resistance against Fusarium wilt disease (Martínez-Medina et al. 2011).
Prasad and Rangeshwaran (2000a) reported that the efficacy of T. harzianum could
be enhanced by the addition of wheat bran-kaolin granular formulation for
controlling seed rot and damping off of chickpea caused by R. solani. The damping
off ranged between 10 and 15% in granule-treated plots, whereas in other treatments,
51–57% disease incidence was observed. Similarly in another experiment, Prasad
and Rangeshwaran (2000b) stated that the use of molasses-yeast medium (MYM) for
the mass culturing of Trichoderma instead of brewers’ yeast medium gave satisfac-
tory results. In the same year, Prasad and Rangeshwaran (2000c) used three carrier
materials, i.e., talc, kaolin, and bentonite to check their effect on the shelf life of
T. harzianum in providing protection against R. solani of chickpea cv. Annigeri
under greenhouse conditions. Seed treatment with kaolin and talc formulation was
found to be most effective in retaining viable spores of bioagents up to 120 days.
The addition of chitin in the production media and also talc formulation of
T. harzianum can increase the shelf life of the formulation further by two months
(Sriram et al. 2009). Al-Taweil et al. (2010) reported that the shelf life of
Trichoderma can be increased by using alginate and paraffin oil formulations. The
addition of glycerol in the culturing media as osmoprotectant can also increase the
shelf life of T. harzianum formulations. In an experiment, it was found that the shelf
life of formulations was increased to 7–12 months by the addition of 3–6% glycerol
in the culture media, in comparison to formulations without glycerol having a shelf
life of about 4–5 months (Sriram et al. 2011).
Further, immobilization of microorganism is an effective method for improving
and enhancing shelf life with field efficacy. Microencapsulation, an important
immobilization technology, increases the shelf life of microorganisms in comparison
with other types of formulations with control delivery of microbes and also enhances
their field application. Trichoderma conidia spray dried and microencapsulated with
various sugars such as molasses, sucrose, or glycerols can extensively increase the
survival percentage of conidia even after drying. T. harzianum SQRT037 conidia
formulated with organic fertilizers exhibited enhanced control of Fusarium wilt
compared to the treatment, which includes a formulation made of only conidial
suspension, in cucumber (Yang et al. 2011). Muñoz-Celaya et al. (2012) also
reported that microencapsulation of T. harzianum conidia in a 1:1 ratio blend of
maltodextrin–gum Arabic polymeric matrix can give 11 folds higher conidia sur-
vival in comparison with nonencapsulated conidia after spray drying.
25 Management of Sclerotium rolfsii Induced Diseases in Crops by. . . 609
25.8 Conclusion
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Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural
Crops Using Microbial Intervention 26
R. Umamaheswari, N. R. Prasannakumar, S. Sriram, Sushil K. Sharma,
M. S. Rao, and M. K. Chaya
Soils are naturally gifted with beneficial microflora and fauna that innately help
the natural process of pest, disease, and nematode suppression. The diversity of
the soil biota in many ways helps to maintain the stability and promote antago-
nistic potential, which decides soil health and crop productivity. Utilizing this soil
biota for environmentally safe crop productivity is the utmost need of the hour,
especially in horticultural crops, which are consumed afresh. Environmental
concerns over conventional pesticides have led to increasing demand in the use
of biological control agents, especially the microbial biopesticides, for production
of safe horticultural produce. This chapter throws light on array of microbes that
can be effectively deployed for managing the biotic stress due to diseases, pests,
and nematodes in horticultural crops; their modes of action, commercial aspects,
and problems to be addressed for successful large scale adoption.
Biotic stress · Horticultural crops · Insect pests · Plant diseases · Plant parasitic
26.1 Introduction
Horticultural crops that succumb to biotic stress induced by agents like viruses,
bacteria, fungi, insects, and nematodes are a major cause of pre- and postharvest
losses. Protected and hi-tech horticultural technologies mainly rely on continual
usage of chemical pesticides for reducing the assessed 45% crop loss due to agents of
biotic stress, which amounts to Rs. 290 billion annually (Kulkarni 2015). Excessive
applications of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides have disrupted the environmental
balance, and there is a rising public demand on organic food, which is residue free
and safe for consumption. Hence, there is a paradigm shift in the efforts of scientists,
policymakers, and stakeholders to focus more on eco-friendly and sustainable
management options. Biological control especially with microbial interventions
had emerged as the promising alternative to chemical pesticides by effectively
suppressing the target pathogen or pest population without causing any economic
loss in the crop. Several bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa are commercially
exploited as microbial biopesticides for biological control of insect and noninsect
pests, plant pathogens, and plant parasitic nematodes. The most widely used micro-
bial biopesticide is the entomotoxic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which
occupies 90% of the biopesticide market (Kumar and Singh 2015). At present,
biopesticides contribute to 5% of total pesticide market and are projected to outpace
the chemical pesticide market in near future with annual growth rate of more than
15% (Marrone 2014).In this chapter, we shall deal in detail about the different
microbes that can be effectively deployed for management of biotic stress induced
through diseases, pests, and nematodes; their mechanism of action against the target
pests and diseases, mass production and commercialization; mode of delivery, and
problems to be addressed for large-scale adoption of microbial biopesticides in
horticultural ecosystems.
Plant pathogens causing serious diseases have evolved along with the host plants.
The population explosion demands increased food production with enhanced crop
productivity as area available for cultivation is limited. Intensified crop production
and monocropping practices favor more disease incidence. Chemical control of plant
diseases is relatively a short-term measure and results in pesticide residue issues and
environmental issues. Further, the chemical control adds input cost, which cannot be
afforded by farmers in developing and under-developed countries. Biological con-
trol involves management of plant, pathogen, disease-suppressive microbes, i.e.,
biocontrol agent, and environment.
Fungi in the genus Trichoderma and bacteria in the genera of Pseudomonas and
Bacillus are of increasing interest as bioprotectants against plant diseases. Various
plant diseases in different crops are controlled by using these fungal and bacterial
antagonists. Many products based on fungal and bacterial antagonists have been
developed worldwide including India.
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 621
Different types of pathogens affect different parts of the plants, viz., roots, stems,
flowers, leaves, fruits, etc. and result in various kinds of diseases, viz., root rot, wilt,
downy mildew, powdery mildew, rust, smut, leaf spot, anthracnose, etc. As there is
diversity in the plant pathogens, there is need for diverse biocontrol agents to
tackle them.
Soil-borne pathogens affect the root system. Both bacteria and fungi cause root
diseases. The bioagents effective against root pathogens are generally antagonists
with mycoparasitism or antibiosis. There are few cases of induced systemic
resistance also.
Among antagonistic fungi, Trichoderma and Gliocladium species are widely
studied. Trichoderma and Gliocladium spp. are successfully used to control root
rot, damping-off, and wilt diseases incited by R. solani, S. rolfsii, Macrophomina,
Fusarium spp., and Pythium spp. in crops like chickpea, cotton, sunflower, peanut,
tomato, beans, pea, soybean, potato, sugarbeet, sugarcane, maize, citrus, and many
other crops. Well-documented bioagents show mycoparasitism against P. ultimum
and P. vexans, and Talaromyces flavus, Coniothyrium minitans and Sporodesmium
sclerotivorum against Sclerotium and Rhizoctonia. Saprophytic nonpathogenic
Fusarium species has been used for the management of wilt diseases caused by
Fusarium species. The nonpathogenic Fusarium species not only compete for
nutrition and space but also induce systemic resistance. Bacillus subtilis and sapro-
phytic Streptomyces species have been used to control potato scab caused by
Streptomyces scabies. Bacterial bioagents especially Pseudomonas spp. inhibit the
root pathogens by antibiosis and siderophores, which interfere with the iron uptake.
