Handbook For HR Managers
Handbook For HR Managers
Handbook For HR Managers
Advance Praise
Having worked in the industry for over 20
years, I must congratulate Ramanuj and the
team for putting forth this comprehensive
book that covers all HR operations under
one umbrella. If you are someone who is
new to HR this is your reference book. I
have always believed that if one needs to
excel in professional life then basics must be
very strong and this book has it all. From
laws to letters, it is like a ready reckoner.
This handbook covers the entire HR ecosystem
from legal and compliance perspectives. The
comprehensive coverage of statutory provisions,
as also the policy templates embedded in the
handbook, are expedient for handholding HR
Managers to navigate through legal issues
surrounding the HR landscape. I must
congratulate the team of LawSikho.com and
iPleaders for their inexorable efforts in leading
yet another initiative that will bring about
changes to the lives of HR professionals working
across various sectors. I will, personally, fall back
on this handbook for going about my day to day
It is an amazing work of Mr. Ramanuj and
team and a nicely articulated, comprehensive
and covering each and every aspect of legal
framework a HR practitioner has to go
through during his day to day responsibility.
With my legal qualification and 25 + year long
experience in HRM, I am sure that not only HR
managers but legal practitioners and HRM
students will also benefit with this book.
Table of Contents
Introduction 8
Agreement 77
Services 77
Termination 81
Notices 82
Miscellaneous 82
Contract Labour 86
Trainee arrangements can be of various kinds 87
Standing Order 87
Insights About Application of Statutes 88
Important policies 88
Code of conduct and ethics policy 88
Whistle Blower policy 89
Template -Whistleblower Policy 89
Conflict of Interest policy 96
Business and travel policy 98
Data Security Policy 100
Health and safety policy 102
The concept of Human Resources Development is now attracting greater and greater attention in
the sphere of management technique. Human factor plays a pivotal role in the working of any
organization. One has therefore to give deep thought to bring about excellence in the field of
Individual differences is a peculiar trait attached with the human factor and therefore it differs with
other factors like machine and material. It is therefore necessary to deal with the employees
taking into consideration the concept of individual differences.
A simple word of appreciation, a patient listening and to share their thought can create a miracle.
An effective line of communication is therefore not only necessary but important too.
The “M/s. LawSikho.com” have taken due care to co-ordinate the concept of Human Relations
with the implementation of various labour laws and statutory provision in their forthcoming
publication of “LEGAL HANDBOOK FOR HR MANAGERS” . Appraisal of implications of various
labour laws and statutory provisions is an essential part of HR Management. The Author has dealt
with all the relevant aspect of both labour laws as well as HRD principles and practice in a most
lucid language. I hope this book produced by LawSikho.com would reach many HR Managers
and help them to make better decision in the course of their work.
To conclude with one can say that a key to bring excellence in HRD, the management should set
the following goal :
“Here lies a Man, who knows how to enlist
in his service better men than himself.”
With Best Wishes
Shafi I. Kazi
Advocate, Notary, Labour Laws & Management Consultant
President : Maharashtra Employers & Professional Associations
Past Vice Chairman & Officiating Chairman - National Institute of
Pesonnel Management, Mumbai Chapter
Visiting Lecturer on Labour Laws & HRD at Maharashtra Institute
of Labour Studies, Parel, Mumbai
Written Articles & Presented Papers on various subject of Labour
Laws, HRD in various News Paper periodical and magazine.
HR managers are the pillars of modern organizations. They are responsible for welfare of
employees, and at the same time must ensure that the organizational objectives with respect to
each employee is fulfilled. They face a lot of challenges in order to achieve this goal, and some of
the biggest challenges they ever face are legal and regulatory in nature.
HR managers are expected to ensure compliance to labour and employment laws, help lawyers in
case of employment disputes, handle government intervention such as inspections and raids by
labour officers and inspectors and protect the interests of the organization.
However, HR managers are rarely trained adequately to handle these very serious and critical
responsibilities. A certain amount of legal training and resource allocation is necessary for HR
leaders to be impactful and take care of their legal obligations.
At LawSikho, we have been teaching the law, regulations and compliance to HR managers for
over 5 years now. Our experience made us aware of a palpable deficiency of quality resource
materials, training and strategic guidance for lawyers. We have trained over 2000 HR managers
on labour law, employment law and even sexual harassment laws. In almost every case, while we
took care of the training, the HR managers expressed disappointment that they did not have
access to a quality handbook they could lean on for legal issues that arise in course of daily
Our attempt to create a detailed handbook for HR managers has arisen from our desire to fill this
gap. We have focussed on practical matters, as we normally we do in our courses. While it is not
possible to teach critical skills through a book, we can efficiently deliver critical information
through this book, and that is what we have attempted to deliver.
We believe that this handbook will be used by generations of HR managers in times to come,
because the lessons in these pages are timeless and do not rely merely on the black letter of the
We hope to bring out newer versions of this book eventually, which we hope would be richer,
based on the feedback from thousands of HR managers who would put this book to good use.
We also humbly request you to check out our online course on labour, employment and industrial
laws for HR managers, which may help you much beyond what this book can do for you. We also
thank all those HR managers and organizations, which trusted our online labour and employment
law courses, as that allowed us to launch this free resources that we today hope will help
thousands of HR managers and millions of Indian employees and workmen entrusted under their
We seek your valuable feedback on this book and the course curriculum. Please share your views
on ramanuj@ipleaders.in so that we can keep the work going.
Handling accidents
What do you mean by accident? To what extent it comes
under the ambit of HR?
Generally accident means an inevitable event which was not planned or designed with a purpose
which occurs spontaneously and this unexpected and unintentional event causes damage or
Types of accident
● Fatal accident
● Accident causing permanent disablement
● Accident causing temporary disablement
Careful and detailed examination of each and every candidate has to be done by the manager
and the committee members assigned for the recruitment.
Qualification check
Checking if the candidate is eligible for the said job is necessary in order to know if he or she is
the right candidate for the job. Qualification check is done by looking at the cover letter and the
resume of the candidates, this helps an HR manager in shortlisting of the candidates easily as he
is able to know not only about the academic qualities of the individual but also the work
experience he or she has had in the field.
