Semi Detailed Sample Lesson Plan

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objective :
At the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
a. Identify fact and opinion;
b. Differentiate facts and opinions from each other (EN8R-IIIc-2.13); and
c. Apply one’s understanding of facts and opinions out of the given activities

II. Subject Matter :

a. Topic: Facts and Opinions
b. Reference: Language in Literature - Grade 8, p. 357
c. Values Focus: Active Participation
d. Materials: laptop, powerpoint presentation, projector or television

III. Procedure:

a. Preliminary Activities
i. Prayers/Greetings
ii. Daily routine
1. Checking of attendance/cleanliness and orderliness
iii. Review of the past lesson
1. What is a propaganda?
2. Give the different types and how it is used.

b. Motivation
i. The Teacher will motivate students by means of a game called “CONFESSION
TIME". The teacher will ask factual information and opinions about their fellow
c. Lesson Development:
i. Before the lesson begins, the objectives of the lesson will be flashed on the
screen for the students to know what the expected learning outcomes are

ii. Prompting questions will be asked to activate the students’ prior knowledge
about facts and opinions.

iii. Discussion:
1. What is fact and an opinion?
2. Why are fact and opinion so important?
3. The language of Fact and Opinions using Signal Words
4. Show and analyze some examples of Facts and Opinions

iv. An audio-visual presentation related to the lesson will be viewed by the learners
to help them better understand the two types of statements. (Referring to the
video watched, learners will be queried about what they have learned from it
and let them share their insights inside the class.)

v. Brief discussion of the topic will be done.

vi. The students will be asked to give their own examples of facts and opinions.
d. Generalization:

i. How are facts and opinions different from each other?

e. Application

Perform the following activities:

Group 1: The Detectives
Directions: Solve the cases given. Read the paragraphs and identify each as “fact”
Group 2: The Creators
Direction: Formulate 3 facts and 3 opinions out of the given pictures.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write F is the statement is a fact and O if the statement is an opinion.
___ 1. There are 24 hours in a day
___ 2. Being a swimmer is easy
___ 3. The sun rises and sets every single day
___ 4. Money is the most important thing in the world
___ 5. The Titanic was a ship that sunk

V. Assignment:
Search for more examples of facts and opinions. Write them on your lecture notes.

VI. Suggested Readings

The drug called ‘like’ by Marie Isabelle Garcia
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