Agrobacterium radiobacter effectively controls crown gall, which is caused by
A. tumefaciens, largely through the action of the antibiotic agrocin 84. Efficacy of
A. radiobacter was threatened when strains of A. tumefaciens resistant to agrocin
84 were isolated from galls of A. radiobacter treated plants. Hence, it is important to
understand the genetic basis of antibiotic resistance so as to design better strategies
for biocontrol through genetic manipulations.
Fluorescent pseudomonads (FPs) belonging to the genera Pseudomonas produce
water-soluble fluorescent pigments in glycine amended substrate. These bacteria
inhibit major soil-borne and foliar fungal pathogens, viz., Rhizoctonia solani (blight
diseases of cotton and rice), Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (take all of
wheat), Pythium spp. (rot/damping off of wheat, cotton, maize, cucumber, bean,
and sugar beet), Fusarium oxysporum (wilts of cotton, cucumber, radish, tomato,
bean, chickpea, pigeonpea, flax, banana, and carnation), Ralstonia solanacearum
(potato wilt), Sclerotium rolfsii (root rot of groundnut, sunflower, and bean),
Aphanomyces euteiches (pea root rot), A. cochlioides (sugar beet root rot), and
Thielaviopsis basicola (tobacco root rot). These bioagents are ubiquitous in rhizo-
sphere of crop plants; but only a few of them are effective antagonists. Hence, the
selection of proper strain is very much essential in developing biological control
622 R. Umamaheswari et al.
strategy. They should be applied as seed treatment as these bacteria establish well in
rhizosphere when they are introduced at germinating seedling stage.
Disease symptoms on stem portions include decay, die back, and cankers on forest
and orchard trees. Foliar diseases include rust, mildews, leaf spots, and blight.
Diseases on fruits include fruit rot, anthracnose, canker, etc. Common bioagents
identified for stem diseases include antibiotic producing bacteria such as B. subtilis
and Agrobacterium and fungal antagonists like Fusarium, Cladosporium,
Trichoderma, and hypovirulent strains of the pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica.
The microbes most frequently recorded as saprotrophs on surfaces of crop plants
include fungi like Trichoderma spp., Gliocladium spp., Aureobasidium pullulans,
Cladosporium spp., and yeasts such as Cryptococcus spp. and Sporobolomyces spp.
Botrytis leaf spot in onion was suppressed by Gliocladium roseum. Botrytis leaf and
flower blight of many ornamental plants and fruit crops were effectively controlled
by Trichoderma spp. Powdery mildew disease in grapevine and cucumbers can be
controlled by Ampelomyces quisqualis, Tilletiopsis, and Sporothrix yeasts.
Beneficial bacteria in phylloplane are Pseudomonas, Chromobacterium, and
Klebsiella. Pseudomonas spp. and Streptomyces spp. have been shown to inhibit
Botrytis rot in lettuce. Experiments with fluorescent pseudomonads have shown their
ability to suppress leaf pathogens like Pyricularia oryzae (rice blast), Xanthomonas
oryzae pv. oryzae (bacterial blight of rice), Sarocladium oryzae (sheath bight of
rice), rice tungro virus (tungro), Septoria tritici (leaf spot of wheat), Puccinia
recondita (wheat rust), Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum (blackarm of
cotton), Erwinia carotovora (soft rot of vegetables), Cercosporidium personatum or
Cercospora personata (late leaf spot of groundnut), Colletotrichum lagenarium
(cucumber anthracnose), cucumber mosaic virus (mosaic), Pseudomonas syringae
pv. lachrymans (angular leaf spot of groundnut), Pseudomonas savastanoi
pv. phaseolicola (halo blight), Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. cyamopsidis (bacterial
blight of cluster beans), Botrytis cinerea (apple gray mold), Erwinia amylovora (fire
blight of apple), Puccinia carthami (safflower rust), Phoma betae (sugar beet leaf
spot), Tobacco necrosis virus, Alternaria sp. (tobacco leaf spot), and Cercospora
moricola (mulberry leaf spot).
Fire blight of rosaceae plants caused by Erwinia amylovora is an important flower
disease. Nonpathogenic E. herbicola could control this disease in combination with
P. syringae. This could be achieved mainly by competition for food and space.
The fruit diseases can also be managed using fungal bioagents. Bioagents, viz.,
Gliocladium roseum, Penicillium sp., Trichoderma viride, and Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides, were as effective as fungicides in suppressing B. cinerea on
strawberries and grapes.
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 623
Postharvest diseases, which can be responsible for 10–50% loss of production, have
received considerable attention. Numerous reports have indicated the suppression of
postharvest diseases in fruit crops by species of Aureobasidium, Trichoderma,
Debaryomyces, Sporobolomyces, Enterobacter, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas.
Much of the research work on biological control of plant diseases is confined to
antagonism under lab and greenhouse conditions, which includes antibiosis, compe-
tition, and mycoparasitism. The efficacy of bacterial antagonists under farmer’s field
conditions is dependent upon several factors. Hence, successful field applications
can be done by selecting proper strains of the antagonist, using effective dosage of
the inoculant, following suitable delivery system, developing formulations for long-
term storage and transport, and applying them at the proper time.
Major modes of action of bioagents are competition for space and nutrition,
mycoparasitism, antibiosis, and induced systemic resistance. Mycoparasitism
includes coiling of hyphae of the pathogen and penetration by haustoria and lysis.
Hydrolytic enzymes like β-1,3-glucanase, chitinase, protease, and lipase produced
by the antagonists help in the mycoparasitism.
Lectins (glycoproteins) produced by some soil-borne pathogenic fungi also play a
role in recognition (Upadhyay and Mukhopadhyay 1986; Barak et al. 1985; Baker
and Chet 1982; Elad et al. 1983). Antibiotics production is well known in
Trichoderma species (Lifschitz et al. 1986). Ghisalberti et al. (1990) reported two
toxins produced by T. harzianum isolates, which are found to be most effective
against take-all of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis f.sp. tritici.
Gliotoxin production by Trichoderma virens (¼ Gliocladium virens) is well
documented. Competition is an indirect mechanism by which Trichoderma and
other bioagents exclude the pathogens at infection site. Different modes of action
may act synergistically, resulting in inhibition of the pathogen growth.
Some Trichoderma strains are potent inducers of plant resistance like responses.
These responses are systemic and are termed as induced systemic resistance (ISR).
Unlike systemic acquired resistance (SAR) responses elicited by chemical inducers,
ISR induced by biocontrol agent is not associated with plant cell necrosis and does
not cause phytotoxicity. Xylanase from Trichoderma spp. is reported to be respon-
sible for ISR in cotton, tobacco, grapevine, etc. Induction of resistance includes
enhanced production of terpenoids or other phenolic compounds related to Shikimic
acid pathway or expression of hydrolytic enzymes in the treated plants. Gliotoxin
624 R. Umamaheswari et al.
produced by T. virens is also known to induce systemic resistance. Seedling dip with
cell wall glucan elicitors produced by Trichoderma isolates could reduce the infec-
tion by Phytophthora capsica in chilies (Sriram et al. 2009).
Besides inhibiting the pathogen growth, many fungal bioagents, including
Trichoderma species, promote the plant growth also by the production of required
hormones or increased nutrition uptake and enhanced growth. Fermentation
For large-scale mass multiplication (industrial scale) of bacteria, fermentors with
large volume capacity can be employed. Both batch type and continuous type
fermenters are available. However, only batch type fermenters are commonly used
in India. All other parameters such as inoculum load, pH, and temperature of the
substrate are regulated so as to obtain the optimum levels of fermentation continu-
ously. Fermentor raw materials like sugarbeet, potato, sweet potato, tapioca, apples,
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 625
raisins, grapes, sweet corn, rice, blackstrap molasses, sorghum, wheat, barley,
malted cereals, honey maple, etc. have been used to grow bacteria. Since our aim
is to get maximum viable cells quickly, we must standardize the conditions before
mass multiplication.
aerial spraying is possible with Trichoderma formulations, success has been reported
with bacterial bioagents as aerial spray for many foliar diseases (Elad and Kirshner
1992). Biological control of foliar pathogens using bacterial antagonists will neces-
sarily depend upon the establishment and survival of the antagonists on the leaf
surface, which has a competitive environment. Addition of nutrients like yeast
extract or glucose (jaggery solution) into the inoculum spray has shown to enhance
the survival of the antagonists. The talc-based formulation is at the rate of 1kg/ha as
foliar spray. However, when used as wound dressing, there was good protection
from wounds on shrubs and trees applied at pruning, in advance of decay fungi
(Papavizas 1985).