Interviewing candidates
Interviewing candidates comes next as, in order to check whether if the individual is worthy of the
job, the employer must ensure it personally by contacting the candidate who has applied for the
Psychometric tests
Psychometric tests are nothing but the tests which tests the mental capacity of the individual as
well as to measure candidates' suitability for a role based on the required personality
characteristics and aptitude.
It is not defined in any law but it generally means that, when the employer initiates the process of
terminating the services of an employee it is termed as termination of employment.
Law applicable
For termination the HR should be aware of the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and
the law of the State where his organisation is established such as The Delhi Shops and
Establishments Act, 1954.
Modes of termination
The services of an employee can be terminated in following manners
● This act applies to workers not employed in administrative or managerial capacity. Under
Section 25F of this Act of an employee who has been in continuous service for at least
one year to be retrenched is required to be sent a one month notice in writing stating the
reason or in place of one month notice, wages for the period of notice. The employee is
also entitled to 15 days average pay for each year of continuous service and the employer
also has to send a notice to the appropriate authority in Form P of Industrial Disputes
(Central) Rules, 1957.
● In cases of Industrial establishments as defined in section 25 L(a) of the, under section
25N, to terminate any employee who has been in continuous employment for at least a
year, should be given three month’s notice or wages in lieu of the notice and the prior
approval of the Central Government or the specified authority has to be taken by an
application in Form PA of Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957.
Sometimes a sudden resignation of an employee can create huge problem for the employer.
Specially if it is one of important employee or an employee who is handling an important/
technical position for which it is difficult to find a backup, it becomes really very difficult to handle
the situation.
It is very essential for an HR manager to be aware about the terms and conditions of the
employment agreements with the employees to be always prepared to handle such situations
and save the employer from any loss due to such resignation.
For instance, Delhi Shops and Establishments Act, 1954, requires an employee to give a one
month notice before resigning while the employment contract of the same employee may ask for
a 3 month notice. Now how to handle the situation when the employee wants to leave
immediately without such notice? What if he wants to give only a months notice instead of a 3
month notice?
Leave applications
● See the policies of the company regarding leaves and for which type of leave he has
● Ensuring compliance of many labour laws
● How to handle sudden leaves/ medical leaves
○ Backup
○ Or refusing leave
○ How to get work done through others
● The Act extends to the whole of the Union Territory of Delhi.
● It applies to all shops and commercial establishments which includes any premises
wherein any trade, business or profession is carried out.
● A combined reading of Section 2(5) and Section 2(9) of the Act covers exhaustive list of
commercial establishments like residential hotels, restaurants, eating-house, theatre or
other places of public amusement. Journalistic institutions and educational institutions run
with a private gain are also included.
● It is important to keep in mind that the word ‘shop’ has a very broad meaning under the
Act. Any place having a nexus with purchase and sale of goods or services is deemed to
be a shop under the Act.
Category of the establishment, if it is a shop, commercial establishment, hotel, theater or
another place of amusement or entertainment, restaurant or other eating house.
Number of employees working in the establishment, the names of young persons must be
mentioned separately.
● Form A can be filed online within 90 days of coming into force of this Act for existing
companies. In case a new establishment is formed, the proprietor must send the
statement from the day the establishment commences work to the chief inspector.
● As per Rule 4 the registration certificate issued by the chief inspector in Form C must be
● It is the duty of the proprietor of the establishment to intimate the Chief Inspector about
any changes that may occur with regards to the information submitted to the Chief
Inspector in the statement at the time of the registration in Form D as per Rule 6 of the
Termination of Employment
What are the Penalties under the Act?
Description of offence Punishment
As per Section 40, if in any shop or Minimum fine of Rs. 25 which may extend upto Rs.
establishment there is any contravention 250 and an additional fine of Rs 5 per day if it
of any provisions of this Act continues
As per Section 41, willfully making false Imprisonment for a period not exceeding three
entries in records, registers or notice months, or
prescribed under Section 33
Fine which shall not be less than fifty rupees but
which may extend to two hundred and fifty rupees,
or both.
Section 42, Willfully obstructing an Fine which shall not be less than fifty rupees and
Inspector in the exercise of any power which may extend to two hundred and fifty rupees.
under section 37
For concealing an employee in the
establishment from appearing before or
being examined by an Inspector.
Organized sector
● Business
● Trade
● Industrial or handicraft occupation
● Workmen avocation
● Calling of the employer
Unorganized sector
● Agricultural industries
● Charitable institutions
● Educational and scientific, training institution
● Village industries
● Hospital dispensaries
● It is the duty of the employer to inform the workmen, registered trade union, and other
officials with 21 days prior notice before making any changes.
● However in case awards and settlements no notice is required to be given on changing
the conditions of services.
● If any dispute is pending before any prescribed authority which is to resolve such disputes
the employer is required to take prior permission in writing from the authority before
prejudicially changing any conditions of service.
Health Provisions
54-56 Spittoons
● Every factory shall have a sufficient number of spittoons placed at a
convenient place. The spittoons should be cleaned regularly
Safety Provisions
Register of workers employed for work on or near machinery in motion
Register of workers employed for work on or near machinery in motion should be
maintained in Form 9
RULE Description
Accident or any dangerous occurrence specified in the schedule
● results in such bodily injury to any person as is likely to cause his death,
takes place in a factory, notice shall be sent in form 25 to :
○ The District Magistrate or Sub-divisional Officer;
○ The officer in charge of the nearest police stations; and
○ The relatives of the injured or deceased person.
92 Contravention of the Occupier or imprisonment for a term which
provisions of the Act manager may be extend to 2 years or with
fine which may extend to ₹1 lakh
or both.
95 willful obstruction of the Any person imprisonment which may extend
inspector’s work to 6 month or with fine which may
extend to ₹10000 or both
97 Contravention of any Any Worker fine which may extend to ₹500.
provision of the Act
98 Producing false fitness Any Person imprisonment which may extend
certificate to 2 months or fine which may
extend to ₹1000 or with both.
99 allows child for double Any Person fine which may extend to ₹1000.
employment unless it appears in court that the
child doing double employment
by the consent of his parents or
guardian and by his consent.
What are the biggest challenges?
