Chapter 4 - Quiz

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NAME: _________________________________ * Give the 5 AM and FM signals.

TEST 1: 17.
1. FM has a _____________ of sidebands. 18.
2. _____________ is a system in which the 19.
amplitude of the modulated carrier is kept 20.
constant, while its phase and rate of change are TEST 2: PROBLEM SOLVING (5 PTS EACH)
varied by the modulating signal. 1. Find the carrier modulating frequencies,
3. By the definition of phase modulation, the the modulation index, and the
amount by which the carrier phase is varied maximum deviation of the FM
from its unmodulated value, called the represented by the voltage equation
______________, is made proportional to the v = 12 sin (5 x 108 + 8 cos 1350t). What
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating power will this FM wave dissipate in a
voltage. 15 Ὠ resistor?
4-5. Depending on the bandwidth occupied by 2. Find the carrier and modulating
the FM for practical transmission, FM is frequencies, the modulating index, and
classified into _____________ and the maximum deviation of the PM
_____________ cases. represented by the voltage equation
6. _____________ will affect the output of a v = 2 sin (7 x 108 + 6 cos 1350t).
receiver only if it falls within its bandpass. 3. Determine the value of the capacitive
7. The triangular noise distribution for FM is reactance obtainable from a reactance
called the __________________. FET whose gm is 12 millisiemens (12
8. _________________ is a modulation system mS). Assume that the gate-to-source is
in which sufficient information is sent to the one-ninth of the reactance of the gate-
receiver to enable it to reproduce original to-drain capacitor and that the
stereo material. frequency is 5MHz.
9. _____________ is a system in which the 4. The mutual conductance of an FET
amplitude of the modulated carrier is kept varies linearly with gate voltage
constant, while its frequency and rate of change between the limits of 0 and 9ms
are varied by the modulating signal. (variation is large to simplify the
10. ____________ is a band of frequencies arithmetic). The FET is used as a
higher than or lower than the carrier frequency, capacitive reactance modulator, with
containing power as a result of the modulating Xcgd = 8Rgs. and is placed across an
process. oscillator circuit which is turned to 50
11. The formula used to derived modulation MHz by a 50-pf fixed capacitor. What
index is: will be the total frequency variation
when the transconductance of the FET
is varied from zero to maximum by the
modulating voltage?
12. _____________ was developed in the 5. A 500 Hz modulating voltage fed into a
United states in the 1930’s, mainly by Edwin PM generator produces a frequency
Armstrong deviation of 2.25 kHz. What is the
13._____________ the instantaneous frequency modulating index? If the amplitude of
is directly varied with the information signal or the modulating voltage is kept constant,
input signal. but its frequency is raised to 6 kHz,
14-15. ___________ and ___________ what is the new deviation?
modulation system are both used in commercial
and non-commercial applications.

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