Wilt and root-rot complex of chickpea, lentil, and pigeon pea were successfully
managed by integration of T. harzianum or T. virens with Vitavax (Patibanda et al.
2002). Integration of fertilizers or herbicides with biocontrol agents to control plant
diseases has also been attempted. Bacterial biocontrol agents are compatible with
most of the fungicides. Even fungal biocontrol agents like Trichoderma spp. are
insensitive to fungicides like carboxins, oxycarboxins, metalaxyl, tricyclazoles,
carpropamid, host defense inducers (e.g., benzothiadiazole), etc. Therefore, they
could be integrated easily. Integrating biocontrol agents with reduced doses of
fungicides seems to be a very promising way of controlling pathogens with minimal
interference with biological equilibrium. This would not only reduce the use of
fungicides but also improve the efficacy of a biocontrol system with reduced cost
and lessen the chances of development of fungicide-resistant strains of the pathogen.
Replacement of tridemorph as soil drenching can be possible with soil application of
T. virens at 1 kg/palm along with neem cake and FYM for the management of stem
bleeding disease of coconut. Integration of biocontrol agents and fungicides for seed
treatment is very effective even against high population of fast growing pathogens
like Rhizoctonia solani in soil. Under such a condition, biocontrol agent alone may
not be very effective as by the time it gets activated in soil, pathogen is able to
penetrate the host. Integration of fungicide with biocontrol agents helps in early
protection by fungicide and later protection by biocontrol agent. Fungicide also
provides congenial environment to insensitive biocontrol agent to multiply and
colonize spermosphere and rhizosphere by suppressing other microbes sensitive to
the fungicide.
Since several biofertilizers are recommended for seed treatment in pulses and oil
seeds, delivering of biocontrol agents along with biofertilizers will give a single
solution approach for both growth promotion and disease control. Studies conducted
at TNAU indicated that both Trichoderma and Azospirillum were compatible and
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 627
enhanced the biomatter production in addition to the control of root rot in sesamum
and groundnut. T. viride was compatible with Rhizobium in treated seeds as
evidenced from number of colonies of both organisms growing in vitro.
Bacteriophages are naturally available in environment and can be isolated from soil,
water, plants, animals, and human body. Phages are self-replicating and self-limiting
as they replicate only as long as the host bacterium is present and are quickly
degraded in the absence of host (Kutter 1997). Bacteriophages are nontoxic. Humans
consume bacteriophages everyday without getting harmed (Jackson 1989). Though
phage particles are detected in organs and tissues such as brain and blood stream, no
serious side effects have been reported (Balogh et al. 2003).
They are host specific and can be combined with other biocontrol agents such as
PGPR and other antagonists (Tanaka et al. 1990). Production of phages is not
expensive. They can be stored for years at 4 C. If prepared in cocktails, they can
be used for wide range of strains and development of new strains can also be
Phages are to be applied early in the morning before dawn or late in the evening.
Otherwise, virus particles perish in daytime. There is need to develop formulations
and to standardize the delivery system. In future, the antibodies for the bacterial cell
wall receptors can be expressed in phages to enable specific and planned target of
phage to desired surface on bacterial host cell (Cao et al. 2000).
Saccardi et al. (1993) observed that fruit spot incidence on peaches could be
controlled by biweekly spray of phage suspension effective against Xanthomonas
campestris pv. pruni. Jackson (1989) developed H-mutants (phages that possess the
ability to lyse bacterial strains that are resistant to the parent strain while still
possessing the ability to lyse the wild type bacterium) for the management of
Pseudomonas syringae in bean cull. Flaherty et al. (2000) also used the H-mutants
for the control of bacterial spot in tomato. Flaherty et al. (2001) found that foliar
application of phage mixture with wide host range mutants reduced the leaf spot
disease in geranium caused by X. campestris pv. pelargonii. Use of mixture of host-
range mutant bacteriophages as twice-weekly sprays could reduce the disease
severity of bacterial spot of tomato by 17 percent (Flaherty et al. 2000,) while
chemical control could give only 11 percent reduction.
Svircev et al. (2002) isolated 51 phage isolates of Erwinia amylovora, the causal
agent of fire blight of apple. They could distinguish 6 phage types among them based
on molecular characterization of the phages using PCR and restriction endonuclease
digestions. Out of these 51 isolates, 23 isolates could suppress the bacterial incidence
on pear fruit surface.
628 R. Umamaheswari et al.
Insects are also being infected with a variety of disease causing microorganism like
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans and cause natural mortality. These organisms
are capable of infecting and causing disease epizootics on insects naturally under
certain conditions that resulted in collapsing of an entire pest population. Such
organisms have been scientifically studied and extrapolated in management of insect
pests as biological control agents through introductory or inundative applications.
First time successful large-scale control was studied in 1879 on beet weevil,
Bothynoderes punctiventris using Metarhizium anisopliae in Russian Ukraine
(Metchnikoff 1879). Since these are already occurring in nature, they are safe to
environment and recommended to use as eco-friendly pest management strategies in
horticultural ecosystem.
26.3.1 Entomopathogens
The pathogens that infect and cause significant mortality in insects are called
entomopathogens. They are viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoans, and
entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) (Fig. 26.1). Some successful microbial
entomopathogens used in management of insect pests on horticultural crops are
discussed below. Viruses
Insect viruses may believe to have evolved 350–400 million years ago. They exhibit
great structural diversity as viruses could infect other form of life. They appear to be
with envelop (capsid) or sometimes nonenvelop with double or single stranded DNA
or RNA in their genome. Capsid of the virus plays a significant role in infection to
living host cells. Some are known to produce occlusion bodies consisting of virions,
which are usually embedded with protein matrix (Robert and Linda 2014). Though a
few viruses are found to be unique to invertebrates, most of the cases, they share
genetic and structural similarities with viruses of vertebrates (Dhaygude et al. 2019).
Not all of them could have been extrapolated to be used as biopesticdes to control
insect pests, but a few are very successful, e.g., NPV (Nuclear polyhedrosis virus)
and HaNPV-Helicoverpa armigera NPV. Only the baculoviruses from
baculoviridae have been used extensively in pest management. These viruses are
very diverse with dsDNA, circular, supercoiled genome with 80–180 kb size. The
members of the groups are NPV and GV (Granulosis virus), which are specific to
arthropods. The occlusion bodies are usually polyhedral with a crystalline matrix
consisting of ‘polyhedrin’ protein in the case of NPV, whereas for GV, they will be
granule or capsules with ‘granulin’ protein (Kari et al. 2013).
Based on the number of nucleocapsids per envelope, the NPV is categorized into
multiple nucleopolyhedrosis virus (MNPV) and single nucleopolyhedrosis virus
(SNPV). In lepidopteran viruses, both MNPV and SNPVs are found, but in other
insect order, only SNPVs are found. Likewise, GVs are also characterized into single
or multiple GVs (George 1992). The entomopathogenic viruses are highly specific
and limited to host range such that only one species or related genera is present in a
These are microorganisms that can penetrate the insects directly through exoskeleton
and produce spores all over the body, which results in death of the insect (Fig. 26.2).
The spores produced on the infected insects could disperse naturally, infect other
individuals of the population, and thus create epizootics. There are several stages of
infection that consist of contact of the fungal spore on the exoskeleton of the target
insects, which includes lytic enzymes, secondary metabolites, and adhesins
produced by EPF. Due to their high effectiveness and epizootic formations, the fungi
are commonly used as biopesticides in organic farming.