1. Compliance requirements under the Act are numerous, it is important to create a
system such that no compliance is missed.
4. Ensuring organization-wide compliance if there are multiple factories in different
6. Dealing with different kinds of labour-management disputes, involving the Works
Committee, Conciliation Board, Grievance Redressal Committee, etc.
7. Coordination with head office and litigators with respect to industrial disputes or other
legal proceedings against the organization.
Wage Period
As per Section 4, wage period fixed by the employer shall not exceed one month.
Employer can only make deductions provided u/s 7. Such deductions cannot exceed the limits
provided under Sections 8 to 13 of the Payment of Wages Act.
● The minimum bonus is 8.33 percent of the salary or wage (Rs.7000) of the employee
during the accounting year or ₹100 whichever is higher, in case of an employee below 15
years of age minimum amount is ₹60.
● The basic wage calculation ceiling is Rs 7000 per month “or the minimum wage for the
scheduled employment as fixed by the appropriate Government” (whichever is higher) as
per Section 12.
● Payment of maximum bonus (section 11) is 20% of Rs.7000.
The wages have to be paid within 8 months of the closing of the accounting year, but on
application to the Government it may be extended to two years.
In case of any dispute regarding the bonus, it has to be paid within one month of decision of the
authority if it orders the payment of bonus in its decision.
All the employers have the duty to maintain such registers, records and any other documents
which may be prescribed.
The following registers have to be maintained
● Register for computation of allocable surplus - Form A of Payment of Bonus Rules 1975
● Register showing set on and set off of allocable surplus - Form B of Payment of Bonus
Rules 1975
● Register for details of bonus due, deducted and actually disbursed - Form C of Payment of
Bonus Rules 1975
All employers have to upload unified annual return on web portal of Ministry of Labour and
Employment providing information of particulars which are specified in respect of preceding year
- Form D of Payment of Bonus Rules 1975.
Section Offence Penalty
85 non compliance with the provisions of the Act Imprisonment is 6 months
upto 1 year and fine Rs
85-A Lays down enhanced penalty for repeat Imprisonment upto 2 years or
offenders under the Act. Any person who has fine which may extend to
been convicted for an offence under the Act Rs.5000 for a subsequent
repeats the same offence again offence.
85-C Court’s power to direct payment of contribution Whenever an employer faces
imprisonment under the Act,
the court can order in writing
to awarding any other
punishment in addition to pay
his contribution for the
duration of his sentence.
What are the biggest challenges?
● How to determine applicability of the Act and identify Central Government notifications in
specific areas
● Identification of grounds and situations when ESI benefit is available and when it is not.
ESI applicability varies from state to state. For example, in certain states, you cannot claim
ESI in respect of super speciality treatment.
● How to assist and represent the employer in an ESI hearing
● What actions to take if you receive an adverse ESI Assessment order
Compensation has to be paid as soon as it falls due and in case the employer does not agree to
the amount which he has to pay, he shall pay the amount which he accepts as provisional
payment and such payment does not take away the right of the employee to make further claim.
When the commissioner is intimated about the occurrence of an accident he can ask the
employer to provide a statement within thirty days to provide the circumstances causing the
death of the employee. The employer also has to send in the statement, his opinion about his
If the law requires then the employer or any person on his behalf has to send a report regarding
the accident within seven days of such accident to the commissioner or the prescribed authority.
The submission of this report shall be made under Form EE of Workmen’s Compensation Rules,
1924. (Rule 11 of Workmen’s Compensation Rules, 1924)
The State government may direct that correct return shall be sent about all the incidents of
accidents of the previous year and the compensation paid for them and any other information as
may be prescribed, to the prescribed authority.
The employee has to be informed of his rights to claim compensation by the employer
immediately at the time of employment in Hindi, English or the official language of the area and it
should be done in writing as well as through electronic means.
If there is any agreement between the parties regarding the lump sum payment for the
redemption of half monthly payment or any other such payment, a memorandum has to be sent to
the commissioner who on being satisfied of its genuineness records it in a register in the
prescribed manner.
Such a memorandum of the agreement which is sent to the commissioner should be in close
conformity with the circumstances of the case and it should be sent with Form K or L or M of
Workmen’s Compensation Rules, 1924 as the case may be.(Rule 48 of Workmen’s Compensation
Rules, 1924)
Other Forms
Rule* Description
43 Every employer shall within one month from the date of expiration of the period of
currency of the contribution cards in respect of members employed by him, send
the contribution cards to the Commissioner together with a statement in Form 6
If a member leaves service,the employer shall send the contribution card in respect of
such members before the twentieth day of the month following that in which the
members left the service:
*The Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme rules, 1952
Compliance related to the Employees pension scheme (Section 6A of the
Employee's Provident Funds Miscellaneous Provisions Act)
Superannuation pension, retiring pension or Not more than 8.33% of the daily wages is to
permanent total disablement pension to be contributed in employee pension from
employees of any establishment to which this employers share.
Act applicable.
What are the biggest challenges?
Ensuring the compliance framework including record-keeping, periodic contributions and
preparation of adequate documents is always on track and updated.
Creation of appropriate wage or salary structure in the organization, to ensure that liability is
not disproportionate.
Identification of allowances which will not be included in basic wages from a provident fund
Ensuring that contractors are always compliant with their obligations under the law in respect
of the contract labour provided and do not deceive employers about their compliance status.
A woman must have been working as an employee in an establishment for a period of at least 80
days in the past 12 months as per Section 5 (2) of the The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
employer failing to pay any amount of punishable with imprisonment which shall not
maternity benefit to a woman entitled under be less than three months but which may
this Act extend to one year
discharges or dismisses such woman during punishable with imprisonment which shall not
or on account of her absence from work in be less than three months but which may
accordance with the provisions of this Act, extend to one year
In case of employer contravening the he shall be punishable with imprisonment
provisions of this Act or the rules made which shall not be less than three months but
thereunder which may extend to one year and with fine
which shall not be less than two hundred
rupees but which may extend to five thousand
Failure to Display Abstract of Act u/s 19 Imprisonment may extend to one year or fine
u/s 21(2)
What are the biggest challenges?
● The employer has to provide full wages for the period of maternity leave to the employee.