Fungal diseases are noticed in Lepidoptera (larvae), Homoptera (aphids,
whiteflies, cicadas, and scale insects), Hymenoptera (bees), Coleoptera (beetles),
and Diptera (flies and mosquitoes). Some commercially exploited entomopathogenic
fungi are as follows:
1. Beauveria bassiana—This fungus penetrate the host insects’ body through inges-
tion of food or in contact with the host cuticle. Multiplication takes place inside
the insect body and produces toxins such as beauvericin and bassianocide. The
toxin produced by B. bassiana results in paralysis of the host insects and
ultimately kills the insects within four or five days. This is generally being used
to control sucking pests and caterpillars.
2. Lecanicillium lecanii—This fungus has been used to control mainly sucking
pests, viz., mealy bugs, aphids, thrips, whiteflies, brown plant hopper, scale
insects, etc.
3. Metarhizium anisopliae—Green muscardine fungi are used to control coconut
rhinoceros beetle, groundnut cut worm, rice brown plant hopper, diamond back
moth, and early shoot borer, top shoot borer, and internode borer of sugarcane.
4. Nomuraea rileyi—A potential insect-infecting fungus that causes epizootic death
in various insects. It is used to control pod borers, cut worms, cabbage borers, etc.
5. Hirsutella thompsonii—White septate of the fungus becomes green or purple-
gray to purple upon sporulation. These fungi are used to control different hoppers
and bug pests, whiteflies, red mites, etc.
6. Isaria fumosorosea (¼Paecilomyces fumosoroseus)—It has got a wide host range
and is successful in controlling yellow and red mite, whiteflies, etc.
Aristotle described in his writings about the sickness of honey bee (Apis mellifera)
that was commonly what we call it as “foul brood”. Subsequently, differentiation
between pebrine and flacherie diseases of silkworm (Bombyx mori) by Louis Pasteur
in eighteenth century made noteworthy contributions to the knowledge of infectious
processes of bacteria in insects. Later on, Kirby and Bassi made tremendous
contribution to insect pathology and shown the way about application of microbes
in the field of entomology.
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 633
In India, several Bt strains are registered under Insecticide Act (Table 26.2) and
many commercial Bt formulations are available in the market (Table 26.3).
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 635
Reddy et al. (2019) reported that spraying M. anisopliae was on par with chemical
thiamethoxam 25 WG in effectively reducing Scirtothrips dorsalis population
(82.287 to 84.24%) and berry damage due to thrips in grapes. M. anisopliae was
also effective against onion thrips and Thrips tabaci by causing 58% reduction in
insect population and 49.12% increase in onion yield (Visalakshy and
Krishnamoorthy 2012). Swathi et al. (2019) reported the highest mortality (80%)
of the South American tomato moth, Tuta absoluta by Beauveria bassiana under
in vitro with LC 50 value of 1.15 107 spores ml1.
In bitter gourd, Soumya et al. (2017) evaluated several biocontrol agents and
found that Bacillus thuringiensis, Nomuraea rileyi, and Beauveria bassiana gave
better control of melon borer, Diaphania indica. Application of oil formulation of
M. anisopliae with 1 107 spores/ml effectively lowered thrips incidence (3.6 per
plant) and increased capsicum yield (Anon 2020). Avery et al. (2013) demonstrated
the efficacy of Isaria fumosorosea in mitigating the polyphagous Madeira mealybug,
Phenacoccus madeirensis in plants pre- and post-shipping.
Plant parasitic nematodes are one of the major biotic stress factors inflicting suc-
cessful crop production, quantitatively and qualitatively. Besides causing direct
crops losses, they also predispose the roots to development of disease complexes
involving other soil-borne pathogens. According to Sasser and Freckman (1987), a
global average of 12.3% crop losses is attributed due to nematodes in 40 major crops,
estimated at USD 173 billion, annually (Elling 2013). In India, through All India
Coordinated Research Projects on Nematodes, an average crop loss of 21.3%
amounting to Rs. 102,039.79 million (1.58 billion USD) annually is attributed due
to nematode damage; the losses in 19 horticultural crops alone remain at
Rs. 50,224.98 million (Kumar et al. 2020). There is always a great demand for
environmentally friendly microbial technologies to ensure residue free horticultural
crop production.
Though several fungi are reported to effectively parasitize nematodes, only a few
are commercially exploited as successful BCAs. In France, commercial formulation
of Arthrobotrys robusta is marketed as Royal 300® for control of mushroom
nematodes and A. irregularis is sold as Royal 350® for managing root knot
nematodes in tomato (Cayrol 1983). In U.S.A, Myrothecium verrucaria is marketed
as DiTera® by Valent Biosciences Corporation (Moosavi and Askary 2015). In
India, the three commercially successful nematophagous fungi that are widely
available as bionematicides are Purpureocillium lilacinum, Pochonia
chlamydosporia, and Trichoderma spp. (T. harzianum and T. viride).
phomalactones (Viaene et al. 2006), and subtilisins (Segers et al. 1999) helps in
hydrolyzing the egg shell and enhancing the pathogenicity.
P. chlamydosporia formulations are successfully commercialized in Europe,
America, Africa, and India. Oil emulsion formulation containing mycelium, conidia,
and chlamydospores of P. chlamydosporia IPP-21 was commercialized in Italy for
some years with registration-free permission (Manzanilla-Lopez et al. 2013). Kerry
(1988) developed granular formulations and was successful in growing fungal
hyphae of P. chlamydosporia on alginate granules. Some of the commercial
formulations of P. chlamydosporia available in global and Indian market are
furnished in Table 26.5.
2005). It effectively colonizes the plant roots and acts as a physical barrier
preventing nematode invasion (Inbar et al. 1994).
The hyphae of Trichoderma penetrate eggs and larvae of phytonematodes, and
activity of enzymes like chitinase, protease, and glucanase helps in parasitizing the
host (Haran et al. 1996; Haggag and Amin 2001). Rajinikanth et al. (2016) proved
that chi18-5 gene of T. viride played a key role in the parasitization of the
nematode eggs.
Induction of systemic resistance in host plants due to enhanced activity of defense
enzymes like peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, catalase, phenylalanine ammonia
lyase, and chitinase in T. viride-treated green gram facilitated the host to resist
M. incognita invasion (Umamaheswari et al. 2004). Enhanced nutrient solubilization
and uptake in T. harzianum-treated plants increase the tolerance of the host plants to
pathogen attack (Altomare et al. 1999).
AM fungi are obligate root symbionts that protect the host plants from abiotic and
biotic stress including plant parasitic nematodes (Vos et al. 2012). Baltruschat et al.
(1973) were the first to show that the plants preinoculated with AM fungi, Glomus
mosseae, were less susceptible to root knot infection.
nematodes (Elsen et al. 2003). Colonization of AM fungi also alters the composition
of root exudates, which could hinder the host finding ability, hatching, and motility
of plant parasitic nematodes (Schouteden et al. 2015).
Bacteria are abundantly present in soil, and there is always a possibility for
nematodes to be infected by some of these bacteria. Members of the genera
Pasteuria, Pseudomonas, and Bacillus have received much attention owing to
their excellent biocontrol potential (Tian et al. 2007). Based on the mechanism of
action, they are classified as obligate parasitic bacteria, antagonistic bacteria,
rhizobacteria, and Cry protein-forming bacteria. Rhizobacteria
Rhizobacteria are well studied for their biocontrol potential against plant parasitic
nematodes (Sikora 1992). Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. are the main domi-
nant rhizobacterial populations in soil that antagonize the phytonematode population
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 643
(Krebs et al. 1998). Several other rhizobacteria are also reported to exhibit antago-
nism against phytonematodes, as reviewed by Tian et al. (2007).
Bacillus spp.
Members of Bacillus group are often called as ‘microbial factories’ for their capa-
bility to produce a spectrum of biologically active molecules that are antagonistic to
diverse group of phytopathogens (Ongena and Jacques 2008). Bacillus spp. form
endospores that could withstand unfavorable conditions.
B. subtilis, the most studied rhizobacterium in this group, produces several
antimicrobial compounds (Gray et al. 2006). Kavitha et al. (2012) reported
B. subtilis strains producing antibiotics, surfactin, and iturin that suppressed egg
hatching and caused mortality of M. Incognita juveniles. Prabu et al. (2019) detected
several antibiotic genes, viz., iturin-A, iturin-C, iturin-D, bacilycin BacD, bacilycin
BacAB, surfactin, and nematicidal purL gene detected in the genome of
B. amyloliquefaciens IIHR Ba-2, and the crude antibiotic extract showed signifi-
cantly higher J2 mortality and greater suppression in nematode egg hatching of
M. incognita (Fig. 26.5).
Pseudomonas spp.
Pseudomonas spp. are omnipresent bacteria in agricultural soils, which possess
many desirable qualities that make them excellent candidates for commercial exploi-
tation. Pseudomonas fluorescens, the most studied bacterium of this group, report-
edly increased plant growth and reduced nematode damage caused by several key
nematode pests, viz., Globodera rostochiensis, Heterodera spp., Meloidogyne
incognita, Tylenchulus semipenetrans, Radopholus similis, Pratylenchus coffeae,
and Helicotylenchus multicinctus (Cronin et al. 1997; Oostendorp and Sikora 1989;
Fig. 26.5 Effect of cell-free culture filtrates of B. amyloliquefaciens IIHR BA2 on M. incognita
eggs: (a) Eggs in untreated control and (b) Distortion of cell contents in eggs treated with culture
filtrates (Prabu et al. 2019)
644 R. Umamaheswari et al.
The lack of awareness and knowledge about the microbial biopesticides and their
proper usage among the farmers is one of the major challenges facing the successful
use of biopesticides and its commercialization. Though the microbial biopesticide
packages carry detailed instructions regarding their storage and usage, farmers are
often not clear about their appropriate application methodologies. Sometimes, the
farmers lack the necessary skills for using these biopesticides in their farms.
Lack of stability in the efficacy of microbial biopesticides is also a reason for their
low reliability among the farmers. Since living microorganisms are the active
ingredients in these formulations, they are vulnerable to the vagaries of several
abiotic factors like temperature, moisture, pH, exposure to UV rays, and other soil
factors. It is also a popular practice among the farmers to mix the chemical pesticides
with biopesticides and apply them as a single spray, which is highly toxic to the
microbes and reduces the cell count. Lack of knowledge on the compatibility of
biopesticides with other agrochemicals also reduces the field performance of
Contamination and poor cell count are the major concern of the farmers in
commercial formulations. Sterile conditions have to be maintained to avoid contam-
ination, which is often difficult for a longer period. Contamination reduces the
population of useful microbes in the formulation and reduces its shelf life. This
results in poor quality of the products that perform inconsistently under field
26.6 Conclusion
Microbial biopesticides possess great potential in sustaining crop and soil health
through multiple mechanisms. In spite of their overwhelming advantages, inconsis-
tent performance of applied microbes has proven to be a major obstacle mainly due
to lack of effective strains and quality products. One of the strategies to enhance the
efficacy is to combine two (or more) beneficial microbes in the formulation. Such
combinations have beneficial traits for more effective colonization of the rhizo-
sphere, more consistent expression under a diverse soil conditions, and antagonism
to a broad spectrum of plant pests or pathogens through different modes of action
than strains applied individually. Integration of biopesticide components with other
management options and interdisciplinary teamwork will also lead to more effective
control practices. Future research efforts in the line of nanotechnology-based
26 Biotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops Using Microbial Intervention 647
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Commercial Aspects of Biofertilizers
and Biostimulants Development Utilizing 27
Rhizosphere Microbes: Global and Indian
Microbiome · Biostimulants · Biofertilizers · Bioinoculants · Commercial ·
Rhizosphere · PGPR · Regulatory guidelines · Challenges · Biopesticides · FCO
1985 · Sustainable agriculture
27.1 Introduction
protection purposes. Microbes used for the purposes other than plant protection are
commercialized as biofertilizers/soil conditioners/biostimulants based on the respec-
tive country’s regulatory guidelines. For example, all the beneficial microbes that are
fixing/dissolving/mobilizing nutrients are included under Indian Fertilizer Control
Order, 1985 (FCO 1985) as biofertilizers in India. There is a very narrow functional
difference between biofertilizers and biostimulants. Nomenclature differs from
country to country as stimulants, biofertilizers, and/or soil conditioners. However,
they are becoming the inevitable tools for the next-generation promoters of sustain-
able agriculture.
Voluminous scientific research and field demonstrations in Europe, Asia Pacific,
America, Africa, and Middle East countries have confirmed that microbial-based
biofertilizers/biostimulants/soil conditioners are superior to conventional chemical-
based nutrients and stimulants. Several countries are encouraging farmers to
switchover or integrate these formulations with the existing practices. They also
assist biofertilizer manufacturers in meeting their domestic requirements.
The market growth of biofertilizers in the Asia Pacific is estimated at 10.8%
CAGR during 2020–2025 (Mordor Intelligence 2020) against the global market
growth estimation of 11.3% CAGR during 2019–2025 (Fortune Business Insights
2019). Among the Asia-Pacific countries, China is leading by occupying about
43.2% biofertilizer market share (Mordor Intelligence 2020). It promoted a pilot
plan to replace chemical fertilizers with biological formulations/organic fertilizers in
100 districts in China. The Government of India also promotes biofertilizers through
its various schemes like mission for sustainable agriculture, oilseeds, oil palm, food
security, and Krishi Vikas Yojanas. However, there should be a national mission
program to replace/integrate chemical fertilizers with biofertilizers intensively from
2020–2025 to reduce the burden of fertilizer subsidy and to increase the soil health
and crop productivity. India and several other countries should also formulate
simplified guidelines to regulate biostimulants and pave the ways for promoting
them among the farming communities.
This book chapter unfolds the commercial prospects of biofertilizers and
biostimulants, their importance to modern agriculture, recent advances, regulatory
framework, and their advantages over conventional fertilizers and plant stimulants.
27.2 Biostimulants
Biostimulants are the substances used in minute quantities to promote plant growth.
They are differentiated from nutrients and other soil amendments in terms of
quantities used for overall plant development. Biostimulants are not fertilizers as
they do not provide any nutrients directly to the plant. Their origin could be from
plants, animals, microbes, natural minerals, plant hormone chemicals and humus/
organic-rich soil derivatives.
Plant beneficial microbes present in and around the rhizosphere play a key role in
plant growth, development, and reproduction by interacting either directly or indi-
rectly regardless of the nutrient status of the plant (Behie and Bidochka 2014; Le
658 A. J. Peter et al.
Mire et al. 2016). These associations extend from soil to interior of the plant cells
influencing the plant growth through nutrient recycling & mobilization, disease
resistance induction, abiotic stress tolerance, and fine tuning of other plant growth
regulating mechanisms (Ahmad et al. 2008). Microbial biostimulants, when applied,
can improve nutrient uptake efficiency by 5–25% and increase crop yield up to 10%
(European Biostimulants Industry Consortium 2011). They include bacterial
endosymbionts, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, and mycorrhizal/
nonmycorrhizal fungi. Few countries term some of the biostimulants as either
biofertilizers or soil conditioners.