The employer has a statutory mandate u/s 11A of the Act to provide creche facilities in
case the number of employees is 50 or more.
● Unlike other countries where the state shares the cost of providing such benefits, in india
the cost is to be borne by the employer himself.
● Every woman returning to work post delivery is entitled to two breaks in the course of her
day to nurse her newborn until she turns 15 months old. However, these breaks remain
unexecuted in most cases.
● Provision of a creche, especially for smaller organizations which lack the financial
resources for the same, is a challenge, until there are alternate businesses in the economy
to whom this responsibility can be outsourced.
● Although the Equal Remuneration Act prohibits discrimination in remuneration and other
terms of employment between men and women, the long duration of maternity leave (26
weeks, and fully paid), applicable for up to 2 children, is a huge deterrent for several
organizations in hiring female candidates, as it increases their financial costs significantly.
Further, organizations view this requirement, coupled with the POSH Act, as being
specifically onerous on them.
External Member From NGO/ associations committed to the cause of
women or familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.
Note: One half of the members on the committee should be women.
Do you know that the law casts out a duty on the employer to display at any conspicuous place in
the workplace, the penal consequences of sexual harassment; and the order constituting the
Internal Committee?
This can be done through fixing posters around the offices and especially at places where the
employees will obviously read the posters, for example, near cafeteria, water cooler, coffee
machines, washrooms, photocopier machines, etc.
Contravention of provisions of the Act by the Fine upto Rs. 50,000
For eg: Failure to constitute an Internal
Complaints Committee
What are the biggest challenges in implementation of
● Training the ICC on how to take receive and take action on complaints, especially in the
investigation and decision-making process, as they are technical in nature.
● Decision-making requires the use of principles of law such as natural justice,
appreciation of evidence and the exercise of adjudicative skills, which ICC members
(including lawyers) may not have sufficient practice in because they may not have been
● Maintenance of confidentiality of the complainant and accused is critical but also a
challenge in an organizational context.
● Gender neutral implementation of the law to ensure that men are also protected.
● Implementation of the law when a member of the senior management or the head of
the organization is involved.
Note: Please insert the details relating to employee.
This number should ideally be limited to 1-3 years, that is, the time when the organization is involved in
imparting skills and training to the employee.
This number, in order for the clause to held legally enforceable, should ideally be linked in some way to
the cost incurred by the business owner for hiring and training the employee (including costs
search costs and training cost).
Customized number may be inserted.
Consultancy Agreement
Consultancy agreement is executed when the company wants to employ someone in the capacity
of a consultant. It is a service agreement only but differs from a full time contract on the following
● Scope of work
● Freedom and flexibility to work
● Specific skill sets required like taking the services of chartered accountants
● Degree of control is limited by the employer.
● The payment of salary can differ. Normally consultancy fee is paid subject to charging of
● The company is not liable to pay social security benefits in such working relationships.
● Treatment of company’s intellectual property becomes a contentious issue.
This Consultancy Agreement (Agreement) is entered into on this [●] day of [●] (Effective Date):
Contract Labour
● Contract labourers are hired for specific work through a third party manpower provider.
Contract labourers are not on the payemploroll of the company. An example of contract
labourers include employing caterers through a third party.The contract labourers can be
hired and fired depending on the work requirement.
Standing Order
The standing orders regulate rules related to conditions of employment as per the standing
orders Act, 1946. They are to be pre approved by a certifying officer which can be a certifying
labour commissioner. It is also required that certified standing orders should be displayed at a
conspicuous space in the factory. Certain states like Karnataka follow an automatic certification
process, where, if no objection is received by the certifying officer to a standing order proposed
by the establishment within a certain time period, it stands automatically certified.
Matters covered in the standing order include but are not limited to
● Classification of workers
● Working in shifts
● Attendance
● Termination and suspension
● Redressal mechanism for the employee
● Transfer and vacancy
The standing orders is required to be displayed at a conspicuous place in the factory premises
either in English, Hindi or regional language as understood by the workers of the factory.
Important policies
The Feedback Group – including Feedback Infra, its subsidiaries and associate
companies, is committed to conducting its affairs ethically and lawfully. The Group's
philosophy on ethics and proper conduct is built on a rich legacy of fair, transparent and
effective governance. It is guided by our DISHA - Our Purpose, Values, Vision and
1.1 The objective of the policy is to uphold the DISHA values universally, build and
strengthen a culture of transparency and trust within Feedback and ensure that the
conduct of business across the Group is ethical, fair and transparent while being
efficient and effective. This policy seeks the support of Feedbackers to report significant
deviations and report any non-compliance and wrong practices.
1.1.2 provide a platform for employees to disclose information internally, which he/she
believes shows serious malpractice, impropriety, abuse or wrongdoing within the
organization - without fear of reprisal;
1.1.4 ensure that no employee of the Company feels he/she is at a disadvantage to raise
legitimate concerns.
2.1 This policy applies to all employees within the Feedback Group including Permanent
Employees, Retainers and Trainees. Any such person who raises a serious concern
would hereinafter be referred to as a ‘Whistle Blower’.
2.2 Outsourced or contract resources cannot be whistle blowers directly. They may
blow the whistle on cases through a Feedback Group
3.1 The Whistleblower Policy is an extension of our Code of Conduct. A Whistle Blower’s
role is that of a reporting party with reliable information. They are not required or
expected to act as investigators or finders of facts, nor would they determine the
appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be warranted in a given case.
3.2 Whistle Blowers should not act on their own in conducting any investigative activities,
nor do they have a right to participate in any investigative activities other than as
requested by the Ethics Committee or the Investigators.
3.3 It should be emphasized that this policy is intended to assist employees who believe
have discovered malpractice, impropriety, abuse or wrongdoing. It is not designed to
question financial or business decisions taken by the Company nor should it be used to
reconsider any matters, which have already been addressed pursuant to disciplinary or
other procedures of the Company. This policy shall not cover career related or other
3.4 A whistle blowing event will be considered as one that has been registered with the
Ethics Committee in writing and the Committee has prima facie decided to evaluate the
case. Frivolous and bogus complaints are strictly prohibited. Concerns expressed
anonymously will not be entertained.