Table 27.1 Response of PGPR-based Biostimulants/Biofertilizers under field and green house
conditions for reducing chemical fertilizers
Crop growth
enhancement and
Field/ chemical fertilizer
Biostimulant Crops Greenhouse reduction level Reference
Burkholderia Rice Field Increased weight and Araújo et al.
vietnamiensis yield of traditional rice (2013)
AR112 compared to 100% N
chemical fertilization
K-Solubilizing isolate Wheat Greenhouse Recorded 51.46% Parmar and
HWP47 increase in root dry Sindhu
weight (2013)
Pseudomonas Wheat Greenhouse Improved N and P Islam et al.
aeruginosa uptake. Increased (2014)
chlorophyll content and
plant biomass under Zn
Arthrobacter sp. and Wheat Greenhouse Increased tolerance to Upadhyay
Bacillus subtilis salinity and Singh
Pseudomonas jessenii, Wheat Field Combining PGPR and Mäder et al.
Pseudomonas AMF increased the yield (2011)
synxantha, and a local up to 41%
B. megaterium M3 & Wheat, Field and Single and combinations Çakmakçi
RC 07, Bacillus Barley Greenhouse of PGPR increased yield et al. (2014)
OSU-142, A.brasilense up to 40.4% in wheat
sp. 245, Paenibacillus and 33.7% in Barley
polymyxa RC05, when integrated with
B. licheniformis RC08, Nfertilizer
Raoultella terrigena,
and Burkholderia
Rhizobium tropici Bean Greenhouse Increase of P (40%), N Tajini et al.
CIAT899 and Glomus (42%), nodule number (2012)
intraradices (70%), nodule mass
(43%), shoot dry weight
(24%), and root growth
Bradyrhizobium sp. and Soybean Field and Increased grain yield by Marks et al.
concentrated Greenhouse 4.8% compared to the (2013)
metabolites from exclusive use of
Bradyrhizobium Bradyrhizobium
diazoefficiens sp. alone
Bacillus Tomato Greenhouse Combination of PGPR Adesemoye
amyloliquefaciens and AM reduced et al. (2009)
IN937a, Bacillus fertilizer use by 25%
pumilusT4, and Glomus without altering plant
intraradices growth, yield, and
nutrient uptake
660 A. J. Peter et al.
The coevolution of rhizospheric fungi with terrestrial plants led to the development
of various interactions with plant roots, including mutualistic symbioses and para-
sitism (Behie and Bidochka 2014). Beneficial rhizosphere fungi, viz., mycorrhiza,
Trichoderma, Purpureocillium lilacinum (Paecilomyces lilacinus), Beauveria
bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Pochonica chlamydosporia (Verticillium
chlamydosporium) etc., are some of the commercially exploited microbes obtained
from the rhizosphere. Among the listed microbes, except mycorrhiza, rest of the
microbes are registered as biopesticides.
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) readily establish symbiotic interactions
with the roots of majority of plant species and promote nutrition efficiency, water
balance, and protection against biotic and abiotic stresses. It is one of the most
important rhizospheric fungi, duly classified as biofertilizer/biostimulant. Commer-
cially, it is mass produced through the substrate-based production system,
aeroponics, and agrobacteria-mediated root culture techniques. Table 27.3 illustrates
the commercially exploited arbuscular mycorrhizal species through various culture
methods. However, Glomus sp. is predominantly used in India.
Some of the fungal endophytes like Trichoderma sp. also colonize plant roots and
help in nutrient transfer to the host. Trichoderma sp. produce toxic compounds
including viridin, peptaibols, gliotoxins, sesquiterpenes, and isonitriles, which
inhibit growth of other competitors. Trichoderma sp. act as mycoparasite through
the degradation of pathogen cell walls. They affect a wide range of pathogens that
include various genera, viz., Phytophthora, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Botrytis,
Pythium, Rhizopus, Verticillium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium, Dematophora,
Fusicladium, and Helminthosporium. Rhizospheric fungi exhibit antagonism against
pathogenic fungi and promote plant growth through five mechanisms that include
the production of inhibitory compounds, inactivation of pathogen enzymes,
mycoparasitism, induced resistance, and competition for nutrients and space (Patrick
du Jardin 2015; Drobek et al. 2019).
Recently, the role of Purpureocillium lilacinum (Paecilomyces lilacinus) and
Pochonica chlamydosporia (Verticillium chlamydosporium) for the plant-parasitic
nematode control gained importance due to the ban of selected pesticide
27 Commercial Aspects of Biofertilizers and Biostimulants Development Utilizing. . . 661
Table 27.2 Commercialized and registered PGPR-based products in Europe, North America,
and Asia
Manufacturers Product name Active ingredient Crops
ABiTEP GmbH, FZB24®fl B. amyloliquefaciens Ornamentals and
Germany vegetables
Rhizovital B. amyloliquefaciens Field crops
Agrinos, India iNvigorate® Azotobacter vinelandii and All plants
Clostridium pasteurianum
AGRO.bio BactoFil Azospirillum brasilense, Cereals
Hungary Kft., A10® A. vinelandii, B. megaterium,
Hungary B. polymyxa, and P. fluorescens
BactoFil Azospirillum lipoferum, Sunflower, potato,
B10® A. vinelandii, B. megaterium, and rapeseed
B. circulans, B. subtilis, and
P. fluorescens
Biovitis, France Cérès® Pseudomonas fluorescens Field &
horticultural crops
CCS Aosta Srl, Micosat F® B. subtilis BR 62, Paenibacillus Cereals, tomatoes,
Italy Cereali durus PD76, and Streptomyces sunflowers, beet,
sp. ST 60 and soybeans
Micosat F® Agrobacterium radiobacter AR Fruits, vegetables,
Uno 39, B. subtilis BA 41, and and flowers
Streptomyces spp. SB 14
Cleveland Biotech, AmniteA100® Azotobacter, Bacillus, Cucumber, lettuce,
UK Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, and tomato, and pepper
Greenmax Gmax® PGPR Azotobacter, Phosphobacteria, Field crops
AgroTech, India and P. fluorescens
IAB (Iabiotec), Inómix® B. megaterium, Saccharomyces Cereals
Spain Biofertilisant cerevisiae, Azotobacter
vinelandii, and R.leguminosarum
Inómix® B. polymyxa (IAB/BP/01) and Cereals
Biostimulant B. subtilis (IAB/BS/F1)
Inómix® P. fluorescens, B. megaterium, Cereals
phosphore and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Koppert Biological Panoramix Mycorrhiza, Trichoderma sp., Seed dresser
Systems and Bacillus sp.
Lallemand Plant Rhizocell ® B. amyloliquefaciens IT45 Cereals
Care, Canada GC
Lantmannen Amase® Pseudomonas azotoformans Cucumber, lettuce,
Bioagri Sweden tomato, and pepper
Mapleton Nitroguard® Azospirillum brasilense Cereals, seed rape,
AgriBiotec Pvt. NAB317, Azorhizobium sugar beet,
Ltd., Australia caulinodens NAB38, Azoarcus sugarcane, and
indigens NAB04, and Bacillus vegetables
TwinN® Azospirillum brasilense Cereals, seed rape,
NAB317, Azorhizobium sugar beet,
662 A. J. Peter et al.
formulations having extremely and highly hazardous active ingredients (Class 1a &
1b) in European Union and North and Latin America. These pesticides will be out of
shelves in India from 2020, which may result in the increased importance of these
two rhizospheric microbes.
Microbes such as archaea, bacteria, protists, and fungi that colonize internal tissues
of the plants without causing any disease are called endophytes (Hardoim et al.
2015). A rhizospheric endophytic microbe inhabits the internal tissues of the root
region and symbiotically supports the plant by carrying nutrients from soil into
plants, regulating the plant growth by secreting various plant growth regulators,
increasing tolerance to various biotic stress, and enhancing disease resistance to
pathogens (Kandel et al. 2017). Some of the very important rhizospheric microbial
endophytes include Azospirillum brasilense, Bradyrhizobium japonicum,
Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, Methylobacterium mesophilicuma, Rhizobium
leguminosarum, Herbaspirillum seropedicae, Citrobacter., Bacillus megaterium,
Paenibacillus odorifer, Pichia guilliermondii, Chaetomium globosum, Periconia
macrospinosa, Rhinocladiella sp., and Coniothyrium aleuritis. Unculturable
664 A. J. Peter et al.
Table 27.4 List of prominent MAMPs and their corresponding plant PRRs
No. MAMPs Plant PRRs
1 Activator of XA21 (Ax21) XA21 and XA21D (Rice)
2 Avirulence on Ve1 tomato (Ave1) Ve1 (putative Tomato receptor)
3 Bacterial cold shock proteins (RNP1 motif) Csp15-Nsyl (Tobacco)
4 Bacterial superoxide dismutase (Sod) CsWAKL08 (Orange)
5 Beta-Glycan (GE) GEBP (putative receptor
6 Cellulose-binding elicitor lectin (CBEL) from Kinase BAK1(Arabidopsis)
7 Chitin CeBip and CERK1 (Rice);
8 Elongation factor TU (EF-Tu; elf18/26) EFR (Arabidopsis;
9 Flagellin (Flg; flg22) FLS2 (Arabidopsis)
10 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) OsCERK1 (Rice)
11 Peptidoglycan (PGN) Lym1 and Lym3(Arabidopsis)
12 Pep-13 (An oligopeptide of 13 amino acids from P. BAK1, StSERK3A and
megasperma) StSERK3B(Potato)
13 Xylanase (EIX) EIX (Tomato)
Source from Mari-Anne Newman et al. (2013) and upgraded until 2020
by the increasing global market demand for the production of high-value crops under
varied climatic conditions. Worldwide, the biostimulant market is highly spread over
due to the presence of a large number of regional and global players. Some of the key
biostimulant manufacturers include Agrinos AS, Arysta Lifescience Corporation,
BASF SE, Bayer, Biostadt India Limited, Koppert B.V, ILSAS.p.A, UPL Limited,
Isagro, Italpollina, Syngenta, FMC Corporation, Adama, Acadian Seaplants,
Biovert, Sapec, and Valagro. However, only a few corporates are pursuing business
on microbial biostimulant formulations.
Europe dominates the biostimulant market share worldwide. Data on global
biostimulants’ market share for amino acids, sea weeds, humic, fulvic, microbials,
and other plant stimulants are given in Fig. 27.1 (David Beaudreau 2019).
The product profile of the global biostimulant industry is currently dominated by
acid-based biostimulant products followed by seaweed extracts. Microbial-based
biostimulants constitute about 10% of the total biostimulant market share. This also
includes biofertilizers as several countries have not differentiated between
biostimulants and biofertilizers. The global projected biostimulant product line for
the year 2020 is given in Fig. 27.2 (David Beaudreau 2019).
Even though the current percentage of microbial-based product line is less as
compared to the other products, because of increased product innovations, microbial
growth amendments are going to play a key role as biostimulant products in the
666 A. J. Peter et al.
Fig. 27.2 Projected global biostimulant product line in the year 2020
During the past few years, the majority of biostimulant manufacturing companies
worldwide are expanding their business into emerging markets by introducing high-
quality products at a lower cost through cost-effective production and R&D process.
In the coming years, with the popularization of biostimulant input benefits with
farming community, the global biostimulant industry is expected to reach its
27 Commercial Aspects of Biofertilizers and Biostimulants Development Utilizing. . . 667
no. 1107/2009 quotes that all product/s influencing the life processes of the plants
such as substances influencing their growth other than a nutrient are governed by
PPP regulations (European Fertilizer Regulation 2019; SEIPASA 2019). Therefore,
from a regulatory perspective, a majority of plant biostimulant products including
synthetic, natural substances, and microorganisms come under PPPs. However, the
major constraint to follow PPP route for plant biostimulant products is the lengthy
and costly procedures involved in following PPP regulations.
The introduction of plant biostimulant products through National Regulations on
Fertilizers in Europe could be relatively easy compared that of PPP route. However,
it is becoming increasingly difficult due to the marked differences in data
requirements for efficacy, toxicity, and ecotoxicity assessment of the European
member countries.
The current European law on EC fertilizers (Electrical Conductivity Fertilizer
regulation no. 2003/2003) strictly prohibits placing any other substance other than a
nutrient in the fertilizer act. In view of this constraint, and on the suggestions of
European Biostimulant Industry Council (EBIC), an amendment EC No. 1107/2008
regulation was introduced in the year 2019 in order to introduce substances, which
are not strictly nutrients but support plant growth. This amendment would come into
implementation only after two to three years.
In India, plant biostimulants are currently sold in the market in an unregulated
manner due to the lack of a proper definition and regulatory guidelines. The plant
biostimulant market in India is proliferating and is expected to reach US$ 180.95
million by the year 2023 with a CAGR of 16.49% (Research and Markets 2018),
especially microbial-based plant stimulants at 10.8% CAGR (Mordor Intelligence
2020). In view of the increasing demand for a proper legal definition and regulatory
guidelines for plant biostimulants, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and
Farmers Welfare, Government of India, has proposed draft guidelines on plant
biostimulants in the year 2019. In the draft guidelines, an amendment was proposed
in the existing Fertilizer (Control) Order 1985 for inclusion of plant biostimulants
(Indian fertilizer control order 1985 and draft guidelines on FCO amendment 2019).
As per the new amendment (1) in class 2(h), the existing definition of “Fertilizer”
has been expanded to include plant biostimulant products. Accordingly, plant
biostimulants are defined as compounds, substances, and products including
microorganisms whose functions when applied to plants/seeds/rhizosphere are to
regulate and enhance crop physiological processes independent of the product’s
nutrient content and to improve input use efficiency, growth, yield, quality, and/or
stress tolerance. The biostimulants may include products of plants/animals or
microbial origin.
The primary function of the biostimulant products should be other than that for
pesticide use and nutrient source. Heavy metal and other contaminants, if any, may
be within the prescribed limits given under clause 20 C. Biostimulants notified under
subclause (i) shall be under any of the following categories including (a) Botanical
extracts, including seaweed extracts, (b) Biochemicals, (c) Protein hydrolysates and
amino acids, (d) Vitamins, (e) Cell-free microbial products, (f) Antioxidant,
(g) Antitranspirants, and (h) Humic and Fulvic acids and their derivations.
27 Commercial Aspects of Biofertilizers and Biostimulants Development Utilizing. . . 669
27.9 Biofertilizers
Table 27.6 Consortia of microbial formulations approved as biofertilizers under FCO (1985)
Quality standard prescribed as per FCO (1985)
pH Quantity contaminant
Recommended (cfu per
Active ingredient Form cfu g/ml) Strain Efficiency
Bio-NPK Consortia
Organisms fixing Solid1 6.5–7.5 5 107/g Nil at 105 In consortia formulation,
N and or each quality of each culture
solubilizing P culture assessed individually as
and K 1 107/g specified for sole
Liquid 5.0–7.5 5 108/ Nil bio-fertilizers
ml or
1 108/
Bio NP, Bio NK, and Bio PK consortia
Formulation with Solid1 6.5–7.5 5 107/g Nil at 105 In consortia formulation,
NP, NK, and PK or each quality of each culture
fixing/ culture assessed individually as
solubilizing 1 107/g specified for sole
properties Liquid 5.0–7.5 5 108/ Nil biofertilizers
ml or
1 108/
biofertilizers and their combinations are given in Table 27.7. They suggested based
on credible scientific research and in-house studies carried out at Prof.
T.N. Ananthakrishnan Innovation Center, Hyderabad.
It is wise to include a few more beneficial rhizospheric microbes that are reported
to have biofertilizer activities. For instance, Azotobacter has diverse species, namely,
A. chroococcum, A. vinelandii, A. beijerinckii, A. nigricans, A. armeniacus, and
A. paspali. They are reported to fix nitrogen successfully in a wide array of crops,
viz., wheat, oat, barley, mustard, sesamum, rice, linseeds, sunflower, castor, maize,
sorghum, cotton, jute, sugar beets, tobacco, tea, coffee, rubber, and coconuts (Wani
et al. 2013). Similarly, species of Azospirillum such as A. lipoferum, A. brasilense,
A. amazonense, A. halopraeferens, and A. irakense have been reported to improve
the productivity of various crops (Sahoo et al. 2014). Commercial formulations in
India are only limited to selected organisms that are listed in Table 27.5.