3.5 This policy is intended to provide protection to genuine Whistle Blowers from any
treatment as a result of their disclosure.
4.1.1 Any unlawful act, whether criminal (e.g. theft) or a breach of the civil law (e.g.
or libel)
4.1.2 Breach of any Policy or Manual or Code adopted by any entities of the Feedback
4.1.3 Health and safety risks, including risks to the public as well as other employees
4.1.4 Fraud and corruption (including soliciting or receiving any gift/reward as a bribe)
4.1.5 Any instance of failure to comply with legal or statutory obligation either for and on
behalf of the Company or in any personal capacity in the course of discharging duties of
the Company
4.1.6 Any instance of any sort of financial malpractice
4.1.9 Any other unethical or improper conduct 4.1.10 An act of discrimination or sexual
4.1.11 Any act with the intention of unethical personal gain
4.2 Reporting a Concern It is perfectly acceptable for the employee to discuss his/her concern with a
colleague and it may be more comforting to raise the matter if there are two (or more)
employees who share the same concern. The complaint can also be lodged over email to Empower or by sending the
details in writing to the Ethics Committee.
4.3 Investigation
4.3.1 Once any disclosure of concern has been made by the Whistle Blower, the Ethics Prepare a detailed written report, not later than 15 days from the date of
disclosure of concern. The Ethics Committee may consider the involvement of ‘investigators’ to pursue
the investigation. Investigators would for the purpose of this policy mean ‘persons
authorized, appointed, consulted or approached by the Ethics Committee and is
inclusive of but not limited to the Company's Auditors or the Police or any other external
investigation agency or person.’ Fully investigate into the allegation with the assistance where
appropriate, of other individuals / bodies.
4.4 Procedure to be pursued by the Ethics Committee
4.4.1 The Committee will, based on the findings in the written report and after conducting
further investigation as it may deem fit, come to a final decision in the matter not later
than 30 days from the date of receipt of the written report.
4.4.2 If the complaint is proven to be justified, then the Committee shall recommend
disciplinary or other appropriate action against the defaulting employee as per Company
4.4.3 All decisions by the Committee shall be by way of a simple majority. In the case of
a tie, the matter should be referred to the Appellate Authority for a final decision in the
5. Appeal against the decision of the Committee:
5.1 If the Complainant or the person complained against is not satisfied with the decision
of the Committee, then either of the Parties could appeal against this decision before the
Appellate Authority and the decision of the Appellate Authority in the matter will be final
and binding on all the parties. Appropriate appeal procedure may be formulated by the
6. Reply to the Whistle Blower:
6.1 Whilst the purpose of this policy is to enable the Company to investigate concerns
raised by the employees and take appropriate steps to deal with it, the Company will
give the employee as much feedback as the Company can.
6.2 The Company may not be able to inform the employee the precise action the
Company takes in cases where this would infringe a duty of confidence owed by the
Company to someone else.
7. Assurances for the Whistle Blower:
7.1 If an employee raises genuine concern under this policy, he/she will not be at risk of
losing his/her job nor will he/she be suffering from any form of retribution as a result. If
one is acting in good faith it does not matter if one is mistaken.
7.2 The Company will not tolerate any harassment or victimization (including informal
pressures) of/against the disclosing employee and will take appropriate action to protect
the employee when he raises a concern in good faith.
7.3 If the employee asks for protection of his/her identity, the Company will not
disclose it
without his/her consent. However, it is possible that the Company will be unable to
resolve the concern raised without revealing the employee's identity (e.g. required for
conducting an effective investigation or when evidence is needed in a Court). But if this
occurs the Company will discuss with the employee concerned how the Company plans
to deal with the case and based on the discussion, the employee can proceed further in
the matter and decide accordingly.
8. Anonymous Allegations:
8.1 This policy encourages employees to put his/her name to any disclosures he/she
makes in
writing. Concerns expressed anonymously will not be
8.2 While this policy is intended to protect genuine Whistle Blowers from any unfair
treatment as a result of their disclosure, misuse of this protection by making frivolous
and bogus complaints with mala fide intentions is strictly prohibited.
9. Complaints of retaliation as a result of disclosure:
9.1 If an employee believes that he or she has been retaliated against in the form of an
adverse (personnel) action for disclosing concern under this policy he/she may file a
written complaint to the Ethics Committee requesting an appropriate remedy. 9.2. An
employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith, is
subject to discipline upto and including termination of employment.
10. Suggestive Punitive Actions:
10.1 Depending on the nature of the complaint, the Concerned employee, at the onset of
formal investigations, may be informed of the allegations against him/her and have
opportunities to give his/her inputs during the investigation. An employee shall be
subject to disciplinary action, if the employee fails to cooperate in an investigation or
deliberately provides false information during the investigation.
10.2 The following punitive actions could be taken against employees, where the
committee finds the accused guilty. These are only suggestive actions and the
committee may decide on the actions to be taken on a case to case basis, depending on
the gravity of the offence:
10.2.1 Counseling & warning letter
10.2.2 Withholding of promotion/increments
10.2.3 Bar from participating in performance review cycle
10.2.4 Termination from services
11. Ethics Committee:
11.1 Members:
11.1.4 Ms. Rumjhum Chatterjee – Group Managing Director, HCD (Member Secretary)
11.1.5 Apellate Authority: Mr. R.S. Ramasubramaniam, Co-Chairman
12. Retention of documents:
12.1 All Whistle blower concerns, in writing or documented along with the results of
● When an employee fails to disclose a conflict of interest to the Reporting Manager as
required by this policy, the employee shall be informed as to why it is believed that a
conflict exists and be given the opportunity to explain his/her non-disclosure.
● This policy is designed to assist employees in reporting expenses incurred while
conducting the Company’s business activities.
● The Company will reimburse employees for approved business travel and associated
out-of-pocket expenses that are reasonable and necessary while representing the
Company on business assignments.
● The Company expects Employees to act responsibly and professionally when incurring
and submitting costs. This includes, for example, travel fares, accommodations, meals,
● Company must protect restricted, confidential or sensitive data from loss to avoid
reputation damage and to avoid adversely impacting our customers. The protection of
data in scope is a critical business requirement, yet flexibility to access data and work
effectively is also critical.
● These policies cover any employee, part-time or full-time or individual with access to the
● The data protection policies must ensure that the Company:
● Complies with data protection law (if any) and follow good practice
● Protects the right of employees, customers and partners
● Is open about how it stores and processes individuals’ data
● Protects itself from the risks of the data breach
● You are required not to reference the subject or content of sensitive or confidential data
publically, or via systems or communication channels not controlled by Company. For
example, the use of external email systems not hosted by Company to distribute data is
not allowed.
● Please keep a clean desk. To maintain information security you need to ensure that
in-scope data is not left on your desk unattended.
● You need to use a secure password on all your systems. These credentials must be
unique and must not be used on other external systems or services.
● Terminated employees will be required to return all records, in any format, containing
● You must immediately notify the concerned authority in the event that a device containing
in-scope data is lost (e.g., mobile phones, laptops, etc).
● In the event that you find a system or process which you suspect is not compliant with this
policy or the objective of information security, you have a duty to inform the concerned
authority so that they can take appropriate action.
● This policy applies to all the Company’s staff including its directors, part-time and
fixed-term employees, temporary staff, work from home employees, casual staff, interns.
This Company reserves a right to amend the policy at any time as it deems fit.
● At this Company, we believe that no other asset in the Company is as important as the
people who contribute with their work to our culture and business results. Therefore the
Company is committed to the safety and health of the Employees, customers and visitors,
and recognizes the need to comply with applicable regulations governing accident
prevention and ensure safety of all the Employees.
Media policy
Suppose you are approached by a media house to respond to a particular query or information
about the company. The information to be sought can be about a new product launch, a new
competitive entrant etc
A media policy comes in handy in such cases providing a set of guidelines to deal with the
manner of communication with the media. Normally it is advised to authorise a spokesperson
from the marketing or public relations team to handle media calls.
While drafting the policy, it must be ensured that no person other than the authorised
spokesperson interacting with the media without a prior written authorization. It must also be
ensured that media is directed to the authorised spokesperson as soon as they contact such
Media calls need to be responded quickly and professionally. It is important to keep in mind that
the reporter’s deadline is met. You see, the manner in which the call is handled will be the
reporter’s first impression about the company which can later reflect in the covered article about
the company.
This policy exists to assure that information disclosed by the Company is timely, accurate,
comprehensive, authoritative and relevant to all aspects of the Company. Adherence to this
policy is intended to provide an effective and efficient framework to facilitate the timely
dissemination of information.
A reporter, producer or other news media may contact an employee for a number of reasons, for
● To get information about our Company.
● To get information or comment about an action or event that could impact our industry,
new competitive entrants, new product/course launches, changes in government policies
or anything else related to or incidental to the business of the company.
The following guidelines are to be followed by the employees if there is an occurrence of any of
the above mentioned events:
● Everybody except for specifically authorised persons from the marketing team is
prohibited from discussing anything with the media about the company, employees,
consultants, affairs of the company, business or anything else at all without prior written
● The Company maintains a personnel file on each employee, subject to present laws. The
file includes information related to an employee’s job application, resume, records of
training, documentation of performance appraisals and pay adjustments, benefits (if any),
medical records and other employment records.
● Employee files are maintained by the Administrative Department and are considered
● Managers, other than the designated administrative representatives may only have access
to personal file information on a need-to-know basis.
● A manager considering the hire of a former employee or transfer of a current employee
may be granted access to the file.
● Employees may view his or her personnel file by requesting an appointment with the
Administrative Department, by email. Employees may not remove, alter or make copies of
any of the documents in the file and therefore it must be reviewed in the presence of a
staff person.
● Employees are responsible for notifying the Administration about change in any family
status, including name, addresses, telephone number, marital status, beneficiaries,
dependents and any scholastic achievements.
○ [name of the company] (hereinafter referred as the “Company”) aims to provide an
equal opportunity space inclusive for individuals irrespective of their gender,
caste, community, race/ethnicity, color, social status, civil status, age, physical
ability. The Company takes a strong stance against any form of discrimination and
harassment arising out of the above-mentioned reasons. Affirmative action will be
taken to ensure that all decisions of this entity are free of any discrimination and
disciplinary action will be initiated against any individual or group caught in
engaging in such activities.
○ The laws of India requires us to lay down guidelines and a forum for redressal of
grievances related to sexual harassment. This policy takes complete cognizance of
the latest legislation by the government of India “The Sexual Harassment of
Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and its
notification published on 9th December 2013 (“Act”). This Act is to provide
protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the matters
connected herewith or incidental thereto.
○ The Company acknowledges that individuals covered by the scope of this policy
are to be informed of this policy and to have access to the information needed to
prevent sexual harassment. The Company will openly, publicly and widely display
this code of conduct together with the contact information of the designated
Internal ICC members and external parties authorized to process complaints.
○ For the purpose of clarification, this policy will be equally applicable to all
employees, part time or full time, those who are working on work from home
assignments and consultants, irrespective of their gender and will cover same-sex
sexual harassment.
This policy applies to all the Company’s staff including its Co-Founders, part-time and fixed-term
employees, temporary staff, work-from-home employees, casual staff, interns. This Company
reserves a right to amend the policy at any time as it deems fit.
● Our Company discourages Employees from engaging in any intimate or inappropriate
physical contact with any customers/clients/leads that interact with the employees.
● This is to communicate that unwanted physical contact between the employees and the
customers is inappropriate and will strictly not be tolerated.
● It is the policy of the Company that no employee shall initiate any unwanted physical
contact with our customers, at our places of business, business events or Company’s
social events.
● Unwanted physical contact comprises of:
● Hugging, Patting, stroking, rubbing, holding, touching or kissing or any other physical
contact that is unwanted
● Any kind of massage, such as a massage on the back, neck, head or any other part of
the body
The following procedures are to be undertaken by all the employees of the Company:
● Any physical contact with our customers must be consistent with a professional working
environment. Physical contact between employees and customers will be restricted to
providing necessary assistance, handshakes, or a pat on the back.
● Employees should avoid situations which could lead to a non-professional relationship
with our customers. If such a relationship should begin to develop, the involved employee
should discuss the possibility of job reassignment with their Reporting Manager or in
some other way limit contact with the involved customer.