Actinomycetes and their metabolites are thoroughly explored across the globe.
Introduction of secondary metabolites like Abamectin, Ivermectin, Spinosad, and
Milbemectin as insecticide/nematicide/miticides are the best example to prove the
672 A. J. Peter et al.
The global biofertilizer market is projected to reach USD 2.35 billion by 2022 at a
CAGR of 14.08% from 2015–2022 (Fig. 27.3). Another estimate suggested 11.3%
CAGR during 2019–2025 (Fortune Business Insights 2019). The increasing aware-
ness of consumers on clean energy, green cultivation, and safe food by consumers
coupled with an increase in fertilizer price, quality manufacturers, and area of
cultivation makes biofertilizers more appealing to growers and food consumers.
For example, the current price of 50 kg MoP is INR 950.00/ against the selling
price of INR 425.00/ during the year 2017. Importantly, integration of
27 Commercial Aspects of Biofertilizers and Biostimulants Development Utilizing. . . 673
Fig. 27.3 Global projected biofertilizer usage from the year 2012–2022
European Union (EU) has no set parameters and specific regulations for
biofertilizers. The regulation is a country based rather than EU based. However,
the draft of a new regulation for biostimulants has been finalized and expected to be
implemented from 2022. The draft guidelines include biofertilizers under
biostimulants as low-risk active ingredients. The registrant will be entitled to
15 years of registration validity and 13 years of data protection.
Poland considers biofertilizers as “growth stimulators” with a condition that it
does not pose threat to health of humans, animals, and environment. Spain, a leading
organic cultivating country, has no legislation on biofertilizers and allows local
administrators to regulate it. Italy identified mycorrhizae as “product with action
on the soil”. It is up to the associate countries to decide on implementing the EU
guidelines or keeping additional regulatory requirements in the year 2022. Currently,
it appears to be easier to register biofertilizers/biostimulants in several associate
countries than following EU guidelines.
674 A. J. Peter et al.
Modern agriculture used conventional chemical fertilizers abundantly over the years
to make it more productive and sustainable. However, their extensive use eroded soil
fertility by altering its physicochemical properties and microbial dynamics. Several
million tons of unused chemical fertilizer residues in the soil started posing serious
challenges to crop productivity and the environment. Biofertilizers and biostimulants
make the insoluble fertilizer residues into available forms and benefit the plants
either directly or indirectly (Bargaz et al. 2018). This is important to achieve the
27 Commercial Aspects of Biofertilizers and Biostimulants Development Utilizing. . . 675
Table 27.8 Information on revenue savings if biofertilizers are aggressively introduced in India
Savings if 25% biofertilizers are
Fertilizer subsidy allotted introduced
Billion % against total budget Billion % saving against Billion
Years US$ (Billion US$) US$ total budget INR
2016–2017 8.76 3.03 2.19 0.76 165.78
2017–2018 8.78 2.61 2.19 0.65 166.17
2018–2019 9.26 2.41 2.31 0.60 175.22
2019–2020 10.57 2.53 2.64 0.63 199.99
2020–2021 9.42 2.18 2.36 0.55 178.27
Total 56.36 14.08 1066.47
BE, Budget Estimate
Note: US$ value is taken as Rs.75.64/ as per 4.5.2020 conversion rate
targeted food grain production of 321 million tons without further depleting the
feedstock/fossil fuels. Integrating biofertilizers and biostimulants with conventional
fertilizers is becoming essential to improve soil fertility, crop productivity, and
environment. Their long-term substitution may vitalize the small and marginal
farmers economically over sole chemical fertilizer usage (Venkataraman and
Shanmugasundaram 1992; Miransari 2011). It can also increase country’s economy
significantly if properly integrated with conventional fertilizers.
Abundant scientific studies across the world between 1995 and 2015 have proved
that biological fertilizers can reduce 20–30% of chemical fertilizer use. However,
until today, there are no constructive steps taken by the Governments across the
globe to integrate biofertilizers with conventional fertilizers effectively. Table 27.8
explains how India could have saved about INR 165.78–199.99 billions/annum, if it
had integrated biofertilizers with chemical fertilizers since 2016–2017.
Gradual reduction of saving from 0.76% to 0.55% against the total allotted budget
for the past five years indicates that India plans to reduce the burden of fertilizer
subsidy. When the budget makes fertilizer subsidy free, the cost of cultivation may
be doubled and burden the farming community. So, the Government should also
simultaneously focus on popularizing alternative and cost-effective fertilizer
ingredients. Biofertilizers are potential alternate sources that can be tapped fully
before detaching the subsidy.
Benefits of biofertilizers/biostimulants are not limited to economy alone. They
also mitigate biotic and abiotic stresses of the plants. Adaptation of crops/plants to
increased temperature, erratic rainfall, cold/heat waves, and elevated CO2 is the
contemporary challenge of global climatic change. For instance, plants had to cope
with 0.57 C increase in average temperature during the last 100 years in India. It is
likely to be challenged with 2.5 C by 2050 and 5.8 C by 2100. These factors are
676 A. J. Peter et al.
likely to cause serious threat to crop growth, soil fertility, and water resources.
Introduction of ecto- and endorhizosperic microbes proved to help the plants to
mitigate these abiotic stresses through several mechanisms including modification of
plant response at gene level. Other rhizospheric microorganisms such as Pseudomo-
nas, Bacillus, Arthrobacter, Pantoea, Burkholderia, Rhizobium, etc. were reported
in several publications to enhance the tolerance of sunflower, maize, wheat, chick-
pea, groundnut, spices, and grapes to drought, salinity, heat stress, and chilling
injury under controlled conditions (AitBarka et al. 2006; Arshad et al. 2008).
Trifolium alexandrinum when inoculated with Rhizobium trifolii showed higher
biomass and increased number of nodulations under salinity stress condition
(Hussain et al. 2002). Pseudomonas putida RS-198 has been reported to enhance
seed germination, plant height, and weight of cotton when grown in alkaline soil. It
increased the rate of uptake of K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+and decreased the absorption of
Na+ (Yao et al. 2010). Calcisol produced by rhizobacters, viz., P. alcaligenes PsA15,
Bacillus polymyxa BcP26, and Mycobacterium phlei MbP18, provided tolerance to
high temperatures and salinity stress (Egamberdiyeva 2007). Achromobacter
piechaudii was shown to sustain and improve the quality of tomato and pepper
plants under 172 mM NaCl and water stress (Alavi et al. 2013). Interestingly, a root
endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica was found to defend host plant against salt
stress (Ansari et al. 2013). Combination of A. brasilense and AM enhanced plant
tolerance to various abiotic stresses (Joe et al. 2009). Similarly, P. putida or
B. megaterium and AM fungi were effective in alleviating drought stress (Marulanda
et al. 2009). Canola and barley plants were protected by P. fluorescens strain
169 (P.f.169) from the inhibitory effects of cadmium via IAA, siderophores, and
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase (ACCD) (Baharlouei et al. 2011).
Plants can thus be protected from a series of abiotic stresses including pollutants like
petroleum (Tang et al. 2010).
27.14 Conclusions
Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the help rendered by Dr. V. Anitha, Director
(P&M), PJTSAU, Hyderabad, and Dr. P.S. Vimala Devi, Principal Scientist (Rtd), ICAR-IIOR,
Hyderabad, for their valuable feedback. Thanks are also due to Mr. R. Prasad Babu, Coordinator
(Regulatory Affairs), Varsha Bioscience, and Technology India Pvt. Ltd. for the suggestions and
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