● Employees should closely monitor activities between the other employees and customers
in all common or public areas of the Company’s place of business or at the place of any
Company related activity or outings.
Probationary Policy
● New employees need time to acclimatise themselves with the working atmosphere of the
company. They also require orientation and training in some cases to move towards
expected levels of competency desired by the employer.
● The first few months of employment represent an opportunity for both the employee and
the Company to determine if the original hiring decision was best for all involved.
● A probationary period policy contains details of terms of probation like period of
probation, performance review and assessment, extension and grounds of termination
during and after probation.
The Company recognizes that new employees will need time to become familiar with the
workplace and to move toward competency in their position. The first few months of employment
represent an opportunity for both the employee and the Company to determine if the original
hiring decision was best for all involved.
An individual who has been newly hired shall serve a probationary period of [ ] working
● [ ] Months – Non-Managerial, Managerial, Professional & Technical OR any Off-Site
● Probationary period for part-time employees will be as per above.
The probationary period does not include time the individual spent as an intern. However,
probationary periods may be waived with the approval from the [appropriate authority].
● The probationary review must be conducted prior to the end of the probationary period
that applies.
● The probationary review shall be signed by the [appropriate authority].
● This policy applies to all the Company’s staff including its [Founders], part-time and
fixed-term employees, work-from-home employees, temporary staff, casual staff
consultants, and interns. This Company reserves the right to amend the policy at any time
as it deems fit.
● This policy intends to provide employees and consultants with rules and guidelines about
the appropriate use of company equipment, network and Internet access. This policy
applies to all employees and consultants with access to the Internet and related services
through the Company network infrastructure.
● Computers (desktops or laptops), Computer files, the e-mail system, and software
furnished to employees are the Company’s property intended for business use. Generally,
all consultants are expected to use their own computers and software for work. They are
responsible to ensure that no pirated software or illegal hardware is used for the work of
the company.
● Incidental and occasional personal use of the company’s computers, voice mail and
electronic mail systems is permitted, but any information and messages stored in these
systems by the employees will be treated as Company Property.
● An employee should have no expectation that any personal information stored by them
on the Company’s computers and/or communication systems are private and confidential.
● Use of password to protect a file or any stored communication without authorization is
prohibited. To ensure compliance with this policy, computer and e-mail usage may be
● The Company may have to respond to proper requests resulting from legal proceedings
that call for electronically stored evidence. The Company will also conduct investigations
where complaints of unacceptable behavior towards Computer usage have been made.
Dress Code
The dress code reflects the work culture of the company.
● The appearance of employees is a reflection of the company and work environment. It is
important that all employees are aware of the dress code expectations.
● Company has chosen to offer a [smart-casual / business casual/business] dress code for
employees. Employees are expected to use good judgment and to show courtesy to their
co-workers by dressing in a manner that is presentable and appropriate.
● Should employees be asked to attend business meetings with clients, either in Company’s
offices or otherwise, they should dress in appropriate business attire. Maintaining a
professional, business like appearance is very important for the ethics and appearance of
the Company.
● Should the employees be asked to attend workshops or events, either in Company’s
premises or otherwise, employees must use their own discretion to dress in an attire
appropriate for the workshop or event.
Employees are expected to meet the hygiene requirements during regular business hours for the
duration of their employment:
● Maintain personal cleanliness by bathing daily
● Maintain oral hygiene
● Use deodorant / anti-perspirant to minimize body odour
● It is the policy of the Company that both the records of our customers and the
relationships between our Company and our customers are confidential.
● No employee other than those authorized in writing shall divulge any information or
records of a customer to anyone outside the Company.
● Our Company shall cooperate with governmental agencies in their properly-made,
legitimate requests for information.
● We understand the special duty we have with safeguarding our customer's information.
Though this information may be required to be obtained by law or sought by the Company
for proper business purposes, such personal information is also vital to our ability to
provide its customers with quality service.
● No employee or consultant is allowed to share any customer data or company database
1. Anybody outside the company
2. With their own personal email id or data dump
3. Anybody inside the company who does not need the data
● If any data is shared on a need to know basis, after the requirement is over, such access
to data must be revoked.
The following code of conduct has been implemented in our Company:
● The Company routinely collects Customer Data and other information about its Customers
to better serve them and to offer applicable courses and/or products and services to meet
their needs and expectations.
● Under no circumstances is Customer Data shared with a third-party unless necessary to
provide direct services for the Company. Typical information is derived from web hosting
and our Employee-Customer contact.
● The only employees who are authorized to have access to Customer Data are those who
need it to do their jobs. This Customer Data is protected and kept confidential. The
Company shall maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with
regulations to protect Customer Data and information.
● The Company may share Customer Data with other departments and employees in order
to better serve the Customer, or to inform the Customer about other Company products or
Favoritism or extended courtesies can create unwanted problems for a Company. While the
Company does not encourage co-employee dating, the Company cautions employees not to let
such fraternization affect their job performance and we reserve the right to take appropriate
action, on a case by case basis.
● This policy applies to all the Company’s staff including its part-time and fixed-term
employees, work-from-home staff, temporary staff, casual staff, consultants and interns
understood for purposes of this policy to include blogs, wikis, microblogs, message
boards, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and
other sites and services that permit users to share information with others in a
contemporaneous manner.
To assist the Employees in making responsible decisions about the use of social media, the
Company has established the following guidelines for appropriate use of social media:
● Employees are solely responsible for what he/she posts online, which is not part and
parcel of his or her work profile at the Company. They should make it evident on social
media that they are posting their own opinion and not that of the company. They should
● Please understand that employees and consultants who represent themselves as part of
the company to the public, such as content marketing executives and marketing
managers for example, are considered to be spokespersons of the company even when
your personal opinion when you are not representing the company, and it is critical to err
● Employees must not create/post online content that may harm the reputation of the
are involved in the content, as they might adversely affect the employee’s job
performance and the performance of the fellow employees and may result in disciplinary
include posting commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic,
● Employees must not post work related complaints or criticisms regarding a co-employee
or the company on a social media outlet. Use of any statements, photographs, video, or
that disparage customers, members, associates, or suppliers, or that might constitute
harassment or bullying is strictly prohibited. Examples of such conduct might include
offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone's reputation or posts that could
contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation,
● Employees must strive to be honest and accurate when posting information or news about
● Employees must not post any information or rumors that they know to be false about the
● Employees must maintain the confidentiality of Company’s trade secrets and private or
development of systems, processes, products, websites, know-how, and technology. An
● Employees should refrain from using social media while on work time or on equipment the
mention on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook that they work with the company. They are
ended. They should not communicate on their profile anything that indicates or
misrepresents in any way that they continue to be working with the company.
● Employees must handover access to all social media accounts of the Company to their
● Employees are expected to immediately notify the management of the company if they
come across any harmful information or misrepresentations about the company or a
colleague on social media so that the company can address the same.
clear that the opinion is of their own and not of the company, unless they are authorised
● Abuse of this policy in violation of the law or the Company’s other policies will result in
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
● Employees may also be held personally liable for any violations of this policy.
● Our Company is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all
employees and to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination
and harassment.
● To provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals,
employment decisions at our Company will be based on merit, qualifications and abilities.
creed, religion, sex, national origin, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age,
citizenship, physical or mental disability, HIV status, or any other characteristic protected
by the laws.
compensation, benefits, transfer, termination, layoff, discipline and discharge, are free
workplace or if any employee or job applicant feels that he/she has been subjected to
discrimination by employees or management of the Company, is encouraged and
requested to bring these issues to the attention of the Reporting Manager/Person
Concerned, who will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve it. You can also email
● Employees are free to raise concerns over discrimination without fear of reprisal.
● Any employee or member of the management having found to be involved in any type of
unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action as deemed fit by the
Important notices
Date: ………….
Regd. Post with Acknowledgement Due
Charge Sheet cum Show cause Notice
It has been noticed that you are absenting from duty without leave or intimation to the office
from……… till date from your attendance record. You were repeatedly called on your mobile
number but you declined the line manager’s calls during this period. Your absence from duty
You have been previously issued 2 warning letters in this regard on_(date)_____ and
In view of the above, your repeated absence from work without on multiple previous occasions is
It amounts to misconduct under Standing Order….26.1 of the company, applicable to you which
reads as follows.
Standing Order….(iii): Habitual absence without leave or absence without leave for 10
consecutive days or overstaying the sanctioned leave without sufficient grounds or proper or
satisfactory explanation.
Standing Order ……(iv): Absent without leave for 10 consecutive days or more shall be deemed
voluntarily abandoning his / her services from the company.
charge sheet cum show cause notice as to why an appropriate disciplinary action should not be
In case you fail to submit timely explanation, it will be presumed that you admit the charges.
Accordingly, further disciplinary Action will be taken against you in accordance with law.
Authorised signatory
Cc to: Concerned dept
Memorandum No._________________ date______againstShri
The undersigned was appointed vide order No.__________ dated ________to inquire into the
charges framed against the said Shri _______ vide the said Memorandum, in pursuance thereof,
the inquiry was conducted in accordance with …………….... (Rules/ Regulations/ Code of conduct,
etc.). The order sheets are at Annexures. The records of the proceedings conducted are at the
Shri ________ Desig______ was appointed as the Presenting Officer by the Disciplinary
Authority vide order No____________ dated_________.
Shri ________________ Design___________was associated by Shri ___________ (CSO) as his
(Define the facts and imputations vis a vis the charges and defence of the CSO against such
charge. If there has been a shift in the defense, indicate that also).
The prosecution produce documentary and oral evidence vide Annexure-II and IV. The defense
produced documentary and oral vide Annexure III and V. The CSO was given an opportunity to
state his defense at the close of the prosecution evidence vide his statement at Sl.No.4 of
Annexure-I. The examination of the CSO by the IO has been recorded vide item
Offer letter
● It is a formal document which contains details about starting date of employment, offered
salary, grounds for termination, rules and regulations of the company.
● It states designation, grade, name of department, details of leave entitlement etc.
● It needs to be signed by the employee and the employer.
Congratulations! We are pleased to confirm your engagement with _____________on a
retainer basis in the position of ‘_____________. We are delighted to make you the offer.
You will be entitled to an overall monthly remuneration of INR ____________(subject to
applicable tax deductions 10% TDS).
For the first 3 months, you will be on probation, in case if one wishes to leave the position in
the probation period, then 1 month notice period is mandatory which if not fulfilled salary and
incentives will be withheld for the last month.
We may ask you to leave the position with immediate effect in case of non-performance,
mismatch of skill sets with the work requirements, disciplinary issues or any other reason.
Other terms of your engagement will be mentioned in a separate retainer
agreement/consultancy contract. You may commence working latest by (date)
You are required to submit your Academic Certificates, ID Proofs such as Aadhar Card, PAN,
Previous Employment Correspondences which includes Offer Letter, Experience Letter, Salary
Slip within 7 days of joining, otherwise the offer letter will stand invalid and cancelled
We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of our
organization and look forward to working with you.
Yours truly,
Dear [Employee Name],
Thank you for your service to ___________________ [hereinafter the Company] for the past
[insert no. of months/years served]. We deeply appreciate the time and effort that you have put
in the Company.
The complaint must be made to the Local Complaints Committee if the organization employs less than
10 people in the concerned premises or if the complaint is against the employer himself.
7) The incident has made me feel unsafe in the current working environment – therefore, I
will request you to kindly [grant me leave for [●] days / transfer me to another office] [you
can request a specific measure] an interim measure, pending completion of the inquiry, or
grant me any other suitable interim measure, as the [Internal Complaints Committee /
Local Complaints Committee] [choose as applicable] feels appropriate.
8) [I hereby state that the incident occurred at a place which does not have an Internal
Complaints Committee and within the territorial jurisdiction of the Local Complaint
Committee, and hence got the jurisdiction to initiate and conduct inquiry proceedings
under the Act.] [Insert this paragraph in case the complaint is made before a LCC]
These could be electronic or hard copy communication (SMSes, emails, notes), photographs,
audio recordings or any other means. Oral evidence can also be provided, although
documentary evidence and recordings will be more reliable.